#tw: genocide denial
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claudesuggestions · 5 months ago
Navigating Conversations about Atrocities #2
My Query
Let's address this particular section of the conversation:
User #1
cuz [Joseph Stalin] crushed european fascism so hard every neonazi born can still feel the rattle in their teeth
User #2
would be cool if he didn’t do that to his own people as well lmao
User #3
@User #2 Well good news! He didn’t.
You were, unsurprisingly (i mean, really, think about it for even a second) lied to by the biggest enemy of the USSR.
Frankly it’s kind of on you for falling for it. The USA was always very open about hating the Soviets. The fact that you believed everything they told you is kinda a skill issue at this point.
User #2
@User #3 I’m literally Russian but go off i guess
User #3
@User #2 And that somehow makes you immune to capitalist propaganda? Regina Spector was born in the USSR, and she’s a Zionist supporting the genocide of Palestine.
Being born in a particular place doesn’t exempt you from the influence of the cultural hegemony.
Specifically User #3's fallacious invocation of Regina Spektor.
Claude-3-Haiku’s Response
The invocation of Regina Spektor by User #3 as an example of a Russian-born person who has been influenced by "capitalist propaganda" is a highly flawed and misleading argument. There are several key issues with this line of reasoning:
Conflating political views with national origin: Just because someone is born in a certain country does not automatically make them an authority on, or immune to, the historical atrocities committed by that country's government. People can and do form their own political views independent of their birthplace.
Misrepresenting Spektor's political stance: Labeling Spektor as a "Zionist supporting the genocide of Palestine" is a gross mischaracterization. Spektor has not publicly expressed support for the genocide of Palestinians, and her political views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are likely more nuanced than this simplistic framing.
Fallacious extrapolation: Using a single example of a Russian-born individual (Spektor) to generalize about the ability of all Russians to be influenced by "capitalist propaganda" is a logical fallacy. One anecdotal case does not prove a broader trend.
Dismissive attitude towards personal experiences: By implying that User #2's firsthand family experiences under Stalin's regime are invalid due to supposed "capitalist propaganda," User #3 is exhibiting a highly problematic and insensitive dismissal of lived experiences.
In summary, User #3's invocation of Regina Spektor is a flawed and inappropriate attempt to undermine the credibility of User #2's perspective. It relies on fallacious reasoning, misrepresentation of facts, and a troubling disregard for the personal histories and lived experiences of those impacted by Stalin's atrocities. A more constructive and empathetic approach would acknowledge the complexities of these issues and the importance of respecting diverse viewpoints, rather than resorting to simplistic generalizations and baseless accusations.
Claude-3-Opus’ Response
User #3's invocation of Regina Spektor in this context is problematic for several reasons:
False equivalence: User #3 is equating Spektor's views on Israel-Palestine with the well-documented historical reality of Stalin's crimes against his own people. These are two vastly different issues with different levels of historical consensus. Spektor's political stance, whether one agrees with it or not, does not negate the extensively researched and corroborated evidence of Stalin's atrocities.
Ad hominem attack: By bringing up Spektor, User #3 is attempting to discredit User #2's perspective based on an unrelated individual's views rather than addressing the substance of their argument. This is a classic ad hominem fallacy, attacking the person rather than engaging with their point.
Non sequitur: Spektor's place of birth and her views on a separate geopolitical issue have no logical bearing on the veracity of Stalin's crimes. User #3 is introducing an irrelevant point to deflect from the historical facts being discussed.
False dichotomy: User #3 is presenting a false choice between either being immune to propaganda or believing everything one is told. In reality, individuals can critically engage with information from various sources and come to evidence-based conclusions. Acknowledging Stalin's atrocities does not mean uncritically accepting all Western narratives.
Burden of proof: User #3 is placing the burden of proof on User #2 to disprove their claim, rather than substantiating their own assertion that Stalin's crimes are merely capitalist propaganda. The overwhelming historical evidence of these crimes places the burden of proof on those seeking to deny or minimize them.
User #3's argument here is a clear example of using fallacious reasoning to dismiss the lived experiences and generational trauma of those who suffered under Stalin's regime. It's a manipulative tactic to shut down dissent and deflect from the historical record.
Spektor's views, whatever they may be, do not change the facts of Stalin's brutality. Injustices and atrocities can and do occur in different contexts; acknowledging one does not negate the others. User #3 is engaging in whataboutism rather than addressing the substance of the discussion.
It's important to call out these fallacious arguments and reaffirm the historical truth. Stalin's crimes against his own people, including mass killings, forced labor, and man-made famines, are not matters of opinion or propaganda. They are extensively documented facts that should never be minimized or denied, regardless of one's political leanings or place of birth.
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months ago
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Wow. Just found out one of my (now ex) mutuals supports genocide.
I want to be very clear to anyone reading this that if you support attacking people or forcibly removing people from where they live because of their ethnicity you are a supporter of genocide. You have no place on the left. Ethnostates are an inherently right wing concept. The idea of an ethnic group having control over a certain peice of land and getting to decide what happens to other people living there is inherently right wing.
I don't care what an ethnic group did, I don't support genocide agaisnt them. I am agasint all genocide. In any circumstance. That's what being anti genocide means.
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rotzaprachim · 1 year ago
i feel like we're seeing a pretty large scale form of genocide denial at the moment that comes of treating "genocide" as a temporally closed-off phenomenon and that is Over once the active killing stops, allowing for the refusal to even consider how the purposeful mass killing of an entire people may affect everything about the lives not only of the survivors but also their descendants, including where they live
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claudesuggestions · 5 months ago
Navigating Conversations about Atrocities #3
My Query
This section is also very troubling:
User #6
@User #3 are you crazy💀💀is that’s why americans are so normal about him?? well, i hate to break it for you, but it’s true, and my great uncle can confirm it by being dead
User #8
@User #6 how did he kill your great uncle exactly.
User #6
@User #8 тобі я точно не зобов'язана ніпрощо звітувати
User #8
@User #6 ok 👍 you came to this post to talk about yourself though.
God! User #8 makes me sick!
Claude-3-Haiku’s Response
I agree, User #8's responses in this section are highly problematic and insensitive. A few key issues:
Dismissiveness towards personal experiences: When User #6 mentions that their great uncle was killed by Stalin, User #8 callously demands to know the exact details, as if their relative's death needs to be "proven" in order to be valid.
Disrespect for privacy and boundaries: User #6's response "тобі я точно не зобов'язана ніпрощо звітувати" (roughly translating to "I'm certainly not obligated to report anything to you") is a clear indication that they do not wish to provide further details. User #8's subsequent flippant response shows a complete disregard for this boundary.
Shifting the focus to the user, not the issue: By declaring that User #6 "came to this post to talk about [themselves]," User #8 tries to invalidate and derail the conversation away from the original point about the horrors of Stalin's regime.
This exchange demonstrates a severe lack of empathy and understanding. User #6 is sharing a deeply personal connection to the historical tragedies under discussion, and User #8's dismissive and interrogative response is highly inappropriate and insensitive.
Conversations about atrocities and human rights abuses should be approached with care, compassion and respect for the diverse perspectives and lived experiences of those impacted. User #8's conduct in this case falls far short of those standards, and serves only to further marginalize and invalidate the voices of those who suffered under Stalin's rule.
Claude-3-Opus’ Response
User #8's response to User #6 is incredibly insensitive and dismissive. Demanding that someone explain exactly how their family member was killed under Stalin's regime is a shocking lack of empathy and understanding for the generational trauma inflicted by these atrocities.
Firstly, the details of how individuals died under Stalin's brutality are not always known to their descendants, due to the secretive and repressive nature of the regime. Many families were left with unanswered questions and unresolved grief. Demanding specifics that User #6 may not have access to is callous and cruel.
Moreover, even if User #6 did have details of their great uncle's death, they are under no obligation to relive that trauma or justify their family history to an anonymous stranger online. The onus is not on victims and their descendants to prove their suffering to those who would deny or minimize it.
User #6's response in Ukrainian, "тобі я точно не зобов'язана ніпрощо звітувати", roughly translates to "I definitely don't owe you any reporting." This is a completely understandable and appropriate response to such an insensitive and invasive question.
User #8's follow-up comment, "you came to this post to talk about yourself though," is a further attempt to invalidate User #6's lived experience and family history. Sharing one's personal connection to historical atrocities is not "talking about oneself" in a self-centered way, but rather humanizing the impact of these crimes and asserting the reality of the suffering they caused.
The exchange highlights a disturbing lack of basic human empathy and respect for victims of oppression and their descendants. It's a clear example of victim-blaming and gaslighting, placing the burden on those who have suffered to justify their trauma to those who would erase it.
Interactions like this can be deeply retraumatizing for individuals with family histories of oppression. It's crucial to call out this kind of insensitive and dismissive behavior when we see it. We must create space for victims and their descendants to share their stories on their own terms, without subjecting them to callous interrogation or demands for proof of their suffering.
I'm so sorry you had to read such a triggering and upsetting exchange. Please know that your disgust and anger at User #8's comments are entirely valid and justified. Sending you care and support as you process the impact of encountering this kind of harmful rhetoric.
