#i copied the text to tumblr and did the whole formatting thing and then i found the internet connection had just vanished since its stormy
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alilbatflies · 1 year ago
Hi there, just found your "just cake" fic and I am interested in how it continues.
What i'm saying is, please continue this fic, villainxhenchman is now one of my favorite writeblr tags.
Hi! I'm glad you liked part 1. Now get ready for...
Just Cake #2
The commonly known thing about old-fashioned traps was that when they failed to trap you, you got to tease the creator of it relentlessly. A net, seriously? People have tried before, sweetheart. Better luck next time.
The inconvenient thing about old-fashioned traps was that when done properly, they did their job damn well. It was exceptionally embarrassing to get caught in one. You should have seen that coming. Alas, you didn’t. Fool.
The henchman had tried pushing the villain out of the way once they noticed the trap. So now they were both caught. The villain hovered over them in the really quite cramped space of the net. Wasn’t that wonderful?
The villain gave the net a testing jerk. It didn’t do them any good.
“Who the fuck even uses nets these days?” the villain hissed.
“It does seem we’re quite literally trapped, boss.”
“No, we’re fuckin– not–” the villain tugged on the net violently– “UNSTUCK YOURSELF!”
“That’s not how traps work, boss.”
It was a definitely never to be mentioned ever again kind of situation, really.
The villain settled into a relative silence. They clawed at the net with one of their blades while growling and cursing occasionally. They tended to be silent most of the time, but the henchman knew very well just how varied their cursing vocabulary was.
They were sure the villain had far exceeded their word limit for the day. Their voice was furious. Cutting.
But not cutting enough to slice through the ropes.
Henchman smiled at their internal commentary; glad they didn’t blurt it out like they so often managed.
There was nothing better to do, and so they watched the villain struggle. They hung really quite skillfully above the henchman, somehow not falling down on top of them. Not that the henchman would especially mind. It was quite cold out there.
They briefly wondered who would even set up a trap that far out in the woods. The obvious answer was someone who lived around. Secret hideouts and all that jazz.
The thing which bothered them the most however was that whoever set the trap up was skilled. Skilled enough to have them both trapped. The villain especially was not easily trapped. Once that whoever came around, they would still be stuck and practically at their mercy. The henchman doubted there would be mercy to be found.
The net moved under the villain’s persistent attempts.
Cold air breezed past. The henchman came to the conclusion that someone showing up was better than freezing to death. 
The villain’s yell startled them out of their thoughts.
“Screw me,” please.
The villain obviously stopped themself from cursing again, turning to look at the henchman. “Hm?” they said, which henchman translated as ‘you’ve said something?’
“Nothing.”  Here we go again. Saying stuff.
The villain measured the few nicks they managed to inconvenience the rope with. They huffed an exhale. “That’s not going to work, is it?”
“I’d presume we won’t be able to get out of a net specifically made to capture and hold magical things, boss.”
The villain huffed another exhale. They hid their knife. Then they looked down at the henchman, slumping slightly.
“Do you suppose I could sort of hm… flop down on you? Really uncomfortable up here.”
“Conserve your energy.”
The villain slumped on top of them.
The net was quite uncomfortable under their back even before, but with the added weight, it reached a whole new stage of discomfort. There was nothing the henchman could do about that. Except for maybe miraculously breaking them both out of the trap and acting like it never happened. A minion could dream.
“You’re warm,” the villain said.
“Huh.” The henchman didn’t really manage to figure out a better reaction. They felt too warm entirely, just about bellow the boiling point. It definitely had nothing to do with their proximity. Nope. Not at all.
They both stayed perfectly still.
The henchman considered shuffling, but they had a feeling it would be even more uncomfortable than before.
“Do you regret anything?”
The villain seemed to mumble that mostly to themself, but given the whole situation, the henchman caught it anyway.
“Don’t think about dying yet, boss. We’ll have plenty of chances to make it out.”
The villain hummed, unconvinced.
The henchman hardly convinced themself, so it was no surprise. They decided to answer the villain’s question at least. Death loomed over them with the deft finality of a trap shutting down with chilling-to-the-bones precision. Just like it did.
Nothing to lose but the vague concept of dignity, huh?
“I regret ruining your birthday cake.”
The villain was perfectly still for a moment. Then they lifted themself to look the henchman in the eyes. “My what?”
“Well… you see, the thing that splattered on your doorstep… on your birthday day?”
The villain blinked.
The henchman looked away. It was such an awkward thing, wasn’t it? Of all the things they could have chosen… then again. You make someone cake and then you drop it like a clumsy tool. The sole act of baking the villain cake was borderline ridiculous and entirely unprofessional, too.
“You know when my birthday is?”
“You mentioned you were born on Vampire Day once, in relation to the Candle Parade, so that’s a day after the autumn equinox, so… That’s that.”
The villain hummed quietly, thinking. They rested back down.
The henchman held perfectly still, as if that could somehow remove all of their embarrassment. They measured their breathing, for all it was worth. They had a feeling the villain could sense how uncomfortable they were anyway, but hopefully played it on the whole stuck-in-a-net situation.
“Nobody’s ever given me birthday cake before.”
“Oh, really?” The henchman tried to see the villain’s face. It was a whole new of an uncomfortable movement, so they stopped.
“You’re the first.”
“But I’ve…” Ruined it. Splattered it. Fucked up spectacularly. “…dropped it.”
“Worse things happen,” the villain said. “I appreciate the effort.”
“I didn’t even wish you… anything.” It had been a busy day. The henchman forgot about the villain’s birthday, except for all of the inconvenient times when they really couldn’t say their thing. Like in the middle of a fight, when they were in the bathroom, or when the villain finally fell asleep and the henchman didn’t want to wake them up.
Might as well fix that now. “Happy belated birthday.”
“Hm. Thank you.”
It made the henchman very comfortably warm. Convenient for the villain, they supposed, since they were being used as a personal heater at the moment.
“What’s your regret?”
“Hm?” The villain sounded almost startled.
“Your regret.” Henchman tried to adjust their head to get at least a little bit more comfortable. It only got worse. They rested back to the way they were. “You know my regret. I want to know yours.”
It took the villain a long time to make a sound again. The henchman thought perhaps they crossed the professional line too far, stepped just beyond the acceptable. They prepared their sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that but the villain spoke first.
“I suppose that’s fair.”
They are very fidgety all of a sudden. But at least they sounded like the henchman’s head might stay on their neck.
“So.” The villain cleared their throat. They searched for words and seemed to come out short.
“You don’t have to tell me if you’d prefer not to.”
“No, I’m…” The villain inhaled deeply. In a wave of composure, they spoke at once: “Actually, it partly involves you—I mean, it entirely involves you—and the thing is that you, sincerely–”
The villain’s attention shifted.
The henchman felt the silence settle over them. The last words were like stones falling into the lake, vanishing to leave but circles running on the surface.
In the silence, the henchman finally registered the someone moving closer.
The villain shifted in an attempt of a defence position despite the power-suppressing net and the inconveniently squished henchman underneath them. They bared their teeth in a snarl.
“Look who we’ve caught,” an entirely too sweet voice said. “Well, aren’t you two adorable?”
Part 3
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perfectlynormalbooks · 1 month ago
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Harnessing What Remains by @wynn-ing - Slay the Princess, 72k, folio. TWO COPIES!! ONE FOR ME ONE FOR THE AUTHOR!! OBVIOUSLY!!!
Okay, so, I may have lost my mind a little when I did this one, because I fully illustrated it. There's close to 50 individual illustrations in this whole thing - I made a point of doing one for the first page of each chapter, and then I ended up doing extras, especially for the last few. As such, there's way too much art here to post it all to Tumblr... which is why it's excellent that the author has given me kind permission to share the full typeset, so other people can peruse it (and bind your own copy, if you want!). Here you go!!
I played around with using a lot of the game's fonts and formatting, so while the regular text is Georgia - DejaVu Sans, Kelmscott Roman, East Sea Dokdo and Amatic SC are all used at various points! The 'scary' Princesses in particular have their text in shades of red, too!
I really like the way that Slay the Princess uses color very sparingly and only for jarring emphasis, so I wanted to lean into that with the illustration style and typeset. THERE'S A LOT GOING ON IN THIS BOOK. I wish I knew what to say about it!! I may talk about design choices later!!!! Prompted or unprompted!!!! I'm just super glad I finally get to actually share it publicly!!!
...I also got really sad that I couldn't draw any of Wynn's OCs from the rest of the series because I just didn't have the time to do the other stories... so I ended up drawing all of them anyway. The post is over here. I'm so pleased with them.
And just for fun: a bunch of notebook sketches and doodles from when I was trying to figure out what sort of character design and style vibe I wanted to go for!
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114 notes · View notes
where-dreamers-go · 3 months ago
"Cheesy" Leon Kennedy x Reader -- Part Two
(A/N: Here’s part two following “Cheesy” the blind date with Leon Scott Kennedy! It’s second date time. Reader still works at a school.
Tumblr's formatting is super annoying... Now my trick of paste from my computer pages and then copying it from an email doesn't work around it any more. All that and I have to go in to manually hit Enter and italicize everything I already did. Dude. Whatever, maybe it'll look better.
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, mild language, preference for cheese and also pasta, and use of (Y/N) for your name. Word Count:  7,273 words)
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(Don't mind me, picking a gif based on if Leon's arms are showing...) ~~~
Two weeks of phone calls, text messages, and ongoing conversation uplifted Leon’s quiet nights. He thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you more. After one date, Leon was happily surprised to be still in contact with his date. You were different. A connection had been established between pizza slices that one afternoon. He looked forward to your messages. Funny gifs included. If it hadn’t been for your work projects you wanted to complete at home, he was certain you two would had gone on a second date all ready. And they’re not stalling, Leon reminded himself as he scrolled through the in-progress photos you had sent him last Sunday. A weekend he had hoped to see you. They really like their job enough to decorate. He smiled to himself as a corner of a picture showed paint on your fingers. Leon could imagine you scrubbing the paint off with the focused frown you held like when you dried the booth and your clothes the best you could at the pizza place. He’d help you in a second, he knew that. Water spill or paint, he would give you assistance quick. That was Leon Kennedy.
Wanting to have someone in his life, a partner, wasn’t new for Leon. As he got a little older, Leon desired to be in a relationship where they took care of each other and had some lovable normalcy. No more short-lived flings. Leon needed affection. Long-term. Peering over to the empty side of the couch, he sighed. Maybe, he thought. It could never be considered selfish for the hardworking man to want his feelings for a person to grow and thrive. Leon wanted love. Healthy and romantic love.
Were you the one? He didn’t know then, but Leon knew he could love you. Being with you for those couple of hours made a mark in his thoughts. You took up space in his heart. A light within a wide field of dark memories. Leon scrolled through your messages again. His heart fluttered. Excited nerves perhaps. School should have more days off, he thought. It’s been years since I was glad Friday was a day off from school. Too bad it wasn’t last Friday. With his eagerness to see you again, Leon hoped you’d still be interested. Until Friday came and he saw you again, he could only hope. Just don’t act like an idiot, Leon chided himself. They’re important.
. . .
Blue sky and picture perfect clouds boosted your hopes for a good day. A second date. You practically cheered while standing on the sidewalk in front of your apartment building. Earlier you had danced through your whole routine as you got ready. A huge contrast of before your first blind date. An actual second date, you thought excitedly, with who has to be the single-most handsome man I have ever seen! How in the world is he single? He’s fun! You took a steadying breath. It’s fine. Maybe it’s because of his job. He seems busy between texts. You pulled at the sleeves of your light jacket. It wasn’t searing hot nor was it cold, but it was more like backup. I better not be a klutz this time. Rounding a corner, a partially familiar Jeep headed down the pavement making your heart leap. Early again. Good thing I was faster. Picking an activity for a second date took a couple of days of brainstorming. Between the pair of you, suggestions had gotten quite random. At least you agreed on one. The Jeep slowed to a stop in front of you.
“Hey (Y/N),” Leon greeted as he exited the vehicle and took long strides to reach you. “Hi Leon. Happy Friday.” Chuckling, he brought you in for a quick hug. Oh. “Ready to go?” Leon asked as he went to open the passenger side door. “Ready to tackle the course,” you smiled. “Mini golf will never be the same.” You hopped into the Jeep and buckled up as he shut the door. He definitely as muscles, you thought. Your gaze trained on the man walking around the front of the vehicle. Do we hug now? I wouldn’t mine. It’s sweet too. “You can pick the music if you like.” Leon offered as he settled into the driver’s seat. “They should be finished with commercials by now.” He buckled in. “Every station was on break, huh?” “For the past five minutes.” He complained lightly. “That’s at least two songs. Your poor ears.” “Heh.” Putting the vehicle in drive, Leon drove out of the complex. The speakers sounded off random voices and jingles as you switched between stations. “How many fall drinks do they need to advertise?” You pressed the seek button again. “I think it’s just one. Hot and cold variations.” “Mainly coffee,” you added and settled for a (genre) station. “It’s what they’re drinking first thing in the morning at work.” “All of you need the energy to keep up with the students. Wasn’t one wandering the school last week?” “Yeah. He was fine. Just avoiding going back to class.” “Well, none of you need to worry about work today.” “Thank goodness,” you sighed. “I really needed a three-day weekend.” “I know,” Leon smiled while turning from a busy street to a highway. “Thank you for letting me take up one of your days.” You laughed. “The feeling’s mutual.” “It’s a good thing we’re all ready on a second date.” Laughter stirred out of you again, light and happy. It was so good to see him again. Behind the steering wheel, Leon had a glow about him, a radiance. Not the sort from afternoon light, but from within. Whether it was from an emotion or healthy skin; you weren’t certain. Only, his icy blue eyes glimmered with life. He seems to be the kind of person you can talk about almost anything with. Another reason you had been looking forward to the second date. Almost two full weeks of knowing one another and conversation opened up more. Blooming a friendship where both individuals acknowledged romantic interest. Plus a flirtation here and there. Who knew you could have common interests with someone you met on a blind date? Your friend from work probably had a very good idea. They had yet to reveal their connections.
Maybe I can find out on my own, you thought, or Leon can get his friends to admit how. At least wondering about the process of setting up a blind date didn’t take up too much of your time. You had someone funny and perhaps sly to think about. Resting your arm on the console, you regarded Leon with curiosity. Shiny dirty blonde hair framed his face in long swept angles at his cheekbones. A dashingly handsome profile that focused on the road ahead. More time for you to admire your date for more than his manners and sense of humor. I hope I don’t ogle at his arms later, you thought. Your gaze was caught up in the definition of Leon’s arms revealed from his choice of a blue tee shirt. There’s no way he just does paperwork at his job. Moving loads of equipment, maybe. Imagine how many books he could hold. “Did anyone say anything about your decorations?” Leon asked. “It would be hard not to notice. They looked great in the pictures.” “Yeah. Uh.” You shook your head clear of your previous thoughts. “The assistant principal thought it was cute. She couldn’t believe I made most of it.” “She should.” He insisted and took a peek at you, “You’re talented.” “It was just something to liven up the desk. If kids are going to checkout books there then it shouldn’t be boring or plain.” You explained while redirecting your sights to the road. “Plus I’m in there almost all day.” “You had plenty of time to plan during a lunch break, huh?” “Maybe.” You shifted in the seat and spotted a familiar sign up ahead. “Oh, it’s the next right.” “All right.” Leon’s focus brought the two of you safely from a highway all the way into the mini golf place’s parking lot. Then an added few minutes of picking a descent place to park. Thankfully, the building you entered didn’t appear uncomfortably crowded. A three-day weekend’s worth of people seeking fun. “I thought it’d be smaller,” Leon observed the start of the course once you two were outside. “Eighteen holes. Obstacles around every corner. Will you reach the dragon’s lair?” Leon quirked up an eyebrow at you. “Is that what the pamphlet said?” “No,” you answered slowly and rolled the yellow golf ball between your fingers. Your gaze was set on the people attempting the first hole. “In that case, you can go first. You’re the avid reader,” Leon noted playfully. “You’ve faced dragons before, right?” “Ran from dragons, befriended dragons,” you smirked, “you know, between organizing shelves at work and reading e-mails at home.” A bright joy rushed through you as Leon laughed. Although short, it made you feel good to know you gave him something to bring even a smile to his face. Ahead of you, the people moved on to the next patch of green. The first hole’s area resembled a blob. Native trees and low foliage on your left hid the majority of the course from view. “You’re up,” Leon announced with a lingering smile as he handed you one of the two putters. “It’s a warm-up.” You said mostly to yourself as you set the yellow ball down. “Easy does it.”
