enstarsdreamlive · 1 year
DL5 ALBA/SERATA tracklist
(Temporary post.) Hihi! Just a heads up that I'll be combining the tracks (to save a bit of my time) for these 2 versions. (As stated in my pin, I won't be uploading those that are already uploaded/reblogged.)
1. 終わらないシンフォニア (Endless Symphonia) - fine 2. Neo Sanctuary - fine 3. 羽ばたきのフォルティシモ (Fortissimo of Fluttering Wings) - fine 4. 君印 Be Ambitious!! (Be Ambitious with Your Mark!!) - MaM 5. Blooming World - MaM 6. Easter Carnival (イースター・カーニバル?) - Switch 7. Knockin' Fantasy - Switch 8. Meteor Scramble☆RYUSEITAI (メテオ・スクランブル☆流星隊) - RYUSEITAI 9. Unlimited☆Power!!!!! (アンリミテッド☆パワー!!!!!) - RYUSEITAI 10. メイド・イン・トキメキ♪ (Made of Heart Flutters♪) - Rabits 11. 凱旋歌 (The Song of Triumphant Return) - Valkyrie 12. BREAKTHROUGH! - Trickstar 13. Melody in the Dark - UNDEAD 14. Darkness 4 - UNDEAD 15. Heart Prism・Symmetry (ハートプリズム・シンメトリー) - 2wink 16. Mischievous Party Time!! - 2wink 17. 月下無双、紅の舞 (Unparalleled Beneath the Moonlight, a Crimson Dance) - AKATSUKI 18. Knights the Phantom Thief - Knights 19. Festive! - MaM 20. 愉快痛快 That's alright! (Happy, Thrilling, That's Alright!) - MaM 21. Joyful×Box - Rabits 22. Love Rabits Party!! - Ra*bits 23. THE GENESIS - Eden 24. Awakening Myth - Eden 25. Infinite Star - Trickstar 26. Mémoire Antique - Valkyrie 27. Magic for your "Switch" - Switch 28. Promise Swords - Knights 29. Grateful allegiance - Knights 30. 花燈の恋文 (Love Letter of the Brilliance of Cherry Blossoms) - AKATSUKI 31. 流星花火 (Meteor Fireworks) - RYUSEITAI 32. 百花繚乱、紅月夜 (Wild Blooming Flowers, Crimson Colored Moon's Night) - AKATSUKI 33. IMMORAL WORLD - UNDEAD 34. 始まりのファンタジア (Fantasia of the Beginning) - fine 35. Holy Angel's Carol - fine
Encore 36. 1st SING-ALONG - Trickstar 37. ONLY YOUR STARS! - Trickstar
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doglok · 8 days
【LIVE】新宿猫の目線(新宿駅東口) ライブカメラ 3D巨大猫として知られた「新宿東口の猫」の目線で、新宿駅東口広場、新宿駅東口スクランブル交差点、新宿駅等をライブ配信 ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpeWxYuBlyk
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tominohouzan · 3 months
39 名無し募集中。。。 2024/06/20(木) 12:52:10.78 0 「Painter」コード進行 カポ無し  ※等幅フォント推奨
[ Intro ] B|-------------10-----------8-----------6| G|--------8-10----------6-8---------4-6--| D|---7-10-----------5-8---------3-6------| A|-8--------------6-----------4----------| E|---------------------------------------|
Live!(×3) F F# G G# B♭(×3 6弦ルート) F F# G G# B♭ C(×1 6弦ルート)
[ 1番 ] F(5弦8ルート) C(6弦8) Dm(5弦5) Bb(6弦6) スクランブル の    風は集まっ て F    C  B♭  B♭m7(ジャッジャー) 僕を後目 に  交差する F      C  Dm    B♭ ここはアトリ エ   雲ひと つ F     C B♭sus2(ジャーン) B♭(ンチャラララ ジャッジャー) 僕のペンは  描くのさ
F      B♭     A   Dm Do you like it?  But we've never seen it     A   Dm   Bdim  Ddim 思うが まま  描けた ら
Gm(ジャッジャー)  C  Gm      C C#    I paint her She will love me
F#      C#  D#m    B スクランブル の  風に吹かれ た    F#  C#  B   D ペインタ ー  ペインタ ー ペインター
[ Bridge ] A|-2---2----------|-----2-4---2----| x2 E|-0---0-------0-0|-3-4---------4-3|
D|-x-9-x---9---x-x|-x-9-6---7---x-x| A|-x-7-x---7---x-x|-x-7-4---5---x-x|
D|-x-9-x-x-9---x-x|-x-9-----9--10--| A|-x-7-x-x-7---x-x|-x-7-----7---8--|
[ 2番 ] ※1番半音上げ D#  F   G   G# ペイン タァ~ ア~⤴ Live!