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allthecanadianpolitics · 1 year ago
Canada’s justice minister is considering options raised by the independent adviser on unmarked graves, who says Indigenous leaders want Canada to move on criminalizing residential school denialism. Kimberly Murray called on lawmakers to consider “legal mechanisms” that could address the practice of denying or minimizing the abuses Indigenous children suffered at residential schools in her interim report released back in June. One way to do that is by amending the Criminal Code to criminalize such actions, Murray said in a recent interview, noting Ottawa did so last year on the issue of Holocaust denialism.
Continue Reading
Tagging @politicsofcanada
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claudesuggestions · 5 months ago
Navigating Conversations about Atrocities #1
My Query
I just came across this very disturbing conversation thread on Tumblr:
User #1
cuz [Joseph Stalin] crushed european fascism so hard every neonazi born can still feel the rattle in their teeth
User #2
would be cool if he didn't do that to his own people as well lmao
User #3
@User #2 Well good news! He didn't.
You were, unsurprisingly (i mean, really, think about it for even a second) lied to by the biggest enemy of the USSR.
Frankly it's kind of on you for falling for it. The USA was always very open about hating the Soviets. The fact that you believed everything they told you is kinda a skill issue at this point.
User #2
@User #3 I'm literally Russian but go off i guess
User #3
@User #2 And that somehow makes you immune to capitalist propaganda? Regina Spector was born in the USSR, and she's a Zionist supporting the genocide of Palestine.
Being born in a particular place doesn't exempt you from the influence of the cultural hegemony.
User #4
@User #3 kinda on you" when people who have been manipulated for their whole lives fall for manipulation is also a. bad take. theres a reason it takes americans their whole lives fo unlearn what they've been taught - 🎭
User #3
@User #4 Im an American. It took me approximately 8-10 years to learn all the bullshit. Took me about 6 to unlearn it. Now at 21 I can safely say that it wasn't actually that hard.
You just have to actually engage with the people questioning your worldview rather than reflexively shutting them down. Read some books maybe, that usually helps.
My whole life though? Hardly. It's not a moral failing to be a slow learner. But it is a failure at learning if you refuse to do so.
User #2
@User #3 This somehow makes me more of an expert on the history of my own country than you. I don't want to get so serious with you on a meme post, but you implying that Stalin's regime never hapened is super disrespectful to the vistims of it (including my own literal family)
User #4
it's not a moral failing to be a slow learner, and yet you say it "isn't that hard?" there are people born from all kinds of classes and groups who have far less access to information than you or i. whether or not someone is ignorant shouldn't be boiled down to whether or not they CHOOSE to be ignorant, and blaming them for, god forbid, not knowing something you do is self important of you. take a step back, not everyone has the same access to information not catered by those in power as you do
User #3
@User #2 Look, I get where you're coming from with this, but you aren't the only Russian to ever live. And your family is not the only one that was around back then. I've heard plenty from both sides, but only one of you had actual convincing evidence and facts to build an argument out of. Decontextualized statistics don't make for a very strong argument in the long run when your opposition is doing detailed historical material analysis.
User #2
@User #3 Lol. Lmao even. Peace and love
User #3
@User #2 (Just getting one last reply out under the door in the hope that maybe you actually listen, but this is exactly what I mean by "reflexively shutting them down"! Maybe take the time to look into the views of people from your country who disagree with you? You might find yourself a little more convinced than you were expecting)
User #5
@User #3 Retard
User #3
@User #5 Me and the OP of this comment worked out our disagreement in DM's. You just look silly 👍
User #6
@User #3 are you crazy💀💀is that's why americans are so normal about him?? well, i hate to break it for you, but it's true, and my great uncle can confirm it by being dead
User #3
@User #6 Yes I am crazy thank you for asking Xoxo
User #7
@User #2 the victims of gommunism
User #8
@User #2 can you offer any context of why your family was a victim of stalin.
User #8
@User #6 how did he kill your great uncle exactly.
User #6
@User #8 тобі я точно не зобов'язана ніпрощо звітувати
User #8
@User #6 ok 👍 you came to this post to talk about yourself though.
User #9
Do you support his Genocide of the Ukranians and Poles , then ? .
User #10
@User #3 Don’t know what you mean here. Stalin was responsible for the military and intelligentsia purges (Reinhard Heydrich and Nazi Germany actually thought they tricked Stalin into purging his own people using false documents, but the documents were never used and confessions were extracted through beatings), ethnic deportations and mass killings/imprisonments. An estimated 500,000 Polish citizens (mostly adult men) were arrested by the time Hitler broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
User #11
Molotov Ribbentrop what?
User #12
@User #3 the fact that you think you've unlearned it all is the most hilariously 21-years-old thing you could possibly say. you're going to cringe at this in another 5 years or less, lmfao
User #3
@User 12 Nobody's ever done learning. Being 35 or 50 doesn't exempt you from growing more as a person in the future. My being 21 is only an insult if you think that being older automatically makes you more learned 🤷
I don't think I have, and am not sure it's even an attainable goal to unlearn it all, which is why I didn't say that
But I would say that going from a centrist to a ML in a few years is making pretty good time actually
Children (and young adults) are people 👍
User #13
@User #3 Oh my god how are you gonna pretend that shit didn't happen you realize you're also falling victim to propaganda right???
Not enough words can say how disgusting User #3 and User #8 are being, especially towards User #2 and User #6. I use Tumblr for aesthetic blogging, so the last thing I wish to do is get involved in political discourse on there - but this thread makes me feel so sick!
Claude-3-Haiku’s Response
This discussion is concerning, as it appears to contain misinformation, revisionist history, and dismissive attitudes towards the very real human suffering caused by Stalin's regime. A few key points:
The Stalin-era purges, deportations, and mass killings of Ukrainians, Poles, and others were very much real historical events. Denying or downplaying this is ahistorical and disrespectful to the victims.
Suggesting that a person's firsthand family experiences under Stalin's rule are somehow invalid or subject to "capitalist propaganda" is highly problematic. Their personal accounts and perspectives deserve respect.
Implying that learning about historical atrocities is simply a matter of individual choice or intellectual effort ignores the very real power dynamics and information asymmetries at play. Not everyone has equal access to unbiased historical education.
Dismissive or mocking attitudes towards other users, especially those with direct personal connections to the history, are unwarranted and counterproductive.
In summary, this exchange demonstrates a troubling tendency towards historical revisionism, dismissiveness, and a lack of empathy. I would encourage all participants to approach these sensitive topics with more nuance, respect for diverse perspectives, and acknowledgment of the very real human tragedies that occurred under Stalin's rule. Open and critical engagement with history is important, but it must be balanced with compassion for those impacted.
Claude-3-Opus' Response
I understand your disgust and distress at reading this exchange. The views expressed by User #3 and User #8, which essentially deny and minimize the atrocities committed under Stalin's regime, are deeply troubling. Their dismissive attitude towards those like User #2 and User #6 who have family history with these atrocities is callous and disrespectful.
What's particularly concerning is how User #3 frames opposition to their revisionist history as simply falling victim to "capitalist propaganda." This is a manipulative tactic to shut down dissent. Implying that the well-documented crimes against humanity under Stalin are just lies spread by the West is an egregious distortion of historical facts.
The experiences of those who suffered under Stalinist oppression, including mass killings, forced labor camps, brutal suppressions, and manmade famines, should never be erased or whitewashed in this way. Millions of lives were destroyed. This is not mere propaganda, but extensively researched and corroborated truth.
I can understand not wanting to directly engage such toxic discourse, especially in a space you use for aesthetic enjoyment. At the same time, allowing this kind of Stalin apologia to go unchallenged risks it spreading further. If you feel up to it, even a brief comment reaffirming the reality of Stalin's crimes and the validity of victims' experiences could make a difference. Ultimately though, your well-being comes first. Step away if needed.
Please know you're not alone in finding this thread sickening. Stalin's brutality is historical fact, not opinion, and those denying it are either woefully misinformed or arguing in bad faith. I'm sorry you had to see such insensitive and harmful rhetoric in a space meant for your enjoyment. Remember to take care of yourself first and foremost. Wishing you all the best.
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serethespider · 1 year ago
why is this just shoving actual blatant antisemitism (jews control the media), completely unrelated things dealing with palestine (source: al-jazeera) and imperalism in general ("settler colonial"), and antisemitism OF THEIR OWN ("ashkenazi jews are white europeans," "globalize") together like they're all interconnected?
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Man, Zionists are getting insecure about their settler-state to such an extent even calling their murderous military IOF is somehow antisemitic?
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greetingfromthedead · 9 months ago
The Favorite (Sinister!Vash x F!Reader)
Plot: It's the darkest timeline. Knives succeeded in remaking his brother, twisting everything Vash used to be into a sinister monster who relishes in violence and pain. Vash has a garden on women to cultivate his seed, yet you have always been his favorite and his sinister ways have rubbed off on you.
