#she's a gay disaster your honor
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Yang: Hey, Blake! Wanna hear a story about sea turtles?
Blake: .......Um...sure?
Yang: Okay, so there were these two sea turtles, right?
Blake: Right.
Yang: (claps her hands together and pretends they're turtles) And they're swimming through the ocean, having a good old time. Suddenly, they come across an island, and they have no idea what to do!
Blake: (giggles at Yang’s poor acting) Oh, no. Not an island.
Yang: Right!? So, bear with me on this. (Moves, so she's standing on Blake's left side and points in front of them) So, there's the island, right?
Blake: Right.
Yang: (puts her hands in turtle mode again) So, the first turtle says, "Hey! Instead of walking over the island. Let's just swim around it. I'll go left and you go right. And we'll meet up on the other side."
Blake: Seems logical enough.
Yang: I know. They're smart turtles. Anyway, so the one turtle swims around the left side of the island (makes her left hand swoop left) and the other turtle swims around the right side of the island (swoops her hand and arm around Blake’s shoulders and winks) Buuuut enough about sea turtles. What are you doing later?
Blake: (ears perk up as a blood red flush colors her cheeks and steam spews out of her ears)
Weiss: Oh. My. God!!! How did she get you with that?!
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gay-otlc · 2 years
It was fortunate for her that Empath wasn't among Sophie's ten million abilities. If Sophie could feel the gay panic coursing through Stina's veins, she would be royally fucked.
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Husk: Angel once texted me "your adorable" so I texted him back "No, YOU'RE adorable".
Charlie: …And?
Husk: And now we're dating, we've been dating for three months.
Husk: All I did was point out a typo, but I like him, so l'm not complaining.
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greybackpack · 1 year
I’m still thinking about Tilda and her relations to my version of Elisabet. Like, you don’t get a lot about how Lis felt other than disappointment and anger about Tilda’s possible involvement in stealing a copy of GAIA. I mean she said she didn’t… but she’s also a spy. And like that voice explaining Zero Dawn in the old Zenith base of operations sounded like a modulated version of Tilda’s voice- the way it pauses and drawls out the vowels is the same, I think. Just deeper? Modulated, perhaps?
Like there’s no way Lis actually believed she didn’t. She knows better than anyone what how cunning Tilda is and how intelligent and savvy she is with manipulating people. It makes her a great spy, but perhaps not a great person. And she’s had time to cook.
Like, how did they break up? Why? Was it amicable?
Tilda spent a thousand years regretting it and regretting that she left Lis behind… but what did Lis feel? Does she still hold some affection for Tilda? When she realizes Tilda’s fucked up (BETA, I’M STILL PISSED ABOUT HOW BADLY THE ZENITHS FUCKED BETA UP) and the extent of the damage, what would happen?
Did she also regret it? Did she think that Tilda helped with the betrayal? Anyways, here’s a possible snippet for the far (heh) future of the fic:
Elisabet stood there, facing her past in a way she hadn’t thought possible. Hadn’t thought will ever be possible again.
She had thought this chapter- this relationship- of her life was closed. When Aloy had recounted her experience in the facility, Elisabet hadn’t truly thought about the implications outside the mind numbing fact that she has another clone-daughter. But then she had met Beta, and it was okay, better than okay, that she had another daughter.
And then there’s this. This- her- there she is, floating in the air and looking as stunned as Lis herself feels. Tilda van de Meer.
God, even the sound of her voice back bittersweet memories. All of those coffee dates and the art galleries and science expos… and the moment Tilda broke her heart. Elisabet swallows, remembering the way Tilda had looked her in the eyes and told her that it couldn’t work out- that it won’t ever work- because of the nature of Tilda’s job. The lie in her eyes and that tremor in her steady hands, Elisabet saw them.
“How is this possible?” Tilda whispers, white clad and shimmery arms armored with the Far Zenith shields reaching out to Elisabet. She stops halfway, as if she’s afraid that Elisabet will disappear the moment Tilda touches her.
“Cryo.” Elisabet says, still staring at Tilda. For the Old One, if she can even claim that title anymore, it has only been two, three years, since they broke things off. Lis hadn’t had time to grieve that relationship properly, having avoided the grief by throwing herself into work and fending off Ted’s lawsuits. Then, the Faro Plague happened… and she barely had time to grieve what she thought was Tilda’s death when it was reported that the ship had blown up on the way to Sirius.
Why are all of her exes so damn beautiful?
The Voice croons in restrained amusement, presence warming Elisabet’s back as the Old One straightens and draws herself up for a long over due conversation.
“That’s- That’s wonderful. I-” Tilda hesitantly, reverently, took Lis’ hands in hers. Elisabet let her, knowing she shouldn’t but all the same wanting the familiar touch. “Elisabet, I spent- I spent the last thousand years regretting how we ended. I regretted leaving you here to die with the rest of them and how we left things back then. But now… now, I get to have a second chance.”
Elisabet wants- she-
Elisabet rips her hands out of Tilda’s grasp.
“I don’t want to hear it. I- I thought you died.”
“The… the transmission.” Tilda’s voice gains a modicum of hope. “That wasn’t my idea, but they had thought it necessary. I thought you died, too. You should have come with us, then, then you wouldn’t have had to be frozen for a millennia.”
“That’s rich, coming from you. What was it, Tilda? The thing that you said when we broke things off? Oh, right, that “the nature of my work will make this difficult.” Well, the nature of my work made it difficult.” Her tone is bitter, twisted in hurt and heartbreak. It makes Tilda flinch.
A part of Elisabet, that unkind part she finds in herself in her darkest moments, purrs in satisfaction.