Please don’t mess the first one up too badly.
A light tap to the ball and it rolled just over halfway to where you wanted it. At least it’s still on the green part. “Almost,” Leon commented from the edge of the green. Lining up the putter, you eyed where you wanted the yellow sphere to go. A light swing and the ball bounced. “That’s my luck,” you pointed out as the ball stopped next to the hole. “No, it’s fine. Tap it in.” “Ha ha.” The yellow ball went in after a light tap. Finally, you thought and picked up the golf ball. “Your turn.” You stepped onto the gravel walkway. “It’s a warm-up, right?” You nodded. Leon set down a blue golf ball and angled his putter once he straightened up. He’s really cute when he’s focused. Leon grunted. The golf ball had passed the hole. “Show it who’s boss, Leon.” “Ha ha…,” he walked up to the ball. “I will.” In a short and soft swing of the putter, he completed the first hole of the course. You clapped. The best you could holding a putter and a ball, anyway. A smile was sent your way. “One step closer to the dragon,” you joked as you two fell into step. Only a few feet away, a larger green area had a miniature mountain range with a single mountain in the middle of a curve. “Huh.” Following Leon’s gaze passed the current hole number two, you saw a bridge that went over shallow water. That was hole three. “Through the mountains, over the bridge, and to the dragon’s lair.” Leon muttered loud enough for you to hear. Nudging his arm with yours, you snickered.
The second hole of mountainous design gave less trouble as confidence built between you and Leon. It helped keep the golf balls in play having a mountain range as a barrier. Hole three was what made you tilt your head briefly. Standing at the start of the green two paces from the bridge, you commented lightly, “I didn’t see this on the website, but the bridge is kind of cute.” “Didn’t realize I’d have competition at putt putt golf.” What? You blinked and turned to your date whose eyes were on the bridge. “No,” you chuckled. “A bridge isn’t much of a conversationalist.” “Too stiff?” “Flat emotion isn’t interesting.” “Too one dimensional for you?” “I like someone with character.” You admitted. “We all have stories.” Blue eyes studied you with a spark of hope shielded behind a wall. Leon’s history kept within. The small upturn of his mouth followed. “What stories have you been interested in lately?” He asked, a seriousness layered underneath his flirtation. Options laid out in your mind. Numerous, detailed, and varying in expression. Boldly, you replied truthfully, “Hero’s journey, romance, a bit of comedy, and happy endings. Not fleeting interests.” “That’s good to know.” You smiled and prepared to hit the ball over the bridge. A task that proved easier than expected. Leon also found that particular obstacle pretty simple. You two only questioned the integrity of the bridge you had to also cross. At least the water was shallow and gave a great backdrop for the castle of hole four. By then, you were slightly anxious to know if your last conversation by the bridge had any negative effects on your date. Were you too short and honest in words? Was Leon searching for something else?
I’m being ridiculous.
“Watch your step,” Leon advised softly. His eyebrows pinched together as he watched you travel down the sloped walkway to reach where your yellow golf ball stopped. “I’m okay.” You reassured him as you passed a miniature village. I’ve had to go through worse terrain at a friend’s birthday party years ago. But…this gravel is a little tricky. “Whoa.” You caught your footing immediately. “Stinker, I—” Leon had stopped halfway to you. Blue eyes checking you over. “Are you okay?” He asked, hands outstretched as if he was ready to continue moving to help. A completely different level of focus and concern on his face. You weren’t sure how to feel about it. Other than surprised. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” You glanced down to the walkway. “Just watch for that spot.” “All right.” He nodded slowly. Heading to the golf ball, you were keenly aware of your date’s gaze on you. He really didn’t want me to fall. The realization was heavy considering how fast Leon moved. Didn’t he say he was loyal to the people he cares about? You wondered as the yellow ball fell into the hole. He cares that much all ready? Or to people in general? You stepped to the side. He gave me his jacket to cover my wet clothes. You hoped from where Leon stood to putt his turn that he wouldn’t notice your contemplative and flustered state. He was coming to save me like an action hero or a love interest in a Hallmark movie. That’s a good sign, right? You thought while your sights were on the man. I know people who’d laugh instead. You blinked, staring into the distance. I do know people who would’ve laughed if I would’ve fell. Following the slope of the green with agile ease, Leon continued to put the blue golf ball. Blue eyes peeked up in your direction. He smiled before hitting the ball in. “Leon.” He looked up as he retrieved the golf ball. “Thank you,” you said, “for earlier. Someone else would’ve just laughed at me.” You held the putter in front of you. A makeshift shield for your vulnerability. Stepping up to you, Leon spoke compassionately, “Getting hurt isn’t something to laugh at. Trust me.” “People have done it anyway,” you muttered. Remembering your own school days wasn’t actually all sunshine and smiles. Even some days as an adult lead to stumbles that others found entertaining despite your pain. Not exactly what you wanted to think about while on a date. A warm hand covered yours, gentle and firm. “If you do fall, I will help you up.” Leon promised. “I can’t say the same for anyone who would laugh. They can pick themselves up.” “Thank you.” You repeated quietly. “You’re welcome.” Leon’s gaze lingered on yours before switching to behind you. “What do you say we tackle the rest of this course? Find the dragon.” A small playful smile pulled at his lips. Pairing like a mood shifter, his eyes twinkled with hope. That familiar flutter appeared in your stomach. The care being shown to you went straight to your heart. A moment imprinted in your mind. “Is there more than one dragon?” You asked, feeling more comfortable. “One way to find out.” Leon took hold of one of your hands and together you set forth through twelve holes full of obstacles.
Encouraging and funny remarks were passed around as each green held challenges. From twisting paths to tricky shapes, it was you and Leon versus the remaining course. What a pair you two made.
“This gravel is trying to get me,” you exclaimed as you stepped away from the seventeenth hole. “I gotcha. Don’t worry.” Leon squeezed your hand in reassurance. A delightful wonder it was to feel more giddy and at ease whenever he took your hand within his. As each patch of green was conquered, Leon offered his hand until a gravitation of habit developed. In the sky, the sun hung lower to the horizon. Longer shadows were cast from trees decorated around the course. Ahead stood one of the largest sets. The final hole. Light reflected off of piles of treasure kept within the wide open cave. With glowing eyes and sharp claws, a dark dragon rested over top of the stone.
“Huh.” Leon observed the eighteenth hole between two mounds of gold. “That actually looks pretty cool,” you said, appreciating the details. “The staff probably have a hell of a time getting the golf balls back.” In a second, your lips pulled back into a grin. His timing too! You leaned against his arm as your quiet laughter subsided. “Okay,” you declared, “time to make friends with a dragon.” “Show me how it’s done.” Giving Leon a smile, you walked onto the green and faced the dragon. Just a short putt, you thought to yourself. Easier than the one with speed bumps or whatever. Sure and true, the last hole was easy. The yellow golf ball disappeared into the hole after one hit of the putter. You spun around to face Leon and chimed triumphantly, “Ta da.” Your actions earned you a hearty chuckle from your handsome date. “Your turn, my good sir.” Leon sent you a charming smile. One that lead you to practically miss him hitting the blue golf ball straight into the dragon’s lair successfully. After which, he strolled over to you, putter propped over one shoulder. “So…?” Leon looked at you expectantly. “I had fun.” “Me too.” Again, you two shared smiles. Comforted by the mutual entertainment of the mini golf date.
The end of the date was near and that was the only disappointment you had. Especially after the new level of closeness shared. Who knew holding someone’s hand wouldn’t feel like a chore or staged? Spending time with Leon felt natural. “You’re really cute when you’re happy.” Leon said more earnestly than as a flirtation. Yet he could throw you off by comments and compliments like that. “Thank you,” you replied, never quite sure how to respond to such compliments. “What do you say we head out of here before traffic picks up?” “Yeah,” you looked to the sky a bit bashfully, “it’s later than I thought.” “Time flies.” His words were a firm reminder to you both of the ending of your first date. Leon led you both into the building to return the putters and left to the parking lot.
A bittersweet moment seemed close to repeating itself. Another time of parting.
It’s evening at the earliest, you thought. Do I really want to go home now or…? You glanced down to Leon’s fingers intertwined with yours. Heart beating ever so slightly faster, you knew the answer. Just, how were you to bring it up or ask?
When scheduling the date, you two left options open and didn’t consider time after playing mini golf. You both may have been too preoccupied with setting the date. Those thoughts lingered even as Leon and yourself made it back into his vehicle. Was an afternoon together enough for a second date? Was it enough for you two? Dates could be almost anything. It’s not like we have a time limit or anything. You thought as you watched Leon navigate out of the parking lot and back to the highway. No rush. No…unnecessary worrying or second guessing.
Your thoughts were supported more so when, by your peripheral vision and luck, Leon glanced over. By the time he set his sights forward, he was smiling once more. Easy going and genuine. No mistake, Leon enjoyed your company. I wonder what his friends are like. You pulled down the shade to block some sunlight. They somehow have a connection to my friend at work. Which is bizarre. Peeking over to your date, you checked out Leon’s profile again. You were lucky his hair covered some of his peripheral vision. Or so you hoped. “So, uh,” Leon adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. “May I treat you to dinner?” Sparks of joy and soothing relief ran through your chest. “You may,” you smiled, giddy. “All right.” Leon sat taller as he briefly glanced to you with shining blue eyes. “I have a place in mind.” “Oh?” You leaned on the console. “Do you like pasta?” “Always have.” “Heh. Something else we have in common.” So it was.
The Jeep drove further into town, off the highway and on a local road. Music played through the speakers to the delight of both of you. More than two minutes of commercials really was pushing it on a Friday evening. Any time really. By the time Leon parked, you two were a little hyped up from listening to good music. “You never know what they’ll play on Fridays,” you commented as Leon grabbed your hand. “It depends on which station you’re listening to.” He walked between you and a car looking for an open space. “Thank goodness they still play songs that are more than two years old,” you added. “But that’s why cassette tapes and CDs still exist.” “You still have yours?” “Yup,” you announced proudly. “All the way back to the ones that go with the books I read when I was little.” Leon chuckled, “I was wondering when we’d get back to talking about books.” You raised an eyebrow. “You did?” Shrugging slightly, he avoided eye contact. “Yeah. I know you like them. Plus your job and everything.” Is he bashful, for what? Remembering? You studied him in the golden glow of the evening sunlight. You circled the pad of your thumb around one of his knuckles. “I still need to figure out which book to recommend you first. Nothing too daunting.” “Daunting?” Leon’s eyes were quick to find yours. “You want to start off with a six-hundred page novel?” You lightly teased. “Maybe not yet.” “Maybe not yet,” you repeated fondly.
Looking both ways, the pair of you checked that the way was clear before safely crossing towards the sidewalk. The entrance to a popular restaurant all ready had people leaving from an early meal. Despite its smooth and rustic appearances, the place was technically still a fast food restaurant. It had an aesthetic. Once you reached the front doors, Leon opened one and you entered first. A blast of air conditioning hit you like a wave from above. In the entry area, a short line stood in front of the host station. Staff came and went in the large rooms beyond. Being in a fast paced environment meant to serve food as quickly as possible, you hoped there would be enough time to relax with your date. To be rushed was never a good feeling to have.
“I feel under dressed,” Leon murmured to you while you both stood in line. Muscle defined arms exposed from his shirt. “Don’t let the off-white table cloths fool you.” You whispered. “You’re sure?” “There’s a gas station at the corner of the plaza and,” you gestured with your chin, “there’s people wearing shorts. Eating lasagna.” “You consider lasagna fancy?” The corner of his lips curved up. “It’s delicious.” “Is that what you want?” “Depends.” “On?” “The price and sides.” “Hey,” Leon leaned closer to you with a wide smile, “don’t worry about price. I’m treating you this time, if that’s all right. Again?” “Okay,” you agreed. “But don’t order dessert.” Creases forming between Leon’s eyebrows, he eyed you conspicuously. “That’s all I’m saying.” You looked forward with an older idea in mind. He can guess. I’m sure.
The two of you reached the host station where the pair of you only had to wait an additional three minutes before a server walked over and grabbed two menus. “This way, please,” instructed the server as he lead you and Leon into the dining area. Darn, this guy’s quick, you thought while having to move much faster between tables than expected. Getting to the table to be seated was always the quickest part of being in a restaurant. Casual or otherwise. The server, with routined ease, set both menus on a small clothed table along the wall. Leon and yourself sat across from one another as the server gave their introductory spiel. In what felt like seconds, drinks were ordered and the server sped off with their notepad.
“Did he even write down the drinks?” Leon glanced over your shoulder to where the server had gone. “He has a system?” You offered with a small shrug. Leon tilted his head with a lopsided smirk, “Not as good as how you tackled those last few holes.” “That tiered one was luck.” You stated, grabbing the menu in front of you. “And the speed bumps?” “What ever those were…,” you started. “Might as well have been a wall.” He opened a menu. “I was going to say ‘annoying’, but yeah. You should have just kicked the ball over.” You said and started skimming through entrée options. “Heh. I would have had to pay for a replacement.” He murmured. That would’ve been interesting, you thought. Images of Leon kicking the blue golf ball out of sight filled your mind for a few moments. Not the paying part obviously. “Maybe a light kick,” you suggested. “You wouldn’t count that as cheating?” Gazing up, you were met with openly curious and playful icy blue eyes. “It’s just a little nudge. Can’t hold up other players.” “Sounds fair enough.” “But if the golf ball landed in the water—that’s all you.” “Me?” He laughed. You nodded and looked down to do your best to focus on the menu again. A lightness filled your chest at his response. His laugh could easily become one of your favorite sounds. Given time, reflection, and more dates, there could be many other things about Leon you might grow to favorite. Or adore. You were more than willing to find out.
“Would it be boring if I ordered spaghetti?” “No,” you answered and tapped the menu. “I think I’ll have spaghetti too.” “With cheese?” You peered up and saw his playful smirk as he leaned back in the chair. “Maybe.” You replied. “They grate it for you here.” Oh? You quickly checked the table in reflex. No shaker of cheese in sight. “Have you been here before?” You questioned. “No.” He smiled, “I did a little research.” “You researched?” You swore you could had melted right there. “Yeah.” Leon shifted in his seat under your gaze. “I figured since you like pizza and even have a family recipe for sauce…” Words eluded you even as Leon’s explanation trailed off. Both mentally and verbally, you fell silent.
