#sherlock has a heart
j-eryewrites · 2 years
The Abbey Grange Affair (IV)
Part Nine of The Arbitrary Lives of the Occupants of 221b Baker Street
Word Count: 7.9k
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Warnings: Description of Murder, Mention of abuse, Sherlock being Sherlock, Y/N realizes John and Mrs Hudson were right, mentions of forced marriage, mentions of crime, children, Sherlock basically eye f*cks the reader
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The rain had subsided, and the sun was finally allowed to peak through the dark clouds. The sun’s rays filtered through the windowpanes. There were tiny rainbows that broke off lighting up entire the room. Birds sang their sweet music to each other, relaying messages of the days past and where the best of breakfast could be found. 
With a yawn, Y/N stretched out of bed. Her limbs extend to their limits to awaken every muscle and tendon within them. She glanced at the time, and with a groan rubbed her head. Her hair was out of place from the tumbling that occurred in her deep slumber. By the sound of it, the other occupants of Juliet’s Bed and Breakfast were up and at it. The muffed murmuring of the guests as dishes clinked could be heard. This sound reminded Y/N of one thing–food. She had arisen quite late in the morning and hoped that there would be breakfast left for her. If not, she figured she could grab something along the way as she followed Sherlock around completing the tasks he gave her. 
Quickly she changed and readied herself for the day. After looking in the mirror and accepting her choice of clothes she left her room and headed downstairs towards breakfast. 
Passing by the desk, the woman from before stood behind it. A short conversation was made and Y/N found out that the lady’s name was Njomi. She also was told that breakfast was still being served and that she had arrived just in time. Y/N grabbed a plate and scooped up whatever looked appealing to her, which happened to be pretty much everything. Y/N turned around and found John and Sherlock sitting in the corner. John happily munched away at his meal and Sherlock sat alert like an owl. His blue eyes scanned the room as he observed each one of the guests. Soon Sherlock’s eyes were drawn to a figure approaching him–Y/N. She came to the table with a smile on her face and carefully sat her plate and herself down in the empty seat. 
“Took you long enough,” mocked Sherlock. 
“Good morning to you too Sherlock,” scoffed Y/N. “Is he always like this?” She asked John. 
John quickly swallowed his food and half-heartedly replied, “Every morning.” 
Sherlock rolled his eyes at the two of them. 
“Anyways,” Y/N enunciated. “How’d you two sleep? There was quite a storm last night.”
“Great,” John commented. 
Y/N turned toward Sherlock. “What about you, Sherlock? I know you stayed up late last night.” 
Sherlock blinked at her in disbelief. From her peaked brow and slightly opened eyes, he observed that she was genuine. He quickly replied to quench her curiosity.  “Quite well. Even with the case on my mind.” He cleared his throat. “Speaking of, you two will have the day off. I need time to go off and as John puts it, do my thing.” He widened his eyes dramatically as he said it. 
He stood up, and with his hands, slammed the tabletop. The whole room went silent. They all goggled at Sherlock as if he was about to make some grand speech. Sherlock stuck his hands in his pockets and made his way toward the door. He took a few steps and harshly turned around marching back up to the table. He leaned down resting his hands on the table. John and Y/N leaned closer into him as well. 
“Before I forget,” he muttered, “Stanley has invited us over for dinner tonight. Wants us to meet his family.”
John smirked and clarified, “Wants you to meet the family, Sherlock. He’s probably invited Y/N and me to be polite.”
Sherlock’s face lost all signs of expression. “Very funny, John.”
“You know I’m right,” John mumbled as he picked up his fork and began eating again. 
“Dinners at six. Stanley said he’d pick us up around 5.30 at the earliest, so be ready.” Sherlock elaborated. Without another word, all sign that the consulting detective had been there was gone. 
John and Y/N both cleared their plates not long after Sherlock had left. John took a look at his watch. It was a little before eleven. 
“Right then, we’ve got some time,” John said. “Anything you’re interested in doing? I’ve heard there are lots of places to walk around and a museum or two.” 
“The weather looks nice,” stated Y/N. “How ‘bout we walk around for a bit and see where our feet take us?” She proposed. “There was this shop I saw the other day that looked interesting.” 
John perked up in interest. “Should we start there?”
“Ya, I’ve just got to get my things first.” 
John nodded in agreement. “You head up and I’ll wait down here.”
“What, so you can chat with the inn lady? I heard her name was Njomi.” A blush crept up John’s face. “Don’t think I didn’t see you making eyes at her last night.” She chuckled. 
Laughing as she passed him, “Just joking, John.”
John sheepishly laughed in response, “Good one, Y/N.”
“Oh, I know. I’m hilarious. I should be a comedian.” She exclaimed as she headed up the stairs to retrieve her things. 
The town was not as busy as Y/N was expecting it to be. She and John strolled along the paved pathways and streets. She was surprised to find how nice it was just to be able to meander at her own pace instead of running after Sherlock where ever his mind decided to take them next. She was quite sure John felt the same way. He constantly stopped to look at a nice view or peer through the windows of a shop. Eventually, they came across the shop that Y/N had mentioned earlier. It was a bookshop that had a cafe and bakery running out of it. It was family-owned according to the sign posted in the window. 
When they stepped inside, Y/N knew she could spend eternity there. There were not too many people, yet just enough to fill the background with mindless chatter. Shelves lined the walls with books filling them from top to bottom. In the cafe section of the store, there sat customers. Some were ecstatically sharing the latest gossip. Others sat reclined in the chairs devouring a new book they had just purchased and occasionally sipped away at their beverage. 
John on the other hand took one glance at the shop and knew he’d maybe glance around for a bit but then move on to something else. He looked at Y/N and noticed her awe at the small store. 
“Isn’t this great, John?” She asked. 
“Oh ya, nice store.” He mindlessly chimed. 
She turned to look at him. Her face held a soft smile. “You know, you don’t have to stick around with me. You can go on ahead.” 
John’s eyes widened and his lips pursed. “No, it’s alright. You look around and I’ll just…”
“John. Go.” 
