#she is so very naughty….
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swellowmypride · 10 months ago
the only god that fish respects is herself
if the guardian appeared she'd eat it just like any other bird
Oh goodness… I— I assume this is about that Magikarp…
Brrr… Guardian above, how horrifying…
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samipekoe · 1 year ago
who's ready for the year of farcille
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luetta · 2 years ago
touching and teasing a robot girl and then making her print an event log, so you can see all of the simulations she ran while it was happening about what she thinks, hopes, dreads would've been happening next
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chimchiri · 4 months ago
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something went up on Patreon 🍑
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lesbiancloudtail · 7 months ago
i love my little peluche so much 🥺
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
It was a knock at the door that pulled Ingo out of a deep slumber.
It was not frantic, not a sound that had him leaping out of his bed in a panic, but it was firm. Insistent. It compelled him to emerge from the warm comfort of his blankets, piled and wrapped atop of a straw bed to block the chill of the night, and to the thin wooden door blocking the chill and snow. He stumbled in the dark, tripping over smoothed wood and catching himself on the wall of the hut. His hand grasped the coat he’d hung up before crawling into bed and he pulled it down, wrapping it around himself like a protective cloak. Still with no light, and no real thought process beyond answer the door, Ingo pulled it open.
“How may I-” he began the sentence through a yawn, cut off midway by the sight before him.
The ground was lit by the moon in the sky, bright enough that Ingo could clearly see the person who had woken him up. It was impossible to determine an immediate gender so Ingo didn’t even bother to try. Whoever they were had long hair, a light gold that nearly appeared white in the moonlight. They had a long, stern nose with a flat bridge. Their gaze was flat and serious, lips thin as they stared down - very, very far down - at Ingo. At full height Ingo was a few inches taller than those around him within the village, but this person made him feel like a child. If his head came up to their chest he would be surprised. They were dressed in what appeared to be an old-fashioned white robe, the wind carrying across the valley lifting it gently before placing it back down as though it was the most delicate fabric. Intricate golden details laced the trim. Perhaps it was the sleep but it seemed to Ingo’s mind that the trim was… moving. One moment he thought there was a sun rising over a valley, and in the next it seemed to be some sort of battle between two pokemon. Hands appeared and disappeared, a wave of appraisal and worship before sinking down into a wave.
Rubbing his eyes to clear the odd sight - and upon second glance, the delicate lace no longer slipped through design - Ingo took a second look. Their height had not decreased at all but he was able to notice something new. Something that, somehow, he had missed in his awed staring. The person’s arms were wrapped around their chest in a cradling position. A blanket, the color of which he’d never seen before, was swaddled tightly. Though the hold was confident there was also a looseness to it that sent alarm bells ringing through Ingo’s mind, waking him up further. As he opened his mouth to speak the bundle moved, a tiny fist raising itself from the blanket and pounding on the person’s chest. Barely a moment later, a piercing cry erupted from the blanket as well. The stranger did not blink. They barely seemed to notice the noise at all. Their hooded green gaze had not left Ingo’s face.
“Is that- are you carrying a child? Are you hurt? Are they hurt? Here, please- come inside, I’ll get a fire started! It’s awfully cold tonight; a baby shouldn’t be out in this weather.” Ingo reached out impulsively, grasping for a sleeve and ending up with an arm ful of wailing baby. He pulled the child close to his chest in surprise, looking down into light eyes full of tears. The infant hiccuped through their tears, arm waving furiously. He grasped the limb gently to protect his own face only for his hand to be pulled down towards the babe’s face. They immediately began gnawing on his fingers, the wail dying gradually as they found something to occupy themself. The cold was forgotten.
Something clicked into place.
“Warden Ingo,” the person before him finally spoke, pulling Ingo’s gaze reluctantly away from the baby, “I leave her to you.”
“I’m sorry? I’m- I’m not a Warden? I'm just- a guest. Why are you- are you leaving? Are you leaving your child behind?” Anger rose in his chest. Was this infant being abandoned? Directly into his arms?!
“She was never meant to join this world. She was not part of my plan. I heard the world cry and there she was.”
“Do you need help? If you can’t raise her on your own you may join the village, I’m sure. They would be willing to take in a parent in need!”
“I am not her parent. I brought her into existence but she is not mine. She never has been and never will be.” There was a darkness in the person’s eyes, a bitter sort of anger laying under those words. They were sharp, pointed enough that the baby wiggled in Ingo’s arms and let out a high-pitched whine. Immediately he rubbed their - her? - cheek, the whine slipping into a gurgle. His fingers were pulled and tugged on until the baby managed to slip a fingertip into their mouth, chewing on his limb. Ingo’s gaze never left the person’s before him, though they finally dared to look away from him. Their flat expression became something like a sneer as they looked down before it was schooled into disinterest once again.
“As you were never meant to be here either, I leave her to you. I would bid that you take care not to lose her and do not tell others where she came from.” The person slid their hands into their sleeves, the gold filigree flashing blindingly bright as the sleeves made contact. Ingo turned away to block his and the child’s eyes. “Not even I know where she may end up next time.”
When the light faded and Ingo could look again the person was gone. He took several steps forward, looking around to try and see where they had vanished to, but not even the snow gave a hint at what direction the person had gone in. Only the moon looked down at Ingo, the light solemn and soft. He turned his gaze to the infant in his arms; cheeks were being carelessly bitten by the wind and turning red, eyes wrinkled up in discomfort and watery, but his finger remained chewed on. Despite the infant’s abandonment, they didn’t appear disturbed. In fact they appeared… content. As the chill nipped insistently at Ingo’s bare feet, driving him back into his hut to pull the door shut, so did the baby’s eyes. They let out a gurgling noise, grip tightening on Ingo’s fingers, and then they began to snore.
Ingo rubbed his face, trudging back towards his bed. There were things he needed to do and yet- something pushed him towards the blankets. He pushed them to the side, keeping the infant in one hand while removing his long coat. Using it and a blanket he created a nest to cradle the little one in. As he set the child inside, covering them with one of his sleeves, they sighed in what he could have mistaken for content. One chubby fist grabbed the wristband of his coat while the other migrated to the infant’s mouth, thumb settling into place as though it belonged there. Half awake and half aware, Ingo prepared his own blankets upon his straw bed. He put the infant between himself and the wall, and then hesitated before moving them between himself and the opening of the room. Then he hesitated again- the wall would be colder, but perhaps safer, right? If the baby was facing the room it might roll out of the blankets and fall off the bed. It wasn’t a long drop by any means, but still! He swapped the child to the other side once again, wrapping another blanket around and over the nest, and then laid there.
What had just happened? Where had the baby’s parent gone? They had said they weren’t, but where else could it have come from? Had it been stolen?
Despite his concern that these thoughts would keep him awake, another force pulled Ingo’s eyelids down and he drifted off to sleep.
It was a knock at the door that pulled Ingo out of slumber.
The sound was quick and heavy, quickly joined by a voice.
“Mr Ingo! Are you awake?”
It was not so much a genuine question as much as it was a wakeup call. One that he was used to at this point. Several months among the Pearl Clan had helped him come to understand not only their language but their habits- he was needed, and so they were waking him.
Sunlight warmed the wooden floor as Ingo slipped out from under his blankets and padded across the floor. His head felt fuzzy and he felt a little confused; his jacket was not hanging up where he had put it the night before and there was a small snowdrift on one side of the door. He looked at it curiously, trying to figure out where it had come from, as he opened the door.
Irida stood before him, her gaze slightly narrowed and her brows drawn tight. Rather than angry he could see the stress in her expression, the way she held herself. He wondered what had happened.
“Good morning, Miss Irida.” ingo said. “How may I be of help?”
“Mr Ingo, it’s almost afternoon. We had a large amount of snowfall last night and need your help. Since you’re an early riser we thought you had already gone out- are you ill to have slept so long?” She asked. “We can’t have anyone else getting sick not so soon after the last wave!”
Ingo blinked, shaking his head and raising a hand. He had arrived, lost and freezing, to the Pearl Clan at the tail end of a lingering sickness. Though he had been cold he had also been healthy and immediately stepped in to help the recovering clan; distrustful members had warily guided the confused man around the territory to gather berries and check game. They doubted his memory loss but couldn’t afford to deny his aid. To many he had been a necessary evil. To some, he still was. To Irida, who was still young but in the running to lead the clan, he was a goal.
“I apologize, Miss Irida. I woke up last night after having a very strange dream. It must have taken me a while to fall asleep, if I indeed slept until noon. I will get ready to help.”
He went to close the door so he could dress, sighing out, “the moon was so bright it seemed to be daylight.”
Irida shot him a look.
“Mr Ingo, there was no moon at all last night.” She stated. “It’s why we didn’t see the amount of snow until this morning, despite the watch.”
Ingo froze.
“No,” he said slowly, “no, there very much was a moon. In fact, there was a person as well. They-”
From his bed came a piercing wail. Ingo froze and Irida jumped.
“Mr Ingo,” she said after a moment of listening to the crying child, “is that a baby?”
Pulled out of his panic by her words Ingo rushed to pick the child up. A terrible smell greeted his nose as he removed the baby from the nest of blankets and coat.
“There was a moon,” he said as he stared at the crying child, “it was full and bright, and-”
“Moon later, baby now.” Irida said, taking the infant from his hands. She paused, and then glared at him. “Baby explanation later, baby cleanup now. Where do you keep your changing supplies?”
“She was a… a gift,” Ingo replied dumbly; somehow it felt like the right description, “I have nothing.”
Irida stared at him in complete confusion and irritation before she sighed.
“Baby explanation later, finding the baby new nappies and…. ergh, new clothes now.” She exited his hut with the wailing child. As if pulled by a string Ingo followed, barely slipping his shoes on before stumbling into the soft snow that had yet to be cleared from in front of his home. He ignored the stares as Irida marched - baby held in front of her like a shield - to the home of Calaba. The old Warden was opening the door before they were within ten feet of the house, watching them approach with barely concealed displeasure. She allowed them in with pursed lips and the shake of her head.
Ingo dreaded to know what she was thinking.
As he watched Irida strip the infant to clean her, all the while narrating what she was doing as if Ingo was paying that much attention, one set of words caught his ear.
“I’m sorry, Miss Irida, I am- I am a little… a little off course. Could you please repeat yourself?”
She shot him an irritated glare over her shoulder. This one was truly angry with him; he would be sure to get an earful later. Though she was mostly fair she was also a hot-headed young woman determined to become the next lead of the clan. It was possible this had just hurt her chances.
“I said, Mr Ingo, what’s her name?”
“Her name?” He repeated, “I- I don’t know. They… she didn’t come with a name.”
“They normally don’t,” Calaba snapped from behind him, “which is why their parents give them one. She may be a little young for a name yet- she doesn’t look that old. You moved awfully quick Mr Ingo.” Her tone left no room for doubt- she believed that he had impregnated someone and left them, only for them to return the favor and deposit the baby on his doorstep.
“Warden Calaba, she’s not mine. Someone- someone stopped by last night, in the full moon, and gave her to me. Surely one of the watch noticed them!” He turned to her in an attempt to defend himself. Calaba snorted and crossed her arms.
“It was a new moon, Mr Ingo. There was no light at all. Perhaps you made your own light- did you track someone down and take their child?”
“I would never! That is- that is a horrible thing to insinuate, Warden Calaba, regardless of your affection or lack thereof for me! There were no footprints outside my door, were there? I couldn’t have gone anywhere!” He spun to face Irida. She was tying a new diaper onto the baby, ignoring the wails in her ears.
“With the amount of snowfall last night, footsteps would’ve disappeared quickly Mr Ingo.” She answered sorrowfully. She was loathe to agree with Warden Calaba and her harsh tongue.
“Do you believe I stole this child?” Ingo demanded of her.
Irida finished wrapping the infant, handing her back to Ingo. Only once she was in his arms, face buried in his chest as she gripped his tunic tightly with chubby fists, did she quiet. WIth her wails ceased the silence prevailed in the room as Ingo stared at Irida, who looked between himself and Calaba. If the warden didn’t like her, her chances of achieving leadership would drop even further.
“No,” Irida finally said, “in all the time you’ve been here, you haven’t come off as that sort of person, regardless of how others have seen you. But the baby-”
“I don’t know where she came from. I awoke to a knock at my door last night and someone gave her to me. They did not introduce themselves, only told me not to lose her, and then they left. I thought it was a dream until she began to cry after soiling herself.” Ingo said firmly. He turned to look at Calaba as he spoke, meeting her impassive gaze firmly. There was a tense moment until she grunted and looked away.
