#Akito Kakiuchi
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mrspouty · 1 month ago
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Akito Kakiuchi MFW Memory Loss
誓いのキスは突然に/ My Forged Wedding
#akitokakiuchi #myforgedwedding #lovering #myforgedweddingparty #LR #MFW #mfwp #love365findyourstory #voltageinc #otomeromance #誓いのキスは突然に
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meyu28lovemm · 3 months ago
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voltageapps · 1 year ago
November 22 is the birthday of Akito Kakiuchi from My Forged Wedding 💒
Happy belated birthday Akito!
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hellcatinnc · 2 years ago
My Forged Wedding Review
This can be found on Switch/Love365 App On Mobile
I really enjoyed this game and wanted to take the time to review it in whole as well as break down each love interest and my thoughts on them. I got mine on switch so I have everyone but the ones in pink which are the 5 guys that are only accessible through the Love365 app for purchase.
Haruka Utsunomiya
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Ok first off I'm going to say this man I am absolutely crazy about. He is one of the best well put together LI I have met. He is genuine, witty, flirty, humble, caring, and compassionate. He loves fiercely and he even has a slight jealousy when its someone he loves. He knows how to stand up and take responsibility for his actions as he grows with a happy relationship. He was the one I felt like I could honestly see being someone I would fall in love with. His was the most natural feeling like everyday life was enough even though he was a type of celebrity you would never know it because the name was more his fathers he just loved arranging flowers as a art to him.
This story and I say this in the fact that very few bring me to tears. That being said not one of the voltage games have ever made me cry but this man and his story did just that. One of the things he said in the story was this "I guess I made everyone's heart stop" MC's response (Including mine). I could feel her words and honestly understand why she said that I think even my heart stopped at that moment as well. Haru sweet Haru will you leave any woman without happiness in her heart!
Yamato Kougami
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Ok this guy I honestly thought he was going to be a ass and I was happy I saw a bit softer side of him in Tamaki's story which is what made me want to romance him next. This man talks a big talk but he falls for you faster than I think anyone else does. He likes to pick on you but its in a cute way. I wouldn't say he is as pushy and rude as most Tsunderes start off as but maybe a soft tsundere in him. Anyways this man above all else is just trying to feel connected to someone. His mom died 2 years before, he had never met his dad until recently at the school he teaches at and he lives at home alone with the only company is a roomba vacuum cleaner.
You have to deal with an annoying girl at his school who tries to threaten you but it is such a sweet moment when he walks in on the girl in his home threatening you and he tells her she is nothing but his student and for the first time says he loves you. When he kisses you for the first time its passionate, he makes plans and buys things to fill up the house to make it home. He is the first story that I think goes into more suggestive actions adult nature happening but it was natural like by that point you felt the love between the two there was no other place to go. Honestly I didn't think I could like anyone more than Saeki but hands down this man has such a strong place in my heart. Also he ends up making up with his father which is such an emotional key point in his story. I also want to address that the mc says that she is fat and he says plainly only women care about that he likes a woman thats more the less fluffy so to speak and that warmed my heart being a plus size woman my whole life.
Takamasa Saeki
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Now this man is a flirt from the start and its what caught my interest of course. Anyone who knows me when it comes to guys like (Ikki & Tsubaki) knows those guys definitely make me weak in the knees. Anyways his sense of humor and flirtiness I loved from the start. The fact that he wanted to always address her as honey, or sweetie was adorable most guys like to hide away from pet names. He is a big time writer who writes screen plays but even with his work he makes time to make memories with you. One of the sweetest things that I think one me over was one night your drinking with the guys and he tells you as you head home "Hurry up and fall in love with me" I was floored by this I knew at that point he felt something more than platonic. In the end he shows he will fight for your honor, fight for your love, and do anything to make you happy. He even is the cliché of running into a airport to stop you from getting on the plane to express his undying love for you while out of breath. This man has my heart from this series.
