#anyways those r just my headcanons happy pride!
blaithnne · 3 months
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I like how I gave Frida two flags when she only needed one, meanwhile David has to squish both flags together. To be fair, it’s just like Frida to be incredibly organised and bring multiple back up flags, and for David to panic and not do that.
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Man I am so happy I found your blog. Like it’s so refreshing to see a gray blog about, well, GRAY. Anyways id love to hear some more of your headcanons about gray, maybe ones on his demon slayer traits as well. If that’s ok with of course😅.
if u like my blog u should see my notes app, its almost embarrassing how full of him it is
i struggled with this ngl, single character (even when its ur fav) hc list r weirdly difficult for me
Grays has a scarily good memory, he can see something once and be able to recall it in almost perfect detail even years later
amazing for molding, horrible for embarrassing or traumatic memories though
If someone needs something done, they go to him
He has a lot of people that owe him favors on standby, and no he will not say how those favor came to exist
he has a patch of natural white hair in his bangs, he got it from his mothers side
He has a brown cat named Catnip
shes his pride and joy
he has boxes full of letters, notes, and cards people have given him since joining Fairy Tail.
He’s really good at talking himself out of situations, as someone else said, hes a bit of a diplomat
if theres a fight or job that requires no magic hes one of the best for it
Some call it gaslighting, i call it being a lawyer in another life
Grays like, terrifyingly smart, he knows what to say, when to say it, and how
if other guilds/maybe the council did scouting, hes at the top of the list
nobody wants him as an enemy
ESPECIALLY after he got his devil slayer magic
speaking of
devil slayers are the embodiment of cute aggression
he gets the random urge to bite people
theres an 80% chance that he’ll try to head-bunt people now
if he gets too happy he’ll try to throw smth
he has ‘fangs’, really sharp canines and he probably has a self-induced tongue piercing from how many times he bit his tongue from them
the tips of his fingers are black, whether thats a demon slayer trait, or a product of having two ice magics, which makes him work in prime frostbite temperatures, is unknown, they just are
Gray collects siblings the way Natsu collects father figures
He also has a larger male following than Erza, but its okay bc she has a higher female following than him :)
he wears eyeliner. i just. i need to say it.
i want to add smth thats in every fairy tail au i make but never explicitly stated
hes deaf, he was born hoh but its gotten worse over the years, especially after Deloria
he has lacrima hearing aids and will turn them off if someone is being particularly annoying and he just isnt in the mood
he stress cooks and has gotten pretty good at it
he has a recipe book full of Isvan style foods and those are his favorite to make
He realized hes lived in Magnolia longer than he ever lived in Isvan and it tore him apart
When he writes things down, its a mix of Fioren and Islavic/Isvani writing
when he gets tired or really stressed he speaks his native language without realizing
hes a secret theater kid
hes the type to hear a song and lie on the floor for a couple hours
he tries to say he doesnt, but my god does he live off drama
he flirts when hes nervous bc its a very fun image to me
a weird amount of ppl hes dated/friends with were his enemy/rival in a sense
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I come bearing a request! The Brothers with an MC who's really good at cooking and baking? Like, the stuff food blogs dream of. Master-level instagram pastries. Could compete with the chocolate guy if they put their mind to it.
👀 ooooo, I do love me some pastries-
(I know you have an *ahem* distaste for Lucifer, dear moot, so enjoy Lucifer acting like a bit of a dingus in his section!)
Oh, the human can cook. *insert asshole eyeroll here*. Great. Wonderful. Groundbreaking. That’s what’s got all his brothers acting like- what was that word Levi used? Simps? This human has turned six of the seven rulers of hell into a bunch of simps.
Sure, the human has near godlike cooking prowess. Sure, everyone looks forward to their day for cooking. And sure, everyone thinks the human’s pretty great.
Tsk, not him though. He’s a refined demon. Some silly food isn’t going to make him a lovesick fool… did he smell eclairs..?
Lucifer peered into the kitchen to see MC carefully taking a tray of eclairs out of the oven and letting them cool off on the counter. His favourite dessert… right there in front of him…
Due to not being a total moron, MC notices Lucifer and asks him what the hell he’s doing just standing ominously in the doorway. Lucifer makes up some bullshit excuse about reminding MC to do their homework and just leaves. Okay, game plan, he needs those fucking eclairs or he will spontaneously combust.
As he snuck into the kitchen that night, Lucifer took a moment to briefly wonder why he was creeping around his own house. He was the Avatar of Pride for pity’s sake! He could eat whatever he damn well pleased! Oh shit was someone coming- no? Okay, back to sneaking.
Lucifer crept into the kitchen, saw the eclairs, and all logic was thrown out the window. Time to eat!
“BEEL NO! NOT THE- Lucifer..?” “…” “…” “…you’re very talented, MC, do you mind making more of these?”
Ugh, stuck babysittin’ some dumb human, how lame…
As Mammon was throwing a “I’m broke and I’m stuck in a pact with a dumb human” pity party, the most heavenly smell entered his nostrils. Cooking… good cooking… was Barbatos visiting or somethin’? Nah, Lucifer woulda made a big fuss about gettin’ ready for Lord Diavolo. Huh, so what was goin’ on in the kitchen?
Huh? The human? The human can cook? Well damn, maybe this whole deal wouldn’t be so bad. Oi! MC! As payment for babysittin’ ‘em, he got to have an extra big share of- OW!
Did- did the human just hit him with a spoon?! Th-they can’t do that!
Apparently they fucking can. Mammon gets told to sit the fuck down and wait for the food like everyone else. He grumbles on the way to the dining room, but he can’t fully hide his excitement to try the food.
The food even looked pretty! How did they do that?! Magic. It had to be!
After everyone’s tastebuds were blessed with the heavenly substance that is MC’s culinary exploits, Mammon decides he needs to get on this human’s good side in order to receive more food! Maybe even find some way to make a profit or somethin’!
After weeks go by of trying to suck up to the human without looking like too much of a chump, Mammon eventually realizes… hey, this human ain’t so bad. They’re nice, they make him feel good about himself, they give him headpats… he’s really hit the jackpot here!
He’ll offer to help MC bake or cook, but beware, he will try and sample the food before it’s done. Don’t let him lick the spoon!!!
First thought? This human ain’t shit. Thought after seeing their food? WOAAAAAAAH! JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME-
He was unceremoniously cut off by Beel asking demanding seconds. Humph, fine, he doesn’t actually care about this dumb normie food anyway.
…well at least until Levi saw a little something something on TV that he just had to ask MC to try and make. He shyly knocked on their door and when they answered, Levi shoved the screenshot in their face and stuttered out a dinner request.
On the day MC was supposed to make dinner, Levi poked his head into the kitchen and tried to make it look like he was just standing in the same room as MC and not checking to see if they were making his dinner request.
Not that he’d blame them for not doing that… who’d wanna make some anime dinner for a yucky Otaku- OMG JAHSHSHABA THEY’RE MAKING IT! *fangirl squeals*
As Levi continues to commit the SIN of being in the kitchen at the same time as someone else, MC eventually just asks him if he’d like to help out.
“Here! Just keep turning the takoyaki.” “R-really? You trust me?” “Yes, Levi. You watched how they made it on your show, right?” “Yes! I won’t mess up! I swear on my honour as an otaku!”
All in all, it was a very cute bonding experience for the two. Now it’s a regular thing. Levi requests something for dinner or dessert, MC makes it, Levi helps out.
So, the human can cook. That’s nice. At least someone in this literally god forsaken house can.
He makes sure to thank MC every time they cook, then he makes sure to thank whatever deity is watching over him that Solomon wasn’t the human staying with them.
As the months progress, Satan realizes, he should learn how to cook better. I mean, Levi and Mammon were somehow both improving in their cooking endeavours, and if MC could teach those two, then he would be a breeze.
Satan walked into the kitchen and simply asked if MC needed any assistance with what they were doing. MC just slid him some garlic to dice and that’s how this mentor/student relationship was formed.
Satan was a star pupil, but Mammon and Levi weren’t above trying to sabotage Satan’s progress to get him to leave.
Here’s the thing, the sabotage worked, but it only worked once, and the two idiots didn’t stop to think that maybe they shouldn’t sabotage the meal they were going to have to eat later.
Well, cooking lessons continued uninterrupted after the ghost pepper incident…
Even when he’s ‘graduated’ their little cooking class, Satan’s always willing to lend a hand if needed. He also will slyly hand over some recipe books and cute baking supplies that he finds. MC should be prepared for lots of cat related things to come their way.
The human can cook? Oh frabcious day! He’s saved from a life of his brother’s mediocre cooking! And the human’s so cute too! What a bonus!
Not only is the human cute, but their food is just so… aesthetic??? Pretty???? Omigosh he just has to get a picture for Devilgram!
For the first few months, MC’s relationship with Asmo consists of Asmo not at all subtly asking to take pictures of their food and post it to his Devilgram. Listen MC, his followers would just love it!
Being the saint-sheep they are, MC lets Asmo sit in whenever they’re making anything in the kitchen. And Asmo slowly realizes “hey, this cute human with the awesome food is actually pretty cool too!”
New Mission: Make the human fall madly in love with him so they’ll want to hang out more.
Whether the mission succeeds is up to MC of course. (I mean, I’m already smitten with him sooooooooo-)
MC offers Asmo a lot of the pastries they make, but the Avatar of Lust almost always declines. Listen honey, he’s on a diet- wait, don’t make that sad face! He’ll eat it! Look! It’s- it’s delicious…
Diet cheat day is now every day MC makes dessert. The feeling of bliss Asmo gets when he takes a bite out of anything MC makes is only second of the treats is second only to the joy he feels at seeing MC happy that he likes their food. It’s just so wholesome I can’t-
MC’s food Devilgram has almost surpassed Asmo in terms of followers and honestly- he isn’t even mad.
Gasp! Lucifer finally got him the pet personal chef he’d always wanted! Thanks big bro! :D he’ll be sure not to eat this human!
On the first night MC was supposed to make dinner, Lucifer needed to hold Beel back from breaking into the kitchen to see what was causing that heavenly smell. It was, difficult… especially because Lucifer hadn’t slept in three days.
When they all sat down to eat, Beel practically inhaled everything and held up his half bitten plate for seconds.
We here at Stupid Headcanons incorporated recommend that MC have as many bodyguards as possible stationed around the kitchen at all times to ward off a hungry Beel. We don’t want him eating the ingredients and half-tempered chocolate.
A cinnamon roll through and through, he’ll eat everything MC gives him with a big ol’ smile on his cute little face. He’s not the best person to go to if MC wants advice or critique because the best thing Beel can usually muster is “it was really good.”
As Luke said in Lesson 5, Beel would make an awful food reporter. But we love him.
Similar to Levi, he’ll give meal requests on what to make for dinner. (At this rate, MC’s going to have to make some kind of list).
He kind of just waits by the door like a sad puppy whenever MC is making anything because he can’t get into the kitchen :(
The smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies wafting through the house did reach the attic and it only fuelled his rage more. How dare the human win everyone over with cookies?!
After the attic incident, Belphie was won over with cookies.
Belphie just stands creepily in the kitchen doorway whenever MC is making anything and just makes shit really uncomfortable. Why’s he doing that, you may be wondering, well, he’s trying to calculate the energy needed to swipe the bowl of cookie dough and sprint to safety.
He never succeeds, mainly because once he gets to the bowl, MC already has the wooden spoon ready to smack him, so he just freezes mid-theft and slowly puts the bowl down.
“Oh my gosh, it says let the bread dough rest overnight? Let’s get a headstart and go to sleep now.” “Belphie what-” “I made a pillow Fort, come in. Let’s sleep.” “In the kitchen????”
How’d he make the pillow Fort without MC noticing? Years of experience. He’s trained in the art of- MC? What do you mean you can’t sleep right now and you need to get a head start on shaping fondant?
…he may have eaten the fondant while MC wasn’t looking… whoops… Beel may have rubbed off on him a little…
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Head Canons: Jealous of their dance partner
Pairings: Akaashi x reader, Bokuto x reader, Kuroo x reader, Kenma x reader, Atsumu x reader, Oikawa x reader, Iwaizumi x reader
A/N: So sorry that this is so late! I’ve never done headcanons before so i was really nervous to do these. I hope they meet your expectations! Some were really fun to do and others were a bit challenging because I didn’t want them to be similar to each other. I tried to keep each person’s unique. Also changed the prompt just a little! Maybe if this does well, I’ll do more headcanons? i’m not sure! Enjoy and happy reading!
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Would be calm and collected on the outside but lets be honest, he’d be RAGING on the inside
I don’t know why, but his s/o doing ballet
So when he picks you up from practice one day, he sneaks a peak at your upcoming showcase performance
But… who the hell is this guy next to you?
And why is he touching your waist like that?!
Akaashi would be standing by the doorway, with his hands crossed, eyebrow twitching in annoyance
When practice is over, you skip into his arms
Of course you earn a loving smile in return but when your partner passes, best believe this boy is glaring at said man
Performance day comes and I can just imagine him snatching the best seats in house with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand
When you come on stage, you have his full attention
His eyes are shimmering with admiration and pride for you
But is quickly replaced with a scowl when he sees your partner
Cue twitching eyebrow
But OOF does this performance require close contact and almost kissing
Wtf, Akaashi doesn’t remember this when he watched your practice?!
Despite how monotone his expression is all the time, you can tell when somethings bothering him
So when you greet him after your performance, you see it right away that hes bothered by something and you already know why
“baaaabe, you know its not like that! It’s only dancing, nothing more” you reassured him
And he knows that
But that doesn’t stop him from staring down your partner as he passes
You already KNOW this man gets jealous and he shows it
That sad puppy face, those droopy eyes, and his deflated hair
Its cute but also sad at the same time
He wouldn’t know about your routine until the day of the performance because he wanted to be surprised
But as soon as he saw how close you and your partner had to be
His smile went from 😊 to 😐in a split second
I can already hear his friends laughing at him in the background
What’s even worse to him
Its not even that your close to your partner
It’s the fact that you look like your enjoying it
Hes squinting hard because did he see that right?
