#she hides her face to conceal her horns
vipermenace · 23 days
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Beat Elden Ring and the dlc, so of course I started a new playthrough already lol My newest tarnished oc, Lleucu! (pronounced hlay-kee)
A lil hornsent who may or may not bring forth an omen era
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ozzgin · 1 year
This is incredibly random but
Dragon!S/O (I was thinking about my favorite character from a show!)
Let's say S/O is a dragon Hiding as a human in society since many think that Myths/Legends don't exist so
S/O doesn't bother flaunting that she's a dragon and just blends in with the other humans.
S/O is originally a (the long noodle) dragon but takes a human form she can also sometimes have her horns and tail pop out!
Coincidentally She's dating (Any Baki character!) And one day when she got really irritated or sad let's just say..
Infront of the (Baki characters!!)
Your choice if you want the police or satellites to detect her massive dragon form!
(I apologize for this ask, I really went random and if you're on break I don't mind if you can't do it! Thank you for reading!)
I hope you’ll forgive the delay, I set some older requests aside on purpose because I thought they’d be great for October. I found the fantasy theme very fitting. Funnily enough, if you didn’t know, Baki x Dragon Maid is an actual thing and you’ll find multiple fanart works of it haha. Randomly remembered it when I read your request.
Baki Characters x Dragon! Significant Other
Featuring some of the Baki men reacting to their significant other suddenly turning into a dragon.
[Baki Masterlist]
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Truly, how embarrassing. Hundreds of years of flawless concealment. Carefully and steadily learning the ways of humans until no one could ever suspect the slightest off detail. You’ve changed identities countless times, lived in many places, and each time your true nature has been kept out of reach. So why, in the name of ancient Gods, have you just forfeited your secrecy? Now of all times?
Of course, you already know the answer. Never through the long history in which you’ve walked this Earth has there been a more annoying creature. You glare at Yuujirou with your glossy reptilian orbs. Annoyingly persistent, but also unbearably strong. Your human form was not enough to go against him, and your pride and anger took over before you could carefully consider things.
So now you stand here, your long, scaly body overlapping several times as it circles the entire Underground Arena, with your head just below the high ceilings. Everyone has gone quiet and the red headed culprit can only follow suit, staring back with raised eyebrows.
“…(Y/N)?” You hear your boyfriend mutter in an attempt to break the insufferable silence, perhaps looking for some explanation or awaiting confirmation that they haven’t gone mad. You hadn’t planned to be seen like this, especially by your partner. The shame is too great, all eyes are on you. You lift your clawed hands to your snout, attempting to hide your features, and let out a prolonged cry.
Between your sobs and hiccups you feel a faint pressure on your tail. You look down and notice your boyfriend stroking along the harsh skin, reassuringly. “Come now. You can’t blame me for being surprised, but that’s no reason to be upset. There’s nothing wrong with this.”
If you boyfriend is…
Baki, he will follow your movements with a silly expression that you can’t read. His stare is making you squirm and your long body slithers around idly, almost like a fidget. There’s a smile plastered on his face, but he’s not saying much otherwise. His gaze is fixated on you. Your orbs dart around the Arena, trying to come up with an explanation. After a few huffs and puffs, you finally face him with scolding indignation. “I know it’s strange, but can you at least pretend not to gawk like this? Why do you look at me like that?” He seems taken aback by your reaction, but follows with a chuckle. “You’re right, sorry. I just thought you’re very cute like this.”
Chiharu, he’ll be way more enthusiastic than you would’ve anticipated. You’ve already heard the story of his back tattoo and the symbolism behind it. He’ll tell you that this is no coincidence, and perhaps his design idea was already a subconscious preparation for your arrival. He finds you very cool and every now and then he might even jokingly scare you just to see your tail and horns.
Jack, he won’t say much. He is obviously very shocked alright, but he’d rather not make a big deal out of it, especially after seeing your reaction and embarrassment. He’ll cough, look away, and stumble over his words in an attempt to let you know that he doesn’t care and it doesn’t change anything. As the reality settles in, he will occasionally look at your small form with a newfound amusement. To think this tiny human could make him look insignificant in size in an instant.
Retsu, he will immediately apologize for intruding on your privacy like this. Clearly this was meant to be a secret, and the unwilling exposure makes him feel like he just caught you naked out of the shower. He is a blushing mess as he attempts to diffuse the situation, promising that he’ll take care in keeping the others quiet. Once you calm down, he’ll sneak in a few glances because he can’t help his curiosity. You remind him of a Chinese dragon. Noble, royal and powerful.
Katsumi, he will be absolutely entertained by the whole ordeal. There’s not an ounce of fear in this man’s eyes. He’s laughing and clapping his hands in disbelief and surprise. “I know I always say you’re special to me, (Y/N), but you’ve really outdone yourself this time! I think it’s safe to assume you’re just special. Unless there’s other dragons casually roaming the city.” He hasn’t thought about that. You promise him there aren’t hidden dragons in his Dojo and he doesn’t have to worry about being overturned. And you don’t know if the children are going to be half dragon. You haven’t planned that far ahead.
Hanayama, he will just stare at you after his last statement. You gradually become more nervous, unsure how to respond. That’s it? The scales around your face are flushed with a red tint and in your anxiety, a blow of hot steam is released from your nostrils. Hanayama realizes your discomfort and his eyes widen. “Sorry, I kind of assumed you needed a moment to recollect yourself. I now see I only made it worse.” He slides his fogged up glasses along the bridge of his nose and hums. “I’ll guide the others outside and then we can talk, okay? Leave everything to me.”
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close to home | chapter thirty
close to home | chapter thirty
plot: the reader's journey continues on, and they find some trouble on the road
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,759 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: thank you for reading!!!
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You slept for a few hours after your watch ended and woke up to the sound of people getting out of the car. You sighed with exhaustion and looked around at the empty car--except for a snoring Noah--for a moment before getting up. 
Only a few people were up--Rick, Daryl, Carol, Glenn, and Maggie. You walked over to your cousin as you yawned, and then greeted her. You quickly helped her and Carol get a fire going while the other three men discussed the plan for the day. You were too tired to listen in, and it seemed Carol and Maggie felt the same way.
Eventually, everyone else woke up, and you sat with Rosita and Tara while eating. The camp was alive and well, and you enjoyed watching everyone talk amongst themselves in the early morning air. You smiled at Carl laughing and Michonne joking with him. 
Unfortunately, it didn’t last long, and Rick had everyone pack up and take off. You were up first on the driving rotation, so you took the driver’s seat and started the car. You tried to hide your smile when Daryl sat next to you. 
“What?” He asked you when he noticed. 
“Nothing,” You chuckled and rolled down the window. “Let’s go, everyone. I’m not waiting forever!” You called out. 
Carol laughed as she climbed into the car, telling you to shut up. 
You’d been driving for a few hours. The sun was almost at its midpoint when the van started slowing down. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, trying to look ahead. 
“Stay in the car,” Daryl said before getting out. 
You sighed and put the car in park, leaning back against the seat. 
“What’s going on?” Carol asked. 
“Is something up ahead?” Maggie asked.
“I don’t know…” You trailed off, watching as Daryl jogged back to the car. 
“There’s a big herd. ‘bout a half mile away. Ya’ll know what to do,” Daryl said. 
Your stomach tightened as everyone moved at once. Glenn handed you and Daryl rags, and you quickly set them up against the windows. You turned the car off. Unfortunately, you had nothing to cover the front window with, so you piled some bags on the dashboard to conceal yourself. 
“They almost here,” Daryl said. 
You all reclined your seats and laid back, staying perfectly still and quiet. Your fingers were twitching, and you rubbed your leg. You tried to steady your breathing when you felt the first walker hit the car. 
You heard Maggie say something, but it was too low for you to know what it was. More and more walkers bumped into the car, and you let out a shaky breath. The car started to rock back and forth, and you felt anxiety slide over you. You could hear the moaning from the herd, and you glanced at Daryl. 
There was worry and frustration on his face. But he wasn’t afraid; if he wasn’t, you shouldn’t be either. But when the car started rocking harder, you grabbed his hand across the center console. He glanced at you instantly, and you could feel how rigid his body got. But when he looked at your face, his body relaxed, and he turned his hand, intertwining your fingers. 
The car continued to rock for another ten minutes before it stopped, and the moans were drowned out by the distance. You took a deep breath, let go of Daryl’s hand, leaned forward, and pulled back the rag covering your window. From the side mirror, you saw the walkers had put a decent amount of distance, and the group started fixing the car up. 
“That was crazy,” Noah said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it,” 
“Consider yourself lucky,” Glenn said. 
A few minutes later, you heard Rick honk the horn twice, signaling you were to continue on your path. You started the car while Daryl looked in the side mirror. 
“You want someone else to drive (Y/N)?” Maggie asked you. 
You shook your head, “No, I’m good to keep going. I’d prefer it, actually.”
Daryl watched you from the side as you drove. It had been hours since the herd passed, and you insisted on driving. You had the radio down and most windows cracked, so fresh air blew. He had to strain to hear you sing under your breath and any sound that interfered with him being able to hear you vexed him. 
He wanted to talk to you. He was worried about you. Ever since you all left Georgia, you have always been so scared. He wasn’t sure what it was--aside from the obvious. But you were never scared like this. He didn’t understand it. He’d seen you in sticky situations that had him scared, but you never were. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he didn’t even know where to start. He didn’t know what words to say. 
Daryl could still feel your hand on his, fingers intertwined and gripping tightly. He could feel your fingers twitching like they did when you had anxiety, and he could still feel the heat from your touch. The heat left his chest stirring and his mind whirling. All he could think about was your warm skin while the herd passed you all by. 
He stole a few quick glances at you while you were preoccupied with driving and admired the side of your face. Your hair was braided back, and every now and then you’d bite at your nails. He noticed all the little quirks you did while driving. He noticed the scars on your hand and scabbed over the wounds. He wanted to grab your hand again and ensure they were all healing correctly. 
But he couldn’t do that, so he stared out the window and tried to ignore the pull towards you. 
You followed the van off the highway and down a few more miles before you saw a few buildings pop up. The sun was lowering, and it shinned through the trees, so you squinted as you continued to drive. 
Rick eventually pulled over at a deserted gas station, and you parked aside the van. Daryl jumped out of the car and met up with Abraham and Rick, who gave the area once over before whistling. 
“Thank God, I’ve had a cramp in my leg for the past hour,” Carol muttered as she climbed out of the car. 
You chuckled quietly and got out, too, headed towards Carl. Tora was already sniffing the ground around you, no doubt looking for somewhere to go to the bathroom and then run around. 
“How’s she doing?” You asked, ruffling his hair. 
He dodged you as he laughed. “She loves Judith.”
You laughed and shared a few more words before you walked over to Rick and Abraham. “So what’s the plan?”
“We need to fuel up. We used the last gas rations this morning, and I don’t want to get stuck. I’m thinking we clear the building, see what we got, and make a run into the town we passed if we need to.” Rick said. 
You nodded and pulled out your machete. “Okay, sounds good,”
Rick called over Rosita and had her team up with Abraham while you went with Rick. Everyone else was to stay outside and keep an eye out. The building wasn’t that big, and you weren’t worried. 
You did feel Daryl’s eyes on you as you followed Rick towards the door, and you gave him a nod to try and tell him you were okay. Now that you were feeling much better, he shouldn’t be surprised that you’d return to your usual antics. Rick counted on you just as much as he did Michonne and Daryl. 
Rick and you went in first, side by side. It was pretty dark in the building because of all the surrounding trees, but your eyes adjusted quickly. You heard Abraham and Rosita walk into the building and take the other side of it. 
You and Rick worked silently together, scoping out the aisles, and then headed towards the backroom. It wreaked, and you both gagged when you walked in, but it was clear. You double-checked that the door was firmly shut when you left. 
“All clear,” Rosita said. 
“Us too,” You said. 
Rick whistled again, and soon the rest of the group walked in. Everyone was moving at once, pushing aside the metal aisles to make a big space in the middle. They used blankets and duct tape from the car to cover the front windows and Eugene had a fire going in a metal garbage can quickly. 
The gas station didn’t have much, a couple bottles of water, jerky, and some matchbooks. Tyreese found some empty gas containers, but no cars were around to siphon. 
“I’m thinking two teams again,” Glenn said as you huddled up with Rick, Daryl, Michonne, and Abraham. “One on gas, one on food and water. Our rations will only last another few days.”
