#she literally taught sid everything he knows
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 11 months ago
Hey guys, if you could pray for me and my parents I'd be really grateful. The last cat in our old brigade, Tansy, is almost 15 and at the end of her days. She tends to get sick from allergies during the spring and she's had a rough winter and she's just, she's not going to make it through this time and she's been SUCH a good cat her whole life that we're not gonna let her suffer through it to the end. We're hoping we can get an appointment to get her put down tomorrow (that sounds awful saying it, but she's miserable and I can't watch her suffer she doesn't deserve that), so we would really appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
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crimsonblackrose · 8 months ago
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Dream Tory
all the rocks are dangerous even in a dream fight.
It's kinda like how Barnes just showed up in TKK3, but a dream.
Johnny...come on, you're getting beer all over Miguel.
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Miguel's recommendations for new karate names: Johnny Lawrence karate, strike hard karate, all american karate.
Both dojos are reopening.
It's interesting that everything that Amanda didn't like season 1 and 2 she's on board now. But it's also because Kreese is a different beast then Johnny. Johnny's a dude trying to ruin a business and who found his calling. Kreese is telling kids to hurt one another and laughing when they beat each other to a pulp in front of him and taking his students sides if his students break someone's arm.
The other difference is Amanda and Daniel finally found balance. Amanda was home and front and center for all the Cobra Kai pain Sam went through and Sam actually communicated with her. So she could see what was going on first hand, try to handle it, realize she couldn't and then now her and Daniel are communicating, and trying together.
It's a little like wait didn't we just try xyz and it was a terrible idea? What changed? And what changed was Johnny isn't the big bad anymore (Probably never should've been considered on in CK) and there's a lot of nuance. Like because they're communicating, Amanda can determine okay Daniel won't be in today, so I can handle everything rather than already having plans and Daniel bailing. They're both better in sync and working as a team now.
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Awww Miguel's first day back to school.
Miguel literally being loved as the sweetheart he truly is.
Johnny tries to buy an actual gym but it's his credit that stops him.
It makes me wonder how much money he'd made from teaching the first time/how much he made off of selling Sid's art piece, because he hasn't worked in quite a bit.
And the awful place that's his fourth one he looked at costs three grand.
Johnny now does karate in the park :D Which as mr. tried to have one class outside a week, kinda works.
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As much as I make note that Daniel doesn't make as much effort/know how to make an impact with Anthony I do really like Sam and Daniel's relationship, though he does avoid doing a lot of the hard parenting stuff and let's Amanda do that. Which is a bit unfair to Amanda.
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The last time they were out there it was with Mr. Miyagi, caught such a big fish Amanda was afraid to cook it so they ordered a pizza.
Though this was probably the smartest move because unlike their conversation in the car before school or any of their other ones, there's like no escape. Sam has to talk about what's going on with her. Which she's needed to do for like 3 seasons.
When the fight started I couldn't move I couldn't breathe.
Not quite accurate Sam, you came in hot, you kicked ass, but then you heard Tory and then shut down.
Johnny talks to the current cobra kai's but his other rejected cobra kais are watching and listening too. 💖
Also Johnny who can get past security because he knows all the secret ways in because he went to school there. 🤣 See, Johnny getting in makes sense, Kreese still confuses me. Did he have like a pass or something?
New dojo Havenhurts and Magnolia at 4.
I love the 'sorry kid old habit' after he knocks a kids books out of his hands. He's trying.
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So much undealt with trauma that's been set off.
Yasmine slowly warming up to Demetri has actually been kind of sweet. Aisha really taught her a lesson she really learned.
Daniel needed to also go back to the basics, training with Sam for fun. They both needed that and it's really sweet.
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He got a few of them. Pretty sure the kid behind Bert and Miguel is the kid Johnny knocked the books out of his hands.
Bert: a mongoose? Johnny: A real animal Bert (note no mean nickname, the kids actual name)
Also secretary birds, and those are so pretty, the curb stomp the heck out of cobras.
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Johnny whipped that up super fast, he must's gotta design this stuff himself, who else would've made this for him. 🤣
Mitch: Eagles don't have fangs (Throws shirt at him)
🥺 He and his students are smiling that their other cobra kai people are joining. Even though it's a trick.
Kreese kicking outs students left and right, but any time he knows where Johnny is he offers to have Johnny come back.
Kreese must be making bank, his clothes look a lot sleeker.
Oof the "My students wouldn't make a mistake, show mercy and end up in a coma." Kreese just dropped all pretense of trying to get Miguel back. Which Kreese makes sure he knows because he looks at Miguel when he says it.
Kreese puts his hand out to stop Hawk but Johnny literally just steps in front of Miguel to stop him.
Kreese: This is your last chance.
Pretty sure you still hope he comes back or at least say so in later seasons. I also spotted new cobra kai students in the group.
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comet-ribbon · 2 years ago
My Fix-it for Ts4
I've collected my thoughts and ideas that could have made Toy Story 4 a decent (yet then again an unnecessary sequel) in my take since sometimes this movie gives me headaches and wishful thinking that my true characters were there.
If some of you liked how this movie went, I respect your opinion. I, in my case, didn’t so this is for those who didn’t like it or just indifferent by it.
First of all, the starting point is Bonnie. If they followed up her love about Woody, then it would have easily respected everyone’s characters as they should be and the plot would have been better.
At this point everyone has commented how it went off character with her too so I won’t elaborate it here.
So, if Bonnie cared so much about Woody in ts4, it might have been a parallel to Andy missing him and Buzz when he was like 7(?)
Bonnie would be stressed and sad that she doesn’t know where Woody or Forky is. As shown in the montage she seemed happy playing Woody with Forky, being this new duo sort of pals.
And probably TS first all over again. But the thing is! That Woody's learned SO MUCH from the first movie and all that jazz.
He would have totally taught Forky About how being a toy is. Not in the funsies way in which the first TS did, they were obviously fun humor when it needed to. But with the falling point of Buzz' arc, it was a big deal and Woody helped him about his purpose.
Including Buzz and Jessie being now more experienced in this thing. Probably they could have become a stronger couple in assessing the toys and would have been cute af.
Forky wouldn’t be throwing himself away every damn time, in my take he would be confused in everything. He doesn't know why he's here. He doesn't even know why he has the form of a spork.
In my rewriting, he's literally a first-born, like Pinocchio.
Now ppl might be wondering, what would actually happen if Forky would have thrown himself away from the window? And the sidewalk thing happens?
Well. I have an idea. Instead of Bonnie cuddling Forky in her sleep. It’s Woody. Her parents would have told her that sleeping with her fork would be dangerous as it can hurt her when she doesn't know it.
Or it can be Jessie! since Bonnie is showing her sweet love to the cowgirl as well without making Woody being “neglected” She gets more appreciated in a good way, without shadowing Woody.
But I believe Woody has to be the focal point of this otherwise we wouldn’t get the talk on the sidewalk lmao.
If it’s the former, Woody has to make a quick decision whether stay in place with Bonnie or just going to bring Forky back.
Since we know our favorite doll and his great loyalty, he just tells Buzz they’ll be back soon, not knowing that he might see Bo again, delaying his mission and all that.
Probably Forky would still don't know about the dangers and he gets curious of going to the window. Again, his conscience is not developing yet. Bc he genuinely doesn't know anything yet.
Maybe and probably, once he gets sucked in, for the first time he's got a sense of fear and danger. Probably adding more personality than before.
For the first time ever, he developed the feeling of fear.
So, probably Woody would have told him in his experience, how when he was with Buzz, he saw the mutilated toys from Sid. And how they weren't able to speak or talk. Bc the actual body proportions were out of place, must have caused abnormalities in them.
That could make Forky more aware of his physical proportions. He also listens to his adventures of how Woody got his arm accidentally pulled off and how it even harmed him by the prospector when he threatened him.
Forky gets very fascinated by his storytellings and learn that strangers having to take things from you by force is morally wrong because of what Woody told him.
Heck, he even would have told him about Lotso! And how they were in the trash. Making Forky very scared, and just terrified of being there being useless.
So that situation happens when he sees that Gabby wants his voice box but remembers Woody's saying.
Might have changed the plot for the better.
So yeah, here are my thoughts so far! Would have loved to see my favorite trio work together in saving the spork and more suspense in facing the villain. Woody and Bo would have better off stayed being friends instead of a couple in the end because sometimes things don’t work anymore and could have been a good message for the audiences about relationships.
What do you guys think?
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jackhues · 2 years ago
buttercup and sid are so adorable, they quite literally grew up together.
she’s his everything and vice versa. sid was really “sid the kid” when b was born and she was his biggest lesson, taught him how to be kind and want to work hard.
b is so thankful for her dad, he sacrifices everything for her
exactly! like sid was only twenty-one when she was born: he didn't win a stanley cup yet, the golden goal hadn't happened yet, he was just 'sid the kid'. no matter how good he was playing, the fact that he had the 'c', he was still young, he felt like 'sid the kid'. so yeah, he was young and he was scared, but he knew that bee wouldn't be taken care of right with her mom, and that he has to step up now.
he had to work a lot to make time for her with his hectic schedule (esp as a baby), and just everything he did to make sure she was always comfortable - b knows it wasn't easy. he wins his first stanley cup, and one of his first thoughts is about his daughter. he's always looking for her in the crowd (when she's at the games), he's always changing the whole schedule of his training session to be there for one of her events or smth, he's done his best for her and she knows that. she loves him so much for it, and he loves her so much for teaching him how to be a man, for growing up with him.
those two have such a special relationship, it brings a tear to both of their eyes when they think of it.
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terrence-silver · 3 years ago
Honestly, if Johnny Lawrence turns out to be either John’s or Terry’s son, I’ll just be...so over it. Like, over the show, the characters and over everything.😬
Why? Because it is the worst writing choice ever, in my opinion. Not because it is like a soap opera, because it infinitely tangles everything to unnecessary degrees, makes you scratch your head about everyone’s pre-established motivations and it is so out of left field and OOC that it fundamentally feels like a badfic. Also, I absolutely despise ‘Gotcha!’ plotlines. Cliches and tropes will always exist and that is okay, but some generally can and will make your storyline worse. Not that CK is a masterpiece of writing, but anyway...
First of all, I get this feeling it entirely and genuinely waters down and oversimplifies John’s and Johnny’s messed up, toxic, innately complicated, co-dependent, gaslighting mentor and student relationship that spans decades, ever since Johnny’s early childhood (not to mention it waters down the idea of falling into the clutches of toxic authority figures, which is a running theme), down to them being biologically related all along. Of course! Suspension of disbelief and coincidence of all coincidences. It is all bio-determinism. People just simply cannot be your teachers and abusers unless they’re your long lost dad and if they are your teachers and abusers, they must’ve been related to you all along and there’s no other variables, kids. 
If it is Terry, not only does it not make sense because I think it is immensely out of character that he would never check up on a supposed baby mama again purely because (Who’s right there. At arm’s length, almost. I had this same argument with the Miguel theories.) and subsequently discover or reason he has a full-blown son? Especially in the 80′s? When he’s had all the power and authority in the world to do so? Literally not a thing standing in his way anymore, especially not, say, his parents, for example? The same man who was climbing up chimneys and stalking and acting possessive? The same man who has adopted his deceased friend’s ponytail in a lifelong sense of mourning, usurping, devotion and grief? That same Terry? How? (Was it all the coke...again?)
And if John knew Terry had a son why did he never say anything? In 40+ years?
Did Laura Lawrence make him promise and why?
If she was keen on secrecy, lets say, why did she allow Johnny enrolled in, of all places, Cobra Kai, taught by none other than John Kreese, who’s either the father of her son, or the best friend and the ex-commandering officer of her son’s father, who’s Terry? Wouldn’t the chances of being discovered be far greater that way? Like, if someone wanted to keep a low profile, you’d think this wouldn’t happen or that one would take preventive measures to avoid from it happening? Maybe try with another dojo? Why did Sid never say anything? 
If Johnny was John’s son, why did John never say anything either?
Why does nobody say anything to anyone?
Did neither John nor Terry know?
If so, again, that is the mother of all coincidences that John would either accidentally be training his own (or Terry’s son) and that out of all the dojos, in all the Valleys, everywhere, baby Johnny Lawrence just so happened to walk into John Kreese’s.
What about Betsy?
Is Betsy Laura’s sister turned ‘Please raise my baby for me’ red herring before dying?
Did she die at all, though? But then again, if she didn’t die, because maybe Captain Turner lied, and she gave up her baby because of the stigma of raising a child alone to another woman who then had to live with the same stigma with a baby that wasn’t even biologically hers while effectively marrying Sid for money so she can raise said child in the first place and?? Also, if Betsy didn’t die, you’d think John would discover that too, eventually. Like, at least visit a grave somewhere, post-war? Wouldn’t he want to visit her grave? The grave of the person he loved? What am I even saying at this point? One would need five seasons more just untangling this.
Why does everyone need to be related to everybody?
Is this even about Karate anymore?
