#damn we all fall for villains huh?
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finemealprompt · 11 months ago
DP x DC Prompt #50
When Danny came to Gotham, he hadn't been planning on being a vigilante, he swears! And, technically, he wasn't a vigilante. He was a villain. Sort of. He was Catwoman's sidekick. Her partner in crime, quite literally.
But hey, it hadn't taken a lot of convincing from Catwoman to start stealing things from a bunch of rich dudes. Danny hates rich fruit loops.
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r-memberme · 1 month ago
hold you close | k.m
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⎯⎯“Shhh.” His lips brushed against your temple, and you nearly stopped breathing. “You wiggle like that again, and I’ll take it as an invitation.”
warnings: none i think
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Klaus Mikaelson was a monster. A villain. The scourge of many, the nightmare of more, the kind of man whose name alone sent people running.
Klaus Mikaelson did not cuddle.
Or so he said.
It started with an accident.
The first time you caught him in a suspiciously cuddle-adjacent position, he had been asleep. Or, at least, pretending to be asleep, because Klaus Mikaelson did not just fall unconscious like some mere mortal.
You had woken up in the middle of the night, still half-dazed, only to realize that Klaus had practically enveloped you. His arm was wrapped firmly around your waist, his face tucked into your neck, one leg thrown over yours like he was trying to pin you there.
Your first thought had been, Huh. So the Big Bad Hybrid sleeps like a koala.
Your second had been, I wonder how long I can get away with this before he wakes up and denies everything.
The answer had been not long at all, because as soon as you shifted slightly, his grip tightened.
“Nik,” you murmured, biting back a smile.
“Klaus,” you tried again.
Still nothing.
You were fairly certain that if you peeled your sock off with your toes, it would elicit more of a reaction than your attempts to wake the thousand-year-old Original Vampire currently latched onto you.
So, naturally, you did what any sane person would do.
You poked him.
Right in the ribs.
A low, dangerous sound rumbled in his chest, but instead of loosening his hold, he only curled around you more, the weight of him now pressing you fully into the mattress.
You let out an indignant huff. “Oh, now you’re awake?”
For a moment, you thought he might actually be ignoring you.
And then, voice thick with sleep, muffled against your skin—
“Go back to sleep, love.”
You blinked. “You’re literally on top of me.”
“Mmm.” He sounded delighted by this information.
You tried to wriggle free, but his grip was ironclad. “Niklaus—”
“Shhh.” His lips brushed against your temple, and you nearly stopped breathing. “You wiggle like that again, and I’ll take it as an invitation.”
You went still in an instant.
Klaus chuckled, satisfied, and nuzzled his nose against your jaw.
You clenched your jaw. “You do realize this counts as cuddling, right?”
Then, after a long moment—
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Are you serious?” You snorted. “Then what exactly does this count as?”
He was quiet for another beat, and then, smugly—
“Trapping you.”
You gaped. “That’s even worse.”
He hummed, utterly unbothered, before pulling you impossibly closer.
You huffed. “I am telling everyone you cuddle.”
Klaus, voice amused and far too pleased with himself: “And who, pray tell, would believe you over me?”
Damn it. He had a point.
Of course, this would have been a one-time thing.
Would have been.
Except that it kept happening.
The second time, Klaus was awake.
It was the middle of the day. You were minding your own business, reading in the parlor, when Klaus appeared behind you, swiped your book from your hands, and promptly pulled you onto the couch beside him.
You blinked up at him. “Excuse me?”
He draped an arm over your shoulders and exhaled, looking—of all things—content.
You stared at him. “Are you alright?”
“Perfectly.” He said it so smoothly, like he hadn’t just manhandled you into his arms.
You narrowed your eyes. “Are you dying?”
Klaus snorted. “Not unless you’ve found a way to kill an Original, love.”
You tilted your head, peering up at him. “Are you cuddling me right now?”
Klaus barely even blinked. “No.”
“Your arm is around me.”
“Observant as ever, sweetheart.”
You clenched your jaw. “Your arm is around me.”
“Yes, we’ve established that, haven’t we?”
Klaus turned his head, looking at you with feigned innocence. “Would you rather I let go?”
You hesitated.
And that was all the confirmation he needed.
Klaus smirked, settled back against the cushions, and pulled you in just a little closer.
You scowled. “I am telling everyone.”
Klaus smirked, utterly unbothered. “You would not dare.”
You hated him.
You really, really didn’t.
The third time, it was raining.
A thunderstorm had rolled in unexpectedly, the kind that rattled the windows and made the whole city feel like it had been swallowed by the sky.
You had been standing at the window, watching the storm roll in, when Klaus appeared behind you and wordlessly wrapped his arms around your waist.
You froze.
Then, slowly, you craned your neck to look at him. “Niklaus.”
He hummed.
“This is cuddling.”
Klaus only sighed, tucking his face into your shoulder. “Your definitions are exhausting, love.”
“This is—” You exhaled sharply. “You are cuddling me.”
Klaus, voice muffled against your neck: “Debatable.”
“Shhh.” His lips brushed your jaw. “Just let me pretend I don’t have a reputation to uphold, would you?”
You were still fuming about it an hour later, when he refused to let go.
It wasn’t until weeks later—after a dozen more incidents, after many more attempts on your end to point out the obvious, after several smug retorts on his end—that you realized something.
You weren’t actually trying to get him to admit he was a cuddler.
You just wanted to hear him say it.
To acknowledge it.
To say, I want to hold you.
To say, This is more than just a habit to me.
To say, I just love you too damn much not to keep you close.
But this was Klaus Mikaelson.
He wasn’t one for spoken confessions.
But in the quiet of the night, when his arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into his warmth, when he buried his face into your hair and held you like he was afraid the world would try to take you from him—
You knew.
Klaus Mikaelson didn’t cuddle.
But god help him—he would always hold you close.
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rachetmath · 2 months ago
Remnant Sucks
Deidamia(SOD): Speak human. What do you wish to be destroyed?
Juane All the Grimm.
Deidamia(SOD): Huh.
Jaune: Yes. All the Grimm. Wiped. Destroyed. Cleared off the map. Is there a problem?
Deidamia (SOD): No. In fact I am impressed you would choose that and wonder why.
Jaune: Grimm are deadly creatures. They adapt quickly. And they shouldn't be a problem but-
Deidamia (SOD): Humans?
Jaune: Humans. Absolutely. Like we kind of are the problem.
Ruby: Jaune how can -
Jaune: Ruby a woman- a human woman decided to go against Gods. GODS. Just to get one man back. That led to her being immortal. She then persuaded thousands of warriors. Hunters of the past. Our predecessors to fight off said gods again just because she didn't like what they did to her. All that death by one woman!
Ruby: Um.
Jaune: Then when said man came back into her life, and he saw the monster she became she killed him and probably her daughters. And that was the beginning.
Ruby: …
Jaune: But let's be honest with ourselves, The Grimm only strike when they sense negative emotions. Why is that?
Yang: Who cares why? They're just monsters.
Jaune: You mean the same monsters who knows when to avoid conflict. Can gain enough intelligence to almost become sentient. And the more they learn they become effective killers. I don't think ‘monsters’ are enough words to describe them.
Yang: …
Jaune: And we know why. We are just Creation's creations, we know no longer have anything to do with Destruction. Meaning?
Weiss: Meaning the Grimm are only following the purpose they were made for before our predecessors were born.
Jaune: Which is killing whatever Creation makes.
Ren: And I mean we earn it sometimes and I can't blame them for how fragile the world is.
Blake: I mean -
Ren: Blake before Faunuses we already were divided. And not just by race.
Jaune: Even to this day we have issues and we solve it with mostly violence. Basically the Grimm are just trying to prevent the world from ending again. Or because they were here first and we just started taking shit.
Ruby: Okay I see your point. Once we get rid of the Grimm the world will be at peace.
Nora: Naive child.
Deidamia(SOD): Ignorance.
Ruby: What?
Oscar: Ruby you know once the Grimm are gone there might not be any use for hunters.
Ruby: Not true we can still hold the peace.
Jaune: Yeah, too bad semblances can divide us.
Nora: Like Ruby compared to the average humans, we might as well be freaks. And even if we try, not everyone gets a semblance. Hell a majority of people barely have aura.
Ruby: Damn.
Jaune: And to be more honest, we failed to do our jobs. Like Hazel's sister died because of a teacher's negligence. Cinder turned out the way she is because of poor conditions and no one helped her. We saw hunters who not only failed at their jobs but attempted to sleep with either one of you girls even though they were tasked with guarding a train.
Weiss: Okay besides those amateurs-
Jaune: Those were pros.
Weiss: Who we don't know.
Jaune: So who do we know as failures? Okay, Qrow is a failure. Not because of his semblance but his choices. Man is a damn idiot. He allowed a fall maiden to be on the brink of death and got Clover killed. Why do you think Maria is better than him? James halted the world to make a new tower, only to abandon that idea when Salem arrived. I say his plan was good but our priorities weren’t in order. Like Tyrian, Salem’s minion wasn’t important but Robyn's dumbass Hill was. Why? And Lion sold us out to save his own ass. And who chose them? Ozpin! And don't get started on Goodwitch.
Oobleck: Mr. Arc-
Jaune: Shut the hell up Luigi.
Oscar: He’s not wrong.
Jaune: Basically Ruby we might as well retire cause at the rate we’re going we might as well be the next upcoming villains.
Ruby: F*** you.
Jaune: F*** your mom. Who also died for nothing. Like Pyrrha. At least Penny died saving people.
Blake: Come on guys we-
Nora: Blake, Harriet almost killed thousands of people under Jame’s orders. Hell we almost did that ourselves, remember? Argus? Pyrrha’s home town?
Ren: And Atlas we had way more to do with the situation. Considering we were following team RWBY’s lead.
Yang: Now wait a minute Nora and Ren, we did that for good reasons.
Ren: No, we did that because Weiss was too scared to go home by herself. Or because for some reason a woman is more understandable while a man is just a destructive creature.
Jaune: Again even though said woman is the reason the world ended before.
Oscar: Not to mention we have Emerald. Out of everyone we could have chosen, we chose Cinder's bottom bitch. That's how low we went. No offense.
Emerald: Non taken?
Ruby: Okay. Um. Um-
Jaune: Ruby, let's be honest here. The Grimm are minor compared to our species. Like we have so many isms in our vocabulary it might as well be a disease name in itself for how it affects the minds of humanity.
Weiss: But Jaune -
Jaune: Shut up hell up Atlasian I already got deal with you entitled mother fuckers enough. Especially Mantle, the only mother fuckers worth were the Faunus. And I put that on Adam Taurus.
Adam: *in hell* Finally one human gets it.
Weiss: We're not-
Jaune: James. The Ace-op. And Cordovin. Need I say more.
Deidamia(SOD): He's not wrong. You humans might well be your own worst enemies. Like all you are just… … ew.
Jaune: I know right. We might as well take each other out. It's that simple. I'm just delaying the impossible.
Deidamia(SOD): And with that note being said I will grant you your wish Jaune Arc. Also you-
Jaune: Ozpin told me ahead of time. I will take my chances.
Deidamia(SOD): Good. Bout damn time he did something useful. Considering he had options.
Jaune: Don't get me started.
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aheckinmess · 5 months ago
Day Twenty-One: Kinktober 2024 - MHA Edition
Read on AO3.
Tags/Warnings: Hate Fuck, Female Reader, Fingering, Grinding, Hickeys, Biting, Degradation Kink - A Bit, Pro Hero Bakugo, Pro Hero Reader, Katsuki Bakugo, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, Dynamight, Bakugo Shits On Your Technique, You Don't Take It Lying Down, Both of You Turn Feral, Insert Markiplier Meme, "And if You EVER Come in Here Again With a Goddamn Opinion, I'll Shove It So Far Up Your Ass It'll Never See the Light of Day Again," Weather's Nice, Aged Up, Of Course, My Sleep Deprivation Demon Now Fears Me
Word Count: 550 words
Summary: You really, really hate Bakugo.
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Day Twenty-One: Hate Fuck -> Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugo is a bastard and he knows it.
Every hard stare, every grind of his teeth – he fucking pisses you off and even though he knows it, he’s still an asshole to you. Especially because he knows it.
