#she's my emotional support doll ok...
raubtierfuetterung · 6 months
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​but the thing is. I feel like many strange gendered people are actually just running away from the pressure of silly gender roles, weird stigma and prejudices that have been tied to their biological sex for some reason. Not that I care if people feel emotional connection with their genitalia, in fact: I do not want to know any details about this!
Still, I think there is a reason to talk about the sexes and sexism! Many women are discriminated against because of the body they have been born in(to), because of the wacky social status that comes with their biological sex.
The goal is to make someone’s genitalia irrelevant in almost all circumstances. And not invent yourself a new gender because you oh wonder oh wonder don’t fulfill all nonsensical “gender” clichés.
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givehimthemedicine · 11 months
🛁💧 Moms, bathtubs and fear of water
today I'd like to dig into some support for the Virginia/Henry/bathtub theory, most notably a Will/Henry parallel I've not seen discussed before, and some thoughts on the rabies thing.
for those just tuning in, we have hints that something awful happened involving Virginia, Henry, and a bathtub of hot water. (that idea is aemiron-main's, you can read the original here)
where there's a tub, there's a mom
let me start by seeing how many ST bathtubs can be tied to mothers. (much of this will have been pointed out before, but I have a couple observations I think are new)
starting at the top: Virginia's vision (turning on the hot water tap and spiders fill the tub instead of water):
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Karen soaking in a hot bath listening to "Memories" before milfing it up with Billy, a minor, a boy her daughter's age. check
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Will and Joyce "he likes it cold" you better believe that's a paddlin
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we saw the Byers' tub before. when El saw it in the mirror (lol) and went to tell Joyce (Will's Mother) about her water tank idea. ok she was addressing the group but Joyce is the one who actually engages. I'm counting it. ps when they do set up the bath for El, Lucas uses a thermometer to make sure the water is the right temperature
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this is a tiny one, but Nancy goes to sit on the tub and cry after excusing herself from Barb's mom at the KFC dinner.
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that scene where El and Max find Billy's tub with ice bags?
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darn, nothing immediately motherly in this scene. but what if we check the last dialogue in the prior scene? or the first dialogue in the following scene?
both hits! mom/age-inappropriate-sexual-knowledge + mother/son combo.💀
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next up, FOR WHAT REASON was I made to see Murray get naked and get into a tub full of ice while on the phone with Joyce in 4x01?
let's also toss in a shot of Joyce being weird in her front yard, prompting a neighbor child to dispense a line of dialogue involving mothers.
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but seriously. after all the flayed/ice tub imagery throughout s3, why kick off s4 with Murray in an ice bath? no, I'm really asking.
we've got a dash of sexual inappropriateness, or so Joyce thinks - Murray happens to plop into the ice at the exact moment that she observes the Russian doll has nipples, which makes her think his reaction is about that:
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the only tub scene I'm struggling to tie super directly to mothers is Heather. you could say it's that Joyce appears in the next scene, but that's weak. or that Flayed Heather later drugs/kidnaps her mom. eh.
as em pointed out, the tub Heather's in here is extremely similar to Virginia Creel's. is that sufficient?
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so anyway, some of those are def stronger than others, but they all provide some combination of: mothers, bathtubs (esp with attention drawn to water temperature), and fear/ sorrow / discomfort / sexual inappropriateness.
am I forgetting any other bathtubs?
now let's talk more about fear
what started me on this post was how possessed-Will's reaction to the bathtub is so explicitly labeled as fear - NOT by Will, but by Mr. Clarke's voiceover:
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yet what sparked One's strength was a memory that made him "sad, but also angry" - which, if the implied tub incident indeed happened, would totally fit the bill.
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sad and angry. not afraid. I guess it makes sense that fear isn't one of the emotions he would draw power from later upon recalling this event, but he undoubtedly would've been afraid in the moment. he didn't say that though.
not in that scene.
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now, idk if he's referring to The Incident here, or his early lab life or what, but. oh I'm at my image limit. ok well his lines leading up to this are (close up of dead kids) "why do you cry for them, Eleven? after everything they did to you? you think you need them, but you don't. you don't."
why exactly would El "need" the other lab kids? according to NINA, they treated her poorly. tbh kinda sounds more like a projected reaction to the death of an abusive mother.
anyway. apart from that "I was scared once" reference to some past turning point, man will not say he is or was scared. he'll imply and project but he won't say it:
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you know who else won't say they're scared? Will.
Will has never said once on the entire show that he's afraid. ever. throughout all the utterly HORRIFYING situations he's been in. he undoubtedly has been scared, and other characters say that about him many times, but Will has never said, in his own words, as far as I can find, that he's afraid.
he dances around it and veils it and teeters on the edge of it, but he will not actually say I Am Afraid.
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"how did you feel?" "it felt like when you're scared" boy what.
but Will has not always been fearless!
wanna know what the very first mention of fear on the whole show is? Will assuring Joyce he won't have nightmares from seeing Poltergeist because:
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is it not giving "I was scared once too" ?
now here comes my favorite part:
Joyce replies with the "my witch" thing, and she doesn't actually finish the sentence, but I think that last word can be guessed pretty accurately:
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cook him up in your what?
your cauldron? cauldron, kôl′drən, noun: 1. A large vessel used for boiling?
so like... have I got this straight? our earliest flashback of Will involves his mother playing an evil character who's gonna put him in a large vessel of hot liquid?
I ask you again: is it not giving "I was scared once too"?
I'm tacking my red conspiracy yarn in at "Henry was five years old."
now, just wondering, what was the turning point that made Will stop having nightmares from movies and "getting scared like that"? Bob_one_day_the_nightmares_suddenly_stopped.wav
now let's talk about rabies
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Robin proceeds to list some rabies symptoms and what's funny about that (besides the fact they're standing in a mysteriously dry lakebed) is she left out possibly the best-known symptom: fear of water.
in fact, rabies used to be called hydrophobia ("fear of water").
hydrophobia in rabies stems from paralysis of throat muscles making it difficult or impossible to swallow, and so sufferers will panic at the prospect of drinking or even the mere sight of water. excessive salivation + inability to swallow it leads to the other pop culture rabies symptom, the appearance of "foaming at the mouth".
pretend here I put in screenshots of El and Barb spitting up water when they wake up in the UD and that unnecessary shot of Billy drooling when El is levitating him
Robin's isn't the only reference to rabies on ST. it's come up in two other seasons:
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so every time rabies comes up, it's in reference to demodogs, demobats, and flayed rats. all critters that are part of the hive.
ostensibly controlled by one guy, who is afraid of water.
misc honorable mentions:
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what do you wanna bet Dart not only doesn't need water, but would hate water like he hates heat?
Dart grew up to be a demodog, and demodogs dug those tunnels - the ones Bob figured out were a map of Hawkins because the "roads" outlined recognizable bodies of water instead of crossing over them.
when Bob said that, he didn't know the "roads" were underground, and therefore it wouldn't be crossing over water but rather crossing through water. if your tunnel breached a lake or river, it would flood. the demodogs were avoiding water.
also: no one in the water, you say?
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speaking of Hawkins Pool, there's also the thing I've mentioned before, how it seems incredibly relevant that One chose Billy as his s3 host - a lifeguard whose one possession-busting happy memory involved his mother warning him not to drown.
also: Hopper saying that jumping into the quarry would result in the water "breaking every damn bone in your body"
and Jason asks Patrick, right before Vecna breaks every damn bone in his body in Lovers Lake:
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I'm going to think of more as soon as I hit post but that's all I have for you today.
I want real answers on the Murray ice thing btw
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
the sex doll gatekeeping is less like dog breeds and more like irl figure collectors and stuff imo . like "ok ur yae has the original garments without the modesty changes? have you gotten her anniversary set? what about an ei for enrichment? have you even thought about getting the reccomended environmental changes or are you keeping her, a maiden of the shrine, in a shitty apartment where there's nowhere for her to worship? hm? oh okay you think you're good enough for her to worship, well guess what buddy teyvat said she's a sadistic dom so you've fucked her up SO BAD you got her to worship you. congrats." i think theyd be so silly actually.
fucking hell my dude, we could just compare it to how people talk about character builds in the actual game. "wdym you don't have a full whip set for you eula? don't you know she's supposed to be a hard dom with sadistic tendencies? how do you expect her to do that if you don't cough up $500 dollars for her color-matched, teyvat-issued riding crop? wdym you don't use her as a hard dom??? you're probably not even running her regular ice-baths for enrichment :\. at least you have a maintenance amber for upkeep and emotional support, right? wdym you have a lisa--"
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Family Matters
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Type of fic : angsty
Type of reader : female child turtle reader
Version : TMNT bayverse
Prompt : “This is not how family is supposed to feel like.”
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"¡¡Why can't you just follow my orders for once!!" You heard Leo scream from the living room of the lair.
"¡¡Well maybe if your orders didn't were the stupidest things I ever heard !!" Raph responded with an angry tone that made your body start trembling a bit.
The last nights have been like this,your brothers would come back from patrolling and immediately a fight between Leo and raph will break lose.
Splinter always tried his best to make the boys calm down but they'll always start fighting again once master splinter leaves the room. They had been pretty heat up lately, you didn't know why but you just hoped it would stop soon or later. Donnie and Mikey tried their best at stoping them but it will never work so they give up and learned how to deal with it everyday.
But you couldn't,you didn't want your big brothers to fight almost everyday, it was making you sick to your stomach and you didn't know what to do.
Another night..., Another fight..., It was like this during the whole month of October, November and December, you couldn't help it anymore, you cried everytime your brothers fight until you fell asleep from exhaustion. This was supposed to be a family not a boxing ring, you tried your best to tried and get them together and have a healthy brother relationship again but it never worked...
You tried to ask April for advice but she was way too busy with her work to even visit the lair, Casey was in the same situation and Vern wasn't too much help, so you were alone. You'll cover your ears with earbuds or with pillows but your brothers screams were much louder,
Mikey told to you to try and ignore it, that maybe everything will pass during Christmas and that everything will be ok, Donnie said the same,so you just hoped that they were right.
You are the youngest one of the five and even you at your age ( 9 years old) knew about how families are supposed to be together during every happy,sad or stressing moment, but your family wasn't so united right now.
You were in your room playing with your monster high dolls, minding your own business, when suddenly you heard the characteristic sound of screaming coming from the entrance.
"¡¡Why can't you heard what we have to said during mission!!" Raph yelled, you could hear him throwing stuff around the lair, he was clearly furious.
"Because missions are supposed to be about concentration,speed and justice, not some kind of emotional support meeting" Leo responded yelling as well.
You sighted, another fight as always, why, why couldn't they just stop with this already, you're tired you want your two loving brothers back,not this pair of hotheads.
You stayed in your room playing with your toys, ignoring all the commotion coming from outside, your heart shattered with every sound of the fight from outside, your family, it felt like it was shattering...that was your worst fear.
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Dinner time came, and as always, the ambient was tense, you came out of your room holding your favorite plushie in one of your arms, the tense in the room was so heavy you could swear that it was gonna swallow you whole.
You helped Donnie set the table, once it was all done everyone came to the table, it was quite, the only sound that could be heard was coming from the plates and utensils in the table.
"so...¿do you two boys want to talk about something in particular?" Your father spoke looking directly at your two brothers sitting in front of you. No one said a thing, everything stayed silent.
"if you boys aren't going to repair things up I won't have other choice than remove you two from patrolling" splinter sighted gerting back to eat.
"¡¿WHAT?!" your brothers yelled at the same time, getting up from the table suddenly.
"¡master splinter you can't do this!" Raph exclaimed, he was clearly furious, this made you feel uncomfortable with the situation.
And as fast as a snake, a fight broke between your brothers and father.