It is driving me crazy. sghsjkls
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jcmorrigan · 4 years ago
001 - Kingdom Hearts
Favorite character: On the villain side: VEXEN IS BEST ORGANIZATION XIII MEMBER. Shoulda stayed evil, though. I like it when he complains and screams about everything and hates everyone. He's one of my favorite villains, just, like...in general. So fun to write. Also attached to Demyx, but I actually liked him more in III than II because it reminded me of my rawr lolspeek weeb days when I f/o'd him without knowing what f/o'ing was and then transitioned this to shipping VexDem like heck. On the hero side: MY GIRL KAIRI! But honorable mentions go to Sora, Riku, Aqua, Ven, Terra, Xion, Roxas, Lea, Ienzo, any Disney character I loved beforehand (this is way too fuckin many to list), Merlin (OKAY I WILL SINGLE HIM OUT), Yen Sid (I'LL SINGLE HIM OUT TOO), you know what let's also single out the Mickey+Donald+Goofy power trio...just...any KH hero who isn't part of the Yozora stuff or the KHUX stuff. ...Except I also LOVE Strelitzia, and she is the only KHUX-exclusive kiddo I care about but I care about her MANY. (Oh, and there's a least fave I have who's a "hero" but that's a debatable label). I would go on about why I love all of them but...that's too many characters to elaborate on
Least Favorite character: See, I think the real answer is Yozora, but the thing is I just tend to forget about him or not care (unless I'm doing a weird AU where he's Noctis' bratty Nobody, don't ask). He kinda represents the Shark Jump and I don't like watching that scene where he literally petrifies Sora for not being strong enough. But again, I can just kinda forget about him if he's not fed to me through a social-media unit. The one I LOVE TO HATE is Master Eraqus. The man actually triggered me back in the day. He is purity culture. He is the overbearing parent who will not accept you unless you are perfect. He is by and large the reason VAT didn't communicate with each other properly. He was the one who taught Aqua to think in absolutes. He lied to Ventus for years and then insisted to kill him was the only option, and then, when Terra tried to defend his brother figure/friend without knowing WHY Eraqus was doing such a thing, Eraqus didn't offer an explanation and instead switched targets to Terra citing that the problem was Terra's lack of OBEDIENCE. Eraqus is just very "my way or the highway" and uses his moral high horse to justify doing things that utterly lack compassion in any regard, which is something that GETS to me on a deep level, and let me tell you, I hated him for so long until I realized he was actually a super fuckin fun guy to imagine as a Bigger Bad in AUs that either have the KH protags teaming up or have villain protags needing a "greater good lawful evil" figure. And I just have found too many good memes about him cheating at chess and killing children. I have to laugh. Making fun of him is fun. He's a ridiculous character. That said, this recent trend of "erase everything bad he ever did and paint him as the ultimate hero of the saga" makes me raise eyebrows for SEVERAL reasons
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): VexDem, SoRiku, Kairi x Jaune Arc (RWBY), Aqua x Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) x Bayonetta, IsaLea, Ventus x Papyrus (Undertale), that was six but they all needed to be mentioned
Character I find most attractive: Ienzo. HOO BABY he is adorable. I saw someone make a Valentine's Day gifset of KH and FF characters shortly after III dropped and seeing his smiling face paired with a romance quote made my heart FLUTTER
Character I would marry: Probably Ienzo, see above. He's also a very kind guy. Favorite redemption in the modern era.
Character I would be best friends with: I hope the Destiny Trio would adopt me into their friend circle the way they've tended to do with every other inter-world denizen they've come across. I would love to have them as my positivity squad. Or, y'know, two positivities and one "it's okay to screw up" guy. Just. I would love to hang out with them. I often worry that I'm unlikable to my faves, but even though I would usually prefer to hang with the villains, I can pretty much guarantee these three would be open-minded about me. (Do I kiiiiinda wanna be friends with Vexen though? Of course I do. He'd hate me but maaaayyyyybe he would see me as one of his pet idiots who makes him look smarter, and we could bond over our fragile egos?)
a random thought: You ever think about that one NPC lady in Traverse Town who refused to tell you where she was from because it was none of her business? You ever wonder where she WAS from? What her world was like? How she ended up being the survivor of the Ansem Apocalypse when it hit her? All I know is that when I read her lines out loud (I used to read KH speech balloons out loud all the time), I gave her a Southern accent for no discernible reason and I stand by it. That woman has a twang.
An unpopular opinion: I don't want KHUX to be canon because I feel it's smaller-scale and takes a lot of mystery out of the worldbuilding. I always assume that the KHverse just includes ALL worlds in fiction, and that includes their thousand-year histories, meaning the Age of Fairy Tales should've happened long long long LONG LONG LONG ago and not five generations. And whatever screwed up the world should've been more than just five people having a fight, and whatever saved it should've been more than just five people getting along, and Daybreak Town really suffers from having to stick to mobile-friendly graphics and therefore is the least aesthetically attractive KH town ever, and I don't like that Lauriam and Elrena used to be such selfless people. I do still love Strelitzia because she's shy and relatable and quirky (sitting on the roof) and she questions authority and if you go with shipping subtext she's probably bi (or pan?), but I don't like the "Lauriam's dead sister for his arc's drama" bit. I liked when Marluxia was angry because he wanted to run Organization XIII but it was in the hands of an idiot who wasn't him. And more than anything I just like imagining that the Age of Fairy Tales was something bigger, further in the past, and more mysterious than something designed for a mobile game. Scala ad Caelum, however, I like a lot better because there IS a lot of mystery there and also it's a very pretty town with an amazing design.
my canon OTP: I really only count the Disney couples as the "canon" ones, so this is a question of picking my favorite Disney couple that shows up onscreen. I hope I'm not forgetting an important one, but I think the title has to go to Aladdin/Jasmine, which is always perfect in everything. (This would be an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY if KH had ever adapted Treasure Planet, and if it ever gets the mind to adapt Treasure Planet then even if I don't care about that game I will immediately declare that Amelia/Doppler takes the KH canon OTP crown. *taps watch* Get on it Squenix)
Non-canon OTP: SoRiku, which I counted as "basically canon" after DDD until III decided it wasn't sure. But I'm just a sucker for how DDD is the two of them all "HE'S GOT MY BACK AND I'VE GOT HIS AND I'D DO ANYTHING FOR HIM SO LONG AS HE'S HAPPY." It's just the best kind of Friends-to-Lovers, except when you take all canon into account it's Friends-to-Rivals-to-Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers and that's a very juicy dynamic. BUT ALSO: VexDem, which is a nostalgia ship SO STRONG I had to accept that it eclipsed my former Vexen ships by a mile and I wanted to go back to my roots. That one, I have a much longer essay about that I'll just have you refer to so I don't repeat myself for pages. To make a long story short, their scene in III was JUST DELICIOUS.
most badass character: OOF THEY'RE ALL BADASS but in the end it's between Sora and Aqua, because Sora gets the widest RANGE of abilities across the series that he masters while Aqua gets the most POWERFUL abilities due to her Mastery (Command Styles seem like they'd be the most OP things ever in-universe and I'm here for it because flashy battle moves make brain go brr).
pairing I am not a fan of: SOKAI, Xehaqus, RikuNami, Vanitas/anyone not evil
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): OH BOY. KAIRI THE MOST. YOU ALL KNOW WHY: lack of screen time, Fridging for drama, forced romance to invite death flags (they really wanted to milk that death to get people talking didn't they?), giving Alyson Stoner ZERO direction to actually follow up on Hayden Panettiere's performance. But then I remember that they made Vexen redeem and lose his entire personality and I just...uuugghhhh. I can't believe he died twice in this series. And then Demyx is FUN but also I know he's flipped sides as well, which means he won't be fun much longer! Xehanort seems to switch motivations to whatever makes him the biggest threat (and several of Eraqus' old flaws seem to be mysteriously glued onto him), Sora isn't a motormouth anymore, Riku just doesn't get anyone who cares about him anymore because everyone's distracted by Sora and Kairi, IS ANYBODY GOING TO ADDRESS THE ACTUAL ISSUES THAT DROVE THE WAYFINDER TRIO APART, oh God Marluxia and Larxene you're good guys now what have they done to you
favourite friendship: I really like each of the trios. But you know what's even BETTER than the trios? If you put...all of the trios together...meaning Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Aqua, Terra, Ven, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Hayner, Pence, Olette...and then you added Isa back in there...and you gave them Ienzo...and you brought back Naminé...and you say that Subject X is Strelitzia and you have her turn back up so she can have justice done...AND YOU HAVE AN ULTRA KEYBLADE GROUP OF FRIENDS. As for Vexen, any purely platonic relationship I have for him is a crossover but trust me I have many crossover pals for he
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: See everyone I listed above in the friendship question. They can either mentor me or let me be their big sis/mom. But also, I will GLADLY be Merlin or Yen Sid's daughter. (But also would I kiiiiinda wanna be a VexDem daughter? This is the worst idea. Still wanna try)
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incorrect-galavant · 5 years ago
I dont think gal was putting madelena on a pedestal as much as he was pretending they could have their old relationship back. BUT i love your take that he wasnt quite showing his true self in that relationship to begin with and was playing Charismatic Hero, which means he likely WAS putting madelena on a pedestal while they were in that relationship
sorry if i’m not being clear, it’s four AM lmao. i also change tenses like twenty times?? just roll with it
i think what i meant by “putting Madalena on a pedestal” is that Gal was essentially refusing to see that they were both complicated human beings. so yeah, less him putting her on a pedestal, but him putting their relationship on one.
i think that he did love her, he just didn’t know how to put the work in, or even that their relationship was dysfunctional. like?? he implies to Izzy in episode one that Madalena is the first person he ever loved, and it doesn't seem like he had any friends besides Sid (who is technically an employee). his parents ALSO didn’t have a healthy relationship, so Gal just... would not know how an actual healthy relationship worked.
i’m guessing he got his notions from legends, fairytales, ballads, etc, where the knight saves the damsel and they all live happily ever after. he probably figured that either a relationship was made of people with no problems or it was made of people who had unfixable problems.
so, Madalena is his first love and he wants them to last. he wants it to be like the stories. happy endings, no problems anywhere. he wants everything to be perfect because to him, relationships that AREN’T completely Perfect don’t last. so he pretends that their relationship IS perfect and refuses to acknowledge the fact that, hey, it really isn’t.
that’s one of the reasons it was toxic. during the show, we see Gal at some of his lowest points, but around Madalena, he always acts like that Charismatic Hero, because that’s who he thinks he has to be. his parents essentially taught him to repress his emotions, so instead of being true and vulnerable, he pretends to be the Perfect Galavant for their Perfect Relationship.
it was also unhealthy for Madalena. it shows multiple times that she will drop people with no hesitation. as soon as he starts feeling guilty, she drops Steve. she literally kills Kingsley. but Gal? it’s implied she had a longterm relationship with him, and i don’t think she would have stayed if she didn’t also want that Perfect Relationship fantasy. she cared about him.
in order to be with Gal, she was ignoring her nature. both she and Gal were repressing themselves so they could have that Perfect Relationship. when she’s kidnapped, the first thing she does is plead for Galavant, but she quickly changes her mind. why?
she probably saw it as an out. at first, she’s terrified of Richard and what he might do to her. but, i’m guessing she realized quickly that he would be easy enough to manipulate. she chose fame and fortune, and in doing so, she chose an escape from the Perfect Relationship. in the castle, she didn’t have to pretend to be someone she wasn’t or try to change herself. 
i mean? did you see the scene where Gal interrupts the wedding? it’s so dramatic, and exactly what the fairytale knight would say and do when he gets his happy ending. he was performing, putting on a show.
without the Perfect Relationship, Gal had no reason to keep being Perfect Galavant, so he slipped into a depression. when he sees Madalena again, he IMMEDIATELY goes back to being Perfect Galavant. but, this time, it doesn’t work, because she doesn’t want to go back to hiding who she was. she likes being Queen Madalena, not sweet innocent kindhearted Sir Galavant’s wife. she liked having power and her own life.
that being said, she did care about him, so she wanted to keep him in her life. in “I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone)” she essentially asks him to stay, not as her lover, but as someone she can sleep with (let’s face it, sex was probably easier for them than acknowledging their issues). she wants him in her life, but she doesn’t want to have to go back to concealing herself. she knows it’s not healthy for either of them.
so (jesus this is long), that’s why Izzy/Gal and Madalena/Gareth are healthier than Madalena/Gal ever was.
Izzy and Gal get to know each other as friends, and they go through embarrassing things together. they have a bad first kiss, they see each other’s quirks, and Gal was a lot more honest with her than he ever was with Madalena. Izzy saw him struggle with the breakup, helped him train, and generally be Weird™. he (assumably) saw her grieve for her people and learned to forgive/trust her again after she lied.
their relationship was never truly “perfect.” they love each other because they allow each other to be vulnerable and honest, even when it’s hard. they accept one another’s flaws/quirks without trying to change anything. they fall in love because they don’t have to hide anything from each other and they’re willing to put in the work to maintain that.
and Madalena/Gareth??? they’re incredibly different people and many of their interests don’t overlap. BUT, they never try to mold their partner into being more like them. Gareth doesn’t like dressing up or parties; Madalena doesn’t like bar fights and being macho. they accept and support one another’s interests despite not sharing them.
Gareth cuts off those queens’ ears to make Madalena happy. Madalena tries to start bar fights to make Gareth happy. they SUPPORT and ACCEPT each other, even when they’re being murderous. they allow each other to be themselves, to be cruel and power-hungry and happy.
so. YEAH. Madalena and Galavant had a toxic relationship, but it wasn’t completely Madalena’s fault. they were both unhealthy for each other. they were just playing roles.
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sidneycarter · 5 years ago
otp questions: sid x sullivan answers
as requested by the lovelies:  @23orso and @queensantiagoofthe99!
got a bit long so under the cut! 
1. Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
I honestly feel like both? The only difference is that Sid is really shameless about his sleep actions, but Sullivan is more hmm mmm i was unconscious please don’t mistake me for a hopeless, cuddly, romantic i am toUGH GUY i dont rely on another human being for comfort. this happens ten minutes after he wakes up from a nap where he literally GRABBED hold of Sid, dragged him halfway across the bed, nuzzled into his neck,  squeezed him really tight like he was a limpet trying to attach himself to him and made sleepy grumbly grumpy bear noises when Sid tried to move. (they both absolutely love that they reach for each other in their sleep though, even if Sullivan will never admit it). 
2. How do they wake up next to each other? Ex - Tangled in each other’s arms? Is one falling off the bed? ETC.
They’re always tangled in each other’s arms (See above), but that doesn’t mean they’re not also falling off the bed as well. Sid moves most in his sleep so if they’re falling out of bed it’s probably him thats the cause, but they just won’t let go of each other, so there’s lots of complaints when someone (Sullivan) wakes up because he hit the cold ground first. 
3. What movie do they watch when they both had a bad day and just want to turn off their brains for a little while?
If it was technologically possible it’d defintiely be something like Singin’ in the Rain (Sullivan’s choice) or a Cary Grant comedy like His Girl Friday or Bringing up Baby (Sid’s choice). They both equally like each other’s films though, so it doesn’t matter which one they pick but they both want something a bit silly and lighthearted. 
4. Who picks something up, says a pun with the object then laughs as if it’s the funniest thing they ever heard?
Sid! It’s probably a slightly rude innuendo laden pun too. Sullivan rolls his eyes every single time but has to try not to smirk because he knows it’ll just encourage Sid’s bad behaviour. Trouble is after a while Sullivan started picking up on this habit too and sometimes he’s just a complete menace and sergeant goodfellow can’t sleep at night due to eye strain from eye rolling. 