“So a mystery person dropped a baby onto a stranger’s lap.” She muttered.
“I’ll organize a search party,” Irida said, “a couple. If they were around last night then they must be nearby- the snow was falling much too heavy and quickly for them to have gotten far.”
Ingo understood the insinuation- they were, most likely, looking for a corpse.
“Until then… we should find her a home with a wetnurse, and-” Irida went to take the child from Ingo despite having just deposited her back into his arms. He tightened his grip just as Irida’s hands clasped onto her sides. Feeling the other touch the baby began to scream. Irida immediately stepped back, covering her ears, while Ingo turned away and rocked from side to side. She quieted after a few moments, gurgling quietly against his chest once more. Ingo and Irida looked at each other. She reached out to take the baby again. Ingo didn’t tighten his grasp this time, slightly holding her away from him, but as soon as Irida touched her she opened her mouth to scream once more.
Irida stepped back, expression turning to confusion. “She won’t let me take her.” She said.
Calaba scoffed.
“She’s an infant. Give her here, she’ll quiet down if you just hold her a moment.” She demanded.
Ingo reluctantly handed the baby over. Just like with Irida, as soon as Calaba had a hold of her she began to shriek her displeasure. Calaba pulled her close and began to rock her as Ingo had, but as the minutes passed on the shrieking turned to sobs. Like the night before the baby raised her fists, pounding on Calaba’s chest to express her displeasure. One of them must have nailed the older woman well because she let out a surprised breath, her arms’ hold weakening momentarily. Ingo was there in a heartbeat, reaching out to take hold of the girl.
Once she was back in his arms she began to grow quiet, wrapping a hand in his tunic as her sobs turned to crying, turning to whines that quieted into hiccuping breaths as he rocked her. Her teary eyes met his gaze with an unexpected intensity. She held onto his tunic in a way that, were she an adult, Ingo would believe to be some desperation. Don’t let me go, she seemed to be begging, don’t let them take me away!
I won’t, Ingo thought back, I won’t let them take you. I promise.
“Well,” Irida said after a moment, “I believe that she wishes to stay with Ingo.”
“Hmph. She’ll still need a wetnurse unless he’s hiding milk behind that tunic.” Calaba said the words dismissively. “He’ll also need to learn how to change her, and get her clothes, and-”
“Akari.” Ingo said, breaking the sentence.
“Who? We don’t have an Akari in the village. Is that her mother?” Irida asked, approaching. She kept a distance from the baby, preparing to step back in case the screaming started once more. Wrapped in Ingo’s arms the baby met her gaze placidly.
“No. It’s… her. Her name.” Ingo trailed a finger from the girl’s forehead, where small wisps of dark hair were already threatening to fall in her face, down over her nose. She smiled and giggled, wrapping a hand around Ingo’s finger and shaking it. Ingo couldn’t help but think she must feel excited.
“Her name is Akari.”
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collectivecloseness · 2 years ago
I thought of this because of my last Joyce ask, but it was just too long to add onto the end of it. A scale of which st character, if they’re being dom, is the least likely to give in when you’re being naughty
(Inc: Joyce, Nancy, Eddie, Robin, Steve)
Steve can’t help it. He’s a big softie. He’ll try, but the second he sees you begging or upset, he gets panicked and has to stop because “wait are you actually upset??” Also, he hates disappointing you. And he really wants to kiss you anyways!
Steve rolls over for you a lot of the time. You might have to ask, like, once, or twice. Sometimes he forgets you asked him to be dom in that round, so he just adjusts like normal anyways. Why wouldn’t he? Besides, you said you liked that he rolled over anyway, you said it was cute! So there, why would he stop.
Robin is next. Even though she’s good at being a dom, if you ask twice or more and your tone really hasn’t changed/gotten more desperate, Robin’s softer side starts poking holes in her dom play, and she’ll shush you and cover you in loving pets, making sure you’re actually okay, and giving you a little bit of Robin time, before asking if you wanna keep going. And if you do, she’ll start off by asking “are you my good girl now?” But with a smile, not condescendingly.
Robin’s quite happy, and finds it pretty easy, to be her usually dorky self instead. Maybe you’re not up for her being dom right now. And if you’re not, that’s fine! She’s happy to just be with you. Anything you two do, will be fun, so she’s able to move on.
Eddie knows the ins and outs of dom/sub culture. He won’t give in for simple things, you two have gotta keep playing the game. He’ll finish your punishment, but then the next time you two hook up he’ll start it off with lots of love and so much pleasure dedicated just for you. And the second you two have actually finished, dom!Eddie is gone and your boyfriend is fully there, making sure you’re okay, and giving you lots of aftercare, that switch being immediate.
But Eddie also can’t resist if you’re really asking him to please give in to you, and be softer, let you have something even if you’ve not been on your best behaviour. Eye contact especially does it for him. If you keep following his eyes, with your own pleading ones, eventually you’ll see a crack. And Eddie will sigh, his hands becoming gentler on you, body language more like his dorky self, as his eyes flutter down and up at you, unable to keep eye contact for long when you’re looking at him like that. A small “Baby...” because what’re you doing to him? You know he can’t resist when you beg with your eyes! Do you really want him to start giving you what you want now? If you do, that’s okay, he’ll start then alright?
See, I think Nancy and Joyce are similar, but it’s more context dependent. Joyce and Nancy are both equally fair and firm on their rules. Although I’d say generally, Joyce can be more dom that Nancy.
Nancy is fair, and she’s firm in her rules. She’s not super mean, when she hands them out, all the time. Sometimes she’s more nasty (in a good way of course). Fine, you want her to play bad guy? She tried to be nice! Clearly you’re not listening to her, apparently she has to be a bit meaner so you finally understand. Apparently her dolly needs a firmer hand? No, Nancy knows what you need now, there’s no way out of it.
But most of the time her domming you she’ll still keeping up that loving, but authoritative role. She might still be smiling down at you like you’re her little baby, even as she’s punishing you. Nancy will finish a session where she’s pushing or punishing you, and as you’re coming down, she’s still got that persona on. Petting you with that same smile, saying things like “See? That wasn’t so hard now was it?” Nancy won’t give in for any even more disruptive behaviour off of you, no waterworks, no interrupting her while she’s laying down what her next punishment will be, no touching her first, nothing.
But, Nancy also can’t stand to see her baby upset. If she sees you very deep in sub space (obviously not deep enough someone would have to pull you out anyway for your sake), and you really are sorry now, sometimes she can’t help if she catches a glimpse of you, and really just sees her baby there, needing her. She quickly finishes up that one thing she was doing and seconds later is caving in with an “Alright. Alright...” her voice soft and gentle as she says things like “Maybe that was a bit much for my good girl?” Or “I can’t stand to see my baby so sad (without me.)” She’ll decide herself from looking at you, since she’s very good at being able to tell, and it’d be in a scenario where you’re pretty deep in, if you need to cum, or you just need to be in her arms and settle down. Nancy knows best, you don’t have to worry, don’t have to try hard to communicate, she’s got you.
Nancy gives you such good aftercare, you feel very small in her arms, but very much loved and protected and that Nancy doesn’t think you’re bad anymore. And once you’re calm and soothed in her arms, she’ll start bringing you back up, so you’re not just her sub, but you’re you, and her partner, making sure you’re okay. She finds it’s better to soothe you first then bring you up, it makes you calmer.
Joyce probably comes across as just slightly more of a dom than Nancy, partly because Nancy’s dominant show is usually a saccharine one. But also because Joyce has had years to perfect her dom side, and naturally, she knows very much how to handle herself, and how to handle you.
Joyce will follow through to the end. She is a very set dom. And she’s not afraid to call you a bad girl, and with a not so pleased look on her face. Joyce is very firm as she tames you, she’s very set in her ways, and she has a lot of experience, so she really doesn’t give in until the time is right. Joyce would probably be the last person to give in, until she decided.
Except because you are a bit younger, and because one thing she’s set on is she never wants to abuse her power because there’s an age gap, that makes her just more likely than Nancy to give in easier to you. Generally, Joyce is less likely. But when it comes to a reader who’s about the same age as the fruity four, but considerably younger than Joyce, then she gives in slightly more than Nancy would.
She wants to give you slightly more power, even if you want her to be very dominating, it’s something Joyce just feels is better. She wants to make sure you’re okay, and she’s not going too hard on you. She’s a bit more worrisome about how far she can stretch you, how hard she can work you, emotionally, not physically, Joyce knows those boundaries pretty well.
Apart from that, Joyce has no issues teaching you who’s in charge, and telling you very firmly when you’re being bad. She tells you, you’re a big girl, you know what the rules are. If you disobey, you have to learn there’s consequences.
While sometimes she’ll coo sweetly with things like “just a little longer, you’re doing so well” that’s not an always thing if you’ve been more naughty. When you’ve finally earned your reward, or finished your punishment, if you’ve been particularly bad, Joyce will start with things like “See? Now you’re all done, it wasn’t that hard was it?” Before she becomes softer because you’ve learnt. With a more ‘if you’d just listened in the first place’ tone vs Nancy’s more ‘well done’ tone, or the same meaning as Joyce’s, but that’s covered in an extra layer of sweetness on top. But obviously, Joyce depends most of this on how you’re feeling, because your comfort is super important to her.
Sometimes she says she just wants to help you out! You’re such a good girl when sometimes she has to explain certain things to you, even if she has to explain them a few times over, and in more firmer ways. She knows you’re soooo smart! She just wants to see her baby being good, she’ll coo at you, stroking your cheek so you can see her face up close. Saying how proud she is of you, with a big smile on her face.
She can definitely be a soft dom too, 100%! She only really explores how dom she’s always wanted to be, further into your relationship. Most of you two hooking up, Joyce is super enamoured with you, and really loves how much fun you two have, like in my dom/switch/sub hc’s post. She also loves being a soft dom. Like when you come to her very submissive, wanting or needing her. She loves being able to bring you into her arms, and take care of you, make you feel all okay and happy again, because she has you. She’s gonna make you feel all better, okay? It’s no problem honey! Her smile will not leave her face the entire time she’s being a soft dom.
She loves to take care of you sometimes, especially when you actually ask her. If you outright ask her, she has to try and contain her excitement, giddily/enthusiastically pulling you into her arms and exclaiming of course she will! Booping your nose when she pulls back, because she loves that it makes you smile. Before giving the backs of your hands a little kiss too.
Or even just in situations where you’re just slightly more subby than your usual mid point, you’re both on the same page, and Joyce is just a bit more so the dom. She’ll chirpily call the shots, and watch you enjoying her little surprises in the plans she has. She loves watching her make you feel good. The fact you like her so much, and she can make you feel this good, by being herself, she loves it. That type of casual, fun and caring sex, is maybe around one of her favs.
She’s not super dominating during most of the times you guys sleep together. Mostly only if you ask, or want to see that side of her for her fun too, or act up with that tempting smile on your face because you want her to ‘tame/punish you’, in that way.
If last time when she was being nice, you acted up, she might ask “Now, you’re not going to act silly again like last time, are you?” With her pointed brown eyes. But unless a session is specifically for a punishment, it doesn’t carry over. Joyce is always still loving, no matter how much you act up in those sessions. You’re still her girl
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moononastring · 2 years ago
You can’t tell me modern AU Eris is Mob boss son who does all of his father’s dirty work and he has to kidnap Iris and they fall in love. YOU CANT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
I don't think you understand how flattering it is that you thought of an AU for my babies ;;; it is and I love you for it HEHEHE.
Mobster Eris is one of my favorite AUs to think about because it's so FUN. I have a loose idea of Eiris Mob AU. It lives in my mind rent free tbh because there is SO much I could do with it and so many ways to go about it AHHHH
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blujayonthewing · 1 month ago
[answers felix family history questions by projecting some of myself into his sister also]
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wolfwarrior142 · 2 months ago
I have a feeling the one at the Nexus wasn't a true doorbell imo, probably a statue since it was inside. I bet that was just Rayla being a 15yo little shit to an elder cuz she wanted to and could (affectionate). Probably thought this moon mage was a tad annoying ("She's a fake"), but needed advice from her, and wanted to be amusingly annoying about it. So yeah I guess she used it as a doorbell, just realized that is true. I just doubt that was the purpose Lujanne herself had it there for lol
Moonshadow doorbells
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they're so extra. it's a whole gong to announce yourself with.
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sukunasweetheart · 3 months ago
Boyfriend kuna who has the pleasure of meeting your giant domesticated cat that looks exactly like him (but no one actually sees the resemblance except you..)