" y/n...go eat dinner at your room..ok? " Donnie said taking his plate and running to his room as Mikey did the same.
You took your plate and run to your room closing the door behind you, you could still be hearing the commotion outside. You finished dinner while reading one of your favorite books, you went back to the kitchen again after a while, everything was quite but you could hear master splinter's angry screams coming from the dojo,you left you plate in the sink and went back running to your room, you couldn't deal with more screaming an yelling anymore, you tuck yourself to bed and hugged your plushie. Normally Leo would tuck you to bed and read you a story but unfortunately he stopped doing this right after the first fight in the lair started.
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You woke up the next day, went outside of your room, everything was quite, did nobody woke already?, How you didn't know how to read time on the clock.
You went to the kitchen and found raph sitting there, anger in his face.
"Good morning raphie!" He didn't great you back, he just mumbled something under his breath. You sat Infront of him, waiting for him to do something. You couldn't reach the cabinets since you were still little so normally one of your brothers or father would serve you your cereal for breakfast.
But raph didn't move an inch, nor looked at you it was almost like his own soul leave his body leaving it just there sitting.
You waited for a long time, maybe you actually woke too early, you rested your head on your arms on the table and fell asleep.
Until a little shaking woke you up
"y/n ? What are you doing here sleeping?" It was Mikey.
You looked around noticing raph wasn't there anymore, did he just leave you there?.
"i was with raphie..." You looked at him and then back again to the place where Raphael was earlier.
"I don't see him anywhere" "he was here" you pointed to the place where he was.
Mikey and you eat breakfast together, Donnie joined later along with master splinter but raph and Leo where nowhere to be seen. After breakfast you went to the bathroom, you took a little froggy themed chair you had and put it in front of the sink, you got up and took your toothbrush and started brushing your teeth. Once you where done, you got back to your room.
"how much time will this last...?" You said under your breath, remembering what happens at breakfast, you were tired you wanted your family back.
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Today was the day! The day that you and Mikey loved the most, Christmas!.
The lair was decore with Christmas lights and guirnaldas, you looked at the beautiful tree your brothers had make with you, you make beautiful Christmas decorations with paper and glitter along with Mikey.
You two were finishing decorating the entrance of the lair, you handled him a deer made out of paper that you make.
"¡look! ¡look! ¡Look Mikey! ¿Do you like it?"
"yes dudette it's amazing" he laughed while petting your head. He was so happy seeing you enjoying your favorite day of the year, specially with everything that had happened.
After finishing he picked you up and put you in his shoulders, you both laughed together and went to the living room to play some video games, Donnie was there checking some of the Christmas lights.
You both sat Infront of the tv, Mikey was just about to start the console when master splinter called him.
"Michaelangelo, Donatello! ¿Can you come here for second?"
"!Yes father/ pops!"
"aww but the videogames..."
"sorry dudette, I'll be right back" he pat your head and leave the room.
You took the remote and started going through some chanels until you found barbie and the nutcracker movie and decided to watch it. You were enjoying yourself until...
"¡there you go again with your bullshit!"
The thunderstorm started
"¡quit complaining about what's true!, You're just a big rock head!"
Again...why...why now?, On the most special night of the year why now?.
"¡I'm so done with you all you do is complain, complain, complain and complain about every fucking shit I do!" Raph was screaming so damn loud...you were already covering your ears.
"¡Oh well, I'm so sorry mister I think with my muscles, it isn't my fault you can do shit the correct way!"
"¡fuck you!"
In just a minute they started throwing fist at each other, things started flying around the house and your brothers came in running in a second along with your father.
They tried to get them to stop but the situation was pretty heated up.
"¡come here and fight like a man!"
That's it...
"¡¡JUST STOP ALREADY!!" You screamed from the top of your lungs, angry, done and completely furious with all this shit.
Everyone froze with your scream and looked at you, they never expected you to snap like that.
"¡I'm so done with you both screaming and fighting with each other all the time, I'm so done, I'm so done, I'm so done,¡This is not how family is supposed to feel like!, Why can't you both just stop!, You're just making me hate this place even more then when you started fighting!" You voice broke with each second that passed, the fat tears coming from your eyes make your vision blurry as you try to wipe them away from your face.
"¡If this continues for longer then I rather leave this place because this doesn't feel like home anymore! Not without my brothers being united..." You couldn't help but keep crying and yelling, you reached your breaking point.
You ran into your room and closed the door shut.
Everyone remained still until splinter spoke.
"look what you both had done..." He glared at raph and Leo and went after your. Mikey and Donnie followed.
Raph and Leo stayed there, just watching, processing all the things you said, did they really make you feel that way? They didn't mean to..they never meant to make you, their little sister, feel like her home wasn't her home anymore.
"i..think..we really mess up..."
"yeah..yeah...we did..."
They both just realized all the pain they had make you go through after all this time...
Now it was time to repair it...at least they hope they could...
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Merry Christmas I'm back sugar cubes ;3
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Bright Like The Moon: Chapter 10
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Chapter 10: Something Tells Me You Know What I Mean
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Fandom: Night Hunter
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC 
Word count: 5.5K
Summary: Kamaria Mansfield is hired at the Minnesota Police Department as an intern. Detective Walter Marshall is overworked and unsatisfied. Takes place post-film.
Chapter Summary: Walter and Kamaria have had a rocky road back uphill, will they get to even ground or will it crumble beneath their feet?
Chapter warnings: mentions of past trauma (abduction/SA from last chapter), police interrogation, yelling, Daddy kink, dacryphilia, oral (m receiving), unprotected p-in-v sex, fingering (anal - f receiving), creampie, double creampie
A/N: I’m not a detective or a lawyer, I don’t know the law, I just write fanfiction. So, don’t use my work as research material. Also, there is a special guest. Oh, wait there are two special guests! Un-beta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me, model for Cover Art credits
Cross-posted on AO3
Spotify Playlist
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Kamaria’s POV
One Month Later
“I have to say you are making leaps and bounds these days, Kamaria. I’m proud of you,” Yada sits in her armchair, smiling at me and I can’t help but return it, “Are you proud of yourself?”
“I…am, yeah,” I rub my hands together while trying to get my words to flow, “I’ve been through a lot in the last month or so. My abduction and assault were a blow to my spirit. But, I’ve done the work to help with the anxiety.”
“You have definitely done some work with your anxiety. Just looking at you, your shoulders aren’t slumped and you look relaxed. How about sleeping and eating? I was worried for a while about nightmares keeping you up. It also crossed my mind that this incident might trigger a relapse in your eating disorder.” Yada’s face is one of support, but I can see her genuine concern for me.
“The nightmares have gotten better. When I’m woken up, I do my breathing exercises and I’m usually able to get right back to sleep. I eat three meals a day now. It’s nice to feel hungry again and not just be forcing myself to eat. I’ve identified my triggers in movies and tv so I can judge what’s ok for me to watch. I start back to work next week, which is awesome. Still having trouble with crowds though. I mean, I have Walter there so I feel like I have an anchor but I haven’t been alone in a crowd.” As I mention Walter, that little thought in the back of my mind crawls its way to the front of my consciousness.
Maybe she won’t ask me about it this time?
“So, speaking of Walter, how’s your intimacy?”
Damn it!
“We make out like teenagers behind bleachers. He’s still my cuddly grumpy bear,” I slowly shake my head as I look down, preparing myself to unleash my emotions, “I love Walter. I do. He started going to a therapist to deal with how this all affected him. I’m so proud of him for that, that man is not vocal. I mean, yeah, with me he won’t shut up. But with strangers, he keeps everything so close to the chest.”
“Have you not noticed any changes in his demeanor?”
“He’s become able to talk with me about what happened. I mean, before? He would walk on eggshells around me like I was this fragile porcelain doll. After some yelling from me, he agreed that he wasn’t dealing with what happened and he started therapy. But, I don’t know how to like, ask him for more.” 
“I don’t know how to convince Walter that I’m ready to have sex. He seems like he wants to. But he always stops right before we would usually…‘go all the way’.” Getting frustrated, I end it there.
“You haven’t had sex of any kind?” Thanks for being blunt, Yada.
“Well, we have. Technically. He has gone down on me a few times. But when I ask to return the favor, he usually just says he’s fine or that I don’t have to. And, I’m just salivating these days because I can see that he’s aroused and he won’t let me touch him. I don’t want to force him to tell me what’s stopping him. But I’m worried that it’s something I’m doing that is holding him back. I’m five seconds away from just jumping on him while naked but I don’t want to scare him. And that’s not me putting down my body, I’m just saying coming at him like that might be a little…much.”
“This may seem intense but, have you considered asking him what troubles him?” When I open and close my mouth like a fish gasping for air, she continues, “Great. That’s your homework, then.” Yada takes out her notebook and writes something down before getting up to go around to her desktop computer.
My eyes are following her, my brow creasing, “So just…ask him about it?”
“Yup. Ask him what’s holding him back from allowing himself to be touched. Tell him you want to touch him. Tell him the truth, that you miss that part of your relationship. And ask him what you can do to help. Be comforting, be there for him like he’s been there for you, and be your genuine self.”
“Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Just inform him that I miss his dick and ask him what I can do to make touching it again a reality. Perfect, I got this.” I slap a fake smile on my face and give a thumbs-up to Yada.
“Fake smile or not, you can handle this. Remember to breathe and take your time. Any answer he may give you could be triggering, so pace yourself and remember your coping skills.”
I nod, not really feeling like talking anymore.
We finish up the session and say our goodbyes. As I leave her office, I steel my features and make it to the hallway where Walter sits and reads from his phone. 
Oh, did I not mention that he won’t let me go anywhere by myself? Yeah. He’s become my shadow.
“Hey baby, you ready?” I say, grabbing his hand as he reaches it out to me. I must have let a bit of emotion slip through because I can see the gears working behind his smile.
As we walk to the exit, Walter speaks, “You have homework concerning me, don’t you?” 
I stop walking and gulp nervously, shifting from foot to foot. 
“So, that’s a yes. Don’t worry, I can’t hear what happens in Yada’s office. You just have a tell when you have to talk to me about something, that’s all.”
My dumb ass actually waits for him to tell me what my giveaway is, we end up in the parking lot before I realize he’s not saying anything. “Gonna keep that to yourself, then?”
“Of course!” He chuckles, pulling me to him so he can plant a kiss on my temple.
“Fine, don’t tell me,” I pout, getting into the truck, “But, there better be ice cream in the near future.”
He smiles at me, tilting his head and saying nothing but closing the door. Putting on my seatbelt, I grumble to myself as he is getting into the truck. That little shit! 
“I’m sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.” I freeze and look up to see a stern Daddy's face.
“I’m sorry!” I scramble to recover, not wanting to say what I said under my breath.
“Hm. Sounded something like ‘See if I will get any ice cream after that outburst’? But, that can’t be right.” He adopts a confused expression, then looks at me with a hint of fire in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Now, let’s go home for lunch and see if you can’t earn yourself a treat.” He reaches over and pats my thigh before giving it a squeeze in one large paw.
The noise I make is somewhere between a whimper and a moan. And judging by the look on Walter’s face as he starts the car, he enjoyed the sound. He spends the entire ride with his hand on my thigh, and it’s glorious feeling the heat emanating from his hand.
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Walter’s POV
After a simple yet hearty lunch, we settle down on the couch. She hasn’t brought up her homework yet, which means it’s going to be a tough conversation. It’s not as if I’m looking forward to having this interaction, but the sooner it is over the sooner we can move forward. 
If I were a betting man, I would put money on it that she wants to talk about our sex life. Or rather, my inability to give myself to her as of late. She won’t like the reason why and I’ll have to take what she dishes out on that front.
I did something she asked me not to do and now I have to tell her.
I spoke to her attacker. Technically.