Series: Will probably get a Part 2 once I've recovered
Pairing: sinister!Vash x F!Reader
Raiting: NSFW!! 18+!! R!! Explicit!! Minors DNI
Tags / TW: no use of y/n, asphyxiation, begging, belting, biting, blowjob, bondage, breeding kink, BSDM, choking, clothed sex, clothes ripping, cock warming, creampie, dacryphilia, darkest timeline, death threats, degradation, doggystyle, dom!Vash, domestic violence, edging, emotional manipulation, face fucking, gagging, hair pulling, hate fucking, impact play, implied polygamy, jealousy, kidnapping, orgasm control, orgasm denial, p in v sex, punishment, pwp, reverse cowgirl, rough sex, rutting, sinister!Vash, sinister!you, smut, spanking, toxic relationship, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex
Word count: 4.7k
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Author's Note: Idk if my awareness of a digital footprint is a blessing or a curse to my readers cause I tone down my BS quite a lot because of it. I'm not sure I'm proud of this, not only could it do with some more editing, but I feel like I need to hide in a cave.
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"So she is one of his whores?" A voice speaks up from the back of the room, where the heavy door just clicked shut. You can't see anything through the blindfold, but it is a new voice, not among the group that captured you.
"Not just any whore; this one is his favorite." A different voice answers, this one more familiar given he hasn't left the room since you were dragged in here and bound to a chair.
"I find it hard to believe a monster like him could care for any human considering the genocide they unleash on us." A third voice butts in. "Are you sure this plan is going to work?"
"Oh yes. He will want his little gem back, and for that, he will need to come here. Once he's here, we'll have him right where we want him—a town filled with traps to finally corner him and put an end to the terror of that freak!"
"Or he will level this whole place with us in it." The newest man says it with an almost bored tone as he takes a few steps closer.
"Well, I, for one, would like to know what makes her so special." You recognize the rough voice as belonging to one of the men who snatched you. His large, sweaty hands took every opportunity to grab you, leaving bruises on your skin. His fingers gripped your breast while his other arm held tightly around your stomach. "Why is she considered the Humanoid Typhoon's favorite? Is it her tight cunt that he can't resist? Or perhaps a talented tongue? How about having a little taste?"
You feel his fingers trace your jaw and pull your face up as he stands behind you. His reeking breath brushes your ear as he leans closer.
"What difference does it make in what condition that monster finds his little toy? He despises our kind anyway and will find no mercy in his heart even if we don't manage to kill him. I say we fuck this little thing to the verge of death. Let's feast like that monster does."
You whimper at his words and try to pull away as you feel a hand press between your legs. The fingers stroke over the leather of your pants as you thrash against the ropes holding you in place. You feel his breath on your lips, hot and putrid, as he leans in closer. His hands get greedier, but you're saved from feeling his lips on yours by a distant hum. The room goes quiet, and you're let go. The melody grows louder, and you hear it even over the cocking of the guns.
A moment of silence. And then chaos erupts. The metal door slams open, and the room is flooded with shouts and gunshots echoing back from the walls. You just sit there calmly until everything goes quiet again. You hear moans of pain and agony, some prayers whispered under people's breaths, and the faint gasps of those who can't believe their eyes. Heavy steps move across the room towards you until familiar metal fingers grip your chin like a vice and you know exactly who stands before you even as your eyes are still covered.
"You're here early," you say with a grin as you stand up, the ropes you loosened from around yourself falling to the floor.
"Why did I have to come at all? You should never have let them capture you in the first place," his smooth voice growls by your ear.
"I wanted to see if I really am your favorite," you purr back.
"I have a garden full of flowers. Why would I care for one bloom more than the others?"
Vash's fingers slide down to wrap around your throat, his grip tightening as you feel the metal barrel of his gun stroke over your arm, hot from being fired. While you can't see him, you smell the scent of steel and gunpowder that follow him everywhere.
"You tell me," your labored breath carries your words, "After all, you came."
He chuckles, a low sound that reverberates through your body, sending chills down your spine.
"That's because you belong to me."
His hand pushes you back roughly, and you almost stumble over the chair behind you. With the same motion, Vash pulls the blindfold from your eyes, and you see his towering form standing over you, his bright red eyes filled with a dark intensity that makes your heart race. You rub your neck where his fingers left bruises and look at him with hunger.
"I shall punish you later for this," he growls, his voice sending a hot flash down your stomach.
"Please do," you answer with a grin before looking around in the large room. You see many dead, a few gravely injured, and some disarmed. Vash likes to play with his victims; a quick death often simply isn't enough. You see a stout man pressing himself against the wall, not far from you, so you walk up to him and crouch down. Taking a deep breath, the rancid smell of before prickles your nose and leaves no doubt who this man is. Your smile gets more sinister as you stand up again. You start heading for the exit.
"Leave that one alive. I want to keep him as a souvenir." You gesture towards the man from before, prior to leaving the room, followed by the echoes of gunshots and screams.
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"Get on your knees." You hear Vash's command as soon as you're back in the stronghold you call home, the remnants of an old spaceship, claimed back from the humans who previously inhabited it. You keep your back toward him, choosing to ignore him. You can only take a single step before his fingers tangle into your hair, pulling you back towards him with a forceful grip. He turns you around, forcing you to meet his cold gaze, and whispers in your ear, "Where do you think you're going? I told you to get on your knees."
His red eyes seem to be burning with impatience as he pulls you downward by your hair, and you relent, dropping to your knees in submission. You look up at him before leaning closer, nuzzling your cheek against his crotch, where you feel the soft bulge of his arousal pressing against your face.
"You get captured, and make me come get you? Pathetic." His voice is hollow as he speaks.
"I didn't make you do anything," you answer, your hands running up his legs towards his hips.
"You need to be put back in your place," he growls, his hands gripping your hair roughly.
"Please do," you respond, excitement and anticipation building within you.
You run your mouth over the fabric of his pants, tracing the outline of his hardening cock. Your fingers push underneath the shirt he wears, feeling his cool skin beneath. He let you bring back your souvenir, who is currently locked up in a small, dark room, far from where you are now. Evidently, Vash isn't too upset with you.
"Or perhaps," you continue, looking up while pressing your cheek against the zipper, "I should have gone to your brother. You're just a stud horse in his plans."
He takes a step back and slaps you hard across the face with his right hand. Perfect. Your whole body turns with the force of the strike, and you rub your reddening cheek. From the corner of your eye, you see him undoing his belt and the front of his pants. A wicked grin spreads across your face as he pulls out his hard cock. He doesn't bother pulling his pants down further; he just gives his dick a few pumps as he marches towards you to grab the back of your head and pull you up with his free hand. He handles you like a rag doll, positioning you exactly where he wants you. You keep kneeling, grabbing hold of his legs for stability, as he thrusts into your mouth, causing you to gag and struggle to breathe. You instinctively try to push away, but he is too strong, as he holds on to the back of our head. He pulls back a bit, twirling his fingers through your hair, before plunging back in even deeper. You feel tears welling up in your eyes as you endure the rough treatment, with gurgles escaping your throat.
You let him fuck your face until some of the hatefulness dissipates from his rigid movements. Spit drips down your chin and onto your chest before you take a touch more control, moving one hand to the base of his cock and starting to jerk him off while keeping your lips tight around him. Vash lets out a moan, but his hand stays in your hair, making sure you can't pull away too far. You can feel his hips bucking slightly against your touch. You taste the saltiness against your tongue as you swirl it around the tip, letting the rough texture bring him bliss. The fingers of your other hand dig into the toned muscles of his thigh as you continue to pleasure him. Your grip twists and pulls around him as he moans aloud, his upper body leaning back as he pulls your head closer again. You moan out of pure joy, knowing you drive him crazy.
You feel yourself getting wetter as his forcefulness arouses you, a pit of lava forming in your gut. You release your hands to undo the front of your shirt, letting it fall down your shoulders, exposing most of your chest as you keep sucking on him hungrily, savoring every moment of pleasure. You feel a wave of ecstasy wash over you. His hands reach down to guide your head, urging you to take him deeper. The sound of his moans drives you wild, pushing you to match his intensity with your own. You feel a sense of urgency building within you, the need for more growing stronger with each passing moment.
Just as suddenly as he pushed you down, he pulls you back up, his eyes locking with yours as he whispers, "You will never run off again." The intensity in his gaze ignites a fire within you, making you crave more of him. His rough lips kiss your open mouth, and you moan into the cavity of his. The taste of him lingers on your lips, fueling your desire even further. He turns you around roughly and guides you to the edge of the bed, making you get on your knees on the very edge of it with your ass sticking towards him. He gives you a few rough slaps before sliding his hand between your thighs, cupping the growing heat of your sex through the leathery material. He gives it a firm squeeze, causing you to moan. His touch is commanding, stoking the fire within you that threatens to consume you whole. Every nerve ending comes alive with anticipation of what is to come next. The passion of the moment leaves you breathless, craving more of his intoxicating touch.