"That fucker is big. You sure it's not some wild feral cat?"
"Don't call him a fucker! And he's not feral... not anymore, at least."
Kittykuna seems indifferent to your cooing and doting as he remains in a loaf position, and something about the scene feels strangely familiar...
Kittykuna makes eye contact with sukuna - and then hisses.
"... i can see that he's certainly friendly."
"Oh, dont be like that. It took me ages to get close to him as well."
Kittykuna seems very protective of you. Whenever you're lounging about in the living room, he will curl up on your lap or in your arms, and make biscuits on your plush body while making eye contact with sukuna, purring. It mildly pisses him off, but he can't make it known that he's even remotely jealous of a cat.
They clash a lot, you often hear sukuna cursing under his breath and verbally chastising your cat, but their harmless beef and the way he will sometimes return with little scratches or bite marks on his arms make you laugh so hard. It takes a few weeks for them to warm up to each other.
It's very entertaining to watch kittykuna obscure sukuna's vision with his tail when he's lying down to watch tv. He takes his revenge later on by pretending to give him treats, only to hover it away from him. You have to intervene in the end, to scold him for teasing your cat too much.
Sukuna then comes up with a brilliant idea of getting a second cat.
"Don't you think it's a bit boring for him being alone in the house all the time?"
"Really? I don't know... he can be a bit territorial, I'm worried he won't get along with a new cat well."
"Never know 'til we try it."
And then, well, sukuna ends up bringing another cat home. Of course, you don't notice it, but she resembles you.
It takes time to properly and slowly introduce the new cat to your home and to kittykuna. They're both very cautious of each other at first. But you soon see the ice melting, with them gradually becoming comfortable enough to be in the same room, to sharing toys, eating meals together, and then finally beginning to groom each other.
In fact, you find that they soon become inseparable. You've never seen kittykuna become so clingy before. It's like every other day that you see him licking the other cat's fur in his arms, while it purrs contently with her eyes closed.
Sukuna seems proud of himself.
"What did i tell you? He was lonely."
"You didn't say lonely. You said bored," you correct him, crossing your arms.
"Whatever you say, princess."
Watching the cats be all lovey dovey makes him feel like doing the same...
Months later, it soon comes to your attention, that the newer kitty has gained a bit of weight. When you and sukuna take her to the vet (to kittykuna's displeasure) you find out that she is pregnant.
The gasp you let out is dramatic, and sukuna can only laugh as he shakes his head.
"The two of you have been up to naughty things while we weren't watching..." you tell the cats with your hands on your hips. You should've seen it coming, from the way kittykuna always seemed to mount the new cat possessively.
Though you are really excited to see the newborn kittens soon...
"Leave them be. In fact, don't you think they're good role models for us...?" Sukuna recites in your ear teasingly, deeply chuckling.
"I don't know what you mean..."
I suppose you're about to find out exactly what he means tonight...
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fushitoru · 3 months ago
all i want for christmas is you! a gojo satoru fic
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pairing ⸺ bf!gojo x reader
summary ⸺ after a well needed rest from the kids, you and your boyfriend focus on baking christmas cookies for your pta responsibilities. however, it ends up taking a naughty twist when satoru finds out the surprise you've planned out for him.
warnings ⸺ FLUFF, smut in the form of fingering and p i v sex, reader has a vagina, fem reader implied, some jealousy, but mostly crack, pta cookie baking for megumi, very domestic, not edited, “good girl,” teasing, use of pet names like “baby,” gojo is a warning in himself
a/n hbd to my husband and loml 😚😚 i hope you guys enjoy this it kind of made me realize only long fics heal my soul but this is anticipation of holidays :33
general masterlist
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You sometimes did not know what to do with Satoru.
When he told you to come over to make Christmas cookies that are part of his PTA commitments for Megumi, you really didn’t expect him to come out of his room with that sweater on. It’s an ugly sweater—so he’s got the holiday spirit nailed down—that has printed “BIG PACKAGE JUST FOR YOU.” Below it, a cartoon Santa stood pantsless, strategically holding a neatly wrapped gift box over his crotch.
You give him a look as he comes out to join you in the kitchen. “Please don’t tell me you wore that in front of Tsumiki and Megumi.”
He has the gall to look offended as he puts on his even stupider “Your opinion wasn’t on the recipe” apron. “Of course, what kind of father do you think I am?”
You sigh, moving to put in the last of the dry ingredients. “I saw Megumi watching Breaking Bad on his iPad last week.”
“What?” he gasps dramatically as he pauses while moving for the fridge. “I swear I downloaded Youtube Kids!”
Look, Satoru is a good dad. Foster-dad. Whatever. He’s been taking care of Megumi and Tsumiki for ages now, ever since that incident happened, and he’s been doing his best. But, unfortunately, his adult life and burdens and responsibilities cause him sometimes to be a absent father. He makes up for it—goes shopping with Tsumiki for her clothes, spends quality time with Megumi.
One thing he’d never miss, however, are those PTA meetings.
He is the PTA mom final boss. No matter what event is being held, he’s going to go all out. You don’t miss the smirk he gives to Karen everytime he brings an even bigger cookie platter for Megumi’s homeroom than she did for her son Sam’s, nor the sassy pursed lips as he donates artist-grade markers from Michael’s instead of Mia’s cheap ones from Walmart.
Yea, he is just petty like that, but it’s always the moms whose sons have gotten into fights with Megumi that he outdoes everytime. You know better than to question his peculiar form of revenge.
“I think that means he found a way to break through the parental controls. He’s definitely your kid,” you reply with a bit of mirth in your voice. Then, you quickly move to intercept Satoru’s journey to get the eggs as soon as you notice a miniscule movement of his. You were not about to let Satoru force another trip to Whole Foods with the clumsiness you’re all too familiar with in your five years of dating.
Grabbing the eggs before he can, you turn around to find him staring at you, a dazzled look on his face.
“What?” you ask, already smirking. The view of the outfit you’d worn today had been obscured by the apron when he first came in, but when you moved to get the eggs in front of him, he definitely got a view of your ass in your tiny red skirt and fuzzy, festive top.
“Why the hell are you wearing a sexy Mrs. Claus outfit?”
“I was thinking we’d watch Christmas movies and chill today after the cookies!” you exclaim, just as Satoru interrupts with, “We’re baking cookies for children, you freak.”
The room went dead silent.
Your cheerful smile dropped instantly. Meanwhile, Satoru’s face lit up like he’s just won the lottery, full of pure glee.
Both of you shout at the same time, “What?”
You slam the eggs down onto the counter with just enough force to make him flinch, narrowing your eyes at him. “Excuse me? Did you just call me a freak?”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” he yelped, backpedaling so fast you were surprised he didn’t trip over his own feet. “It’s just—” He gestured wildly at you. “—that outfit is… is…”
“Is what?” you demand, crossing your arms and daring him to dig himself deeper.
“Babe,” he starts to whine, apologetic like a wet dog and padding his way back over to you while pulling you in for a back hug. “It’s hot, okay? Don’t get me wrong, it’s driving me crazy. I’m trying to focus on cookies, and you’re over here looking like every Christmas fantasy I didn’t know I had.”
“Get off me,” you grumble, shooting him a glare as you try to shake him off. “You are not touching these cookies. Sit on the couch.”
He yelps as you slap his hand. “Babe, but I’ll just be reinforcing the patriarchy if I let you stay and do all the work in the kitchen.” Then, he moves closer to your ear like the chronically online loser he is and whispers, “6’ 3’’ btw.”
“Go away!” you shriek, waving him off. This process would indeed be two times faster if Satoru was on his couch. There wasn’t any rush, but you’d really appreciate getting to the dicking-down part of tonight after much appreciated privacy from the kids for the first time in forever. You take a mental note to thank Yuji’s grandpa and Nobara’s grandmother with extra cookies for the sleepover as you shoo your boyfriend to the couch.
You get back to work on the wet ingredients by cracking the eggs, but not before you hear a “I’ll be reflecting on the systematic oppression women face in the workforce.”
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Pulling off the oven mitts on your hands, you wash your hand but not without sneaking a peek over the kitchen counter. You were locked in on the cookies, paying no mind to Satoru’s existential bemoaning, and now that you’re done, you can’t wait for the fun part of tonight.
After waiting a few minutes and checking and rechecking the cookies to make sure they’re done, you set them aside to cool and make sure to turn off the oven. Tonight, you were determined to get that big fucking package Santa owed you, and your boyfriend was going to be the one to deliver it.
As you walk out, you know the strat you’re going to use: innocently suggest a Christmas movie to watch, snuggle close to him, and he’ll fall into the trap you set for him like a bear towards honey. You know your boyfriend all too well, and today, you were feeling coy.
He’s stretched out on the couch, scrolling on his phone, his posture as awful as ever. But the second he hears your footsteps, his head snaps up. His eyes immediately dart to the movement of your bare legs, lingering on the tiny red skirt you’re still wearing, before slowly traveling back up to your chest. Wow. He really wasn’t making this difficult.
You plop down next to him while grabbing the remote, pulling up Netflix. “What movie should we watch today?”
He blinks, clearly distracted. “We’re watching a movie?”
The Princess Switch catches in the side of your eye as you scroll through the options. Without looking at him, you answer, “Yes? What else were we going to do?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” he drawls, his voice already dipping into that teasing tone you know so well. “Maybe something that doesn’t involve Vanessa Hudgens playing herself two times.”
You roll your eyes, nudging his shoulder with your own. “Don’t knock it till you try it, Mr. Holiday Spirit.”
His gaze doesn’t leave you, though, and when you finally glance at him, his expression has shifted. He’s not teasing anymore. His eyes are a little darker, his lips twitching like he’s holding back a grin. “What?” you ask, already smirking.
“Nothing,” he says, his voice lower now. “Just... you look really good in that outfit.”
Your cheeks heat, but you play it off with a laugh. “Flattery will get you nowhere, Satoru.”
“Won’t it?” he murmurs, leaning a little closer, his hand brushing against your knee. The heat of his palm lingers even after he pulls it away, and you feel your heart skip a beat.
You’re about to respond—something witty, something to keep the banter going—but then his hand moves again, this time resting firmly on your thigh. “You’re really going to make me sit through a Christmas movie when you look like that?” he asks, his voice a low rumble.
Your breath hitches, and you can’t help the way your body reacts, leaning just a fraction closer to him. “What would you rather do?” you challenge, your voice softer now.
His gaze dips to your lips, and that’s all the invitation he needs. In a second, he’s closing the distance, his mouth pressing against yours in a kiss that’s anything but sweet. It’s hungry and demanding, like he’s been waiting for this all day, and when his hand slides higher up your thigh, you realize you’ve completely forgotten about the movie and the preview playing. Satoru, clearly a little annoyed judging by the pout on his face, moves to close the preview featuring Vanessa Hudgens’ obnoxious British accent and then the room is silent except for the wet sounds of your sloppy kissing.
When you’ve both made out for a while—now with you on his lap—you both pull back with fastened breaths, looking at each other’s glistening lips. Finally, from Satoru comes out a, “That. I wanted to do that.”
Maybe it’s the attention whore in you always looking to rile up Satoru and get his affection, but you couldn’t refrain from blurting out a “Are you sure you wanted to do this with me, or would Linda have sufficed?”
At the scrunch of Satoru’s nose, his face practically spells out a Who the fuck is Linda? “You know, the one that gets really friendly with you when I’m going to the bathroom at those PTA meetings.”
Satoru sometimes did not know what to do with you.
Here he is, trying to make out with you when you’re looking like that, makeup done perfectly and looking beautiful as always. He hasn’t gotten laid with you in a hot minute, and here you are, picking at him. He has no fucking clue who Linda is, but what he does know is that you’re really cute when you get jealous. “Yeah?” he teases, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face, his fingers lingering against your cheek. His grin is maddeningly smug, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “Linda sounds nice. Should I call her up?”
Your jaw drops, but the sharp retort forming in your head is lost when his hand slides from your cheek to your neck, his thumb brushing lightly along your jawline. He leans closer, his breath warm against your skin. “You know,” he continues, his voice a low murmur, “if you’re jealous, you could just say so.”
“I’m not jealous,” you shoot back, your voice unconvincing even to yourself. You shift under his gaze, trying to keep up the façade, but it’s hard when his lips hover so close to yours.
Satoru’s grin widens. “No? Then why are you bringing up some imaginary PTA Linda when I’m clearly only interested in you?” His lips press against the corner of your mouth, a slow, deliberate kiss that makes your breath catch.