“Lis, you know that I hadn’t meant it like that-”
“No?” Elisabet shoots back, mouth pulling down. Aloy inches away from the two, the rest of the group watching the exchange like a riveting match of machine strike. Sylens rolls his eyes and wanders off into the lab. Elisabet sees all of this, but it doesn’t matter to her. All she saw was the woman that had broken her heart over and over again. “Even if it wasn’t what you meant, you still chose to leave, Tilda. To preserve yourself, if nothing else. You were scared, of how serious we were getting.”
Tilda laces her unfairly elegant fingers together, voice quiet as she agrees. “Yes… I suppose I was.”
“Didn’t you think, for one second, that I was afraid too?”
“… No. I hadn’t thought of that.”
“You betrayed me. You tried to steal GAIA. You lied to me about it. I saw the recording of the reception at the Far Zenith headquarters. I know what your voice sounds like, even if it was modulated.”
The words spill out, faster and more hurt than Aloy had ever heard.
“Lis-” Tilda floats closer, but Elisabet takes a step back. “I- won’t do it this time. I know… I know I disappointed you. I know I broke your heart.”
The Zenith swallows as Elisabet’s heavy gaze landed once more on her face, hurt and disappointment hitting Tilda like a hammer on cold metal. Elisabet’s quiet voice slides in between her ribs, stabbing at Tilda’s slow beating heart and splintering it.
“You chose yourself. Above the world… above me.”
“Please, Elisabet, allow me another chance.”
Elisabet laughs a short, mirthless exhale.
“Even now, you still haven’t even thought to apologize.”
“I’m sorry.” Tilda immediately says. “What can I do? What can I do to apologize? To make it up to you? Anything, Lis. Name it, and it’s yours.”
Elisabet grits her teeth, Tilda’s words reminding her unpleasantly of Ted. But if her relationship with Tilda had taught her anything, it’s that she can use this. Elisabet hates herself for thinking it, but her worry for Beta overrides any moral obligations she might have had.
“Get my daughter back,” she says. “And I’ll think about it.”
“Okay. Alright. Just- I will.”
Elisabet stares at Tilda, at the determined, desperate set of her old flame’s shoulders.
Because she’s not hurt enough, because Lis had hurt more, Elisabet couldn’t help but throw her words into Tilda’s face.
“If the Odyssey actually blew up, I think you would have been worth the tears I shed.”
With that, Elisabet hardens her heart once more and turns away. She doesn’t see the devastation that crosses Tilda’s face, nor does she see the way it crumples from the normally impassive face Tilda sports.
Aloy leans against the table, watching Elisabet absently sifting through data.
“You alright?”
Even though Aloy gentled her voice, Elisabet still startles like a rabbit.
“Ah. Sorry you had to see that, kiddo.” Her mother sends a rueful smile her way. Aloy shrugs, all but silently shaking Elisabet and asking if she’s okay with her eyes alone.
“I’m okay.” Elisabet smiles again, a little more genuine this time. “I’m just worried.”
“About Beta and GAIA?” Aloy asks, nodding. “Don’t worry, I’ll get them back.”
“And about you too, silly.” Elisabet rounds the table and pulls Aloy into a hug.
“Make sure you come back,” she orders her daughter, chin resting on Aloy’s armored shoulders. Not the best for hugs, but Elisabet could give less of a fuck right now. “I want both of you to come back safe and sound, understand?”
“Yeah.” Aloy hugs her back. Elisabet squeezes her daughter tighter, and lets go. “I’ll be okay.”
“You’d better be. If you scare me like that ever again,” - the image of Aloy, pale and injured after the explosion flashes through Lis’ head. “Just- don’t, okay, sweetie?”
“Yeah. Sorry.” Aloy guiltily apologizes, remembering the exhausted state Elisabet was in, looking after her with little sleep. The drawn face coupled with the dark smudges underneath her mother’s eyes had Aloy making sure she was a little more careful on the field.
Elisabet presses a kiss on her forehead, patting the Nora huntress on the shoulder.
“And be careful around Tilda. She’s still- she’s good, at fooling people into thinking she’s on their side.”
“Speaking from experience, mom?”
“Yes,” she sighs, smiling at Aloy’s blatant curiosity. “I’ll tell you later. But, if we’re being honest, I think you have a better eye for figuring out those kinds of deception than I ever was.”
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snoweylily · 25 days
"McNulty was the close childhood friend, and probably the only intimate friend ever, of Shaw. [...] Shaw would drag his childhood soul mate, the ever-accommodating McNulty, to Dublin's National Gallery, where the oddly matched pair ... would wander for hours studying the gallery's paintings. [...] The two boys were inseparably bound. In fact, the earliest photograph of Shaw ... is with McNulty at his side. [...] The pair took an art class together. [...] McNulty and Shaw, who both lived to what for then was quite advanced age, maintained their intimate friendship ... through a tremendous and consuming, often, even, twice daily, written correspondence, when residing in different cities"
wake up babes, multiple new versions of "historians will call them close friends" just dropped
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Hiya!! What about the M6 with a Mc who comes out as Bi? 💙💜🩷 (love you)
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC comes out as bi
~ I'm hoping this will heal me from the disaster that was my outing XD I'm keeping it really lighthearted because one of the original creators' goals was writing about a world where homophobia isn't a thing, and because all M6 are bi as well. Here you go anon, you are loved more than you know! - brainrot ~
He's very surprised
Not because he thought you only swung one way. He just assumed that you were bi. In Julian's world, everyone is by default bi unless determined otherwise
It's the part where you feel the need to confess it to him like it's news that catches him off guard
Slightly concerned at first that this might be your way of telling him that you're more attracted to his sister than him
Once he realizes that no, you're telling him because it was something you hadn't told many people before, he's determined to make an occasion out of it
Tonight's going to be a date night with his bi beloved. Rowdy Raven? Gondola ride? Romantic walk on the beach? You have so many options (wink wink)
If you still want to keep your orientation quiet, you'll have to tell him explicitly because he is not a natural secret keeper and will mention it to everyone he meets
They're not the type of person to label anything in the first place, so hearing your news means you sat down and thought about it and found something that describes you
And now you're sharing it with him. He's honored to have your trust like this and loves you very much (which he tells you right away with a big long hug)
Once you're down from your emotional high, they'll let go of you just enough for you to see the teasing grin spread across their face
"So you're really saying, is that with all the options in the world, you still chose me?"
