#she is so cool actually completely underrated character
gmanwhore · 9 months
No she deserves her own post. Shoutout to Judith Mossman who didn't get the job she wanted because some guy had it first and then survived the seven hour war, joined the Resistance and became attached to a man who had lived her dream and who honestly cared about her and she loved him but not enough to stop the incoming dread that the Resistance will fail and the Combine will kill everyone but also never gave up hope in it because Eli never gave up hope in it. Judith Mossman who threw away everything because she wanted comeuppance from something Gordon didn't even know he took. That throughout everything she couldn't remain loyal to one thing but did her best at everything and all she really got for it was...well, not even her own satisfaction. But she got forgiveness. She got forgiveness and she got love and she got to choose. And good for her.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 4 months
my long ass avery rant that might not make sense but i love her and needed to make this.
a huge rant about my love for avery (i swear im not hating on anyone (except for avery haters... sort of. i respect your opinion but...)) i think the end of my rant makes more sense than the beginning...
she's literally the best character in the series. the brothers don't even come close to her. people who are mad at her for not picking grayson can actually just shove it up their ass bc gray and avery would've never worked out in the long run. avery is a queen and i see people hating on her for so many stupid reasons. not picking gray? giving away the money? being an emily 2.0????????????????????????????? don't even dare compare my queen, my love, my everything to that wretched beast who is now rotting in a coffin underground. some people making reviews on goodreads seriously need to get a life and touch some grass.
as im rereading the main trilogy, i'm writing down quotes from avery so i can make an in depth analysis of her character. it might suck and it will definitely be multiple parts but if no one is gonna acknowledge her trauma, i will. i'm sick and tired of people constantly ranting about grayson and other characters when avery is literally the main character. none of this series would exist if it weren't for avery. the fact that some people are willing to defend their favorite characters when they hurt avery is so so sad to me. like, i love jameson with my entire heart, but treating avery like a puzzle and messing with her self esteem was not cool of him. same goes for grayson and him treating avery like a shitty gold digger who 'hasn't struggled like he has'
i've made posts about this before but i feel the need to make another one. i've seen people defend grayson for treating avery like shit in the first book (some people do it as a joke which is fine but some people are actually serious and it confuses me??). i get that grayson was mad and disappointed that his grand father disinherited him after a lifetime of being told he was going to inherit. his feelings were 100% valid. did he have the right to take it out on avery though? no. not at all. this girl is even more confused that he is and has been nothing but kind to him. him invalidating her feelings and treating her like crap is just so shitty of him. don't get me wrong. he has redeemed himself and i do love him, but seeing people defending him (in a serious way) just gets on my nerves. would you like to be treated the way avery was in tig? i think not.
i'm not as mad about jameson bc 1. he apologized on 'screen' and 2. i don't see people defending him as much as grayson (i don't think i've ever seen a post defending him which is good). i love him too, and what he did was also horrible. i better not ever see a post defending him. his actions are explainable but that doesn't justify them. he really messed with avery's self-esteem, so much as to make her doubt his feelings towards her. the only reason i'm not as mad as with the grayson situation is bc i don't see people defending him as passionately (if at all).
i see this happen in so many fandoms. people gush over the male love interest or the male main character and completely ignore the fmc. the only fandom i don't see this happening in is the folk of the air fandom. jude is getting the attention she deserves which makes me so happy. people willingly ignore what the fmc goes through at the hands of their favorite male character just bc they love them and that is just so absurd to me.
anyways, avery has been through so much fucking trauma it would take me hours to go through it all. she grew up with almost no one by her side, learning how to take care of/protect herself, lost her mother at 15, her best friend moved away a few years before her mom died, her father treated her like dog shit and completely ignore her for her entire life until she inherited the money, she lived in her car, worked her ass off at school and at work to simply keep herself alive, had to deal with drake (although she wasn't his girlfriend, he clearly affected her if she was willing to move into her car bc of him), was almost killed by drake (and, indirectly, skye), sheffield, and eve (and kidnapped by sheffield), it was mentioned in tfg (i believe) that there were other attempts on her life in between thl and tfg, dealt with people constantly belittling her trauma (and her) and saying horrible things about her, she deals with horrible panic attacks after everything she's been through, also deals with crappy self esteem (that was made worse by some of the hawthornes), her privacy was constantly invaded, and, this one is more subtle, but there are instances where she thinks (or does) self harm (like the scene in thl where she's purposefully trying to hurt herself by punching the brick wall blocking off toby's wing. both oren and jameson had to step in to help her). all of these things clearly affected her but barely anyone talks about it? i'm probably missing some things but i just wish she got more attention. she is one of the most forgiving (literally too forgiving. she's willing to forgive people so easily bc she wants to be wanted (but doesn't want to want to be wanted) and have friends)
this girl is much stronger than anyone gives her credit for (the hawthornes would never survive in the 'asylum where they raised her' (whos afraid of little old me by taylor is definitely her song)). this rant is probably all over the place and is really long (but definitely won't be the last). thank you for attending my ted talk.
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bakugou vs. uraraka is such an underrated episode. so much shit is exposed and i believe it’s the real start of both of their character developments.
this is the first time ochako has (self-admittedly) fought for something without izuku at her side. this is her moment, and she is going to seize it. she’s determined. she’s powerful.
she even takes her loss pretty well, all things considered. she exclaims to izuku that she’s already ready to use this loss as motivation to train harder and get better. she does cry, but even allowing herself to be frustrated is more than some of her peers are doing.
she is just so cool, so emotionally intelligent, so inspiring—and for what? the whole stadium, including her friends and peers, regarded her as a frail little girl.
now i’m not sure how much of that she even heard, but if she did hear anything, she powered through that shit like an absolute badass. but still, even her peers immediately saw her as inferior to katsuki and thus underestimated her from the beginning.
here’s my question: is that infantilization of ochako actually rooted in the fact that she’s a girl, or is it solely a reflection of katsuki’s “villainous” persona? i can’t decide if the crowd actually thought she was a frail little girl, or if they were so wrapped up in projecting this unnecessarily sadistic identity onto katsuki.
it’s probably a mix of both. either way, there were like 4 people in that stadium who truly took both katsuki and ochako seriously: aizawa, izuku, katsuki, and ochako.
i have a love-hate relationship with this episode because it makes me so mad, but there’s so much going on that’s completely invisible to someone not looking past face-value. augh
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maddrumsticks2 · 24 days
Just finished Skyward Sword! And I finished A Link Between Worlds a few days ago.
So, double post time! I'll start with ALBW because I had a few days to sit on that one.
Also just realized that with the completion of Skyward Sword, I have officially played and completed every 3D Zelda game! YIPPEEE!
(Long post below the cut!! Along with major spoilers for both aforementioned games!)
Ravio is SO SILLY. Though, he's already talked about a lot. Anything I could say about him has probably already been said.
But hey, I can't help but really like this silly guy who stole my house and all my rupees, okay? He's a little rascal.
So instead, I love Hilda having a clear motivation behind her actions. She is just trying to restore her kingdom. She wants her people to thrive. But she turned to the triforce instead of trying to find better meds to maybe help her people. Though the place was literally breaking apart, so maybe there really wasn't anything else that would've worked.
The story of this game is really heavy in the last 30 minutes, and that's really it. Before that it's just dungeons. Oh, and helping Ravio retire. I absolutely LOVED that XD
So, the distribution of the story could've been done better. But really, this game is so underrated for a Zelda game. Also, the whole moving through walls thing is super fun. LOVED that mechanic. Altogether, great game.
Okay, on to Skyward Sword!
SO good. This game does NOT deserve all of the negativity the surrounded it for some reason. Sure, I used button controls (I couldn't figure out motion controls for the life of me pff) but STILL! I think the Switch version definitely made it easier on me. Though idk what the Wii version is like so I shouldn't be trying to compare them lol.