Hes so deep in his jealousy that he doesn’t even realize that youre only doing it to look believable to save your grade
You all know those type of teachers
When youre done with your performance, you go to find your boyfriend in the sea of people
You cant help but stifle a chuckle when you see his looking down
Youre fixing his hair, as one would do
But as soon as your dance partner comes into view, hes pulling you into his arms and you best believe you are staying there
Hes wants to make it crystal clear that you are taken
Youd have to spend the rest of the day cheering him up because his mind always goes back to your routine
Ahhhh this man
I am in love with this man
This man is the most supportive boyfriend
Right when you get on stage, he is screaming and I mean S C R E A M I N G your name
Everyone in the audience looks at him like
Who the fuck invited this man
He is so hype during your performance and is so proud of how much you improved throughout the semester
Everything is fine and dandy until he sees your dance partner pull you close to him and your faces almost touch
His heart dropped to his stomach
Like ouch
He wasn’t expecting that
hes the only one that’s allowed to have you that close but seeing that someone else that he doesn’t even know if basically flirting with you on stage in front of everyone has him seething
and he goes through the different stages of denial
the initial denial
like was that really you or did he mix you up with some other dancer
then hes basically ripping his hair out
and finally just sits there like, what is life?
Hes sulky, almost like Bokuto
Youre waiting for him to come pick you up but Kuroo takes a little detour to the mens dressing room
Remember that scene where Kuroo gets upset that they insulted his height and there was fire in the background?
Same energy
Hes letting your dance partner know that he is your boyfriend and if he ever touches you like that again, the only he’ll be touching is the ground when he crumbles him to pieces
And he’s bragging at how much of a better dance he is and could replace him as your dance partner if he really wanted to
…He cant fucking dance…
Empty threats but your dance partner doesn’t know that
He’s trembling in his shoes when Kuroo goes to congratulate you
Then its back home and he showing you who you belong to *wink wink*
It takes a lot for you to get Kenma to come out to your debut showcase
Dancing isn’t his thing, but really, what is?
Your heart flutters as you peak behind the curtain and you see Kenma, all dressed up with a single flower in his hands, sitting straight dab in the middle
Of course Kuroo is with him because he needs someone to help him get out of his comfort zone
Kenma isn’t too impressed with the performance so far (only because you haven’t shown up yet)
When you do appear on stage, he is absolutely mesmerized
He never knew you could dance so well. If he knew, maybe he’d sneak at you more often
The moment male counterparts entered the stage, he already knew this something was fishy
In his mind, thoughts are racing 100000000x a second
Are they just backup dancers?
Why are they coming towards you?
Are you going to dance with them?
Who is that guy?
And as soon as one of the guys brings you close to him, Kenma is as stiff as a board
You know how a cat is when they get scared? That’s Kenma in his seat
Kuroo notices it right away and smirks
This is the first time he’s seen Kenma feel jealous, or feel any other emotion
When you ask Kenma what he thought of the performance, he was shy at first
Like, you did good. You were very pretty
Although small, you appreciated his compliments because it was hard to get them out of him
He’s shy at first, but then he’s quick to give his judgements about your dance partner
As if he couldn’t stop, he was complaining all night long that there should never be a man that close to you that’s not him
Not the jealous type
Sorry, but I just don’t see it
But you know what I do see?
That he likes to show you off
He’ll go to all of your dance practices and all of your performances because we love a supportive boyfriend
Even when he has volleyball practices, he’s going straight to your practice right after
And lets be honest, hes looking at your ass more than he is watching out for other guys
Hes confident about your relationship and that you wont leave him
Hes in the crowd screaming like Kuroo
Omg how embarrassing!!!!
Gosh, you could hear him from the stage and it took everything in your power to not laugh
After the show, you jump into his arms because awwww!
Hes complimenting the dance and how well you did
Hes giving out all these compliments to your other dance mates
But when it came to your male dance partner
He literally shoves his face out of the way like hes not even there
Like his massive hand just covers his entire face and is like nope, you’re not even there to me
Fine maybe he is a little jealous
Being the jealous type, he already knew everything about this little duet you were doing
Who your partner was
What class they were in
Does this person have a partner?
When were you were having practice?
Who else was going to be there? Because he sure as hell will make sure he’s there if its just you two
How close were you two getting?
Only because he forced you to tell him
He’s monitored your dance so well that he’s sure he could copy it
No he cant  
Yeah it’s a little much, but hes the protective type! Hes just making sure that you’re safe and that your partner doesn’t try anything on you
But no matter how many times hes seen the dance
No matter how many times he knows that it means nothing
And no matter how much he braces himself for that part
A part of his stomach just tenses up
Its frustrating to see his s/o be that close to someone who isn’t him. And he cant help but be jealous, who wouldn’t?
Your expression, your dance moves, the emotion you put into the dance – they were all so convincing. If no one knew you had a boyfriend, they would all think that you and your dance partner would be dating
He cant have that
After the showcase, he makes it really known that you are already taken
Given his extra ass, he’d be exaggerating soooo much and youd just roll your eyes at him
Jokes on you, he IS your dance partner
Yeah, he’s got other hobbies other than volleyball
And don’t’ judge! Dance is good for flexibility
If your team needs any couple dances, its you and Iwa-chan
There are times when your team separates you two
And when that happens, best BELIEVE he’s keeping an eye out
During practice, he’s always side glancing and huffs whenever you two laugh together
When your dance teacher suggests you and your partner do something a little sexual, Iwa sit here to immediately stop it
If you had to do anything of the sorts, you were doing it with him
Your teacher wouldn’t be too happy that he is ruining their vision
But he promises that you two will practice extra hard for those parts to make it perfect
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
My headcanons about Queen Angelina II
Majority of these can be seen in this fic, so if you like the idea go check it out ;)
Also- a handful of these are shared with the lovely @madelynartz, who also has fantastic takes on her, so be sure to check out their post too
If you want me to draw/write any of these specific headcanons/moments, just send an ask and I’ll probably do it
I’ll (likely) be making another, seperate post for William when i feel like it
Update: I have
This is gonna be a long post-
Early Life:
Her parents weren't very loving or caring, only ever wanting her to work on her studies and singing
Her mother was worse than her father, as she was egotistical and always critical of Angelina II and always seemed to find problems with things and people that made her happy
Her mother also always went by her full name (You had to refer to her as Queen Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the First- she wouldn't let people shorten it)
Naturally- Angelina resented her mother and with that, her own name.
She hates it when people say her full name- "Just Angelina is fine"
But if she especially likes you, you can call her Lena ;)
Since the only thing her parents approved of was studying, she devoured the entire castle library as a child, which left her often more informed than her tudors, which left her bored during lessons and she quickly became a "smart-ass" as she liked to talk back and figure out the ways she could get out of lessons
She hated the idea of getting betrothed, and any time a suitor would come over, she'd attack his pride in any form she could think of to get them to hate her, and she was successful
One of the suitors was Prince Salazar
She hated Salazar the most
Despite her attitude being well known across several kingdoms, rumors of her beauty and wonderous singing kept them coming
Her father, King Harold the Eighth, died when she was 10, and she could hardly say she really grieved him, but it made her mother more distant and sometimes outright cruel
She met William when he was 15 in the royal stables when he was training to be a squire
He fell in love instantly, though Angelina wanted to get to know him first
They were the best of friends since they met, though it was obvious Queen Angelina I disapproved
However, after awhile Angelina just stopped caring about what her mother thought entirely and was much better off
She and William loved to garden together, and always planted new flowerbeds in the palace garden every spring
William proposed when he was 22 and she was 21
Obviously she said yes, but they had to keep it hidden from her mother, who would likely take William away
Luckily for them, Angelina I died a month after he proposed, and the two were quickly married.
Yakko was born 10 months after their wedding
Angelina fell in love instantly, declaring him to be the cutest baby she had ever seen
She's terrible with names, and never named her children until after they were born
She hated the idea of giving him a really long and convoluted name, or a name that was in her family (like Harold the 9th)
And so Yakko it was
She didn't expect motherhood to be so exhausting, but hearing Yakko's laugh for the first time made everything worth it to her
Yakko began babbling at a younger age than most, and he babbled constantly, even in his sleep. Angelina loved to just sit and listen to him try to tell stories in nonsense baby language
However, Yakko seemed to have a preference for hearing William give the bedtime stories, as when she tried to read he got fussy
Once he was able to explain he said "daddo does the voices" and that he preferred her lullabies anyway
It hurt at first, but she understood. William was an excellent story teller, though he did have a tendency to ramble at times
Yakko's favorite story was of how they met
She's very protective, and if he was sick or hurt, she'd never leave his side
Her hair used to be very, very long but once Yakko was able to grab things and kept yanking her hair, she chopped it all off and has kept it short ever since
Wakko didn’t cry or breathe when he was born, so for the first moments of his life, Angelina and William feared he was dead
He wasn’t dead though, and they rejoiced greatly, and cried a lot
Angelina refused to let go of him though, and they were only able to get Wakko away from her when she fell asleep from exhaustion
After about a week or so, she relaxed more, but she needless to say her protectiveness went to new heights 
“Lena, Yakko slept in a crib all the time, it’s fine-” “How do you know that?” “Lena, I was there.”
William did always have a way to reassure her though
However, the extra layer of protectiveness was kinda needed for Wakko, as he loved to bite and chew on everything and anything he could get his little hands on (including his own tail)
She eventually gained what William described as a “sixth sense” where she could just tell when Wakko put something he wasn’t supposed to in his mouth.
Wakko didn’t talk much when he was young, especially when compared to Yakko, though his brother seemed to get him to talk even more than his parents could
They didn’t mind though, whatever worked, worked
Wakko loved following Yakko everywhere he went the moment he could crawl. Angelina thought it was adorable.
Wakko had a tendency to hurt himself a lot (whether by tripping, crashing, bitting his tail too hard, etc.) which forced Angelina to learn that he’ll be okay, and not to overreact or panic, as he was most certainly not made of glass
Angelina had a tendency to be a worry-wart
Angelina became pregnant with Dot right before tensions with Ticktockia started to rise, but William was determined not to let that ruin their optimism about having another child that was hopefully a girl
Angelina really wanted a girl bc Yakko and Wakko didn’t like dressing up and she really hoped a girl would, though she knew there wasn’t ever a guarantee, but she hoped
Angelina went into labor in the middle of a meeting with an ambassador from Ticktockia, but forced herself to finish it bc she ain’t a quitter
Despite Dot being her third child, she took the longest to actually deliver (two days), likely due to the exhaustion from countless meetings with Ambassadors and the stress of trying to avoid war bc King Salazar decided past treaties suddenly didn’t mean anything
Angelina had originally been against giving her her name, as she still associated it with her mother, but William said that he only thought of her, and that she was a much better mother and person than Angelina I could’ve ever been, which changed her mind.
However, she had thought of the name Dot before she was born, and liked it to so she and William agreed they’d just call her that for short, and if you asked them “how is Dot short for Princess Angelina blah blah blah the Third, they’d reply “it just is”)
Though she wouldn’t tell Yakko or Wakko, Dot was most certainly the cutest baby of them all
Wakko and Yakko loved to just... stand over Dot’s crib and watch her do things
Wakko also didn’t grasp what a baby was, and would often try to make her do things, and when she wouldn’t he’d get upset and Angelina or William would have to explain why she can’t play with him with the toy soldiers
She’d often just ramble on and on to Dot as she slept while William watched the boys, talking about the new treaties going up, and how worried she was about what Salazar would do if he didn’t agree with the new treaties and deals. It made her feel better. 
To also ease her worries, she taught Yakko how to take care of his sister. How to burp her, how to change her, how to give her a bath, etc. She hated thinking about what could possibly happen, but knowing they’d survive somehow made her feel much better. 
Dot was three months old when the attack happened, and Angelina wished she had had more time with her before dying.
Misc. (bc I refuse to end on a bad/depressing note)
She had family portraits made after each of her kids were born bc she wanted to always remember how cute of babies they were
Her lullabies worked like magic in terms of getting the three of them to sleep
If you asked her, she thinks Yakko has her eyes, Wakko has her nose, and Dot has her eyes and face shape
In the space between her mother dying and their wedding, she met Hello Nurse, who was a childhood friend of William’s, and they hit it off quite well- so much so that Angelina offered her a job in the castle, but she refused, saying she had plans with some doctor in Acme Falls, which Angelina respected. 
She one time tried to practice knitting in hopes of knitting the kiddos a blanket, but she was  t e r r i b l e  at it, and gave up after a week of trying
William and her liked to throw balls at least once a year, and everyone agreed they were the best dancers out there (what they didn’t know was how much practice Angelina had to put in to get a sense of rhythm- she was a terrible dancer, and William’s natural grace when dancing far exceeded her own)
Despite others protesting, Angelina always suspected that the reason tension was growing with Ticktockia was because Salazar was jealous and upset that she married some random knight rather than him (a theory that was proven right to her right before her death)
Her favorite food was bananas
William was a huge cuddler, so they’d cuddle close every night
she personally tutored Yakko on things like history and geography, as she felt those tended to be the most boring classes, and she wanted to have some part in his education, as she hated all of her teachers when she was a kid
She often didn’t know when to shut up, which did end up costing her in the end, but she didn’t regret a single word she said before her death, as Salazar deserved every bit of it. 
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years
Platonic Toko and Byakuya Things!
Oops so now I have Toko and Byakuya on the brain. I know people have said almost anything and everything about this, but I wanted to add some stuff and ramble a bit! Toko and Byakuya both mean sooo much to me as characters and the idea of them some day actually getting along has my entire heart and soul.
Spoilers for Trigger Happy Havoc and Ultra Despair Girls!
So obviously we need some time here, right. Listen I love them both but they need time apart and such; this doesn't happen overnight
I need some of that sweet, sweet Toko development first. Y'know once she stops idolizing them and sees them as an actual human being. Also how badly they treated her and vice versa. Basically, we need to throw out the entire dynamic and start fresh
Mutual apologies should probably happen and to be quite honest, I've wanted to write that out for months, but I can't decide exactly when or how it would happen, so I haven't. But I love the idea to bits.
Anyways AFTER all of that gets squared away, I genuinely think they'd make amazing friends in a weird way
They're both sarcastic, sharp, and cocky depending on the circumstance.
