#shifts coinings .
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Actually writing a HWINEBHABWNAJCAHOWEEATOWEUB AU fic with a solid story line because there's too much stuff going on in this goddamn AU and I need to organize it a little!!
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storyshift-mogai · 1 month ago
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[x] Soul Trait Flags !
For when [x] is your soul trait. Based on the Undertale souls. Can be as basic (i.e determination soul trait) or as complex/out there (i.e catboy soul trait) as you'd like, go wild.
These flags are for the Human Soul and the Monster Soul. Use whatever feels more correct!
I would appreciate being tagged in whatever you make, I love seeing peoples creations!
Anyone can coin for this. I do not involve my terms in discourse. Just be respectful.
Taglist: @radiomogai, @undertale-term-archive, @honey-makes-mogai, @cyberneticloverboy, @brainkeeper-service
Here are the seperate flag components:
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problematicraccoon · 4 months ago
i am. so incredibly normal about this.
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professional-jaywalker · 6 months ago
coining the joke term "Oddbody shift" from oddbodies furbies. It's when your envisage or phantom shifts make you have bizarre body maps.
I, for exemple, am currently feeling like a whole bird with human arms sprouting from around the chest area due to envisage shifts, which.
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ah yes. the serious nature of therianthropy.
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c4fin4t3d-f1sh · 8 months ago
Coining an Alterhuman term
Vocal Shifting/Vocalshift
[Alternate Text: Coining an alter human term, Vocal Shifting/Vocal shift]
Vocal Shifting is when an alterhuman, usually neurodivergent or semi-verbal nonhumans, but any alterhuman may as well, feel an intense urge to make the noise of or speak the language of their kintype. This can be suppressed, but it will usually persist until the alterhuman makes said noise.
This can be an intense urge or an inability to speak human words for a varying amount of time. (Could be only a couple seconds to any amount of hours).
This may be startling for most alterhumans, but some may find this a very comforting and playful shift!
Vocal shifts can be confused for mental shifts but in the case of a vocal shift, the shift is processed through the mouth and it is more of an instinct, reaction, or a fleeting state of mind. It can still be considered a shift because it is not human and touches on your kin's behavior. Though mental shifts are frequently experienced with vocal shifts, they're not the same.
(Example: A dog therian feels a growl in their throat and begins to bark without realizing what they're doing.)
(Example 2: An elf otherkin is in a public setting and cannot speak the elvish language they feel the urge to speak, so they suppress their instinct and when they get home they experience a strong elvish vocal shift.)
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redacted-coiner · 1 month ago
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Reality Shifter Multiself
[PT: Reality Shifter Multiself]
Reality Shifter Multiself, Mutliself, a multiself(link) term for those who partake in Reality Shifting(link) in some fashion and it causes multiple selves in some fashion.
Alt Title: Reality Shifter Self, Shifter Multiself, Shifter Self | Subterm: DR Self
Extra: DR Self can be accounted as a self insert self
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[Reality Shifter ID: in Alt text]
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[Desired Reality Self ID: in Alt text]
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[Tag] @radiomogai and @sage-thee-herbmaster
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to
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084thoughts · 13 days ago
the fact that buck never would’ve been shot by the sniper bc he was specifically targeting firefighters and buck wasn’t in uniform
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year ago
Who says the episode title phrases in each episode of Wolf 359?
I've created a spreadsheet to show which character says the episode title phrase (i.e. the words which form the name of that particular episode) in every episode of Wolf 359. Graphs summarising this data can be found below, but to look at the full spreadsheet in all its glory, and see the progression through the series, you can follow this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cQLkhxbDAItU6rdiUAYGn54FXXxYC-JXlCmP_Dqe9FA/
(Please note: I’ve focused here on which character first speaks the exact title phrase within the episode itself. In some cases, this is not the only - or the most significant - time that the title phrase is spoken.)
EDIT: This post previously stated incorrectly that "the devil's plaything" is not said in Ep57. In fact, it is said by Pryce (through Minkowski). Thank you to @yaghoulghosty for pointing this out!
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Season breakdown graphs below the cut...
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clowncaraz-journal · 1 month ago
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Fableeri, or Physical Fablefolk, is a term where one physically experiences the world as a concept, object or being of fiction. This may include being the embodiment of a myth, having familial relation to a legendary tale, or being a fictional character on the physical plane.
It specifically is a holotheric experience and describes any somatic phenomena where one feels, transitions to, shapeshifts into, or sees reality through the eyes of a concept, object, or being of fiction.