On to non-gameplay stuff, the dungeons were so cleverly designed. As someone who is not particularly smart, I never found myself super stuck in the dungeons. Instead, I had a lot of fun with them! That's always a plus with me, but I don't find too much shame in looking up a walkthrough here or there.
Story! So fun! I loved Groose's character arc especially. I totally despised him at first but he reached silly status pretty quickly. His character was handled really well, too. He didn't just flip personalities. He showed his flip through his actions, not his words. Which for Groose is a perfect choice.
Also, Ghirahim is SUCH a theatre kid. Nothing can change my mind on that. (And before anyone gets mad, I'M a theatre kid. I know what we act like.)
I find it interesting that the whole game only takes place in three regions that you visit over and over again. Other Zelda games have done this before, but I think Skyward Sword does it the most. I loved all the regions, but tbh I think the forest was the most boring to me. The Ancient Cistern was cool though. I won't deny that. Also, Eldin was probably the most traumatizing for Sky. SO many bad things happened there lol. Like being burned because of how hot it is, then finding chains Zelda has definitely been bound in, being told he was too late. Then he comes back later and not much traumatizing stuff that time. Maybe getting chased by lava, probably not lasting trauma, just scary for a minute lol. But when he comes back a final time, the volcano erupts, covering the sky in ash and leaving him with no return to the sky. To make matters worse, he gets beaten up and captured by monsters and all his stuff was stolen. Wow I just wrote a lot about Eldin pfff
Sadly, I already knew about the whole Zelda is Hylia thing. I kinda wish I hadn't known that. That cutscene probably would've been cooler if I played this game in the complete dark.
Also, Link is so subtly expressive in this game. He actually has facial expressions! I love how at the end of the game, you can SEE Link's determination. You can see his desire to cut Demise down and save his world. I LOVE his expressiveness!
One thing I didn't know was that Demise was the Imprisoned. That actually surprised me.
Then there's Impa. I already figured out that the Old Lady was Impa before the reveal. So that was just "I called it." But here's the silly part about that cutscene: I read fanfic saying she died once. But of course I let my guard down. I believed that the author had Impa die from Ghirahim hitting her. And so, literally one text box away from the scene, I sent my sister in law a text like "lol, idk why I thought Impa dies. She's literally been here the whole time."
I had to send a text probably two seconds late saying "nvm, she died."
Whoopsies, silly me XD
Last thing I wanna say! (I think.) The whole lightning in the end battle is SICK! And now all the lighting scars people give Sky make sense. That's probably one of my favorite scar headcanons, honestly. That and Wild's blast scar. Also love giving Twilight a nasty arm scar, but I'm getting off track.
So yeah! Those are my silly disjointed thoughts on both the games I finished recently! Now I only have 2D games left to play. My list became so much smaller! It went from having ten games to just five.
Just have the Oracles games, Link's Awakening, the original and Adventure of Link to play! (I'm debating which one to start with. Probably the Oracles games to I can get Legend's character down better.)
Yay! Wall of text!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 5 months
Sorry for the random asks, I just get random thoughts.
If the Wobbly Hearts AU Ninja were in a band AU who would be doing/playing what?
bro ur asks are fun so this works out HGLKSJDF
Okay, i had to think a bit hard on this one but here we go
Jay - Lead Guitar: Bro has some wild speed which would be dope for shredding amazing for finger picking, this, ofc, is in reference to his elemental power of lightning. I'd think he can play several different types of guitars ranging from a standard electric to the banjo. He also likes to be front and centre a lot of the time and absolutely thrives off of attention so guitar solos would really give him a chance to shine. I imagine he'd play with a speed similar to this guy though likely not with that type of guitar
Kai - Bass guitar/backup vocalist: I'd actually give Kai the bass cause it's criminally underrated (like kai in the show it feels like sometimes) and it kinda lends itself to the fact his character ends up being more of a supporting role (specifically to Lloyd in the show) in the background rather than the main protagonist. He's extremely skilled in a way that not a lot of people notice, an avid bass defender and hype man and only slightly annoyed that Jay has more fans than him. He likely posts lots of bass shredding vids online
Cole - Drums: I mean come on you had to have seen this coming. I know it almost feels basic to put him but it fits so WELL. He's the one who keeps the team on track in the show and on beat in the band. He's so steady and consistent that it kinda blends together and you forget he's there sometimes. He's the one band member who can go out in public and not a single person will recognize him and he's cool with that. He has an amazing voice and could easily be a lead singer but he's content where he is. He's wildly skilled on the drums and I imagine people would start taking notice in him when he has like a drum solo that happens and its kinda like how Jay is crazy on the guitar he'd be outrageous like this dude
Lloyd - Lead Vocals/drums: Lloyd's currently learning drums from Cole and he's having a lot of fun with them. (a nod to my hc of Cole teaching Lloyd how to lead in the show.) He has the best voice out of the group with an INSANE range in his vocals. He can go from more like straight up angelic sounding to like hardcore screaming and so he's pretty versatile. (A nod to his oni/dragon sides.) He doesn't enjoy singing as much as he does drumming but he's good at it so he doesn't mind being the lead. Though he's not a huge fan of his fans. They're a little crazy. If you want to see him smile ask him to play the drums for you, he gets really winded and is always grinning with his hair a complete mess afterwards. He gets a lot of dopamine from da drums. He also enjoys helping Nya out with writing their lyrics
Nya - Stage Manager(previous)/Backup Guitarist/Second Lead Vocal/Songwriter: Nya is pretty versatile in what she can do. She knows the basics of base, is a pretty solid contender for lead guitar, she's also learning drums from Cole alongside Lloyd. She used to handle the behind the scenes stuff at some point before she actually joined the band. Her ability to both carve out her own place and easily fill in for the other's if they need to tap out lends itself to her element power of water something something. I kinda think of Walk Off the Earth with their two lead vocalists and how their voices blend together really well and the harmonies are really nice for how Nya and Lloyd would sound together. She also has a huge hand in writing the bands songs obviously. Kai did a lot of the lyrics for a while but he's not the most creative person. The whole band kinda has a hand in writing and its a group effort but Nya's usually the one leading it
Pixal - Stage Manager (current): I'm thinking Pixal used to be like, a solo act for a while or something? I dunno I actually couldn't get many ideas for her. But a soloist songwriter and maybe singer and she eventually retired from that and runs things behind the scenes for the band, booking stuff, getting transport, she's great at her job and the whole band loves and appreciates her, Kai regularly dramatically falls across her lap to ask "What would we do without you?" when she hands him a juice box after a set. She also handles the technology (with some assistance from Nya and sometimes Zane) and any more digital sounds they want added to their music
Zane - oh screw it, it's gotta be violin doesn't it??: come on just listen to his Falcon Chase song what else would he play??? All his songs in this show are literally strings!!! Cello, viola, violin, fiddle. i imagine he's classically trained in a lot of the bow + stringed instruments. I'm thinking Lindsey Stirling type playing probably or something. It lends itself to his controlled but emotional?? way of dealing with stuff? You can get a wide range of emotion from these types of instruments and he knows how to pull at your heartstrings (get it cause strings instrument--[gets hit with a chair])
Am i well versed enough in music to know if all these instruments would work well together? No, no i am not. But the concepts are cool and I guess i can be a lil silly goofy with it
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infiniteetcetera · 26 days
[Broken up as girls vs boys bc if it wasn’t it’d just be like all the girls and Dorian]
1) DORIAN HAVILLIARD👑: NO ONE IS SURPRISED BUTTTT truly love him so much, no notes at all✨Hot, sweet, kind, respectful?? Amazing character journey??? Served “I’ll bleed whatever color you tell me” AND “you cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love”??? Impossible not to love him