Like yes, Toko is e x t r e m e l y insecure, but never once does she put down her skills, and on some level, she has moments where she displays pride and confidence, too.
And to be honest, isn't Byakuya insecure, too? They just don't express it in the same ways as Toko. Chapter 4 tings, ya know?
The sheer levels of sass between the two of them is iconic, and if they ever were aiming that sass at the same target, they wouldn't survive.
Gay best friends
I'm one of those people that headcanons Toko as a lesbian with a whole lotta comphet, and tbh I imagine something similar for Byakuya. Less comphet and more not understanding what attraction is even supposed to feel like until catching feelings for a guy for the first time. Absolutely primed and ready to force themselves into relationships with women for the sake of their family's tradition before realizing it's definitely not supposed to feel that uncomfortable.
Weirdly enough they have a lot in common. I don't know if they'd ever get super close, but in the event that they did, they'd be able to relate to each other on a lot of levels.
Also the discussions of literature mmMMM good shit.
Not that they ever have a ton of free time but in the event that they do, they could probably pass a lot of time just getting into healthy debates over interpretations of things
From the outside, it looks like they're about ready to murder each other, but they can go back to being civil on a dime
Also Byakuya giving some of Toko's stuff a chance just? Hits different?
Bro especially once Byakuya ends up in a relationship because I feel like then you can get a new appreciation for that type of thing. The cheesy shit feels a bit less stupid
Listen they hate that they like it but they do like it
speaking of dating y’ALL THE DOUBLE DATES??
Komaru would get super excited about it which would make Makoto super excited about it and both Toko and Byakuya don’t know how to say no.
In laws in laws in laws
Hello Naegami Tokomaru nation how are you doing
Damn honestly it’d just be cool if they got along. It’d be really, really neat if what remains of their class could all get along as a group. Mutual healing type beat
Gosh now I’m imagining Toko, Byakuya, Makoto, Kyoko, and Komaru watching a movie together while Toko and Byakuya just rip the entire story to shreds
(Kyoko tries to stay quiet, but she does eventually join in. Albeit with a bit more composure and grace than the other two)
Komaru and Makoto are just glad to see them getting along
This is very very specific, and who knows, maybe I’ll actually write this as a fic at one point, but I have an oddly specific headcanon regarding the events of UDG and Genocide Jack and such
With the events of the first killing game being broadcast, Genocide Jack’s identity obviously becomes public, and that would cause a lot of extreme consequences for the system as a whole.
After she actually heals (ACTUALLY as an individual, not just Toko trying to control her switches) and genuinely decides to turn over a new leaf, I think Byakuya is the one who gets her, and by extension Toko, out of hot water.
They’re way too prideful to ever outright thank Toko and Jill for saving them, but in their own special, standoffish way, that’s how they return the favor- giving them that sort of Togami stamp of approval and speaking to their credibility overall
It all has a very professional air to it; however, it's the start of a rocky but good friendship
Overall that’s just how their friendship works in my head: they start spending more time together through other obligations or their significant others, and they come to the realization that they actually enjoy each other’s company when they aren’t verbally abusing and sexually harassing each other :'D
I think once they both do some serious healing, they could be really good for each other as friends. They'd get along better than both initially would think.
Thanks for reading my little rambles! I hope you enjoyed them! Hopefully I’ll write more about their dynamic someday soon. Like I said, I love them both dearly, so it’s fun to imagine!
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violetwolfraven · 3 years
Willie Headcanons
So I actually came up with this like a month ago and forgot to post it. Anyway enjoy my headcanons about our favorite sk8er boi. Be ready for feels.
Tw: death, car accident mention, emotional manipulation.
In my mind, Willie had a good relationship with his parents. They were supportive and everything. They both loved Willie very much.
And Willie has youngest child energy so I’m saying he has a sister who’s 2 years older and a brother who’s 5 years older. Their names are Delilah and Austin.
Seriously imagine the worst possible combination of head empty only skateboarding and you’ve got Willie, Delilah, and Austin.
Austin started skating when he was 7 and got Delilah hooked on it a year later.
Their parents kinda didn’t like the idea of it but those two had already started teaching Willie basic stuff by the time he was 3.
But... the other two had other interests. Delilah was into art (painting) and Austin played piano (like, really well).
For Willie, skateboarding was his thing. And it always was.
He had fun with it when his big brother would put his hands on his and teach him to play a bit, or his sister would give him some paint and a spare canvas and they’d doodle together, but it wasn’t like skating.
As far as I’ve seen (which admittedly isn’t that far) it’s widely accepted that Willie has ADHD so I’m leaning into that here.
And Willie inherited his brain from his dad, who had a bad experience with meds and so wouldn’t let any of his kids go through it.
So Willie grew up unmedicated but probably better off for the time period. His dad taught him coping mechanisms. Him and Austin. Delilah didn’t inherit it but she was taught to empathize with her brothers and recognize when they needed her help with something.
She’s a badass who can and does beat up anybody who’s mean to her brothers for missing social cues.
But anyway while Austin had piano (and skating as a side thing) Willie got even more hooked on skateboarding than either of his siblings because his brain latched onto it from a young age and couldn’t let go.
We all have our outlets. The chaos in our brains has to go somewhere. For Willie it goes into skating.
When he’s young he and his siblings will skateboard to school and then after school they’ll skate all around Hollywood for hours.
They do their homework in random McDonalds and Denny’s and tbh become local cryptid customers. Like they’re just these 3 super friendly skater siblings who tip really well and visit every fast food place within a 20 mile radius of their house with varying frequency.
They also find e v e r y skatepark, empty pool, and vacant lot in that 20 mile radius that they can possibly find.
Their parents have to bail them out of jail for trespassing and the occasional vandalism every so often.
Sometimes one of them has stuff to do and it’s just two of them out skating but if two of them are busy the other one never goes out alone cause it’s dangerous. We’ll get back to that later.
So anyway when they’re 17, 14, and 12, Delilah comes out as a lesbian.
And the family is supportive of course because they’re a good family.
But her coming out gets Willie thinking. About how some of his friends have crushes on girls but he just... doesn’t see the appeal.
Like he has a couple friends who are girls and they’re great and he likes hanging out with them at recess but he doesn’t get the hype. They’re just more friends. So he doesn’t really see what his big sister is so interested in either.
In my mind Willie actually is from around the same time as the boys (dying in like 1999) so one day while nobody else in their house is home he and Delilah are watching Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Willie’s again wondering why people think Leia is so hot cause she’s cool and all but Luke is right there and he looks really good and—
Willie: I think I might be gay.
Delilah: Yeah I know.
They talk about it and Willie does decide to tell the rest of the family but he’s a bit wary about anyone else because he saw how some of Delilah’s friends turned on her after she came out. He doesn’t want that to happen to him.
He does end up telling a few of his friends but he doesn’t quite not care what people think of him the way his big sister does.
Austin is the only straight one and he’s like. So awkward about it but in a sweet way.
Austin: So, Britney Spears is hot, right?
Delilah: Stop.
Austin: So I saw you hanging around Chris the other day are you two..?
Willie: ...no...???
Austin: Cool, yeah I didn’t think so. Just had to make sure. Not that I’m doubting your ability to get boys but I’d have to shovel talk him if you were.
Willie: If I ever do get a boyfriend, please don’t.
He tries. He’s a himbo if that wasn’t clear. Where did you think Willie learned it?
So anyway fast forward a couple years and they’re 22, 19, and 17. Austin and Delilah are both in college and Willie’s the last one left at home and things between their parents start getting... tense.
Like they don’t fight exactly but they’ve fallen out of love and things are awkward.
Even Austin and Delilah can tell and they’re only home on breaks and some weekends but for Willie it’s right there and he’s watching it happen. He has no option but to see.
They used to have a rule that they don’t go skating alone because it’s dangerous but Willie just can’t make himself stay home so he goes out skateboarding.
At first it’s never too far from home or anywhere where there’s too much traffic but as things get increasingly awkward at home he goes out farther and farther, chasing the adrenaline high he used to get from going anywhere and everywhere every day after school with his siblings.
Then his parents officially tell him they’re getting divorced and
And it’s not like he couldn’t see it coming, but... it still hurts.
And neither of his siblings are coming home any time soon so
So he goes out skating on his own, way too far from home. He keeps going until he doesn’t even know where he is anymore.
He isn’t really paying attention the way he should but that’s not why he runs into trouble.
The driver of that red pickup is drunk and he rounds the corner out of nowhere.
If Delilah or Austin had been there they could have yelled for Willie to jump out of the way, or maybe up on the hood so the impact wouldn’t be as bad, but he’s alone.
So he gets hit, and the car was going fast enough that he’s dead before he even hits the pavement.
After that there’s a lot of confusion but once Willie figures out he’s a ghost... it’s too painful to think about going home, so he just... doesn’t.
He doesn’t want to see his family mourning him, so he just distracts himself, skating everywhere he couldn’t before without getting busted.
Plus some old routes where he used to go with Delilah and Austin, just for something that’s familiar but not too familiar.
He’s on one of those more familiar routes a few weeks after his death when he’s skating down Sunset Boulevard one night, singing along to Toxic by Britney Spears blasting from a nearby club and a man dressed in a purple suit comments on how he’s got a good voice.
Honestly Willie is just so relieved to have someone to talk to that he forgets about stranger danger completely.
Plus he recognizes an Elder Gay in Caleb and assumes he can trust him because the Elder Gays he met at pride that one time he went with Delilah were so nice and understanding of how reassuring it was to see queer people of older generations who got a happy ending.
Caleb barely even has to try. He just lets this 17-year-old obviously-queer ghost rant at him for a few minutes, asks a few questions and finds out that he also can play piano, and convinces him to come to the Hollywood Ghost Club the next night.
From there it’s not like Willie has anyone to save him so of course he has to join the club.
At first he’s completely alone because the other performers scare him almost as much as Caleb does.
Then slowly, he sees how they give him space because they know he’s scared of them. How they turn a blind eye when he leaves the club without permission. How they don’t critique his mistakes with the same sarcasm they show each other.
Willie starts to realize that the other performers are doing their best to look out for him, and he starts being less afraid.
They’re all too concerned with their own survival to really protect him but if they draw some attention to themselves occasionally so Caleb doesn’t notice Willie being slow to pick up some tricky choreography, that’s not too risky.
The others are all like 21 at the youngest and they really don’t appreciate Caleb tricking a literal child into working for him no matter how talented said child is. (Cause Willie is good at singing and piano. It’s just not his passion.)
The twins are 22 but they died in 1925 and before that they were performing to support a younger brother who they never got to say goodbye to so maybe they see Willie as a kind of second chance.
Lyssa (what I decided to name drummer woman because I don’t know her real name if she has one) is 25 and she died in 1984. She had a daughter who’d be about Willie’s age now and... who knows? Maybe they were friends.
Fuego is 24 and from 1951 and he had a childhood best friend who enlisted and died in WWII that he thought he might get to see when he died but that boy moved on and so... well, Willie’s just a little younger than his friend was the last time he saw him.
In short Willie becomes everyone’s baby brother and they do what they can to look out for him even if they’re just as scared of Caleb as he is.
And the better adjusted Willie gets to (after)life at the HGC and the better they get to know him, the guiltier the others start to feel about him being stuck there.
Eventually a combination of guilt and worked-up courage leads Fuego tells him about the whole unfinished business thing, in hopes maybe he can figure his out and get away from Caleb.
It doesn’t take Willie long to think of his family, how hopeless he felt about the divorce, how worried he was it would change everything and then how scared he was to see his family in pain because of his death.
He realizes his unfinished business is probably seeing them. Letting himself say goodbye.
He almost gets away with it.
Caleb catches up and stops him in the driveway of his house and poofs them back to the HGC.
He convinces (gaslights) Willie into believing that saying goodbye was never his unfinished business and even if it was it’s not like it would matter because Caleb wouldn’t let him do it.
The next morning he ships the HGC out to Tokyo. They stay on the move for a long time and when they are in town, Willie is basically locked in his room.
The next time he’s allowed out in Hollywood, his parents don’t live in their old house anymore and he has no way to find them.
As a coping mechanism, he just starts making the best of a bad situation. Becoming better friends with the other ghosts. Helping soften the blow whenever someone new comes along.
None of that means he stops checking the faces of passing skaters or keeping eyes on restaurants his folks used to like, but it does mean he more or less gives up hope.
That’s what he’s doing when he bumps into Alex.
Look, Willie loves his friends at the HGC. He really does. But there’s a big difference between 17 and 20-something. Like the others will drink alcohol some nights and technically Willie was born over 21 years ago but he still feels weird enough about it that he doesn’t drink.
He hasn’t talked to anyone his age in a long time so Alex is a breath of fresh air.
Also he’s like. Really cute. And sweet. And funny. And shit, Willie’s fallen for him before he even has time to think about it.
He keeps thinking about how Alex doesn’t seem like he’d be physically capable of hurting someone on purpose so Austin would approve and every once in a while there’s that sarcasm that pops out which means he’d get along great with Delilah.
In general Alex is the kind of guy he would’ve loved to take home to meet the family. Them not included, he’s kind of... everything Willie’s missed about Hollywood in the form of one person.
Then they hang out more and Alex is still everything he’s missed but he’s also so much more than that and...
It almost feels like a part of Alex is still alive. And for the first time in years, a part of Willie feels alive, too.
They’ve known each other for like a week tops and Willie is already in love.
Not that he’s admitting that to anyone, because he’s learned the hard way that anyone you care about can be used against you.
Still... when Alex asks for help getting revenge on Bobby, he can’t bring himself to say no because he needs to keep Alex in his (after)life and the only way he knows how to do that (or to make people be nice to him in general) is to be as useful as possible.
That turns out to be a big mistake, because Caleb sees right through him in an instant, targets Alex to confirm it, then immediately starts the process to trick the boys into committing to eternity at the HGC.
Willie feels like an idiot for thinking he could actually get away with it. Doing something good for someone he cares about.
He hadn’t thought Caleb would be interested in them because he’d never actually heard them play. The assumption was that he’d make them do some small favor and then let them talk to their bandmate for 5 minutes. A clean deal where they never have to commit to anything. Willie forgot to take magic into account.