“Okay, well, we’re about sixty miles out from Richmond. We’ll try and get as much as we can. Hopefully, Noah’s community will be able to help us,” Rick said, rubbing his forehead. Judith started to cry, and he looked across the room, where Tyreese was tending to the baby. 
“I’ll go out and look for gas. We’ve only got another hour or so of sunlight. We gotta do this fast.” You said. 
“I’ll go with you,” Michonne said. 
Rick sighed and nodded, “Okay, okay. Take the car. Daryl, Abraham, you go south and look for food and gas. Glenn, take Tara and look for food. We back here by sunset.”
“We won’t leave you with your dicks hanging out,” Abraham said. “We’ll be back by sunset.”
You all moved out at once. You grabbed your bag and the empty containers Tyreese found and met Michonne by the car. She was getting it started while you packed the stuff in the trunk. After slamming it shut, you took a deep breath. You were exhausted. Everything was exhausting. 
“Pst,” You turned around as Daryl approached. Behind him, you could see Abraham getting in the van. “Be safe, ‘right. Here, take this,” He reached out one of his knives and offered it to you.
You smiled but shook your head, “We’ll be fine. I’ll see you in an hour. Don’t worry so much.”
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xxladyballadxx · 4 months
Beauty And The Beast (ii)
~ Vincent Valentine x (Fem) Reader ~
⟡ This is a continuation to the first chapter. 
⟡ Please read the first part before reading this one.
⤷ || pt 1 ||
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❦ dividers by @firefly-graphics ❦
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What on earth was she doing ?
Didn’t Vincent tell her to stay away…?
Why did she bother to rush off to him, hoping to ease his torment and pain?
Of course (Y/n) wouldn’t listen, she couldn’t because she was hoping to ease his suffering. Ignoring his warning, (Y/n) hurried to his side, her hands grasped onto him out of fear and worry, “Vincent! Vincent, please talk to me!” She pleaded, praying that Vincent would kindly accept her help. Instead he pushed her away, standing up on his feet as he unleashed the monster within him, a creature that he was trying so desperately hard to conceal from the world. Even from (Y/n)…
(Y/n) covered her mouth in fright, taking a step back as she watched him transform into a horrifying beast. Vincent howled out a cry, echoing through the forest. A beam of sunlight bathed over his beastly skin, revealing himself to (Y/n). Horns shaped like a hellish devil, his claws sharp and long. His violent beastly fangs reminded of a werewolf that comes and haunts the night. Like a beast just appeared out of a fairytale. Vincent stood there in shock, not moving an inch. (Y/n) figured out his darkest secret and Vincent never wanted this to happen. Not ever. He thought (Y/n) would scream and run away but…she didn’t. 
With a brave heart, she walked closer to the beast. To Vincent. “You don’t have to hide from me anymore, it’s okay…” (Y/n) spoke in a low calm manner, lifting her hand to try and comfort him, “Vincent..” hoping that Vincent could settle down and not be ashamed for what he is. (Y/n) wanted him to see that. 
Vincent felt her slim hand touching the side of his face, not expecting to be comforted by someone like her. It’s like (Y/n) is trying to get him to embrace his beast, no matter how terrifying he truly looks. So precious, so sweet and so gentle…
However, Vincent realized that he could never truly love someone. Thinking that he’s incapable of loving a person. Not after what happened to the female scientist that he used to be in love with and now…he can’t help but imagine himself being with (Y/n). His fondness of her, the way he secretly looks at her while hiding away that face of his behind the collar. Somehow (Y/n) kindled a flame in his heart, crawled her way into his soul. Vincent won’t allow it, he just can’t seem to surrender to her comfort. He swayed away from her, no longer close to her presence. Knowing that he doesn’t deserve her. 
Along with that, he leapt in the air and ran off. Not even looking back at (Y/n) trying to chase after him, pleading him to come back. It was no use. (Y/n) wept on her knees, wishing that he would return to her. (Y/n) ran off crying in silence, hid her tearful face from her grandparents. The poor woman didn’t want them to see her shedding tears.  She sobbed in her pillow, clenching on the blanket. As she thinks of Vincent…
With a week passing by, (Y/n) stayed in her room almost half a day. She hasn’t been eating well lately. Her grandparents had been begging her to come out of the room, they noticed that she wasn't eating the food that had been left outside for her. Growing concerned for their granddaughter’s wellbeing and health, they thought of speaking with her. (Y/n) remained herself in bed, not giving a single answer to her grandparents as they knocked and tried to talk her out of it. They didn’t know what to do, her grandmother and grandfather couldn’t think of any solution. Nothing could force her out so they left and decided to give her some space. 
At night, with her grandparents fast asleep, (Y/n) snuck out of the window and shut it afterwards. She wrapped a piece of fabric around her to stay a little warm from the cold, wandering off in the dark at this late hour to clear her mind. 
Her mind dropped off somewhere that led her to thinking about Vincent Valentine. She tried so hard to forget about him. Her attachment towards him will never be severed, it’s like a fragment of him became a piece of her heart. 
How difficult is it to forget that certain person that you slowly grow fond of?
(Y/n) came to realize how deep she wandered off in the forest, a few miles away from home. She was too lost in thoughts, making her walk down far to the middle of nowhere. She hurried back but got lost in the process, not knowing which direction to go. With the violent wind howling, a outcry of malevolent wolves rang shivers in her ears. Hearing them nearby caused her to go on the run. 
She stumbled her way across the trees, trying to get away as far as she could. (Y/n) tripped over a stone and lost her balance. It was too late for her to get up quickly when a pack of wolves surrounded her, their yellow-amber eyes locked onto their prey. (Y/n) thought her life was over. 
All those negative thoughts vanished when a tall, shadowy figure appeared in front of (Y/n) who almost got eaten alive. It was no human or some sort. (Y/n) looked closely and never knew he would come and save her once again. Vincent. It was Vincent but this time he wasn’t in his human form. 
Vincent swung his claws towards the wolves, taking them down one by one until more arrived. (Y/n) took her chance to run and hide behind the tree, watching from a safe distance. There were no more of those savage creatures coming by, Vincent observed the area to see if anymore would come. (Y/n) ran towards him, calling out his name, “Vincent..?” 
The man who saved her transformed back to his normal-self. His red cloak and jet black hair floating down as his sabatons touched the ground. Vincent looked over his shoulder, seeing (Y/n) approaching him closely. She snaked her arms around him, the side of her head buried into his back, “You won’t run away…will you?” Vincent stayed mute, not saying a single word. In fact, he couldn’t figure out what to say to her. “Please don’t go…you don’t have to hide anymore…” 
Again with the silence, Vincent kept his lips sealed. “Just..stay…” she tightened her hold on him, “No matter what you are, I won’t leave you..” 
“Even though I’m a monster..?” Vincent spoke up, turning himself around to face her as (Y/n) serenely took a step back. She hated how he sees himself as a monster, causing her to get upset by it, “Don’t say that, Vincent..” she lifted her hand to his face, her cold palm touching his cheek, “I don’t see you as a monster.” 
Vincent kept his crimson eyes on (Y/n), looking deeply into her as he asked, “Then tell me…what do you see?” the girl moved her hand away from his face for a moment, she tipped in close to press down her lips on his cheek. Vincent’s heart fluttered, exploded like a thousand pieces of confetti. (Y/n) threw her arms around Vincent, lifting her chin up, “All I see is you, Vincent Valentine. Just you…you’re still the same person and nothing changes that.” Vincent intertwined his fingers under her chin, moving her face close to put his lips on hers. (Y/n) grasped on his collar, deepening the kiss. She felt his red cloak wrapped on her as Vincent held her near him. 
The two pulled away and headed off to somewhere more private. Vincent decided to take her to his mansion. That’s when they began to make love in bed for the first time. Vincent took the chance to explore her paradise, her sweetness and everything. The yearn to touch (Y/n) and be so close to her has swayed his heart in such feverish emotions. A heavenly feeling that Vincent conquered. 
(Y/n) has never fallen that deeply in love with anybody before. Until she met Vincent Valentine, the man who had saved her twice. 
At night with the raining sky, (Y/n) stayed in bed and slept while Vincent cradled her in his arms. His unsealed eyes locked tenderly on her resting face. He couldn’t resist how adorable (Y/n) looks when she sleeps like an angel. Vincent let out a small smile, pressing his lips towards her forehead. How lucky is Vincent to meet such a beautiful, sweet soul like (Y/n) (L/n)?
With his secret being exposed, Vincent learnt to embrace and accept himself. All thanks to (Y/n) who accepted the beast within him, allowing Vincent to have her heart as he gave his one to her. Never thought a kind, loving girl would love him so much. He still believes that he doesn’t deserve to be loved but when (Y/n) began to love every part of himself. His body, his heart, his soul. His everything. Vincent felt a single spark of happiness in himself. A joy that he has never truly felt in a long time. 
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a/n - ah yes I wanted to add little tiny spice to this fanfic of mine. also im starting to lose interest in writing idk why..
probably cuz im a sh*tty writer or something lmao
anyways my dear friends, hope you all like this! ♡
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catcas22 · 4 months
OC Series - Duran Family
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A family from Leyndell's upper quarter. Their youngest child, Nico, was born an omen. The father, Andras Duran, is a Lordsworn captain in Janus Hoslow's wall guard as well as a viscount within Leyndell's peerage. Along with Nico (age 4), the Durans have two daughters (age 9 and 11) who have yet to appear on-page.
Andras and Cassia managed to conceal their son's existence for four years. When they were eventually found out and reported by a neighbor, Rykard's siege of Leyndell was already fully underway. Andras had been stationed at the outer wall indefinitely, and when the Omenkillers arrived Cassia was faced with an impossible choice -- give up Nico or be slain along with her two older children. In the end, she allowed them to take her son.
Although viscount is the lowest rank amongst Leyndell's nobility, his father's station was enough to spare Nico from horn-cutting. He was taken to the shunning grounds, where he remained for several weeks. While Mohg periodically sent his followers to the shunning grounds to collect newly-abandoned infants, Nico was old enough to fear these strange older omen and to hide himself. He was eventually retrieved by Sir Lucien and returned to his family.
Captain Duran became one of Miquella's earliest and most ardent supporters amongst the Lordsworn. When the survivors of Lhutel and Janus's battalions were merged following the Battle of the Killing Field, Andras went on to serve as Lhutel's second in command.
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divinemissem13 · 3 months
Happy Threshold.2! And happy 2 days until Prodigy season 2! Let's celebrate with a silly little flash fic, inspired by the prompt "I've made a calculated error."
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Jankom Pog CanNOT Fix It
"Jankom! Have you seen this?" Dal exclaimed, crashing through the door of their shared quarters so loudly that Jankom nearly fell out of his chair.
"WHAT?" exclaimed the irritated Tellarite. He was really trying to be on his most agreeable behavior, now that he was an actual Starfleet (warrent) officer… but Dal made it hard sometimes.
Dal waved a PADD in Jankom's face and offered only the sparcest of explanations: "This! How could they not tell us about this?? We could make it to Solum and back in no time!"
"Uh… Jankom has no idea what you are talking about," the engineer stammered unconvincingly. Of course he had learned about the spore drive in his engineering classes, but that technology had been declared unsafe and classified over a century ago. There was no way Dal could have just stumbled upon it on his own.
"Look," Dal insisted, finally holding the PADD still long enough for Jankom to read it.
"WARP TEN?!" Jankom yelped. OK, so not the spore drive then… at least that was a relief. "Warp ten is impossible," he declared, stubbornly crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, it isn't," Dal insisted. "Look, Admiral Janeway herself did it! I wonder why she doesn't just use it now?"
"The Voyager-A is not equipt to handle warp ten. But the original Voyager wasn't either… Hmmm," Jankom skimmed the rest of the article, scratching his head as he thought. "The shuttle modifications don't look all that complicated…"
"So you could do it? We could do it? Go warp ten, find Chakotay, get Gwyn, and be back in time for gamma shift?" Dal begged, his neck appendage swishing excitedly behind him.
"Maaaaybe…" Jankom said reluctantly, but that was all Dal needed to hear.
"Yes! I knew it! Let's go!" Dal exclaimed, already dragging Jankom towards the door.