5. How do they hype one another up?
Sid is just very openly affectionate - lots of hugs and kisses and shoulder rubs and reminders that he loves Sullivan so much and he’s so excellent at his job and he’s so good looking and wonderful. 
Sullivan desperately wants to do the same but he’s still not quite up to speed with the whole affection thing. Instead he’ll often just come out with a really short, but clear statement like “You’ll do really well tomorrow.” or “That shirt looks nice.” Sid knows what he means really and really appreciates his effort, and he knows that these moments are really really sincere and Sullivan tries so hard. he does get better, with time, though, and that hopeless romantic comes out eventually!! 
6. When one of them gets a new outfit, how does the other react?
Again I feel like it’s kind of similar to the one above. If it’s a really nice outfit, and it makes Sullivan looks very good,  Sid is probably all wiggly eyebrows and smirks and “you look very very nice” along with whispered things in Sullivan’s ear that are RUDE. 
Sullivan is probably thinking all of the same things when Sid gets a really nice outfit but he can’t verbalise it as well, and instead just stammers and blushes and nods and does his little tiptoe raise thing while saying “Yes you look,, very nice, Carter.” (Again, Sid knows exactly what he’s thinking, and helps him work on getting his point across better). 
7. Who tries to playfully scare the other person and who always knows where the other person is?
Sid tries to do the creeping up on Sullivan thing, but Sullivan’s many years as a police officer has made him on high alert most of the time. I feel like Sid maybe doesn’t do this too often though, as he doesn’t like Sullivan feeling that he has to be always alert/awake and would much rather that he relaxed in his presence rather than expecting a practical joke. 
8. When they grocery shop, what is one section they love to playfully mess around in and why?
I feel like when they go to the shops Sullivan makes it as much of an organised and efficient process as possible because he feels like shopping is a chore most of the time. Sid messes around a lot though and tries to sneak all sorts of things in to the basket, even if they’re just at the corner shop and its a bag of penny sweets. 
9. When their partner has a bad day, what is something the other picks up to try and make their day a little better? Ex - Fast food, flowers, a punny card, etc.
Physical affection!!!! They both love it and need it and crave it - Sid because he’s grown up surrounded by affection with Father Brown/Mrs M/Lady F, and Sullivan because he’s never really experienced it but now he’s had a taste he can’t get enough. But aside from curling up on the sofa together and SNUGGING HARD, I think Sid picks Sullivan flowers (sometimes from the meadow, or even bought from the florists, other times from less acceptable sources) and I think Sullivan cooks Sid food! Mrs M locked him in the kitchen for three days running when she first found out they were courting and taught him how to make Sid’s favourite comfort meal. 
10. Who runs up and hugs their partner while the other catches them?
I think Sullivan runs up to Sid. It’s rare that he lets himself be silly and sweet but he loves it when he tippy toe raises and Sid picks him up and spins him in a circle while kissing his temple. 
11. What song reminds them of each other?
boy oh boy are there a lot. They’re both big Frank Sinatra fans, and my personal fave for them is All This and Heaven Too, but they like a lot of his stuff including You Make Me Feel So Young and All or Nothing At All. 
12. Who presses their nose against their partner’s cheek before kissing them?
Again, probably both, but Sid is more open about it. They both like the comfort of being able to breathe each other in for a second. 
13. What small quirks do they love about each other?
Sid loves the tippy toe thing, and often teases Sullivan about it a lot. He also loves Sullivan’s exasperated face when he sees the Father at a crime scene, and he spends a lot of time trying to mimic it. 
Sullivan likes that Sid has to fiddle with something when he’s thinking hard/had a bad day. Sid tends to pick up one of his hands and toy with it, or he runs his fingers through Sullivan’s hair, or he drums his fingertips down his spine. Sullivan knows it calms him down.
14. Who accidentally snorts when they laugh and that makes both of them laugh harder?
Sid snorts most commonly, but at times Sullivan has been known to do it and Sid has cried laughing. Sullivan used to be a bit embarrassed by it but once he settles down a little bit he laughs freely until his sides hurt. 
15. What are somethings that they do for one another because they know their partner hates it? Ex- do the dishes, phones to make an order, talks to sales clerk. ETC. 
Sid goes to the shops a lot for Sullivan because he knows Sullivan finds it a stressful chore when he’s been at work all day. He also deals with mechanics etc when Sullivan’s car breaks down, because sometimes the hyper-masculine world gets a bit much for Sullivan. 
Sullivan does a lot of the cooking because he likes it but he also knows that Sid has no patience for following recipes and doesn’t understand why you can’t just throw everything in a bowl and have it make sense. Sullivan also does the ironing, because he finds it therapeutic, and he knows Sid would walk around in crumpled shirts for the rest of his life than do the ironing. 
i hope you enjoyed this! 
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havocccd · 5 years ago
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✎⌠china anne mcclain. cis female. she/her⌡❝ — well, look who’s just arrived ! if it isn’t the one and only sasha lane. though, around here they’re known as the explosive. don’t tell ‘em i said this but the twenty two year old wallys gas bar and convenience store worker kinda has a reputation of being short tempered and turbulent. but y’know, they can be determined and unfailing too. typical aries. anyways, welcome home and stay safe sasha ! ❞ ↷ g. 23. she/her. aest.
H-HEWWO PART TWO. it is i . . g . . back with a wildly different character from sid. this is SATANIC SASHA !!!
tws for violence, neglect, abuse, parental issues (they’re all just Vaguely mentioned!!)
inspiration for sasha: clementine from the walking dead game, jessica jones from Jessica jones, faith from buffy the vampire slayer, camille preaker from sharp objects. Basically any unhinged female character u have watched Murder a Man and kinda gone ‘huh . . good for her’
how do I describe sasha ?? she is .. a Feral Beast
she has so many anger issues and hate towards the world that she is so unforgiving and blunt and borderline Cruel to people
believes that the whole world is against her
has a very short temper and is not Afraid to show it
will fuck ur boyfriend/girlfriend if u piss her off, or even fuck ur dad/mum to break up ur parents marriage just bc she can !
has no morals
gets into punch-ons basically 3000x a week and is well known by the police by now
she grew up in a trailer park just outside of misty hollow, and basically . . it was a lot of neglect and parental abuse and mistreatment. growing up, she was literal ‘trailer trash’ and looked down on by a lot of ppl in misty hollow. it turned her very cruel and indifferent towards people except .. her twin brother ( eugene. u will see him soon hehe)
her twin and her basically show how Differently two ppl can grow from the exact same environment – sasha turned vengeful and angry, and her brother did the exact opposite – he became really nice and Good
they were raised by their mother, primarily, and her mother was . Not Good. she definitely hated sasha, and often told her. she saw something ugly and dangerous in sasha at a very young age , and was convinced the Devil lived inside of her (she wasn’t entirely wrong)
besides all of her faults, sasha is actually really really fiercely loyal to people she does like. she will kill people for the people she loves.
she doesn’t have any real ambition or drive, she knows shes going to be stuck in misty hollow forever . her parents are long long gone now, so now its just sasha and her twin in their crappy apartment they can barely afford
she works over at wallys gas bar, and tbh she likes working there bc wally has always been nice to her and understanding of her crappy little life
with the murders starting up again now , sasha is a little on -edge. She has a really really bad feeling about things, and can’t help but feel like it’s only inevitable before smth happens to her, her twin, or someone she loves.
she’s also slightly suspicious about her dropkick father, who left their mother apparently, just when the first round of murders happened. she saw him in town (she '’’believes’’’ but also .. she’s a bit unhinged so do we believe h er ?? probably not) just recently, and is kinda paranoid thinking that the murderer could be him (she doesn’t really have any proof, but sasha just kinda always feels like Everything That Goes Wrong is Inherently Her Fault bc that’s what her mother taught her)
messy girl friends: two chaotic bitches causing ruination and despair . they have been best friends since they were younger. Two pea’s of the same pod, some might call them. They’ve always ALWAYS had each others backs, and u rarely see one without the other!
A taboo “Relationship” : taboo-ish. These two have been Seeing Each other for a little while (its strictly sex, NO FEELINGS INVOLVED , or at least . . not on sasha’s side). they’ve kept it very lowkey and hidden. why? Maybe ur character is a lot older then sasha. Maybe they’re Married or smth messy, idk, sasha is a Messy bitch I hate her sometimes
Love / hate: these two annoy the hell out of each other, but they also hang out all the time ? they act like they hate each other but like. they’re very low key friends. They like pissing one another off, bc it’s fun and Entertaining
A softie : somebody who actually sasha is a lil soft for. somebody who brings up her non-feral side, and reminds her that she is just a Girl, not something rigged to explode and ruin everything
A squad : sasha hates a lot of ppl so I’d like her to have some people she parties with and can be a Youngin’ with u know ? a lil crew of neighbourhood kids around the same age as sasha. they all grew up together . all party together. all Understand Each Other to some Degree.
A sister / mother figure : sasha is deeply lacking in these in her life. maybe somebody who’s a GOOD INFLUENCE on her and loves her and teaches her love in return ??? we love positive female relationships !!
f-buddies: a lot of them. Sasha is a hoe and we don’t slut shame in 2020 !!! let her sleep around if she wants to ! she’ll sleep with anyone and everyone , yee haw !
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hannahmcne · 5 years ago
Mommy Grew Up Different - Multiplications
"Alright Zach, what's three times two?" Ben asks his three-year-old son, kneeling down beside his bed and smiling as the child counts on his pudgy toddler fingers.
"Six," Zach replies and looks at Ben expectantly. Ben's smile stretches even wider.
"That's right!" He applauds, holding a hand up for a high-five. "What's six times three?"
That was a harder one, but they'd gradually been moving into bigger numbers the last few weeks. Zach furrows his brow. He counts on his fingers, folds his arms across his chest, and then analyzes his covers in deep thought. Ben hears a noise from the hallway and briefly looks over to see Mal leaning against the doorway, furrowing her brow the same Zach is as she listens. She must have already finished putting their other son, Tyler, to bed. That means he's running behind.
"Eighteen," Zach replies, brightening up as he remembers the answer.
Ben laughs. "That's right!" He exclaims and then pushes up off the floor to sit beside the small child on the bed. Zach scoots over against the wall and pats his blue striped sheets, indicating Ben can move forward. Ben chuckles and reaches across the bed to pick up the book his son had picked out. "Alright, champ, are we reading about Rapunzel and Eugene tonight, or are we - what's this?" Ben raises an eyebrow as Zach reaches out for the thick book in excitement.
"It's my word book," Zach explains, snuggling into his pillow and opening it up. "Aunt Jane said all the kids in the high schools get one, and she gave me this one to keep. See? My name is on it." He holds the book close to his nose, flips through the pages, and takes a deep inhale. "It smells like a good book," he mumbles as he curls into Ben's side. "She said it'd help me learn new words."
"It's called a dictionary," Ben raises an eyebrow, fighting a little smile as he looks up to see Mal still looking at them confusedly in the doorway. "Dad used to read through this when he was younger too. Not as young as you, though. You can look through it to find words you don't know or go through and see which ones you do know."
Zach nods, opens to the first page, and skims down the entries. He skips over the letter 'A's and goes straight for the first long word he sees. "Aardvark," he announces, nuzzling his sandy blonde hair into Ben's side as Ben leans back against the headboard and starts combing his fingers through Zach's hair. "An animal with a long snout and a long sticky tongue that feeds mostly on termites and is active at night." He looks up at Ben with his finger on that last description. "That means they're nocturnal like cats, right?"
Ben chuckles. He can't believe how much his son knows. He's well aware it isn't normal for a kid to be this knowledgeable, but he isn't going to we complain too much. It's nice to have someone to talk to like this. "That's right," He agrees. "Like cats and snakes and lizards and things."
"It must live in a hot climate," Zach reasons. "And it moves at night when it's not so hot."
Ben hears Mal shift in the doorway and he glances up to see she's dropped her hands in something like surprise. He smiles up at her, and though he can't see her expression, he figures it must be something like pride. She hasn't been able to come in to help him put Zach to sleep the last few months as Tyler tends to turn his furniture into animals when he's anxious for bedtime and she usually has to round up and return a herd or two to its original form. Zach, however, doesn't have magic and prefers reading aloud to his parents as part of his bedtime routine, so that's pretty easy for Ben to cover as Mal tried to calm Tyler down. However, he was exhausted tonight, so Mal gets to listen in on what he and Tyler usually work on in the evenings.
"Abacus," Zach reads. "An instrument for doing arithmetic by sliding counters along rods or in grooves."
Ben puts his finger down on the word 'arithmetic'. "What's that mean, champ?" He asks.
"Math," Zach shrugs. "It's like what we've been working on. Multiplications. Like two times two and six times six."
"Which is?" Ben prompts, and Zach puts the book down to tap his index fingers together.
"Four and thirty-six," Zach announces. "Which together are forty."
"Good job," Ben smiles over at Mal. She is standing very still in the doorway, and he can't tell if she's breathing or not. Zach keeps reading, mumbling by his side, and Mal slowly creeps into the room to hover by the foot of the bed. Zach finishes reading about 'abolitionist' and then reaches for a pencil on his headboard to circle the word, indicating he's interested in learning more about it. Ben isn't surprised - it's the same kind of concept he lives for. He leans forward to take Mal's hand and it's then that he realizes her face is drawn and taut and she's staring down at the book in Zach's lap like it's an evil thing she doesn't want around her son. Ben frowns. "What's wrong?" He asked.
Zach looks up immediately and sets the pencil and book aside. "Mommy..." He whines, leaning on his knees with his arms outstretched. "Are you feeling sad?"
"No, baby," Mal smiles a little tight, scared smile. He knows the look, but he hasn't seen it for a while. Not since Zach was born. There's the occasional exception - when their toddlers go near stairs or when they first started standing or when Ben tosses them into the air, but for the most part, he doesn't see the 'I don't like this at all' face. She takes Zach into her arms and hugs him tightly, and Ben tilts his head at her while Zach's head is turned away. She ignores him, which raises Ben's concern even more.