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Walter’s POV
Three Weeks Ago
It’s been about a week since…the incident. Kam is taking this all in stride, from therapy appointments to meetings with the legal team. With the evidence collected, it’s pretty much an open-and-shut case to get both of these men in prison. 
Justin is being charged with drug possession and being an accomplice in the kidnapping. But her captor is being charged with criminal sexual conduct in the second degree, rape in the second degree, and kidnapping in the second degree.
I am off of the case, per the department and Kamaria herself. I’m too close to it. I know that. I understand that I have a stake in this. The love of my life was hurt by these men, and all I want is to see them come to justice.
Seeing her in that hospital bed broke me. Talking to that little shit who somehow thinks he and Kam are in love? While he might have lost the plot, he’s a delusional kid at best and a misguided psychopath at worst. He’s in custody and he’s cooperating with us which is all I care about right now. 
Well, not all I care about. The other one is on my mind nonstop. The mastermind who somehow got help from a kid to commit atrocious crimes. The tosser who I’m told is complex, charismatic, and calculating. I was specifically told by Kam to not get involved. I was officially told by Harper to stay out of it.
And I didn’t engage. Technically. 
It’s a particularly taxing day and I barely slept a wink the night before. Nightmares were keeping Kam awake and I stay up with her so she isn’t alone. The lack of sleep could have accounted for what happened, but let’s be honest I would have done the same damn thing on a full night’s sleep.
I was walking to the men’s room when there was a commotion down the hall. It sounded like it was coming from interrogation and I felt like being nosy. 
I wish I never walked down that hall.
I see Commissioner Harper exiting Interrogation Room 2 but he doesn’t see or hear me approaching. A uniformed officer stands at the door, his eyes flitting between Harper and myself. He clears his throat in a vain attempt to subtly announce my presence. 
Harper turns and notices me, coming to turn me back in the other direction. I make it to the window before he’s able to stop me from looking in. I recognize Rachel sitting with her back to the window, but the person she’s talking to looks unfamiliar. He looks like an arsehole, that mustache belongs in a bad 70s porno.
“Who’s the–” I begin, but Harper stops me.
“Detective, turn around right now. You don’t want to be here.” He points a finger in the other direction and I’m confused for a moment before clarity washes over me.
“Why don’t–,” It feels like slow motion as I look back to the window and it clicks into place, “Is that him?”
The way he looks down, pinching the bridge of his nose, means my suspicion is confirmed. 
Turning back to the window, I clench my jaw and stare ahead at the son-of-a-bitch. I can feel my hands start to tremble, and the adrenaline of rage courses through my veins. Only one thing can help release all of this pent-up energy. As if he could read my mind, I hear Harper speak up.
“Marshall, don’t even think about it.” He doesn’t sound very convincing, does he?
“I promise I won’t touch him, I won’t even say a word,” I plead with him to let me in, “I just need to look into his eyes.” My voice starts to crack at the end and I feel like I could scream.
“Don’t make me regret this,” He signals to the officer to step aside, “And I mean it, not a fucking word.” I nod and we walk in catching the end of a conversation.
“...and then that goddamn kid goes and falls for the girl. I wake up and they’re both gone! Police jammin’ me up over a fuckin’ skirt? Such bullshit! This wasn’t even on me. There’s no point for me to lie, I know you have Justin here somewhere. He’s told you plenty I’m sure.” As if he was so enthralled in his own story, he turns to look at us finally as Harper takes a seat next to Rachel and I remain standing and crossing my arms. His face peels into a shit-eating grin when he settles on me.
Rachel looks up at me and then to Harper who holds up a hand. I see her tense before moving on. “When you say “this wasn’t on you”, what does that mean?”
“I get an envelope delivered to my door with a picture of this girl and a fat stack of cash. I could’ve just run off with the money, but I was promised more when the job was done.” 
“What exactly was ‘the job’?”
I debated leaving at the point and well, hindsight is 20/20.
“Well, the job was to find Kamaria Mansfield. Find out if she was happy, and end that happiness. Seems like she’s a lot tougher than we thought, eh Walter?” He looks back up at me and winks, “Where are my manners? Lloyd Hansen, pleased to finally meet you face-to-face.” 
“How do you know–” Rachel starts, but Hansen interrupts.
“Like I said, sweetheart. The job was to find the girl, and anywhere that Mary went, her lamb was sure to go. And by lamb, I mean this big lug over here. They spend almost every waking hour together, it would be cute if I didn’t have a job to do. So, she’s definitely happy. But! She’s dating a fucking detective and working in a fucking police station, so my options are limited. I follow her for weeks until he drives her to meet with her friends at some stupid little club. Luckily, I knew I could overpower her, but it was best to make sure she wouldn’t fight me. And that’s where Justin comes in.” He stops to catch his breath, then starts again.
“Now, Justin…lives with me. Met him online, only knows me as Sir. That boy is a pretty little thing and he has his uses. Drugs and easy sex are about it, actually. I call him up and tell him to get an Uber to the club ‘cause we’re going to find me a girl. He had no clue about my job and he didn’t need to know. Sort of an unspoken ignorance is bliss type deal. Anyway, he gets to the club and I’ve been watching her all night. I wait until she’s dancing by herself. The other two chicks are at the bar being seduced by two lunkheads that look like they could benchpress a fucking cow. I make my way over to the girl and start grinding behind her. I figure she’s out on the town without the boyfriend, and dancing isn’t cheating so why not cut a rug? But she’s not into it and starts to try and get away, that little scamp. So I make sure I hold onto her tight while Justin gets in place to keep her distracted. He’s able to slip her the Molly. And it goes through her pretty quickly, probably due to the booze in her system. Pretty soon, she is all over Justin and he’s excited as hell until she starts to freak out, asking for Walter before she passes out. We get her to the van in the alley and we take her to where we stay.”
“And that’s the house near Twin Lakes Beach, off Route 69?” Rachel, ever the professional, tries to keep him talking.
“That’ll be the one. Had her for about a day and a half before I noticed her and Justin getting a little too chummy. I thought about killing her, but why murder when you can emotionally and physically scar someone? I made sure she’d never forget me, I made sure that what I did left a mark. She could never see it all as a bad dream, because she’ll have evidence that it all happened. From the pain in her pussy to the cuts from my butterfly knife on her hands and face, I’ll always be with her. And every time you look at her, Walter, you’ll be thinking of me, won’t you?” He was so pleased with himself. Perhaps he wanted to have this interaction with me all along, to rub it all in my face.
All I could see was red, my hands start to hurt from shaking so badly, and I knew I could pick him up and throw him just from the outrage in my veins. I keep my arms crossed because I knew if I lowered them, they would be reaching out for this arsehole. I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself at that moment. I don’t know how I managed to hold myself together at all.
Before I say or do something I regret, Harper stands and walks out of the room and drags me along with him. For a few moments, I’m stunned speechless. But that’s over soon enough.
“He knew her name, he knew she worked here, he knew me, and he knew we were dating. This means it wasn’t random. Which means someone wanted to purposefully hurt her. But who would want to hurt her?” As the question is coming out of my mouth, I think of one name.
The ex-boyfriend from college. The one who abused her, the one she hit over the head with a sculpture. But does he have the means, the motive, or the opportunity to hire someone to rough up his ex? And would bringing him into this put Kam at risk of being brought up on charges of assault? With so many variables, I do the only thing I could think to do.
I keep my fucking mouth shut. I tell Harper this is too much for me and I make a hasty exit.
Once I am back in my office, I call to check in on Kam and just hearing her voice keeps me calm. I manage to keep my voice steady and if she hears my voice falter, she doesn’t mention it. And I thank my lucky stars.
As we end the call, I think back to Lloyd’s words: “Every time you look at her, Walter, you’ll be thinking of me”.
The stuff of nightmares…
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Kamaria’s POV
The Present
“Walter?” I wave my hand in front of his face, getting his attention, “You were certainly deep in thought.”
“Sorry, love. Just wondering what your homework is, is all.” He takes a deep breath and nudges me to speak.
“Well, it’s…I just,” I take a beat, chewing on my lip, “Walter, I…fuck, this is suddenly really difficult to talk about.”
He puts a hand over my fidgeting fingers and instantly soothes me.
“Um, ok. I’ll just come out with it then. I miss being intimate with you. I miss touching you. And I want you to know that I love when you eat me out. Trust me, I absolutely go nuts for it. But, you don’t let me return the favor. And we haven’t had sex in about a month. I just, want to know what I can do to make you feel comfortable. I’m just hoping it isn’t something I’m doing to keep you away–”
“No, no, no. Kam, it’s not you. I’m so sorry that I even made you feel like it was something you did,” He turns and faces me while sitting on the couch, “I have to tell you something and you’re not going to like it. But it will explain why I’ve been the way I have been.”
I push down the immense fear that he’s leaving me, my abandonment issues rearing their ugly head yet again. I nod for him to continue to avoid the threat of my voice cracking when I speak.
“I know you told me not to get involved in your case. But something happened a few weeks ago and you deserve to know about it.” The grave look on his face has me worried.
“What happened?”
He proceeds to launch into a retelling of what my attacker said to him. From being given “the job” to following us and watching me in the club. It hurt to hear that Walter was given all this information. Just to hurt him. But, as mad as I am at Lloyd for what he did to me, I feel just as furious at Walter for keeping all of this a secret for almost a month. 
“So, let me get this straight. You’ve been hurting in silence and didn’t think, not even once, to share this with me? Just leaving me thinking it’s my fault that you don’t want to have sex with me? But it’s the words of a sociopath that you chose to cling to. What happened to ‘we’re in this together’?” 
“We are in this together. I just thought I could handle it.”
“Handle it?!” I untangle myself from him and get up from the couch to start pacing, my anger bubbling inside me, “How do you expect to handle something like that without actually fucking handling it with me or your therapist? Fucking anyone!”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, releasing a heavy breath through his nostrils. “How could I have told you then? It had been less than a week since you got out of the hospital. If I brought this up, it would have seriously affected your progress and I couldn’t do that to you.”
“Oh, thank you for waiting to tell me until I had to practically reach inside you and pull out this information. You’re letting him get to you, don’t give him that power. I’m telling you that from a victim’s perspective. Yes, he hurt us, but if we dwell on that, we’re letting him win.”
“Just knowing what he looks like, having him tell me to my face what he did to you. It took everything out of me not to thrash him. I wanted to kill him. That anger…it’s never left me. I just push it down. I just…” An inhuman grunt escapes him and it goes straight to my core.
“Stop pushing it down.”
He wipes a hand down his face and looks up at me. “What do you mean?”
“Something tells me you know exactly what I mean…Daddy.”
“I’m too wound up for that, I don’t want to hurt you, baby.”
“I’m not afraid that you’ll hurt me,” I kneel in front of where he sits on the couch, “I’m afraid that you won’t.”
A shuddering breath leaves Walter before he leans forward and grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back to expose my neck. “Does Princess need a little pain from Daddy?”
“Yes, Daddy,” I let the emotion inside me escape as tears down my face, “Please hurt me.”
“Fuck you look beautiful when you cry for me, Princess,” He releases my hair and leans back to unbutton and unzip his jeans, his thick and hard dick springing out. He reaches a hand to my face to wipe my tears and with that same hand he starts to jerk his dick, “Come suck your tears off Daddy’s dick, Princess.”
I’ve never thrown myself on a dick so fast. I don’t take my time, I’ve missed it too much. I suck him down, my tongue massaging the underside of his dick. The sounds coming out of him were so rewarding and I could feel the wetness already gathering in my folds. I clench my legs together to keep focused but it only made me moan around his length.
Gathering all my hair in one hand, he holds me steady so he could fuck my face and I couldn’t be happier. The heavy weight of him on my tongue, the drool leaking from the sides of my mouth, my gagging sounds when he hits my uvula. 