“You’re clearly only interested in being annoying,” you quip, but the words lack their usual bite as his hand slips lower, trailing down your side until it rests on your bare thigh. His touch is firm, possessive, and it sends a shiver through you.
“Annoying?” he echoes, his tone mock-offended. “That’s a big word for someone who just ruined a perfectly good makeout session to talk about Linda.”
You glare at him, but the effect is ruined when his thumb begins tracing lazy circles on your thigh. “I didn’t ruin anything,” you argue weakly.
“Didn’t you?” He dips his head, his lips brushing against the sensitive spot just below your ear. “Because now, instead of kissing you like I want to, I’m stuck reassuring you that Linda doesn’t stand a chance against my very sexy, very jealous girlfriend.”
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you, but it turns into a soft gasp as his teeth graze your skin, his tongue soothing the faint sting. “You’re insufferable,” you mutter, but your hands betray you, tangling in his hair and tugging him closer.
“Mm, but you like it,” he murmurs, his lips trailing down your neck. His free hand slides higher, skimming under the hem of your skirt, his fingers teasing against the soft skin of your hip. “Admit it.”
“Shut up,” you manage, though your voice is breathless now. He’s too close, his scent overwhelming, his touch setting your nerves on fire. When his hand tightens on your thigh and he pulls you closer, you give in, letting him capture your lips in a kiss that’s all desperation.
Linda, whoever she may be, is long forgotten as Satoru kisses you like he’s trying to make up for every second you’ve spent apart. His hands roam, his touch firm and confident, and when he pulls back just enough to murmur against your lips, “You’re all I want,” you believe him completely.
A breathless “Satoru” leaves your lips as he gently–but hurriedly–lowers you down to lay on the couch while he bends over you, inching down the hem of your top to bury his head in your tits. “Oh my god,” he groaned. “I missed my girls.” He starts to leaves rough kisses, an occasional bite and suck, and then stops. Takes in a deep breath. “Wow, you smell good babe.”
You look at him, flustered. “Stop smelling my tits, oh my god.” For good measure, you grab his hair to bury his face against your breasts once more.
“No,” smooch, “it’s,” smooch, “smelling good. Like the new holiday scents from Bath and Body Works.” He then abandons your chest to kiss his way down your body, sliding your skirt down as he kisses around the edge of your panties. “I’ve missed her, too.”
Despite yourself, you moan, spreading your legs to give him full access. He takes it enthusiastically, giving you a little kiss in your middle. Then, his eyes don’t leave yours as he uses his teeth to pull your panties down, slowly and sultry. Your pussy leaks even more, and the motherfucker notices, because there’s a faint smirk on his face as he hones back in your wetness, running his fingers to spread your slick. “Wow, my girl must have been sooo pent up,” he croons, eyes not leaving your hole and the way it clenched every time he spoke. “My good girl is soo desperate.”
Without missing a beat, you sneakily reply, “Don’t call me that, that’s so corny oh my god—-“ You’re interrupted with your own gasp as he enters a finger in. When he finally curls it, hitting your g-spot dead on, you suck in your breath. You really missed this.
“Oh, really?” He giggles, clearly amused by you trying to rile him up. “If my baby doesn’t like being called a good girl then why is she clenching so hard on my—“ thrust— “fingers?”
And suddenly the feminist in you leaves as his big, thick fingers ram into you faster than ever, and you start squealing like the slut you are for your incredibly hot boyfriend who’s equally as much of a slut for you, judging based on the rock hard erection against your thigh. Take that, Linda.
You’re in a daze of pleasure, too fucked out to notice Gojo wrenching down his sweats to pull out his throbbing cock, to pump it to full mast. It’s only when he rips his finger away from your cavern that you start to whimper, clawing at his arms to continue fingering you.
And he starts cooing, giving you a small kiss on your cheek as he aligns his dick with your pussy. “I know baby, I know,” and he groans as the soft, wet heat of your pussy grips on him hard as he pushes in. It’s not long before he starts thrusting, wiping your tears while driving in even faster. “Wow, good fucking pussy.”
“Satoru,” you whine, but you don’t even know for what. You were close enough when he was fingering you, but now you’re steadily approaching your climax. But Satoru, who’s attuned to what your body needs, readjusts himself to go even deeper.
It’s when you gasp loudly that a glint lights up in his eyes. “That’s the spot, isn’t it?” He drives into that spot like a jackhammer, savoring in your little squeals and moans of his name, until finally, he feels you climax.
“Oh my god,” you says breathlessly as your orgasm takes over you, convulsing while Satoru doesn’t let up, continuing his pace until his hips become more sloppy. After a few off rhythm thrusts, he comes in you, collapsing on top of you.
He’s breathing heavily from exertion, and you run your nails on his back and hair gently. You both bask in the glow of your orgasm. Of course, that is until Satoru perks his head up. “Do you think I can eat that kid Martin’s cookie? Megumi told me he doesn’t like him and that he’s annoying—-OWWW, what was that for?”
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lalunanymph · 8 months ago
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ when it comes to putting you back in your place, no one does it better than sylus
⋆。°✩ tags: sylus x fem!reader, established relationship, d/ry humping, t/easing, s/ucking him off through his sweats, m/istress kink, whiny!sylus, r/estraints, b/dsm, o/rgasm control, t/ease and denial, dom!reader (for like, a little while) -> sub!reader, p/leasure dom!sylus, noncon (reader ties sylus up first), o/ral sex, petnames (baby, kitten, little dove), s/ir kink, b/egging, r/uined orgasm
⋆。°✩ dawn says: SYLUS DAY TOMORROW !! may all the sylus wanters be sylus havers 🙏🏼 also tags were glitching on me so i had to change up the warnings format SORRY :')
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"Hmm... what's this?"
Sylus blinks the sleep from his eyes to find you straddling his thighs, a smirk in place.
It's not like the Onychinus leader to ever let his guard down, but give the man a break—he's exhausted after trying to escape a raid last night.
And instead of letting him sleep, what does his precious little lover do?
That's right—she's got him all tied up to their bed.
His brows furrow, and he tugs on the knot, frustration growing alongside his respect. The knots were a solid 10/10; he could barely move if given a chance.
"Little one, what is this?" He tries to sound understanding, concerned, even.
You snicker. "What does it look like, Sy?" The pretty manicure you got on his card makes him pause. He barely blinks, taking in the sight of your hands sliding down his bare chest. He thinks the red and black combination suits you very, very well indeed.
Blood-red eyes narrow and his jaw ticks. "I would say you're playing with fire, kitten. Let me go—now."
It's an order—one you don't listen to.
"Say, Sy," you casually drape yourself all over him, enjoying his squirming. "Your neck is very sensitive, isn't it?"
Your finger trails from his jaw right to his jugular, hovering over the strip of skin.
"Shit, no," he cusses, flinching back from your touch. "Don't even think about it—"
Your lips replace your finger, trailing hot kisses down his neck. Sylus swallows down an embarrassing gasp, hands turning to fists above his head.
"Kitten, I'm warning you."
But, you don't listen to him—you never do.
Your mouth moves from his neck down to his chest, circling over his well-built chest. Your hair tickles him, trailing after your mouth that moves from chest to stomach down to his pelvis. So dangerously close to where he can feel you the most.
"Kitten, I'm serious here." His voice is a low growl, shooting a dirty thrill up your spine. "Stop teasing me and let me go."
You hum, moving your teasing little mouth to band of his sweatpants. Sylus' abs constrict the second he sees your naughty tongue lick a strip across his happy trail and he swears Devil horns appear on your head.
You grin, running your hand down the seam of his inner thigh.
"Sy," your tone is innocent, though a lustful demon is controlling you. "You're naked underneath those sweats, right?"
The 28-year-old underground leader is no idiot. He can tell when a kitten is itching to stretch her claws.
"Don't even think about it," he warns. Except, you're already doing it.
You touch the impressive bulge, proof that he was not immune to your teasing.
Oh, if only the Hunters Association could see you now. Sylus aches all over thinking about how he's gone off the deep end and ruined you—Linkon's shiniest Hunter—all for the sake of satisfying his dirty games.
The old you would never have found the guts to tie him up to his own bed and suck on him through his sweatpants. She would never have the nerve to be such a little slut.
But, he's changed you. For better or for worst, he can't decide.
Especially not right now when you straighten and he finally notices you in his black silk shirt, buttons sloppily done like a child did them, the too big collar slipping down to expose your shoulders.
Shit. An unwilling groan slips past his clenched teeth when you straddle his lap again and he sees you have no panties on. Fucking hell... she's out for my blood.
"Y/N," he growls your real name now, dead serious. "No more games. Untie me right this instant—fuck."
You grind down on his still clothed bulge, blinking your eyes innocently.
He growls, shaking his head. "I'm the one who ties you up. Or, have you forgotten, kitten?"
A tinkling laugh reaches his hot ears. "You sound like you're not enjoying yourself when this—" you reach for his dick and squeeze it, ignoring his hiss of pleasure. "—is proof that you are."
Oh. He narrows his eyes, licks his lips. You're going to get it this time.
But, your hand on him feels too good, and Sylus can't deny that a sick, twisted part of him is loving this.
His arms tense, tugging on the rope, his expression a cross between ecstasy and pain.
"If you beg me, I'll suck you off," you promise.
A hollow laugh. "Beg you? Beg. You? Shit, a-ah—no way. I'm not giving in. Not gonna give into you. I'm not—" He chokes on a moan. You're fondling his tip through the scratchy material. "Fuck. Fuck. Okay. Okay. Please?"
His voice goes quiet at the end, and you hum.
"Please, what?"
Sylus bares his teeth. No fucking way were you being dead serious.
You grin, twisting your wrist. "Say it, Sy. Please, Mistress."
His jaw ticks, glare deepening. You think he's going to give in—his surrender right at the tip of your tongue.
Suddenly, he starts to laugh. "Oh, Y/N. Sweet, sweet little kitten. You forgot something. Wanna see it?"
You stare at him in confusion, not sure what he's hinting at.
Sylus' smirk deepens, and he exhales another diabolical chuckle.
"You forgot to loop the tie, you foolish little Hunter."
Before your fast reflexes can kick in, his super fast ones have you pinned to the bed, beating you at your own game. The ropes you restrain him with are now around your wrist and you're tethered in the same spot you once had him in.
Pink dusts his cheeks, and Sylus is breathing hard like he's run a marathon. His frosty locks are a mess, but nothing is as terrifying as the sneer on his face.
It burns through you, leaving you breathless when he presses his face closer; you can physically smell the triumph radiating off him.
"What was it you said just a few minutes ago? Ah." His voice drops to a hush whisper; deep baritone caressing the shell of your ear as his hitched breathing teases you, drawing you deeper into the pit of your mistake.
Rubbing in your face how wrong you are for trying to play the master manipulator himself.
"Call you 'Mistress'? Make me beg? Oh, my little dove." He yanks the knots tighter and you yelp at the bite of pain. Sylus leaves enough room for you to wiggle around and make sure the blood still flows, though there's no other give.
Once again, you're trapped under him.
"I can smell your fear," he mocks, raising a brow. "It's so... addictive."
Returning the favor, Sylus nudges your chin up. "Lift your face up, baby. Lift it."
His mouth touches the nape of your neck, dragging towards your pulse point, your jaw, and back to your collarbones, leaving hot and wet kisses everywhere he can reach. Your sweet sounds are addictive, driving him crazy.
"You kissed me all over my body," he drawls in that seductive accent.
Another wet kiss on your shoulder. Sylus takes his time to unbutton the shirt you stole from him, humming under his breath. You flinch once your chest is exposed, and his smirk deepens.
"No way to escape for you now, kitten."
"Sylus, I'm sorry," you blurt out, but it's too late. He's already decided on your punishment.
"Tch." Clicking his tongue, he stands, looking ravishing in just his low slung, gray sweatpants. "I'll be back, little dove. Wait for me."
You can't see where he's disappeared to, only hearing him come back with more loops of rope.
"What's that?" you squeak.
"Nothing for you to worry," he hums, grabbing your ankle and fastening it with a round of rope, attaching it to the bed post. He does the same with your other ankle, and you're truly spread out for him with no way to escape.
Caught in his web you spun of your own stubbornness and greed.
He shushes you, bringing a dark material right to your face and you tremble when you realize what it is.
"I told you that you have nothing to worry about, little dove," he murmurs, fingers working deftly to secure the blindfold around your eyes.
Darkness encases you, and you're tied to his bed, spread-eagle and helpless.
The bed dips beside you, and you feel the heat of his body hovering over yours.
