Down the Rabbit Hole
33 posts
Hi there! I hope you’re having a good day! My pronouns are he/they/pup, and you can call me Caelest! I'm 22 and I do post some adult content, so minors please don’t follow. Pfp is by my awesome friend @kajinazekiskuae!
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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Hello I’m back with this funky little trio! 💙💚💜 I’ve been busy and sick recently, but I missed posting , and hope everyone is doing well!! Take care!
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
Xenogender kids are the gift that keep on giving
Look at this. Anti-trans bills popping up everywhere, plenty of them being passed and written into law. One state (Arkansas) literally cites a cat xenogender as the reason for their anti-trans law.
And you mogai-using narcissists still can't pull the freaking redwood tree out of your eye and you continue to call transmedicalists "bullies".
Look at what the hell you've just done. We have regressed back years and years because of you. We were so close to a widespread acceptance of transgender people in America, non-binary not even that close behind. And now, only six years later…people are grouping transgender people with "transspecies" lunatics.
I know you'll pull the excuse of "but they were transphobic to begin with!!!!!!1!!1!!!!". My dad was accepting of transgender people, genuinely curious about the topic, and then became horrified when his friend's daughter came out as a non-binary void. You can say it all you want, but gender is not a social construct. And this is not going to last forever.
Looking at the bills and how so many adults are starting an uproar against transgender people, I can guarantee that you mogai people are going to face laws in the way of making people accept your insane identities. You should be ashamed of yourselves for speaking over actual, real, dysphoric transgender people. Especially dysphoric teenagers, the ones you claim to be helping.
Of course, the amount of detransitioners and anti-trans bills will be incredibly high, so dysphoric transgender people will, of course, have to work around that and try once again to make themselves seem normal in society.
Xenogender kids. You are making things worse.
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
Does anyone know if Tonaegiri week is happening this year?
Asking for a friend 👉👈
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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last year i drew this in like a nonstop 11 hour session or something for byakuya’s bday and while i don’t know if i like it as much as i could NOW it still isn’t bad
features thh byakuya, udg byakuya, bad end byakuya (with kids), byakuya twogami, execution byakuya, toko’s fantasy byakuya, polaris p. polanski, and my very precious despair byakuya
would do something like this again if i get the chance but we’ll see, still proud of the effort that was put in even if it’s a little wonky
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
Thinking about making a side blog for saucier writing, but I also know realistically that I’m waaay too anxious to post anything of that nature online. But every time I work on a horny piece there’s just a little note of sadness that I won’t be able to post it :’D. I could post on my main, of course, but I know there’s a lot of people who don’t want to engage with blogs with that content. Also, my minors can interact with individual posts but not follow rule would pretty immediately jump to a don’t interact at all. On the other hand, I don’t think I make nearly enough content to populate two blogs :’D.
This is all just me musing at this point, of course. Just taking some time to write and I’m a lil sad because it’ll never see the light of day :’D. I’ll keep thinking over my options, and I’ll let y’all know if that blog ever comes into existence in case you’re interested in that sort of content. For now, toodles! Have a great weekend, and happy Valentine’s Day for those who celebrate!! ❤️ It’s a great day to take time aside to do something special with those you love, including yourself!
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
DR3 Despair spoilers
It’s just been brought to my recollection that the Ultimate Imposter was not, in fact, Byakuyaing during their first year at HP and was instead Ryotaing and I am devastated. The funny has perished (but it can live on as an AU in my head-)
@kajinazekiskuae ♡
Implied spoilers for SDR2 I suppose XD
Crying over the idea of Byakuya going into their first year at Hope's Peak and everyone asking how they got held back, and they can't even begin to comprehend why it keeps happening, but this is the third person now who for some reason is acting like they know them, and they're slowly losing their shit because them?? Held back?? They literally would never why would you even insinuate that- Also they know literally none of these people but they keep acting like they have history and???
