#Ichiyanagi Subaru
sterkeyra · 5 months
Goto vs. Subaru (vs. Tsugaru?)
The battle about addressing MC the best way
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This made me cackle! I love the amount of Subaru in Gotos route and I love how he's deeply involved in the story and Gotos background too. It made me crave a Subaru route in HLITF even more!
It was great seeing MC even getting to teach Subaru the PSB way and noticed herself that she made good progress as a detective! That mission of hers at the end reminded me slightly of Masquerade Kiss with her taking on a new role and impersonating it! Very excited how this continues! It would be cool if MC goes undercover as a spy too
Also Goto as always is such a green flag and so supportive of MC in motivating her to rise up in ranks!
Speaking of: At first i was eh about Setouchi and Oishi but the more i see of them the more i like them!
Also Tsugaru pleaseeee - stay in your route haha. No please appear more often its greatly appreciated 😂
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jubilantgamer27 · 2 years
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All that drama over a cockroach 😂
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jess-21990 · 2 years
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sillyqueenmaker · 10 days
In occasione del compleanno di Subaru Ichiyanagi continua a giocare a My Sweet Bodyguard, episode 1.
#otomegames #mysweetbodyguard #love365findyourstory #voltageinc #subaruichiyanagi #birthday #love #episode1
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cascadedkiwi · 1 year
College Group Project Comfort from My Sweet Bodyguard(s)
Characters: The Whole Squad! (Katsuragi, Sora, Subaru, Mizuki, Kaiji)
Genre: Fluff, Comfort for school stress
Summary: The guys give MC some comfort when she stresses over a group project.
Word count: 1,061
“Gah!” Kiyuki screamed, throwing her back. “I told them this! I told them! Weeks ago! No one is hearing me! This is my grade on the line!”
Kaiji looked up from his laptop. “Uh… you good?”
“Obviously she isn’t.” Sora pulled a face as he went over to their charge. “What’s going on, Kiyuki?”
She pushed her laptop away to make space before dropping her head on the table.
Subaru winced. “Ow…”
Kiyuki raised up a peace sign in response to Sora’s inquiry. “Two words: Group. Project. The worst thing to ever happen to academic systems everywhere.”
Mizuki walked up on Kiyuki’s other side, resting a gentle palm on her head. “What’s going on with your group members?”
Kiyuki’s shoulders hitched with her sigh. “You want the thesis statement or details?”
Sora shrugged even though she wasn’t looking at him. “Whatever you feel like giving us.”
“The short of it is that we have starkly different standards and visions for how this research paper is supposed go.” Her hands came up to rest on top of Mizuki’s, each claiming two fingers. “From the types of questions that should be on the survey to how much of the paper can be copy and paste without being called plagiarism or just lazy verbatim presentation… ugh. Why do teachers INSIST on putting the fate of my grades and ultimately my GPA in the hands of other students? I have a scholarship to maintain! Some of these people are just here for fun! Honestly, the thought of doing the entire paper myself just to save my standing is tempting, but giving out a free A to people who don’t care nearly as much as I do just burns me inside. On top of that, the professor will immediately recognize my mark all over the paper and that will be a whole next set of issues.”
Sora tilted his head. “The others wouldn’t get in trouble for not participating in the final that was turned in?”
“Not with this lecturer. It’s a requirement that everyone’s participation is able to be seen. Otherwise, points off. Because apparently we’re adults and adults are supposed to be mature enough to work together towards a common goal.”
Katsuragi pushed back from his seat. “That sounds a bit hypocritical and idealistic coming from a college professor. I’m sure they haven’t been afforded the luck to always get along with everyone they’ve ever been grouped with.”
Kiyuki groaned. “They live in their own little world where college runs on a different hamster wheel.” She sighed. “That doesn’t even make any sense. Dealing with these people is turning my brain to mush.” She freed Mizuki’s fingers and raised her head, looking glumly at her dimmed laptop screen.
Sora covered her eyes with his hands. “Nooooooo, I won’t allow it!”
Kaiji folded his arms. “Sora, what are you doing?”
“Stopping the brain-mushing process!” He cried. “Or at least, pausing it for a minute. Kiyuki, you need a mental break. How close is the project to being done?”
“According to them or according to me?” She let her head fall back to rest on his stomach.
