Aiden Zhou Appreciation Blog
62 posts
Host for Aiden Zhou Appreciation week, and just a general blog to share anything to do with Aiden Zhou from Choices OG HSS trilogy! Official AZAW Event dates are still pending.Hosted by @cadyber420.
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
aidenzhouappreciationweek · 4 months ago
Was trying to update one of the links but I think I hit a link limit and so it won't really let me update. So I'm just gonna put all list updates in a reblog.
Fanfic/Writing: "take me high, high, high, high": Xavier (m!MC) getting Aiden into LOONA | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1) | By @xavigav (original blog seems to be deactivated the blog is now restored)
Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2024- Proper Masterlist!
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(I had to make a new masterlist post because the old one was acting wonky and buggy when I tried to update it. Please share this one instead!)
Thank you to all who have participated in this year's event, and thank you to @choicescommunityevents for helping me promote this event!
If you didn't get to participate in this event this week- don't worry! Late submissions will be accepted and added to this masterlist up until August 1, 2025!
And of course, stay tuned for Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2025, the dates and prompts of which will be announced on August 1, 2025!
Discretion Guide: • 🔥 = Contains Sexually Mature/Suggestive Material (but not Explicit) • 🔞 = Contains Explicit Sexual Material • ⚠️ = Contains Sensitive/Triggering Topics • 🚨 = Contains Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death, or Physical Harm
Aiden/Xavier (m!MC) x Heart Attack by LOONA | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Pride (Day 7) | By @gaiuskamilah
Aiden serving a very cunty look | Prompts: Cunty Aiden (Day 5), Queer Pride (Day 7) | By @lilyoffandoms
🔥 Dirty Little Secrets cover but it's Aiden/Evie (f!MC) | Prompts: Cunty Aiden (Day 5), Crossover (Day 6), Pride (Day 7) | By @cadybear420
"take me high, high, high, high": Xavier (m!MC) getting Aiden into LOONA | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1) | By @zhoumeyourlove
Sprite Edits
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) at the punk concert premium scene | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Fashion/Design (Day 2), Romance Relationships (Day 3), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Rating, Replacements, and Additions for Aiden's Wardrobe: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2) | By @cadybear420
HSS Prime Evie (f!MC) becomes a ghost and haunts the necklace Aiden gave her | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3), Free Prompt (Day 4) | By @hsspfan
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) at the beach premium scene | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Romance Relationships (Day 3) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Skye: a power pair | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Friendship Relationships (Day 3), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Adelaide (ROD MC) (Semi-)Matching Outfits Supercut | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Family Relationships (Day 3), Crossover (Day 6) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Maria as kids | Prompts: Friendship Relationships (Day 3) | By @lover-also-fighter-also
Aiden and Adelaide Cousin Photos: Twin Dads with growing kids edition | Prompts: Family Relationships (Day 3), Crossover (Day 6) | By @cadybear420
Aiden in a Cat Costume for Halloween | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Free Prompt (Day 4), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Aiden in a KOD MC Premium Dress | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Berry's Band at the Beach | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Friendship and Romance Relationships (Day 3) | By @cadybear420
Dialogue/Screenshot Edits
#ChoicesSpreadJoy with Aiden | Prompts: Free Prompt (Day 4) | By @storyofmychoices
Incorrect Quotes
Incorrect Quotes for OG HSS Band | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1) | By @lover-also-fighter-also
Meta: In-Game Screenshots
Aiden caring about his friends | Prompts: Friendship Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @lover-also-fighter-also
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) coming full circle (Masterlist) | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @cadybear420
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) parallels (Masterlist) | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by@cadybear420
"Just… Evie." | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @cadybear420
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2024- Proper Masterlist!
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(I had to make a new masterlist post because the old one was acting wonky and buggy when I tried to update it. Please share this one instead!)
Thank you to all who have participated in this year's event, and thank you to @choicescommunityevents for helping me promote this event!
If you didn't get to participate in this event this week- don't worry! Late submissions will be accepted and added to this masterlist up until August 1, 2025!
And of course, stay tuned for Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2025, the dates and prompts of which will be announced on August 1, 2025!