So many bi puns
"Bi, MC! Bi!" all while repeatedly flicking his wrist up and down in the universal gay salute instead of waving normally
Won't confirm or deny your orientation to anyone unless you tell them it's fine
Will compare "types" with you of what you generally find attractive and point out candidates on the street
Oh, she knew
Her whole arcana-given ability is insightfulness and everything about you (to her) is a big bi flag
She's wondering why you feel the need to state the obvious, so her reaction is a little flat. She's waiting for you to make your point
Oh, wait, wait, you're sharing something with her that you thought she didn't know!
Darling MC, she loves you, she thinks the most perfect thing you could ever be is yourself, thank you for trusting her with this, she's deeply honored and very touched
And slightly insulted that you thought she couldn't tell
Since this is supposed to be news, would you like a coming out event? Maybe a simple soiree so things don't feel too overwhelming? Of course if it's a grand announcement you want, it's a grand announcement you'll get
Wears bi colors for the rest of the week in support
Him too. Did you want to bond over it?
Because he finds the chickens considerably more interesting than any attraction he experiences (besides his attraction to you)
He didn't already know or already suspect. He's just not very surprised or reactive because it's not a big deal to him
But if you want to talk about it, go ahead
He'll just chop this wood while he listens
Of course, this won't be his reaction if it's a very emotional moment for you. In that case, he's getting ready to comfort and sit with you before he even knows what this is about
Will ask you about your story. Did you realize recently or a long time ago? What was that moment like? How long were you in the closet? Is this going to stay a secret for you?
Would holding a chicken help?
Here, hold this baby chick while you talk
Nothing much changes. You're still you. He still loves you. He's still proud of you. Life goes on
Ohmygosh, SAME
Wait, you two never explicitly told each other what your orientations were!
Ok ok, you say it again when you're ready, and then she'll tell you properly too, and then you'll be officially out to each other
Tears up slightly afterwards because this feels really romantic and it's another wonderful thing to share in common with her exciting, attractive, perfect, BI partner-in-crime
She wants to commemorate this step in your relationship so she'll plan some bi-themed baking projects
But she wants to make a lot of them, which means she'll need more people to feed, and hey MC, how do you feel about a little celebration?
Impromptu pride barbecue in her garden with her palace friends and Nevivon family members
Frequently brings up your superpower as proof of your shared greatness
Okay, and?
C'mon, it seemed like you had something exciting to tell him, is it a bi-themed party?
Did you get matching bi capes? Purple isn't his color but he'll wear them with you for the drama
You're really going to have to spell out what your news means to you before he has the slightest clue on how to respond
Slightly peeved because if it was such a big deal to you then he wishes that you felt safe enough with him to tell him sooner, but he's not going to get upset with you for that
Don't worry about whether or not he loves you. You're the best, who else would he fall in love with?
He really doesn't care what category of people you're okay with having in your pants as long as he falls into it
If he's bi, and you're bi, that means bi people must simply be the best, and he will introduce himself as "Lucio the bi" until you stop him
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mrskreideprinz · 2 months
rhine x oc!august | minors dni
warnings: oc x canon, selfship lore, august goes by she/her as does rhine, toxic relationship, rhine has a short temper, hurt/comfort (i say comfort very lightly), angst, wrote this in tumblr drafts yeehaw.
a/n: they are gay alchemists your honor. i was gonna delete this whole thing but i decided to sleep it off and look at it tomorrow (today) and i'm glad i did because after reworking some things i genuinely enjoy this <3 anyway yeah a sneak peek into august and rhine's relationship hehe. not tagging anyone bc nervous foaisjdoiajsd
“Well.. that was uh..” August stared at the mess the two of them had created, coughing and waving away the black smoke enveloping them.
“A disaster.” Rhine replied bluntly, peeling off her gloves as she walked away. “Clean this shit up.”
“Uhm, Rhine, I was uh well, I was wondering..” August trailed off, fidgeting with her fingers and staring nervously at Rhinedottir.
Rhine groaned and spun around to glare at her. “Spit. It. Out.” She grew tired of her games.
August laughed nervously and cleared her throat. "Although, the experiment fell flat.. horribly.. dreadfully so.."
Rhinedottir snapped at her. "To the point, August!"
"Okay, well, what I'm trying to say is. Even though, everything was an absolute failure we are now closer to the truth and that's gotta count for something.. right?" August smiled, bearing her teeth in a nervous fashion.
Rhine turned around and walked towards a desk littered with various research notes and rummaged through the weathered paper. "No."
August frowned. This was not the answer she wanted, but it is the one she should've anticipated.
"I will not sit here and celebrate failure." Rhine opened up a large book filled with various of bookmarks. "Now, come here and help me."
August walked slowly over towards Rhine, anxious yet determined to turn the situation around. She wrapped her arms around her from behind and nuzzled her head against the back of Rhine’s neck. August knew all too well how much stress Rhinedottir was under. Or rather, how much pressure Rhine had put on herself. She needed some reprieve from all those late nights she spent working tirelessly.
“Rhine..” August’s voice was soothing yet teetering on the edge of a scolding. “How about you take a break with me. We could do something together?” She suggested, but Rhinedottir wanted absolutely none of that.