Subaru chimed in. “Maybe a better question is when is the project due.”
“Less than 48 hours,” Kiyuki droned. “I don’t even know how to fix it…”
Mizuki took a seat next to her. “This isn’t just on you to fix, Kiyuki. It’s a group project. The professor is grading you as a unit. It can’t be all on you to pull an entire weight designed for a team of persons. There are different expectations.”
Katsuragi spoke up. “Mizuki is right. This is near the end of the semester for you, correct? By now, your teacher knows the quality and style of your work as an individual in this course, even more so if you’ve had them in previous semesters. As much as an instructor may seem to brush off group projects as a one size fits all grading system when it comes to the project itself, most – I won’t speak for all because the world doesn’t turn that way – but most instructors in any field, not just academics, evaluate a team not only based on the final product but on how what they know of the individual team members came together. Did the group make use of this person’s strengths? How did they compensate for this area that these two are weak in?”
Kiyuki tilted her head in thought as Katsuragi went on, raising her arms to hang on Sora’s that were still loosely covering her eyes.
“Even when the members group themselves, the instructor has preconstructed biases of how those people could work together – what their group dynamics could turn out to be based on that clashing of personalities and drives.” The squad leader leaned forward. “I’m with the school of thought that looks at group projects as practice for the real world. More than giving instructors less individual projects to evaluate, it gives students practice in a sort of controlled environment on dealing with others. None of us can get through life completely alone – as much as the thought may feel ideal at times, especially in scenarios like yours when you’re assigned with a difficult group to work with. You may not be able to get through to that group, but don’t forget you have this one here that has your back – along with a wealth of different experiences and resources that could possibly assist along the way. Try us. Maybe we could take a bit of the mental pressure off.”
Sora softly slid his hands down from Kiyuki’s eyes and let them rest on her shoulders, squeezing gently and rubbing small circles with his thumbs. She opened her eyes to see Katsuragi smiling gently at her, along with Subaru at his desk giving her a reassuring look. There was Kaiji on the other side of the room, smiling that familiar confident grin that was so natural on him. Mizuki to her left watching her with those low tide ocean pools he called eyes. She tilted her head back to catch Sora looking down at her with that grin that carried within a single ray of morning sunshine. “Thanks, guys. I think I’ll take you up on those offers.” She sat forward, gently freeing herself from Sora’s hands. “Could I start with that mental break?”
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voltageapps · 1 year
September 14 is the birthday of Subaru Ichiyanagi from My Sweet Bodyguard ⛓️
Happy birthday Subaru!
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camuslittlesister · 10 months
From the OA archives: Four Seasons
I forget the exact prompt for this one, it was like a food day of some kind, hence why the theme being seasons and all the one-shots revolving around food. It was in Autumn so it starts then, which fits now we are still in Autumn.
SFW, fandoms involved: MLQC, My Sweet Bodyguard (Switch port w h e n), HLITF, and IkeRev. All random other characters that I think would suit the guys (because I have an OTP for the OG MC for each game and it’s not these guys).
In spite of two LIs being among my favourite it’s not yume. Me and Lancelot? Not in a million years…also they all love cooking and I don’t 😅
Some days I just can’t buy that a LI would like the MC if not because he is in that specific title and their romance feels forced so if I’m bored I think up an alternative 🤷🏼‍♀️
Vivaldi’s “Four Season” was playing as Victor’s car gently slid through the shades of red of the countryside outside Loveland City. He glanced at the woman next to him, gazing intently outside the window: “Something on your mind?”
“It feels like a Hallmark film, you know...we’ve been driving long enough it’s the right movement as soundtrack, and my insanely handsome boyfriend is driving me to a pumpkin picking farm so we can cook something special for all of our friends tonight”. He faltered a little at the word boyfriend: it was not like him to be so undecisive. He has had his mother’s ring all those years, his only decision was whom to give it to, and when. The latter never seemed quite right. He smiled: “Only you could come up with something like that and look so serious”
“Daydreaming is a very serious endeavour, thank you very much”
I guess for a novelist it must be, he thought to himself. He was too practical to put as much serious thought into aesthetic details, like the little pumpkins to decorate the restaurant she was picking as he chose the one to cook, and the wine to go with it from the winery.
