#shes so cool and awesome
tangramkey · 4 months
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I love Pin!!!
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some-pers0n · 28 days
Battlewinner is such a cool character and I feel like she should've deserved way more time. Like just conceptually the idea of a lost queen, the ruler of the once highly regarded and prophetic NightWings, reduced to living in lava to survive. She had gone into battle herself, a duty practically unheard of for a regular queen, and came out with an IceWing having shot frostbreath straight down her throat. From then forth, she's been stirring and plotting within the streams of magma within the NightWing volcano, biding her time until they can rise from the darkness and claim what they believe is rightly theirs
She's a wicked cool character conceptually and I wish she had like more than two scenes lol. Like look at her in the official art!! Woawhh!!!!
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batboopp · 1 month
i think one of my favorite underutilized traits about cassandra is that she canonically talks with a very noticeable mix of slang (and most likely a slight accent). she learned a lot about talking and words from listening to others (predominantly gotham citizens, who talk with a lot of slang and a noticeable accent) AND by listening to crappy romance reality shows on tv. she uses “i dunno” “ya bet!” (or just an over abundance of ‘ya’) outdated slang (like cutie patootie, ‘he was totally hot for me..’ etc)
anyways like. imagine being ambushed by an actual gothic nightmare come to life, it is completely indistinguishable against the awful gotham night, its whole face is concealed, nothing to even indicate it could be human….and then it goes “haha that was totes lame loser” in a horribly exaggerated hollywood-esque voice. like we’re missing out on so much here
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strawbunnydoesart · 1 month
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i don't think i remember this episode..
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Following me is fun because sometimes you get really long well thought essays on feminism, white supremacy, and social justice and other times it's like taylor swift lyric analysis and barbie memes
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cowboythewizard726 · 6 months
beautiful orc girl leed helllOOOOO beautiful leed alert oh my GOD she's so cool WOOAHHHH beautiful siilly girl she was really pretty and awesome and so kind i think shes wonderful and there should be a statue made just for her thats really big and in the center of everything and she should get anything she wants ever smile face
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bluerosefox · 4 months
That Good Ol' Fenton Charm
Single dad Danny (to deaged Ellie and Dan) meets his neighbor Selina Kyle after one of her cats get into their apartment and he finds his kids playing with it.
Cue meet cute where Selina at first is just flirting like always but Danny charms her (aka being a bit dense but somehow adorkable, its charming)
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glitterfish1272 · 10 months
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this is very out of character but the thought of susie in pretty dress was too powerful to restrict myself to canon
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Mine: Refer to me however you want!
Mike: Yeah, for me too. I think I use all pronouns too.
[They high-five and fist-bump each other]
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[via @barbmine]
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guess the bioterrorist
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The Chosen One
[ i am proud of you! and i love you!!! ]
Edit: added shading to Mirabelle, forgot ;-;
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blaithnne · 3 months
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I like how I gave Frida two flags when she only needed one, meanwhile David has to squish both flags together. To be fair, it’s just like Frida to be incredibly organised and bring multiple back up flags, and for David to panic and not do that.
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eridude · 3 months
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[S]??? IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024, [S]??? HELLO!!!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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and! barbarian!fig! its her
#fantasy high#dimension 20#figueroth faeth#fh class quangle#if u look at the junior year design and think tifa lockhart: yeag#I already thought the cleric!gorgug junior year design kinda is very aerith so. lol#but! I do feel like these designs maybe portray the clearest arc out of all of them so far. I like that#some of it came from a bit of necessity which is really fun that mirrors the actual play format thats cool#(necessity being freshman year riz is pretty much a huge block of red flannel lmao. kinda stole figs canon color coding for a bit)#(and he's got the owlbear jacket from taping the games in sophomore year... so I cant give fig the big red blocking until#junior year lmao. coincidentally this forced me to be a bit more dynamic with her concept which is great)#her second pair of shoes very sonic tho. I kinda enjoy that lol#tbh I really love that canon gorgug is like in a pair of chucks 24/7 that is SO funny for a barbarian I hope to keep the energy going#with class swap fig I think a barbarian who wears like collector sneakers is awesome. the foot support is so important to their work#the general idea of a hyperfem girlypop barbarian still ticks for me tbh. idk enough abt the zeitgeist to know if thats passé now or not#but doing Fashion on ur job of bodily tearing ur opponent apart with the least flourish possible is just a hit for me#her knee brace is from like an injury back in her cheer days that she got by overexercising in hope of being good enough that#the team couldn't let her go. the team then used that same injury as a pretext to let her go#I think abt her arc tbh... fig's thing in canon junior year abt the point of her rebelling. I feel like a lot of it can also apply to rage#both knocking things over and holding onto things don't like. make anything new. destruction without at least a glimpse of a vision#of the after is ultimately a cynical defeatist point of view... strategic barbarianism for fig babeyy#yay! once again its time for me to Fucking Sleep. but hopefully I can hammer out a proper ref for riz and gorgug both in the#following week inbetween doing my job. its that time of da year lads (<- fully seasonal worker)
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 month
“The female companions in the classic series never did anything but scream and twist their ankles”
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joshuamj · 4 months
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In Stars And Time? More like In Ace And Gender
+ some alts
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