[ Outro ] D|-2---2----------|-----2-4---2----| x4 A|-0---0-------0-0|-3-4---------4-3|
Live!(×5) A B♭ B C D(×4 6弦ルート)
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junmoriuchi-donut · 11 months
【2023.11.2の日記】午前中はポッドキャスト2本をアップ。#池袋交差点24時 はタイトル付けに時間がかかる。結局タイムトラベラーという言葉をチョイス。dアカウントがロックされたためdocomoショップへ。予約がないと対応できないということ。翌日に出直すことに。渋谷に移動。麦わらストアで『ワンピース』107巻を購入。麦わらストアはもちろん、渋谷の街は海外からの観光客だらけ。スクランブル交差点の多国籍感はすごい。レコファンでオリビア・ニュートン=ジョンのアルバムを280円でゲット。恵比寿に移動して原稿のチェックなど。リキッドルームで #ビリーロム のライブ。ライターのふくりゅうさんのお誘いで。近い将来アリーナでやっているだろうことは容易に想像できるが、若いせいか、まだサチモスはじめ先輩バンドへの遠慮が端々に感じられる。「自分たちこそキング👑」といった感じをもっと押し出せば、その人気も不動のものになるのだろう。新曲が一番よかった。帰宅してビートルズの「最後の新曲」のリリースを待つ。「NOW AND THEN」のカップリングは「LOVE ME DO」。ビートルズの長い歴史の終わりと始まりがこのシングルに刻まれたわけだ。深夜、『名探偵ポアロ:ベネチアの亡霊』を鑑賞。寝る前に #AyaneYamazaki の新譜をチェック。リリースを記念してインスタライブをやったらしいが、外出していて参加できず。
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jaytsujimura · 2 years
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Super exciting Tokyo shot from @samaschaaaa_peak (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡ I love it!! Look at that Sakura Leica M9-P at Shubuya Scramble Crossing. Thank you so much for sharing photo always @samaschaaaa_peak (^人^)Hope you enjoyed in Japan. Yeah, why did I never take a photo at Shubuya Scramble Crossing? I should do that, right?!! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) (渋谷スクランブル交差点) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmV6kEeylZO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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steppedoutoftheline · 2 years
I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22!
"We're happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way It's miserable and magical"
仲子にはケーキにキャンドルを立てて吹き消したいと伝えていたので、ケーキを買ってキャンドルを立てて、ビーチでお祝いしました。その辺にいた人たちが"Happy birthday!"と叫んでくれて嬉しかった。そういえば、誕生日前日に行った病院でも「明日誕生日なのね!おめでとう!」と言ってもらって嬉しかったな。
Love is givingですね。
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voltage-knowledge · 3 years
In LOVEスクランブル, Roberto Button called Yamato Kougami “Yamato-kun.”
Yamato did not use an honorific in return, and simply called him “Roberto.” Akito Kakiuchi did the same.
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hayamaruya · 5 years
Find me on:
Voltage apps: (PARTY)     MFW 751 | BMP 289262 | SC 522698 | SLB 2144838 Love Scramble  ID 7860388 / name 羽山ルヤ  RUYA Ayakashi: Romance Reborn  ID 4146833795906 / name RUYA 魔界王子と魅惑のナイトメア   ID 9433863 / name RUYA (Love Series)     王子EK 11235989 | 恋乱LB 11103134 | ミラプリLP 11238171
UtaPri Shining Live: Name used: RUYA @ JP 765895766 | EN 610995469
Ameba.jp: ID 8388521323 Currently, I play events casually in 天下統一恋の乱 LB, 鏡の中のプリンセス LP, 王子様のプロポーズII, 魔界王子と魅惑のナイトメア & still read routes in 上司と秘密の2LDK LH & スイートルームで悪戯なキス.
Last Updated: 2.11pm, 07.Apr.2020  :: Added other apps including MakaiNight’s ::
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jokertrap-ran · 6 years
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Love Scramble Ichiyanagi Subaru N [Normal ver.]Chapter 2 Translations
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
Ran: (I think this file goes here…?)
A voice sounded from behind me just as I was sorting out the documents in the office.
