#laura lawrence
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chozentoguchis · 6 months ago
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trashblog07 · 1 month ago
You just know amanda is that one fun aunt to Laura who loves to spoil her
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miyagi-hokarate · 1 month ago
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nymoshopper · 8 days ago
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My new favorite photos (why does he look so hot in black and white?)
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misterbenzadrine · 24 days ago
my fav side characters !!
okay since i was in denial about the show ending, i didn't really plan what i was gonna post on this blog ?? but i'm realizing i can post whatever i want about ck
so i'm gonna list my fav side characters (all the characters are fair game excluding johnny/daniel/kreese/silver/main six)
honorable mentions since i already posted them :3
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chozen, anthony, kenny, and devon
idk sweet and determined lowkey got anger issues and misunderstood gang, gotta love them. diagnosis: hmmm, in order of listing, bisexual, gay, gay, straight
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i don't love her bully beginning but i love her arc. and i love how she's perceived in fanon; any time she pops up in a fic i legitimately cheer like "yippee !" she makes me so happy. diagnosis: lesbian
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ahhhh chris he's so cutie !! he's really just here for the vibes, bro is such a cutie patootie. diagnosis: straight OR gay
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idk i've always liked bert, he's really just a chill guy fr. diagnosis: straight
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aisha robinson
AISHAAAA my shayla, love her sosososo much. she was one of my original favs, i loved her. diagnosis: lesbian
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laura lawrence-weinberg
she deserved the world idc, even if she had like five minutes total screen time. diagnosis: a sweetheart
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rosa diaz
ROOOOSSSAAAA i love her she's so funny. diagnosis: straight but there was that girl all those years ago
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carmen diaz
CARMENNNNN I LOVE HER i'm so sad she's only used as a plot device for miguel and johnny but that's a given. i love her sosososo much. diagnosis: straight sweetheart
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pawn shop guy
idk he's really funny to me. diagnosis: gay, this diva
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that's it, real simple, i just wanted to highlight these special little guys
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whoswearingthetrousers · 29 days ago
My question is why did it say that Laura died in 2007 I thought she died before Robby was born. In 2002. Like are these writers dumb on purpose or
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secretsandwritinggs · 1 month ago
I’m making a handcanon that baby Laura‘s middle name is Rose after Rosa, Carmen’s mother, in honor for both mothers. I think it’ll be incredibly sweet!
Now that I know the baby’s name, I think about incorporating her into the madness of the Lawrusso fam along with all the others: Carmen, Miguel, Rosa, Robby, Amanda, Anthony, Daniel, Sam and Tory! 🤭
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creepiecreator · 7 months ago
You Are My Sunshine
This was recommended to write by @lemon-leviathan, so you can blame them
Seth (Ponytail) being Johnny’s dad is one of my favorite little Never-Gonna-Be-Canon-Headcanons if you can’t tell.
Writing requests are very much open in my inbox
Most nights in the Lawrence home were cheerful ones. The home was warm, often full of laughter and joy, holding a welcoming aura. Not because the home itself, of course. But because of those who lived within it.
Unfortunately, however. Tonight was simply not one of those nights. For both Seth and Laura knew what would be coming the next day, they both knew that this would be their final night together for god only knows how long. When his number came up for the draft they both knew that he would have to ship out soon, they both knew the risk that lay ahead for the long haired man. But he didn’t have a choice, it wasn’t like he had the money to try to pay his way out of the draft like some dishonorable politicians kid. Seth didn’t have a choice, he had to go and fight for his country, leaving his beloved wife and child behind while doing so. God-that was the worst part of it all. Having to leave them here without him, not knowing what would happen to them with him gone-above all else he just wanted to ensure his family's happiness. And it seemed that night would be the last one he could for quite some time.
You’d figure, being as young as he was, that little Johnny wouldn’t be able to pick up on any of that. After all, the little one was only two years old so far. And yet, as soon as Seth had placed the toddler into his bed, the little one started to cry.
The blonde baby was completely inconsolable, screeching bloody murder with tears running down his face, sobbing so violently that, quite frankly, Seth was concerned that he would end up hurting himself. He wasted no time in quickly removing him from his crib once more. “Aw-C’mere Sunshine. It’s okay,” The words were spoken quietly, rubbing his back and swaying from side to side. “It’s alright, daddy’s here… You’re okay, little prince…nothing bad is going to happen to you, and nothing bad will happen to you if I have any say about it, I promise…there's no need to cry,”
He listened intently to his poor baby’s crying, shoulder damp with the infant’s tears as he tried to calm the poor Johnny, his screams and sobs slowly subsiding into soft, hiccup-filled whimpers. Or at least, they did until he had tried to place him down once again, getting some baby babble that sounded quite a lot like the word ‘no’ in response before his son once again burst into tears.