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
Implied spoilers for SDR2 I suppose XD
Crying over the idea of Byakuya going into their first year at Hope's Peak and everyone asking how they got held back, and they can't even begin to comprehend why it keeps happening, but this is the third person now who for some reason is acting like they know them, and they're slowly losing their shit because them?? Held back?? They literally would never why would you even insinuate that- Also they know literally none of these people but they keep acting like they have history and???
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
Just a Little Lonely
Hey guys!! Guess who's coming off his accidental hiatus with another fic?
I'm- so sorry about that by the way? :'D Life things got pretty meh for a while there, and I'm still getting through some of it, so I appreciate your patience as I try to work things out. I'm not dead I swear XD.
All that being said, I hope you enjoy!
Trigger warning on this one for a graphic description of death. It's not an event within the fic itself, but rather a recollection of an earlier event. The passage will be marked out in the fic and is skippable. Stay safe y'all!
Spoiler warning for Chapter 1 of DR1 Trigger Happy Havoc and DR3 Hope Arc!
With their schedules finally just a little aligned, Makoto and Kyoko take some time to relax together.
[Pure Naegiri fluff <3]
he/they pronouns for Makoto and they/she pronouns for Kyoko
They’re pretty composed for someone with their upbringing. Somehow, that mix of intellect, dedication, and apathy did produce a whole functioning adult; they’re just fine on the surface, even if their foundation is a bit unusual. It’s all coupled with an acute and analytical sense of self-awareness and an insatiable urge to learn, too. Any shortcomings she possesses, she notes with almost professional precision, taking great care to develop herself in methodical steps.
Despite all their pain, they know how to proceed. Makoto’s influence certainly didn’t hurt, either. His compassion served to help soften their rough edges just enough for them to find a place for their feelings. Of course, it was still their work at the end of the day.
Frankly, Kyoko never thought they’d find themself this open with anyone other than themself. Yet here they are, one arm tucked under the crook of his neck, the other resting a bare hand on the small of his back, wrapping him into a loose embrace. Every point of contact feels warm and strangely comforting (even if her heart still flutters when they first settle down). He’s the one securely nuzzled up in their arms, yet the whole affair makes them feel fragile nonetheless.
For all their vulnerability, it really doesn’t make sense to feel this safe.
“I love you, sweetheart.” Makoto’s voice is feeble, trembling with the beginnings of sleep. “Thank you for making time for this.”
The utterance breaks her train of self-reflection with a gentle pause, and she can’t help but smile. He’s precious. “Of course.”
Though, ‘making time’ is sort of a sad way to put it. They can’t exactly argue it, but all they did was come home early enough to get to bed before he fell asleep. Hypothetically, that shouldn’t need to be specifically arranged.
“Now I just gotta get Pola to come home sooner, too,” he muses, rolling onto his stomach. His voice is muffled by the mattress, but he doesn’t seem intent on moving.
“You need to give her those puppy eyes of yours; they work every time.”
“I did, Kiri; all I got was a maybe!”
Kyoko can’t help but chuckle; he’s awfully energetic for someone who’s been up since four in the morning. “I see. So she’s learning resistance. That’s impressive.”
Makoto huffs. “You guys work too much.”
“Oh really? Talk about the pot calling the kettle, headmaster. You could stand to take a few more breaks, too.” One day, Kyoko will stop teasing him. But for that to happen, he needs to stop reacting the way he does; it’s too tempting, even for them.
“Hey, no, that’s totally different. At least I know when to call it quits; I have some kind of work-life balance, even if it’s not perfect. You guys don’t have one at all!”
Kyoko doesn’t miss the note of genuine concern welling up in his voice. Even if it’s been years now, he’s still the same: an open book. And, well, they find it just as refreshing, if not concerning, as they did back then. But this isn’t a killing game. This is their bedroom, in their home, with no one but the two of them (at least, until Polaris gets home, too). This is their haven, and it’s safe for him and all of his emotions to come out with perfect honesty. She welcomes it; she’s just relieved to see they still have them at this point.