“Your technique is sloppy, you damn extra!” He sneers. 
“Your attitude is sloppy, bitch.” You blow him a kiss. “Besides, if you’d moved faster, we might have caught the villain.”
“You were here before me, dumbass! If anyone needs to be faster it’s you!” He’s chest to chest with you, sweat glistening on his neck as he works himself up again.
“I don’t recall asking for your goddamn opinion anyway, Dynamight!” 
When he grabs you by the neck and kisses you, your entire body lurches. Your hormones beg to get closer, but on principle you rear back and deck him in the face.
In the next move, you grasp the collar of his costume and yank his bloody, smirking face forward to kiss him again. God, he might be an asshole but he exudes sex appeal.
He slams you back against the wall, his teeth digging into your flesh and leaving love marks there, despite the definitive lack of love between you two. You’re just aching to put him in his place. This is a challenge. A feral competition to force each other into a vulnerable position.
You want him to need you.
The only problem is that you need him, too. Your fingers claw at any bare skin you can find, lingering around his shoulders and along his neck. As your hips grind against his covered cock, his greedy hand rubs between your legs. The skin tight costume leaves little to the imagination as it allows you to experience his rough touch through the thin fabric.
However, the costume causes some difficulty when he goes to reach inside your bottoms. With a growl – Bakugo is never one to be shown up, after all – he forces his hand in until his fingers greet the wet puddle you’ve made for him.
“You like this, huh?”
“I don’t see why not. Your cock certainly seems to like it.” You grip his hair and pull back, exposing his throat to you while you grind against his hidden erection.
You work on sucking a hickey into his neck while his finger makes quick work of your sensitive nub. He starts slow and works up to teasing flicks until you’re squealing – you arch into the wall and leave scratch marks on his back as he nearly tips you over the edge.
When you finally shatter, he silences your loud shrieks with his free hand. His eyes never leave yours as you ride through an angry amalgamation of ardent hatred and underlying affection.
Dammit, you will not fall in love with this man!
You reach for his cock next, determined to return the favor and prove you’re more than capable of making him feel just as good…but he stops you.
“Meet me at my place tomorrow night.” He demands, holding out his hand for your phone and punching in the address before returning it. “And make sure your technique at sex is better than your technique at fighting villains.”
You watch him leave with a reminder flaring in your head.
Bakugo is a bastard and he knows it.
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Continue with Day 22
Tag List: @loll82829, @enigma-and-oasis
Interested in JJK, too? Check out Day 21 with Geto.
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meeludrawz · 5 months ago
Hawks x Reader & Kinda Adopted!Tokoyami
A/N: I saw some tiny comics with Deadpool who thinks he's dating Spiderman, and brought Danny Phantom home with him. So now Spidey's stuck with enduring both of them and I went: That's sounds like Hawks lmfao
It all started when you were chasing a villain around Japan
Somehow, the top hero Hawks was also chasing the same man
As you fought the villain together, Hawks immediately started hitting on you, yes, while fighting
Usually, you'd think this is funny but you were WORKING so it only annoyed you
Once the villain was knocked out, Hawks asked you out
You refused, still annoyed by him
"Well damn, where do you hang out then?"
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, before leaving. "As if I'd tell you"
It took a couple of days before he found you, then again and again
It slowly but surely got more frequent and everytime, you were glad to go back home ALONE
Until one day, you came back from the grocery store and found Hawks chilling on your couch like it was his
And he never left
He's a pain in the ass most of the time but at least he helps with house chores
He flirts a lot with you, which is annoying but you lowkey appreciate his presence
Hawks calls you by many names "Babe, Baby, Bae, Birdie" even if you two aren't dating
You eventually grew used to have a roommate and you do appreciate him but sometimes his shenanigans are just: "Ugh, why don't I kick you out?"
"Cuz you love me"
"No I don't"
"Sure, keep lying to yourself birdie, I'm not in a rush anyways"
Sometimes you did wonder if you were falling for him
The way he spoke, the way he listened to you, the way he gave you gifts, the way he took care of you...
You were starting to accept that maybe you did liked him
Until that one call that flipped your life upside down again
"What do you think about kids?"
"So this kid, my "apprentice", tried to attack a villain, got knocked out by said villain but I'm so impressed that I'm bringing him back home"
"What no you're not bringing-"
"Cya home babe~"
You were now stuck with a roommate and a kid- Well a teenager but still-
You somehow grew used to Tokoyami faster than with Hawks because he was actually a nice human being who WASN'T DOING SHIT LIKE KEIGO
Anyways, you fought with Hawks about this whole "kidnapped teenager"
"I have brought chaos with me, perhaps I should leave this household" Tokoyami said as he stood up from the couch
"You're fine sweetie, let mommy convince your dad" Keigo, the mom apparently.
"I'm not his-" You facepalmed. "Oh my god"
Somehow, once the anger was gone, you actually liked this situation
Keigo and you were Tokoyami's "parents"
And maybe too quickly, a year passed
"The kid's growing well" Hawks had smiled on your balcony as you and him were watching Tokoyami go to UA
"Sure is, he's gonna be a great hero" You had smiled back
"We're actually good parents" He smirked, still watching the teen walk away.
"Yeah for some reason" You chuckled. "But he mostly lives at the dorms, so we're always the best around him"
"Well, maybe we should try for real this time"
You confusedly looked at him. "What do you mean?"
He grabbed your sides and pulled you closer to him before he gently grabbed your chin with his fingers. "Having a kid" His face leaned closer to yours.
Your face went red but you never pushed him away so his lips met yours <3
And the passion of the kiss felt like fireworks were exploding in the distance.. <3
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badkitty3000 · 8 months ago
What did you think was ooc for Five?
Great question, and I have already covered it a bit in my post here, but I could probably yammer on all day about it, so I'll add some thoughts.
Season 1 -3 Five was focused, determined, manic, arrogant, sometimes mean, violent, out-spoken, and full of love for his family above all. Yes, he insulted them and had no time or patience for their shit, but considering everything he'd been through and what he was up against, there was a reason for it. Season 4 Five? Ok, yeah, I can buy that maybe he was depressed and didn't really know what to do with himself anymore. Myself and others have certainly written him that way a few times. But, damn, he spent like all of season 3 bitching about wanting to be retired and here he could be! He could have played the stock market a few times, bought a little place somewhere, picked up a nice lady at the local Bingo hall and lived his peaceful live he deserved. Instead, he works (inexplicably) for the government and just wanders around with his sad little trenchcoat and CIA-issued pistol and flashlight, taking orders from The Man and just...existing I guess. I could see if they made it so that he joined the CIA to get inside info on Reginald and he had spent the last 6 years quietly plotting to take him down and get his revenge or set the world straight again. But no...he apparently hadn't even tried to look into anything Reggie was doing? Like he was just "*shrug*, it's probably fine".
Five loves his family above all else. We know this. If not, he wouldn't have spent decades alone fighting to get back to them and save all their stupid asses. Now, all of sudden, he just doesn't seem to care? Yes, he's present and has obviously kept in touch. He goes to the birthday party, etc. But there is zero interaction with Klaus, or his nieces, or even Viktor. When at the end, he finally gets some fight back (although for completely absurd reasons) and snaps at Luther, the whole family gasps in shock like this is some new occurence that Five would be mean to them. And he'd said much worse to them before! So, that leads me to believe he just has spent the last 6 years being a completely different person and everyone forgot he's actually an asshole?
And back to the family thing...fighting his brother over his wife? Falling in love with Lila, the same person who: conspired behind his and Diego's back in Season 2, was raised by his villainous boss, was the daughter of two innocent people he killed, tried to kill him with her fists, a frying pan, her feet, a knife, electrocution; and who he tried to kill multiple times as well. Yes, they have had time to heal some wounds and they have a shared traumatic experience with The Handler but come on...he would never! He would never be attracted to her that way. He would never betray Diego that way. And he certainly wouldn't fight him over her, not when she and Diego are married and have kids together. I don't care how many years they were together alone...just no. Best friends? Sure. Lovers? Fuck no.
Physically, where was his prowess? Five is supposed to be the all-time badass assassin, trained in martial arts and weaponry. His body is young at 19-20 years old, and at the peak of his physical fitness. Even without his powers he should be able to kick some ass, or at least try to. And then when he does have his powers, he just doesn't know how to use them correctly anymore? And again, he looks slow and weak in a fight. His solution to taking down the big Bennifer blob thing was to fire an entire clip at long range at it, and then just go "huh...weird that didn't work". Why wasn't he looking around the mall for a weapon? An axe? Something else to fight against it! That's what he does...that's his THING! We were fucking robbed of a Five-centric badass fight scene, when there were so many opportunities for one. Hell, he could have taken down a room full of Keepers with a fucking ballpoint pen while singing along to Abba's Dancing Queen! Why didn't we get that?
Meeting with Reginald. Remember in Season two when Five met with Reggie at the Tiki bar? He sat and had a drink with him, but it was still tension-filled with a lot of emotion there. Then in Season 3, when he was basically like "you're a sadistic lunatic that is going to kill all of us" and got right in his old man's face and told him he was a giant dick? This time...he's just standing around Reggie's house shooting the shit and not even acting like he's mad. That is just not the same guy. I realize this was supposed to be Viktor's fight with Reggie, but they still could have shown Five to have a little emotion there.
So, there you have it. I could probably keep going, but this is way too long as it is. It's just heartbreaking, really. This character that we have all come to love for all of his complexities and faults and heroics was just diminished to a one-dimensional, uninteresting character with no regard for his family. Basically, just undoing three season's worth of plot and character development. And it's not Aidan's fault. He did the best he could with the shit he was given, and I feel sorry for him. For as much as we love this character, Five was his. He made him come to life and there's not many other actors his age that could have pulled that off. So, I'm sad this was his end. They really did him dirty.
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saturnsorbits · 1 year ago
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Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Angst, Smut, Mention of Gangs, Talk of Babies/Starting a Family, Open Ending, Word Count: 2.8k.
Summary: Once a villain, always a villain: Can Dabi really leave it all behind?
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‘I don’t have to put up with this…’ Dabi hauls air in through his nose, teeth clenched so tight it makes his jaw ache.
‘You?’ Somehow your eyes get wider. Your lids peel back, exposing the bloodshot white and shining iris’ that almost pop from your head. ‘Please, enlighten me to what you’re putting up with, Touya. Because it sure as shit wasn’t me lying about still being involved with the fucking league.’
Dabi rolls his eyes.
Bites his lip.
Reminds himself that he loves you. ‘You don't -.’
‘Don’t you fucking dare say I don’t understand.’ There’s a shake in your voice as you try and hold back tears, but you don’t drop his gaze. You'd been ten minutes away from ringing around hospitals and praying that he'd been admitted to A&E rather than the morgue when he'd swaggered back in, knuckles sore and face bruised. ‘You told me after all the shit with your dad, you'd be done with all of that.’
Dabi sighs. ‘I am.’
You snort.
Falling in love with Dabi had meant a lot of things: learning to live with the burnt hand prints on your fridge, adjusting to the looks and hushed judgements when you walked down the street hand in hand and the coming and going of the former members of the League. You’d accepted all of that, fuck, you’d hosted dinners for his old gang, had the famous Shigaraki grace your God damn table, but the one thing you couldn’t accept was his complicity. ‘Your fucking knuckles are bleeding.’
He shakes out his hand, wincing as the ligaments tug at swelled tissue. ‘It was one fight - Tomura just needed some guy putting in his place, I’m not going back - I pr-.’
‘Don’t make promises you have no intention of keeping.’
‘Doll.’ He steps forward, arms opening to hold you, but you’re backing away before he can close the gap.
Choking back a sob, you lick the dryness from your mouth as the panic of the last few hours bubbles under your skin. ‘You’re almost thirty, Touya. We have a house, a fucking mortgage…' You bite your tongue and screw your nose up. 'Oh, my God, I was thinking about asking you for a baby. What, I - I must be stupid. How could I raise a baby like this… When, when it’s father’s off burning people to a fucking crisp just because his old boss asked him to…’
Air sticks in his throat. The word ‘baby’ ricocheting around his head like gunfire. ‘Shig -.’
‘Oh, Shigaraki can look after himself.’ You snap.