2) Rowan👑: Another angel who just wants to love, respect, and protect his wife✨ his sense of humor is so underrated and he’s just overall a generally good/fun guy
3) Fenrys: I’m actually SO sad we don’t get more of him because he steals every scene he’s in. He’s so charming and fun despite everything he’s been through and his friendship with Aelin has my heart. Also love a sassy man🔥😩
4) Chaol: Hot take perhaps but I love him and his character arc so much. One of the most realistic SJM characters overall and more than any other he just has such a kind heart and genuinely wants to do the right thing and protect those he cares about. Also underrated hottie, smooth AF when he wants to be THERE I said it🔥
5) Azriel: We have so little of him but I love him so much already😭 will probably be higher after his book, I just already love how he’s such a perfect balance of mysterious/hot and gentle/kind. he’s also SOOOO funny??? like one of the funniest ACOTAR characters by FAR
6) Rhysand: Maybe controversial because I feel like most people either love him like #1 style or hate him completely but I think Rhys is SOOO complex and one of SJM’s most interesting characters. He’s been through more than almost any other character and I think if he was perfect after that he wouldn’t be realistic, so even despite his flaws I love him and want the best for this silly sassy fairy boy✨
7) Lorcan: I have my moments with this guy but I do love him😩 he can be a little bit too broody at times but he has others to remind him to cut the nonsense so✨he definitely gets extra points for changing his name to Lord Lorcan Lochan (even though I know Fenrys and Aelin never let him live that down) and just generally loving his wife
8) Lucien: I LOVE my sassy fire boy😩🔥 Book 1 Lucien would be higher but he’s gone missing since then🤧 still love him though and hope we get to see more of his charisma in future books because he’s so fun and deserves a happy ending
9) Sartaq: SOOOO underrated and for why??? Him and Nesryn are SO adorable and he’s just so cool??? Super smart, funny, kind and just a great leader??? literally told the girl he likes “marry me and be my queen or i’ll quit and just be your man” like???? only so low because we get so little of him but TOD is actually one of SJMs best books too
10) Aidas: would have felt rude to put ZERO crescent city boys on this list and this spot wouldddd be Ruhn but he was an absolute dumpster fire in CC3 with Lidia so he’s lost his place🫡✨ but AIDAS I literally kept waiting for more of him the whole series because he’s so cools and suave (and a cat boy😩🔥) and brought this interesting morally grey twang to CC that it was missing. wish they expanded more on him but I love ALL his scenes
1) AELIN ASHRYVER WHITETHORN GALATHYNIUS & MANON BLACKBEACK: no you can literally not make me chose they’re both PERFECT. perfect character arcs, perfect stories, perfect vibes, no notes at all✨🔥❤️ two of the most fun MC’s i’ve ever read and super interesting story arcs. Aelin went through so much and I genuinely FELT her journey and Manon was such a fun heartbreaking insane character to follow too I love them both endlessly
2) Elide: okay I LIVE for this girl and I don’t know why she’s so underrated??? like she’s so smart and cool??? survived this whole series with like -100 health and all odds against her and pulls all the baddies because she’s just that good??? is 50% of the reason they win the war??? so funny and generally STANDS ON BUSINESS, like she got the ick from Lorcan and actually made this man GROVELLLL and I love her for it
3) Yrene: ANOTHER underrated queen, i’m obsessed with her😩 there are so few fantasy characters out there like her and I LOVE that in this series of chaos and violence it’s a healer who saves the day and Yrene is so lovely and fun and smart but also stands on business and gets things done and I LOVE her
4) Nesta: I LOVE her and her character arc, she is another one of SJM’s most real/realistic characters and my heart genuinely aches for her, she deserves all the happiness in the world and the only reason she isn’t higher is bc of her choice in men (free her)🤧✨
5) Lidia: This woman literally SAVED the CC series. I would have DNF’d HOSAB if it weren’t for her and her parts were the only bearable ones (besides Nes and Az) in CC3. such an awesome character and her story is so heartbreaking and done so well for just being in one book really?? she’s incredible, I love her, of course she’s related to the queen and king themselves🔥✨
6) Lysandra: an absolute QUEEN and so underrated even though she saves the day countless times and is just so loyal and kind??? her friendships with Aelin and Evangeline are everything. she literally gave her all to fight for a world that had done nothing but hurt her and she’s so brave and beautiful for that, wish we had more of her🤧❤️
7) Asterin: when I tell you I WEPT at her death like a young lad I just JENDKEND for a side character she’s so phenomenal and has SUCH an impact on the entire storyline. her backstory is heartbreaking and yet she’s so full of light and happiness and love for her sisters. BRING MY BODY TO THE CABIN???? LIKE??? gets me everytime and I would SO read a story about her and her hunter boy or her and manon growing up or just her existing again 💔
8) Feyre: I know this feels low BUT i do love her so much, she genuinely starts this all and saved everyone’s ass, her character arc just feels a little incomplete to me and I wish SJM didn’t kick her to the curb because there’s a lot left to be done with her. truly though, I love Feyre and wish the best for her and hope we get to see more from her in the future✨
9) Elain: we’ve gotten so little of her but IDC I love a flower girl❤️🤧 truly though, she’s so intriguing to me and I can’t wait to read more about her (could DEFINITELY be higher after her book) she’s already so kind and fierce and also HILARIOUS, like I have laughed out loud at so many of her scenes😩 her gifts to Azriel being the best gags??? her LOLing when Nesta calls her a bitch??? I know she’s funny AF and we just need to see more of it
10) Emerie & Gwyn: I couldn’t decide again I love them both✨❤️ but really there two are not just what Nesta needed but what I NEEDED to get through ACOSF. their friendships with Nesta have my heart and they’re both so complex and fun even with so little page time??? I can’t wait to read more of them, I feel like both their stories have SOOOOO many possibilities and I am pumped AF for more
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py-dreamer · 11 months
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And here's the finished piece y'all!
(here's the WIP for comparison \'/\'/)
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I will say, I do hope this was worth the wait and there are noticable improvements!
Honestly pretty proud of this piece!
(Also sorry I couldn't post this earlier, I had to complete some work before finishing this ^u^')
and see! I did promise Bai He the spotlight and y'all received!
I will admit, I MIGHT have gotten a bit carried away with the embelishments and embroidery but COME ON.
I know practically speaking, there wouldn't be this much embroidery and pattern on her outfit for someone living in the wild and well... a monkey BUT STILL
I just wanted her to match with Mac and achieve that gypsy look is all! I already went full force with him so why not give a little pizazz to his daughter?
(BTW, ALL members of the shadowalkers fam will eventually get their own tulle shawl/wrap thingy. You'll just have to wait for me to design Wukong & Mk)
Headcanon that Mac & Bai He made parts of their clothes together and while Mac was busy doing his own thing, Bai He befriended a cat but it got it's paws in the paint and walked all over her shawl. Then Mac comes back to the mess and Bai He decides to keep it like that. XD
Also Bai He was learning sewing and stuff (cause she rips her own clothes so often she needs to learn how to patch it up) and did the embellishments by herself and was so proud of it afterwards. (Like if Mac can get clouds on his robe in canon, then Bai He can have flowers and butterflies on her dress)
Actually y'know what? No this isn't headcanon. This is canon to the au now.
I was originally going to place the embellishments at the hem of the dress almost like a trim, but that looked too uniform so then I remembered Mirabel's dress and took inspo from that.
Additionally, I kind of retconned the purple dress in Mac's piece. I knew pink was kind of Bai He's signature but I just didn't know how well that pastel/barbie pink would fit into the foresty background but hey! We got there eventually.
You might also notice that her wristbands are present this time!
Maybe as she got older, Macaque started teaching her how to make more stuff (he is an artist after all; made his own plays, drawings, a video game) he helped her make her wristbands.
At first they were just going to have her name engraved into it but then I remembered Macaque's lantern and how it used the character for light in it's design and I thought that was super cool so I kinda stole it for my design heh...
Mei was actually a bit last minute cause Merlin wasn't in the original shot but I wanted to give Mei some screentime too since she is rather underrated. And it was a fun challenge to shade her feathers
Not much to say bout' MK, he's just good ol Mk in this one.
