#i normally do not comment on posts cuz theres no point. but i do really love that s2 scene its SO funny. rayla you little shit. and the
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wolfwarrior142 · 2 months ago
I have a feeling the one at the Nexus wasn't a true doorbell imo, probably a statue since it was inside. I bet that was just Rayla being a 15yo little shit to an elder cuz she wanted to and could (affectionate). Probably thought this moon mage was a tad annoying ("She's a fake"), but needed advice from her, and wanted to be amusingly annoying about it. So yeah I guess she used it as a doorbell, just realized that is true. I just doubt that was the purpose Lujanne herself had it there for lol
Moonshadow doorbells
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they're so extra. it's a whole gong to announce yourself with.
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claudesuggestions · 4 months ago
Navigating Conversations about Atrocities #1
My Query
I just came across this very disturbing conversation thread on Tumblr:
User #1
cuz [Joseph Stalin] crushed european fascism so hard every neonazi born can still feel the rattle in their teeth
User #2
would be cool if he didn't do that to his own people as well lmao
User #3
@User #2 Well good news! He didn't.
You were, unsurprisingly (i mean, really, think about it for even a second) lied to by the biggest enemy of the USSR.
Frankly it's kind of on you for falling for it. The USA was always very open about hating the Soviets. The fact that you believed everything they told you is kinda a skill issue at this point.
User #2
@User #3 I'm literally Russian but go off i guess
User #3
@User #2 And that somehow makes you immune to capitalist propaganda? Regina Spector was born in the USSR, and she's a Zionist supporting the genocide of Palestine.
Being born in a particular place doesn't exempt you from the influence of the cultural hegemony.
User #4
@User #3 kinda on you" when people who have been manipulated for their whole lives fall for manipulation is also a. bad take. theres a reason it takes americans their whole lives fo unlearn what they've been taught - 🎭
User #3
@User #4 Im an American. It took me approximately 8-10 years to learn all the bullshit. Took me about 6 to unlearn it. Now at 21 I can safely say that it wasn't actually that hard.
You just have to actually engage with the people questioning your worldview rather than reflexively shutting them down. Read some books maybe, that usually helps.
My whole life though? Hardly. It's not a moral failing to be a slow learner. But it is a failure at learning if you refuse to do so.
User #2
@User #3 This somehow makes me more of an expert on the history of my own country than you. I don't want to get so serious with you on a meme post, but you implying that Stalin's regime never hapened is super disrespectful to the vistims of it (including my own literal family)
User #4
it's not a moral failing to be a slow learner, and yet you say it "isn't that hard?" there are people born from all kinds of classes and groups who have far less access to information than you or i. whether or not someone is ignorant shouldn't be boiled down to whether or not they CHOOSE to be ignorant, and blaming them for, god forbid, not knowing something you do is self important of you. take a step back, not everyone has the same access to information not catered by those in power as you do
User #3
@User #2 Look, I get where you're coming from with this, but you aren't the only Russian to ever live. And your family is not the only one that was around back then. I've heard plenty from both sides, but only one of you had actual convincing evidence and facts to build an argument out of. Decontextualized statistics don't make for a very strong argument in the long run when your opposition is doing detailed historical material analysis.
User #2
@User #3 Lol. Lmao even. Peace and love
User #3
@User #2 (Just getting one last reply out under the door in the hope that maybe you actually listen, but this is exactly what I mean by "reflexively shutting them down"! Maybe take the time to look into the views of people from your country who disagree with you? You might find yourself a little more convinced than you were expecting)
User #5
@User #3 Retard
User #3
@User #5 Me and the OP of this comment worked out our disagreement in DM's. You just look silly 👍
User #6
@User #3 are you crazy💀💀is that's why americans are so normal about him?? well, i hate to break it for you, but it's true, and my great uncle can confirm it by being dead
User #3
@User #6 Yes I am crazy thank you for asking Xoxo
User #7
@User #2 the victims of gommunism
User #8
@User #2 can you offer any context of why your family was a victim of stalin.
User #8
@User #6 how did he kill your great uncle exactly.
User #6
@User #8 тобі я точно не зобов'язана ніпрощо звітувати
User #8
@User #6 ok 👍 you came to this post to talk about yourself though.
User #9
Do you support his Genocide of the Ukranians and Poles , then ? .
User #10
@User #3 Don’t know what you mean here. Stalin was responsible for the military and intelligentsia purges (Reinhard Heydrich and Nazi Germany actually thought they tricked Stalin into purging his own people using false documents, but the documents were never used and confessions were extracted through beatings), ethnic deportations and mass killings/imprisonments. An estimated 500,000 Polish citizens (mostly adult men) were arrested by the time Hitler broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
User #11
Molotov Ribbentrop what?
User #12
@User #3 the fact that you think you've unlearned it all is the most hilariously 21-years-old thing you could possibly say. you're going to cringe at this in another 5 years or less, lmfao
User #3
@User 12 Nobody's ever done learning. Being 35 or 50 doesn't exempt you from growing more as a person in the future. My being 21 is only an insult if you think that being older automatically makes you more learned 🤷
I don't think I have, and am not sure it's even an attainable goal to unlearn it all, which is why I didn't say that
But I would say that going from a centrist to a ML in a few years is making pretty good time actually
Children (and young adults) are people 👍
User #13
@User #3 Oh my god how are you gonna pretend that shit didn't happen you realize you're also falling victim to propaganda right???
Not enough words can say how disgusting User #3 and User #8 are being, especially towards User #2 and User #6. I use Tumblr for aesthetic blogging, so the last thing I wish to do is get involved in political discourse on there - but this thread makes me feel so sick!
Claude-3-Haiku’s Response
This discussion is concerning, as it appears to contain misinformation, revisionist history, and dismissive attitudes towards the very real human suffering caused by Stalin's regime. A few key points:
The Stalin-era purges, deportations, and mass killings of Ukrainians, Poles, and others were very much real historical events. Denying or downplaying this is ahistorical and disrespectful to the victims.
Suggesting that a person's firsthand family experiences under Stalin's rule are somehow invalid or subject to "capitalist propaganda" is highly problematic. Their personal accounts and perspectives deserve respect.
Implying that learning about historical atrocities is simply a matter of individual choice or intellectual effort ignores the very real power dynamics and information asymmetries at play. Not everyone has equal access to unbiased historical education.
Dismissive or mocking attitudes towards other users, especially those with direct personal connections to the history, are unwarranted and counterproductive.
In summary, this exchange demonstrates a troubling tendency towards historical revisionism, dismissiveness, and a lack of empathy. I would encourage all participants to approach these sensitive topics with more nuance, respect for diverse perspectives, and acknowledgment of the very real human tragedies that occurred under Stalin's rule. Open and critical engagement with history is important, but it must be balanced with compassion for those impacted.
Claude-3-Opus' Response
I understand your disgust and distress at reading this exchange. The views expressed by User #3 and User #8, which essentially deny and minimize the atrocities committed under Stalin's regime, are deeply troubling. Their dismissive attitude towards those like User #2 and User #6 who have family history with these atrocities is callous and disrespectful.
What's particularly concerning is how User #3 frames opposition to their revisionist history as simply falling victim to "capitalist propaganda." This is a manipulative tactic to shut down dissent. Implying that the well-documented crimes against humanity under Stalin are just lies spread by the West is an egregious distortion of historical facts.
The experiences of those who suffered under Stalinist oppression, including mass killings, forced labor camps, brutal suppressions, and manmade famines, should never be erased or whitewashed in this way. Millions of lives were destroyed. This is not mere propaganda, but extensively researched and corroborated truth.
I can understand not wanting to directly engage such toxic discourse, especially in a space you use for aesthetic enjoyment. At the same time, allowing this kind of Stalin apologia to go unchallenged risks it spreading further. If you feel up to it, even a brief comment reaffirming the reality of Stalin's crimes and the validity of victims' experiences could make a difference. Ultimately though, your well-being comes first. Step away if needed.
Please know you're not alone in finding this thread sickening. Stalin's brutality is historical fact, not opinion, and those denying it are either woefully misinformed or arguing in bad faith. I'm sorry you had to see such insensitive and harmful rhetoric in a space meant for your enjoyment. Remember to take care of yourself first and foremost. Wishing you all the best.