John looked around one more time. “Sherlock told me to…”
“If I need anything, I’ll call you.” Y/N offered.
John accepted her answer and wished her well. He left Y/N to her books and freshly baked goods. The two of them planned to meet up for a late lunch that afternoon. John thought of inviting Sherlock, but he knew his friend wouldn’t eat, at least until dinner tonight.  
Y/N made her way through the selves. She stopped to pick up books that caught her eye. Sometimes it was the antique exterior of the novels that drew her in. Other times,  it was familiar titles or recommendations from the store’s employees or fellow customers. Occasionally, she would pick up a book and read a few pages, deciding if it was good enough to continue reading. If it passed, the book would then be deposited in her basket. By the time, she thoroughly searched the selves, she had 4 books within her wicker basket. She would have purchased more but knew there would be no way to bring them back home. 
After purchasing her books, she decided a nice drink and snack would be a plausible use of time. It would be quite a while until she and John met up for lunch. The cafe seemed to gain more customers at that time of day. Y/N had some difficulty moving around the tables to get to the line. She made a point to look down to avoid stepping on anyone’s feet or bags. 
Suddenly, she felt her weight hit something hard, and then the sound of a splash splatter against the floor. She had done what she was desperately trying not to do–knock into someone. She was quick to apologize to the person whose drink she knocked over. 
“That’s quite alright.” The voice was smoky and smooth. It contained an Australian accent and belonged to a large woman.
The woman stood a few feet taller than Y/N. In fact, she thought, the woman in front of her must have been taller than Sherlock. 
Despite just having spilt her beverage everywhere, the woman flashed a bright smile at Y/N revealing a small gap between her two front teeth. Y/N’s eyes widened as she recognized the figure in front of her–Jasmine Crocker. 
“Uhh…I’m so sorry,” Y/N faltered. “Let me buy you a new drink.” 
Jasmine raised her hands to decline her offer, but Y/N ensured her that she would buy Jasmine a new drink one way or another. 
After Y/N had ordered their drinks the two sat down at a vacant table. Y/N placed her basket of books on the floor near her feet. Her leg began to bounce up and down and she scratched her head. 
Jasmine was the first to strike up a conversation between them. “You’re from America.” 
Y/N was taken aback by that statement. “Um..ya I am. I’m judging from the accent that your Australian?”
“That’s right.” Confirmed Jasmine. Her short dark hair bobbed up and down as she nodded. Again she flashed her toothy grin. 
“What for?” Stammered Y/N. Jasmine raised her brow up. “I mean, why are you here in Bath? Travel? Work? Family?” 
Jasmine leaned closer to Y/N. “Work. I’m a captain of a ship. It leaves in a few days, so I decided to do some,” she cleared her throat,”…touring.”
“Cool!” Y/N exclaimed. “Kind of the same for me. I’m here with my boss and he gave me the day off, so touring.” 
“Touring in a bookshop?” Questioned Jasmine, her brow cocked. 
Y/N sheepishly rubbed her neck and snickered. “Well, what can I say? I love books.”
Jasmine let out a hearty laugh and brought her hand to her chest. “You remind me of my girlfriend. She would be doing the same thing.” Her eyes held a sweet fondness for them when she mentioned her girlfriend.
“Girlfriend?” asked Y/N. 
Jasmine’s tan face flushed a deep pink. “Ya. You know, she lives not far from here.”
Out of pure curiosity, Y/N wondered, “How’d you two meet? I bet you travel a lot which might make it hard.”
Embarrassed, Jasmine ran a hand through her hair and her hefty muscles flexed. “She’s my childhood sweetheart. We grew up in Southern Australia together. At first, we were best friends but then it turned into something more.” A subtle shade of darkness grew in Jasmine’s eyes. “Her parents…they didn’t accept us–accept her. She moved here about two years ago.”
Y/N reached across the table and placed one hand on Jasmine’s clenched fist. “I’m sorry. No one deserves to be unwanted because of who they are and who they love.”
She withdrew her hand and a sense of deja vu washed over her. She knew someone who came from Southern Australia. Y/N knew someone who moved to Bath about two years ago. Y/N’s eyes widened with realization. Ada was Jasmine’s girlfriend. Y/N gasped at her conclusion. 
“She was forced to marry him.” Y/N muttered aloud. 
Jasmine’s dark eyes narrowed and she drew back from Y/N. “What did you say?”
“Jasmine, is your girlfriend’s name Ada?” Y/N interrogated. 
Jasmine stood up from her seat. “I don’t know how you knew that but…”. Jasmine stiffened. “You’re boss. He’s the detective.” She practically growled at the mention of Sherlock. 
Y/N immediately stood up and grabbed her belongings. Jasmine was guarded and eyed the exit. Y/N heard her name being called. Y/N looked towards the counter. 
“Y/N? Your drink is ready.” Called the barista. 
Y/N looked back at Jasmine, but she was no where to be found. Hesitantly, she moved to the counter to retrieve her drink. She muttered a thank you and walked toward the exit. She stepped out of the store and looked around. Jasmine was not in sight. A knot formed in Y/N's stomach and her jaw clenched. Her throat felt dry yet she tossed away her drink. She pulled out her phone and brought up her contacts. Her finger paused above Sherlock’s name but quickly moved to John’s. 
Hey John. 
I’m not feeling very well, so I have to cancel lunch. 
That’s fine. Are you alright?
Ya, just need to lie down for a bit.
Okay. Rest up.
The sick feeling deep in Y/N’s stomach only grew as she briskly marched back to the inn. She quickly ran up the stairs and into her room where she fell upon the bed. Y/N turned around and laid on her back and brought her legs close to her body. She grimaced as the connotations of her discovery filled her mind. 
From Ada and Jasmine’s story, she could piece the picture together. Y/N knew that Ada and Jasmine were in love, but because of her parents, Ada was forced into a marriage with Eustace. 
Y/N turned to her side and held the pillow tight. Her knuckles turned white and she took in a shaky breath. 