I will admit the hair was a little tricky here cause again: shading dark hair is a pain in the &ss but the yellow sunlight made it a bit easier
Surprisingly the hardest part of this was the background
Turns out colour picking directly from screenshots won't ALWAYS work (^~^')
hope u had fun listening to my lil au!
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legendarybelmont · 9 months
i feel like the fact that giro is a shady, cringe liar is a very undervalued and underused aspect of his character in fandom despite the fact he very much is all that. sure hes semi-responsible but he canonically completely lies to vent about how he met model z (confirmed in zx tunes soundtrack notes), for one thing, and even then if you arent a vent truther he very pointedly didnt tell aile jackshit until it was quite literally forced from him. he was more frank than he was with vent, actually telling her he was a guardian, but even then he was as vague as possible, as is shown with prairie and how she has to tell aile later on that giro watched over her primarily (at first) thanks to orders from ciel. not to mention how giro talks about model x in response to questioning in the intro -- "im sure its very powerful and very dangerous. its probably better we (you) dont know". brushing off all inquiry, making it very obvious he never intended to tell or show the protagonists a thing in the first place. if he wasnt forced into it, he probably wouldve kept omitting everything about himself to them, basically! indefinitely! and, of course, theres how he tells at least vent to deal with his salt regarding slither inc. in summary, "be as salty as you want, but dont show it in town, they arent going to like it". this is very shady. he is not an upstanding citzen. girouette consistently withholds information and even outright lies (and ropes others into said lies, poor fucking vent, EVERYONE was in on it) about incredibly important things, and he is generally quite a shady person, running a vaguely illegal transport company/front for a paramilitary organisation, as well as the literal opaque visor in his megaman transformation implying a need or desire for anonymity, especially with how in the manga vent doesnt recognise giro on sight. also in the manga, giro is shown to be incredibly blase about the whole megaman thing when he talks to vent at first, in, coupled with his other behaviours, is what i assume an effort to throw him off and downplay the importance of the situation, as usual. hes also really cringe in the manga too btw its great i hate him who says "YO" after dropping the craziest bombshell of vents life on him all casually
girouette is not a very honest person, and this is true ESPECIALLY in vents route. i can only assume that raising vent, an incredibly precocious and easily aggravated person, made his existing tendencies worse than how they ended up with aile, who he seems more open with, if only for her calmer personality in comparison. i wish this was more commonly depicted with him :( he is usually just watered down to 'responsible father figure' and like, yeah, sure, whatever, but hes a lying liar who lies! and hes vague and occasionally facetious! and he is so shady even just in his vibes! come on guys i swear hes such an interesting character when you look past the impression he is actively trying to project
p.s: yeah sure, his open affection with aile is cool and all, but what about his strained but very present and existing care for vent, that he yet feels the need to hide beneath numerous layers of deflection and faux-challenge? the care that, apparently, for some reason, he feels he cant express so blatantly as he does with aile, perhaps because he feels vent wouldnt appreciate it? and such. vent is also incredibly underrated. vent and giros dynamic, something that informs so much of giros character, actually, really is kind of forgotten huh. the price of aile-centric fandom. love aile tho
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release-the-sheep · 1 month
🍓🍒🍈🫐 :)
hi baby :)
🍓 What's a fic you've written you feel is underrated?
Ummmmm lately I've been feeling the good ol "everything I've written in the past is trash actually" feeling so this is a little tricky... but I will take the opportunity to promote "you'd be so easy to love", because that one doesn't belong to a fandom per se and therefore no one really finds or looks at it and it's pretty cool, if I do say so myself, even though it's not complete and at this point unfortunately probably never will be. I decided to make a bunch of Playboy cartoons lesbian, is what that story is. There's more in the notes of the fic itself
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Haha. Well. I do enjoy the service top/power bottom thing, probably because it comes easily. It can be fun to write what you know.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Right now my blorbo is Jane Clementine Rizzoli, of course. Um, let's see. I'm aware I'm beating a dead horse but service top Jane is important to me. Her Catholic guilt is important to me, even though I don't necessarily write it or think I will (say I as I have written precisely one incomplete story featuring her so far). I like that she's protective and guard dog-ish, but that's just canon. I like playing with the idea that thinking she's not good enough for Maura is part of what keeps her from making a damn move. I'm aware none of this is particularly groundbreaking (florals, spring, etc).
In the past I would've said that I find it interesting to think of her as bi but recently that has become starkly untrue. That woman is not attracted to men and has never enjoyed a sexual encounter with one, not once.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I'm surprised by how little knight/princess stuff there is. It feels to me like an obvious thing to do with them, and a handful of people have, but not as many as I would expect (at least on ao3). Maybe it's because it feels like such low-hanging fruit? I may throw one in there at some point. No promises
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dorizardthewizard · 3 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 16 (final)
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Yaaay champions! I like how he actually fakes right and breaks left in the game haha
We don’t get to see Gabriella winning though, but I imagine a scholastic decathlon win wouldn’t look so interesting
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This will be more relevant in the second movie
And yes I'm going to read too much into Chad breaking them up
Chad: So, you're going with me to the after-party, right? Taylor: Like on a date? Chad: Must be your lucky day!
Smooth, Chad, real smooth. Although I wish we could have gotten some moments of them actually becoming more close because it’s kind of out of nowhere? It's like they said, here’s the black best friend characters. Obviously we should just pair them up, no need to actually develop that everyone should get it.
^ For reference, it took like a few minutes of screentime for us to buy into Troy and Gabriella being into each other, so they really could have squeezed something in like, maybe during their talk when they realised they fucked up? They could have a genuine moment there.
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Also quick fast forward but I read in an interview with Monique I think that she had the idea of giving Taylor a Britney-inspired outfit for the last scene, and yeah it's a pretty nice touch! A mix between preppy but also showing her letting loose.
I didn't clock that outfit at all at first though because I'm used to seeing school uniform in my country asdjhsf
Anyway yeah it’s too sudden for Sharpay to suddenly be cool with everyone now, but I don’t really care because they had no idea how big this movie would become and that they’d get sequels so I get why they wrapped that up quickly.
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Awww Zeke! You gotta let it go man, there’s plenty of girls out there who will appreciate your cookies. Why does Sharpay reply “ew” to cookies what 😭😭 adding this to my lesbian Sharpay agenda
But Ryan picks them up at least and congratulates Zeke, he’s also wearing red so… supportive? Ok I see you Lucas I see what you were trying to do and I’m sorry Disney wouldn’t let you do it, but I do still find it hilarious how these little moments just get completely overshadowed by THAT scene in HSM2 LMAO
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Aww Kelsi looking happy but awkward, same. Looks like everyone had an outfit change! She’s the playmaker! Troy’s like Kelsi fan number one and their friendship is so underrated honestly, he’s always lifting her up. Which must have been crazy for Kelsi, in the novelisation during their first interaction she’s like “THE Troy Bolton is being nice to me holy shit??”
Kelsi’s reaction is so funny though like, yeah I too would be like “Thanks!! Errr what do I do with this now I don’t know anything about basketball? Do I shoot it for fun? But I’ll probably flop and lose the ball, how long am I supposed to carry it for? Can I just… leave it to the side? Put it away I mean they’re gonna need it again? But I don’t want to look like I don’t appreciate it?????” This is what my brain is like during every single unscripted social interaction I engage in btw
Jason noticing her being a bit awkward and helping her shoot the ball is sweet, he’s just like that. Not a huge fan of taking her hat off though, I know it’s like this ooooh she’s letting loose moment but…. she had it on during Breaking Free when she’d just stood up to Sharpay and she was all energetic and confident during the performance, she’s all about her hats let her wear her hat! It comes off as the “oooooohhh this nerdy girl with questionable fashion sense is actually really beautiful if she just presents more conventionally!” trope
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And now the final song! I've given up on making passable screencaps
I love watching the extras in this one because they’re obviously professional dancers and they just show everyone up, especially in that bit once the end credits start rolling. Ryan slays in this too, and happy to see Martha freely dancing there! As for the song itself, it’s iconic of course. For my personal listening tastes though, it's just a liiiittle too cheesy and for the kids. That’s what they were going for, with a pretty learnable choreography and all. Which is fine! It’s just not something I’d listen to much in my free time. I’m also haunted by another vine where these guys do a handshake or something and then break into this choreography idk, I can’t find it. Anyway B tier
Hahahaha this post-credits scene, what was Zeke even doing just wandering around there aimlessly. Thinking about his rejection? : ( But no one can resist his baking for long!