Discretion Guide: • 🔥 = Contains Sexually Mature/Suggestive Material (but not Explicit) • 🔞 = Contains Explicit Sexual Material • ⚠️ = Contains Sensitive/Triggering Topics • 🚨 = Contains Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death, or Physical Harm
Aiden/Xavier (m!MC) x Heart Attack by LOONA | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Pride (Day 7) | By @gaiuskamilah
Aiden serving a very cunty look | Prompts: Cunty Aiden (Day 5), Queer Pride (Day 7) | By @lilyoffandoms
🔥 Dirty Little Secrets cover but it's Aiden/Evie (f!MC) | Prompts: Cunty Aiden (Day 5), Crossover (Day 6), Pride (Day 7) | By @cadybear420
"take me high, high, high, high": Xavier (m!MC) getting Aiden into LOONA | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1) | By @zhoumeyourlove
Sprite Edits
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) at the punk concert premium scene | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Fashion/Design (Day 2), Romance Relationships (Day 3), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Rating, Replacements, and Additions for Aiden's Wardrobe: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2) | By @cadybear420
HSS Prime Evie (f!MC) becomes a ghost and haunts the necklace Aiden gave her | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3), Free Prompt (Day 4) | By @hsspfan
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) at the beach premium scene | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Romance Relationships (Day 3) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Skye: a power pair | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Friendship Relationships (Day 3), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Adelaide (ROD MC) (Semi-)Matching Outfits Supercut | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Family Relationships (Day 3), Crossover (Day 6) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Maria as kids | Prompts: Friendship Relationships (Day 3) | By @lover-also-fighter-also
Aiden and Adelaide Cousin Photos: Twin Dads with growing kids edition | Prompts: Family Relationships (Day 3), Crossover (Day 6) | By @cadybear420
Aiden in a Cat Costume for Halloween | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Free Prompt (Day 4), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Aiden in a KOD MC Premium Dress | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Berry's Band at the Beach | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Friendship and Romance Relationships (Day 3) | By @cadybear420
Dialogue/Screenshot Edits
#ChoicesSpreadJoy with Aiden | Prompts: Free Prompt (Day 4) | By @storyofmychoices
Incorrect Quotes
Incorrect Quotes for OG HSS Band | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1) | By @lover-also-fighter-also
Meta: In-Game Screenshots
Aiden caring about his friends | Prompts: Friendship Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @lover-also-fighter-also
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) coming full circle (Masterlist) | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @cadybear420
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) parallels (Masterlist) | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by@cadybear420
"Just… Evie." | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @cadybear420
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2024- Masterlist!
Thank you to all who have participated in this year's event, and thank you to @choicescommunityevents for helping me promote this event!
If you didn't get to participate in this event this week- don't worry! Late submissions will be accepted and added to this masterlist up until August 1, 2025! Stay tuned also for AZAW 2025, the dates and prompts of which will be announced on August 1, 2025!
Discretion Guide:
• 🔥 = Contains Sexually Mature/Suggestive Material (but not Explicit)
• 🔞 = Contains Explicit Sexual Material
• ⚠️ = Contains Sensitive/Triggering Topics
• 🚨 = Contains Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death, or Physical Harm
Aiden/Xavier (m!MC) x Heart Attack by LOONA | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Pride (Day 7) | By @gaiuskamilah
Aiden serving a very cunty look | Prompts: Cunty Aiden (Day 5), Queer Pride (Day 7) | By @lilyoffandoms
🔥 Dirty Little Secrets cover but it's Aiden/Evie (f!MC) | Prompts: Cunty Aiden (Day 5), Crossover (Day 6), Pride (Day 7) | By @cadybear420
"take me high, high, high, high": Xavier (m!MC) getting Aiden into LOONA | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1) | By @zhoumeyourlove
Sprite Edits
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) at the punk concert premium scene | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Fashion/Design (Day 2), Romance Relationships (Day 3), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Rating, Replacements, and Additions for Aiden's Wardrobe: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2) | By @cadybear420
HSS Prime Evie (f!MC) becomes a ghost and haunts the necklace Aiden gave her | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3), Free Prompt (Day 4) | By @hsspfan
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) at the beach premium scene | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Romance Relationships (Day 3) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Skye: a power pair | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Friendship Relationships (Day 3), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Adelaide (ROD MC) (Semi-)Matching Outfits Supercut | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Family Relationships (Day 3), Crossover (Day 6) | By @cadybear420
Aiden & Maria as kids | Prompts: Friendship Relationships (Day 3) | By @lover-also-fighter-also
Aiden and Adelaide Cousin Photos: Twin Dads with growing kids edition | Prompts: Family Relationships (Day 3), Crossover (Day 6) | By @cadybear420
Aiden in a Cat Costume for Halloween | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Free Prompt (Day 4), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Aiden in a KOD MC Premium Dress | Prompts: Fashion/Design (Day 2), Cunty Aiden (Day 5) | By @cadybear420
Berry's Band at the Beach | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1), Friendship and Romance Relationships (Day 3) | By @cadybear420
Screenshot Edits
#ChoicesSpreadJoy with Aiden | Prompts: Free Prompt (Day 4) | By @storyofmychoices
Incorrect Quotes
Incorrect Quotes for OG HSS Band | Prompts: Music Man Aiden (Day 1) | By @lover-also-fighter-also
Meta: In-Game Screenshots
Aiden caring about his friends | Prompts: Friendship Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @lover-also-fighter-also
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) coming full circle (Masterlist) | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @cadybear420
Aiden/Evie (f!MC) parallels (Masterlist) | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @cadybear420
"Just… Evie." | Prompts: Romance Relationships (Day 3) | Shared by @cadybear420
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
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Something something Aiden may see Evie a bit too highly he comes to view her as someone not that different from him while still of course finding her important and amazing, IDK I'm still thinking about this concept
@aidenzhouappreciationweek for Day 3: Romance Relationships
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2024 is coming to an end... but worry not!