‘I…’ He wets his lips. Suddenly, his joints don't ache – the pain is in his chest instead. ‘Are you serious? About - about wanting a baby?’
‘Well not any more.’
He steps back as if slapped.
You run a palm down your face. ‘What if you go to prison? Huh? I get stuck on my own with a brat and a house I can’t pay for? Then, what? All because you couldn’t tell Shigaraki that you don’t want to be involved any more?’ There's tears spilling over your cheeks that you don't even bother wiping away. ‘What the fuck happens if you die, Touya?’
Chest tightening, he can feel his stomach ache. The now ancient scars of staples etched into his skin clenching as memories of Hell fire and bad blood threaten to overload his system. Then, you're laughing and it’s ringing in his ears snapping his attention back to you.
Your panic is fading now, being beaten out and replace with something stronger. Anger broils in your stomach so hot that you’re mad with it, but you’re too far gone to care. ‘Fucks sake, the girls were right - I should have dated Natsuo. You think his girlfriend has to put up with this shit? I bet you money he doesn’t come home wearing someone else’s blood like fucking aftershave.’
Dabi can't get his baring. His head is too full to think as the image of you cradling a child, his child, fills the void between his ears. ‘It was one job.’
‘Until the next one.’
‘I - fuck -.’
You shake your head, letting out a shaky laugh. ‘Don’t. It’s okay. I should have known what I was signing up for… It’s my own fault for thinking I could build a life here.’
‘No - wait. Doll -’ He reaches for you again, but you're already out of reach.
‘No.’ You lift your arms into the air in surrender. ‘It’s okay. I get it. The League is always gonna win.’
‘The League doesn’t exist any more.’
‘Could have fooled me.’
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You go to bed alone. The darkness is suffocating, the bed too large without Dabi's frame, but even that is better than the smell of blood and spit. At some point, the shower gurgles to life, forcing out the menacing ricochet of thoughts that cause you to wonder just how long your relationship has left. It leaves you empty, sucked dry of everything, but the heavy thundering of the man you love washing blood from his knuckles next door.
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The water is too hot, scorching the delicate seams of his skin. Scar tissue and skin grafts have long since settled, leaving him now with a more cohesive patch-work than the back-ally surgeons and staple guns could ever manage. He runs a hand over the scar covering the back of his wrist. That life seems miles away now.
Or, it would if he didn't go running back whenever Shigaraki called.
Which he did.
There was always a job his quirk was perfect for, or a meeting he didn't trust anyone else to mediate, a delivery that would only be safe if it was in his hands. Whatever it was, Dabi always said yes. Maybe it was because being a villain was all he had ever known? Or, maybe, just maybe, deep down, he enjoyed it... Couldn't take the restlessness of a house in the suburbs, a girlfriend who loved him despite all his flaws and the possibility of more: a baby. The word repeats on him again.
He'd never seen himself as a father. Never had an interest. Didn't want the responsibility of raising a brat, or worrying at every single turn if he was becoming his father. It had never appealed to him. That was... Until you.
Now, the image of you swollen and fat, round with his child made his balls ache. You'd look stunning, with glowing skin and one hand permanently rested on your stomach. He wonders if your tits would swell too. If your nipples, already so delicate and sweet would become more sensitive as your body prepared to offer new life to the world. Would the taste of your cunt change, once he finally allowed you to feel full of him. Something he's used to denying you time and time again. The image of you dripping with him, your fingers messily spooning the thick spend back into yourself as you beg for him to breed you burns itself into the back of his eyelids.
His eyes snap open.
Swearing, he reaches down and grips the base of his cock and watches as it twitches, helplessly in his grasp.
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Sleep has barely begun to tug at your eyelids when the shower abruptly shuts off. You wait with baited breath, air locked in your chest as his footfalls creep back into the bedroom. You expect him to leave, to sleep on the sofa like he has done in the past when you have argued, but after a moment, he's moving again, rounding your side of the bed and dropping to his knees, still dripping.
Dabi's throat bobs. 'I told him, I'm done.' He mumbles, offering up his phone that he slides to you, screen up, across the mattress.
You push yourself up onto an elbow and peer at the phone where a text chain glows. To his credit, there's a message there – one swearing off further involvement, but still, your heart aches. Biting the inside of your cheek, you bring your eyes up to meet his. 'I don't -.'
He doesn't let you finish. Instead, he reaches for your hand and squeezes. 'I know... I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but look at me and tell me: does it look like I'm serious?'
The muscle in your jaw flexes. You've always had a good read on him. It's the only reason you've both gotten as far as you have.
'Am I serious?'
You lick your teeth.
'I...' Swallowing, he rubs a thumb over your knuckles. 'I mean it, I... Fuck, I wanna give you a baby so bad.'
'Touya – I can't...'
'I mean it.' He cups your cheek with his other hand. 'Don't just believe me, let me prove it to you.'
Covering his hand with yours, you peer into his eyes: searching. You want to believe him. You do. More than anything. 'Touya...'
'Doll.' Dabi leans in, his nose pressing against your cheek as he breathes hot air over your cheeks. In the millimetre of space between your lips, he whispers. 'Let me... Please.'
You close the distance between you and sink into the taste of him. His hand wraps around the back of your neck immediately, keeping you cradled close to him as he lets himself soak into your touch.
Letting yourself fall, you allow his weight to push you back until you're laying flat on the bed, but he doesn't break the kiss once. There's a desperation in his tongue. A passion had always burnt bright between you, hot and fierce, and yet, right now, his whole being is calm. He cages you in, bracketing your head between two strong elbows as he continues to pour himself into you. His tongue breaches the seam of your lips, licking into your mouth with a fever.
'Touya... Touya, please.' Gasping against his mouth, your hands find his hair and tangle in the strands there. You pull, earning yourself a quiet moan that he feeds into your mouth with another scorching kiss. Already you can feel a molten stone begin to burn in your stomach, with each of his touches your doubts are unpicked, his kiss the salve to your worries as he scatters love against your neck.
'Tell me what you need, Doll. Tell me.' Towel slipping from his hips, Dabi finds himself bare. It's odd. To be the one laid so naked while you're still clad in your sleep clothes. It makes him feel stripped, vulnerable and yet, there isn't a single inch of him that is weary.
Letting your hands slip from his hair, you cradle Dabi's face and force him to look at you. 'You... I need you.'
A smile breaks his features then. It still feels strange, tugging unusually at the edges of his mouth as if pulled by invisible strings. Pressing his hips down, he presses his half-hard cock against your pelvis and licks his teeth when he feels the blood pulse under your skin. 'Yeah? You need me, or do you need him, Doll?'
Squirming, you buck your hips anxious to feel more of him. He's searing hot, yet far too cold through the layers of your sleepwear leaving you anxious. You reach down, dropping his face in order to pull at your shorts, trying and failing to slip them from your legs.
Dabi sits back on his haunches, his hands trailing down your body slowly, but firm.
His palms are rough, calloused against your shoulders as they slip lower and take hold of your chest. For a moment he lingers, appreciating with a squeeze. You're so soft and eager, pressing up into him as he kneads at you.
A broad swipe of his thumbs over your nipples has you arching. The desperation inside of you feels as though it might tear you apart as he takes one between his fingers and rolls it, forcing it to pebble quick in the warm air.
'Shh, I've got you, Doll.' Bowing his head, Dabi lays a broad-thick lick against your neglected nipple while slowly pulling at the other. He'd never much cared for pleasure before you. Never really cared about being good. He fucked out of boredom, out of a stubborn biological need that was burrowed somewhere deep inside of him and yet, now... Now he could do without the orgasm. He'd give you his mouth, his fingers, his cock without anything in return if only it meant he was able to bask in your pleasure, to watch, to give.
It makes him want to laugh sometimes, just how much you've changed him.
How much good you bring to him.
If only he could give you something back...
If he could give you the best of him.
'Fuck, fuck... Touy – Touya.' Scrambling, you draw your nails down his back leaving brilliant red in their wake. He likes it. You know he does. Wearing the marks of how he makes you feel, so you don't bother to lighten your touch as you do it again.
Touya drops his head as a moan rolls up his throat and into your ear. The muscle in his back tenses under your abuse, a stark reminder of just how delicate the line between pain and pleasure so often is. 'Oh, baby...' He purrs.
Letting your knees drop to the side, you allow Dabi to nestle between your thighs - closer to where you so desperately need him.
He can feel it, the heat, almost burning to the touch as he reaches down to swipe two fingers through your folds. Usually, he's the one who runs hot, but right now, you're giving him more than a run for his money. His hand comes away wet and sticky. Strings of your arousal drip down his digits, reaching his knuckles before he raises his hand to his mouth and licks you from his skin.
'Touya...' Your heart is racing, hammering against your ribs as you watch him clean himself of you. 'Touya, don't tease.'
'Oh.' He feigns sympathy, before a cruel smirk twists at his features. 'Did you want a taste too, baby?'
There's no waiting for you respond, no answer or rebuttal. There's just a moan locked deep in your throat and then, his fingers pressing down on your tongue. The taste of you bursts in your mouth, mixed with the dull tang of Dabi's spit.
Dabi hums, but the noise gains gravel as soon as you begin to suck at him. He hisses through his teeth, his thumb digging into your chin as he slowly inches his fingers back of your mouth. He growls, hooking a finger to stroke at the plush of your lips. 'For that, missy, I ain't prepping you.'
'As if that's a punishment.' You grin and lift your hips.
There's a hunger in his eyes now. One that is laced with the millions of things he's scared to admit as his expression flickers to match yours. He cocks an eyebrow and reaches for the towel around his waist. Yanking at it, he tosses it off the end of the bed and sits back on his haunches.
You love this bit. The bit were he makes you watch. Your cunt drools onto the mattress, providing the perfect lube for him to begin stroking himself. He dips into you, collecting as much of your slick as he can before wrapping his soaked fingers around his cock.
The slide is perfect. The wetness from you mixes with his own pre-cum, making each pass with his fist divine. It sends shocks of flame up his spine. Licking at his vertebrae, the pleasure builds, bubbling in-between sinew and cartilage, forcing him to bend. He leans into it, letting his body roll to find more of the pleasure he craves. 'Fuck...' He sighs, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. Pressing his cock to your entrance, he tilts forward and then...
His phone rings.
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-> Masterlist
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themareverine · 3 months ago
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— Until We Fall masterlist
worst!Logan x mutant!fem!OC
summary: DP&W AU. It's been God knows how many years after Logan's death in North Dakota—and this wouldn't be much of a story without a shiny new villain with a hot new plan, or someone to save the world. Well, maybe two someones. Ok, you win, three. But first, you have track down that said someone—the Wolverine. And who better to do that than the girl who found him the first time? Logan/OC
a/n: *knocks on glass, looks confused* hi, anyone still here? If so, welcome in! here's my DP& W AU. i have no idea what I'm doing. this is a sequel that i'm writing kinda-sorta at the same time as my main series, Mare & the Wolverine, and yes, please know, this is kinda self-insert-y. let me live, will you? reposting from my old account, OC is a mutant.
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It's Called an Intro, Motherf******
Hi, welcome to the fuc–I mean freak, show. Don't want to blow the whole damn budget on the first 2.5 seconds of page time, right? Critics, good God–they're the worst. One sentence in and they'll judge the whole effin' book, hook line and sinker without even getting to the plot. Frickin' internet has made everyonea literary genius. Not.
ANYWAY—you're probably wondering what the eff I'm doing in the middle of this shitshow, huh? A story that isn't mine, hell—a story that isn't even technically writtenyet. That's a Fox thing. Or an MCU thing. Or a….thing, I guess? Dunno, this habit of timelines and then redoing and undoing them like a nun unbuckling a priests robes in a spittin' hurry after church is getting old—nobody really knows what the heck is going on. But, that's showbiz, right?
Rabbit trail, sorry. Frickin' brain. Anyway, yes–here. Ahem.
Well, really, we've got ourselves a Code Redpool (see what I did there?) with this one—someone trying to take over the world, rattle some cages, all that jazz. And if you didn't already know, such sticky little cumsucking messes requires a little bit more than a mercenary with a mouth. We already know I can't—don't—save the world. Despite what the box office may lend. It's above my paygrade, my hero tier. This rated R mothereffer hasn't gotten there yet, not on his own. Maybe another million or fifty.