His enthusiasm was contagious, and Jankom did love a challenge, so he brushed aside his doubts (like why wouldn't Admiral Janeway have just done this to begin with if it's so easy), and gleefully followed Dal to the shuttle bay. 🔟 🦎🦎🦎 🔟
The EMH closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. Holograms don't get headaches, but he had spent enough time with Kathryn Janeway to know when one might be appropriate.
"Let me guess, warp ten?" he asked dryly.
Dal and Jankom Pog sat on biobeds in front of him, nodding miserably.
The change was subtle on Jankom, the all-too-familiar slimy scales largely camoflaged by the Tellarite's thick hide. He probably could have concealed it a bit longer if not for the fact that he was struggling to breathe the ship's air.
Dal, on the other hand, had not only begun to sprout scales and lose the ability to breathe, but the various contributions to his DNA seemed to be evolving at different rates which caused body parts to bulge and change at random. It must have been terribly uncomfortable, and the EMH might even have felt sorry for him if not for the fact that it was the boy's own fault.
"You are very lucky to have me on board. I am the only doctor in the entire fleet who knows how to reverse this, you know," the EMH bragged. He probably could have continued on for quite a while, tooting his own horn, if not for the newest arrival to sickbay.
"Doctor, just get on with it. You can tell them about your endless accomplishments later," Admiral Janeway ordered sternly, adding under her breath, "It can be a part of their punishment."
The EMH busied himself preparing the appropriate treatments while the Admiral marched over to the boys, a stern look plastered on her face. The boys cowered as she laid into them about responsibilities and regulations and punishments.
When she was done, she stood back, put her hands on her hips, and looked them over with a discerning eye. Her voice was gentler when she spoke again, and her eyes glinted with mischief. "Impressive work, boys. Don't do it again. You're just lucky we found you before you finished evolving." She leaned in conspiratorially and added, "I can tell you from experience, being a salamander ain't all it's cracked up to be."
With that, the Admiral turned on her heel and left the boys to the mercies of the EMH.
Dal appeared more confused than ever, but Jankom suddenly remembered something the Admiral had said long ago, when her consciousness was in Dal's body and he shouted, "WHAT?! JANKOM THOUGHT THAT WAS A JOKE!"
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headfulloflettuce · 2 months
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian
Warning: graphic violence.
8. The Hunt
Any day that involved Beron making an announcement was a terrible day.
Cosette walked with the rest of the summoned humans down to the training fields facing the forest bordering Spring. She leaned over to a woman walking near her.
“Do you know what’s going on?”
“None, you?”
Cosette shook her head. The training fields which would normally be cleared out filled with fighting soldiers and yelling generals were now full of tea tables and nobility. A couple of the fae glanced at the approaching humans, smirking and whispering amongst themselves.
“Stand here.” The guard leading them gestured in a linear motion, which the group obeyed, standing a distance away from the tree line.
“Ah, that was quick.” Beron approached the humans, smiling. Cosette could see the Lady of Autumn at one of the tables smiling politely as she chatted away with a fellow noble lady. Eris and his brothers were by their father’s side as usual.
“I hope you humans are having a good day.” Beron smirked.
The humans stared at the ground.
“You see, I am hosting an event for my court. A tea party of sorts, when we realized we don’t have any entertainment.” Beron’s smirk widened, “We were hoping you could assist with this little problem.”
Cosette shivered at his tone, her breath hitching.
“We want you all to participate in a game.” the High Lord continued, “Many of our nobles have been longing for a chance to show off their skills but have had no proper opportunity to do so.”
The woman next to Cosette was visibly shaking from fear. Cosette didn’t blame her.
“Of course, I am a kind and generous ruler. If you win the game you will get an award.”
You’ll kill us faster instead of slower?
“The reward being your freedom.”
All of the humans looked up at the High Lord.
“Ah, that got your attention, did it?” he chuckled, “If you make it to Spring Court’s border and cross it, you will be free. Your life will once more be your own.”
Odette felt her heart rate speed. A chance to escape. An actual, real, chance.
“On one condition.”
“You will be chased by some of our best warriors.”
“You mean we’ll be hunted…” the woman standing next to Cosette stared at the High Lord in horror.
“Well, I wouldn’t use that particular language, think of it as a game of tag.” the High Lord crossed his arms. 
Tag in which the consequence is death.
The nobles sitting at the tea tables smiled at the scene before them, their expressions a lot more dark now.
“You’ll be given a five minute head start. Now, off you go.” 
Everyone stared at Beron.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go.” Beron waved them off.
Cosette didn’t need to be told a third time as she took off sprinting for the forest. She could hear some of the humans running along with her, scattering into various directions, while others remained, too shocked to move, or attempting to beg their respective owner to save them.
Once she was deep enough that the faes outside the forest wouldn’t be able to see in, Cosette began tearing off pieces of her uniform, hiding them in various trees and bushes, hoping to throw off any scent trail that the faes might try to follow. She also quickly covered herself in mud to further conceal herself. Weren’t the Autumn Court faerie’s the ones with the good noses?
The horn sounded in the distance and Cosette was still running. She carefully jumped over logs, maintaining her pace as she made her way through the forest, running in a straight line, keeping her eyes and ears peeled for potential danger.
Cosette had found a river going straight, and began following it with the intent of it masking her footsteps. The beautiful autumn scenery would have been gorgeous if it weren’t for all the red shadows and rustles signifying potential death. She heard the clatter of swords behind her. Although distant, it fueled her to keep going.
A cry of pain interrupted Cosette’s jog, making her drop down to the ground.
“Aww, is the little human scared? Don’t worry, if you’re an obedient toy for us we will end you quicker than normal.” a female voice taunted. 
Cosette could hear it coming to the right of where she was hiding by the creek.
“Please…please…I don’t want to die.”
That voice was familiar. 
 Cosette carefully pressed herself against the closest tree, peaking into the clearing.
“Please-Ah!” John cried out, a female fae stabbing at his arm.
“Dear please, the more holes you leave in him the shorter he’ll last.” the fae’s husband said, his sternness faux.
“But honey, I am in the mood for a fun kill.”
“The longer the kill, the funner.” he corrected her.
“Ugh you men…I am just being efficient.” the female raised her hands annoyed.
Cosette watched in horror as the two faes kept John pinned, casually conversing.
“Stab him again!”
“Dear, what about continuing the game of cat and mouse?”
“We could cut off his legs to make it more challenging.”
Cosette felt sick.
The sharp, cold kitchen butcher knife was suddenly a heavy weight hiding inside her maid dress. She could…no. It was a terrible idea. She would risk sacrificing everything for this one moment of human decency. However, it was he who had brought her blankets. He who had kept talking to her when all other humans were afraid. He helped treat her back.
Cosette took a deep breath, making up her mind, her hand’s hold tightening around the knife as she stepped out from behind the tree.
“Leave him alone.”
The two fae turned to stare at her, raising their eyebrows.
“Oh? What’s this? A little human playing hero…how cute.” the female smirked. Her partner turned to face Cosette.
“What are you going to do with that little knife, human? Try to stab me?”
Yeah, that’s how knives work, dumbass.
“I think she’s under the impression, dear, that she can beat us.” the female fae giggled, her comment making the male chuckle.
“It seems so.” The male took a step towards Cosette, his hand on the hilt of a sword.
“Why don’t you come closer and find out?” Cosette taunted, gripping the knife tightly.
“Feisty…I like it.” The fae stepped closer.
Cosette’s instincts screamed to flee as the threat approached, but she held her ground, her knife slightly raised before her.
“You know, I think you’ll be fun to break, human.”
“Though I’ll give you an offer, if you beg for your life now, I’ll only sever three of your limbs before killing you instead of all four.”
Come on, just a bit closer.
“What’s with that expression? Are you not happy with my deal? I am being very gene-”
Cosette didn’t waste a second as she stabbed the man in front of her, quickly wiping the smirk off his face as he grabbed at his side, grunting in pain.
“Run!” Cosette yelled at John, who was still sitting in slight shock at the sight before him, before taking off running, the two faes being too distracted to pay him any attention.
The female fae rushed over to her partner’s side, giving Cosette a several second headstart back into the thicket.
“You idiot! Go after her!” the male roared.
Cosette kept running, feeling her breathing speed up as she could hear footsteps behind her. She prayed. Prayed that the water would conceal her scent and her panting as she ran. Cosette stared at the ground intently glancing up to check her surroundings regularly, as not to fall over any roots or rocks. She really didn't want to be that character from a horror movie.
The footsteps behind her only got closer, and closer. Until, everything went silent. Only the sound of the river could be heard. Cosette kept running, a feeling of dread pooled in her gut as she struggled to tell what was happening.
Was the woman still chasing me? Was it over? Did I lose her?
Cosette didn’t stop to check what happened behind her, fearing that it would only make her situation worse.
Cosette had been running for what felt like hours, sweat mixing with the dirt she put on her body and clothes, yet she smiled. She could now see her reward. Cosette's eyes lit up as she saw the edge of the forest. It was right there. Spring. The gentle smell of flowers wafted through the air. A soft warm breeze brushed her cheeks, symbolizing freedom. Cosette pushed her legs to keep moving. She was so close. So close.
“Going somewhere Fern?”
Cosette’s blood ran cold. Eris.
No. No, not now. Please.
“I have to admit you put up a good fight. Most humans didn’t even manage to make it half way.”
Please, Mother, God, Jesus, whoever was out there. Please help. 
“Are you seriously still trying to run?” his voice was getting closer, “You’re only going to tire yourself out.”
“Just leave me alone! Let me go!” Cosette yelled, tears in her eyes as the border was right there.
“I don’t think so Fern.” Cosette heard too late the fast footsteps behind her. 
She yelped as the blunt end of a sword was jabbed into her back, right where the whip wounds were still healing. Cosette fell face first into the ground, winded.
Eris twirled the sword in his hand masterfully, looking down at Cosette.
“Please what?”
“Let me go home…please…I need to get home.”
This was embarrassing.
“You are home now.” he grabbed her by the arm, pulling her up, beginning to drag her away from her freedom.
“No! Let me go! I don’t want to go back! I can’t go back!”
I reverted to begging so easily.
“Frankly, I don’t care.”
Cosette screeched from frustration, kicking and biting, as Eris repositioned his hold on her to prevent injury to himself.
“Stop struggling.” he grunted, manhandling her, “You should be thanking me.”
“Thanking you?” Cosette muttered weakly, “For what?”
“For purchasing you, instead of letting some other noble have their way with you.”
“This? This is supposed to be better?”
“By comparison, absolutely.”
Cosette screeched from fury once more, trying to kick him in the knee, but Eris quickly maneuvered her so that she kicked the air.
“I said stop it Fern!”
Cosette eventually tired, going partially limp in his hold, as Eris led her back through the forest.
“I paid a good sum for you. Did you think I would simply let you go?”
“11,000 gold”
“Yes, 11,000 gold. Have you ever heard of that much money in your life before that moment?”
Cosette kicked at his shins as he pulled her closer, preventing her kick from landing.
“You should be grateful I bought you. You now have a job, a warm place to sleep, and a roof over your head. Let’s be honest, life in the human realms is quite tragic for beautiful women like yourself. What were you before this? A sitting duck waiting to get married off to some greasy old man?”
I had a home, I had a family, a career, friends, my own apartment with a security system where I didn’t fear getting tortured to death on a daily basis.
“Like it’s much better for the women of your court.” Cosette snapped.
“Ha…” he let out a wry laugh, “Perhaps that’s true…Still, I would appreciate hearing a ‘thank you.’”
“In your dreams.”
Eris laughed, “Oh, you really are such a charmer.”
The two walked through the forest, patches of blood covering the trees and blood. Cosette’s eyes widened at the brutality; naked bodies, decapitated heads or torn off limbs. She tried to look away but no matter where she turned there were signs of the massacre that had just occurred. Cosette whimpered as Eris led her around the dead body of a human who had repeated stab wounds, their eyes looking up at the blue sky.
She froze in horror, staring at the body of John. The face and body disfigured beyond recognition - the clothing being the only recognizable marker. She wept softly, over the loss of a friend and countless innocent lives. Eris followed her line of sight, his expression remaining neutral.
“Yes…the faeries of my court can be quite brutal.” he sighed, as if the scene before him was normal, “He was one of the luckier few. He died pretty quickly.”
This was lucky?
“Tell me Fern, why did you help him? Why didn’t you keep running?”
“I don’t know.” she whispered.
“You don’t know?”
“I couldn’t just leave him...”