Ada had spent two years with a drunk and abusive man as a way for her parents to rid her of her love for Jasmine. When Jasmine’s ship landed in the UK, she went to see Ada. It would be hard for anyone to miss the numerous bruises that marked Ada’s skin. Anyone would be furious at the sight of wanting to harm the person behind their appearance. 
It didn’t help the sick that fell over Y/N to know Jasmine fit Sherlock’s description of the murderer down to a tea. She was a large woman who could quite possibly be six foot three. Then there was the condition of physical strength. It was obvious of Jasmine’s physical prowess from her large and commanding stature. One that could easily be mistaken for the power of a man. 
Y/N’s head began to ache as her mind darted from thought to thought. One thing she knew, Eustace got what was coming to him. Most importantly, Y/N knew that she had to let Jasmine and Ada go despite being the cause of a man’s death. Worry slowly seeped into Y/N’s thoughts.
 How am I going to keep this from John? To make matters worse, what about Sherlock?
A slow and hesitant knock rang through the room. Y/N glanced over her shoulder in the direction of the door. 
“Who’s there?” She enunciated. 
She returned to look at herself in the mirror. Lightly she ran her fingers through her hair. Then bringing her hands down brushed out the wrinkles of her clothing. 
“It’s John. You almost ready for dinner?”
She leaned into the mirror to wipe away the slight sludge of her mascara under her eyes. Straightening up she stood tall and moved toward the door. Opening it wide to reveal John leaning on the doorframe with his hands in his pockets. He slightly stepped back at the abrupt opening of the door. 
“Ya. I’m ready.” Y/N responded. Her eyes cast down at her feet.  
“Are you sure?” John asked worriedly. “If you’re still feeling ill from earlier, I’m sure Sherlock would understand.”
“John,” she said sternly. “I’m fine.” With that, she moved around him and made her way to the stairs. 
John closed the door of her room and followed behind her. His heavy steps were a beat behind Y/N’s. When Y/N emerged from the staircase, she looked around the room half expecting Sherlock to be standing there waiting for her. John came up behind her. 
“Where’s Sherlock?” She wondered. 
“Huh?” asked John. “Oh, he’s outside waiting with Stanley.”
“Really?” She muttered. John sent her a funny look. 
“No, sorry. Don’t tell him I said that.” She begged. “I’d never hear the end of it.”
John narrowed his eyes and then a smirk appeared on his face. He clasped her shoulder laughing, “Just joking, Y/N.”
The memory of their conversation earlier flashed in her mind. “Ha ha,” she sarcastically clapped, “very funny, John.”
He only smiled and repeated the words that had left her very mouth from earlier that morning. “I know. I’m hilarious. I  should be a comedian.” 
She rolled her eyes at him. “Let’s go.”
He nodded and opened the door for her. Then together they stepped out of the inn and into the cold evening air. 
The evening sun was lowering closer and closer to give way to night. The street lamps were illuminating the sidewalks and road. People passed by on the street returning home from work. They smiled and laughed as the cold of the evening pinked their cheeks. That same pinkness began to brighten Y/N’s cheeks as she scanned around for Sherlock. 
As if John had read her mind, he replied, “He’s in the parking lot behind the inn.”  
“Right.” She swung her arms at John, “lead the way.”
John chuckled and made a left turn. He walked towards the parking lot with Y/N at his side. The parking lot was less illuminated by light than Y/N would have liked it to be. 
She jokingly muttered, “I feel like I’m about to get kidnapped.”
Luckily John didn’t comprehend her muddled comment or else she knew she would have received a concerned look from him. 
It was not surprisingly hard for the two of them to stop Stanley and Sherlock. Sherlock’s midnight head of curls towered over the various cars in the parking lot. As they got closer to Sherlock, Stanley’s short thick figure came into view. He clutched his chest as a boisterous laugh echoed through the parking lot. If Y/N looked close enough she could see the faintest sign of a smirk on Sherlock’s face. She smiled softly to herself knowing she was right about the two of them. They were friends despite what Sherlock told her and John. 
Stanley was too deep in his laughing fit to notice John and Y/N approaching but Sherlock caught them out of the corner of his eye. His faint smile grew and his eyes widened comically with his brows raising up along with them. Then his face returned to its typical stern expression. 
“John, Y/N” Sherlock called. “You’re here.”
Stanley collected himself and cleared his throat. “Dr Watson, and Ms L/N! So glad you could come.” He took their hands and gave them a firm shake. When he got to John, Stanley suddenly pulled him into a hug. John’s eyes widened in shock and Stanley pulled back. He turned to Y/N offering her a hug, which she accepted. 
“Hello to you too, Stanley,” She squeaked, the air from her lungs being squeezed out. He laughed and pulled away to straighten his shirt. 
“Right, better go then.” He elbowed Sherlock. “Can’t keep the Mrs waiting.”
Y/N politely chuckled along with him and tucked a hair behind her ear. She noticed Sherlock gazing down at her and she looked towards him. As she stared back into Sherlock’s cerulean eyes, her heart began to thunder underneath her ribs. Sherlock’s gaze narrowed and he cocked a brow. Y/N swiftly broke eye contact and took her seat in the back of the car next to John. 
As the buckle of her seat clicked, Sherlock’s baritone voice spoke up. “John, get up and sit in the front next to Stanley.”
John pressed his lips together. “Sherlock,” he sighed. “Why can’t you take the front?”
“Because, John.” Sherlock stated. 
John raised his brows and his expression narrowed. “Why can’t Y/N sit in the front?”
“John.” Sherlock persisted. John rolled his eyes and rose from his seat in the back. He walked past Sherlock, who held the front door open and sat down with a huff. Stanley sat in the driver’s seat with his hands on the wheel. He awkwardly tapped one of his fingers to a repetitive beat. Sherlock closed John’s door and made his way around the car and into the back seat. He closed the door and did not even bother buckling his seat belt. 
Stanley turned the key and the car’s ignition was brought to life. “Ready to go?” he exclaimed. The only response he got was the stiff nodding of Y/N’s head. He then shifted the car into drive and steered the car out of the parking lot. They turned down the road and were off to Stanley’s home. 