Truthfully, Seth thought that maybe something in Johnny’s little head was telling him that his daddy was going to be leaving him soon. “How can such a little thing have so many tears,” He murmured quietly, once again having to take the boy into his arms to try to sooth him. “You know I’m leaving tomorrow-don’t you?” He kept his voice barely above a whisper. “Don’t worry, I’m scared about it too, Sunshine. But we Lawrence men have to be brave for those we care about, got it?” He lifted the boy up into the air for a moment before swooping him back down into his arms, finally managing to get a little laugh out of the boy in between his tears, spotting his smile, Seth gave one in return. “There’s my happy boy! See, I knew you had that smile in you somewhere!” He cradled the little one close to his chest once more, knowing that when he had to wake up early the next day, that he’d be exhausted but…it was worth it to help his son. It always would be.
He carried him over to the window of the tiny nursery, looking across the streets of their neighborhood, appreciating the serene moment until he felt a tiny fist curl into his hair, yanking on it to get his attention. “Ow ow ow- Oh, Johnny, Sunshine, that's daddy’s hair-” he warned, still doing his best to keep his voice quiet as he carefully moved to remove his hair from the child’s grasp. “You’re gonna be a fighter when you grow up, aren’t you?” He laughed quietly, adjusting his grip. “Such a strong little guy for someone who still looks kinda like a bean bag- an adorable bean bag though,” He lightly poked Johnny’s nose, watching as big blue eyes kept trying to force themselves open. “Awe…even right now you’re fighting the sleep monster huh…?” He started to make his way back to the crib. “It’s alright, Johnny. Sleeping is a good thing. It’ll help you grow up even stronger than your old man,”
Seth placed him down onto the mattress, sitting down on the floor beside him and reaching one finger inside, so his boy could grab onto his hand. He leaned his head against the bars, unwilling to leave his side until he was certain that Johnny wouldn’t be in distress anymore, humming a soft little tune for him as his eyes slowly slipped closed. The brunette carefully removed his hand from the child’s grip after it had relaxed fully, though he didn’t move just yet. “It’ll be okay… Daddy will be home as soon as he can, I promise… I’ll do everything in my power to make it back to you, Sunshine,” And yet, he couldn’t help that looming sense of dread that hung over him while he spoke those reassuring words to his sleeping son. Carefully moving to stand and leave the room.
He headed back down into his bedroom, sinking down onto the soft mattress beside his Laura. The poor woman had been so exhausted lately. She must have fallen asleep while he was attending to Johnny. He couldn’t help but take the time to stare at her, tracing over features with his eyes several times over as he felt sleep call his name. She was so beautiful. And such a good mother to their boy. There was no doubt in his mind… Seth would have to make it home to see them again. No matter what.
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nyx-knacks-writes · 2 days ago
Mistakes and Change
Alright, so, something a little different today. Cobra Kai fanfic instead of Broadchurch or Takin' Over the Asylum. Spoilers for Season 2 onward. Sort of. I don't think I spoiled anything in Season 4, but IDK. Might make edits to this later. Enjoy a little jaunt through Robby Keene's mind as he gets ready for a date. Set sometime between the birth of the baby and the final matches of the Sekai Taikai. Comments are much appreciated.
Standing in the bathroom with a comb and a head full of decidedly uncooperative hair, Robby Keene found himself staring straight into his own eyes. Sour-apple green, he thought. People with green eyes in books or poetry were always described as having “emerald” eyes, or “leaf-green” eyes, or some other natural shade of green. But Robby couldn’t quite see his own eyes in that way. No, they were sour-apple green, like the green of a Laffy-Taffy that had been run over and contaminated with dirt and debris. A sort of grayer green, but not quite gray. Did that even make sense? No, not really. It was kind of self-deprecating, too. He needed to work on that. He sighed to himself and shook his head, running his comb through his hair in another attempt to tame the unruly locks. Honestly, he wondered, what was up with them? Usually his hair was the model of obedience, doing exactly what he wanted, when he wanted. But not today. For absolutely no good goddamn reason, not today. 
As the Great Hair War carried on with Colonel Comb and General Gel, Robby’s thoughts wandered to all those events that had brought him here. Looking back on it all, there were so many opportunities for him to have taken a different path. Where would he be if some things had just gone differently?