Could be different this go around, though. Who effin' knows. All I know is that to save a world, to make a story, you need a couple of things—a smashin' budget, a whole helluva lot of copyright law, and a hero. An "anchor being," because Marvel has to be frickin' special. Sometimes two when the situation is Redpool, like it is. Maybe three, because I'll be EFFED if I'm not part of this one. Earnin' my stripes, going all Tony the Tiger and shit. You know the drill.
To help me out, I need the big guy. Yeah. Not Jesus, though it could be argued He's a factor, here. Very non denominational, very off script, very demure. Think more…yellow. Feral, as it were. Canadian. Yeah, dumbass—we need the Wolverine. The guy with the forks, the mutton chops from the 70s that were definitely a…choice. Logan. Yeah, him. Mr. Feral Forest Weasel himself.
And we'll probably need someone who can help us get to Logan, since he wouldn't know me from fresh effin' ADAM. If you saw Logan, you'll understand. Though it didn't happen exactly that way, because this is an AU—that fanfiction shit, you know. Sigh. We need someone who's tamed the beast, has clawed under all that adamantium and seen the hero where a trainwreck of a multiple-movies-gone-bad guy has stood.
A girl, genius. We need a girl. And lucky for you, delightful little fourth-wallians, I've got just the one.
Buckle up, mothereffer's—shit's about to get Wolverine-d.
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Contents somewhere in the past, north dakota (in other words, the prologue) always sinners, rarely saints MEET THE OC
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frozenjokes · 10 months ago
If It Ain’t Broke! [it’s extremely broken] Don’t Fix It! [it’s in desperate need of repairs]
“Hotguy, I have something I’d like to tell you.” Grian fluttered down to the scene, distracting Scar right as the villain across from him started to wind back.
Scar grunted as Puppeteer’s large forearm collided with his face, the hit in itself enough to make him see stars, but the following kick to the chest really did him in, falling back and hitting the pavement hard, knocking the place where his prosthetics started to meet skin. Pain like electricity shot up his spine, which, augh, ow, that was unlucky- oh fuck, he definitely landed wrong didn’t he, something was not right here. Hm. Well it was a good thing CuteGuy was here!
“Yeah,” he wheezed, though the word came out a little more like a whine, “Sure, uh, mind helping me out a little first though?”
“No,” Grian said all too simply, and out of the corner of Scar’s eye he saw the other hero cross his arms, looking thoughtful, “I’d rather do it like this. It’s easier, emotionally, if you’re preoccupied. You’ve got it.”
“What a coincidence,” Puppeteer sneered, bright green eyes lit like the fire in Scar’s back, “I also have quite a few things to say.” The snakes that made up her hair hissed as Puppeteer veered over him, Scar throwing up his hands in a weak defense. His back felt a little bit like it was caving in on itself and that electric pain wasn’t getting any better! Oh god. Was he even going to be able to stand? Fuck, what happened? Scar struggled to sit up with a strangled gasp, but Puppeteer kicked him right back down. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Scar threw up his arms, frustration overwhelming his sense, “It’s not like snakes have any feelings for me to hurt, they’re called cold blooded for a reason!”
“That is not what cold blooded means you fucking imbecile!” Puppeteer seethed, “Reptiles are treated poorly enough as it is, we don’t need extremely influential superheroes going on TV and telling the world why it's okay to keep hitting them with their cars!”
“Wow, you said that?” Grian asked, judgment oozing off his voice, and Scar wanted to scream.
“I did not say that! I did not say ANYTHING CLOSE TO THAT. God forbid anyone be afraid of anything! Dare I say it, I think you may be overreact-“ Scar didn’t get to finish, Puppeteer’s hefty kick sending him tumbling in a movement that pulled a real shriek from his lips. His ears rang as his entire head seemed to buzz, his back and body equally numb as it was screaming in stark agony. What was happening??? Somewhere in Scar’s conscious mind, he heard Puppeteer, then Grian, sounding disappointed.
“..never screams for me like that. Damn. What’s your leg routine?”
Good god. He was doomed. He was going to die.
Scar didn’t have the mind to think of the words he needed to yell for help, but even then, he was pretty sure he couldn’t form them anyway, the only noises leaving his throat being muffled whines and groans, none of which Grian seemed to think was odd given that he made zero move to do anything about it. Grian was instead talking to Puppeteer like nothing was wrong- couldn’t either of them see his entire back had caved in? Unless it was internal. It was probably internal. But it FELT like it looked like his back had caved in. Help. Help. He tried to say words, but only tasted concrete. And blood. Decidedly both bad things.
“Geez, you’re really down in the dumps over the snake thing, huh. Whatever, as long as you’re listening,” Scar heard the shift of Grian’s voice, enough to know he was being talked to, but he failed to process any of the words, “So I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided I would like to be friends. Yup! There we go. Friends. I think I’m ready to give it a shot at least, I mean, you’re going to be with Cub a bunch and Cub’s going to be with me and I was just thinking about some things he was saying to me.. I don’t know. Maybe I want to do this for him. Maybe I’m tired of feeling shitty about you. I don’t know exactly what’s going on in my brain, but I’ve made my decision, and I’m telling you so I can’t just back out or change my mind.”
Scar heard Grian’s footsteps, pacing, and gave up all hope of being rescued. He sobbed into the concrete, but Grian clearly didn’t hear him, rambling on, “Plus, I kinda like this gig! I like the theatrics, the costumes, and meeting all these weird new people, no offense Puppeteer, you’re killing it.”
“I know.”
“But I think I would like doing all these things with you, because even if you’re kind of a loser, I’ve come to the conclusion that superheroes are kinda like worse furries, which is to say, losers having a good time, they just also happen to work for the government and go on weird bad power trips and I- I mean, I’m not immune, obviously. But I want to engage with more of that good loser stuff, and I think you’re a prime candidate. You’re goofy. It’s your best quality.”
Scar wondered if he would ever receive the blessing of passing out, or if he was damned to lay here waiting to die forever. Had Grian decided to gouge his eyes out before speaking to him?
“And maybe, eventually, if you still like me or whatever, I may allow you to try and woo me just as you did to Cub. Take me out, charm me, whatever. Give it your best go.”
“Ah, so the media gossip surrounding you two is true?” Puppeteer spoke, reminding Scar that they were also still here and either not noticing or not caring about Scar’s condition.
“It’s not. We’re definitely not anything, just playing it up in the field. The attention is kind of fun I think, and obviously HotGuy thinks so too even if he’s too pouty to say it. Honestly, I’m kind of shocked. Thought he’d be jumping for joy by now.”
“Looks like he’s going through it over there, I dunno. Breathing pretty hard it looks like.”
“Oh, shit,” Grian paused, and Scar prayed he wasn’t about to leave, “Hey, you good?”
Silence. Well, besides Scar’s own labored breathing and moaning, but apparently none of these noises registered as out of the ordinary to Scar’s new least favorite people in the world. Grian, Puppeteer, and Death in that order. Scar barely registered the footsteps as they closed in on him, Grian saying something before touching, turning him over- ah, so the pain could get worse!
Talons dug into his side, and when Grian tried to lift him, finally, finally, his body graced him with sweet unconsciousness.
Scar chuckled to himself as he heard Grian’s anxious rambling from all the way down the hall, talking far too loudly for someone who presumably didn’t want to be heard.
“What do I do? I don’t know what to do. I just- two weeks, it’s been two weeks and he isn’t even out of the hospital yet! Does this happen a lot? How was I supposed to know this could happen? Hotguy doesn’t just go down for the count like this, he gets his ass beat, gets stitched back together and is fine the next day! Do you know how much worse I, personally, have done to him? He just got knocked on his ass! I thought he was fine! Two weeks!”
Scar heard the low rumble of Cub’s voice, probably telling Grian to quiet down since Scar didn’t hear him anymore other than the raised squeak of urgent whispers. However, the noise stopped abruptly as the pair of footsteps neared Scar’s room. The door was open, but Cub knocked anyway.
“Hey Scar, can we come in?”
“Sure, sure!” he bellowed, hoping the cheerful tone would curb Grian’s anxiety, mostly for his own sake. Spending the only hospital visit he could worm out of his bosses telling Grian ‘It Was Fine’ sounded like the least appealing way he could utilize this time. “Please! Come in, come in!”
Cub did so, looking as he as always did with that slight frown and relaxed shoulders. Which is to say, absolutely delighted to see him! Grian, just about as horrible at masking his feelings as it gets, waddled in behind him, lips pursed and wings puffed up to twice their size.
“I’m sorry-“
“Up bup bup!” Scar cut Grian off before he could say another word, “Shush, none of that. You’re fine, I’m fine, you coulda left me there for another week and I would have been fine, though, probably a little more upset with you! But ultimately, fine.”
“But I- we couldn’t even reach you. I couldn’t-“
Scar rolled his eyes, “They’re a little tight when it comes to security, I don’t get the luxury of internet access.”
“That’s kind of fucked.” Cub said, and Scar shrugged.
“Necessary, I’ve been told. There was a public statement on my socials, did you see it?”
“The announcement that you were taking some time off to travel and you’d be back with one of those awful merch calendars sometime next month? That’s not exactly an update- actually that’s a little more concerning than the truth!” Somehow, Grian’s wings managed to grow in size, and Scar couldn’t help but laugh.
“If I was dead they wouldn’t tell the world I went on vacation! And hey! The calendars are best sellers!”
But Grian was not to be distracted. “And if you were in critical condition?”
“I wasn’t in critical condition.”
“Are you sure?”
Scar huffed, patience running thin. “Cool it, Grian, it was just an accident. Something just got bumped the wrong way, that’s all. Things get a little fucky if something goes wrong in my back, it’s just painful, nothing that can’t be fixed. Now, if we don’t start playing a board game or a few games of cards in the next minute I’m going to really throw a fit, so please, I’ve got two hours before they want to prep me for my next surgery.”
That seemed to get Grian’s attention, wings twitching as he glanced toward a shelf full of the games Scar had collected over the years, as well as other knick knacks that had piled up in his glorified apartment of a hospital room. Mercifully, Grian hopped over to check it out without another word, hopefully realizing that arguing about Scar’s condition was not how he wanted to spend his time.
“What do you want to play?” Grian asked instead, and Scar hummed.
“Anything. I know them all. I could teach you something, but personally I’d rather just get right into it with something we all know.”
“I haven’t even heard of half of these,” Grian said, poking through the shelf with a curiosity that made Scar smile, gingerly lifting a couple of the games to look at the boxes and spinning them around.
“Me neither,” Cub mumbled, looking more thoughtful than concerned with being heard. But he didn’t move to look beside Grian, instead drifting next to Scar’s bed. Scar’s heart nearly exploded when Cub’s hand drifted over his in a silent question, and Scar took it eagerly. “You okay?”
Scar closed his eyes, “Happy to have visitors.”
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it,” Cub hummed, and Scar nodded. “You know when you’re going to be out? Maybe you’ll get your phone back sooner than that?”
Scar shook his head. “Don’t know, but I doubt I’ll be texting anyone until I’m fixed. Hopefully not any longer than a couple weeks; the tech is a little old and it can be finicky, so they really have to be careful when they work on it.”
“Why don’t they hire The Goat to work on it? He built it, didn’t he?” Grian turned away from the board games, and Scar felt the energy drain from his soul at the hint of snideness edging his tone. He just didn’t want to deal with it. Didn't want to talk about this.
“I don’t know what he told you, Grian, but that’s not true. Not really.”
“Is it not?” Grian narrowed his eyes, and Scar felt his own grip on Cub’s hand tighten. Cub looked wary, but didn’t speak. Too curious to say anything maybe, though that was Scar’s own cynicism speaking. Maybe it was twisting Grian’s tone as well, but Scar didn’t care all that much.
“Well I did ask, and apparently my parents did enlist his help briefly at the beginning of the process, but it was brief. The Goat did some work on my prosthetics, but the blueprints weren’t very good, hardly enough to build a solid foundation. Most everything he did got scrapped. So sure, you could say he worked on it, if being a pain in the ass and producing a faulty outline is ‘working on it.’”