Seeing them together in the kitchen, no one could have guessed how different they are: they fit together seamlessly. No order needed to pass from one to the other, and even Souvenir’s demanding owner didn’t have complaints about her skills in the kitchen. She was busy with the entrées while he made his world-famous pudding and the main course in a comfortable silence. Before long, they could hear the voices in the restaurant.
“Everyone’s here” she said, almost startled by it, as if she had just woken up from a dream.
“Don’t go yet” Victor stopped her “there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you...”
The food was being served when they took the last two empty seats at the table. Victor remained standing, one hand on his beloved’s shoulder and the other picking up his glass. She put her hand on his as he spoke: “Thank you for coming to our seasonal soirée tonight. I’d like to propose a toast to the woman who has brought us all together in the first place, my future wife”.
She looked around the room as they all raised their glasses: Kiro next to her, beaming like a proud little brother; Gavin, opposite her at another table, a gentle expression in his eyes; Lucien, further away, looking pensive and, finally, back to the man she loved the most, looking down at her with the sweetest smile he had ever smiled, as the people around them tucked into their exquisite meals.
“Wooohaaa you are good with a gun”
“Why, Captain Ichiyanagi, you think only those trained by the Japanese police can be good shots?”
“No, but I’d ever expected my bookish wife to be the one hunting our dinner. Now, let’s get the birds back and go home”
She leaned on the door, admiring how good Subaru looked in casual clothes and a kawaii apron, skillfully cleaning the birds.
“Is there going to be enough food if the cyborg and his lot are coming?” the young man who had just spoken put his arm around her shoulders and greeted her with a squeeze.
“Get your hands off my wife” growled Subaru, and she defiantly slid her arm around Sora in a side hug. Subaru sighed, knowing he could never win against his wife.
“Of course it will be, you know Gordon Ramsey here is the king of the kitchen” she replied to the original question, before entering the room to take her rightful place as queen.
As the afternoon grew colder and darker, the voices in the living room grew louder. Everyone was coming back from what had occupied their day. Finally, as dinner was ready to be brought to the table, the doorbell rung, announcing the Public Safety team. “Has Rosemary made all this?” asked Goto eyeing the dining room table as he removed his scarf.
“With Mrs Rosemary. And I set the table” replied Kenta, before Subaru had a chance to make a nasty comeback.
“Aren’t I lucky with such an amazing husband?” Subaru calmed down as he felt the sweet sensation of his wife’s lips on his cheek, and the whole mood warmed up as they jovially started to feast on roast pheasant and fine wine.
A young couple was walking hand in hand in a field of lavender, as the young woman focused on finding the perfect stems to fill the basket he was carrying.
“Are you sure you’re OK exerting yourself this much? And to make a cake for Ishigami no less!”
“Ayumu, I’m pregnant, not dying. Will it ever register into that mushroom head of yours? And I’m not making a cake for Ishigami, I’m making cake for our guests and he is one of them” her exasperated tone was not reflected in the loving gaze she turned to him as she spoke, before focusing on the field of purple all around them.
He hugged her from behind as she took the ingredients out of the fridge, the cake cooling down on the windowsill: “What are we making?” he saw black tiger prawns from over her shoulder and felt a pang of remorse at his earlier jealousy. He squeezed her, nuzzling her hair, and she caressed his head with her free hand as if she knew he was trying to apologise and what for, and wanted to let him know it was ok.
Soon their quiet domesticity was interrupted by the faint bickering in the corridor, louder as the two men approached the apartment. “I wonder if peace treaties in war times were more civilised than those two. And I can’t even have a wee dram to get me ready to face them...” said she with a wry smile as her husband went to answer the door. Within a few minutes of each other, everyone had arrived and dinner was served, silencing the arguments (if only for a little while).
Seeing King Lancelot in casual attire was not a common sight at the Red Army Barracks even with Cradle at peace, but that day was special. He was going to make good on a promise he had made to his little boy: one day, when the season came, they would go picking strawberries so him and Mama could make a mille-feuille for Queen Jonah, Byron’s “bestest friend” in the whole army. He entered the dining room: his wife was leisurely sipping her coffee looking beautiful in her white muslin dress, surrounded by most of the officers. “Where’s Byron?” he asked, surprised that he wasn’t glued to his right-hand man for a change.