Ren Shibasaki
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He is a man of few words until you get to know him then you understand why. That being said he is a real sweetheart and when he says he loves you its something you can feel in his words that separate him from everyone else. He really is a prince come to sweep you off your feet so enjoy the ride I promise his quirky ways will have you falling in no time. Even in other routes he is just the same a very sincere person who when he loves you he loves you completely and will do anything to prevent you from being hurt even if it means losing his own happiness for it. I really love his banter with Daniel as well his butler that practically raised him. You can see the banter they have shows a different side of Ren but its still shows how he has grown into an amazing man and I guarantee Daniel has a big part in that.
Takao Maruyama
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This man is polite and nice from the beginning. He just wants to please his sick grandmother who wants to meet his fiancé before she might die. It warms my heart that he is this kind of guy and so sweet to see that side of him. He also stands up for women even though he has just met you and a day later he is stepping up shielding you from anything. His brothers are funny wanting to steal you away from him when they are all younger than him. He is a great family guy and you even get to see he would make a great father to a kid because of him having to watch a family member 4 yr old with you. Anyways because he is so reserved he is also boring at times. He is very mundane and honestly even though it had a sweet ending it was hard to get through for me. When he finally did tell her he loved her it was only after he heard her say she was in love with him.
He was willing to walk away from her and never tell her if his brother hadn't tried to date her. I feel like without a strong woman this man would always put everyone before his own needs and his own heart. It doesn't make him a bad guy just means hard to know what he feels along the way. He was cute and respectful but for so long he did treat her like a sibling which was a bit irritating thanks to the grandma who secretly knew it was fake to push them over the top and they got married for her sake however by this time they had realized they were in love and confessed it. His kisses were sweet and I think its one of those guys that will never leave you once they love you though and never have to worry about his faithfulness because his family is his life.
Tamaki Kikushima
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Omg this man seems like a asshole the moment you meet him he bumps coffee onto your work application and is too good to even apologize. Then he tells you he is the son of the company your applying for and if you can drink him under the table he will leave you alone if not you have to be his fake wife and do all the wife duties for a month then he will make sure you get the job. It starts off that you are naked in bed with nothing but panties on so it insinuates you slept with him. That being said what kind of man does that make him when you were obviously intoxicated when he slept with you. He acts like a rich entitled asshole not even like a tsundere at all which is what I thought he was at first. So I figured out by looking it up he is a oresama which in my book is not my cup of tea. He will stay a ass even up until the end. Even when he announces he is in love the way he does it I just can't understand why the MC even loves him. The one guy through the story that is right there trying to shield you is yamato which I found sweet. Anyways lets just say I didn't bother to do his pov or anything else wasn't going to pay anymore into this man because this love interest just was annoying. Only thing he had going for him was he was hot. - check out my updated review after reading all of chapter 1 up to chapter 2 HERE
Yuta Kajima
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This guy bored me from the very start I just didn't feel any chemistry whatsoever. The first few chapters it was all about making his career big in comedian with you having to play his scary wife which was annoying. Its like I don't know of he is supposed to be submissive or something but it was just irritating to me. Not even far into the story was this weird ear thing where he wanted her to rub his ears for good luck. I found it a bit rude that your willing to put your life on hold to make his comedian career happen yet when he gives you a wedding ring to be his wife he doesn't seemed bothered about putting the ring on your finger but refuses for you to put it on his. Like I said 100% lacks any romance between them. Also the mc practically friend zones him in her mind from the beginning, saying he feels like she can be close to him cause he is like a great friend she has known awhile. I got so bored I started dozing off and was only in chapter 5. I just had to quit maybe one day I will go back to this and finish it but for now it just was not interesting enough, he wasn't interesting enough for me.
Akito Kakiuchi
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Childhood Crush is about the main part I know and due to this it can go either way whichever your choice is. I read the sample and it just didn't grab my attention enough to purchase it.