She let out a heavy sigh. “No, we have work to do.”
Still, August refused to back off. She begun to massage Rhine’s shoulders and hum something softly. Rhine growled and crumpled up a piece of paper she had clenched in her hand. Regardless, of how much she tried August could not seem to get her to relax. It was almost impossible.
“Will you get off of me?!” Rhinedottir shouted. “You’re pissing me off.”
August felt a part of her crawl back to life that she thought had long since died. Her ears flattened back as she let out a quiet whine. She only wanted to help, she hadn’t meant to..
Rhine sighed and pushed herself out of her chair. If there was one thing she despised more than failure it was August's incessant need to make everything worse than it already was. While August had retreated to cowering in a nearby corner of the wall, avoiding any and all eye contact with her supposed lover, Rhinedottir was more preoccupied with creating an open spot on the nearby couch for the two of them.
"Come here." She spoke calmly, trying her best to hide her frustration.
August shook her head. Still, trying her hardest to hide the tears that had betrayed her by falling down her face. She bit the inside of her cheek and stared down at the floor to avoid making eye contact with Rhinedottir. Foolish girl. She should've never forgotten how cruel the woman she loved truly was. How could she forget that a wolf would always take the chance to cage its fangs around a fawn's throat. August knew better than to trust someone like Rhine. Unfortunately, it was all she'd ever known, it was second nature to her. So, why wouldn't she trust Rhine? Why wouldn't she look into the eyes of the devil and smile.
Rhine spread her legs slightly and patted her thigh to signal August to approach her. "I said come here."
August sniffled and walked slowly towards Rhinedottir. For as impatient and selfish as Rhinedottir was she had an unusually high tolerance for the messes August created.
Eventually, August slowly walked towards Rhine and cautiously climbed onto her lap, hiding her face into Rhine's warm chest. It was surprising how feeling Rhine's heat and listening in on the steady thumping of her heartbeat did more for August's well being than anything had in quite a long time.
Her fingers curled around the fabric of Rhine's shirt. "S-Sorry.. for being s-so stupid.." She confessed shamefully.
Rhinedottir placed a comforting hand on the back of August's head and hummed a familiar song. August was well accustomed to this. Rhinedottir would lash out, feel the tiniest bit of regret upon seeing August pout, then she would give in and reassure August all was well even if it wasn't true. Especially if it wasn't true.
Neither of them said a word. For August it is because she is content, thawing herself out of her shell made of ice, but Rhinedottir is simply silent to enjoy one of the rare moments where August isn't agonizing over her or something she'd done wrong. Although, perhaps she could admit that the warmth resting underneath her palm was comforting.
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
Well in honor of Bisexual Visibility Day, what are some things you noticed about yourself that were so obviously bi after figuring out your bisexual? I'll go first:
I had the biggest freaking crushes on Mai from Yu-Gi-Oh when I was like 6 or 7 and Jinx from LoL when I was like 9 or 10. Actually the Jinx one was so obvious because I begged my cousins to pick Jinx during a match like 15 times a day and blasted Get Jinxed all day long. I was down bad
I listen to Katy Perry and Taylor Swift a LOT lot (sorry I'm not that much of a swiftie now I'm a failure)
Whenever a kiss scene happened on the screen I wasn't embarrassed because the man kissed the woman but because both of them were kissing and I didn't know where to focus
I thought imagining getting into a romantic relationship with my female friends was normal
Once I said to a friend that I loved Jennie from BlackPink so much that I would totally go gay for her and she looked at me weirdly and told me that isn't really normal. I thought about it for like a solid 5 minutes and than ignored it
Being attracted to women in general but I always convinced myself that I couldn't possibly be bi because I'm more attracted to men (it took me a very long time to figure out that bisexuals can feel different amounts of affection and attraction for different genders)
I always did the bisexual sitting pose and bisexual hand signs
These are just some stuff that I can think of right now. Happy being bi and being a disaster 🩷💜💙
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ree-set-art · 13 days
Tell me about your three favorite OCs using as many tumblr buzzwords as possible :3
I wasn't expecting someone to ask. Then I had to ask clarifying questions. Then the notification was off so I straight up forgot to reply to this. 🤣 SORRY. Interestingly... It made me realize I don't play favorites as hard as I used to which might be why I've lost that spark for drawing them... (Or maybe I'm enjoying them all equally well!) Here's my best answer at the risk of sounding like I'm out of touch:
Favorite NPC right now: Mahan. I realize I've only reposted someone drawing her here and not my own doodles but: Cryptid adjacent underdark cinamonroll whose too good for this world. She's also seen things. Seen far too much. She's living her "best" life so far, but her bar is too low and someone needs to just say it.
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Favorite DND OC right now: Kolissa...? Only in that I play her most and I'd be most upset if she died. She's a backseat driving girlboss biding her time until she can burn the whole world down. Straight up throw the whole thing away. Just got fucked being 'lawful'. Honorable mentions to my pompous enby artificer and tired tired bard.
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Favorite OG OC right now: Calib. For those who used to follow, people liked Strife as THE disaster gay/bi, but there's something charming about the well-adjusted academia-core dad friend who will vibe with you and drive the car 'you losers' get in... but whose also put on the childlocks and has no chill if you ask his honest opinion. (He should meet Mahan)
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I think the characters I like most aren't the ones that land steady tropes... but that might be a clue I need to have more fun! I'll send you the same ask, so please share yours :) Anyone else, tag me if you do this for fun.
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10 Characters and 10 Fandoms
I was hoping this day would not come. I had hoped I would fly free and clear from having to choose between all the people trapped in my television. But alas...I can avoid it no longer...thanks @lurkingshan
Cause here is the thing, when I think of what drives me batshit, crawling up the wall, tearing at the curtains it is not the characters but the dynamics that I love and cherish.
Rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
So I guess, without further ado, and in no particular order, here are 10 of my faves and why
Wen Kexing - Word of Honor
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I mean...this one seems pretty obvious (coughs in username) but this is my dumb slut, okay? He's beauty, he's grace, he's got Zhou Zishu Derangement Syndrome harder than anyone.
Wen Kexing, how do I love you? Let me count the ways:
Fashion Icon
Crazy Bastard Man
Yi Baiyi's Number One Nuisance
Gay As Hell
Not Once. Not Ever.
Akk - The Eclipse
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Oh Akk, my favorite little war criminal. If I had to pick one single favorite character, it's my boy.
Can't put my finger on why but for some reason I am obsessed with this emotionally repressed gay boy who has difficulty accepting himself and feels pressured to perform actions far outside what a teenager should be allowed to do because adults put pressure on him and because he doesn't want people to be disappointed in him...
Unlike Wen Kexing, Akk has done many things wrong, but he's my sweet cheese, good time boy, and he deserves to be harassed by his rat bastard boyfriend at all times. He's learned, he's grown, he's free of Suppalo and I want nothing but the best for him forever and alwas.
Jim Jimenez - Our Flag Means Death
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Ohhhhh Jim. The Swagger, The Sex Appeal, The Being The Only Competent Member of Stede's Crew. I mean, what is not to love about The Orphan Raised By Nun Grandmother To Be a Killer?
As a fellow Studier Of The Blade, I would welcome the chance to let Jim kill me. Besides the fact they would lay waste to many, as an enby, they automatically earn a spot in my favs list.
Guillermo de la Cruz - What We Do In The Shadows
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Tumblr Users, name a sexier character that Guillermo de la Cruz. That's right! YOU CAN'T!
Gay, serial killer...mmm you know what I'm beginning to sense a trend in my favs list...
eh, we can unpack that later!
My lovely, bumbling, dumbass with posession of the only brain cell in the household. So bright and smiley in the beginning you almost forget that he is 10 years in to literally hunting people to feed to his best friends/mortal enemies/family/tormenters/employers/bumbling idiots that stole him away from Panera Bread. There is no greater personification of the Duality of Man than the man who can lay waste to an entire theatre full of vampires and also spending literal hours closing every possible loophole in Nandor's Dick Length Wish. No greater personification of the Duality of Man than the man who can best Nandor in a gay little fight, and then immediately get pushed into a coffin and shipped to England.
Keyleth - Critical Role
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My beloved, all powerful awkward disaster of a Druid. Keyleth helped me through some difficult fucking parts of my life, and I really appreciate how heavily Marisha allowed Keyleth to embrace and exert her anger where it needed to be released. I love how Keyleth can both bring a building down with her bare hands (literally) and turn into a goldfish and splatter along the rocks (also literally)
I love when character who are hurt or in pain or grieving continue to be kind, and I love when that composure starts to slip.
Ellie Williams - The Last of Us
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I love my baby dyke with all my heart. She's a killer, she's a track star, she makes grown men weep and young kids laugh. She's immune from being mushroomified, and she horrifies Joel's Southern Table Manner Sensibilities. What more can you ask for out of a character?
Tankhun Theerapanyakul- KinnPorsche
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Serves cunt.
Kaz Brekkar - Six of Crows
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Kaz Brekkar is the walking contradiction, and that is why I love him.
Kaz, External Monologue: murder. murder. crime. crime. heist. heist. fuck pekka.
Kaz, Internal Monologue: Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej.
There is just something so juicy about a character who yearns desperately to touch, to hold, to love and is physically incapable of doing so. Also like, shout out to having disabled characters in media of all forms
Raine Whispers - Owl House
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Again, enby, therefore automatically on the fucking list. But also like. COME ON. Look at them. They are so precious, they are so awkward, and they are so badass. This motherfucker can't talk on a stage to save their life, but can lead a goddamn rebel organization?
ALSO LIKE, LET'S DISCUSS THE FUCKING WHISTLE AND THE MONTHS OF FAKING MIND CONTROL?!?!?!??!?! Y'all seriously want to sit here and not claim them as a fav? Okay, but couldn't be me :)
Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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It's Zuko. Need I say more? I will never not love Zuko because I lived through his redemption arc live on my TV. I went from hating this motherfucker's guts to truly deeply loving him in real time and that's all I have to say on that. He's a runner, he's a track star, he's a war criminal, and a baby girl, and truly is the king of kings for doing one nice thing and nearly dying from fever about it.
Well, this has made me realize that most of my favs are gay murderers. Teehee. Please never make me choose my favorite characters again.
If someone tags me in one of these, ask me to do my Top 10 Character Dynamics, please I beg you!!!!1
@bengiyo , @shortpplfedup , @kyr-kun-chan , @moonspiritmars
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Yang: (wakes up with a big stretch and freezes)
Blake: (nestles her face into the pillow as she wakes up) Good morning, Yang~
Yang: (blushing) Right! Morning! It's morning. Good morning.
Blake: (smiling) What's that reaction for?
Yang: I, uh, I actually forgot that we shared a bed last night. I'm not used to waking up to seeing a goddess in my bed. Still getting used to this.
Blake: (kisses Yang's nose) Flatterer.
Yang: Did it work?
Blake: (cuddles up to Yang) Always~
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
They keep the surnames of “Hamato” despite abandoning the strictly traditional practices of the Hamato clan whilst also taking more eclectic inspiration from their arts to their own.
They all brumate btw. Pry this from my cold dead hands. Every time brumation season comes, the Disaster Twins Inc. hog the couch.