It’s too much and I try and move a hand down into my panties but I’m stopped when Walter pulls my head off of him quickly. I sputter and cough, wiping at the drool on my lips. 
“Awwww does Princess need attention on her little pussy?” I nod, as he jerks himself in my face, “Panties off, come up here so you can suck Daddy’s dick and I can play with that pretty pussy.”
I pull my skirt up and pull down my panties, shucking them…somewhere behind me. I get down on all fours with my ass up, leaning down on my elbows. Walter lands some seriously mighty smacks to my ass and stifles my moans by shoving my head down on his length.
He snakes a hand to my clit and rolls it between his thumb and forefinger. I groan into his dick and feel him twitch in my mouth. I sink down on him, letting him repeatedly into my throat for as long as he can handle it. Which ends up being long enough that my throat hurts. 
The man hasn’t fucked me in a month but has this kind of stamina, must be all the anger coursing through him.
“Fuck, Princess…need to have this pussy in my mouth before I fuck it,” He starts to get up and I go to move but he stops me, “You stay right where you are, baby,” He moves behind me on the couch, pushing my front all the way down so my pussy is exposed under my plump ass, “Fuck, so fucking wet for me already, Princess. Such a good girl for Daddy.”
He flattens his tongue and licks from my clit to my entrance, Stiffening his tongue, he fucks into me while his thumb rubs my clit. I push back on him, riding his tongue until I feel that familiar tension.
“Daddy, please may I cum?” 
“Be a good girl and cum on Daddy’s tongue, Princess.” That’s when he decides to push his tongue as far as it will get into my cunt. I can feel him licking my walls.
Oh, he’s really eating me out now.
“Fuck fuck fuuuuuuuck,” I feel the knot tighten then release as I cum over my tongue and lips. My legs shake as I come down and I don’t notice Walter getting into position behind me.
I’m so tight and hot after cumming that he has to push in a few times before my pussy lets him in all the way. But once he’s nestled inside, we both groan at the feeling. Me from the fullness, him from the snug fit.
Pulling most of the way out, he pushes in slowly. He picks up the pace as he goes, his big paws holding my cheeks apart so he can see the grip I have on him. 
“Fuck, I love fucking this pussy, Princess,” He slams into me so deep and fast that I wonder how the fuck he’s doing it, “But this little knot keeps winking at me. I think it wants some attention too.”
“You wanna play with my ass, Daddy?” We’ve never done that before and I’m so turned on and feeling fucked out enough already that I would let him do anything.
“That’s my good girl,” I hear him spit and feel it land on my ass. His thumb circles my knot before dipping in a few times, each time further in than the last until he’s to the knuckle. Holding his finger there, he starts to fuck me again. I feel his dick stretching my cunt and his thumb testing my asshole. “You’re doing so well, baby. We have to get you a plug for this tight ass, keep it ready for me all the time. Fuck I can’t wait to fuck your ass…fucking cum in it and plug you so you keep it all day long. You like that idea, Princess?”
“Yes, Daddy. Want your cum in all my holes.” At this point, my legs have begun to shake again telling me my next orgasm is close.
“Such a good little cumslut you are. You look so good, so full of me right now. Sweet little cunt is full of cock and tight little ass is stuffed. Is Princess gonna cum on Daddy’s cock?” His breathing is labored and his thrusts are getting sloppy.
“Cum with me Daddy. Fill me up!” I push back on his dick so he goes even deeper and I can feel him kissing my cervix with the tip of his dick. “Right there, right there, right there!” With one hand on my clit, I feel the rush of my orgasm as it floods over my fingers.
“That’s it, Princess. Fuck, it’s so…fucking hot…when you…squirt!” His words stutter as he chases his own release and fills me with a load so warm and plentiful that it leaks out past his dick and soaks the couch. Thank goodness this thing is so easy to clean. Between my pussy juices and his jizz, we have got a mess on our hands.
He pulls his finger out of my ass, then pulls his dick out and watches for a beat as his cum dribbles out. I know that’s his favorite part. He disappears into the kitchen and I hear the faucet turn on as he washes his hands. He comes back with one of his dish towels in his hand.
“You’re gonna get a boner every time you use that from now on.” I manage to squeak out before the warm towel touches my sensitive holes.
“Wouldn’t that be a shame?” He lays a quick smack on my ass before wiping the couch down as well. He lifts me off the couch and holds me bridal style, walking to the bedroom. “I don’t feel like showering right now, but you are more than welcome to.” He sets me down on my feet, kissing the top of my head.
We lay in bed for a while, not caring about his cum leaking out of me onto the sheets. We lazily kiss and hold each other and it’s nice. 
“So we had our first fight…and it actually ended in makeup sex.” I kiss the corner of his mouth as he smiles.
“Let’s not make that a habit, though, Princess.”
“Well, I mean, maybe if you didn’t keep a secret then I wouldn’t have had to–”
“Is Daddy forgiven?” His tongue snakes out over his bottom lip and I know he did that to seduce me.
“I forgive you, Daddy,” He kisses my forehead. “And I love you, Daddy,” He kisses my nose. “And Daddy loves me too.” He smiles as he kisses my lips, reserved at first until I feel his tongue begging for entrance. Opening my mouth, I let him take the lead as he massages my tongue with his. 
His hand glides from my cheek down my neck to my arm, finally landing under my knee to pull my leg up and open. As he slides in between my legs, I reach up and tangle my fingers in his messy and sweaty head of curls. 
I don’t even care that he is trying to shut me up by kissing me. He’s so fucking good at it! 
He reaches down to free his already half-hard dick and he teases it on my clit before using our combined juices as lube, entering me again hard and fast. When I break the kiss to try and catch my breath, he takes that as a sign.
Sitting up on his knees, he opens my legs wider than I’ve ever had them and proceeds to make me forget all about that silly fight. 
Wait…what fight?
“Such a good girl taking Daddy’s cock so well. Just need you to cum once for me, Princess. Then Daddy’s gonna fill you up.” The sounds my pussy makes while he pounds into me mixed with the visual of watching his dick slide in and out of me has me quaking in minutes. “That’s it, baby. Just like that. Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” 
I feel his dick pulsating and twitching inside me and I catch him as he collapses on top of me. Any other time, I’m sure this weight would be uncomfortable. But, right now? All I can feel is a fucked out man who can’t get enough of me.
I wrap my arms and legs around him as he focuses on his breathing.
“Fuck, baby. I must be crushing you. Let me–”
“One more minute, please?”
“Hmmm.” He settles back in and starts to kiss up and down my neck.
“Okay, if you start doing that, we are gonna spend the whole damn weekend in this bed and we have plans, remember?” He keeps kissing and nipping at my spot and just like magic, I can feel myself forgetting all about…
…what was I saying?
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Chapter 11
A/N1: The title of this chapter is taken from Vain by KIRBY. It is such a good song, give it a listen! 
A/N2: Did you like my special guest? Lloyd Hansen, everybody!! 
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@enchantedbytomandhenry @astheskycries @rebelangel1102
@deandoesthingstome @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @foxyjwls007 @rosiesluv7 @livisss @slut4henrycavilll
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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So I went for the Barbie movie today and it turned out to be one of the most beautiful cinematic experience I ever had. Not because it's a beautiful masterpiece, which made me feel seen , awakened my inner child , which I have locked away long ego together with my Barbie dolls in some dark corner of my storeroom but because of the audience that was present in the hall. The day didn't started out great , I was excited to dress up so I wore my brightest pink dress , and matched it with my pearl earrings. I usually travel via public transport , and even though it's not really safe and I have experienced a lot of things I always knew how to tackle the situation. But today, when I got cat called and harrassed by group of assholes for dressing up , it crushed my spirit and made me feel disgusted and horrible. So much so that I ended up removing my earrings and my pink lipstick . At that moment I hated my existence , I hated the fact that I am a woman, I hated that I can't feel pretty without being accused of trying to draw attention or getting leached at by random men. I felt angry, that I didn't feel safe in a public transport, I felt angry that those men ruined my happiness and made me question myself. I wanted to disappear , I wanted to stop being a woman at that moment.
Once I reached the hall I was greeted by an array of women and girls of different age groups all dressed in pink. Entering the hall , I came across a group of Old women in their late sixties or fifties dressed in pink from head to toe ,they overhead me discussing the incident with my friend and loudly proclaimed that those "men" deserved to get kicked in the balls and complimented me and said that I looked like a real life Barbie!Those almost 2 hours that I spent in that hall were the best two hours of my life ,as I sat their laughing at jokes and shedding my tears with all those beautiful women( honorary mention to their boyfriends who wholeheartedly dressed up in pink to support their girlfriends) I felt all those previous doubts vanishing from my mind .But the most beautiful part was when America Ferrera gave a monologue on the perils of being a woman in this world , everyone stood up and started clapping, some of them hooted and cheered and the old woman beside me loudly proclaimed how she felt seen for the first time in her life.( Idk if it happened in any other halls ) . This moment once again made me realise how grateful I am to be a women, yes it is tough , it is a constant battle against the world, but it is beautiful. This was one of those moments when I felt the love and sisterhood existing around me , the joy of being a women , the joy of dressing up for yourself, the joy of getting to express yourself without worrying about what the society thinks and condemns you from doing.
When I stepped out from the mall , I felt the confidence I lost in the morning once again coming back to me , I once again felt pretty and I once again felt like screaming to the world - " Oh how I love being a Woman!"
Ps- it's ok if you don't like the movie or anything, I am just expressing my opinion and the emotions I felt today. Also I can't stop myself from sharing a photo of my dress so enjoy!
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Anything for You, Darlin’
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader (can be Austin!Elvis if you prefer)
Word Count: 1, 513 words
Warnings: Fluff, Language, Elvis getting sentimental & emotional (it’s a good warning though),
Author’s Notes: hello everyone! I’m starting a tag list for this series! If you want to be tagged in upcoming chapters, comment on this post! @mslizziesblog
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Chapter 14
September 16, 1977- 11:30AM
The ride to the Peabody Hotel seemed to take forever, but it didn’t. Elvis made sure that you, John, and baby Kennedy were alright the whole ride there. When you finally arrived, Elvis got out of the car first and then he opened the door for you. No matter how big he got in music or movies, he was always a true, southern gentleman.
The press conference wasn’t until 1PM, but Elvis wanted to make sure everything and everyone was ready to go, including you. He sent Jerry to get Mallory and Elvis Jr. from school so they could join in. While you two were waiting on the oldest two children to arrive, you and Elvis were in a private hotel room with John and Kennedy. John was sleeping away while you held Kennedy. While you were in the bedroom with your two youngest children. You could hear Elvis mumbling something to himself. You couldn’t make out what he was saying, but you could tell something was on his mind. You made sure both John and Kennedy were asleep before you walked out into the living room to check on your husband. His icy blue eyes were filled with worry and fear. You walked over to him.
“Elvis, is everything alright?”
“Yes Satnin, I’m ok. I’m just nervous that’s all”
“Babe, I can tell by the look in your eyes that it’s not nerves. What’s bothering you?” He turned around to see the true concern for him in his eyes. Elvis knew he couldn’t lie to you when it came to what was on his mind.
“(Y/N), I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m scared. I’m scared that they’re gonna ask me about what happened to you. I don’t wanna relive the day that I-I-I almost…. lost.. you…” Elvis couldn’t get anymore out before he started crying. You hugged him tight as the tears started to flow. You got him to sit down on the couch before the sobs came out. He clung on to you a child to a teddy bear. At first you didn’t know what to say, but you remembered something he said during the filming of the ‘68 comeback special: when things get too hard to say, sing. You softly began to sing to him.
“Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can’t help falling in love with you…..”