Today is the last day of Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2024, and it's been a great week so far! I love seeing all the submissions others have created! But even as we near the event's end, there are still a few things to look out for!
A masterlist of all the submissions for this year's event has been getting compiled, and it will be posted on October 22! The posts on it will be organized by creation medium (art, fic, edit, etc).
If you had something you wanted to submit for this year's event, but you couldn't get around to it this week, don't worry! Late submissions will be accepted until August 1, 2025, and the masterlist will be updated to include it. Remember to tag this blog and/or the host @cadybear420 if you want your creation or post to be counted as a submission!
And last, but certainly not least, stay tuned for Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2025! The prompts and dates for 2025's event will be announced on August 1, 2025.
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Dirty Little Secrets cover but with Aiden and Evie, drawing by me
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Attatching on the DLS soundtracks to this piece for the sake of mood and because they suit Aiden so well.
I *should* be redrawing this cover with my m!MC Dick and f!LI Peg. But then I thought of doing it with Aiden and Evie, and I couldn't help myself.
Submitting for @aidenzhouappreciationweek, for the Day 3 Prompt Romance Relationships and the Day 5 Prompt Cunty Aiden and the Day 6 Prompt Crossover and the Day 7 Prompt Pride!
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations, @lover-also-fighter-also
WIP/Process Pieces Below!
Original Drawing on paper, Cropped + flat-colored in + adjusted on Photoshop/Photopea, and lighting adjustments + background
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Berry's Band at the Beach, edits by me
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Literally just now made a fullbody Ezra sprite, meaning I now have fullbody sprites for all of the Berry High band. Making his in-game outfits full-body will take a while, so for now, here's the band at the beach together. Ft. Evie, it can be either canon universe Evie who's a jock and was invited to join them by virture of being Aiden's girlfriend, or the AU where she joins band.
NGL, there was always something about the band's dynamic that stands out to me as opposed to the jocks and cheerleaders. Aiden, Myra, and Ezra kind of strike me as a really close friend group. I headcanon that Aiden and Myra have known each other since her first grade/his second grade, and Ezra and Aiden have known each other since middle school.
Also that Ezra the flirty rockstar and Myra the matchmaker are the biggest wingmen for Aiden and his relationship with Evie. They often give him advice, and take him shopping for outfits to impress Evie.
Submitting for @aidenzhouappreciationweek, for the Day 1 Prompt Music Man Aiden and the Day 3 Prompt Friendship and Romance Relationships!
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
The seventh and last day of the first ever Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week begins tomorrow!!!!
I can’t believe we’re already at the end! But worry not, submissions for AZAW 2024 will still be accepted up until August 1, 2025. By which point, I plan to announce the AZAW 2025 prompts!
For Day 7, we’ve got three prompt choices!
The Pride prompt is very open-ended.
Pride could mean queer pride. Aiden is canonically queer (specifically bi/pan) regardless of your MC’s gender, due to his alternate romance option being the nonbinary/genderqueer Cameron Levy. So any Aiden shipping posts will be welcome under this prompt. Other queer headcanons/AUs you may have for Aiden will also be welcome!
Pride could mean disability pride. To me anyways, Aiden reads as very autistic-coded, and I quite like how it’s written in his storyline. But any other disability headcanons/AUs you may have for Aiden will also be welcome!
And of course, Pride could mean Aiden or other characters being proud of himself and/or of his achievements. Or maybe Aiden’s proud of another character– like in the HSS 3 band route; if your MC plays his solo at the concert, the narration mention his eyes gleaming with pride at you.
Culture/Ethnicity/Heritage is pretty straightforward. We get a few mentions to Aiden’s culture and heritage, such as him giving a jade necklace to MC for good luck, and sharing with MC a peppermint tea that became a family tradition as it was the first thing his grandparents tried when they immigrated to the US. But there’s always more to explore. Are there any traditions you think Aiden likes or participates in? What do you think
Finally, we have the Colors prompt. Are there any colors you think would be Aiden’s favorite? Or any colors or color schemes that would suit him? It’s up to you!
Don’t forget to read the guidelines before submitting! Otherwise, have fun!