Donnie, because he’s autistic and is a softshell turtle, has sensory issues and is very picky about what food he eats and which clothes he wears, as well as what surfaces he touches. He secretly has a casual list catalogued about what sensory things he loves versus what he hates, and there’s a small area in his lab that’s sensory heaven for him.
All the turtles have different eye colours. Leo has natural heterochromia, one eye being cobalt blue and another eye being bright amber. Post-movie Raph has heterochromia from being turned into a Krang zombie for a short amount of time- one eye is emerald green, and another is a bright magenta purple. Donnie has warm brown eyes, and Mikey has baby/cornflower blue-ish grey eyes. April has hazel green eyes.
Teenage Mutant Intersex Turtles, anyone?? They’re all different variations of intersex on the intersex spectrum. Leo was presumed to be a guy and does have some male traits, but is biologically female- he’s both intersex and a trans dude (and I’m all here for it).
Raph is an aroace bigender (both transfem and demiboy), Mikey is genderfluid and greyaroace pansexual and panromantic, Donnie is nonbinary, asexual and greyromantic biromantic, and Leo is FTM trans, demisexual and gay (did I mention they are all intersex).
Yes I do headcanon disaster twins, and that Donatello was taller than Leonardo when they were younger but Leo is 3 and a half minutes older than Donnie and takes every damn opportunity to brag about it.
In the future, all of the turtles have cloaking brooches and stable jobs that earn them great income. They also have apartments close to the sewers that is their home.
Okay, we all know Donnie’s canonically autistic. But what if all the turtles are on differing parts of the spectrum. More at 5.
Donnie in addition to being autistic has insomnia, BPD and misophonia and does have sight issues and is prone to migraines due to staring at screens and not getting enough sleep, Raph has panic disorder, dyslexia, OSDD-1a and GAD, Leo has ADHD-I, autism, GAD and is bipolar, and Mikey has ADHD-HI, dyscalculia and autism. All of them have some form of PTSD post-movie.
Leo does know how to play chess please and thank you. He just does it for fun and doesn’t really practice.
Splinter has PTSD, is autistic and is bisexual (the most unrealistic thing is young Lou Jitsu/Hamato Yoshi in his 20’s NOT kissing men and enby hoes in addition to women). He’s not a bad father, he just passed some of that generational trauma of everything that’s happened to him, as well as his regrets and grief, down to his kids without even knowing and feels terrible about it once he realizes. He may have made so many mistakes as a father, but he deeply loves his sons beyond what they could ever comprehend, and he’d send anyone to the shadow realm if they laid a finger on his beloved turtle children.
Donnie and Leo (mostly Donnie) bite each other for no reason at all- not enough to hurt or draw blood, but enough for the bitten to yelp and want an apology from the one who did the biting.
April O’Neil is an also autistic lesbian polyamorous demigirl. She’s saving up enough money by working at The Foot shoestore partially for her top surgery. Sunita is her best friend soon-to-be girlfriend. They’re gay disasters your honor.
Cassandra Jones is MTF trans. Fight me on this one.
Sunita, despite being a teenage slime yokai, does celebrate and participate in Indian culture and does consider herself Indian (let me have my rep I’m starved of please). She’s also a lesbian demigirl, and is asexual and autistic. She also has the ability of superhuman bodily elasticity, even in human form (though it is restricted somewhat in human form). Sunita WILL call pilaf ‘biryani that needs therapy’ okay, she’ll fight you if you say they are the same thing.
Queerplatonic/non-romantic Apritello where they have a super close relationship greater than best friends but cringe at the idea of being in a romantic relationship together wya <3
April’s African American, we all know, but what about her being of Afro-Iranian Jewish descent and her mother’s Shakshuka and Latkes and Rugelach and Sufganiyot being her absolute favorite among all the stuff she makes. She gets MAJOR hyped by the time Hanukah comes around and tells the Turtle boys and Splinter about it.
And there’s more, but I’ll tell y’all about that later, or we’ll be here all day.
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piedoesnotequalpi · 10 months
12, 17, 18, 29 for the ask game! - @pigeonwit
Hi Pidge :)
12. How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year?
I've had to be very careful about WIPs due to working on How It Will Be! So in terms of WIPs that actually have things written, there's HIWB (of course) and a Sprace meet cute one-shot inspired by this swing dance video I've seen floating around tumblr. I have documents with some planning notes, but I haven't actually started writing those, and some of them are Bachelorette AU tie-ins that I can't really write until HIWB is done. I still need to write my exchange and mini bang fics, but those don't have documents yet (😬)
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Race! I've given him a lot of roles--a depressed, somewhat emotionally constipated professor (in a fic I ultimately hid on AO3 (I can dig up the tutorial on how to do that for anyone who wants it)); Jack's scheming best friend/roommate (Take the elephant by the hand); an offputting not-quite-human (Still Through the Leaves); and of course the over-the-top Bachelorette host. It's been cool to figure out how his personality traits manifest in each AU, and I am very excited to make him go through some stuff in the next couple chapters of HIWB.
Honorable mention to Crutchie, because while he cares a lot about his friends he is also a menace, which is always entertaining. In the Much Ado-niverse, he has a very specific way of talking (gratuitous fancy words, mostly) that I really enjoy writing, but given his different background/career choices/interests in HIWB I didn't think it made sense to carry that over.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
I don't know if it's trouble necessarily, but out of all the non-POV characters in HIWB, Albert has consistently had the most going on behind the scenes, as it were. But because he isn't a POV character, everything we know about him comes exclusively from dialogue and how the POV characters interpret his actions. Figuring out what he was thinking/feeling in the more emotionally charged scenes while also figuring out how much of that he'd want to reveal (and what characters figure out) was definitely an interesting process. I rewrote the scene in the Reykjavik chapter where he and Charlie first kissed at least 3-4 times because I was so worried about getting it right.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
There are a lot of one-liners that I really like, and there's a scene early-ish in HIWB where Jack is being a bi disaster about Davey and Katherine that I think is fun, but my favorite has to be the opening of chapter 8 in the now-hidden fic I've referenced. Race is a trans guy in that AU, and he spends some time before he realizes that he's trans questioning his sexuality, and this scene is the aftermath of some of that pre-transition questioning going slightly sideways. Anyway, the scene is under the cut (Race is referred to with she/her due to the scene taking place pre-realization):
After Race broke up with her girlfriend, she went back to the half of a duplex that she shared with a couple perpetually absent medical students and shut herself in her room.
