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mars-rnr · 2 months ago
Incoherent Rewatch of The Hollow: Episode 1
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The Hollow: Season 1 Episode 001
Typing down my thoughts as I rewatch The Hollow: Episode 1
It is alot of thinking, also spoiler warning
Ohhh!!! The dreadful and haunting vibes being set up as Adam looks around the room
I like how Adam is so calm about the situation
They don’t know their names!! Oh powers being foreshadowed!!
Adam, Kai, and Mira!!! They finally got to remember their names
I’m so sorry, I know Kai gets better but he’s beginning introduction sucks. More progress occurred using the typewriter than not using it and smashing it
Does Adam not like loud sounds?
Aww, Mira making jokes by introducing herself as a good puzzle solver (MIRA HYPE HYPE)
Acrobat Adam!!
I forgot what Kai and Mira’s powers are. It has been a while. I think one of them can talk to animals.
Mira may not have her memories back but she remembers deep in her bones having to shout common sense at two guys arguing during the worst times (Mira, you deserve better, but I appreciate your loyalty as an amazing friend)
Mira, the Bearer of Common Sense
Mira is so beautiful <333
I do give Kai a lot of shit but he is a kid and not everyone his age could handle it as well as Adam or Mira can. He is a bit of a coward, same
Mira’s ‘which way’ is HYPE HYPE. Everything about Mira is Hype for me. Ohh she is the one who can talk to animal!! Just like Ezran from The Dragon Prince!
Adam and Mira may not have their memories and their past friendship, but they still banter much more and at the beginning, when Adam woke up, he approached Mira first— RAHHH I LOVE THESE GOOFIES AND THEIR FRIENDSHIP!!
BECAUSE YOU ARE COOL MIRA THE COOLEST!! (I JUST REALIZED MIRA HAD DARK RED NAIL POLISH AND SO SHARP NAILS— Gonna watch the entire thing and see if she loses those fierce nails or not— betting on she didn’t ^^)
Oh also I’m making icons/ pfps of Mira in episode one because she deserves it <33 (I love her so much— I forgot how cool she is)
Okay, I’m starting to like Kai’s pathetic energy
If I remember correctly, Kai never really had alot of confidence in himself and his surroundings— so if he did lose all of his memories, not know where he is, yeah of course he would the most freaked-out reaction over everything!!
The artstyle is so so GOOD!!
Hahaha, Kai is too goofy!! Bless his brain, he needs it. Even Adam and Mira are having a laugh!
The voice acting <33
Adam can worry too much as well as be too cautious, and Mira and Kai could not care about it sometimes qowuhs
This show is so good at making the tone of a scene so dreadful
I like how Adam, Kai, and Mira are making theories on what happened to them because the characters have as much info on what’s happening as the audience (me), and the amount of info is ZERO
With them making these years, the characters invite the audience to also guess and theorize what is happening— Are they scientist’s experiments? Secret gov’t spies? Who or what are they? Are they human— how they have powers? etc etc
Hehehe— Kai freaked out and left the shack, only to comeback because he doesn’t go into the forest alone. Mira and Adam staying cause they have same mindset of ‘hmmm..maybe something here has something we can use’
Adam found a bag— is homie gonna finally style himself? Mira shouldn’t be the only one serving here! All Adam’s style got going on is his fanboy shirt…
Oh noo— The trios are fighting and Mira’s nerves snapped D:
Uh oh!! The wolves are howling!! Hahaha!! Kai barely moved away from the shack!
Epic win for Kai!! He found the power switch!!
A rare Kai and Mira agreeing with each other moment— When Adam’s plans are too goofy to follow up on owenbsd
AYYY PURPLE DUDE!! I remember thinking this dude is not to be trusted but at the end he became a pretty thoughtful dude actually
Purple dude forshadowed what this entire thing was by saying’Do you think this some kind of game!?’
Who wants to bet Adam had a gay crush on the purple dude? It would be so funny if he did— this is my Adam headcanon now
They are in the desert now
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laeynecodes · 5 months ago
001 - Wallpost - Typewriter
Hello! This is a wallpost code I made. It is supposed to look kind of like a typewriter font type thing because my character on WoJM is the chief editor and I thought it fitted.
As always, please leave the credits and don't fork this code. Code forking is serious and I won't tolerate it. Just because my codes are simple doesn't mean it's ok to pass them off as your own.
Feel free to edit so long as it's still recognisable and my credit is intact.
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scp-torment · 2 years ago
Comprehensive competitor list
So you can read their stories, check their propaganda tags, and find the matches they've been in all in one place. However, this post alone isn't the full version-- there's a limit on how many links you can put in one post, so the full one can be found here. Click on the 2nd readmore to see them all.