He almost manages to convince himself it was all a bad dream, but when he seeks out Alex and his friends to check on them, he can almost feel the jolts himself, and seeing Alexthem in pain feels terrible.
Willie knows that theoretically they could figure out their unfinished business and cross over, but that all depends on finding it and doing it fast enough and if they failed...
People you care about can be used against you. And Willie does not want to be used against Alex again. He doesn’t want to see Alex used against him.
So he keeps his distance, in hopes Caleb will think he lost interest. He’s pretty sure once the boys find out about the stamp they’ll hate him, anyway.
And plus, as he’s been taught by his friends at the HGC, you have to look out for yourself because no one else will do it for you. Maybe you hurt somebody by not standing up for them, but you can apologize later and hope they forgive you. You can’t apologize if you’re gone, and it’s not like it would make a difference anyway because Caleb is too powerful for anyone to beat.
The thought of how spending eternity with Alex might not be so bad even if it has to be at the HGC does come up, but ironically that’s what makes Willie decide to screw his courage to the sticking point and tell them.
Because he has seen what decades at the club has done to his friends.
They’re all great performers, and they perform happiness well even to each other, but Willie knows them enough to know how tired they all are. How they have been doing the same thing over and over again for decades and they are sick of it.
They’re young, talented tragedies lost to drug overdoses, or AIDS, or accidents, or suicide, and they should’ve gotten to rest after everything they went through in their lives. Instead, they got a curse disguised as a blessing. They got to stay on a stage, got to keep performing and soaking up applause, never got to stop.
Willie has been there a shorter time than most of them and he feels it. The exhaustion, because ghosts are supposed to haunt for a few years then figure out their unfinished business and move on. They’re not meant to be trapped for decades, used as party tricks.
A part of Alex still feels alive and being trapped in the Hollywood Ghost Club for years on end would kill that part of him.
Willie can’t let that happen, so as hard as it is...
He tells the boys what’s wrong with them. And by that hurt, betrayed look in Alex’s eyes, he’s honestly expecting him to never forgive him.
But then Alex does. And that almost hurts worse because whether he figures out his unfinished business or not, Willie doubts he’s ever going to see him again.
He honest to God almost cries when Alex hugs him because... shit, he hasn’t gotten a hug since he was breathing.
He goes back to the HGC and tries to go about his day, and keeps replaying how good it felt to have Alex’s arms around him, hoping that memory will get him through the next few decades on his own.
The ghosts at the club do actually gossip a fair amount and by this point all of them know about the 3 dead members of Sunset Curve.
So when Willie admits to Helen (what I’m calling one of the twins) that Alex hugging him was the first time he’d gotten a hug since he died, she hugs him tight for a good 20 seconds, telling him she’s sorry he has to lose him, and if Willie closes his eyes he can almost pretend it’s Delilah.
The next thing he knows, he’s locked in a closet.
Caleb comes to talk to (intimidate) him a few hours later, saying he knows what Willie did.
He’s magically locked in his room alone for a couple weeks after that and it’s essentially psychological torture.
Helen, Anna (what I decided to call the other twin), Dante, Fuego, Lyssa, and everyone else tell him not to test Caleb for the next couple years, but Willie has a heart full of love and a head full of fuck it, so he doesn’t listen.
He gives it exactly one day of being/acting scared and obedient, then goes out without permission again, fully intending to scream in a museum alone to let out all his feelings.
Remember: Willie didn’t see the Orpheum performance. He doesn’t know the boys didn’t cross over but by Caleb’s mood he has a feeling the outcome of that scenario was not in the magician’s favor.
He gets there and it’s literally this comic by the very talented @williessweatycherrysocks
He can’t stay long but he and Alex scream in each other’s faces, talk a bit, maybe sing a duet.
After that, they sneak to see each other when they can but don’t get to see much of each other for months.
It’s hard on both of them but they don’t give up on their relationship.
Through long and complicated events which I will outline later, Willie eventually gets free of the HGC, hugs his friends goodbye already making plans to take down Caleb for good to free them, too, and promptly declines an offer to stay in the Molinas’ garage.
As much as he wants to be close to Alex he’s done being confined to one place.
He still comes and visits like every day tho.
He knows a lot more about ghosting than the other boys do so he and Carlos get along amazingly like:
Carlos: So do you know who Jack the Ripper was?
Willie: No? How old do you think I am?
Carlos: I dunno but I thought it might be Caleb cause that would explain how he never got caught.
Willie, taking notes in his Things To Potentially Use To Take Caleb Down notebook: You’re a tiny genius.
No one was expecting it but everyone is in awe of how well he and Carrie get along. Between the two of them they know so much celebrity gossip. (and it’s definitely a good thing he’s on good terms with her cause she and Alex are close)
On the angsty side, Willie also bonds with Nick over how they both know how it feels to be manipulated and used by Caleb.
Also it takes a long time before he’s able to trust him, but he does get adopted into the Molina clan by Ray.
Ray reminds him a lot of his own dad, once Willie’s able to see that he’s nothing like Caleb.
Ray’s honestly just 100% happy to Dad™️ anyone who needs a dad so it works out great once Julie and the boys figure out how to make Willie visible.
But anyway back to important stuff.
Now that they don’t have to hide for any reason, Willie and Alex can both breathe a little easier. Or... they both feel better. Ghosts don’t really breathe.
Willie can finally let himself get used to feeling alive again.
The whole ghost gang goes (invisibly) to the Los Feliz Homecoming dance and maybe it should make him feel a little on-edge with the kind of club-like environment but...
He’s got Alex there, and they’re dancing to some corny pop love song from the 90s that Flynn probably put on because she knew the ghost boys would be there so how could he feel anything but safe?
For a minute it almost feels like actually being alive and there’s yellow and pink and blue lights coming from everywhere reflecting in Alex’s eyes and Willie is suddenly very aware of the fact that though they’ve been together for a long time now, they haven’t had their first kiss.
Then the Cha Cha Slide starts up and the atmosphere switches and Willie totally forgets about the whole romantic tension thing because it’s the Cha Cha Slide everybody has to dance along.
Dirty Candi performs towards the end of the night and the ghost boys cheer the loudest despite how Julie’s laughing at them. They don’t care that Carrie can’t even hear them, they’re being supportive!!!
Everybody screams even louder when Flynn runs up on stage and kisses Carrie and Willie feels a big burst of affection at how Alex shouts ABOUT TIME!
Then he gives Willie a quick hug and leaves cause he and the rest of Julie and the Phantoms have to go get set up for their performance.
Since Alex was able to flip Carrie’s hair in All Eyes on Me I’m saying that ghosts can touch lifers if they focus and believe it will happen hard enough, so the ghost gang has developed a system for alerting their non-Julie lifer friends to their presence.
So while they’re waiting in the crowd Willie taps Carrie on the shoulder like: • - - one short tap, two long taps, a Morse code ‘W’ and Carrie lets Flynn know that he’s there.
(Nick can see him too but Nick’s off somewhere with his date {one of his lacrosse teammates you know the one})
Anyway so Julie goes out and starts up the song and then the rest of the band poofs in but
Something’s unusual.
Cause it’s not Luke on the lower main vocals.
Singing while he plays the drums and fucking killing it.
Willie totally bluescreens for a second but then when he actually focuses on the lyrics...
It’s a new song about beating the odds and being with the person you love in spite of the challenges that come with them.
And yeah there are Julie elements in there, (and she’s definitely making heart eyes at Luke even as he sticks to backup vocals) because of course there are since she has to start the song up, but
But Willie might not have any formal music training, but he was at the HGC long enough to know his stuff about music and recognize different artists’ styles.
And there’s a time signature switch on the bridge that’s a little off from how Luke would write it. There’s a swing to the melody that’s a bit more ‘pop’ than the band’s usual songs. Julie’s harmony doesn’t go as high as it normally would, as if whoever wrote the song didn’t have as high of an upper range to work with as she does.
The song is so unmistakably Alex that no one else could have written it.
Flynn and Carrie are quietly making smug comments on what they bet his face looks like right now but Willie’s not listening to them.
On the last chorus, Alex fucking winks at him right before poofing out.
Willie has whiplash like how did they go from him having to psych Alex up to break into a museum even when there’s zero chance of getting caught to Alex openly flirting with him from the stage?
He poofs backstage right as the boys get back from dropping their instruments back in the Molinas’ garage and he honestly doesn’t know what he even wants to say to convey how amazing that performance was.
Then Alex just smiles at him.
Alex: So I take it you liked the song?
Willie: Can I kiss you right now?
They both kinda freeze after he blurts that out and Reggie goes wow really quietly before he and Luke poof out to give them some privacy and whoops now they’re both flustered but
Alex: Wow, didn’t expect that. That’s... um, wow. But yeah.
They kiss and it’s a total romcom moment.
And the story’s far from over, but to Willie this definitely feels like happily ever after.
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actuallysaiyan · 4 years
Could you do gohan and future trunks sfw alphabet and separate plz cause I don't want to bother ya
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We’ll start with Gohan! He’s one of my favorites <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Gohan is insanely affectionate. He’s always going to dote on you and show you all the ways that he appreciates you. Whether it be him doing you little favors without you asking, or he’s giving you a back rub, or even sending you flowers, you can be assured that Gohan will not leave you guessing.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Gohan would absolutely be the best! He’s smart, funny, sweet and really cares about people...especially you. He would do anything to make sure you’re happy and healthy and safe...but also he would help tutor you if you needed it or he would even bake you cookies if you were feeling down.
The friendship would either start when he’s in high school and you’re there with him, or if you ever ended up going to one of the fighting tournaments.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Gohan adores cuddling. There’s nothing better than to curl up with you and read a good book or watch a great movie. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close and lets you lean your head on his shoulder. He’ll probably even play with your hair or give you a little back rub.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Gohan adores the idea of being able to settle down with you. He’s awesome with cooking and cleaning and doesn’t mind doing his fair share of it. He’ll make sure you’re both feeling needed and loved and that things are split down the middle.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think this is something that Gohan would struggle with a lot. He hates the idea of hurting someone unnecessarily, so it would really hurt him as well if he had to end a relationship. He would try to do it as gently as he could, but he would be so heartbroken seeing you either go off angry and cold or very sad. It’s not easy on the poor boy.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He loves the idea of commitment. He saw how weird the relationship between his mother and father was, and he’d absolutely want to settle down and be with you forever if he was in love with you. It wouldn’t be super quick, but it wouldn’t take him too long if he realized that you are the one for him.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gohan is the king of being gentle. If he hugs you or touches you in anyway, he’s very receptive and knows exactly how much pressure to put. If you need a shoulder to cry on, he’s very gentle emotionally as well. He knows exactly what to say to make you feel better.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Gohan loves hugs! They are some of his favorite things in the whole world. He’ll hug you whenever he gets the chance. His hugs are like sunny days, warm and bright. He brings you into his arms and squeezes you tightly, rubbing your back and telling you how much he appreciates you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I think it would take a normal amount of time for him to say that. He’d have to get to know you well first, but once he realized you were the one, he would have no problem confessing. He might be a little flustered about it, but he’s not going to hide it for too long.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I’d love to say that he isn’t the kind of man that doesn’t get jealous, but sometimes that Saiyan pride gets in the way of things and he doesn’t like the way that guy/girl is looking at you or how that person is just a little too close for comfort. If he’s jealous, he won’t lash out. He’ll come wrap his arm around you and pull you in for a passionate kiss.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are so sexy. They are slow and passionate and he knows exactly what to do to make you melt. He loves kissing you on the lips or maybe even on the neck...if he’s feeling frisky, he loves to kiss in naughty places. Gohan enjoys being kissed on the lips and forehead. If he’s feeling frisky, he definitely enjoys being kissed on the chest or even in the erogenous zones.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Gohan is amazing around children. He’s patient, understanding and a very good role model. He’ll be a wonderful father to your children and will spoil them with lots of love.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’ll let you sleep in while he gets up to make coffee and breakfast. When you awake, he’ll serve you breakfast and coffee while you both enjoy each other’s company. Then he’ll suggest a shower before you go off and run any errands you need to.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
After a good dinner, he’ll want to curl up on the couch with you and read a book or watch a tv show you both enjoy. If Gohan is feeling a little naughty, maybe he’ll want to have a little wild fun with you. When it’s time for bed, he’ll tuck you in and lie next to you, giving you a sweet kiss goodnight.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take a little time for him to open up a lot. He’s going to want to know you well before he tells you everything. It’ll start with little anecdotes and stories, then it’ll move to big secrets or revelations once he feels comfortable around you and trusts you a lot.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s definitely got the patience of the saint. He won’t anger very easily, but if something does rub him the wrong way or he sees injustices, he won’t be afraid to stand up for what’s right...even if that does mean beating up a criminal or two.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Gohan would remember everything about you, right down to how many moles you have on your body and your second favorite pizza place. You don’t have to worry with Gohan as your lover, he knows what you like and you don’t have to second guess whether or not he knows what to get you for your birthday or anniversary.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment is definitely your first kiss. He was a little hesitant and flustered, so you approached him and leaned in. The moment your lips touched, it was like this electric shock hit you both at the same time. It was a very pleasant electric shock, and he kept feeling his lips tingle for hours later.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Gohan is very protective, but he knows you can handle your own. He would protect you either by defending your honor or maybe even beating someone up if they were hurting you physically. Gohan wouldn’t mind if you tried to protect him, but he doesn’t want you to get hurt at all.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s definitely going to go all out for those kinds of things, but he doesn’t mind it if you’d like to plan some of the dates as well. The way he sees it, he just wants the both of you to have a good time having fun together and enjoying each other’s company.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Gohan sometimes gets really sucked into his work. He may be a little bit of a workaholic and forget to relax and rest sometimes.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He knows he looks pretty good, but he doesn’t concern himself too much with his looks. He’ll make sure he’s clean and smells good before coming to see you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Gohan would definitely feel incomplete without you. You are the person who always cheers him on and makes him feel good about himself. People always tried to dictate his life, but you just want him to feel happy and fulfilled. You love him for who he is.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Gohan absolutely loves getting cute things as gifts. He doesn’t care if it’s food, plushies or flowers, he’s very into receiving cute gifts.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Gohan isn’t a fan of someone who wants to hurt others for their own personal gain. It’s just not something that interests him. He wants people to treat each other equally.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He loves to cling onto you, warming you up and making you feel safe. He might mumble a bit in his sleep, and he may have nightmares from time to time where you’ll have to comfort him.