“Ah you humans and your empathy. Your ‘principles’.” Eris rolled his eyes, his grip tightening. “I have to say you gave those two faes a run for their money, they were infuriated. Didn’t catch you, so they took their anger out on him.”
“You’re saying this is my fault…”
“No. He would have been tortured regardless, you only tried to give him a chance.” Eris smirked, “Though…I thought you insisted on not being a thief.”
“I am not.”
“You had a knife on you during that encounter. Tell me, how easy was it to pocket that from your employer?”
Cosette cried quietly.
“Guess you are a thief Fern” he said, trying to get a rise out of her.
“It was self defense.”
“A true crime in this world.” he responded dryly.
Cosette froze for a second, realization dawning on her.
“You were following me.”
“Yes, I was.”
“You…you stopped that fae woman from catching up to me at the river.”
“Yes, and many others. Although I must say you were smart for going towards the river, many got killed because they were walking in circles or tried hiding. Oh, trying to hide pieces of your uniform was also quite clever.”
“I never had a chance…did I?”
“No. No, you didn’t.”
Cosette sobbed.
“Stop your tears Fern.” he sounded slightly irritated, “As I said before, you should be thanking me.”
Cosette didn’t have the strength to argue, wailing as he half dragged, half carried her back to the clearing. By the time the tables and tents were visible Cosette had cried all her tears, following Eris in a state of shock. She stared at the ground, not wanting to see the remaining corpses that were being paraded around as trophies, being examined or played with.
Eris dragged her over to a table where the Lady of Autumn, and a few other noble fae were sitting.
“Oh prince Eris!” a noble woman wearing a beautiful hat with feathers and flowers, accompanied by a dark red dress, smiled, “How kind of you to join us! How was the hunt?”
“Quite well Lady Calypso.” Eris spoke, his voice smooth.
“And who is this?” the noble lady peeked at Cosette who was shaking slightly from terror. 
“My victory prize.”
“Oh!” she clapped her hands together, “Isn’t this the woman you purchased at the auction almost a year ago?”
“Yes indeed.” Eris pulled Cosette in front of him, making her face the pack of wolves.
“Oh my dear, she looks an absolute mess! My Lady, you should teach your son some manners regarding his treatment of toys!”
The Lady of Autumn smiled awkwardly, while Eris chuckled.
“Well that’s not quite fair Lady Calypso, she’s alive is she not?”
“Well that’s the bare minimum Your Highness!” Lady Calypso giggled, “Here, why not give that pretty toy of yours to me for a week or two, I’ll show you how to properly take care of a human. ”
“Unfortunately, Lady Calypso, I don't want you to break my toy.” Eris chuckled.
“Oh I wouldn’t break her!”
“I heard your last one only survived a week.”
“Well…I didn’t think that removing their legs would cause them that much anguish.”
“Either way, Your Highness, are you making this poor girl stand in her condition? Look at her! An absolute mess!” Calypso giggled, “Here, let her sit down.”
Cosette looked at Eris pleadingly. The least he could do was not make her sit through- Eris forced Cosette into the chair in front of him, keeping his hands on her shoulders.
“Oh my quite skinny and dirty aren’t you?” the noble woman smirked, stroking Cosette’s muddied hair, “Although perhaps that’s part of your charm.”
Cosette flinched as the woman stroked her hair, as if she was some sort of dog.
“Say dear you look absolutely parched, you should have some tea.” Calypso gently put a cup in front of Cosette, pouring her some of the tea.
Cosette glanced at the tea suspiciously, looking back at Calypso.
“What are you waiting for dear? Drink.” the fae commanded.
Cosette took the detailed flower cup shakily into her hands, just to get slapped across the face. The Lady of Autumn wore an expression of helplessness and sympathy.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, dear, are you a savage? Where are your manners? Do you not know how to hold a cup properly?” Calypso mocked her with faux concern, “Here, let me show you.” Calypso picked up her own beautiful tea cup, “Now you try.”
Cosette picked up the cup, trying to imitate Calypso’s posture and hand positions.
“There you go. You’re such a quick learner dear.” Calypso petted her hair again.
Cosette tried to take a sip of the tea, only to get slapped again.
“Wrong posture dear. You humans really are quite stupid.” Calypso smiled.
Cosette wanted to cry. What had she done to deserve this?
“Oh darling! No, no, no, don't cry!” Calypso reacted with faux concern, wiping Cosette's tears away.
“You should be grateful darling that I am bothering with your manners. You would look like a complete fool otherwise. Now try again.”
Cosette finally managed to take a sip of the tea - it tasted too sweet. The viper stared down her prey with an innocent smile.
“How old are you dear?”
“Twenty one.”
“And when is your birthday?”
“Hmm…a spring child at heart are you? Tell me, have you ever been to Spring Court?”
“Of course not, I doubt even with their Court in shambles and a destroyed economy they would want you on their territory. They wouldn't stoop that low”
Cosette’s grip around the cup she was holding tightened.
“I mean, you can barely hold a cup right, what use would they have for you?” Calypso snarked, “Not that a human like you could ever fully learn the intricacies of High Fae behavior.”
Just hold out.
“I hope you thank the Mother and Eris every day that you get to live such a fortunate life.” Calypso continued to stroke Cosette’s blonde locks.
I don’t care what she’s saying.
“I mean, you're like a pet. So stupid I bet you don't even understand how to eat correctly. Maybe you need Eris to hand feed you.”
Fuck it, we ball.
Cosette hurled the tea cup at the fae. Calypso gasped, barely managing to doge, her dress getting stained by the deep brown liquid.
“Y-You…You!” the fae sputtered, enraged.
“What use would they have for you when you lack any basic decency or decorum?”
“D-Decorum?” the fae squeaked.
“Hell you don’t even have a moral compass, you heartless we-”
Cosette fell to the ground as a slap echoed through the campsite. She touched her cheek, a ringing in her ears making it hard to stand. She looked up to see Eris staring down at her with a neutral expression.
“Apologize to the Lady pet.”
He frowned, “I don’t think you understood, that wasn’t a request.”
“And you clearly don’t understand the word ‘no’.” Cosette was done. She wanted to live, but to be dragged through the mud? To go down without even voicing a slightest of protest. No…no they’d hear what she had to say.
Eris grabbed Cosette, pulling her up, as he slapped her again.
“Why should I apologize?” Cosette hissed through the pain, “She insults me. She insults my race after I almost just died. I have done no wrong!”
The prince wore a strange expression on his face as he threw her back onto the ground.
“If you do not apologize I will have to discipline you again, human.”
“What? You’re going to torture me again for not conforming to this little play?” Cosette spat, sputtering as two strong hands enclosed around her throat.
“You should listen when I tell you to.” he muttered, as Cosette struggled for air.
Am I going to die?
“It would make life easier for the both of us.” he huffed, squeezing his hands again, making Cosette struggle more violently.
Her vision blurred, and she did the only thing she could muster the energy to - kick Eris in the balls. The hands restricting her quickly slackened, allowing oxygen to rush into her lungs. Cosette wasted no time shoving Eris off, scrambling to get away, coughing.
The faes at the high table were sitting, laughing at the scene before them. Eris grunted, quickly standing up, his expression furious. 
“Fern-” he began.
“What is all this fuss?”
Cosette shuddered. Beron.
She watched as the man approached the group, a smirk plastered on his face. Cosette tried to stand, her legs shaking and her breathing uneven.
“Were you given permission to get up human?”
Cosette quickly got back down on the ground, her body exhausted from everything that had happened today.
“Tch, you should train your pets better. Maybe run her through the same lessons you give those hounds of yours.” Beron rolled his eyes, looking at Eris, who had smoothed out his expression, smiling again.
“I don’t think her brain could handle such mental strain, father.” Eris drawled, looking down at Cosette, “Besides, I think I finally understand what my brothers saw in having humans around them.”
“Oh?” Beron raised an eyebrow.
Eris, smirked, his eyes boring into Cosette’s soul, “They’re just so much fun to break.”
Next: Chapter 9 - Happy Birthday Fern!
Back: Chapter 7 - A Warm Blanket
Tag list: @rcarbo1
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Perc'ahlia Week Day 1: Dawn/Treasure
happy first day of @percahliaweek! you will also find all of my fics for this week on ao3!
The youngest de Rolo child screams her way into the world right at dawn, but she herself is the color of sunset. Of blood. Of a heart, beating and alive. The birthing suite is quiet, except for the miserable squalls of the newborn. The midwife, the same one who ushered in all of the child's elder siblings, holds her, eyes wide, unsure of where is the least improper place to be staring right now.
Pike is the one to break the spell. "Well, get her cleaned up!" The bite in her tone jolts the midwife into action. She scuttles to the basin of water that Keyleth has been keeping warm. While they clean the baby of the detritus of her birth, Pike lays her hands on Vex's arm. A golden light flickers across Vex's sweat-slick skin, and the exquisite aches of childbirth all but disappear.
Leaving Vex with little to think about but her tiefling daughter.
She looks first to Pike, a holy woman, a friend, for wisdom, for salvation, but Pike can offer nothing but a gentle pat on the arm and an encouraging smile. Keyleth is the one who brings the baby over, all clean and swaddled in a lavender blanket that clashes horribly, and when Vex looks to her, she finds scarcely-concealed panic.
"She's beautiful," Keyleth murmurs, nestling the baby into Vex's arms, which reach up automatically, without conscious thought. She wonders if Keyleth's lying. She was never very good at it—but then, she's been in politics for a while now. Maybe she's learned a thing or two.
It isn't until the baby's round cheek presses into Vex's chest, until the tiny, grasping fingers latch onto the end of her fraying braid, until her heart claws its way to lodge in her throat, that she looks up at Percy. How many years has she known this man, how many ways has she pulled back his layers to see into the heart of him—shouldn't she be able to see the tears in his eyes and know if they are tears of joy, of revulsion, of love, of fear? For years they've been able to read each other's thoughts with nothing more than a glance; are they even in the same room?
His hand is clenched white-knuckled around the poster of the bed, as if it is the only thing keeping him upright. (Maybe it is.) His eyes are locked on the baby, on the jerky movements of her arms, so new, so unsure. Vex watches him watch her, and she doesn't know what to say.
"Why don't we..." Keyleth trails off, nervous and hesitant, but Pike finishes the thought with, "...let you have some time?" The two of them usher the baffled midwife out, and then they are alone.
The baby gurgles. Vex tears her eyes away from Percy to see her tug with that mysterious baby strength on the end of the braid. She really is beautiful, with a dusting of fine dark hair and a button nose.
"I didn't cheat on you."
The words are out before Vex can think about them. They're answered with a loud, shaky exhale and a croaked, "Fucking hell, Vex'ahlia."
Her eyes snap to his. "I didn't."
He's looking at her like she herself just sprouted horns. "Are you operating under the assumption that I believe you did?"
Oh. His face is entirely unreadable, the phases of some inner turmoil happening too quickly for her mind, exhausted after a long night of labor, to make sense of. "I...how do you explain..."
"Vex..." He runs a tired hand over his face, and for the first time, Vex sees the age that Percy tries to hide from her. She's reminded of the fact that while he certainly did not expel an entire person from his body today, he did, at the very least, stay awake with her through the agonies of the night, hold her hand and wipe the sweat from the brow as her body contorted in its familiar dance to bring another de Rolo into this castle. He perches on the edge of the bed facing her, brings his long, delicate fingers up to toy with the minuscule feet hidden beneath the swaddle. "Vex, I did this."
She frowns. "I don't think that's how this works, darling."
He smiles. "It is when you make a deal with a devil."
All of the breath leaves her. She hasn't thought about that in ages, the contract that sits beneath the castle in a vault, never to be seen again. All these years, it was so easy to believe that they'd gotten off scot-free, that the follies of their youth had exacted all of the tolls to be exacted.
Yet here she is, holding her baby girl, bright red as a devil. She trails her fingers over her tiny head, and she can feel them, twin bumps where someday, horns will grow.
In these earliest moments of day, when the first golden rays promise all of the potential of what is to come, there is a choice to be made. Vex knows that whatever is said next will forever change the future of this girl, this marriage, this family, this city. There is a choice to be made, and for her, it is no choice at all.
"She's perfect."
She juts her chin out, looks to her husband in challenge. She dares him to say something, to disagree with her assessment of their child. He doesn't, of course, because Vex knows he doesn't have it in him to reject anything they've made together. His fingertips, so wonderful at handling the tiniest, most delicate things with care, brush along their baby girl's cheek, and she lets out a small cry. He grins a grin as bright as the Dawnfather's sun. "Our greatest treasure. Brighter than any jewel in our coffers."