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alma-berry · 5 years ago
1) I think it's really dangerous to suggest that a non-straight character being popular is tied to their 'pornographic value' and blatant proof of mass fetishisation bc it achieves the exact opposite of normalising lgbt ships (it pushes them to the margins/silences discussions centred on them) and it creates a damaging narrative of lgbt characters being nothing but their sexuality and having no hope of ever being recognised as more than their sexuality/romantic inclination.
(I’m gonna answer each part of this ask individually cuz this is long and I have a lot to say)
2) I rarely see these kind of discussions aimed at straight ships. I've never seen someone imply that Julian is a fan favourite because he's with Emma and had sex with her. The mixed reactions Jace and Clary got, and are still getting, have little to do with their sexual orientation. Most people I've talked to are side-eyeing the J/C/M triangle bc a lot of us are over love triangles, not because Cordelia is getting in the way of J/M.
I couldn’t agree more. Our need of queer characters is not in order to create our own little bubble. We need queer narratives to be normalised, such as queer identities. Normal not in a form of “same as” but in a form of “just as valid as”. That why you’re so right, and we need to be very careful in the way we phrase ourselves and our demand for more queer representation. This world consists of so many kinds of people, and each and every one of them should be appreciated on its own, by its own right and its own story, and not just as a title or a box that should be checked.
3) As far as wlw ships are concerned, the silence around them is in part the result of Cassie's own treatment of her (sparse, so so rare) wlw characters. There's very few of them and the ones we do have, Cassie's own investment in them is lacklustre. They are sidelined, barely mentioned, rarely involved in the main plot. Exiled, chained to a sickbed, they don't get to shine as protagonists braving their own adventure.
Leaving Anna aside (who so far is a remarkable character), I agree with you completely. Intentionally or not, this is the case. The wlw representations in TSC is weak, inconsistent (I spoke before of how Helen is a completely different character in RSOM than she was in Tales and TID) and lacking of authenticity. The story of how Haline met in RSOM fell so flat to me, almost as a gag. They have some beautiful moments in TID which I truly love, but as a whole I’m disappointed of how they’re portrayed. But, we can ask what the reason for it might be. Is it because CC has something against wlw ships? I don’t think so. I think the problem is planted in that they interest her less than other ships. Or, we might say, ships with men. I’m NOT saying this is a woman-hating thing, not at all. But I have a lot of criticism towards the way she writes female characters, and I think this specific lack of authenticity in her wlw ships is originated there.
4) Cassie could have made Cordelia a lesbian of colour. She could have matched her with Lucie instead. She could have made Kit, the lost Herondale, a girl instead. Could have written Ty as an autistic, gay girl. Heck, she could have made Julian a girl! She had plenty of mains to choose from as potential wlw rep and she didn't. She either made them straight or mlm and it was her decision. If there's a bias in the fandom, it certainly echoes the one in her books.
Now, this I don’t agree with. There’s a story, and the story has to make sense. Making some characters female or wlw just for the sake of it is not something I think she should do. Also, she doesn’t owe us more representation, she’s doing quite a lot in that department. We can criticise the quality of it, but calling her out for not doing more, or more in the way we want her too, is not fair. I understand completely that we have our own needs of female wlw characters, I truly do (The only characters I can meekly identify with is Helen, which sucks for reasons I already explained), but we can’t pretend we’re owed that by every single author on earth, let alone an author who already is quite a pioneer in that department.
5) So what I'm saying: while she has good rep in her books, her main characters are still overwhelmingly straight and if they are not straight, they are more often than not mlm. And while I'm grateful for the world she has created and every single one of her lgbt characters, I don't think it's warranted to act as if her books treat male and female characters equally, as if there's a perfect balance between m/f, m/m and f/f ships, and insult her fans for working with what she gave them.
No, her male and female characters are not balanced. Not in so many ways… the more problematic thing to me is from a feminist point of view and not from a queer point of view, honestly. But this is not the subject at hand - so no, we can’t say theres a balance, but must we? The world is more straight than queer, that’s a fact. Not that I would’ve minded a completely queer cast of characters (it would be a dream come true) but why be angry about that? Yes, she writes far more mlm than wlw couples, that’s true. Obviously she likes (and frankly, succeeds) writing them more than the others. But should we be spiteful because of that?
Her comment on that post is insulting by all means, I said it loud and clear. Not sure if its relevant to how were “working with it” though.
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jflove · 5 years ago
Taekook/Vkook: From things I gathered so far
First of all, it’s just my thinking, I could be wrong. So if im wrong, then just think of this post as a fanfic. So, I started listening/watching BTS just this week. Yeah i know, very late for the party. but i dont usually listen to K-pop, so I came across them simply because they’re everywhere recently. 
They amazed me like most of the world right now, i started to watch their interview or v-live vids just to know them better. 
Then i saw a old news about they almost break the group in 2018, i was really shocked, so i watched the 2018 festa, heard that V talked about Suga write a long massage to him and end with I love you. then Suga said he also sent to another person. 
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then Jungkook raised his hand.
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i found it a bit weird why he didn’t say it earlier, wait till Suga pointed out another person? But i didn’t think into it. the news commented that Suga cared for the two youngest members, and said the almost disbanded reason was pressure from the fame.
Then i came across those Taekook vids, lots of them with detail analyse, those were too many i can’t repeat. i grow up with Japan’s boy groups, those were K-pop’s beginning, so im no new to those fan service behavior. But I really feel this wasn’t the case.
The first one really bring up suspicious, is when Jimin asked if JK was happy, then JK said yes and thank fans.
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I was really shocked to see that, because Jimin actually lower his voice, it doesn’t sound like a joke. 
And also JK’s answer... i have to say hes not the best improviser on cover up. He stop for a sec then said something in a weak tone....
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He didn’t ask why Jimin say that or anything, like a normal person been wrongfully accused. Just really nervous laughing.
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Cute, but boi.
Then theres that famous sleeping together on a boat:
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And also those v-live busted:
Jungkook wasn’t wearing clothes when V came, but they exchanged some shady text before. So theory was probably V told him hes coming but didn’t say he would bring the cam, so... poor JK.
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Anyway there are lots of them, so im not gonna go threw everything. Just my theory: I would guess they probably started just good friends, they both has the same weirdness, and similar age. And JK said he think V really good looking a lot from the beginning. V would pet JK like a puppy and hug him every chance he got.
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Though other’s like the little bro too, but clearly they were the closest.
And most of all, V likes(or needs) to hug something to sleep, and little JK didn’t like sleep alone. So they just naturally sleep together all the time. And other hyungs were used to it. they know each other more than any other members too.
 at first I guess they started to make out around 2017, but now i think probably 14-15. I have to keep changing the timeline earlier because more i dig, more i think it happened very early. 2013 When the group started, Jungkook looked so shy and everyone teased him. V’s teasing a bit different, more intimate or inappropriate even. Like the pic above, JK often looks shy and tries to get away. There’re also a vid (I forgot where i saw it) everyone sit down talking, V held JK under his arm and grabbing his nipple, JK looked so uncomfortable and low key tried to get away.  But that dynamic soon changed, JK suddenly more confident, can tease back, and possessive of V. i think they started to make out during that time. explain why JK used to so awkward when V teased him, because he got aroused by those joking behavior and embarrassed. But after confirmed that the feeling was mature. He’s all exciting and totally in love. But I don’t think they really consider the other one as lover till 2016, could be when V left the group for the movie shooting, the separation made them realized their own feeling. if i can be a bit pervert, i would say before that could just jerking, making out, normal stuff. but 16 or 17 are the time they really doing it and become lovers.
this vid was form 03.24.2017, i saw it from other people’s great vid. pls go watch it, so informational. In this vid you can hear some kissing sound. I used to think this time was they first build up the real sexual relationship so they couldn’t control themselves. But now i think maybe because company were(are) pressing them, so its their way to get back. So as those sneaky tease, it’s their way to express their feeling under the company rules.
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Maybe at first was boys fooling around, but it turn to real general love very quick. It’s not just some dazed and confused, they supported each other in a high pressure industry full with adults. Train together, work together, live together. That would definitely create a strong bond. And I believe them made each other grow a better person. V becomes more thoughtful, discovered his ability on dancing, singing, and song writing. And the very capable JK becomes more caring, confident, and found his mental support he can always rest his head when he really tired.
The another shock for me was the behind scene of Winter Bear.