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
Sypaul getting ice cream?
You know that SAF Horror Movie post that was supposed to be headcanons and I wrote it into a oneshot instead? Yeah, I'm back at it. Look, there's nothing I love more than those two wholesome gay werewolves. Genre: Fluff/ Romance Words: 2054 TL;DR: Paul and Sybilus go out to get ice cream? Is it a date? Not officially. Could it be? Very possibly. TW: There's literally none. It's all wholesome. It’s just a lot of gay panic.  ________________________________________________________
Paul sighed, walking down the streets aimlessly. He was back in Connor Creek, just for a visit. He liked to visit as often as he could- especially around the full moon. It made things a *lot* easier on him. Because even if he hadn't gone full werewolf yet, he did still experience a lot of the struggles that came around that time of month. It was good to be around other wolves- especially Desmond. And of course with the silver reserves, most of the less-than-ideal urges that came up that time of month were kept at bay. The full moon happened to be in two days, so... here he was again.
He wasn't quite sure where he was going. He was just walking, a bit bored. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he pivoted... so quickly that he fell flat on his ass. Smooth, Paul. Even worse: It was Sybilus. Sybilus, the one person he didn't want to see anything like him flat on his ass. Paul had developped feelings for Syb. He had always though Syb was cool, but... he'd started to catch himself daydreaming. He was good looking, sweet, smart, and... god, he had the coolest name! Paul hadn't meant to fall so hard, but... damn. Both men blushed at the situation they found themselves in. Paul felt bad, reacting like that. He was a bit jumpy... especially with the full moon so soon. Sybilus offered him a hand gently, and Paul took it, standing up.
"T-terribly sorry to have startled you." Sybilus blushed. "I, um..."
"Nah, my bad." Paul chuckled softly. "I'm just jumpy."
"I only meant to say hello... and ask you if you had any t-time- ah! P-p-plans?" Sybilus bit his lip nervously.
"Well... hello." Paul smirked. "And no I don't. Why?"
"I-I was thinking p-p-perhaps we could go into town." Sybilus proposed. "Not this town... the r-real city. M-m-maybe get something to eat?"
"Oh... I actually just had lunch at the Dead Canary." Paul told him. Shit. What was he doing? He actually wanted to go out with Syb.
"We could get ice cream, then. For d-dessert." Sybilus offered.
"Oh yeah! I would be so down for that!" Paul grinned.
"I only say we go into town b-b-because... I-I was going to suggest ice cream anyways. W-w-we don't have a-any real i-i-icecream places here." Sybilus sighed, walking with Paul. They now knew where they were going. To his car. "I-I would start one myself, but I'm rather busy with my other work."
"Maybe I should move here and start one." Paul thought aloud.
"Oh, Paul... y-you've got a very important job." Sybilus shook his head. "We need people like you t-t-to keep sharing the important news with the world."
"Oh yeah, but... I could podcast from up here. Drive into the city to record when I need to..." Paul theorized.
"Well... if you wanted, we could live together." Sybilus offered. "I-I mean you could live a-at my house. You're welcome."
"You know, I'm genuinely considering this." Paul chuckled, climbing into the car. "This could be fun. And it makes sense for me to be here, right? Why just... keep visiting for full moons?"
"You make a v-v-valid point..." Sybilus considered.
"Are you actually cool with me crashing with you?" Paul checked. "Because like... it makes sense, with the two of us being wolves."
"O-of course." Sybilus assured him, starting the car. "And you're right."
"Well that settles it. I'm moving to Connor Creek, running an ice cream shop, and working on my podcast from here." Paul decided.
"M-maybe you should think it over a little bit m-m-more." Sybilus chuckled, driving down the road.
"Yeah, you're right." Paul chuckled nervously.
There was silence in the car for a bit. Neither Paul nor Sybilus knew what to say. Paul had honestly just kept talking about the ice cream shop because he didn't know where to stop. It was awkward, but not tense. Overwhelmingly, if either one had been paying attention, they would have noticed the romantic tension. Both were very evidently interested in each other. But they weren't even able to look at each other with nerves. Paul tapped his fingers nervously. God, now he’d committed to *living* with Syb. He was so nervous that he couldn’t look at the guy but apparently he was going to live with him now. God, he was an idiot. Paul rested his head on his hand, looking out the window. 
“So... have you any idea w-what season three of Wayward G-guide is going to look like?” Sybilus asked. 
“No clue. Lesly hasn’t even told Artie and I that we get to do it yet.” Paul chuckled. “Who knows who it’ll go to.”
“Oh.” Sybilus frowned. “But you and Artemis did so well with it!”
“Yeah. Lesly’s weird like that.” Paul sighed. “Last I heard he’s looking for siamese twins. Who are also podcast hosts.”
“Have y-you considered podcasting independently?” Sybilus suggested. 
“I mean... kinda.” Paul shrugged. “But like... I don’t know. There’s something about Wayward Guide specifically that I just... I loved it.”
“Do you know what in specific that s-s-something might have been?” Sybilus tried to help. 
“I... not really.” Paul admitted
“Could it have been the s-story you were t-t-t-telling and not the actual podcast itself?” Sybilus pointed out. 
“You know... you could be right.” Paul realized. 
“Well... m-m-maybe you could do a podcast on the h-history or Connor Creek while you’re here. S-s-set up a little studio. My office is always rather quuiet, so you could use that.” Sybilus suggested. “M-maybe you could do a podcast on p-paranormal and s-s-supernatural histories throughout our country!”
“You know, that would be really cool.” Paul agreed. “I’ll talk to Artie about it. You know, since... we’re a pair.”
“Oh, of course!” Sybilus nodded. 
“Yeah...” Paul bit his lip. He looked to his feet. “Hey, Syb, can I ask you a kinda weird question?”
“Of course.” Sybilus assured him. 
“Is there anyone in Connor Creek who’s LGBTQ+ other than Donny?” Paul asked. Oh god. What was he doing? Where was he going with that question. How was he going to play that off? He got an idea. “I mean... just in case APN wants to use that kind of information to celebrate during Pride month.”
“Well... let’s see...” Sybilus thought aloud. “I believe that C-Crispin and Odie Doty were seeing each other before Odie’s unf-fortunate demise. Madison once brought a girlfriend to town council. They’d met at a ‘S-Small Town Law Enforcement Summit’. I always wondered what happened t-to that girlfirend- she was l-l-lovely. And, erm... I’m gay.”
“You are?” Paul started to beam. He caught himself too late, a blushing mess. Goddamnit he was giving himself away!
“Erm... yes.” Sybilus blushed. “I-I’ve never technically come out... no one really d-does in Connor Creek. You just sort of show up with a p-p-partner or two and everyone knows.”
“Huh.” Paul hummed. “I’m bi.”
“Oh.” Sybilus nodded. Paul nearly groaned at what he’d just said. He was real smooth, wasn’t he? Both drove in silence again for a moment. Sybilus pulled into a driveway. “We’re here! T-this is the ice cream shop.”
“So I can get the scoop on my competition.” Paul smirked. 
Internally, he was killing himself. Why was literally everything he was doing and saying to this man today the cringiest, most embarassing stuff in his playbook? Seriously. As far as impressions went... he was not making a good one, and he was sure of it. Well at least Sybilus was gay. He had half of a chance. Maybe if he could just calm the fuck down (or whatever it was he needed to do to stop acting like a total dumabss) he could talk Sybilus into getting dinner with him sometime... or maybe he would somehow manage to drive Syb away after he had made the first move. Paul froze. Oh god. Syb had made the first move.
“Are you okay?” Sybilus checked, already out of the car. 
“Hm? Oh, yeah!” Paul blushed, getting out. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be s-sorry.” Sybilus chuckled. “I get lost in my head sometimes too.”
“Right...” Paul sighed, walking into the ice cream shop with him. Even though it was a hot day, it was just the two of them and the teenage girl behind the counter. Sybilus walked up to the counter ahead of him, knowing how things worked there. 
“H-hello... I was h-hoping- ah! liking- ah! I-I would like two d-double scoop waffle cones please.” Sybilus stammered out. 
“Sure thing.” The perky sales attendant smiled knowingly. “What are the flavours on those scoops?”
“Y-you go first.” Sybilus blushed, looking at his feet. 
“Um... I’ll take one scoop rocky road, one scoop chocolate chip cookie dough.” Paul told her. 
She got to work scooping that. And that’s when Paul found himself doing somethign far too quickly to stop himself: he patted Sybilus’ back to comfort him. He could see how distressed the werewolf was, and... he felt bad. He shouldn’t have to be ashamed of his impediment. Both men blushed, looking to the floor. The tension was high. Paul was frozen, unsure of whether to own his actions or... retreat as fast as was humanly possible. But... he decided to own it, going further and rubbing his friend’s back. Sybilus was blushing even harder. Oh god. Had that been too much. He thought so until... a small smile creeped onto the werewolf’s face. Paul smiled back softly. What in the actual hell was going on with those two?
“Alright, here you go hon.” The attendant smirked, passing an ice cream to Paul. She turned to Sybilus. “What about you, sweetie?”
“One b-birthday cake and one cotton candy.” Sybilus told her. She scooped those two fairly easily. 
“Those ones are always so soft.” She told him, still smiling brightly. She handed him the cone. “Here you go.”
“H-how much d-do I owe you?” Sybilus asked, reaching into his pocket. 
“Those are on the house guys. Happy Pride.” The ice cream scooper winked. 
Both Sybilus and Paul blushed, looking at each other. They seemed to be silently asking each other if they let the girl do that for them. Paul shrugged as if to say ‘why no?’, and they both looked back to her. Paul smiled softly. 
“Thank you.” He sighed, taking Sybilus’ hand and walking back outside the shop. There was a little table out there, and he sat them down at that. 
“Well...” Sybilus chuckled nervoulsy. 
“Yeah.” Paul blushed, chuckling with him. 
“I suppose it would be appropriate to wish you a happy pride...” Sybilus smiled shyly at Paul. “I-I... suppose we’d make a handsome couple- o-or at least she thought so.”
“I mean, she’s not wrong...” Paul shrugged, before freezing. Him and Sybilus just stared at each other for a second, and Paul immediately felt guilty. “I am so sorry if that made you uncomfortable, it just-”
“I agree.” Sybilus cut him off. Both just stared at each other, a look of mutual realization hit them. 
“So, um... maybe she wasn’t so wrong then.” Paul tested. “Thinking we were a couple...”
“M-maybe she wasn’t.” Sybilus sighed. There was a pause. 
“So... is this a date?” Paul checked. 
“I-if you would like it to be.” Sybilus bit his lip. 
“Yeah... I think that would be great.” Paul smiled softly. 
“I-I know of a walking trail nearby i-if you would like to go- ah! W-walk for a bit.” Sybilus offered. 
“I’d love that.” Paul beamed. 
And so the two men got up and started down the road, still eating their ice creams as they went along. Paul hesitantly reached out and grabbed Sybilus’ hand, squeezing it. Sybilus blushed, looking over and him ans smiling softly, squeezing back. Paul supposed now that he had a boyfriend he’d probably have to come out to Artemis... if she didn’t already know. He was like 99% sure she was a lesbian though, so he should be fine. Twinsense... he supposed it made them both gay. He was pretty sure that he couldn’t be any happier than he was in that moment. And he was pretty sure Syb felt the same way. It must be the pride month magic, bringing them together- or maybe it was always meant to be this way. Who knows? Paul was just excited for the journey.
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criedoverspiltmilkz · 4 years
Ok so, I read your introduction and you sound really fun! I was trying to think of a unique request. How about headcanons for Dabi, Bakugo, and Hawks (separately) with a s/o who always tries to start a cute little garden every year but always ends up killing all the plants? I don’t know how I thought of this... (jk I tried to make a garden this year and ended up killing everything 😔) anyway, I hope you have a great day 😁
This request was so cute! I loved the idea of this. I hope you enjoy this <3
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he definitely told you it was dumb to start a garden the first time you attempted it but he shrugged it off. however, after THREE YEARS of trying and failing to keep the plants alive, he got tired of your upset face.
outwardly, he will continue telling you that its stupid for trying, getting upset about it and that you should just give it up already.
“they’re just some shitty plants get over it already”
i’m not saying he’s involved but suddenly your plants in the garden are growing and y’know not dead.
he calls it a fucking miracle that they actually stay alive but he doesn’t say anything more because he likes seeing you so happy.
when you bring him flowers from your garden, he really struggles not to smile but this gremlin gets so flustered that he just mutters a “tch whatever” and grabs them. he keeps them in his room until they inevitably die a slow painful death in a vase.
he’ll never tell you he’s the one keeping them alive, he’s too prideful for that (and he likes seeing you so proud of yourself).
he really hopes you’re better at keeping children alive, otherwise he will never be able to leave your future children alone with you.
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he will be upset with you when they die. lets be real here, he treated these plants like your children.
being with you is the one time he feels truly free and happy so every time the plants die he will buy new seeds for you to try again.
honestly, he finds it incredibly endearing how badly you want this garden to work out (but he will lightly tease you for it too) so you didn’t hear this from him but he starts asking around for gardening advice.
at first you don’t even notice but then instead of finding a drooping flower one day you see its actually blossomed. you ran to tell him and he couldn’t hide the shock and then a smug smile on his face.
the headlines on the hero news channels became interesting, despite how obviously fake they were. you had been oblivious to his actions up until this point.
“pro hero Hawks wants to quit heroics to become a botanist”
and thats how you found yourself reading thread after thread of people talking about their weird interactions with the hero asking for any gardening advice. he had even stopped by local flower shops for any advice they could give.
the live interview where he admitted enjoying gardening made your heart flutter and you can bet that this boy got homemade fried chicken that night!