If he’d never seen his father hugging Miguel, he’d never have gone to get a job at LaRusso Auto. He’d probably still be running scams with Trey and Cruz in order to scrape money out of the pockets of the unsuspecting. Worse, he might have been addicted to something by this point. Yeah, that sounded about right. A high school dropout stealing and scamming to get by, addicted to… well, something. Weed. Molly. Coke. He’d eventually have gotten caught, one way or another, and then hello, prison. A shudder ran through his body as his thoughts turned toward his stint in juvenile detention. He’d had enough of that, thanks. No need to go to federal prison, too. Not that he’d ever have been in juvie if not for…
Miguel. Now, that was a whole other can of worms. A can of worms that was banging on the door and insisting that Robby get out and quit hogging it. Robby crossed the room, opened the door with a fierce scowl, and stopped short as a loud ringing filled his ears, drowning out the rest of the world. Miguel had flinched as the door swung open, eyes going wide and face sort of slackening. A wave of nausea rolled up in Robby's stomach, forcing him to back up and slam the door shut again.
“Hey, what gives?!”
Robby didn't answer. Robby didn't hear. The entire world seemed to jolt, and he was on the ground again, arm twisted behind him. The cool tiles of the school floor seemed to bite into his cheek as he struggled, and suddenly his arm was free and he became a whirlwind of fury, focused on only two things: End the fight. Get away from Miguel, get to safety. The world went black, and his foot connected with Miguel's body with a sickening muted thump. He stumbled backward, hit the railing, and…
Down he went, like a fallen angel cast out of Heaven. Honestly, Robby had thought that Miguel deserved some comeuppance for being such a prick to him and Sam, but not to that level. Not so harshly. As the scene passed through his eyes again, time seemed to slow. Tory's scream pierced the air, raw and uncontrolled, just as Miguel's shoes disappeared from view.
”Miguel!” It had echoed and reverberated through the foyer, bouncing off walls and burning itself into Robby’s brain. Even now, he could hear it bouncing off the walls of his skull, a burning brand that would beat at the edges of his conscience until the day he was buried six feet below. 
The whole fight had been raw and uncontrolled. Beyond uncontrolled. The thin rope of decency between the two dojos had already been fraying, but Tory's (admittedly justified, given the root of it) anger had been the fire to burn through that last strand that stood in the way of an all-out brawl. Alternatively and perhaps more aptly, it had been the nuclear warhead to level the fragile landscape of peace, only leaving behind a barren battlefield. 
“Dude, come on! What’s taking so long?” It was like being a fish on a line. The sound of Miguel’s voice yanked Robby back to the present, where he found himself shivering from a cold sweat. As though in a trance, he trudged to the door, pulled it open, and pushed past Miguel, yielding the space to his step-brother in favor of the sanctuary of his bedroom. Semi-sanctuary. He did have to share it with Miguel. After all, neither his father nor Ms. Diaz—Carmen? His step-mother? They’d never really addressed what he was supposed to call her. After all, it was kind of tense between them. He had kicked her kid over a railing, after all. Motherly love was probably a little much to ask for from her. Back to the present, sort of, neither of the original two renting parties had leased an apartment with more than three bedrooms. Thus, sharing it was. 
Robby meandered over to the cot on his side of the room—they were still working on getting him a proper bed—and hid his face in his hands, still reeling from the abrupt mental flashback to the school fight. He still remembered how it felt, the anger, shock, and shame when he realized exactly what he’d done. He still remembered darting to the railing after the sickening thud of Miguel’s body hitting the railing, remembered staring down at the broken boy beneath him, remembered the urge to throw up at the confirmation that he really was a bad kid, that he’d just made the worst mistake of his life because he failed to rein in his worst instincts and let himself calm down before acting. He remembered the horror in Sam’s face.
“Robby, what did you do?!”
Another sentence that would haunt him until he died. Another black space in his memory as he’d fled the scene, booking it to the LaRusso house to grab what he could carry and go. And another where he stole that damn Dodge Caravan. His recollection of the time between running off and being arrested wasn’t much clearer. It was just a blur of running, driving, hiding. The only thing that really stuck out was getting his hair cut. He’d slammed into the barbershop parking lot on the other side of town, hopped out like the thing was on fire, and slapped $30 he’d had stashed away into the hand of the nearest barber.
“Just cut it,” he’d said breathlessly. “I don’t care what you do, just make it different.”
The barber had shrugged unquestioningly, taken his scissors and razors and combs, and got to work, chopping off the earlobe-length strands he’d learned to love. At the end of it all, his hair certainly looked different. It covered his forehead. It had never covered his forehead. Good. It was different. He’d fled the shop like a bat out of Hell and never looked back, finding a local spot to hide among the rest of the homeless people. It left a bitter taste in his mouth. Rock bottom, thy name is 1993 Dodge Caravan. Even when things had been bad with his mother, at least he had a home to come back to. Now, with his mother in rehab and everyone else probably looking to turn him in or forget he existed in the first place… He had no one. 
