#she was sweet and caring and also not someone he found threatening in any way
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #59
#ooh drama in Pepper and Happy’s relationship#when Pepper asked Tony for her job back she explained it as that#‘It’s hard just keeping ahead of inflation so Happy and I decided I need a job.’#but it doesn’t seem that Happy is really on board with this and Pepper isn’t bringing up finances as a justification#I actually like that Happy is explicitly bringing up his discomfort with Pepper being college-educated#and his disapproval of the woman’s liberation movement- to me it's more interesting to fully depict that conflict#regarding Pepper saying ‘If I don’t grow… expand… I’ll go nuts!’#I doubt that a secretary job is giving her complete fulfillment in terms of her personal growth#so I would suspect that there's more that she wants that she's not specifying#and regarding ‘How can you want a wife who isn’t a human being first?’#I'm curious if she's feeling dehumanized by the role of being a wife beyond just the not working and always being in the home part#possibly Happy feeling a sense of or more of a sense of ownership over her#now I'm curious as to how Tony feels about the women's lib movement- I would think he would naturally lean conservative but#I'm sure that Tony being a playboy isn't all about protecting women's purity and the valuing the sanctity of marriage above all kinda guy#his two long-lasting relationships have been with Janice Cord and Marianne Rodgers and I feel like they were both pretty different#with Marianne I think the crux of his relationship with her was that one quote where he said#'How can a warm and loving but powerless girl harm an iron man?'#she was sweet and caring and also not someone he found threatening in any way#and she also didn't have anything else going on in her life besides their relationship like a job and was just hanging around with him#in contrast Tony was really encouraging of Janice Cord to keep her company and be a competitor to him rather than sell the company to him#and it came across to me that he felt more comfortable with that distance between them#in the sense that she not just had that other major part of her life and wasn't dependent on him but was also in competition with him#so he kind of had that as a built-in justification for when he wanted to distance himself from her#I’m curious as to how he’ll approach learning about this conflict between Pepper and Happy#also love that Tony is angrily breaking stuff in his office and they’re just on the other side of the wall awkwardly not getting involved#marvel#pepper potts#happy hogan#my posts#comic panels
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venerawrites · 6 months
For Gaara, shino, sai, neji
A cutesy girly s/o but really great at fist fighting and overall has great strength and durable in any mission.
Like she can literally lift a whole man who harassed her and shit (maybe snap his spine into two 😔✌️)
author's note: can I just say how excited I am to finally get a request involving Neji? Like, my boy is super underappreciated :/ anyway, writing this one was so fun and I do hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Gaara liked you the first time he saw you.
You were so innocent and sweet looking, he was greatly surprised once you mentioned you were a shinobi.
Now, of course, he has met dozens of strong women who were excellent ninjas (such as Tsunade or Sakura), so it's not like he did not believe females could be good fighters.
But with your well-put outfit (that looked beautiful but highly impractical for fighting), soft skin, that looked free of any battle scars, and delicate hands, that seemed too gentle to be the hands of a warrior, he found it hard to believe you.
So during the Fourth Shinobi War, he gave a piece of his mind to the Hokage for letting you on the battlefield. You were supposed to be safe in the village, something he specifically asked his friends from the Leaf to ensure.
Naturally, he tried to keep an eye on you and protect you as much as he could during the battle...
But when he witnessed with his own two eyes the way you picked up one of the enemy's soldiers, lifted them over your head, and slammed them into the ground, thus resulting in their body being cracked in two, his jaw dropped.
And if possible, he found himself even more attracted to you!
So after the war it didn't take long for you two to develop a relationship, with him finding an excuse to travel to Konoha every two weeks before he asked you to move to Suna.
Now... Maybe a bit shocking, but both his siblings were definitely NOT fans when they first met you.
Temari thought you were too girly and shallow, and openly voiced her opinion that it is "ninja-wannabes" like you that give a bad name to female shinobi. Like how could you be a warrior if you are so into your looks?
Kankuro also shared her opinion, but his disapproval was based on his concern of how sincere you were about his brother. Like did you like him for HIM or did you just like his title?
Both quickly changed their opinion, once you managed to defeat Temari during a sparring match. Not only did you earn their respect that day, but it was also the beginning of two beautiful friendships.
Gaara, on the other hand, secretly loved the fact that instead of letting people's opinions get to you, you used their doubt to your advantage.
He is definitely the dominant half in your relationship - I imagine that no matter how strong you are, you enjoy being taken care of. Also, he is still a stronger ninja than you, so I don't really think he would be threatened by your strength in any way.
Gaara loves to treat you like a princess - he pampers you, buys you gifts, and lets you have anything you want.
I can't help but DO imagine him with someone who is very girly and feminine, maybe a little bit spoiled as well lol..
He would have great respect for you as a shinobi, but I feel he would still be worried about sending you on missions, so when he can he would try and send Kankuro with you.
To be honest, I don't really think he cares that much...
Like, in order to start dating in the first place, you need to know each other at least for a few years. By then he was well aware of your strength, so it was not really a surprise for him.
I think the shock element with Shino is actually falling in love with someone who is very girly and cute.
I feel he would naturally always be more attracted to tomboy-looking girls, who were quiet, reserved, and shared similar interests to him.
You were the complete opposite of that - not only your style was very feminine, but you were also loud, bubbly and were not particularly fond of anything related to insects or nature.
The fact that you were polar opposites, however, is what made you so compatible.
I imagine you would start hanging out after you were assigned a mission to retrieve some scrolls from the Hidden Stone Village.
Like I said, he would not be surprised by how strong you are, but seeing you in action during a fight would be a completely new experience for him.
He would be very impressed with your skills and would compliment them, making you blush crimson red.
I always imagined Shino as quite blunt guy, so I think he would be totally okay with sharing with you the fact that before being assigned to a mission together, he thought of you as a rather ignorant girl.
Do not get offended tho, boy just always speaks out loud his thoughts...
It would be a surprise for everyone to see you coming back from your mission hand in hand.
I feel out of all of the boys on the list, Shino would be the one who would rub his influence on you the most - after getting with him, you are more interested in joining him in his little expeditions of discovering new species rather than doing your usual Friday shopping routine.
He doesn't really like discussing work or anything relating to his missions with others, but after a drink or two on a night out, he WOULD boast about you and your abilities.
"She is both very beautiful and also an extremely skilful ninja... Of course, I feel lucky to have her, Kiba!"
His favourite thing is watching you deal with men that try to flirt with you... usually, it takes only 5 minutes, before they are laying flat on the ground. He wouldn't admit it, but he finds it rather funny.
LITERALLY the first thing he said to you after Naruto introduced you to each other was: "I find you very physically attractive and I would like to get to know you more."
You, usually pretty confident and self-assured individual, immediately started blushing, nervously twirling the ends of your hair.
What happened to "Hello?", "How are you?", "My name is.."??
He would compliment you a lot, about how cute you are, how he likes your style, and how you have to be the most beautiful girl in Konoha.
I totally see him as someone with 0 social awareness, so very probable to make you uncomfortable at the beginning.
When you got paired with Team 7 for a mission, he saw your true strength for the first time.
He always thought you were some type of sensory ninja or a medic... but definitely not a fighter. You were too sweet and innocent-looking to be a fighter.
Yet, here you were, punching rogue ninjas left and right, making them fly in the air from the impact.
Now, Naruto and Sakura pay you no mind - you have been training with them for years, and they know very well what are you capable of.
Sai, however, is utterly shocked and terrified.
Who were you and what happened to the sweet Y/N?
He would probably distance himself a bit, feeling scared that if he says or asks something inappropriate, you wouldn't hesitate to knock him out just like Sakura had done before.
You would have to be the one to seek him out, showing him that you are not a violent person and there is no reason for him to be scared of you.
After that, he would get back to his old ways of always complimenting you and showering you with gifts.
This guy is OBSESSED with you. Literally.
He would always make sketches of you, shyly giving them to you once they are finished.
He is also the only one who I see actively taking part in your hobbies, such as shopping, spa days or/and reading romantic books. Sai wants to get to know you as much as possible and he is not ashamed to be caught doing "girly" things with you.
Enemies to lovers type of story here...
While you were growing up, Neji thought that you were both very weak and annoying - probably the worst combination of traits for a person to have.
Constantly fixing your appearance and thinking more of having a cute outfit, rather than being safe, he would constantly give you side eyes and mutter degrading comments about you under his breath.
You, on the other hand, would think he was stuck up and rude, thus resulting in quite severe bickering between you two. At some point, it will get so bad, that they would have to keep your teams apart and with as little contact as possible.
For the next few years, you would have very minimal interactions with Neji (most of the time consisting of you passing each other on the street or somehow resulting in the same company during dinner).
One day you were both hanging out at Ichiraku Ramen, when a man decided to come next to you and start complimenting you. You politely accepted his first few compliments, but the more he kept going, the more uncomfortable you got.
Now Neji may dislike you, but he was raised as a gentleman and he was not about to let a lady be harassed.
He had just started walking toward you when the man tried to grab your arm and in response, you punched him so hard, that he literally flew through the wall.
Neji froze in his place, completely dumbfounded at what he had just witnessed.
You, on the other hand, just dusted your hands, fixed your hair, and joined your friends again.
He would not admit it, even way after you were already a couple, but this was the day when his opinion of you changed completely.
He started to join some of your training practices with Lee, always saying that he did not expect you to be there (he totally knew, that's the reason he was there in the first place).
He would soon start to train with you, impressed by how well you held yourself against him.
He would probably still win. Despite you being so strong, he was still the better strategist between you two.
Would totally enjoy pinning you down, forcing you to surrender though.
I imagine both of you would keep up the façade of pretending to hate each other till the tension gets too much and you just end up kissing after one of your fights.
He would totally still make fun of you for being so girly and cute looking, but now instead of mocking, it was more of a flirty teasing.
He would be very proud of you and would always watch in amazement at the way you were dealing with your enemies, but secretly, he would always be worried for you and would try to intervene in your fights and protect you.
Just like Gaara, I imagine that he would be the more dominant one in the relationship and would take his roles as your protector and provider very seriously.
His family totally loves you tbh, which would definitely boost his ego even more.
cc artwork: Joshua Raphael
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yusume-the-writer · 8 months
If you wouldn’t mind, can we get a bf!Orter Mádl x F reader.
Where Orter is being jealous and over protective bf, that whenever men come near or talk with reader that he just scares them off in a way. And when confronted about his jealousy he denies (as expected).
Sweet and happy ending! (take your time!)
It's not jealousy if it's just to protect your loved one
Orter Máld x Fem Reader
Request made by Anon, thank you very much for this idea
I'm sorry for the delay. I was kind of having a problem creating a scenario, but I hope you like it
We have to agree that Orter seems to be really overprotective, as he is a Divine Visionary who follows the rules to an extreme and has probably made a lot of enemies.
Gender: Fluff
Summary: During a meeting between Orter and his girlfriend, someone appears to interrupt the couple's moment
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Today was a great morning
 Orter had missed a day off to spend with his lovely boyfriend (Name) as he was away because of work
So they spent half the morning in bed because of (Name)'s neediness (and also because Orter was hungry for her affection), and then they had breakfast and got ready to go out in the afternoon.
Now it was nighttime, and (Name) had mentioned a restaurant she wanted to try because of a friend's opinion.
And here they are both, in the restaurant while waiting for their orders to arrive
"A friend of mine said the sweets here are amazing! I can't wait to try them~" (Name) says in a childish tone similar to a child entering a candy store
"Okay, but be careful not to eat too much and get sick later" Orter says
"Okay dad, I'll be careful" She says while looking at him with a pout
"(Name) and you?!?" Suddenly an unknown male voice says
Then a guy appears that Orter has never seen in his entire life.
But it seems like (Name) does...
"Oh and you Kevin..." (Name) says while facing the stranger
 However... she didn't seem happy about this sudden encounter
"Yes! It seems like yesterday that we met" The man known as Kevin says, seeming ignorant about the presence of the Divine Visionary
 "Yes... because we work in the same office" (Name) says while looking at him as if he had asked a question that didn't even need to be asked because the answer was too obvious
Which was true, but Kevin thought he was a comedian
'There's the annoying colleague' Orter thinks as he remembers (Name) venting about how annoying and insufferable a colleague was and that he thought he was the guy for making uncle jokes
He wouldn't say it out loud, but he wants Kevin out of their sight now.
He just wouldn't say it out loud because (Name) would tease him about being jealous.
 "Yeah... anyway -" (Name) tries to tell Kevin to go away
"Me and the guys from work are gathered here, don't you want to come? It'll be fun." Kevin cuts (Name), and it seems like he doesn't want her to deny the invitation
"She's on a date at the moment," Suddenly Orter says, catching the attention of Kevin and (Name)
"... And who would you be, man?" Kevin says it in a confused and disgusted tone of voice.
And, of course, he would be disgusted. There is a man who seems to be a thousand times better than him in front of him
"Her boyfriend, now that you're on leave, could you get out of our sight" Orter says while facing Kevin
 Orter didn't look like it, but he was very angry
Kevin looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything
He wouldn't admit how threatening Orter looked or how he stared at Kevin like he was nothing more than prey, not an insect.
No, it didn't even seem like that Orter considered him, but rather just unbearable dirt on a clean floor
And like any dirt, it could disappear and no one would care
... An awkward silence filled the room around Kevin
Then he left without saying anything and went towards a table with people who saw the situation.
As soon as they saw that Orter was also looking at them, they quickly turned around.
 "Heh~" A laugh echoes in front of Orter
As he faced the source of the sound, he found (Name) staring at him with a knowing smile.
"It looks like someone is jealous~"(Name) says while still staring at Orter
"...The food has arrived" Orter says as he changes the subject and faces the waiter who brought the orders
"Hey!!! Don't change the subject!"
"If you don't mention that, I'll buy all the desserts you want"
 Orter was in bed reading a book while waiting for (Name) to finish her skin treatment.
"Don't you think it's better not to read so much?" (Name) says while lying down next to Orter
Confused, Orter stares and raises an eyebrow for her to continue
"If you keep reading so much, your vision will get worse" (Name) begins. "And if you continue, every time you take off your glasses, instead of your eyes looking like 3 they will turn into 4" (Name) ends
Suddenly a pillow is thrown in her face
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AITA for breaking up with a man to immediately date a woman?👩‍❤️‍👩
So a couple of years ago I (at the time 25F) identified as bisexual and ace. I had dated before, but it was all long distance relationships, and all men. At this point, I was single, and while in university, I met a guy (Jake, 26M) and he confessed he was into me. I only really thought of Jake as a friend, but I agreed we could date- because I've always confused platonic/romantic feelings, and foolishly thought I could probably "grow into" the relationship, like my previous ones. Jake is smart, friendly, very sweet and supportive, thoughtful, I didn't see why we couldn't date! But of course, as relationships do, suddenly he becomes more physical, more affectionate with me- which duh, we're dating, I should've expected this- but it blindsided me.
I would very frequently communicate to him what I was comfortable/uncomfortable with, and he'd be okay backing off and taking things more slowly, but would occasionally gently push my boundaries. I'd have to remind him that I wasn't comfortable, and he'd back off and would tell me it's okay- but I don't think he meant it. I think he was hoping I would "get over" these uncomfortable feelings and give him what he wants, eventually. It got to a point I was uncomfortable even being alone with him, because I knew he'd start acting this way. I was deeply appreciative of his patience, since I know I was being weird about our relationship.
While this is happening, I was venting to my dear friend Mary (25F) about how I felt terrible, how I felt stuck, and Mary would support me, hear me out, and comfort me. I had also met Mary in university, and Jake and Mary knew each other and were also friends. We were all a part of the same friend group- but I only would talk to Mary about what was going on between me and Jake.
A few months of this passes, and it occurs to me that I had a crush on Mary. A real, actual, true crush. One I'd never felt before in any of my other relationships- I had a connection with her, she and I understood each other. One night, we jokingly both kind of confessed to each other at the same time. It was then that it all clicked for me- I'm not bi… I'm a lesbian. It's why I've felt that I've had to "grow into" my previous relationships with men. I never truly was attracted to them, and just thought that was how all relationships were. Mary was the first person I actually felt like I could be myself.
Anyway- Mary knew about Jake obviously, and I told her up front that I'd need time to break up with him. She understood completely. I broke up with him the next day or so in person, quietly, in private. I didn't tell him about Mary, nor about me realizing that I'm a lesbian. I just said that I didn't think we could work out- that he wants more than I could give, and that I wasn't good for him, he deserved someone better. He understood, but he was very upset. And angry. He threatened me with a "If you date anybody in our group- we won't be friends anymore." and stormed off. I cried, but figured I deserved it. He truly cared about me, and I feel like I lied to him through our whole relationship- even if I didn't realize it.
Mary and I dated in secret shortly after, to prevent Jake from finding out and hating the both of us and causing turmoil in our group. He went around and told all of our male friends to leave me alone and not to touch me, so I'm pretty sure he never suspected Mary. I only found out about this because one of said other male friends approached me and told me what Jake had said- Jake never made this apparent to me.
But me and Mary? I've never been happier. We cuddle, we kiss- we do everything you'd expect in a relationship, and I'm never uncomfortable. And when I AM uncomfortable, Mary leaves it alone. She never pushes my boundaries unless I try something on my own terms or we talk about it first. She's a dream come true, and she's beautiful and I love her.
Cut to years later- me and Mary have been together for 10 years now. We've both graduated university, we live together, and we're soon to be married. We're still very close with our friend group- we regularly meet up for movie nights, dinner outings and dnd sessions. Jake's still one of our best friends, and he knows that we're dating, now. I've never addressed me and Mary to Jake directly, so I've never known how he's felt about us.
This is years after the fact, of course, and Jake is still a wonderful friend and (seemingly) has moved on/doesn't care about me and Mary. But I'm occasionally haunted by this mess that I caused, and I feel like I was terrible to Jake. So, Tumblr, I leave you all to judge me. Was I the asshole?
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rookiesbookies · 9 months
Soap x Price’s Niece!Reader & and exploration of his platonic relationship with his teammates based on what we’ve seen in the games.
Content Warning: Hurt-Comfort, mild angst, bittersweetness, some fighting, and it’s over 5.2k words
It’s all under the cut from here, big thanks to @shotmrmiller for editing my crap
When Soap had been shot, he had gotten incredibly lucky. The bullet hadn’t gone all the way through and had ended up lower than Simon swore he saw.
Well, I suppose ‘lucky’ is subjective. Johnny would be in the hospital for months healing. He had lost degrees of peripheral vision in both eyes, so there was no way he could go back into the field, he had to learn how to walk again, and some of his motor skills were to be relearned. He had been confined to a wheelchair for months. Complaining constantly about losing his muscles and how it would ruin his charm. His hands shook, he’d be unable to do any of the demolition and explosive work he used to.
He felt as though who he was, Sergeant John ‘Soap’ MacTavish, was completely lost.
Captain Price and Laswell had been well overpatient with him.
Johnny had flung food trays at them when his hands shook too much to eat, constantly missing his mouth. He had had amnesia for the first two weeks or so after he woke up from his coma. He had had surgery after surgery, his mohawk shaved off to make it easier, the final piece of his identity stripped from him.
Price had never seen Johnny cry until the realization of who he became someone he could never be again.
Price still had no clue what had possessed him to call her.