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honestly he finds it hilarious. you’re not even t r y i n g to kill them and thats what makes it so funny to him
“if you wanted to kill something that bad dollface, you could have just asked me”
and if you think this patchwork doll will not tease you for this you are so wrong. he’s going to bring it up whenever you’re around and to anyone who will listen.
partially because he doesn’t understand why you want a garden in the first place. it’s so much effort. sure it’s cute but so are millions of other thngs that won’t make you upset when they die.
seriously what’s wrong with a stuffed animal or something?
yeah he’s a bit of an asshole but so what if he purposefully makes the plants ‘too hot’. it’s really fun to watch your reactions to his teasing afterwards.
he doesn’t want you to be upset but he’s not used to feeling things and actually expressing those feelings. he didn’t want to prolong the inevitable so he sped up the process after your second attempt.
and he certainly never complains when you come to him upset, wanting to cuddle.
he knows he’s not good for you but he’ll hold you whilst he can.
I hope these were okay, this was my first attempt at a request that wasn’t a matchup. so i hope y’all enjoy 🥺
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Headcanons on how the LIs would react to the Oracle suggesting they could start a family once their situation becomes more peaceful.
This request is, as the kids say, “BUSSIN’” (Admin Yara help!!! My older millennial is showing 😫)
Surprise will be the first thing that crosses his features. Sure, as a royal its was always expected of him to produce an heir to the thrown, however he never expected to find someone he truly loved and that would love him back in order to do so. And then you entered his life and basically turned it upside down and now you have the AUDACITY to come in and tell him that you want to start a family with all misty eyed and looking the way you do.....sign him the fuck up.
He will be so thrilled and just might get slightly misty eyed with you. After all that has happened in Huatzintepec and now finally living in a world surrounded by true peace; he couldn’t imagine a more perfect world and partner to raise and grow a family in and with.
Regardless of wether you both decide to adopt or have your child the fact remains that Cipactli will absolutely R E A D  E V E R Y  B O O K  A V A I L A B L E that might help/ease him into parenthood an DESPITE his preparations he still was not ready (cause who really is am I right). As soon as the child is here he will panic; is he good enough, is he prepared enough, will his child love him, etc., etc. You will most definitely need to help him get out of his own head and reassure him that he will be a wonderful father.
Mukondi would be ecstatic at the idea of starting a family with you. Although she will be slightly apprehensive at first due to her duties as the human representative of Saiph; most of her insecurities and fears would lie on whether or not she would spend enough time with your child when, as it is, she barely has enough time for herself. Of course, this would be something discussed between you both before any definite decision is made and you both mutually agree that this would be easily solvable by hiring or staff/representatives to take her place in her absence (make👏🏻her👏🏻 realize👏🏻she’s👏🏻not👏🏻an👏🏻island👏🏻and👏🏻it’s👏🏻OK👏🏻TO👏🏻ASK👏🏻FOR👏🏻HELP👏🏻AND👏🏻NOT👏🏻BEAR👏🏻EVERYTHING👏🏻ON👏🏻HER👏🏻OWN👏🏻).
She would be the first one to bring you ideas for baby names whether you like it or not. Lists, upon lists of baby names and meanings, Mukondi does not want to give her child a basic name that everyone has. To her there is allot in a name and it’s important to her that this child knows the thought and care that was meticulous placed in choosing a name that they would be proud to bear.
Mama Mukondi is simply the best mother, hands down, no 🧢. She will spoil them rotten but she isn’t above disciplining when she has to. When it comes to her family pride is the only word that comes to minds, so many things were lost during that time in Huatzintepec but so much more was gained, and for that she couldn’t be more grateful.
At first, he’s super excited, 10/10 yes lets have a child together (very excite,  much wow). However, after his initial reaction, there may be some doubts that will settles in. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he needs to make sure that this child will be supported and loved by both of you. By this, his intentions are not doubt IN you or your capabilities to love anyone but it’s more security that he seeks in your relationship.
It is commonly known for merfolk to be very particular about their life partners, some spend years assessing and building a relationship until finally they feel secure enough to start dating, get married, etc. and this is no exception when it comes to building a family together. There is no doubt in Ariki’s mind that the depth of is love for you is endless, so even though he has his initial hesitations, it’s not something you can both talk about. Set up a game plan, share your insecurities, assure him about your intentions, be completely transparent. Once everything is discussed you can expect Ariki to go right back to the happy baby boi that he was when you first mentioned starting a family together.
Expect Ariki to be super excited about decorating his future child’s room. He would come up with motifs  and colors, and of course you would put everything into a cohesive idea which you can both execute without the child’s room being overwhelmed with Ariki’s excitement. HAND MADE DECORATIONS FROM PAPA ARIKI!!!!
“....so like...you wanna get a puppy or something...?” (let me also express that if you have a puppo/catto that you call family you are very valid cause same...anyways) Don’t hold your breath on getting an excitable reaction from Dior...you won’t. They might even, lowkey, seem repulsed by the idea of family mainly cause most of the time it involves children.
Look me in the eyes and tell me that Dior would find the idea of a small humanoid being that needs constant attention, screams when displeased, and might have the nerve to grow up and defy any rule set in place by Dior appealing in the slightest. Dior already fills out all those position why in the world would they want a second them. But being serious for a moment; Dior, much like Ariki or any species of merfolk, most definitely consider this a very prominent step in their future. So it is a very real thing that Dior may suggest getting a pet before a child. Much like Ariki, sit down with them, talk with them, discuss any insecurities (cause believe me they’re there). And in reality, it might take a long time for Dior to come around to the idea of a family with you. The one thing that Dior most certainly wants to make sure is that you know that they love you and they consider you their family/whole world regardless of children status.
EVENTUALLY, and with lots of physical, emotional, and mental preparations, Dior will come around, they might lean more towards adopting a child that may be slightly older but still young enough that they can help raise. Trust and believe that Dior will have matching outfits with their mini me. “You may be only 3′ tall  and know a total of 4 syllables but thats not an excuse to not look your best, especially not when you’re with me”.
You and Waauru must’ve been together for a long time for you to bring up the possibility of raising a family together, and even more surprising still that she agreed so plainly to you.
Waauru is not one to beat around the bush specially not when it comes to you, she has always prided herself of being completely open to you. You will always know how she’s feeling  even when she tries to shut you out, so when the time came in which you began to plan, envision, and execute a future with her with the possibility of children she was roarin’ and ready to go. Topics like these are oddly comforting to Waauru due to the love she has with her own family and with you as her partner the conversation most definitely came up even before you were to meet her family.
The idea of starting/continuing her family’s legacy with you fills Waauru’s heart with so much joy. She loves you so much and the fact that you’re in her life simply astounds her. Waauru never thought she could reach this level of serendipity and sereneness in her life after everything she’s been through. Most of her amazement comes from the fact that she is inspired by you and all that you were capable of doing despite being thrown in the thick of a political discourse and was the tipping point in bringing it all of it to a climax. Now she gets to do life with you as you both prepare for the latest addition.
Oh boy, you did it, you broke the man. Only the heavens know how much was taken out of him to even talk to you in a full sentence, he still doesn’t know how he’s in a relationship with you, and now you want a F a M i L y!!! He’s gonna need a minute...no really. The request will catch him so off guard that he might need a moment alone to himself and his thoughts and in all honesty it might bother him slightly that you asked this of him. This will, of course, lead you to ask why to which he responds : “Well aren’t ‘we’ enough, why do you want to bring another being into our dynamic?!?!” With that he’ll storm off leaving you confused and a little hurt, but for know you drop the topic and just let him reconvene with himself. In his moments alone he sighs and thinks to himself: “...why did I say that?...you know thats not true Halle...?” Deep down, yes, yes he does want a family to call his and he couldn’t imagine doing so than with you; now he’s left rattling his brain trying to figure out what could’ve caused such a reaction...fear
After several hours of processing and coming to terms with himself, Halle comes back to you. Bright red face with so much embarrassment over his behavior with you, apologizing profusely for walking out on you. In these cases just hold his face, look him in the eyes, center him, ground him, and sit him down. When his able to breath at a steady pace again, expect the flood gates of emotion to open. He very rarely opens up but when he does it’s to you and only you. The main thing he focusses on though is this feeling of fear in the back of his mind much like Cipactli, only difference is that his is rooted in his own self conscious view of himself. Remind him how great of a friend, partner, lover, and man he is; remind him that what you asked doesn’t have to be done now, it is a very big step and something you can both talk and prepare for. This eases him, you both want this, just not right now and that is perfectly fine with both of you. Whenever you’re both ready he will be the proudest man in all of Saiph with you and your family by his side.
*Queue the water works 🥺*
This man will be  ✨E M O T I O N A L ✨Let him get it out, crying will ensue, but don’t worry these are happy tears. Taqtu has always been a family man, whether its been with his own family or his people in general; he considers the people he grew up with, raised him, played with him, babysat him, the children in his clan that came after him, all of them he considers family so it’s safe to say that when you brought this desire to his attention he was so excited.” WAIT?!?! REALLY?!?! Your not yanking my chain are ya...wait...really, you meant it? Oh Sweetpea, you’ve made me the happiest man”. He didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love with you, but here he is, head over heels (SIMP)
The other thing that has him all giddy is that he also gets to tell his tribe about this newfound journey you both are to take. The Ijiraat as a whole have suffered so much loss that whenever there is a new addition its a full on celebration. When you and Taqtu decided to begin your relationship, the whole tribe threw you both a party celebrating you as one of their own. The news of starting a family won’t be  any less of a celebration, if anything it will be even more so. It’s a new chapter in both of your lives that might spring forth a new life. It has been one of his unspoken dreams to start a family of his own one day and finally being able to do so with the love of his life by his side elates him. Taqtu does not know what he did to deserve you, but he thanks every star in the sky  for that fateful day he ran into you in the streets of Huatzintepec.
Seneca, like Halle, will be freaking out about it as soon as the suggestion leaves your lips; most of his reasoning being out of insecurities as well. However, unlike Halle, the main reason for his objection is because in reality he never knew what family was. How can a man who grew up without family be able to take care of a family of his own. Seneca does not expect you to do all the work in creating and raising this family by yourself, he wouldn’t allow it. Even so, he couldn’t see himself playing any significant part in the family dynamic that you so desire to have with him.
The idea of a family seems really nice to Seneca, poetic even, something he has probably talked about and studied as a disciple of the Sun god. It is a concept that is hard to grasp when the closest thing he has had to family is you. He, like Dior also, will take allot of: time love, and most definitely patience in order to even begin processing what you’ve asked. It is advisable in these instances to let him know that you understand where he comes from and that there is absolutely no rush for him to decide on this. In reality, family is more of a wound to him than something to look forward to, which is something that he is able to comfortably disclose to you after giving some thought to your request. Seneca follows by later stating: “...wounds are meant to heal, not fester. And if you will continue to have me and love me, the wound will heal...when that day comes I will be more than willing to create the most beautiful life that you deserve my sunshine...” (I’m NOT crying, you are).
Whether you both decide to have or adopt your new member of your family, on that day Seneca will learn what it means when people say love at first sight is real. One look at your child and his heart soars. He is grateful for the time that you gave him; it allowed him to heal so that way he could stop bleeding on the people that never hurt him, and with his new future with you he is certain that your family will only grow in love.
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samikozume-todoroki · 4 years
Those bugs hc were amazing ( i was laughing so hard), what about some headcanons where the reader is now too small to reach something and the boys have to help her 👉👈
(Thank you so much! Glad it made you laugh🥺 as a smol bean; I am an inventor or spidermonkey no in between. And by boys I assume Shouto and Katsuki at the least, but I’m also doing Izuku and Kirishima!)
Characters: Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Eijirou Kirishima
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Shouto Todoroki:
Mans walked into the pantry, fully intent on destroying the endeavor cereal that UA just stocked up
See you climbing on the shelves, hands losing their grip
Yoinks you so fast you don’t even realize he entered
(All I hear is the “STOOPID IM NOT GONNA LET YOU GET THE CHANCE” audio as I type this💀)
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Actual photo of shouto yoinking you
Mans holds you by the collar of your shirt, staring at you with his beautiful eyes which are full of concern and worry
“C-c-can you hel-help m-me?” Pouty and flustered the words are spit out
He puts you on the ground and goes behind you
!!! What r yO-
oh, okay
Mans picks you up by the armpits and you grab that yummy yummy Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the nasty bitch e*deavor cereal
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He is so focused on how to destroy the cereal that when you lean up to give him a peck on the jaw, he stumbles
His heart just went DokiDoki!Precure
Scurrying out of the room like a rat (same😌💅✨) you don’t know that his left side flared up- destroying half the pantry
“Well at least the cereal got destroyed”
“Half the pantry is burnt to a crisp and youRE comcerned about the Mac n cheese??”
“Ya??? Isn’t everyone??”
*everybody nods*
Katsuki Bakugou:
Katsuki firmly believes in “fuck everyone, it’s every man for himself”
But there’s a secret clause hidden in page 101, paragraph 2, sentence 3, section FU-ck; 666
(I have no idea how shit like that works, so let’s roll with it🥰)
It states “it’s every man for himself unless the short stack can’t reach jack shit, then I could lend a hand if I want”
He enters the cleaning closet and sees you banging the broom on the bleach on the top shelf
“Thread the needle what the fuck broom fuck the handle sis it ain’t hard please-“ this close to tears and suddenly
Katsuki enters, grumbling about who knows what
“What? Did you see a speck of lint in the hallway that reminded you of Izuku?”
“No” (yes actually, damn nerds lint)
Now that a hot and more importantly tall boi was here
You banged on the bleach hoping it would annoy Katsuki enough to get it for you
✨backfired bitch✨
“You could just ask for help short stack”
😳😠🥺”pls help me”
He went to reach for the bleach, doing that “cage them in by getting super close” thing and
“I-I-I tha-thank y-you” 😳
“You’re welcome”
Said with such a cocky smirk, all embarassment is gone.
Pulling him down a bit by the collar of his shirt, and then
Kissing his cheek, you linger for a few seconds, releasing him skipping out the door
Mans blew up a shelf on accident
“Why is the shelf broken?”