His smile at the camera is so funny, yeah they never really went anywhere with this Sharpay-Zeke thing in the series so it’s kind of weird they keep throwing in little hints and Zeke still has a crush on her every movie
Aaaaand that’s the movie! This commentary has clocked in at over 9000 words, this is insane.
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buriedalienfma · 1 year
With the release of the first few episodes of ‘My Adventures with Superman’, there’s going to be a lot of people who are going to compare the new cartoon to the older cartoon, namely the 90s DCAU ‘Superman: The Animated Series’. For now, I don’t think that’s a fair comparison, since STAS is a cartoon that has had 68 episodes, while MAWS has only had three. It’s a little frustrating that some people are immediately dismissing MAWS because they don’t believe it will live up to the original, but I also wanted to talk about Superman: The Animated Series and why I don’t put it on the same pedestal as a lot of Superman fans tend to do.
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Now to be fair, STAS has a lot going for it. It is a very competent and streamlined adaptation of the Superman comics. The show is primarily based on the John Byrne reboot of the Superman comics, and while I’ve previously expressed my disdain of those comics, the cartoon itself actually fixes a lot of my problems with Byrne Superman. For one, the STAS portrayal of Krypton is much more idealized compared to the Byrne portrayal of Krypton as a dying dystopia which means that while Byrne’s Superman completely dismissed his connection to Krypton, the STAS Superman has a natural curiosity and fondness for the planet and its people.
But when you put aside the comparisons to the comics, the show still holds up on its own merits. The animation is pretty solid, if a little stiff in some episodes. The character designs are also pretty good - I especially love the design for Lois in this show. It may have been the first Superman adaptation to give her a purple color scheme, and that color just works so well for her.
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But the characters are also well written for the most part. Superman as the main character is smart and competent as he should be, but he also has a little bit of a cheeky side, which I really like. Tim Daly was the voice actor for Superman in this show, and he does an excellent job portraying both the Superman persona and the Clark Kent persona. As Superman, he is appropriately cool and confident. As Clark Kent, he’s a little more reserved and laid-back, and that works for this adaptation where there isn’t a huge divide between the two personas. The other voice actors are also perfect for the roles that they’re given. Dana Delany perfectly captures the snarky, yet warm nature of Lois Lane, while Clancy Brown nails the cold, calculating and charismatic nature of Lex Luthor. These voice actors are often considered to be the definitive voices of the characters, and there’s a good reason for that. They’re really, really good.
The show does suffer a bit in the supporting cast, as characters like Perry White, Jimmy Olsen and the Kents are mostly unmemorable outside of a couple of scenes, but it’s not too bad. It does have some fun takes on characters like John Henry Irons and especially Supergirl - I much prefer this take on Supergirl compared to the convoluted mess of the comics Supergirl at the time.
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The villains are well done for the most part. The standout is off course, Lex Luthor, the rich, charismatic businessman who manages to keep his sinister deeds hidden from the public eye. He’s the overarching villain of the show and he always manages to keep the heroes on their toes. But on the other hand you also have revamps of characters like Brainiac, Toyman and Metallo which were mostly solid. The show also invents new characters like Livewire and Volcana. I don’t much care for Livewire as I thought she was a bit one note, but I love Volcana.
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I think she’s very underrated as the ‘Catwoman’ archetype for this version of Superman, and I wish she would make in more appearances in other Superman stories. Even the comics haven’t done anything with her. Fingers crossed that ‘My Adventures with Superman’ brings the character back.
Superman The Animated Series really cemented Darkseid as a Superman villain. He makes sporadic appearances throughout the show, but his episodes are easily the best in the entire show, as he almost always manages to raise the stakes to a nigh-apocalyptic level. Micheal Ironside is the perfect voice actor for Darkseid, as he perfectly captures the ruthless and cunning nature of the character. I especially love how subtle and nuanced his portrayal of Darkseid is - he’s very quiet and restrained, but that does not in any way take away from his menacing presence.
So with all that said, what are problems with this show, aside from the nitpicks that I mentioned above ? Well, I think that there is three fundamental problems with the show. The first is its strict adherence of the status quo. Superman: The Animated Series is a very status quo driven show and as a result it doesn’t have a lot of rewatch value. A lot of the episodes fall into the simple villain-of-the-week formula, and there’s not a lot about those episodes that make it stand out from other superhero shows. The show never resolves the romantic tension between Lois and Clark - the two characters have a will-they-won’t-they dynamic that never changes until the literal final episode. This is a very big problem, since the romance between Lois and Clark is one of the best things in most Superman stories. You can make some very compelling stories about the progression of the romance between Clark and Lois, and if you need proof of that, just look at Jeff Loveness’ “Glasses”, a short comic that thoroughly explores the nuances of the romance.
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But ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ never actually tries to develop the romance, it never has the characters get into a relationship and deal with the complications of being in a relationship. Hell, I don’t even know if this version of Lois Lane ever managed to figure out Superman’s secret identity in this show and its sequels.
The adherence of the status quo also hurts the dynamic between Superman and Lex Luthor. You’ll notice that Superman never manages to earn a definitive victory against Luthor. He gets a few victories here and there, but he never manages to expose Luthor’s misdeeds to the public and put him away in prison. This is because the show wants to maintain the status quo of Luthor as the villain with good publicity, but it also means that this version of Superman comes across as incredibly ineffectual for never managing to actually defeat his greatest rival.
The second problem with this show is its portrayal of Superman. Now, I praised this show for getting a lot right with the character, but the problem is that this version of Superman is a very static character. He never actually changes or undergoes any major character development for the majority of the show. As such, this version of Superman isn’t a particularly engaging character to follow. He’s very plain and dare I say, kinda boring ? I know that a lot of Superman fans might cringe at that, because they’ve had to constantly deal with casual fans calling Superman boring, but it’s unfortunately true for this version of Superman. Now to be fair, this version of the character does get a lot of character development in the Justice League cartoon which is a direct successor to this show, but isn’t it damning that every interesting thing that happens to this character happens in a show where he isn’t even the main character ? And honestly, I’m not a huge fan of his time in the Justice League show either. That show goes too far in how it portrays Superman as a extremely flawed character. To be frank, he just comes across as a stubborn asshole rather than the sympathetic character that the writers wanted him to be.
And finally, the third problem with this show is that, well - it’s unambitious. When you compare it to the other DC shows at the time - Batman the Animated Series, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited - the show is just middle of the road. It’s not a bad show by any means, but it doesn’t do a lot to stand out from other, better superhero shows. There is nothing in ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ that can hold a candle to the ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ episodes such as ‘Heart of Ice’, ‘Mad Love’, or ‘Two-Face’. Those episodes are still pretty groundbreaking for how well they handle serious and mature topics for what was ultimately a kids cartoon. Even the best episodes of ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ don’t come close to that level of quality.
If you want a good idea of just how unambitious ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ is, just take a look at “Battle of the Superheroes”, a Superman centric episode in the ‘Batman: Brave and the Bold’ cartoon.
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That single, 20 minute episode captures the charm, the fun and the creativity of the Superman comics and characters way better than all 68 episodes of ‘Superman: The Animated Series’. You can tell that the creators behind “Battle of the Superheroes” truly loved Superman and his world, while the creators behind ‘Superman: The Animated Series’...well, let’s just say that both Paul Dini and especially Bruce Timm are way bigger fanboys of Batman instead of Superman, and it shows in how they’ve written the character over the years.