"Now, what did you do to me a few moments ago, little dove? Oh, right." He grabs your face, tilting your head back. "You kissed me all over my neck."
His mouth resumes its carnal path across your sensitive skin, your hips bucking whenever a bite of pain from his teeth grazes you.
"My chest."
Sylus mouths at your collarbones, smearing hot kisses down your clavicles, over your breasts, stopping to suck and tease your nipples until you cry out in pleasure.
"Oh, I forgot how sensitive your sweet buds are," he murmurs huskily, pinching your nipples until they swell and throb. "What else did you do, hmm? Oh, yes..."
The marks of heat move down your body, right to your tummy; his kisses loud and lewd.
"Mhm, you kissed me right over my stomach..."
"Sy." Your whimpers draw another evil smirk on his handsome face. He can tell you're crumbling in real time. "Please."
You have no idea what you're begging for. But, Sylus hears you loud and clear.
"Don't worry, little dove. I won't tease you like how you teased me." His voice is magnetic, drawing you deeper into his web with his husky baritone and deep whispers. "Not... like... this..."
As he speaks, he caresses your stomach, loving how it flexes and twitches when he moves his touch right to your inner thighs.
"Do you want me to eat you out, kitten?" Sylus hums, and you fight back a shiver at the possessive undercurrent in his question.
"Yes," you admit, unable to help yourself. Your hips quiver, a moan falling past your mouth when he presses a languid kiss onto your inner thigh. "Yes, please."
"Please, what?" he taunts, drawing circles on your hips with his thumb. "Ask me nicely and I might oblige, little dove."
This is Sylus in his element—on top, domineering and controlling all the ropes. You have no choice but to give into him if you want to feel the barest hint of pleasure that he's holding back from you.
"Sir," you gasp, flinching at the bite of his fingernails digging into your plush thigh. "Please, Sir."
The second the word leaves your mouth, he's all over your drooling cunt.
Sylus eats you out in broad, languid strokes, focusing on your clit; using his tongue to play with it, bathing it with tender mouthfuls of praises and degradation all in one.
You wanna come, baby? Wanna mess up my face?
In another breath, he pushes a finger past your quivering pussy, curving it upward to hook on your softest spot. Your hips drive forward, a yelp perforating the heavy air.
No, kitten. You can't come. You can't—oh, fuck.
Sylus drinks in your taste, spreading your shaking thighs further apart. His broad palms trickle up your chest, cupping your heaving breasts and playing with your stiff nipples. He pinches them just as his tongue slips inside your tender heat, nose rubbing against your clit.
Tears stain the blindfold, your mouth hanging wide open in ecstasy. Sylus wishes he could paint a picture of you looking this wanton and needy.
You can't come, baby, he murmurs in between your folds. I won't let you. You've been such a bad girl. I'm gonna edge you until you can't think. Ah-ah. No cumming. No, no. He grounds you back down onto the mattress with those large palms, stopping you from grinding on his face.
I'm gonna ruin every orgasm you have—don't think I don't know when you're coming, baby. I know you. I can taste you. I know when you're close.
Your body is taut as a bow, teeth gritted and nails digging crescent indents into your palms.
Every time you climb towards the point of no return, Sylus drags you back down; backing away from your pussy, leaving you squirming and desperately writhing on the bed for minutes on end until your orgasm fades away—only to restart the entire process again from square one.
"Now you feel my pain, little dove?" He wipes your tears away, humming lowly. "It's not nice to tease people, isn't it?"
Point taken. You mumble his name, and twist your head as if trying to search for him. "Sylus, please. I wanna come."
Oh? This delights him. You're finally breaking down. You want to come, little one? Then, beg.
Your hips clip all needy against his, and your mouth puckers into a frown.
He grabs your chin, holding you fast as his lips barely touch yours. Beg me.
Please. You lick your lips, tasting nothing but him. Please, Sy. Please, please. Make me cum.
He's back between your thighs, a fiend for your pussy. Sucking, licking, moaning and breathing deeply—it's erotic and obscene, salacious sounds bouncing across the walls. Your head is spinning, the entire room tunneling into one singular sensation of his tongue deep in your cunt.
Those slender, calloused fingers are back on your nipples, bringing you to the brink of insanity. You've bitten your lips hard enough to draw blood; your hips buck, and you're begging for him to give you a reprieve without a second thought.
Please, Sir. Please. Please make me come. I can't—I need it. I need you.
Yeah? A ghost of his chuckle caresses through your folds and you think he's going to relent.
Going to give you what you want, so you try again.
"Please?" You're so close it almost hurts. Your thighs are cramping, arms straining, back about to break with how tautly you're struggling in his restraints. "Please? Please, Sy. Please."
"Mhm," he murmurs, and you think he's going to give in. Finally going to let you climax after stringing you along for what feels like hours.
He kisses your clit as tears of frustration trickle down your face.
Sylus was never going to give you what you wanted—not when he already has you in the palm of his hand.
— scenario inspired by one of my fave y2f audios <3 feedback and reblogs are appreciated <333
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©️ lalunanymph. do not copy, repost, or translate across other sites. do not copy my sentence structures, plot or characterization.
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valalice · 3 months ago
৻ꪆ caught in the act.
cw. smut nsfw. fem!reader. older gf!cait universe. age gap (10 or more years). both reader and cait are consenting adults. moder au. ceo!caitlyn. pillow humping. dom!cait if you squint. allusion to further smut.
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your hips ferociously rock along the satin of caitlyn’s pillowcase, tainting it with your slick. fisting the material in your hands, gripping it so tight your knuckles turn stark white. thoughts and images of your girlfriend flooding your mind, the only thing that's been on your mind all day. wishing it was her you were grinding on, it should be her, you think.
cursing her for being so dutiful, so responsible for taking time out of her weekend, the weekend she's supposed to be sharing with you, to attend some important matters at her office that only she could take care of apparently.
you also curse her for putting a spell on you, some super secret spell she probably cast over you on one of the many nights you've fallen asleep next her. one that makes it so incredibly hard to cum when she's not around. it's pathetic. rubbing your swollen bud against the silky material for who knows how long, you're so close to your release yet so far. no amount of tweaking your erect nipples or stuffing your face in the shirt you once had on, one of her’s that smelt like her, does the trick to make the coil in your tummy snap.
huffing you release the pillow from your grasp, placing your hands on your tits to knead at them.
“cait—” you mewl, shutting your eyes tight, once again imagine that it’s cait’s skillful hands kneading at your soft flesh.
“missed me?”
you almost missed the sound of caitlyn’s voice, thinking you're just lost within your own imagination, so high on delusion that you can almost hear her voice.
the nickname rings alarm bells off within your head. the desperate grind of your hips stop, hands releasing your tits and falling into your lap, you reluctantly peel open your eyes, turning your head towards the door. gasping, you blink hard. lo’ and behold your girlfriend stands tall against the doorframe, leaning against it with her arms crossed. you stare wide at her, feeling much like a deer caught in headlights, understanding the bright intrusion of lights on them, but instead it’s caitlyn’s hard gaze on you, suddenly feeling very shy.
“you're home!” you enthuse, trying your best to seem as normal as you can be in this predicament. "everything went okay at the office?"
“didn’t have much to help finish up with,” she lifts herself from off the doorframe, arms uncrossing to swing at her side as she walks over to you. “like i told you before i left.” her tone laced with dissatisfaction.
“how— how long were you standing there for?” you quiz, craning your neck to look behind you where cait now stands.
she looks at you for a second before turning her attention back to observing over your bare body. “just a few minutes,” you flush at her answer, turning your head back around, bowing it to your hands in your lap. your index fingers picking at your thumbs, anticipating whatever caitlyn is going to do. shivering at the feel of a cold slender finger tracing down your spine, just to swiftly come from your skin as it nears your tailbone. “was going to watch longer, see if you could make yourself cum. but, that was silly of me to assume you could get off on your own, we both know you can't cum when i’m not around.”
oh, that stung. you accepted it's true, but heat still rushes through you from embarrassment.
“is that my pillow?” she cuts you off, inspected the cushion your sitting on.
“i can explain—”
“tsk.” she cuts you off again, corking her head to the side, shaking her head. “naughty, naughty girl.”
there's a shift behind you, turning your head back around to watch as within a few short clicks of her heels cait now towers in front of you, leaning down face to face. her hands balancing her weight onto your spread thighs. “and what do naughty girls get?” there's a fiery swirl in her icy eyes, similar to when a predator has caught its prey in a vulnerable position.
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smutoperator · 2 months ago
Double Date
Ning Yizhuo (Ningning), Anatchaya Suputhipong (Natty) x Male Reader
Tags: ass-eating, best friends, big tits worship, (lots of) blowjob, clit-rubbing, cum on tits, date, dirty talk, facesitting, foreplay, full nelson, girlfriend, leg-shaking orgasms, pussy-to-pussy, riding, spanking, stacking, threesome, titfucking, unexpected cumshot
Word count: 6234
You had arranged a date at a restaurant with your girlfriend, Ningning. As you arrived, she surprised you by bringing her best friend along, much to your delight.
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"Hi," Natty introduced herself as she sat at the table. What an incredible woman she is. The Thai bombshell stole your heart the moment you saw her, especially when she bent her body on the table and rested her huge tits on top of it.
Ningning had to bring you back to earth with a little pinch, as you had focused so hard on Natty you even forgot about your girlfriend. "She's so pretty, isn't she?" you asked Ningning, who ignored you as you gave Natty a greeting kiss on her cheek. You three ate and drank a lot in that restaurant, you enjoyed a double date with two of the most beautiful idols, both of them very sexy in different ways, Ningning as the porcelain Chinese cold beauty from the harsh Harbin winters, Natty as the beautiful Thai hottie like the weather of her home country.
You brought both of them to your apartment. While Natty sat in the living room, taking a little break, Ningning followed you to the same bed you had sex with her yesterday. You two kissed each other and talked a bit. "You made me feel a little jealous the way you looked at my friend," Ningning said, referring to your flirtations.
But Ningning was well aware of her best friend's hotness and was ready to take advantage of it. As the Chinese girl massaged your still-clothed cock with one hand, she picked up her phone with the other one, sending her best friend the signal the two had discussed with each other before you three arrived at the apartment.
Ningning kept kissing you and massaging your crotch while you run your hands over her face and ass, as you could feel another special night was about to come. But little did you know things were about to take an even spicier turn in a matter of seconds.
"That's so hot," Natty said, arriving at the room spotting both you and Ningning making out. The Thai hottie went straight to the point, unzipping her shirt and unveiling her massive tits in the process. "I saw you staring at them all night at the bar," she said.
"Are you ready for a special date, baby?" Ningning asks you as Natty climbs on top of your bed already completely naked. You're mesmerized by the Thai hottie, her wonderful body from top to bottom, from her thick legs to her big tits, as Ningning rubs them while she gives Natty some kisses.
"We're gonna have a good time tonight," Natty says as she looks at you with very naughty eyes. But Ningning isn't far behind. "We knew we had to fuck you together the moment I invited her for our date," Ningning tells you. "Tonight, you're going to give that big cock to us real fucking good," she continues. "Sure, you can count on it," you reply.
Ningning takes your shirt off while Natty touches your clothed cock for the first time. "Oh my God, look at this big fucking cock, it's been this hard for a long time I bet, ever since I arrived in that bar," she says.
"Holy shit, I can feel it throbbing for both of us," Ningning says as she touches it as well and takes your belt off next. "I want it so fucking bad," Natty follows suit as Ningning takes her clothes off to match her best friend's nudity.
You and Natty share kisses as Ningning spits on your pants and licks your clothed cock. "I can't wait to feel it in my pussy," she says. "Me too," Natty agrees. You quickly take a step further, reaching to massage her pussy while sucking her big tits already. "Oh fuck, that's so good," Natty moans as your tongue massages her nipple and sends her to the heavens.
"Yes, baby, bite that nipple, suck those big tits," Natty commands as you dive deeper and deeper against her massive milkers. Ningning watches you two have fun and wants a slice for herself, teaming up as both of you suck Natty's right both. "Oh yeah, share those tiddies," an excited Natty says, pushing both your head and Ningning's against it.
"Look at that body, Ningning is so lucky to have you," Natty says as she pays attention to your muscular frame. "She's just as lucky to have you as a best friend, your body is amazing too," you reply to her as you and Natty share more kisses while Ningning keeps her mouth glued to her friend's tits. "Baby, look at those fucking tits, they are so big," Ningning says as each of you has one of Natty's boobs in your mouths now.