His sweet niece, at least that's what he called her. She had been an exchange student, studying abroad for advanced college courses, when she lived with Laswell and her wife. They had volunteered so she could practice medicine on soldiers. Field medic had been her goal, but Price did reverse nepotism to make sure his niece never left the base.
He knew deep down she was the only one he could trust with the care of his sergeant. He also knew he could trust the Sergeant with the care of his niece.
It was a dream she had given up on, and she had planned to come visit anyway. Maybe this was an excuse to see the closest thing he had to a daughter again.
Laswell and her wife had offered to adopt the girl, Price told them they’d have to fight him for the chance. Maybe it was Price trying to atone for being too overprotective to let her fulfill her dream.
He had introduced Johnny to her before. Back when she had visited the second time. Johnny was still much younger, just earning his sergeant rank. He had threatened both Gaz and Soap, saying that if either tried anything he’d make them do work outs until they were in the medical station.
He knew Simon wouldn’t have been an issue.
Johnny and his niece were only a few years apart. Their first run in was when she was running to give Price some papers, it was before he had even introduced them and she had been on base. The floor was wet making sure she accidentally slipped and slide tackled poor Johnny. It wasn’t until she read his velcro on his uniform that she realized it was Price’s sergeant. She had been red in the face and embarrassed. Her papers littered the wet floor and she had been so apologetic she hadn’t even seen Johnny pick them all up.
It made their official introduction awkward, to say the least.
Johnny hadn’t seen her in a couple years when she walked into his room this time. His head was wrapped tight in a bandage, hair growing back in a small fuzz that he found embarrassing. His lips were red, cracked, and bloody from his angry chewing at it. He was so pale too, paler than a Victorian child. He didn’t smell of the arousing male musk he normally did, he looked weak. His pearly white teeth weren’t on show, his blue eyes weren’t bright.
“Johnny,” she said softly, “it’s been a while.”
“Don’t look at me, lass. I’m a sight to make eyes sore, not a sight for sore eyes.” He grumbled. Doing his best to cross his shaky arms and sigh. His voice wasn’t smooth or suave as it normally was with his natural Scottish gravel. It was dry, dusty, and crunchy like a gravel driveway in the summer.
They had flirted heavily. Or at least she had to him back in the day. An American who made disapproving jokes about the brits as he did. He couldn’t deny he found her attractive, the chemistry was undeniable, but he didn’t dare flirt back in the public eye for fear of his life.
She walked over and sat on the edge of his bed. Reaching out to rub his chin, feeling the rough scruff that was longer than he’d usually keep it. Small knicks littered his face from when he tried to shave. She used this as an excuse to pull his face to look at her.
“I don’t know what you mean, I still see the same Johnny I always did.” She spoke softly. She knew being delicate with patients like this was crucial. She ran her thumb over his cracked lip. “Here.”
She pulled a lip balm from her purse. Telling him to pucker a bit so she could rub it on.
He couldn’t bring himself to say thank you, but she saw it in his eyes. The desperation, the want to cry, the defeat.
“I doubt yer just here to visit me.” He grumbled, having to stretch his arms out as keeping them crossed made them begin to shake like earthquakes instead of the small tremors that they were prior.
“Uncle John called me. I take it he and Laswell haven’t told you the plan.” She said softly, taking one of his hands in hers. He tried to pull back but quickly let in. “Just means I get to deliver the news.”
He cocked a brow.
“The plan is to fake your death. Put you in hiding. Get you out of here.”
“Lass, yer probably too bonnie to think about this, but I can’t wipe my own arse.” He snapped, like a hurt animal, not an ounce of malice or hate.
“Why do you think they called me in?”
“Yer not wiping my arse, love.”
“It’s more complicated than that.” She mumbled. Looking to the door to wave Price and Laswell in, Ghost and Gaz filing in behind. It had been months since he had seen those two. She saw the way his eyes almost lit up and quickly dimmed. Hollow. Like a fire that tried to start but the spark burned out too fast.
“We’ve already filled out the KIA.” Laswell started. “We’ve started filing the paperwork to put you in witness protection. You’d be moved to at home care, somewhere quiet. Given new identification, new everything.”
“My girl is going to look after you. I expect you to do the same in turn. I'm trusting you with her, MacTavish.” Price said, a poor attempt at playfulness with the dead inside young man before him.
“We’re going to start your PT. Help you with your motor skills. You should have the ability to move to at home care in a month or so.” Laswell tacked on.
John’s niece got off Johnny’s bed. Putting a hand on her uncle’s shoulder and nodding to Laswell before they filed out. Giving him a moment with his teammates, his brothers.
“Yer both gonna let them tell this poor girl she can wipe my arse?”
“Really stuck on the ass wiping thing, huh,” Gaz mumbled.
Ghost turned to close to the blinds on the door before sitting and pulling his balaclava off his head.
“Johnny.” He said as softly as his sharp voice could. “Maybe this is the fresh start ya need.”
“I don’t want a fuckin fresh start. I want my old body back.” Johnny growled.
“You can’t get that bloody back,” Simon snapped back before returning to his soft tone, “Price and his niece are doing your sorry arse a favor. This poor girl has agreed to be married to yer ass for an indefinite amount of time, don’t ya get that ya bastard?”
“A favor I didn’t ask for.” Johnny grumbled. He looked over at his gear, which sat sadly on a table.
“Johnny yer still young.” Simon sighed. “She’s a good girl, let her care for ya. We’re actively working to get permission to visit ya when yer all settled.”
Gaz stood, looking out the window at nothing, “ya know some would give a lot for an opportunity with a girl like that.”
“Then I’ll trade ya,” Johnny snarled back in a low voice.
Simon looks Johnny in the eyes one last time maskless in the room, “don’t fuck up yer chance at a new life, Johnny. Be smart for once ya bloody dense bastard.”
Ghost pulled his mask back on over his face. Blonde hair disappeared as he shoved it back under properly. Gaz moved to fix the window covering on the door, pulling it back open.
A couple of nurses filed in to change his bandages, the two men disappeared out to the hall.
“Maybe this isn’t a good idea, Uncle Price,” she started, rubbing the back of her neck, “he doesn’t seem as… enthused as he normally would have been.”
“He’s in there, he’s just adjusting.”
“Hard to adjust to being helpless.” Gaz mumbled.
“Once he starts PT- the physical therapy will help.” John’s niece interjected. “The lack of is what’s been causing problems. Once he tries harder and has goals he may pep up.”
“I think it’s the loss of his beloved mohawk. I vote to get him a bloody wig.” Ghost threw in.
Laswell sighed. “Poor boy. He’ll pull through, it will just take time.”
Getting to Johnny to do PT was like leading a horse to water, you can’t make it drink.
His Commanding Officer yelling orders at him hadn’t done it, John’s niece couldn’t get him to do it with soft cooing and coaxingand even Simon failed. Johnny just ended up throwing the crayon he held in his hand to work on writing, and let himself fall as he tried to walk. Shouting about being a lost cause and how it was a waste of time.
“Johnny, please,” she pleaded, “just a few more steps. You’ve made such good progress.”
“Yer not my bloody girl, quit tryin to sweet talk effort out of me. I can smell yer pity.” He hissed, sitting back in his wheelchair.
17 steps.
They had gotten 17 steps out of him today. Which was a step and a half more than yesterday.
At least Simon hadn’t needed to pick him up like a giant baby to get him back to the chair today. He had also stood a good 10 minutes before needing a break.
When it was Simon’s day to motivate Johnny, he was by far the hardest on him.
“I'm going to keep pickin your sorry arse up and making you walk until you double what you did yesterday,” Simon growled through his mask. “I can tell yer not giving it your all.”
Anyone with eyes could see how emotional it made Simon. He was pushing his dear Sergeant sometimes well beyond his means.
It was also beyond a struggle for Simon to communicate how hard it was to watch Johnny just give up. Price could see how Simon’s eyes turned shiny as glass as he yelled at Johnny. He heard the small cracks in his voice as he picked Johnny up and made him walk those few more steps. He could see Simon’s pushing was all out of desperation to get Soap back. To get his partner back.
John Price had known Simon a long time. Well before he became Ghost, Price worked with him. Johnny was one of the few that brought Simon out in Ghost. Price and Gaz did as well, but not the way Johnny did. Johnny and Simon had the same dry sense of humor, there was a sense of understanding between the two that Price was proud to foster. That sense of understanding flooded the team, but whatever was between Simon and Johnny was just that bit more in depth. They were a team of brothers in arms, but those two were true friends.
Anyone could see Simon blaming himself for what happened to Soap as the two snarled back and forth. One of the two only let up when a physical therapist touched their arms or John’s niece quietly told them that arguments didn’t lead to progress.
Simon wasn’t supposed to be here even helping Johnny. Price had tried to tell him no. That it added risks, to which the lieutenant snarled that if the Captain could go see him he could. That it would arguably be safer for him since no one knows his face but the team.
Simon had never spoken to Price like that before.
Gaz had typically decided to wait outside for the sessions after the first one, it would have ended with Johnny fist fighting a physical therapist if he could close his fist without violently shaking and using all his strength.
Johnny didn’t see Simon blaming himself until the day he got so fed up in the private session he threw his mask to the floor to scream at him. A pointed finger to his chest as Simon finally exploded.
“Are you fuckin blind, Johnny? We’re not fighting against ya!” Simon practically screamed at Johnny. It was the first time he had yelled at anyone in years. Even stunning Price. “We’re not the enemy. We’re a team! We’re trying to help you get back to yourself.”
Simon took in a deep, shaky breath, “We don’t care about Soap, Soap is just a callsign and nothin more. We’re here for Johnny, ya dim bastard! Each and every one of us. We ain’t fightin ya, we’re fighting for you.”
A rogue tear, an enemy operative, running down his eye black. No one would have believed it if the trail wasn’t clear on his face. It was as if Simon’s tough love finally registered in his mind. As if someone else’s feelings were finally registering in his mind. This wasn’t the orders of a superior. This was love from a true brother.
It was the first time Johnny hadn’t had a snarky quip in two months. There was no snarl back, no growling, no yelling. Johnny just did his best to open his arms for a hug. Bracing himself with his brother’s body. Finally realizing he wasn’t the only one affected by this, that Simon and his team had genuinely thought he was dead. That they wanted him to truly live again.
The sight had the poor Captain teary. His niece took his hand to comfort him, watching carefully at the sight as months of Soap’s attitude turned into soft cries against Simon’s shoulder. She also distracted her uncle and herself, giving the two men some privacy.
The poor ferocious beast licking its wounds turned back into a scared little boy. One that muffled cries about losing who he was, not knowing what was next, fearing he’d never be the same, that feared he’d lose his team- his only true family- to this weakness and pain.
Simon just listened. He did his best to lift a bit of Johnny’s weight from his feet. Knowing he couldn’t stand long enough, or hardly at all. A small gesture, a bit of consideration for his friend.
It was the longest John MacTavish had stood since the accident. While he wasn’t unsupported, they all counted it as progress. A great deal of progress.
“It could only have been you to get through to him, ya know?” Price said with a sad playfulness as he nudged Simon.
“He’s got a thick skull, the bastard does.” Simon sighed, trying to return the playfulness, but all he only sounded defeated.
“I think where we are is evidence of that enough,” Price laughed dryly. Kneeling in front of Simon in the recreation room on base for the team. “Never seen ya yell like that, Lieutenant.”
“Don’t like yelling, but the ringing in his ears must still be there.”
“Still think it’s because he doesn’t have the mohawk?”
“I’m getting the idiot a wing from party city and gluing it to his head next time he tries to fight me,” Simon grumbled with a smirk under the mask. Price could see it, even if he couldn’t see it.
It was sad humor before John gave him a nice little love tap before going to bed.
The rest of the night was quiet. Johnny was wheeled to his room, legs aching from weak muscles and hands shaking from gripping things. He didn’t sleep. For now, he has the drive to keep going. A newfound understanding for his new chance. A second one. He took the large oversized and overly thick pencil from the best side and the giant clipboard. Hands shaking in attempts to grip them.
“Come on, Johnny.” He mumbled to himself, resting the clipboard and paper on his thighs. He took the kiddy pencil in his right hand.
His grip faltered a lot. He worked to even put enough pressure against the paper to draw a line.
Then a line turned into squiggles.
Squiggles turned into a name that looked like it was written by a toddler, but it was a name. It was his name. He put it all on his bedside table and picked up his old journal.
He gingerly flipped through the sketches and words.
Why had he given up on being an artist? Why had he let it go completely and only continued as a hobby? He had been an Advanced Art Student in school as a boy, how could he let it go? How could he have taken it for granted?
He ran his fingers over the pages. He laid it in front of him lower on his thighs, bringing the clipboard and pencil back, flipping to a new blank page. He groaned at how run down the pencil was, he’d need someone to sharpen it soon.
He weakly gripped the pencil so it was vaguely horizontal with the blank paper.
“Come on, Soap, ya wee bastard. Just do it like you always did.” He mumbled, hands shaking as he tried to touch the pencil to the paper.
He made sure the lines were faint, going over it 3 or 4 times to create darker ones to make sure it was all in the shapes he wanted. He tried to copy an old sketch of his red skull mask.
It was clunky. Looked like bad cubism mixed with a toddler's hand turkey if that were possible. He worked on it all night. Copying it until his pencil was worn well to the wood.
When the nurses came to wake him the next morning, they found him asleep lightly holding the pencil with his journal and clipboard on his lap.
One of the nurses snagged a photo of it, all the scattered copies around his bed and beside it, sending them to Price’s niece, who was listed as the emergency contact. It wasn’t proper and the nurse knew that but they figured the family would want to see such progress.
She had sent the images to Simon, telling him to bring Soap his sharpener, and more big pencils. Simon was scheduled to be Soap’s first visitor of the day, taking to rotations on days that weren’t PT days made it easier on them all.
Price was usually the last visitor.
In a way, he blamed himself more than Simon ever could. He gave the two that mission, let them take it on. Let them get lost. Let them get pinned down.
He stopped Johnny from shooting the fucker when they had the chance.
It was more than easy to see that Price dreamed of being a family man- craving two or three kids to come home to, a dog, a white picket fence, and a missus to keep his life in order. Sadly, it was a dream he gave up on a long time ago.
In a way, he did have three kids. Three boys he adopted risk their lives day in and day out for the safety of others - it made him prouder than anything. It was hard knowing that Soap- John MacTavish- had no known family. No real family to take care of him. No one to notify if anything happened.
Price had tried too, using what samples the military had from him to find any family.
What Price found broke his heart. All he learned was that Johnny had been an orphan since he was a kid. His parents were lost in a car accident, t-boned by a super speeder at an intersection. Johnny had been home with a babysitter, still practically a baby. He did his best to find other relatives, but none knew of Johnny, all were too distant.
In a lot of ways, he looked at Johnny and saw his son. Johnny had always made him proud since the day Price first met him. Johnny had always been willing to go the extra mile to be the best.
Laswell jokingly called Johnny ‘Junior’ to Price. She saw a lot of resemblance to a younger Price in the Sergeant.
She found Captain Price sitting outside Johnny’s room, he was clearly deep in thought as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“He’s tough as nails, John, he’ll pull through.” She said, sitting next to the Captain.
John pulled off his hat, holding it in his hands as he slouched forward. He braced himself with his forearms against his thighs.
“Can’t help the worry.” John mumbled.
“He’s getting better.”
“It’s taking so long.”
“Healing from anything takes time, especially something physical and mental like this.”
“He didn’t deserve it.”
“No one said he did.”
Laswell gently rubbed circles on John’s back. “No one believes he did,” she mumbled again.
“Terrible things happen to the best of people, the ones who deserve it least especially.” She said, watching the tears bead up on his lashes as he tried to blink them away.
“Blaming yourself for this isn’t what happened, no one on the team is at fault. No one could have known what would happen next.”
“I should have let him shoot the bastard,” Price mumbled, his hand moving up to hold his forehead. Trying to cover where the tears fell down his cheeks before getting lost in his beard.
“You can’t blame yourself for not knowing then what you know now.”
Price sighed.
“You can’t, John.”
“I gotta ask myself if it should have been me,” John mumbled against quivering lips.
“Everything happens for a reason.”
He stayed silent as she kept up her circles on his back before she stood up to go.
“If you can’t be strong for yourself, be strong for the kid.”
Gaz sat quietly in Johnny’s room. He had never been much of an artist so Johnny figured they could both learn as he relearned.
Gaz held up a poorly drawn humvee, “remember the time we superglued the zipper to Price’s sleeping bag and because he always had it all the way up he got stuck and Ghost had to cut him out of it?”
“Yeah,” Johnny gave a chuckle, “remember the time when we made a bet that whoever couldn’t get the nurse’s number from Alejandro’s base had to buy the rounds at the pub when we got home?”
“I remember us both losing.”
“She didn’t have a wedding ring, I didn’t know she was married!” Johnny laughed, holding up his crudely drawn humvee. Johnny snorted, “Looks like we’d be great cubists.”
Gaz cocked a brow.
“It’s an abstract art style, looks goofy. It’s the one famous artists do when they get lazy after becoming famous for super detailed work. They just slapped a name on laziness.” Soap snorted, “reminds me of my hot art teacher from school. What I would have even for a chance with that braw lookin lass as a 13 year old.”
“We all had those teachers, mate.” Kyle laughed. “Had a Spanish teacher with big ones,” he said, holding his hands in front of his chest, “I learned nothing in that class.”
Kyle clapped him on the shoulder as they both laughed. Then a silence fell.
“Next time I may just be wheeling behind you as we make our great escapes.”
“How about I push you instead,” Kyle said, holding out his fist for Johnny to pump.
And he did, weakly. But it was far from the amount of shaking it would have taken him to hold a fist weeks ago, or a month ago when the process started.
Johnny held out five folded pictures to Gaz, “been working hard on ‘em, they’re labeled.”
Gaz nodded and gave him a hug with a chuckle, “I’ll make sure they get to the right people. Get some rest, dishy lad.”
It didn’t hurt as bad for Kyle to be around Johnny.
Kyle was grateful for that, he had his buddy back.
He shuffled through the folded paper in his hands.
One for himself, Simon, Price, Laswell, and Price’s niece.
He patted Price’s back, “ready to head back?”
“How is he?”
“In a much better humor than a month ago, even has gifts for us.” Gaz said, holding up the papers.
When they got back to the waiting room, Gaz dished them out.
Each slowly unfolded the papers with their names on it. Price’s niece was the first to get her’s open, a soft gasp leaving her mouth as her eyes began to tear up.
It was a sketch of her standing between Price and Laswell from when she was first introduced, the paper had clearly been torn from a journal. A second paper fell to the floor from behind it and she snatched it up before it hit the floor. It was a copy of the image, its lines were sharky and it was clearly one of the blank printer paper sheets they had given him to practice writing on, but the image was pretty close to the same.
‘Always thought you were such a bonnie lass, hope my bad attitude didn’t scare you off.
-Johnny’ was written in the bottom corner of the page with a small heart. The writing was as shaky as the art but it didn’t stop her flushed face and her shocked tears that threatened to fall.
Simon hadn’t intended to open his until he got back to his own barracks, but when he peered over and saw the niece’s he could help himself.
“What did the jammy bastard do now,” Simon grumbled. Eyes going wide as a photo of him and Johnny on their skull masks fell out. A polaroid Alejandro had taken with a camera they found. Simon told him to burn it. Apparently, he never saw Johnny slip it into his gear. An older sketch of it Johnny had done and a small scratchy sketch in there too.