If you're on desktop, it might be better to ctrl+F for your favorites, there's 98 total participants!
Click here if you want to see how many votes they got in the submission period.
SCPs, 001-3000
SCP-001 S. Andrew Swann's Proposal: The Database - Propaganda and matches
SCP-001 Lily's Proposal: The World's Gone Beautiful - Propaganda and matches
SCP-001 Dr. Clef Proposal: The Gate Guardian - Propaganda and matches
SCP-001 Pickman-Blank Proposal : The Frontispiece - Propaganda and matches
SCP-046: "Predatory" Holly Bush - Propaganda and matches
SCP-ES-31 : A Useful Jacket - Propaganda and matches
SCP-049: Plague Doctor - Propaganda and matches
SCP-053: Young Girl - Propaganda and matches
SCP-055: [unknown] - Propaganda and matches
SCP-076: "Able" - Propaganda and matches
SCP-085: Hand-drawn ''Cassy'' - Propaganda and matches
SCP-096: The "Shy Guy" - Propaganda and matches
SCP-105 : "Iris" (And their Canon hub) - Propaganda and matches
SCP-113: The Gender-Switcher - Propaganda and matches
SCP-166 : Just a Teenage Gaea - Propaganda and matches
SCP-247: A Harmless Kitten - Propaganda and matches
SCP-281-FR: The Day The Earth Stopped (Being Flat) (English ver.) - Propaganda and matches
SCP-PL-301: All roads lead to Słupsk - Propaganda and matches
SCP-343: "God" - Propaganda and matches
SCP-344: Schrödinger's Can Opener - Propaganda and matches
SCP-423: Self-Inserting Character - Propaganda and matches
SCP-426: I am a Toaster - Propaganda and matches
SCP-447: Ball of Green Slime - Propaganda and matches
SCP-529: Josie the Half-Cat - Propaganda and matches
SCP-682: Hard-to-Destroy Reptile - Propaganda and matches
SCP-696: Abyssal Typewriter - Propaganda and matches
SCP-914 : The Clockworks - Propaganda and matches
SCP-978: Desire Camera - Propaganda and matches
SCP-999: The Tickle Monster - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1000: Bigfoot - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1057 : Absence of Shark - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1193: Buried Giant - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1233: The Lunatic & SCP-4233: The Dreadnought - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1313: Solve for Bear - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1504: Joe Schmo - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1733 : Season Opener - Propaganda and matches
SCP-1762 : Where The Dragons Went - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2000: Deus Ex Machina - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2018: Museum of You - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2030: LA U GH IS F UN - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2521 : ●●|●●●●●|●●|● - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2599: Not Good Enough - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2662: cthulhu f'UCK OFF! - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2721 : Eli and Lyris - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2845: THE DEER - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2935: O, Death - Propaganda and matches
SCP-2952: Conveyance Of Regional Gwerin Internationally - Propaganda and matches
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sagehaubitze · 1 year ago
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So as I've been working on the house, I've been going through Pa's things again for the n'th time here and there (it never ends, there are still so many sterilite tubs of paperwork and photographs and *stuff*). Pulled this out and hung it in my stairwell next to the door so as I leave my bedroom/office warzone, it is a reminder to be normal in public.
There's a couple versions floating around from the war, only very slight changes. Everyone loves some good joke paperwork (I mean, I do too, that's still half of what I do with my typewriter).
Transcribed it below:
AG 4110.99 ( )
3 February 1945
SUBJECT : Indoctrination for Return to US
TO : All Units
1. In compliance with current policies for rotation of armed forces overseas, it is directed, that in order to maintain the high standard of character of the American Soldier and to prevent any dishonor to reflect on the uniform, all individuals eligible for return to the US under current directives will undergo an indoctrination course of demilitarization prior to approval of his application for return.
2. The following points will be emphasized in the subject indoctrination course:
a. In America there are a remarkable number of beautiful girls. These young ladies have not been liberated and many are gainfully employed as stenographers, sales girls, beauty operators, or welders. Contrary to current practice, they should not be approached with "How much?". A proper greeting is "Isn't it a lovely day?" or "Have you ever been to Chicago?", then say, "How much?".
b. A guest in a private home is usually awakened in the morning by a light tapping on his door and an invitation to join the host at breakfast. It is proper to say "I'll be there shortly." DO NOT say "Blow it out your ".
c. A typical American breakfast consists of many strange foods, such as cantaloupes, fresh eggs, milk, ham, etc. These are highly palatable and though strange in appearance are extremely tasty. Butter, made from cream, is often served. If you wish some butter, you turn to the person nearest it and say quietly "Please pass the butter". YOU DO NOT say "Throw me the goddam grease".