Not one word was spoken between the four of them. Y/N sat as far as she could into the corner of her seat. She crossed her left leg over her right and stared out the window. Her eyes intently watch the lights streak by. Sherlock stood as straight as ever. His body curved in the direction of the guarded woman. His eyes reflected her figure as if it were the steady surface of the lake, unbroken by rain or wind. Her every movement was captured perfectly within them. 
John sat in front of Y/N. One leg crossed over the other as he tapped the melody in his head. He glanced up in the rearview mirror and was horrified by what he saw: Sherlock was eyeing down Y/N who appeared to be on the edge of distress. John groaned as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He heard a rustle behind him and felt something sticking in the back of the seat. Then John started to adjust his position screaming as he tried to avoid the bump Y/N’s knee was causing. This earned a side eye from Sherlock. 
Eventually, John gave up, and blurted “Sherlock! Would you please stop staring at Y/N?! It’s making her uncomfortable.”  
Then John politely asks, “Y/N, can you move your leg? It’s digging into my back.” 
Afterwards, John turns to Stanley, “Can you turn the stereotype on?”
Stanley looks back at John and happily turns on the radio. Y/N re-adjusts her sitting position. Her posture was long and stiff. Her hair fell into her face as her gaze moved downward. She crossed her arms tightly around her body, giving herself a constricting hug. Sherlock’s stare was momentarily broken as scoffed at John. As if it was an automatic homeostasis, focusing on Y/N. Her eyes peered out from behind her hair as she checked to see if Sherlock was still honing in on her. When she caught his eyes, she jerked her head back down. 
The car’s hum and the soft singing of the latest artist on the radio filled the stifling silence of the car. Occasionally, Y/N would hum along if she recognized the song. Other than that, the stage of Stanely’s car remained empty for the occupants remained elusive as ever. 
Finally, after a painstakingly long fifteen-minute car ride, the four of them had arrived at Stanley’s home. The car came to a stop and Y/N promptly exited the car. Stanley sighed in relief as he opened the driver’s door. Before Sherlock jumped after Y/N, John turned around in his seat and gave him a glare only the mothers in the church would be able to mimic. 
Stanley’s house was quite quaint. Although the home was small in size, it made up for it with its colourful interior. It was so full of life with its brightly painted walls and vibrant pictures that hung on them. A cheerful small woman with long bronze-colored hair came out around the corner. She wore a blue and white striped apron over her lilac dress. 
“You must Ms. L/N.” She beamed. Quickly she brushed her hand off on the apron and extended a hand. Y/N took it, smiling back at her. Her eyes widened when she saw John. “You’re Dr. John Waston! I love your blog," she exclaimed. Sherlock cleared his throat. “And you must be Sherlock.” A sweetness filled her smile. Sherlock said a curt hello. 
“I’m Stanley’s wife, Katherine. You all can hang your coats on the hanger.” She pointed to the hanger on their right. They all removed their coats, hanging them up. “Daisy,” Katherine’s voice called, “You’re father’s home.” 
Suddenly, a small girl no more than the age of three came running from behind the corner. She had a bit of flour on her face and wore a dress that matched her mother’s. “Daddy!” She squealed as she jumped into Stanley’s open arms. He gave her a hug and swung her around. 
“How’s my little flower?” He asked. 
“Great! Mum and I are cooking dinner.” She piped. She wrapped her arms around her father’s thick neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile fondly at the scene. 
Katherine clapped her hands together and announced that dinner was waiting for them in the dining room. They all followed her into the room, but before Y/N could follow the rest, Sherlock grasped her arm. He dragged her back and whispered in her ear. 
“What’s wrong?” Sherlock questioned.
Y/N yanked her arm out of Sherlock’s grasp and leaned away from him. “Nothing, Sherlock.”
Sherlock’s eyes narrowed. “You’re lying. I can tell, you do a thing with your eyes when you lie.” 
Y/N scrunched her nose up, her brows tilting down. “ I promise you it’s nothing.”
“It’s very obviously something.” Sherlock noted. 
“Sherlock,” She snarled. “I’m alright. Now let’s go have dinner with your friend.”
Suddenly they turned their head towards the sound of a cough. It was John. 
“We’re waiting for you two.”
Y/N collected herself and left Sherlock standing in the entryway with John. The dining table was a long oval shape. At its heads sat Stanley and Katherine. Next to Stanley was a small high chair where Daisy sat. Y/N  found an open seat and to the left of Katherine and next to Daisy. She asked Daisy if she could sit next to her and the girl nodded. 
John entered the dining hall with Sherlock coming up behind him. John took the seat opposite of Y/N. Sherlock sat down next to him and to the right of Stanley. After they were all seated, Stanley said grace and began to eat. Daisy began to happily relay all the details of her day to the guests at the table. Her father happily nodded along as she told him about the fun adventures she had at daycare. 
“Daddy? Why are they here?” She curiously wondered.
“This is Sherlock,” He motioned to Sherlock “He was a friend of mine at university.” 
Then he pointed at John. “That is John and,” he brought his finger over to Y/N, “that is Y/N. They’re friends of Sherlock.” 
Daisy peered at the three of them with a sparkle of pure wonderment in her large eyes. Then she shrugged her shoulders and then went back to eating her dinner. The table let out a collective chuckle. 
“I sometimes think that you are a wizard, Sherlock.” Stanley praised, “I really do think that you have superpowers or something with those skills of yours. How on earth did you know the stolen goods from Abbey Grange would be in the pond?”
“Stanley,” Katherine said warningly. “You know what I said about talking about your cases.”
“Yes, Katherine,” he replied. “But I really have to know, how on earth could you have known?” Stanley asked Sherlock. 
“I didn’t,” Sherlock stated. 
“But you told me to examine it.” Requisitioned Stanley.
“You’ve got the stolen property?” Question John. 
“Yes, I’ve got it,” repeated Stanley.
“Glad to have helped,” Sherlock quipped as he ate some of the potatoes on his plate.
Stanley sighed and placed his fork down. “But you haven’t helped me. You just made the case more difficult. What sort of burglars steal silver and then throw it in a nearby pond?”