Ben puts a hand on Zach's back. "Bud, it's time for bed," he announces. "I'll read more of your new dictionary with you tomorrow, but Mom and Dad had a long day today. You can stay up a little longer and read, or you can go to bed now."
"I'll go to bed," Zach yawns. He climbs back into his covers and then pushes the dictionary away. "You can answer my questions later." Ben snorts, pulls the covers up around the little three-year-old, and then kisses his hair as Zach closes his eyes. He and Mal walk to the door, glancing back every so often as parents are wont to do. Ben lets her into the hall before him, shuts the door softly, and then turns with an open mouth to reask Mal what happened. He doesn't get a syllable out before she's practically exploded into rushed whispers.
"You're doing multiplication with him?" She demands, clutching her hair. "And he's reading a dictionary? He's four! He's not even four - he'll be four in three months! How long has this been going on?"
Ben blinks. "Is it a problem?" He asks. "You already knew he liked reading."
"Well, I mean, I'm glad that he's smart and everything, but..." Mal chews on her lip with wide eyes darting back and forth without landing on him. "Don't you think he's too young?"
"He's gifted," Ben shrugs. "I have no idea where he gets it from, but he catches on so quickly. We've been doing multiplication together now for almost two weeks. I'm trying to get him to learn his fours and sixes."
"I thought you were doing additions?" Mal questions, biting her lip and turning from one side to the other as if she can't decide which direction she wants to go. "I thought you were going to be starting subtractions once he got the hang of it."
"We did," Ben shrugged. "He caught on really fast. He can do two-digit addition and subtractions in his head and everything else on paper. So I moved to multiplication." He catches her hand as she spins around in a frantic circle. "Hey - what's the issue here? He's smart, so what?"
Mal rips her hand free only to wave it in front of her like she burned it and she's trying to shake off the pain. "I don't know that stuff, Ben!" She snaps in a whisper. "What's a noc- a n- an animal at night! and multiplication is like... second grade here, right?"
"Third," Ben corrects quietly.
"That's not better!" Mal snaps. "Why is he growing up so fast? Why is he learning so much? I mean, I'm happy - I am! He's such a brilliant, perfect boy, but he's going to grow up thinking I'm a dunce because I can't answer any of those questions!"
"You can't answer what six times six is?" Ben drawls slowly, though he understands her panic now. Auradon schooling system is intimidating enough to Mal, whose Dragon Hall classes barely taught them to read and write. If not for Yen Sid, the vast majority of Island Children would have had to retake elementary courses in High school, and some of them still can't read or write.
"Of course I can!" Mal snaps. "But... but... he's going this fast and he's just going to keep going! I just had my baby Ben - I don't want him to be big yet!"
"You're not going to lose him," Ben tells her, taking her hands and squeezing them tightly. "Mal, he adores you. Did you see how sad he got when he thought you were sad in there? You're his whole world. He and Tyler both think you're the literal sun." He drags her into his arms and lets her claw around at his collarbone for a hold before wrapping her hands around his back and letting out a little breath.
She's a good mom. She lifts Zach up to pick books off of higher shelves and retrieves toys that Tyler likes to hurl across the room and she lets all three of them - Ben included - curl into her when they watch movies together and she's the stabilizing rock that holds his little family together. But he gets how this scares her. After all, Zach won't be little forever, and his questions are only going to get more complex and hard to answer.
Tyler gets a little older to where he's now three and Zach is four and Tyler is no longer attempting to create a zoo in his bedroom before bedtime. Ben and Mal start rotating again, and Mal learns very quickly that Zach's bedtime routine is now very far out of her depth. A stack of various encyclopedias - some children's and some not - sit beside his bed with his dog-eared and marked-up dictionary in a prized position on his headboard. She manages to help her baby get through brushing teeth and pajamas without fumbling too much, but then Zach is curling up into his pillow and pulling the blue comforter he got at Christmastime around his shoulders as Mal skins the spines of the encyclopedias for something she recognizes. "The Plant World", one reads. "How Government Works - for children", says another. "You can speak French!" a third announces.
"Can we read my dictionary?" Zach asks after patiently waiting about thirty seconds as Mal examines each of the unfamiliar titles beside his bed. Mal nods with a swallow and Zach retrieves his blue and white dictionary and opens it up in the middle. She takes a deep breath to calm herself and then panics again when the first word Zach reads is unfamiliar.
"Minuend," He mumbles as he lays his head down on her shirt and leans the book open on her legs. "A number from which another number is to be subtracted."
Mal's skin crawls. Now that she's thinking about it, the word sounds vaguely familiar in the back of her head. Maybe it was included in a lesson years ago or something. But the fact she didn't know it is the problem. If he asks any questions, what will she say?
Luckily, most of the words are pretty straightforward and there isn't a lot that she misses. There are mislead and mission and mistake, all of which are pretty okay, and then the occasional word like mirth or a mite.
"Mite - o - chon - drian," Zach sounds out and then pauses to yawn. "One of the parts found in the cytoplasm of a cell outside the nucleus that provides the cell with energy released from the breakdown of nutrients."
"Baby, do you know what that means?" Mal blurts out. Her head is spinning. It's somehow easier to remember what the various terms mean from her high school classes when Zach is sounding out the big words so carefully, but she still only has a vague recollection of what it means.
Zach nods. "We're made up of cells," he explains, running a hand up his arm. "And cells have DNA that tells them how we need to be built. And this is part of a cell that makes energy." He curls up closer to her arm. "Dad told me about it a while ago."
Of course Dad told him. Dad is smart and was taught these things as a child. Mom was not.
"Mitosis," Zach begins, yawns widely, and then looks at the page through half-lidded eyes to finish. "Process of cell division by which two new nuclei are formed, each containing the original number of chromosomes." He finally sets the book down, rubs his eyes, and then rolls over onto his pillow. Mal reaches over to tuck him in. "Mom?" He calls, eyes closed as he mumbles against his pillow. "How does a cell get the same number of DNA when it becomes two new ones?"
Mal's mind blanks out and she stammers a little as she slides off his bed onto her knees. "I, uh, I think they double, baby. They double up and then divide."
Zach squeezes his pillow, opens his eyes, and looks up. "But... they're already doubled?" He ponders aloud. "They're in a twisty spiral."
That Mal remembers. Her teacher had a giant stretchable model that Evie and Doug once rented out and examined in their dorm room. "Maybe they double the twisted DNA?" She suggests, relaxing a little as she runs a hand up and down Zach's back.
Zach shrugs and buries his face into his pillow. "I'll ask dad tomorrow," He yawns. "Goodnight mom."
Mal sits down hard on her tailbone with every bone in her body vibrating. Her son's words go through her like a bullet. 'I'll ask Dad'. She slowly forces herself to get up and walk to the door. She pulls it shut before she collapses beside the frame and presses her fingertips to her head.
Why is he asking questions like this already? Why doesn't she know the answers? Has he already caught on to the fact she's not nearly as smart as he and Ben are? How much longer does she have before he realizes she's a complete idiot who has no chance of ever learning half of the things he practically downloads into his brain?
Ben finds her there, on the floor outside her son's room mumbling 'questions' and 'cells' underneath her breath. And at three a.m the following morning, when he's awakened by the light of her phone as she reads a seventh-grade lesson on cells and biology, he doesn't say a word.
"You know, just because you don't know about lightning and thunder doesn't mean you're not smart," Ben sighs from the doorway as Mal clicks through the twenty tabs she has open on her computer. "You just know other things. Who cares if Zach knows what the plant is called - you know whether or not it's edible."
"Great," Mal snaps irritably. "You and he can talk about electricity and... reactions in the atmosphere and I'll tell him where best to stab a man so he dies." She snaps the lid of her laptop shut with her eyes closed and lets out a ragged, ashamed breath. "I can't tell him things like that," she moans. "He already knows you're smarter than I am and I'm scarier than you. If I tell him things like that, he'll think I'm a monster."
"He's not going to think you're a monster," Ben sighs, pinching his fingertips to the bridge of his nose. He already knows he doesn't have much chance of convincing her, though. They've been having this discussion for almost two years now.
"Why is he growing up?" Mal groans, burying her face in her hands. "I can't deal with him getting bigger and all these things... Tyler still can't read by himself and he's almost four now!"
"Zach's a special case," Ben sighs. He's not sure how to console her - is there any consolation for a mom who feels like her baby is growing up too fast? And all she says is true - Zach amazes everyone who meets him. He's somewhere in between a third and a fifth-grade level as far as his knowledge goes, but his rationing is beyond even some adults Ben knows in the courts. Most of what he knows is from reading or Ben and Mal talking with him. They called in a tutor a while ago, and Zach was nice enough to her, but he simply learned too fast for her to be able to develop lessons for him. The local school kind of shook their heads and said that it would be a waste of his potential to have him sit in with even the sixth graders, who need things to be taught more than once whereas he remembers everything, and the only premiere school for kids his age is five hours away, so the only schooling he's done has been online and at-home activities. Now that Tyler is almost to kindergarten age and he's being grouped in with the rest of his age group, he and Mal are starting to understand exactly where a child of Zach's age should be. And it's not sitting upside down in the armchair in the library reading Einstein's theory of special relativity for fun. (He couldn't understand it, but he keeps track of words and phrases and that's how he figures things out)
"Is this good for him?" Mal sighs, tugging on her hair a little. "He's not around any other kids except for his brother and his cousins. and he's moving so fast... what happens when he levels out?"
Ben shrugs. It's going to be a long time before Zach levels out. And he's not too concerned with Zach's friends. Sure, the crown prince doesn't get out much, but he's kind and amicable and gets along well with everyone. He's not a very temperamental child, even when pestered by Zach or Jay's kids.
"We need something he can focus on learning that he won't master the moment it's out of someone's mouth," Mal sighs. "Preferably something with other children." She glances over at Ben with a soft, pleading sigh. "For my sanity and his sake."
"I don't think there's a problem," Ben sighs, sitting down beside her. "But it might be good for him to know what it's like to not learn something right off the bat."
"I was thinking of putting Tyler in dance," Mal sighs. "The other moms at the school have some of his friends in a class together. It's like a tumbling, gymnastics program. After school... let out some of his energy."
"Well, it's not like he can go battle pirates for fun like you used to," Ben snorts, nudging her side even as Mal frowns. "That sounds good. Are you going to put Zach in one?"
"Well, then I'd have to drive out there and back and then there again to drop him off and pick him up. Tyler can walk with his friends. One of the moms works in the building," Mal sighs, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "It would be better to have something I can take him to when I drop Tyler off at school."
Ben puts his hands on her shoulders and rubs his fingertips into her shoulders. "Maybe... music?" He suggests, and then a new plane of understanding opens to his eyes. "Actually... that's a great idea. Learning an instrument helps make connections in kid's brains. He'll have to practice to get good at it and train the muscles in his fingers to-"
"Oh my gosh, you're just like him!" Mal groans. "Why did I marry someone smart? This was a horrible idea!"
Ben laughs. He can't help it. He kisses her cheek and mumbles an apology against her skin. "I'll talk to him and ask what sounds cool," He tells her. "And then I'll get back to you, okay?"
Thus, Zach begins taking guitar at age five. They pick a studio two buildings away from the public library, so for an hour and fifteen minutes Zach does guitar, then he goes to the library for weekly crafts lessons that other homeschooled kids participate in, and then waits the last hour or so before Mal or Ben picks Tyler up from school. He doesn't mind the wait since he gets to read, but he does mind the lessons themselves. Guitar, it turns out, is hard for him. He gets annoyed, but never angry. Sometimes he asks Mal if he can not go, but he doesn't argue when she disagrees. Once he kicks the empty guitar case, but their oldest child isn't very explosive or hot-headed. Ben's proud of him. After all, it isn't easy to struggle with something, and after learning everything else so easily, it's hard to have to practice something as simple as plucking strings in the right order.
For the first time, he progresses at the same rate as the other kids taking it with him, and Ben sees all of Mal's nerves relax one by one. It's still hard for her to see him move so fast in other subjects, but so long as she can listen to him complain about disliking guitar and how much the strings hurt his fingers, she's convinced that he'll still come to her for advice and comfort and she can keep trying to be a good mom.
For several months, Ben listens to his eldest mutter in the family room as he plucks and presses and then strums on his instrument. Sometimes he has to close his eyes when an out-of-tone note vibrates in his ear or when he hears Zach growl in the little way that reminds Ben a.) his son is struggling and b.) the Beast curse definitely still lives on in their family. Then, one day, he walks through the room and listens to Zach play 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' without any pauses and on all the right keys. And then Zach sets down the guitar with a proud smile and looks up for approval. And at the moment, man, wow. He's been proud of Mal before, but never like this.
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lightlorn · 5 years ago
for him to have a fuller silhouette between the hakama, haori, and weird armor, he sure does seem to have a lean frame. like he’s nowhere near axel’s level of snatched waistedness, but it does appear he’s a bit more compact than you would think at first glance. 
thankfully, this goes hand in hand with my idea that he was more of the rogue/speed-based member of his trio, with xehanort as the tank/strength-based and yen sid as the mage/magic-based. it’s just nothing i really caught in the past.
he’s a lean and sly old fox.
legitimately though, as much as eraqus is wrong a lot of times, and is a zealot, there are times he neatly calls what’s going to happen later on. he’s not quite a cassandra, but there is some level of ‘xehanort knew what he was doing driving a wedge between eraqus at his most reasonable and terra at his most vulnerable before tipping them both over the edge.’
‘i care for you like my own son’ same, eraqus.
their affinity sustains me and the tragedy of it all is the worst. thanks, nomura, for making a game about inducing crippling depression in your audience. i’m only just past the enchanted dominion and i am already braced for impact in the worst way.
speaking of world’s dumbest bottom, i have a screencap i will write an entire meta around during terra’s brief stint as maleficent’s puppet but listen. we’re getting there. it gets its own post once i can find the words for it.
‘aqua's sense of right and wrong never wavers’ i read, shipping her with the more philosophically grey kokoro and a major antagonist of the series xemnas because i am that predictable femme in fandom.