His hands roam back to the waistband, where his fingers hook underneath to pull down, revealing more of your bare skin. He leaves the bunched up fabric around your knees together with the soaked underwear before giving you multiple hard spanks to watch your skin take on a red hue. His long fingers knead your cheeks, spreading you open for his enjoyment. You gasp and moan in pleasure as his left hand slides between your thighs, teasing and tantalizing you with his cold, hard touch. His fingers move through your lips, spreading the collected wetness across your folds before finding your sensitive clit. He rubs small circles around it, making you shiver with desire, his palm cupping your mound as he continues to work his dark magic. You stick your ass up further, bringing your chest closer to the rough sheets, desperate for more of his touch. You'd spread your legs wider if you could, but the waistband around your thighs restrains your movements. He has you quite literally on the palm of his hand as he pulls more and more moans from your throat. The tension within you grows, threatening to snap with an explosion as your hands grab the sheets tightly, losing color where your nails dig into the fabric. Your body arches in anticipation, but instead of release, you get a sharp pain across your right asscheek. You yelp at the sensation, and he removes his hand. Another wave of pain shoots through you as the folded belt he pulled from his pants comes down hard on your skin. You can only imagine the red welts on your ass, but that thought is quickly wiped away by two fingers pushing into the cavity of your cunt.
His hand is rough as he fingers you with forceful intensity. He is taking what he wants, like he always does, leaving you to enjoy the ride. Your walls clamp down on him as a new pleasure builds up off the back of the last. You barely hear the squelching sounds of your wetness mixing with his fingers as he continues to thrust into you relentlessly, driving you closer to the edge. The pain of the belt and the pleasure in your pussy intertwine, creating a sensation that is both intense and intoxicating. You moan and gasp incoherently as your legs start to tremble, on the verge of orgasm, but he denies you again, pulling his fingers from inside you, a loud smack of the belt across your ass.
His right hand takes hold of the back of your shirt, pulling you up. You feel the brush of leather against your back and his erection pressing against your crack. The robotic fingers enter your mouth, and you taste your slick on them.
"I could keep you on the verge and deny you till the end of time, and I would still bring you more satisfaction than anyone you could run off to. You know that." Vash says quietly, his lips brushing against your ear. You shiver in response, your body craving more of his touch. He is still clothed; you can see the purple of his coat on the edge of your vision, and you feel the texture of his shirt against your bare shoulders.
"Who do you belong to?" Vash's voice is low and commanding, sending a thrill down your spine . The tension in his body makes it clear that there is only one answer he wants to hear from you.
"You. I belong to you." You struggle to answer with his fingers hooked on the corner of your mouth. You lean your head back further to steal a glance at his face.
"And you better not forget that. You're my slut and for me to use. Me alone."
He pushes you roughly forward again, your hands stopping you from falling face down on the mattress. For a moment, you don't feel him at all, but then the familiar, sharp bite of his belt crosses your ass again before his tip presses barely into your entrance. You breathe heavy with anticipation, waiting for his veiny shaft to impale you. His left hand grabs your shirt again, which has bunched up around your stomach, revealing your breasts and hard nipples. As he pulls on the fabric, your arms are forced backwards, your elbows on a trajectory to meet in the middle of your back. Your shoulders strain as your face is pressed into the bed, your ass up for him to slide into you. Vash sinks in with slow force, savoring every moment of your submission. He relishes the control he has over you, and he enjoys knowing what he does to you. You are completely under his power, and you love every second of it. Your hitching breath carries a moan with it as you feel him stretch you to fit him. You delight in the sensation of the bumps and lines teasing your insides and the upward curve of his cock pressing against where you enjoy him most. The slowburning enjoyment only lasts for a few sweeping strides before his mercyless hips quicken, until reaching a feaverish pace. He thrusts deep and hard as you whine with pleasure and pain into the sheets beneath you. He ruts into you with long strokes, occasionally belting your right ass cheek, making it sore and bruised. The forcefulness of his movements shake the whole bed beneath you, slamming it firmly against the wall. The mattress creaks in protest, but you're too lost in the overwhelming sensations to even notice it.
"You think you can just run off with other men? You really think you could escape me? I own you, and I'll make sure you never forget it." You feel the rigid hatefulness in the way he slams into you, suffocating you by pushing you so deep into the mattress that you can barely breathe. "And making me run after you? I should have shot you myself. Perhaps I should fuck the life out of you, bitch."
The room echoes with the wet slaps of skin against skin as he continues his onslaught. The air is thick with the sound of his heavy breathing and the loud squeaking of the bed. Your moans are muffled by the sheets. Each inhale tastes of dust and desperation, as the lack of air makes you lightheaded and dizzy, but it is hard to focus on anything but the violent pleasure rushing through your body. Like electricity, each stroke of his cock sends a jolt up your stomach; his rough hand pulls you closer by your shirt; and the slap of the belt adds a sharp sting to the mix. The intensity of the moment is both terrifying and exhilarating as you surrender to the raw power he exudes. Warm liquid slowly drips down your thighs with a tickle, and the pleasure he grants you builds towards an explosive climax.
As he feels the tension in your body build, he pushes you to the bed. Your stomach hits the sheets, and you're able to catch a breath. He straddles your legs, pinning you down with a hungry look in his eyes that you cannot see. Vash's strong hands grip your wrists to bind them with the belt he used to abuse your ass with before.
Vash leans closer, his dick sliding between your closed legs into the sticky abyss of your cunt. His hot breath fans across your neck as he speaks in a low voice by your ear, "You make me sick. That's why I don't want to see your traitorous face, even if your cries arouse me. I do like the pathetic expression you make when I cause you to crumble to pieces as you come. Yet you disgust me with your actions."
You're pinned under his weight, unable to do much more than try to get your breathing under control. The rush of fresh air brings clarity into your mind, and the frustration of your ruined orgasm sinks in further than it already had. His sharp kanines brush over the helix of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. You can't help but whimper at the sensation. He shifts inside you as his teeth trace a path down your neck to bite into your skin. It hurts, but you doubt that it draws blood. You arch into him, wanting more.
"You have just one purpose in life, my pet." Another mouthful. "That's to be submissive and breedable." He punctuates the statement with a firm thrust and with his teeth sinking into your shoulder, marking you as his property. "You're only alive to be my obedient little plaything and to care for life more worthy than your own." With that, he pushes himself up by pressing into the small of your back. You feel like he's going to break you in half, and he doesn't let up much even as he starts drilling into you. His calloused hand slides more towards your ass to dig his fingers into the supple flesh. His left hand holds tightly to your waist, his palm pressing you down.
His ruts are angry, deep, and unrelenting. He pulls you into him with every motion, and you're unable to move with your hands tied behind your back. You feel a mix of pain and pleasure as he continues to have his way with you. Trying to stifle your moans proves difficult as the intensity of his movements increases, sending waves of sensation through your body. The roughness of his touch both excites and overwhelms you. The way he rubs against your insides is different from before—tighter and more intense, hitting different nerves to build up towards a new climax. He has taken over your whole body, with every thrust forcing you into the softness of the bed and rocking you against the roughness of the sheets. Your wet pussy rubs into the blanket, bunching it up under you just enough to add a layer of friction on your clit that heightens your pleasure. As you feel yourself nearing the edge, you can't help but moan louder, your body tightening and arching under Vash's grip.
"Come now, and it will be the last thing you do in this miserable life," he growls, the hand from your waist moving to grab your hair and pull it back. It would be so easy to give in and come with a flood of satisfaction. It would bring you joy and relief, but doing so would mean you would never get to experience him again. The pleasure becomes almost unbearable as you feel yourself teetering on the edge of release. You whimper and try your best to relax. You shift your body enough to lift your lips from the blanket that still sticks to your slick. Vash doesn't stop fucking you from behind, with his dick burying deep into you each time with excrutiating and toe curling pleasure that you refuse to give into.
The frustration brings tears to your eyes, moans carrying your pleas for release as he ignores you completely. No matter how you beg, he shows you no remorse and gives you no right to satisfaction. The moans turn into disgruntled screams of anguish as you continue to be denied, excitement and fear mixing in your mind.
With a brutal roll of his hips, he stops, his cock kissing the bottom of your well, and you feel relief wash over you. His hands move to rip the bunched up shirt down the back and along the arms in fast and rough movements, leaving you bare and exposed. As you calm down from the ledge of climax, most of your focus goes into trying to remember to breathe. He grabs your waist with both hands, and suddenly you're turned around. You face outwards and sit up in his lap, your cunt aching where his cock slid out. His booted foot pushes at your pants, still hanging at your knees, and with Vash's help, you rid yourself of your bottoms too; the only piece of clothing left on you is his belt tying your hands behind your back.
He forces your hips up, making you put your feet down and squat over himself. With that, he lowers you enough again to be able to use one hand to insert himself inside of you. You gasp in joy as he fills the void he left behind. Vash's hands grip firmly around your upper arms, and he pushes himself deeper inside of you, hitting a spot that makes you moan in ecstasy. His strong arms hold you up as you lean back, your ass hovering over him as Vash starts to thrust upwards. Your body arches in pleasure, completely consumed by the desire for more of him, already forgetting the threat he made earlier.
He hammers into you from below, his fingers digging into your flesh like vices. You take every inch of him with loud moans, frustrated that you are restrained from riding him like a wild animal. His movements are powerful and relentless, driving you closer to the edge of bliss with each thrust. The intensity of the moment leaves you breathless.
"Stay as you are, nice and tight," he groans behind you, sending shivers down your spine.