Kunihiko Aikawa
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Uncle yet not by blood. Its weird this whole time in the rest of the routes you hear be lazy and sometimes even a bit manipulative when he tells the MC she has to help these guys or he won't help her find a job. He comes off as a playboy and even though I started with his route and it seemed ok I felt it was too slow of a start to me. For me to read reviews and find she is supposed to be in love with him her whole life even though she just remembers now just seemed too made up for me I couldn't get behind it. Maybe on day I will decide to put the money into it or it comes as a dlc to the switch game one we shall see. I will say this much though least he is hot.
Kyoichi Kunishiro
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This guy seems to be one of the worst. I read over other reviews as well as what was said on the app and even did his free first chapter and honestly this man is not in anyway worth me paying for. He is egotistical, arrogant, cold, manipulative creep. He has no belief love even exists or cares if it really does. He is way worse in his rudeness than Tamaki at least Tamaki has his looks going for him this guy is plain fugly on top of it all. Even his sweet endings from what I read really aren't worth it. I guess if you like an abusive man who makes fun of you and has no real intentions of romantically showering you with love and god forbid he is not a Tsundere he makes tsunderes seem like they are nice from the beginning.
So I feel like its better to put these out there I did not purchase either of the last 3 however I don't want to say good or bad about these 3 because most the reviews I have read can go either way with them except Kyoichi he seems to be a ass to most. So I will let that be your choice if later I decide to purchase them on the app I will come back and repost with the reviews. Not going to lie at some point I probably will come back and purchase the 2 but as for now saving my credits to binge more of my sexy man Haruka.
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misschimotosuwa-blog · 1 year ago
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My Forged Wedding Fan book/Visual art book.
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 2 years ago
What makes Leonardo da Vinci a member of team coffee?
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*For more context please check out team coffee: 2 Lines & A Circle : In-Depth Description: Coffee (tumblr.com)
I’ll be honest, I always knew he was a team coffee, he pretty much has the classic team coffee scenario all in one. Ask anyone who has played his route and I’m sure they would tell you one thing about the route, it’s bittersweet. Such a bittersweet feeling is exactly what makes up a team coffee member. 
Now shall we break him down?
Whenever the MC attempts to get to know Leonardo, he instantly covers it up and drives the conversation away from that topic. Such acting is commonly done by almost every team coffee member. Passing that check mark, we then have the whole biting situation in which he “attempts” to bite the MC. Of course, he doesn’t really pull through with it, but he needs to push the idea of how it actually is when he does it. At that moment the MC comes to her senses and sees that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Taking that approach is not what a team coffee member normally wants, but they know it has to be done. So, team coffee often pushes it to make sure the other party understands it clearly.
*end of spoilers*
Team coffee is described to be more mature compared to the other teams and he is. I think anyone can take one look and see how composed he is over the other residents there. Next is his natural charm. Team coffee is by far one of the hottest teams in the flavor of love series. A common feature for each of them is a natural charm that generates a flock of people to them. We have seen this in Leonardo’s story as people of all genders and ages have taken a liking to him.
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Once he falls in love with MC, he is sweet but never too sweet to the point he is like a sugar daddy like his friend. Rather, Leonardo leaves you wanting more with each action he does, that in a sense creates an almost addicting feeling like coffee. Also, he is quite observant to his lover, which is a common trait among team coffee. Like most coffees, he will act upon his discovery of his lover. Say, if they are overworking themself Leonardo would bring his lover on a getaway trip.
Now we can’t skip out on how much of a tease Leonardo is of a guy, he knows how to play his cards well. There are many times in which he teases the MC, but as well as the other residents. That trait of his makes him a good match for those who have similar tendencies as we see with those close to him.
When you fall for a coffee, it gets a little too much for some, allow me to recommend something a bit sweeter to combat this. Team caramel has a nice balance of sweet and touching storyline, so I highly recommend Akito Kakiuchi from My Forged Wedding for some sweetness. If you want a bittersweet love like team coffee, then I recommend reading Ryoichi Hirose from Seduced in the Sleepless City.