“That’s not what I heard.”
“Grian,” Cub cut in, firm. “Drop it.”
Grian looked conflicted for a moment, stuck between his passion and the surprise of being interrupted so suddenly. Cub took advantage of the silence by tugging his hand away from Scar’s, making a beeline to the board games and plucking one off the shelf more decisively than Scar ever had in his life.
“Let’s play this. Then maybe if we have time, you can teach us another,” Cub looked back to Scar, voice even and mediating. Calm. The forceful kind that grabbed you by the throat, sat you down, and lowered your hackles.
“Ooh, I like that one,” Grian said, and a guilty glance back to Scar was really all the apology he needed. Grian got caught up. It happens. Happened to Scar more times than he could count, and it would happen again just as much. Scar didn’t want any big, sweeping gestures. He just wanted a break. To be normal, if only for a few hours. So he took a deep breath, exhaled, and let the smile return to his face.
“That sounds like fun.”
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paisholotus · 2 months ago
A Criminal Hero...
Now Playing: Thought I Was Dead~ Tyler The Creator
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Bruce’s Pov
"A board meeting in full swing. Judge Phelan. moving to have you declared dead is not something that any of us want... but as responsible managers it falls to them to act on behalf of Wayne Industries." Alfred said, on the phone as I walked into my building.
I walked past the assistant that sat at her desk. "Morning." I said, smiling, walking past her. The Assistant gets to her feet. "Sir, you can’t go in there!" She yelled. I turned to her and smiled. "Yes, I can." Apparently the assistant recognized me, stands there, shocked.
As the door opened, Earle looks over, annoyed. "I’m sorry, can I...?" Earle stares at me. Dumbstruck. All heads turn. "Sorry to barge in, but I was in the area." Earle gets to his feet, approaching me. He shakes my hand, claps the other on my shoulder. "My boy! We thought you were gone for good." He said, surprised. "Sorry to disappoint." I said, as he nervously chuckled.
-Time Skip-
I worked on the suit adding the utility belt to it. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear the elevator open.
"So, this what the suit is going to look like, huh Bruce?" I turned around and looked at Dick and nodded lowly. I turned my gaze back to the suit and held it up. I finally finished it and it was everything I visioned it to be.
Dick chuckled behind me and looked around the cave. This was his only second time being in the cave, so I looked back at him for his opinion.
"So, what is all this Bruce? You leave all this time and come back and build all this under the house." I huffed and crossed my arms. He looks at my suit and points with his brow raised, "and what is that? Didn't pick you for the spandex type of guy." He said, with amusement.
I walked up to him and placed my hands on his shoulders looking down at him. "Dick....there has to be a change to this city. And, I'm going to be that change. I'm going to make a difference to the people. I'm going to be Vengeance. I am going to be the Night villains can't hide in." I looked at my suit behind me and smirked looking at Dick. "I am the Batman."
-Time Skip-
Vivica's Pov
I was in the kitchen warming my leftovers for dinner. Today was long and hard and all I wanted to do was to eat and watch TV. I haven't heard from my man all day and I was irritated. I know Bruce been gone for a long time and he had to adjust to get his company back, but damn not even a call?
I took my food and sat on the couch and looked through Netflix. I have a love hate relationship with Netflix because they sometimes never have nothing good on there. I honestly just settled on family Guy because I know Peter Griffin hates seeing me coming.
I heard movement coming from behind me and I jumped a little. I looked around for my cat but he was sitting in the chair across from me. I slowly got up and quietly walked to my closet pulling out my gun from the safety box. No one has ever tried to break in but regardless I don't mind popping a cap in someone's ass.
I carefully crept down the hall and looked in my guest rooms and saw nothing. I saw my bedroom cracked open but Midnight could have went in there but I'm going to check just in case. I pushed open the door with my foot and looked around not seeing anything. I put down my gun and sigh with relief.
"Didn't pick you for the gun type..." A voice said, making my head whip around. A man or whatever the fuck he was, standing by my windows. I raised my gun as my heart was beating out my chest. The man walked closer I clicked off the safety but lowering my gun as the man quickly took off his mask.
"Bruce......" I said, as I turned my light on. He was in this big black suit. He was literally dressed as a bat. He walked in front of me as I continued to look him up and down. "The fuck is this? How'd you get in here?" I asked, now looking him in the eyes.
He cupped my cheeks and smiled lowly at me, "you told me that things needed to change. So, all this time I left to become that change. For you. For me. For my parents. And, for the people." I held on to his wrists gripping them tightly.
"Things are going to be different this time, Viv."
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nightghoul381 · 4 months ago
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Dark If ~ Ellis Twilight
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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Victor: “Miss Kate. You can create the best happy ending possible.—Come along and enjoy your time in this twisted fairy tale world.”
I woke up in a room in a luxurious castle.
(Ummm… that’s right, I’m the ‘princess’ of this country.)
(…Huh? Why do I have that memory?)
Gradually, memories of growing up as a princess in this country began to come back to me.
(It’s like I have two memories, one of having always been in this world, and the other of having come from another world.)
But I had a strange feeling. I was certain that both were ‘me’.
King: “…Are you awake, Kate?”
Kate: “Good morning father.”
After knocking, my father came into the room with a worried look on his face.
King: “There are only a few months left until that damned wizard’s prophecy comes true… I’ll have to check in every morning to make sure you’re okay.”
I was born as a princess in this country and have lived my life confined to a castle—a boxed-in life if you like.
The reason—was because I’m cursed.
The wizard who cast the spell said “In ten years, you will prick your finger on a spinning wheel and the curse will be activated.”
--With that simple explanation, he apparently returned to his castle deep in the mountains.
My father and mother had collected spinning wheels from all over the country and destroyed most of them.
The people in the spinning industry were forced to work in state-run factories, and they won’t let me go near them.
Kate: “If the curse were to be activated, I would fall into a 100 year sleep…”
When I muttered this from memory, my father nodded, tears again welling up in his eyes.
(A curse and a spinning wheel… The world I’ve wandered into must be that of “The Thorn Princess.”)
(If I were to follow the storyline, it might be better to fall asleep as the curse says…)
A man who introduced himself as Victor said that this was a distorted fairy tale world where ‘something is missing’.
If I fall asleep before I find it—I won’t be able to search for the missing thing for the next 100 years.
(First of all, I need to either lift the curse or extend the deadline!)
Kate: “I’ll go and ask the wizard to lift the curse.”
King: “W-What?! That’s absolutely not okay!!”
Kate: “You can provide an escort if you like.”
King: “All the guards are afraid to near him! We sent in many assassins, but they all returned in a pitiful state…!”
Kate: “Then I’ll go alone. It’ll be fine. I’ve been a postman and I can smell dangerous places.”
King: “Postman? Ah, hey wait--!”
(I said I’d go alone, but… I think it’s better to do everything I can)
Leaving my panicked father and his guards behind, I headed to the mercenary recruitment agency in the castle town.
Kate: “I would like to hire a bodyguard for the duration of my trip…”
There was a good chance that we would be attacked by beasts or bandits on our way to the wizard’s castle.
With the pocket money I’d secretly saved up, I tried to hire someone.
Long-faced mercenary: “Go to the wizard’s castle!? No matter how many lives you’ve got it won’t be enough!”
One-eyed mercenary: “No, no, no! I never want to go near that horrible place again!”
--The last person I spoke to, the moment I mentioned the word wizard, his eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted.
(Just as father said, the wizard is feared...)
(I have no choice… I’ll give up on hiring someone and go it alone.)
???: “You really want to go to the wizard’s castle?”
???: “If that’s what you want… I’ll be your guard.”
When I looked up at the person who offered, a young man was standing there.
Recruitment Office receptionist: “Good for you, my lady. He is a skilled assassin.”
Recruitment Office receptionist: “Once he targets his prey, he wraps around it like thorns and never lets it escape, which is why he’s called “Ellis of Thorns.”
A young man with mint-colored eyes at the reception desk gave me a thorough introduction.
I had secretly heard his commission fee, and it was something I could manage with my pocket money.
Ellis of Thorns: “I only work at the recruitment agency occasionally. I didn’t know I had a nickname.”
Kate: “Um, Mr. Ellis of Thorns… sir?”
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Ellis of Thorns: “Ellis is fine.”
Although many people had turned me down, Ellis willingly offered to be my bodyguard, and he seemed like a savior.
Kate: “Well, I’d appreciate it if you could take on the job.”
Kate: “But… Ellis, aren’t you afraid of the wizard?”
Unlike the mercenaries who fled as soon as they heard that the man was a wizard, the young man looked calm and collected.
I was a little worried that he might not understand the seriousness of the situation.
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Ellis of Thorns: “I’ve been burned, frozen, stabbed, and sliced by that wizard many times.”
Ellis of Thorns: “I’m sure I know more than anyone here how dangerous he is.”
Kate: “What?! You were burned…are you okay?”
Ellis of Thorns: “Yeah. I won’t die and I’m not scared, so it’s okay.”
(Maybe in a magical world where wizards exist, it’s possible to…not die?)
Ellis of Thorns: “I’ll go with you if that will bring you happiness.”
Kate: “O-okay, I understand. Thank you very much, Mr. Ellis!”
Ellis of Thorns: “Fufu… There’s no need to use such formal language.”
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Ellis of Thorns: “You can speak more casually. We’re friends.”
(Friends!? When did this happen…?)
I was a little confused but I couldn’t detect any malice in the smiling young man’s expression.
(Maybe he’s the kind of person who quickly closes emotional distance…)
Kate: “Okay… Got it. Nice to meet you.”
--And so, I set off on a journey with the elusive and mysterious Ellis.
There were two routes to the wizard’s castle.
One route has rough terrain, but takes only about half a day to cross, and the other is flat but takes three days on foot.
Ellis, considering my physical condition as a sheltered person, suggested we take the easier path.
--Then, on the second night of our journey, I found it hard to fall asleep.
Ellis of Thorns: “Can you not sleep?”
Kate: “Yeah… We’re arriving at the castle tomorrow so it would be best to get some sleep, but…”
Ellis of Thorns: “Kate, can you come over here?”
Kate: “…?”
During our short journey, I’d come to trust Ellis, who had helped me many times, so I approached him without hesitation.
In an instant, my arm was grabbed and I fell on top of him.
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Ellis of Thorns: “The ground is hard, making it hard to sleep, right? You can sleep on me.”
Kate: “B-but, I’m too heavy and you won’t be able to sleep, Ellis…”
Ellis of Thorns: “Kate, you’re very light, so I’ll be fine. Now, go to sleep.”
I tried to get away, but Ellis held me in his arms and wouldn’t let go.
Kate: “Just because I’m employing you, you’re being too kind to me, Ellis…”
Ellis of Thorns: “Really? Maybe I’m being so nice because I’m with you, Kate.”
Kate: “…”
I can hear my own body beathing loudly…
With my ear to Ellis’ chest, I couldn’t even hear his own heartbeat.
(…Am I the only one who noticed that?)
My mind was a bit foggy, but as Ellis rubbed my back soothingly, sleepiness began to wash over me.
Ellis of Thorns: “…Kate, why do you want to meet the wizard?”
Kate: “I want… the curse to be lifted…”
Ellis of Thorns: “That’s right…”
As I listened to Ellis’ soft voice, my eyelids gradually drooped.
(I’m indebted to Ellis for everything…)
(I’ll have to give him lots of rewards and say thank you when the journey is over…)
(Ah, but… if that’s all I’ll have with Ellis, I’ll be sad.)
While thinking about such things… I dozed off and fell asleep with my body resting on Ellis.
Therefore, I didn’t hear the words Ellis muttered as he watched me sleep.
Ellis of Thorns: “So, you want to lift the curse that the wizard placed on you…”
Ellis of Thorns: “Your feelings haven’t changed since then… I’m so glad.”
The touch of Ellis’ hand, which had reached up to wrap around my neck, did nothing to wake me up.
Ellis of Thorns: “…I want to kill you soon.”
Thanks to Ellis, I was able to sleep soundly.
Finally, we arrived at the wizard’s castle.
However, the road leading to the castle was overrun with thorns, as though trying to repel outsiders.
Ellis of Thorns: “We can’t get through. Let’s take a detour.”