“My work is a big part of my life, bunny. Polaris is the same way.” They reach to pet the back of his head- slow, repetitive strokes meant to soothe. “It’s what gives me fulfillment. It’s who I am.” Well, who they were raised to be, but at this point, they feel as though those concepts are inseparable. They were raised to find satisfaction in their detective work, and they can hardly consider that a bad thing if it’s providing them solace now. Going back to her roots and reestablishing her ‘normal’ has been one of the most healing things she’s done.
“Well, I get fulfillment from my job, too, but I also need a life outside of it. If all I did was work, I’d go crazy.” He shifts a little, nestling down into the blankets.
Good. The plan is working. “That’s because your job is only five percent interacting with students and ninety-five percent filling out paperwork and fighting with adults who insist on undermining your authority whenever possible.”
“You can’t tell me you like all of your job,” Makoto insists. The sleep continues to creep into their voice, and their protests are beginning to feel a lot less like genuine arguments and more like childish whining.
“No, but I like a lot more than five percent. Honestly, if it were solely up to me, I’d likely be working a lot more.”
Kyoko swears they hear him whimper. “...But then you’d never see me.”
“Then maybe I’ll just have to steal you away with me.” They’re not even sure what they’re saying at this point. Obviously, that’s impractical. It’s a distraction if nothing else. However… they made a good pair in the past. This is an opportunity for them to partner together under much less traumatic circumstances.
TW Start
But then, they consider it for a bit. Makoto by her side, working tirelessly to account for the hundreds of bodies discovered since they started counting again. ‘Post-Tragedy’ is a disgracefully misleading name. Establishing control is one thing; eradicating her seeds of influence entirely is another. Violent crimes are far from dwindling. Many were encouraged by their narrow escape from the first killing game, yes, but some were emboldened; some killers have traded careless, violent slaughter for elaborate plans or outright crude imitations.
Kyoko recalls the scene of a crime they visited just earlier today: a 23-year-old woman found dead in her shower with a single knife protruding from her abdomen, a broken wrist, and the numbers 11037 written in her own blood behind her. Except the knife didn’t kill her; blunt force trauma to the head did, and evidence suggests that she died in the living room, not the shower. It was a staged imitation created by manipulating the body.
Her imagination wanders further, imagining what it would have been like if Makoto was, in fact, working with them again. The terror paralyzing him, eyes stuck wide and watering as he just barely processes the scene, the trauma hitting him in waves and threatening to drown him all over again. All because some coward thought to perform some ritualistic tribute.
TW End
…Makoto has seen enough death, they think. Let him step away before it numbs him completely. His sort of empathy is rare nowadays; too many people have had to disengage completely just to survive.
They snap to look at him, refocusing on the scene before them. His eyebrows are knit together with concern- his head cocked to the side as he sits up on his elbows.
“Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. You’re absolutely right; I do need to keep time to see you.” They press a gentle kiss against his forehead, then start to comb through his hair once again. Here they were trying to coax them to sleep, and all they did was worry them all over again. He’s too sweet; he’ll stay up all night if he can just for the chance to keep talking, regardless of any early morning obligations. She can’t exactly blame him; their schedules have been so misaligned lately that they’ve hardly had the chance to just say hello.
“That’s what I thought. You can’t just leave me all the time…” Much to Kyoko’s gratitude, he does lower himself back into the mattress. “I’d get lonely.”
They hesitate for a second, tripped up in their response. They’ve always been fairly independent; feeling so lonely due to just one person’s absence would have just sounded dramatic in the past. Something she’d only expect out of people like Makoto. Sensitive people, for better or for worse.
Yet, when they stop to formulate any other answer, everything else seems to fall short of their sentiment.
“Me too.”
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
Byakuya slowly thawing and becoming soft for Makoto is one of my favorite things no matter what setting cuz like- Him realizing in a moment of silence that he found someone that doesn't want to take advantage of him or his money, he found someone who would truly love him despite his flaws and rocky edges and won't flake away. He broke his armor and when present with his heart Makoto didn't crush it or break it like he thought he would. Makoto like actually loves and cares him like woah??? sorry for the paragraph but they are just sooo 🥰🥰
They are, please it's very okay I love paragraphs. I read this like 3 times because oh my lord I love them.