‘cept you’ve always lived here with us,’ aqua says, lying to ventus’ face. like i don’t know what’s up with that line, if it’s just in the english release or if everyone on lod just... acts like ventus’ life did not exist before he arrived because he cannot remember it. this line just struck me as odd and i have no way to phrase it. 
also i understand completely why fandom is so entrenched in momqua with regards to ven. she literally tells him to go to his room. i misremembered fandom as flanderizing that relationship, but no, it’s legit and i merely forgot. all hail momqua.
aqua sucks at command board and i wasn’t even controlling her this time: a study in mom throwing the game so her little boy can win.
what were aqua and terra doing out there all alone away from the castle during the meteor shower.... how much can my shipper heart take...
everything ever said to terra about darkness, obsession, and fear has absolutely been said to kokoro across the years. unlike terra, however, she is not the dutiful child trying to abide by any old world teachings. 
just to drive it home, kokoro spent nearly two years traveling between worlds without armor. as her uncle outlines, armor protects you from the darkness that is near to the lanes between. no one ever taught her that, her lacking a keyblade and all. this ignorance is something kokoro will surely pay for at some point in her lifetime.
not that her heart did not already have traces of darkness in it before she ever set out in search of the missing wielders. which is what makes me uncomfortable, because she would have had that darkness in her while traversing the dominion. 
maleficent’s domain. 
the mistress of all evil who outright states she can awaken what is inside others. and ‘free them’ to be who they truly are.
i don’t think that bodes well for one dumbass kid far from home.
ventus is my son, thank you for understanding.
the land of departure is really pretty and i hope kleffy knew what they were doing having ansem offer eraqus a lotus made of darkness.
the fact that kh3 totally fucked up the layout we see of the castle fucks me up endlessly. i know it might have been a casualty of the rushed development, but just walking right up to the throne room is. :l. lemme see the whole castle as it was originally conceived.
let me in.
the unversed do the naruto run.
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princessesofauradon · 6 years ago
Lana: Isle vs Auradon
a/n yes it is I, Bianca, aka @darlingsteveharrington , back from the dead and ready to write for Descendants again. So I posted these a while back and I have since revamped them and I am so much happier with these. My babies have been reborn!!!! I’m so happy to be writing for them again I missed them so much anywho (also requests anyone?)
also shoutout to @askhaylieooc I saw your ask and I have no clue what happened but it’s not there anymore :( I did see it though and thank you 1000 times over for showing interest in my OC's and inadvertently helping me start writing for them again <3
Lana on the Isle
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All through her childhood Lana never once stepped foot on the Isle. She was raised in the Underworld by her father. The closest she ever got to it was her father’s restaurant and even that place was nothing compared to what was outside its walls. Her mother died on the Isle of the Lost and, despite what most people thought about him, Hades was almost overprotective of Lana.
She has on occasion visited Mount Olympus though. It was always when there was a meeting of the Gods. Her father, being the God of the Underworld, was invited to them (albeit a little reluctantly). The Gods were different than the people down on Auradon. Staging a failed coup wasn’t the worst thing one of them had done and so they always greeted Lana with open arms. It was during one of those visits when she met Kellan wandering around the gardens.
That was the first time Lana had had a living friend. A few days later Yen Sid delivered a letter to the restaurant. Kellan had sent it to her from Auradon. They exchanged letters back and forth and Yen Sid soon became her designated messenger, not that he minded much.
Hades was quite possibly the only parent on the Isle who genuinely cared about his kid. He had a temper, for sure. More times than one he banished people’s souls but still, that was tame compared to some of the more…spirited villains. It was part of the reason why Hades had avoided sending her to both Dragon Hall and Serpent Prep. Instead, he sent her to Elysium three times a week to be taught by some of the better ancient philosophers. “C’mon Lana, who doesn’t want to be taught by some dead guy who everyone thinks is so great”
Hades actually tried to talk Lana out of finally heading up to the Isle. “Lana, those people are crazy. Trust me, you don’t want to be around them” “Can’t be any crazier than the ones down here” After a lot of arguing Lana finally convinced him to let her see the Isle. They compromised and he armed her with a dagger that was said to be able to rip the soul straight out of your body.
Lana was a bit of an urban legend around the Isle so there was a lot of talk when she finally left the Underworld. Mal and Jay were the first ones to approach her. “It’d be in your best interest to fall in line with us. I’ll even teach you everything you have to know about his place personally” “Sorry, I don’t fall in line very well”
That day she went to Yen Sid to pick up her letter and that was when she was approached again. “Your Hades’ kid?” “Who’s asking?” “He came to the Chip Shop a few days ago and told us you’d be heading up soon. Recommended we take you under our wing” “Did he? And who might you be?” “Uma”
Uma and her pirate crew adopted Lana almost immediately. They called her ‘the purest thing on the Isle’. Lana hadn’t been exposed to enough of the chaos to become as corrupted as the rest of them and it had made her more than a little naive. She was trained to defend herself by Uma’s best, Harry and Gil.
It wasn’t long before she ran into Evie in the markets. Lana caught her trying to take some fabric from one of the little shops. “You really should get better at that, you know” They talked for hours and eventually somehow ended up in Evie’s castle looking at all her designs. They exchange some scraps they had gotten ahold of and at the end of the night they’ve successfully made each other a new outfit. Lana becomes almost as close with Evie as she was with Uma and the crew.
Lana told Evie about her single encounter with Mal and she laughed. Ultimately she did convince Lana to talk to her one more time to try and fix things. Reluctantly, Lana followed Evie to Mal’s loft and although she didn’t think she was the best, at least they were on speaking terms. Jay she thinks is pretty okay. Besides Evie, Carlos is her favorite.
She watches him tinker with whatever objects he can find. Eventually, she develops a habit of stealing items from the pile of things that had been confiscated from the new souls. She takes whatever she thinks Carlos will like and gives them to him. They have a lot of surprisingly meaningful talks late at night as he’s messing with whatever object she’s brought him.
The more time Lana spent up on the Isle, the more she realized why everybody, didn’t matter where they were from, looked towards Auradon with longing. It was just out of arms reach, taunting them every single day and she too grew tired of it quickly.
Two guards, each with the symbol of the palace, found Lana one day and handed her two letters. She recognized the one from Kellan and opened it immediately. You’re going to love it here, Lana. I convinced Ben to let you come along and I’m already making a list of everything you have to see first. Lana protested going to Auradon all the way back to the Chip Shop.
“There’s no way I’m going off to Auradon while all of you stay here” “You’re going Lana” “No I’m not. Good luck making me” “You can’t just turn down the prince of Auradon” “I can and I will” “No you won’t” “I’m not leaving you all behind. You’re all more deserving of that place than I am” “Then go and you can help get us there next”
It took hours of convincing before Lana agreed to consider going. She went back to the Underworld to talk to her dad about it. She was more than a little surprised by his answer. “Take the chance to leave while they’re giving it to you” “But what about you?” “I’m gonna be fine, Lana. Besides I got Cerberus to keep me company”
Lana watched the Isle disappear from the back window, almost melancholy.
Lana in Auradon
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Lana’s foul mood disappeared quickly once she saw Auradon up close for the first time. She stepped out of the limo that was sent to pick them up and immediately more whispers started. Everybody had a good feeling about who she was for two reasons. One, she was obviously not completely human: the children of the Gods were always exceptionally radiant in a way no one could quite put their finger on. Two, Kellan hadn’t stopped talking about her.
Kellan wasted no time in rushing through everybody, running past Ben and Audrey (almost knocking over Fairy Godmother in the process) and practically tackling Lana as he shouted her name repeatedly. The two of them talk animatedly back and forth for a few minutes, not paying any attention at all to what Ben is saying. It’s not until he clears his throat, telling them he’s about to start the tour that they pay him any attention. Kellan literally begs Ben to let him take Lana. “Come on, babe! I promise I’ll bring her to you in one piece later. (Ben agrees, mostly because he is almost incapable of saying no to him)
Lana takes to Auradon immediately. By the end of the day, she’s caught on to plenty of things and talking to dozens of people. She even talked to Chad for a while, whether it was completely civil is up for debate. As promised, Kellan takes Lana to Ben and needless to say she had a lot of things to say to him. Ben had never been so intrigued by somebody the way he was with Lana at that moment.
It doesn’t take very long for Fairy Godmother to realize that Lana is way ahead of the others academically. “Please, the schools on the Isle are a joke. Maybe if you spent more time trying to educate people other than the royal kids we would have genuinely reformed villains kids” Her constant remarks are what land her in Remedial Goodness 101 with Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Mal.
Lana spends a lot of time learning the politics of everything and what the best way to get her friends off the Isle would be. She asks Ben a lot of questions, after all, who better to ask than the future king? More than a few times she’s been found sitting where ever faces the Isle, a guilt-ridden look on her face.
Lana quickly becomes a huge fan of tourney. Kellan drags her to practice one day and she gets probably way too into it. After one practice Kellan offers to show her the ropes and she quickly finds out she’s terrible at it. Nonetheless, she still enjoys watching and a couple Friday nights later she starts getting way too into the games.
After Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Mal get a call with their parents Lana gets one with her dad. They spend a good hour or two talking and only stop when Kellan joins them. “Oh hey Uncle Hades” “Kid, I’m not your uncle” “You kind of are though”
The longer she spends in Auradon, the better Lana gets at hiding how mischievous she really is. She’s able to talk her way out of whatever trouble she gets into. Usually anyway. Ben is the only one she just can’t seem to convince and it drives her insane.
Speaking of, she hates the fact that Mal opted to use a love potion on him. True love is a big concept on Auradon and although Lana didn’t quite believe in it herself it wasn’t fair to be manipulating it. It causes a huge rift in her already rocky friendship with Mal. “Oh come on, your dad is a villain just like our parents. Don’t act like you don’t want what we do” “Of course I do but manipulating somebody into thinking they love you just to use them to do your bidding is terrible on a whole other level!”
She may not agree with Mal’s method but she still takes her side after the whole incident on family day. Lana was easily the one who had fit in on Auradon the fastest and easiest. Her father had been declared a villain and so that made her a villain’s kid, despite people’s opinions that she ‘didn’t count’.
Later that day is the first time Lana’s hair turns to flames. Some snide comments from more than a few people set her off. She starts screaming profanities, her eyes go dark, and her hair turns to blue flames. She ends up being dragged away from the scene by Jay. It takes close to four hours for the flames to die down.
She has to be carefully guarded until everything dies down. It means Kellan gets into a lot of fights that week. At one point it’s the about the twelfth time he’s late to class and Lana has had enough. “What do you think you’re doing?” “I’m defending you” “I can handle myself, thank you very much” “Yeah well it’s been proven that you’re scary when you’re angry so trust me, getting punched by me is the better option”
Evie requests Lana’s help in getting their coronation outfits ready and the two of them have the time of their lives. One conversation leads to another and somehow they decide to create their own label if all goes well.
Lana’s thrown off by the entire coronation. She quickly comes to the realization that she doesn’t like the spotlight. A lot of her time is spent beside her family who all came down just for Ben’s coronation. She spends it mainly with Persephone, who reminds her of a lot of home and her father.
She’s a little bit surprised after the whole fiasco that happened at the coronation. But she can’t deny that the second Maleficent shows up she begins plotting how to get her friends off of the Isle. Her attention is taken, however, by Mal insisting that she wants to change. If she’s honest, she had no idea that was going to happen. But still, she helps defeat Maleficent and watches as everybody comes to again. “What was that?” “That was me taking into account what you said. Turns out you were right, Lana”
Lana and Evie offer to make Adelaide and Eva outfits for some event they both have to go to and they love them. Soon the two of them are getting commissions from most of the girls in school. They send Kellan and Jay on runs to get more materials for them and they quickly establish a system that works near perfectly.
Two months after the coronation Lana starts spending a suspicious amount of time with Ben. Suspicious in the sense that he always seems to be around, whether it’s while she’s hiding in Kellan’s room or running into him in the most random of places.
It works to her advantage eventually. Even as time passes she doesn’t forget about trying to get her friends off of the Isle of the Lost. She has her fair share of arguments with Ben about laws and proclamations and such. “It’s not as simple as you make it seem” “Isn’t it though? I’ve been through countless pages of documents and there’s not much standing in your way. You’re the King of Auradon, Ben!” “You are insufferable you know that?” “Likewise”
There is so much tension between the two of them and everybody starts noticing it. It isn’t until a conversation Lana has with Mal one day that she realizes it herself though. “You know even while under that love spell, which is one of the most powerful, mind you, Ben always found a way to bring you up” “No he didn’t” “Oh I can assure you, he did”
Lana is the most stubborn person and so the next day she very begrudgingly asks Ben if he wants to go to some postseason party Kellan is throwing with her because ��everyone says we have tension and I kind of think they’re right so here I am embarrassing myself and I get-” “It took you long enough” They’re officially dating the next morning.
Lana finally draws up a proposal that both Ben and his committee agree on and not even a week later Uma, Harry, Gil, and the rest of the crew are on Auradon. She is so excited and literally will not leave them alone. It’s then that she understands Kellan’s enthusiasm when she first arrived. “Lana that’s the fourth bathroom you’ve shown us, I think we’re okay for now”
Exactly a day later she’s causing trouble with them again and it’s like she never left them. Lana also may or may not have gotten a little emotional. “You said you’d get us here and you did” “How could I possibly leave you guys behind?”
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oh-my-otome · 7 years ago
I absolutely adore your thoughts on the psychological health within the SLBP characters! If you don’t mind, could you scale MidC, DtL, and IkeSen (pick whichever game you want!), too? If it’s not too much to ask ☺️
Hello, Precious! Let’s do all three!
Again, purely for fun! And, like the last time, there will be SPOILERS!
0=unstable, 50=borderline, 100=normal
MidCin, you’re up!
Louis (65):
Tsunderes, kuuderes and yanderes, by design, are not normal to begin with, because their logic only makes sense to themselves. 
Louis being both a kuudere and a yandere are what take his score down.
Frequently thinking it to himself, and sometimes saying it out loud, Louis has obsessive thoughts about wanting to keep his love interest to himself, and fantasizes about keeping her somewhere where only he can see.
He also thinks that acting like a frigid ass, like the nobles, will somehow save her from the nobles. 
Even though Louis falls deeply in love with the princess, he will also lie to her face without a hint of hesitation, undermine her hard work, and jeopardize the stability of the monarchy.
He also entertains a suicidal fantasy, and attempts to see it through.
