#shes got ptsd
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shellsweet · 11 months ago
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I did it! I made a comic! A comic about my OC (Alice) and her trauma ✨️!
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shushmal · 9 months ago
tw: for implied past emotional abuse, im in my feels today
"What the fuck were you thinking?" Hopper growls. He's not quite shouting, but he's still loud, raised voice echoing through the living room. "She's not ready to drive yet, I forbade it, and what? You two decided that you knew better?"
Eddie rolls his eyes, but gamely keeps quiet. He knows Hopper's less upset with Ellie taking a spin through the parking lot and more upset about the property damage. Eddie's on her side though, that phone pole came out of nowhere. Must have been pretty rotted out too, to fall over that easily after a little love tap.
Ellie had done a damn good job fixing the huge dent in the bumper.
But if Hopper wants to be dramatic and chew everyone involved out, Eddie's not going to stop him. Whatever gets the guy's blood pressure back down.
"You're supposed to be responsible adults! Especially you, Steve!"
Rolling his eyes again, Eddie glances over, hoping to share a commiserating look with Steve.
Except Steve isn't looking anywhere but down, shoulders and spine ruler straight. Eddie stalls there, stuck on the way Steve's standing, tense from jaw down to his ankles, his hands balled into tight fists flat at his side, knuckles white. Hopper keeps ranting, pacing a wide circle in front of them, but Steve doesn't flinch, doesn't look up, doesn't react. It's like all the color has washed from him.
"Are you even listening?!"
"Yes, sir," Steve says tightly. He doesn't look up. Hopper keeps going.
Eddie watches as Steve's throat works to swallow, like he's choking. Like he can't breathe.
"Hopper," Eddie snaps. "Shut the fuck up."
Hopper whirls on him, livid, but Eddie's not looking at him, fixed on Steve as he reaches out. Tries to take Steve's hand, just holds his wrist when Steve can't unclench his fist, gentle as he touches him. Steve is tightly wound and trembling under his fingers.
When he looks, Eddie finds Hopper with deep regret on his face, struck silent. He doesn't say anything when Eddie leads Steve away, back out onto the porch. They sit on the swing, Eddie's arm around Steve's shoulders, rocking back and forth until the muscles loosen and Steve slumps, strings cut, into Eddie's side. They'll sit like that for a while more, watching the woods as the sun sets and listening to the dusk settle, crickets and cicadas and chats calling the moon up, filling their silence with nighttime music.
Later, Hopper will come out, temper cooled, and sit on Steve's other side. Will ruffle Steve's hair when Steve starts to stiffen. Will apologize when Steve eyes him warily.
Later, Eddie will scowl and glare, but ultimately keep quiet, unwilling to make the whole thing worse for Steve, another fight, another shouting match. Will stiltedly tell Hopper good night and take Steve home, wait patiently until Steve finally speaks, when he finally tells Eddie a little more and a little more, until Eddie's holding him tight.
That's later though. For now, he digs his heel into the porch, rocking them back and forth, and waits for Steve to breathe.
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aethersea · 1 year ago
it is funny though how kids' shows are so so so careful about death, no one's ever killed except MAYYYYBE the big bad, all those random side characters are fine, here have a quick shot of them before we leave just so you know they really did survive that 50-foot drop into a stormy sea,
and meanwhile kids' books nearly all agree that it's not an adventure until it has a body count.
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astcae · 2 months ago
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shima-draws · 2 months ago
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Finished season 2…
#MAN…………….MAN.#Shima speaks#Squid Game#Squid Game season 2#You know what I’m sure the rebellion would have gone GREAT if In-ho. WASN’T THERE#(Also if Dae-ho didn’t freeze up 😭)#Homie got hit with the PTSD at the wrong time 😔#I keep telling myself that In-ho just doesn’t know what it’s like since he’s the Front Man but then I remember!#Shit wait he’s done this before!#I love how much In-ho and Gi-hun compliment each other. AND how they’re also complete opposites#They both won the Squid Game. Watched people die. And were too late to save the ones they loved#And yet!! And yet. There’s still such a huge difference between their character#Bc Gi-hun is STILL compassionate. Still has faith in people. Is still HUMAN#Meanwhile In-ho isn’t#Imagine what a turn of events this season would have been if Gi-hun’s compassion and humanity actually got through to In-ho…man…#In-ho changing bc of Gi-hun’s faith and care for people and deciding you know what yeah. Fuck it. Fuck THIS. I’m over it#And actually helps with the rebellion all the way to the end. Kills his subordinates bc he’s done with this shit#Anyway what a fucking ROLLERCOASTER holy shit.#HYUN-JU MY FUCKING QUEEN. SHE IS EVERYTHING. SLAY BITCH I LOVE YOU#I will be SO upset if she dies#Also slightly off topic from the ending but AGHHH when they were doing the 5 team race and everyone was cheering!!! It was so sweet 😭#They were all on each other’s side at least in that moment#Just seeing everyone yelling and hollering and cheering on all the teams I wanted to CRY#And then they all try to kill each other later on. Smh#Anyway can’t wait for season 3 to tear me asunder :))))
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felikatze · 1 month ago
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lanolin. the wayshe starts as spunky villager #3 but has everything taken from her again and again as mere collateral damage to the big adventures. she bows to authority she flinches at loud noises she Needs Rules because following the rules kept her alive.
she finally gets to be in control but nobody behaves how she wants them to. finally, she is the authority, in some small way. she is the one calling the shots, and she will do so only according to the Rules, because everyone needs to follow the rules to stay alive.