"OHHHHHHHH FUCK" Natty moans as both you and Ningning worship her huge tits. She loves the feeling of your tongues running all over them and sucking them like two hungry babies as you and Ningning get more and more aggressive with the tonguing and then trade kisses with Natty.
"I want your tiddies in my face too," Natty tells Ningning. These two girls have worshipped each other's boobs countless times since becoming best friends and tonight it won't be different, as Natty quickly grabs Ningning's soft pair of boobs and puts it in her mouth. "This is how best friends do things, you worship my Nattys I worship your Ningnings" Natty says, calling their boobs by their names.
Natty is so hungry she sweeps across both of Ningning's boobs like a maniac, giving her best friend a little tap on her cute butt while you kiss your girlfriend. You reach from behind and touch Natty's pussy again. "OH FUCK, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE MY FUCKING CLIT THROB ALREADY," she suddenly screams right against Ningning's tits.
"Let me taste it," Ningning commands as you put your hand in her mouth and feed Natty's pussy juices to her. Natty ducks down and licks Ningning's midriff, before going back to suffocate herself on her tits. Both girls then take a quick turnaround and turn their attention to you.
"Take those pants off, we want to see that big cock," Natty and Ningning say almost at the same time. You follow their instructions as Natty quickly gets impressed. "Holy shit, it's even bigger without pants covering it," she says, a big smile coming out of her face.
Natty touches and admires your hard, throbbing shaft, but it's Ningning who makes the first move, ready to suck her boyfriend's big cock like always. "I can't wait for you to stretch our tight little pussies with it," she says as she licks your tip while Natty moves up and down your shaft.
"Oh my God, you suck it so good," you say to Ningning, always surprised by your girlfriend's amazing blowjob skills. Natty looks at you with her typical naughty eyes, ready to take her turn next as Ningning bobs her head on your cock without using her hands.
"You wanna taste it?" Ningning asks Natty as she lets her best friend suck her boyfriend's cock next. As soon as Natty dives her head on it, Ningning grabs it and pushes it aggressively against your crotch. "Choke on my boyfriend's dick, you big tit slut, take it, take it" she commands.
"How does her fucking throat feel?" Ningning asks you. "It feels amazing," you reply. "Hmmm, look how much good this big tit bitch is choking on this fucking cock," she replies, loving how sloppy Natty gets and how hard she gags every time she deepthroats your throbbing shaft.
"Spit on it," Ningning says to Natty, who follows. "Yes, let's make a big mess on that cock," Natty replies as Ningning takes her turn for another round of sucking it, going much faster than the first time. "Look how hot she is worshipping that big cock, the perfect slutty girlfriend," Natty says. "Oh yeah, I love stroking it hard with my hands and then shoving it down my throat," Ningning says.
Both girls keep taking turns sucking your cock for a few minutes as you love watching them bob their heads all over your shaft. "Yes, share that cock," you tell them. "Let's stroke it together, nice and slow," Ningning commands as both of you now grip their hands on your shaft.
"Don't you dare cum, don't you dare cum until I tell you to," Ningning commands as she strokes your cock even harder and can feel it throbbing further. Natty smiles as both girls spit on your cock, Natty then dives deep for your balls while Ningning deepthroats you. "I can feel there is a lot of milk for us on that big cock," Ningning says once she's done.
"Those balls fit so well in my mouth," Natty says as she engulfs them to the fullest. Both girls then lick your shaft from the side in perfect sync like the good whores they are, then kiss each other with their cock-tasting mouths. "Oh yeah, look at him fucking shake," Natty notices as their strokes get you closer and closer to cum.
"Let's make him beg for our pussies," Natty says as both girls keep stroking your cock. At this point, you can no longer contain yourself and blast a fountain of cum that hits Natty and Ningning's faces.
"Hmmm, bad boy, I told you not to cum early, how should we punish him, Natty? How about putting those big tits between that fucking cock?" Ningning asks. "Oh, good idea," Natty answers. "Let's punish that bad boy," Ningning says.
Natty opens your legs and lifts your body right at her big boobs. Ningning helps her, spitting right between her big tits, then grabbing both from the side and watching your cock go instantly hard as she squeezes Natty's milky melons between them. "Let's start nice and slow," Ningning says, moving her best friend's tits up and down your shaft.
"I love your boyfriend's big cock rubbing on my big tits, keep going," Natty tells Ningning as the Aespa girl gropes her bouncy boobs. "Look at those perfect tits bouncing up and down," Ningning says before grabbing your shaft and slapping it against Natty's boobs, which she loves.
"Yes, baby, let's fuck that monster cock with those big tits," Natty says as she takes the initiative, squeezing her boobs much harder than Ningning. You reach to grab some lube, handing it to Ningning as she helps Natty slide her tits between your cock easier. "Look at me going all the way down your boyfriend's cock with my big tits," Natty says to her.
Natty rubs your cock in her nipple while Ningning chimes in and licks your shaft and Natty's tits at the same time. "Spit all over it, nice and wet," Natty commands. "Put it between your tits again so I can lick it," Ningning says. as Natty follows, bouncing her tits up and down your shaft while Ningning sticks her tongue out and seizes every opportunity to lick the tip of it.
"I can feel it fucking throb," Ningning says as she takes your cock from Natty's tits and put it in her mouth. "Does it feel good?" Natty asks. "It feels amazing," you answer. More titfucking follows as Natty picks up the pace. "Fuck those tits, fuck those tits," Ningning tells you before Natty lets her deepthroat you while your cock is still between her tits.
"We are so thirsty to put that big fat cock in our pussies," Natty says. "So, who wants to go first?" Ningning asks. "I do, I'm going fucking first," Natty says, ready to take that big dick inside her for the first time. "Let me sit on that big cock," Natty commands as Ningning strokes it and slowly puts it in her best friend's pussy for a reverse cowgirl ride.
"Such a big dick, I envy you so much, Ningning," Natty tells her friend. "Let me jerk that cock while it slides in that needy cunt," Ningning says as she keeps gripping her hands on your shaft while that anaconda slowly disappears under Natty's pussy. "Oh yeah," the Thai girl moans as she gets fuller and fuller of your cock.
"He fucking loves your pussy, already pushing up," Ningning says as you thrust against Natty's fuckhole. "OH FUCKKK," the Thai girl moans. "Keep going, thrust that fucking cock deep inside her pussy," Ningning commands. "YES, JERK THAT FUCKING COCK DEEP IN ME," Natty screams alongside her.
Ningning looks deep into Natty's eyes, both of them sharing sexy stares as the Chinese girl fingers the clit of her best friend while Natty takes a huge pounding that makes her big boobs bounce nonstop. "I love watching your tits move like that while my boyfriend's cock fucks you," she tells Natty.
"Oh wow, it's so fucking deep," Natty says as she slowly creams herself all over that big dick, your balls smashing her clit while you stretch your arms to grope her big tits. "Take it, take it, take it," Ningning demands of her best friend.
"That's perfect, that's fucking perfect, DON'T FUCKING STOP, POUND MY FUCKING PUSSY," Natty begs as the clapping sounds of your hips clashing only grow louder. Ningning just watches as Natty gets turned into nothing but a cocksleeve and her friend's tits turn into pinballs. "MAKE ME FUCKING TAKE IT, MAKE ME FUCKING TAKE IT," Natty begs.
"Take every inch of it," Ningning demands as she grabs Natty's waist and pushes her further down your body. "OHHHHHH," Natty screams as her cunt gets drilled at a frantic speed and she starts bouncing like crazy on your dick until she finally cums. "OH GOD," she screams as she squirts all over your dick.
"I wanna taste it, I wanna taste it," a needy Ningning quickly comes and grabs your cock, diving to lick the juices of Natty's pussy, before rubbing your shaft all over Natty's entrance and shoving it back inside. "She wants more, baby, give it to her," Ningning says.
"Destroy that pussy, destroy that slutty pussy," Ningning says. You follow your girlfriend's commands, pounding Natty even harder while Ningning sucks her friend's bouncy tits and enjoys them hitting her porcelain face at full speed. "I NEED THAT COCK, I NEED IT, FUCK ME HARDER," Natty begs as she gets drilled. "USE MY PUSSY, TAKE IT DEEP, PUT IT RIGHT WHERE IT FUCKING BELONGS," she keeps screaming.
You grab Natty's long legs and place her under a full Nelson. "Oh my God," Natty says. Life can't be more perfect for you than now, as Ningning sits on your face and makes you worship her pussy while you plow her best friend's hole.
"Eat that fucking pussy," Ningning commands as she watches Natty get destroyed from a privileged spot. "Oh fuck, that's right in my G-spot," Natty says as Ningning now spreads her legs. "Look at this slut, shaking all over that big fat cock," Ningning notices as Natty's legs start trembling and you can't stop fucking her pussy.
"IT'S PERFECT, IT'S SO PERFECT, I LOVE THAT COCK SO MUCH" Natty announces as Ningning massages her big tits, then climbs up to spit on Natty's cunt and fingers her clit. Despite you locking her legs and using her like a fucktoy, Natty still manages to cling to Ningning's boobs and suck them, Ningning then kisses her and massages her tits further. "Oh yes, I agree, my boyfriend's big cock is perfect, even more, when it fucks that slutty Thai pussy" Ningning says.
"Rub my clit, I wanna cum," Natty tells Ningning. "Hmmm I know you love it, look how wet that pussy is, truly enjoying getting stretched out by my boyfriend's big fat cock" Ningning answers. "Look at those big tits bouncing, so beautiful," she continues, enjoying Natty getting pounded nonstop.
"Make her cum, make her cum," Ningning tells you. "I'm so close, I'm so close," Natty answers, her legs shaking more than ever. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK," she screams as she's on the verge of cumming, just needs a couple of drillings and some clit massaging from Ningning to finally unleash it.
"Are you cumming?" Ningning asks Natty. "OHHHHH FUCKKKK," Natty says, it's all Ningning needs to know, as Natty cums all over your cock. "Rub that pussy with me," Ninging tells you as both of you finger Natty's clit until she's nothing but a trembling mess. "AHHHHHH," Natty screams as she gets drilled one last time, her cheeks getting clapped while her tits jiggle like crazy. "You look so hot getting fucked," Ningning says to her.
"Now it's my turn to ride that cock," Ningning says as she tastes Natty's pussy from your cock, before letting her best friend have it as Natty deepthroats your cock. Both girls spend a couple of minutes licking your shaft, making sure they get every single fluid in her mouth, before Ningning prepares to sit on your lap, but not before some teasing.
"Let's tease this tight little pussy," Natty says as both she and Ningning grab your shaft together and rub it against the chine girl's entrance. "Get it wet for me," Ningning tells Natty, who deepthroats you again to get it ready for Ningning's tight little pussy. "Now it can stretch me out," Ningning says.
Ningning slowly slides down your shaft. No matter how many times she takes it in her pussy, she always gets shocked at the sheer size of it. But she always takes it like a champion. "Look at me bouncing that tight pussy on that big dick," she tells Natty.
"How tight is she?" Natty asks you. "Incredibly tight," you answer as Ningning's walls squeeze your cock to the fullest, leaving no room for it to breathe, her pussy queefing at each bounce. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh," Ningning softly moans.
"I love this big fucking cock stretching me, OHHHHH FUCKKK," Ningning suddenly screams as you surprise her with thrusts up her pussy, your balls reaching as high as her winking asshole. "Just use that pussy," Natty tells you as she enjoys Ningning's cheeks getting clapped while sitting on your face for you to taste yourself in her pussy.
"YOU LIKE WATCHING ME TAKE THIS COCK?" Ningning asks Natty. "Yes, you look so good taking all that dick," the Thai girl answers. "Watch it, whore, watch my tight pussy grip it," Ningning says as Natty is now the one enjoying watching her friend getting pounded. Ningning suddenly fights your thrusts, bouncing on your cock perfectly as Natty enjoys you and your girlfriend's duel, all that while moaning softly as your tongue sweeps her pussy.
Natty bends just enough to make her tits bounce from the moves Ningning is making, landing them right on Ningning's back, before coming from behind and massaging Ningning's asshole. "This cock is too big for my tiny little pussy," Ningning claims. "But you're gonna take it like the good whore you are," Natty answers, spanking her friend's ass.
"Stretch me, stretch me," Ningning begs as you keep pounding her pussy, Natty takes your cock from Ningning's pussy to get it wet for another ride. "Put it back, put it back," Ningning begs as she can't go 10 seconds without your cock inside her. "You heard it, stretch her," Natty says, grabbing your shaft and stroking it while you fuck Ningning.