"And anyone who suggests otherwise will face our wrath."
"Swift and exacting."
"We'll need to get out ahead of the rumors."
"I'll bet you all the gold in the castle that Keyleth has already threatened the midwife within an inch of her life."
"Only if Pike hasn't done it first."
"We have the best of friends."
"Mm, we really do." She sighs. "Do you think the other children will..."
Percy slides over so they're sitting shoulder to shoulder, both gazing at the baby in her arms. "Tease her?" Vex nods. "Well, they are your children..." He's not quick enough to evade the pinch to his ear. Laughing, he says, "I think that we are far from perfect parents, but that we've done our best to raise our children to be good, kind, empathetic people, with a near-pathological instinct to protect their own. So I'm not worried, no."
She tips her head onto his shoulder. It is dawn, but she is so very tired. "She really is a treasure, Percy."
A kiss as familiar as her own name is pressed into the crown of her head. "As are you. The greatest prize a de Rolo ever claimed."
She wrinkles her nose. "Okay, first of all, you didn't claim me—"
And he shuts her up with a kiss, and she lets him, because a new day is dawning for the de Rolo family, because she is holding their child, because she loves him, because she is happy, she is happy, she is happy.
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kassiedoodles-xo · 5 months
Not to toot my own horn, but I personally think that Yukis (my oc)design is great at foreshadowing.
Let me explain...
At first glance, her magic and that of her predecessors are depicted as pink, yet her Gi, deviates in color, being purple. This color immediately raises questions, as purple in the show is symbolically associated with dark magic and evil.
This choice in coloration sets the stage for a gradual transformation, mirroring Yuki's psychological journey. As the series unfolds, her Gi undergoes a progressive darkening, visually signaling her evolving relationship with darker forces.
Ultimately, Yuki's descent into utilizing dark magic becomes inevitable, as her character succumbs to the latent seeds of darkness within her lineage, particularly her father's Oni heritage.
Yuki's character design is one MASSIVE juxtaposition, serving as a visual metaphor for her internal struggle between light and darkness. Initially, her attire features predominantly light colors with subtle hints of darkness, symbolizing her inherent goodness tempered by the potential for darker impulses. However, as the series progresses, this dynamic shifts, with darker elements gradually outweighing the light. This evolution reflects Yuki's moral descent, as the darkness within her begins to eclipse her inherent goodness.
The transformation of Yuki's crown from silver simplicity to golden extravagance is a double meaning. On one level, it represents her growth into her role as a powerful leader, signifying her ascent to authority and command. However, on a deeper level, it also serves as a reflection of her moral deterioration. The shift from silver to gold mirrors her increasing distance from her once-held values, as she becomes more willing to embrace the allure of power and ambition at any cost.
Similarly, the contrast between the chaotic lines of Yuki's wavy hair and the clean, sleek lines of her face speaks to her internal turmoil and struggle for control. The disorderliness of her hair reflects the chaos within her psyche, symbolizing her struggle to rein in her impulses and maintain a semblance of composure in the face of mounting darkness.
Following Yuki's descent into dark magic, dark curse marks emerge on her hands, starkly contrasting against her once-pale complexion. These marks etched a visual testament to the darkness that now resides within her.
The shame and guilt weigh heavily on Yuki's conscience, as she grapples with the consequences of her actions. Despite her embrace of dark magic, her good morals are still evident , manifesting in the profound remorse she feels for succumbing to temptation. In an effort to conceal her sins from the world and perhaps even from herself, Yuki resorts to wearing gloves, hiding the dark marks from prying eyes.
The act of covering up the curse marks with gloves serves as a poignant symbol of Yuki's inner conflict. Her guilt showcases the remailing goodness that is with her.
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willowwhisps11 · 3 months
Cursed Creature: Minotaurs Obsession; Chapter 1
"Willow! Wake up! Your going to be late!" My best friend pounds on my door, my alarm ringing loudly but I still slept through it. I huff and climb out of bed, opening my closet to grab my uniform. A black thigh length skirt, and a white baggy button up top. Completed by the black uniform jacket, with the school's logo on the left side.
As I change into my uniform, I noticed the black scuff marks on the floor, leading from the window, to my bed, then back to the window. I choose to ignore them for when i get home. I brush my white hair and put it in a ponytail.
I spend the first 10 minutes of my morning putting on my makeup, a simple look. Lipgloss and some concealer, hiding the bags under my eyes and the scar on my cheek. I walk downstairs into the living room, the tall building wasn't my permanent home, but it was at my best friends house, or the streets. I couldn't go back home, not by force, but by choice.
My mother was a crazy drunk and my father slept all day, occasionally waking up to get food, then, he'll go back to sleep. My sister left as soon as she turned 18 and left me behind when I was 8.
I yawn and walk into the kitchen. "Louise" I say, opening the cupboard. "Where's the cereal again?" I ask, checking the other cabinets, and on top of the fridge. "We ate it all!" Louise calls from the living room. I sigh and walk over to her, she was brushing her long black hair into a bun. Her face caked with makeup and a pair of long lashes she could practically fly away with.
"Mom's going to the store today to get more." She says, grabbing her eyeliner. "Lucas is picking me up again, so you'll have to walk to school" she adds, before standing up and smiling at me. When she opens the door, it was rainy out.
I roll my eyes and grab my bag, stepping outside. I unlock my phone and text my boyfriend, hoping he could pick me up, but he told me no, that he was at school already.
I shove my phone in my pocket and start walking, feeling the rain hit my clothes. I knew I would be soaked by the time I got to school, just another reason to be picked on.
The sounds of car's passing and people talking was drowned out by the hard rain. I didn't even hear the bushes moving as someone followed me. It wasn't until I stopped to cross the road I hear the sounds of hoofs on the cement.
I turn around, startled by the sound, but there was nothing there. The pavement had slight scuff marks, like the ones in my room."What the fuck?" I mutter, but I hear a horn honk and I jump and run across the road, forgetting about the marks.
I quickly run to school, stopping under the covered area, I catch my breath while standing there. Cold from the rain, i head inside, hearing the shouting and laughing of the people as they all walk to class. The first bell rings and I start walking to class, ignoring the people around me. The collage campus was always crowded.
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dent-de-leon · 9 months
If Molly is as short as his silhouette appears, then the wall pin in the sewers is even funnier tbh. Remind me of those viral Japanese memes of people recreating the kabedon in ridiculous ways. Like having a really short person do it. 🤣
Yes!! I love their height difference it's just so fun to me. I've just always headcannoned Molly as being shorter for some reason so seeing his little silhouette makes me happy. Even with the added height of Molly's horns, he's still shorter than Caleb, I can't get over it.
Please imagine Tealeaf being this small when Molly leans up to give Caleb a tender kiss on the forehead, helps Beau carry him back out into the sun. Or Caleb calling Lucien a good boy. Molly holding onto Caleb when he's still bloodied and exhausted, helping him walk while his Magician gives him a fond little pat on the cheek and says, "The only magical thing here is you, friend."
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And man, that one moment...I'm so curious to see how they play the sewers scene, because it is this instance when Molly deliberately gets up close in Caleb's face, gives him a little warning about hiding loot from the group. Caleb doesn't look up at him, doesn't say anything at all in response. I remember it was interesting to hear Liam and Taliesin talk about that scene after; they both referred to it as being one of their favorite moments of the campaign at the time.
And I'm pretty sure Tal said that Molly thought Caleb concealing coin was something he could "just fix" with their little talk. Like how he tells Nott not to steal from them, or tries to convince her that she and Caleb need to trust the rest of the party more. It's this moment where he and Caleb are at odds, where Caleb maybe resents Molly a little for it. But. We also have all these moments like the forehead kiss, Molly helping Caleb to his feet when he's injured, Molly gently telling him, "Mr. Caleb. There's only so many burdens we can bear, before we're asking for failure."
Mollymauk is someone who often seems to think he knows what's best for someone, and he'll tell them so. But I think it's also a character flaw that stems from a place of care. The sewers incident might be petty, but then there are moments when he sees a glimpse of just how self-destructive Caleb can be--and you can see Mollymauk just hates having to watch it. Molly telling Nott, "So do you think it would be a good idea to explain to him that he almost got himself killed tonight? Turning on a bunch of people he was working with, he almost got himself killed tonight. For nothing."
I really wonder how the scene would translate to animated nein, especially since everything is so condensed for time. Would they keep Molly more teasing and playful? Or would it focus on Caleb's perspective, and come off as more intimidating? Would we get little glimpses of Caleb's conflicting feelings on the Circus Man--charming, but at times abrasive? Caleb being so closed off and hiding away, not knowing how to react to such an outgoing, affectionate peacock. Being bitter after their encounter in the sewers. Thinking back fondly on a warm forehead kiss and gentle words.
I'm just so excited to see them both interact again, I really hope we get enough time with Molly to really explore their dynamic ;; More than anything, I'd love to see some implication of the moment when Molly started thinking of his Magician as, "softness and light--"
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rinwellisathing · 13 days
Paint The Lines, Cut The Flesh: Part 31 second half
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Halsin and Jaheira by now had a small group of civilians between the two of them, Jaheira taking the lead, her knowledge of the city unimpeachable. Halsin brought up the rear protecting those who couldn't fight as they made their way into The Upper City. They paused a moment as Jaheira's attention turned to a familiar voice amongst a throng of dying illithids. ���You try and make a pawn of Minsc!? You try and hide away Boo to conceal your wrong-doings?” A powerfully built man in leathers felled mind flayer after mindflayer with a large, heavy sword. Jaheira could not fully hide the relief on her face at the sight of him. “Minsc!” She called out as the last illithid fell to his blade. The man's eyes widened as he saw her. “Jaheira? But you were dead! A tricksy creature took your shape and when Boo discovered its treachery, with its dying breath it said it had killed you!” “I am much harder to kill than that, Minsc. You know this!” She chuckled. “But I saw you overwhelmed by cultists, how have you not joined these things?” She gestured to the mindflayers at his feet, their strange ichorous blood pooling. “Ha! Jaheira, Minsc's brain is to smooth for any slithering, crawling little beastie!” He paused a moment, looking to a small ball of fluff at his shoulder. “Eh...except you, Boo!” “Join us, then. We need to get these people to safety.” She nodded towards the group, who seemed unwilling to move until she or Halsin said so, relying entirely on them. With three heroes, their progress moved far more swiftly and they found themselves nearing The Watch Citadel. Halsin could only hope Jaheira's happy reunion boded well for his own and that Sentry was already inside. ---
“Gabraela!” Minthara breathed as the three adventurers passed by a group of mind flayers trampled and frosted with rime on the ground. The tall, imposing tiefling stood in her bloodied armor beside an impossibly beautiful elven woman with long, thick black hair. Several cloaked figures stood beside them. “The Absolute loyalists have usurped our temple. They do not realize this thing will never realize father's perfect end. We rounded up those still loyal to our father and have been fighting them.” She explained, her haunting deep purple eyes full of fury. They softened a bit as she gazed at the drow. “I am glad you're safe though...” “Oh! Please tell us, friends...how is dear brother Sentry? He may be a traitor to our lauded father, but he is still my dear baby brother at the end of it all.” The elf spoke up, batting her long dark eyelashes at Octavia and Gale. Octavia blushed a bit, hunching her shoulders and lowering her head at the attention. Gale seemed visibly uncomfortable as the woman's dark eyes searched his face. “He was well the last time I saw him. He went to confront the brain.” Octavia managed finally. “I'd ask you to help us guide civilians to safety, but...I'm not so sure that's a wise idea to ask of Bhaalists.” Gale wrinkled his nose. “A fair point. Rest assured we will at least secure the streets. Baldur's Gate is our home too and our temple lies beneath its streets.” Gabraela nodded. Their conversation was interrupted by the intrusion of another wave of mind flayers. “You should run.” The beautiful elf giggled and as Minthara took one last look towards Gabraela, she watched the two begin to transform, bones snapping and cracking sickeningly. Gabraela's lower body split and extended, a sinewy, skinless horse body expanding beneath her hips. The skin burst from her upper body and her long white hair fell out in clumps, leaving a raw horned skull with purple light glowing in the sockets. Four lean, powerful arms run through with black and pus-yellow veins held a massive scythe as the dripping, skinless horror began to trample enemies.