Sid (80):
Even though he lies for a living, Sid praises honesty when it comes to his inner circle.
He has no qualms teasing Louis left and right, because he’s made it known to Louis that he wants to save him from himself. 
Finding himself trapped in a loveless engagement, Sid makes sure that his fiancée knows ahead of time that he doesn’t love her and never will. He gives her the chance to break it off, even making sure that she understands that he will take other lovers, and is only with her to get information about her father.
Because Sid always has to be “on,” in order to take advantage of any kind of situation, so that he gets the information he needs to do his job, Sid sometimes has a problem with reigning it in and just being himself– and not his trickster alter ego.
This causes communication problems between him and princess, but Sid always knows how to smooth it over.
In every case where parents are involved, in MidCin, Sid has the most positive and supporting relationship with his. 
He is close to his adopted father, who always has his back, and builds a positive relationship with his estranged parents.
Giles (70):
Anything– and I do mean A N Y T H I N G ! –that the princess does, whether positive or negative reflects on Giles. And I mean that the princess’ reactions reflect on Giles as a person and on his capacity as a Chamberlain who knows what he’s doing. 
We all give him crap for it, but one small mishap from princess could realistically cost Giles his entire life’s work, since the first thing out of anyone’s mouth would be to question why she wasn’t taught and trained better– which isn’t Leo’s job, but Giles’.
And “well, I told her not to!” isn’t a valid answer. It’s Giles’ job to ensure.
Understandably, we can see why he has a vested interest in breathing down Princess’ neck, all the time. It’s also why he’s always so stressed out, and persnickety.
To add to that, his family life is complicated, leaving him depressed and estranged. 
Giles is also sickly, and prone to bouts of fever, so his plate is quite full.
He works himself to the bone, and cant even get a decent amount of rest due to both lack of time, and a weak body.
Fortunately, Giles’ strong character keeps him running, even we he wants nothing more than to crawl into bed and cuddle up with his cat. 
Always able to be depended on, one would never know from looking at him that he’s hiding so much turmoil inside.
Alyn (75):
His biggest “quirk” is that he hates tomatoes. who can blame him
He’s pretty damn normal, aside from his random and intense one-sided feud with his twin brother, Leo. 
Alyn knows that his brother needs help, but doesn’t really do much to facilitate that, beyond throwing a few words of encouragement at his brother’s girlfriend.
His attitude toward Leo’s anguish is basically the embodiment of the phrase: “like pouring water on a drowning man.”
However, when he’s needed, Alyn will be there in a pinch, ready to make good on his promise to protect.
Although physically strong, he can be a bit of a pushover under the right conditions.
Leo (50):
You would think for someone who has women climbing into trebuchets in order to launch themselves at him, that Leo would be a little smoother than he is. 
What brings his score down so low is that Leo’s backstory isn’t just a backstory– it’s right there with him in the present. 
He (and Alyn) experience a trauma so deep that it continues into adulthood.
As such, Leo entertains the dangerous idea of pre-meditated murder in the hope of avenging his family, not realizing that he’s also contributing to its destruction.
Byron (65):
It’s supposed to be looked at as a way to get to know him, but not being aware of one’s own feelings– positive, negative, or neutral –and questioning whether it is “okay” to feel them, or express them, is neither normal nor cute.
Byron is also given to whims, either not giving a damn at all what the nobles say, or purposefully putting them in their place with ostentatious displays of affection.
Byron is very sweet to his romantic interest, but is also coldly indifferent to others who are close to him. 
He understands that he wields incredible power, but he’s not above making his own brother (Nico), another king (Alyn), and a close friend (Louis) essentially beg on their hands and knees before he’ll lift a finger to help them.
He can also be unnervingly detached, such as when he’s attacked in broad daylight and just shrugs it off while his best friend throws himself bodily in the way to block a sword.
Byron may not like his father, but the apple didn’t exactly fall far from the tree, either. 
They may not be exactly alike, as one wouldn’t expect them to be– they’re two different people –but he is definitely Gerald Wagner’s son, by blood and to some extent, personality.
Nico (65):
When the only thing that stops you from murdering a man in the middle of the woods is that your brother and his friend arrived just in time to prevent it, because they didn’t have much trouble following the trail of other people’s blood that you’ve been leaving, have a seat because you’re not normal.
Nico started out his young life as the bastard son of a king, who was forced by circumstances outside of his control to survive on the streets. 
Even when he was taken in by his brother, Nico was forced to live in two different worlds: in the light as someone that everyone in the castle can see and here, and know that he’s there, but also in the shadows, as his relationship to the royal family was still kept secret.
In that sense, the sins of the father were carried on by one of his sons, Byron, who wanted to rescue his brother, but also treated him to some extent like the nobles who had chased Nico and his mother from the castle.
Nico says himself that no one really takes him seriously about anything, and that his opinions don’t matter. 
Albert is very comfortable with making Nico his whipping boy right in front of Byron.
Byron, for his part, barely ever defends his brother.
All of this can’t be easy for Nico, who confesses to the first person he crushes on.
Not only that, he goes way out of his way, almost killing himself, to protect the person who truly loves him, and risks displacing a monarchy to ensure that he can maintain his relationship.
Albert (75):
Albert’s flippant nature stems from the fact that no one’s checked his ass, before Princess. 
If not for her, he would continue on forever, bowing and scraping before his king, without realizing that there can be loyalty beyond fealty, and devotion that transcends admiration and patriotism.
Through love, Albert comes to understand trust and forgiveness, and how to handle one’s emotions.
Albert likes to plan for every situation, but as a tsundere, he is also reactionary.
Robert (65):
Robert’s idea of dealing with the past is never talking about it, ever, which is neither helpful nor healthy.
He also likes to literally run away from his problems, and is just fine with up and leaving at a moment’s notice, with no regard for how that might potentially unnerve, frighten, or traumatize another person– in his case, a group of four specific individuals, all still technically children, who were close to him: Byron, Albert, Nico, and Princess.
While mature in every other regard, Robert is prone to lashing out verbally when people try to talk about his past, even in private. 
He also uses stone walling and pretending the incident didn’t happen, as defense mechanisms.
He will also actively ignore any past connections until doing otherwise suits his purposes, leaving the people he used to know in the awkward position of having to guess at whether they’re supposed to try to reach out to him, or go along with acting like strangers.
Now for DtL!
Todo (30):
Todo, first name Heisuke, is the identical twin of Kyo. 
Separated at birth, Todo grew up as the wealthy little lord (bocchama) of a crime-ridden family. 
At some point, that house fell, and Todo would frequently dream that was in a futuristic place.
In one dream, he discovered that he had a twin, Kyo. 
In his dreams, Todo would visit his brother regularly, and that’s when he realized that it wasn’t a dream at all!
Todo possesses the ability to travel across time, backwards and forwards, without restriction– and what he was seeing in his “dreams” was actually real.
Oh, and he’s also a pathokinetic empath who can control the emotions and physical well-being of others, most notably, Kyo.
Apparently, the knowledge that one has powers such as these will mess a person right up, and Todo proceeds to lose his damn mind.
Because time means nothing to him, death and life also mean nothing to him, since all he would have to do is press fast forward or rewind or whatever he does, and “fix” everything. 
It would also mean, if he chose to, he could go forward in time and know everything.
Living in an era where superstitions are still deeply rooted in the culture, Todo oscillates between understanding that Kyo is a completely separate person from himself, and thinking that Kyo is literally a part of him that was split off.
Kyo (70):
Pretty normal until he takes his NOTICE ME, SENPAI! act straight into outright threatening others to stay away from the woman he’s crushing on.
He is skeptical and hard-working.
Handsy, clingy and uncomfortably honest when drunk, Kyo is otherwise a good-natured person who enjoys helping others.
Yamazaki (85):
Yamazaki is as popular with the ladies as any other ikemen, but he is also insecure and occasionally distrusting of other’s intentions, particularly around women in the RLD, whom he suspects want to use him (he’s half-right).
He also lets Okita get away with far too much, but he also possesses the power to lay Okita out like a picnic blanket, if he wanted to, so maybe it’s a good thing that Yamazaki chooses to let so many of Okita’s shenanigans slide.
An unrepentant hand fetishist, Yamazaki may look and act innocent, but he’s a beast in the bedroom.
Saito (80):
Saito is secretive and mysterious, but also kind and helpful. 
He always keeps his promises, and trains his MC in self-defense so that she has an added layer of protection in an unfamiliar place, beyond ‘I know a bunch of samurai, so don’t mess with me.’
However, he can also be distant and secretive in a negative way, such as getting himself a fiancée when he’s still in love with his MC. 
Haru/Kirisato (45):
That moment when the year is 1864 and The Silence of the Lambs novel won’t be published until 124 years later, and you’re talking about someone else’s skin belonging to you– while being completely, creepily serious –is how you know you’re not normal and never will be.
That and the fact that he’s very firmly in yandere territory. 
Haru lives a double life as a spy, hitman, and courtesan, who seems to be keeping it all together, until he meets his love interest.
Keiki (60):
Not only does Keiki start out depressed, his own MC makes sure that he can barely climb his way back out, by actively traumatizing him when he needed her the most.
Keiki still carries the pain of watching a friend die in front of him, and as such, dislikes anything that reminds him that beauty– like life –is fleeting.
He is also surprisingly trusting, once he lets his guard down, and very fragile once his trust has been broken.
Kondo (90):
His biggest flaw is that he has no sense of direction, and that he loves animals, but they don’t love him,  AND THAT HE DOESN’T HAVE A ROUTE!
Sakamoto (85):
Stubborn and brusque, Sakamoto has a preternatural intuition that has saved him and The Exclusionists more than once.
Too bad it didn’t help in that alley!
Sakamoto is typically chased down and pestered by women, and to that end tries to make himself inconspicuous as much as possible, which is easy to do when you have flaming red hair.
He is thick-headed, but also sensitive, playful but considerate.
Okubo (85):
A graduate of the Byron Wagner School for Robots, Okubo doesn’t know what love is, but wants you to show him. 
But look out, because he is chock full of naughty kinks, such as being a very frisky and bold drunk, playing footsie, an unashamed ear kissing and biting fetish, and dominating during sex.
Okubo is very observant when he’s not reading at the speed of light, and his anger is prone to his whims– sometimes he briefly says what is bothering him, and other times he is quite angsty and demanding.
Although he often vague, he is a sincere person.
He is also forgetful, and has no qualms about mooching off of others.
Katsura (90):
Energetic and suave, calculating and capable, Katsura is surprisingly sensitive. 
Unable to leave others alone when they need him, he even goes so far as to politely ignore the fact that his former friend’s wife has been coming on to him for years, all because he doesn’t know how to say ‘no,’ without hurting her feelings.
Comfortably open about his hair fetish.
Okita (55):
Okita manages to be both gullible and naïve, which are not mutually exclusive.
His score is low because he is a yandere. He doesn’t find it odd in the slightest that the first thing to pop into in his mind is orchestrating another man’s death, rather than explaining the situation.
Because of his illness, Okita is understandably depressed and anxious, causing him to react to situations in ways that a healthy person wouldn’t.
He is also intensely loyal, and finds that a life spent living without the people he’s close to, is no life at all.
Hijikata (75):
Hijikata likes to take on more than he can chew, but at the same time, doing exactly that frustrates him. He’s super stressed, but finds it difficult to say no.
Like his real-life counterpart, Hijikata believes that someone must go down with the ship, and he has sworn undying loyalty to the Shinsengumi and the shogun, alike.
Because of his workload, and the fact that he is a light sleeper, Hijikata spends his days running on fumes, barely able to get any shut-eye, until he finds his MC.
Although his devotion to Kondo and Keiki is unshakable, Hijikata folds like a cheap suit when Kyo slides up to him and tells him to break up with his MC.
Doesn’t give a damn about anyone knowing that he likes women’s accessories, and wants to dress Yamazaki in women’s clothes.  
Yuki (90):
Gender-fluid, bi-sexual Yuki is almost always bubbly and positive. 
However, he is not above threatening others when he sees the need, as he doesn’t take kindly at all to having to watch the woman he likes be with a man whom he feels doesn’t deserve her.
His kimono shop is a legitimate business, but also a front where one can buy guns, swords and yes– smoke bombs!
He sometimes pretends to be drunk to get information, or further the romance of his love interest and her chosen partner.
He is stronger than Hijikata and Sakamoto. Combined. 
Yuki also has sword skills that make Saito weep.
Takasugi (55):
Retroactively forced into the kuudere box, Takasugi is now a kuu/tsun mix of volatile angst and depression, often using silence as a weapon just as much as his angry retorts.
Takasugi knows that his illness is getting the best of him, and uses others where he cannot succeed on his own.
Stubborn and prideful, Takasugi just wants to be loved, but doesn’t know how to be straightforward about it.
Your turn, IkeSen!
Nobunaga (75):
Nobunaga has inexhaustible trust and faith in his inner circle, and rather than treat them like lesser lords, he treats them like family.
Even as an adult, he still experiences the trauma of a failed assassination attempt, and cannot sleep comfortable until he meets his MC.
He is stubborn about his feelings, denying them and excusing them away, until they become so blatant that he can’t help but act on them.
Ieyasu (55):
Hard-headed and resistant, Ieyasu has a hard time letting others care for him. Quick to try to prove himself, Ieyasu is prove to bouts of seeking vengeance even when the situation is in control.
Obsessed with affirmations of love, Ieyasu is several different dere-types, most notably a yandere. 
He takes it personally when people have talent, but squander it.
Hideyoshi (60):
Loyal to the death, Hideyoshi is devoted to Nobunaga with every fiber of his being. 
When Nobunaga is believed dead, Hideyoshi proceeds nose dive into a pit of despair so deep that he can barely feel anything.
Mitsuhide (75):
Genuinely believing that there is nothing worth loving about him, Mitsuhide is a sadodere who enjoys teasing others– the closest thing to love that he thinks he’s allowed to have.
Because Mitsuhide keeps his feelings and secrets close to his chest, he is often mistaken as a villain, which exactly what he wants.
Mitsunari (80):
Obtuse and clueless, Mitsunari lovable and pure.
His score is lowered because he actively refuses, at his age, to learn to take care of himself, and has a co-dependent relationship with the other warlords, who merely joke or chastise him about it, rather than taking him aside and demanding that he get himself together, since he is in no capacity a child.