“It was certainly eccentric behaviour,” commented Sherlock. “I thought that maybe the burglars may have perceived it would be a good hiding place.” 
Stanley’s eyes widened in realization. “Ah, a hiding place. That's it.” Cried, Stanley Hopkins. “Yes, I see it clearly now. It was early in the morning, and there must have been people on the roads. The burglars were afraid of being seen with the silver, so they sank it in the pond–planning to return later when the coast was clear. Excellent Sherlock!” A toothy grin was brought to Stanley’s face. 
“Although,” Stanley muttered. “There is an issue. The Randall gang were arrested in New York this morning, so we no longer know who the culprits are.” 
“Really?” Y/N asked, her voice full of concern. “Who do you think it is then?”
“Probably some local gang we never heard of,” Stanley replied.
Y/N’s shoulders relaxed at the mention of it and continued eating her dinner. “This is delicious, Katherine.” She complimented. Katherine’s face flushed at her comment. 
“Do you have a clue for me, Sherlock?” Stanley inquired. 
“A clue?” Repeated Sherlock. Y/N stopped playing with her food, and she held her breath. “Yes, I could give you one, the wine.” 
Y/N abruptly stood up from her seat. “Sorry, if you’ll excuse me. I need to use the restroom.” Stanley nodded and told her directions. “Thanks,” she muttered in response. Quickly taking her leave for the bathroom. 
John looked at Sherlock, as she left and mouthed the words “What did you do?” 
Sherlock rolled his eyes in response. 
Y/N groaned into her hands as she sat down. Her head in her hands. She rubbed her face. “Get yourself together Y/N.” She told herself. Then Y/N rose from her seat on the toilet and leaned on the counter. She looked at herself in the mirror. “You’ve got this.” After a few more moments of pepping herself up, she took in a deep breath and opened the door, revealing Sherlock. With one arm raised, he leaned against the door frame. 
“Jesus Christ, Sherlock!” Y/N cried. 
He took his arm down and entered the bathroom and backed Y/N up against the wall. 
“Sherlock, what are you doing?” Her voice rising in pitch. 
He leaned in close to her. “What is going on with you? You’ve been on edge all night. Did something happen in town today?” 
At the mention of it, Y/N looked wide-eyed up at him. She gasped at the proximity of his face to hers. 
“Something did happen!” He exclaimed. “What?” Y/N looked to the side. “Y/N,” Sherlock said gently. “I need to know if you’re alright.” He tenderly tilted her chin to face him. 
“Yes, I’m alright Sherlock.” She whispered. “Nothing happened.”
He darted between hers. “You’re lying again.”
“It’s nothing.” She blurted, “Just got startled a bit by a stranger.”
“Was John with you?”
“No, John wa..”
“I told him to stay with you.” Sherlock hissed. 
“You told John to babysit me.” Repeated Y/N. 
Sherlock took a step back. “No, I told him to...”
“You did.” She jabbed a finger into his chest. “Sherlock. I’m not as fragile as you think I am. I get that I had a life-threatening experience with your last case, but I can take care of myself. I don’t need John following me around like a bodyguard. Do you understand?”
Sherlock’s jaw clenched and he looked to the side. “Yes.” 
Y/N patted his chest gently. “Great. We’re being rude to Stanley and Katherine, so let’s get back to dinner.”
Taking one more glimpse of Sherlock, she returned back to the dinner table. The majority of the table had finished their food when Sherlock and Y/N appeared from the hallway. John and Stanley were laughing about something and Katherine, snickered to herself. 
John’s eyes lit up. “I would have never thought Sherlock to be a practical prankster.” 
Stanley chuckled, “The pranks he would come up with.”
Sherlock cleared his throat. “Thank you for having us for dinner, Stanley, but I’m afraid we’ve overstayed our welcome.”
“Nonsense,” bellowed Stanley. “Stay as long as you like.”
“Sadly, we have got to return to London early tomorrow morning.” 
Stanley sat up in his seat. “Oh, alright then. I’ll go and get the car started.” His chair scraped on the floor as he stood up. 
John quickly stood up as well and began to thank Katherine for having them over. Y/N chimed in as well, commenting again on the dinner. Daisy mindlessly waved to the three of them as they headed to the entryway to retrieve their coats. 
“Bye Bye!” She sang. 
“Bye Daisy,” smiled Y/N, giving her a curt wave goodbye. 
Sherlock, John, and Y/N left the Hopkin household and got into Stanley’s car. Sherlock sat in the front seat this time. The whole ride back, Sherlock and Stanley muttered amongst themselves. Occasionally, Sherlock would snicker at something Stanley said. Y/N leaned her head against the window and fluttered her eyes closed. 
“Y/N?” asked John. “Are you alright?”
“Mmm?” She mumbled and opened her eyes. “Ya. Just tired. I had a long day.” 
John nodded and then peered out his window. 
The lights of Bath flashed by the car windows in streaks. A sprinkling of rain fell from the cloudy night sky. A light pitter-patter fell on the car windows as Stanley drove Sherlock and his friends back to Juliet’s. 
John had pulled Sherlock to the side when Stanley had bid them goodnight. He couldn’t help but feel like he was more of a parent to Sherlock than a friend. Y/N had enough on her plate as it was, and he wasn’t going to let his friend add to it if he could help it. He said a quick goodnight to Y/N as she trudged up the stairs to her room. She waved in acknowledgement, not bothering to turn around. The heaviness of her steps made the wooden stairs whine and groan. 
“Sherlock,” whispered John harshly. “What was that all about?”
Sherlock leered at John as if he had no idea what this intervention was about. 
“Don’t give me that look, Sherlock. You know exactly what I am talking about.”
“Something happened in town today. You weren’t you with her,” Sherlock condemned. His head tilted downward at John; his mouth narrowed. 
John took a step back and cocked his head at Sherlock. “What does this mean something happened to her?” His eyes widened. “Is that why she told me she wasn’t feeling well this afternoon?” 
“Something is troubling Y/N and it’s disrupting my focus on the case.”
John sighed. “You mean you’re worried about her.”