“With Edgar feeding the Creeks” she replied “he’s been up since the crack of dawn because he was too excited about today”. He couldn’t help but smile fondly at that thought.
They took an open carriage and spent the morning picking the best strawberries in the field, but the fun wasn’t over yet. As soon as they arrived back at the Headquarters they headed for the kitchen. Lancelot decided to stay with his family: the Army could function with the Queen in charge just fine, while Byron wouldn’t stay an adorable 4yo forever. The Army chefs had prepared the puff pastry already while they were away so that he didn’t have to wait. Lancelot was put on cutting duty while Byron helped to make the crème pâtissière. Soon the little boy had run up on the stool next to his father holding a spoonful of cream with great pride: “Papa, I made this, look”. Lancelot ate it: “It’s really good, well done” he said, ruffling his hair, before the boy rushed back to his mother who was getting ready to fill the cooled pastry sheets. Lancelot followed him with the perfectly cut strawberries, and they all helped making the beautiful dessert for a friend that was special to all of them in different ways.
At tea time, the officers started to trickle into the dining room as they finished their duties. Jonah walked in and, not to spoil the little boy’s surprise, stopped in his tracks feigning stupor. Byron jumped off his father’s lap and ran to him, dragging him by the hand towards the table: “Look what I made for you!” “It’s beautiful, thank you” and they sat next to each other at table, surrounded by their Red Army family, all enjoying the Kingleys’ lovingly-made mille-feuille.
And yes, the boy is named after Byron in MidCin 🥺 my bby girl
Thank you for reading
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lys-lilac · 3 years
*Sees* Hmm, they all look gorgeous!
I wonder who the designer is... Ah, Kasumi's one is written here! 'Produce by Sen'-- cough what?! How is he so talented? Amazing!
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Kasumi looks like a model! I should go and take a printout of the picture ≧∇≦
Talks apart, I can't thank @quetzeeeel enough for this!
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xlysaaa · 5 years
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I'm sorry but when I saw the meme I just had to do this!😂
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lydskisses · 5 years
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❌ Listing closed! Thank you ❌
Selling ))) 💕
Voltage Inc Love 365 merch
Items are in Singapore dollar SGD, mailed via tracked airmail. Please make payment within 48 hours.
Goto Seiji 10th Anniversary Acrylic Standee ❌
Shinonome Ayumu Magnet ❌
Shiba Yuzuru Volfes Can Badge ❌
Kozaki Taki Volfes Can Badge ❌
Ichiyanagi Subaru Heart Can Badge SGD$10
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jokertrap-ran · 6 years
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Love Scramble Ichiyanagi Subaru N [Normal ver.]Chapter 2 Translations
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
Ran: (I think this file goes here…?)
A voice sounded from behind me just as I was sorting out the documents in the office.
Subaru: A moment if I may? Ran: Of course...Oh, hello Subaru-san. Subaru: Could you do these for me too?
He handed me a stack of documents.
Ran: You want me to help you organize them? Subaru: Yeah. It isn't anything urgent so you can do them whenever after you're done here. Ran: Alright! Leave it to me!
I took the stack of documents from him and placed it on the edge of the desk.
Subaru: Hey… Ran: Hm?
He was pointing  at the pouch I left lying atop the table.
Subaru: Isn't the brooch on the pouch falling apart? Ran: Oh, now that you mention it.
I grabbed said pouch to inspect it closer and found that half of the string had frayed. I ran my hand over the brooch, feeling a little sad about it’s state. (It'll fall off one day if I leave it as it is…)
Ran: This pouch's a favorite of mine because it's really convenient to use. I guess it's time to change it though… Subaru: ……
Subaru-san seemed to be pondering over something as he fixed his gaze onto my pouch.
Ran: Subaru-san? Subaru: Pass it to me. I'll fix it up for you. Ran: What? You'll do that? Subaru: Yes. So just wait for me.
He took the pouch and left with it before I could even process what had just taken place. That was truly something beyond my expectations…
Ran: He's gone…
(He knows how to sew? That's a little- No, that's actually pretty surprising.) That night, I had finished all my work and retired to my room for a good read. (I was told to wait for him but how long is he going to take?) A knock sounded on my door as soon as the thought went through my head, speak of the devil.