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years ago
Day 22… The 7 others Birthdays!
Kings of Paradise
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Be My Princess 2
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My Forged Wedding
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My Wedding and 7 Rings
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Metro PD: Close to You
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First Love Diaries
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Diary of a Step-Sister
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🎂 Month of November 🎂
Day 5 - Harushige Chikuma (TLH) Day 7 - Hyogo Kaga (HLITF) and Haru Shindo (CD) Day 16 - Eiji Takao (OISY)
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Okay I’m just throwing it out there but like WHERE. IS. YUTA’S HONEYMOON AND FAMILY STORY VOLTAGE?!?!
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lntellectual · 4 years ago
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So I know MFWP is at season 4.
(Kinda felt we got robbed but aside from me being salty like always)
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voltage-knowledge · 4 years ago
In LOVEスクランブル, Roberto Button called Yamato Kougami “Yamato-kun.”
Yamato did not use an honorific in return, and simply called him “Roberto.” Akito Kakiuchi did the same.
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mrspouty · 2 years ago
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yandereabrielle · 4 years ago
Looking for friends!
I just cleaned out my wife mates on My Forged Wedding Party. I have 28 slots available that I would love to fill with active folks. I’m not too concerned with what level you are or any of that. I welcome everyone!
Friend code: 2916368
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
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誓いのキスは突然に love ring / my forged wedding x 7th anniversary
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hellcatinnc · 1 year ago
My Forged Wedding Akito Kakiuchi Review
Spoilers Included
Ok so My Forged Wedding is one of my favorite Voltage games and little by little I have gotten through each of their main story. I may or may not review their sides stories later depending on the guy and if I purchase it or not. So far Haruka is the only one I have purchased alot of. I own the game on switch but of course there are still a few in the app that you have to pay on love 365 Akito is one of the ones you have to purchase. This is my review on him alone.
@misschimotosuwa-blog I thought you would like to see the Ren moments and how he is a bigger part of this story. However if you don't want the spoiler stop here.
First off this guy is your best friend next door big brother like trope. If these are the guys you like then you will love this story. It is a slow burn I mean its pretty relevant early on both have feelings for each other but they act like through most of it that they don't until they stop running from the truth. The setting starts with Saeki getting you a job at a beauty company where you have to get a massage and try out the places features before they will hire you. Just so happens the masseuse you get is Akito you hadn't seen him in 10 years. He has this boyish charm to him and the good looks to go with it from the start. You are getting a full body massage until he makes the comment that lets you know its someone you know. To catch you up you had a crush on him all through growing up and he was your first kiss even though it was by accident. You only stopped talkin because he is 2 years old than you and when he started junior high you went to see him one day at school and you saw him hugging a girl and it broke your heart.
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After so long of not seeing him since ya'll great apart seeing him in this setting freaks you out. He follows you back to your uncles bar with your lunch you left behind even though he ate it. He seems so charming at work the moment you see him at your uncles bar he is a attractive but big brother mode kicks in and he becomes a bit obnoxious. He starts picking on you right away he says sweet things along the way but you can tell its a cover up because he does like you. Ever hear of the little boy in school picks on you because he really likes you I swear thats what this reminds me of. Funny thing he is even flirty in some moments and asshole in others. He isn't a tsundere, kuudere, or yandere. He just falls in the big brother only with maybe a side of flirty. I mean even when he picks on you I think there is only 2 times that annoyed me in what he said.
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Like to me these comments are not something you would say to a girl you ever liked. Especially since later on he admits he finds her pretty as said below. He says this after you see him with a model at work and you think there might be something between them the same way you thought there was somethin between him and the girl in junior high. I thought it was cute because it was like he was saying hey I don't care if your chubby or skinny I still find you attractive. Funny thing is the continuing of this area is literally you saying I hope there is a guy out there like that and him jumping to there is. One of those moments they could have confessed their love right then but didn't.