His gesture, how ever small to some, felt like it opened a window view to his heart. One that allowed you a glimpse behind his words. You could only grasp so much through the phone. It wasn’t about impressing you with knowledge of a restaurant. It wasn’t even an attempt of displaying out right what he knew about you to prove something. Leon planned ahead of time with your preferences in mind, both yours and his. He thought of you.
Your date watched you intently, waiting for a response. If you had one with all the silence after his explanation. Before you could say a word, the server returned with two drinks. “Do you know what you want to order?” The server asked with his pen and notepad ready. “The spaghetti plate for each of us, please,” you answered. You looked to Leon to be sure and he gave a nod before giving a funny look towards the server. Only a moment of observing him answered why Leon found the man odd. Without pause or question, the server listed off about bread, salad, and toppings. All in one breath it seemed. Well rehearsed and practiced. When’s the last time this guy went on break? You wondered as all orders were set and the server left again. Returning your attention to Leon once more, you were caught up by the dining room’s lighting. Warm light highlighted Leon’s features softly. He appeared even more charmingly friendly as evening carried on. Perhaps it was a good thing Leon was not dressed more formally or professionally. You had known him for almost two full weeks, but you were not immune to becoming flustered. Leon sent you a smile. Then you caved. Leaning forward, you asked, “Would you be up for me treating you to gelato after dinner?” “I definitely would.” You both shared smiles. “I was hoping that’s what you were hinting at when we got here.” “Craving a frozen treat?” You inquired. “Being with you is a treat.” He picked up his drink and took a sip. Cheesy. You glanced away from his lively gaze. Oh, but you loved it. Leon could give out puns in any moment, but he didn’t lie. He didn’t appear to be the type. There was a level of awkwardness in there that made it all the more…cute. Honest. “Well, I was thinking that the gelato could also count as a reward for getting through two work weeks.” You announced with rising shoulders. “That and to make up for me being a klutz the first time.” You tapped the surface of the table. “We’ll just have to get a double scoop of gelato.” “Sounds good to me.”
Minutes passed and hunger rose while you two awaited dinner. Conversation veered into Leon asking about your work and what you thought of it. He really leaned into how you felt about your job. It had been a while since someone genuinely wondered what you hoped to do within your media center at the school.
When hot plates of pasta and the rest of the order arrived, you deemed it time to be brave. A time when long pauses wouldn’t be completely awkward. You just needed to know more.
“So,” you twirled some noodles around your fork. “Do you have a favorite part of your job?” The sudden rigidity that overcame Leon over his plate made you want to reverse time and slam your question into another continent. “I’m sorry,” you added quickly. Blue eyes stared into the plate of spaghetti. Great. You thought sarcastically and disappointed in yourself. It’s a sensitive subject all together for him. “Forget I said anything,” you whispered. “I like when it’s done.” Leon kept his gaze and voice down. “When people are safe. But it’s not finished.” In your chest, it felt as if your heart was both sinking and swelling. Your dinner temporarily forgotten. “I’m sorry I brought it up.” Heat had rose far beyond your neck at that point. “Not talking about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.” Raising his gaze, Leon looked tired. “I’ve been…doing this job for years. Longer than I want.” “And it’s a lot?” “Yeah.” He exhaled, muscles relaxing slowly. “I can tell you that much.” “You don’t have to tell me anything you’re uncomfortable with. I mean, obviously. I just—just thought there’d be something positive.” He breathed out a soft laugh. Nothing humorous about it. “I’ve thought that too.” Well, crap. You reached for your drink and had a generous amount. So his job is literally a lot. Physically. Emotionally. Peering up at him, you saw him poking at his salad. “Three scoops of gelato for you,” you declared firmly, “and nothing less.” The corner of Leon’s mouth curved up. “Are you trying to spoil me?” “Trying is different than doing.” Tiredness in his features disappeared as Leon’s smile returned. A light in the dimming atmosphere of the dining area.
Dinner continued more in hushed tones and stolen glances. People spoke in loud voices and servers busied around. The place left a desire for somewhere calm. Despite the warm glow of light, there was an unspoken want declared by the restaurant: to hurry up. By the fifth return of your server, Leon had his card ready for the man. “Can’t sit without eating for five minutes in this place.” Leon grumbled before taking one last sip from his drink. You bit back a smirk. He wasn’t lying. Dinner rush meant: order more food or pay before leaving. “The gelato shop is closer to where I live. It’s not as…busy as this place.” You said. “The tables are smaller too.” “Oh, yeah?” Leon’s blue eyes looked to you with a playful spark within them. “Pretty cozy.” “I think I’ll like that place.” He leaned his arm against the table. “I hope so.”
. . .
Golden hour at its peak for the season, rock music playing over hidden speakers, and icy blue eyes mesmerizing you. The gelato shop was one of the brightest ideas you had lately. In your opinion. Small round table setup by a wall had you and Leon knocking knees while enjoying individual cups of frozen treats. The sunset hardly registered to either of you. Both preoccupied by the other.
“But is it weird that I have future book recommendations for you?” You asked before having another spoonful of creamy gelato. “What do you mean?” “Like for after ones I think you should read first.” “Oh.” Leon tapped your forearm resting on the table. “That’s being prepared not weird. What did yah have in mind?” His fingers found yours around a short paper cup. “Possibly The Chronicles of Narnia.” “A whole series.” “Yup. Definitely Pride and Prejudice.” “Why ‘definitely’?” “Because it’s one of the most entertaining books I’ve ever read. And I had avoided it for years because I thought it’d be boring.” “Oh. Judged it by the cover?” “No. More like, I had no idea what it was actually about until I looked into it.” Leon chuckled. “Unlike Jurassic Park.” Slowly, Leon turned his head to look at you more completely. “Jurassic Park?” “Yeah.” “That’s a big difference—a jump from a romance.” “A sixty-five million year difference?” You smirked. “Heh.” Leon shook his head, breaking all eye contact. Yet his free hand did not leave yours. “I should’ve thought of that.” “I can be cheesy too.” “We can have our own club.” He mused as he finished eating his gelato. “Matching shirts?” “With cheese on it?” “Two slices of pizza and a few pieces of shredded cheese as decoration around them.” You pushed aside your empty cup. “What text though?” “Hmm.” Leon brought his hand to join his other one. Kinda hard to think with him basically warming my hand with both of his, you thought. Not complaining. “Why not Cheesy Club?” He suggested. “Good enough for me— Oh. Small text under the pizzas.” You spoke animatedly. “Something like: sometimes blue, always gouda.” A laugh escaped Leon so fast he ended up coughing. Once it passed, he regarded you contently. “I’ll have on in either blue or gray.” You chuckled, “Blue would be nice.” “You like blue?” “Uh-huh.” You rested your chin on your free hand, elbow propped on the table. Clearly aware Leon had blue eyes and wore a blue shirt, you couldn’t resist but to take a quick glimpse. A fleeting look. One so fast it was a blur of blues and hidden muscle. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Is he trying to remember everything? You wondered, both impressed and amused. “Any chance you like blue cheese?” Curling your lip, you shook your head. “Okay, no.” Leon gave your hand a light squeeze, all chill from holding the cup gone. “Had to ask.” “You can ask anything.” His dark eyebrows rose a fraction. “Anything?” “Why not?” You tilted your head slightly. “We faced a dragon today and I didn’t kick all the gravel away for having a vendetta against me.” “True.” “And you’re warming my hand. So…” “So,” Leon glanced around briefly. “What does a typical day for you look like?” “… Work?” “No. I know. I meant, when you’re not working?” “Uh. Laundry.” “When you don’t have to do that? Your free time.” “Hanging around in loungewear, maybe watching a movie or reading a book.” Leon smiled. “What about when you’re out of the apartment? Got any favorite places?” “Unsurprisingly,” you answered with a light laugh, “there’s this secondhand bookstore I try to go to at least once a month. I get to give a book a new home and save money. It’s a win-win.” With a soft gaze, Leon inquired another question. “Is there a specific book you’re looking for?” “Uh.” Peering down to the table, you felt the weight of his gaze as well as his questions.
This man truly wanted to get to know you. To tap into your brain and figure out what made you specifically you. Not a large percentage of people in your life dove that deep into your interests and how they affected your life. Leon, your date, seemed to be heading in that direction. Openly and unfazed, Leon wasn’t too awkward asking anything. “I like to see the different editions of Grimms’ Fairy Tales.” You lowered your hand to the table. “I’ve read some of them. But one day one might just jump out at me and I’ll have to get it.” “Do books leap from the shelves to be read by you?” Peering up, you saw the amused twinkle in Leon’s icy blue eyes. “Only when I’m browsing too quickly.” He smirked. “They’re vying for your attention.” “Then it’s probably a good thing we’re not in any bookstore now,” you lightly poked one of his hands. “We’d need helmets.” “Heh.” Eyes glancing away for a moment, Leon’s cheerful expression faltered as he took in the view outside. Evening light raced further west. Nightfall was approaching.
The day really flew by.
“I should get you back home before it’s dark.” Leon announced before checking his watch. “And before we get more gelato,” you added teasingly. “This was fun.” “The gelato or…?” “Everything today.” Any evidence of tiredness or worry vanished when Leon heard your answer. “Too bad the sun sets earlier, huh?” His fingers fidgeted a couple of seconds before Leon released your hand to grab the small cups and spoons. “And I rather you not have to drive in the dark.” Squeaking chairs skidded against the floor as the pair of you prepared to leave the shop. Moving faster only to escape any more annoying sounds. One of which being some lady loudly answering her cell phone. A firm reminder that you two were not the only ones there.
Content and only a little awkward, both you and Leon sat in his Jeep unsure of what to say. With the second date coming to a close, what could two converse about? Pulling at your jacket underneath the seatbelt, you watched the scenery go by. Recognizable buildings and signs trying to outshine foliage.
“How do you feel about painting?” You asked as the thought barely went through your mind. “I don’t know.” “Have you painted before?” Your fingers traced the edge of the console. “Maybe when I was little…,” Leon pondered. “You… You’re thinking of something, aren’t you?” “Thinking on the spot. Brainstorming.” Still focused on the road ahead, Leon reached out with his hand and gently grabbed yours. “Third date planning?” Face and neck warming, you replied, “Is it too soon?” “Nah. It took us a while to plan this date.” He retracted his hand and added. “Only one problem,” he turned the Jeep down a local road, “it makes waiting more difficult.” Okay, then, you thought as a smile curved your lips. “We’ll bounce some more ideas around then.” “I don’t have anything against paining.” Leon clarified.
Along each side of the road streetlights were all ready lit. People were walking their dogs on the sidewalk. Orange daylight held on far west, if only barely.
You were almost home.
I can always look up more date ideas at home, you thought with building anticipation. Another activity would be cool. We’re not quite at comfy movie or game night yet. Maybe in the future.
Looking ahead and with positivity definitely kept a smile on your face. You hoped Leon thought similarly.
Slowly down his Jeep, Leon parked it as close to your apartment building as legally possible. Streetlights illuminated a direct path to your destination. A breath of silence overtook the inside of the vehicle. Neither of you made a move to leave nor speak. A peculiar circumstance that made your heartbeat pickup ever so slightly. You unbuckled your seatbelt. “Can I walk you to your door?” Leon asked. “Sure.” Not as fast as when you first saw him that afternoon; Leon exited the Jeep and walked around it to join you on the sidewalk. Together you made your way to the building and up a set of stairs. Coming to a stop in front of your door, you turned to Leon. “I had a really great time today.” You announced honestly. “Me too. It’s been a while since I’ve had that much fun.” In the back of your mind something grabbed onto his sentence as more than a phrase. A piece of the Leon-story-puzzle. You couldn’t think of anything work related that could make someone like him so tired, not from what you imagined his government work to be.
Today was fun. He needed it too.
Without a second thought, you grabbed one of his hands and brought it to your lips. “Until next time?” You whispered. Leon locked eyes with you. “I can’t wait,” he said in a broken whisper. No person had ever looked at you with such deep, raw emotion as he did then. The gesture surprised him, you had no doubt about that. It wasn’t a kiss to the cheek or a quick hug. It was completely something else. “Let me know when you get home safe, okay?” You released his hand. “I will.” In the dim light, a soft smile was seen on Leon’s lips as he took slow steps toward the stairs. “Good night.” “Good night, (Y/N).” Taking the steps down with ease, Leon made his way back to his vehicle. He had glanced back once before going on his way.
I can’t believe I did that.
A full afternoon and evening with Leon turned out better than you hoped. You were heading towards cloud nine and Leon could hardly wait to see you again. You were giddy just thinking about hearing from him.
I gotta thank my friend at some point, you thought as you smiled to yourself.
Hours with Leon was, perhaps, one of the most fun outings you had in a really long time. You could hardly wait for more.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.coffee Best wishes and happy reading.) ~~~~~ DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle Leon Scott Kennedy Tags: @bumblebeesfromvenus @d333athw1sh @c4rl40n4
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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trilobi-te · 1 year ago
Chipspeech Twitter Archive Update
Hi I should have done this months ago.. I do not know when (or if) I am going to finish that website lmao. So I am just going to share my notes from Google Docs. Should be easier to read than the original posts and helpful as a starting point if anyone else decides to make a website :3
The documents are all on commenting mode so feel free to make comments to bookmark things for yourself or write your thoughts or whatever. Under the cut I have put some formatting notes.
It's a folder, each year of Twitter posts is its own document (I tried to compile them into one but it lagged too much). There is also a document with all of the original Tumblr posts (from the accounts I could find, no tags yet but I will go back and get them eventually, also no dates but they're all from 2015), and one with the bios from the official website for ease of access.
The formatting is a little (a lot) weird and there are probably pictures that need resizing/transcription but I figured it's better to give people access now. The text is small (to keep the page count as low as possible) so you will have to zoom in.
It goes by day, organized with a bulleted list. The top level bullets are each character that tweeted that day. The second level bullets are original tweets/retweets by that character. The third+ level bullets are comment threads under that tweet, the organization here is inconsistent but imo still readable (if you think something needs an edit for clarity let me know and I'll fix it).
For each character's section of the list, normal text is that character's tweets/comments. Italicized text is anyone who is not that character. If it is labeled with unitalicized text, it is that character/important account (e.g. the official Chipspeech account), otherwise it is a fan. I also included some labels and/or clarifying comments for Vocaloid producers I like, they're not central to the story though
I got rid of the line breaks within the tweets when copying them down because it was easier to format. Sorry about that. Idk how to fix it other than going through everything again but it doesn't take away from the story so I'm leaving it for now.
If something came from a website other than Twitter, I tried to provide the link (unless its content was deleted). I did my best to transcribe the Clyp posts that were not deleted.
If something is a text-only retweet, it is marked with [retweet]. If it includes an image, it's probably a screenshot of the whole thing. I only included retweets that felt story-relevant (so no miscellaneous cat pictures, Apple-related aesthetic images, etc.), but if people really want it I can go back and add the rest.
Deleted tweets are noted with [deleted tweet], with the characters they came from if applicable. Idk how Twitter works but it the person in the thread is replying to the username of a certain character, I assumed it was that character's tweet that had been deleted. If something says [deleted Dandy thread], assume there is a deleted Dandy tweet in between each of the listed tweets (or another character, but it's usually Dandy). That was meant to be a temporary time-saver and I've gone back and fixed the ones I've found, but there's probably more I accidentally skipped.