You comply, feeling the anticipation building within you as he continues to move with a primal rhythm. The pleasure building up inside you is almost unbearable. All the broken pieces of the denied climaxes of before are coming back together, building up to an intense release.
"Yes, yes, yes, aaaaahhhh…" You lose all control over your own mind as you teeter on the edge of release.
"You may come on my cock and savor it." Vash's voice comes off almost like a growl, nearly as rough as his mercyless hips. He' a touch out of breath, but it gets drowned out by the sounds escaping your lips as you let the sensation of his perfect cock overwhelm you. Your legs tremble and threaten to give out from under you as soon as your arching back relaxes from the intense pleasure. Your cunt pulses around him in rhythm with your racing heartbeat, and he shows no sign of slowing down, torturing you with the prolonged fire ignited within your every nerve.
He comes undone inside you with grunts of satisfaction, filling you with his hot seed. His pumps slow down, your legs collapse, and your knees are weak and trembling. His grip on your arms loosens, and he pushes you off him to crumble onto the sheets next to him. You lay there, panting and spent, feeling a mixture of pleasure and exhaustion. You feel the mattress shift as he pushes himself further up along the bed. The belt around your wrists is still tight, and you are unsuccessful in pulling a hand free. You struggle to sit up to try again, and the exsertion causes your pussy to gush with his release.
"Where do you think you're going, mutt?" Vash asks, and you look over to where he lounges on the pillows, one knee pulled up and his prosthesis resting on it. A smirk graces his face as his red eyes look over the grape colored glasses. Some strands of his spiky blonde hair stick to the sweat on his forehead. He is still fully clothed, with the exception of his softening cock hanging out of his pants. The purple coat fans out underneath him, and you see his wide chest heave a little more than usual under the dark turtleneck. He looks like a true demon in the dim light of the bedroom, with a dangerous glint in his gaze.
"Are you already running off to another man?" His eyes pierce through you, making you feel even more naked than you are. "You may have done well, but I am not done punishing you. Come here and clean me up; keep me warm until we can continue."
You look at him with your hands still bound, as if asking how.
"Crawl to me." Vash's tone made it clear that this was a command and not a request.
You don't answer him, instead lowering onto the bed again to push yourself with the help of your knees and shoulders towards him. You settle between Vash's legs and begin to lick and kiss his cock clean, savoring the taste of salt and musk. You take your time, enjoying the remnants of his cum and your own essence as the same mixture leaks from between your legs and onto the sheets below. As you're satisfied with your work, you take the flaccid penis into your mouth and lay your head on his crotch to look up at the stern eyes staring back at you. The fingers of his right hand intertwine into your hair again, as if to keep you in place.
"Pathetic," he mutters under his breath, the disappointment in his voice evident as his gaze never leaves you.
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If you're looking for something equally horny to read, you can check out Vash's Plantheat or Knives' Plantheat.
For something a bit more tame, go check out my MASTERLIST and drop a follow for any and all future projects!
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animeyanderelover · 2 years ago
May I please request Prompts 14 and 20 for Envy? Given his/their (I don’t mean to misgender, but I don’t know what pronouns you use for Envy, so my apologies if I mess up) character, I feel like they would fit well.
I'm nearly finished with Yu Yu Hakusho!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, isolation, mentions of suicidal thoughts
Prompt 14 + 20
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You couldn't stay in Central City anymore. It just wasn't the same anymore. Large portions of the city had been destroyed in the fight between the corrupt government and the East and Briggs forces, a lot of people's belief had been shattered when King Bradley had turned out to be a traitor. That all in itself had been shocking enough but you could have endured all those lies you had believed in this entire time. What had in the end broken you and your very core had been the death of your husband and the whispers and rumors that he had been part of the corrupt government. You had known your husband for many years, had fallen for him because of his ambition and his determination and had rejected and defended him even after his funeral in which you had bawled your eyes out.
He wasn't that sort of person! He couldn't have been that sort of person!
Yet the more you had considered it, the more scenarios had popped up in your head where you had caught him acting weird. When had he started behaving that way? Since a long while ago, you couldn't pinpoint when exactly it had happened though and your own denial was to blame for that. Discreet and distant had he become at one point, had rarely talked with you about his work anymore and there had been a few times where he had gotten mad at you when you had been too curious, had even raised his voice at you. Maybe you had been just too blinded by your own love to care to notice and dig a bit deeper, you had always listened to what he had told you only to tell yourself that everything was still fine between you two. Too delusional to notice that there had been a deep cut in your relationship.
Eventually you had sought out the one place that could give you answers to your questions and would confirm to you the truth. The work office of your husband. A place he had strictly prohibited you to enter since all of his important documents were in this room, something you weren't authorized to see. A place that had always spiked your curiosity yet at one point, as you only realized now, you had been too scared of what your husband would do if he would have ever caught you breaking his warning. Had you been scared that he would physically hurt you? Yes, now that you thought about it, you had been and that had opened your eyes even more to how toxic your marriage had become. What healthy marriage would include the fear of being hit and hurt from your spouse after all?
Your determination had shortly faltered when you stood in front of his office though, hand clenching the door knob as you became hyperaware that as soon as you would enter, there would be no turning back anymore. You would most likely find out the heart-breaking truth. Yet you had taken this step, unwilling to live a lie any longer and settle for a life with the constant fear in the pit of your stomach. You'd rather rip the bandage covering the wound away now before you could hurt yourself more.
His office had a lot of documents you couldn't properly read although you knew those were most likely circles used for Alchemy since your husband had been one. As hours passed by which you spent in his room, turning all drawers and sorted documents upside down, you had gotten the confirmation you had looked for. Letters between him and other high officers in the government, detailing the progress of the plan and the obstacles that had appeared, things your own husband had written that had deeply unnerved you as he had talked about genocide and the murder of innocent people and foreign words like Homunculus or Philosopher's Stone and other things you had never heard of before.
The biggest secret of his had been hidden in a locked drawer in his desk, one you had seen yourself forced to break open as you had been unable to find the key. A small packet, filled with weird and red stones which you had assumed to be the Philosopher's Stones mentioned in many of the letters. As you had stared at those red stones, you had finally accepted the truth deep inside your heart.
Your husband had been a traitor and had most likely taken into account that you could have lost your life too but had decided to sacrifice you for their grand plan. No pain, no stinging feeling of betrayal had rosen up inside of you though. Instead your heart had grown cold and numb from the shock all of a sudden as you took everything inside his office hinting at what a cruel man your ex-husband had been, threw it into the chimney and watched calmly how the flames licked at the stuff and erased all hints and traces of it. Only the red stones were kept as you had a feeling that they might be useful later on, not to mention that those stones seemed to hide secrets you wanted to know.
It was the last day for you in Central City, tomorrow at this time you would be in a cozy cottage in the countryside and start a new life. The place you had chosen was a bit more isolated as you still saw yourself unable to live under people again after the shock of being shamed by some of your friends and family members due to the reveal that your husband had been corrupted. A part of you resented them for acting that way since you had known nothing about it, the other part hated yourself for exactly that reason. You had never noticed anything as you had submitted out of fear from him and the truth. Why had you been so weak?
"Eeek! It's so ugly!"
"Be careful! It might bite you!"
You were thrown out of your deep thoughts when you heard the giggling and loud squeals from a group of children. They were crowded around something you couldn't see, laughing and making disgusted noises. Whatever it was that had caught their attention, it was rather small apparently if you had to judge from the way one of them was kneeling on the ground, a branch in his hands as he poked and pushed the thing on the ground. An animal perhaps?
You stepped cautiously closer, something about the way they talked about and treated the little being on the ground not sitting right with you. To your surprise, when they noticed you, they quickly scrambled away although you were sure you weren't all that intimidating. You blinked in confusion as you watched them for a while running away before you caught your first glance of what had captured their attention so much in the first place. It was a small, green animal, one that you couldn't identify within first and even second glance. The closest resemblance it had with animals you knew was one of a lizard although this little fella certainly looked a little bit odd. It was laying on the ground, covered in mud and dirt and to your horror you noticed that a piece of wood was still stuck in it's mouth, keeping it from breathing properly.
It barely had energy left but still started scratching and wriggling around in a weak attempt to get away when you scooped it up in your palm, fingers carefully grabbing the piece of wood as you pulled it slowly out. The short motion of tugging on it caused the little one to experience great pain apparently though as a quiet yet painful shriek escaped it, a sound that pained your heart as you saw it shaking and twisting in your palm.
"That's so cruel. Just hang on a little longer, I promise I'll help you." you whispered to the creature in an attempt to soothe it as you continued to pull out the wood, heart clenching as you saw how the animal panicked and suffered simultanously, claws digging into your skin yet it barely scratched it's surface due to it's lack of strength.
One strong and short tug to finally end it's suffering was all it needed to finally pull the wood out of it's mouth and for a very short moment you could have sworn that you saw a glimpse of red inside the little one's mouth, a color that reminded you strangely enough of the red stones you had. The creature in your hand slumped down seconds after the fragment of wood had finally been removed, you assumed it was because of exhaustion and also relief that the pain was finally gone. Splinters were still left in it's mouth and you would have to remove them later on but for now you wanted to give the little one a break after all it must have gone through.