“No, John.” Sherlock clarified. “She’s my assistant and is supposed to assist me. I can’t work with her mind distressed about something other than the case at hand.” 
John opened his mouth to rebut Sherlock’s comment when a high-pitched scream broke out from upstairs. John’s body tensed and Sherlock’s eyes went wide. They shared a common thought. 
Y/N tried to brush the sleep away from her eyes as she fumbled with her keys. Eventually, she was able to get the knob and open her room. One of the windows of her room was cracked open. The slight breeze lifted up the curtains. “Strange,” she thought. “I don’t remember opening a window.” She took her coat off and it slumped to the floor. Removing her shoes, she made her way to the bathroom. Her tired eyes peered into the dark trying to find the light switch.  
It was as if her hand weighed a ton as she fumbled for the light switch. Then her fingers found the familiar smooth surface of the controls and switched the lights on. 
Suddenly two large hands wrapped around her figure and yanked her back. Her heart lurched and she cried out in fear, but a hand silenced her. 
A low voice whispered a warning in her ear. “Don’t make another sound.” It was Jasmine. She nodded in response and Jasmine peeled her clammy hand off Y/N’s mouth. Thundering footsteps ran up the stairs and approached Y/N’s room. Jasmine’s grasp tightened on Y/N, and she quickly reached over to shut the light off. 
 There was a bang and light from the hallway flooded the room. 
“Y/N?” Sherlock called out, his voice sounding shaky. His blue eyes caught sight of the open window. 
Y/N closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath, but then Jasmine’s hands fall. Y/N’s eyes widen as she steps out of the bathroom, confronting Sherlock and John. 
They take a step back defensively. Then Sherlock asks, “Where’s Y/N?”
“I’m here,” she steps out of the bathroom. “I’m here Sherlock.” 
Sherlock’s shoulders relaxed. 
Jasmine raised her hands above her head and sighed in defeat. “If heard of your reputation Mr. Holmes. There’s no getting away from you. Arrest me. I can’t stand it any longer.”
Y/N gasped, “Jasmine, no!” Jasmine looked wide-eyed at Y/N in shock. “Sherlock, she doesn’t deserve it. Tell Jasmine what you told me.”
There was silence from Sherlock as he looked between Y/N and Jasmine. His mind formulated his response. His cloudy eyes peered over Jasmine’s figure, noting her size and stature. Sherlock’s eyes slightly widened as if a light had gone off, but then it faltered back into his calculated expression. 
“Relax, Captain Crocker.” He stated. 
She lowered her hands. “What do you want?”
“Tell me what happened at Abbey Grange a few nights ago.” She nods, but Sherlock stops her. “I’ll know if you lie, and you won’t be able to stop me before I have the police on the line.”
Jasmine thought for a little while and then struck her leg. “I’ll take my chances. You seem to be a man of your word.” Her dark eyes narrowed in on him. 
“John, turn on the light.” Instructed Sherlock. John nodded and moved to go turn the light on. Y/N moved away from Jasmine’s side and sat down on the bed. Jasmine then took refuge in the chair by the window. Sherlock moved to stand across from Jasmine. He was only a few feet from where Y/N sat. 
Jasmine cleared her throat and began. “So far as I am concerned, I regret nothing. I would do it all again and be proud of it. Eustace can go to hell.  But Ada, she has to stay out of this.” Jasmine looked up at Sherlock and he reluctantly nodded. “I would give my life just to bring a smile to her face. Her smile melts my heart every time I see it. I would do anything for her and nothing less.”
Jasmine leaned forward and rubbed her forehead. “I’ve known her all my life. We grew up together in Southern Australia. I knew from the moment I met her; she would be by my side for the rest of my life. Then I became a sailor and started working for a shipping company. I had to leave her, yet every day of those days at sea I loved her, even more.” A tear danced across Jasmine’s skin darkened by her days in the sun. “You must know that her parents never accepted that Ada was gay. They did everything they could to keep us apart. I thought we had faced it all, but they were determined. One time I had been called away from work. I came back home to find that Ada was engaged. She and her fiance became a passenger on the Rock of Gibraltar. When I confronted her about it during the voyage she broke down in my arms. She told me how it was her parent’s choice, and she was forced to marry him. There was nothing I could do but grieve. When they departed from the ship, I thought I would never see her again.”
Jasmine began to cry. John offered her tissues, and she gladly accepted them. She blew her nose and wiped her tears away before she continued. “Then I got promoted to captain and was stationed here in Bath until my boat would depart. I came across Theresa, who I came to find was Ada’s maid. She told me all about Eustace and the life he forced Ada into. I was furious and demanded to see her. Theresa helped me find her. I was determined to see Ada, so Theresa told me everything she knew about the house. What times the servants went to be. When Eustace would fall asleep. Everything. One night I came to Abbey Grange to find Ada. She was up late at night reading. Ada loves to read.”
Jasmine smiled softly to herself thinking fondly of Ada. Y/N’s heart couldn’t help but feel for her. She had been through so much. 
“That night, I was able to get her attention, and she told me to sneak in through the dining room window. She met me down there and I came in through the window. The first thing I saw was the markings all over her body and my blood began to boil. Then the devil himself sprung into the room calling her all sorts of names and threatening to beat her to a pulp. He used his walking cane to hit her across the face. He would have continued to beat her, so I did what anyone would do. I grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be the poker and I hit him. It was like breaking a rotten pumpkin and I killed him.” She choked. 
Jasmine looked up at Sherlock. “What would you do?” 
Sherlock’s eyes drifted over to Y/N and his gaze softened. 
“Anyways, Theresa heard the commotion and came down. She found us and Eustace dead. Ada was panicking and I opened up a bottle to help calm her. I took a swig of it myself. Theresa came up with a story about the burglars. Theresa then repeated the cover to Ada as I climbed up to cut the wire. I grabbed a few silver pots and anything else I thought would be of value. I made my escape and dropped the silver into the pond. I felt that for once in my life I had finally done something right, and that’s the truth, Mr Holmes. 
Sherlock stood there in silence for some time. Then he crossed the room and stood in front of Jasmine. 