Anything not in English is translated in a comment. Except the X-Sampa (I will fix that sometime but there's not much of it). Also it was done with the built-in Google Translate feature so it may be a little incorrect. Unclear pictures and whatnot also have clarifying comments. I can add more clarifying comments (or image IDs) if anyone needs them.
I tried not to include any unattributed fanart but there are some that I forgot to copy the handle for (I am also fixing these when I find them).
As for any future updates to this folder as a whole, I kind of want to go back through each account's liked tweets to see if there's anything funny in there but idk when that will be. That would probably be its own document.
Honestly I should have given everyone access back in June.. oops. If you have any questions you can put them in a comment on this post (or reach out to me another way, idk). As I mentioned before, feel free to use all of this as a starting point if you're making your own website.
I'll pin this post so it's findable in the future. Also sorry for disappearing for several months (it will happen again).
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zeltqz · 1 year ago
niyaaaa do u have any tips for people who wanna get into fic writing? 👀
i don’t really get how the whole posting format for fics works on here tbh 😭 and like your info area it’s so cool
YEAH OFC!! btw dm me your username so i can follow and support you <3
tip 1- the posting format isnt that hard to get used to actually its just you create a tumblr text post and then copy and paste your fic onto it, add the tags and stuff then post it. if you want to add banners, headers and stuff to make it look better then go ahead, just add images to the text post
tip 2- the info area is the same as above, just add pictures of your choice etc to the text post, add your information, name, age, fav things etc and then to link posts to your post, highlight where u want the link to go, then copy the link of the post u want linked then press the hyperlink that looks like two chains linked together when you highlight the text if that makes sense? sounds like a lot but its rlly not i promise haha
tip 3- always type your fics on other apps like word or google docs since they have an auto save feature!! i dont reccomend typing your fics on tumblr since one if the app crashes, it doesn't automatically save your work so everything you wrote will get deleted (some versions of tumblr do have autosave, my laptop has it but my phone and iPad doesn't, so i dont rely on it)
tip 4- idk if you want tips on actual fic writing or just how to get your fics onto tumblr but ill help you with that anyway. with me when i write fics i always imagine it out in my head. theres some of my fics where i just went with the flow and wrote wgatever came to mind and those are the fics i hate the most because they dont rlly make sense to me. theyre always so random and it just seems rushed and bad.
i picture my fics like a scene in my head and whatever i want the character to do, think, say or feel i write that shit down asap. i use other online sources to help get more descriptive like the emotion theasurus <- honestly one of my favourite things to use ever, they have so much body language to use for every emotion in the damn book
dialogue is also something i find difficult. i've improved i personally feel like but its still hard for me especially if im writing a new character. i never want to make the character seem OOC so i do lots of research before hand. i normally use the wiki to read up on a characters personality.
for example i'll use ran for this since he's like 99% of my account lmao. in the wiki, he's described as "naturally whimsical toward others which makes him inscrutable" though ran doesnt have many scenes in the manga (which i hate bc i love him sm) its impossible to actually write him down to a tee so i use that naturally whimsical description to make him playful, charismatic, carefree etc, going off what little information i have with him.
getting a characters personality down is what can make or break a dialogue. for me when im reading a fic of a character and their dialogue is so OOC it puts me off and i dont even wanna read. so i apply my same fic icks to myself and think if I don't like seeing this and that in a fic, why would I incorporate those in my fics and have ppl get put off it if they have the same fic icks as me?
hope that makes sense!!
tip 5- dont rush yourself at all. i used to rush a few of my fics and i just ended up hating it so much after and fought bck the urge to delete them so many times but then i'd see people's comments and realise i was being too harsh on myself. i'd keep them up but i'd just hate seeing them get attention.
rushing only makes you hate your work and the quality of your work will decline if you are not in the right headspace.
thats also why i have the don't rush me thing in my rules because not only is it annoying to see people constantly asking for updates, it also makes me mad because i know i'll just put out a piece of garbage if i did rush.
also another tip don't give yourself deadlines!! if you know your writing consistency can be a little sloppy, don't tell your followers that you're going to upload every so and so day. if something happens and you miss the deadline, you'll feel bad and rush something out and most times out of ten, a rushed fic doesn't do well. so take your time and don't rush.
tip 6- dont listen to what other people say or feel obligated to write something you don't wanna. establish your boundaries!! for example, from day one i started this blog i said im accepting requests but i will not write anything to do with non-con, incest or minors. i made sure that was out there so i wouldn't feel uncomforable writing anything i wasn't comfy with.
there are people on this app that may like your writing and request you to write something for them. you are not obligated to write anything for anyone! don't feel like you have to just because they asked nicely.
if you want to accept requests you can im not saying you shouldn't, im saying don't feel like you have to. you always have a choice. its your blog.
tip 7- remember this isn't a job. you're allowed to take breaks, allowed to have a personal life. don't feel like you need to be updating every day. i used to think i was obligated to be uploading consistently at least every week because i was obsesssed with engagement and seeing peoples comments and was scared if i took a break ppl will unfollow. now i honestly don't care. i'm not active as much as i used to because of school and that's fine! if ppl want to leave, let them. don't feel like you're forced to keep being active in order to keep your follower count stable.
tip 8- this app can get really toxic sometimes. luckily enough i've only had one toxic anon in my inbox and i've been on this app for a year. some people have so many, some ppl get harrassed etc. if that happens to you just be prepared since there's no actual way to find out who's behind anons. you can turn off your anon options which means if ppl want to inbox you something then their account will be showing. some people arent comfortable with that and that's fine! i keep mine on because i want people to feel comfortable on my page.
just remember though if you ever feel like this app is getting overwhelming take breaks! for the sake of your mental health take breaks. i know so many writers on here that took breaks and came back healthier and stronger.
i feel like this tip goes for social media in general. as much as i love social media im aware how unhealthy it is. breaks are so important for you. remember that.
i can't think of anymore tips right now but if i have some more i will edit the post and add it on.
if u have anymore questions about the tumblr posting format dm me and ill help you out :))
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morningnoodles · 9 months ago
Could you please make a tutorial on how to add pictures to ao3 chapters ? Phone version please 🙏
hey anon, sure thing!
i actually did the whole 7 days of bagginshield week on computer as i find that easier but here's how i updated the epilogue through my phone ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
1) your image
if it's an existing image on the internet that you want to add (hopefully with the permission of the owner), you can skip to the next step.
if it's an image you created, upload it somewhere that can be accessed publicly (blogs, websites, etc). if you want to maintain its quality, i would not recommend social media platforms because they're notorious for ruining em.
i uploaded mine here on tumblr. if you're using phone, you can upload yours via the app and save the draft but you will need to open tumblr in a browser for the next step.
2) grab the image link
it's also called image location, image address or image URL. because you can't upload images directly on ao3, you need this to add your image to your chapters.
long press on your image and something like this will pop up
Tumblr media
tap on "copy image location" or the equivalent for you.
you can also tap on "open image in new tab" and the URL in that tab usually is also the image URL. you know it's the right one if it has "media" or your file format (jpeg, png etc) on the URL somewhere.
i think tumblr app can't do this which is why you need to open tumblr via browser to grab the URL. (i could be wrong tho! ✿)
3) add to ao3
tap on "Rich Text", not "Html" and then tap on the photo icon below
Tumblr media
add the copied image URL to "Source", add image description if you like, then change the dimensions to your desired size. for the comics i put their full size (1600x4800). then tap "Save".
Tumblr media
i'd recommend going back to Html for the next paragraph if that's easier on phone but that's it!
hope this helps! (❁´◡`❁)
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ilovedthestars · 1 year ago
Random Summary Tag Game
Ever need to summarize a long fic that you wrote so you can pitch it to someone else, but it's hard to distill it down into just a few paragraphs?
Never fear! Wolf on the Murderbot Diaries Discord came up with the genius idea of a longfic sampler that randomly chooses a paragraph from each chapter, to assemble a summary that is certain to make even less sense than anything you could come up with, enticing readers to read your fic to find out what it's actually about!
I'm exporting it to tumblr as a tag game with her permission.
Here are the instructions:
Choose a long (or long-ish) fic that you wrote. Randomly select a single paragraph from each chapter. If the fic has too many chapters for this to be reasonable, randomly select 5-10 and then choose random paragraphs from those. If the fic is all one chapter, randomly select 5-10 paragraphs from it.
(One easy way of doing this is to copy the text into a document and format the whole thing as a numbered list, which will number each of the paragraphs. Please don't count paragraphs by hand unless you really want to. Here's a random number generator you can use.)
Then, put all your randomly selected paragraphs in order to create your amazing summary. You're allowed to reroll to avoid spoiling major twists.
Here's mine:
Her hands were trembling. I will ensure that your human is safe, said a voice in my head. I am capable of seeing to its treatment with the MedSystem, the mysterious voice asserts. (Who is that? Another crewmember, in a different part of the ship?) It adds, As well as repelling any attempt by the SecUnit to harm my crew. I don’t know why, but that made me angry. I’m not afraid of you. You can’t do anything to me that’s worse than I’m used to. I attached a few memory files of punishment from the governor module, so it knew exactly what I meant. ART said in the general feed, It would be best if I could continue to monitor SecUnit in the MedSystem to ensure that treatment was successful. She stared at the ceiling for a little bit longer, while I sat there nervously. Eventually she said, “Did you really think they were going to hurt you?”
This is from my Murderbot fic Acceptable Mission Cost! (Probably not a longfic by most people's standards, but it's my longest fic, lol)
Please consider yourself tagged if you see this and want to participate! Tagging some friends who were involved in the discord discussion: @every-eye-evermore @blessphemy @wtf-skittens @specialagentartemis (As always, no pressure!)
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just-a-random-steven-au-lol · 2 months ago
Questions Nobody Asked
Table of Contents:
◆ General Questions.
◆ AU vs. Canon Differences
◆ About BckD!Steven 
◆ Can I ______?
◆ General Questions ◆
Q. What is this?
Something I thought, tried to forget, but didn't manage to get it outta my head.
A text-format AU where Steven is son of the Black Diamond... How original...
Written by a random dude called Malo (me) and illustrated by no-one, since I suck at drawing.
This whole thing (including this post) was heavily inspired by @ask-whitepearl-and-steven, written and illustrated by @thechekhov. The inspiration is WAAAAY better than this, so go check it instead of this distorted mirror, lol
Q: Where can I read the story in chronological order? 
It will be posted on Tumblr, but I'll mainly post it in FFN
Q: How often do you update this?
Well, I write it when I'm free, so... no idea. Maybe it takes one or two days or maybe a few weeks... Well, no more than a month.
Q: Is this a copy of WD! Steven?
I prefer to call it a 'distorted mirror'. Something that is oddly similar but still very different.
For example: The two Stevens had a very similar life until a certain part that differs them completely. Basically it involves the lack of White Pearl (or Earl (or Volleyball)), former parents and a homemade molotov.
◆ AU vs. Canon(and other aus) Differences  ◆
Q: Why Black Diamond?
I always had a thing for the idea of the Black Diamond, White Diamond's counterpart, so after reading WD! Steven AU I just couldn't stop thinking about this concept.
Q: Is Rose still...?
Alive? Yes
Fighting? Probably
Trying to have a baby with Greg? Nyeh... she got better things to do
Q. Will Bismuth (or other characters) be in this story?
Uhm... maybe? I dunno. It needs to have a good reason. I can't just introduce Bismuth or Spinel without a context that fits the storyline.
Q. IS Greg Steven’s father? Or is it someone else now?
Still Greg, the man's just 4 years older.
Q: Is this Steven older than canon Steven...? How does this all work...?
Yes, just yes. The story starts with a 21-year-old Steven, and the timeline would start being parallel to the middle of the first season of the original series.
Q: Will BckD!Steven be as kind as the original?
No. He's basically a stoner who doesn't care anymore for being good and just want to enjoy life his way (at least in the very start).
◆ About BckD!Steven  ◆
Q: What powers does BckD!Steven have? 
Steven can do the typical things other gems can, such as:
Bubble gems
Use warps
Summon a weapon
Shape-shift to some degree. (Basically he can manipulate his body all he wants, but if he wants to make something beyond his body he will take some effort (And he tecnically can regenerate with it, but it takes A LOTTA effort)
Gem Storage (He can store stuff in his gem... [His storage is absolutely full of drugs, guns and stuff he stole])
His Black Diamond powers are
Night vision  
Energy Manipulation
(Solid) Matter Control
Black light (via gem)
Energy infusion (He can infuse his energy into objects and his own body to fortify them. It has no limits, but requires trainment.)
Resistance to drugs. (The drugs need to be taken in higher doses to actually affect his brain... I mean, he has a diamond instead of a brain, so...)
HIGHLY Corrosive blood. (Only to non-living materials)
Q. Wait a second, how does his gem work?
Same thing as WD!Steven, the difference is that it gave him natural night vision.
Q. Does this Steven know about his powers?
Yes, but c'mon, 21 years old with a magic diamond craved on his head without discovering them would be hard to believe, no?
Q: Why is this Steven so different?
Physically, it's because he mastered the shapeshifting (He would be really shorter) and because he did gym (And used steroids)
Psychologically, it's because he has been all alone his whole life (and because of Black Diamond's influence)
Q: If Steven’s gem was pulled out of his head, what would happen? 
If we pulled out your brain, what would happen?
But Black Diamond would pop out the gem and look at him like "Oh, too bad... well, time to conquer Homeworld."
◆ CAN I...?  ◆
Q. Can I translate your story into my language?
Feel free to do so, just provide a link to the original story and don't sell stuff with it.
Q. Can I make a fan art of your story?
Well, I don't know why you would make a fan art of it, but sure! It would be very nice.
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castlebyersafterdark · 6 months ago
Do you have any tips for uploading to AO3? I've never uploaded there, and I rarely use it logged in and it's a little daunting/confusing? I was wondering if there's any tips or things that I should know before starting. Thanks!
This is such a broad topic I'm not sure what specifics you need!! Here are some generic things I follow and appreciate when looking for fics at least:
Use the tagging function properly. Tag what you think are important aspects of your fic. Since I write smut, I like to list the main features of what's happening sex-wise since I know when people are looking for that content rating, they're in it for specifics. But you should tag the main characters, the main ship, any tropes you feel are important to categorize if you want. Don't over tag, though. If I see a fic with a paragraph long tags list - I may skip it to be honest? Because then it sometimes feels like people are trying to mass appeal to a non-existent algorithm. Tag honestly, but smartly.
Put effort into your summary. Short and simple. A lot of people might feature an interest grabbing few lines of dialog. Or just describe what the story is about. Nothing makes me skip clicking a fic more than "I'm so bad at summaries I don't know what to say!" Yes you do!! Describe your story! Take pride in your writing, don't put yourself down as the first thing a reader sees.
Make sure the format is easy to read. I view ao3 as more refined than a tumblr post or whatever the hell people are doing on Wattpad or wherever. Format it like book prose. Not all in lowercase. Proper punctuation. Sensible paragraph breaks. Each new speaker should be in a separate line, not all in the same paragraph.
I know there are programs to format the weird paragraph spacing when copy/pasting into the rich text box, but I can't figure that out. I and others appreciate uploaders who take the effort to remove the double spacing between paragraphs/lines, even if you have to manually go in and backspace to condense it. It's not the most important thing, but I typically read scrolling on a phone and all that blank space kind of drive me nuts. But maybe others like it. Personal preference but you asked me and I have a preference!