‘Remember when Gaz and I tried to see how many of your stupid masks we could steal before you got mad when we were new on the squad? I remember you waited us out until we had to get the baklava off your face. The ass kicking you gave me for coming close to getting it in your sleep definitely scared me straight.
-Johnny’ Simon ran his fingers over the scratchy words before folding it up for safe keeping. He’d give Johnny back his polaroid later.
Price’s was a sketch of the photo they took before their first 141 mission, it always sat on his desk in his office. An old one he had done probably a year ago and a new one.
‘Couldn’t have asked for a better CO. Thank you Captain. We had a good run.
PS: I knew I was always your favorite sergeant, I didn’t tell Kyle though.
Price didn’t even register the tear sliding into his beard and the sad chuckle that left his lips.
Laswell unfolded hers, it was a drawing of her and John from the back and her with her elbow on his much taller shoulder.
‘Make sure my team doesn’t get into too much trouble. I won’t be there to bite the next bullet for them.
-Johnny MacTavish’
Laswell gently held the two sketches side by side, chuckling at his terrible joke about his situation. It was from the day Price made Kyle do a pushup for every tooth in the zipper of the sleeping bag because he took the fall for the prank. He made Johnny and Simon stand behind them and watch so they knew what would happen if they messed around. Laswell laughed fondly at the memory, it was a bittersweet chuckle.
Gaz was the last to open his. Softly unfolding the papers. The sketches were of an old selfie they took from the time they were stationed at the same base for training. The rest of the recruits behind them and the two made overly dramatic shocked faces with Soap - with Johnny pointing at the angry General staring at them. The new shaking sketch only focused on himself and Johnny and their stupid faces. A reference to a terrible meme they had seen earlier. He remembered fondly that one of the sergeants on base made them mop the rain outside that afternoon because they had already pissed off the General before that morning at breakfast. He forgot how he really only talked to Johnny at training, Johnny starting just after him.
‘Don’t forget to consult me on any base antics, I still have plenty of ideas. Bonus points if you guilt trip Price and tell him you’re doing it in my honor when he tries to get you in trouble.
They all sat there quietly before saying goodbyes, going their separate ways.
Price’s niece slipped away back towards Johnny’s room with a knock, earning a, “come in.”
“Hey Johnny,” she said, moving to where he patted her at the edge of his bed, near his hips. “I had no clue you did so many sketches.”
“Had to fill my free time somehow, you can only walk around the base so many times before you lose your mind.”
“They’re beautiful, both of them.” She said softly, looking at them again, “I had no clue you drew me.”
“Woulda done it like one ‘a my french girls but yer uncle didn’t like the idea.” He chuckled, cut off by her planting a soft kiss on his temple. She held his chin with her hand gently, thumb dragging lightly over his lower lip. His face flushed as she treated him like glass.
“No sassy retort?” She asked with a giggle. Face not far from his.
“I got brain damage, lass, and out of practice, gotta give me time to get back in my groove,” he chuckled. “Also, ya missed.”
“What do you mean I missed?”
“I’ll show ya,” he said, planting a kiss on her lips. It was quick, testing the waters, making her face flush and her eyes widen. “So glad yer uncle won’t yell at me now for this, been waiting a while for this chance.” Johnny pressed another kiss with more pressure as she giggled against his lips. “Promise to make sure I don’t eat Mexican so wipin’ my arse ain’t so bad.”
“Again with the wiping the ass thing?”
“Just gotta remind you what ya signed up for,” he said with a chuckle, planting a lingering kiss at the corner of her mouth.
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see! Also Comments are always appreciated! I love hearing from yall!
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unabashegirl · 3 months
Enticing 47 — Harry Styles x CEO
Summary: Harry is a young billionaire and CEO of his own company. He mostly keeps to himself, he is stern and very meticulous when it comes to business. He also likes to keep his personal life very private for the sake of his newly born son Oliver Styles. It isn't until he meets Y/N Y/L/N that everything changes. She becomes his new nanny after his previous one quits due to personal reasons. She is young, caring, and sweet. Will they ignore their feelings? Will Harry's girlfriend accept their love and leave them? Will she be able to cope with his busy agenda? What about Oliver's mother? Where is she? Who is she?
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Fury was an inadequate description. His blood simmered, muscles tensed, and an intense headache began to claim his senses. The invasion of his home by his parents, attempting to persuade him to leave his pregnant girlfriend, left him seething. His ire was particularly directed at his mother. Harry, who had been a staunch supporter of his mother, found himself taken aback by her actions. The dynamics had shifted, and it surprised him.
"I thought you liked Y/N, Mom," Harry pointed out, circling around his office desk, pulling out a chair, and taking a seat.
"Please," his mother huffed, rolling her eyes, "after that outburst in the Hamptons, did you think I would continue to tolerate her?" The word 'tolerate' cut deep, and Harry could sense that she was once again under his father's influence. "She's not fit to be with someone of your caliber, honey. Please try to understand."
Harry let out a heavy laugh at her words.
"As if you were. You were a nobody before you met my father. He made you into what you've become. Without him, you are nobody." Mrs. Styles' demeanor instantly changed. Harry realized he had wounded her in the same way she had wounded him. Despite his love for his mother, this wasn't the woman he knew.
"I went to visit you in the office, and I wasn't allowed in. May I know why?" Mr. Styles finally interrupted, sitting beside his wife. She reached for his hand, seeking comfort, but he pulled away, ignoring the gesture.
"You have no business being there. I also don't like being disturbed at work or at my home," Harry added. "I guess it's clear what's going to happen here, right?" He rolled up his sleeves and took a sip of his whiskey. "You are to forget about me and my family. I'm not leaving Y/N. I'm staying with her and our kids. Say goodbye to your grandkids because you'll never see them again."
"You can't prevent me from going to the office, Edward," his father sneered, leaning in. "I built that company into what it is today. I'm still on the board. I could get you fired with a snap of my fingers," Richard Styles warned, relishing the feeling that his son was challenging him.
Harry couldn't believe it. He was a grown man, and his father was threatening to snatch his company away as if it were some trivial possession. Adding insult to injury, Richard had deliberately called him Edward, a childhood taunt that harked back to times of abuse, when Richard would mistreat Harry's mother, and young Harry would intervene, only to be yelled at and pushed aside.
"Try me," Harry retorted, "No one on the board would support it. I'm making them too wealthy for them to ever let me go, father. Something you failed miserably to achieve at my age because you were too busy indulging in recklessness and fucking drowning your life in alcohol."
Richard rose to his feet, lunging across the table to grab Harry.
"You insolent fool. I should have put an end to you when I had the chance," Harry remained composed. "That woman is going to be your fucking downfall, Edward."
"Get out!" Harry demanded, his voice escalating. "Get the fuck out of my house and erase any memory of ever having a son! Both of you," he shouted, pointing to the door. "OUT. I've had enough of your nonsense!"
Harry harbored an indescribable hatred for his father. Richard was selfish and cold, devoid of any merit for politeness from Harry. When Harry became a father himself, he had hoped for a revelation, a sense of understanding or sympathy for Richard. Yet, it turned out to be the opposite. Harry loved Oliver unconditionally, placing him above all else. The profound contempt Richard held for his own children remained an unfathomable mystery to Harry.
As Richard rose and surveyed the room, Jacqueline took a moment to compose herself.
"Harry, I—" she began, attempting to speak before leaving.
"I said get out, Mom. I don't want to hear it. You've betrayed me beyond comprehension. I don't want to see you again," Harry asserted firmly, his tone unforgiving. "I don't want to hear it again." Jacqueline, laden with guilt and remorse, didn't utter a word. She simply adjusted the end of her Chanel suit and exited the room.
Y/N arrived much later than anticipated. The meeting had extended far beyond her expectations, leaving her unable to leave promptly. Upon entering the apartment, she kicked off her heels at the front door and hung her purse on the foyer table. The entire place was eerily silent, with all the lights on the ground floor turned off except for the staircase. A brief moment of unease set in until she spotted Mrs. Johnson descending the stairs, which immediately put her at ease.
"Why is it so quiet?" Y/N inquired. Typically, when she arrived, the TV was on, lights were ablaze, and Harry and Oliver were somewhere in the kitchen or on the couch.
"Mr. Styles is taking a nap upstairs. Oliver just settled down too," Mrs. Johnson explained.
"A nap? Is he okay?" Y/N questioned, surprised by the unusual resting.
"It's been quite an eventful evening, Ms. Y/L/N. Richard and Jacqueline forced themselves up here," Mrs. Johnson revealed, hinting at the unpleasant news they might have delivered.
"How bad is it?"
"He has been sleeping since five," she replied, and Y/N frowned. It was already nine-thirty, and Harry rarely slept that much.
"Alright. I'll see what I can do."
"Would you like some supper?"
"It's alright, Mrs. Johnson. I made sure to order takeout already. You can retire for the evening if you'd like," Y/N smiled before ascending the stairs, one hand on the railing for support.
The bedroom welcomed her with its cold and dark atmosphere. Y/N illuminated the space with her phone, ensuring a safe path to avoid any accidental mishaps. Noticing the balcony slide door slightly ajar explained the chilly temperature. Moving quietly, she tiptoed across the room, spotting Harry's suit on the floor. Approaching his side, she switched on a dimmed light.
He lay there, one hand covering his face, phone nearby. Still clad in the light blue button-down shirt he wore with his suit during the day, Y/N gently traced her hand down his back in an attempt to rouse him. She planted a few soft kisses on his cheek, watching as he gradually opened his eyes.
"Hello, darling," she greeted, kissing his nose. "How was your sleep?" Harry hummed in response, attempting to fully wake up.
"Hi," he smiled with his eyes slightly closed. "You're late," Harry pointed out, stretching out his arms. “Too much work?”
"My meeting ran longer than expected," Y/N explained as she unbuttoned her shirt and pants, contemplating the idea of getting pregnancy clothes for work. Harry smiled at her lovingly, his gaze drifting to her round belly, unable to contain the inevitable smile. He reached out and gently caressed her, reveling in the softness of her skin against his.
"Complaining about work, Mr. Styles? That's quite unlike you," Harry grunted with a broad smile, pulling her onto his lap. She laughed heartily as his fingers playfully tickled her sides, prompting her to burst into even more laughter. "I guess I'll just have to start coming home early for the missus."
"Oh, stop it!" Harry laughed. "You stood me up! I waited for you all night!"
"Stop!" she pleaded. "I am going to pee my pants or have the baby if you don't!" Y/N warned as he loosened his grip on her. "I love you," she whispered as she calmed down.
"I love you." He kissed the tip of her nose, a hand caressing the side of her tummy as she rested her head on his bicep.
"I've got great news," Y/N added after pushing some of his hair away from his face.
"Do tell," Harry whispered, kissing her uncovered shoulder.
"I got a call from Dr. Williams, and the genetic test results are ready. He sent them over today."
"All right. What did they say?"
"I don't know." Y/N bit her bottom lip as Harry's kisses on her neck and shoulders abruptly stopped. "I haven't checked them out yet. I wanted to wait for you. Plus, the gender is also attached." She was beyond nervous. Every time she opened her phone, it felt like the email called out to her, begging her to open and read the results. Y/N hoped that their baby was healthy.
"Well, let's read it then."
"I am nervous," she whispered as she reached for her phone, which had been placed on the nightstand upon entering. Harry grabbed both of her hands and kissed them.
"We will be all right." Harry sat up and pulled her onto his lap as she held her phone close to her body with shaking hands.
TAGLIST: @0oolookitsme, @happycupcakeenthusiast, @kennedywxlsh, @hsfics, @stylesbrock, @bluemoonedwings, @cherriesrae, @vornilla, @mellamolayla, @harryscurls21, @stilesissaved, @be-with-me-so-happily, @harryssattelitestomper, @jerseygirlinca, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @lomloliviam @stylesfever, @daphnesutton, @n0vaj3an, @breezykpop, @kathb59, @sassamanda77, @sherbitdibdab
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zombifiedheartg · 10 months
Yandere Mike and alters( team up if you want! ) with a darling that is the most sweet,caring and calm person of the world! That would never ever make something bad and protects everyone!
If you can't is ok! Take your time,rest well and have the best day of your life!!!! 💞
of course <3 and thank u so much, ur so nice! i didn't include chester for this, i'm sorry !! , i'm so sorry this took so long & it was pretty short :( i rlly hope u enjoyed it raaahhha
yandere mike & alters x caring darling..
cw : delusion, basic yandere behaviour, obsession, mentions of harming ppl, violence in general, mal in general, mike being clingy, manipulation & gaslighting , sexism, jealousy of course .
˚﹟🪐 'ಇ.
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he thinks you're the sweetest thing thats ever happened to him!! your caring nature is so alluring to him, you're like a dream. most of his life he's been made fun of, ridiculed and just overall bullied.
but with you, it's refreshing not to be mocked almost 25/8. and you always defend him, it's so nice! he's attached himself to you, he's so clingy.. he never goes anywhere without you. where you go, he goes.
it's so suffocating and annoying not to have any alone time, but you'd never tell him that, you don't wanna hurt your precious boyfriends feelings do you? the guilt would just eat you alive!
you're an angel to him.
the weird glances you get from people as he practically hangs on to your waist are worth it.
he's more possessive than he'd like to think, he gets jealous sort of easily. i mean, he trusts you! you're most loyal person he's ever met! another trait he loves about you, but it's not exactly you he's worried about.
he just doesn't think any guy or girl that flirts with you actually deserves the attention you bring them.
mike can't help but think your kindness is a bit too much, people never actually repay the favour. you practically give the world to others and get nothing in return! it's so unfair,
he'd never treat you like that. you aren't a stepping stool to him. you're so much more than that, why can't you just properly accept his love?
he also loves how calm you are, you can easily defuse any situation. your aura overall is just enchanting, it's usually so hectic on the island, surrounded by people who are polar opposites, followed with chris's sadistic life-threatening challenges, you always make him feel at peace somehow.
and that's something he always longs for.
''god, you're so cute!''
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none of the diamonds and other valuable things he's found in his adventures compare to how much you mean to him.
you're a real sweetie, and he loves it!
your compassion has quite the charm, he's found himself with a few scratches here and there after a wrong turn during exploring, and to see your beautiful face up close as you tend to his wounds, he's never been happier.
but lets be honest here, he's kind of a sexist at heart. he prefers to be the ''chivalrous'' one. sure it gets annoying when he doesn't let you do literally anything, but you'd never tell him that.
you're like a pushover in his eyes. so he'd rather cling on to you to ''protect'' you. you obviously don't need protection.. you're perfectly capable. he's seen the way you handle yourself, you could kick someone's ass for him if he asked! he babies you.
but this way, it boosts his ego to see you immediately going to him for help.
and you can really tell someone off if they tried anything, you're so trustworthy. he's honestly obsessed with your company.
he gets quite jealous. he knows you like talking to people and just overall being nice to others, but he can't help it. that person's lucky to even get a spare glance. let alone hear your voice.
''you're a treasure, aren't ya?''
༘ 💋 ⋆。𓍢ִ໋🌹 .
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oh you're a darling!
she adores how graceful you are.
you two are for sure the cutest couple on this island. you're the perfect person for her! you're just lovely to be around, she treats you amazing aswell!
she's one of the more tame yanderes. she's alot more gentle around you
she likes to teach you dances and such, sure she has way more experience, but she just wants to be close to you.
her love for you is passionate! she's so obsessed with you, you're always on her mind. and she always finds a way to include you in every conversation..
it's a bit of a problem for mike on the other hand. most of his friends are just tired of hearing about you, but svetlana can't help it! if anything, they should be glad to be hearing about you.
when you defend her, she just swoons!
and don't get her started on your beauty, your kind nature just intensifies it!
''your form is just wonderful!''
༘ ⋆。˚🎗
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damn, you're a doll.
he's always around you with an arm around your waist, or your shoulder. it's kind of a way to let people know you're ''his''. and he just likes touching you
he always takes your basic human decency towards him as a flirt. every time you even interact with him he's filled with butterflies,
he likes how calm you are, and how easy you take his flirtatious comments with just a small giggle. it's so appealing, sure he likes it when you're flustered, for some reason he's attracted to your peaceful-ness.
he was already cocky, but now that he's with you, it's just intensified. he feels so lucky to be with you. but who wouldn't?
he brags about you so often, it's tiring.. but also endearing, you're always the first person he goes to when he has a chance, that's a thing alot of the yandere's have in common, they can't stand to be away from you.
he tries to impress you as much as he can, whether that be with his looks, or his strength, he just wants to hear words of encouragement from you.
he gets jealous pretty easily, even if you're doing something as simple as helping someone, i mean c'mon, only the vito should hear his belˈlettsa's voice! he knows its just the way you are, but jesus.
''ay, can't get enough of me, huh?''
੭﹕ ̊ ̟ 🩸
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god it irritates him so much, you're so nice and benevolent its infuriating. he wants your attention fully focused on him most of the time, how can that happen when you're too busy caring for some fucking dork that probably wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire.
he only likes it when you're gracious to him. with the others though? no way.
he's for sure way more violent than the others, he'd actually hurt you if it meant you'd just fall in his arms.
and you totally just foil his plans, he knows if he hurts anyone that even dared to get close with you, they'd still end up with you somehow, except with closer proximity. which is worse!
but that still doesn't stop him. he'll go as far as to kill that person. he knows who you'll go to for a shoulder to cry on..
he also can't help but think your harmless nature is adorable. you remind him of prey, just so innocent and full of life. he thinks the fact that you won't do anything bad is sorta annoying because he finds himself getting scolded by you for nearly murdering someone.
''what, you think they'll give you the same treatment i do? you can't be that stupid..''
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swe3tte4rs · 8 months
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" Like a cinnamon roll " - Batfam x Little Sister!Reader
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Request: Can I request a batfamily hc with an adopted little batsis who is younger than Damian pls? She's a cute little cinnamon roll and gets spoiled by her rich ansd supportive family.
A/N: (Ignore the tittle and image, I have no ideas) Thank you for the request!! And... I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO UPLOAD THIS 😓😭😓💔💔💔 I'M SO SORRY
It's short, yes ok, I admit it. But at least I uploaded thiss! And I'm also sorry if this isn't written the way you want, I'm sorry.
As usual. This Au is a combination of headcanons, comics, video games, series and wattpad, so not everything will be canon.
TW: nothing? no canon
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Dick Grayson / Nightwing
he loves you.
but he hardly has time to spend.
I think he is one of those brothers who lift you up in their arms as a tender greeting. (💗)
"What? I thought kids liked cereal for dinner…"
Don't take this the wrong way, he would like to have time to spend with you, but he has a VERY tight schedule…
Dick would be very protective and he would do everything possible so that you don't have any trauma (or something like that).
He is one of the charismatic brothers, always making you smile with his bad jokes.
And obviously always being by your side as a brother.
If you ever have a bad relationship with Bruce, Dick would cure those daddy issues for you. 🫶
Always giving you life lessons...
Dick would take you out for a walk in the afternoons (if he had time) to have a shake or ice cream.
Jason Todd / Red hood
okey, just let me.
"You want a beer, kid?"
I guess you hardly ever have interaction with each other.
yk, he has daddy issues x100
Jason is one of the brothers who sits you in front of the TV, puts on some cartoon and leaves you there while he does something.
