yun-mori · 3 months
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yun-mori · 3 months
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Autism be upon ye
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yun-mori · 3 months
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License to Kitty.
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yun-mori · 3 months
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yun-mori · 3 months
internet feels rather quiet recently, I don't talk to people as much anymore and it feels like everyone is sick of the direction social media is going (myself included)
discord doesn't seem as fun anymore and just feels like there's nothing to bring people together again
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yun-mori · 4 months
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did the dinosaurs look at the meteor and thought "how pretty"?
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yun-mori · 4 months
One day you think: I want to die. And then you think, very quietly, actually I want a coffee. I want a nap. A sandwich. A book. And I want to die turns day by day into I want to go home, I want to walk in the woods, I want to see my friends, I want to sit in the sun. I want a cleaner room, I want a better job, I want to live somewhere else, I want to live.
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yun-mori · 4 months
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adhd moment
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yun-mori · 4 months
can’t use the internet without adblock because it’s so crowded that it’s unusable can’t read important breaking news without a subscription can’t get a streaming service without them eventually adding commercials can’t watch youtube videos without 30 ads can’t search up things on google without seeing a shit ton of sponsored results can’t answer unknown numbers because everything is a scam call can’t use essential app features without a 30 dollar subscription per month can’t watch a music video without product placement. is anyone else tired
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yun-mori · 4 months
becoming increasingly frustrated with not knowing what I'd like to do in terms of work.. I'm doing ok with my current job, I'm just certain it's not what I want to do longterm. It's literally to pay the bills and keep me financially stable. It's unfulfilling. It doesn't bring me joy. I have nice colleagues, a good pay, and a clear progression path. Yet, none of this particularly makes me happy?
Every monday I have that existential dread where I just want out.. but I'm not entirely sure where to go. It's the most discouraging feeling
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yun-mori · 4 months
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yun-mori · 4 months
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dungeon menses
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yun-mori · 4 months
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yun-mori · 4 months
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♫ " when you're laying in the grass, you remember when love was found " ♪ ♫ " hold my heart in your pocket, i'm in love when you're around " ♪
i'm having a lot of fun with a wonderful life so i wanted to draw my favorite bachelor in my favorite season. really wish i could sit with him while he plays his guitar behind the inn...
i also did end up submitting this to xseed's awl fanworks contest last minute, i'm wishing everyone else who's sent in entries the best of luck!
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yun-mori · 4 months
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喫茶室ミミタム (Tea Room Mimitam)
Koenji, Suginami-ku, Tokyo (June 29th, 2021)
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yun-mori · 4 months
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they are so!!
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yun-mori · 4 months
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アルマンド (Allemande)
Nishiaoki, Kawaguchi, Saitama (April 29th, 2021 - now permanently closed)
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