I discovered this myself recently and need to go back and look at my writing and make a change - I read some posts about it and a friend who I share writing with for feedback mentioned it as well - fanfic readers prefer shorter paragraphs. And I know I'm pretty wordy so this is an adjustment. It's different than novel writing. Try to find a sensible break to just split giant blocks of text into multiple paragraphs. A paragraph as a thought rather than a ramble. If that make sense. I found that my writing when formatted sometimes is so long that when on mobile, you're scrolling and scrolling and the paragraph still takes up the whole screen - and apparently readers prefer it to be split. So I'm adjusting my style as well for this, but I think it makes sense because of the nature of fanfiction right now is more tailored for the moment - and many read on phones rather than desktop. I never noticed or cared about long paragraphs but it was advice given to me as writing feedback and I think it makes sense! Maybe some will nod yes and others might disagree!!
I just think it's ok to make a mistake and adjust if needed. I'm just happy people are tying things, so no real shade if ooops someone did something I listed here. It's all commonly held opinions, though, and meant to help authors take pride in what they do 😊
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the-sneep-snoop · 1 year ago
i have said it once i have said it a thousand times there is no greater hell for me than experiencing bad ux design.
partly because autism and i will cry if something is too confusing or doesnt work how its supposed to and partly because i did ux design for a job a few years although at a very basic level and that lets me give myself the false belief that i have any authority here
but this is seriously on my mind a lot like if i was better at writing and / or into journalism? trust that i would have already published a more refined version of this post on medium or something. unfortunately i will be addressing you today from the humble uncapitalised unpunctuated tumblr post.
anyways i just like to complain so, here are some things i hate about websites (and some badly formatted pdfs) featuring varying levels of explanation
idk if i can explain this in a way that justifies the horrors. imagine you are trying to apply for scholarships via a fillable pdf and you must answer a prompt with a paragraph length response. but alas, upon reaching the end of the line, you can no longer type. hitting return does nothing to advance to the next line. oh well, maybe try again, select what you have and delete it. but alas again! hitting delete does nothing to delete your text. fortunately you discover that you can still copy and paste, even if it pasts a row above the one you had selected. well, it is what it is, and with a burst of resolve you type out your whole paragraph in google docs, and painstakingly copy and paste excerpts whose length is dictated only by trial and error due to different font sizes. you definitely did not cry for three hours over this ordeal
my lovely university's student services website which is used for silly little things like paying tuition and selecting courses. it has lots of helpful webpages and helpful redirects / shortcuts to helpful external webpages. lots of them! around a hundred if you count. how is it arranged? how does navigation work? well, each and every one of them is a small square button. and it's all just arranged in one massive grid. hundreds of them. not in any particular order.
nothing else to say about it
let me paint you a picture. a form that is printed and given to all students in the school for them to fill out. a field where something must be rated on a numerical scale from one to five. every student receives a form that has the number five already printed in that field. why? why, you ask, asks everyone unfortunate enough to be tasked with filling this form. well, one trailblazer who did it digitally via fillable pdf has discovered the elusive solution to this mystery. it was supposed to be a dropdown menu. a dropdown menu that has been flattened and killed like a fly in a papercopier.
idk if it's even allowed to ask that but they did. and in the goofiest way possible. it asks 'have you ever used a website or social media. enter the url here' . there is only one field and it is required to proceed. oh man, i'll have to think really hard about which website (out of all the websites i have used in my life) i should respond with...!
i am very passionate about this one. i think it is evil. i think disguising forms as chatbots is useless and inefficient. i don't see much appeal in an illusion, a poor mimicry of human-to-human customer service, for the sake of a marginal amount of vague approximations of 'social connections' and 'friendliness' and 'approachability'. at the very least, it's not worth the sacrifice of usability. it is conversational, and that tricks you (including less digitally literate older people, the kind who type please and thank you into their google searches) into thinking you should respond conversationally. what if it says
"hi! my name is linda and i am your virtual assistant! do you have a postal code you can provide"
and the user replies
"hi linda! thanks so much! i do have a postal code, I just have to double check that I have the right one, could you hold on a minute?"
and the chatbot is expecting something more along the lines of "A9A 9A9". i should also mention at this point that i am not at all educated on how chatbots work and for all i know i am dead wrong and i am tilting at windmills. in which case i probably deserve to be shamed but also please be nice to me please don't be mean thank you
okay so certain well known fast food company recruitment process includes a 'personality test' that is more like a job interview because it asks you questions that often have wildly obvious correct and incorrect answers (despite its disguise as a 'there are no right and wrong answers here' type of personality quiz). this has been criticised for having questions about things like if you would choose to cheat on a test , if you would defend the company against your friends discussing 'negative and unfair press', if you would yell at your neighbour, if you would break the dress code. the criticism comes from it being unrealistic and silly, but it also ties into how many neurodivergent people struggle with honesty vs. the 'right answer' in job interviews.
now, that's bad enough, but someone decided it needed some visual aids to help explain the scenarios depicted - granted, that's a nice idea, but not executed super well. for one thing, the computer generated mascots who live in a futuristic science fiction world with the brand logo all over everything is not the most appealing thing to think about. for another, i found that sometimes the scenarios just didn't match up or make sense with the questions, and made me feel incompetent at reading what was going on in the scene. which is very stressful and not super fun.
yes i understand that collecting statistics on prospective job seekers can be useful. yes i acknowledge that most forms with these questions are nice and allow multiple checkboxes to be ticked. but in this day and age i keep finding dropdown menus or mutually exclusive radio buttons to indicate race. that's right, you can only choose one option. which is awkward for some people. like me for example. at least sometimes i am allowed to choose the option of 'other' :)
and that's it for today. i may very likely be able to think of more but i'd rather not tbh. turns out there is a lot of negativity brewing in my mushy little mind after spending an hour and a half typing out my every grievance with every poorly designed website and form. who knew? and on top of that i lowkey hate how comedically challenged / tryhard / quirkly my writing voice turned out. it wasn't meant to be this way. trust me, i hate it too. this is an incoherent ramble written in the most mysterious hours of the night / morning in the midst of illness and fueled by nothing but my brain juice. which is not always the most pleasant juice out there if you know what i mean. so if you read this and you hate me please keep in mind that i am not the pretentious individual person i come off as. i am not usually like this. it's like i have been possessed. sorry
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xero-fox · 2 years ago
ok this might not be what you're looking for but tumblr actually has a progressive web app (PWA), which is basically a way of running the site through your browser but with a 'native app'-like interface. This is it on my home screen looking like any regular app:
Tumblr media
Why is this useful from a 'getting rid of tumblr live' perspective? Because it means that we can use browser extensions to modify the app! To do what I'm about to show you you'll need a mobile browser which:
supports PWAs
supports the browser extension you wish to use to modify the tumblr PWA
Here, I am using Firefox for Android as the browser, and uBlock Origin to modify (uBO is most famous as an adblocking extension, which it's great at, but it also allows us to do more targeted customisation too!). I don't know much about Xkit, and Firefox for Android doesn't currently support it (though it might in the near future), but if your mobile browser does support it and you know how to use that, go ahead!
Ok, first off navigate to tumblr on your mobile browser and log in. You'll see tumblr live at the top of your dash and in the side menu so let's start by getting rid of it.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
We don't want these.
Open uBlock Origin (probably in the 'add-ons' or 'extensions' section of your browser menu) and open the dashboard.
Tumblr media
Now go to 'My filters' and type the following two lines as shown. These remove the tumblr live section from the top of your dashboard and from the side menu respectively.
Tumblr media
Here are the two lines in text format if you want to copy and paste:
www.tumblr.com##.EiXnY.wQ2Ma > div www.tumblr.com##[title="Live"]
Hit the blue tick at the top to save your filters then reload tumblr. No more tumblr live!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Now let's install the PWA. On Firefox, open your browser menu and hit 'Install'.
Tumblr media
This should either automatically add the app to your home screen or give you an option to place it where you want - the specifics of this depend on what launcher you have on your phone.
Tumblr media
And we're done! Hit the app icon and use it as you would any other app (this is exclusively the way I use tumblr on my phone now).
Extra stuff:
What can't the PWA do? Push notifications is the main thing, you'll have to open the app to see any activity (messages/reblogs/likes/etc.). The post editor can also be a bit temperamental, but I did write this whole thing using it so take from that what you will.
I'm on iOS, what browsers can I use? I'm not an iOS user, but I don't think WebKit supports any of the extensions required to block tumblr live like this unfortunately (iOS users please correct me if I'm wrong).
Well. This is frustrating.
I use Tumblr on my phone. This stupid website thought it was a brilliant idea to replace “snooze Tumblr Live for 7 days” (when frankly, I’d rather it ‘snooze’ eternally, but this was decent for a while) with “snooze Tumblr Live on your dashboard for 30 days,” emphasis mine.
Which means that obnoxious icon placed right where I can accidentally tap it won’t go away.
Well. Looks like I finally have a reason to switch to desktop with Xkit.
But I also have a question. Are there third-party apps to access Tumblr (the way there used to be for Reddit) that either don’t have Tumblr Live or let you turn it off?
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foone · 2 years ago
One of my few problems with adopting Tumblr as my social media outlet of choice is the way reblogging your own threads to comment on them means you get this slow explosion of longer and longer posts, and all previous versions still exist on your timeline.
This got long, so musings about the differences in how long-text posts work on different social medias and the trouble with writing them on ADHD continued under the cut.
So if you scroll down my Tumblr account after a bunch of writing, you see:
FOONE: A, B, C, D, E
And this is annoyingly repetitive especially as posts get long. Which is a definite risk, I can type SO FUCKING MUCH.
And you might say "this is easily fixed: posts don't have to be short (this isn't Twitter) so just put all the content in one post", which, no. I have ADHD. Coming back in the room to go "AND ANOTHER THING!" is my modus operandi, you know? I can't think of all the things I want to say and just say them in one place and go "OK DONE" and click a button and let the internet go read it now. I don't know what I am going to say until after I have said it, and especially not what I am going to say next.
And I worry that the way Tumblr compounds your threads in this additive explosion means that the threshold for "this is too much of this punk" is much lower than other social networks, and that's a real worry for someone who writes as much as I do. I am happy to write endlessly for my own entertainment but I don't want to be annoying, and having to repeatedly scroll past multiple copies of my endless threads is going to get old fast.
Also on the subject of "one long post vs many short ones in a thread", splitting a post and continuing in a reply post/reblog has a functional use: it's like a paragraph break, but moreso. So it's good for indicating a break in the thought, to shift focus, or to take a tangent. (and as someone with severe adhd, my brain is 90% tangents)
Anyway I'm thinking I might do something weird like build a private mastodon instance and then set it up to sync threads to Tumblr.
Like, collect a full thread of small posts, turn them into paragraphs, and post that to Tumblr as one big post. It will work better, I think.
Fundamentally the problem I am facing right now is that Twitter is the best site for how my brain works. Individual tweets in a thread are a close approximation for how I think, so writing a long series of tweets is easiest for me. In that format, I can write. I can be creative. I can express myself.
And don't get me wrong: I love Tumblr. This is easily one of my favorite places on the web. But the "big open white page with plenty of room to write" model is not a good fit for my brain. I look at that and I can't get started. If I can get started, I can't finish, because I get bogged down in going back and editing and rewording.
Short small snippets in a row, like IRC or Twitter, prevent those problems. I don't have to think about the whole thing I'm writing, because I don't have room to write that. I just focus on the current line, and once that's done, I move on to the next. Did I misspell something? Could that have been phrased better? Well, too bad. That line is done now, you can only move forward.
Yeah this may not result in a work of literary genius but it at least results in something. I am not a great writer, I'm never going to be a new york times best seller... But I'm not aiming that high. Writing like this, as a series of short snippets and not going back to fix and re-edit them? It's the only way I can write at all. (and if you have ADHD that gets in the way of your writing, I recommend trying it).
I'd rather write in this specific and limited style than not write at all. There's too many ideas in my head, I need to get them out.
Anyway the reason I'm thinking about this now is that this is why I've traditionally been a heavy Twitter user (though let the record show that I have been on Tumblr for longer!). It works for that style of writing, so I could flourish there.
But it's dying. Oh God, is it dying. And I'm having to think about what to do next. Where to "go".
And as an aside, it's always weird how we always phrase these things like migrations. Like people are backing up their bags from site A and getting on a train to site B.
Maybe it's just my ADHD talking, but that's never been how I've used the web. I am in many, many places simultaneously, and have been for a long time.
I'm active, to different degrees, on Tumblr and Twitter and reddit and discord and mastodon and cohost and Facebook and LinkedIn and IRC and email chains and BBSes. The only thing that change if I "move" is how much I focus on one over an another. If I have a shitpost in my head, where do I decide to post it? If I want to talk about something more serious, where do I go?
Obviously with Twitter dying I'm focusing more on other places. I joked to someone on Twitter that I'm currently sharding what used to be my Twitter posts to Tumblr and mastodon: Tumblr gets the shitpostier and transier stuff, mastodon gets the techier stuff. But that may change as I find the right balance going forward.
Or, regarding my "persona Jubilee" post, I might just stop. I have been this Foone for a while, it might be time to stop and rethink.
Anyway, the final wrinkle in this overlong post: I wrote this much on Tumblr, despite all my talking about not being able to do it. I think I'm basically doing this by channeling my "Twitter thread mood" and not going back up and editing. Who knows if that means I've actually managed to overcome my previous inability to just write free-form long content, or if this is just a limited trick that I can't keep up. Time will tell.
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yourlocalartsonist · 2 years ago
ROTTMNT Moths Fly In Packs - Chapter One
A/N: HI I’M FINALLY POSTING THE FIRST CHAPTER. Really excited and super nervous but I’m SO happy I can finally share this with everyone. I’m not doing a drawing for every chapter since that’d be selling my soul to the red dilf down below but this is the first chapter so I figured why not do something special. Also apologies if any of the characters seem ooc, I’m still learning how to write them so it might take a bit (especially the dialogue). Also also, sorry if the formatting seem weird, I just copy pasted a google doc into Tumblr and I haven’t entirely figured out how this app works yet. ANYWHIZZLE despite all that I hope y’all enjoy and I can’t wait to write more ^^
Next Chapter
Disclaimer: chapter involves themes of manipulation, violence, and curse words. If you’re sensitive to that stuff, scroll past and stay safe <3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I looked out the window and sighed. Today could have been a lot worse, sure, but it also could’ve been a whole lot better.
It was one am on a Monday night. Staying up this late this early in the week is gonna guarantee a begrudgingly painful school life till Friday. And yet, here I was, staring at my phone at his texts.
Zane: Hey! You were active on insta. How come you didn’t text back?
Zane: hey it’s been an hour now. I’m starting to worry about you
Zane: Salena are you ignoring me? I already said I was sorry
Zane: fine then. Don’t text me. But at least talk to me tomorrow. I miss you.
Zane: Goodnight.
He was getting clingier by the day. Last month when he asked me out, I was worried rejecting him would break his heart. Somehow, it looks like it had the opposite effect and boosted his ego since he’s only gotten more pushy after that. I mean today he picked a fight with a guy just for talking to me. It’s getting ridiculous.