Kate: “Yeah…, …Oh, can you wait a moment?”
Ellis of Thorns: “What’s wrong?”
Kate: “A little bird got stuck amongst the thorns and can’t get out…”
I crouched down next to the brambles, careful of the thorns, and made a path for the bird.
The little bird, taking advantage of the opportunity, escaped from the thorns and flew away.
Kate: “If it had remained trapped in the thorns, it probably would have died. I’m glad it was able to be freed…”
Ellis of Thorns: “…I agree.”
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Ellis of Thorns: “Even a small bird would be happier if it could choose the time and place it wanted to die.”
Ellis of Thorns: “You were so kind, Kate, to let it choose how it wanted to die.”
(I didn’t save the bird so it could choose how it died…)
(…Ellis, you have a strange way of thinking.)
I felt a little strange but didn’t think much of it.
We took a detour and headed towards the old castle where the wizard lived.
Kate: “S-Sorry… I’ve come to ask you to lift the curse.”
Kate: “Are you home, wizard…?”
???: “Yeah, I’m home, but I’m going to have to decline your request to lift the curse.”
The man who showed up was much younger than I had expected.
Ellis of Thorns: “I’m home, Jude.”
Ellis of Thorns: “Kate, let me introduce you to Jude, the wizard.”
Kate: “…? Wait a minute…”
Kate: “Why did you say ‘I’m home’? What is your relationship…?”
Ellis of Thorns: “I’ve been acting as something like Jude’s assistant for a few years now.”
Ellis of Thorns: “When I have free time, I work at the mercenary recruitment agency to keep myself in shape.”
Kate: “What… that’s…”
Kate: “Ellis, you offered to be my body guard, and you helped me a lot on my way here, so I trusted you…”
Kate: “This whole time you were a pawn of the wizard who cursed me…!?”
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Ellis of Thorns: “It’s more like a contractual relationship than a pawn.”
Ellis affirmed it as if it was no big deal.
(I can’t believe Ellis made a contract with the wizard before making one with me…)
(I travelled alone with him and thought of him as a reliable companion…)
Ellis of Thorns: “Kate, what’s wrong? You look pale…”
Ellis held out his hand with a worried look on his face, but I reflexively brushed it away.
Kate: “… I’m sorry.”
Kate: “I’m… I’m going outside to cool my head.”
What had happened was so overwhelming that it made my heart ache and I felt like I couldn’t bear it.
I refused and tried to leave the castle. However, the wizard wouldn’t allow it.
Jude the Wizard: “You’ve come here to see me, haven’t you? Guests should retreat to the guest room.”
Kate: “--ngh.”
--Jude grabbed me by the arm and, without any further ado, pushed me into the drawing room.
Kate was ushered into the drawing room, and the hall became silent again.
By now, Kate was probably in her enchanted guest room, being treated to hot tea and sweets.
Jude the Wizard: “…Ellis, you have no understanding of people’s hearts at all.”
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Jude the Wizard: “If you heard that the wizard who cursed you and the bodyguard you had become friends with had a contract, you would probably feel betrayed.”
Ellis of Thorns: “That’s what it was…”
Ellis of Thorns: “It’s been five years since I became a human, but there are still many things I don’t understand.”
Jude the Wizard: “It’s only been five years.”
Ellis of Thorns: “For us, it’s already been five years.”
Ellis of Thorns: “All I wanted was to make Kate happy… Human hearts are tricky things.”
Jude the Wizard: “…”
Jude clicked his tongue, not even trying to hide his displeasure at Ellis’ non-human values.
Then, he took out his sword and slashed at Ellis without hesitation.
--However, Ellis, who was cut, did not bleed and remained calm.
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Ellis of Thorns: “…No matter how many times you try, it’s no use, Jude.”
The wound that Jude had inflicted on Ellis sealed up on its own, and his body returned to normal.
Ellis of Thorns: “No matter how much you burn me, freeze me, stab me, or cut me…”
Ellis of Thorns: “I won’t die until Kate is happy.”
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Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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satancopilotsmytardis · 1 year ago
Holding Out for a Hero Villain
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: T
Contents: Non-graphic mentions of mass murder including of children, suggestive dialogue
Getting caught with a sleeping quirk was not what he was expecting, but Dabi wakes with his hands completely encased in quirk-neutralizing cuffs and locked in an interrogation room and that is pretty much what he expected if he ever got brought in, so that’s something he supposes. He leans back in the chair. He doesn't feel any extra bumps or bruises that might indicate they took a blood sample, but they definitely could have taken hair or swabbed his cheek. He doesn't feel like he's been asleep for longer than seven hours, but the quirk could have a different feel than normal sleep. He assumes that means that they are likely in the process of verifying his identity. Which means--
It's absolutely not a surprise when Endeavor, Hawks, and some cop come into the room as he leans back in his chair and waits. And yeah, Enji's eyes are going over his face desperately, like he's looking for any trace of Toya that might be left and all Dabi can do is give him a vicious grin before he turns his attention to Hawks. 
"Blowing your load a little early, aren't you, birdy? Guess being the fastest hero isn't always a good thing, is it?" 
His wings don't even twitch, but Dabi has been around him for long enough to know that when the spy is holding himself that rigidly, it's because he is trying to keep his mask on. "Dabi, or should we say 'Toya'? Good to see you again, man." 
He shrugs, not paying any attention to Endeavor. This isn't how his reveal was supposed to go and he is not going to start in on him when he can't back the words up with his flames at the moment. "Call me what you want, doesn't matter. You're going to let me out soon enough anyway." 
The cop takes lead next, moving to sit across from him at the table. "You seem confident in that, but you are an A-ranked villain, Mr. Todoroki. Surely you know that we have a vested interest in keeping you here before your relocation to Tartarus." 
"Oh sure," he agrees. "And you are?" 
"My apologies, Detective Tsukauchi." 
"The living lie-detector! Huh, nice to meet you." Hawks can't quite keep his wings from giving an aborted little twitch at that. Dabi doesn't react to it. Hawks had definitely not given him information about Tsukauchi, but their PLF members in the police force certainly had. He's never been more pleased that he decided to take the ribbing from the rest of the League after Deika by showing up 'empty-handed' after going off to recruit again in favor of keeping the double agent as out of the loop as possible. Endeavor tenses too, and he is thrilled to have already put them on their back foot just by knowing more than they expected him to. He reclines as much as he can in his chair. The fact his ankles are chained down is the only reason his feet aren't on the table. 
"I didn't realize my reputation would proceed me." The detective gives him a placid smile. "Can you elaborate on why we would let you out given your... extensive list of crimes?" 
"Because if you don't then you're going to watch Japan fall apart around you." He waits to see if the detective spots a lie, however he manages to do so with his quirk. 
"Hmm, well until then, we have some other questions that we'd like to ask you." 
Dabi settles in. Mostly ignoring them as he starts to count the very faint ticks he can hear from the detective's watch. He's not giving them anything else. Now he just has to wait. 
The trio left after about an hour of him stonewalling them and Dabi did his best to just doze again in the chair. He's gonna have so much to catch up on once he's out, that he's damn certain that getting the extra sleep will be more helpful than not. 
It feels like maybe another two hours have passed before Endeavor and Tsukauchi come back into the room, his father definitely a little paler than he usually is beneath his flames, the fire of his mask flickering the way it does when he's agitated enough to be having some difficulty controlling it. 
"Already? I thought you'd hold out at least a day." He had been settling in for a week at minimum with torture, but he'll take whatever he can get. 
"Sekoto Peak is gone." 
Which. Oh. Okay. Dabi blinks. That's not what he expected his father to say, but still, "That's wild. So are you taking the cuffs off now or after you let me back onto the street?" 
"We're not letting you go," Enji growls. 
"Okay. I'm going back to sleep then." 
"You don't seem very surprised about this. Were you aware that this attack was coming?" 
"That wasn't an attack, that was a warning shot." He yawns. 
"A 'warning shot'?" 
He hums, "He's giving you a chance to stop being stupid and let me go before he escalates." 
"Shigaraki? He didn't come for any of the other members of the League that we've captured, why would you be any different?" 
"I'm his favorite." It is funny to see his father glance at the detective to see if he's telling the truth. "You let me go, or what happens next is on you." He shoots a vicious smile at Enji, "Not that you've ever cared about the consequences of your inaction before." 
They try to wheedle out anything else they can from him, but he doesn't give an inch until they leave. 
It's only an hour before Hawks and the detective return, Hawks' feathers shining because they've gone sharp with his fury. 
Dabi waits for them to speak with a lazy grin. 
"Endeavor isn't here because his home, the hospital that your mother was located at, and the school your sister works at were destroyed." 
"Oh, that was a big hospital wasn't it? And Fuyumi's a grade-school teacher isn't she? Man, that must have sucked for her. I wonder if she tried to hold any of her students together before they crumbled into dust." 
"This isn't funny, Dabi!" The bird loses his temper. Always been able to get him furious by just barely laying on his buttons. "Two hundred children and five hundred people are dead."
"Yeah they are, and that's entirely on you, birdy. You could have kept playing ball and I still wouldn't have given you anything, but you wouldn't have the blood of seven hundred civilians on your hands." He considers. "Did Rei and Fuyumi survive?" 
"They didn't." It's a lie, and not even a good one. The bird's wording of the casualties gave too much away. His father would only not be here because he suddenly had no choice but to very publicly take care of his family in the wake of a tragedy.  
"Well isn't that interesting." Because if they did survive, if Duster decided to start with those places, then that means the treatments have progressed well ahead of schedule. "Are you letting me out now? Or do you want to see how much more damage he can do?" 
"We're preparing your transfer to Tartarus." The detective tells him. "We'll complete your interrogation there and move forward with pursuing a trial." 
"Okay, then everything else is on your hands too." 
He's not expecting the next person who opens the door to the interrogation room. Dabi had thought that it would be the police, heroes, whoever they found to escort him to the transport or whatever. He was not expecting a red-eyed Natsuo to step in the room, face an aching mixture of fury and sorrow. Dabi forces the tightness in his own throat away before he leans back in his chair again and drawls, 
"Hey little brother." 
"Toya this has to stop." His voice trembles, cracks, tears slipping over his cheeks. "My school-- everything around it-- Toya, it's gone. He destroyed it. He killed everyone else." 
"Yeah, I told them that would happen. It's going to keep happening until I'm back home--" Neither he nor Natsuo are prepared for the detective and two even more harried looking cops to burst in at that moment. 
"Jaku, Otheon, and Esuha City have all been hit simultaneously. Eight city blocks have been wiped out." Huh, must have gotten Twice's help with that one. 
"From each? Wow, he's losing his patience, haven't seen him mad in ages." The cops usher Natsuo out before he can get a word in and the detective stays behind, dragging a hand over his face. "Look, I told you: This is not going to stop until I'm free and call him off. You can keep holding out, you can try to trick him, kill me, whatever, but it won't stop until he has me back home. And if you keep waiting like this, he's not even going to have to tear this place down, because I'm sure the average citizens, the people who you're letting die, are going to get fed up sooner rather than later too." 
There's an achingly long beat, but then the detective tells the others, "Prep him for transport." 
They manage to get him up and locked in with four armed guards who take him downstairs to the vehicle bay, and loaded into the the back of the truck before the next call comes in, Tsukauchi not moving nearly far enough away to hide the crackling of his walkie-talkie that says that, 
"The HPSC building has been destroyed. A new drop-off point is being selected." He leans back against the wall of the armored van and waits as they lock his limbs back into place. 
Not even a full day and they break. Pathetic.
They drive him out into the middle of Deika. He knows it as soon as they open up the back of the van, and he gets the barest glimpse of the surroundings before they put a bag over his head and then they stand and wait. And wait. And wait. 
Eventually Dabi risks getting shot and just plops down on the broken ground. He can feel the warmth of the sun on his skin for a little while, but it fades, and the light behind the cloth blinding him also goes. Whatever. 
"He didn't show." Hawks. Which, okay, didn't know he was here. "Maybe you're not as important to him as you think you are." 
"Let's bring him to Tartarus." 
Hands on his chains again, pulling him off of the ground and loading him back into the van. Dabi lets them lock him in. It takes ten minutes before their little caravan is trundling along again. They drive for an hour, until the wheels are going over smoothly paved roads again, before he starts to hear it. 