So that’s my thoughts on Superman: The Animated Series. Needless to say, I don’t think that it holds up quite as much as the fanboys would insist and I say that ‘My Adventures with Superman’ has more than enough potential to surpass it.
Now the tie-in comic though is an underrated gem of a series, and every Superman fan should check it out. In many ways it’s better than the show that it’s based on.
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dual-fantasy · 9 months
FANON SVETLANA. FROTHS AT THE MOUTH. can people please be for real for a Second. like mike shes actually kind of a bad person but cause shes a strong woman the mind of a total drama fan can only comprehend her being motherly. I think she should also be allowed to try and kill scott. shes equally as cool and awful as mike. if not more. in my dream post total drama au shes just worst because she deserves to be. I think vito is easily one of the funniest total drama characters hands down. everything about him even just in canon is fucking hilarious. the italian superstrength of course isn't realistic but it's the funniest thing to me. especially since most of the total drama fandom doesn't even question it hes just like that. he has a bunch of random skills nobody knows about. he probably doesnt either. anne marias car gets fucking wrecked like crumpled into a compact silver ball its shocking she made it out. he fixes it in 10 minutes with his hands and a plastic fork that survived the crash. hes completely and utterly stupid but only at common things to know. he cant do algebra but he can name every invasive insect species in history documented and otherwise. him and anne maria date for like a year after total drama but he leaves her for cars and men. he tries to help cameron work out once and it goes horribly wrong cameron gets hurt in ways nobodies ever been hurt before. doctors scientists priests etc are all dumbfounded. same thing happens when he brings cameron to literally just sit and watch him work at the mechanics. nobody even knows how he got hurt he just did. camerons not allowed within 50 feet of something metal anymore cause itll get him violently injured in a way that defies all science and god. anne maria is also underrated and so fucking funny. she records it every single time mike and scott fight. she encourages it. she bets at least ten dollars on mike. i think jomaria is so real but in ways nobody else understands. they show up to the Scike Fights together those are dates to them. svetmaria as well but in an awful gritty girlfailure way. my person headcanon(??) is that the reset button was completely made up. mike wanted off the show and it was the only way to get chris to leave them alone. once he was off the show he became so much cooler. but stereotypical cool bully kid in a movie kind of cool(think like... leather jacket) and nobody has the heart(and healthcare) to tell him that it doesn't actually look cool. most of his shirts are stained with Scott Blood. he acts like the type of guy to smoke but he tried it once and almost died. coughed and choked for at least an hour. the same with drinking he acts like he does but he needs emotional support to take a shot. when he actually gets drunk(after crying and gagging 10 times) hes just stupid and pathetic. he learns how to speak up for himself and he gets into fights but hes a loser boyfailure at heart. he rants to brick about a stupid pirated movie hes been watching while he washes the Scott Blood out from under his nails. he is the crywank and mccafferty boy ever but not in a sad way. just in a way you have to understand. Grave Dog
I have a lot of thoughts about the treatment of women in total drama. I'll probably make a whole post about it but it's actually kinda sickening that so many fans still treat women the way they do. fanon Svetlana is my 13th reason I stg. she should be worse. she should be strangling people. she should be biting and clawing and kicking. I love her. she deserves it.
Vito is literally the funniest total drama character I think. his entire existence is so funny to me. the Italian superstrength is an extra funny concept because the fandom doesn't question it, but also the contestants don't either. they all just accept that sometimes Vito can do stuff. randomly. he knows how to make like every poison ever and also he cannot fucking count. the car crash concept is so funny to me too. she brings it to him and it's fucking destroyed and they all look away and he's already fixed it. he does leave her for cars and men. he gives me grease (1978) energy but if grease was a little bit more faggoty and rocky horror picture show (1975). the Cameron concept made me burst out laughing. literally fucking incredible. Cameron gets hit by a car family-guy Brian-fucking-dies style while Vito is driving his dumbass convertible that's made out of cardboard, mod podge, and a tin can.
I also think that Manitoba smith is hilarious to me. it might just be the Australian in me but he means everything to me. he's canonically married? noone talks about that? he mentions his wife? when what who where why? and also I think he knows a lot about genuine Australian culture that noone should know unless they've been to Australia. he has literally never left Canada but he knows everything. he says "I'mgunna run down to wollies to snag lamingtons n a Bundaberg, wunna want?" and everyone stares at him like he's fucking insane. he warns everyone of dropbears. he calls them Zooper doopers. literally noone knows where he got this from.
I agree that the reset button was the only way to get Chris to leave him alone. noone wanted to get brought back so they decided that they would just. lie. and get off of the show. Chris didn't know it was fake he did literally no research whatsoever. chef knew it was fake but he didn't say anything because he understood the want to get off the show.
Anne Maria is soooo underrated it's insane. her elimination was actually iconic. even tho it's a fake diamond she could still sell it for a pretty decent price. it's a massive fucking jewel she could still scam someone with it. it's amazing actually. she means everything to me. jomaria so real they watch mike beat the shit out of Scott. Anne Maria is running bets and jo is charging admission to watch. they make so much money. also I believe in jo/Anne Maria/Svetlana. they beat up scott together. I love them.
mike is such a poser he's literally amazing. his shirts are all stained with blood (mainly Scott's) but if he ever tried to drink vodka he would shrivel up and die. he is the lightest weight ever. brick is holding his hair back while he's vomiting and threatening Scott (who hasn't been there for 10 minutes) after he took a singular shot. he is literally the worst and my personal favourite. Jo helps him wash blood out of his jeans while he's gossiping with Anne maria. I completely understand the McCafferty and crywank guy he's also the front bottoms and modern baseball. you're so real always
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many-gay-magpies · 21 days
1, 3, 20, 25 for the dbd ask game!!
ahh thank you anon!! these questions are so delightful to answer <3 (adding a readmore because i once again yapped like a madman. i implore my non-dbd followers to scroll down to the answer to the last question, which is me saying why i would recommend the show, because really i would recommend it to everyone all the time. forever)
1. Who is your favourite character?
I think Charles has pretty completely solidified himself as my favorite by this point, but Crystal is a close second.
Idk, with Charles, it's just like. not surprising at all, cuz I have a pattern of adoring characters with physically abusive dads and emotional repression issues, which is a bill he definitely fits. but also he's just so. sweet and silly and he has the prettiest smile known to man and the biggest brownest eyes on this earth. And he's SO INCREDIBLY PROTECTIVE and so devoted to the people he loves, and he tries to be so good because nothing was ever good enough for his dad, and he probably bases his worth on his ability to protect and defend his loved ones because if he can't protect them then what is he even good for? he's the brawns not the brain, build for taking the hits (because that's all he could do for his dad), and he's so so kind and loving, but also so angry, and I just love him so much.
Then Crystal is just... SO interesting and such a good character and thinking about her past makes me want to cry. She was born to parents who probably never should have been parents in the first place, who spoiled her with money and material objects but never gave her their attention, so she rebelled and started acting out because why would they care? theyve never cared about anything else she's done (but maybe, feeling their dissapointment when she did something bad was as close as she ever got to feeling loved). she was mean and cruel and manipulated people for laughs, but when all her memories of her life before were wiped away and she wound up in a situation with people who actually cared about her, she got BETTER. she had a shit childhood and was a shitty person because of it but she's also so kind and feels everything so, so deeply and I just adore her man.