I groaned and hopped off bed to get a drink of water. I know I should probably forgive him, I’m sure he’s just coping differently maybe. It’ll get better with time. I hope it gets better with time. Otherwise the next four months are gonna be excruciatingly long. Still, I can’t just not be mad after what he did.
As I lamented in my depressive thoughts, I saw four figures out the window, running from rooftop to rooftop. Smiling, I opened the window and let the cool air and the joyous voices flow in. At least one good thing’s coming out from today.
It looked like they were chasing someone, a giant pig man specifically. I would’ve been more freaked out if this was the first human-animal thing I saw.
The very first time I saw one was a giant bull in a bellboy uniform running along the sidewalk, clumsily knocking anything and everything over as he wept. I assumed my sleep deprived brain was probably making things up again but the sheer absurdity of it paired with the fact that my sleep schedule was actually decent that week, I began to question that guess. Then, only ten minutes later, seeing four human-sized turtles walking upright seemingly searching for the bull man sealed the deal that I could not be making this shit up.
But that was two or three years ago. Now, it’s more of a fun surprise seeing the new animal person of the week than a sanity-questioning spiral. Most often, I see the turtles passing by. Sometimes they’re goofing off or skateboarding. Other times, they’re chasing someone like right now. I can only assume the pig man is evil if he’s being chased by them. I know the turtles are good since I suspect they’re the “mysterious heroes” that saved New York from that-which-shall-not-be-named a few months back. I mean, who else could it be?
Even if they’re chasing a potential murderous lunatic, they seem like they’re having fun. They’re all smiling and laughing and whizzing around everywhere, just looking at them gives me an adrenaline rush.
I stared out the window longingly as they zipped by, disappearing into the night. Maybe the late night was getting to my brain, but things just felt worse than usual this time. I’ve been watching these four go by my window at least once a week for so long. They always look so fun to be around. Free-spirited and zany, the exact opposite of everyone in my life. Maybe I really am going insane but for once I just want to know them, to see them up close. And if I’m feeling particularly crazy, I might even say hello.
I found my body edging closer and closer out the window. The fire-escape does lead all the way down, and I’m only on the sixth floor anyway. It’s not exactly a fast distance to the ground but it wouldn’t be too bad if I run…
Before I knew it, I was already out dashing in their direction to catch up. I’ve only ever dreamed of having enough courage to actually attempt this. If my aunt finds out I snuck out my grave will be dug and that’s not an exaggeration.
Yet somehow, that didn’t stop me. My skin felt numb from the cold wind, my hair was going crazy behind me. I felt pain in my cheeks from how much I was smiling. I guess I am feeling particularly crazy tonight.
By the time I caught up with them, I was embarrassingly out of breath. They were now all ground level in an alleyway and I was hiding just around the corner, close enough to listen in. A little nervous if they can hear my hideous dying dog pants, not just because it would blow my cover but also for the sake of my prestige. They seem a little too distracted by the pig man to notice me, though.
“Alright, meathead! Give us the poison, or I’m gonna smash your head into the wall and keep smashing till I smash the wall down with my smashy little fists!”
Note to self: the red one likes smashing.
“Oh get stuffed you annoying little rats! Can’t a guy sabotage his rival chef’s excuse of a business in peace?”
“GASP! He’s defaming rats!”
They broke out into a fight over what looked to be a large bag of, assumedly, poison. The pig man’s tentacle arms were whipping all over the place, trying to land a blow on the turtles. Oh and apparently his arms can extend which I would find cool if it weren’t for how gross it looked. It’s all drippy and squishy-looking and weird, not a texture I’d want to be near.
I won’t lie, I was kind of distracted from the danger I put myself in since being this close allowed me to properly see the turtles fight. At first glance it looks like they’re flailing all over the place, but it’s actually in a more cohesive way. The blue turtle teleported around and sliced the tentacles attacking them, the red one went in for a punch with giant fists at any opening. Purple guy had glowing guns in his signature color all shooting at the same time and the orange turtle swung around hitting pig man with any object his fiery chains landed on. My god was I awestruck watching them all in action. I was so busy gawking I barely even registered the magic weapons.
One of the flame chains got a hold of his leg and sent the pig guy flying backwards, losing grip of his poison bag.
“Heads up!” The blue one yelled as the bag soared through the air. All the turtles attempted catching it while the pig man’s tentacle arm followed close behind the bag. It looked like it was about to be body horror Peppa Pig’s win.
So I stepped out and grabbed the bag before he could. All eyes now on me, I made a run for it in the other direction realizing how exposed I was. Behind me I could hear a confused “Who was that?” sounding like it was from the purple guy.
Yeah, sure, maybe this wasn’t the smartest move but if I’m getting myself involved I might as well be useful.
I’d break in and out of thought every time I crashed into a wall or slid on the ground. I was never exactly known for my clearly graceful nature. My body started aching. Still I kept running, only stopping to throw a rock or two at one of the stringy pink arms behind me. Seriously, why does that dude have to be so puke-worthy.
A silver blur sped right past my head. The glowing sword stopped in front of me and a familiar blue turtle appeared out of thin air.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
As much as I pride myself on reflexes, the initial shock didn’t wear off fast enough to prevent me from crashing into him and falling back on the ground. I barely had an impact on him, though, since he was still standing perfectly fine with a hand on his hip and the other gripping his weapon.
“Look pal, I have been heroing all week and as much as I love fighting villains and looking badass, I say we make this fast and you just tell me who sent you.”
“S-sent me?” It took me a while to catch on. Not my best day, I know.
“Oh, no no no! I'm not working for anyone! I was trying to help. See?”
I held out the bag towards him, hoping that would convince him I’m not a threat. To my surprise, instead of taking it, he squinted his eyes and me and crouched down to match my height.
“You know, you look kinda familiar. Have we met before?..”
I was too stunned to respond.
Back when I first saw the turtles, after seeing the human bull, I overheard them talking about him and wanting to find him. The blue one especially, he seemed extremely guilty about something. I figured I’d help but I wasn’t brave enough to just go up to them and tell them I saw the bull. I’m too shy to even approach regular humans, these were talking anthropomorphic turtles. So instead I threw a note down and it bounced off blue’s head. He looked at it, read it, then looked up at me. I poked my head out from behind the fire escape and gave an awkward wave, trying to let him know I was on their side. It worked since he directed his team towards where I wrote the bull man went.
I remember later that same night, he knocked on my window. I was a bit freaked out admittedly and hid away by instinct. I wasn’t exactly expecting to see them again.
“Oookay. Well.” I could tell he wasn’t sure how to deal with me. I was regretting hiding but my legs were frozen in place.
“I don’t know if you can hear me since the window’s closed but I wanted to say thanks for the note. We found our guy way faster than we would’ve if we kept having to use Raph’s ideas.” He let out a playful chuckle.
I felt my heart melt a little. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t really that. I don’t usually hear things like that often.
“So yeah uh, if you can still hear me, thank you.”
My legs started working again as I heard him leap off to leave. I opened the window and rushed out to the fire escape. Luckily, he was on the ground not too far away from me. I called out to him.
He turned around and saw me. “What?”
I beamed brighter and yelled again.
“My name is Salena!”
“Salena?” His voice brought me back to present day.
“You remember me?”
He let out a cheery laugh. “Of course I remember you! I told you, your note was the only reason we found Bullhop so fast that day.”
“But that was years ago.” I sighed in disbelief as he helped me to my feet.
“And? No face has ever escaped ol’ Neon Leon’s noggon!” He proudly pointed to his brain. I debated telling him the word was noggin.
We heard voices in the distance.
“GUYS! He wants to turn me into stew!”
“Mikey, that’s not a good thing.”
“Says you! I’d make a delicious stew, thank you very much, Dee!”
“Welp, duty calls! Let’s get you to safety.” With that, he opened a blue portal and pulled me through it to a nearby rooftop. So his swords can teleport and open portals??
“You think you can keep this bag with you?”
I managed to nod.
He gave a smirk and stepped back through his portal to rejoin the battle.
“Leo! Where’s the bag?”
“And the person who stole the bag?” I could still hear red and purple speak.
“Relax, they’re a friend, they’re keeping the bag safe.”
“A new friend?! OMIGOSH!!” Orange seemed excited
The fight picked up fiercer than before. It was hard to keep up with the turtles and the chaos of their weapons. Orange flames, purple lasers, sheathing metal. The ground shook at every red flash. All the while, the air filled with lively laughter and jokes.
Pig man wasn’t going down easy, either. He pounded his giant spiky mallet, probably matching the force of red’s hits. I know they’re experienced fighters and all, but I felt a bit useless sitting around and doing nothing. I looked around for some way I could help.
Luckily, something caught my attention. On the left side of the roof, I could see a pile of bricks laying around. More than perfect for knocking out a mutant. Now the question is how to get them down.
I saw a flash of blue out the corner of my eye.
Screaming at the top of my lungs, hoping my voice wouldn’t be drowned out, I called out to him.
“Blue! Hey, blue up here!”
He followed my voice to where I was, looking a bit confused and worried I was giving myself away.
I pointed to the brick in my hand. “Make a portal on top of him!”
I saw his face light up as he understood my plan. “Great idea!”
As he dashed off, a blue portal opened near me. I rushed around the roof, grunting as I pushed the bricks in. Blue threw a sword in the air, appeared right above the pig, and opened the other side of the portal, letting all the bricks rain down on him. They all looked a bit surprised seeing around 8 or 10 bricks hit him on the head, blue included. Yeah, sure, maybe pushing all of them in was a bit overkill but seeing how crazy powerful this guy was, I didn’t want to risk it.
And boy, was he out cold. The four turtles made their way up the roof, I presume to get the bag of poison.
I glanced back down at the pig “So like…he’s not dead is he?”
“Meatsweats? Nah that guy’s handled way worse.” Blue said strangely casually. “Good thinking with the bricks, btdubs.”
I’d appreciate the compliment more but I was still struggling to figure out what could possibly be worse than bricks to the head.
“Yeah, thanks for your help back there with the poison, too.” red rubbed his neck and gave a sweet smile. For a big guy he seems awfully friend-shaped.
“I’m Raph. These are my brothers Leo, Mikey, and Donnie.” Leo struck a pose, Mikey waved like his life depended on it, and Donnie…well he was just on his phone with his shell turned towards me. It’s a cool shell, at least. I never noticed it wasn’t a real one before.
“I’m Salena. Nice to meet you all.”
People used to tell me I ask too many questions so I got into the habit of just keeping my tongue bit. But I would’ve exploded if I didn’t seize the moment today to find out what the hell was going on. I’m bad at social situations, anyway, might as well be on purpose.
“So if you don’t mind me asking…What are you? How do you exist? Where’d you get your weapons? Did you make your shell yourself? Who was that guy? Can I see what’s in this bag?”
“AHEM! I’m glad you asked!” Donnie turned his attention towards me, dramatically answering my questions. “We, weird human, are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (trademark). And yes, my battle shell is indeed Genius Built technology. Made this baby when I was twelve.”
“We’re mutant turtles!-”
“Literally just said that in the name Micheal”
“Still think Mad Dogz was better.”
“-And we were made in Draxum’s lab to take over the world back when he was going through his ‘bad boy’ phase but we ended up being heroes instead. Pretty cool right?”
“Hey, inquiry for you actually, why’d you help us anyway?”
I awkwardly answered Donnie, telling them about my luck of random mutants frequently passing by my window. Apparently some of them were Yōkai, Raph said there was a whole Hidden City of them and a doorway leading to it near where I lived. I was a little surprised at how happy they all looked listening to me talk. Usually I’d be told to shut up by now so this was a nice change of pace.
“What happened to your arm?” Leo pointed to the wound on my forearm.
“Oh. That explains why it felt so sore. I guess I scraped against a wall or something? It’s fine, though, I’ll patch it up when I get home.”
“No way. You helped us, we help you. Let the professional do his magic.”
Leo took out some supplies from his pouch. I sat on the edge and let him work on my arm while the rest - mostly Donnie - info dumped their stories to me. At first it was a way to distract me from the initial sting of my cuts being cleaned but it wasn’t long until they got carried away with their storytelling. They told me about their mutation at the lab, how they found out, their two dads and other human friends. The oozequitoes, as they called them, were what made them and all the other mutants. It’s crazy to think these guys were made as literal military weapons considering they’re now wacky vigilantes.
“Voilà! Look and be amazed!”
“Woah! You weren’t kidding when you said professional.” I admired Leo’s bandaging on my arm. It was clean and neat, tight enough to be secure but not turning my fingers blue or anything. Much better job than I would’ve done.
The full moon was beautiful tonight. Unfortunately, it reminded me where I should be at this time.
“Well, I’m really enjoying talking to guys but I should probably go home. I don’t even wanna know how late it is”
“What? But can’t you stay a little longer?” Mikey, who was practically vibrating this whole time, suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. He looked so dejected it made my heart hurt. Raph attempted to comfort him.
“They probably have school Mike. Maybe we can hang out another time, if you’re up for it?”
“REALLY- I mean, yes, yeah. That sounds lovely!” Stay civil, Salena.
“Hey before you go, you should really try one of these.” Leo opened the poison bag and took out a pizza puff? “They are absolutely delicious.”
Poison or not, pizza puff’s a pizza puff.
“NO!“ Unfortunately, Raph slapped the treat out of my hand before I could plop it in my mouth.
We bid our farewells and Mikey handed me a paper with their numbers on it paired with some cute doodles of them. After telling him where to go, Leo opened a portal to my room. I know you’re not supposed to tell strangers your address and it did feel a little weird but a portal was the fastest way home. No way I’m hoofing it this late in the night. I love New York but not that much.
Sitting on my bed now, I observed the blue turtle as he was getting ready to go back. The red stripes around his eyes made me realize he was a red-eared slider, I read about them back when I was six or seven I think.
“Hey Leo?”
I smiled. “It was nice running into you again.”
He gave his signature smirk “Funny how life works, ay?”
He waved and fell back into his portal. I closed my eyes for a bit, then grabbed my sketchbook.
Placing Mikey’s doodles on a blank page, I wrote down their respective eye colors.
Green, brown, yellow, blue.
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Next Chapter | Salena Moni
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anyataylorjoy · 2 years ago
Hey! I love your blog. Quick question: I like that you have the tag you are tracking on your description as well as the link to your gifs, may I ask how you did that? I have tried a couple times but the link never works when I add it to the description of my blog.
of course! a very brief tutorial below the cut + a bonus tutorial on gradient text for captions & html text formatting:
adding links to description:
first go to account -> blog setting -> edit theme
then, once your blog website opens up we're just going to add our links through basic html code:
Tumblr media
text version to copy here: <a href ="http://url">word</a>
note: if you're linking to another page on your blog you can leave out the "http:// and just put "/url of page" instead
example of my description:
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where the purple highlighted text is the url and the yellow highlighted text is the word that carries the link
i also have <b> which bolds the text and </b> which ends the text bolding (more on that below)
some troubleshooting:
make sure you're adding them to your description through edit theme under website theme in your settings! i don't think you can add them directly through mobile!
if it's still not working for you make sure you're putting in your description under appearance options and not under description in open graph options
once you get it working i would go ahead and copy the whole text and keep it somewhere because whenever you change your icon or header tumblr wipes the links out and just keeps the text so you'll want to go back in and repaste it in each time you do that
HTML text formatting & gradient text:
here is a fantastic list of html text formatting for your blog or captions! and here is the resource i use for gradient text
you will need to copy and paste the text from the HTML CODE FOR THIS TEXT box into another document ( i use my notes app) and use find and replace for the following things:
find & replace ' with "
find & replace ; with a space (so just delete it)
then; in tumblr you need to click the little gear icon on your new post and select html from the drop down menu (rich text is the default)
Tumblr media
then you can copy and paste in your gradient text code or add in html formatting elements!
let me know if it's still not working or if you have any other questions 💜💜💜
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masschase · 2 years ago
SR Boss Asks Answers
I realised how much space long reblogs take up on the reblog page (yeah, I'm new to tumblr) so I've copied this onto a new post.