He simply found out about your existence from the news that Bruce Wayne adopted another little girl or Dick told him.
Once he met you and saw how sweet, kind and innocent, he said to himself: "Time to be a good big brother."
Jason would be very overprotective of you, he wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
Sometimes he starts to think and goes blank when he thinks that you are going to be a teenager and have a partner who will hurt you.
He already planned different ways to kill them. Even if they are aliens.
Despite his tough and stern attitude, he also shows his emotional and tender side with you.
Tim Drake / Red Robin
It's a good brotherly relationship between you, honestly.
Tim, seeing you, so innocent and sweet, decided to be your biggest guardian. (Although there is Alfred as your "protector", but he wants to do it anyway)
Tim would help you with science, geography, math and whatever homework you need.
He may be a coffee addict, but he wouldn't give you coffee even if he was threatened with death. You are very small.
Forget what I say...
Support for you... whenever he feels like it.
Nah just kidding, he's very good to you, he loves you.
He would scold you, yes, but then he sees that you are angry with him, he feels bad now.
Cassandra Cain / Orphan
Cass would just be so sweet to you 😭
She always makes sure you get anywhere safely and eat all your meals.
I feel like it would be two kinds of big sisters every time you get angry with her because you scolded her… It depends on her mood.
Like like. You go to your room, yell at her and close the door forcefully, she would be sad for your scream and feel bad about herself. BUT, in another case she may simply not care and yell back at you. "FINE!"
But you always return to being the united sisters you always were.
Very sweet, she will always be your support and is always giving you love.
She's someone who takes everything seriously, because you know. So...
If they insult you, let me tell you, she will give any child a death glare. Oh, and she would accuse those children to their parents.
Damian Wayne / Robin
At first he would be like: "And who is this..."
First, you must spend a lot of time with him so that he can trust you and that you are not some spy. /jk
Dami is a very mature boy for his age, so I don't think they do the typical jokes between brothers.
Although, he likes to make you laugh with bad jokes that he copied from Dick.
Damian is not so good at "cohabit" with small children or those his age, but he would try with you.
He would also be a very protective brother, like a faithful guardian.
At first there would be a bit of misunderstanding between him and bruce, but it was later resolved once he liked you.
It would help you with nightmares (if you have them), allow you to go into his room and sleep with him.
A good brother once you know him well. He loves you.
Duke Thomas / The Signal
I think he would also be a very sweet and loving brother.
I think he's one of those older brothers who lifts your feet up to his and starts doing a silly, adorable little dance. Love him.
Sometimes he doesn't take you seriously because of how adorable you are.
I just imagined Duke having cuteness overload watching you try to help him in the kitchen or with his homework.
He would let you try your "makeups" on him, he doesn't care about the teasing, anything just to be your favorite big brother.
The tremendous scolding that kids who make fun of you get from Duke.
I feel like he would be very patient with you, always.
He finds it funny that anyone can bribe you with a simple chocolate or candy.
He would teach you how to play different games. Like football, he would celebrate every time you score a simple silly goal.
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[If you like you can add more headcanons <3 || Divider not mine! You can find the user who did it in a reblog of my account!]
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Hey love your stuff could you do mantis tigress viper po shen and tai lung x a camel spider reader that can manipulate wind.
Mantis,tigress,viper,po, shen and tai lung x camel spider reader who can manipulate wind
I'm glad u like my stuff!
Also here a reference image for those of you who didnt know what a camel spider is,bc I'm going to be honest I never what it was until now and I both love and hate it
Proof read-ish
My tumblr isnt lagging to much for once ☺️
Also ty for requesting some kfp villains 👹
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^camel spider
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Now I'm not sure how big camel spiders are but I assume they're possibly a bit bigger than a mantis so
Mantis is happy that someone is around his height
He finds you very menacing though,hes not going to lie about that
Hes actually surprised when you tell him your fangs arnt poisonous,they do still hurt but arnt venomous
This makes him feel abit better but hes still abit weary
You make for a good opponent,considering your size and everything it makes a fair fight for mantis
Your both really small,fast and talented so you make for a powerful duo.
You scare of quite abit of people,If you dislike this mantis will do his best to comfort you
The fact that you can manipulate and control wind is so fucking cool
If people thought you were a hard opponent to beat before,well they'd be in for a surprise
One time you managed to trip monkey with your wind manipulation,mantis found this hilarious,after making sure monkey was okay of course
Your a dangerous and menacing enemy and mantis is all for it
He likes cuddling you alot
He wonders if you can spin silk
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She has alot of respect for you
Despite being small you make a worthy opponent
Your also one of the only ones who's able to beat her
Shes impressed with how much raw strength you have despite being so small
Your wind manipulation plays into how easily your able to best her
She likes to train with you and push your limits
She wants to improve the both of you,pushing the limits of your powers and pushing herself beyond her own limits
If shes ever a little to hot she can feel a small breeze come her way
She likes picking you up and placing you on her shoulder
She'll never let mantis on her shoulder but she will absolutely let you
Should anyone ever threaten to step on you they're going to be stopped immediately
Tigress wont let disrespect like that slip past her
Shes also surprised your fangs dont hold any poison
She likes to softly pet your fuzz
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She loves your fuzz so much
She likes to slither around with you on her head
The fact that you can manipulate wind is so fascinating to her,your so small and yet you can controll such strong air currents
Shes weary of your fangs at first till you disclose that they arnt venomous
She dosnt find the fact that your a spider scary she loves it
She likes to spar with you every so often
You help her put the flowers she has on her head
She wonders what the world looks like from your pov
Shes incredibly sweet with you and softly pets you with her tail
She finds it adorable when you put your front legs up when you try to be menacing
She honestly finds you more cute then menacing(probally because shes a snake)
She likes to put little things on your head like acorn tops and small flowers so you can match her
If you let her dress you up she'll happily hold you up like a kid who just dressed up a cat
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Hes thinks your cool but finds you abit scary
Keep his distance from your fangs
He had a hard enough time beating mantis and you have wind powers?!
He dosnt spar with you to often(probally bc he knows his ass is gonna get kicked)
He likes picking you up and putting you on his shoulders or head
When you use your wind it can actually be pretty peaceful aslong as hes not getting flung around by it
He likes to softly brush you fuzz with a finger
Will try to handshake with each leg of yours
When sparing he trys to be as careful as possible
He trys to see things from pov
He trys to learn wind manipulation as well,let him have his fun
He likes to play with his action figures as you watch
He likes to ramble about the things he likes and just talk in general
He tries to make a tiny house or dummy for you,they either end up to big or to small but it's the thought that counts
He likes to learn about what you can and cant do as a spider
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Hes surprised how a little thing like you is so strong
He loves to spar with you and push your abilitys
He dosnt learn for a long time that your fangs arnt poisonous
Hes surprisingly careful with you,dont mention it though
He will sit you on his shoulder and will almost forget that your there
If anyone stares at him or you when you are he'll glare at them harshly
He makes sure your as respected as him
He sees you as his equal no matter your size
Hes fascinated by your wind powers and will constantly ask about it and try find out how far you can go with them
If you ever need help getting up somewhere he'll hold out his hand so he can help you get up
He's affection deprived so he dosnt know how to ask for it,he'll give subtly hints though
If hes annoyed with someone in the room theyll suddenly be escorted out by a sudden strong wind,how strange
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Tai lung
He has a tone of respect for you
He sees you as one of his worthy opponents
He loves sparing with you way to often
He finds you wind manipulation interesting and sometimes hes a tad bit envious of it
Needs reassurance sometimes of how great his is
He also likes to pet your fuzz
He asks you to watch or join him train
He likes to make accomplishments with you
Hes fascinated by the fact your fangs arnt venous and even thinks that you had your venom switched out for your powers 💀
He likes to put big things on your head just to watch you pull it off with an annoyed expression
When you hold your arms in the air he finds it funny and actually has a hard time believing it's a defense mechanism
Holds you close to him as a makeshift hug
He will try not to hit you with his tail
It can be hard though since your so tiny
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Minato thanks whatever lucky stars he has left for Mitsuru. 
She’s evidently the reason Officer Kurosawa is here: she’d had the foresight to arrange for him to be contacted in the event that emergency services received a call from any of their phone numbers. She had also briefed Kurosawa about the night’s events, taking point without hesitation while Minato continued to stand there uselessly. She’d slipped into a calm and collected demeanor like armor, as though she wasn’t covered in the blood of someone she cared about. 
Kurosawa, who Minato has also been thanking those overtaxed stars for, had offered them all a ride to the hospital, split between the two squad cars. They never would have gotten here so quickly if it wasn’t for him. He had even escorted them into the hospital to explain the situation, and now a nurse leads them to a waiting room. Unfortunately, Koromaru wasn’t allowed inside, so Kurosawa offered to take him home. They really owe him for this. 
Aragaki and Amada are nowhere in sight, but Sanada is there. He sits on one of the padded benches, elbows resting on his knees and fingers threaded together tightly, watching a nearby set of double doors with intense focus. His hands and arms have been scrubbed clean of Aragaki’s blood, but his clothes are still soaked in it. It’s started to dry now, turning the fabric rust brown and stiff. Sanada doesn’t seem to notice it. He doesn’t even seem to notice their arrival.
He sits so incredibly still. The cold, muted light in the room has scoured all the color from his skin, leaving him as pallid as stone. The only real assurance that he hasn’t been replaced with a marble statue is the minute tremor in his clasped hands. 
“Akihiko?” Mitsuru sits by his side, gently laying a hand on his shoulder. Sanada turns and regards her for a moment, expression unchanging, before looking back to the doors.
“Shinji’s in there,” he says dully. “They– they needed to perform emergency surgery. There’s no guarantee he’ll survive it. That’s what I was told.” 
No one has the heart to speak after that. No one knows what to say at all. 
Once again, Mitsuru comes through. “How is Amada?” She presses gently. 
Sanada bites his lip. “They took him to check if his eardrum ruptured. If it did, there’s a chance he might not be able to hear out of that side anymore. But they’ll do what they can.” 
God, this really is the worst. At least Amada’s injury isn’t life threatening, but the fact that it happened at all makes Minato’s skin crawl. He didn’t need to have been standing in that alley to know that Takaya hadn’t been firing a warning shot, nor had it been his aim only to render Amada half-deaf.
What had Takaya been trying to do? Had he simply been planning to take out the next members of S.E.E.S. that happened to cross his path, or had he sought Aragaki and Amada out specifically? And if he’d targeted them in particular, then why? Without Chidori, how had he even found them? 
Minato has a feeling he won’t ever get the answers to these questions. 
An hour passes. The only break in the terrible silence comes when Aigis offers to keep watch so everyone else can get some rest. It’s a sweet gesture, but no one takes her up on it. Despite his exhaustion and the fact that it’s a little past two in the morning at this point, Minato knows there’s no way he’ll be able to sleep. It’s clear that all of them feel the same. 
Not long after Aigis makes her offer, the double doors open and a doctor in scrubs comes into the waiting room. Sanada immediately sits ramrod straight. Mitsuru squeezes his shoulder and stands while he remains seated, still at rigid attention. It seems they have a wordless agreement: she’ll do the talking. 
There’s no way Aragaki is out of surgery already…right? Minato tries desperately to glean some sort of information from the doctor’s face, some indication of whether she’s brought relief or grief with her. There are deep lines etched under her eyes, and a pink furrow across the bridge of her nose from a surgical mask she must have recently been wearing, but her actual expression is as unreadable as Aigis’.
Minato swallows, nerves absolutely frayed at the seams. He doesn’t know if he can handle more bad news at this point. The space between his ears feels numb.
“How are they?” Mitsuru asks, getting straight to the point.
“We’ve done what we can for Amada-kun,” the doctor replies. “Fortunately, his eardrum is intact. It should heal up nicely and regain full hearing function, though it will take some time. At least a week. We’d like to keep him overnight to monitor him, but there should be no complications with his recovery. I can give you more details once we discharge him, if you’d prefer.”
Some of the tension in the room softens. “Yes, that would be fine,” Mitsuru says. At least there’s some good news, though the fact that she’s leading with that makes Minato worry about Aragaki even more. Did he make it…? 
“As for Aragaki-kun, the operation is a fairly delicate procedure, given the extent of his injuries and the advanced state of his condition. But currently it’s progressing as well as can be expected,” the doctor continues. A little more of the tightness in Minato’s shoulders relaxes. He’s still alive. At least for the moment he’s still alive.
From the corner of his eye Minato sees Junpei, Yukari, and Fuuka all glance at each other in confused alarm at the mention of ‘the advanced state of his condition’, but neither Sanada nor Mitsuru look at all surprised. He wonders when and how they found out, given how tight-lipped Aragaki had been about it, and whether they may even know more than he does. 
“We will need to perform a blood transfusion, but unfortunately our stocks are somewhat thin at the moment. Apathy Syndrome has led to an uptick in need for transfusions and a significant slowdown in donations. We wanted to ask first if you would be willing to–” 
Sanada immediately stands up. “I’ll do it,” he says.
The doctor frowns. She looks deeply regretful. “Unfortunately, Sanada-kun, according to your charts from when you were here earlier this year, you aren’t a viable donor for Aragaki-kun.” 
“What?” Sanada looks nearly as stricken as if she had told him that Aragaki didn’t make it. “But– we’re both type A, I know we are!”
“That’s correct, but your blood type is A-positive, and Aragaki-kun’s is A-negative– your red blood cells contain a protein called Rh factor while his do not. Attempting to introduce your blood into his body will cause his immune system to react to the donated red cells as though they were pathogens and attack them. Even for an individual in perfect health, this reaction can be fatal.”
Sanada goes from pale to grey over the course of her explanation. He sits back down heavily, as though his knees have simply given out.
“I see.” His voice is strangled and so, so small.
“I’m very sorry, Sanada-kun,” the doctor says, and she really does seem to mean it. She turns to Mitsuru. “Kirijo-san, given your blood type is O-negative–”
“Yes of course,” Mitsuru answers without hesitation. “Whatever he needs.”
“Excellent. Now the number of units we need exceeds what we can safely take from one person, but it does look like there’s another member of your group who would be a compatible donor. Minato Arisato?” Her gaze flickers between Minato and Junpei questioningly.
It takes several seconds and Junpei’s elbow digging into his ribs for recognition to finally click into place.
Minato Arisato. That’s right. That’s him.
He stands and nods, and comes to stand beside Mitsuru. He doesn’t trust himself to speak.
“Thank you, Arisato-kun. If you’ll both come with me, please.”
They follow the doctor wordlessly. From behind him, Minato hears a long, jagged exhale and Fuuka’s quiet voice asking if Sanada is alright. He does not let himself look back.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Oh my god... Your writings are amazing! I'm a huge fan of ROR and sometimes there are just not enough content on the anime... Sad, really 😭... Can you write the ROR characters reacting to reader with abusive parents or family? Maybe she had cut all connections with them but one day her family try to drag her home forcefully. Just some angst because I need it once a day. Sorry if this is hard to write....
Oh, sweet angst~ how I adore thee! My angst is Don Bluth style, it will almost always have a happy ending. This is my first time writing something like this (even though I adore reading stuff like this), but I hope it turned out good!
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-It had been years since you ran away from your home, your family, cutting all ties with them, but it also led to the best years of your life! You found a new family, forcibly adopted by several, literal gods, and some of the greatest warriors throughout history! It was odd, but they treated you with so much love and respect that you didn’t give a single care in the world that you were the child of these bunch of weirdos.
-They knew not to pry into your past, as you didn’t like talking about it, never giving anything way, but your denial to speak about it, shying away from it, was telling enough.
-They learned early on, after someone was talking nearby, using their arms to gesture, and threw their hands out suddenly, that you flinched, shying away even though that person was nowhere near you. They saw how hard you worked and how hard you were on yourself if you believed you failed to do something, becoming afraid of what they would do or say.
-After years of tender loving care, tons of reassuring, and so much love you felt like you were suffocating sometimes, you were happy.
-However, that all changed one day when a knock came to the door and your found yourself face to face with your parents, anger on their faces, their fury growing as soon as they saw that they finally found you!
-Shouting quickly gained the attention of others who were quick to rush to your aid, finding the front of your shirt in your father’s fists, holding you up, your hair in your mother’s grasp, forcing you to look at them, as they both screamed at you, telling you how worthless and ungrateful you were for running away.
-Poseidon and Hades were quick to charge, getting your parents away from you.
-Adam had you almost instantly in his arms, hugged close to his chest while Hercules, Lu Bu, Ares, and Thor put themselves between the two of you and your parents.
-Odin was glaring down at your parents while Zeus had a smile on his face, “My-my, causing such a fuss over a child that is not yours.” When your parents try to argue with him, he immediately makes them back down as his eyes become visible, a dark aura surrounding him as he silently dared them to try anything.
-Your mother demands that you return home as you are her child!
-Adam and Kojiro, who is now kneeling beside you as well, glare at her, Adam immediately refuting her claim, “This is my child. A father should protect his children, not make them fear him.”
-Many of the others agree, daring them to try and take you away from them, a few cracking their knuckles, ready for a fight.
-When they threaten to call the police, Loki is quick to laugh in their faces before a cruel grin spreads across his face, daring them to in a ‘fuck around and find out’ way.
-Once they are gone, throwing threats at your family as well as you the whole way out, everyone turns their attention on you.
-Brunnhilde and Eve are quick to check you over for any wounds, all while doting on you, while the men are in the next room over, plotting how to deal with your parents.
-Some want them to have an ‘accident’ while others are all for just hunting them down like the animals they are, to treat them how they treated you.
-You found yourself in the arms of Thor, wrapped up like a burrito, a short while later, as he was going to cuddle and dote on you while the others went out to run some ‘errands’, including Eve who went to get you ice cream!
-You felt so safe and warm with your mismatched family, despite their murderous tendencies to keep you safe. They loved you and that’s all that matter.
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robinchan-hananomi · 1 year
I’m very glad the One Piece live action left Rika and Gin in, even if it scrapped most of their story lines.
Luffy grew up watching and admiring Shank’s crew. And to be honest, Shanks is the only REAL pirate crew Luffy had much exposure to growing up. (Blue jam could be considered too, but he was operating more like a bandit by the time the brothers were assisting him than sea pirates). Because of them, Luffy had rather romantic ideas of what a pirate should be. They should be people who live to party, who eat and drink while singing and overall being in a celebratory mood. He saw them as free and adventurous spirits, who traveled the world chasing dreams and treasure.
But one other thing Shanks really taught Luffy, was his code. Luffy isn’t a hero. Technically he isn’t a ‘good guy’ either. Luffy will help someone who needs it, but usually it’s because he’s effected in some way. He befriended someone, he liked the attitude someone showed, he wanted some food, ect. Luffy doesn’t go out of his way to liberate countries like the Revolutionaries but he also doesn’t stand by and watch people suffer or be hurt either.
Luffy became a pirate with the goal in mind to have a crew better than Shank’s. That meant all the people in the crew had to be ‘good’ people in the way Luffy saw real pirates being. People who wanted dreams and adventures, not to pillage or harm others. People who would follow Luffy’s path but also not be afraid to tell Luffy what they need to tell him to keep him from veering off too. And with all that in mind, Luffy was actually pretty careful in his crew selection, especially in the beginning.