I love this because Byakuya's whole life has revolved around being great. That he needs to be the best, that others are below him. That there's no need for him to form attachments because they will use him, it's how he got his ultimate title by defeating his half siblings.
And so he keeps that facade up when he attends Hope's Peak, literally just "I'm not here to make friends" thing.
Byakuya has never met someone like Makoto, never met someone who's so earnest and genuine, wears his heart on his sleeve and is just kind. And when he first meets him he dismisses Makoto.
Thinks of him as Makoto is nothing but a naive little lamb about to be slaughtered.
But Byakuya quickly realises that he is wrong, that Makoto is smarter than he seems, that he's very perceptive and helps others without some ulterior motive.
And he wants to know why but to do so he allows himself to get closer to him. And Makoto breaks every wall he's every put, and Byakuya finds himself terrified because he realises he trusts Makoto. Trusts him with his life, that Makoto Naegi is his safe place.
That with him he doesn't have the same pressures as he would usually, he's able to just breathe.
Byakuya seeing the parts of Makoto that he should find annoying or childish because that's what he was raised to see and instead finds them endearing and sweet.
He likes those parts of Makoto, his sheepish smile, the way his eyes light up and when he puts his foot down and makes a stand Byakuya can't take his eyes off him.
He's terrified because he's let Makoto take his heart, and to his utter surprise Makoto holds his heart with the most delicate of hands.
Makoto can read him like a book and he doesn't turn away, he doesn't hate him. He can tell Byakuya is trying to be better which makes Byakuya want to be better. He's utterly smitten and he would fight for Makoto if need be.
Byakuya who iniates hugs, let's himself slowly be vulnerable and Makoto never laughs nor teases him. He's encouraging and kind and he thaws Byakuya's ice cold heart with his warm touch.
In the games this man went against the whole Future Foundation because he trusted Makoto's judgement. (Honestly the relief this man must've had when not only was Makoto alive but innocent, and knowing he shouldn't have doubted him ever... the guilt and just vowing to make it up to him)
In any setting, Byakuya will always end up having his heart thawed by Makoto who holds it like its something to treasure. Byakuya he holds Makoto in such a high regard and he can't deny it. Not that he ever would or could.
Just ahhh them 🥰🥰
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
Omg I love them so much X’DD the dynamic is beautiful. I’ve seen this before, but I’m so glad I was reminded of it’s existence, thank you so much for tagging me ;3;
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you know what, Mr Naegi? maybe i’ll just reschedule our meeting to, uh…never. yeah. i’ll see myself out. bye!
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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byakuya doesn’t wait
merry (late) christmas y’all! i prepared some naegami smooching as a delayed gift for y’all. i tried making it a lil paint like but i can not render for the life of me but i do hope it turned out ok. anyways ya!! happy holidays/merry christmas :)
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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they're cozy :)
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! 🎄✨💕 (Please ignore I’m kindaaaa late) here’s some naegami! Everyone stay safe <3
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cornerofcaelest · 3 years ago
t4t Naegamigiri Headcanons!
Hi! Basically, dysphoria is kicking my butt, I could use some t4t trans positivity goodness, and self-projection is my coping mechanism of choice, so voila! Here we are!
Warning, this is l o n g. Originally it was just going to be relationship things but then individual characters got involved and as we all know I'm incapable of shutting up about Makoto Naegi so-
TW: Dysphoria, some internalized transphobia, and brief mention of body image issues.
I'll put a spoiler warning but only to be super super safe. Spoilers for one oddly specific detail of THH and a concept introduced in GBD that didn't technically get fully revealed/explained until trial 6
My gender headcanons for context!
Makoto is a transmasc demiboy who uses he/they pronouns
Byakuya is genderfluid and uses she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns depending on their gender at the time. She goes by Polaris when fully or partially female.