The beautiful elf's body began to extend and cover in scales and what appeared to be blood red moss and mushrooms. A pair of insect-like wings sprouted from its back and its eyes went fully black. Its body was like that of a mantis interwoven with a small dragon or a wyvern and the torso of a beautiful woman rose up from it, covered in tiers of fungi and with the long scythe like arms of a mantis. She grinned wickedly, baring terrible needle like fangs and rushed another group of enemies. Octavia gazed in wide eyed fascination, her leather journal open as she scribbled down what she saw. “So any Bhaalspawn can embody The Slayer? And they're all different?” She breathed. “I had only seen Gabraela's slayer form before and only while fading in and out of consciousness as she freed me from Moonrise.” Minthara replied.
“I think I've seen enough Bhaalspawn to last me a life time if I'm honest.” Gale admitted with a shudder as he looked towards the Citadel in the distance. “We should keep moving. The others should be waiting for us there.” ---- Lae'zel dashed up the stairs of the Citadel followed by Shadowheart and Karlach. The Siren's Cove pirates and Priestesses of Umberlee had assured the party that they would hold the docks and urged them to hurry to the rendezvous point and every wasted second, Lae'zel worried that something would go wrong, that Kroger would be unable to free Orpheus, or that he would fall before the chance arose. As the party made their way forward, they encountered another group. “Hey, not to pretend I'm some mind flayer expert, but that mind flayer they've got with them doesn't look like The Emperor.” Karlach pointed in confusion to the being that floated near Kroger as the party that had confronted the brain staggered to a halt just a short distance from them. “It could be Omeluum, the shape of his head is similar.” Shadowheart suggested. “Although the robes are different...Do illithids often change their clothes? I mean, if they're just a projection and all that.”
Lae'zel peered in confusion. This did not bode well, it should have been Orpheus at Kroger's side, not some Ghaik, emperor or not. She stepped forward, about to address her brother, to ask him what had happened, but she was beaten to it. Kithrak Voss looked more furious than Lae'zel had ever seen another githyanki in her life as he stormed up to Kroger, eyes wild with rage. “You held the future of our people in your hands, boy! And you ruined it!” He shouted. Kroger winced but stood firm, neither shrinking away or trembling like he might have back at Creche K'liir. “How dare you parade around with this abomination!” Kroger breathed deeply. “Voss, this 'abomination' is our people's salvation, our people's bravest hero.” He began, but Orpheus brushed past him, eyes on Voss. “Voss! Gith'ka tavki krash'ht” Orpheus addressed him softly. In that moment, Voss' eyes widened in disbelief and he held out a hand to his fellow dragon riders. “Stand down, the true heir has spoken.” Voss cursed, a look of pain on his face as he sheathed his sword. “No...it cannot be....Orpheus, what's happened to you?” He approached him warily. “A sacrifice had to be made, we need to end The Grand Design at all costs.” Kroger spoke calmly, although his guilt still ate at him, the way Voss looked at Orpheus, Kroger dared to allow his eyes for one moment to look back to where Wyll stood. “The duty fell to me, and when it is complete, I must die.” Orpheus explained. “This is the way it must be.” “But what of our people? Our liberation?” Voss replied, Kroger could see there was much he was holding back and he wondered just what the knight's true relation to the prince had been despite himself. “Our people have held my name in their imaginations for years, Voss. Tell them of my fate, some may scoff or dismiss it, but others will believe and will be empowered by it. Our people will be free, you and the others here today will spread my story to them.” Orpheus looked to Kroger and then to Lae'zel. “Yes, of course, we will make sure everyone knows of your sacrifice, my prince.” Lae'zel nodded, striking a solemn salute with her sword. “This will be my oath.”
“Will you help us, Voss?” Kroger asked, looking to the knight. “We must end the grand design, I know this isn't how you envisioned things, this isn't what you wanted, but...” “We stand a chance at defeating the brain. This young hero and his companions hold the key. You must answer to him as you would to me, Voss.” Orpheus gestured to Kroger. He paused a moment, lowering his head and closing his eyes. “But your majesty!” Voss reached out to Orpheus. The illithid gently brushed his hand against Voss' extended hand. “ Your friendship, your constancy – when I fell to despair, they elated me. Thank you, my friend. Sha va zai.” Voss nodded his head with resignation, forcing down the emotion threatening to well up. “Sha va zai.” Kroger looked away, the guilt threatening to overwhelm him now. He told himself this was the right thing to do, the only right thing. There was no other way. He hadn't known what he was taking away from Voss, he couldn't have. “We need to keep moving, the brain won't wait for us to explain everything perfectly.” Jaina interrupted, nodding towards the darkening sky. “Hells, if we could just broadside the damned thing....but what ship could reach it?” “Perhaps it needn't be a ship.” Voss offered finally, looking to the red dragons hovering just beyond the walk way.
Jaina grinned, looking to Lae'zel and then to Kroger. “Never thought of sky pirates, but damn. Your people have the grit for it. I'd say yes!” ---- As the party parted ways from the Githyanki forces, they arrived outside a large set of doors leading to a massive entry hall. Inside were hundreds of people huddled in fear, but alongside the frightened civilians, there stood a host of allies as well. “Zev!” Sentry grinned widely at the sight of the older paladin, rushing over to him. “By the broken god, you're still around!” “Yes, I thought about what you said, Sentry. My Hellriders and I have one last chance to make things right and if this is to be our last stand, at least we'll go out in a blaze of glory.” Zevlor replied, placing a hand on Sentry's shoulder. “Nope! You're gonna survive and redeem yourselves in everyone's eyes and then you're gonna buy me a drink and we're gonna swap stories.” Sentry insisted with a grin. “Oh you found your way here! Nibbles, my sweet boy.” Jaina cooed, hurrying over to the owl bear, now clad in heavy armor. She scratched affectionately at the fur around the sides of his beak and grinned. “And ready for battle too!” She looked to his side to see Dammon standing there. “Your work is excellent, as ever. When this is all done, there's something I'll want to talk to you about.” She nodded towards Karlach off in the distance and Dammon nodded in return.
“Let's put our heads together and see what we can do.” He agreed. “I found some broken Watchers while I made my way here and I think I'm on to something.” “You have done well, little former Sharran.” Aylin beamed with pride at Shadowheart. “Did I not promise my love and I would come to your aid when you needed us most?” She clapped her on the shoulder. “And not a moment too soon, Dame Aylin.” Shadowheart smiled. “It will be an honor to fight by your side again, that brain won't know what hit it.” “There is a Selunite enclave not far from the city, Shadowheart, perhaps when this is all over we could host you there? I'm sure there are a lot of questions you have about your people when this is through.” Isobel offered with a sincere smile. “You've come quite a long way from the scowling, wet dog of a creature I met at The Last Light.” “I can scowl a bit more if you like.” Shadowheart rolled her eyes. “Father....”Wyll smiled as he approached Duke Ravengard, standing discussing the upcoming battle with Councilor Florrick. “Wyll, you've shown yourself to be a hero this day, the hero our city deserves. Only tell me what you need and you will have The Flaming Fist to follow you into battle.” He smiled at him. There was pride in his eyes. Wyll felt his heart surge in his chest at this feeling of being seen, of being understood by his father. All he had ever wanted was to protect his city, and to make his father proud of him. “Thank you father. We will defeat this Nether Brain and restore the city.” He assured him. “When you return, there is a matter I want to discuss...It is far past time you were able to return home, my son, and to the position you deserve.” Ulder began with a nod to Florrick.
“Wyll, your father intends for you to remain here in the city, as Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate.” She explained. “It is time for a change, and you would be a change for the better. Please consider it.” Ravengard nodded his head to his son. Wyll simply stood there, dumbstruck. This was beyond any thing he had ever expected, and in truth, he couldn't even be sure if this was what he wanted. Finally free of Mizora, he could at last live his life on his own terms, with Jaina and Karlach...There were still so many adventures to be had, there were so many people beyond Baldur's Gate who needed him. He wasn't sure what choice he ought to make, he looked to Jaina deep in conversation with Dammon, and to Karlach, who had finally approached Sentry. “Hey soldier...” Karlach gave a grudging nod of her head. “Well, that's certainly a step up from 'ass hole'” Sentry gave a small smile. “End of the world got you sentimental?” “It's not the end of the world, you prick.” Karlach shot back, giving his shoulder a shove. “But look, I could waste so much of the little time I have left being pissed at you, hating you, but I don't want to. In the end, it doesn't matter what you did or what you deserve, I deserve better than to lose my last few hours being pissed off....so I forgive you.” She frowned. “Not for you, but for me.”
“Fair.” Sentry nodded. “You don't have to accept it, but for what it's worth, I am sorry...This is all my fault at the end of the day, and I can't just tell you some stupid little platitude like 'oh, Gortash manipulated me and I see now I never really loved him'. You deserve better than a lie. So I'm sorry for what he did to you, I'm sorry I love him regardless, and I'm sorry for what I did too. Sorry that it hurt you, anyway.” “That's a fucked up apology, mate....yeah, I'd be kinda dumb to accept it, but still, at least you're honest.” Karlach held out her hand. Sentry gripped her hand and gave it a firm shake. “Well, this is our last chance before the final push, I feel like our heroes should say something.” Jaheira nodded towards Kroger, Jaina, and Sentry. “Oh...um...I'm not one for grand speeches.” Kroger protested. “Go on, brother! You must at least try!” Octavia spoke up encouragingly from her place by the door way. Kroger cleared his throat and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply through his nose, all those eyes on him, he could practically feel them. But he focused his thoughts and gave it a try. “You are frightened, your city is overrun by Ghaik and a malevolent being has cast its shadow over your home. But when things are darkest, we must look for the light. There are always bright spots if we know where to find them. In this darkness, that light is eachother..and...I suppose...the enduring willingness to fight back.” He trailed off. Jaina caught onto Kroger's struggle and picked up. “I have lived in this city for seven years now, not a long time, but that is long enough to see that you are strong, you are resilient! You are a city that stubbornly sat atop the strong hold of a god of murder, a cloister of darkness, and a vampire lord's slaughter pits, but that has never stopped the people here from living their lives and pushing on ahead. You are home to one of Umberlee's greatest servants and one of her most glorious temples, you are the favored port of so many of her chosen champions...and I want you all to know that you are under her protection as well as ours in this moment.” She looked to Sentry.
“I....” He began, pausing a moment. “Fuck....Enver was good at this, not me....” He murmured. “I'm not good at speeches, which, you know, a paladin probably should be, we're knights in shining armor, right? But that's not what wins a fight like this, if I went up against this thing on my own with just a sword and Ilmater's name on my lips, I would get pulped. I would get pulped and people would panic, and it would all be over.” He looked at the crowd around him, the looks of surprise and disbelief on the faces of many of the civilians. “But that doesn't mean it's all over right now! Because I'm not facing that thing alone.” His eyes fell to Zevlor. “It's too common that people dump all their problems on one person and then that person thinks it's their responsibility to save the world all on their own, it breaks you down, it overwhelms you...It steals the best things from you and forces you into this state where all you can do is just try to survive and hope you don't fuck up too badly. But it doesn't have to be that way! Baldur's Gate, you are going to be alright, we are going to take this Nether Brain down because there are a lot of us!” He could see now. Aylin, Florrick, Dammon, an arcane projection of Rolan. Zevlor was still here, Halsin and Jaheira and...shit, that was Minsc...from the stories.... “We play to our strengths, we do what we're best at, we join forces and we kick this thing's ass!” “Yes! Minsc is most adept in the kicking of evil's butt!” The large, rather enthusiastic ranger beside Jaheira whooped with glee, raising his hands and clapping them enthusiastically. “Exactly! We do this together!” Sentry pumped his fist. “We do this together and we live to see tomorrow and we keep on keeping on, like Baldurians do!”