Usopp was originally turned down (to be Captain by Usopp’s own offer) before the crew saw what he could do and brought him in. Nami was also someone Luffy saw a bit in action before he fully cemented his ideas on her too. But Zoro and Sanji were the ones that we really see the moment where Luffy decided he cannot have his crew without them.
When Luffy was first talking about and to Zoro, he even said he wasn’t sure if he would invite Zoro to join his crew. Luffy’s attention was definitely captured when he saw Zoro not only attempt to chase Rika away from the marine’s grounds before she was spotted but then eating the disgusting rice balls and telling Luffy to inform Rika that not only had Zoro eaten all of it, but that he liked it. Now Luffy had no way of knowing that Zoro hated sweets at that time, but he did know the rice was full of dirt and mud and it wasn’t good due to Helmeppo’s reaction. Luffy knew that Zoro was doing it to be kind to Rika. Then Rika told Luffy about how Zoro was only in the situation because not only did he protect Rika, a complete stranger, but he also gave himself up in her place to be punished! Zoro had actually put himself at risk to protect a little girl and despite the danger he was in, he still prioritized the strange girl’s feelings above his own welfare. Luffy had realized that at his core, Zoro was a kind and honorable man and adamantly refused to leave Shell’s Town without Zoro.
Then Luffy had already met Sanji and was interacting with him, but Luffy didn’t show any interest in Sanji as a crew member until the incident with Gin. Gin had already presented himself as a threat, pointing a gun at the cooks and threatening to shoot them for food. Yet Sanji showed great kindness, compassion, and empathy for Gin by going into the kitchen and making Gin something to eat. Sanji couldn’t stand by and watch a man suffer while the other cooks had been content to toss Gin out and wash their hands of him. And when Luffy saw Sanji feed Gin, Luffy had said right then that he had found his cook.
I am sad we didn’t get many characters that we loved in the live action, but I honestly don’t think you could show Luffy’s recruitment of Zoro and Sanji without Rika and Gin.
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
My Forged Wedding Review
This can be found on Switch/Love365 App On Mobile
I really enjoyed this game and wanted to take the time to review it in whole as well as break down each love interest and my thoughts on them. I got mine on switch so I have everyone but the ones in pink which are the 5 guys that are only accessible through the Love365 app for purchase.
Haruka Utsunomiya
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Ok first off I'm going to say this man I am absolutely crazy about. He is one of the best well put together LI I have met. He is genuine, witty, flirty, humble, caring, and compassionate. He loves fiercely and he even has a slight jealousy when its someone he loves. He knows how to stand up and take responsibility for his actions as he grows with a happy relationship. He was the one I felt like I could honestly see being someone I would fall in love with. His was the most natural feeling like everyday life was enough even though he was a type of celebrity you would never know it because the name was more his fathers he just loved arranging flowers as a art to him.
This story and I say this in the fact that very few bring me to tears. That being said not one of the voltage games have ever made me cry but this man and his story did just that. One of the things he said in the story was this "I guess I made everyone's heart stop" MC's response (Including mine). I could feel her words and honestly understand why she said that I think even my heart stopped at that moment as well. Haru sweet Haru will you leave any woman without happiness in her heart!
Yamato Kougami
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Ok this guy I honestly thought he was going to be a ass and I was happy I saw a bit softer side of him in Tamaki's story which is what made me want to romance him next. This man talks a big talk but he falls for you faster than I think anyone else does. He likes to pick on you but its in a cute way. I wouldn't say he is as pushy and rude as most Tsunderes start off as but maybe a soft tsundere in him. Anyways this man above all else is just trying to feel connected to someone. His mom died 2 years before, he had never met his dad until recently at the school he teaches at and he lives at home alone with the only company is a roomba vacuum cleaner.
You have to deal with an annoying girl at his school who tries to threaten you but it is such a sweet moment when he walks in on the girl in his home threatening you and he tells her she is nothing but his student and for the first time says he loves you. When he kisses you for the first time its passionate, he makes plans and buys things to fill up the house to make it home. He is the first story that I think goes into more suggestive actions adult nature happening but it was natural like by that point you felt the love between the two there was no other place to go. Honestly I didn't think I could like anyone more than Saeki but hands down this man has such a strong place in my heart. Also he ends up making up with his father which is such an emotional key point in his story. I also want to address that the mc says that she is fat and he says plainly only women care about that he likes a woman thats more the less fluffy so to speak and that warmed my heart being a plus size woman my whole life.
Takamasa Saeki
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Now this man is a flirt from the start and its what caught my interest of course. Anyone who knows me when it comes to guys like (Ikki & Tsubaki) knows those guys definitely make me weak in the knees. Anyways his sense of humor and flirtiness I loved from the start. The fact that he wanted to always address her as honey, or sweetie was adorable most guys like to hide away from pet names. He is a big time writer who writes screen plays but even with his work he makes time to make memories with you. One of the sweetest things that I think one me over was one night your drinking with the guys and he tells you as you head home "Hurry up and fall in love with me" I was floored by this I knew at that point he felt something more than platonic. In the end he shows he will fight for your honor, fight for your love, and do anything to make you happy. He even is the cliché of running into a airport to stop you from getting on the plane to express his undying love for you while out of breath. This man has my heart from this series.
Ren Shibasaki
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He is a man of few words until you get to know him then you understand why. That being said he is a real sweetheart and when he says he loves you its something you can feel in his words that separate him from everyone else. He really is a prince come to sweep you off your feet so enjoy the ride I promise his quirky ways will have you falling in no time. Even in other routes he is just the same a very sincere person who when he loves you he loves you completely and will do anything to prevent you from being hurt even if it means losing his own happiness for it. I really love his banter with Daniel as well his butler that practically raised him. You can see the banter they have shows a different side of Ren but its still shows how he has grown into an amazing man and I guarantee Daniel has a big part in that.
Takao Maruyama
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This man is polite and nice from the beginning. He just wants to please his sick grandmother who wants to meet his fiancé before she might die. It warms my heart that he is this kind of guy and so sweet to see that side of him. He also stands up for women even though he has just met you and a day later he is stepping up shielding you from anything. His brothers are funny wanting to steal you away from him when they are all younger than him. He is a great family guy and you even get to see he would make a great father to a kid because of him having to watch a family member 4 yr old with you. Anyways because he is so reserved he is also boring at times. He is very mundane and honestly even though it had a sweet ending it was hard to get through for me. When he finally did tell her he loved her it was only after he heard her say she was in love with him.
He was willing to walk away from her and never tell her if his brother hadn't tried to date her. I feel like without a strong woman this man would always put everyone before his own needs and his own heart. It doesn't make him a bad guy just means hard to know what he feels along the way. He was cute and respectful but for so long he did treat her like a sibling which was a bit irritating thanks to the grandma who secretly knew it was fake to push them over the top and they got married for her sake however by this time they had realized they were in love and confessed it. His kisses were sweet and I think its one of those guys that will never leave you once they love you though and never have to worry about his faithfulness because his family is his life.
Tamaki Kikushima
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Omg this man seems like a asshole the moment you meet him he bumps coffee onto your work application and is too good to even apologize. Then he tells you he is the son of the company your applying for and if you can drink him under the table he will leave you alone if not you have to be his fake wife and do all the wife duties for a month then he will make sure you get the job. It starts off that you are naked in bed with nothing but panties on so it insinuates you slept with him. That being said what kind of man does that make him when you were obviously intoxicated when he slept with you. He acts like a rich entitled asshole not even like a tsundere at all which is what I thought he was at first. So I figured out by looking it up he is a oresama which in my book is not my cup of tea. He will stay a ass even up until the end. Even when he announces he is in love the way he does it I just can't understand why the MC even loves him. The one guy through the story that is right there trying to shield you is yamato which I found sweet. Anyways lets just say I didn't bother to do his pov or anything else wasn't going to pay anymore into this man because this love interest just was annoying. Only thing he had going for him was he was hot. - check out my updated review after reading all of chapter 1 up to chapter 2 HERE
Yuta Kajima
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This guy bored me from the very start I just didn't feel any chemistry whatsoever. The first few chapters it was all about making his career big in comedian with you having to play his scary wife which was annoying. Its like I don't know of he is supposed to be submissive or something but it was just irritating to me. Not even far into the story was this weird ear thing where he wanted her to rub his ears for good luck. I found it a bit rude that your willing to put your life on hold to make his comedian career happen yet when he gives you a wedding ring to be his wife he doesn't seemed bothered about putting the ring on your finger but refuses for you to put it on his. Like I said 100% lacks any romance between them. Also the mc practically friend zones him in her mind from the beginning, saying he feels like she can be close to him cause he is like a great friend she has known awhile. I got so bored I started dozing off and was only in chapter 5. I just had to quit maybe one day I will go back to this and finish it but for now it just was not interesting enough, he wasn't interesting enough for me.
Akito Kakiuchi
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Childhood Crush is about the main part I know and due to this it can go either way whichever your choice is. I read the sample and it just didn't grab my attention enough to purchase it.
Kunihiko Aikawa
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Uncle yet not by blood. Its weird this whole time in the rest of the routes you hear be lazy and sometimes even a bit manipulative when he tells the MC she has to help these guys or he won't help her find a job. He comes off as a playboy and even though I started with his route and it seemed ok I felt it was too slow of a start to me. For me to read reviews and find she is supposed to be in love with him her whole life even though she just remembers now just seemed too made up for me I couldn't get behind it. Maybe on day I will decide to put the money into it or it comes as a dlc to the switch game one we shall see. I will say this much though least he is hot.
Kyoichi Kunishiro
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This guy seems to be one of the worst. I read over other reviews as well as what was said on the app and even did his free first chapter and honestly this man is not in anyway worth me paying for. He is egotistical, arrogant, cold, manipulative creep. He has no belief love even exists or cares if it really does. He is way worse in his rudeness than Tamaki at least Tamaki has his looks going for him this guy is plain fugly on top of it all. Even his sweet endings from what I read really aren't worth it. I guess if you like an abusive man who makes fun of you and has no real intentions of romantically showering you with love and god forbid he is not a Tsundere he makes tsunderes seem like they are nice from the beginning.
So I feel like its better to put these out there I did not purchase either of the last 3 however I don't want to say good or bad about these 3 because most the reviews I have read can go either way with them except Kyoichi he seems to be a ass to most. So I will let that be your choice if later I decide to purchase them on the app I will come back and repost with the reviews. Not going to lie at some point I probably will come back and purchase the 2 but as for now saving my credits to binge more of my sexy man Haruka.
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Can I get dino, bee, hotrod and hounds reaction to seeing a sweet/shy femme transformer being a neutral, but always trying to help the autobots even if it's something that's way too hard or big for her to do? Like reaching for something that's too tall for her size, or bumping into another bot, and always being the one to apologize a hundred times for it, or volunteering to do a dangerous errand for someone, or giving someone their share of energon so they won't be sad. ( basically someone who looks like they don't belong in war and is too sweet for fighting or inflicting harm on anyone). Also, would any of these bots develop a crush on her?
Dino finds her adorable. He lets her do certain things, like reaching for items or lifting heavy boxes because he likes to watch her frame and likes to see the way she stretches.
He starts to develop a crush on her and becomes pretty protective. If she bumps into someone, he'll get aggressive towards the other bot saying it is their fault and they should apologize to her.
He won't allow her in any dangerous scenarios, saying she needs to keep her pretty self safe. He will protect her if she ever ends up on the battlefield.
He doesn't care if she is neutral, he would like to date her.
He thinks she is very sweet and he really enjoys her company. He's glad that even though she is neutral she wants to be around them, and he'll happily have her around.
He won't let her do anything strenuous or tough. He wants to keep her safe and doesn't want her to risk getting injured. If he sees her trying to get something large or heavy he will rush over and take it from her servos. He also tries to get her to be more assertive and confident, he wants her to have a backbone and not let anyone push her around.
Bee does form a crush on her. After spending time with her, her sweet nature really touched his spark. When he has a bad day, she is always there to help him and she can make him feel better. He decided he wanted that in his life forever.
Hot Rod:
He was happy when she started to hang around them. He found her charming and her company was very pleasant. He thinks it is cute how she wants to help, even in areas she can't.
He lets her help, but only with certain things. If she wants to help carry things, he will give her the lighter/smaller items. He won't let her near any fights, stating it is no place for a neutral. He doesn't think it is fair for her to get wrapped in a battle and will do his best to keep her far away from the fighting scenes.
He tries to teach her not to apologize so much and tries to help her shyness and make her more outgoing, though he knows that can be something that cannot be fixed or changed at least not quickly. He also makes sure she gets her Energon. If he sees her give her Energon away, he will give her his, then lie and say he already consumed his share. He just wants her to stay healthy.
He barely lets her do anything. He just wants her to sit and keep them company. If he sees her trying to grab a large item he will swoop in and take it from her.
He has forbidden her from going on any dangerous missions and has threatened to lock her up if she tries. He's joking and never would, be he wants her to know how serious he is in never wanting her to do something dangerous.
He views her as a friend or little sibling. He is very protective over her and will do his best to keep her safe. He will also scare off mechs who are interested in her if he thinks they are not good enough for her. He'll shove a bot that gets in her way, and pull them away from her if they try to be flirtatious.
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snowbellewells · 2 years
Self Promo Sunday: “One Little Ray of Hope”
This week I’m re-running my @csss20 gift fic: “One Little Ray of Hope” (originally written for my giftee @let-it-raines) I was genuinely nervous writing this one because I adored Raines’ writing so much. But she was truly kind about sweet about having me as her Santa, and I thought this one would be fun to look back at this week...
There are two part to it. I’ve linked Part Two at the end of this first part, and the story can also be found on AO3 if that is your preference. Enjoy - and Merry Christmas Eve!
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Summary: The Enchanted Forest under the Evil Queen's reign may be a dark and dangerous place, but at a lowly tavern one wintry night, a captain and a serving girl still keep a welcome spark alive.
“One Little Ray of Hope”
by: @snowbellewells
              Though the fire in the stone hearth was blazing merrily, the lights from their lamps battled the dark sky and frigid wind blasting flurries of snow outside their windows, and the jovial voices of many of their regulars mingled on the air to make things cozy inside the little inn and tavern, Emma Swan still shivered at the winter's chill. There, was some hint of frost that wouldn't go away, forming small icy crystals inside her chest - one particular voice that always stood out from the rest to her ears, was missing. She cursed herself for noticing, cursed him for being so unmistakable, and slammed an empty tankard onto her tray as she cleared the just-vacated table more violently than she had meant to.
              Naturally Ruby would be passing by just then, on her way to wait on some exuberant new arrivals, and she playfully arched one of her dark brows with a teasing smirk. "Looks like someone's a little frustrated this evening."
              From over her shoulder, where Emma hadn't even realized anyone was nearby, Tink tittered with a playful little giggle to Ruby, "Well, you know, we do seem to be short some of Emma's favorite guests this evening…" pirate was not her special anything. Honestly, she was just tired, overworked, overheated, and ready for some fresh air away from the evening crowd. It didn't have anything to do with the fact that Captain Killian Jones, with his unfairly blue eyes and his stomach-flipping accent wasn't here pestering her and getting in her way. What did she care if his farewell to her before he set sail nearly two months' back was that he would return in time for the Yuletide festivities? False hope and nonsense, all of it anyway…
              And yet… tomorrow was Christmas day, her traitorous mind whispered as she plunked her heavy tray of dishes on the counter where the Widow Lucas - the proprietor of their inn, and 'Granny' to all of them - was serving up orders and Ashley was doing dishes as fast as she could to serve warm bread and hearty stew on them once more. Again, her approach was none too gentle, as she huffed out a breath of air and pushed her hair from her face impatiently.
              "Careful there, my girl. Any dishes you break will be comin' from your pay," the widow threatened idly. Granny put on a tough front - one had to in a rough and tumble harbor town - and she meant business if she had to bring out her crossbow from where she kept it close to hand beneath the counter, but she was a soft heart beneath the necessary bluster and hard shell. She loved all "her girls" and most of her patrons dearly, wanting them to know they were welcome and cared for in her inn - and while many like she and her granddaughter had little in the way of blood-related family, she aimed to give them a feeling of home in her place.
              Emma smiled slightly, acknowledging Granny's words without comment, despite knowing the older woman would do no such thing. She unloaded the dirtied tankards and bowls more carefully into the soapy water for Ashley and forced herself to draw a couple of deep breaths as Granny loaded her up with the next order.
              Just as Emma moved to lift the tray and move off again, Granny placed her own hand over Emma's kindly, keeping her there until Emma met her eyes. "Don't let Ruby irk you. She means no harm," was the quietly offered advice, to which Emma nodded sagely, already knowing as much. It was only when Granny winked and added, "Of course, if you're awaiting some handsome sailor, I wager he'll be here soon," that Emma let out an exasperated huff and spun away to the sound of her boss and pseudo-grandmother's laughter at her back. Shaking her head, she seethed, 'Everyone thinks I'm waiting for Jones…. Well, I'm not!'
              The night went on without much further interruption; the snow fell in continued flakes, swirled and eddied by the window and pilling up on the windowsills. Inside their crowded tavern, however, the cozy warmth continued to rise right along with the songs and laughter of those gathered within. Soon Emma found her face flushed, cheeks pinked from the heat and close quarters. Even as the gathered crowd began to dwindle, slowly trickling out the door and homeward in twos and threes, as she, Ruby, Tink, and Ashley began to wipe down empty tables and see to storing up leftover food and seeing drinks stoppered and sealed for the night. Granny had gone upstairs nearly an hour before as the midnight hour had come and gone, claiming her old bones needed the rest, and Mulan, who did not appear the musical type, but who had once confessed when more than a bit tipsy on dwarf mead that her parents had seen that she was learn all sorts of marriageable skills in the hopes of seeing her matched with a smart, dashing husband before she had left home to make her own way - had switched from plunking out bawdy sea shanties and reels for the gathered revelers and lighting begun pecking out chords to a few softer and slower Yuletide carols as a background accompaniment to the cleaning and the quieter murmurs of those who still lingered in conversation over their last drinks.
              Not long after, Ruby silently slipped out the kitchen exit in back with the solemn huntsman who came every night to break bread and drink not at all, other than to drink in her presence and bask in her company, had stood and followed her like a silent shade as she beckoned from the doorway. Ashley had headed upstairs herself for some rest in her own apartments, as had Tink, saying the last town gazette's gossip section was calling her name. Mulan had paused at the door before heading to her own house a couple streets over, telling Emma she would make rounds of the block first, to see that all stragglers had gone home, and no trouble was lingering about them before she left.
              Emma thanked the beautiful warrior sincerely, knowing that it was no more or less than the other woman did every night, determined that these friends who took her and all others at face value, welcoming all lost and weary travelers without trying to change them were safe and secure. She would see no harm come to the Widow Lucas and her adopted "sisters" on her watch; Emma knew Mulan took that charge upon herself as a sworn duty. The rest of them would never have put such weight on her shoulders, but each one of them also slept easier knowing Mulan was nearby. The slim build, shining curtain of silky black hair and delicate features could have long ago earned Mulan the hand of any prince, pirate, or nobleman who laid eyes on her, but those physical attributes all deceptively hid her strength, speed, and core of deadly steel if anyone threatened harm to those she loved.
              "We'll be alright," Emma assured again, as Mulan bid her goodnight. "Everyone was in good spirits this evening. No fights, no trouble. Please rest easy once you get home. I can't imagine anything should happen until we see you again tomorrow."
