#Dick & Wally & Roy were not expecting the superman clone to instantly have an overstimulated breakdown
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 336
Danny might’ve maybe gone into reincarnation. Y’know, for fun! As a treat! In another world so he can return to his after this vacation with no consequences! It’ll be fun! It’ll… Oh. This… isn’t ideal. 
He’s not supposed to have most (or any) of his memories back, but apparently a clone with downloaded information does something when mixed with reincarnation. Enough that he’s curled up because his head hurts. There’s too much information for his brain, even if his Core is trying to take the edge off. 
Everything is loud, and this body hasn’t breathed before and he’s struggling to do so and- And there’s a hand on his shoulder, voices unintelligible amidst the many other sounds even with his own hands over his ears. His face is wet- tears? And he wants to go back in the tube now- 
He’s getting picked up- has he gotten picked up before? Maybe? It’s hard to untangle what he remembers from Before and what he remembers from this life. It hurts to remember things he shouldn’t be able to, so he buries his face against the bright colors and cloth that muffles the noises and tries not to cry more. 
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