Kennyo (55):
Self-loathing, and chock full of martyr complex, Kennyo goes from murdering madman to regretful, forlorn monk at the speed of light.
His determination to see Nobunaga fall blinds him to the fact that he has other options such as forgiveness.
Shingen (90):
Laid back and chivalrous, Shingen is mature, and dependable to those in his inner circle.
He keeps his illness a secret, which is a personal choice.
Kenshin (50):
A yandere bent on keeping those close to him, Kenshin honestly believes that he cannot die. 
The first thing out of Kenshin’s mouth is that he won’t be cowed by a hostage, but the next time you turn around, he’s wrapping himself all kinds of ways around his MC’s (hostage) finger, the better to acquiesce to her every request.
As such, Kenshin experiences the cognitive dissonance of presenting himself one way, but behaving another.
Even knowing that that is how others see him, he is quick to defend himself when made fun of, as he doesn’t like his good intentions joked about.
Battle hungry and single-minded, Kenshin is often in the grip of ennui so strong that only extreme circumstances can pull him out.
Yukimura (70):
The only thing that brings Yukimura’s score down so low is his penchant for joking even when his MC has said she’s had enough, and the act that he’s extremely reactionary under the right circumstances, such as having sex on an unprotected battlefield and leaving his love interest there, deep asleep, with no shelter or anyone/thing to keep her safe.
Masamune (75):
Quixotic and capricious, Masamune is always raring to battle. He is preoccupied with appearing cool at any cost, but is also considerate and thoughtful.
His stubbornness is what cost him a higher score, as he contributes to his MC almost killing a man to prove herself, before he realizes that prattling about his own resolve has an effect on others’.
Sasuke (80):
Sasuke is incredibly smart, but he’s also a bit of a masochist, on top of being a huge fanboy.
He also subscribes to taking forever to notice/confess his feelings, but he is extremely loyal, and down-to-earth.
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mandalorian-mayhem · 7 years ago
★ Favorite things for all your ocs?
I’ve been trying fordays to do this thing but I was having complications. And because this requestis going to take like 40 years to complete if I literally used EVERYONE, you’rejust getting swtor ocs. I don’t make the rules, I just make the characters.
tagging @ikarralives because her ocs aretotally going to show up in this because I have a severe love for the ships.
This is all going under the cut.
GrandpaVywyn: Spending the holidayswith his family and getting to tell all the great-grandkids stories from whenhe was younger.
Dev: Running cons with his daughter, Nonicia. Hemissed out on a lot of her life because he was in prison, so he’ll take thebest father-daughter bonding he can get.
Malus: Controlling everything. His motives are notgood and you should be concerned with what he has planned.
Udo: meeting up with Lumaili for caf.
Orar: Spending time with Usatau. And later gettingto know Akiwo.
Usatau: Seeing the accomplishments of all herchildren. (Also the look that Orar gets while he’s cleaning his blaster and hegets all focused.)
Larana: Her sons, wife, and stepdaughter areliterally everything to her. But also knowing that one of her sons helped(indirectly) take Malus down is also something she is pretty damn pleased with.(Originally, Loreqo was supposed to be the one to kill Malus, with Lotharelignoring Malus’s demand for support and later joining the fight, but it waschanged to Yonnul because lost so much because of his father and the sith thatit felt right. THE MORE YOU KNOW.)
Rainee: Knowing that her work was actually helpingthe republic. But she also was a sucker for greasy diner food. (Where is she?No one knows.)
Tamau: The look on Myraala’s face when she’s tryingto process a joke. And knowing that all three of his daughters managed toinherit that look.
Myraala: Smuggling. And her kids. And Saechacontinuing the family business.
Idrinas: The sound of rain when she’s stuck insidewith a cup of tea and something good to read. And knowing that her daughtersare both safe and equipped to handle anything that comes their way.
Coryn: He gets a kick out of hearing Malani bitchabout people. And the way that Idrinas’ hair falls into her face in waves.
Nonicia: Spending quality time with her girlfriend. Orher dad. Mostly the girlfriend.
Rhori: Literally anything and everything about Sivanis her favorite. But if it has to be just one thing, it would probably be thatSivan chose to marry her of all the people in the galaxy and that after longmissions, they get to come home to each other.
Yonnul: Besides playing pranks on the jedi? He reallyloves the days when there are no planned parties and he, Hemile and Theron canall just chill out and have a day off.
Loreqo: Making things for Emin and Vector. Whetherit’s weaving something or sewing something or spending forever trying to make adish that just doesn’t turn out, it’s everything if he can make them smile.
Lotharel: Prior to being reunited with Keth, he verymuch enjoyed getting to know a variety of bounty hunters (Except for Rishuud,whom he never liked and will never like). He also likes rain.
Lumaili:Spending time with her father, Udo, and getting to know him. It’s not a veryjedi thing, but she quite enjoys getting caf with him.
Uliccol:When the morning light creeps over Talaar while she’s still asleep and he justgets to lay there a little longer and memorize her face and the way her hairfalls.
Numelia:Being free to choose is a huge part of her life and she loves it. She alsoloves when her kids try to sneak attack either herself or Torian. And alsogetting to spend time with her husband is definitely her favorite thing buteverything else is super high up there.
Akiwo: Getting to brag aboutPitha and Sahdrein. And the loth-cats. But damn if he doesn’t get all sappy ifhe is ever asked about if he is married. Because he totally will sit there andtalk about just how much he loves the both of them. This usually ends with himeither calling them to tell them how much he loves them… Or him coming home andadoring them.
Saecha:Surprising Sid. Hands down, she will surprise Sid by coming to visit or bysending her little things on a whim.
Karei: Getting things donefor the Resistance. If she can free her home, she will take pride in knowingshe did everything she could for it.
Pitha: Being the anonymousdonor for things that her husbands are passionate about. They eventually findout, but she tries to keep it quiet for a while because she just loves seeinghow their eyes light up when they talk about the things they enjoy and if shecan do something like that for them, she’s going to.
Sev’rana:After she leaves the Empire and is allowed to unapologetically be herself. Andthat she can openly be with Rast and Felix after that.
Malani:Force lightning. Force lightning is her favorite thing.
Rasee: Hearing all ofNundhiasa’s stories when she calls or visits. And spoiling his niece because hewould definitely hype Hirani up on sweets and then return her to Nundhiasa andwatch hell break loose.
Emlaiyaliya:Sleeping in or getting a day to herself where she can watch her holodramas withno one to judge her.
Nundhiasa:Pretty much doing anything at all with Talus and/or Hirani is her favorite.Especially around the holidays.
Eryata:Teasing Nun about that one thing that happened that one time and flirting withall of the ladies.
Rishuud:In short… Cekke. But I think he would fight anyone who referred to her as hisfavorite thing. He is crazy about her, though. He writes poems for her anddefinitely serenades her and figures out like 100 different ways to show her heloves her and she is pretty much the only person he wouldn’t correct if she calledhim Dzârrus.
Fallastia:When she finally gets Karei’s mind off the battlefield and they can finally relax.Or just remembering when Karei caught her at the spaceport and told her sheloved her. And lazy morning kisses.
L’eiva:Relaxing in the sunlight. Especially if there’s a nice, sandy beach to lay on.Even better if there’s a cute person on the beach with her.
Virith:Getting to spend time with her brother, Sicarth, and discussing the things thathave happened since their last meeting. But she also enjoys spending time awayfrom the rigid rules of the Jedi and getting a breather.
Sicarth:Despite the fact that he decided to focus more on the ideals of the jedi, hecan’t help but enjoy the time he gets to spend with Virith (and, as if topunish himself, getting to see that Yonnul is still okay is always nice forhim.)
Korr Treja:The fact that he works on the same squad as Rannei and he gets to see her allthe time, even if she’s yelling at him for getting himself hurt and now she hasto worry about him while she’s healing him and that is just distracting damnit.
Rannei:When Korr laughs, not just chuckles but really laughs, that’s one of herfavorite things. It means he is happy.
Kri’hi:The fact that Nexu squad has taken her in and treated her like family. It tookher a while to warm up to them, but she now feels super comfortable with them anddoesn’t think that any of them would defect like last time…
Ghiwa: Messing with the merchantkids and playing pranks on all of them when she can. And stealing things withTiryn. (But she won’t steal from the merchant kids because she knows just howhard they all work to make the money that they get and she wouldn’t do that to them.)
Tiryn: Surprise visiting hiswife while she is playing the merchant and chuckling to himself while she triesto keep her calm. And when she comes home and they can resume their usualbusiness. (He’s glad to have left the order to be with her. They have a lot offun adventures.)
Sela: While she loves the senseof calm she gets while blowing glass and making bits of jewelry, her favoritething is when Kazic sits with her and mindlessly discusses his day whiletending to the plants around the house.
Kazic: Decorating Sela’shair and glass creations with all sorts of flowers and making flower crowns.Sela also once made him a glass flower crown because she couldn’t make him anice one with real flowers so she made him one the way she knew best and it’s probablythe most precious thing to him.
Daesha:Picking pockets and impressing the ladies. Sure, it’s nice working with Dev andhis crew, but she really likes being able to just go back to her roots to stealfrom the rich and buy some ladies a drink or two.
Artus: Sparring withhis dad in hand-to-hand combat and learning cool mechanic stuff from his mom.And learning force things from the collective group of force-users willing totrain him.
Naiad: Playing pranks withIdash, even if it means getting in trouble with his mom. (And later, hecontinues playing pranks with Idash, but his favorite thing is that he marriedthem.)
Cecima: Showingup her brothers. She likes being a better shot than them while being one of theyoungest. (But later, one of her favorite things is noting different thingsabout how beautiful her crush is.)
Ritosh:Listening to his parents and siblings and trying to figure out things about them.And when one of his siblings say something like “are you seeing this?” becausehe can just go “No” and then sit there trying to figure out what he meant for amoment.
Idash: Playing awesomepranks with Naiad until they’re both in trouble. And later running jobs with theirfamily. (Idash loves running jobs with Naiad, though it does get tough when… aparticular incident happens. Then they wonder if it was all worth it for a bit)
Shakka:Visiting Hirani and getting to call her “little sister” and teaching her thingsabout being a twi’lek that her mother taught her back on Nar Shaddaa when she wasyoung.
Hirani:Any time that she gets to spend with Nun and Talus? Her favorite. Her stuffedakk dog? Her favorite. The real akk dog? Her favorite. Knowing that her adoptiveparents are, by no means, perfect, but they’re trying and they love her meanseverything to her.
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tonightwecan · 8 years ago
Sometimes opportunity just falls right into your lap. And Jace knew, as out of the corner of his eye he saw the littlest Morse come scampering down the corridor towards him, alone, that this was just that.
Catching any of the Morses alone was no easy task. Sidera could, once in a while, carry on in her own independence. Amaira, on the other hand, was nearly impossible. Jace knew especially knew this because he had tried, and the only opportunity he'd had was still within the same walls as her sister's, himself, and Radisson. It wasn't even so much that she was alone, just that no one had been paying attention to her.
The conversation with her, while originally intending to be entirely related to what may come today, ended up less as much as he'd expected. He could have easily gone right for the gold, pulling apart her pieces right before her. But it'd come as something of a revelation that he really didn't need to, or even want to. Instead he left her with some genuine advice. Though he wouldn't go as far as to say he cared if she took it.
He didn't expect to go as easy on Esmara. In all honesty, she had always been the one that bothered him the most.
“Hi Jace.” She greets, beaming.
“Annoying One!” He answers just as cheerfully, she giggles in response. “Where's Rad?” He asks, watching as her smile slightly falters. It's hardly noticeable, but he was specifically looking for it, so he does. He lets his fall open in playful fake surprise. “You don't know either?” That explains why she came looking for Jace, probably assuming he was the 'culprit'.
It was good to know all his hard work wasn't for nothing.
“I wouldn't worry about it, he likes time to himself sometimes.” He steps on, continuing his way out of the school. “I'm sure he'll stop hiding from you, eventually.”
She smiles, tightly. “Who said he was hiding?”
“Oh, I did.” The reply must not have been what she was expecting, because she didn't have anything lined up to shoot back. “You come on too strong, babygirl.”
“Excuse me?”
“Exactly what I said. You're too obvious. Too... desperate.”
There's more silence for a moment, then she's grinning again. “That's silly.” She picks up stride to keep up with him, to her credit doing a decent job of falling back into casual. “Besides, I hear that precious ex of his was a force herself.”
Oh, little one. You're making this too easy. “Oh you have no idea.” He replies with a snort. “But the difference is that he was just as obsessed with her as she was with him.” He pauses, admittedly entirely for effect. “Still is.”
Esmara stops. Jace notices right away, but carries on for a step to two just to be an asshole. Then he stops too, turning to see her. She shakes her head, still keeping up her casual act. “Nuh-uh. He's got Sid. He's got us.”
“You guys are a novelty. A rebound. A fun distraction.” One that Jace thinks Radisson's getting tired of all on his own.
Esmara laughs, once, and her attempt at a smile still lingers, but it's not that convincing, anymore.
“It happens to the best of us, E. Wanting someone who really just wants someone else.” It almost could have made him sympathize with her like he, in a way, had for her sister, if only Esmara wasn't so insufferable to begin with. “It must really suck for you, though, to not even be the second choice. Even your own Sidera gets better dibs than you, because she got to him first.”
He could leave it at that, but what's the fun in that? “And it was so close to being you.”
She blinks, still standing where she been through the whole thing. “What does that mean?”
“Oh, did neither of them ever tell you? I'm sure Sidera knows by now. The first time was a set-up. I planned the whole thing. Except that I had told him to go for you.” Or Amaira, but Jace had been naive at the time to ever think that would have worked, so he'll just leave that part out to really drive this home. “But it turns out Sidera was the cat who caught the goldfish.” He shrugs. “Tough luck, kid. Don't take it too hard, because even she doesn't-”
“Don't you ever get sick of hearing yourself talk, Jace?” Esmara interrupts.
Jace smirks, wide. “No, not really.”
“Well, I sure am.” She replies in her candy coated voice, finally moving again, blowing right past him and out of the building.
Right into his fucking lap, indeed.