              "As you say," the raven-haired woman replied simply, and with a slight dip of her head in a bow, she turned and slipped into the night with such soundless agility and grace that she seemed to melt into the darkness - unseen in mere seconds.
              Closing the door at last, Emma latched it securely, making certain the tavern and rooms above were locked properly for the night. She then began to move about the large, open main room, blowing out the candles still left aglow on scattered tabletops and snuffing out the wall sconces as well as she made a final pass around the main space. At last her final chores were complete, one last lit candle in her hand as she stood before the front window, looking down the moonlit street toward the docks for a moment longer. Captain Jones and his crew had yet to be seen in town, and while she could tell the others she didn't care - could even tell herself that in the light of day - here alone in the silent frosty night, Emma couldn't help wondering where he might be, and if he were well.
              "Jones, if you're out there," she murmured, hoping only the snow and ice and the Christmas star would hear her, "Take care or yourself… and be safe 'til we meet again."
              She had crossed the darkened room, placed her hand on the stair rail and was on the first step up to the second floor, when she heard the lightest rapping at the side door into the alley. Pausing there, Emma held her breath, listening uncertainly for the knock again, hardly daring to hope. She only had her candle in hand, the shadows long around her. Were Ruby and her huntsman still outside keeping each other warm despite the winter's chill? Could there be a prowler who had lain in wait until their self-appointed guardian had left for the night, or might it be the visitor she had been promised? The face she had looked for in anticipation every time the inn's door had opened to welcome a new patron that night? She would deny it to anyone, but those dark brows arched up into his windswept hair in challenge or jest, over eyes as blue as his beloved ocean, had been sorely missed; she had hoped to see him home again for Christmas more than she wanted to allow herself.
              She drew nearer to the side entrance, not wishing to give any her presence if the person on the other side bore ill intent, but straining to hear all the same; seeking some sign she was right and to confirm the feeling she had about who awaited on the other side. Gathering her courage, Emma reached for the fireplace poker beside the large stone hearth. Its embers were now dead for the night, but only a short while ago it had been blazing hotly, heating the entire space. She was not some frightened child at any rate; she'd hold her own against any intruder if the opened door led to a nasty surprise.
              Sure enough, the rapping came again, more firmly and with the added hushed entreaty, "Swan? Are you still about, Lass? Emma Swan! It's Captain Jones if you're still about and wish to see your sailor!"
              Her concerns brushed aside at the tones of that voice she could not mistake, Emma let the metal of her makeshift weapon clatter against the stone as it dropped from her fingers. With an exuberant little cry, she was at the door and lifting the latch in a second. The candle in her hand flickered and nearly went out with the stunned breath that left her upon glimpsing his handsome form once again after so long away.
              To his credit, Jones didn't tease; instead looking rather stunned himself as his gaze appeared busy drinking her in as well. Soon, he slipped inside out of the blustery chill and, seeing that her hand holding lighted taper was shaking considerably, he took it from her with care and reached to light the nearest sconce, casting their immediate surroundings with enough warm glow by which to see.
              Finally, she regained enough of her faculties to speak, and Emma stuttered, "It seemed you were not coming, Captain. Ruby mocked me all day for my foul temper and Tink joined in of course to say it was due to my missing and certain pirate and his crew. The busybodies!" she scoffed. But then she reached across the space between hem to catch his hand. "I did worry you might have been arrested, or hurt, or wrecked…or lost…any number of things. Or perhaps I gave you no clear assurance, and instead you had moved on, not to return."
              Killian shook his head just barely, looking troubled that she could even think he would abandon or fail her so easily. "Hardly Lass," he stated fervently, a sort of fiery glow in his eyes she had not seen before. I did say I would return by Yuletide, did I not? A pirate I might be, but I still have my honor.  It would take more than the increased vigilance of the Evil Queen and her forces to keep me away."
              Emma sucked in a worried breath at the cause of his delay. They all hoped to keep far under the notice of the usurper monarch - as cold and cruel as she was darkly attractive, she would end a life as easily as snapping her fingers, and at the slightest provocation, real or imagined. Life had been all the harder and more fraught with danger since Regina had wrested the crown from her kind and gentle stepdaughter Snow White, the rightful heir to the crown. If Killian were wanted by Queen Regina and had snuck back into her borders only to keep his promise, Emma could not bear to consider what would happen if he were discovered.
              Now was the moment of truth, before anymore needless time slipped past. It was time she told him what she had realized while no teasing friends or rowdy onlookers were listening in. "I missed you," she finally managed to croak out around the lump in her throat. "Thank you… Killian…for keeping your word."
              He dipped his head to look into her eyes where she had dropped her gaze to her feet. A strong, calloused hand, warm and gentle in its intent, tipped her chin back up to stare into his searching gaze. "Of course, Swan - Emma. All I could have wished for this holiday was…" he paused, his tongue darting out to wet his lips nervously and a hand coming up to worry the spot behind his ear - gesture she had long ago noticed signified nervousness. But he plunged on determinedly, "was to see you again, to see you and give you this."
              Pulling a small pouch from some inner pocket of his long leather jacket, he held it out to her with sparkling eyes, appearing almost boyish for a moment in his eagerness to see her open his gift, and whispering "Happy Christmas, Emma," as he placed it in her upturned palm.
              Emma's mouth formed a surprised "O", having not expected or hoped for anything more than his safe return. Opening the ties, she tilted the soft material until the item within spilled out in her hand. Holding up a long, golden chain with an exquisite stone of lovely pale green, near to jade in color, swinging from it, she was enchanted by the pendant he had brought her. "Oh, it's gorgeous," she breathed, rather stunned at how nice the piece of jewelry was.  She wore (or even owned, to be honest) little of such finery.
              "It's sea glass," Killian explained, taking the piece back in nimble fingers when she offered it, then turned, lifting her long hair so he could place the chain around her neck and fasten it for her. "Though sailors believe sea glass is good luck, that it keeps the wearer safe, and I would always wish you to be so, I knew it had to be yours because of the color. It reminded me vividly of your eyes…" Though the necklace was secured, his fingers still grazed featherlight along her skin, causing prickles of awareness to course throughout her body, and his own voice had turned decidedly husky.
              At last, Emma turned to face him once more, breaking the trance between them, but needing to thank him, and for him to see how touched she was by his gift, even if her voice was breathless and her words trembled with emotion. "I don't know what to say. You shouldn't have, but I adore it all the same. I'll treasure it, Killian. Truly." And without further hesitation or pausing to think and second guess, Emma threw her arms around him, squeezing him tightly to her. "Thank you," she whispered against his chest, breathing in the salty, spicy essence of him and nuzzling against his chest. She realized with a force that almost knocked her off her feet that she never wanted to let go.
              She felt Killian Jones' fingers thread through her hair, stroking gently, reverently as they stood there wrapped up in each other, swaying slightly in the candle glow and the howl of the wind outside. Emma felt they might indeed stay that way forever, and that neither of them would mind at all, until more rapid knocking interrupted their silent moment. The door handle rattled urgently, and she heard a nervous voice she recognized as Killian's first mate's speaking in hurried words. "Cap'n, you told me to summon you when an hour had gone. I've already seen one patrol of black guard go by. If they notice the Jolly in the harbor…"
              "Aye, Smee," he gritted out, stopping the anxious flow of words. "Head back and make ready to sail. I'll follow in a moment."
              He sighed as he turned back to Emma, tracing his thumb over the apple of her cheek and pausing to caress the dimple in her chin as he cradled her face in his hand.
              "You have to go," she acknowledged reluctantly; hating it, but understanding and wanting to see him safe, just as he did her. Her words were wistful, wishing he could stay there with her - or that she could run away with him - but it was too much, too quickly, no matter how she dreaded being parted again so soon.
              "I must, for now," he affirmed, the regret lacing every syllable of his words. "But I hope that now you know I will return."
              She nodded mutely, her mind trying to memorize every detail of his face, his voice, his touch, until she could see him again. "And I will be here waiting for you," she promised with equal intent.
              Bending slightly, Killian brushed his lips against her cheek, his stubble tickling her skin and again making her shiver at the sensation. It was the lightest and most gallant of kisses, and yet it only served to make her burn for more - for him to take her in his arms, for those firm lips to kiss her everywhere, for him to take her to her own apartments, or back to his cabin. It would keep her burning for however long they might be kept apart.
              As he had to leave, heading out again into the dark night, Emma stood at the door watching until the very second his vanished from her sight, no longer able to deny how anxiously she would await his return.
On to Part Two...
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satansapostle6 · 10 months
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Sometimes poison is sweet.
Selina Romanov and Draco Malfoy met when they were only eleven years old. The two of them have always shared an intense bond, always having gravitated towards one another. But the question still remains, as the years pass by, is their connection one of passion, or delusion?
Warnings: Contains Mature Themes/Language, Themes Such As Sexual Content, Violence, Abuse, Sexual Assault, Eating Disorders
Quidditch practice was awkward, to say the least. Selina hadn't spoken to Draco much at all since what she referred to as 'the incident'. She prudently decided that it would be best if she didn't tell Jasper anything at all about what had really happened at The Three Broomsticks, especially given that they weren't in a relationship. It was fairly difficult, but Selina knew that it was what was best for everyone. No matter what had happened, Selina regretted kissing Draco, and certainly never planned on doing it again, so she figured there was no point in telling him about it anyways. It only would've made things more difficult for everyone, including Jasper. Selina had also decided to keep what had happened from her other friends as well, realizing that telling the girls would only complicate things further. She figured she'd be safe as long as she didn't tell anyone, considering Draco would most likely be far too embarrassed to tell anyone about what had happened between the two of them, not to mention it could ruin his chances with Pansy Parkinson. Unfortunately, someone still found out about what had happened with Selina and Draco, especially considering that the two of them hadn't spoken in almost a week.
Selina had decided she'd sit next to Blaise Zabini during Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin, desperately hoping to avoid having to speak to Draco. Her friends both laughed along with her before they entered Professor Snape's class, hardly paying attention as Draco Malfoy stormed off past them. Selina sat down behind the girls, waiting for Blaise to take the seat next to her. She silently wondered where Blaise was, urging him to get to class as soon as possible. But surprisingly, it ended up being Draco who took the seat. Selina sighed, knowing it would be a particularly long class. She mostly sat there in silence, rushing to complete the assignment Lupin had set so that she could avoid having any homework. 
  "So," Draco spoke nonchalantly, distracting Selina as she read from her textbook, "I think I'm going to ask Pansy out on a date."
These words made everything stop for Selina. She froze as she tried to process what he'd just said to her, dropping her quill as she looked straight ahead. She was furious and unable to meet his gaze at first. Flabbergasted, she just barely resisted the urge to slap him across the face. Her worst fear had just been confirmed. She could feel herself getting hotter and hotter as she tried to process the betrayal. 
  "You-You what?" she asked, her voice so quiet he'd hardly heard it. 
  "I'm gonna ask Pansy out," he announced casually. 
Selina Romanov was furious, to say the least. She turned to look at him, a calm yet resolute expression on her face. She was now sure that what he'd done was cruel and inconsiderate to say the least, and chose not to ignore his lack of respect as she usually did when he was rude or annoying. 
  "What the fuck are you playing at, Draco?"
  "What?" he asked, as if he had no reason to anticipate a negative response from her.
She stared at him in disbelief, completely unable to understand the nerve he had. She knew that he, in reality, wasn't a good person, but Selina had always known she could trust him. Draco had always stood by Selina's side, even if it was in ways she hadn't necessarily expected. Draco always insulted people for her, stole for her, and threatened to fight the other boys for her, and to her, it was all she ever needed to know that he cared. Draco wasn't perfect. He was mean, and idiotic, and forgetful, but he always kept Selina in mind, always trying to impress or please her, which she had always loved. But this time, Selina saw none of the kindness in his eyes that she remembered. 
  "You kissed me not a week ago, and now you're telling me you want to ask out the one person I can't stand?" she summarized furiously. "Are you serious?"
  "That's what this is about?!" he demanded, finally aware. "Bloody hell! That was nothing, the other day! Just a bit of fun, is all. Relax."
  "Really! 'Just a bit of fun'?" she repeated. "Then why did you throw a fit and storm out?!"
  "I did not!" he cried. "Besides, the only reason I felt like kissing you was because Pansy wasn't around."
Selina glanced over at Pansy on the other side of the room, catching a mischievous grin spread across her face as she listened in on their conversation. 
  "Oh, really?" she laughed, genuine anger in her eyes. 
  Draco nodded, responding without trepidation in his voice. "Yeah. I wanted to hang out with her, because she doesn't try to convince me that I care about someone's bloody pet bird, and she doesn't act like I'm an idiotic loser! She treats me well, and I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with her, but she wasn't there. So, I just settled for you," he scowled down at her. 
  "You settled for me?" Selina scoffed as her friends both gasped in shock at what they overheard. "That's rich."
  "And so am I," he agreed, "And smart, and  funny, and cool! And she actually tells me so," he declared pompously.
  "Well, I hope you two are happy together," Selina said. "Congratulations, and get tested."
Without another word, she stormed off toward the front of the room with her completed assignment. Conveniently for her, she ended up in line at Professor Lupin's desk right behind a rather smug Pansy Parkinson. She watched, utterly humiliated, as Pansy handed her assignment in to Professor Lupin, stepping aside as she addressed Selina.
  "So, I hear Draco's through with you, Selina," she remarked with a sickly sweet lilt to her tone. "Took him long enough."
  "Ladies," Lupin interrupted. "Assignments, please?"
  "Yes, he'll be back to pretending to like your 'Pansy Malfoy' doodles in no time," she assured her. "Now leave me the hell alone."
  "Yes, Miss Parkinson, I would also advise you to please leave her alone," Professor Lupin echoed awkwardly, holding his hand out for Selina's piece of parchment. 
  "Certainly. After she leaves my boyfriend alone," she agreed.
  "Miss Romanov, please tell me that you at least have the sense not to engage her," Lupin hoped exhaustedly. 
  "Oh, he's your boyfriend?" Selina asked in a mocking, saccharine tone. "Does he know that?" she knowingly patronized the girl. 
  "Back...off, Romanov," Pansy Parkinson grinned, "Or I'll slap that stupid look off your face."
  "Miss Parkinson," Professor Lupin warned. 
  "Go ahead. If you can reach it," she replied, crossing her arms as she raised an eyebrow at her teasingly.
  "He loves me!" the girl insisted, stepping towards her, "Not you."
Selina tried her best to ignore the ludicrous statement she'd just made. 
  "Don't worry," Selina scoffed, a cold anger filling her eyes, "He's all yours." 
She courteously handed her assignment off to Professor Lupin, who said nothing to her as he watched her leave. She silently sat back down in her seat, mindlessly flipping through her textbook as an insolent Draco Malfoy sat beside her, his arms crossed in anger. Professor Lupin dutifully made his rounds throughout the room, watching as everyone completed their assignment. A thumping noise suddenly interrupted the quiet atmosphere of the room. Selina Romanov looked up, particularly surprised to see that Lupin had "accidentally" slapped Draco upside the head with a book he'd been holding. Hardly stifling a giggle, Selina glanced over at Blaise, who seemed thoroughly amused by the situation. Once Defense Against the Dark Arts was over, Selina was one of the first people out of the room. She and her friends had left the room so fast, she didn't even notice someone casting a charm, wetting the floor just as Draco and the other boys ran out of the room. She also hadn't noticed that, out of everyone in the room, it was Professor Lupin's wand that was sneakily aimed at the ground. 
  "Hey!" a loud voice filled the hall as Selina and her friends stopped. 
  "Oh, hey, Draco," Elspeth Laurier greeted him.
  "Guys, I'll just catch up with you later," Selina said knowingly, giving him a warning look. 
  "Okay," Amana smiled, as the two of them left.
Selina discreetly led Draco into the hall, looking around to make sure no one was looking.
  "Hey, what the hell?!" Draco Malfoy demanded.
  "What?" Selina whispered. "You don't get to be angry at me."
  "The hell I don't!" he argued. "What the fuck did you say to Pansy?"
  "Nothing she didn't have coming," she scoffed dismissively. "She fucking came to me first!"
  "So you didn't tell her anything about what happened between us?" he questioned expectantly.
  Selina was completely flabbergasted. "Why the fuck would I tell her about that?"
  "I don't know, maybe you wanted to brag or something," he exclaimed, "How should I know?"
  "Are you insane? Why would I want anyone knowing about what you did?"
  "What I did?!" Draco cried.
  "Whatever! I didn't tell Pansy we kissed, I didn't tell anyone. You really think I want Jasper to find out?" she reasoned.
  "Well, if you didn't tell her, than why does she seem so cross?" he asked her.
  Selina sighed. "How should I know? Could be anything with her."
  "Why do you hate her so much?" Draco scoffed.
  "Me? I hate her because she's been picking fights with me! Or, did you forget that she stole my clothes while I was in the shower? Or, that time she stuck gum under both of my shoes? Or that time she spilled pumpkin juice all over the front of my pants."
  "Okay, okay, point taken," he sighed. 
 "Why! Why did you have to kiss me right before you asked Pansy out!" she cried.
  "Really? You still want to talk about this?!" he questioned. 
  "Yeah, clearly I have no choice!" she exclaimed. "I hate you! God! Why did you have to do this...! You were my friend, I thought we were friends! You humiliated me, and I—I cared about you!"
  "Then why did you have to leave right after we kissed!" he shouted with desperation, a tortured look hidden behind his eyes.
  "Leave?!" Selina yelled. "You left me in The Three Broomsticks!"
  "I'm not talking about The Three Broomsticks!" he screamed at her. "I'm talking about after that!"
  "After that?" she questioned.
  "After I left The Three Broomsticks, I walked around Hogsmeade. Then I went back, to look for you," Draco Malfoy said.
Selina felt a pang of guilt in her stomach, struggling to breathe as she crossed her arms out in front of her, trying to steady herself. She tried to think, not understanding what Draco was trying to tell her. 
  "I went back to look for you, and you were gone."
  "Because you threw stuff at me, and left me!" Selina exclaimed. "What did you expect me to do, sit around waiting with all the strangers you embarrassed me in front of?!"
Draco tried to swallow to stifle the rough lump in his throat that just didn't seem to go away. 
  "What's the point of all this anyway?" she demanded. "If you just want to be with Pansy, then go be with Pansy. I certainly won't stop you," she pointed out. 
  "Right," Draco said, "Of course you won't."
  "Why, because I won't let you make a fool of me anywhere and everywhere?" she asked. "You say that like it's a horrible thing, you say that like I've done something wrong!"
  "Right, because you could never do any wrong!" he yelled at her. 
  "You're turning this around on me?" she scoffed. "Just because you're not getting your way?"
  "Fuck you!" he huffed.
  "I'm not dealing with this, you're just turning this into another reason to be childish, and blame everyone else instead of just saying what it is you want?!" she demanded. "That's it. I'm not waiting around for you to actually talk to me anymore, I'm done."
  "Sel! Sel!" Draco yelled after her as she walked down the hall.