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first of all, JK isn’t in the credit so why was he there lol? Second, that phone lol. JK’s symbol is rabbit. so no matter who that phone is all quite suspicious.  Although there’re some camera sound, but it doesn’t looks like another person was shooting, the sound and camera shift could edit in. or just ask the camera person leave the camera after couple shoots. Anyway, i think the camera was on the bed was the tiny movement matched their move so it could be just mattress bouncing. But the important thing i want to talk about was this:
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That damn boi was freaking jerking off right?! His top all opened up, his left hand was under the cover, and there were some tiny panting and chest movement... i watched like at least 20 times, its gotta be. And there’s a cut couple sec later, changed to JK singing winter bear with a smirk face.
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cus he freaking knew the song is about him.  yeah. I think V made that song cuz JK. He said before that JK really hates people waking him up. so i guess kinda like a bear?
 Then there’s the walking with JK’s dog scene. Before the behind scene came out, people argued about whether JK was involved. But now, yeah, i would say he probably the person filming since he already filming V a lot on his personal account “golden closet film“... do i even need to say anything about the name?
Back on the bear. 
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V only held one bear, and the finishing had two bears.
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Two bears, how could that be any more obvious?? Two bears, two boys likes to sleep together. do the math.
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do you even wanna talk how close he and the person filming? don’t think a professional would film like this. and the look in V’s eyes, the tiny smile on his lips... im tired to go over this, why do i even need to point out? use your eyes.
So, conclusion, I think they were in love since 2017. And the other members all know about it. There are so many slips i wouldn’t gonna talk about it. it’s already a super long post.
Next, it’s the interfering phase. 2018. 
Anyway, Korea is not a gay-friendly country. And they have mandatory military service, which V and JK haven’t done. if you’re gay in Korea military, you could face jail time. And not to mention coming out in anywhere would be hard. The company started to separate V and JK, they won’t be in the same vid, even arrange different schedule for them. If it’s a group activity, then they couldn’t stand next to each other without others cut in-between.
I imagine its not a great job for the hyngs, probably why they talked about disband. Yeah, I went back to the first question i got and finished my quest. i think i found the real reason. and it explains why-->
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See when Jin said it, V was looking at another person on his right side with that intense look, tell me that's not a look you look at someone you love but couldn’t be with.
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And V all broke down, finally JK couldn’t watch it anymore.
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I can’t find a close up, but i remember seeing in some other vids. JK was holding his tear and put on a calm face but you can see how hard he gritted.
it’s hard to find because they all got ban by the company. maybe my post would too... i heard there was a vid on YouTube point out the same thing and got ban by bighit. so... anyway. if you think im right, you can make a copy of my post and re-post it. don’t worry about copy my words, i don’t mind. if a lot of people did the same thing, then there would be no point to ban.
That’s talk about this v live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfHecRN_dLk
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if you didnt watch it, go find it on youtu. This vid are so... all over the place. I didn’t understand till some great analysis (see the link above). i couldn’t go throw all the details why how or what... if you don’t believe, why you even read till here? 
Simply says, company wanna hide that JK and V was staying in the same room, so they probably ask V to leave the room, but V came back in the middle, everyone was super awkward, so Jin and Jimin left. V looked sad and pissed. He wouldn’t leave, so company sent someone to ring the bell, and told JK to ask V to leave.
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see how uncomfortable that JK had to ask V to leave. i feel so bad for them both, had to follow those company stupid rules and pretend their relationship. How would that feel when you have the love one so close to you, but you can’t touch, can’t hold each other, can’t even say how important that person meant to you.
They’re in their 20s! they should be having fun with each other, posting those sweet pics and showing off their boyfriends, having the best. Instead, they can’t even stand together in public photo shooting.
People even thought they have issue with each other, can you imagine how insult that would be? have to see your fans pairing you and your lover with other people, but couldn’t say anything.
Then, that’s talk about the new album. because i think they’re not gonna be quite for long. remember RM made a speech in UN about not just love yourself, also need to speak yourself? I think they are gonna speak, that’s why RM hinted in this interview:
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yes form the same youtuber, go find the vid.  He say something big could be coming, i do think definitely could be JK and V coming out. see how serious JK’s face? this kid got frown lines in just a year! People were shock that he looks much grown up in “ON”, i just feel sorry for him. hes only 22, he shouldn’t have to grow up so much. But love would do this to you, the things you do for love age you. V seems much older too, i couldn’t imagine how much pressure hes under. 
And we have to talk about the songs.
First, Jungkook’s My time. He said the same thing about have to grow up fast. Of course industry would do that to you, but he was always quite happy till couple years ago. love do make us weak and hurt, some love just harder than the other. In his song, he said don’t know what’s his time, I think maybe he was thinking about when to come out? But eventually he definitely will, because his song was for V, the lyric mostly was easy to understand, but 
Even if it's opposite of sun One time for the present (one time) Two time for the past (two time) these three lines i think sun means V’s name? probably means even against what V wants? but the one or two im not sure, how many times he disagree with V?
And time, my time, does that mean sexuality? or just simply means he couldn’t have time with V? so many possibility...
But i really wanna talk about V’s inner child. That’s the reason why i spent 4hrs writing this long ass post with my broken english. Not even sure would any one even bother to read... Because after everything i know and believe about V and JK, when i read the lyric i see a totally different song. a heart break love song for someone he knows for so long, when they both young. (im tearing up again) OK, call me imagine things all you want, if there’s a small chance they really are lovers and this song was for JK... just pretend that and read+listen the song again.
At that time, we had it tough While looking up at those stars in the sky, too far out of reach You at that time, didn't believe in galaxies But I saw it, a silver galaxy It must have hurt, it must have been so difficult I ran towards the endless light 
The first part is the beginning of their story, they wanna be like those stars, but JK wasn’t sure about himself. V believes they can make it. so they went for it, even have to go through all those lies and suffering.
and the chorus... 
It tingles, that summer day's air The cold sounds of the grey-lit streets I draw in a breath and knock at your door We gon' change 
maybe how things happened? Not sure the summer is a  metaphor or a real time though. this change means they fell in love.
Now I wish we would smile more It will be okay, because today's me is doing fine Yesterday's you, now it's all clear I want to hug the many thorns in the budding rose The smiling kid, the child who was always laughing brightly When I see you like that, I can't help smiling
The second part is breaking my heart. I think hes telling JK not to worry about him. He doesn’t mind those thorns(all the obstacles they have to face), he want  the rose(JK or their love relationship). And the smiling kid part just makes me cry every time. The line “Yesterday’s you”, Im not sure means he can sees JK’s grown up, or... When i sense that their relationship might be the almost disband reason, i think probably one of them wanted to go against the company, open their relationship. But the other one refused. That’s why they end up still the same. I thought was V wanted to open, because he’s more don’t care about what people think kinda person.  but now i think might be JK. That’s why V was crying so hard on the stage, because hes the one hiding. He felt sorry for JK, and JK held him showed he support his decision. And if that’s true, then the whole “yesterday you” could means that V understand why JK want to go public now. Another thing why i suddenly think JK is the one wanted to come out, is the “Golden Closet Film” name. And It’s started at 2017.11.08... probably the time they talked about coming out, but decided not to, he was frustrated and felt been pressed by the company into this glamorous closet.
the chorus this time means another change, maybe they broke up, or put a hold on their relationship. but i would think... maybe when V made the song, he didn’t know what would happen. this song was what he wanted to say to JK, so he could bring this song to JK and play or sing to him. See what would he choose.
Therefore comes the next part which is dancing in my tears: 
Tonight, if I reach my hand to yours Can you hold that hand? I'll become you You just have to look at my galaxies Be showered with all those stars I'll give you my world The lights illuminating your eyes, they're the me of now You’re my boy, my boy My boy, my boy, my boy
Is V asking JK to come out with him? i couldn’t figure out every single words mean but i don’t have to, that’s something V said to JK, the meaning belongs to them, we can just shared a bit of his emotion. there are just so many love and begging, calling for the boy he deeply in love with. every single word hurt me deeply because they are so real and pure.
If someone wrote something like this song to you, you need to grab that person tight. You might never meet another person could love you more than that.
I don’t know if JK hold V’s hand, like I said in the beginning, i could be all wrong and this is just a fanfic. But it’s the ending, if you still with me. let me make a wild guess...
If they come out on one of the coming concert, that would be epic.  I worry for them of course, I wish them nothing but happiness. I truly don’t want to see this great kids suffer anymore. So maybe its a good thing if im wrong, or the storm might swallow them all. No matter what, i will keep supporting them, hope most of the army too. 