Dating Amelia had been–Not an experiment, Race reminded herself. You really thought you liked her. Amelia was also a PhD student, luckily in the robotics engineering department and therefore far enough removed from Race’s statistics program for them to have space post-breakup. They were friends, and Race had enjoyed spending time with her–except for the small problem that she’d eventually realized she wasn’t actually attracted to her.
Jack and David coming out senior year had turned out to be a catalyst for the rest of their friend group. Sarah had announced she was a lesbian part way through college, and Albert and Finch had both come out as gay and ended up in an on-and-off friends with benefits situation that Race tried to avoid knowing the details of. Charlie had said a couple years ago that he was still figuring things out, but between his friends, job, and disability rights activism, he thought he was probably too busy to date anyway. Even Spot and Katherine, who’d spent most of their lives struggling to fit the pictures their parents had of them, had come out to the general public via Facebook post on the same day in the fall. Which left Race, theoretically the token straight of the group, who was read as a lesbian even more now that she’d cut her hair short, donated the last dress and underwire bra in her closet, and wore as much L.L. Bean clothing as she could get her hands on.
She had thought that maybe she’d missed something along the way, that she really was secretly bisexual and had been in denial the whole time. She was sure she was interested in men–she’d had a few boyfriends in undergrad, and then there was the yearslong, semi-latent crush on–
Race swallowed, staring vacantly at the collage of pictures she’d hung on her wall. There was her with Jack and Medda at her college graduation, her and Albert and David at a surprisingly quiet beach on the Cape, a picture of her undergrad dance troupe performing, and right in the middle, a picture of her sitting on a couch–she didn’t even remember where it was taken at this point–next to–
There was a chance that she just hadn’t found the right person in Amelia. But Race didn’t want to date another girl, knowing that she probably would just end up discovering she wasn’t attracted to them in the first place.
She and this theoretical girl deserved better.
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
21 for the oc ask game,and congratulations!
Thank you! We've been pretty quiet about it on tumblr because it's been eating up 110% of our entire brains in every other part of our lives.
Very excited! But oh god the logistics leading in.
How does your OC handle relationships, platonic or otherwise? Do they forge bonds easily, or prefer to not get attached?
Benny is a deep classic romantic at heart. She's not terribly demonstrative with her feelings, but when she lets herself fall for someone, she falls fast and hard. She's prone to insecurities in her romantic life--she's ace and extremely sex-repulsed, sex is never going to be part of any of her romantic relationships, and that's a deal-breaker for a lot of people. She tends to hold back on letting herself fall for anyone if she's not...sure they mean it, when they say they understand what that means.
Rinda's courtship with her wife was deeply emotional and extremely quiet. They worked very, very well together in the field--with Rinda acting as her secret-keeper and sharing an intense mutual respect for one another's honor, courage, and kindness. Rinda saw how Talet acted around her apprentice-slash-ward, a traumatized young mage with debilitating anxiety and PTSD around using her own magic; Talet saw how Rinda handled herself, heard her talk about her kids and her late sister. They didn't make a move right away--but they kept in touch, arranged to work together again a few months later, and during a quiet moment in that adventure, they sat down and had the conversation they'd both known would need to happen.
It was a very honest, earnest, adult relationship from the start--tender beyond words, but not dramatic.
Rinda is much more demonstrative with her platonic relationships. She'll roughhouse with Talet's daughter, toss her own kids in the air, rib them and their respective partners; but with her wife, it's usually very quiet and soft and private.
Kite mostly-but-not-entirely left her family for ethical reasons, and is a walking disaster of a woman when it comes to romance. Mostly it's that she was.........it's kind of the gnollish equivalent of having been raised in a wealthy, very blandly American Protestant household. Nothing exciting, no crazy uncles dropping slurs at Thanksgiving dinner, but still very rigid in ways the family didn't even seem to notice. Gender roles enforced not by violence but by stifling homogeneity and constant very reasonable requests not to rock the boat or by persistent "confusion" and open discomfort and "concern" any time you deviate from an extremely narrow norm.
(The people who wholeheartedly believe that girls are just as good as boys! Girls can do anything boys can do! They would LOVE it if their little girl grew up to be a doctor or a scientist or a CEO or a cop! They say while equally cheerfully taking a toy horse out of their son's hands while explaining that no no sweetie, that's for girls, we'll get you a different one that's for boys instead? Flip the gendered expectations--gnolls are hyenas, so females are expected to be dominant and aggressive while males are meant to be submissive homemakers--and you've got Kite's family.)
So, she was raised in the privileged position in that kind of household. Her family wholeheartedly accepts and supports her being gay! But she herself was raised with....expectations for what romance looked like. She knows this about herself, that she's internalized a lot of normative bullshit, but that doesn't make it....easy, to stop being afraid.