Blogs to tag/message for submission: @aidenzhouappreciationweek, @cadybear420
Tags to use: #AidenZhouAppreciationWeek, #AZAW, #AZAW2024, #AZAW Day 7
Other Tags: @choicescommunityevents
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
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SpreadJoy #913 spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote by Amy Poehler
For @aidenzhouappreciationweek
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Aiden in a KOD MC premium dress, edits by me
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Submitting for @aidenzhouappreciationweek, for the Day 2 Prompt Fashion/Design and the Day 5 Prompt Cunty Aiden!
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
The sixth day of the first ever Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week begins tomorrow!!!!
For Day 6, we’ve got two (somewhat similar) prompt choices! This time, they’re a little more meta.
The AU prompt is pretty straightforward. Is there a part of the canon for Aiden that you would have happen differently? Or maybe you want to explore a “What if” scenario for Aiden. Or maybe you want to imagine him in an entirely different setting or situation?
The Crossover prompt is also very straightforward and can somewhat blend with the AU prompt. This can be a crossover with other Choices stories, or it can be with non-Pixelberry media. Maybe you want him trying on the outfit of a character from a different media. Or maybe you want to see him interact with other characters from a different media. Or maybe you want to imagine how he’d fare in the storylines/situations of other media. It’s up to you!
Don’t forget to read the guidelines before submitting! Otherwise, have fun!
Blogs to tag/message for submission: @aidenzhouappreciationweek, @cadybear420
Tags to use: #AidenZhouAppreciationWeek, #AZAW, #AZAW2024, #AZAW Day 6
Other Tags: @choicescommunityevents
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
CFWC F/AtoW: Oct 6 - 12, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Bonds of Sea and Fire (Series) ✒️ | Tyril Starfury x F!Elf!MC - @missameliep Part 3
Daenarya 🎨🏳‍🌈 | F!Human!MC - @acesamateurart C: @storyofmychoices
Strike a Pose 🎨 | Aerin Valleros x F!Human!MC - @erixadraws
The love I gave you is yours to keep 🎨 | Aerin Valleros x F!Human!MC - @erixadraws
Once Upon a Summer - Part 1 ✒️ | Hamid x F!MC - @missameliep
Grey and MC 🎨🏳‍🌈 | F!Grey Morrison x F!MC - @pilitella C: @haruyuki728
Take me high, high, high, high ✒️🏳‍🌈 | Aiden Zhou x M!MC - @zhoumeyourlove
Autumn's Embrace ✒️ | Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @storyofmychoices
Diagnosis: Jealousy ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Our Miracle Baby (Series) ✒️ | Rafael Aveiro x F!MC - @rafasgirl23415 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Pumpkin Heist 📱 | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Safe With Me ✒️ | M!Clarke x F!MC - @bri1234
Forehead Kiss 🎨 | Thomas Hunt x F!MC - @cashweasel C: @theartoflovingthomashunt
Ghosted (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @kristinamae093 Chapter 13: Family Ties
Princesa Real 2 (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @belencha77 Chapter 43: El peso de la verdad Chapter 44: Conflictos y promesas Chapter 45: Conflictos y promesas Chapter 46: Sombras del pasado
Turning the Page (Series) | Liam Rys x F!MC - @tessa-liam Chapter 15: Bridge of Dreams
High School Story / Princess Swap
The Prince Swap (Series) ✒️ | M!MC & M!MC - @lover-also-fighter-also, @cadybear420 Chapter 1 - Part 2: How To Be You
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Aiden in a Cat Costume for Halloween, edits by me
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Fun fact: Mozart apparently liked to imitate cats. And even that aside, I feel like cats suit Aiden well.
Submitting for @aidenzhouappreciationweek, for the Day 2 Prompt Fashion/Design and the Day 4 Free Prompt (for Halloween) and the Day 5 Prompt Cunty Aiden!
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Important Evie/Aiden Parallels
"You're one of the most confident people I know"
Believing in each other
"You keep me going strong"
"I think I'll risk my chances"
@aidenzhouappreciationweek for Day 3: Romance Relationships
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
Evie/Aiden coming full circle
The roller rink trip, where Evie reassures Aiden about the crappy halftime performance.
On Hearst's rooftop, where Aiden thanks Evie for reassuring him, and reveals that Evie inspires him. And then Evie reveals that he inspires her too.
In the band room at homecoming, where Aiden is upset about having trouble talking to Evie, and Evie reveals that she struggles with it as well.
At the coffee shop, where Aiden reassures Evie about her upcoming basketball season.
@aidenzhouappreciationweek for Day 3: Romance Relationships
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
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@aidenzhouappreciationweek for Day 3: Romance Relationships
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aidenzhouappreciationweek · 5 months ago
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No words really, just <3 <3 <3
@aidenzhouappreciationweek for Day 3: Romance Relationships
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