Subaru: A moment if I may? Ran: Of course...Oh, hello Subaru-san. Subaru: Could you do these for me too?
He handed me a stack of documents.
Ran: You want me to help you organize them? Subaru: Yeah. It isn't anything urgent so you can do them whenever after you're done here. Ran: Alright! Leave it to me!
I took the stack of documents from him and placed it on the edge of the desk.
Subaru: Hey… Ran: Hm?
He was pointing  at the pouch I left lying atop the table.
Subaru: Isn't the brooch on the pouch falling apart? Ran: Oh, now that you mention it.
I grabbed said pouch to inspect it closer and found that half of the string had frayed. I ran my hand over the brooch, feeling a little sad about it’s state. (It'll fall off one day if I leave it as it is…)
Ran: This pouch's a favorite of mine because it's really convenient to use. I guess it's time to change it though… Subaru: ……
Subaru-san seemed to be pondering over something as he fixed his gaze onto my pouch.
Ran: Subaru-san? Subaru: Pass it to me. I'll fix it up for you. Ran: What? You'll do that? Subaru: Yes. So just wait for me.
He took the pouch and left with it before I could even process what had just taken place. That was truly something beyond my expectations…
Ran: He's gone…
(He knows how to sew? That's a little- No, that's actually pretty surprising.) That night, I had finished all my work and retired to my room for a good read. (I was told to wait for him but how long is he going to take?) A knock sounded on my door as soon as the thought went through my head, speak of the devil.
Ran: Coming! Subaru: It's me.
(This voice...Subaru-san?)
Ran: Hold on, I'll let you in.
Subaru-san was indeed the one behind the door when I opened it.
Ran: Good work today. Subaru: Here, take this. I fixed it up for you.
He held out the pouch he took from me in the afternoon. I took it from him and moved to check the brooch that had been falling apart.
Ran: Wow, it's perfectly seen back on now! Thank you!
(I didn't think that he'd have fixed it so quickly!)
Subaru: Not at all. A fray or two is a simple fix. Ran: Of course it isn't! But wow, you're really great at sewing too. Subaru: I guess you could put it that way…
(But still the stitches are really neatly done!) (I'm really flattered that he took some time out of his busy schedule to fix this for me…) Inspecting it upon closer look, I found the pouch to be a little different from when I handed it to him.
Ran: Huh? This… Subaru: What's wrong?
(He didn't just fix the brooch for me! He even added on frills and lace to the pouch?)
Ran: It seems a little cuter than before now.
He blushed a little when I pointed that out.
Subaru: That's because I thought that it'd be much cuter that way… Ran: Huh??
(He added them on because he thought it was cute?) It was safe to say that he wasn't trying to throw me for a loop judging from how embarrassed he was.
Subaru: Do you not like it? Ran: No! In fact, I very much do like it! Thank you for making it much cuter than before, I really appreciate it!
(What a surprise it is to know that he can make cute stuff too…)
Ran: Do you like cute stuff too? Subaru: ...Don't tell anyone about this.
He softly muttered under his breath. (The ever bossy Subaru-san actually has a soft spot for cute things? What an unexpected turn of events!)
Ran: I see. I'll treasure this! Subaru: Yeah. You can tell me if it's coming off again and I'll fix it for you. Ran: Okay!
(I got to see yet another side to him!) (I feel a little happier knowing his little secret now.) It felt oddly satisfying imagining him trying to sew the cute artifacts onto the pouch.
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dorianhellfire · 7 years
I'm a new Love Scramble player with very weak Japanese and your tutorial has been a god send. I have all sorts of questions but the one that I'm stuck on is how to get the books to evolve certain cards. Specifically the pink books with the little icons in the bottom left corner. I think they're related to events (2 of the cards are from the Shields as cops gacha and have the same icon) but I have no idea how to get the books to evolve. Can you please help? Thanks!
Hello! I’m happy to know this was well worth the effort (and temporary loss in sanity) in doing. My crapanese is strong so I feel ya *pats shoulder* I’m lucky to remember anything I learned when I took those 2 semesters of Japanese many, many beans. Now, to your question~ (WARNING: Photo heavy!)
These are the books you’re talking about:
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>.> Yes, I hoard and so should you! Why? Because you can only get them from the event at certain point levels. Once the event is over, that’s it. This is the sad, but genius financial ploy that the Voltage gods have set before is all to spend gems to get energies and point boosts during that time. For iOS users not in the Japanese market, it is a cursed blessing not to be able to spend for gems (because who has money like that?). But, for those that got the app through the Android third party markets, it is a cursed blessing to be able to actually spend for gems (because who needs food right?).