Vulnerability is hard for her. She's the second-eldest daughter of a strong clan. She was meant to be strong, confident, desirable, her romance was meant to be her having her pick of any of the several pretty girls who'd be falling over themselves to catch her eye. She knows that's toxic and awful. She doesn't want it. But she doesn't....know how else to be. She's trying to learn.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 9 months
Everyone Knows But Them
Everyone Knows But Them https://ift.tt/52ecQIZ by watchmecope June is in an student exchange program, from Austin, Texas all the way to Jolly ol' England. But that was months ago. The semester is basically done. They even held a welcome-back party for her. Now, correct her if she's wrong, but once one of the students comes back, shouldn't the other one have to go back too? Not necessarily. At least, not according to Alex. And he says it's because it's just unnecessary. But everyone can obviously see they have other reasons, everyone but them. Words: 3679, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Ellen Claremont, Oscar Diaz (Red White & Royal Blue), Zahra Bankston, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, Rafael Luna Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe, Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, but SPEEDRUN it, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, They Don't Even Know They're In Love, Gay Disaster Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Clueless Alex Claremont-Diaz, Misunderstandings, But in a fun but still frustrating way, Happy Ending, Everyone Thinks They're Together, They're Not, for now, Humor, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Fluff the entire time but platonic??, Its not platonic but they dont know that yet, They're In Love Your Honor, Foreign Exchange Student, Gay Panic, Not royalty but still rich via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/ir056cz January 22, 2024 at 09:11AM
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thecoddaughter · 9 months
QSMP Characters as The Fray's Discography (Part 2)
Part two is now here, if you want to listen along, the link is below.
Syndicate - Cellbit & Roier
“Baby, close your eyes. Don't open 'til the morning light. Don't ever forget, we haven't lost it all yet.”
“Someday when this is over. We may still have no answer. For now, it's when I hold her we are closer.”
Absolute - Bagi & Tina
“It's a kiss that sits upon on her lips, that waits for planes and battle ships. She wants to be a dancer and he has got a picture on his wall and it's a sailor in a new port every night. Yet man was born to trouble like sparks fly upwards innocent.”
“Quiet but I'm sure there is something here. Tell me everything cause I want you here”
You Found Me - Bobby, Trump, Juana, & Tilin [i used to be a little nine-year-old Quinny sobbing to this song and i think that makes this even sadder for me]
"Where were you when everything was falling apart?” 
“Lost and insecure. You found me, you found me lying on the floor. Surrounded, surrounded. Why'd you have to wait? Where were you, where were you? Just a little late, you found me.”
“Well, in the end, everyone ends up alone but losing her… The only one who's ever known who I am, who I'm not, and who I wanna be. No way to know how long she will be next to me.” (This specific line is Juana about Tillin, to Charlie)
Say When - Fit & Pac (this song feels like disaster gays)
“Turn around and you're walking toward me. I'm breaking down and you're breathing slowly. Say the word and I will be your man, your man.”
“Later on, if it turns to chaos. Hurricanes coming all around us. See the crack, pull it back from the window, you stay low.”
“Come across, you're lost and broken. You're coming to, you're slow and waking. You start to shake.”
Never Say Never - Ramón to Sunny
“Picture, you're the queen of everything far as the eye can see under your command. I will be your guardian when all is crumbling. I'll steady your hand.”
Where the Story Ends - Tallulah 
“Trying not to lose my head but I have never been this scared before. Tell you what I'll do instead, lay my body down on the floor to forget what I've done.”
“The violins make no sound and I begin to feel the ground.”
Enough For Now - Maxo & Sunny [i am about to cry, i’ve somehow never heard this one]
“The daughter's father watches, quietly we assume. He's no longer with us, but he left this dusty room and your name and it's an honor. It's a shame but it's your honor to take it on your shoulder.”
“Things your father never could do. That's enough for now. He would have never left you broken. He would have held you. Things your father never told you.”
Ungodly Hour - Mariana & Slime
“And I am short on words knowing what's occurred. She begins to leave because of me.”
“I wish that I could carry her but this is our ungodly hour.”
We Build Then We Break - (not doing this one cuz 89% this song is about leaving abusive relationships and not the vibe of this project, great song tho)
Happiness - Our two constantly grieving children, Pomme and Richas
“Happiness, feels a lot like sorrow. Let it be, you can't make it come or go. But you are gone. not for good but for now. Gone for now, feels a lot like gone for good.”
“Look for it, but you'll never find it all. Let it go, live your life and leave it. Then one day, wake up and she'll be home.”
Be the One - Tubbo & Fred [aka gay and sad]
"They're two lovers in the night. Waiting on the sun to rise. Passing ships into the night."
“But you just whisper what you said one last time. I could have sworn I heard you say. That you are mine. Faded flowers in your hand. The best that I could do. It's the only way I've had of reaching you.”
“What if I knew how to yell? What would I pray? What if I knew how to tell? What would I say?”
Fair Fight - The surviving eggs about the dead eggs [and i’m crying again]
“Light breaks from the left and hit's between the buildings.”
“She up and died and left you in a fall you cannot forget. You were too young and you said not yet.”
“You looked around but she was nowhere to be found.”
Heartless - Mariana and Slime [i do not like kanye, this is the better version of the song anyway…]
“I mean after all the things that we been through. I mean after all the things we got into. And yo, I know some things that you ain't told me. Yo, I did some things but that's the old me.”
“You run and tell your friends that you're leavin' me. They say that they don't see what you see in me. You wait a couple months then you gone' see. You'll never find nobody better than me.”
Uncertainty - Bad (and Dapper... and Pomme... this man accidentially gave his kids his personality.)
“Uncertainty is killing me and I'm certainly not asleep. Maybe I've gone far to deep. Maybe I'm just far too weak.”
“And there is so much we don't know so we love and we hope that it holds”
“Thousands were lost maybe more. The question remains, what is this for? Maybe it came unexpected. Maybe I'm left unprotected.”
“So I'm going to fight for my own”
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