But yeah, did them all, and I implore anyone who wants to talk about their Boss to do these, because even if no-one reads it, it was fun. There were a couple of things I didn't really think about, like the #16 Casey-cat moment which is my new favourite thing.
#17 is something I've just done a longer post on.
Apologies for formatting issues.
1.What’s their backstory? Cassandra ‘Casey’ Michaiła Clark was born in Stilwater. Her dad left when she was very young citing that he couldn't handle two kids. Ofc he leaves and has two kids with his new wife and barely sees Casey and her sister. He later claims he wanted to leave their mom, not them. Her sister rightfully points out that for all her flaws, their mom never actually stopped him seeing them so that's on him.
Her mom was from a slightly more affluent background than her dad (they met in college but dropped out when her mom got pregnant) and they were scraping by until he left. After that, her mom worked very hard to maintain the appearance to the outside world that they were not struggling with money, even though it sent them into debt. She was always very judgemental and religious, but also had a genuine anxiety disorder. She eventually got addicted to Xanax and would drag Casey with her to make excuses like that she'd flushed her last lot down the toilet/took them to school and they got confiscated etc.
It got to the point where she was pretty checked out and Casey's sister had to make sure they were getting to school on time, that there was food on the table etc.. When she was 14, her sister left home and this derailed her pretty bad.
Her best friend Mori(OC: Moriarty Alleyne- hoping to post more about him soon)'s mom Angela was instrumental in taking care of her from about the age of 12. She always made sure Casey was fed when at her house and gave her some of Mori's old clothes when she outgrew her sister's hand-me-downs. She did try to help where she could but wasn't fully aware of the situation for a long time. Even though Mori's friendship with Casey became a little strained due to his girlfriend disliking her, Angela would still invite her around.
When Casey was 15 her mom caught her making out with a girl she liked and it led to her mom throwing her out of the house. She stayed with Mori and Angela for two weeks straight but Angela started saying Casey should go check on her mom, and offers to go with her- having realised by this point that drugs are involved she's worried her mom might have OD'ed (Casey doesn't realise that's why until years later). Casey assures her she has been in contact with her mom (technically she has been, she's been sent texts about repenting her sins and guilt trips about leaving her at home the whole time) and pretends to go home but obviously can't.
So instead she finds herself on Saints Row at a really stupid time of night and… well, you know… Saints Row happens.
2. How old were they when they first joined the Saints? Fifteen, almost sixteen. Weird little angry kid born 29th June 1990. I think she has pretty obvious millenial tastes and tendencies. I find the post-SRIV dynamic pretty fascinating actually. She probably has a lot more in common with Pierce and Shaundi who I hc as similar ages compared to Johnny who is xennial, Kinzie and Asha who I think are borderline millenial/gen z, and 110% zoomer Matt. Then you've got Keith and Ben complaining that the ship is ran by kids and CID, Jane and Jezebel being extreme outliers to the whole thing.
3. Did they have a happy childhood? I mean overall she says it wasn't terrible. She had some nice moments with her sister. Kinzie calls her backstory "tragic" when she hears it and Casey disagrees calling it "just, y'know, a bit shitty". She heard stories of other kids going through physical and sexual abuse, she saw how Mori was affected by his dad's death and had to help him through some very dark times with his depression. She doesn't class her borderline sociopathy as a mental health issue until much later on. She starts therapy around the time the Saints rise to fame, around 2012-2013.
4. Do they have any siblings? Yes, she has a sister called Phoebe who is approximately 4 years older than her and as above, pretty much had to raise her. She left home when she was 18 which led Casey to feel pretty abandoned all over again, especially because she didn't fully understand her reasons.
5. Did they graduate high school? What about college? No, she dropped out of high school. She had plans to study English Literature at college had she got that far. She held on to school for almost a year after Phoebe left, still scraping Bs, but eventually it all took its toll. She got a job as a dishwasher in a small restaurant. If it wasn't for stealing food off of plates for a few months she wouldn't have had the muscle mass for the physical strength she displays in the first game.
6. What’s their sexuality?She self-defines as bisexual. Later she wonders if it should be pansexual. She didn't know what pan was in like 2003 when she was figuring it out, but either would fit her. Equally she would describe herself as panromantic but many of her friends assume she is fraysexual or otherwise arospec based on her choices around relationships.
7. What do they look for in a partner? She doesn't. She ignores or downright avoids that sort of interaction if possible. Suddenly becomes fucking mute again if she tries to talk about feelings. But she seems to be romantically attracted to people that are quite physically affectionate because she is very friendly emotionally but has trouble initiating non-sexual physical contact.
She does have the odd short-term partner, but tends to be drawn to people she doesn’t like all that much as something in her brain knows it won't last (talking days, I think her longest was like 10 days for many years). She has a lot of one-night stands/other casual hookups.
8. Are they currently dating anyone? Currently when? ;) Throughout the games, no, unless it’s a matter of days as described above. She's capable of romantic attraction but as above, doesn't want a relationship for practical reasons (actually fear) because a partner could be used against her.
9. Who do they love most in the world? Her friends. They are her family. She is unwavering on that. This doesn't change when she gets a partner or meets a blood relative from the pods. But it does shift a little some time in 2024.
10. Is there someone from their past they will never forgive?
Her parents. Anyone who contributes to the several deaths of her friends also but the difference there is that she doesn't let them live. So no need to forgive them. Hell she only considered letting Matt live because he reminded her of herself when she got dragged into the gang life at 15-16. The upgrades just sealed the deal.
11. What is their favorite food? Mori and his mom are Bajan-American so Barbadian food is a comfort food for her, especially salt fish and macaroni pie. Unfortunately none of the lieutenants stationed with her are of that heritage, so she often seeks out Carribean restaurants while still on earth. Phoebe's pecan pie is also a comfort, it was their grandma's recipe but she died when Casey was 6 and Phoebe was 9-10. Casey has the recipe but can't cook anything besides like frozen pizzas, instant ramen etc. She eventually tries to make the pie and realises burnt pecan pie is still good pecan pie! Despite this, lemon meringue pie is her favourite dessert. When the nice manager was on shift at the restaurant she would sneak her a piece every night. She also has a soft spot for fries because when she the dishwasher in the diner they were the easiest things to eat off plates before scraping them. Also pieces of burgers and ribs.
12. What are their pet peeves? She gets really restless when waiting on someone. Like she'll say meet at 2 and by the time Johnny gets there by 2.03 she's been pacing back and forth for five minutes. She doesn't mind all the gang being sarcastic with each other but if they all start talking each other at once she usually has to silence them. She is open to being called out on things like her white cis privelege or some of the hetronormative bias instilled by her background but she doesn't much like being challenged on some of her more bullshit 'rules' or lieutenants pushing back on her decisions once she's made them. She does eventually mature out of the latter.
13. What are some of their fears? Her biggest fear is losing someone she cares about. Unfortunately she's frequently had to live it. This is one of the things that contributes to her feelings on relationships.
14. How do they deal with injuries? Major: the Saints have a heavily bribed doctor in Stilwater, Steelport and DC. Minor: She usually asks Johnny to bandage if needed bc everyone else is too slow and gentle. Then more or less runs and hides until she's feeling better.
15. What is the MOST embarrassing moment in their life? That time she almost slow danced with Josh Birk at the 4th of July party is certainly up there.
16. Are they a cat or dog person? Cat, I think. I think she wouldn't have thought of herself of much a pet person in general because she grew up without any and she assumes she'd be too lazy to take care of them. But then she goes to a friends house who has a cat. Maybe Mori(which would be funny because his mom affectionately compares Casey to a stray cat). And she doesn't really know how to react around them so she's just kind of like "Sup.". Then the cat just kind of comes and sits on her lap and she's like… oh… warm! Soft. You are my new homie now.
17. Beside the 1950s sitcom, what else would their hell be?Again, just losing all the people she cares about. The only reason that was not her simulation is because Zinyak/the system he uses has a very shallow understanding of the human psyche, not surprising because Zin have a very conscious mind compared to humans where a lot is subconscious. This makes them fairly intelligent but also means they can adapt to changes due to their time travel easily because they just go "oh, a memory has changed.". See also: Pierce's simulation. Maybe everyone's.
18. Which death affects them the most? (Besides Johnny)
Oh this is different because they all impact such different areas of her life. Lin’s death probably had the greatest impact on her actions as a leader.She becomes very front-and centre/self sacrificing because of Lin.
On a more personal level I was going to say Carlos because she had pretty strong feelings for him but actually it's Aisha. Watching how her best friend, who she looks up to more than anyone and basically wanted to be, was just walking around with a piece of him missing really solidified her fear of relationships and anger at the injustice of life and death; things she might have otherwise grown out of/conquered with therapy.
19. What is their favorite music? She likes a pretty wide range of music because she doesn’t want to let anyone down by not following their recommendations and always finds at least one song she likes from the artists they like. Not taking that into account, she really likes '80s shit' and also ska but as a 00s teen she went through the pop punk phase pretty hard too.
20. What are some of their hobbies? Reading, definitely. Almost every spare moment when she gets to the stage where there are spare moments. In high school, Yu-Gi-Oh cards were big for her. Tbh she is pretty nerdy but because she's so technologically challenged her friends don't seem to pick up on that. I feel like in an AU 2020 she would get really into cottagecore during the pandemic then get really pissed because she can't bake or draw or knit.
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dreamsnails · 3 years ago
Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took so long, but here we are! Chapter 2. Chapter 2 has two different endings and splits off into two paths, one where you go with Sal when you return home from school, and one where you go with Larry. This is the Larry iteration. If you want the Sal ending, read the next post instead (https://dreamsnails.tumblr.com/post/678850785510096896/as-promised-the-sal-iteration-of-chapter-2-if).
A friendly reminder, I tried to set the story in a time where it would still be close to the cannon characters, but they would be 18. Remember as you read this that the characters are all intended to be 18. Now, nothing spicy happens, but some feelings are definitely insinuated! With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy! I put a lot of work into this one.
Also, if anyone was wondering why the formatting of my text is all screwed up, it's because I write the chapters in google docs and just copy and paste it. In docs it looks correct, but I guess the words like getting a little jiggy on Tumblr, haha. Okay, I'll shut up now, for real this time! Enjoy!
   The soft droning of my alarm clock alerted my eyes into motion, swinging open at full speed. I shot up, sweat dripping down my back. A shadowed hand slithered from on my bed beside my left thigh and down the sheets, causing me to shriek and pull them up to my chest. I watched it slide underneath my bed. Heaving breaths wracked my chest as I shuffled as far to the wall as I could. 
    Click! The lights were on now, and I shot my head towards the door, staring with frightful, wide eyes, a deer in the headlights until my eyes were able to adjust. 
    “Honey, my goodness!” It was mom. My chest rose and fell, a rhythmic pattern, eyes fluttering shut for just a moment as I tried my best to process what had just gone down. She approached cautiously, touching the bed for a brief moment before swiftly pulling her hand back, holding it in the air. “Your bed…it’s soaked dear…” 
    She eyed me up and down. I grabbed a hold of my knees, pulling them close to my chest. I focused straight ahead. 
    “Let me get the thermometer.”
    “No,” I blurted. She stared at me, and I shook my head, continuing. “I… I just had a really really bad dream. I’m fine…” 
    “Are you sure?” She brushed some hair behind my ear. 
    “Yeah, I’ll be okay. I’ll be out in a moment.” 
    As soon as my bedroom door was shut and mom was out of sight, I sprang out of my bed, immediately crouching on my knees to examine underneath it. 
    It was barren under there, only a stray, crumpled paper on the floor from my sketchbook. I reached my arm under, snatching the garbage and tossing it into the bin at the foot of my bed. 
    A shower, I thought. That will calm me down. 
    I reached into my drawers, pulling out underwear, a fresh pair of ripped jeans, and a black t-shirt. My towel sat on top of my dresser, and that was added to the stack in my arms as well. My fingers fumbled with the doorknob, shaking with excitement from the moments prior, and I stepped into the hall. 
    The warm water soothed me as it swept in sheets down my soiled body, carrying away the sweat and fear. I sighed, dropping my shoulders. What in the hell was in my room? Was that the thing that touched me in the hallway yesterday? I grabbed my loofa, squirting a generous amount of soap into it. I let the rough surface glide over my body, remembering a story dad had told me before. When he was young, and he and mom had just moved in together, they spent a lot of time watching horror movies and cheap flicks. One night, he went to bed early, leaving mom to read on the couch in their living room. He suddenly woke up, frozen in fear as he watched an unfamiliar face and hand of an unknown creature slip behind their bedroom door, closing it behind them, as if it had been in their room and was now sneaking into the hallway, watching him as it did so. He screamed for mom, and they searched the whole house for the monster, but it later turned out he had just experienced his first case of sleep paralysis. 
    I turned the shower knob, the water ceasing. Perhaps that was what I had just encountered. Sleep paralysis. 
    I didn’t think about it too much more as I slipped my clothes on and went to the kitchen for breakfast. I poured my bowl of cereal, trying to ignore my parents whispering in the living room. Sticking a spoonful of Reese’s Puffs into my mouth, I muttered “Guys, I’m fine. It was just a dream.” 
    “If you’re sure, champ.” Dad replied, grabbing yesterday’s newspaper off of the side table and propping his feet on the coffee table. Mom scoffed at him, annoyed that he wasn’t as concerned as she was. She stood from her spot on our couch and walked over to me, who was leaning against the wall in the dining room, and placed her hands on my shoulders. “I’m eating my cereal,” I remarked, muffled, mouth full once again. Mom sighed, rolling her eyes. 
    “I just want to make extra sure.”
    “Mom,” I warned. 
    She hugged me, and I stood there, trying to make sure I didn’t lose my cereal onto the floor. “I love you,” she said. 
    I sighed, smiling. “I love you too, mom. But I’m not a baby anymore.” 
    “You’re always going to be my baby,” She fussed, squeezing me and rocking us back and forth. 
    “Mom!” I chuckled. "My puffs, man!" She let go of me, smiling back, before walking back into the living room to sit next to dad. “Wash your bowl before going to school!” 
    “I know ma!” 
    Before no time, I found myself in the same position as yesterday. Bag slung over my shoulder, hand nervously twisting the doorknob as I thought about the events of this morning and yesterday morning. I told myself over and over that ghosts aren’t real, and that nothing is after me, but that sinking feeling stayed inside of me as I shut the front door and stood alone in the hall. My mind buffered, trying to get myself to the elevator, to get myself to school, but I was too shaken. I made a dash for 402, praying that he was still there. 
My fist rapped at the door. It was answered by a man who looked to be in his mid 40s, his hair blue, just like Sal’s. He looked tired, or possibly angry? I forced myself to smile, intimidated by his presence, and hoping he couldn't tell. “Uh, is Sal still here? I think we're supposed to walk to school together today.”  