“Ah, normal Tuesday then”
Izuku Midoriya:
Izuku was going into the kitchen for a snack
When he stumbled upon a snacc😍
A snacc that was on their knees on the counter (no feet on the counter, nasty bitch 🤢) and tipping backwards
Full cowled over and caught you, bridal style
“Y/n be more careful! What if I didn’t catch you?! You could have cracked your head open, broken your neck, or-
“But that didn’t happen because you were here!”☺️
“gotten an concussion fall asleep and slip into a coma, got a stroke that we didn’t notice and di-“
Blushy boy becomes a tomato
Not only from your words
But your beautiful eyes that shine so warmly and a smile that always cheers him up and lips that he’s imagined kissing a couple of times-
And your voice which is so gentle and happy and holds no doubt. The way you said he was there like he would always be there and you’ll always count on him and trust him
He’s just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He sets you gently on the counter
“Can you get something for me?”
Man full cowls and within a second all the items on the top shelves are taken down and out on the counter
“I-I just needed salt??”
“Oh”😳 full cowls everything back but the salt.
You offer him some food and ask him to eat with you and this blushy simp boy is in
God y’all ain’t even dating and make everyone feel so so so single
“Oh my god, somebody please make them kiss already”
“Izuku and y/n are in the kitchen?”
“The sexual tension and mutual pining is infuriating and disgusting”
“Even bakugou agrees”💀
Eijirou Kirishima:
You regret throwing stuff on the top shelf of your closet
Why did you, oh right because “you’ll never need it, and you don’t use it”
Well you need it now
Normally you would be an
😌💅✨independant woman✨💅😌
And get a chair and do it yourself
But the only chair is the rolling chair,
and idk man it’s slightly cloudy and Mars is in retrograde so you don’t really think it’s a good day to snap your neck
So you go to the common area to steal a boy 🤩
Seeing Eijirou first, his freshly showered appearance (the hair!!!) blessed your eyes
“Ei~ Ji~ Rou~”
“Slightly scared, but yes y/n?”
“I need a tall, muscly man to help me”
He never got up so fast in his life, eyes sparkling
Eijirou’s man ego and pride was stroked and he was t h r i v i n g
His grin was so big and eyes so happy and please please please praise him and stroke his ego more I beg
Going to your room
Eiji was in heaven, first time in your room and he loved it already everything screamed you and he loved you so he loved it
(Hi I love simp Eiji and ack, I’m actually crying I simp for him so so so hard i🥺😭)
After grabbing your stuff,
You flashed him the prettiest smile
Your eyes reflected back his and it was the most beautiful piece of artwork he had ever seen
And softly, “thank you”
(Give him kithes rn 😠 I swear)
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you invited him to stay and chat
All throughout it you were like
“Sir??? You do not get to be so handsome and pretty and funny and nice and a super good person”
Omg you actually teared up a little bit when Eiji was smiling and laughing boisterously
It was so cute and you were so in love and🥺🥺🥺
You guys were first on the floor, then the bed and desk chair, then across from each other on the bed, then next to each other on the bed and
wow now you both are sleeping and cuddling.
Kiri is wrapped around you and if he woke up in the middle of the night and snuggled your small form closer it’s not anyone’s business but his
“I hate them”
“Kirishima and y/n?”
“Who else?”
“Good lord you would think they are newlyweds”
“Always rubbing it in our faces that they are soulmates”
A/n: Shouto is emotionally constipated 😠 he doesn’t know he’s crushing😠 all he knows is that he feels things😠 that are nice and warm and make his fire activate😠 this is the second version, the first got deleted because of my own stupidity. I think After fiddling with this version for around an hour, I like it more than V1. 🥺 if anyone wants anymore boys from BNHA, or some HQ boy versions send a request! I’d be happy to do it!
I am in the process of planning out a Kid Krow songfic collection for BNHA and Haikyuu (separately) and I want to hear suggestions for which character for which song! Drop an ask or find the post I talk about it (under Sami speaks) and comment!
General Taglist (open! Ask or comment on this post to be on it): @mssyprsn
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ladymiseria · 4 years
Smut Alphabet - Hawks
It’s big simpin’ hours for everyone’s favorite bird brain hawk man.  Let’s do itttt
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
-Hawks will wrap you up in his arms and immediately cuddle the shit out of you.  Lots of words of love and affirmation and reassurance and also kisses all over your face.  He needs to make sure you feel safe and comfortable, especially if it was a particularly intense session.
In terms of what he needs/wants, it’s very similar.  He wants to be held and cuddled and fawned over a bit, and he likes to be reassured, as well.
B = Body (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-ASS MAN.  Hawks loves that BOOTY and he is not shy about it.  He’s always touching it, smacking it, or even just ogling it.  He loves slipping his hand in your back pocket when you’re out together and will never pass up an opportunity to fluster you in public by giving your ass a sly squeeze.
Honorable mention is thighs!  God damn, he loves him some soft thighs in every way.
Hawks doesn’t spare much thought when it comes to his own body, except for, unsurprisingly, his wings: they are the key component of his image, after all.  He takes a lot of pride in keeping them clean and smooth.  They’re also incredibly sensitive, so he never lets anyone touch them besides himself and you, of course.  In fact, if you play with his wings juuuuust right, he can get off from that alone.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
-He insists on coming inside (especially if he’s in rut), whether that means downstairs or in your mouth.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-Dom the shit out of this man and make him submit to you; he gets off to it super hard.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
-Hawks has always been popular and attractive so sexual encounters have never been difficult for him to come by (no pun intended).  Rest assured that he very much knows what he’s doing.  That said, he’s never had any kind of serious relationship before you, though.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
-Hawks is hitting that shit from behind every chance he gets: he needs easy access to that booty obviously
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
-Hawks loves to be goofy and cute and have fun with you in the moment.  He can definitely be serious, too, but he loves teasing and getting to have some sweet, fun sexy times with you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
-Hawks keeps himself clean and trimmed up, especially now that he’s in a serious relationship.  He also always makes it a point to wear the cologne you’d taken a liking to.
Random headcanon: Hawks smells like old leather and dark, warm musky cologne.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
-Hawks is super romantic!  He loves just kissing and caressing every part of you, telling you how much you mean to him, how much he loves you, and how beautiful he thinks you are.  He’s chosen you as his lifelong mate and he’ll never let you forget why.
Outside of the bedroom, Hawks still maintains the romance.  He’s always got a hold on you when you’re out and adores taking you out to eat or on dates to different places.  His more bird-like tendencies also mean that he’s constantly buying trinkets and shiny things for you as tokens of affection.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
-He doesn’t masturbate much anymore (it reminds him of a significantly lonelier time).  He only really indulges if he has to be away from you for longer than usual or if he’s in rut (and you’re not available to help him out).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
-Breeding, bondage, dom/sub, overstimulation, edging, light impact play, pegging, degradation AND praise, wing play (is that even a thing?  It is now, I guess), snowballing, body worship
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
-Honestly?  He’s not super picky.  He’s just as happy to take you in his bed as he is to take you on the roof of a high-rise.  He’s cocky and a bit of an exhibitionist, truth be told, so he doesn’t much care about getting caught.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
-Play with his wings, particularly near the base where they connect to his back.  The small bit of skin between his wings is also incredibly sensitive.
If we’re being honest, it’s not the least bit difficult for you to seduce Hawks: you manage it without even trying a good amount of the time.  That said, some foolproof methods are: making out, neck kisses, give him The Look (I’m sure you know what I mean).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-Hawks is kinda selfish and possessive so he’s not really willing to share you with anyone else.  He’s also not too keen on hurting you aside from the normal impact play/biting.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
-Hawks is so God damn good at oral.  Like really fucking good.  And he knows it and will weaponize that shit.  He loves giving and how you squirm and moan and pull his hair and grab his wings: he’d eat you every day if you’d let him.  He loves receiving, too, but giving is really where his horny little heart is.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
-Hawks doesn’t really have a default pace: it all depends on the situation and he’s exceptionally good at reading the room, so to speak.  The only time he really loses control is during rut when his animal brain takes over and he needs to have you until his body literally gives out.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
- Not his go-to, but he can definitely get down with it if it works best for the situation (and with how easily worked up he gets).
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
-Hawks is an open-minded dude, so he’s down to try a lot of shit at least once, especially if you’re really gunning for it.
I touched on this a little earlier, but he’s also not really bothered by the thought of someone catching him messing around with you.  It would just be an opportunity to show off, in his mind.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
-Hawks can go for quite a few rounds (and don’t even think about when he’s in rut because HOO BOY THAT’S A WHOLE OTHER STORY).  He’s the number 2 pro hero so you know his stamina’s top tier.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
-First off, I am firmly in the #peghawks2020 camp so you KNOW he’s gettin’ the strap on the reg.
Anyway, yeah, Hawks can get down with some toys.  He actually likes to use his feathers as toys from time to time, too.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-He likes to tease, but not too much.  Frankly, he’s just kind of impatient and gets too worked up himself from the teasing.  You’re cute when you’re flustered, though, and he wouldn’t give up that sight for the world.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
-Boy can get LOUD when he’s really in the zone.  Moans, growls, whimpers, it’s all on the menu.  He’s also prone to making pleased little chirping noises or warbles when you give him affection, complete with some wing twitches for good measure.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
-I have many but I guess I’ll just pick my favorite: Hawks loves to dance with you.  Doesn’t matter what kind, he just can’t get enough of watching your body move and feeling you against him.  He can also feel the vibrations of the music in his feathers and it can be very stimulating.
Dancing also plays into the bird thing as male birds often “dance” in an attempt to seduce a mate, and Hawks is no different.  Sometimes when he’s dancing with you, his wings will flap and puff out like he’s peacocking for you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
-Hawks has been training his body since he was a kid so he is in fantastic shape.  He’s not super tall, but he’s slim while maintaining that good muscle definition.  He’s stronger than he looks.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-It’s HELLA high, y’all, mostly because he’s obsessed with you.  But yeah, he’s almost always in the mood to fool around.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-Hawks gets wiped out after sex and you often have to keep him from passing out right you finish.  He just wants to snuggle up to you and doze off ‘cause he’s so happy and content and comfortable.  Even if he’s in rut, he still needs to be holding you when he’s finally spent and ready for sleep.
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cjwallflower · 4 years
Marvel Gender Headcanons
because i doubt some of these people are cis
i claim this man for the trans community
he realised he was trans at around present time (15-16 years old)
he knows his family and friends will accept him
he’s still N E R V O U S
but he still wants to be true to his identity
so he wears the trans flag colours!!
Ned obvs catches on, but doesn’t say anything
Tony’s the first one Peter comes out to, bc i’m soft and irondad owns my heart
Tony gets him a spider suit with a binder built in
Peter is absolutely the kind of trans guy who forgets to take off his binder (i’m not projecting what do you mean)
he comes out to his aunt May next, and she breaks out the scissors
the other eventually figure it out, and they accept him immediately
Peter: Hey Clint?
Clint: Yo
Peter: I’m trans
Clint: *takes a gulp of his soda* wig
Peter: ???
they love him though let’s be real
Natasha Punches A Transphobe
someone calls Peter a tr*nny 
Natasha sends them on a one way trip to space :)
Peter absolutely decides to go on T
and he is a handsome!! boy!!
he eventually tells Ned and MJ, and they accept him too
Ned buys him a trans flag
by the time they’re graduating high school, Peter passes as cis very well
i’m claiming Tony as trans too
i promise there’s other gender identities here jdsfhkhsdfkjh
Tony came out in the 80s of all times
we know Howard
it didn’t go over well
Maria didn’t say much about it, but Howard was actively against it
Tony didn’t care at all
he literally snuck out and got a fake ID so he could start on T
Tony was almost 18 at that point, but he still used Howard’s money
just to piss him off
well Howard ended up dying like 3 years later
Maria survived because fuck you
but Tony never ended up getting any surgeries because he ended up getting busy with the company
he just didn’t have time, with all the recovery that goes into it
he’s still on T though!!
mans has tiddies and a beard, the boomers get confused
he tends to keep it more private though
Pepper knows, how could she not?
Pepper is the sole reason Tony survived to adulthood lbr
Peter found out accidentally
Tony got oil on a shirt while fixing one of his machines, and Peter walked in while he had it off
he saw the binder and boyyy was that a surprise
but it totally explained how Tony already knew so much about supporting Peter in his transition
the problem with being an ADHD workaholic?? 
when Tony hyperfocuses, he forgets to take off his binder
Jarvis: Sir, you need to take off your binder
Tony: Gimme like five more minutes, I need to finish this
Jarvis: Sir, it’s been 38 hours??
Tony: *already moving onto the next task* What’s your point?
his ribs are so fucked
Pepper and Peter remind him too
my boy is a mess
this is solely because my nb loml claimed thor as nb and it’s super fucking valid
i love you babe 🥺
so Thor learned about different genders from Loki
and also from Peter tbh
but Thor LOVED the idea of being in between
it just made him really happy!!
he started using those labels a lot, even though he didn’t know much about what they meant
being on Earth more, he started to learn more about them
mostly because they replaced cops at pride (Peter’s idea)
so Thor decided to learn more
he knew he liked boys, that wasn’t uncommon on Asgard
gender expression was very open, but that blurred the lines a lot for him
when he got to non-binary, it clicked
“oh that sounds like me”
he was excited he’d figured it out
his immediate instinct?
he went to tell Loki
the only problem was Loki was asleep
“what do you wANT-”
it took like ten minutes for Loki to figure out what he meant
Loki was tired give him a break
he just kinda pushed Thor’s face away and went back to sleep
they talked about it again in the morning
after Loki got some coffee he was more receptive
“I accept you, just please stop waking me up at 2 am”
Thor’s just trying his best
he doesn’t know how to be non-binary though
(there is no right way to be enby though)
so Loki tried a few example sentences using they/them pronouns
Thor LOVED it
so now Thor wanted to use they/them pronouns
Loki isn’t a brain cell by any means
but he sure feels like one sometimes
and he’s tired of it
Thor announced it to everyone they saw
some people heard it multiple times
they were happy for their thude
and Thor wore an enby flag to their first pride!!
now the protector of the lesbians says non-library rights
Loki basically always knew he was genderfluid
it just seemed really obvious to him?
he realised he wasn’t cis when he was 7
he transformed into a girl for fun 
and she was like “oh i like this-”
so she experimented with that
and she fucking loved all of them
so she turned back into a boy and went to Frigga
that’s how he found out about the word genderfluid
so he basically just grew up shapeshifting as much as he wanted
when they eventually went to earth, Loki couldn’t shapeshift as much
after he was redeemed, he still needed to be recognisable so they wouldn’t think he was to pull a fast one on them
he was uncomfy 
Loki stays in his room a lot
he just really doesn’t wanna deal with it
he still shapeshifts in private!