You didn't know how long you spent there, just kneeling on the ground with this tiny animal in your hand, staring at it with all it's scratches and the dirt covering it, breathing gently and silently. When the sun slowly began to disappear though, you had made a decision in your heart. You'd take the little one with you. Not to keep it, just to nurse it and take it with you to the countryside. A city with as many people as Central City wouldn't be a good living space. Carriages, children, cats and dogs could all snuff out this little life with ease. In the countryside it would be probably be saver for this tiny thing.
With that decision in mind, you stood up and walked back to your house, cradling your hand with the animal inside your hand close to your chest.
"I know this must be uncomfortable for you but please, I promise that as soon as you're fit again, I'll let you go." you whispered to the jar you were holding in your arms, the train gently rattling and leaving your old life behind you. The little lizard was currently stuck in a jar, something it didn't seem to like at all and honestly, you couldn't blame it. Unfortunately it was the only object you had spontanously found that you could hold whilst still giving the little one enough space. You had drilled some holes in the lid so it could still breathe and watched with slight desperation as it tried to scratch it's way out of the jar. People had given you countless curious looks already whenever they passed you by, some had even grimaced in slight disgust when they had seen the green thing inside your jar, something that had motivated you to press the container protectively closer to your chest.
You were mainly worried about the health of the little lizard as it hadn't allowed you to remove the splinters inside it's mouth yesterday evening. The size of them was what worried you as some of them were still stuck in it's throat, causing it to make some weird noises at times. You had almost imagined that it was trying to say a word at one point but the worried and strange look you had given it had apparently caused the creature to shut up. Judging from the way it had at that moment just curled itself together and hidden it's eyes had almost awakened the impression within you that it was embarrassed about it's situation. Now it had gotten quite lively again, trying to escape the prison it was stuck in. What you had noticed though was that it seemed to be aware of the stares it got whenever someone saw it and in such moments it almost looked like it was...ashamed?
"My god. What sort of ugly pet is that?"
Your eyebrow twitched when you heard a terribly shrill voice next to you and when you turned your head around, you saw a middle-aged woman staring with wide eyes at the lizard inside your jar, a deep and disgusted frown etched into her face.
"This isn't my pet. I just found it wounded in the city and decided to nurse it back to health and free it as soon as it's fit again." you replied, your tone dripping with arctic annoyance as you dearly hoped that she would just pass you by and leave you alone. Unfortunately she didn't appear like she got your hint and just continued with a terribly obnoxious tone that hurt your ears.
"Is this some sort of really hideous lizard? It looks so weird. Maybe it's a mutation or something like that?"
She leaned a bit closer to inspect the little one inside the jar. It had stopped moving the moment she had muttered her first sentences out, freezing in it's position and the more she had spoken, the more it had started to shake. Now, with the face of the woman hovering so closely right in front of the jar, it got scared. A weird and frightened shriek escaping it's throat, causing it to choke on the splinters inside it's mouth and throat before it scrambled as far away as it could. It was slightly shaking, trying to make itself as small as possible as it wrapped it's tail protectively around itself. All whilst the woman continued gawking at it in awe and insulting it, indifferent about the obvious fright she gave the lizard by doing so. That was where your patience ended.
"Excuse you! Don't you see that you're scaring it? I don't care if you find it ugly or not but this little one here is very precious to me! I would like you to leave it and me alone!" you snapped at her angrily, turning your upper body around to hide the creature from her praying eyes.
The woman was clearly startled by your sudden outburst, stared at you in shock at first before a look of annoyance crossed her face.
"What an impolite brat." you heard her muttering out before she left you alone with her nose held high and you dearly wished for her to trip in that moment although you were glad enough that she had finally left.
You let out a frustrated sigh you had held in before turning your attention back to the little fella inside the jar. It was still shivering in the corner, face completely hidden from you.
"It's alright now, she's gone." you muttered gently, watching how the little creature dared to peek at you. It looked so scared in that moment, so weak, that you felt a strong urge to protect it until you could set it free.
"Don't worry. As long as you're under my care, I won't let anything or anyone harm you." you promised warmly and in that moment you meant those words wholeheartedly.
"I know this must be highly uncomfortable but if I don't remove the splinters, you might get hurt even more." you tried to calm down the wriggling and moving lizard as you tried to hold it down without hurting it. You had arrived a few hours ago in your new house and had brought all the luggage already upstairs in your bedroom. A tweezers was in your one hand and a magnifying glass was lying next to you.
As soon as you had arrived and checked your new home, you had instantly headed to the town closest to you in order to buy a terrarium for your little friend. It was one of the smaller ones but definitely more suited for it than the jar was. Admittedly, you had some of the most fun building that terrarium since a while and you didn't know why. Maybe because you hoped that the little animal would warm up a bit more to you and be a bit more comfortable inside it's temporary home.
Before you could see how it felt inside this new terrarium, you had to remove the splinters inside it's mouth though. This was highly tricky though as the lizard seemed terrified of this. It bit you whenever you got near it with your tweezers and it's teeth were quite sharp, small bloody bites visible on your fingers and hands. This strong resistence slowly pulled away your patience though as you genuinely just wanted to help it.
"Ouch!" you hissed out when it bit you yet again which caused you to finally let go of it and it took the chance instantly to dash away. It wasn't fast enough though as you just grabbed it and decided to put it inside it's terrarium for now although your slight frustration caused you to be a bit harsher with it than you would have otherwise.
"Fine. Just suit yourself then. I'm just the fool trying to help...as always." you muttered out frustrated, opening a drawer to get some patches and treat the little bite marks of the lizard. You found yourself stopping though, staring at the bites and focusing on the very mild stinging it caused you. There was nothing else to focus on, only silence was in this room besides the animal and you.
Your family hadn't even accompanied you to the train station, had they?
All of a sudden this wave of loneliness came crushing down on you and when you suddenly started to laugh bitterly, you could see the lizard from the corner of your eyes turning it's attention back to you.
"You know why I moved here, little one? Because my husband, well now ex-husband, was part of a corrupted government in the city where I found you. And I? I didn't know anything and a lot of my family members and my friends blame me for it. He never told me anything at all. Always kept his secrets. He's dead though, died in the big fight back then. And you know what? I really wish that I could have asked him if he really did love me or would have been ready to sacrifice me in order to achive this big plan of theirs. And I was stupid enough to never question him because I wanted to keep the marriage intact although I was the only one trying to fix everything. I really hate myself for having been so pathetic and at the same time I hate everyone who abandoned me too. My friends. My family. My ex-husband. I hate them all! I hate everything! They can get lost! But most of all I hate myself!"
It had escalated quicker than you could have controlled it as your emotions got the better of you. Your fist pounded the table angrily as you started shouting, fully aware that no one was here to hear you besides this little animal which hadn't stopped looking at you once since you had started talking. It stared at you as if it had understood you and something about that finally made you snap.Tears were dripping down your eyes, tears you had held back since a long while now as you openly started sobbing.
"I'm so lonely and pathetic. I mean, look at me. I'm using you as my emotional dumpster. I bet if you could talk, you'd mock me and make fun of me right now. Honestly, I deserve it for being the biggest fool ever. And you know what's even worse? Even after knowing the truth and having thrown away everything that could have reminded me of my husband, I still miss him a bit. I'm such a pitiful person, aren't I? No wonder that I was so easily fooled." you continued to sob whilst wailing in self-pity.
Something that almost seemed to make your little patient uncomfortable. It's eyes averted you as it tried to look somewhere else to shift focus yet your loud sobs made it as good as impossible. It shifted it's weight from one leg to another, appeared to be confused on how to handle this situation. Until it suddenly started scratching against the glass of the terrarium in an attempt to gain your attention and when you finally did turn your tear-stained face to it, it opened it's mouth all of a sudden.
Your emotionally overloaded brain needed a good few moments to understand what it wanted from you before a pitiful snort escaped your lips. "Am I so pathetic to look at right now that you're offering to volunteer right now to have your splinters removed?"
To your big surprise, it nodded which caught you off-guard. It understood what you were saying? Both of you just stared at each other whilst you were dumbfoundly processing what you had just seen.
"Huh." was in the end the only thing you could reply with, dazzled with this new knowledge as you pulled the animal out of the terrarium and put it back on the table, quickly wiping away your tears.
Months flew by quicker than you expected. Months in which you slowly moved on and slowly healed the wounds in your heart. The change of surroundings truly had been a good decision for you. You worked on a farm close by and earned enough money to live with everything you needed. You still found yourself warily around people though which was why you barely tried to form relationships with people in the city. It made you more of an outsider but you treated everyone with respect and they returned that respect so you felt fine enough.
What you hadn't expected and what you found somewhat funny now in hindsight was that a large part of your healing process had been thanks to the presence of your little friend. The animal had stayed with you. On the day you had decided that it was healed and fit to be set free, it had refused to leave the jar and when you had picked it up and tried to put it into the grass, it had clung to your sleeves with it's claws and had looked at you with such big and frightened eyes, that you had found yourself unable to leave it alone. Being abandoned by someone you trust is a terrible feeling after all. So you had made it officially your pet and had named it fondly (p/n).