His sobs slowly turned into sniffles as he focused on your voice
“Shall I stay? Would it be a sin if I can’t help falling in love with you?”
Elvis finally looked up at you. His blue eyes were still filled with tears. You ran your fingers through his jet black hair and kissed the tears away from his cheeks. He sat back up on the couch and took you into his lap so he could hold you.
“Satnin, thank you for alway being there… I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you baby girl.”
“I love you too babe.”
The two of you stayed in that spot until both of you heard crying. You know that it was Kennedy just from the sound of the cries.
“I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere babe.” You went to go get Kennedy and when you came back, Elvis was fully sitting up looking at you with a small smile on his face.
“There’s my little baby girl. How was your nap Kennedy?” He knew she couldn’t answer him, but it was so damn cute seeing him interact with her in every little way.
“I’d say she probably slept good, but she’s hungry so you know what that means.” You looked over at him with a smirk on your face.
“Doll, you know it doesn’t matter me. You gotta do what you gotta do.” Elvis smirked right back at you. He sat there with you while you fed Kennedy. Elvis always admired how quickly you fell into the role of being a mother. He loved seeing you tend to his babies. His ring clad hands ran down your arms to help support you until Kennedy needed burped.
“Give her to me darlin, I don’t want anything getting on your outfit now.” He softly picked her up and started to burp her. You swore that he was a freaking baby whisperer because it only took him a minute to burp Kennedy whereas sometimes it took you five. After he burped her, he cradled her back into his arms.
“I must say Satnin, we have made the prettiest babies this world had ever seen. I mean just look at her. She’s your twin baby doll, all the way down to her little nose.”
“Elvis how do you know that she has my nose? She’s only a month old babe.” You replied to him.
“Satnin, go get my wallet and I’ll show you.” You walked over to the nightstand to get his wallet. It was black and worn from the years of usage. “Baby do you remember the pictures you gave me before I left for the army? Well, I still have them, but one I always keep with me at all times to remind who my first baby girl was.”
You went through the pictures to the find the one he was talking about it. The picture was slightly torn around the edges but it was clear as day: it was of you as a little baby, no more than three months old. You gave him that picture before he left for Germany because he wanted pictures of you so he keep you close to his heart. You were shocked that he still had it after all these years.
“See right here doll it’s clear as day. Kennedy Grace has your little nose.” He said with pride.
“Elvis, after all of these years, you still have my baby picture? Why?”
“Satnin, that picture kept me going. It kept me going when I was in the Army. When I was making those silly movies. When I didn’t feel living anymore, it gave me hope. It reminded me the promise that I made myself years ago: to give that little girl in the picture the world.”
“Elvis, you have given me the world. You’ve made all my dreams come true. I love you Elvis Aaron Presley.” You kissed him on the lips and smiled at him. Just after that kiss, Jerry came through the door with Mallory and Elvis Jr. They both ran up to and jumped in your lap. Before long, it was for the whole Presley family to come out for the press conference. The six of you waited in the hallway leading up the main lobby while Steve Binder addressed the media first.
“First of all, Elvis and I want to thank everyone for coming out today. I also want to thank the Peabody Hotel for letting us use their beautiful facilities for this press conference.” Binder also announced the dates of the rescheduled tour, along with a few international dates. “Now, without farther a do, here’s the man you all are waiting for: Elvis come on out!”
Usually you would wait for Elvis to come get you after a few minutes into these press conferences, but this time, Elvis wanted you and the kids to come out with him. You and Elvis walked out with all four kids in tow. Like always, Elvis pulled out the chair for you and made sure you were comfortable. Elvis got himself situated and began to speak.
“Thank you everyone for coming out. I wanna thank Steve Binder for being the best manager I could ever ask for. Give him a round of applause.” The whole room applauded while Steve took a small bow. “Now, let’s begin with the questions.” You could tell he was nervous so you squeezed his hand under the table to let him know that you were here for him.
The usual questions about the tour and performing were asked. They asked how you were feeling and how recovery was going. Then Elvis proudly showed off the newest Presley, Kennedy Grace. No matter how many awards he won, his family was his greatest accomplishment in his life. The press conference lasted for about forty-five minutes and was a huge success. Elvis was beaming with excitement that he would get to perform in front of a live audience because let’s face it: singing and performing was always gonna be in his blood.
After you, Elvis, and the kids got loaded in the limousine to head home he gave you the biggest kiss on the mouth. Of course Mallory and Elvis Jr screamed “EWW” at the two of you but he didn’t care so he kissed you again. The ride home was filled with the giggles of your children and Elvis loving on you like there was no tomorrow. In many ways, he was still that same Elvis you met many years ago. Head over heels in love with you. You were his heaven on earth. His safe place.
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
I know it’s different for everyone, but I just don’t actually imagine myself in any reader inserts. I don’t have the imagination for that. I would love to know who you might picture your FMCs looking like?
Hi Bestie!
I totally get you! I kind of do a bit of a mix where I imagine myself but inside someone else? It's weird. But I get you! I leave the descriptions almost entirely out so people can insert themselves if they want. The only real exceptions - aside from reader being AFAB - is that reader has hair that's long enough to grab (something most people can control and I think people would likely have hair during the apocalypse because you can just tie it back instead of trying to regularly cut it) and that Joel is taller than reader. That's because, in my head, Joel is like... 6'5" lol
I KNOW THAT'S NOT CANON OK? I KNOW HE'S 5'11" but I picture Joel as just a big big man, big man, big man is big and makes primal brain go brrrr. But unless you're taller than 6'3" (which, if you are, go off, queen and then just imagine Joel as being like 6'7" I support it make the big man bigger) you'll need to look up a bit to look Joel in the eye.
My face claims are below the cut!
As a reminder, these are NOT CANON. All these characters look however brings you the most joy. This is just who stars in the movie in my head when I watch these fics unfold.
You can find all my face claims for all Lavender OCs right here!
For Beskar Doll, I picture Doll as Eiza González. She's gorgeous, ambiguous enough that she could pass as a native on Naboo or Tatooine or Alderaan and I feel like she could kick my ass. I just love her!
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For Yearling, I started out picturing Kiera Knightly but that's shifted a bit to Anne Hathaway. Either one works! The key for Bambi is big, brown (not that she's described that way but that's how I picture her) eyes, and I think both Kiera and Anne fit the bill! I can also picture both of them on a horse kicking ass but also being a mother figure to those who need it.
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For New in Town, I picture Christina Hendricks. For some reason, Beautiful just has thick girl energy and I feel like she oozes sensuality the same way Christina Hendricks does!
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Finally, for Halcyon, I picture Amanda Seyfried. I love her energy and she's just so beautiful but can pull off being a bit socially awkward - see Jennifer's Body - which is how Goldie was, especially in high school.
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I will say, when I write FMCs in things set on Earth, I'm going to picture them as white and that's going to apply to how they move through the world. That's because I don't know what it's like to exist as a person of color and I don't think I should be trying to tell stories like I do. But I do make a conscious effort to leave racial indicators out of my fics (this was spottier earlier on when I didn't think about it - that's white privilege for you!) and don't use words like "blushed" now, for example, and I hope readers of color feel at home in my fics. If I can improve things here and you have the emotional space to let me know, please do! I do have a future Din fic in the works where I picture the FMC as Black because racism isn't a thing there so much as speciesism, so I feel I can tell a genuine story that way.
Anywho, that's my FCs for my FMCs! I hope you enjoy them!
Thank you for asking! Love you!!
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wrote a speech about barbie for a school project
A leading actress gets fired from her job. When her reputation goes up in a media storm and her boyfriend breaks up with her, she decides to seek out the help of her family and build her own life from scratch for herself. She saves her aunt's small business from being sold, and she gets a job as a director. 
A young woman travels across the world in order to save her friend from imminent danger. She demonstrates bravery in the face of adversity and is prepared to sacrifice everything she's worked for to help the greater population. 
She ends the movie happy, independent, single.
A young girl discovers an assassination being planned. She joins together with her coworkers to help save the victim. The film culminates in a badass fight scene, and the main character ultimately putting her dream and her coworkers (friends) first in the end. 
These three movies I have just told you about are all Barbie movies. I grew up on barbie movies. They were my childhood. Barbie movies taught me about friendship, and the support they can offer in troubling times.
For me, Barbie movies decentralized hetero and allo-normative ideals. 
No matter if it was disney channel, nickelodeon, or the random rom coms my parents raised me on, I grew up watching one glaring message coming from the tv screen. 
Romance is the most important aspect of your life. 
You might grow old, you might have friends.
But you won't be happy without a man. 
But you won't be happy without a love life. 
But you won't be happy without these societal ideals. 
Barbie showed time and time again that asking for help was ok. Again and again Barbie's characters receive help from their family and friends. From the first ever Barbie movie, it's told through the lens of a story Barbie is telling her sister to help with stage fright. One of the most relevant themes to every Barbie movie is the ability to rely on those close to you, and how love is not a weakness. How love is not a stiff binary, how it can be for whoever, whenever, however you want. Platonic, romantic, familial, love was love. Love was strength. For a little queer (ace/aro) kid like me, movies like this can make a world of difference.
Now, does Barbie have faults? Yes. It's a doll line from the late 1950s. But Barbie is and always has been a feminist brand. By 1990 Barbie had already been an astronaut, pianist, many different versions of an Olympic athlete, rock star, surgeon, fashion designer, business executive and, most impressively,  a mc donalds cashier. Nowadays Barbie comes in many different colors and sizes.
Barbie movies provide a role model for young kids to look up to. 
Someone who goes about the world being kind to people.
Someone who goes about the world helping people and, importantly, asking for help when she needs it. 
Barbie demonstrates to viewers how important a good support system of family and friends is in the real world. Messages like that have real world effects. In the world we live in, we are often told that asking for help is wrong, but Barbie tells us it is not. 
Barbie stars in fantastical worlds that are just downright entertaining, but are also founded in an emotional sense of reality that make them and their nostalgia compelling even many years later. 
The Barbie movies are some of the best 40 children's movies out there. 
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thepr0blemch1ld · 4 months
Golden Child (Part 1)
From the moment you came into this world, you were the light of their life.
October 11th, 2005. Born in San Francisco, California. I remember bringing you my Ariel doll and a cookie, riding up the elevator in the hospital. I placed the doll next to you in your crib, while you were fast asleep. Mom was exhausted and lying down, as I stared at your little face. "Do we get to take him home?” I asked, and my parents laughed.
I don't remember much from my toddler years, most of my memories are with my Dad. My Mom was in graduate school while I was young, and I spent a lot of time exploring San Francisco with my Dad. We lived in Noe Valley, a cute little neighborhood outside of downtown. I loved to go to the bakery with my Dad, and I have a memory of begging him for a cupcake until he gave in. He used to carry me on his shoulders and walk me up the hill after I rode my scooter to the bottom. We would go on sushi dates, and swim classes. He would take me to Target to play pretend in the kid sized houses, with me not knowing that you could actually buy them until one day he decided to get me one of my own.
My earliest memory of my Mom is a painful one. I remember she was holding my brother (now sister), and she told me I could put a pacifier in her mouth. I had done so with my dolls, so I was confident in my ability to do it. I reached out to put it in her mouth, and she thought I was being too rough so she swatted my hand away and yelled at me. She clutched my new sibling in her arms and stared me down, as if I was evil. I can still feel the shame and sadness of being rejected.