Kyoko is a transfemme demigirl who uses they/she pronouns (however, I will say, I'm not super set in stone on this! I'd love to hear your Kyoko gender headcanons because I'm still very much up in the air with them! My headcanons on her seem to change a little bit almost daily :'D)
I know I specified this with Kyoko, but as a general note, I'm still figuring out exactly how I headcanon a lot of characters including these three. All of this may change later, but that's how I headcanon them right now! <3
Makoto Things!
Makoto didn't come out as trans until high school, though he was questioning for a while before that.
Komaru was the first person he came out to and she was aggressively supportive
They did a lot of experimentation with presentation and social transition at their first high school and went into Hope's Peak with the idea of being as stealth as possible, seeing it as a completely fresh start
Only to find out that most of his class is also trans and pretty soon that went right out the window-
Makoto struggles a l o t with chest dysphoria. It's a pretty significant issue for him, so he has a myriad of ways to cope with it in different situations
He usually binds and/or wears multiple layers. Unfortunately one or the other doesn't always work as well as he'd like because his chest is kind of big. Especially at the point when he's still getting comfortable with himself, it's not uncommon to find him just straight up overheating about 90% of the time.
It's definitely not as noticeable as they feel like it is sometimes; it's a point of a lot of hurt, so it tends to be the first thing their attention gravitates towards when they're in a bad place.
I refuse to interpret the fact that half of his argumentative sprites have him kind of bent over as anything other than residual posture from the hunch™
Sleeping is really hard for them sometimes so they typically hug some kind of pillow or stuffed animal when they go to bed (squishmallows are their favorite. The shape is perfect and they're adorable and the texture is great. Plus some of them have little texture differences on horns or ears or stomachs and it makes for good sensory stimulus)
Oddly specific but when his door wouldn't open that first night in the killing game his heart sank at first. Not that it wasn't pretty much already underground at that point because killing game, but that little extra thing was just salt in the wound in an already terrible situation.
His general approach to dysphoria is a mix of optimism and practical fixes. If he can make an adjustment so something feels easier/more comfortable, he will. He's all about finding little solutions like that. He tries to focus on getting to the next step in his transition and thinking about that point when he's feeling down in the moment.
He identified as binary trans for a while before starting to identify as demimale at some point in his time with Future Foundation
Byakuya/Polaris Things!
Aight listen I already did a whole post about this so this will be s h o r t
Additional edit after having written the rest of this section: h a h. Short?? That's hilarious
Fully thought they were cis until post-DR3
Did most of her questioning very privately so her coming out felt very surprising to a lot of people
But a majority of the people around her were of course accepting
Those who weren't- come on, are you really going to blatantly disrespect the head of the Togami family and expect to get away with it? Dismissed. Immediately
There's definitely some forced confidence here, though. Just like he tends to overcompensate for other insecurities, he's way more comfortable and secure in all of this than he lets on
They grew up with a really weird relationship with gender and gender expression, and often there was a heavy emphasis on masculinity and the idea that strength is tied to it. Also weirdly misogynistic ideas of breeding and heteronormativity
Like holy hell Byakuya's relationship with their sexuality gender is so damn strained
Listen they warm up to it eventually and know from a logical perspective that there's nothing wrong with wanting to live as themselves with someone they're actually attracted to, but those feelings of guilt or anxiety from deviating from such ingrained family ideals are persistent
He's got some control issues for sure, so sometimes this disconnect just frustrates him. Why can't his feelings keep up with his thoughts, especially when this is clearly such a better alternative?