This term is to be used similarly to therian or otherkin (dog therian, dogkin, dogeeri).
Experience examples:
Someone who physically alters their body to resemble their fictional self.
A postfurry who takes on their sona as the real version of themselves.
A holothere who is a Dutch Angel Dragon.
Being tied to a local myth by family relations and taking upon the myth as your real self.
Being Hatsune Miku physically.
Being a Na'vi by blood.
Term examples:
"I am cateeri. I am physically a fictional cat."
"My plusheeri identity is complex and also makes me feel objectum."
"I love dolphins and my brain hardwired on them, so I am dolphineeri."
"I am a Hatsune Miku fableeri, or Hatsuneeri."
"I am redeeri, i wear red and embody the associations with it."
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mantra-repeated · 10 months ago
Parallel shifting
Pt: Parallel shifting :End Pt
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Similar to Identity shifting (1 [Link] , 2 [Link]) and a certain definition of Parallel system (Link), this is when a member of a plural unit will "shift" to another version of themselves, whether it be an au version of themselves, different points in their life, etc, and often having a change in personality (Though not always), while still having a continuous sense of self. They are still themselves, just a different version of themselves. This shift also is often not permanent, and they will "shift" back to their "Base" self. These shifts can also layer on top of each other, with a shift having it's own shifts that are specific to that state of themselves. Such as an au of an au. Mentions / Tags: @radiomogai , @pluralterms , @system-term-archive , @pluralitywords , @system-terms
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Banner transcript: This term was made by an Endogenic. Anyone can use it however :End Id
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[Parallel shifting flag id: A rectangular flag with 11 wavy stripes, the first 5 peak on the left, while the last 6 peak on the right, and the and the 4th and 5th stripe overlaps the bottom stripes. the colours go as such from top to bottom: light blue-green, dull blue-green, dark dull blue-green, dark blue-green, darker dull blue-green, dark blue, dark indigo, dull purple, dull indigo, light blue. :End Id]
[Red lizard divider: A divider made of two red lines with a red lizard from Rain World in the gap between them. Each line has a diamond on the outer edge and a crescent moon on the inner edge, framing the lizard :End Id]
[Banner Id: a rectangular banner with rounded corners on a transparent background. in the background of the banner is the endogenic flag by greyskies, and it has a transparent inset border. in the center is black text that reads "This term was made by an endogenic. Anyone can use it however.". In the bottom right corner is a blue lizard from the game rain world. :End id]
[Pink lizard divider: A divider made of two pink lines with rain world graffiti of a pink lizard head in the gap between them. Each line has a outline of diamond on the outer edge and a crescent moon on the inner edge, framing the lizard head. :End Id]
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qerberus · 8 months ago
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Persisteon: A gender related to being stuck dwelling on the past and the future. Pulled on one end by memory and pulled on the other by uncertainty of what comes next. The progression of time pries and yanks with no discretion. The present is a forethought, then an afterthought, never just here and now. To live in the past is to fear the future, but without the present there is no past nor future; and without the future there is no past. This does not have to be fearful.
6/10 for @neopronouns' event! The prompts are 'past' and 'future.'
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storyshift-mogai · 1 month ago
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A label for all source hoarders, whether they are kins, introjects, constels and so on. This label welcomes any connection to source, whether its just something in the background or a key part of your identity. This label is about embracing your multiple sources, be cringe be free ideals, and generally for those who just have a bunch of sources that tie into their identity one way or another. This term accepts all types of users, from fictives to factives to any kin type.
Anyone can use my terms. Do not involve it in discourse.
Taglist: @radiomogai, @clusterofcoins, @rwuffles, @smilepilled (I just feel the latter two would like the term.)