From somewhere in the distance, there is crashing, crunching, screaming. The cops around him start to shout, trying to figure out what's happening and Dabi just does his best to brace for impact. He doesn't know if this is Shigaraki himself, Gigantomachia, Geten, or any of their other heavy hitters, but something is coming to hit this caravan. His ears pop as wind rushes in as the doors of the vehicle are yanked out of place with a wrenching metallic tear. He's chained down, but god, that motion makes his stomach twist. He hears the cops yelling, but the sound grows more distant as they're pulled out of the car, Hawks shouting, 
"Everyone off the ground!" 
Oh good. That means it is his lover after all. The truck swerves, hits a bump, and Dabi goes weightless for a second before something very solid is grabbing onto him. He hears the chains snap, and then the distinct sound of something decaying, before he's feeling his body covered in a deluge of dust. It takes him a second to realize that he's in someone's arms, against their chest for a handful of weightless seconds before they land back on the ground, skidding to a stop. 
"Are you hurt, firefly?" 
Wait. "What the fuck, are you ripped now?" 
"I'm fine, put me down and get this shit off of me. I have a bird to turn into fried chicken." 
Duster does put him down and then Dabi feels his hand, his whole hand, against his cheek through the bag. The fabric turns to dust and he blinks it away as it falls over his head and shoulders. Decay crawls over his skin harmlessly until it reaches the cuffs at his wrists, the ones still tight around his ankles, and those fall away as well. And Tomura really is right here. White hair much longer than before it was when he went into the tank, body corded with fresh muscle, and control over his quirk that Dabi didn't even know would be possible. 
No one can really blame him for that all being so hot that he immediately tangles his hands in that thick, soft hair and pulls him into a kiss. Least of all Tomura, because his lover's hands wrap tightly around his hips and pull him in close, kissing him back just as fiercely. Kisses him like they haven't gotten to in two and a half months and after an entire day of worry. Definitely ruins the moment when a gun goes off. 
Dabi is expecting pain, or expecting Tomura to be in pain, but he doesn't even flinch as the bullet connects with his shoulder. As he pulls away and glares up somewhere behind him as the bullet is pushed back out of his skin and the wound heals over. He lifts a hand and there's a loud sucking sound as all of the air seems to be pulled out of the vicinity, the pressure changing so fast it makes his ears pop, and then Duster lifts his hand and sends out a blast of air so intense that the closest two cops who were floating, held aloft by Hawks' feathers, turn into ragdolls as their bones are snapped from the force of it, the boom loud enough Dabi's pretty sure his ears will be ringing for a few days, as Hawks retreats back even further from them with the rest of the convoy. It's practically a small army that he'd tried to save before Duster got to them, but he has plenty of feathers for it. Or at least that would be the case if this was like Fukuoka and there was somewhere for him to land as he used the feathers for rescue only, but as it is now, he's visibly struggling to hold himself up on the tiny wings he has left as the others keep the rest of the police and a handful of other heroes aloft, none of them wanting to risk touching the ground after seeing what Shigaraki can do. 
A few heroes, including his father, but no, "They didn't send Eraser Head?" 
"A double took a parade to Musutafu." Tomura explains, settling one arm back around his waist. "I'm not sure how much longer that distraction will hold, if you want to finish these ones off, firefly?" 
"Tempting," But he doesn't know if the one who knocked him out is here. He didn't get a good look at them before they hit him, and he would hate for both of them to end up back in chains after how much effort his lover put into coming and getting him. "But I'm more interested in going home and seeing what else your treatments changed." He presses in even closer, like he'll be able to feel it through the plates of armor beneath his new suit. "Did anything else get even bigger?" 
"You're incorrigible." 
"You're shockingly romantic. All of my family members?" 
"I figured you would be upset that your reveal was ruined." 
"I love you." 
Tomura's eyes soften and he presses another soft peck to his lips. "I love you too, baby. Come on, let's go home." 
The tar claws its way up their throats, and in a matter of seconds, they're gone. 
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darthbecky726 · 19 days ago
this is gonna be my episode 2 spoilers thoughts, im gonna put everything under the cut
showing foggy dying again in the recap is diabolical
OOH matt in a tshirt early we love and drinking wine ok i see you bestie
SPIDER-MAN MENTION PUNISHER MENTION (as if franks not gonna be in this episode)
are people really getting in fights this frequently in the subway?? like damn that train hitting the guy was definitely something i saw coming
im not used to this theme song yet, and it still doesnt top the original but i like the nods and the fact that it focuses in on the og soundtrack as it shows the nelson, murdock, & page sign crumbling, matts church steeple falling etc, its very symbolic and i like it
fisk has tiny cannons sitting in the windows in his office i hate him
this show was written for people who give a shit about new york and respectfully, i could not care less
matt and his fucking pro bono lmao
im not entirely surprised this mcu show isnt being anti nypd out in public but DAMN anyway fuck the police, fuck the nypd
oooohh ben urich's neice im intrigued
the camera keeps wobbling like its underwater this guy asking for heather's help reminds me of my obsessive ex and i dont like it lmao
OOOOOHHHH THIS GUYS WHITE TIGER matt that was a load of bullshit and you know it, you fucking hypocrite
my fucking internet keeps crashing while im trying to watch this its pissing me off
matt is such a good lawyer i love him, he can argue so well especially about vigilantism which of course he can but still
the devil's work is never done who you gonna call?
did he just throw that piece of the horn into the river?? i love him\
that was certainly a cherry on top huh (im not funny)
MATTS CHURCH??? we better see his mom istg i need to see maggie
matt you almost got hit by a taxi step it up i love when he tails someone in plainclothes
where did wilson go?? i really need to read up on my current mcu lore, i dont remember who assaulted him. was it in the hawkeye show?? i dont think i finished that
ive said it before, ill say it again. i support vanessa's wrongs shes such a girlboss i love her. if she was the kingpin/ the main villain i wouldnt be upset at all
oooh matt said the shit word i love matt i fucking love him and i love his smile the threw his glasses on the floor! ooh he said it lmao he said hes blind but hed love to help
and now hes beating the shit out of the cops did he just kill those guys?? in the witness' apartment?? matthewwwwwww
i thought wed get frank this episode since hes credited but oh well
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alilbatflies · 1 year ago
Hi there, just found your "just cake" fic and I am interested in how it continues.
What i'm saying is, please continue this fic, villainxhenchman is now one of my favorite writeblr tags.
Hi! I'm glad you liked part 1. Now get ready for...
Just Cake #2
The commonly known thing about old-fashioned traps was that when they failed to trap you, you got to tease the creator of it relentlessly. A net, seriously? People have tried before, sweetheart. Better luck next time.
The inconvenient thing about old-fashioned traps was that when done properly, they did their job damn well. It was exceptionally embarrassing to get caught in one. You should have seen that coming. Alas, you didn’t. Fool.
The henchman had tried pushing the villain out of the way once they noticed the trap. So now they were both caught. The villain hovered over them in the really quite cramped space of the net. Wasn’t that wonderful?
The villain gave the net a testing jerk. It didn’t do them any good.
“Who the fuck even uses nets these days?” the villain hissed.
“It does seem we’re quite literally trapped, boss.”
“No, we’re fuckin– not–” the villain tugged on the net violently– “UNSTUCK YOURSELF!”
“That’s not how traps work, boss.”
It was a definitely never to be mentioned ever again kind of situation, really.
The villain settled into a relative silence. They clawed at the net with one of their blades while growling and cursing occasionally. They tended to be silent most of the time, but the henchman knew very well just how varied their cursing vocabulary was.
They were sure the villain had far exceeded their word limit for the day. Their voice was furious. Cutting.
But not cutting enough to slice through the ropes.
Henchman smiled at their internal commentary; glad they didn’t blurt it out like they so often managed.
There was nothing better to do, and so they watched the villain struggle. They hung really quite skillfully above the henchman, somehow not falling down on top of them. Not that the henchman would especially mind. It was quite cold out there.
They briefly wondered who would even set up a trap that far out in the woods. The obvious answer was someone who lived around. Secret hideouts and all that jazz.
The thing which bothered them the most however was that whoever set the trap up was skilled. Skilled enough to have them both trapped. The villain especially was not easily trapped. Once that whoever came around, they would still be stuck and practically at their mercy. The henchman doubted there would be mercy to be found.
The net moved under the villain’s persistent attempts.
Cold air breezed past. The henchman came to the conclusion that someone showing up was better than freezing to death. 
The villain’s yell startled them out of their thoughts.
“Screw me,” please.
The villain obviously stopped themself from cursing again, turning to look at the henchman. “Hm?” they said, which henchman translated as ‘you’ve said something?’
“Nothing.”  Here we go again. Saying stuff.
The villain measured the few nicks they managed to inconvenience the rope with. They huffed an exhale. “That’s not going to work, is it?”
“I’d presume we won’t be able to get out of a net specifically made to capture and hold magical things, boss.”
The villain huffed another exhale. They hid their knife. Then they looked down at the henchman, slumping slightly.
“Do you suppose I could sort of hm… flop down on you? Really uncomfortable up here.”
“Conserve your energy.”
The villain slumped on top of them.
The net was quite uncomfortable under their back even before, but with the added weight, it reached a whole new stage of discomfort. There was nothing the henchman could do about that. Except for maybe miraculously breaking them both out of the trap and acting like it never happened. A minion could dream.
“You’re warm,” the villain said.
“Huh.” The henchman didn’t really manage to figure out a better reaction. They felt too warm entirely, just about bellow the boiling point. It definitely had nothing to do with their proximity. Nope. Not at all.
They both stayed perfectly still.
The henchman considered shuffling, but they had a feeling it would be even more uncomfortable than before.
“Do you regret anything?”
The villain seemed to mumble that mostly to themself, but given the whole situation, the henchman caught it anyway.
“Don’t think about dying yet, boss. We’ll have plenty of chances to make it out.”
The villain hummed, unconvinced.
The henchman hardly convinced themself, so it was no surprise. They decided to answer the villain’s question at least. Death loomed over them with the deft finality of a trap shutting down with chilling-to-the-bones precision. Just like it did.
Nothing to lose but the vague concept of dignity, huh?
“I regret ruining your birthday cake.”
The villain was perfectly still for a moment. Then they lifted themself to look the henchman in the eyes. “My what?”
“Well… you see, the thing that splattered on your doorstep… on your birthday day?”
The villain blinked.
The henchman looked away. It was such an awkward thing, wasn’t it? Of all the things they could have chosen… then again. You make someone cake and then you drop it like a clumsy tool. The sole act of baking the villain cake was borderline ridiculous and entirely unprofessional, too.
“You know when my birthday is?”
“You mentioned you were born on Vampire Day once, in relation to the Candle Parade, so that’s a day after the autumn equinox, so… That’s that.”
The villain hummed quietly, thinking. They rested back down.
The henchman held perfectly still, as if that could somehow remove all of their embarrassment. They measured their breathing, for all it was worth. They had a feeling the villain could sense how uncomfortable they were anyway, but hopefully played it on the whole stuck-in-a-net situation.
“Nobody’s ever given me birthday cake before.”
“Oh, really?” The henchman tried to see the villain’s face. It was a whole new of an uncomfortable movement, so they stopped.
“You’re the first.”
“But I’ve…” Ruined it. Splattered it. Fucked up spectacularly. “…dropped it.”
“Worse things happen,” the villain said. “I appreciate the effort.”
“I didn’t even wish you… anything.” It had been a busy day. The henchman forgot about the villain’s birthday, except for all of the inconvenient times when they really couldn’t say their thing. Like in the middle of a fight, when they were in the bathroom, or when the villain finally fell asleep and the henchman didn’t want to wake them up.
Might as well fix that now. “Happy belated birthday.”
“Hm. Thank you.”
It made the henchman very comfortably warm. Convenient for the villain, they supposed, since they were being used as a personal heater at the moment.
“What’s your regret?”
“Hm?” The villain sounded almost startled.
“Your regret.” Henchman tried to adjust their head to get at least a little bit more comfortable. It only got worse. They rested back to the way they were. “You know my regret. I want to know yours.”