Thor ends up being the one to catch on
but he kinda knows that Loki won’t talk to him
so he sends in the spider child!
Loki and Peter have a pretty close bond
so on one of the nights they hang out, it’s a she/her day
and Loki just kinda snapped and went on a bit of a rant
and she ended up coming out to Peter
Loki totally didn’t end up crying what do you mean
she just needs a hug
obvs Peter was accepting
he gave her that hug don’t worry
this was all on a rooftop eating bad street food jhshkfhjfkhkd
he did ask if he could tell the others, and Loki reluctantly agreed
yeah, the others felt kinda bad
so they ended up compromising!!
Loki could shapeshift, but not into other people 
and she could wear whatever she wanted
they also gave her bracelets so she could express her pronouns
its a long road
and it takes a long time to build trust
but Loki really does appreciate Thor and Peter’s efforts
trans enby rights. send tweet
let’s jump back to 1930s
Bucky was transitioning before the war
he had the surgeries and was on T
Steve was the only one who really knew 
it was right when HRT was starting to become a thing
he was one of the first people to try it
and it worked pretty well!
Bucky passed easily after ~2 years on T
but then he died
RIP Bucky :(
when he comes back as a Hydra agent, they use T supplements to make his body stronger
“Jokes on you, I like that shit”
yeah no the others end up rescuing him from there
but Bucky still takes T
everyone is a bit worried about it
they think he’s still under Hydra’s control
Steve has to explain it (with Bucky’s permission)
but Bucky really starts feeling a disconnect with being a male
it’s mostly due to the trauma from Hydra
he knows he’s not a girl anymore
but he hates the idea of being a boy now
so he has no idea what he is
he ends up drawing the parallel between himself and Thor
but Bucky still sees some masculinity in Thor, which confuses him a LOT
Bucky’s always confused lbr
so he ends up finding the term Agender
and he understands it!! and likes it!!
he’s too nervous to tell the others, so he writes sentences using they/them pronouns
“Their name is Bucky Barnes”
“Bucky is tired, they need a nap”
“Bucky’s best friend is Steve. They’ve known Steve since the beginning”
Bucky is WAY happier with they/them pronouns
the problem is they don’t know how to communicate that
even to Steve, they’re just nervous
Steve ends up finding the paper, which now has over 100 sentences
so the next time they’re alone, Steve brings it up, and after a little bit of avoiding answering, Bucky tells him about it
Steve is super accepting 🥺
“Do you want me to tell the others for you?”
“Yes please, I have no idea what I’m doing-”
“I don’t think any of us do”
so Steve lets the others know, and they start using they/them pronouns
Bucky’s IMMEDIATELY so much happier
i just think they’re neat-
MJ isn’t cis, fuck you
MJ is a demigirl
and no one even figured it out for the longest time
she kinda groups herself on the more non-binary side
Peter finds out because someone calls her by they/them pronouns
“MJ?? Are you?? Non-binary??”
“Are you still a girl??” 
after like 20 mins Peter figures it out
and boy is he confused
“Why didn’t you just say it?”
“I couldn’t. Gotta keep ‘em on their toes”
the M in MJ stands for mystery
she switches from lesbian to the term Trixic (NBLW)
MJ goes to pride with Peter and Ned that year
MJ gets a girlfriend there!!
she comes out to her girlfriend upfront. she doesn’t feel like waiting
yeah she gets intense
she gets it from her moms
who can blame her
MJ sometimes wears a binder
she wore one on the first day of school, because Peter was nervous about being out (he’d come out over the summer)
MJ will punch transphobes and homophobes
even just for fun tbh
but she won’t do it immediately
she heard someone make a comment about Ned and his boyfriend and waited a few days
and then came out of nowhere
the douchebag kinda knew why though 
in conclusion, MJ is elite
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best-enemies · 4 years
For the fandom ask meme thing can I request the whole damn alphabet or is that not very cash money of me? I’m nosy lmao I wanna know all of them!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
I’ve had my current OTP for like almost 8 years and it’s, obviously, Thoschei (Doctor/Master). My other current obsession is the Gallifrey OT4 hehehe
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
It’s funny because I didn’t ship Hannigram at first... I’d thought the idea of a cannibal having a relationship was terrifying because what if they had sex and Hannibal got hungry in the middle of the act? Lmaoooo 
But yeah they’re my endgame now. I watched the show when it first aired and I was about 14/15 years old so now you see why I thought that. Although I’m still afraid I’m gonna be reading a fic and Hannibal will suddendly bite Will’s dick off or smth AKJHSAKJSAHSASKAJ
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh Doctor/Clara. Mainly because I don’t like to ship the Doctor with companions (there may be one or two exceptions but I don’t ship them enough to actually say I ship them lol) and I don’t know I just never vibed with it
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Doctor/River. I mean, I did like it for a while years ago but now it’s just... eh. I think she has a waaay better chemistry with the 12th Doctor, but still don’t ship it. I might give it a try once I listen to the River audios but so far meh. I’m not much of a multishipper anyway.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
God. I’ve written a couple of Academy Era (focused on the Deca) crack fanfics and I still have to translate them to English. They’re pure garbage but I love them. I have a lot of fun writing crack fics because they’re easier and I can ignore whatever piece of canon I want just for the laughs
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Guess it’s Doctor Who, been here (in and out of the fandom) for over 8/9 years
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Uhhhh I think it was Han Solo and Leia, since I was a kid really. I wanted to marry both of them lol
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
I had to google what a source text is and still don’t know
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think so, but Twitter definitively has. I remember a couple years ago I was curious to see what voltron was about and watched a few episodes, it was ok, fun and cute but the fandom was so annoying I stopped watching it for good and don’t care about it enough to pick it up again
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
I had definitively forgotten about supernatural until I saw it all over my dashboard in the year of our lord 2020 lmao like in my wholock days I tried to watch the show because everyone on my dash (is it still called dashboard?) was talking about it and I watched about 8 episodes before dropping it. But seeing it again on the dash was actually a happy surprise because the memes are too funny hahaha
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
I’m extremely shy irl and on the internet as well but I wanna say that  @janeturenne is one of the best authors ever and her fanfics are a blessing in my life; also @thebraxiatelcollection who brings awesome content to my dash and is also one of the best authors. And of course, you, Jack, also one of the best authors god I’m so BLESSED
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Uhhh I guess I’m neutral about the current companions. They’re not my favorites but I don’t really dislike them - they had a lot of potential and chibs came up with some good storylines but did not develop them well in my opinion. I think Graham is a fun grandpa whom I’m going to miss when he leaves; Ryan is cool and could’ve done a lot more if the writers had kept a few things, it’d be awesome if he vlogged all of their adventures. He’s like the one I was curious to see more but sadly didn’t feel a connection; and Yaz, I hope she’ll keep growing and that her friendship with the Doctor will finally be developed to a level we can connect to her.
It sounds weird because with the fam it’s always ‘what I wish could have been’ because I never felt really connected to them :(
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
Ok... I don’t really ship Rey/Finn but I think it’s one of the sweetest ships ever, and if they ended up together I’d be happy. They love each other and are there for each other always so, yeah :D
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I don’t know if I got the question right but it’s three things I wish I saw more in my main fandom? Well, if it’s that, then, 3 things about the Doctor Who fandom: 1) people having more civilized or light-hearted discussions about things. Like, I genuinely disliked an 8th doctor audio I listened once that my friends loved, and they made fun of me and we joked about it. Also once we were in a live twitch video playing among us and discussing doctor who, and then we got into a ship “discourse” as a joke and nobody really cared and just laughed because everyone knew it’s fictional shit so why get mad over it? 2) Doctor Who has a titanic amount of content, it’s all canon but at the same time it’s not, so who cares? If you want to listen to Big Finish audios and if you can afford it, then lisiten; if you can’t, it’s okay, no one has the right to tell you you’re less of a fan. Just tell them to fuck off; 3) The best way to keep fandom alive is by creating content. Here in my local fandom we have several podcasts dedicated to all areas of the whoniverse (the show, the expanded universe, the audios, etc), those old fandom websites who do serious work to bring news to the fans, people who make subtitles for the classic series (we don’t have it available here so they do their best to make it accessible to other fans), accounts dedicated to promoting dr who fans who create content, and we even have people making their own audiodramas with dw characters and writing book-lenght fanfiction to help explain the show to people who’ve never watched it, and a great variety of things. I’ve seen a few of these things in the international fandom, mostly by older fans, so I wish younger fans about my age who have the means to make this kind of stuff would make it too. Maybe there’d be less twitter drama out there lol
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
“the killing moon” by echo & the bunnymen reminds me of thoschei. yep it was totally random
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
The fact that we don’t have a pride and prejudice AU for brax/romana yet is driving me insane
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
I’ve mentioned it before but doctor/river, don’t really remember why idk I just don’t vibe with it anymore. But also because thoschei has so many different pairings in 1 ship that I don’t really feel the need to ship them with anyone else lol
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
GOD I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT’S SO SPECIFIC ok fellow academy era stans gather around if you have read Divided Loyalties there’s a scene where it SHOWS that Magnus had a crush on Ushas. And NO ONE HAS EVER TALKED ABOUT THEM and the power couple they would’ve made. I write them into all my fanfics in hopes of making other people ship them but I’ve had no success so far
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
The Master is a big fan of musicals and in the 77 years he spent on earth he watched every single one ever. I’m gonna be bold and say that when he was young, still Koschei, he was an artist, and thought about dropping everything to become an actor on Gallifrey. Time Lords do appreciate art, and have their own plays, but it’s just the same old and boring ones the young people don’t care about. The Master then created a shocking performance that was way ahead of its time and the older Time Lords were so appalled they banned him from writing and presenting plays and that’s his villain origin story
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
1) The Doctor and the Master married on Gallifrey and the entire show is just them having the most litigious divorce in the universe (still isn’t final because the Master has killed all the judges); 2) Ushas/The Rani is ace; 3) The Deca was a 10 people polyamorous relationship; 4) Romana and Livia were girlfriends at the Academy and they hate each other now because the break up was baad; 5) Romana writes fanfiction; 6) Romana/Leela had a thing in Davidia I KNOW it; 7) Leela pegs Narvin; 8) Brax has a life-size painting of Romana at his collection or a statue or smth; 9) Brax’s dream in Reborn is actually REAL and he’s married to Romana, Leela and Narvin all at the same time
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
I don’t even think I’m in 5 fandoms but
Doctor Who: The Master, The Doctor, Romana, Leela, Sarah Jane, Bill (this was the hardest thing ever)
The X-Files: Mulder, Scully, Monica, and can I add The Lone Gunmen too?
Star Wars: Leia, Obi-Wan, Finn, Poe Dameron and honorable mention to Din Djarin and Grogu
Hannibal: Hannibal, Will, Bev, Alana, Chiyoh
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
That’s hard
Doctor Who: thoschei ofc, gallifrey ot4.......... uuhh as you can see i don’t ship many pairings in the show
The X-Files: Mulder and Scully. And whatever Scully and Monica had going on because they definitively flirted
Star Wars: Poe/Finn, Han/Leia, whatever Han/Lando had going on too
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
WHATVASHAJSKAJSA ok this is a little embarassing but I don’t have a lot of kinks for many ships... I guess I have some for thoschei like, choking, whipping, blindfolds/gagging, bondage, begging, biting, sem-public, phone sex, dirty talk, body worship, praise kink, etc. Alright alright I know it’s a lot but in my defense they've shown half of these on the show
The Master, Romana, Leela, Brax, Narvin, Bill Potts, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane, Donna Noble, Lucie Miller. No particular order for most of them but the Master is my precious baby and I will die for this mf
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Not many, usually the people I follow are in the same fandoms as I am but I’ve seen some mutuals reblog some Hadestown stuff which is a play that I’ve never seen but definitively would because the protagonists look hot 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
it took me three hours to do this but it was fun!! thank you bb <3
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detonizing · 4 years
//okay my last answer got me thinking about Bakugou and compliments so here is another headcanon post shut up i know i’m making too many
Since he grew up hearing so many compliments about his quirk, those compliments have started to lose meaning. 
Honestly, they became more of a fact to him. His quirk is strong. Powerful. He knows this already. It’s been established since he was a kid. It’s why if someone were to mention it now, he’d get angry, because ‘ ofc it is strong, why wouldn’t it be, did you think i was growing WEAKER? ’ 
he’s got issues yes 
And, after UA, he started to feel frustrated with those compliments for other reasons. Because, yeah sure, his quirk is powerful, but so was plenty other people’s. He realizes now that his ‘oh so powerful’ quirk wasn’t anything special after all. And if he wants to be number one then he needs to be MORE than just ‘powerful quirk’ 
And he IS. He KNOWS he is, but it pisses him off when all other people sees is his quirk, because he’s MORE than just that damnit, he’s going to be the BEST after all. And he doesn’t like receiving such shallow compliments like that anymore, because he’s just ‘ Do you think I’ll be happy with such meaningless words??? ’
ANYWAY S It’s different if it were a more specific compliment, something about how he used his other skills (combat ability, critical thinking) in an impressive way. Those are compliments he’d actually take super pride in. 
But, as he grew older, he started to hear compliments less. 
Or, even if he did hear compliments, it’d always always follow with “now if only he wasn’t so violent/angry/threatening/VILLAIN-like.” 
Getting pure, meaningful, wholehearted compliments is so r a r e to him now.
He doesn’t even know how to react anymore to them.
His first instinct is to get angry (surprise surprise) because he automatically thinks he’s being made fun of. Because HE knows that he’ll became the best, but no one else seems to get it ( YET!  ) so why the hell are they saying stuff like that? Obviously to mock him, right? ( again, he’s got ISSUES ) 
But, if he knows you well enough, trusts you, then he’ll realize no, that’s probably not the goal here, huh? And then he is just left with this series of words — compliments — and he doesn’t even know what to d o with them, so he’d just try and brush it off 
one day he’ll get better at this whole people thing ( maybe ) 
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