3. A character you think is underrated/ underappreciated.
mannnnn i'd be inclined to say crystal but ive actually seen so so many posts talking about the exact same things i was just saying and touting their love for her in all her messed-up complicated teenage girl glory, so. crystal is nowhere near as under-appreciated as she could be and its a fucking BLESSING.
otherwise i'd say maybe tragic mick? he's so cool man. he's a walrus stuck on land looking like a man. he has an absolutely killer magic shop. is he immortal? idk but that magic shop is old as hell and he has the sense of having hung around a while. i think it would be fun if sedna cursed him to stay human but made him immortal while she was at it. he tried to stop esther from making the machine that drains ghosts, and yet all esther's torture couldn't have happened the way it did without him, because everything she had she bought from his store. where did he get all that stuff? does he buy from collectors? did he travel the world accumulating stuff to try and find a way to turn back into a walrus and realize it would make a killer business? he has untapped relationship potential if youre the shippy sort, like with the cat king and also kashi, which i am going to make a post about as soon as i finish this ask because ive just had a fucking EPIPHANY. tragic mick rocks
20. Which characters style do you like the best?
i think probably crystal and niko, with charles coming in after them. crystal feels closest to my own personal style, all artsy and thrown together and kind of thrifty-looking, and i respect it very much and also think we could swap clothes (or like, i could donate her my clothes, and if she had baggy jackets they might fit me. girlie is short as hell). then niko's style is more, like, organized and thought-out than mine, but i absolutely ADORE her bright colors and fully-coordinated makeup and hairstyles and accessories and god she is just goals. then of course charles is wonderfully underground 80's punk and i adore it.
25. Why do you recommend the show?
god why WOULDNT i recommend the show? i think literally my only gripe is how short it is, but that's the fault of modern streaming culture. literally everything else about it i can think of is fucking amazing, no notes.
in a more general surface-level sense, it is wonderfully campy and fun and just SUCH a great spooky, adventurous watch! but then it fucking battering rams you in the chest with excellent character dynamics and complex characterization and soul-grabbing devotion and character development. it has some of the best and most complex female characters i've seen on television—women that are allowed to mess up and do bad things but still be fundamentally GOOD characters—and some of the most heart-capturing friendships/relationships ive ever had the pleasure of witnessing, of course with charles and edwin first and foremost, but also with edwin and niko, edwin and crystal, charles and crystal, jenny and niko and crystal, just fucking ALL OF THEM. there's so much fucking LOVE in these eight episodes, clearly woven into every scene and snatch of dialogue.
it also has one of my favorite villains ever in the form of esther, just. full unapologetic morally irreprehensible evil badass of all time. yeah she feeds kids to her giant snake to stay young and beautiful, its honestly NBD. she is the most wonderful evil hot terrible villain of all time and i love her, and i love how EVERYONE ELSE loves her. also her downfall was so fucking satisfying and perfect and i adored it, really just peak justice being served in the wickedest way possible.
ive said this before but dead boy detectives has the sense of having some of the most REALISTIC characters and dialogue ive ever seen, with the way they speak and react to things and such, without having the like. "haha we're so REALISTIC and GRIM and GRITTY and DARK, look at how realistic we are. humanity sucks and no one is good and everything is ironic because nothing really matters" tone of some tv these days. it feels like real complex people got shoved into a fun campy supernatural universe and it's fucking EVERYTHING.
if anyone reading this has not seen the show, i say please please do watch it—not just to get us more views for hope of the cancellation being retracted or anything, i dont honestly have that much hope of it succeeding. but ill say watch it anyway, because its just so wholly amazingly GOOD and i think everyone deserves to see it—if it gets renewed, or if it NEVER does and this one season is all we get of it. its still just such a fucking fantastic work of cinema, and the ending is hopeful enough to feel like a satisfying closing point even without a second season to wrap up the more ongoing plotpoints.
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grizzlyofthesea · 1 month
I just want to give a quick shoutout to Haunt Couture Lagoona. I know she has a divisive design, but in my opinion, she doesn't get enough love.
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She has so many cool details and aesthetic points that I really appreciate about her. A couple of other things, too.
Makeup aside, her face is pretty elaborate. Her eyes and lips have painted lines/segments that make her look just a little bit more "alive."
The slightly lighter, minty hue to the blue streaks in her hair is unique from other Lagoona dolls and gorgeous.
I have no idea what the spiderweb fascinator thing on her headband is supposed to be, but I like it.
People give her flack for not looking more like her basic/core design, but honestly, she has about as many references to her core design as the other HC ghouls do to theirs.*
I would also argue that the fanciness of the outfit is still in-character for her. She may lean toward casual clothes, but she has worn fancy/formal outfits before. She even says in her diary that she'll wear a little black dress every so often just to show everyone that she can pull off the look. She may be athletic and the de-facto tomboy of the group, but she's no stranger to dressing up.
Back to outfit appreciation. With its blue color and shiny PVC material, her jacket almost looks like it's made of water. It also gives me "cool, laid-back biker" vibes.
The shimmer on the pink parts of her dress adds to their scaly, fishy look. The fabric is also stretchy and smooth like a swimsuit. You know she's leaping into the pool immediately after the fashion show.
The fish inside her purse glows in the dark. I just think that's neat. No worries about it being Neptuna's remains, either; it's canonically a skeleton lionfish. Plus, the purse's handle (not strap) looks like coral. Also neat.
The mermaid dress may be a bit played out at the moment, but come on. Fish pun. Plus, HC Lagoona was one of the first skullectors with this silhouette, so I think she gets a pass.
Her midriff and socks have a fine mesh sort of material, almost like netting. Fishnetting.
The use of more unconventional sea creatures in the design, such as octopuses and living nautiluses (vs. just the shell), is honestly really cool. They give the outfit more of a monstrous, "deep sea" vibe than the typical "rainbow/pastel mermaid" aesthetic that you see with a lot of ocean-themed outfits.
Her shoes. Just...everything about her shoe design. The octopus on the heel, perched like a figurehead on a pirate ship, tentacles wrapped around like sandal straps. The shells and coral embedded at the bottom. The monochrome, glittery plastic (rainbow holo glitter, by the way) giving the shoe a "sandy" look. It's perfect. They're perfect.
You don't have to love her. It's all a matter of personal taste in the end. I just wanted to share my appreciation for this underrated doll.
*Elaboration here:
Frankie has the bits of plaid material on her skirt, the studded belt with a lightning bolt charm, the tulle underskirt, and the skullette earrings, but everything else is pretty different.
Draculaura has the netted black tights/sleeves, the lace sleeve cuffs, the pink vest/white blouse combo, and the pink necklace that has a bat charm like her core 2D artwork (but not on the actual doll). Again, pretty different otherwise.
Clawdeen has the pleated purple skirt, the hoop earrings (in one ear), the studded choker, the dual necklaces, and the purse that looks like her core jacket. Despite the overlap in accessories, though, her silhouette is still completely different from her core outfit, whether her fur coat is on or off.
Inversely, Cleo's HC silhouette is similar to her core outfit's, uses a banded fabric to imitate mummy wraps, and has her phone garter thing. However, her extra design elements are associated more with Nefera (turquoise, fringe, scarab beetles).
Lagoona has her pink scale-pattern fabric, her netting, a cropped jacket, a purse with a fish in it, a beaded bracelet on her left wrist, and a necklace with a sea creature charm. Her outfit in general is more formal than her core design, but the references are there.
I love all these designs, and the divergence from their core outfits isn't bad in any way. It creates variety. I just want to show that Lagoona really isn't that different from the others in terms of how much she diverges.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
tis time for the need for speed caper!