d. Very natural urges are apt to occur when in a crowd. If it is found necessary to defecate, one does NOT grab a shovel in one hand, a paper in the other, and run for the garden. At least 90% of the American homes have one room called the "Bathroom", ie, a room that, in most cases, contains a bathtub, wash basin, medicine chest, and a toilet. It is the latter that you will use in this case. (Instructors will make sure that all personnel understand the operation of toilet, particularly the lever or button arrangement that serves to prepare the device for re-use.)
e. In the event the helmet is retained by the individual, he will refrain from using it as a chair, wash bowl, foot bath, or bathtub. All these devices are furnished in the average American home. It is not considered good practice to squat Indian fashion in a corner in the event all chairs are occupied. The host usually will provide suitable seats.
f. Belching or passing wind in company is strictly frowned upon. If you should forget about it, however, a belch in the presence of others can be excused by saying "Excuse me". DO NOT say "It must be that lousy chow we've been getting."
g. American dinners, in most cases, consist of several items, each served in a separate dish. The common practice of mixing various items, such as corn beef and pudding or lima beans and peaches, to make it more palatable will be refrained from. In time the "separate dish" system will become enjoyable.
h. Americans have a strange taste for stimulants. The drinks in common usage on the Continent, such as underripe wine, alcohol, and grapefruit juice, or gasoline bitters and water (commonly known by the French as "Calvados") are not ordinarily acceptable in civilian circles. They should be served only to those who are definitely not within the inner circle of friends. A suitable use for such drinks is for serving to one's landlord in order to break an undesirable lease.
i. The returning soldier is apt to often find his opinion different from those of his civilian associates. One should call upon his reserve of etiquette and correct his acquaintance with such remarks as "I believe you have made a mistake" or "I'm afraid you are in error on that". DO NOT say "Brother, you're really f d up". This is considered impolite.
j. Upon leaving a friend's home after a visit, one may find his hat misplaced. Frequently it has been placed in a closet. One should turn to one's host and say "I don't seem to have my hat. Could you help me find it?" DO NOT say "Don't anybody leave this room. Some SOB has stolen my hat."
k. In traveling in the US, particularly in a strange city, it is often necessary to spend the night. Hotels are provided for this purpose and almost anyone can give directions to the nearest hotel. Here, for a small sum, one can register and be shown to a room where he can sleep for the night. The present practice of entering the nearest house, throwing the occupants into the yard, and taking over the premises will cease.
l. Whiskey, a common American drink, may be offered to the soldier on social occasions. It is considered a reflection on the uniform to snatch the bottle from the hostess and drain the bottle, cork, and all. All individuals are cautioned to exercise extreme control in these circumstances.
m. In motion picture theaters, seats are provided. Helmets are not required. In is NOT considered good form to whistle every time a female over 8 and under 80 crosses the screen. If vision is impaired by the person in the seat in front, there are plenty of other seats which can be occupied. DO NOT hit him across the back of the head and say "Move your head, jerk. I can't see a damn thing."
n. It is not proper to go around hitting everyone of draft age in civilian clothes. He might have been released from the service for medical reasons. Ask for his credentials, and if he can't show any, THEN go ahead and slug him.
o. Upon retiring, one will often find a pair of pajamas laid out on the bed. (Pajamas, it should be explained, are two piece garments which are donned after all clothing has been removed.) The soldier confronted by these garments should assume an air of familiarity and act as though he were used to them. A casual remark, such as "My, what a delicate shade of blue", will usually suffice. Under no circumstances say "How in hell do you expect me to sleep in a get up like that".
p. Natural functions will continue. It may be necessary frequently to urinate. DO NOT walk behind the nearest tree or automobile you find to accomplish this. Toilets (d above) are provided in all public buildings for this purpose.
q. Beer is sometimes served in bottles. A cap remover is usually available. It is not good form to open the bottle by the use of one's teeth.
r. Always tip your hat before striking a lady.
s. Air raids and enemy patrols are not encountered in America. Therefore, it is not necessary to wear the helmet in church or at social gatherings or to hold the weapon at the ready, loaded and cocked, when talking to civilians in the street.
t. Every American home and all hotels are equipped with bathing facilities. When it is desired to take a bath, it is not considered good form to find the nearest pool or stream, strip down, and indulge in a bath. This is particularly true in heavily populated areas.
3. All individuals returning to the US will make every effort to conform to the customs and habits of the regions visited and to make themselves as inconspicuous as possible. Any actions which reflect upon the honor of the uniform will be promptly dealt with.