I don't consider Danganronpa Togami a part of my personal interpretation of canon, so I'm still not sure exactly how I headcanon Byakuya going undercover as Polaris but I do know that was a formative experience
What was even more powerful was eventually getting to fuse that alternate identity with all the power and pride she's come to hold in her family name. Being able to present as female from her position and still command just as much respect is the most gratifying thing ever to her
Most of her dysphoria is a result of internalized transphobia. It's a process of her invalidating her own feelings on the matter- that little voice in the back of her head insisting she's a disgrace to her family legacy or some bs, then that shame reflecting on her perception of her own image. This, plus other unrelated body image issues can result in a lot of insecurity. Sometimes the thoughts get to her and she just starts to feel plain ugly
That's on bad days, though. Usually, they're perfectly secure in the fact that they make the hottest man and the hottest woman on the planet (naturally, members of the Togami family are bred for superiority in all areas, yada yada insert cockiness here)
I think that's an interesting point to explore though. I headcanon that Byakuya has a very logical and black and white perception of his attractiveness. He knows it to be true; he knows he's conventionally attractive because that's just how his breeding and status works. His victory is proof of, among other things, that fact. But that doesn't always translate to a genuine feeling. It's not always full, embodied confidence, especially when he's still struggling with both body image issues and gender dysphoria.
Byakuya does a lot more experimentation with their gender expression overall as they get more comfortable with their gender identity. Eventually, their sense of style becomes more androgynous overall as opposed to distinct traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine categories. Sometimes their gender has zero correspondence whatsoever to their expression on a particular day. Their perception of presentation overall becomes a lot more fluid and very tangibly queer. They even grow out their hair a bit
He does a full 180 when it comes to homophobia and transphobia. One minute he's deeply judgemental, but once he accepts himself his identity ends up tying right back into his very public, very large sense of pride. It's a part of himself that he grows to wear as a badge of honor.
Kyoko Things!
So like I said before, I'm still not 100% on Kyoko's gender identity, so I haven't had as much time to come up with specifics for them like I have with the others. As a result, this will be much much shorter, and all of this is just off the top of my head brainstorming rather than ingrained headcanons
Kyoko had quite a bit of freedom to explore their gender identity growing up. Even if they didn't have a solid grasp of what it necessarily was, they were always given the freedom to experiment. Jin was always supportive of them becoming exactly whoever they were meant to be. He knows what it’s like to be pressured into something you're not, and it's definitely not an experience he wants for his kid, either
When she ends up staying with her grandfather, the same applies. Gender doesn't affect one's abilities as a detective; she's free to express herself and be referred to however she wants. Her being uncomfortable would be more of a detriment than anything
In general, they tend to have a very logical and detached approach to gender presentation; if they want to make a certain change they will. There’s not much more to it than that
That being said, like with everything, they aren’t the greatest when it comes to actually feeling their feelings. When they are feeling dysphoric about something, they tend to just bury themselves in work to take their kind off of it. It’s a vulnerable topic for them, and it’s one they don’t really open up on for a long while
They say they don’t really care too much about pronouns, and while that is true, it does make them feel a little warm inside when people use they/them. She/her isn’t incorrect by any means, and they do use those pronouns, it just tends to be all they hear
Has a really complicated relationship with he/him. Like, no, she doesn’t use them. Also she’s AMAB. It’s a little uncomfortable/weird from most people because it can feel like deliberate misgendering/intentional transphobia; however, at this point, actual devious intent by it is extremely uncommon. Sometimes she actually doesn’t mind masculine compliments/forms of address when they're used very sparingly here or there, but only from extremely close friends.
Like there’s a cleared list of people and it’s pretty much Makoto, Byakuya, Hina, and maybe Hiro. Also specifically Genocide Jack. Don’t ask for elaboration on that because I have no idea
Basically it’s a little sprinkle of positive because it’s something different and very not strictly female like they’re usually perceived as, but the painful connotations aren’t exactly gone yet, so it’s reserved only for people very deep within their inner circle or people who are very very aggressively GNC or genderqueer who understand the nuances of it
Has a somewhat feminine yet professional and understated sense of style. However, they do experiment with more androgynous presentation as time goes on.
Idk man honestly they're just pretty... detached from it all @3@ it's good and bad. Sometimes they bury their feelings about it a bit too much.