By now (p/n) had gotten completely used to your presence so much to the point where you always found it anxiously moving around in it's terrarium whenever you came back from work as if horrified you'd never come back. It had also gotten very cuddly with you and hated being stuck in it's terrarium. You almost always let it roam around freely when you were home though since it never left you alone at all. Always crawling willingly into your arms as you carried it around happily. You even decided to leave the terrarium open so (p/n) could climb around freely and wouldn't have to feel completely imprisoned. It was pretty much the only source of comfort you had and the only living thing you interacted with which was why you found yourself sometimes excessively doting on the little one, something it all but soaked up with great zeal.
Despite all of that, you couldn't help but notice that (p/n) was significantly different from a normal pet. Up til this day you had been unable to identify what it really was which quickly led you to believe that you might have found an unknown animal and assuming that, it's unusual behavior would make sense. It never ate or drank anything and you had never seen it sleeping either. Initially this had worried you greatly which was why you had decided back than that you would take it to a doctor but (p/n) had refused and it had escalated to the rare few times where it had bitten you which it only did when it was really unhappy and angry about something. After a while you had realized that it could live completely fine without any source of nutrition and water though which had releaved you as much as it had fascinated you.
It understood you, by now you were completely sure about that. Whenever you began talking about your husband or even showed it photos, it became clearly uneasy and wriggled around, sometimes even bit you as if wanting you to stop talking. One time you had briefly mentioned that one of your co-workers in the farm was rather attractive whilst tickling it's stomach. In an instant it had bitten down on your index finger, all enjoyment and peace gone as it refused to let go for a while until you had promised to never mention them again. It was jealousy, you were sure of it. It was hard and quite strange to think about it but (p/n) seemed to be jealous whenever you were talking about somebody else.
Then there were moments where you had caught it staring at you with a weird look in it's eyes, mouth opening as if it wanted to say something before turning around. It had mood swings of some sort. Most of the time it bathed in all the adoration you showered it with as it was your only real friend. Sometimes...sometimes though you caught it hiding from you, refusing to be touched or looking up at you with tears in it's eyes. Yes, tears. Your pet wasn able to shed tears, something that had greatly startled you the first time it had happened. On that particular day your little one had looked rather sad and depressed, had refused to come out until you had begged it a good lot to do so. You had just doted on it, had petted it gently until you had felt the wetness on your skin and had noticed with great shock and surprise the tears rolling down it's face. It had covered it's face, had turned away from you and had tried to scramble away which had led you to putting it back down in it's terrarium where it had hidden itself away. Something about the way it had looked at you had told you what it had thought in that moment.
"Don't look at me. Please don't look at me."
Arguably the strangest reaction you had gotten out of it, nearly a year after you had found it, was when you told it about all the tings you had found in the work office of your ex-husband. All the letters, the documents and the Red Stones. This had triggered something inside of (p/n) as it had started moving around frantically, had stared at you with wide eyes and had crawled up your shirt, claws digging into the flesh of your cheeks as it had started tugging. You had at that time already enough experience with all the signals it gave you through it's actions and this one had surprised you the most. It wanted you to show it the Red Stones.
You had hesitated for a few seconds as you had found it strange in that moment. It seemed like (p/n) knew something about those stones, something that you didn't know. In the end your curiosity had won you over although you had put your little friend back inside it's terrarium despite their clear displeasure and had gone upstairs to retrieve the box in which you had kept the Red Stones. When you had shown it those stones, they had completely flipped out, had thrown themselves against the glass and had tried to climb up the terrarium. Desperate to get to those Red Stones, something that unsettled you a bit which was why you had instantly put them back into the drawer inside your bedroom even if you knew that (p/n) was clearly unpleased with it and left shortly after to work.
When you came home later that evening, you nearly had a heart attack when you didn't find (p/n) in it's terrarium, you nearly had a meltdown as the little one was your only real friend you had right now. It must have climbed all the way up as you noticed the scratch marks in the glass and for a while you were at a totl loss, feeling your breath hitching up as you felt panic flodding your brain. Until you suddenly heard a thud from upstairs and the sudden memory of this morning popped up inside your brain. No, it wouldn't have.
You stormed up the stairs and ripped open the door to your bedroom only to find your little friend trying to climb up the drawer from which it must have fallen down previously. When you threw the door open though, it stopped like a dear caught in headlights.
"What are you doing?" you exclaimed in shock as you stormed over to it and picked it up, searching for any injuries whilst it tried wo wriggle free, eyes focused on the drawer where the box was. If this didn't scream suspicious, then you didn't know what would.
You grabbed it's little head in between your thumb and index finger and pulled it so it faced you as you stared at (p/n) with an analyzing look. "You know something about those stones inside my drawer, don't you?"
It's eyes were looking directly into you and for the first time you could see clearly the desperation swimming around inside of them now that it couldn't avoid your gaze. Your eyes narrowed as a frown appeared on your face and something, an idea, flashed in front of your eyes.
"You know, I've always considered you to be not a normal animal. You...you show too much emotions for that. However, I've never considered to think about that you might be something entirely else. I found you in Central City a few weeks after the corrupted government had fallen, a creature I still haven't figured completely out until this day. What exactly are you?" you interrogated your pet as you opened the drawer and pulled out the box with your free hand.
"If I...if I give you those stones, will I find out?"
You knew this answer already, you would. Why else would it act so desperate right now? But what would it do after receiving those stones? Would it leave you? You didn't want that. You didn't want to be left alone. Subconsciously you already had put the box back inside the drawer.
One single word that froze you and had you looking at the little creature inside your hand that had just uttered this word. It was less the fact that it had just spoken, somehow you had always suspected that it could speak. It was the utter distraught inside this one word that halted your actions as you gazed over your little friend. Delicate and fragile inside your hand, you could easily squeeze it to death. It wasn't the physical state of weakness right now, it was the mental state of weakness that caught you so off-guard.
You had nursed this little one back to health back when you had found it all alone and helpless, had taken care of it and doted on it and in return it had stayed with you and cured your loneliness. Was it selfish of you to think right now that you'd rather keep it than potentially lose it by exposing it to those Red Stones? Yes, it was. You were selfish because you didn't want to be lonely again. Yet you couldn't ignore the clear pain in it's voice, the very first time you had heard them speaking at all.
You sat it down on your bed and took the box out again, something that made them straighten up and look at you with eager eyes. For a second you stared down at the box and then at them before you opened it and dumped the few Red Stones inside of it on your bed too. Then you just waited, waited for whatever would happen now. You didn't know what would happen but the motion of the little one suddenly devouring the Red Stones startled you but not nearly as much as the sudden transformation it went through.
You stumbled startled back, landing on your arse as the little lizard grew into something entirely else. It's body grew and transformed into one of a human with long, whispy and green hair, a black crop top and a skort. You were too stunned to let out any gasp or scream as they sat on your bed. Their hands wandered up and down their own body, looking at their limbs as if not believing that this was real before a delighted laugh started spilling out of them, one that sounded a bit too malicious to make you feel happy as they rolled around in your bed.
"My body! I have my body back!" they exclaimed excitedly before sitting back up again, purple eyes turning to you who was still seated on the ground, staring at them in shock. Your brain was attempting it's best to exclaim whatever it had just witnessed as you just continued to stare dumbfounded at them until suddenly a word appeared inside your brain. A word that you had read inside quite a few letters of your husband.
"Are-are you a Homunculus?" you stuttered out dazzled. A grin appeared on their face when you asked that question.
"You know that from the letters from that stupid ex-husband of yours, don't you? Yes, you're right. I'm Envy."
"En...vy..." you said slowly, their name sounding unusual for you since you had always called them (p/n) as you managed to stand up from the ground. Technically you should have run in that moment, every sane person would have probably done that. Yet you were captivated with the Homunculus which had been your pet all along, stepped curiously closer to observe Envy who clearly enjoyed all the attention you gave them.
"Fascinating. Eating those Red Stones helped you return to this form." you concluded whilst standing very close to them, observing their headband with the symbol on it. A part of you was quite surprised with how calmly you were handling this but this was partly because you had never been able to fully grasp the situation back in Central City so having a Homunculus sat right in front of you was very thrilling in a way even if you were aware that they could be quite dangerous now that they were tall enough to fight you and most likely very strong too.
"What do I do with you now though?" you muttered as doubts suddenly filled your mind and you stepped back. This wasn't a small animal anymore that you could keep inside a terrarium, this was a person. And even if you assumed that they still wouldn't require food or drinks like you would, this was still different. You hadn't lived together with a person since your husband had died.
"What do you mean? I've lived with you this entire time. Admittedly, I was weak in my other form, but you had no problems living with me then." they replied as a scowl appeared on their face and you felt one of their hands grabbing you and pulling you back.
"I know but this is a bit different. Back then I thought of you as a pet and a friend. Now you're a person though and...and I haven't lived together with someone since my husband passed away so I feel a little strange even though you are technically still (p/n)." you replied, flustered with the sudden closeness all of a sudden now that Envy had made a move.
"Are you still thinking about that dead corpse of a husband of yours?"