Ran: Coming! Subaru: It's me.
(This voice...Subaru-san?)
Ran: Hold on, I'll let you in.
Subaru-san was indeed the one behind the door when I opened it.
Ran: Good work today. Subaru: Here, take this. I fixed it up for you.
He held out the pouch he took from me in the afternoon. I took it from him and moved to check the brooch that had been falling apart.
Ran: Wow, it's perfectly seen back on now! Thank you!
(I didn't think that he'd have fixed it so quickly!)
Subaru: Not at all. A fray or two is a simple fix. Ran: Of course it isn't! But wow, you're really great at sewing too. Subaru: I guess you could put it that way…
(But still the stitches are really neatly done!) (I'm really flattered that he took some time out of his busy schedule to fix this for me…) Inspecting it upon closer look, I found the pouch to be a little different from when I handed it to him.
Ran: Huh? This… Subaru: What's wrong?
(He didn't just fix the brooch for me! He even added on frills and lace to the pouch?)
Ran: It seems a little cuter than before now.
He blushed a little when I pointed that out.
Subaru: That's because I thought that it'd be much cuter that way… Ran: Huh??
(He added them on because he thought it was cute?) It was safe to say that he wasn't trying to throw me for a loop judging from how embarrassed he was.
Subaru: Do you not like it? Ran: No! In fact, I very much do like it! Thank you for making it much cuter than before, I really appreciate it!
(What a surprise it is to know that he can make cute stuff too…)
Ran: Do you like cute stuff too? Subaru: ...Don't tell anyone about this.
He softly muttered under his breath. (The ever bossy Subaru-san actually has a soft spot for cute things? What an unexpected turn of events!)
Ran: I see. I'll treasure this! Subaru: Yeah. You can tell me if it's coming off again and I'll fix it for you. Ran: Okay!
(I got to see yet another side to him!) (I feel a little happier knowing his little secret now.) It felt oddly satisfying imagining him trying to sew the cute artifacts onto the pouch.
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sterkeyra · 1 year
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The Origin of "Little Hare"
In "Her Love in the Force Season 3" the title introduces Tsugaru as MCs new boss. At first he has little interest in the new rookie and lacks respect of her. He ends up giving MC the nickname "Little Hare" (Usa-chan in JP). At first it's certainly mocking given that Tsugaru gives nicknames to remember someone by, however with the story ongoing the Nickname starts to get cute as well - in his own route at least.
How did Tsugaru get inspired to call MC a rabbit, however? He actually has a different reason, in every route! I wrote it down for you, so you don't have to look it up ;) Gotos Route: Subaru Ichiyanagi mentions she looks like a rabbit because she spaced out and didnt notice him. He poked her forehead when Tsugaru returns and notices them. Ishigamis Route: Tsugaru laments that she bounces around like a bunny only focusing on the ex instructors. When she complains he offers "Thumper" as alternative. Kagas Route: After a fight with Kaga, Tsugaru finds her in the rain crying and shares a taxi with her. Her eyes are bloodshot, which reminds him of rabbits. Somas Route: When Tsugaru shows MC the "Lemmings Cry" app, she comments that the Lemmings would look like rabbits if they had longer ears. It could be like an animal raising game. That connected her to rabbits for him. Shinonomes Route: Tsugaru sends her off to the Traffic Safety division after she implores him to give her work. She has to dress up in a mascot costume for the children. The mascot is a rabbit called O'Hare. Nambas Route: When MC moves in her new apartment she washes her laundry and hangs up her underwear. An unlucky gust of wind blows her rabbit-patterned from the balcony and it just had to land directly in front of Tsugarus feet, who just returned home. Their first meeting is awkward and it only gets worse when she finds out the next day, that he's her new boss and they live in the same building. Tsugarus Route: On her first mission with Tsugaru and Momo they drive by a bakery, where MC notices her favorite mascot Baked Bunny. It's known because its ears are made of baguettes. Tsugaru struggled to remember her name, and came up with a nickname for her, because he deemed it unlikely that she will stay in the Force long enough, to be worthy of having her name remembered.
Tsugaru can be quite nasty about it, but little does her know that he'd soon eat his words. In his own route he even beats himself up several times for his actions. He also gets addicted to Bunny merch himself.