I recommend you save all the books you earn as you must learn from this terrible moment I gave myself. Remember that you can still possibly draw an event card after the event has passed. After the Alice in Wonderland event, I decided to use my 3-star bunny books to level up some cards. The next day, I drew The Mad Hatter Ishigami in he gacha and discovered I used the 4 crucial books I needed to awaken him. Don’t me like me. Use those gems for space or sell the extra juice bottles and coin cards they keep giving us at event these days. Once you finally use those books, you’ll gain back some space. Space in the card inn is so important! T-T *ahem* Moving on…
Now, you can replay select events of the past! However, there are some things that are different from the initial release. I explain.
First off, you need to find this banner: (sorry, boss! I get you new shirt and jacket! XD)
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That banner with Epic Saizo on it will lead you to the list of currently available past event. This is also where you’ll have to go to get to the event you plan to redo: (Please excuse the squished fuzziness of this, but I didn’t want to have a huge list of banner things. Gomen…)
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As you can see, there have been a lot of events since the beginning and they include the birthday ones and some even I missed because taking breaks is important. Now, each one can be replayed for 25 gems and you get 10 days to get through it as best you can. And you can replay more than one event at a time! For those of us that aren’t made of gold, playing a current event and a replayed event would be well beyond our means as it is. Thankfully, there is no event at the time of this post, but more power to those that will attempt more than one replay event AND current event. *dies just thinking about that* 
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Here’s how the list will look like with the current past event you’re replaying with the day you it ends. 
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Each event has the info page for that one with the cards related to the event listed. There’s also a points list to show what you get at which point level before you spend the preciously hoarded gems. 
Here is how the event screen looks like when you redo one. Yes, I spent the gems to do this since it was asked. I need the books for these cards so it’s ok :)
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As you can see, there’s no rank here. It’s all solo work so all you need to concern with is the amount of points you gain as you go on. Again, the day and time of expiration is also there so you can keep track of your 10 days.
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This is the list of points and items for those of us that can’t read Japanese. This can be found poking the purple button next to where your points are shown.
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These are the random items you’ll get for each round.
Here’s the caveat to repeating a past event:
Event card still count in these do overs. If you or someone you know have them, they will boost your point count but the percentage won’t show like in the event. (I’ll post the photo of that when I get to work)
No fever tickets will be gifted. You have to purchase them if you want that gung ho kick to boost your pointage.
Reading the intermission stories WILL NOT give you gems. If you did it once before, good. If you haven’t, that’s not good but that it the suckage we must bare for these second chances.
One thing I have yet to determine is if you restart if you attempt one of these second chances for a 2nd or 3rd time. Most likely yes, unless they do that kindness and save your progress in that event. I’ll check back in 10 days and update this post regarding that.
So, I hope this helps. I feel like I went way beyond what you asked, but this just couldn’t have been done half-assed. If there’s anything I missed in this, please submit to the Ask Box so I can update this post. And, again, I will update come the 10 days and if I didn’t get all the books. I did try the event with the Epic Saizo card as a rank prize so that might reveal more. 
To Be Continued~
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sweet-pinkitty · 4 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Voiced)
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Title: Love Scramble
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That's the other characters is a Japanese voice actors:
Her Love in The Force
Star Crossed Myth
Scandal in the Spotlight
© Voltage Inc
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katie-de-lune · 7 years
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I had to break out my old tablet to do it but I finally got love scramble! I'm ready to see my modern day lords!
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japanart2world · 4 years
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#渋谷 #駅前 #スクランブル #交叉点 #センター街 #Shibuya #Station #Scramble #Crossroad #Center #Town 渋谷駅周辺まで散歩 but お店閉まっていて 昼食難民‼(昼呑み難民) いつまで続くの… Don't stop #Believing 人生は、素晴らしい‼ #Life is #Wonderful Life is #Fantastic #Hateよりも #Love Want #Diversity I love HomeTown #Tokyo (渋谷駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_1vw_hDoGD/?igshid=qkwa6x1dn394
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otomesanada · 7 years
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☆ Kirigakure Saizo ☆
Saizo doing what he knows best: Attacking. Whispering, “What are you thinking? Your face is red...”
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sylvashadow · 7 years
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Logged back into the game just for this Roberto SR and completed my SR Roberto unit (*´∀`*)
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grayheaven11 · 7 years
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