The applause started slow and hesitant, but it was there and soon it began to rise through the room, filling the enclosed space with a roar of approval. Sentry managed a small smile as he took a few steps back and turned, slinking from the crowd to go join Halsin for a moment. “Well...uh....as heroic speeches go, I'm thinking that was MAAAAAYBE a three if I'm being generous? Hm?” He asked as he leaned against the druid. “No matter what you thought of how it sounded, you spoke the truth, Sentry. I know better than most the cost of placing a burden squarely on your own shoulders alone.” Halsin smiled approvingly, his arm gently sliding around Sentry's shoulder, holding him reassuringly. “You taught me that I would need to rely on others, to accept help. Without you I never could have stopped The Shadow Curse.” “You could have, I think...it just would have taken a really, really long time and you might've had to bring Kagha or someone else much less pleasant to be around than me.” Sentry grinned, nudging Halsin playfully. “If I'm honest, I'd sooner have brought a trained squirrel with me than Kagha, there are some torments even I couldn't bear.” He laughed. “So she was awful before the whole refugee situation too, then?” Sentry asked, relaxing in Halsin's embrace, allowing himself this one moment to feel safe. Halsin winced and paused a moment. “I wouldn't exactly say awful, but she was quite comfortable voicing opinions I found abhorrent....we...disagreed...on Silvanus' teachings to a near irreconcilable extent.” “Fair, fair...I certainly 'disagreed' on Ilmater's teachings with a lot of the prissy upper city boys in my training class back at the temple.” Sentry shrugged. “You know, I'm not much for droning speeches and posturing, but that was far less tedious than the type I'm used to. Good work.” Astarion grinned, approaching the two. “But in all seriousness, try not to get pulped, would you? I'd feel just awful if I had even less to live for when all this is over.” Sentry motioned the pale elf closer and pulled him into the embrace as well. “You'll still have me. Death is cheap and I'm really hard to kill, remember?”
“Well, assuming Withers sticks around after all this.” Astarion replied, though he rested in Sentry's arms, his head against the paladin's chest as he took a moment to allow the events of the day to wash over him. “I saw you talking to Sentry....Are you alright?” Jaina asked as she approached Karlach, gently resting a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah...I think I am. It's like I told him, I've got maybe hours left to live and I don't want to spend them being pissed off, I deserve more than that.” She nodded, gently resting her hands on Jaina's hips. “I want to think of you...and of Wyll...not of how gods damned unfair everything turned out.” She leaned down, pressing her forehead to Jaina's, a little hiss of steam as her warm flesh touched the chilly, sea slick flesh of Jaina's head. “Hey...if you guys have a kid, name her after me, huh?” Jaina gave a small smile, her fingertips brushing Karlach's cheek. “Well, that would be pretty weird considering you're still going to be around, can you imagine how confusing?” “Jaina....we both know I won't be...I'm not going back to Avernus. I'm never going back to Avernus.” Karlach replied, holding her tighter. “What if you didn't have to go alone?” Wyll stepped up beside her, his arm around her shoulder. “What? But Wyll, you and Jaina...there has to be a wedding and then I bet they'll make you a king or something, at least nobility, after all this...” Karlach turned her head to look at him in disbelief. “Weddings take forever!” Jaina shook her head. “Planning is SOOOO long. On the island, it took a year or more for something formal! Most people just get married in the heat of battle, like aboard a ship in a storm.”
“And look, we're in the heat of battle right now...well, just about to be anyway.” Wyll nodded his agreement. “And as to the being a king or nobility, gods below! Nothing could be worse! I'll fight by your side instead of sitting hearing petitioners and going to boring feasts and meetings any day.” “And besides, who knows? Maybe Avernus is just the place to stave off coral lung just a little longer.” Jaina added. “I think we should all go.” “You'd really come with me, knowing how awful it is?” Karlach looked back and forth between the two of them. “Well, it'll certainly take more than one person to take down an archdevil, three seems like as good a number as any.” Jaina nodded. “Besides, I don't think I'm quite done with Mizora, I would love to pay her a little social call when all is said and done.” The tiefling cracked her knuckles with a shark-like grin. “I've had enough of that woman to last a life time, but I do hear The River Styx is lovely this time of year and the banks are an excellent picnic spot.” Wyll joked. “Guys...thank you....” Karlach bit her lip, eyes glistening as she held them both close to her.
Octavia smiled at Gale as she looked around at everyone gathered in the room. “You know, when I was a little girl back at the creche, I never imagined I would be able to observe so many istik in one place.” She was still writing in her notebook as she sat by his side, her head against his chest, feeling the thrum of magic beneath his skin. “I want to thank you for being kind to me, for letting me get close.”
Gale chuckled, running a hand gently through Octavia's pale hair. “Is this where you tell me you plan to whisk me away to your creche and perform experiments? Because I have to warn you, I'm not entirely sure the orb will stay dormant under a scalpel.” “No!” Octavia gave him a playful shove. “I am serious! Most people chased me away or my questions bothered them, but not you.” She continued earnestly. “You had questions too, you cared about who I was, who my people are...you got to know Lae'zel and Kroger...and now I want to get to know the people closest to you a bit better too.” She smiled gently. “And that is why when this is all over, I want to go to Waterdeep with you. I want to get to know Tara, I want to meet this infamous 'Morena Dekarios'.” Gale laughed, scratching the back of his neck and blushing a bit. “Ah! Well, I must say, I am certain mother will be glad to hear it, she would like you a lot, I think....I just hope you're prepared for her. She may have a little notebook of her own prepared.” Octavia smiled. “A woman after my own heart, I think we will get along famously.” ---- The moment of respite passed by too quickly and Sentry, Jaina, Kroger, Wyll, and Astarion stepped out into the chaos and bloodshed of The Grand Design in progress yet again, Orpheus at their side, making their way deeper into the ruins of the upper city. As they passed the bloodied bodies of patriars, their faces still twisted into expressions of terror, Sentry was reminded of Tomi's favorite story of the night she'd slaughtered her family and come to the temple of Bhaal. He looked at every face and imagined each one a perfect mirror of Tomi's unsettling perfection with the last one standing gazing down in her blood stained gown and smirking. He had loved that story when he first came to the temple.
He could see as he looked beyond the bodies to the ruined buildings so many places he recognized. The restaurant he had gone with Enver on the first...well...he supposed...date. The book shop that had been such a disappointment with its lack of copper dreadfuls. Oh, Vanthampur Manor, he almost chuckled at the memory of the meeting he'd attended there with Enver, he wondered privately how that deal had panned out in his absence. Not well, he supposed, considering that Baldur's Gate was still very much not overrun with Zariel's forces and he hadn't seen hide nor hair of the Vanthampurs since he'd been back in the cities. “Damn, I kind of liked that lady too, she was funny.” “What are you talking about?” Jaina raised an eyebrow. “What lady?” “Oh, no, just something I was remembering, I haven't been to the upper city in a long time.” he replied as they picked their way across the bodies and debris. Every now and then a choke point of cultists cropped up in their way, but a quick call to arms brought the fury of their allies down. Sentry had to admit, he was particularly impressed by Rolan's contribution, staring with pride and respect at the murderous fire storm that charred their enemies to ash and swept them away. “We're nearly there...just a little further, I think one last climb.” Kroger informed them as he stared up at a tall tower, at the top of which a protrusion almost like a spinal chord hung. “I am very much not looking forward to the climb, though.” “The trick is not to look down.” Wyll gave him a dashing smile.
“Easy enough to say, but in practice...” The githyanki gulped as he watched Sentry begin his ascent, followed by Jaina. The climb wore on their already aching bodies and the height was dizzying. Sentry could feel the tell tale ache of an on-coming nose bleed and Jaina began to feel pity for the fish she and Tibs had caught and raised out of the ocean as children. Finally, they arrived on the platform atop the city, the ridges of the crown atop the brain. Kroger frowned as he watched a red dragon flutter atop the brain, landing, and Jaina and Sentry joined his displeasure at the sight of The Emperor upon its back. “Well, if it isn't the consequences of our actions.” Sentry chuckled with a shrug. “Well, let's make it the consequences of his instead.” He cupped his hands around his mouth and raised his voice. “HEY! You don't have to do this! You really don't have to side with the gods damned Nether Brain just because Kroger freed Orpheus, you can still be on the right side!” The Emperor did not dignify Sentry with a response, only glared and clenched his fists, pods emerging from the ground. From one pod, A tall, good looking male orc with black hair streaked with silver stumbled, dressed in the clothing of a bard. From another, a handsome lean muscled Githyanki with dark hair and a silver armor. Still another yielded a tall, muscular woman with beautiful red hair and the garb of a knight. Another revealed a handsome young man with pale hair and blue eyes in paladin armor. “Is that what you were hoping for, be honest, I won't be upset.” Sentry whispered to Astarion, looking from him to the dream figure. “Is now really the time for that conversation?” Astarion raised a brow. The final pod opened to reveal a tall, slender old woman in paladin armor, her iron grey curls pulled back from her face and her golden eyes trained on Sentry. “You're right, it's not.” Sentry nodded solemnly and then turned to The Emperor with a look of fury. “Oh that is it! I told you how I felt about you impersonating my mum!” He drew his halberd. “I know everything about you.” The Emperor replied. “Your thoughts, your feelings, your weaknesses...and so do they.”
“Clearly not anymore if you would still choose Gerren to try and get a response from me!” Jaina scoffed, glaring at the orc. “We must get to the center of the crown, that portal over there!” Orpheus interrupted pointing towards the swirling portal in the distance. “Sentry, can you get him there safely if we have your back?” Wyll asked, looking to the tiefling. Sentry looked across the battle field from the dragon to The Emperor, to the strange clone beings. He breathed deeply and nodded. “Yes, I can do it...Hey, you guys be safe.” It took one second for all hell to break loose, Sentry and Orpheus began to make their way as quickly as they could towards the portal. The enemy forces made their way towards them, but Jaina called down an ice storm, the ground beneath them slicking and leading them to slip and fall prone, allowing the others to get the jump on them. The battle was a blur of spells and blades, Sentry could not let his focus slip, though, he had to get Orpheus to the crown. He had to see this through. He yanked Orpheus out of the way of a torrent of fire from the massive dragon, pulling him forward as fast as he could. The tiefling shielding the illithid with his body as the hurried forward, pushing through the portal. Not long after, Wyll and the others hurried in behind them, the party finally facing off against their final foe. “No....I cannot...Will not...submit!” The brain cried out. “Good thing we're not asking you to submit, we're just asking you to die.” Sentry shot back. The brain fought viciously, the very ground on which the party stood beginning to crumble around them. Jaina swiftly extended Umberlee's blessings to the others, saving them from an untimely plummet and allowing them a moment to find safety on more solid ground. Orpheus held focus on the nether stones as a barrage of spells and arrows assaulted the brain. Finally, it began to weaken, it began to falter. Its mind reached pleadingly for Sentry. “No...please...join me! Spare me! Become Absolute!”
“It's like I told The Emperor...” Sentry frowned. “I don't want to do that!” And he nodded to Orpheus, who tightened his hold on the power in his hands, his psionic power squeezing the last bit of life from the brain. And then...they were falling. Sentry closed his eyes tightly, bracing himself until he felt a pair of strong hands under his arms. “Did you think I'd let you fall, my friend?” Aylin asked with the kind of heroic smile Sentry certainly hoped he was capable of as well. “Now come, I would be a poor knight indeed if I could not bear two friends to safety.” She sailed towards Astarion's plummeting form, nodding to Sentry to reach out for him. Kroger closed his eyes, wondering who he could pray to now, in what he was sure was his final moment, when psionic energy bore him into the air, leaving him to gently float. Orpheus, nodded to him, floating on the same psionic energy by his side. Jaina closed her eyes and thrust out her hands, lacing her fingers with Wyll's as she called out to her goddess, the whipping winds of a storm over the harbor catching both of them and buoying them gently on the salty air. She opened her eyes and smiled, Wyll smiled back as the two of them sailed slowly and gently back to the ground. As the dust cleared, the party reunited at the harbor on the edge of the pier. Jaina could see her father and brother tending to the wounded near Umberlee's temple. Her mother and Flood Tide Grey administered last rites to the dead and dying. Umberlee's faithful had stood against the illithid empire and won the day, she thought. Kroger stood with Orpheus, gazing sadly at the prince as Lae'zel and Octavia approached alongside Kithrak Voss. “I'm sorry, your majesty...” Kroger murmured. “This was all just another way I didn't think things through.” “But still we thwarted The Grand Design, and still our people will rally around my memory. The sacrifice I made will not be in vain, Kroger of Creche K'liir. You and your kin must spread my name, spread what happened here, across the Astral Sea...it must be worth it.”