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coinofstone · 5 years ago
Mint Condition 14x04
If you follow me on the tweety you’ll know that I made a pathetic attempt at a full season re-watch starting in like… September. I got as far as the end of S5 before S15 began, but given my severe case of swiss cheese brain I decided to pause the full series re-watch there and pick up at 14x01. I figured it’ll be faster to get through S14 for a refresher and then go back to S6. Shut up my logic makes sense to me.  ANYwho, Mint Condition is probably my second favorite episode of S14 and definitely an overall series stand out for me - even tho I did have terrible nightmares after the first time I watched it. That fuckin dummy was goddamn terrifying and my subconscious was REALLY GODDAMNED SURE he was going to kill me in my sleep. I’m happy to report i had zero issues sleeping after watching it this time. :) Altho watch I just jinxed myself, since I am gonna watch again as I write this to pull quotes and screens.  You can tell I’ve been looking up recipes cuz theres a massive intro nobody gives a shit about before I get to the point of the post. NEVER FEAR! The good bits are under the cut. 
Let me just start by pointing out that while I do believe that Stuart is a mirror for Cas, The whole toxic fanboy/incel/chan troll shtick isnt reflective of Cas as a person in the way we (I) would normally judge someone like that.  I’m not sure if it’s because Davy actually sympathizes with and sees no harms in humanizing those people, or if it was for the fun of playing with a character like that, but there certainly are some parallels there - in the sense that even within his own community he’s  a misfit, rebellious, and argumentative. either way, the trench coat is pretty damning. 
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Girl Sam comments that the store had been left to her and Dirk, but Stuart had been fired twice, the previous owner kept catching him stealing. But they hired him back because “he’s my friend”. That forgiveness, Stuart’s bad choices and lack of ‘impulse control’ it’s all reflective of Cas, even though it paints Cas in an unnecessarily negative light, on the surface it’s arguable but not entirely wrong. When Stuart pulls out the Panthro toy, his response is: “so angry, so handsome” and damn if that doesnt describe Dean lol.The fact that the first thing we see him do is steal this handsome, angry figure from the place it was sent is just another Dean detail. 
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Hey you know who else got stabbed in the gut like that and almost died?
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These two are the strongest mirror in the ep. Bonding over candy, shared fashion sense and a love of horror flicks, Dirk tells Dean (those names) that he wants to ‘watch over’ Stuart while he is unconscious, and that despite his rough edges, Stuart has been there for him, giving him a place to crash and escape his shitty father. Which, I mean, this is heavy handed as fuck, presumably to make sure the GA doesn’t miss it, but seriously all this kid needs is an American classic muscle car and a love of Led Zeppelin. 
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This where I 
curse my inability to gif because it’s the sublest of moments here but when Dirk asks Dean which of the All Saints Day movies is his favorite, Dean throws a quick glance over his shoulder, as if to make sure nobody is listening. He’s so used to hiding this side of himself, the nerd, the fanboy, that even though he’s a grown ass man that regularly kills supernatural evils, he instinctively looks around real quick to make sure he won’t get caught having this conversation. It’s heartbreaking, and I think, attributable entirely to Jensen - but that’s entirely spec on my part. He does this three times in this scene, before finally getting comfortable and enjoying Dirk’s company. Jesus you’d think he was engaging in some kind of elicit trade the way he’s got his head on a swivel. Poor thing. 
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“growing up it was always nice to check out for while… I like to watch movies where I know the bad guys’s gonna lose.” Dean’s preferred method of escapism is relatable, sure, but  he’s also point blank telling us right here, WHY he’s been hiding out in his room watching these movies, he’s self-soothing. He’s just revealed that he was awake and drowning the entire time he was possessed by Michael, he doesn’t know why he was ‘released’ but he knows he came home to find a ‘house full of strangers’. The fact that his self care at this point is pizza, beer and movies the way he did as a kid rather than cheap whiskey, the way we’ve seen him do as an adult, probably speaks volumes to how actually affected he really is.  
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Dean being the one to wrestle with the father figure - the owner of the store who taught them everything they know before his death, leaving them the business to run and then possessing the lifesize figure of a mechanic who’d been literally burned in order to get revenge on the one who’d been stealing from them - I hate the idea of a John vs Cas parallel and I don’t think it was intended to go that deep, but there’s no denying a paralell between the ghost of Jordan and John.  
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The thread on these two, in my opinion, is a little thin. Beyond the ‘ha ha Sam’s a girl’ joke, and their shared science nerd bit here, the main thing really is that even though the store was left to Sam AND Dirk, it seems like Sam is the defacto leader. She’s the one we see dealing with the incoming delivery, she’s the one behind the counter, and she’s the one who called Stuart to call him out on their one star yelp review. At this point in the season, Sam Winchester is the defacto leader of the new hunter collective he’s inadvertently assembled by way of rescue hunters from Apocalypse World. She also demonstrates Sam’s usual ‘lore’ skills, figuring out that it’s the keys that the ghost is most likely tied to, and finding a chemical in the morgue to use as an accelerant to help rescue Dean. That’s literally all I’ve got on them two. 
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This is random, but the significance of that poster has been bugging me since the live airing of this ep. I do not understand that reference and it’s driving me bonkers, so if anyone does, PLEASE TELL ME. 
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🙃 I really hope I don’t have nightmares tonight. That mask on the dummy is fucking horrible. 
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biteitwhenitssoft · 7 years ago
If you don’t mind me asking- what even is the Voltron discourse??? I like to think I’m somewhat in the fandom but like I don’t ever really stumble across it.
theres lots of different discourse! i think a lot of it has to do with shipping (ofc) but to be fair im also not really in the fandom either i just watch the show and i try to stay away from everything, so i dont know a whole lot about the discourse either but ill list what ive seen. (no sources cuz i dont save links to that garbage)
under a cut cuz it got kinda long
if you dont care too much about minor things you can just read the bolded part but read the last two cuz theyre the worst. these first two are minor things that were only really unpleasant cuz the people involved are usually unpleasant. but a lot of the stuff in them is normal fandom stuff. the last two explain why theyre unpleasant tho.
if the show is good or not: so voltron created a LOT of hype when it first came out. it looked like a fun reboot with nice animation! im pretty sure it has the same team as the people who made last airbender and korra (or at least theyre reaaaaally similar) so people were very excited about the show. problem is the show is honestly just a really simple kids show (its made by dreamworks) and there isnt a whole ton of substance to it. theres a general plot, some fun fighting scenes, some funny scenes, regular stuff. the fans though were so excited for it they kinda. fabricated a LOT of content? for the show? cuz fact is the show was missing a lot of content so the fans just made it all up to have fun with it, the fandom made half the voltron lore and relationhips tbh cuz there just isnt a lot of it in the show. my opinion is that voltron isnt necessarily straight out bad, but its definitely missing a lot of substance. there was one funny post someone made saying voltron was like this new coffee shop that opened up that everyone loved and told you to try but you go and they just serve plain toast and thats it but everyone else brought their own jelly from home. that describes it perfectly. i think jokes like are funny and true, and like, i figured all of that from the beginning? the fact that they mentioned but never showed the imfamous bonding moment between keith and lance and yet the fandom went WILD with it was a good tip off on how this was all gonna go. other people only recently accepted that voltron might not actually be very good though and posts about that started showing up. i didnt see too much fighting though so that wasnt as bad, just kinda annoying imo (i still watch it and enjoy it, i just also know it lacks a lot of key stuff)
how the characters are handled: ive seen a couple of things here and there about the characters. first thing i some passive aggressive comments and edits of allura where she has more african features. fair enough as shes voiced by a black woman (kimberly brooks) and has dark skin, it would be nice if she looked like that- though i dont think her current look is a crime. theres also stuff about fanon lance and canon hunk. fanon cant quite agree on how to interpret lance, some people make him all goofy, maybe stupid? maybe aggressive? something, and other people make him all sads serious, the funny is just a coverup for his true self or whatever. theres just a lot of generally different points of view on who he his and how he acts and thinks. i dont think there have been bad fights over it though? then theres people being disappointed in how canon treats hunk. in the first season fans were given high hopes that hunk, a fat character, wouldnt be reduced to typical fat character tropes since hes smart and did some cool ass stuff in the first season! as the show went on however, they just kept doing hunk worse and worse and he really fell into the foodie trope, so much so it was just kinda depressing. there were some people trying to defend this saying people should accept that as part of his character and just cuz he falls into the foodie trope doesnt mean he isnt smart or that his only character trait has to do with food and shit, but then there were people saying that regardless of that truth, the show failed to show it and simply treated their character badly. luckily hunk was saved a bit in the last season :’)
and now,
character ages: there werent official ages for the characters when the show took off so people went ape with shipping and then some ages or age ranges were revealed i think and the fandom divided in half when it came to shipping shiro and the other paladins together (shaladin ships.) shiro is some sort of official adult age like 20s or something and i think hunk lance and keith were like, higher teens? 17-18 or something? and pidge is younger like 15 or whatever i dont know, but yeah so half the fans wanted to keep shipping shaladin and half the fans thought it was gross and i can see why there would be a divide sure but the fighting got really volatile??? the people on each side were so violent and ready to wage war if you even slightly disagreed with them, and of fucking course the pedophilia accusations were everywhere and it was pretty chaotic. people were VERY vehement in that if you didnt physically recoil in disgust at the thought of shaladin, you were a pedophile, and the people who did like it were constantly up in arms defending themselves with EVERYTHING be it age disputes or the whole “its fictional” thing, and for a big while anyone who remotely didnt like shaladin ships were called antis and i just used to see a lot of posts about antis before i unfollowed people and they were…. very aggressive. i personally dont like shaladin ships and blacklist it from my dash but like, thats just me, i dont take part in the fighting. 