He’d cried himself to sleep that night, curled up in the backseat of his stolen car beneath a dark bridge where no one would ever think to look for him. He’d keep going in the morning. He wouldn’t let them find him. No one would ever find him…
But then, of course, Mr. LaRusso did. And he’d wound up in juvie. Three months of hell. And then—
“Robby!” In the doorway stood his father, holding little Laura in his arms. Laura who was crying. Hard. Screaming, even. What on Earth— “Could you hold your sister for a moment? I need to take a whizz.”
Eloquent as always. Robby offered a reluctant nod and held out his arms for the baby, wincing as her screams came closer to his ears. A small drop facilitated the transfer, hardly more than an inch or so, and off Johnny went, banging on the door to the bathroom to insist that Miguel vacate the premises. Meanwhile, Robby gazed down at his tiny squalling sister. Blue eyes, a tiny button nose, and dark, curly hair. And lobster-red skin, at least on her face. He had no idea what was wrong, but the kid could cry like anything. Standing up, Robby shifted Laura to rest against his shoulder, swaying her back and forth even as she screamed into his ear. Maybe she was tired? He started humming softly, to the tune of Patrick Swayze’s “She’s Like the Wind”. Thanks to his mom for having him watch Dirty Dancing a million and a half times. And to himself for liking the movie to watch it even more times. Most of the rest of the music he listened to wouldn’t exactly soothe the baby. He didn’t think so, anyway. Back and forth, around the room, and through the apartment he went, still swaying, still humming, and even praying, just a little, that maybe she’d calm down. Around and around and around he went, wondering what the hell was taking his father so long to come back.
Not that he wanted to give up the baby quite yet. Of all the people in the house, he was almost certain he’d held Laura the least. In a way, he was okay with that. After all, he was the screwup. The black sheep. Why should he be trusted with the baby? And besides, she was his father’s do-over. As though Miguel hadn’t been do-over enough himself. Oh no no, now Johnny Lawrence got to start over from scratch. Wonderful. In the immortal words of Barney Stinson, “if you were gonna be some lame suburban dad, why couldn’t you have been that for me?” All the same, Laura was his baby sister. He wished he was able to spend more time with her. Robby held the baby just a little tighter for a moment before loosening his grip.
“It’s not your fault,” he muttered, turning his head to kiss her hair. “It’s not your fault at all. You didn’t ask for this.”
Laura gazed up at him with those big, blue eyes, her cries dying in her throat. Strange. The brush of his lips against her head must’ve ticked, or something. She did like to be tickled… Lightbulb.
Robby shifted so that his sister was held against his chest, her little face just at the right level for him to pepper with kisses, causing her to shriek and squirm and giggle away, hands flailing before grasping at his still-messy hair and yanking the living daylights out of it.
“Hey, hey hey hey! Leave your brother alone, quit yanking on his hair…” Johnny to the rescue. He carefully pried Laura’s hands away from Robby’s hair, setting them back on his shoulders. “Thanks for calming her down, dunno how you did it… Maybe we should hand her off to you more often.” He ruffled Robby’s hair and carefully took the baby back. “Wait, weren’t you getting ready for a date?”
“Yup. And I am totally late now.” He finger-combed his hair back and it miraculously laid down as he wanted. “See you in a couple of hours.”
“See ya, kiddo.”
And thus, he was out the door, checking his phone to see that Tory was calling him. Right on cue.
“Sorry, got held up at home. See you soon, yeah? Don’t play the strength game without me. I mean it, I want to see for myself how hard you can hit it. And then I want to hit it even harder.” He laughed. “Yeah, yeah, smartass. See you soon.” He laughed and hung up the phone. 
Maybe it had been a bumpy ride to get to the present. He’d made mistakes, and others had, too. But that was in the past. As much as he tortured himself for it, it was time to move on. He’d paid his dues. And though the future looked uncertain, well… One way or another, everything would work out alright. A cautious little seed of optimism bloomed in his heart. Everything was okay for now. As long as he stuck it out, kept his balance, watched his temper… What could go wrong?
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landslided · 1 year ago
What are your headcanons for Laura Lawrence 👀
GREAT QUESTION, ANON!!! i have many!
blanket statement of these are my personal headcanons which are obviously not gospel truth and don't need to be agreed with, these are just what i believe/enjoy writing about for laura lawrence.