“You have told the truth. No one but a sailor could have got up there to cut the rope. No one but a sailor could have tied those knots. I’m no expert on love, but Ada feels just the same. She and Theresa were adamant about protecting you. 
 Jasmine chuckled. “And here I thought my plan would fool the police.”
“It did.” Sherlock clarified. “They won’t ever see through the lie.”
Jasmine looked up at Sherlock through her brows. Despite her size, Sherlock loomed over her.
“I am willing to admit that you acted in the only manner a man could in such circumstances. I am not sure that by killing in defense of Ada’s life, you will be set free. However, that is for the jury to decide.”
“Jury?” asked Y/N. 
“We will do this according to law.” State Sherlock. He took a step back and look at Jon and Y/N. “You two are the jury. You are well-fitted to represent one. I am the judge.” He cleared his throat and continued. “The evidence has been presented. Do you find Captain Crocker guilty or not guilty?”
“Not guilty,” said John. 
They turned to look at Y/N. “Not guilty,” she agreed. 
“According to the jury, Jasmine Crocker, you are found not guilty. Now take Ada and live the life you two have fought for.” 
Y/N eye’s widened upon hearing the verdict. She met Sherlock’s gaze and a wave of relief passed over her. A smile crept on her face and for once Sherlock returned it. 
___________________________________________________________________________________ “Sherlock!” Called Y/N. She waved a few papers she had printed out. “I went through your emails and printed out the cases that I thought might be worth your while.” 
She presented them to Sherlock, and he snatched them out of her hand. She turned around his seat and plucked up the empty teacup. Sherlock peered over the sheets, his eyes gathering up the information that the brief descriptions of the cases offered. 
Y/N passed John who was typing away at the blog. He was writing about the events of Abbey Grange. 
“Y/N,” he interjected. “What do you think of this? I’m not quite sure that it reads well.”
“Give me a sec, John.” She replied. Making her way to the kitchen she deposited the teacup into the sink and returned back to John. She rested her hand on the back of his chair and leaned over. Her eyes scanned the words in front of her. She mouthed the words out loud to herself. “Yep! It sounds great.”
John sent her a smile and thanked her. Y/N entered the kitchen and began to wash the cup. 
“No…it was the gardener.” Sherlock began to mumble as he flipped through the pages. 
Y/N’s hand moved in circular motions as she scrubbed the teacup. Hot water ran over her hands as it washed away the suds. 
“Any luck, Sherlock?” She asked.
He shook his head and flipped to another page. “It astounds me at how unobservant people are.” He noted. 
John and Y/N shared a few snickers in the comment. The whipping of the paper stopped as Sherlock’s eyes widened. A smirk appeared on Y/N’s face. “Find something?”
Sherlock stood up; his bathrobe swung around his calves. He marched over to her. 
“Y/N,” he began. 
“Already sent you the email,” She finished. She reached down to grab a towel to dry the cup. After placing it in the cupboard she turned around to face him. 
“You know I never said thank you.” She suddenly said, Sherlock peered up at her. His brow cocked. “For lots of things.” She glanced down and smiled to herself. “I know you say you're a sociopath, Sherlock. But you have a heart and a good one at that. John and auntie M were right.”  
Sherlock’s gaze softened at her. 
“Well,” she chimed. “I’m off for the day. You two are on your own for dinner.” She brushed her hands off and moved to the door. She retrieved her coat from the hanger and opened the door. 
“See you later, Y/N,” said John. 
She nodded, and taking one more glance at Sherlock, she left the consulting detective and his blogger to themselves. 
This chapter is a bit longer. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please comment below if you would like to be added to the tag list and would like to be reminded of updates to the story. 
Tag list: @biggerthancalli13 @themartiansdaughter @starlightaurorab​
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sadibadimadi · 18 days
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Uh oh, I’ve been consumed by another podcast with a main character named John
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amypihcs · 6 months
So, i was thinking.
Sherlock Holmes obviously HATES 'passion crimes', as they are sometimes called (eg, cardboard box). One spouse kill the other and the person the other cheated with, or kiss one for baseless jealousy etcetc, and this might also be one of the reasons why he has such a low opinion on romantic (how to find any fault in it!).
But also, Sherlock Holmes, a man who cares so, so, so much and has an incredibly big heart, doing cocaine to cleanse the details of those cases from his mind, when he's young and when he's still not so sure of Watson and his affection towards him and exactly how much he can tell the good doctor. And then they get together and start aging together. Holmes dies and comes back and quits cocaine. And Watson is always there to remind him that life is much better than the awful, ugly case they just solved together. Watson is there to kiss him and hug him tight, shielding Holmes from his own thoughts going always back to what he just solved.
Watson is there instead of his 7% solution, much more stable and reliable than the injection. Holding him tight and keeping him together when all the awful things they saw in the cases come back to Holmes' mind.
Holmes starting to jokingly call Watson his 100% solution, since he has no need to dilute him.
And of course, whenever the thunder has the voice of the cannon or Watson is also having a hard time with memories Holmes is there for him, playing for him, reading for him, holding him close, making him listen to his heartbeat, bringing Watson back to the safety of 221b first and then to that of their cottage.
Don't come for my head <3
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jay-wasreblogging · 6 months
Fanfic authors be like
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no-way-bro · 8 months
i feel like even if i get into other fandoms, nothing will change my brain chemistry as much as johnlock because what the fuck was that
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karlyboyyy · 1 year
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Well there you have it, folks…
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justanobsessedpan · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
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4. 246 notes - Feb 12 2023
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5. 246 notes - Jan 14 2023
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6. 210 notes - Feb 15 2023
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7. 193 notes - Oct 31 2023
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buckingham-ashtray · 17 days
When Alzheimer’s has eventually taken its hold, you can ask John what’s his name and he will not be able to remember even that, but he will smile and tell you “find Sherlock, he knows everything”.
Yes, but being that this is the only thing he can remember, in turn he has forgotten as well that Sherlock has long passed.
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the-silver-stone · 21 days
just watched a scandal in bohemia (granada TV adaptation). Is it just me or were they trying to tease that Holmes had feelings for Adler
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bynapo · 7 months
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mariastrade . . . Oh god . .