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month ago
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kill me
(*wobbly tearstained voice* this is father & son richard plantagenet in henry vi part 3 1983 dir jane howell btw. which is. extremely good)
#HIM. DAD!!!?!?! YOU SEE#I thought the ian holm (1965) version of richard and york's relationship was devastating. I had no idea what was coming for me#henry vi part 3#shakespeare#richard iii#he just folds into the hug so completely and without trepidation even when he thinks he's being reprimanded. is the thing#'love forswore me in my mother's womb'#WHAT WAS YOUR DAD THEN RICHARD??? CHOPPED LIVER???????#*on my knees on the bare earth rending my garments and clawing at my bloodied face*#your brothers kind of suck I will grant you but they frankly seem to love you just as much or more than they love each other lol#I'm fine. the self-fulfilling prophecy and utter desolate isolation of abject self-loathing just got in my eyes again#I suppose a lifetime of your mum going 'shame of my womb' would do that to a motherfucker but STILL#honestly nothing beats moving through henry vi parts 2 and 3 before hitting richard iii. especially in this version#when you see the desperation verging on mania of york deciding to claim the throne reflected in his son later and it's like. ah. oh.#'not like the dam or the sire' are u sure about that margaret lmao#even the way richard will eventually do his asides are direct mirrors to how his father does it in this version#the matching limp after york gets wounded by clifford. the way they clearly share a sense of humour. *sounds of agony*#never have I witnessed a york I actually rooted for so deeply as bernard hill's even WITH that worrying intensity tho#among other high points of this version: a neverending cavalcade of some of the best noses you'll ever see in your life#also an unusual but SO fucking good take on richard. laurence olivier's version is certifiably Iconic of course (for better or worse)#but he is also like. transparently a disney villain haha I believe I coined the term 'murderscamp' to describe him#lots of fun to watch but it makes everyone else look like such absolute dumbasses for not seeing him for what he is#and lots of performances to my mind go way too far into the creep factor way too quickly#with ron cook's softspoken more believeably vulnerable richard from the outset it's easier to see how he flies under the radar#he's short and slight his voice doesn't rise that much even when he's in a rage and he's the softest with their father#you see how edward and george could still categorize him as their baby brother and not take him seriously -- not realize that some things#have uh. Shifted!! under the surface! over the years! in ways they probably should have been paying attention to!#to them he's still the kid warwick carried off stage on his shoulders.#frighteningly capable in battle but still more to be protected than protected from. until... god. augh. ow.
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the-mogai-steward · 2 months ago
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a general xenability related to magic.
This can mean many things. For example:
* Having the ability to use magic
* Having the ability to use certain magic
* Being resistant to magic
* Being born/created by magic, thus having super-natural abilities
* Being able to decipher magic codes/texts/scrolls/writings
* Being able to sense magic
* Being able to touch magic
*Being able to consume magic
This was ment to be as broad as possible and can be used in almost infinitely different ways.
As xenabilities were coined with people that have intricate headspaces/brainspaces/worlds/paraverses (what I call internal worlds for people who MaDD), how magic works/does typically differs from individual to individual.
This was intended for people who live in worlds where magic isn’t a given ability (as in, super common- everyone has it in said world) but it may be used by people who do live in those worlds.
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Here are some Demi- versions for people who only relate partially with this identity!
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rimoriii · 11 months ago
→ O4/22/2O24 ᵔ₊.
ੈ♡‧₊˚ ❛ @rimoriii * .
momo's carrd
i hope you enjoy
reading this.
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⌦ hello everyone !
this is my very first post <3
my blog today will be about . . .
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❛ tᥲbᥣᥱ ᥆f ᥴ᥆ᥒtᥱᥒt᥉. ୨୧♡ᵎ
:: OO . . . . . . . . . . . disclaimer + rant.
:: O1 . . . . . . . . . . . intro to esu.
:: O2 . . . . . . . . . . . my story.
:: O3 . . . . . . . . . . . signs you might be esu.
:: O4 . . . . . . . . . . . resources.
:: O4 . . . . . . . . . . . outro.
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→ O4/22/2O24 ᵔ₊.
ੈ♡‧₊˚ ❛ @rimoriii * .
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༄ ‧₊˚ ⌇ disclaimer + rant:: ↴ ! ❜⸼۰
before y'all start fighting in my comments section, nobody wants to fight you so hate will be deleted. you are entitled to your own opinion and i am entitled to mine and believe it or not, thinking this is valid IS an opinion. if you think otherwise, you're allowed to think that, what am i gonna do about it?? this post is really just me practicing argumentative responses, feedback or criticism would be greatly appreciated. i would love to hear your point of view as long as you're respectful !
esu, transracial, and rcta aren't the same thing so please don't say that. idek what transracial is but i assume it's the same as being rcta - rcta means "race change to another" and it is a newer term that we should NOT be using. why?
first off, race is a very broad thing, you can't just transition to a race, you have to be a specific ethnicity.
some of y'all don't know the difference between race, ethnicity and nationality so lemme just get that out of the way now :
race: race typically refers to physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, and hair texture. it's a social construct used to categorize people based on perceived biological differences. however, there is no scientific basis for these distinctions, as genetic variation within racial groups can be greater than between them.