Major General, Hq Last Army
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beetleinmates · 6 years ago
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junionigiri · 6 years ago
First and most importantly chapter 214 has me bitter as hell and you summarized it perfectly. Class A and more specifically the main protagonist circle is getting to the point where things are always going their way In school. It’s just so weird monoma puts up like no physical fight? Is his team gone? They’re that weak compared to A group that shinsou is the goal? God the only thing keeping me here now is the monoshin content given (albeit backhandedly) Either way love ur thoughts and writings
Oh my gosh. I’m just relieved that a lot of people thought that the chapter had problems with the way the characters’ actions were fleshed out!!!!
I super agree with you that it’s weird that Monoma doesn’t seem to put effort in fighting back once Ochako has pinned him down! It’s logical for him to be strong at close combat because of the requirement of his quirk! While he might have been shocked that OfA is a dud, it’s weird that he just took Ochako’s judo throw and grapple like he was a lil weaky mannequin :( in my opinion they could have spared the extra frames of him yelling like a maniac to show him at least attempt a retaliation against Ochako!
And you are correct that they did the Class B team wrong :( Reiko and Yui shouldn’t be so weak, there’s lots they could have done against Mineta and I feel like these aren’t included in the story just so we can forget about that side of the battle and focus on the Shinsou vs Deku battle. The build up of which is clumsily done. :( Shinsou, a guy whose quirk they know well enough to avoid and who was shown in the last battle that he isn’t as fast as the others because of his disadvantage in having less time to train, is the main threat?! That’s just… doing Monoma, Shoda, Reiko and Yui a grave injustice :(
The Monoshin keeps me holding on too, and I’m really happy that you ship them too!!! And thanks so much for reading my ramble and validating my bitter feelings!!! I hope the next chapter isn’t as frustrating as this one :(
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her-majestys-watchdog · 6 years ago
Is there a reason that this fandom (at least the parts I’ve seen) is so content with the idea of ciel and Sebastian being in a completely romantic relationship? Like it’s their ideal ending to the story... I know it’s not fair to group everyone together but I kinda see it a lot.. to an alarming rate a lot. (And yea I’ve seen/read all content to the date)
Not everyone is! A large percentage of the fandom are against it, I am and all of my friends are too:
Not to mention many other Kuro bloggers I don’t know personally. If you look through my blog anyone I’ve reblogged posts from isn’t a SC shippers (to my knowledge) because I don’t follow or interact with anyone who supports it. 
However you’ll find that most SC shippers are kids themselves, the majority of the SC fanbase are 11-15 years old so I can’t hold much against those particular fans. As for the people who are adults and ship it… they’re not people I want to consider lol and I am avoiding them. But the true answer is just, Kuro has a lot of kids in the fandom.
I’d say the amount of people who ship SC has definitely gone down a lot? The average age of a Kuro fan has increased over the years, as fans get older themselves, so you see less of it these days.
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alien-doodles · 7 years ago
Soooo we really just gonna pretend default octoboy came out of the train station and didn’t get a boyfriend immediately? 👀👀 why we lying? But pearl and marina seeing their one tentacle haired baby with his inkling bf is good content 😩💕
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Honestly? yeah
edit: who the fuck is tod?
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toxicgummy · 6 years ago
You are without a doubt the biggest inspiration I’ve ever had- in my entire art career - that isn’t a major studio animator. And even if that’s not much to you just know I love and admire your work more then you will ever know. Thank you toxic gummy :) never stop drawing
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famicom · 6 years ago
Can we talk more about the idiotic high viscosity of Raiden? He truly is ‘thickky’
I can’t answer this seriously I just scrolled through your blog and three posts in there was horny raiden art
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hanatatami · 6 years ago
My beautiful soul
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Thank you so much… you are very kind. I drew you a thing. I hope I didn’t mess it up
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writterings · 7 years ago
Lmao so many kids don’t eat at my school and others no one gives a shit . This was written by someone who hasn’t been in hs In hella long
ikr!!!! skipping lunch is no big deal at high school!! either because a student cant afford it and doesnt qualify for free lunch, or because they aren’t feeling well that day, or because of some other personal reason like!!!! nobody cares if you dont eat lunch!!!!! stephanie meyer explain
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hanwritesstuff · 6 years ago
Ur writing is so good and I love the ideas you make for the shinmono tag! Thank you for your content (*´∇`*)
aw thank you!!
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bigskycastle · 7 years ago
Ur so cool...
im a total dweeb but thank u ^^;
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olibuns · 6 years ago
Eat the teeth?
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beetleinmates · 6 years ago
Can any of the kids read? Aj definitely can’t, we have no confirmation Louis or Clem can. Violet probably hasn’t seen a book before and James is a disaster gay meaning by definition he couldn’t read even if he tried (*´∇`*)
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dam… u rly didnt need to come after them like dat………
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