But she couldn't take it anymore. She didn't have the energy to try for the both of them anymore. Selina had always known that, when it came to her friendship with Draco, she would always have to be the mature one. She had always tolerated being the calm one, since she preferred to avoid all the unnecessary drama that came with arguing with him. But this was different. This was unavoidable, and on a completely different level. Draco had crossed a line this time, at the very least. She couldn't take it anymore; she felt as if she were about to break, right there in front of him. Selina hurried away from him as fast as she could, crying the entire way back to the Slytherin dormitories. She briskly walked as fast as she could without anyone having anything to say about it. She hoped to avoid everyone she actually knew, no longer able to tolerate any more humiliation. Selina Romanov ran to the bathrooms, locking herself in a stall. 
Over an hour had passed before Selina was able to calm herself. She had emerged from the girls' bathroom with bloodshot eyes, furiously washing her face in the sink before Quidditch. Selina  met Jasper in the common room before the game, where the other Slytherins were also hanging out before the match. 
  "Hey. Are you alright?" Jasper Carroll asked worriedly. "I couldn't find you anywhere... what happened?" he asked gently, holding onto her hands out of concern.
  "I got into a stupid fight with Draco... he said a lot of things, and it just got worse."
  "What did he say?" Jasper asked her.
  "Let's just say we argued about Pansy, and it just escalated," she sighed, "I don't want to talk about it. I'll see you after the match."
  "Okay, good luck," Jasper said, hugging her as he kissed her in the cheek, "I'll see you later."
Selina forced a smile, trying to appear confident as she headed off to play her second game of the season. She walked to the pitch alone, without Draco to talk to. Selina wasn't too bothered by the fact that she wouldn't be arriving at the pitch without him, so long as she didn't have to see Montague on the way down. It had been very uncomfortable seeing him at practice, to say the least, after she had never really hung out with him again after their date. It was awkward, but after a while, he had gotten the hint. Selina wasn't looking forward to today's game, not enthusiastic about watching Slytherin's team go up against the Hufflepuff team, especially with Cedric Diggory as their chaser. However, Selina forced herself to remain focused and optimistic, working as hard as she could to score points in the game. Selina spent a decent amount of time in the changing room on her own, bracing herself for human contact before she joined Flint and the rest of the team in the tunnel. She didn't bother to look back at Draco at the end of the formation, glad to not have to make eye contact with him. Selina dutifully took her position beside Montague, who didn't seem to want to look at her either, waiting to fly up onto the pitch just after Flint. Madam Hooch was currently making her way onto the pitch for the start of the game as Lee Jordan commentated. 
  "Slytherin won narrowly against Ravenclaw the last game they played, but will they have the same luck against Hufflepuff?! Here comes the Hufflepuff team now, led by Captain Cedric Diggory! Oh, this is going to be a good match!"
Selina mounted her broom, signaling for everyone else to follow suit. The tunnel door lifted open, as Flint soared up ahead of the team. They circled the pitch a few times, as most of the crowd cheered. 
  "And now, here come the Slytherin team, with Captain Marcus Flint!"
Selina and the other players all took their positions hovering above the field, behind their respective team captains. Everyone waited impatiently, antsy for the two captains to shake hands with one another before the start of the game. Flint shook Cedric Diggory's hand, a malicious smirk on his face as he nearly crushed Diggory's hand. Selina chuckled softly as she watched him grimace with discomfort, waiting for the game to officially start. 
  "The Quaffle has been released! There goes the Golden Snitch! And the game has officially begun!"
Selina took off into the air, strategically covering the field with the distance between her, Flint, and  Montague. She watched Montague and Flint chasing after the Quaffle, flying through the air after the Hufflepuff Chaser's, as discussed with Flint and the others before. The game continued as she employed a rather offensive strategy, successful in dodging Bludgers as she wove around both teams.  
  "Here comes Romanov, charging towards Macavoy, one of the best Chasers Hufflepuff's seen in years, giving Slytherin quite the edge! My, do they sure have quite the rivalry going already!" Jordan's voice boomed. 
Selina eventually succeeded in single-handedly taking Heidi Macavoy out of the game for good, without even earning the team a foul of any sort. Macavoy was sent flying off her broom, with everyone gasping and wincing as she slowly spiraled towards the ground. 
  "As we predicted, ladies and gentlemen, Selina Romanov's eliminated one of Hufflepuff's star players! What will they do now?!"
The game carried on rather horrifically, even worse than the first game they'd played against Ravenclaw that year. Both Flint and Montague had refused to go along with Selina's plays, insisting upon winning the game using only the strategy of taking out Hufflepuff's players. Selina was, for a while, the only Chaser actually working towards score goals. After Selina had taken out Macavoy, Flint and Montague had managed to take out one of Slytherin's Beaters as well as another Chaser. Unfortunately, Cedric Diggory was still in the game and chasing after the Snitch, along with Draco Malfoy. Selina whipped past Diggory's broom as she rushed to the Quaffle before the Hufflepuff Chasers, hoping he'd accidentally fall off of his broom. She had made contact with him, but unfortunately, he remained hanging into his broom, hardly shaken by the bump. Selina eventually secured the Quaffle by catching it after Derrick hit a Bludger that flew towards the Hufflepuff Chaser closest to it. Selina flew up and down, outmaneuvering the Hufflepuff players closest to their goalposts. Selina managed to score by tricking their Keeper, strategically avoiding a foul since Slytherin was already on its third foul of the game, thanks to Flint's leadership. 
  "Another goal scored by Romanov! Slytherin's still in the lead, 60 to 20! Flint's offense-heavy strategy seems to be working for the team!"
Selina couldn't help but rolled her eyes as she continued in the game, until the score eventually reached 160:130, still in her team's favor. Out of the sixteen goals scored by Slytherin, Selina had scored ultimately almost half of them on her own, only assisted by her other teammates several times. It was after a few minutes at that point that Draco had reached the Golden Snitch before Cedric Diggory, securing a victory for Slytherin. All of Selina's teammates celebrated where they stood on the Quidditch pitch, showing off in front of everyone watching from the stands as Draco held the Snitch up victoriously. 
  "Draco Malfoy has caught the Golden Snitch, earning another thirty points for Slytherin, securing them a surprisingly fair victory of 190 to 130! That's their second win of the season, everyone! Will the Slytherin team be able to keep up this winning streak when they play against Gryffindor in the final match of the year?!"
Selina was far too exhausted to enjoy the celebration of their victory, fatigued and drenched in sweat as she tried to recover as quickly as she could from scoring seven goals, as well as eliminating three of the opposing team's players. Needless to say, Selina Romanov was furious with Marcus Flint for refusing to change up his strategy, which they had disagreed on the entire year. It was a brutal hour or so that she'd spent in the air, which was certainly significant considering that Selina was in optimal athletic shape for someone her age. She stood still in the air on her broom, trying to catch her breath as the other Slytherin players flew victory laps around the pitch. 
She breathed aggressively with her hand rested on her chest, trying to satiate her need for oxygen. Her eyes felt as if they were bulging out of her head as she tried to steady herself. Selina was the first player to return to the changing rooms, exhausted from playing. She didn't feel sorry at all for the Hufflepuff players she'd sent to the hospital wing, not feeling much better off than them herself. She held onto the wall as she stumbled into the girls' changing room, her legs completely limp from tightening around her broom for over an hour. Selina sat on the bench for a moment, heaving constantly until she found herself capable of moving. She quickly threw off her wet Quidditch robes, storming off to the showers with her towel and clothes to cool herself off. She was enraged at Marcus Flint's arrogance as she rinsed herself off and dried her hair, leaving without speaking to anyone. She made her way outside of the pitch, where Jasper waited for her with the girls before they all went to the party in the common room.
  "Selina!" Amana Tesfaye cheered. "You were amazing! You carried the entire game!"
  "I think she's aware," Jasper smiled sympathetically, kissing her on the cheek. "Are you alright?"
  "I'm okay," she assured him. "Just fucking pissed at Flint, and in need of some Firewhisky."
  "If you say so," Jasper sighed, wrapping his arm around her as they all walked together. "I'm really proud of you, you know," he said close to her ear, so only she could hear.
  Selina sighed, her voice still faint. "Thank you..."
  "I mean it. Not only did you play along with Flint's awful strategy to help the team, you still did the hard work and scored half our goals. You played like a pro, hell, you played like a star," he raved passionately.
  "At least you think so," she remarked. "Flint's probably gonna take all of the credit, as usual. I bet he won't even mention my name throughout the whole party."
  "Well, he's a fucking narcissistic twat, what do you expect?" Jasper comforted her. "Just take comfort in knowing you're league worthy as you are now, and Flint could barely hold his own against the new players as both a seventh-year and the team captain."
  "Speaking of team captain, did you notice Snape in the staff box?" Elspeth questioned.
  "No," Selina shook her head, why?" 
  "He was totally keeping an eye on your broom," Amana Tesfaye informed her with excitement, "And I think with Flint's last season as a player,  he's probably looking to appoint a new team captain for next year."
  "Yeah, I think you definitely have a real chance," Jasper nodded with certainty. 
  "Well, if Flint was captain," Selina rationalized, "I think my cat has a real chance."
She let out a wry chuckle as they made their way to the Slytherin party, Selina's outfit consisting of a simple tank top and jeans. Naturally, she had arrived in the common room to find Pansy in a rather formal black outfit, quite literally throwing herself over Draco on the couch. She averted her eyes immediately, adjusting her focus and making a beeline for Flint. 
  "Hey. Flint," Selina frowned, approaching her team captain as Jasper stood by her side protectively.
Elspeth and Amana stood across the room with everyone else, getting something to drink with a few of the other Slytherin girls. They whispered to each other continuously as they spied on their friend. 
  "Oi. Romanov," Flint snickered, already having taken multiple swigs from one of the bottles of whiskey supplied by one of the seventh-years. "Missed the chance to score us our two hundredth point, eh?"
  "What, scoring seven goals for your lazy, stubborn arse isn't enough?" she confronted him.
Flint laughed, cocking his head as he glowered down at her, not willing to tolerate anything he perceived as disrespect to his fragile ego. 
  "What's got your knickers in a twist, Romanov? Did you make a bet on how quickly you could get booted off the team?" he provoked her.
  "Please. If I had to bet on someone getting kicked off the team, it'd be you," she replied boldly.
  Marcus Flint was flabbergasted, a glimmer of hatred in his eyes. "And why's that, eh?" he stepped closer to her, clearly seeking conflict.
Jasper glared at him, stepping up behind Selina as he prepared to defend her. Selina had to admit that she liked that about him, that he was willing to stand up for her physically as well as verbally. 
  "Because you manage the team like a brute," she said flatly, not even fazed by the taller, older boy. "You're too daft to come up with actual maneuvers and plots to score us points, so you rely on all of us to take out the other players altogether, because it's the only way we'll win with you as captain. No one does their job, they just fuck off all over the pitch racking up fouls because you can't do yours, you pathetic twat."
  "You watch your mouth, little girl," Flint hissed threateningly, "Especially when our team's been inside of it."
  "Oi, you watch how you talk to her, mate," Jasper warned, his hand roughly sitting on Selina's shoulder.
  "You watch how your slag of a girlfriend talks to me," Flint sneered at him, turning back to Selina, "You need your boyfriend next to you to run your mouth?"
  "Fuck no, I don't," Selina murmured, "Jasper, leave us."
  "Selina," he began, still eyeing Flint.
  "I said 'go'," Selina repeated, "I can handle myself."
Debating whether or not he should listen to her, Jasper Carroll slowly retreated, heading over to find Amana and Elspeth as he kept an eye on the situation between Selina and Marcus Flint. He could tell she had already committed to destroying him. 
  "See?" Selina cocked her head at him. "The only little twat here is you."
  "Yeah, I'll say," Flint said, "From what I hear, yours has got to be pretty ran through by now."
There were many various gasps and laughs and other audible reactions coming from onlookers. Everyone was now fixed on their argument, no longer doing anything else. Even Draco and Pansy had stopped whatever in the hell they had been doing to observe, although with completely different reactions. Draco was left frozen and dead silent, although Pansy was practically bursting at the seams with laughter, audibly cheering Flint's name as if the Quidditch match was still going. 
  "It's alright, Flint, I know you're just stuck fantasizing about mine because you can't get any from anyone your age," Selina told him. "I don't blame the girls in your grade, though. There's enough room for their shit to get caught between your two front teeth." 
  "Oh, go on Flint, end it!" Draco Malfoy shouted from somewhere in the middle of the room. 
Selina and Jasper were both seething. Selina in particular was irate, however unable to focus her anger on anyone other than Flint at the moment. 
  "How dare you, you used-up slag?! Fucking cunt!" Marcus Flint bellowed, reaching behind his head with the bottle in his hand. 
  "Hey!" Jasper boomed, intervening as he stepped between them, pushing Flint back. "Get the fuck away from her!"
Selina breathed angrily as she pulled her wand out of her pocket, ready to curse Flint. 
  "It's alright, Carroll," Flint spat, a disturbing grin aimed at Selina Romanov. "Enjoy her before she goes for the rest of the team. Maybe she'll make her way across every House team before the end of the term!"
  "That's it, throw out those meaningless rumors about me just because you know you're not a real captain for shit!" Selina challenged him further. "Just watch, Flint, soon enough this slag will be team captain, and we'll actually win! We won at one-ninety today, next year, we'll be winning at two hundred, and two-twenty!"
  "Why don't you fuck off, Romanov, it's what you're good at, anyways!"
Flint actually seemed to be about to hurl the full liquor bottle at her head. Still, Selina did nothing, her gaze locked onto him as Jasper prevented him from being able to throw anything at her head. Flint eventually backed off, still smirking as he made his way about the party again. 
  "Selina. Hey. Look at me, it's okay," Jasper murmured, holding her out in front of him. "Just let him go, he's not worth the trouble."
  "Fuck Flint," Selina spat, still staring daggers at him across the room. "I should be captain of this fucking team, and he knows it."
  "Yes, you should," Amana nodded, trying to calm her down, "But getting into it with Flint won't do you any good. Don't sink to his level."
  "I agree, just let him say what he says. You know you can't reason with Marcus Flint," Jasper reminded her coolly, "Do you want to go rest in your dorm? You must be tired after the game."
  "No," Selina refused confidently, determined to let out all of the suppressed rage that she'd accumulated over the past couple of weeks, as well as throughout her entire life. "Somebody get me a bottle. I don't care what's in it."
  "Selina," Elspeth Laurier frowned, "You should really settle down, maybe take a seat," she began, only to be cut off.
  "Fuck settling down, Flint isn't settling down. Somebody get me a fucking bottle, now!" she boomed, startling half the room. 
Lucian Bole tossed a bottle of bourbon to Selina, who took aggressive swigs out of it as her friends watched, concerned. Everyone else proceeded as if nothing had happened at all, celebrating into the night. The party in the Slytherin common room got rowdier and rowdier, with a few team members having even surfed the crowd, including Draco. Selina had had a decent amount to drink. Crabbe and Goyle had also contributed to the situation, which worried Jasper. He and the rest of her friends tried not to drink at all throughout the party, trying to keep a close eye on her. But, eventually, Elspeth and Amana had given in too many times, and ended up stumbling back to their dormitory to pass out. Jasper had stayed with Selina for a while, both keeping her company and making sure she didn't get into any trouble. But as the night dragged on, he grew increasingly tired. Selina had told him she was going to wander off to get a drink from one of the fifth-years.
  "Alright, I'll be here," Jasper Carroll nodded, trying to watch her. 
He quickly lost her in the large horde of people in the common room, unable to see her as she disappeared behind dozens of people. 
  "Try this," one of the fifth years told Selina, handing her something dark poured into a cup.
  "Don't have to tell me twice," she practically belched out. 
Selina tipped her head back completely, downing the contents of the cup. She gulped multiple times, wincing slightly as she finished the drink, slamming the cup down on the ground as she narrowed her eyes, trying to steady herself. The room was spinning entirely, with odd shapes being created by the darkness her eyes perceived. She stuck both of her arms out to steady herself, convinced that the floor was tilting left and right like a rocking boat floating out at sea. She tried to maintain her balance, sure that she was about to be knocked down by a moving dungeon floor. 
  "Oi, Romanov," Flint called to her, approaching her with a grin on his face, "You alright there?"
  "I'm fine," she gulped, still horrified by the floor.  "Fuck off."
  "I'm not here to fuck with you, I'm over all that shit from earlier," he laughed merrily, holding a hand out to her. "Come on. You look tired. Come to my dorm, I'll make sure you're alright."
In that moment, Selina was pretty sure that, normally, she wouldn't really want to be anywhere near Marcus Flint, especially alone. But right then and there, as she failed to balance on a flat surface, she suddenly felt a desperate, overwhelming urge to find someplace to sleep soundly. She just wanted sleep, and nothing but sleep, no matter the costs. She was desperate for rest. 
  "Sure," she blurted out, barely able to speak.
She felt her entire body going numb. 
  "Alright. Come along," Flint smiled, dragging her by the hand off to his dorm room as she stumbled through the halls.
He shook hands with and whispered a sly 'good one' to someone they passed, who Selina didn't recognize as the fifth-year boy who had given her the last thing she'd drank, which had tasted unpleasant as she'd expected, but not necessarily in the way that alcohol was supposed to taste. Selina haphazardly bounced back and forth off of the walls on either side of her, without the ability to control her direction. She knew on some level she would probably wake up with plenty of dark bruises, given that she was very forcefully propelling herself forward under the influence. 
  "Here we are," Flint smiled, opening the door to the room he slept in.
Meanwhile, out in the common room, Jasper Carroll was confused, making his way around the room. 
  "Oi. Montague. Have you seen Selina?"
He received a shrug and an inaudible noise from the boy, who was definitely drunk at this point.
  "Miles! Do you know where Selina is? ...Selina Romanov, your teammate! Damn it, Dorian, have you seen Selina!"
Yet another clueless 'no'.
  "Peregrine, have you seen Selina?!" Jasper shouted. 
  "No, mate."
  "Shit... Fuck me."
Jasper thought he'd made about four laps around the dark Slytherin common room, lit only by the faint green light from the Black Lake above. He made a beeline for Malfoy, who was his only hope.
  "Hey. Draco!" Jasper gasped, ready to beg. "Have you seen Selina at all?!"
  Draco shook his head, blankly looking up at him from his spot in the couch. "No, I haven't," he slurred, clearly inebriated.
  "Fuck! I don't know where she is!"
Selina had entered Flint's dormitory, not paying any kind to him as she slumped down onto a bed, only able to half sit up. She began to fall asleep already, not noticing him as he took one of his friends' school ties, sticking it onto the doorknob to ensure that no one would try to come into the room. Selina began to fall back, her eyes only slightly open.
  "I'm...sleepy," she mumbled dreamily, feeling herself slip further away from consciousness as Flint leered over her. 
  "Yeah, just go to sleep, little girl," Flint sneered at her domineeringly, laughing to himself as she reached out at nothing, her hands falling unsuccessfully. "This should teach you to fuck with me."
She was unable to shove him away as he came toward her, his face nothing but a dark shape at this point. Selina was no longer aware, of anything. She felt many different things, physically and otherwise, but couldn't make out any of it at all. She slipped away from herself, leaving her own body within seconds. She was out cold within the next minute.
Selina Romanov didn't know how much time had passed before she regained consciousness. Judging by what she saw as her eyes first opened, it had been a lot. She had finally woken up, heavily disoriented as she forced her eyes open, fighting the exhaustion. The first thing she noticed wasn't something she saw; it was something she felt. The skin covering her entire body burned, as if she'd fallen and scraped her entire body on stone. She had woken up in the hospital wing, seemingly smothered by people, which included Jasper, her friends, and Professor McGonagall, who all seemed extremely upset, to say the least. Jasper looked distraught as all of their faces hovered above her. 