Yeah it lets them distract from the dysphoria, but they never really give themselves the chance to feel euphoria, either
Of course, at this point, they're far enough in their transition that dysphoria is rare. It just remains over some weird specific things
The only section that matters
Gosh this is such a comfort ship anyways-
So they’re all amazing together in general
But also yay t4t4t things
They all just have a mutual understanding on a lot of things and are more comfortable around each other as a result
Okay okay specifics tho
First of all, Kyoko has been doing this a lot longer than Makoto or Polaris.
They’re like the older sibling of the group in that they can give advice/counsel in a lot of situations.
Particularly Polaris. Becuase listen listen listen this is where the Togiri dynamic gets good
Polaris is the last of the three to come out or to start transitioning, yet she's also the most prideful and really struggles when it comes to taking advice from others because it means she had places to improve in the first place
Her dynamic with Kyoko is great because Kyoko consistently keeps her humble throughout their relationship in that Kyoko has a cool head and literally grills Polaris all the time in the most brutal, sarcastic, loving way possible
However, this is a circumstance where Kyoko does know more. They have more experience and information, and the two of them have the shared experience of specifically being transfemme.
Eventually Polaris would get to the point where she actually has to go to Kyoko for advice lest she struggle endlessly over countless forums online only to be met with Makoto incessantly asking "Why don't you go ask Kyoko?"
And yeah listen Kyoko would tease the hell out of her for finally admitting that she needs help but man after all of the cocky Togami bs she's pulled over the years, Kyoko's allowed to have 5 seconds of fun
This is, of course, is followed by them actually giving sound, thorough advice on a lot of things. Kyoko's detached approach to things means they don't put things lightly or spare any graphic detail of what to expect, which is helpful for someone as anxious and control-oriented as Polaris
It's Kyoko who encouraged Polaris to start low-dose estrogen when she was on the fence about it. Like I said, hella control-oriented, and the idea of any sort of change to her body that wasn't exact or completely predictable freaked her out, especially since there were times when she wasn't completely dissatisfied with it.
The indecision went on for months because right when they'd decide to bite the bullet and do it, they'd end up having another few extremely masc days and suddenly deciding they didn't need to/want to
(Only to then have another few extremely femme days with absolutely awful dysphoria and second-guessing everything all over again)
Honestly, was Kyoko trying to help or were they just sick of listening to Byakuya constantly trying to justify their decision either way-
I'm just kidding, of course; decisions like that can take time. Kyoko genuinely wanted them to be comfortable. If having a realistic, sit down talk with them to discuss their experience with it would help, they're more than happy to offer it
(Suprise, they do genuinely care about each other)
I already said this in my initial post about Byakuya but listen it's true for Kyoko, too: Makoto hypes them way the hell up!!!
He always sprinkles in extra compliments when his partners are feeling insecure
Like as cheesy as it is, one of the fastest ways to make him feel a least a teensy bit better when he’s dysphoric is to call him handsome or other similar things, so he tries to do the same for his partners
There’s also a fine line between genuinely helpful and cringy, and considering his usual lack of nuance, he’s surprisingly good at figuring it out with firsthand experience
Sometimes he’s purposely obnoxious about it. He’ll go on and on about how absolutely pretty his girlfriends are and just flatter them both to the point it’s ridiculous until they finally crack a smile
He’ll do the same thing with more traditionally masculine or gender-neutral compliments depending on what the situation demands
Byakuya has a habit of responding to said compliments with “naturally” or whatever. This all ties into what I was talking about earlier though; sometimes they don’t feel attractive even if they know they are. Making it logical and cold cut like that is just another form of deflection
Makoto either pouts or gets insistent until they get a proper, accepting “thank you,” as reluctant as it may be
True, embodied confidence takes time, but listen they're working on it and they'll definitely get there eventually
Idk like- in general I just really like it. Most of the other stuff I've thought of is super general, but it's all just good t4t stuff overall.
I just love the idea of all of them feeling a bit more comfortable overall with each other due to shared experience. There's security in knowing that- particularly in vulnerable moments- the people you hold most dear to you aren't going to perceive you or your identity based on things that make you uncomfortable or parts of you that you don't fully feel belong to you.
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