My Mom always loved my sister more than me. About a year after she had me, she got pregnant with a baby boy. She decided to name him “Emerson”, and was delighted to be having another child. One day her world shattered when she miscarried my soon to be brother. She was heart broken, and started going to therapy to cope with the pain. Her therapist told her to write his name on a piece of paper, and bury it under the ground. She couldn't do it, and wasn't ready to let go. She found out she was pregnant not long after, with my sister. "I needed my Emerson” she said when she told me the story. My Mom renamed her new baby “Emerson”, and she became her miracle child. From that moment on, I would never be able to compete. I was a hyperactive and sensitive toddler, a complete wild child. My parents and I didn't find out that I had ADHD until I was 17 years old. I was always too much for my Mom to handle. I would cry when people would laugh together, thinking they were laughing at me. I demanded a lot of attention, and needed a lot of emotional support that my parents were not equipped to give. My sister was a calm, collected child. She didn't demand emotional support, and was shy and sweet. I was not the kind of child that my Mom wanted, and she clung onto my sister while rejecting me whenever I had any sort of strong emotion.
I remember one meltdown I had when I was 5 years old, where she completely emotionally abandoned me. I was friends with a girl on my bus, and we used to play her DS together. One day she had a birthday party, and I was really hurt when a big group of her friends all got off together at her stop while I sat in the back alone. When I got to my stop, my mom picked me up in her car, ready to take me to gymnastics. I was inconsolable at that point, crying and feeling like she didn't care about me. I told my mom what happened, and she assumed that it was just her class that had been invited, and wouldn't listen to me when I told her it was her friends. She started to get angry at me for crying, and told me to stop. I couldn't calm down and continued to cry, and she got so angry that she told me if I didn't stop crying she would take me out of gymnastics. I loved gymnastics so much, but I could not calm down. "Ok then, you're done” she said, and she drove me home as I continued to cry even harder after being told I was no longer able to go to my favorite after school activity. I was shown no empathy, and my feelings weren't validated. I was punished for hurting, when she knew I was a sensitive child and any other kid would be upset too.
My Dad is a narcissist, and he got worse when his Dad passed away in 2006. He found out about his overdose while we were in the airport, about to get on a flight to move to Texas. He used to drink red wine in excess every night during dinner, and things would get heated after dinner. We would annoy him by laughing and being kids, and he couldn't stand us. He would get drunk and rage at us, getting physical and verbally abusing us. I was the main target of this, because my then brother could do no wrong. He would chase me down and scream at me, letting all of his pent up rage and pain out. "You're a selfish entitled brat!" he said one night, after cornering me in the bathroom that I had ran away to. I always fought back, and would scream at him to stop and leave me alone. This would make things worse as I would get punished for “talking back”, when I was just trying to defend myself against his abuse. Where was my Mom during all of this? Funny you should ask. As soon as he started to spiral, she would disappear. She would walk out of the room, and allow him to unleash his rage. She didn't want to be the target, so she sacrificed her children to avoid being uncomfortable or dealing with any sort of emotion. I had no one but myself to protect me, and that has never changed when it comes to my family.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
ok abt marylene tho, i feel like it would be such a poetic interpretation to view them as the folklore love triangle
james- marlene
betty- dorcas
august- mary
except Mary does watch Marlene slip away like a bottle of wine, and of course, she wasn't hers technically to lose, but the childish and innocent friendship they had? the love that came with it? was it just to slip away into memory, to a moment in time
and when dorcas and marlene have fights and stuff marlene kinda dumps that all on to mary and mary kinda becomes this emotional support rag doll. but then with her friend circle to mary was never authentically and fully accepted, she sensed that, she always did and then the james situation came into play too
and Mary always knew she would be like the backburner of Marlene's boisterous life but she would take it, take it over not having Marlene at all and then war comes along and Marlene saviour complex rlly acts especially with Sirius supporting all of it (i feel like she idolised him to some level actually)
but like yes im rambling but i agree its a rlly intriguing angle.
oh my god.
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yours-truly-oz · 8 months
♡ Intros, Tags, Boundries, DNI ♡
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{ Hey . . . Can you hear me ? }
This blog is run by Your Living Doll! {🎀✨🪽}
Hello! My name is Ozzy, but you can also call me Wren, Silly, or Smile
I'm the host of our sys, i am a non-introject, I'm Laurian, Aceflux but primarily grey asexual, And Gender fluid. I sign off with -Oz If there's no sign off it's also me.
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Intros/pronouns, tags, boundaries, and DNI are below!
{ Neurodivergencies and others! }
OSDD-1B { no blackouts but no emotional connection to other alters memories }
RSD { Rejection sensitive dysphoria }
ADHD { Combined presentation }
C-PTSD { Childhood PTSD }
ASD { Autism Spectrum disorder }
ARFID { Avoident Restrictive Food Intake Disorder}
GAD { Generalized Anxiety Disorder }
Inara/Octavia is our co-host and peacekeeper, doll is Aroace, Angelenic, Angeldollgender, and Female { 😇 }
Noa/Doe is my (host) personal protector, non-introject/non-human. Berry is agender, Aroace, and Heteroflexible. flower signs off with {🍓}
Quincy/ivy is the little and a split from host. She's Agender, Dollgender, and Snowstarthing along with others. Ice signs off with {🪽}
I use Light/Shine/He/She pronouns but it changes so just use they/them or you can ask.
Inara uses She/Light/Shine/Angel/Doll pronouns and they/them is ok to
Noa uses Berry/Flower/soft/they pronouns. Please dont use he/she for flower
Quincy uses She/It/doll/Ice and her neos change depending on her mood.
{ We're all friends , aren't we ? }
I do:
Random posts
Things i find interesting
Posts answering questions (sys/alter or other)
Alter Faceclaims
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I won't do:
Answering questions im not comfortable with
{ I can't exactly greet you with my full hospitality . . . }
My Boundries:
Don't ask for people to front unless I specify its ok
Don't Fake-claim or ask to see "proof" of anything I will just block you
Basic DNI stuff! { Racists, extremists, y'know }
No endos/tulpas/supporters please! I dont need protectors getting into fights with you about wether its valid or not
Anyone who uses ""Sysmed/Traumascum""
Here to just start fights
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Credit to @lovesick-nagi for the basic layout of this intro (if you don't want me using this or feel uncomfortable i will take this down if you want me to)
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quixoticrobotic · 1 year
who's a pair of atop the fourth wall characters you'd like to see get more screentime together?
literally all of them??????? which like i understand why we dont get that, obviously, thats a ridiculous demand. like logistically its not very doable i know this. i basically play with all the characters like dolls in my head i dont expect a ton casual slice of life character driven stuff from this show
but that being said...
off the top of my head
Mark and Linkara but like with them acting like friends and goofing around and mark actually getting to act like a teenager whos found family is a bunch of goofballs, rather than that weird dynamic where mark is just like the embodiment of patience and kindness and wisdom despite being a teenager talking to like, the first adult he ever felt safe around. like i wish the partnerfriends dynamic was a little more balanced??? like mark still has to have like thoughts and feelings and problems??? his best friend is right there!!!
Jaeris and LITERALLY EVERY REMEMBER OF THE COMICREW. like i guess its implied off-screen but like it really feels like they forgot the "to" in "enemies to mutual respect to friends" like. theres so much potential like i cant even type it all up but like.
ok so jaeris is bitter and cynical and frankly jealous that this comic book geek has ALL HIS LIL FRIENDS and ooooh cool wow thats so great you know what the power of friendship and kindness has done for jaeris? FUCKING NOTHING! and like Jaeris going from being like kinda disgusted by this group he kinda sees as like saccharine to the point of cringe like "goody two shoes and his bands of weird losers who like him" to having this big support system other other humans who he feels safe around LIKE PLEASE
nimue and eliza. like!!!! its canon nimue was the first member of the comicrew eliza really trusted that is canon! also like I know nimue just isn't very outwardly emotional and i love that for her! i think her characterization is really great! but like i'd like to see her when she's like. actually just kinda chillin, by nimue standards. and eliza is just always a really compelling and very funny character and just. i want them to hang out. also femslash
Mark and 90s Dude! smells like teen spirit and a literal teen spirit! they both have transmasc swag and i want them to goof off and be pals!
tbh i wish the characters just mentioned each other more? it would help a to to make these characters feel like friends and allies who actually like each other. also it'd make it feel like the characters all have lives. like have linksano mention the romantic partners he canonically has like have him mention the fact that he went on a date, have linkara casually ask nimue if erin can still make it to bad movie night or if shes busy, have characters ask linkara how mark is doing since THE WHOLE COMICREW KNOWS MARK EXISTS, have harvey mention playing pokemon cards with linksano, LET JAERIS TALK ABOUT HIS WIFE, just like little offhanded comments that make it feel like they interact with each other
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miyoron · 2 years
Miyo’s Animes of 2022: A List About Things I Liked
Hi hello! It’s that time of year again! The time where I put in random anime shows I liked for the year and maybe go over dumb things that happened in all our lives.
Maybe? ...no? Yea me neither, I wanna just talk about nerd bullshit so let’s do that yea? YEA! As always, I will be writing these as I feel like in a random order and using whatever name I choose whether it’s the Japanese title or the English translated one...just go with it ok?
***************************************** My Dress Up Darling
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This show was one I was initially a little wary on because like...you always gotta be careful with shows that seem horny you know? Like “am I going to end up on a list or something like that?” Thankfully though, while this is horny, it’s also freaking adorable which is always a plus in my eyes.
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The story of the show is Japanese doll maker apprentice Gojo is thrust into a wild and frantic world of an aspiring cosplayer and intense gyaru, Marin Kitagawa. What follows is a fun little romcom following their adventures of learning more about the hobby and about one another of course. Marin bringing Gojo into her surprisingly dorky interests and him becoming just as enraptured about capturing the characters in costume as she is portraying them. It also helps that Marin just has some of the best expressions of the year, every one she makes is great and fun to see.
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What’s also great is the fact that she actively loves him like...falling into a blushing fit at the thought of admitting it even when he’s mostly unaware of it. It’s a great show and brought back memories of cosplay planning sessions from my college years, even when I was mostly there for emotional support to keep my friends from going nuts sewing seifuku. Joy of a show, go look into it!
Symphogear XV
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I've been a watcher of Symphogear in the past and haven't really written about it because I guess I didn't have much to say? I like the music and the characters but other than that there wasn't much I felt like I could write down and sound interesting. But hey, I finally finished the show so I thought I'd write down that hey, the last season is really good!
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Symphogear is a series that is defined by its bombastic action where you have character launching ICBM missiles, giant swords from the heavens or just suplexing space shuttles. Yes, all this happens throughout the course of the show and I'm not exaggerating. The fifth season, XV, is the culmination of the high impact singing and battles and just hits every note perfectly. Heh, note. See what I did there?
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The characters all get to have their own little moments and the relationships between them all is probably my number one reason I enjoy the show. Look, when you can have two girls be basically married and the series all but says it outloud, I'm for it. Hibiki is Miku's action hero wife and I will hear nothing else from you lot. The show was a great send off and with news of a new project next year on the horizon, all we can do is wait and see what's next.
Spy x Family
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I originally tried to read this manga a couple years back and somehow couldn't get into it. Maybe it was just the long feeling opening chapters that did it, it's hard to say. That being said, seeing it put out in animated form is what finally did it for me as I caught up between the 1st and 2nd cours and am glad I did.
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The basis of the series is super spy Twilight, alias Loid Forger, has to go undercover to get at a political figure and to complete this mission he has to make a fake family. Adopting an unknowing mind reading orphan, Anya, and unknowingly marrying a trained assassin, Yor, such is the basis for the comedy and heart of the show. Only Anya knows the truth of the situation and she thinks it's awesome and cool.
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You probably don't need me to say much about this show since it IS wildly popular, but I liked it and think you should check it out. The new family member in the second half of the show and Loid's fellow undercover colleague are super fun additions and I loved every moment Fiona was on screen. It's a fun show, and I say check it out.
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story
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Probably one of the weirder shows I watched this year, the show about hyper intensive golf with a weird "buy Gunpla" message barely hidden in it. Like I don't actually wanna describe too much of what happens in this show because it's wild and you honestly probably wouldn't believe me even if I said so.