TW: alcoholism, abortion, cancer.
i think laura was a teen mom; i think she had johnny around seventeen with a guy who was just passing by and her parents threw her out.
she didn't graduate and she got her GED. she was very very good at math and kind of wanted to become a teacher before she got pregnant.
i think she had a kind of holistic, surfer girl, live-with-the-waves vibe and she and johnny went to the beach A LOT when he was a kid because it was free to just walk around and swim.
she had lots of little jobs before meeting sid. johnny's best memory is when she was working at an ice cream parlor. she had a whole baby blue uniform and the owner was really nice.
when she met sid, he promised her that she'd be able to go back to school, maybe even go to university when they got married. quite quickly she found out he was lying.
she developed an alcohol problem four years after her marriage to sid.
around the fifth year into her marriage with sid, she found out she was pregnant and got an abortion in secret. a few months later she told sid she had to go visit an old relative in atlanta and that she'd be back soon, instead, she went to san franciqco and got a hysterectomy.
her full name is laura jean lawrence, i know the show wants me to think her maiden name was brown and that lawrence is the name of some mysterious guy but i refuse <3 johnny has his mother's name because i said so.
she was a huge rock n roll fan, all of johnny's tapes were her's first.
she was very isolated in the hills: she didn't relate to anyone in the country club and she had the bad reputation of being a gold digger. she lost track of johnny's life around that time because of the alcohol and she was never really able to pick it back up afterwards.
she went to johnny's first-ever tournament but after seeing him bleed on the mat, she settled by giving him some money for milkshakes with his friends afterwards and ironing his gi herself.
her only friend was sid's maid, an older woman named georgia who was the only person in the world who knew that laura had to get her stomach pumped three times.
the cobras all called her laura and not mrs weinberg. she liked dutch the most even though he was the most troublesome.
johnny didn't tell her about what happened in the parking lot with kreese up until sid saw the paper stalking about the accident and told her. she cried for a full day, locked in her room. the next day, she went by the cobra kai dojo at night, aware that it had already closed, and threw a brick through the window.
she sporadically sent johnny money after he moved out until she got sick and sid started making the checks.
she got liver cancer when she was 52, it all went very very fast.
she wasn't the best mom in the world; johnny made her a saint in his mind after her death but she was short-tempered and prideful. she was also loving and funny and creative, she had good sides and bad sides, like every living being.
i like to think robby looks like her a lot.
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bollface · 9 months ago
Anyone please! Make a fic with like Robby or like some kid in Miyagi-Do or Eagle fang finding like a year book picture of Johnny, video tapes of him singing and playing thw drums/guitar, or like baby pictures of him and his mom.
They seem to be the type of mom and son duo to dance and sing together when the husband isn't home.
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miyagi-hokarate · 10 months ago
RIP Laura Lawrence I know you would have loved Lucille LaRusso
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nymoshopper · 1 year ago
I would really like season 6 of Cobra Kai to better address Laura Lawrence, Johnny's mother, her certain negligence is notorious, but even so, the little fanatic of karate, rock and conspiracies admired her and is still shaken by the death of his beloved mother. It would be interesting if Johnny visited her grave or the writers gave us an exact glimpse of what Laura really was like and, certainly, how she would react to who Johnny Lawrence is now.
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I did get lazy because I’m sick right now and really tired but;
Uhh yeah that’s all I really have to say :]
shit quality drawings but, sound on.
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curiousdamage · 11 months ago
1 & 12 for Laura Lawrence, 27 & 37 for Annie Bray Slicker
What does her bedroom look like? At Johnny's apartment, the walls are covered with posters. She has a dresser and a desk. Make up covers the dresser and she has a computer on the desk. She has a picture board on the wall behind her bed with pictures of all her friends on it.
At Shannon's, her room is more sparse. She has to keep everything neat and tidy, so she doesn't have much on the walls or cluttering her furniture, but she does have a picture of her and Hawk at his sister's Bah Mitzah and one of her whole family on her nightstand.
12. Favorite book Genre:
Anything fantasy or romance. Double points if both.
27. What is their biggest regret:
Not standing up to her mother. She always just tried to keep the peace, give her mother space, take care of everyone, but in the end, it didn't help. If she could have known that nothing would make her mother be kinder to her, she'd have stood up to her years before.
On a lighter note, she wishes she had fooled around with Jake before they were married. Eloping gave her that reputation anyway, so she might as well have had the fun of it too.
37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision making?
Depends on what the decision is. If it's about the ranch, the store, or any other business, she's analytical. If it's personal, she's completely ruled by emotions.
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classfelidae · 2 months ago
Mandy picks her roses!
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