"Oh I love the way he fucks me," Ningning says. Natty gives her another naughty stare. "Tell me what you are, Ningning," Natty says. "I'm a dirty fucking slut who loves taking big fat cock in my pussy," the Aespa girl answers. "Take that whole fucking dick," Natty says to her. "YES, I'LL TAKE EVERY INCH OF IT," Ningning answers, screaming.
"You can't help but sit on this fucking cock all day, I know you already go to practice every day with that pussy filled with cum," Natty says to Ningning. "YES," Ningning says, who knows if answering her best friend or just screaming with your cock hitting her cervix.
"I love when you talk dirty like that, Natty, it's so fucking hot," Ningning says. "So you love being a whore?" Natty asks. "YES, YES, YES," Ningning enthusiastically answers, leaving no doubts this time.
"Fuck that whore," Natty tells you as she spanks Ningning's butt one more time and spits in her asshole. "That was hot, do it again," Ninging says and Natty follows, turning Ningning's butthole into a pond of spit while massaging your balls as you fuck Ningning.
"That dick is so perfect in your pussy," Natty tells Ningning as the Chinese girl bounces on it while you take a little break. "You're so good at riding cock," Natty says. "YES, BECAUSE I WANT TO CUM RIGHT NOW," Ningning screams, increasing her speed and tilting her body down as she smashes herself all over that cock.
"Cum all over that big fat cock, work on it," Natty says as Ningning gets closer. "I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING," Ningning announces, and as soon as she does you go back to pound her. "FUCKING DESTROY THIS PUSSY, IT'S ALL YOURS, BABY, JUST FUCKING TAKE IT. HARDER. HARDER. HARDER, AHHHHHHH, KEEP GOING, RIGHT THERE" she begs as she cums all over your cock, while nasty Natty adds some extra stimulation by licking her butthole.
Just like Natty's, Ningning's short legs tremble as she reaches orgasm. "DON'T STOP, BABY," she moans as you keep drilling her pussy, Natty salivating as Ningning's juices slowly pour over your shaft and balls. "There you go," Natty says. "KEEP TALKING DIRTY LIKE THAT," Ningning tells Natty as she enjoys her friend getting plowed. "That's a good bitch, so needy for that big cock." you tell your girlfriend.
Ninging pulls out of your cock as Natty quickly jumps to taste her friend's juices. "That cock stretched that tight little pussy so good," she says as she bobs your head on your cock while you massage her big tits. "Choke on it, bitch," you tell her. Ningning soon joins as Natty dives into your balls that she loves so much. "Fuck, that's it, keep going" is all you can say as their mouths worship your cock.
"How do our pussies feel?" Ningning asks you. "Fucking amazing," you answer your girlfriend. Natty is ready for another ride, this time in cowgirl, as you grab her waist and tits while she sits on your dick, tilting sideways and spinning all over it. "Faster, bitch," you tell her, spanking her sexy ass. "YEAH, FUCK," she answers as Ningning just watches her best friend impale herself full of her boyfriend's cock.
"You like this shit?" you ask Natty. "YES, I LOVE IT," she answers. "Then bounce harder," you answer with another spank. "Smash that cock," Ningning says as she joins you in the ass-spanking, hitting Natty's wonderful, bouncy cheeks every time she reaches the bottom of your shaft.
"Such a dirty little slut taking this fucking cock," Ningning says. "Yes, I'm a dirty fucking whore," Natty agrees as Ningning grabs her big butt and makes it bounce on your dick. "Keep going baby, make her take every inch," you tell your girlfriend. "AHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH," Natty moans. "I love watching that pussy being used, taking my boyfriend's big fucking cock like that, you want it harder?" Ningning then asks Natty.
"YES, I WANT IT HARDER," Natty begs as you push your cock up her pussy while Ningning spreads her ass. "Ohhh, baby, you heard it, she wants it fucking harder," Ningning says as you pump Natty like crazy, using her pussy like crazy while Ningning rubs her friend's asshole. "Yes, tease me," Natty begs as Ningning's long nails dig into her anus.
"You love the way we just play with you like that? Our sexy Thai fucktoy for me and my boyfriend to have fun with?" Ningning asks. "Yes, I love it," Natty answers, grinning her teeth as your cock reaches deep into her cervix. "YES, HIT IT, BABY, RIGHT WHERE IT BELONGS," Natty says as she feels it, while Ningning keeps entertaining herself with her friend's backside, now licking her asshole too.
"Use it, use it, use it, harder, harder, harder, take it, take it, take it, fuck her tight little pussy," Ningning continues to cheer on you as Natty rides your cock. "I'm gonna cum again," the Thai girl announces just as you spank her ass again. "Wanna fucking cum on it? Then show what a good whore you are and twerk on my boyfriend's dick," Ningning says.
"Let me fucking cum in that dick, please," Natty begs. "Not yet," Ningning says. "OHHHHH FUCKKK," Natty screams as the walls of her pussy start clenching. "I can feel that pussy smashing that big fat throbbing cock," Ningning says as she grabs your shaft, while you wrap your arms around Natty. "AHHHHH I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM," Natty screams as she squirts all over your muscular body.
Ningning is right there to clean your cock. You take advantage of her and start fucking her throat. "Yes baby, pound that pretty throat," Natty says as she turns around and watches her friend's face getting stuffed full of your cock until Ningning gags. She spits on it and puts it back in Natty's pussy, letting the Thai slut ride it one more time. "Damn, it looks so fucking good deep inside you, I have to admit," Ningning says.
"FUCK THIS BITCH, SHE DESERVES, SHE'S SUCH A NASTY SLUT," Ningning screams as she grabs Natty's ass, pushing you to pump harder and harder into her friend's cunt. Natty can only agree. "I'M A DIRTY FUCKING WHORE, I WANT MY PUSSY FUCKING USED, TAKE IT ALL, I'M NOTHING BUT YOUR COCKSLEEVE, AHHHHH" she screams.
Natty cums all over your cock and tastes yourself shortly after, rolling her eyes as Ningning watches. "That's the taste of a dirty fucking whore," Ningning says to her, before taking it herself too. Both girls get on their knees and choke on your cock, but Natty is by far the neediest. "How does her throat feel?" Ningning asks as Natty bobs her head on your dick. "Incredible," you answer your girlfriend.
Ningning takes advantage of Natty being so thirsty for your cock and shoves her head against your crotch. "Fuck this bitch, yeah!" she says as your cock stuff Natty's throat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah," you can hear Natty say as your cock muffles her mouth.
"Look at this pretty tongue, so horny for cock" Ningning says as you now push your cock in and out of Natty's mouth while her tongue is fully popped out. Soon, Ningning sticks her tongue out and gets your cock stuffed in her mouth as well.
"You wanna go back and forth? Use those fucking slutty throats?" Ningning asks you as you fuck her face too. But she has tasted that cock countless times already and decides to be a bit unselfish and let Natty get it wet. "Get it ready for me," Ningning says.
Ningning gets herself on all fours as you stick your cock back in her pussy. "Look at that big fat cock stretching that tight little pussy," Natty says as she kisses you and stays right there, spreading her friend's ass. "Ahhhh, just like that" Ningning moans as you hit deep in her pussy under Natty's eyes.
"Use my fucking pussy, please, baby," Ningning begs as Natty whispers dirty words in your ear. "Destroy that fucking whore, make her little cunt sore, make sure she can't walk tomorrow for practice," Natty says to you while massaging and hitting Ningning's ass. "OH YEAH, JUST LIKE THAT," the little Chinese girl screams.
"Such a good bitch," you say to Ningning, hitting her ass. "Yes, I love it when you call me a good bitch while I take this big fat cock" she replies. Natty rubs her asshole while you drill Ningning's pussy. "Are you feeling it getting tighter for your baby? It's begging to get used like a fleshlight," Ningning says as you increase the pace of pounding her pussy.
Natty wraps her arms around your sweaty body, enjoying kissing you while Ningning gets drilled like a fucktoy, your midriff hitting Natty's tits as you thrust up and down Ningning's pussy. "Natty, spank my ass, please," she begs, and Natty obliges.
"HOLY SHIT, YEAH," Ningning moans as Natty now places her naughty tongue in her asshole. "That's the spot, right there, right there," Ningning moans. "Cum for us bitch," you tell her. "Yes, I will if you keep talking like that," Ningning answers. "Beg for it, bitch," you reply. "Please, baby, let me cum, ah," Ningning says in a very soft voice before Natty's tongue in her anus interrupts it and makes her moan.
"Be a good bitch and cum," you tell her. "AHHHHHHH," Ningning's legs start to tremble shortly after you hit her ass. "Yes, baby, cum," Natty says to her, looking at you with sexy eyes as Ningning's legs shake. "Oh my God I can take this cock all night long, I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow," Ningning says.
"We are all going to," Natty says as she spits on Ningning's ass and rubs my clit. "OH MY GOD, MY PUSSY IS SO FUCKING WET, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, I'M GONNA CUM," Ningning screams as the stimulation of your cock and Natty's hands is too much for her to handle. "Fuck me harder, I'm so fucking wet, please, can I cum?" she asks. "Yes, be a good bitch and cum right now," you say.
"AHHHHHH," Ningning screams as she covers the bedsheets with her juice. "Oh look at that creamy pussy," Natty says. "You better clean it tomorrow," you tell her as Ningning collapses and Natty instantly chokes on your dick.
Ningning masturbates watching you fuck Natty's face once again. "Look at this pussy so wet after that big fat cock stretched it out," she says. Now is Natty's turn to put herself on all fours and get stretched out. "Oh yeah," she says as your anaconda finds the depths of her cunt for the 100th time that night.
You give Natty a very fast-paced pounding, grabbing Natty's waist hard as Ningning spreads her legs to get her pussy eaten out by her best friend, her tits bouncing harder as you use Natty like crazy. "Make her cum," you tell Natty. "You like licking my pussy?" Ningning asks her. "YES, OH FUCK, IT'S SO DEEP, SO DEEP," Natty answers before you overwhelm her with your cock putting up the heat in her Thai pussy.
You feed your cock for Ningning to taste and put it back in Natty. "I'm gonna jerk that big fat cock into that tight little cunt," Ningning says as she lines up to the side of both of you. "OHHHH FUCK," Natty screams as your thrusts and Ningning make your cock throb and drive her to the edge. "Harder, harder, give her harder, show her how good of a slut she is" Nearly an hour into the sex session, Ningning continues to push your limits.
"I'm so close again," Natty says. "Oh my God she needs to cum all over that dick again, such a nasty bitch," Ningning says. "OHHHH I'M CUMMING," Natty announces as her legs shake again. "FUCK, DON'T STOP, DON'T STOP, PLEASE," she begs as you continue to move your cock up and down her cunt. You grab Natty's waist and pound her like a madman, making her tits jiggle like jelly. "USE THAT FUCKING HOLE, I'M YOUR COCKSLEEVE WHORE," Natty screams as she cums.
Ningning shoves her ass in your face as a reward. "Good boy, fucked the slut just like I told you to," she says. Natty keeps moving her pussy up and down your cock despite your mad thrusts ceasing. "Let me jerk that cock in my pussy," she says as Ningning enjoys getting her ass eaten while Natty comes from below and sucks her tits.
Ningning then stacks herself on top of Natty, fingering herself as she enjoys her best friend going back to being treated like a fleshlight. "Tell me baby how much you enjoy those fuckholes right in front of you," Ningning says.
"Holy fuck, that cock is ripping my pussy apart," Natty says as you switch your cock to Ningning. "Yes, baby, switch between those fucking pussies," Natty says as she lets Ningning fully stacks on top of her. "Give her that fucking cock," Natty says. "Oh yeah, baby, make my pussy juice fall all over her fat ass, cover that dirty little slut" Ningning answers.
The back and forth between Natty and Ningning's pussies go on for a few more minutes, with you even going a little acrobatic and grabbing your girlfriend's body to eat her pussy while you fuck Natty's for a bit. "Oh yeah," Natty cheers as she watches you fuck her and tongue Ningning at the same time. "Fucking use those pussies," she says.
Ningning opens her legs for a round of missionary fucking. Natty warms your cock and leads it back into your girlfriend's pussy, enjoying your massive cock bulge under her best friend while she lubes your shaft. "This slut is so tiny yet she takes your big fat cock like a champion," Natty says.
"I want to feel it against every single wall in my tight little pussy," Ningning begs as Natty spreads her cunt wide open for your cock. "Go nice and slow, I wanna feel every inch," Ningning begs. "I love how you fuck her pussy, it's so beautiful," Natty says.