It took the villain a long time to make a sound again. The henchman thought perhaps they crossed the professional line too far, stepped just beyond the acceptable. They prepared their sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that but the villain spoke first.
“I suppose that’s fair.”
They are very fidgety all of a sudden. But at least they sounded like the henchman’s head might stay on their neck.
“So.” The villain cleared their throat. They searched for words and seemed to come out short.
“You don’t have to tell me if you’d prefer not to.”
“No, I’m…” The villain inhaled deeply. In a wave of composure, they spoke at once: “Actually, it partly involves you—I mean, it entirely involves you—and the thing is that you, sincerely–”
The villain’s attention shifted.
The henchman felt the silence settle over them. The last words were like stones falling into the lake, vanishing to leave but circles running on the surface.
In the silence, the henchman finally registered the someone moving closer.
The villain shifted in an attempt of a defence position despite the power-suppressing net and the inconveniently squished henchman underneath them. They bared their teeth in a snarl.
“Look who we’ve caught,” an entirely too sweet voice said. “Well, aren’t you two adorable?”
Part 3
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verycharismaticdragon · 1 year ago
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "verycharismaticdragon "?
I'm not the best at remembering things past the hyperfix, so half of this will be SV, but I'll start at prev fandoms for variety.
Artificial Nocturne (Motorcity) - I've read this ages ago but I remember it rearranging my brain chemistry. And making me realize I had a scar kink.
An Abomination, Grand Cleric Elthina's Murderer and the Herald of Andraste walk into a Bar (Dragon Age) - it's probably abandoned but it's so good. Anders and Varric in this are so *incoherent gesturing*
intra-personal negotiation (Venom) - I don't understand why I didn't bookmark a single Venom fic even though I distinctly remember like 5 straight bangers, but thankfully I'm following this author at least ✊
deathbed (Qi Ye) - that time I was whining there were no first life JBY/ZZS fics and then! Anyway it's understandably melancholy it's also very pretty and exactly right as it should be.
the good rain knows when to fall (TYK) - you should be reading Bichen's entire discography fic collection I just remembered this one first. This one is lighthearted old foxes clowning! The author's angst and cannibalism are also top-notch 👌
Ok now to SVSSS.
Joyed to be Forlorn - THE binghe fic for me. inspired me to start digging into Luo Binghe's character in a way that resulted in Transmigrator Time Traveler, hopefully thats recommendation enough
continued - possibly THE best fic in scum villain fandom. the format alone... oh just read it, you'll see what I mean.
A Child Once - again, i could rec Tossawary's entire discography, but this one is my personal favorite. (if your fav character is SQH though, the one you want is pride is not the word I'm looking for. aka THE sqh fic.)
sweet tongues, sharp teeth - unfinished but raw enough to lodge itself in my brain despite that.
Tale Within A Tale - cute as fuck. made me kick my legs and giggle many times. ...and because once I started pulling up SV fics it was difficult to stop...
side effects (rated E) - part 2 in particular didnt have to go so hard for a fic where the premise is 'bingqiu with tentacles'
don't underestimate me (rated E) - "all for the sake of preserving biodiversity!" god shen yuan SO would be in this situation.
The Best Luo Binghe (rated E) - binggeyuan. shen yuan SO would be in this situation, take 2.
put me in, coach (rated M) - bingqiushang. so fucking funny okay i love it so much
from your knees (rated E) - bingjiu. they're so rancid in this one its perfect 🖤
...Damn, this really puts the difference between my non-hyperfix and hyperfix memory into perspective, huh 😅 i actually had to trim the sv list a bit 😅😅😅
Anyway, yeah, my username actually just references an rp session we had with friends quite a few years back. Where at a certain point my character was referenced as "a VERY charismatic dragon" after managing to turn the antagonist by impressing them (thanks to some VERY lucky dice rolls). And I was dissatisfied with my old username at the time, and thought it sounded funny and snappy enough, so - stars aligned and all that. I'm happy with it still! Probably because dragons are always cool ✌️
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cantstoplovingjude · 9 months ago
Underneath the Black Veil: Jude Jazza Premium
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
(What a disgustin' place.)
I cursed inwardly in front of the church altar after I put all the followers to sleep.
(Why the hell would I bind myself in an eternal promise to someone else, as if that made anythin' better?)
(A vow of love's nothin' more than a curse.)
(What's so great 'bout cursing each other to stick together in sickness or in health?)
The sacred atmosphere, the solemn sound of the organ, the sweet fragrance of the flowers... It all seemed cursed to me.
No "vow" could ever be considered beautiful.
Not for me, anyway.
Just then, the door opened and Kate appeared, wearing a jet-black dress.
(Damn, she looks nervous.)
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I watched as she pressed her lips together and looked at me.
The moment our eyes met, a strange look came over her face.
(What's that all about?)
She got this dreamy look in her eyes, like she had a fever or something.
And she began to slowly walk down the aisle toward me.
(What an idiot. Don't tell me ya got caught up in the moment?)
(Sometimes she's so damned stupid I actually worry about her.)
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Jude: "What're ya doin', facial exercises?"
Kate: "Huh?"
It was like she didn't even realize she'd reached the altar until I said something.
She just blinked at me.
(She took on the daft job of being Fairytale Keeper 'n so far she's kept her promise.)
(What a hopeless princess.)
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She stood there in her wedding dress, looking utterly defenseless.
The thought crossed my mind that I could tear her to shreds in an instant if I wanted to.
Jude: "Lookin' like you're on another planet. Sure ya wanna get hitched?"
Just then, a gentle-looking man with long hair and glasses appeared.
(Must be the leader.)
Man with glasses: "We are gathered together today to celebrate the true love between our new followers."
Amore: "My name is Amore, the leader of Amour. I am a servant of love, who will grant your love eternal."
(This git's a total nutter.)
He made all these exaggerated gestures while he spoke like some kind of dimwit.
It was so creepy I was getting goosebumps.
(Could just shut him up right now by puttin' him to sleep.)
(But I've gone to way too much trouble. I won't be satisfied till tease her a bit.)
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I remembered the investigation report I read on the way here.
("The lovers are most likely poisoned somehow once they take their vows.")
In that case...
(An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. And poison for poison.)
Amore: "Now, there is no need for vows between two people who truly love each other."
Amore: "So if you pledge your eternal love, close your eyes and seal that pledge with a kiss."
Kate: "...O-oh."
Kate's breath caught in her throat.
(Why's she so flustered when she knows we're not gonna actually do it?)
I grabbed her chin and felt her tense up beneath my touch.
And when I pulled her closer, her eyes were so big you'd think they were gonna fall out of her head.
Kate: "Ah..."
Jude: "Hm."
(Look up at me, princess. I'll move my face close to make it seem like we're kissin'.)
Her cheeks slowly turned red as she tipped her face up toward me.
(Does she really think I'm gonna kiss her?)
I stared at her in disbelief, watching as her lips trembled.
I could tell she was a nervous wreck.
But even still, she squeezed her eyes shut tightly.
(I didn't think even she was this foolish.)
Kate: "I'm sure lots of people don't actually believe that their love will last forever just because they exchange vows and have a ceremony in a church."
Kate: "But what's important is that they tell each other they intend to keep those vows."
Kate: "And when they think they might break their vows, they'll remember that day when they swore to each other."
Kate: "And maybe that'll keep them going to try to find a solution."
-Flashback ends-
So naive it made me wanna throw up.
But it probably sounded like the truth to her.
(Stupidly honest, ridiculously obedient and to good for this world.)
(A princess who never knew hardship in her life, who truly believed in her ridiculous naivete.)
(To think a woman like her would swear to stay with me forever... What a joke.)
I envied her for believing in such ridiculous positivity...
But at the same time, the sadistic side of me wanted to ruin it for her just to make her understand.
Jude: "...Ya actually closed your eyes?"
Kate: "Yes?"
Her eyes, which had been closed to accept the kiss, fluttered open.
Jude: "Ya really are an idiot."
I stared into her wide eyes as I brushed my lips against hers.
Her body trembled as she stared at me in shock.
Kate: "A-ahh..."
Jude: "Pfft, look at that dumb face."
(Maybe this'll teach her a lesson for once.)
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Amore: "Well, then. I hereby recognize you as husband and wife. Now I shall make your love eternal."
Amore: "Pour this wine into each other's mouths."
Amore dramatically took out two wine glasses.
Jude: "So, this your secret remedy for makin' love eternal, huh?"
Amore: "Yes, that's right."
I was certain the wine was poisoned.
(Haha. What a nice smile.)
I started to feel excited when I pictured that smile distorting with pain.
Jude: "By the way, didja know your waiters spilled water on us today?"
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Amore: "...Huh?"
I poured the wine over his head, drenching him.
I aimed just so that I could be sure it would go into his eyes, nose, and mouth.
Amore: "Bwaaah?!"
He immediately became distraught and rushed to the cupboard by the altar.
Kate: "What in the world is he doing?"
Jude: "Lookin' for the antidote, I'd bet."
Kate: "Antidote...?"
The color drained out of her face.
She must've put two and two together about the wine.
Kate: "How did you know?"
Jude: "I read Victor's report on the way here."
She stared at me as if to say this was the first she'd heard of it.
(Course it is, 'cuz I didn't tell ya.)
(If I'd told her, she would've blurted out somethin' stupid anyway.)
I ignored her gaze as I walked over to Amore as he took out a vial from the cupboard.
And I grabbed his wrist before he could open it.
Jude: "Ya ever heard of gettin' a taste of your own medicine? That's what ya deserve for makin' other people suffer."
Jude: "Why'd ya get to live while others die? Selfish piece of shit."
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Amore: "Ugh... arghhh!"
(I can make ya scream even louder.)
(The poison must be taking effect.)
Amore: "Th-there's no time! Let me go! P-please, I'll do anything!"
Jude: "Anythin'? All right. How 'bout we sign a contract?"
Jude: "A contract to do whatever the hell I say till ya die. You'll make that vow, won't ya?"
After I saw him nod, I let go of his wrist.
He looked so frantic I almost laughed as he gulped down the antidote.
(Yeah, yeah. Nice job.)
I poked his forehead with my fingertips.
And, with my ability, he instantly dropped to the floor in a deep sleep.
Kate: "What do you plan on doing with him?"
Jude: "Haven't decided yet."
I looked down at the leader, who lay on the floor.
(Could use him for experiments, throw him onto a cargo ship...)
Kate: "Hey, where are all the followers, anyway?"
Jude: "Dreamin'. Even the guy playin' the organ went down in the middle."
(At any rate, the mission was a success.)
(That's what she's probably thinkin'.)
I let out an exasperated sigh when I heard her sigh with relief.
Jude: "Had no idea ya were 'bout to sign a dangerous contract, huh?"
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Kate: "What?"
She blinked at me and tipped her head cutely to the side.
(Did she already forget what happened?)
(She's more dangerous than I thought.)
(How in the world did she manage to survive this long?)
Jude: "The whole, if ya wanna pledge your eternal love, close your eyes deal."
Jude: "Ya closed your eyes. So ya wanna spend the rest of your life gettin' tortured by me, huh?"
She took about five seconds, and then it finally hit her.
Even her neck turned bright red this time.
Kate: "I thought we had to kiss so you could have a chance to catch him!"
Jude: "All ya had to do was just lean in close 'n we coulda pretended to kiss."
Kate: "B-but then why did you kiss me?!"
Kate: "You should've just pretended, then!"
Jude: "Wanted to see that ridiculous look on your face after."
(Even if it's fake, sealin' your vows with a kiss is a daft idea. That's your punishment for going along with it so easily.)
Jude: "Don't worry. I had no intention of closin' MY eyes."
Kate: "That's not why I closed my eyes!"
Jude: "Uh-huh. Sure."
Her face was still bright red, but now she was speechless and shaking.
(Damn. I love that face. It's the cutest thing.)
Jude: "That ain't the kinda face a blushin' bride makes."
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Kate: "I am NOT your bride!"
I wondered how much of this rubbish world I'd have to show her... in order to make that pretty face of hers distort with despair.
(For some reason, I can't even picture it.)
Instead, I pictured her standing proudly, glaring at the harsh reality even if she was covered in filth.
And something stupid tingled deep inside my stomach.
End Premium
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