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notes under the cut as always
if you saw my boston tea party caper post you will already know that this is not my favorite episode. potentially one of my least favorites in the season. still has some fantastic moments though, and I'm excited anyway!
cool foreshadowing for next ep with neal. bellum likes him
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these bitches really ARE gay
i love how snarly they animate mech's face. her lip is curled or her nose is wrinkled
poor mechanic. so british it hurts a little bit
a choice of playdates 😭
cs: you can work remotely from my latop! the season being released in 2019: 👁️👄👁️
god why do they always make carmen's hottest and most showstopping outfits only get like a minute of screentime
the complete 180 from barfing at fish to proclaiming his love for a vile operative. fantastic
also mmmmmmmmmmmmmm the driver is a fantastic character. she's set up just enough w/ the green outfit and the mechanic letting us know that there's an operative already in dubai. plus she's milking trey without anyone suspecting a thing. she's so cool. imagine having to play dumb about your specialty for this arrogant little white boy
anyway trey sterlings little earrings
bonus points for how the driver only smiles when trey is looking at her
im a duke and ivy's a rocket scientist wheeze
god that cape on carmen is everything
who voices sterling sterling
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okay 1. daddy sterling 2. ITS MR GROUPER FROM BUBBLE GUPPIES JIDSHH. he's been in a ton of shit. soggy joe from amphibia, benzo in arcane, phineas and ferb and a lot of stuff as the amazing hulk. i wonder why they had him do the role GOOD LORD THIS GUY HAS BEEN IN A LOT OF STUFF
so has trey's va
and then the driver throws herself on trey as soon as she confirms that he's the one driving its so good
love how trey uses the wrong names just to be a dick
not entirely sure why zack and ivy went to the party at all when they could have just gone with carmen but whatever
ah, the part of the episode which makes me hate it. zack acting like a homicidal toddler
carmen and the fastest change of clothes in the world
i love how ivy is just glaring at him the whole time
my favorite part about cs being a kid's show is that when characters get arrested the cops just stand there really menacingly because they can't point guns at anyone who isn't dexter wolfe
i love the next few episodes of player and shadowsan bonding/gaining trust with each other tho
i love when carmen gets pissed off about stuff
i also like seeing how on edge she is- flattening herself against the wall on the roof when a car goes by and stuff because she's trying to figure out how she's going to get them out of jail
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i love her
HAHA okay i do love to see carmen yell at them because its SO emotive and GOOD but also IVY DID NOTHING WRONG SHE GETS THE SHORT END OF THE STICK
what was possibly worth risking your necks and mine and giving VILE a chance to win RNGRH its such a good line to show carmen's mentality. we see it in stockholm a little too with how she would almost literally rather die than let VILE win
how do they get home
mmmm this show is awesome with the setup for the driver
why would zack and ivy be knocking on his door if they knew he was supposed to be driving the car btw
man this show really tried to go for more refined themes in the depths of the episode. its implied that the driver seduced trey in his trailer and then stole all of his shit once he was undressed but obviously they can't do anything else with it but imply
i love how mad carmen is about literally everything in this episode she just snarls about things
the motorcycle driving animation is so slick though
the driver is underrated actually im realizing
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i LOVE the animation of the car speeding up to rocket mode its so cool
you can hear the tires squeal every time carmen/the sibs turn their vehicles around
carmen sandiego tragically dies in a 60 mile per hour head on collision atop a parking garage
"whats she going to do, give us both a piggyback ride?" carmen five seconds later:
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split up gang! lets look for clues
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carmen's hips. thank god for this shot
also i love the implication that carmen was just dramatically positioning herself against the wall and waiting for the driver to turn around
i love this fight scene with carmen and the driver btw its good. they are pretty evenly matched
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uhhh...where in time is carmen sandiego?
i also love the driver v carmen fight because they are like. clawing at each other. just brawling
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those are the fighting moves of a bitch who has been mad ALLLL day and needs to take it out on someone
ivy constantly being terrified of zack's driving because she's seen him flip the car completely upside down before is my favorite
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asami is that you
boston tea party and need for speed are truly a two part episode
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i love frames of carmen jumping off things before she deploys her glider
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she's literally so hot. also her forearm is disconnected from her elbow
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who still talked to carmen about a headquarters after she screamed "WE'LL CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT A HEADQUARTERS" into the phone and then hung up in a fit of rage because i wouldnt have
yeah they tried to fake us out didn't they
we got to see that workshop in s4 when carmen was brainwashed..
I KNOW A PLACE i love shadowsan
alright theres need for speed. im going to try to crunch out crackle goes kiwi maybe tonight but we'll see how it goes lol
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frogzzai · 1 year
Ranking MHA villains because I've ran out of ideas
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx) Any underage characters are not permitted unless it's platonic
Characters included: Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Big Sis Mange, All For One, Overhaul, Gentle Criminal, Mr. Smiley, La Brava, Nine, Slice, Doctor, Mummy, Chimera, Mustard, Moonfish, Muscular, Kuroguri, Geten, Skeptic, Trumpet, Lady Nagant
Multi-Masterlist! Back to Masterlist!
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I love Shigaraki, he's pretty cool. He babbles though, that's why some of his victims get away. HE TALKS. I guess all the villains do that but even so. For that reason I'm gonna give him an 8/10.
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Dabi is cool, I like his backstory although I think he's a tad overrated (don't come at me)
A bit like Shigaraki, but not quite as bad, the reason he doesn't reach his full potential as a villain is because he talks. To be honest, if the villains didn't do that the whole anime/ manga would be over in one episode/ book.
I do like his character design though (emos>)
I'll give him a 7.5/10.
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Classic yandere villain trope. Who doesn't love them? I love her character design and I also love how, even as a villain, she has empathy and isn't completely cold.
She's one of the strongest villains in the league physically even though her quirk isn't.
I feel like she has much more potential so I'll give her an 8.5/10.
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I like the way Twice was written, his backstory is pretty origional.
Definitely had a massive upgrade in his character when he broke through all that trauma in season 5.
One of the more humane and compassionate villains.
Mr. Compress
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Where do I start? Sure, I love Mr. Compress but he would be so much better if he could just keep his mouth shut! He would've gotten away with both Bakugou and Tokoyami if he were able to stfu :(
His ego is a lil too big for my liking <3
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Spinner deserves more love!
His quirk is a little underwhelming, all those looks and he can only stick to walls.
One of the more rational members of the LoV.
Good morals.
The reason for Deku surviving, he saved him from Mange.
7/10, Stain dupe.
Big Sis Mange
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Chill ig, not my favourite but not my least.
Not much to say actually, she didn't last long.
6/10 had more potential.
All for One
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Fuck you.
Younger him was hot.
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Fuck you.
I hate him but he's hot.
1.5/10. Justice for Eri, extra 0.5 because he's hot and he had a cool quirk
Gentle Criminal
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One of my favourite villains!
Shares my love of tea.
Deserves justice.
Mr Smiley
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Another one of my favourites!
One of the best character developments. Fight me.
La Brava
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Most underrated.
She deserves better.
She has the best character design.
Literally fight me if you disagree. La Brava solos your favourites. Definitely best as a vigilante.
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Hot and powerful.
Proudly holds one of the best fight arcs.
8/10, not liking the fact he went after that kid, don't care bout your needs, leave the kid alone.
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Also one of my favourite character designs.
Her few minutes of screen time were the highlight of the movie.
Marry me
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Hope your nomus eat you x
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He had so much potential!
I loved his quirk, he was definitely fit for a bigger group than the one he was in. Would give the LoV a run for their money.
I wish he had more screen time.
All the villains in 'Heros Rising' are better than the main ones in the series.
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He was pretty cool.
His quirk was powerful, would like to see him fight Tamaki.
Not much to say about him.
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Do better.
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Another of my favourite villains!
One of my favourite quirks despite it being kinda freaky.
Justice for his poor teeth.
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I don't like his quirk it freaks me out in a bad way.
Leave the child alone you prick. Hope someone throws salt at you whilst your muscles come out x
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He's chill
I know he's a main villain but he just doesn't feel like one.
Smash 🤷‍♀️
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His character design is sick.
His fight scene was cool.
Has so much potential.
I want him and Todoroki to fight.
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Greasy electronic guy??
Sign me up.
He looking for a table? I'll bend over for him..
Definitely has skilled fingers.
10/10 would let him use me as a puppet.
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How have people missed his beauty??
I love him. Marry me 🙏🙏🙏.
10/10 for his beauty.
Lady Nangant
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She was hot.
An icon.
She deserved better :(
I hate All for One.
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