I am very curious how MC will get her name in Kurosawas route, but we'll have to wait and hope that his upcoming S2 is doing well! Fingers crossed!
PS: Momo is also a nickname of Momose, and he is the only friend in his gang that he doesn't address by first name. If Momo would be able to choose his own nickname/codename he'd choose Cerberus.
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jubilantgamer27 · 2 years
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Kaiji definitely did that on purpose 😂 😂
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syun0acute · 6 years
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[Sweet Cafe] Private Mission: Subaru now available!
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hurhurhur more of voltage merch!!!! the standees are so hnnnnng
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voltageapps · 11 months
LEADING MAN AWARDS 2023 -The King Returns-
Until 10/24 23:59 JST!
Show your support and get the wallpapers with votes!
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What the nominees say (click the names for the tweets)
Seiji Goto: "I'm so grateful and so excited about the love you've given me. I'm going to do my best to grow and thrive till the end, all so that I'm worthy of it."
Takaomi Tsugaru: "I'm in the mood to spoil you, but you don't have to spoil me back. I'm not used to that kinda thing."
Sentaro Kyogoku: "You told me you loved me, so I'm gonna make it through this and find you on the other side. Once we get home, I'm never letting you go again."
Ryoichi Hirose: "It's such a luxury to hear you say you love me day after day. When this is all over with, we're going to have to celebrate as husband and wife."
Kaede Ekuni: "You showed me that you love me lots, so I'm gonna show you too. It makes me all toasty inside when you love me. Let's be toasty together?"
Kota Igarashi: "I thought I'd have to work hard enough for everybody, but now that you're around, I've got nothing to worry about. You make me way too strong. Thanks."
Ayumu Shinonome: "Do whatever you want. My heart's not going to change. How you interpret that's up to you, I guess?"
Kei Soejima: "You feel so strongly about me... Have I made it to Eden? It's hard to imagine something more wonderful than this, but maybe I can make it there with you at my side."
Shu Hasunuma: "What man could stay calm after his wife tells him she loves him that much? I almost forgot how to breathe!"
Kunihiro Kasai: "Thank you for telling me you love me. I'm not gonna hold back either, so I hope you're ready for me?"
Subaru Ichiyanagi: "You've done well to make it this far. There's a bit left to go, but don't force it. You're at your best when you're healthy and happy."
Boss (Seiichi Setoyanagi): "I thought I knew how reliable you could be, but you've outdone yourself... I'm proud to have someone like you as my girlfriend."
Riki Yanase: "Thanks for going to such lengths for my sake. I'm gonna return what you've given me several times over. Just be patient a little longer."
Takane Momochi: "All I need is your smile. If you go showering me in this much love, I'll get a little, you know... embarrassed."
Hideki Ishigami: "I hear what's in your heart. I do, so don't worry... There's nothing else I need right now."
Rei Rindoh: "I can't begin to describe how happy I am to be the recipient of your feelings. We're almost there, so don't give up on me just yet."
Kazuomi Shido: "Well, this is a problem. Didn't think watching you go this far for me would get me hot under the collar... Don't get angry. It's just biology."
Hibiki Shiina: "You always take off chasing after new dreams, but don't forget that you have me by your side."
Tetsuya Hosho: "Would that I could take you home and make out with you right now, lamb. Come closer, at least, so that I can pamper you?"
Toru Kurosawa: "I can't believe all you've done for me... You're so cute. Are you okay? Shall I burn this image into my retinas? I think so!"
Kaisei Kuon: "I'll run alongside you until we reach the finish line! You'll be safe in my arms in the final leg, so leave everything to me!"
Tadanobu Nomura: "Not only is my heart yours, but you're so sweet that you've got an unbreakable hold on it. Thank you."
Shusuke Soma: "Is it foolish to crave the sight of your gentle smile as much as I do? Especially in a competition like this? Well, I don't mind either way."
Eisuke Ichinomiya: "You have done well thus far. Your dreams are my dreams. Your aspirations my aspirations. And until the final moment, you're forbidden from leaving my side."
Tsumugu Kido: "Once this is all over, let's have a wrap up party with sukiyaki. Stay strong! Don't lose heart, 'kay?"
Yukihisa Maki: "This is the last hurdle. Why don't I offer you an enchanted kiss to keep you going?"
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