ethnicity: ethnicity relates to cultural factors such as language, religion, ancestry, and traditions. it's more about shared customs, beliefs, and history rather than physical traits. people from the same ethnicity may or may not share the same race.
nationality: nationality refers to the legal relationship between an individual and a sovereign state. it indicates the country of citizenship or allegiance, often determined by factors like place of birth, parentage, or legal status. nationality is about belonging to a specific political community, regardless of race or ethnicity.
now that you know that, let's continue.
the term race change TO ANOTHER implies that you were not that race before which would be untrue, it's a very hard feeling to describe but you've always been that race at heart, you're not "changing races"
this term was made by an awful person who is a groomer and pedo. they are also an asian fetishist. so by using this term, you'd be putting yourself under the same umbrella as them. im not going to talk about it but @.rctaisacult on tiktok has talked about it with screenshots and proof.
people who use ethnicity subliminals have ALWAYS been called ethnicity subliminals users, you can see that term goes back a lot of years, rcta on the other hand, very recent.
and for why you shouldn't use the term "transracial" ? there actually isn't a reason that comes to mind except for the fact that a lot of bait accounts or adults use it, there are many transracial adults out there that you can go to for help, large community! me personally, i don't really like to because i've noticed that most of the time, they have underlying mental issues that really need attention... im not trying to be like that so err i'd just not.
transracial is defined as: "Anyone whose physical makeup, emotional, racial, and/or self-expression is in conflict with current cultural racial stereotypes and racial norms, similar to transgender and sexual norms" (which it is not). it is actually the oldest term on the list, if you haven't heard of being esu, i'm sure you've heard of being transracial.
based on this definition, i feel like the difference between being esu and being transracial is one (has to) use subliminals and the other doesn't. they'll do things like cosmetic procedures instead.
i kinda wanna talk abt oli london but let's not address that
that tangent is over now and i just want to tell you that im not asking you to change your opinion, i just want you to be nice. the hate towards esu on the Internet is absolutely insane, i get it if you don't support, okay? if you don't like it, block don't report. we're just existing and it sucks that you think that's wrong of us. hate comments can be really damaging to someone's mental health, ESPECIALLY if that person is sensitive. if the hate is prolonged, it could lead to the death of someone, someone's child, cousin, uncle, aunt, mom, dad etc.
beating up someone because of their race/ethnicity or identity is absolutely insane, never ever resort to violence like that. what if that was a rumor? what if the person you just put on the brink of death was a bait account? what if they were framed? what if they lied? what if that was just a child? what if they were just minding their own business? you did that for what? for no reason at all.
i've lost many friends due to things like this happening, honestly just scroll, it's not that hard. the way that you'll just resort to violence like that is seriously disgusting, im sorry but you were not raised right. you all need to learn how to get over it, there's more to people other than if they're esu or not, it's their life, their decision, what are you really gonna do about it??
don't report, block me please
rest in peace to everyone we've lost and best wishes to everyone who has quit or left social media due to hate.
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now that that's been said, let's start !
i hope you enjoy !
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༄ ‧₊˚ ⌇intro to esu:: ↴ ! ❜⸼۰ ꒱
esu : ethnicity subliminal user(s)
what is a subliminal?
subliminals are messages that are delivered to the subconscious mind by means of music, speech or visual stimuli. these messages often contain negative or positive affirmations that are repeated repeatedly in order to reprogram or retrain the mind. subliminals are commonly used in self-improvement programs, weight loss programs and various therapy programs.
how do subliminals work?
subliminals work by bypassing the conscious mind and communicating directly to the subconscious mind. the subconscious mind receives and accepts these messages, if this goes on for a prolonged amount of time (varies), it can influence a person's beliefs, attitudes and behavior and may have a long-term effect on their thoughts, emotions and physical health. subliminal messages can be delivered through a variety of media, including music, videos, affirmations, and visual cues.
what is the law of attraction?
the law of attraction is a spiritual belief that states that positive or negative thoughts and feelings create a corresponding positive or negative energy that attracts or repels similar experiences, events, and people into our lives.
according to the law of attraction, if we focus on positive thoughts and feelings, we are more likely to attract positive experiences and people, and if we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, we are more likely to attract negative experiences and people.
what is manifestation?