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Eve is an underground golfer whose style is power and defeating her opponent above anything else. Crush their hopes, crush their spirits, that's her style of golf. That is until she plays a round with Aoi Amawashi, a high level teen golfer who is the only one who's been able to beat her. She wants her win back. Meanwhile Aoi wants to play here again because she's the first one she's had fun golfing against in ages. The story that follows goes to bring them together to finally have their rematch.
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This show goes interesting places and near the end, every week had me on edge on what was going to happen. I will say, if you want to binge it, be warned it ends on a mid season cliffhanger and the new eps don't begin til Spring anime 2023 so you'll be waiting a while. Either way, check it out when you can, it's a trip.
The Demon Girl Next Door
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It was a treat to see this show get a second season after being absent for a few years. Shamiko and friends are back for more awkward ineffective demon fun and trying to get better at this whole "Demon" thing.
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This season was cute because Shamiko had to really step up and take charge, even if she was kind of bad at it. She helped Mikan clean out her apartment, was able to find her hidden item left behind by her father and even make it into a giant fork to use against her enemies! Though of course, the main thing here was all of her interactions with Momo. There's something about a mostly uninterested magical girl going through life half teasing her friend and half being embarrassed about interacting with her.
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There was also some fun new friends in the form of fellow demons Riko and Shirosawa, a Chinese fox and Japanese tapir respectively, and the little cafe Shirosawa owns. It's a fun little show that still feels like something from the mid 2010s but it's a good one of those so I feel in the end, it's all good. Ganbare Shamiko!
Kaguya-sama Love is War
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Kaguya is still a funny show, one of the funnier romcoms out there to be honest. The tale of two hyper intelligent stupid teenagers in love who want the other to admit it continues with the usual hilarious results.
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The big set piece for the 3rd season is the incoming culture festival, the second half of the show leading up to it and the big reveal involving Shirogane's future. Why does he need to confess to Kaguya before the end of the festival? Will Kaguya accept? Will she fold first? What dumb bullshit is Chika going to do? These and more await you in Kaguya!
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Yea I don't have much to add, like I said. It's still funny, there's fun new character interactions with Miko being on the student council now and Ishigami trying his best to confess to a senpai of his own. What I'm saying is if you liked the previous seasons, you'll probably enjoy this one too. We get a movie in February so there's more coming up too, so let's go watch! Or not, I'm not your mom.
Komi-san Can't Communicate
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The second half of Komi! It's here and introduces more fun characters to become friends with! Also everyone's faves are still around of course, like problem child Najimi who is here to be your angle AND your devil at all times. All so that Komi can make all the friends and try to get over her horrible social anxiety. It's a tough world but having friends helps I feel.
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Like I said, this season introduces more characters from the manga and the fun situations along the way. We have the school trip to Kyoto which features a bunch of fun interactions, like buff posing in the hot springs and the introduction of the mysterious yo yo wielding hero. Plus it introduces one of my favorite, equally awkward characters, Katai. A big beefcake of a boy who is horrifyingly scary because he's enormous and looks intimidating but he's just bad at talking and...you get the idea. I love him.
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I have a lot of sequels on this list so I think a lot of my paragraphs might end with "it's more of X, so you'll probably enjoy it". That being said, it's more Komi so....you'll probably enjoy it. See that's not so bad huh?
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
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Yes indeed, they keep making more Love Lives and I keep eating them up like the monster I know I am. That being said, they are different enough at least and the Nijigasaki shows are a bit more interesting than the others for the fact they have a different style than the rest. Also there's just SO many of them, you've got plenty of fun girls to watch.
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The introduction of new characters Shirioko, Lanzhu and Mia leads to new interactions which may have played out different than the phone game version but...I never finished those so, whatever~ That being said, I loved just the sheer overpowering force of Lanzhu coming in and taking no prisoners. Sure, she can't just be a big rude force all the time and has to become a friend in the end but her initial entrance is just bombastic enough to be super fun. She is here to idol and FUCK anyone in her way.
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Niji has a lot of fun little side cameos too of the Normal rank idol randos from the original phone game that shows just..a nerdy interest in LOVE LIVE LORE I can appreciate. You go chameleon girl, take the spot and run for it. We have an OVA for this sometime and a set of what looks like short gag eps coming up so that should be fun. I will send out love to Setsuna's actor, Tomori Kusunoki, who sadly has to step away from the role for health reasons. We'll hopefully continue to see her in other shows for years to come.
Love Live! Superstar!!
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This show I enjoyed last time but season 2 I enjoyed way more. Weirdly, going from a unique 5 person group to the old reliable 9 person group, worked out better for me. Maybe it's just because the new ones added were goofy and fun and gelled well with the rest of the cast, even with some goofy story telling decisions.
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Liella got popular! And thanks to that they got fans! Though they wanted to get more members and that's where our first years come up! Like I said, the new girls are fun and I just can't gush enough about Natsumi. The best little Love Live goblin in a while. I love her shitty youtube plans and her thoughts to monetize everything for her own benefit. Like I said just...it's fun, she's fun! Also they let her say a cuss.
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Superstar has another season coming up next year I believe, or it atleast has another season somewhere down the line. We'll see what happens with more rival idols getting closer to Kanon's fan girl creating energy then. I'll look forward to it!
Ya Boy Kongming!
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So I played a lot of Dynasty Warriors back on the PS2 and I also read some of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms as well. What I'm saying is this is a series up my alley in way that you wouldn't expect it to be but it is.
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Kongming, the legendary strategist, has died and been reborn in modern world Japan. Becoming entranced by a demon from Hell, he wakes up the next day and learns he got drunk on Halloween night and the demon was in fact Eiko, an aspiring singer. From there, he pledges himself to become her strategist and help her in her goals and to bring about an end to pain and war through her singing. He believes in her so much, even if she's a bit embarrassed about it initially.
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Seeing classic strategies being put in the modern world and used to strictly build cred in the music world is fun and silly. Eiko is a good character with fun outfits and I love seeing her make friends with new people. Gaining new allies in her battle to become a singer with Kongming helping all the way is just..yea I like it a lot. Also probably the most banger op of the year? I listened to it a LOT.
Now we pause for the PRECURE STOP
Yes Precure 5!
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Me and Cheapsteaks did our annual dual old Cure season watch and the first one we started was Yes Precure 5 which was the first 5 person team one. I'll say it definitely felt like an early 00s Magical Girl show but it was starting to get down what Precure is I feel. I really liked the Cures, especially Dream and Rouge.
That being said, there's definitely some things about this one I wasn't as huge a fan of. The villains primarily were really lackluster compared to the previous ones in Splash Star and the ending felt really anticlimatic. On top of that, Nuts and Coco were fine but after a bit their fairy voices really wear you down. Similarly, Milk is a little pain and not in the fun goblin way.  That being said, these are very minor complaints for a show for babies.
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The movie was super fun though and was more fun than one would expect. We've got the sequel, Yes Precure 5 GoGo! already started for next year so we'll see if it deserves a 2nd 49 episode season or if it shoulda just been smushed all into one, an opinion I have had previously regarding Futari wa/Max Heart.
Suite Precure
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Suite Precure was much more fun in comparison.  Maybe it's because it's a later show so they learned how to do things, maybe I just liked the story and animation better. Whatever the case, Suite does a lot of things I enjoy.
Doofy villain trio? Check. Even doofier baby brained fairy? Check. Super good gal pals teaming up to beat up said villains? Quadruple check. Yea, the musical themed world and fairies and transformations are fun and I was happy when the Precure finally all assembled just for the musical tones accompanying it. I guess I don't have much to say just that I had fun watching this one a lot more.
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Accompanying Yes Precure 5 GoGo, we have also started Doki Doki Precure so we're in the final laps of watching all the series. Then it's on to all the All Star movies and other related content!
Delicious Party Precure
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The current running Precure, I like the designs a lot and parts of the story are good and cute. But I have a bone to pick, an axe to grind, a suggestion for future cures maybe. I'm probably being dumb but maybe they should just plan to have 45 episodes anymore because the delays that hit both this and Healin' Good a few years ago have hampered the story from feeling satisfying. Again, I know it's a show for babies but when the delays affect things this bad, maybe just plan for a shorter show and use the extra eps for throw off stuff, like when Tropical Rouge did its 11 Random Stories episode.
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I'm being mean, I'm sorry about that. Precure is still good and I just get heated when it affects ones with characters I feel are made specifically for me. Ran wasn't hit as hard and screwed over like Hinata was because she atleast gets more time to show off. And what she can show off is just a wide array of facial expressions that I look forward to each week. Behold just a few examples.
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Like I said, I still like the show and the characters but again, lackluster villains can really hinder a show I enjoy. Hear my suggestions Toei, suggestions from some random dingus on the internet across the world. I promise it's a good idea!
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Lycoris Recoil
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Hideo Kojima's anime of the year! This one I initially checked out because I kept seeing the meme going around of Chisato getting kicked in the back of the thigh and wondering "what's that from?" Well the answer is LycoReco, a show with girls and guns and action.
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Lycoris is a secret organization which has high school girls trained for covert tactical ops and Takina has just been kicked out of the central command for putting her fellow agents at risk. The solution? Shack her up with Chisato, a peppy Lycoris member who is also on the out with the main command for just..doing as she pleases pretty much. It's a real odd couple situation, if they were gun wielding high school students for the government. LycoReco is an action thrill ride with hints of intrigue along the way that make you want to see what happens next week.
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There's lots of fun little moments and character interactions, and one major secondary character who has a past you would not expect. And it's treated with way more care than you'd expect any popular media to really. It's a good show and just furthers the Yuri Aquarium Agenda. It's everywhere man, open your eyes!
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
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This is a game I haven't played and don't intend to play. That being said, I will always check out a Trigger show and this one was no exception. Edgerunners is a cool little show with a lot of action going on and it has that super stylized look that all Trigger shows have. There's a lot of fun characters and thankfully there is the ever present force of the Trigger Gremlin character, this time in the form of Rebecca.
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The story isn't going out to break the mold, but the world and characters are cool as shit. I love the look of it and would gladly recommend it to others who want to see some crazy action scenes. It's not everyone's tastes and I do wish parts of it went different but I had a fun enough time to recommend it in the end so that as you will.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
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I haven't watched a Gundam in a while and I don't really have a good reason why not. Maybe I'm lazy, maybe I'm a nerd who likes female protagonists more than male ones. Who knows! What I do know though is that I'm having fun watching Witch from Mercury and a large part of that is I just really like Suletta's design and character. This is honestly just a good year for characters who are bad at social interaction, though Suletta's feels different in comparison to say a Komi or (spoilers) a Kobeni.
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The mystery of the Witches and the Gundam program slowly unraveling is keeping me going week to week and I look forward to the second part in the spring. Well, that and the Utena vibes being given off with the duels and bride system at the school. It's an interesting set up and I'm glad I started watchin. It also gave us more gremlins in the form of Chuchu who continues the proud Gundam tradition of just decking people in the face.
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I hope their business does well!
Do It Yourself!!
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Do you like videos about crafts? Do you like anime about girls doing random things and learning new skills? Then I have the show for you! Yua is learning how much she enjoys making things with her new club, even if she's very clumsy and injury prone. It's okay though cuz Pudding is there to look after her.
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The show is a nice and comfy little thing with a bunch of very on the nose puns for names and honestly I don't think that's a bad thing. Jobko's actor has a very fun performance, even if her main joke is "foreign girl speaking Japanese." But you know what? It's an easy joke and I don't mind it.
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Also I like the character designs in general, the colors are soft and cozy and really fit the characters well. Call me a sucker, but I'm always for cute friendships and DIY has it in spades.