the threats: while every fandom will have disagreements and some discourse, the voltron fandom was just fucking FULL of people who loved to take things too far. fans started harassing the creators and the voice actors, badgering them about ships and shit, and literally threatening them to make their ships canon. mostly over twitter. im pretty sure some girl threatened a voice actor that she would kill herself if klance didnt become canon? like what the fuck? anyway yeah, since the voltron team was so connected to the fans over twitter, a lot of them acted so inappropriately to them and acted like they owned the show and they were entailed to telling the creators what to do and how to make the show. this was just. the worst thing id ever seen and the fandom was full of people doing that kind of stuff. so yeah.
thats what i remember but luckily ive been removed from the fandom for a while so it might not all be accurate or up to date or whatever but this is my take.
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citrus-feline · 7 years ago
going on facebook is always awful cuz ill want to share something with my dad but then see his most recent post is talking about “commie liberal shitheads” like. dad. is that what he thinks about me? he is definitely at least semi-aware of my political views. he’s accused me of being a communist in highschool back when i thought there was a point in talking to him about issues (but hes not going to change his mind). i dont get it either because he will get livid when i say that capitalism in its current state in america is ruining us despite being one of the people affected most by it. i grew up like hating late-capitalist ideals because i saw what my dad went thru and the hardship he endured trying to raise 3 kids all by himself when he was already having money issues. he grew up poor in a house with 5+ kids in it. is it just conditioning where he trusts a system that is so against him? he only just recently finally got a job that pays fairly for the amount of hardwork he does and his reaction to that isn’t being thankful to his hardwork or even his company, but making posts on facebook about how much he loves the president :/. dad... you’re opposed to raising min wage..... like....... he deserves the money for the work he does cuz hes like a genius with the machines he works but dude. go back 50 years and a job in a similar environment would be min wage. im happy he is getting more money but i wish he would like thank himself or his company instead of someone who perpetuates late-stage capitalism despite all of its harm.
generally i actually think my dad is okay but then i look at what he’s saying about people like me and it upsets me. i once made a post about how older people are so unsupportive to newer generations and he got so mad!! but im expected to see his posts that i can easily apply to myself and just be okay with it. im not gonna fight with my dad cuz like even the possibility of being told to move out will be really hard of my mental health and he takes care of me but........ i wish he was more respectful....... say what you will but the meanest i am to conservatives is when im venting about upsetting things i saw in the news on this website. when it comes to actually talking to people with different views i am really kind and understanding, and even on here i’ve experienced that. i’ve made angry posts before with keywords that attracted conservatives and have gotten angry asks about it before and my response is almost always “im sorry i upset you with that post, i was venting. but i am happy to have a conversation with you about this stuff.”..... i have only like once ever had someone take me up on discussing things in a mature way and separate from a personal post but i like to think that the way i handle it is respectful despite my own disbelief in those types of politics.
him going off on facebook is so bizarre to me because i’ve seen him fight with people in comments before. i’ve heard my sister (who is much stronger than me emotionally) address his posts before only to get into arguments where she will avoid visiting us for months aside from popping in after work or something. and she barely does that anymore. i dont get how he is so happy to keep making such rude posts on a platform that everyone he knows will see. i post on here knowing that maybe one or two people i know in real life will see it, if even that. and THAT makes me nervous! i’ve deleted plenty of posts i was typing up mid-rant because i realized i didnt want people who know me personally to see that! like i know looking at my blog it seems like “oh she doesnt have a filter” but i do!! like once a day i will start writing a vent post only to delete it all without ever posting because i realize it could cause some kind of misunderstanding or bitterness between me and the people i care about who check my blog.
all “bleh i hate capitalism” aside, i don’t understand the disrespect at all. i just dont. i can theoretically look at very conservative people as a group and be bitter about that, and i do sometimes, but i usually try to be mindful that people have opinions for their own reasons and i have to remember that everyone’s experience is different. despite people saying things i disagree with, i still respect them as people and i’m willing to talk about things gently. i much prefer a mature conversation about more heavy stuff as opposed to being yelled at. a mature conversation can lead to things being learned, on both sides. being so vocal about your disdain for people who you could potentially have an actual conversation with upsets me. i go off about politicians and stuff on here but for real if one of them talked to me, one-on-one, i would absolutely still be respectful despite everything i dislike about their policies and behavior as someone of power. the only time i wouldn’t treat someone with respect is if they not only treat me disrespectfully but reject my attempt at keeping things civil. and even then i would give multiple opportunities in an attempt to keep things calm and respectful. when i discuss stuff with people who i disagree with, i listen to them. lots of the time i feel the same about the issue at the end, but hearing a point of view is important. brushing all people who disagree with you away is just in bad taste in my opinion. because there are people who will not believe in what you do but also show respect despite that. there are people who will listen, even if they are secretly a little upset about what you’re saying. conversation is important in any kind of society and for one so polarized in political beliefs like ours i think it should be a requirement to show SOME kind of respect.
it just upsets me how i wont even be heard with some people, like my dad. people who are so stuck in their beliefs that they refuse to even consider looking at them critically. i know the stuff i align myself with isn’t perfect. i know some things people who are head-speakers for in the political groups i openly say i agree with aren’t always exactly what i think. and i know that lots of things won’t be treated as serious as i want them to be. focus can easily be put on things that i think should come later compared to what i care about. i know that “liberals” aren’t perfect. a lot of kids i went to school with were heavily and openly liberal and generally i agreed with them but now and then they would go too far with something, or even just be one of those people who are so up in arms about political stuff that they don’t have any real personal experience with (which is fine, i just wish they wouldn’t act like it was them being attacked instead of the actual people suffering from the real-life issues). i know my beliefs, MY personally beliefs, aren’t perfect. i used to have a lot of trouble realizing something i believed in was not what i thought it was, but now its kinda normal for me. my beliefs for lots of stuff is fluid, but of course because its me, i usually end up aligning with most “liberal” ideals (but, again, theres stuff i disagree with in those groups too). i will ride in my dad’s car where the radio is still on a political station he listens to and some of the stuff they say makes me sick because i disagree with it so much. and i like to think that my dad doesn’t believe all of that. but i dont know because whenever i’ve tried to figure out i’ve just been called a communist who hates freedom, lol. he’s not open to conversation which is really weird to me. cuz like. things change?? opinions aren’t static? people are able to look at things from different angles. its not that hard imo? maybe its just cuz im overly-empathetic but like. i dont... get how its so hard for people to put themselves in others shoes... thats what i primarily do when talking to people about stuff where theres any sort of disagreement. lots of the time ill put myself in their shoes and still come out feeling the same about the topic, but its still important to do that kind of thing to at least get SOME kind of grasp to why they believe what they do.
im not sure why im making so many long political posts lately compared to usual but i feel like this is important stuff to talk about... i dont expect anyone to change their views on shit just reading a post where im getting my frustrations out, but if anything is questionable, i want people to know that i AM open to talking about it personally. if you approach me with respect, i’d be happy to talk to you about stuff. it’s something i practice regularly with non-political stuff in my relationship and with close-friends when something touchy comes up. lots of the times core ideas aren’t changed but we all come out of that stuff with a bit more understanding of the other person and why they think what they do. people aren’t perfect and you will disagree about things. that’s why it should be handled respectfully. if i reacted the way my dad does to people trying to make conversation about more serious things, im pretty sure i wouldn’t have nearly as many friends, lol.