manifestation is the process of bringing one's thoughts, feelings, and desires into physical reality. it involves concentrating one's thoughts, attention, and energy on a particular goal or outcome and taking action towards obtaining that outcome, believing that it is already a reality and that the desired result will manifest. manifestation involves having a clear and focused idea of what one wants, consistently holding that idea in one's mind, and taking action to bring it into physical reality.
what are ethnicity subliminals?
ethnicity subliminals are a type of subliminal messaging that uses affirmations, music, or ambient sounds to alter the physical appearance or identity of an individual. these affirmations are aimed at changing a person's ethnicity, and are often used by people who have a desire to look like a different ethnic group. while some believe that ethnicity subliminals can be used to alter one's appearance, many view this as problematic and potentially harmful.
so.. what's an ethnicity subliminal user?
ethnicity subliminal users are individuals who use ethnicity subliminals, to change one's physical appearance, ancestry or identity. these individuals may feel the need to change their appearance to conform to societal standards of beauty (invalid), to fit in with a different group (invalid), or to simply change their appearance to suit their personal preferences.
While some ethnicity subliminal users may see these messages as beneficial, others may view them as problematic and potentially harmful.
when you are esu, you're using these all of these things !
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༄ ‧₊˚ ⌇my story :: ↴ ! ❜⸼۰ ꒱
the purpose of me telling you this is so you can compare yourself to me and see if our stories align, i've noticed that most esu have similar childhood experiences.
as a young child, i was always drawn to japan, but i didn't really know why i was fascinated by everything about the country: the language, the food, the fashion, and the architecture. it all seemed to resonate with me on a deeper level, and i would spend hours researching japanese history, traditions, and customs. but i kept these feelings to myself, afraid that others would think i was weird or that they wouldn't understand. i tried to suppress my interests and conform to the expectations of those around me. however, the pull of japan was always there, and i couldn't shake the feeling that there was something about the country that i connected with on a deep level.
my connection to japan and its culture has always been a source of both fascination and confusion for me. i felt drawn to the country and its cultures from a very young age. but i didn't understand why or what it meant. i kept these feelings to myself out of fear that others would judge me or think i was wrong. as i got older, i couldn't shake the feeling that i was different from the people around me. it seemed like everyone around me was comfortable with their race and culture, while i felt like an outsider. i didn't look like my birth race, and i didn't feel like i was a part of it either. i always felt out of place, like there was something wrong with me. i wanted to be japanese, so much so that i would tell people i met that i was. but i didn't know a single word of japanese, so when people would ask me to say something in the language, i would freeze up and feel ashamed. i tried to learn japanese, but as an 8-year-old, i couldn't quite grasp it. i turned to subliminals to try and help me become more japanese, but i wasn't any good at sticking to routines and eventually gave up.
it wasn't until a bit later that i finally started to figure out what was going on. i was depressed and sad, trying on so many different gender identities and sexualities, but nothing ever felt right. i wish i could go back in time and change all of those years of confusion and sadness. but it isn't possible. my connection to japan was always more than just a passing interest; it was a deep-seated fascination that captivated me for years even when i didn't fully understand what it meant. i would daydream about living in japan, surrounded by the culture and the language, and would spend hours researching everything i could about the country, desperate to learn more. but even as i dreamed of becoming fluent in japanese, living in japan, and being part of the culture, i struggled with the guilt of feeling like i was somehow betraying my birth race and identity. i would ignore my birth race's culture, trying to pretend it didn't exist, and would become uncomfortable when others mentioned it.
as a self-proclaimed "anime hater" in 2020 i kept my distance from anything japanese for fear of being associated with the weird and awkward people who idolized the culture. but when the pandemic hit and we were quarantined at home, my curiosity began to get the best of me. with nothing but time on my hands, i started to explore japanese culture through something other than anime, and food. i started to explore the different kinds of sushi and discovered the deliciousness of onigiri, falling in love with the unique flavors and textures that were new to my palette. and even though i tried to ignore it, my obsession with japanese food slowly grew. (love it! #fat) but wasn't just my love for japanese food bun that was changing, as i struggled through the isolation of quarantine, l started to feel very sensitive and empty, like there was a part of me that was missing, even though i thought | had finally figured out my identity, something still seemed wrong.