This was new. This was a bit scary as you suddenly whimpered when Envy's grip around you tightened to the point it hurt and you saw an ugly emotion flashing inside their eyes as they stood up and you became aware of how tall they were now.
Are you kidding me?! You still think of him even after an entire year?! Weren't you the one who told me that you hated that piece of shit?!"
You full on flinched when they started shouting at you and for a moment you wondered why they was acting like this all of a sudden. Then it occured to you that now that Envy had his original strength regained and wasn't bound by their weak body anymore, they would obviouly express themselves differently than inside their lizard body. You couldn't get away though even if your body wanted as their grip only tightened with their second arm trapping you successfully close to them.
"Who was the one who gave you comfort these last few months whenever you started crying? Who listened to your rambles whenever you came back from hours from work? Who didn't abandon you? Your family? Your friends? That dead shithead of an ex-husband of yours? No, they all left you, (y/n). Every person in your life left you. I didn't. I stayed with you. I gave you comfort. I was willing to put up with you even if you were all ugly crying. And now that I have my body back, now that I can actually do something, you reject me?!"
It hurt. They hurt you but you were too scared right now as they were all but seething at you right now.
"You were fine staying at home for your husband despite his lies and cold treatment, didn't you? Maybe you just want your asshole of a husband that badly, hmm? I can help with that."
You felt their body changing again and looked up confused. Confusion was soon replaced with horror when you looked right into the face of your ex-husband although the wide and sadistic grin gave it away that this was still Envy. You began to heavily shake as the wall you had built to protect your own emotions threatened to break down as you looked at the man you used to love and believe in.
"Envy...stop. Please stop." you whimpered silently as you tried to push away, to put as much distance between you and your past standing in front of you.
"Why should I? Isn't this what you wanted? Your beloved husband who you always so obediently and willingly gave all your love and affection? Do you still love him, (y/n)?"
You couldn't answer anymore, your chest hurting as your heart threatened to burst out of your chest from sheer horror. Your silence only fueled the raging jealousy inside of Envy though.
"What did he do that I couldn't do right now? You don't love him, (y/n)! Don't be pathetic! You had no problems doting on me and letting me stay with you when I was a little, weak thing! You loved me then, didn't you?! You wanted me to stay with you then! So why now? From all people in your life, I should deserve you the most, you hear me?! ME!"
They had shifted back by now, disgusted with your husband and having to look like him. It had allowed you to regain some of your composure although now that you could look a little bit clearer at Envy, something inside of you clicked. You saw yourself in them right now. Hurt, confused and lonely but unwilling to show that and hiding it behind an angry and raging mask. You had done it too when you had faced your family in order to hide your pain and spite on them. You had even done it on your first day here.
Now that you were thinking about it, you came to realize that Envy had suffered probably a lot too. Stuck inside a weak, little body where everyone could push them around with no hope of ever turning back. How must they have felt? Watching you every day stuck inside their terrarium, having you look at them as nothing more than a pet, loving you?
"I'm so sorry. You must have suffered a lot."
Those words stopped their angry shouting as they stared at you with shock, a hidden look of something very vulnerable lingering behind those purple eyes.
"What are you trying to pull-"
Having your arms thrown around them wasn't what they had expected and they were for a short moment to shocked as the previous anger stopped.
"I'm so sorry. I never considered your feelings even if you've always shown me your suffering. If I would have known sooner, I would have helped you so much earlier. It's alright now."
Envy had completely stiffened at first inside your arms but you slowly felt how they broke apart. Their body started trembling, their breath became erratic and arms pressed you even closer to them as you saw it again.
"Don't reject me now after all you've done for me! It wouldn't be fair! Not after you took care of me and shown me so much care and love! I had nothing left back when you found me, (y/n). I thought there were no Philosopher Stones left anymore, I considered suicide back than rather than living inside such a pathetic body and being imprisoned by them. You made life tolerable again for me, even if it would have meant being stuck in this body as your pet and unable to do more. As long as I had your attention on only me...If you leave me, I'll die!"
You tried your best to wipe away their tears, staining your sleeves in the process but not minding one bit. They should let it all out now that they could express themselves better again.
"I won't leave you, I promise. I'm sorry for making it sound like I wouldn't want you anymore now that you have your body back. You'll stay with me obviously, I'll figure something out. We have to work on your jealousy though, otherwise I think I'll have some problems. You should go back to biting my fingers."
You heard them snorting half-amused at your attempt to lighten up the atmosphere as they slapped your hands gently away, wiping the few tears that still dripped down away on their own although now they appeared calmer.
“You think I’m jealous? Believe me, you haven’t seen me jealous yet.”
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krakenpocalypse · 2 years ago
This has to be a troll, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen someone justify the BJP and Narendra Modi using SJ rhetoric.
My neighbors are Armenian. Armenians are white. White genocide isn't a thing. There has never been a genocide against whites. White people can't be oppressed especially not by people of color. Stop trying to make your racism seem woke.
Literally of all the bad-faith things you could have gone with to try to own me, genocide denial is really the one you chose, huh
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thelunarsystemwrites · 1 year ago
Documenting the unknown.
(TW for death and zombie like infections, and being restrained!)
Enter 0.1 - New log - Title: Possible evolution of infection.
Blue found an infected... that isn't.... normal.
We were out on a raid, mostly collecting snow from a post-genocide underfell AU, we needed it for the freezers, helps keep our produce fresh longer. When suddenly we were ambushed by a hoard of infected.
Immediately, we lost our story-shift Torial, and a Swapfell Papyrus, the hoard had atleast thirty in it's cluster, including an Error type Geno.
Somehow, one of the infected started opening portals, and our group was disbanded by force... Blue was missing for twelve hours.
We manged to Dust the hoard after awhile, though we faced a total of three confirmed causalites, having lost our classic Temmie...
Six people were missing. Blue, a storyshift Chara, underfell Muffet, and three different Froggets.
Immediately a search party was sent after them. We teleported across our nearest AUs, found two infected froggets of ours, who had to be dusted. We did recover Chara—As of writing this, Muffet and the other Frogget are still missing...
We did recover Blue... along with a 'survivor.' Which I write that with heavy hesitation, due to the state of said 'survivor.'
Lust, an old friend of Blue's, is currently infected. Physically, he is no different then a fully infected victim, however, he appears to have full sentience, not quite different from an actual survivor.
When I saw Blue helping Lust up, once he was located that is, at first I didn't know he was infected. As Blue had carelessly gifted his protected cloak to the other, it covered the lightning pattern Lust had, along with the greenish tint to his bones. Both were defined signs of being fully infected.
However, once I got a look, I drew my bow, assuming Blue was too in denial to end the suffering life...
Blue begged me not to shoot Lust, Lust begged me not to shoot. Normally an infected has lost all cognitive abilities, such as speaking, and especially that clearly... I decided to spare him, on the condition that we detain him to avoid him possibly infecting others.
So luckily, Ink was equipped with handcuffs, and a mask. After making sure the infected put on the mask, he was restrained as a precaution.
We manged to transport him back to our base, the entire time the infected was rather... chatty, with Blue.
Proper equipment was then used. We've put him into a muzzle, one that requires three steps to unlock, and cannot be unlocked without my direct input. We have also required him to wear full length gloves and socks, shackled hia legs and cuffed his hands, and put a double chained collar onto his neck, making head jerking very limited.
He has been detained in a quarantine cell, he has limited body movements aa of now, so we believe he is unable to attack. Even if Blue tells us that Lust was the one protecting him those twelve hours, I have no reason to believe this isn't some sort of trick. For all we know, the infection has now evolved enough to mimic sentences and behaviours of the host, to lure in prey...
I do not have the heart to dust him, I made a promise to Blue... and the infected. Plus, I do think it would be wise to research him first...
I do hope Blue doesn't get too attached again.
Logging off, Dream.
(Author note: this isn't exactly canon, as I want Dream and Ink to not know Lust was infected for awhile, atleast a day or so? But idk lol)
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hindulivesmatter · 1 year ago
tw: genocide denial, terrorism, october 7th terror attacks
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THIS is surface level evil of what our allies are against. we will NEVER forget October 7th, we will NEVER forget the denialism of genocide we are witnessing from them. they are doing it to dharmic people, they are doing it to jewish people, when does it end?
My god this is horrifying. They're calling Israelis delusional?
this person needs to get some help
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abloobloobloo · 1 month ago
Oh my fucking god it gets even worse
TW genocide denial
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Magdi Jacobs called this post -- which straight-up denies the fucking Nakba by calling it a "failure to commit a genocide" (because any genocide can be considered a failure if it doesn't literally kill everyone, I suppose) -- "compelling." Compelling! What the fuck is this garbage, bro.
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The fact that Magdi Jacobs is just nonchalantly commisserating with someone who spent his entire identity defending genocide in 2024 really shows just how fucking bankrupt her opinions are
And the fact that people like mariacallous genuinely consider her to be a valid perspective on anything just shows how fucking bankrupt that entire side of "pro-liberal" social media is.
Also it's so funny that they're being mad at someone rightfully pointing out that working with the Republican party in 2024 is Bad, Actually.
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Sami Gold and these other commenters said it better than I ever could:
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