"You like how my pussy just swallows this dick down?" Ningning asks you as Natty plays with her pussy lips. Your answer comes with a thrust that almost splits her in half. "AHHHHHH, SQUEEZE THAT FUCKING COCK IN MY PUSSY" your girlfriend screams as Natty spits on her pussy. "Such a tight whore," Natty says.
"You're fucking the shit out of me, AHHHHH," Ningning says as Natty fingers her clit. "Take this dick in your tight pink pussy," you tell her. "Yes, tell me to take it, call me a dirty little slut," Ningning commands. "Take this dick, dirty little slut," you soon say. "Look how wet she is, she loves it when you talk dirty to her," Natty says. "Yes, I love it when you talk dirty to me like that, it makes me fucking cum so hard," Ningning answers.
"Use my tight little pussy baby until you fucking explode, get those balls ready to cum all over us," Ningning says to you as her walls squeeze your cock further. "TAKE MY FUCKING PUSSY, HARDER, DEEPER," she begs as Natty kisses her.
"AHHHHHH," Ningning screams as she cums, shaking her legs for one final time as you get on top of me. "There it goes, Natty says as she rubs her best friend's pussy and kisses her tits and then her face. "Natty, kiss me, kiss me," Ningning begs. But today, you won't cum inside your girlfriend's perfect pink pussy, you have already done it multiple times. You already have a different target. But so does Ningning
"Should we let him cum now?" Ningning asks. "Sure, I think he has worked hard enough," Natty says. She opens her legs to take her turn, smashing them against her big tits as you pound her pussy and make them bounce.
"Oh my God yeah you're gonna stroke that cock inside of me," Natty commands as she grabs her big tits and you push harder." That's perfect, that's perfect," she says as you look right in her eyes, and then spit on her mouth while Ningning savors her big tits. "Such a good slut," Ningning says.
"Fuck, you treat my pussy so well," Natty says as you drill her nonstop. "OH FUCKKKK, THAT'S YOUR PUSSY, THAT'S YOUR PUSSY" she says as Ningning rubs her clit. "Yes, you're damn right, I own that Thai pussy," you say.
"HARDER, HARDER, MAKE THOSE BIG TITS BOUNCE," Natty begs as your balls clap against her skin louder and louder. Ningning just watches still fingering her friend's pussy, before Natty finally says the magic words.
"You wanna cum in my fucking tits?" Natty asks. You are never going to say no to that, pulling out of Natty's pussy and fucking her tits super hard, ready to cum at any second.
You fill Natty's huge tits full of your milk. "Oh my God, look at this big fucking load," she says, in disbelief as she grabs her tits to lick your cum out of her left side boos. Ningning clears your cock and sucks the other boob of Natty, before cleaning it all and swapping your cum with her best friend. "Taste it, dirty whore," she says.
"Damn, that was intense, I think we need a shower," Natty says. You stay in bed and fall asleep while they wash the sex fluids from their bodies and talk to each other about your big fat cock. But soon, you wake up with your shaft crushed between a pair of tits and a naughty tongue on your tip.
"Don't fall asleep, baby, we can do this all night," Ningning says. "So, Natty, what do you want to do next?" she asks
"First he should fill our pussies, and if he's a good boy, we let them fuck our asses," she answers.
"Perfect, let's begin," Ningning says.
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chelseeebe · 10 months ago
gimme a hand
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okay so i saw a silly tiktok abt how guys take nudes wrong and thought our lovely best friend reader could help eddie take some !! i am a little tipsy so pls excuse any mistakes
mdni. 18+. smut. like, literally just smut. fem!reader x eddie. modern au
“so.. how are things with you and.. whatshername?” clicking your fingers in his face.
eddie scoffs, batting your hand away, “chrissy is her name,” correcting your childish behaviour, “and it’s good, we’ve been.. texting a little,” shrugging nonchalantly.
you and eddie had been best friends for years, though these hang outs were few and far between now. both too busy with the perils of adult life to sit around and smoke weed all day, like you used to.
that meant that your relationship had skewed a bit, no longer as close as you once were. though you still tried to feign an interest in his, mostly nonexistent, love life.
he understood though, your life was far too interesting to care about the very small roster of girls he was seeing.
“texting?” you exclaim, stubbing the embers of the joint out into the ashtray, “so you haven’t seen her since?”
eddie shakes his head, realising that what he had thought was an exciting update, was actually just a pathetic retelling of a long text thread.
“i think we’re just.. testing the waters,” brushing off your disappointment. he contemplates even telling you anymore but what kind of a best friend would he be if he didn’t at least tell you all the details. “she sent me pictures the other day,” wriggling his eyebrows.
“pictures?” a slight mocking tone to your voice that he doesn’t like, “what kinda pictures?”
his face scrunches up, cheeks flaming red, as if it wasn’t obvious. “you know.. naughty ones.”
you whistle, blowing the air from your cheeks in the most sarcastic manner, “naughty pictures.. wow eddie, you’re really moving up in the world. did you send any back?”
his head dips, regretful of ever sharing this with you. you had never had a lack of choice for guys lining up for you. even back in high school. of course you wouldn’t understand.
“no..” shrugging again, “i don’t.. don’t know how.”
“you don’t know how to send nudes?” utter shock rippling through your voice, “didn’t i teach you anything?”
“not how to send nudes!” he hits back, getting increasingly frustrated that you’d rather mock him than help him get laid for once.
“i can help you if you want,” you offer, “i don’t have to watch.. i can just.. guide you?” proposing the question as if it were a completely standard conversation for you two to be having.
“really?” his eyes bright and full of hope.
eddie really liked chrissy, she was sweet and the times they had hung out, they got on well. he just wasn’t equipped to match her flirting, afraid he’d overthink himself into losing her.
“sure,” you smile, grabbing his phone as you stand from the couch, “come on,” beckoning for him to follow you down the corridor to the bathroom.
you bundle into the trailers tiny bathroom, poised in front of the mirror with his phone in hand.
“you stand here..” you instruct, guiding him by the shoulders, “you need to get hard,” grinning as you look at him through the mirror, “i’ll stand outside and just.. tell you what to do, okay?”
eddie’s too high for this, wondering how you’d gone from a joint and a couple of beers to now helping him sext the girl he liked.
you disappear outside, shoving his phone into his chest, the knob clicking quietly as the realisation of what the hell he was doing sets in.
“so..” he poises, swiping onto the camera, posing himself in the dirty mirror, “pull my pants down, right?” wanting to make sure that he got nothing wrong.
“yeah, but not all the way, just like.. a little bit.”
okay, he thinks. tugging his sweatpants down just beneath his balls, his boxers following suit. he was getting hard just thinking about it, the fact that you were instructing him what to do wasn’t helping.
his fingers wraps around the base of his cock, pumping his fist a few times, stifling the groan that had settled in his throat.
this was already weird enough, he didn’t need to make it weirder.
“okay..” his voice quivering, “what now?”
you tut, “pull your shirt up.. or off, it looks bad otherwise.”
eddie does as you ask, taking his shirt off and tossing it into the floor with the rest of his dirty clothes. he peers at the image through the screen, inwardly cringing at how stupid he looked.
“i don’t know,” though his dick was already stiff, aching for him to continue. “i look stupid,” he frowns, attempting to position the phone differently, although nothing seemed to help his pathetic stature.
“no you don’t,” your voice rings through the door, “now you gotta pose it.. make it look good, sexy.”
his eyes squeeze shut, wishing you’d stop talking with that low growl in your voice. this was for chrissy’s benefit, not his. getting off to the sound of your voice while trying to arouse another girl was not the plan.
eddie exhales, opening his eyes to reposition the phone, closer to the mirror. his fist begging to move and finish the job.
nothing helped, in fact, it looked worse than before. chrissy’d block him if he dared sent anything like this.
fuck, he felt like a pervert. this was wrong. twisted.
“have you done it?” you call.
“no,” he gulps, frowning at the image of himself in the mirror.
you huff, knuckles wrapping against the door, “i’m gonna come in, okay?” giving him no time to think before you appear next to him in the mirror.
your eyes fall straight to his cock, widening every so slightly, “wow.. okay,” chuckling awkwardly as you snap back into it. “you have to..” your hand lowers his phone, straightening the camera position for him.
his breath is jagged, on the edge of exploding and splattering all over his bathroom. whatever buzz he had had from the weed had dissipated, replaced by the hazy tingly sensation of your hand near his cock.
“and then..” you look to him, in person this time, not through the safety of the mirror, before wrapping your fingers around the ones that were still lingering around his cock. “do this..” voice trailing off into a low whisper, using his fist to pump his already leaking cock.
a strangled gasp leaves his mouth, heat searing through his body. mind too fuzzy to truly comprehend the shit he was seeing and feeling.
the heat of your body presses against his back, delicate fingers still travelling the length of his cock, “film it,” not once letting your eyes fall from the side of his face while his stay firmly on the mirror in front.
maybe this way he could pretend it wasn’t real, that he was just watching some video and you weren’t actually jerking him off by-proxy.
eddie, ever obedient, presses the record button, sighing into his phone as your his hand continues to move.
his knees almost buckle, kept afloat by the sound of you panting into his ear. it was almost too much, his brain collapsing into itself as your hand takes over, ignoring the phone in his hand to continue making him whine and quiver like that.
the weight of your body presses him into the cold china basin, eyes travelling from his face to his dick and right back up again.
you could’ve told him to jump right now and he would’ve. other hand reaching around to grab onto whatever part of you he could get a grip on.
your lips trace against his neck, lingering against the skin. he couldn’t keep the phone straight, the video would just be some big blur of him groaning and the sink. not that it matters. not while you’re touching him.
“is this good?” you ask, breath tickling against his ear.
eddie nods rapidly, “good.. so good,” fingers twisting around your shirt as his eyes flutter closed. “fuck,” he gasps, the phone slipping from his hand onto the counter when your thumb circles the tip of his dick. an otherworldly feeling he had never been able to feel before.
“yeah?” you grit, pulling his hand, signalling for him to turn. his bones were jelly, body mailable and under your control. his back now pressed against the sink, foreheads pressed together.
one hand holds onto your hip while the other finds your cheek, lazily trying to connect your lips. your knee slides between his legs, spreading them just enough for your other hand to creep between and grab his balls.
“ohh shit,” eddie wails, kissing at your bottom lip, sucking at the skin.
nothing felt real, waiting for his alarm to pull him out of this fucked dream to a sticky puddle and a new perspective on your friendship.
your expert fingers fondle his balls while the other fists his dick, pre-cum making your fingers glisten and move with ease.
his throat squeaks, the most pitiful noise a grown man could’ve made, his bottom lip still latched onto yours.
ten years of friendship and yet the two of you had never even kissed before. wishing you wouldn’t have wasted so much time on actually doing it. a newfound adoration for the sweet taste of your lips and the friction of your palm rubbing against his cock.
“i’m gonna cum,” he babbles, stomach flipping, waves of pleasure crashing through his tingling limbs.
you don’t respond to his whining, your nose brushes over his as his breaths become shallow and staggered. a iron clad grip on your shirt as he teeters over the edge, hips stuttering into your palm.
“ohh fuck,” eddie mewls, bursting all over your hand, “shit.. fuck, oh god,” your eyes dark, gazing down at your hand still wrapped around him, somewhat proud of what you’ve achieved.
he lets go of his hold on your body, hurriedly trying to find the counter to ground himself. his head a million miles away on mars, his lack of thoughts disrupted by the sound of the water running.
chest still heaving as he braves a look at you, watching his release swirl down the drain. you’re chewing on your bottom lip, a sudden realisation that you had just made your best friend cum maybe. he doesn’t really want to ask. hoping you won’t regret it.
eddie picks up his phone, stopping the recording, his thumb shooting straight to the tiny trash can until you grab his wrist.
“don’t delete it,” a fire within your eyes, twisting the screen in your direction, “i wanna watch.”’
his finger hovers over the play button, looking to you though your eyes are trained on the screen, waiting for him to press play.
the video starts, shaky footage as the audio of his pathetic grunts and gasps fill the tiny bathroom. eddie can’t bring himself to watch, forcing himself to watch you rather than the video.
you’re smiling to yourself, smug at the sight of you making him crumble. he wants to be embarrassed, can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks and yet, he doesn’t turn it off.
“maybe don’t send that..” you remark, finding his eye, that mischievous sparkle that eddie hadn’t seen in years, reappearing.
he needed to feel you, in the way that you had felt him. cock already reawakening when your lips twitch into a smirk.
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