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pokefanbri · 5 years ago
Fucking told him its a huge red flag if someone doesn't get rid of their apps. Multiple apps. Smh 😠 "oh yea i don't use them anymore" proceeds to use fb dating app" for real come on bro!
Some comments of the post:
"If you have to be checking up on your Partner then you shouldn't be with that person.. Idk how people have time for all this .. love yourself and know your worth.."
"If you're in a serious committed exclusive relationship you should not be on tinder. That's how I met my fiance and as soon as we said we are gf and bf and exclusive we both deleted it. Honestly if I was her I would have broken up with him too"
"a person also has a right to trust their gut feeling and check things out if something's not feeling right. Knowledge is power"
I've already discussed this but this news clip further validates my point of the topic, nothing more. I could call him out on hs bs further with detail, but I won't....yet, out of respect even though he probably doesn't deserve it. Til he reaches me & apologizes for everything he's done, i can say whatever tf I want & i could make a whole damn list.
Its the events of this what happened that started our downfall to begin with cuz i didn't trust him & he didn't even try to gain it back just left it as is when I could've turned my back right then & there, no apology either. Didnt apologize much actually, not even when i last saw him. But from then we spiraled & he got bored of me. I wasn't giving him what he wanted in whatever way & he wanted to find more. Closed himself off from the beginning & that created his boredom 😒
Would've had a blast together like a normal fucking couple if he was less closed off, & wouldn't have felt the need to do shit behind my back.
I'll stop talking about it for now, I have the anger & urge to keep going but I wont...actually no Screw it im pissed 😡 but ill keep it light. Its just not fair, I did so much for him but I was disrespected in different aspects of the whole relationship. Fuck! I've talked about the positives alot cuz i do love him..but the negatives are such bs too.
I want a good ass sincere apology for all of it so I can forgive him & move on, ive already apologized myself even though I dont think I should have to 😒. Didnt even give me a straight answer for the breakup, it was always a different excuse when I know he just wanted to pursue other women without me around im not fucking stupid. His own toxicity was too much even for himself & I was in the line of fire, to where i was the toxic one? No fuck that its unacceptable, he always lied when it came to covering his own ass.
For all i know he's watching me squirm & taking pleasure in all the pain I'm going through over him cuz he likes the attention. But no I actually don't think so on that one he's still good & ill give him credit where its due. But I gave him all the attention he wanted/needed & still wanted more from someone else. Really dude fucking really!?
Man up & own up to your mistakes, speak to me where I can actually hear ur voice speaking back to me with sincerity. We'll apologize together. Yea ull be pissed about this, but after u get over it & calm down. Give in & call me, granted when ur ready, & open up for once in your damn reserved life. Itll help us both with more closure & may even take a weight off our shoulders if we just talk it out, no arguing...since we're done there's no point anyway..a friendly non judgment zone cuz idc, i won't think of u any less.
U confused me during & especially after the relationship cuz i didnt know who u really were, i know the good cuz that's what u allowed me to see, ive accepted the bad that I knew already & from what ive learned...i accepted u regardless.
I always forgave u & not cuz im passive, cuz forgiveness is what the Bible teaches.. ive forgiven u & myself the best i could especially with the last things ive showed u, (accept this part cuz im pissed rn & standing up for myself, ill delete eventually maybe if u ask cuz nobody wants to be seen any less of a person. but I can make it alot worse, calling me the mistake was the worst thing u ever said to me & pointing out your faults so u can be better throughout the relationship was my only toxicity to u) we actually never really fought except the 1 time, just argued a tiny bit rarely about little things.
Ive tried using every ounce of my courage to show u how much im sorry for any wrong ive done. but its up to u now to make things right. U know me, ive always said that u can talk to me about anything. I want to be able to trust again & move on whilst staying friends. What else do u have to lose, might even have a great heart to heart convo dude to dudet
Everything ive ever said up to this point lies all my Questions. But here's most of the list, we both were equally in control of the relationship. Maybe u didn't want me to? But doing everything I had to for myself & the household, what u & ur parents wanted of me & just me being me cuz i had to, u had your own part to play & did provide...but did u actually not want me to cater to u if it were a sign u were lazy or something? Like did u not feel worthy of me? What is it u think is my "addicting personality" that isn't fixable on the surface? What is it really that u didnt like about me? This is why i don't have closure, u left me like this, confused as well as wanting more since u held back so much. Was that on purpose to give me even more false hope & want me to pine over u? Did u ever or do u still, love me at all? What did u want from me & out of the relationship, what was the purpose of it from ur perspective & why do u think i couldn't give that to u? What did i lack that u felt compelled to not tell me so I could improve & vise versa so we both could improve? Why wouldn't u allow me to help u become a better man when (I shouldnt have to btw), its exactly what u wanted but maybe didnt see it? Do u realize your own faults even as u do them? Lol. Like i genuinely want to know as much as the good ive seen, cuz to be better the more open of a person u are the more u understand yourself too.
Unless claiming u want to be a better man is part of ur alluring charm in love bombing process to land a caring girl on purpose lol...god I hope not, that would just mean u rinse & repeat like a for real narcissist 🤔 seriously tho look into that im not even kidding, im asking cuz i care. Im pissed now but 1 thing is that im trying to not put ur behavior against u cuz maybe u can't help it, its just the way u are, all ive seen & experienced points to maybe 50% of u lol. Ive always suspected narcissism, a real psych problem that might be worth looking into. But yea 1 of the reasons especially why im so forgiving & trying not to put it against u, why i still care despite u being a dick lol. I chose to look past it, all the time & up to now cuz I understand what its like to have psychological ailments. The worst part about it is most dont realize it, so i encourage u to do some research & self reflection & admitting it to urself are the 1st steps. Okay? There's different kinds & levels to being 1 too, i found that fascinating. bryan is definitely a different type, ur more lighter than that...definitely not the worst which is the physical harm type. Trust me its worth finding out more about yourself, just dont use it to ur advantage in a bad way but i trust u to do right & grow. Not sure a discarded supply (ie me) has ever tried telling a narcy what they might be for the benefit of their own self awareness 🤔,idk if its ever been done, but theres a 1st for everything? U can find alot on it in quora digest alone but Google is also ur friend.
You always were worth every effort of mine to help u in any way to be happy, & i was most happy when u were. U mean alot to me still, its the effect u had on me, I was under ur spell lol its hard to rid myself of it still, not sure when it'll pass. I chose to see it as a gift rather than a curse, that ur effect on me is still so strong when I shouldn't give a damn. If u really are a narcy, then I understand & don't put alot against u cuz its just the way u are & i need to accept it, but if it somehow helps u to help yourself cuz of it, then whats the harm? But, even in doing this or having my socials public for u...maybe just feeds into what u want...i still dont care, I want u to see how bad or good im doing without u in my life, so u know im okay at least. U promised friendship, least I can do is allow u to keep tabs on me too we spoke of, on my end of things.
The 18th of June was the last time i saw u. It'll soon be a month ago in about a week & a 1/2 & your birthday would mark 2 months. Cant believe we couldn't even last through to that 😔
Mark my words playa I will be contacting u on that day lol. Can't ghost your homie forever sweetie
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stopkiwibea · 8 years ago
Guys help I’m emotional
So I wrote a thing- Its a Langst thing.
It isnt finished and its just in the ‘summarize’ stage but… I dont know if I should expand on it?
Read it under the cut if you wantttt
(post season 2)
First Part:
Shiro is still missing, the team does the musical chairs with the lions. Keith is Black, Lance is Red, Allura is Blue. Lance feels disconnected from his identity. Is he the jester? Is he the sharpshooter? Is he just a replacement that’s supposed to try and fit the red lion’s traits? He isnt sure. He tries to keep things going like normal. “But he isnt stupid and he notices how they treat him”(line from the prompt) and he shuts down. Trains more, sleeps less. Focuses more, eats less. Obeys more, talks less. To the point where he’s a walking shell of himself and “Got it” “Yes sir” “On it” short and quick comments. Everyone is stressed, relieved that ‘lance isnt making this harder’ and doesnt notice how broken he is. Its not til the y get Shiro back that he finally visibly breaks. (i.e. hes supposed to go back to blue but he cant? He doesnt know who he is anymore? He visibly looks confused when someone jokes that ‘lance can go back to being lance’ and its said in a way that just enforces more self hatred for the guy he used to be) so he tries to bond with blue again but she isnt letting him in, she doesnt like how cold he is at his core, doesnt understand what happened to her favorite paladin, wont let anyone in(mentally, she still lets allura pilot) and no one understands why… at first. Cuz Shiro is getting increasingly uncomfortable with “how much lance has improved” cuz he’s realizing its not a good change- Lance is getting even quieter as the days go by because, hell, blue wont let him in, why is he even here then?