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blistering-typhoons · 5 months
Okay, so I watched one or two Rathbone Holmes stories back in high school and decided I didn't like Nigel Bruce, but I've also seen you talking positively about the Rathbone Holmes movies/ episodes. If you're willing, can you say why you like them and/ or which you would recommend starting on? Is it a series to watch in broadcast order, or are they more stand-alone? Which ones are your favorite? I want to give it a second chance.
hiya, thanks for the ask :D adding a cut here cuz this post got realllyyy outta hand- so so sorry xD
I wanna preface by saying that I totally get the frustration of Nigel Bruce Watson- as much as I've come to care for this portrayal, there are still moments of disappointment? I feel? Mostly once you see all the potential in him before it gets unceremoniously dumbed down for the sake of comedy, and it can be trying sometimes, but I've learned to breeze past those moments and! There are definitely movies where he shines brighter than others! In the end, you may warm up to him or you may not, but I fully commend you on taking another chance :D
I did not really start off in broadcast order (my ass still hasn't seen rathbone and bruce's HOUN- bloody disgraceful lmao) and mostly watched in order of vibes, which seems to have worked out alright xD
I started off with Scarlet Claw, and after rewatching it this morning, I feel like it's an alright place to start! It's a good sort of mystery and there was enough element of equal partnership to get me invested in Holmes and Watson. But, I'd say it's still pretty lukewarm, enjoy it as I do, so to compound this long ass post lemme throw a list at you real quick of rathbone movies i strongly recommend-
The Pearl of Death:
Starting off with Pearl of Death not only for the 'Watson gathers the braincells' quality but because it's one of the genuine classics in the series- a brilliantly crafted movie from start to finish, and in my opinion, one of the better shot ones. This one is a good start, it's a bit slow in some places, but it's a good, neutral film that showcases I think some of the more concrete themes and brilliancy of the movies.
House of Fear:
I honestly dunno if I'm biased about this one, but it is genuinely one of my favourite movies of all time. It's the very second one I watched, and it's still in my nighttime viewing collection- I fall asleep watching this movie, which is a compliment I swear. Watson has a more active role, is genuinely trying his best for most of the runtime and falls more in line with 'genuine failure to succeed' more than just 'bungled it up for a gag'. It's a really, really excellent mystery and I adore Holmes and Watson's dynamic throughout- 10/10, freaking banger movie.
Pursuit to Algiers:
Then, of course, the Big Daddy herself- Pursuit to Algiers. This one falls less in line with a mystery (our baddies become pretty clear at one point) and more suspense, but man is that a good thing. The dang thing takes place on a boat for most of it, Holmes and Watson are attached to eachother like pairbonded shelter dogs and have the most balanced, affectionate of interactions, Watson gets to sing! And not to give away any spoilers (yeah shush, i know the movie's old) but a particular plot point happens in this movie and as a result, Nigel Bruce gets to do a genuinely heartbreaking piece of acting- seriously, there is a shot where he goes out onto the deck, completely silent of music and just looks out into the ocean that still has me unwell even after all this time. Goofy moments still happen in the movie, but they feel more organic, and overall there is a wonderfully grounded approach to Watson here- he's still silly, but it's a fun silly, and a silly that Holmes indulges in with him. The depth of affection between these two is ASTOUNDING in this movie, bloody unhinged behaviour. Great movie, do watch it :D
I'd say those three are, at least in my opinion, the best of the best! I do enjoy the others, but I think it best to venture into those once an affection has been developed, they do strain the patience a bit at times I'm afraid. (And it goes without saying, some of the movies have a definite propaganda vibe to them, which is charming sometimes and sometimes just grating, really depends on the day i think- none of the three movies listed above fall under this category though- and the of course, general warning for all the really poorly aged 1940s stuff, but you know that :>)
Except The Spider Woman. In really the bluntest of terms, fuck that movie, all my homies hate The Spider Woman, do NOT watch it (i'm only half joking, oh god its so bad)
Anyways, uh, sorry lmao-
I really must thank you for letting me put this incredibly useless knowledge to use, I'm so goddamn sorry it came out in this absolute massive scrawl- I wish you all the luck in your rathbone holmes adventure, and I hope you have an illuminating time either way it goes for you :D
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playboystark · 6 months
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Happiest of birthdays to the man that means the world to me<3 Through the good and the bad, I’d love him 3,000.
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mediocrefruitlover · 1 year
I've started watching elementary and I love it so much!!! I love Joan and Sherlock and gregson and bell and I love the brownstone and I love how it's a procedural series. I adore all the characters' relationships with each other. It's just so nice!
96 notes · View notes
I thought of Heathcliff playing with the Baker Street Irregulars and it made me feel so soft ... I know he'd say, "They're rascals, the lot of 'em," and even if he's grumbling Sherry can tell he cares about those street urchins ... they're like her children, in some ways, so seeing Heathcliff get along with them warms her heart.
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liliumofthevalleyy · 9 months
Roman Empire
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My Roman Empire
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19 notes · View notes
HOW can people say Sherlock Holmes has no heart?! In The Man With the Twisted Lip he feels so bad to go back to Mrs. St. Claire because he doesn't have any news for her. And when he finally finds Neville St. Claire who is very much ashamed for having posed as a beggar ("You would have done better to have trusted your wife." - "It was not the wife, it was the children. God help me, I would not have them ashamed of their father."), Holmes "sat down beside him on the couch an patted him kindly on the shoulder", and then he gives him advise how to resolve the matter best! That was so ... almost unnecessary kind! St. Claire didn't mean any harm, but he frightened his wife and his business was a bit fraudulent. Holmes is very compassionate here, and he has a lot of fun, because instead of simply telling the police the solution he goes there with a giant sponge to give the "suspect" a wash himself. I bet he was giggeling like mad all the way there and back. XD
Bonus: He called himself "one of the most absolute fools in Europe", "deserv[ing] to be kicked from here to Charing Cross" because it took him so long to solve the case.
You have to love him.
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