Ziggy walks through the parking lot, on her way to locate the Ferrari, but stops short when she instead stumbles across a different familiar, much more vintage car. It's impossible to look at it and not be flooded with all the memories surrounding it. She remembers when she used to sneak out of the house and rush over it, parked across the street to drive off toward all sorts of new and exciting adventures. And that was only the beginning.
She missed it. She missed the car itself, and everything it stood for.
Before she can help herself, she's reaching out, running a finger along the cool, beige metal.
Ziggy's startled by the sound, quickly pulling her hand back and turning around, just in time for a fist to slam into her face. She screams, but it's quickly drowned out.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY.” Her assailant yells, continuing to throw punches. “Get the fuck away and stay away! He's not fucking yours anymore! He's hers. He's OURS.”
Ziggy's hardly even registering what's being said, because her fight or flight mode is kicking in, and if her mommas taught her anything, it's fight. She screams again, but this time it's aggressive and angry, and Ziggy throws a punch of her own, landing right on the girls own face. There's a yelp in response as she's knocked back, and Ziggy pounces.
They both fall to the concrete ground, Ziggy on top, continuing to throw punches. There's spots of blood on her rival's face, but she's not sure how Esmara is bleeding where they are, because it's not where Ziggy is hitting, but it doesn't matter. She can't stop herself, she just keeps wailing, even after Esmara stops hitting back and instead just tries to shield herself. They're both still screaming.
“Holy shit.”
Someone's pulling Ziggy off of Esmara. Jace is on her other side. Sidera and Amaira are helping Esmara off the ground.
“Rad!” Esmara yells, and Ziggy registers that that's who pulled her up. She scans the ground around her, Radisson, and all the triplets, and she lands on Jace, gaping at her.
“RAD.” Esmara yells again, this time sounding ten times more desperate. “She attacked me!”
“What!?” Ziggy snaps her head back up. “No!”
“Yeah, that's bullshit.” Jace speaks up. “Look at Ziggy's fucking face.”
Ziggy blinks and raises a hand to her face, realizing that the blood was coming from her nose the entire time. She looks at it on her own hands and gasps.
“You really think that Esmara couldn't have down that from fighting back?” Sidera adds. “She's bleeding too.”
“Yeah she is.” Jace replies, practically laughing. “She got her ass kicked.”
“You're not helping your own argument.”
“Stop.” Radisson says beside Ziggy, and it seems to work. Everyone quiets to look at him. He, however, is looking right at Ziggy. “It's not like her.”
“Radisson.” Esmara whines, while Sidera stares him down.
“You've got to be kidding me.”
Radisson sighs, stuck.
“You can't really be listening to their asses.” Jace speaks up, and Ziggy realizes she can feel his arm around her now. Whether he pulled her or she moved on her own she's not really sure.
Radisson seems to be thinking of what to say, but Sidera smirks, speaking up on her own. “Send them on their way and let's go home.”
'Go home' makes Ziggy want to start throwing punches again. It's supposed to be our home. She thinks, all logic about her being the one who made her choices she's been telling herself these past months be damned. She doesn't though.
Jace, however, isn't happy either. “No fucking way. Like hell I'm going to let you take their fucking side. Besides, the three of us have shit to talk about.”
“What?” Esmara practically growls.
“What?” Ziggy says as well, alarmed.
“Nuh-uh.” Is all Sidera says.
Radisson's running a distressed hand through his hair, thinking. Finally, he turns to look at Jace and Jace alone. “Not right now. If they're not going to let me, they literally won't let me. I won't be able to get rid of them.” He's speaking so candidly that Ziggy looks to the girls to see their reactions. Amaira doesn't seem to care, holding onto Esmara still, who seems the same amount angry she had been since this whole thing started. Sidera seems as if his statements are something she's proud of. “We can talk later.” Radisson concludes.
“This is bullshit. Whatever. Come on, Zig.” He turns, moving her with him. She goes easily. “We'll hang with War instead.”
After they reach the Ferrari, Ziggy sits in the passenger seat while Jace dabs at her face with a shirt found in the backseat. She doesn't have to ask how it got there, but she does wonder how expensive it is as her blood seeps into it.
“Remember when I was one doing that for you?” She asks instead, and he smirks.
“Yeah.” He replies, pulling the shirt away to look at her. “But to be fair, this is still my doing.”
Ziggy just blinks. “How?”
He shrugs. “Said some things to Esmara she didn't like. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind but-”
“What? I was doing it for you!”
“I don't need you to! And look where it got me!”
“It got you to look like a badass. You kicked the shit out of the little twat. It was awesome.”
Ziggy can't help but smile a little. “Yeah?”
“Oh don't be cute. You fucking know it.”
She laughs. “Yeah.”
He laughs too, then leans back to flop into his seat. “Do you still want me to apologize?”
That's his way to saying he doesn't want to, but he would. That's good enough. “No.” And honestly? It really was kind of satisfying.
“Holy shit.”
Ziggy looks out her window to find Warrick peering in. She grins a hello at him and steps out to flip the seat so that she can climb into the back, but he takes the opportunity to get a better look at her face. “You look gnarly.”
“Right?” Chimes Jace, leaning over. “Get in, we've got a fucking story to tell.”
Radisson chooses to take the girls to their dad's intentionally. Esmara doesn't seem to think anything of it, bursting out of the car and running to the door. Probably eager to tell her dad all about it. Judging from the driveway, though, he doesn't seem to be home. Amaira, though not as quick, follows silently behind. Sidera, in the seat next to Radisson, is the last to place her hand upon the handle.
“Wait.” Radisson says, and she does, turning her face to look at him. It's rather picturesque, Sidera sitting there in all her glory with the sunlight streaming in to illuminate her face and blonde hair, the red of her lips starkly standing out.
It should have more of an effect on him. It would have, once.
She's not going to say anything until he does, so he cuts right to the chase. “I need a break from Esmara.”
She pulls her hand fully away from the handle, turning towards him even more. “So, you actually are taking the side of that girl?” She asks, perfectly calmly.
That girl.
“I know her, like it or not. I'm not surprised that she would have fought back so fiercely. Not to that much of an extent, but I've seen lesser instances of her fighting for herself. But that's just the thing, she doesn't do it without provocation.” Sometimes she could even withstand more provocation than she ought to have.
“You don't think that maybe Esmara being involved with you is all the provocation she needs.”
“That brings me to my other point. This isn't just about today, Sid. It's been coming to this for a while. She's too much, sometimes.” Most of the time. “It's exhausting. I never signed up to date all three of you.”
“You didn't use to mind it.”
“No, I didn't. It was fun, back in high school. It's different now.”
“What exactly changed so much in two years that makes all of us less fun?”
Because now I know what I'm missing. He thinks, looking back to Jace and Ziggy walking away. Logistics and reason aside, he would be inclined to be on Ziggy's 'side' regardless, if just for the fact that her ferocity made him feel something. “In high school we had more going on. I had you guys, but I also had the guys. I had a life outside of it. If I'm being honest, sometimes it feels like you three,” that was unfair, because he knew that Amaira wasn't likely pulling any strings as much as she was just going along, but it seemed too direct to call out Sidera and Esmara specifically. “Are trying to steer me away from that.”
“You see Jace plenty. If he's not hanging around with us then he's taking you out with his boyfriend. And don't think that I don't know where you all go to 'hang out'.”
She was right. They did tend to end up at a certain diner with a certain waitress. “He's my best friend and now she's one of his, too. I can't avoid her forever. He's just trying to get us used to each other again.”
She stares him down, and he knows what she's thinking. That they were already getting used to each other again. That was true, too. Maybe being around Ziggy again was too easy now, more than it ought to be. Would it really be that unheard of for the two of them to just be friends?
He's thinking too hard about his own inner monologue that he forgets he was having a conversation with his actual current girlfriend, but she moves on by herself, anyway.
“What did he mean by 'the three of us have shit to talk about'?”
He sighs. He hadn't wanted to get into that, yet. Especially not with his current line of thinking. “They're doing this dance thing, apparently. He's been teaching her some things and I guess they're considering that one day they might actually consider doing it seriously.” He wants to be bewildered by the whole thing, but it kind of make sense. “He threw out the idea of me adding some of my 'musical talent' to the mix. On occasion. That's all.”
She continues to just watch him. “He's playing you. He's been playing you. I wouldn't be surprised if he- they set this whole thing up today.”
“I think that everyone needs to stop assuming I'm so playable.” It comes out chillier than he exactly intended, and the chill seeps into the air as Sidera sits unflinching. She doesn't retort anything back, and he has nothing else to say.
Finally, Sidera breaks the silence. “How long of a 'break' do you need?”
He shrugs. He's not usually fond of casual dismissal in serious conversations, because he knows first hand how infuriating it can be after having dealt with Jace for so long, but right now it's all he has.
“Am I supposed to tell her she shouldn't go to Jace's party?”
He sighs, slightly. “No.” Jace purposely brands his parties as ‘everyone's invited’, because his pride over his ability to be the best at having a good time outweighs any personal beefs he may have, so it'd be a dick move for Radisson to bring his own into the mix. “That's fine. We'll go from there.”
“Fine.” She agrees.
“Alright. I think I'm going to go home, now.”
“Okay.” She replies, leaning back into the seat. “Let's go.”
He looks to her, and she just smiles. “I'll tell her tomorrow.”
Arguing would be of no use. “Okay.”
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sidroth · 5 years ago
Sid Roth Interview Session with peggy joyce ruth
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Sid: Well are your young people red hot for the Messiah? Are you red hot for the Messiah? My guest Peggy Joyce Ruth has been challenged by God because she literally was entertaining a spirit of fear 25 years ago. And God said “All of the answers are found in Psalm 91.” So for the past 25 years she’s been studying Psalm 91. She wrote a book for the adults then she wrote the new one we’re talking about this week for children. I mean as young as 4 years old you can read it to them. I think that you can even it to children younger and the word of God will not return void but I believe that this can be even a Bible study for families or for house churches. When they hear the teaching this deep deep teaching on Psalm 91… Peggy you told me that every problem known to man is handled in Psalm 91?
Peggy Joyce:Yes.
Sid: And you also we were talking when we went on the air about your son had a disease and was it the same time that the Kennedy baby died of that same condition?
Peggy Joyce:Yes our son was born just a few months after the Kennedy baby had died and they both had the same membrane disease in their lungs and none of the hospital staff expected them to live and he was placed in an incubator for over a month. And this was just was when we were just first hearing this and getting a hold of it and to me it is so much fun to see how all the different ways which God works miraculously when you’re trusting in His word. When he had this disease the doctors… this doctor had only recently starting practicing medicine again because he had had 2 nephews that had died from this same disease, the doctor did. He had quit practicing medicine for awhile so that he could study and try to find a cure for it. Well, he had just come back to practice when Bill was born and so when he realized that Bill had the exact same disease that his nephews had he starting trying everything on Bill that he had read about during his studies. And miraculously Bill started responded to one of the methods it was as Epson salt enema if you can imagine.
Sid: Hm.
Peggy Joyce:So any way Bill then was perfectly okay and I thought how wonderful it was that there were many babies who had famous doctors in large city hospitals and yet here was our son in just a little rural town and God had this doctor who had done all of this research until he found a cure for the very disease that Bill had. So what I wanted the young people to know is that God works sometimes through human hands but He’s still the one doing the miracle, He’s still the healer. And so that son has grown up and loves God and he’s the one that I used in the back of the book to illustrate. I always put in my books a plan of salvation so that they can know the scriptures of how to get saved.
Sid: But you know the way you did that is so wonderful. I can see these young people that go through this book not only walking without fear but being evangelists.
Peggy Joyce:Yes, and see that’s my vision, that’s my goal because we want them to know that there’s a physical protection but the most important protection is the eternal protection. And I certainly don’t want to put a book out about physical protection and then leave off the eternal. And so these 3 pages of scripture on salvation and then a prayer and of course there’s no particular prayer that has to be prayed but you know it just gives them an idea of how they can pray and ask the Lord to come into their heart. And I didn’t want to just leave it that way since it’s a children’s book I gave them an example of how our son, when he was in the 4th grade, had marked all of these salvation scriptures in his Bible. And he later then had a friend, his best friend was Shane and Shane had come to spend the night and they wanted to put up their tent to sleep in the backyard and so just before bedtime Jack decided he would slip outside and just check on the boys and we half expected to find them asleep but when we got out there there was a light in the tent and we went over real quietly and there was Bill with his flashlight and his Bible and he was reading all of these salvation scriptures to his friend and telling him how to get saved. And we slipped back into the house and we had barely gotten in bed and we were just rejoicing on what was going on outside and the backdoor flew open and both of those boys just came flying into our bed and both of them saying “Dad wakeup we need to pray Shane wants to get saved.” And of course you know Bill could have led him in a prayer to receive Jesus but he had done the main part he had shown him the scriptures and he had shared the good news that God had made a way for everyone to come to Him. And so God not only wants all people to be saved He wants us to have a victorious life the years we’re living in this world too.
Sid: I’m reminded in your book where you talked about “I will not fear destruction,” as age 4 Skylar stopped breathing because he fell over a cliff with his bicycle and the X-rays showed that there was a bad break and the first vertebrae of his neck.
Peggy Joyce:Yes.
Sid: But his mother new about Psalm 91 what happened?
Peggy Joyce:His mother and his aunt are members of our church and they’ve been taught about Psalm 91 we’ve been teaching to our congregation for a long time. I mean they didn’t turn loose, they kept putting words. They kept having what they called their both nurses and they were having to give him rescue breaths on the way because he would quit breathing. And the X-ray clearing showed the break and when it did well they immediately helicoptered him to the children’s hospital. And they said that they stayed outside just quoting that word and quoting Psalm 91 and they said that when the doctors came out after a long time they just came out puzzled and they said “We do not understand it.” And they showed 2 sets of X-rays the first X-ray was taken in Commanche clearly showing the break. The next set of X-rays that they had taken just hours later and there was no break in his neck and we’re talking miracles, we’re talking about instantaneous miracles.
Sid:  I can’t wait to see your kids become super evangelists walking without fear, laying hands on the sick. And I believe that this is a Bible study for your entire family.
This is the conversation of Sid Roth and  peggy joyce ruth From the Show It's Supernatural.
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