  "Guys?" Selina murmured, trying to sit up. "What happened...?"
She was still in a daze, becoming more and more panicked as her eyes adjusted. She felt immense pain coming from everyone on her body, but she was still unable to relax herself to ease her pain. 
  "Don't sit up too fast, Selina," Professor McGonagall said immediately, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Slow down..."
Selina touched a hand to her shoulder, where the skin on her collarbone felt bruised.
  "What happened last night?" she asked. 
Elspeth and Amana exchanged concerned looks. She could tell by looking at both of their eyes that they'd been crying, and Jasper wasn't far from it at that point. 
  "Sel," Amana began slowly, trying to articulate, "There's something you need to know..."
  "What the hell happened to me last night?!" Selina exclaimed, her heart beating faster and faster. "Jasper? Amana?! Someone...?!"
  "Selina, hey, it's gonna be okay," Jasper squeezed her hand, tears falling from his eyes as he was unable to hold them in any longer, "You're okay, you're safe now," he insisted, holding her hand in both of his.
  "Why won't anybody just tell me what's happening?!" Selina screamed. "What the fuck happened to me...!"
She began wailing uncontrollably as she felt her body temperature growing higher and higher, causing her to feel extremely sick. 
  "Perhaps I should give her something and let her sleep a while longer," Madame Pomfrey suggested urgently. 
  "It's alright, Poppy," McGonagall murmured, "Please escort the others out, I need a moment alone with Miss Romanov."
  "Yes, of course," the woman nodded quickly. "Come. Give them some privacy," the school's Healer said as Jasper and her friends reluctantly left her.
Selina automatically turned to Minerva McGonagall, sobbing. 
  "Professor, what happened to me?" she croaked out.
  "Miss Romanov, I am so sorry," the older woman began with the utmost sincerity, tearing up as she spoke, "I honestly have never had to have such a... difficult, and frankly devastating conversation with any of my students before."
  "Professor McGonagall," Selina begged, blubbering desperately, "Please...! Just tell me what happened to me, everything's hurting!"
She couldn't exactly feel where her pain was coming from, as Madam Pomfrey had fed her something earlier to lessen the pain as much as she could.
  "Selina... can you please tell me the last thing that you remember from the night before?" the professor asked her. "And don't concentrate on any consequences for what you might have done..."
  "All I remember is I took a drink from one of the boys," Selina said, "I don't remember who, but I didn't know him. Then I woke up here."
Professor McGonagall nodded grimly, looking down for a moment as she bit her lip stressfully.
  "Well, you never went to Herbology this morning, so eventually Miss Tesfaye and Miss Laurier were sent to look for you, in the dormitories," she explained slowly. "And, eventually... they both discovered you unconscious in one of the boys' dormitories. Completely undressed," she relayed quietly.
Selina's eyes widened at her words, filling with dread as everything around her returned to being absolutely nothing again. Selina was deep inside of her own head, barely hearing anything Professor McGonagall said. 
  "Daphne Greengrass informed us that she saw a fifth-year-boy, Henry O'Connor, hand you a drink just before you disappeared. Madame Pomfrey said that it had to have been a badly brewed Sleeping Draught, which is why you were asleep for so long, and why you're so disoriented. Lucian Bole had said that he last saw you heading off into the dorms, with Marcus Flint, and your friends have come forward confirming that Flint had been threatening you early on during the party in the common room," McGonagall explained. "Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore are speaking with Mr. Flint right now."
  "Oh my God."
Selina was completely paralyzed, unable to move from where she sat in the clothes Amana and Elspeth had gotten for her when they found her unconscious in the dorms. 
  "Again, it pains me very much to have this conversation with you. I can't imagine what you must be feeling, but I was hoping you'd be able to shed light on the situation, and tell me anything you might remember," she said hopefully. "The bruises on your body and... other injuries have given us some idea of what might have happened to you last night."
  "I... Ow!" Selina gasped, feeling a sharp pain. "Ow! Fuck! Fuck!" she screamed. 
She slowly looked down, finally beginning to realize exactly where the most unbearable pain she felt on her body had been coming from. She stared down at her lap beneath the blanket, horrified. Selina yelled out in agony, tears of rage streaming down her face as she realized that her body had been ripped open and was stinging horribly. Selina felt her mind beginning to cave in on her as she tried to process that she'd been violated while she slept. 
  "Oh my God!" she wailed, falling forward as Professor McGonagall frantically got ahold of her, wrapping her arms around the young girl as she kicked and screamed. "Oh my God, oh my God! No!" she sobbed, collapsing into her professor's arms. 
Selina could hardly bear, let alone describe, the different levels of pain that she felt. She felt as if her heart had been ripped from her chest, and shoved down her throat. Everything hurt, and her mind was screaming at her. She wanted the pain to end desperately, and would have been willing to do unspeakably things just to end it. 
  "I am so sorry, Selina," Minerva McGonagall whispered, hesitantly brushing Selina's hair back from her face as she cried. "Truly. I'm so deeply sorry that someone did this to you..."
  "It was Flint!" she sobbed, "It was Flint! It was Flint."
  "It's alright," Professor McGonagall told her, trying to calm her, "You're safe. He's not here, I am, alright?" she said, hugging Selina.
  "Flint did this to me...!" Selina Romanov choked out. 
  "I know," McGonagall said, swallowing her wrath as Madame Pomfrey watched beside the Deputy Headmistress with tears in her eyes. "I promise you, that boy will not get away with this. But for now... you're safe with me," she sighed, letting Selina break down on her shoulder. 
  "I'm gonna kill him," Selina whimpered.
  "I wish you could," Professor McGonagall whispered, meaning for this moment to be entirely between the two of them. "I really do."
  "This is horrible, Minerva," Madame Pomfrey spoke up, "Despicable. Tell me they'll expel him," she said worriedly. 
Professor McGonagall looked up at her, aware of Selina's presence in the room.
  "You know that if he had been one of my students, he would be... but I can't promise that," she reminded the other woman. "You know how these things go..."
  "I do," Madame Pomfrey nodded, "And it's disgusting. Downright shameful, if I'm being honest. That's why I fear for the poor girl," she said finally, rushing off to leave them alone.
Professor McGonagall had sat with Selina for quite a while, abandoning the rest of her duties for the remainder of the school day, having them delegated amongst the rest of the staff as she sat in a chair beside Selina's bed. Selina had been dead silent for almost the entire time, frozen and unable to speak much. Professor McGonagall was completely lost, and had nothing helpful to offer to the distraught student. She felt incredibly guilty, having such a horrible thing occur at the school she worked at, the way she always did when these things happened. Her heart ached for Selina, and all the other girls before her that she'd come across. Still, even after all these years, Minerva McGonagall never found anything to say that would ease the pain. Selina figured she must have sat there for hours before she actually spoke again. 
  "Professor McGonagall?" Selina said finally, a dark, distant look still in her eyes. 
  "Yes, dear?" the woman said quickly, worried that she might need something. 
  "Do I have to talk to Professor Dumbledore?" Selina looked up at her, her eyes red and puffy.
  "Are you feeling up to that?" Professor McGonagall asked, genuinely concerned for her wellbeing.
  "I, erm... I think that if I don't do it now, then I never will," Selina's voice cracked, tears still left in her eyes. 
  "Alright," Professor McGonagall nodded, "If you feel comfortable, Professor Dumbledore has requested you see him in his office. But do not feel pressured if you're not up to it—"
  "No," Selina protested, a burning determination in her eyes, "I want to go."
  "Would you like me to take you?" the professor asked gently.
Selina just nodded exhaustedly, allowing the woman to lead her out of the hospital wing to the Headmaster's office, completely numb to the world. She allowed Professor McGonagall to softly steer and guide her through the halls of the school, not saying anything to anyone as she walked with her. She allowed Professor McGonagall to handle all of the 'excuse me's' and 'pardon us's', unable to speak to anyone. They finally reached the tower, as the professor spoke the password, revealing the entrance up to Professor Dumbledore's office. 
  "Would you like me to accompany you?" she asked thoughtfully.
After a moment, Selina nodded, stepping into the empty stone entrance as it magically ascended. Looking down at her for a moment, Professor McGonagall gasped, suddenly wrapping the girl in a tight hug as they went up together. Selina froze into the hug. She wanted to hug the woman back, thanking her for her kindness, but nothing had come out at all. She couldn't speak, and she couldn't move. She was just frozen ,completely lost as she just stood still. 
  "I'm so sorry about what that awful boy did to you," McGonagall expressed, "I hope you know that had anyone known—"
  "Don't worry about it," Selina murmured, beginning to be able to numb herself to the entire ordeal as the statue separating them from the Headmaster's office rotated, allowing them to enter.
Professor McGonagall frowned, unable to help any further as she walked Selina into Professor Dumbledore's office, where loud voices had been carried all the way through to the corridor. 
Dumbledore sat at his desk, looking over at Professor Snape to his left. The two had evidently been arguing, loudly. Selina was dead to the world, and had only caught a few things, the words being 'disciplinary action' and 'obstacles'. Both Snape and Dumbledore were startled to see Selina walking in, their eyes widened as she entered the room alongside McGonagall. 
  "Miss Romanov would like to speak to you now, Headmaster. She has expressed that my presence would be helpful," Professor McGonagall said calmly.
Professor Snape looked at Selina for a moment, as she was unable to identify the exact word for what she saw on his face. It was a look she'd never seen before. He seemed perfectly composed, except for the darkness in his eyes and slight trembling of his lips as he still remained silent. 
  "Of course, Minerva, thank you," Professor Dumbledore said courteously, "Miss Romanov, please have a seat, if you'd like."
Selina said nothing, slowly walking to the chair in front of the desk as she sat down, her face empty and expressionless.
  "I'm very sorry to have to have this conversation with you, but I'm afraid Professor Snape and I are going to need your perspective on the events that took place between last night and this morning, given Madame Pomfrey's findings upon examining you," Dumbledore said quietly. "Given the severity of the situation... I must insist upon hearing from you directly, unfortunately."
  "Erm, that's—that's okay," Selina said slowly, looking him in the eye with no emotion whatsoever. "I don't actually remember anything that happened between me and Marcus Flint..." she said slowly, the incoherent flashes from the night before haunting her memory.
Professor McGonagall stood behind her, sympathetic towards her young student. 
  "As I told Professor McGonagall, all I remember from last night is getting a drink from that boy. I finished it, and... I think I ended up going off to the dorms, with Flint," Selina gulped, humiliated. "I fell asleep, in his dorm... and then I just woke up in the hospital wing."
  "This is outrageous!" Snape boomed. "We cannot allow something so cruel and heinous to go unpunished—"
  "Severus," Professor Dumbledore murmured, interrupting his thought. 
Professor Snape was reluctantly, fuming as he listened. 
  "Miss Romanov, I must express that you have every right to determine if you ever feel this conversation to be too much for you, but I'm afraid I must tell you... eventually, there is something I must ask you, that I dread having to ask any one of my students," the school's headmaster said earnestly.
  "What is it?" Selina looked at him, brows furrowed. 
  Albus Dumbledore glanced down at his desk, struggling to get the words out. "Miss Romanov...  do you have any recollection, any recollection at all, of being raped or otherwise assaulted by Marcus Flint, and if not, could you somehow confirm whether or not this is what happened after you were given the Sleeping Draught?" he asked gravely. "Madame Pomfrey's physical examination is sufficient evidence of rape and other physical abuse, I'm afraid. The only thing we need confirmed by you is whether or not the person responsible is, in fact, Marcus Flint."
Selina just stared at him for a moment, the fact dawning on her that this was the first time that she'd heard the horrible word actually spoken aloud all day. 
  "Yes," she whispered, the night before flashing before her eyes as she spoke. "The last thing that I remember is Marcus Flint bringing me to his dorm...and then coming towards me. It was him, I remember enough."
Severus Snape look absolutely appalled as he listened to her, shocked. 
  "He was the one who.... did this, because he and I had argued right after the match ended," Selina said, eerily composed. "I was intoxicated, and then I drank the Sleeping Draught, and then he brought me to his dorm room."
She was in shock, unable to process anything that happened as she spoke. Not reacting in order to keep the situation as calm as possible, Professor Dumbledore nodded as she spoke. 
  "I see. Now, I must ask you, are you looking to attempt to press charges?" he asked. "I can give you as much time as you need to consider it—"
  "Yes," Selina murmured, trembling with rage, "Yes. Press charges," she said with the utmost seriousness.
  "Yes, as we should!" Professor Snape thundered. "Flint should be expelled, and subjected to legal disciplinary action of the highest degree—"
  "That's enough, Severus," Dumbledore said quickly, not wanting to worsen the situation. "Miss Romanov, I must naturally inform you that, should you proceed, you will be required to give repetitive statements, before as many as, potentially, the entire Wizengamot—"
  "I don't care," Selina decided finally, her voice small but perfectly clear. "Whatever it takes. I won't change my mind. Nothing could," she promised them, a violated, hungry look of despair in her eyes. 
  "Of course," Dumbledore nodded, "Thank you, Miss Romanov. Words cannot convey the regret I feel that something so awful has happened to a Hogwarts student. For that, I am deeply sorry."
  "Thank you," Selina croaked out, forcing herself to speak. 
  "Just know that, soon, 
  "May I be dismissed?"
  The professor nodded. "You may. Please, feel encouraged to go to Professor McGonagall, myself, or Professor Snape with any information, or concerns that you might have... Again, if you find that you would like to forego with the legal action, do not hesitate to speak to any one of us. Given the opportunity, I must also assure you that, in light of what has happened, I find myself unable to even think about punishing any of my students for the possession or consumption of alcohol on school grounds, and will simply ask that all students exercise caution in the future. Again, you have my greatest sympathies, Miss Romanov. If you ever find that there is anything I can do at all, please, do not hesitate to ask. Although I could never understand your pain, I can say that what has happened to you affects me greatly as the headmaster of this school."
  "Thank you," she nodded, leaving the office as she left the three professors still inside, dead silent for a while. 
She headed down from the Headmaster's Tower, running into Jasper and her friends in the corridor. They all looked exhausted.
  "Selina," Jasper said. "Are you alright?"
  "Yeah," she nodded slowly as she hugged him, "I'm fine... In every way that matters, I guess."
  "What Flint did to you was evil," Elspeth said in disbelief, "They should expel him immediately."
  "I told Dumbledore what happened. I told him I wanted to press charges," Selina said quietly.
  "Good. You should," Amana told her. "What he did to you... Look at you. You've got bruises all over, and I heard Madame Pomfrey say there was internal bruising..."
The girl trailed off in tears, unable to stomach the mere thought of what had happened to her friend.
  "Hey, I'm okay," Selina promised her, numbly giving her a hug. 
Her best friend broke down in her arms, crying softly as she held onto her friend. 
  "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Selina," she sobbed, "You're my best friend, if anything happened to you... Elspeth and I... If we would've known—!"
  "It's not your fault," Selina reassured her firmly, holding it together for her friends. 
  "But it is! All of our faults!" Elspeth said tearfully, "We left you. We never should've left you."
  "No one could've prevented this," Selina sighed, "It would've happened one way or another."
These words stung for Jasper Carroll. His eyes burned with genuine hate as he thought about what had happened, unable to forgive himself for losing track of Selina. 
  "Not if I could've helped it," he told her. "I would've done anything to protect you, Selina, if I had known, I would've... I would've made sure he never hurt you. But I didn't, none of us did, and I'm so, so sorry for that. But nothing can change what that... that fucking brute did to you."
  "I'm okay," Selina promised him, "I'm right here, nothing happened to me. I'm alive, that's all that matters, okay?" she asked, her voice faltering as she tried to suppress the feelings of shame and weakness that she'd felt ever since she woke up.
  "I'm sorry, it's just... hearing about how the girls found you, helpless, and just left there, completely naked... it scared me. It scared all of us," Jasper sighed, his eyes bloodshot. 
  "We love you, so much, Selina," Elspeth said in despair. "We... We're just so relieved you're at least here," she confessed.
Selina thought for a moment, for the first time, that she could have easily died the night before. That could have been the end of it for her. The disturbing thought gnawed at her as she froze, receiving multiple hugs out of distress from both the girls and Jasper. They were all overwhelmed with emotions after what Selina had been through, but somehow, she found herself feeling mostly empty. She couldn't muster any anger, or despair anymore. All that was left was emptiness, she feared. 
  "Do you want to go with us?" Elspeth asked her. "To the dorms?"
  "Erm, no, no," Selina said finally, sure of her choice. "Not yet."
  "That's okay," Jasper promised her. "Do you want to go somewhere else? I'll go with you."
  "I think I just need some time alone right now," Selina told them all, overwhelmed by the emotions.
  "Yeah, that's perfectly understandable," Jasper nodded quickly. "You just take all the time you need, er... We'll just head back to the common room. Come find us if you need anything, okay?"
  "Okay," Selina nodded, no expression on her face.
Her friends watched worriedly as she walked away, heading out of the castle hoping to get some fresh air. Nothing felt real whatsoever as she walked the halls of the castle, feeling as if she were stuck in some dreadful nightmare. But she knew that, whether she liked it or not, her reality was the nightmare. Selina Romanov was tormented by the thoughts that circled her head as she walked, half numb to everythin, half overwhelmed by all of it. She aimlessly wandered out to the courtyard, everything that had happened that day weighing on her. She began to notice some people staring at her as she walked by. Selina was aware of her puffy face and disheveled appearance, but what she hadn't been fully aware of were the noticeably visible bruises on her neck and shoulder, in addition to the ones beneath her shirt. Selina was deep in thought, hardly paying attention as Pansy Parkinson, of all people, was calling out to her from a stone bench beneath the trees. 
  "Romanov!" she said loudly, from the bench where she sat with Draco Malfoy, who was laying his head on her lap. 
Draco seemed startled, turning to face her as he sat up, his attention completely fixed on Selina. She met his gaze, realizing that she should probably tell him about everything before he heard from Amana and Elspeth, or worse, Dumbledore or Snape.
  "Where the hell have you been all day? My new boyfriend and I have been worried sick about you!" she taunted her.
Selina just shook her head, unable to deal with Draco's disastrous love life at the moment. 
  "Not now, Pansy," she said distractedly, "Draco, there's something I need to talk to you about."
  "What is it, Sel?" he asked, concern in his voice as he stood up. "What's wrong?"
Crabbe and Goyle stood around the bench, watching as they had no idea what was really going on.
  "I need to speak to you. Privately," Selina said finally. 
  "God, you're not trying to win Draco from me, are you?" Pansy Parkinson sighed. 
  "Not now, Pans," Draco told her, focused on Selina as he walked the two of them away from the others, increasingly unnerved by her appearance. "Sel, is your neck bruised?" he asked her.
Selina had no words, staring at the ground as she tried to articulate everything to him. 
  "Selina," he said worriedly, his eyes widened, "Is that a handprint?" 
Selina bit her lip, finally meeting his gaze as she broke down, ever so slightly. She was no longer able to contain everything she'd been thinking for  the past few hours. 
  "Draco... About last night... There's something you have to know," she began, sighing as she slowly braced herself, her breath shaky and unsteady. "There's something I have to tell you."
Draco looked at her in confusion, his heart pounding in his chest as he listened to her speak.
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