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I thought it was cute after he tells his parents your engaged which he only did so he could stay in the city and not have to take over the family business. I just though it was sweet his mom gave away how he used to feel as a kid about you. Gotta love when parents embarrass you like this lol. Plus the fact he has said he was gonna marry her one day he was not just thinking of her like a sister I just think thats what he tells himself so that he can cover how smitten he was at a young age with her.
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There are flirty moments like he will walk in on you in the shower to tell you something he thought of, walk around in just a towel, ask you if you want to kiss him goodbye like a wife would. Then there are moments he takes you shopping and is a gentleman about paying,
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One of the most sexual flirts I remember was this one though..
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Like you can't tell me a best friend would do that shit let alone a brother, he was so in love with her and you could see it plain as day he just didn't want to admit it. Funny thing is I can understand it because I don't think he would have ever stopped talkin to you and he doesn't at this point know about the girl you thought he was with in school he just knows you hurt him by pushing him away.
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I thought some of the cutest moments has Ren in it, he is just a friend but seems like he is the one who comes to your side the most. Like when he makes cute comments about you being in love with Aki, as well as when Aki comes home to you casually sitting on a bench with Ren and being jelous. I love how he made it clear to Aki right away its not what you think but come on at that point if the dude is jelous its cause he ain't thinking of you as a friend again. At one point you two have a fight and he storms out the house Ren is the one who calls you to tell you where he is, then after he asks if ya'll are together and Aki is like what if I said yes and then Ren warns him then don't make her cry. He says this because when Ren called you earlier on to tell you that Aki is in the park he heard you in tears.
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His sister comes to visit at one point and you have to end up staying in the same room sleeping together. You are so nervous you don't get one ounce of sleep but its so adorable how he snuggles up to you and even softly mumbles in his sleep.
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There is a moment where you lose your towel and makes him blush, as well as a moment where he is in a towel and you trip falling into his arms and throwing him back and you end up with him on top of you in nothing but a towel. Awkward moments but a bit spicy, sexy and fun all in one.
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Then there is the moment where he is massaging you and he hits your inner thigh and you moan. He literally stops and you could tell this boy wasn't handling it well at all. It was a instant turn on, and he was embarrassed cause of it. He even tells you didn't I tell you don't make weird noises. He ends up looking so adorable that he was losing the battle on how to hold it together.
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Later his success comes to play because you too alone work together to make it happen. You help him achieve his career and then he tells you at the celebration that he had wanted to hug you like this for so long and have you in his arms.
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Its when he confesses to still being in love with you as he was as a kid. You end up telling him the same but then you tell him why you pushed him away in the first place and I love his answer. Like this man really shows he was genuinely in love with her. He never talks about once having any lasting relationship or being with a woman much in his 10 years, so I see it as if he did they never meant enough which is why he was single.
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He makes a sweet comment about first loves that I found so sweet and tender in the moment.
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I really hate it never ended with a kiss, like you never once in his main story get that kiss you waited so long for. Its a slow burn to get to this point that I feel like it makes you want to buy his other stories and trust me I plan to I will share more in reviews of them as well. This really is one of the better guys although I wasn't always super giddy with this story it was still real feeling and I'm glad I read it because Akito is sweet, sincere, sexy as fuck, and genuine. He really is a good guy that you would want to trust your heart with.
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awkwardlyshyluna · 5 years ago
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Ah~ my kind of sweater weather 🍁🍁 ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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sadisticsmiles · 5 years ago
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January 28, 2020
With these past few days with Chinese New Year and getting back to school, I haven't had much time to catch up on uploading these photos of my copy of the 10th anniversary fanbook.
Here are My Forged Wedding, Be My Princess, and Kiss Me on Clover Hill.
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