Tangle wants the diamond cutters to be friends, but to her, it is a Job. It is a Job, that must be done like a Job, and treating it like a fun adventure is dangerous and stupid.
in comes duo. duo listens to her. duo tells her she's right. duo is even newer than her, someone who truly respects her authority, someone she can teach The Right Way To Do Things. it's everybody else who is already used to this, who isn't villager #3 whose home burns in the background, who is Wrong. because she doesn't have superpowers. she can't afford to be cocky.
finally, someone who respects her, someone who respects her rules, someone who is just as normal as she, and he was playing her like a fiddle the entire time.
she never had control. not really.
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birdthatisbored · 1 year ago
Can't stop thinking about Gordon and Aubrey. They knew each other for years and didn't even really know it. The first time she saw him in person was when he was dying. He was her only proper point of human contact for months. She took care of his pet tortoise for 44 years. They talked like every day on the comms. She chose Warren's life over his because she knew Warren was more likely to survive. She knows all this and just has to sit with it with no resolution because he's asleep and no one knows if he'll wake up. She never even got to look him in the eyes. What the fuck.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year ago
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What timeline have we jumped to, my god
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sincerely-sofie · 2 years ago
*gently places angsty Twig comic in your hands*
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There comes a point in healing, sometimes, where you must grieve the child you never got to be, and bury her along with the desperate hope of one day somehow becoming her.
It isn’t fair. And it never will be.
But you grieve the child, still.
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themulitipurposechannel · 5 months ago
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Do I have assessments due? Yeh. Should I be studying? Probably 😂But like most things this just grabbed hold of my brain and won’t let go so here we are XD
But on a more serious note I think we’ve all felt this at some point or at least we all will eventually feel this. Esp as you get older and your body starts to fail or for those who ever got diagnosed with a life changing condition.. things just.. get hard when it used to be so easy.Esp if you’re also at that age (eg: teens/early 20s) where it should be your golden years you just.. get so angry. If that’s you then I’m sorry.. that this is happening to you. And I’m sorry that no one save God can take this away, but if nothing else, I hope you know, Anatawa hitorijanai.
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77ngiez-archive · 1 year ago
project sekai is crazy because literally every character is queer trans neurodivergent physically disabled or some combination of the above
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cordyceph · 6 months ago
mm lestat post time
ever think about how ALL of lestat's relationships remind him no one truly loves him as a person? that he's good for his body only?
his father beats him. no love there, nor with his brothers. his mother never saved him from his father or brothers, and at the Literal First Possibility ditched her title and slept with him. nicki loved him until he was disabled (for all vampires are horrors, they are also textbook disabled. cant function properly in the human world, can only masquerade as human- they are inhuman, survive off parasiting others. for this moment, nicki is only thinking of how he lost his lover to the darkness that took them both- he hates lestat at the end. hates what lestat turned in to, against lestat's will. hates that lestat wont give up)
armand doesnt really love him, either, not then in paris before lestat flees to america. armand likes powerful, demanding blondes (thx marius). armand wants the pale mockery of his maker to adore and cherish- no, to BE cherished by (mixing book and show, when louis is his maitre. when lestat ruins the children of darkness, he tries to give the coven to lestat, to Be Lestat's, ignoring that that's not what lestat wants)
even with louis and claudia, their love was conditional. in the book, claudia choses to kill him because she wants to leave and he wont go with her, but louis will. in the show, its different, because show lestat abuses her. and still, before the townhouse (which we know we/daniel were given false versions of), claudia and louis did not love lestat. louis did not let him into their family, claudia did not want him Ever.
every relationship lestat has ever had has been burdened by the fact that no one has ever truly loved or forgiven lestat for anything. not for little mistakes or grandiose bad decisions. no one has sat with him and treated him with gentle hands or words. claudia, louis, nicki, gabrielle, they all had HIM when theu turned. relied on him, and his teachings. he had nothing. claudia relied on them as both a fledgling and a daughter, but he didnt ever have a parent to rely on
armand is the closest to truly understanding what lestat went through, given the brothel and marius and his two or so hundred years of living in mud. but even then, he doesnt have the empathy for lestat; only chasing after the images of his abusers in his relationships. he would have turned lestat into lestat's father, into magnus, before he would have understood that lestat did not want to be evil.
love lestat. girl with every personality disorder. how do u manage it girly youre so close to being suicidal yet you never really breach the line into depression cause youre too busy being manic
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murasaki-cha · 10 months ago
Ruby: Do you love me?
James: We’re literally married.
Ruby: Yeah, but as friends or—
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I ❤️ Inaba Day
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year ago
I've actually gone from scared Max won't be okay to scared Max will be TOO okay
like if they make Max waking up some kind of "😏 what are you doing here, stalker" moment I'm not gonna handle that well either
don't get me wrong, I'll lose my mind if she doesn't end up okay, but first I want that girl catatonic for a while. I want some permanent ability/mobility consequences. I want bigtime ptsd. I want this trauma acknowledged. you feel me. you CANNOT just be okay after that
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rambrandt-the-painter · 6 months ago
No one gets my vision but I feel like Jolene would be the perfect horror game protag
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