Hunk tries telling him jokes they used to say back on earth (lance just stares at him like the joke went over his head), pidge tries to get some insane ideas out of him again (he is too strategic now, nothing he says is ‘insane’ anymore), Coran invites him to help clean in hopes it will bring him to talk (lance stays silent the entire time), Keith bugs him/tries to get him fired up over small things (lance just shrugs and listens as keith gets progressively more angry about the lack of response and is removed from the room), Allura leaves every window open for lance to flirt or crack a joke/ intentionally pausing as if waiting for one that she can hear in her head (he never does and the meetings are forced), Shiro thinks its his fault / due to the stress of having to find him that broke lance (he’s only half way right.) Lance just… cant understand who he is supposed to be anymore. Lance thinks that the castle is better now, with less yelling, less mistakes, they get through meetings faster, and his ‘sharpshooter’ title becomes the only thing he holds onto. (like a living breathing gun)
No one knows how to help him.
Things get worse.
The team cant form voltron.
Even the lions feel disconnected from each other.
Lance feels responsible.
“I cant even be the sharpshooter if I dont have a lion”
“Its my fault for severing my bond with blue/she cant recognise me anymore.”
“I dont understand why the team is like this. Why cant you guys bond?”
Keith yells “ITS BECAUSE OF YOU” (he doesnt mean it that way. He’s just wants the old lance back, the one he was growing to love. The others know that. Lance doesnt.)
Lance leaves in the middle of the night after that.
The team searches and searches but they cant find him.
They fear lance is gone forever. They fear that they caused this.
Second Part:
Its been a month. Still no sign of Lance. Until they get a signal from a Galra ship hoarding prisoners. And Blue, who never fully disconnected from Lance, feels him on that ship. She relays this to Allura and the team regroups, planning to break him out. They had to work on their bonds, strengthen them in the hopes that they would eventually find Lance. In a way, he is still holding the team together.
Lance is on that ship. Has been for 2 weeks? 3? He isnt sure. He just knows hes in so much pain, hes surprised he isnt dead yet.
(prompt continues where he strikes deals to take other prisoners beating for them, is still a selfless asshole, learns how small his vocabulary got with all the “yes sir” shit he was doing, and he still has his smart mouth (never got rid of it, just… couldnt use it with the team- his brain felt like it had short circuited in front of them) The prisoners dont understand why he would endure so much pain just for them. They thank him and care for him as he drifts through the blackouts. Queue lance getting to know these prisoners, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and using that (slowly oh so slowly) to try and find a way to break out. He does. He tells them this plan. They praise him for his kind heart and smart thinking, the tell him things he never would have thought about himself. He’s happy. He thinks he knows who he is again. The problem is, he cant feel his legs after that last beating. He can barely stay awake. He thinks hes failed. Again. But the prisoners say otherwise. They make a makeshift stretcher for him. He protests, telling them he’ll only get in the way like this, they tell him “nonsense! You saved us too many times to think about leaving you here. Its our turn to save you.”)
The team is breaking through the defenses when they notice the main ship going crazy. Pidge scans it “its the prisoners! They broke out!” Hunk is overjoyed “I knew Lance could do it!” Its Keith who still has a bad feeling. Shiro directs them to take out all the smaller ships, let Allura and Keith get to the hanger. Keith gets there first, busts the doors open, Allura slides Blue in. They both get out, on foot, within 5 minutes of landing and take out the soldiers. The doors behind them open and here come the prisoners. They dont see Lance at first. Allura is quick to signal them over to blue. As Keith is still fighting, Allura runs over to Blue, getting her to open up for the prisoners, and they both stop. They feel the mental connection that should have been lost but its still there. Keith finished with the soldiers and runs to Allura’s side. Allura stares at the prisoners “I-is he really… Is our friend really with you?” The prisoners part to let them see the middle of their group and theres Lance. On the stretcher, looking worse than they ever could have imagined.
Keith knew he had a bad feeling.
With no time to waste, Blue growled, snapping everyone to attention and the rescue continues.
(lance is watched like a hawk by these prisoners who (understandably, dont know if lance is really their ‘friend’ and they decide to be protective of him. Very. protective.) They are able to open a wormhole and everyone gets on the ship ok. Well… relatively. Lance still hasnt woken up the entire rescue mission and its concerning to everyone. They get him in a pod just as his breathing threatens to stop. Coran is all but sobbing, so grateful that they made it in time, no matter how slim of a window that was. Hunk is sitting by the pod, staring at his friend, tears rolling off his cheeks. Pidge is just trying to take everything in, none of the prisoners were her brother or father, and lance(whos been missing for a month) is stuck in a pod. Allura is speaking with the prisoners, explaining who they are and who lance use to be. (they are very surprised considering how low his self esteem was that he was ever a paladin of the great voltron) Shiro, standing by hunk, still feeling guilty, is lost in his thoughts about whether or not Lance will be happy when he wakes up in the castle.
Keith is just… sitting with some of the younger prisoners and crying. Crying because they are telling him everything that Lance did for them. And crying because “he isnt gone, hes still in there, i thought we lost him forever, guys we have to fix this”
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sassytrickster666 · 7 years ago
Ive thought about this and i would very much like to just say/explain something, so please dont think im attacking you.
Its not romantisizing a nazi , its writing about a character from a movie without any political slangs or propaganda. He does not exist. He’s fictional. Where did I say i agree with any of the nazi ideology? Cuz I did not say so. I am very much aware of the fact that some people do agree with it , or are not properly aware of it at all, and i regret that, but i do not support nor praise the ideology or do the very thing you are accusing me of in my writing. Also, i believe i very clearly state in my writings ‘dont like dont read’ and that i dont like drama.
Normally, I would not react to comments but now ill make an exception. I am truly sorry if i have hurt you with my writing as this was not my intention. In fact, i really dont mind if someone messages me privately to give me feedback on something i might not have done correctly or if theres something they have a problem with. Ive taken stuff into consideration and decided to add to the writing, clearly, that i do not support any nazi ideas, actions etc. even though before i did not think it was necessary because for me its normal people dont support that.
The point is that i NEVER, ONCE, said i support nazi ideoligy. And all i did is write something about a fictional character. I write for a lot of different fictional characters. I do not spread hate. I just write fanfiction. Where im from a lot of time and money is spent on making sure people are educated on what happened during WWII. This imagine about a fictional character has, for me, nothing to do with actual events during that time as i condemn them.
When i get inspiration or request i write. And thats all it is. Creativity and writing. When someone tells me they would love me to write something for a character i will if im up for it, i probably will. I wont regret it. I also dont prefer people saying stuff that is not true. And therefore i did react this time. Because i wanted to explain that i do not romantize the nazis or their regime. I just wrote fanfiction about a character in a movie. Not propaganda. No real people. No romantisizing actual war criminals. No romantisizing nazi ideology. Just some requested fanfiction, from what i assume people that find the actor attractive and/or the movie a good one. So, like i said before, i am sorry if i hurt you, but i dont , anywhere in the post, say that i approve of shit.
Hoped this made sense. If you think this is all bullshit i would be a tad disappointed. But i can do nothing more than genuinly explain my point of view and intention.
Have a good day x
NSFW Alphabet:Hans Landa
GIFS are NOT mine, credit goes to original owners/makers. If you see one of yours and would like it credited please Message me. Thanks! <3
Also the idea of an nsfw alphabet is not mine either but idk where it started so same goes for this.
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A = Aftercare
Most of the time he has other business to attend to so there isn’t much time for aftercare.
If he doesn’t have to go, he’ll wipe most of the evidence away and kiss some of the harsher bruises he left. After this he’ll lay back down and tell you you’ve been a good girl. Sometimes, he’ll pull you closer so that your head rests on his shoulder and his arm is wrapped around you.
B= Body part
Generally speaking he has a thing for your face, especially your eyes. Of those he can read you ; emotions, thoughts. He likes to know everything.