Chainsaw Man
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Chainsaw Maaaaan Chainsaw Maaaaan! Chainsaw Man is good and cool! It's a super fun manga and I think the anime did a pretty dang good adaption of it. The cast is fun and I think they cast them all really well. The action is good and even the bits of CG that look a bit wonky are on background characters so I don't really see that much of an issue.
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Honestly, I don't know what all to say like...it made me wanna reread the manga again because it's just filled me with good memories of the first time I did so. Seriously, just go watch this and also read it. It's gritty and grungy and that's fucking cool.
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Pictured:  Intelligence
Mob Psycho 100
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It's good to see Mob on this list again and that it hasn't had some change of animation studios affecting it like One Punch Man's second season.  The effects are as bombastic as always and the battle are always on point with the visuals being some of the best I've seen this year which is kind of par the course for Mob, but it's still great to watch.
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Of course, the main draw of Mob isn't the battles but it's seeing how Mob himself has grown over the course of the series. This season, our dear Shigeo is getting a little cocky even, thinking he's finally hit his popular time with girls. Follow Mob as he tries to come out on top and finally ask Tsubomi-chan out! Can he do it? The answer might surprise you! Or it might not if you've read the manga before.
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Seriously though, it was great seeing Mob again and I still love how committed he is to those he cares about. It just goes to show that not every conflict needs to be solved with a fight, but with a heart to heart and I dunno, I just think that's a great lesson. Mob's greatest strength is his humanity and I think we can all agree, that's why we love him.
Bocchi the Rock
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Rounding out the year for social anxiety, we have Bocchi the Rock. A show about an awkward girl who failed at forming a band in middle school and at social interactions throughout her life. A girl who is terrible at existing and would prefer to just keep herself walled up in her closet making youtube guitar videos for the masses. Bocchi is relatable sometimes in ways I feel like we all experience sometimes.
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Bocchi finally gets her chance though, meeting up with Nijika and Ryo who are trying to find a guitarist for their band after the original one flaked. What follows is a blossoming friendship and the beginning to the Keissoku Band, ready to entertain the masses...if Bocchi can get the courage to play outside of a cardboard box and or trash can.
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The show is seriously fun and another case of good expressions. I only got a few of Bocchi's here but she has so many I don't even know where to begin to be honest. Seeing her try to get the confidence along with her friends, while simultaneously melting down at anything even remotely social, is again something I think all of us can relate to sometimes. I'm happy for getting to know Bocchi and I kind of hope to see more down the road. If not, I appreciate what we got though.
Pop Team Epic
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It's fucking back and it's just as fun as ever. More goofy bits, more random voice actor pairings and a fun new gimmick of them just chatting together at the end of each episode is just...it's great, I love it. Pop Team is still so good.
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The parodies, the comedy, it's all still there and it's just what you want. The return of the Aoi Shota cinematic universe..just I can't praise it enough. You should go watch it, it's great. Here's a little spoiler of things to come if you do...
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So that's my anime list for the year. Like I said, it's a bunch of random things in mostly the order I watched them in throughout the year. Here's a couple more random things to tide you over!
Anime Movies I Enjoyed!
Pompo the Cinephile - Fun movie with real good animation Revue Starlight The Movie - Great music as always and some crazy scenes, so nice I saw it twice Dragonball Superhero - The Piccolo movie we always wanted, so nice I saw it twice pt 2 One Piece: Red - Good music, pretty fun movie over all Yuru Camp: The Movie - So good to see these girls again and just as comfy as ever. Made me wish my job felt as fulfilling as they did in the movie though
Show I Enjoyed but Can't Form a lot of words about! Gunbuster - It rules! Go watch it! It's rad!
Show With Oops Political Timing! Teppen - !!! - Doofy comedy show with a fun opening which had to hold back an ep due to the assassination of Shinzo Abe. Oops on unforeseeable events!
I can't think of much else so...I hope you had a good time reading and have a good 2023. Let's all be safe and not suck ok?
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autocann1bal · 2 years
part six of my playlist analysis!!
part 1 <;- part 2 &lt;- part 3 <- part 4 <- part 5 <- BACK TO THE SOUP WITH YEE
la seine - vanessa paradis no fucking clue what theyre saying but lockwood does idk he just knows french i feel it in my bones. he taught lucy the girls part and they sing it together. he didnt tell her wtf it meant hto and i think thats funny.
merry go round of life - nuvo orchestra THEY DANCE TO IT IN THE KITCHEN LATE AT NIGHT WHEN GEORGE IS ASLEEP SO THEY DONT WAKE HIM WAILS SOBS CRIES.  father - the front bottoms do i remember lockwoods canon relationship with his late father? no!! have i decided he has daddy issues?? yes!! (other than his dad being. dead. yk) young girl a - siinamota go look up the english lyrics. have fun. :) a match into water - pierce the veil we've seen how protective lockwood is of lucy, now what if someone almost killed her? think about that for a little bit smile. faster car - loving caliber this is about to give some people fucking WHIPLASH. im not even gonna explain this one cuz i wanna see how many people get it. its only sex - car seat headrest this song is just me projecting onto lockwood so im not. gonna vent here LMAOO laugh till i cry - the front bottoms more lockwood being reckless after lucy left? methinks yes. meteor shower - cavetown (i dont support or even like cavetown all that much i just have an emotional attachment to this song dont kill me please) RHHHGHGHGHFH THIS SONG IS SO CUTE ITS SO THEM ITS SO DOMESTIC AND SILLY JUST IMAGINE IF THE PROBLEM DIDNT EXIST AND THEY COULD GO OUT INTO A FIELD AT NIGHT (if they lived somewhere were feilds existed obv) AND LOOK AT THE STAIRS IM ACTIVELY SOBBING. ribs - lorde this song puts me into an immense state of grief everytime i hear it because it has one of those "nostalgia for something that never existed vibes" and i cherish it so dearly for that and it just gives them vibes. it fits their trio so well (i love holly but she doesnt exist yet here). alien blues - vundabar this is self explanatory i think. come a little closer - cage the elephant this one is similar to ribs for me. where is my mind - the pixies soft nighttime vibes reading together before snuggling up and going to bed <33. its ok i wouldnt remember me either - crywank lockwood thinking about death and how much he has to work with death just knowing jess is right there :( its one of those days when he just cant. get out of bed. luce and george always help him through those days, but its still hard.
memento mori - crywank same thing slightly different font. creature - half.alive uhh fuck you [throws religious trauma at lockwood] my alcoholic friends - the dresden dolls angry lockwood, but not anyone in particular, just angry at the system and the way it treats kids. because its a fucking nightmare and i hate the government. two birds - regina spektor owie owie owie norrie and lucy but the one who stayed didnt have a choice :(. i love you so - the walters rrhhfhhfhfhfhd angst angst angst theyre both feeling like their to much so they both start distancing when literally all they want is to be in the others arms but they cant because theyre afraid. goodbye, my danish sweetheart - mitski i love this song sm its so lucy idek why its just. her. cigarettes & feelings - the haunt absolutely locklyle skirting around talking about their feelings for WAYYY to long. perfume - lovejoy ouch lockwood constantly smelling lucys perfume wherever he goes after she leaves, he sees her shadow everywhere, thinks he sees her out of the corner of his eyes, but shes not there. its all futile! its all pointless! - lovejoy lockwood and his suicidal-ness just thinking for to long about how long he has to live and how hard it will all be. ramblings of a lunatic - bears in trees lockwood ranting to lucy late at night with her hands in his hair just listening to him talk about random shit but theyre together so its ok. snakes - mccafferty i have a slight mccafferty problem can you tell? i dont even know it feels like another just 'them talking' song. the house with no doorbell - mccafferty this entire song is so lockwood coded i will die on this hill. drop from our windows - mccafferty same as the last one. fentanyl - mccafferty i dont actually really know for this one i just think its lockwood vibes. water fountain - alec benjamin what lockwood thinks is gonna happen if lucy hangs out with kipps LMAOO. this is sorta a joke but hes genuinely scared that kipps is going to steal her from him. nights like these - pigeon pit another lucy-and-lockwood-are-both-having-breakdowns-and-panic-attacks-but-seperately-wishing-they-could-be-together type beat. little lion man - mumford & sons lockwood thinking about jess -> could also be lockwood thinking about how he drove lucy away after she left. trees II - mccafferty jesus i have a mccafferty problem. 'i need you more than you need me' NO YOU BOTH NEED EACHOTHER AND YOU DONT RELAIZE IT BECAUSE YOURE TOO BUSY BEING SCARED OF OPENING UP TO THE OTHER ONE DAMMIT. twin size mattress - the front bottoms yk i had to. lockwood is an angsty lad we know he aboslutely loves tfb. aesthetic? (more like ass-pathetic) - panuccis pizza lockwood you sad sad little man. internet ruined me - wilbur soot OK I KNOW. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. but the actual sound of it gives lockwood vibes. not the lyrics but the sound. first love/late spring - mitski this is such a lucy song come ON its so her the whole 'i was so young when i behaved 25'??? literally her. helium - glass animals its just. its so them. also kinda feels like george watching their relationship unfold and being jealus vibes WHICH IS WHY I PROPOSE QPR- [gunshots] https://open.spotify.com/track/2BlDX1yfT0ea5wo0vjCKKa?si=32f77e7933024562 <- link because i dont know japanese!! this!! song!! if you where on anime tiktok at anypoint in time you know it and you know why its here.
1983 - neon trees dancing in the kitchen vibes. little talks - of monsters and men this song makes me so distraught but its another situation with talking to the moon (bruno mars) where its lockwood talking to himself in his room, pretending hes talking to lucy. and the series goes on!! we're more than halfway through tho :D part 7 here we go!!
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
Hi Berry! I hope your day has been going well! 🤗❤️
I just recently finished this drawing of one of my characters. She isn’t a Jojo OC, but is from my own original series called “Telluria”. Her name is Mina and she works at her family business with her parents and seven older brothers as a herbal medic. She has a condition that makes it difficult for her to physically express emotions, which has prevented her from making friends growing up. However, she’s a very friendly, kind, and optimistic person who loves learning about people and helping others, and is extremely close with her family. Since this story involves a war, her goal is to make friends, which she eventually does with her family’s undying support, and shape the world into a place where everyone feels loved.
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If it isn’t too much, could I have letters from Jotaro and Kakyoin sharing their opinions on the drawing and Mina’s description? She’s one of my favorite original characters, so it would mean a lot to me, but no pressure ofc! Thank you so much!! 🤗💖
Hi Zone! 
Oh my gosh, Mina is absolutely gorgeous! I really love your design for her and your art style is just so beautiful!! But wow that’s cool that you have your own original series!! Oh gosh I would most definitely be her friend. She seems so sweet ;w; but of course that’s totally okay! You’re very welcome! ♡
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Hey Zone, 
Thanks for sharing your OC and art with me. I think Mina looks great. Her design is really nice... I like her hair a lot. She looks like she could be a doll or something. That sounds sweet that she wants to make friends, but I know you said the story involves war... I hope Mina and her family will be OK. Is Mina capable of protecting herself or does she have others who help to protect her? I’d love to hear more about “Telluria” when you have more time to tell me about it. You’re such a talented artist and such a creative person. I always love hearing the stories and characters you come up with.
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Wow! You are so talented and creative! I absolutely adore your art... I’d love to see the other characters in “Telluria” when you’ve got the time to show them to me. I think Mina is precious, she reminds me a bit of a ballerina. I would definitely be her friend... I know what it’s like to want to make friends. I hope she manages to make the best of friends. If there is war going on in her world, then I hope she has friends who can be there to support her and for her to be able to lean on during this time. I hope to see more of your art soon, it’s always a pleasant surprise to see your work!
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