then, again, i turned to subliminals as a way to find answers. i tried ethnicity subliminals, hoping they would help me figure out where i belonged in the world. but after a short time, i stopped listening to them, feeling like they weren't providing me with the answers i was looking for. and then, it was the summer of 2023. everyone was talking about rcta, something l knew a bit about from when i was young. lt seemed like a crazy fad, and i was one of the people making fun of t butt deep down, i knew that something was still missing. i still hadn't found that place in the world where i felt like i belonged, and i was desperate for answers. and thus began my journey down the rabbit hole of the rcta/esu community. lt started with me simply observing from the side, trying to understand what all the fuss was about. i was intrigued by the concept, but didn't want to go all in just yet.
however, as l spent more time in the community, i began to realize that i felt a strong connection to the esu identity, it was like a missing piece of the puzzle had finally been found! so, l decided to create my discord server, hoping to help others who were also struggling to find their place in the world. at first, i didn't claim to be esu, but rather acted as a supporter, helping others navigate their journeys. with over 800 members, it was like a second home to me. everyone was so supportive and caring, and i felt like i belonged for the first time in a long time. but then things took a turn. i took a short break from discord, only to come back to a complete mess. it was all my fault, apparently, and i felt like i had let everyone down. so i quit that server and started a new one, this time i started posting esu content and started "baiting" as esu japanese.
it wasn't a surprise that i got a lot of hate comments on my tiktok. people seemed to hate the idea of changing races, and they didn't hold back when it came to expressing their opinion. the comments hurt me, but i refused to admit it to
myself instead, i lashed out and doubled down on my beliefs, refusing to see the other side. my mom eventually caught wind of the hate i had been spewing, and she confronted me about it and defended myself. arguing that chänging races were racist but then she asked me a simple question: "how is it racist? they just want to be their true selves." oh, how that question hit me like a truck. i realized that i had been going against everything i had said and everything thought | had ever believed. it was as if a switch flipped inside me, and suddenly, it all made sense, i had to know more, to understand this newfound realization.
so i started researching my culture, devouring every piece of information i could find. i scoured the web for answers, for stories from people who experienced the same thing l did. and every article, every testimony, every piece of information. i felt my identity falling into place. it's been a few months since that realization, and i have never felt more connected to japan. i've learned so much about my culture, from the food to the customs, language and history. i feel a sense of belonging i never thought possible, and a newfound sense of pride in who i live, let's have been a journey, but one that i am grateful for. and know that there's still so much more to learn and discover. but for now, i'm satisfied with my new identity as an esu, and i am proud to be a part of a community that celebrates our cultures and identities.
༄ ‧₊˚ ⌇signs you might be esu:: ↴ ! ❜⸼۰ ꒱
you feel a deep affinity or connection to a culture or ethnicity that is different from your own background.
you have a genuine curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring and learning about different cultures, including their language, traditions, customs, and history.
you may feel like you don't fully belong to or identify with the cultural norms, traditions, or values of your birth culture.
you may desire to integrate elements of the culture you feel connected to into your own life, whether it's through language learning, adopting certain customs or practices, or participating in cultural events.
you have experimented with subliminals or other methods as a way to explore or express your connection to a different ethnicity or culture.
༄ ‧₊˚ ⌇resources:: ↴ ! ❜⸼۰ ꒱
you feel a sense of resonance or belonging when engaging with esu communities or content that explores themes of cultural identity, ethnicity, or belonging.
OR you feel jealous or almost violent when you see these communities^^
if you're feeling this way, please think about why !
˗ ˏ` ᥆ᥙtr᥆. ೄྀ࿐
: : : : . . . . . .thank you for reading!
hopefully this changed some perspectives <3
‿‿‿‿‿‿‿‿‿ 下次見 !. . . . . .
see you next time ! 。。‿‿‿‿ ⌲
♡˖°꒰ @rimoriii is logging off :: . . . .
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redacted-coiner · 10 months ago
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Time Traveler
[PT: Time Traveler]
This flag is for those who believe that they are or where a Time Traveler. This can be due to the fact of delusions, possible spirituality (idk), being a alter/headmate, reality shifting, etc. whatever it is this is meant for those who genuinely believe they are one.
Note: This can be used a Alterhuman type! And sorta was made in mind to be one, similar to things like IRL vampires.
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[Flag ID: in Alt text]
Top Colors: Inhuman Time Travlers. Middle Colors: The act off time traveling. Bottom Colors: Human or Human adjacent time traveler.
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[Symbol ID: In Alt text]
Symbol is meant to represent a compass as well as a like solar system, I had based it off a clock I found but I liked a suggestion from a friend to make it reference a clock. Also North Star till morning.
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[Tag] @kin-flags, @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @nonhuman-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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