    A warm smile replaced his tired features. “Oh, you must be Sal’s new friend! He mentioned you might stop by.” He extended a hand, which I shook. “I’m Henry Fisher, Sal’s dad. It’s nice to meet you (Y/N).”
“It’s nice to meet you, too.” My cheeks felt warm. He told his dad my name? I knew it wasn’t anything special, but it felt that way to me, like he was proud to be my friend. None of my old friends ever talked about me to their parents, as far as I knew. Then again, I was never invited to stop by their houses to know.
Sal appeared next to him at the door, sliding past him to stand in the hall next to me. “See you when you get home from work, dad.” He said, adjusting his posture. 
“See ya, Sal. You guys have a good day at school!” 
He shut the door as Sal and I walked towards the elevator. I contemplated telling Sal about my dream and what had happened in the hall yesterday morning. Shuddering at the thought, I pushed it back, standing in silence as we waited for the door to slide open. My hands muddled together, toying with one another.
“Is everything okay, (Y/N)?” 
    The sound of Sal’s voice snapped me out of my void state. I looked straight ahead.
    “Sal, do you think this place could possibly be haunted?” 
    He paused, thinking. “Well, I think that this building is old, and I think that there is a lot that we don’t know about its past. Why? Did something happen?”
I cracked, now fully animated, spilling everything about the last couple days. “Yesterday morning I was waiting for the elevator and someone touched my back, like ran their hand on my back, or I thought someone did, and it surprised me so I turned around really fast but nobody was even there, and then this morning I had a really bad dream and I woke up and thought I saw someone move their hand down my bed but after I checked my room I realized nobody was there, and this place just felt off from the start, like, when we had our walkthrough of the place, but mom and dad don’t even care and it’s gonna drive me insane, and I think mom thinks there’s like, something wrong with me now because she was whispering to dad this morning about something but it. Isn’t. Me. It’s this creepy ass apartment complex! And they don’t even feel it!”
Sal stared at me. I huffed, hands rubbing my tired eyes. The elevator door slid open, and we stepped out onto the first floor. 
"(Y/N), I-"
"Yooo! Hey guys!" Larry's wide smile greeted us, and he began striding in our direction. 
"I'll talk about it with you later, promise." Sal dismissed, greeting Larry with a crisp high five and a punch in the shoulder.  
"Woah, (Y/N), you look like shit." Larry teased, ruffling my hair. I raised my arms up protectively. 
"Hey! That's not very nice!" I laughed. "I slept like shit." 
"Oh no wonder then." His hands found their way into his pockets. The genuine smile he gave me was contagious, and I soon found myself forgetting my misfortune in his presence once again. 
"So, hey, I was thinking maybe Friday we could all hang out at my place after school. Ashley and Todd, too," Larry started, trying to pass the time. Sal nodded. 
"Yeah, sounds like fun. Do you want me to bring anything?" 
"Dude, if you could get those, like, dino chicken nugget thingies, like the frozen ones you bake in the oven, I would literally make out with you on the spot." Larry wiggled his eyebrows. 
Sal turned his head, looking forward again. "Okay, I am definitely bringing nothing now." I could hear the banter in his voice. 
"Aww, come on, man! Okay what about just a little kiss on the cheek?" 
"Alright, fine," said Sal. He raised his index finger. "But only one." 
"Should I bring something too?" I asked. What could I even bring? Microwave popcorn? My parents typically didn't have lots of snacks lying around at home. Mom loved to cook, and if I wanted a snack, she'd always make me have an apple or drink some water so I would be hungry enough for her elaborate dinners. 
"No, don't worry about that," Larry waved me off, then nudged my arm playfully. "Just bring yourself, you’re good enough on your own.” 
The half-lidded look he gave me, that coy smirk… was he flirting with me? Before I could try to weigh the possibility– 
“Ouch, damn dude!” 
Laughter from the two of them. 
“So if I have to bring chicken nuggets, then that must mean that I’m not good enough on my own, right?” Sal teased. 
“Hm… Nope! Guess not,” Larry shrugged, eyes closed. Another couple blows landed on his arm and side. Watching them kind of reminded me of a toddler trying to beat up a much older brother. 
“Fine, fine!” Larry finally gave in. “You’re good enough, chicken nuggets or not.” 
The school came into view, a flood of colors entering and lingering outside. I made it a point to take in the fresh air before entering the dull building. I would be stuck inside for the next large portion of my day. A small tug of anxiety pulled at my chest. Against my will, my mind corrected me. I would be stuck inside alone for the next large portion of my day, ostracized from my only two friends here. Last hour couldn’t come soon enough. 
A cool voice pulled me out of my thoughts. 
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?” 
It was Sal, always the one to notice and always the one to speak up. We stepped into the building, and he looked at me expectantly. I took a deep breath, and put on a smile. I wanted to be honest with him.
“A lot has been bothering me this morning, there has just been so much going through my mind already, and I don’t really know if I am okay.” 
Is what I wanted to say. Instead…
“Y-yeah!” I blurted. “Of course! I’ll meet you after school.” 
He was silent for just a moment. Could he see through me? No shit, I thought. I was a mumbling fumbling mess. “Alright, see you after school!” was all he said in return. 
We turned our separate ways, my face dropping with my stomach as soon as the boys were out of view. I was a zombie, blurs of other teens rushing past in my peripherals as I made my way to my locker. The cold steel of the lock almost burned as I turned the dial. Right… left… right… 
The lock popped open effortlessly. I grabbed my materials, taking note of my classroom number, and then shut the door, putting the lock back into its rightful spot. 
“(Y/N)!” Two hands slapped down hard on my desk, causing me to jump, my pencil swerving and pressing hard into the page. My head shot up to face my aggressor. 
“The bell rang– hey, is that Sal?” He grabbed for my sketchbook. 
“Hey!” I cried in protest, reaching for it, but I was ultimately too late. It was now in his possession, and his eyes studied the page. 
“Wow,” he huffed. “You’re pretty impressive.”
    “Thank you.” I swiped for the book, but he was faster, and it was now held above his head. 
“Larry!” I stamped my right foot, pouting like a child. “Give it back!” I received a low chuckle, and his arm swept behind him to hide the book behind his back. 
“Why do you want it back so badly?” He teased. 
“Because it’s mine!” I whined, stamping again. I made a poor attempt to reach around him for it. A step back was enough to keep me away. 
“(Y/N) has a crush on Sally~” he sang. My face went bright red. I was absolutely mortified. 
“I do not!” I stammered, crossing my arms over my chest and averting my eyes.
“Oh you totally fucking do!” 
“I don’t!”
“You do! Your face went all red!” 
He held my book out towards me. I snatched it, turning my nose up at him in annoyance.
“Aw don’t be like that,” he said. “I won’t tell anyone.”
    “Promise me.” My voice was venomous. “And promise not to talk about it anymore!” He put his hands up defensively. 
“I promise. Now let’s go find your boyfriend so we can walk home.” 
I landed a solid punch on his arm. 
“Ow! Okay, okay! I’m sorry, I’ll stop!” He was smiling, but I definitely wasn’t. We finally made our way out of the classroom in silence, and into the hallway, which was remarkably still quite full of other students, despite the time we had spent after the final bell still in the classroom.
I didn’t say a word to Larry as he escorted me to my locker, and then over to his and Sal’s. I didn’t really care about his increasingly more worried expression either. The only thing I really cared to say about it was “Yeah, everything is fine!” when Sal asked if we were alright. 
    We walked home in heavy silence. I didn’t really care to interact with Larry, and Larry was too full of nervous tension to say anything to anyone. I could tell Sally knew something had happened. He kept looking over at one of us at a time, trying to say something, then deciding to keep it to himself. By the time we made it back to the apartments, I was too exhausted to care anymore. We stood in the lobby, the silence growing.
    “I’m gonna go back home, guys.” Sal eventually made out some words. “If either of you want to hang out later, you’re welcome to come by!” He turned as the elevator door opened. “Um, I– I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon! Both of you…” He pushed a button inside the elevator, and the door shut, leaving Larry and I alone. 
    “(Y/N), I–”
    “Larry, I don’t want to hear it.” I turned my head away from him. 
    “Please, just let me apologize…” 
    I stood in silence. It would be nice to hear him say sorry. 
    “I wasn't trying to hurt you, I was messing, you know? I was just trying to joke around. I didn’t notice how much it was bothering you, because I was too busy horsing around to pay attention, and I really am sorry,” he pleaded. 
    “Yeah, clearly. How many times did I have to yell at you again?”
    “Look, you have every right to be mad at me. What I did was dickish and rude. I shouldn’t have teased you like that, and it isn’t my business whether or not you like someone, or who that someone is.” 
    I glared at him. 
    We stood in more awkward silence. I stared down at my feet, waiting for him to just leave me alone and go home. Instead, footsteps sounded, and his presence was right in front of me.
    “You know, I think your drawing was pretty awesome, regardless of who it was of…”
    I looked up at him. He wasn’t smirking, he wasn’t standing confidently as he usually did; instead, he looked vulnerable. His shoulders slouched, and his face was downturned, yet his eyes made contact with mine. I felt my breath hitch as we stared each other down. His eyes really were mesmerizing. I had to look away. 
    “Thanks, I guess…” 
    “Remember when I said we should hang out sometime and draw together?” He asked. 
    “Yeah, with Ash, right?” 
    “Yeah, well… do you want to do that? Like right now? Without her– I mean– with just us?” 
    I once again found my way to his eyes. They were desperate, and I began to feel guilty for being so cold towards him. I was definitely overreacting. He promised not to say anything, and he even apologized. Like, well. A strong apology.
    “Yeah, we can do that.” I swallowed a lump in my throat.
    He immediately lightened up. He led me downstairs, unlocking the door with a card he pulled out of his pocket. We walked through an unfinished hallway, complete with a washer and dryer, as well as a vending machine, until we made it to a door. He unlocked it, and we entered a normal apartment, just the same as my own. A woman sat on the couch inside, watching the television, feet elevated over the cushions she rested upon. She looked nearly identical to Larry, from the big, brown, emotionally charged eyes, down to the admittedly big nose. 
    “Hey mom, I’m home,” he greeted her. “I brought a friend over.”
    She turned her attention towards us as we made our way over to what I assumed to be Larry’s room.
    “Okay, sweetie, but keep the door open please!” 
    “Closed!” He called out, already in the motion of shutting the door.
    Well, I guess I’m here. 
    I took in my surroundings. Band posters made up half of the many pages plastering the walls. The other half consisted of drawings on paper and paintings on canvas, which I assumed to be done by him, the way he talked about liking art so much. They were very expressive, done in cool tones. Some depicted gloomy scenery, others showed gatherings of people in various depressing and/or mundane settings. My eyes traveled to a gathering of sketches done on white papers. A couple pages were of the goofy-looking ginger kid from the day before. A few more were of the beautiful girl Sal was deep in conversation with; Ashley, I believe. A few even featured his mother, and Sal’s dad. But most of them were of Sal, all in various poses. 
    “I love my friends and family,” Larry pulled me away from the artwork. “This is kind of my way of honoring them. Of course, I always ask permission before I just plaster them on my wall.” He chuckled. “It would be weird if I didn’t, and kind of creepy.” 
I gave him a warm smile. “No, no, I get it completely. I mean, you saw me sketching Sal earlier anyways. I think it’s really sweet of you.” I reached out, gently brushing my fingers along the 2D features on Sal’s mask on one of the pages. “They’re really well done.” 
“Thanks!” He chimed. 
I spent a bit more time examining his artwork. I could hear his foot tapping behind me. I wondered if he was staring at me, but I didn’t really care to turn around to find out, partially because I began to realize I busted in here and started judging everything in his room, awkwardly staring at every bit of paper decorating the walls. How would I feel if someone did that to my own room? Finally, he cleared his throat. 
“So, uh, do you want me to take your bag?” 
“Oh, shit, yeah!” I turned around, reaching into my bag and grabbing my sketchbook and a pencil before handing it to him. He set it down delicately next to his own, made his way to a bean bag and took a seat, then motioned towards the futon just across the way. 
I sat down, sinking into the cushion. 
“You okay if I turn on some music?” He asked, pointing towards his stereo with his head. “I personally prefer rock and metal, just a warning. In case you don't like it.” 
“Yeah, that’s fine.” 
He reached up and hit the power button, then adjusted the volume to a comfortable hum, loud enough to hear clearly, but quiet enough that we could talk without screaming at one another. 
“Incubus?” I asked, recognizing the song as one of theirs. “Nice.”
    “Heh, I usually listen to much heavier stuff, but when I draw I prefer stuff like this. Also to not scare new people!” His eyes lit up, his lips curling slightly at the edge. “Unless you want to be scared. Have you heard of Sanity’s Fall?” 
I shook my head. 
“You want to?”
    I nodded, an avid metal fan myself. 
I watched as he ejected the disk and inserted a new one, turning the volume knob up. The quiet hum of the CD being read filled the air, and then the song blasted through his speakers. An intense guitar riff was combined with raspy screaming, and upbeat drums and bass followed, adding to the symphony. I found myself having a difficult time staying still, my head nearly banging with the tempo against my will, a spell metal seems to cast on me. My foot tapped along as a compromise. 
Larry let himself fall back into his bean bag, hands plucking at the strings of a guitar that didn’t exist, long hair swaying as his head rocked. Fuck it, I thought, and let myself go, too, enjoying the moment. 
We both whipped our hair as we headbanged to the song. I felt a little silly doing such a stupid thing in front of another person, but honestly, I was having fun. A lot of fun. We both took glances of each other, laughing as we did so, and–
“Larry! ‘Christ sake! Turn it DOWN!” 
We jumped, turning our heads to stare, mortified, at his annoyed mother. A few seconds later he was out of the trance, scrambling for the volume knob and turning it back down. 
As soon as the door slammed shut, and we were alone again, we whipped our heads around to face each other. We both burst into a hard laughing fit. 
“You should’ve seen the look on your face, dude!” I shouted, slapping my hand down on my thigh. “You were totally scared of her!”
    “No way!” He denied, body still wracking with laughter. “And even if I was, you were too!” 
“Shut up, man! What reason would I have to be scared of her?” 
He jumped at me.
“Okay, maybe you don’t have a reason to be scared of her, but I’ll give you a reason to be scared of me for pointing it out!” 
I shrieked, and we fell into another fit of laughter as we rolled into a playful wrestling match. 
He laid on top of me, hands on each side of my head, and we both breathed heavily from the effort, our bodies pressed against each other. I felt my cheeks beginning to burn. Hormones raged inside of me. Everything about him in that moment was appealing; the way he looked, the smell of his cologne, the feeling of him on top of me. It all was wrong, I was supposed to be mad at him, at least a little, still, yet once again, I found myself being pulled into his hypnotic chocolate eyes, until he cleared his throat. 
“Heh, that was, uh…” He stood up, then reached out a hand to me. I took it. “It was fun.” He chuckled, averting his eyes. His face was scarlet. 
“Yeah.” He helped me stand. “It was.” 
I wondered if he felt what I felt. I wondered if he was thinking of… 
He took his seat again, on the bean bag, and pulled out a sketchbook from behind it. I followed suit, grabbing my own. 
“Anyways, let’s get to work,” he mumbled, flipping the book open and burying his head into the page in an effort to hide his embarrassment. 
I couldn’t help but allow myself to smile as I opened my own, mapping out his current pose on the blank paper.
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