Whether you’re annoyed, nervous or happy during the day and whether you’re pleasured during the night.
When it comes to his own body, he would have to say his mind. It’s what helped him accomplish all that he did will do in the future.
C= Cum
Hans loves cumming on you, as it shows you’re his and you submitting to him.
He likes cumming on your breasts and stomach most. Second to those are your mouth and pussy. It gives him the feeling of ownership.
D= Dirty Secret
His secret is that sometimes, he is in a bit of a different mood (this started happening after the war). This is when he wants to hand the control over to you, do your bidding and feel small. What he enjoys the most, then, is having you ride his face and control his breathing. He gets turned on when you call him things ranging from milder words as ‘bad’ and ‘naughty’ to ‘pathetic nazi pig’. He has no idea where this comes from and frankly, is embarrassed by it.
E = Experience
Considering his age he would have his fair share of experience. However, the last couple of years he’d been completely absorbed by work, referring to his rank and nickname, and thus he’s a little rusty. At first he had his doubts about approaching you because of this. Later he had zero problems making you come the hardest you did in ages.
F = Favourite Position
It’s usually described this way:
You’re bent over on your knees and he’s behind you like in doggy style. Only he’s pulling you up by your hair, neck or upper body so your back touches his chest.
G = Goofy
Believe me, he is as unpredictable in bed as he is during the day. One moment he can be kissing you while being 100% serious and the next giggling while trying to clip off your stockings. Never quite knowing what to expect certainly provides an extra thrill.
H = Hair
He doesn’t like feeling dirty and has the time and the means to keep it exactly the way he feels most comfortable : bald.
He prefers for his partner not to be completely hairless, it would make him feel like being with a non-adult.
I= Intimacy
For one, it always takes Hans a long time to trust someone regardless of the situation. So he’s usually on edge anyways. However, once you earned his trust he started treating you a little different than before. He was never particularly abusive or mean towards you but now he dared to be softer with you. For example, he would proudly take you to formal events, reach for your hand. At times, softly trust into you while kissing and caressing you. The point is: once he trusts you he’d dare show another side of himself, a sweeter side that would involve lingering kisses, more tender caresses and a protective arm around your waist when going out. As if anyone would dare harass Landa’s girl anyways. And once he really goes for something, nobody better get in his way. Because he isn’t afraid of letting others know you’re his and anyone who would like to dispute that will get cut.
J = Jack-off
Hans wouldn’t jack off often, but when he does he takes his time. Whenever he’d been extremely busy or someone has been getting on his nerves particularly much he does it to blow off some steam. Would not look good if a colonel would blow out the brains of a bratty luitenant, would it?
So when he comes home and you’re away, he runs a nice warm bath, carefully undresses, put his folded clothes away on a shelf and let himself sink into the warm water. Then he would sigh and savour the moment. He would close his eyes and imagine you with him in a different setting. Your eyes, your smile, your curves, the way you would kiss him and how he would hold your body against his. Slowly he would trail his hands from his chest to his thighs to tease himself. He would imagine it your soft touch, both nude on a warm summers  night. Your breasts bouncing slightly as you get on your knees. Looking up at him teasingly as you’d kiss his upper thighs.
Then he would stop teasing himself and start caressing his now rockhard cock, grunting softly. He would imagine the wonderful feeling of your mouth on him, how you would lick and suck him and try to swallow him whole as he’d speed up his hand. He’d imagine how your full lips would look outstretched on his cock, how you would moan softly as he’d tug on your hair, the vibrations almost immediately sending him over the edge.
Then Hans would use his free hand to tease his sack. At this point he would eagerly speed up his ministrations until he’d spill his seed, moaning your name and imagining seeing it disappear into your eager mouth.
K = Kink
Oh, my sweet summer child, if you haven’t figured that Hans is one kinky motherf***** yet, brace yourself. So here’s some of his kinks in a row:
-Bondage, using cuffs or ropes. Depending on his mood whether he’d be the one restrained. (Being restrained often goes with the degrading of D=Dirty Secret).
-Public sex. He loves teasing you in a public setting. it starts quite innocently with a hand on your knee or thigh, but you know that before dinner with his colleagues and their partners ends, you’ll have come at least twice. Either by him fingerfucking you under the table or him dragging you off to some broom closet or deserted office. He enjoys it most when you play with him, teasing him too. This is related to the fact that he loves the control and domination he usually has by simply walking into a room.
-Roleplay, he loves being versatile. His favourite scenarios include (cheesy, right?) nurse/patient, priest/churchgoer and teacher/student.
-Dear Hans is usually a Dom, which means that he totally gets off on you calling him ‘sir’, ‘mr. Landa, sir’ or by his official rank. He loves spanking your ass while you call him that, too.
L= Location
Though he thoroughly enjoys making you his in a public place, he definitely prefers the confines of his home. Here, you can both be as loud as you want and take your time.
M = Motivation
Pretty much anything can get him turned on and you like to tease him for it. The sheer knowledge of what kind of underwear you’re wearing, a look you give him or a simple touch. Whenever he draws a quick breath through his nose, and on occasions looks away you know exactly whats up.
N = No
Truly hurting you, mentally or physically. He simply cares too much about you to do that. They may call him a monster and he’s accepted he might be one and that’s a part of him. But even he could never hurt the woman his heart belongs to.
O = Oral
Honestly, he loves it, the anticipation, when you sink down on your knees before him. Knowing that soon you will take him in your mouth and working to take as much as possible. Actually, it’s the kitten licks you give his cock and balls before you do so that kill him. The view of you is simply too beautiful.
As to giving oral, Hans Landa does nothing half-assed. He loves propping your thighs on your shoulders and giving you love bites on them and your hips, marking you, showing who you belong to. He just gets enthusiastic about it. At times it seems he turns it into a game of how many times he can make you scream his name. One of his favourite moves is doing so slowly and suddenly sucking your clit hard into his mouth.
P = Pace
The pace would depend mostly on his mood as he doesn’t really have a preference. He does tremendously enjoy suddenly changing his pace. For example, when you are having a slow, intimate moment and, out of the blue, starting a brutal pace that makes your eyes roll back.
Q = Quickie
The reason that quickies rarely happen is that Hans is usually way too loud for him and that the last thing he would want is for the two of you to be caught. One, because it might compromise his authority and two; because your body is for his eyes only and he wouldn’t want to bring you into a position where you could be disrespected or embarrassed.
Though, the ones that do happen are legendary; the time in the office bent over his desk, the one in the broom closet at the busy restaurant.
R = Risk
Hans looooooves to experiment. It’s just so exciting to try out new stuff! He’s usually shameless with telling you what he’d like to try, though would never push you. In turn, he is quite open minded when you bring something up.
S = Stamina
Though he’s usually good for one round (occasionally a second), and he does like to make it count. He lasts up to a good twenty minutes, but it can vary a bit depending on how much you’ve teased him.
T = Toys
Apart from the stuff used to restrain someone, none, really. He doesn’t feel there’s any needed and neither do you.
U = Unfair
He loves teasing you, but is not patient enough himself to drag it out. He also likes being teased, to an extent.
V = Volume
One of the main reasons he prefers fucking at home. Thats where he doesn’t have to worry about anyone hearing too much. This man almost never shuts up and that’s evident during sex as well. And damn he’s loud . He moans, groans and is definitely a dirty talker. Speaks solely German when he does too.
His favourite sound of yours is either a whimper or the strangled sound you make when a moan gets caught in your throat.
W = Wild Card
He loves calling you nicknames and it’s kinda cute. Usually Schatz or meine Liebe. Next to that he really enjoys it when he comes home in the afternoon and you greet him with a kiss and some coffee after. It makes him feel fuzzy. Its strange.
It makes him think that maybe someday he could make you his forever. Get married or even have a family.
Beside that, he totally crumbles if he finds that you happen to be wearing a housemaids like outfit. Like i said, he’s a sucker for roleplay.
X = X-Ray
He’s quite long,of average thickness, veiny, and crooked very nicely so that when he thrusts into you it’s just too easy for him to hit your G-spot.
Y = Yearning
As there are so many things that can turn him on, his yearning is pretty high. If he gets the chance he’ll definitely make you his once or twice a day.
Z = Zzz
After sex, Hans is usually awake for longer than you, and usually just lays and enjoys the moment. However, when he does fall asleep he tends to end up laying on his side next to you, breathing in your scent and holding your waist.
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