Kroger nodded solemnly. “I will...Should I....Should we leave you two alone?” He looked from Voss to Orpheus and both nodded solemnly, Voss' silver sword in his hand at the ready. Sentry smiled at Astarion, taking his hands gently. “We did it! We survived! We survived everything and now we're free.” He grinned. Astarion smiled back, squeezing Sentry's hands tightly. “We are...and I intend to enjoy every...” His expression shot to a wince of pain and then a look of terror. “No...” He winced, pulling back from Sentry. The tiefling could see the sun begin to burn his lover's skin. “Well, it was nice while it lasted...” Astarion lamented, turning and rushing towards the shadows. Sentry hurried after him, already undoing his cloak and preparing to shield Astarion with it. The city would rebuild itself, the friendships forged would remain. There was time now. Without parasites gnawing at their minds, without masters and gods looming over them, without a deadline counting down to their final hours every moment, for now, there was peace.
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shimmerbeasts · 5 days
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Stalking The Wounded Dog
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Following Vi had been a thing of ease.
When an animal was wounded enough, it usually tried to find refuge in some secluded spot where it could bleed out in peace and safe from the leering eyes of predators. Not Vi though. Vi chose to take her wounds and wear them like black paint on her skin, presenting herself for all the leering predators and their salivating jaws as if she was daring them to rip her apart.
While Jinx apparently made a mockery of Zaun's animalism by becoming more than a predator, Vi made a mockery of her heritage by turning her role in the natural order inside out. Vi had not filed down her fangs and claws as Jinx had feared. She had done something worse. She had traded those weapons for bucking hooves and piercing horns. She had made herself a wounded prey animal and she fought with the fear of death against everybody in that ring.
The air in the hall of the underground fighting ring was stale and dusty. The sickly pale green light of lamps installed in the ceiling reminded Jinx of Zaun. Funny how that worked. Ever since her rocket, it seemed some of her home's violence had spilt over into perfect Piltover. The floor had been busted open to expose the rot underneath.
The hall was packed. A sea of people from the lower houses and classes of Piltover. Enforcers, cobblers, traders. All those, who did not have enough money to live in a house of marble and gold. Jinx thought she could even catch sight of the leering, leathery hides of Zaunites with their flashing fangs, rolling tongues and clicking claws. She let herself be pushed forth by the maelstrom, cocooned in a simple greyish-brown hood to conceal her telltale blue bangs and startling purple eyes. The visitors were creating a pooling river from the betting stands over towards the edges of the arena where you could look inside.
Jinx finally reached the betting stand. In a swing sat a yordle with grey skin and sunken, green eyes; his fat, little body was practically trapped in an ugly, bright yellow jacket. Jinx wondered idly if his guts would spill coins as she watched him munch on a few tentacles, riddled with grittle.
"Yes?", he asked.
"Red betting cards", Jinx ordered, her voice quiet and hoarse. She rummaged in her cloak in search of her coin purse and asked idly: "Is it possible to meet the young upstart post-stage?"
The yordle let out a throaty laugh, spit flying in Jinx's face. She remained unmoving, though her nostrils twitched and her lips pulled down.
"You are a fan of our young upstart, eh?", the ringleader said with a slimy grin on his round, bat-like face, "Can see why. That crazy butch has been wiping the competition left and right since she started here. Brought in a nice sum of money."
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"In a manner of speaking", Jinx answered the question, "Now can you arrange this or not?"
The yordle shook his head and said: "Sorry, cutie, but normally, we don't do behind-the-scenes meetings. Though maybe I make an exception for you, sweetie. Go all in with something that is worth it. If our violent panther wins, you are free to meet her."
Jinx reached under her cloak again and procured her Zapper pistol. The yordle's eyes went wide. He called: "Oh, that's a fancy gadget you got there, cutie. All in then?" Jinx slammed Zapper on the wood and shoved him in the direction of the yordle. Her voice was like ice as she said: "All in."
The crowd was in uproar as the beginning of the first match drew nearer. Jinx let herself be manoeuvred closer to the edge of the pit. Standing between two other burly men, who almost obscured her from view, a single purple eye stared down at the pit, burning with fever.
The ring leader's voice came over a speaker as he shouted: "Good evening lads and lassies! Welcome to the first round of Piltover's Boxing League! Today we have an exciting match for y'all! Are you ready?" The crowd cheered, whooped and stomped their feet. "In the right corner, we have our defender of the golden belt! Last year's champion! You know him, you love him! Give it up for Thundering Thomas!"
Under a loud roar, a large, muscular man a good two times Vi's size came running into the ring. He only wore a pair of shorts, adorned with the aforementioned golden belt, a heavy leather item, adorned with a giant golden buckle. He had pale blond hair, which looked like he had been struck by lightning once, judging by how weirdly jagged it sat on his head. The man pounded his chest, roaring as loudly as possible while the crowd cheered him on.
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Jinx stayed silent, though as the part of the announcement, she was actually here for, came through, she grinned wily. "And in the left corner, we have his challenger! You were just as surprised by her upstart as I was! Give a hearty welcome to the newest and most vicious member of our ring! Don't let her claws hit you. Here is Tigress!"
Excited thrills and whistles could be heard. Someone very drunk in the back row yelled: "Please go out with me!" Jinx gave a derisive snort, however, she gave a hearty clap, her rhythm a similar pattern to the slow clap, Silco had done in the cannery so many years ago. As the yordle prepared to bang the gong, shouting for bets, Jinx merely raised her hand with cold confidence, flashing one of the few red cards in the entire room. She fell silent, purple gaze locked exclusively on Vi as the gong rang in her ears.
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dixidin · 1 year
Genshin impact hcs for every nation pt.3
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Inazuma edition!
Info: OOC? Mentions of other characters, writing sucks, sorry if I get some lore wrong with some characters! Fyi, none of this is cannon besides the occasional lore mentions
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Ayaka: In Ayaka's younger life, specifically late childhood to mid teenage years. She had really bad acne and would get insecure with how pretty and flawless Ayato's face is. Meanwhile, she's stuck rubbing whatever ointment she can find all over her face. Luckily, it went away after some time
Ayato: Whenever Ayato has a hard time sleeping or can't focus on his paperwork anymore. He'll sneak out near a cliff and watch the ocean. The calm breeze, along with the soft crashing of waves, makes him remember that he needs to breathe once in a while
Gorou: Obviously, it's known that Gorou is part dog and has been out to war, and most of the time, you get hit during battles or even terribly injured. In Gorou's case, one of his canines broke off while in the middle of a battle. Unfortunately, dogs canines can't grow back unless they're puppies, so now Gorou only has one canine left
Heizou: To pass by the time of being unable to solve a mystery, Heizou has picked up a hobby of wood carvings, specifically making them into cute animals like deer, foxes, birds, or even rabbits. Occasionally, he will make little figures of people that he knows, like Shinobu, Itto, or even Sara
Itto: Since it is canon that Itto paints over his horns to make them look colorful and bright, he doesn't just decorate his horns with paint. He also uses stickers, bows, and anything else he could wear on them! Although, most of the time, when he wears bows, they snap due to the horns being way too sharp or thick. He feels terrible every time that happens
Kazuha: For a moment of Kazuha's life, he had a very bad lisp. Which was awful for him since he is a very poetic man, so every time he stuttered in his wording, his mind would immediately crash, and he would forget everything he was going to say, stuttering like a maniac. The only one that helped him with his lisp was Beidou, who did laugh the first couple of times but apologized and helped him get back his composure
Kirara: If you had to ask Kirara what her least favorite place to visit for work is, it would definitely be Sumeru. The reason being the sand, she always gets sand in between her bean paws and, afterward, has to scrub it out once she leaves
Kokomi: Since I also hc Kokomi with pretty bad eyebags (due to the war, the vision degree, being a leader, ect), she normally uses concealer to hide them/get rid of them. After all, she doesn't want to get bombarded with questions on how she got them or people suggesting she heads to bed. She has way too many responsibilities to deal with!
Raiden: The reason why Raiden loves sweets so much is because she can not stand citrus fruits/flavors. She's okay with spicy foods, savory, and even occasionally salty foods, but citrus? She absolutely hates
Sara: In secret, Sara is actually really good at creating statues and even made the large statue of Raiden placed right in the middle of Inazuma. Of course, she never tells anyone since it's her secret
Sayu: Whenever Sayu is about to fall asleep, she'll try as hard as she can to sleep on the floor. People have no clue why she does, and whenever they ask, she just says that it's better
Shinobu: The reason why Shinobu wears a mask all the time is because she has facial dysmorphia, which means that Shinobu fully thinks that she's ugly. The only people who have seen her face are Itto (who she showed on purpose) and Heizou (who accidentally walked in on her dreading on how she looks)
Thoma: Thoma doesn't like alcohol one bit, not because he's a lightweight, but because he hates the taste of alcohol, but if you tell him to watch over your drink, he'll immediately stand guard
Yae Miko: Since Yae Miko is a kitsune and can turn into a fox. She can also communicate with them, and on multiple occasions, Ei will walk into Miko's shrine just to see a bunch of foxes gathered around her, sprinting off in fear when they see the newcomer (Ei)
Yoimiya: Since Yoimiya owns and puts on a lot of firework shows, she's very strict on being safe when using fireworks. On multiple occasions, she's had to put on little shows to make sure the kids stay safe when watching or setting fireworks off. It's tough, but if it makes sure everyone has a fun time and no one gets injured. She'll keep on doing it
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If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Any like or repost is greatly appreciated -dixidin
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naiatabris · 8 months
Haarlep is an anagram for Raphael
A little drabble for Fic Feb! Prompt: Meeting a favorite NPC. Technically SFW, but rated M because, well, it's Haarlep.
Lia blinked. Then blinked again. The image in front of her did not vanish.
There, lounging on a luxurious bed, clad only in a leather harness burned with glowing red runes, was Raphael. Not in the human form he’d used to speak with them so far, but in his true cambion form, all red skin and impressive horns and wide leathery wings.
Raphael’s mouth curved as he took her in. Oddly, there seemed to be no spark of recognition in his eyes; no anger, either. He seemed more amused than anything else. “A lost little mouse is running through the house,” he purred, arching an eyebrow.
Lia wanted to scream for the others. She wanted to run, or vanish, or somehow go back and decide not to go through Helsik’s portal after all. Raphael had played the charming rogue the entire time they’d known him, had offered friendship and power and help with the tadpole in that silken voice of his. She’d gathered that the others found him amusing. But Lia knew better than anyone how charm could be used to conceal deadly intentions—and her heritage had taught her that any son of Mephistopheles would have power and cruelty to spare.
In short, Raphael scared her. Now she was alone with him, after breaking into his house, and he was looking right at her, and there was nowhere to hide. 
And some bizarre part of her mind couldn’t stop wondering what in the hells was up with that outfit.
“A thief in the night, greedy and here to take.” Raphael’s eyes swept Lia’s form hungrily. He stood from the bed and began to cross the room, taking step after step until he was looming over her, close enough to touch her if he wished. 
Lia held her ground. She wasn’t sure if that was the right call, but damn it all, she was trying to be brave right now. 
He looked down at her and smiled that terrifyingly amused smile again. “Why are you here, little thief?”
“Oh, y-you know. We just couldn’t stand things in the city without your company, Raphael,” she managed, with only a little quiver in her voice.
The figure chuckled. “Raphael? No. You will have a far crueler master than Raphael, soon.” Lia’s heart beat faster and a pleasant heat flushed her face as he stroked the tip of one claw down her cheek. With a start, she realized what he must be.
Not Raphael. An incubus. What is he doing here?
They, not he, her brain corrected helpfully. Incubi have no fixed gender.
“Tell me. What inspired you to pay him a visit?” the incubus purred, the point of their claw coming to rest just beneath Lia’s chin.
Lia fumbled for a convincing lie. Fortunately, another voice behind her saved her the trouble.
“Oh gods. What the fuck have I stumbled into?”
Relief flooded Lia as she heard Karlach behind her. Other footsteps followed, familiar and welcome ones, and so Lia took a step back, drawing closer to her friends. She crossed her arms and stood up straight, trying to look like a powerful magic-user with even more powerful allies at her back. Not a terrified tiefling lost in the home of her much scarier cousin.
“An incubus’s bedroom, I believe,” she said, trying to sound calm.
“I am, in fact, Raphael’s personal incubus,” the fiend corrected proudly. They returned to the bed and lounged against the pillows, displaying themselves artfully against the headboard, all skimpy clothing and taunt muscle. They gestured up and down their body. “Glamoured and transfigured to look like him.”
Lia couldn’t help but pull a face at that. An incubus could have granted Raphael any fantasy he wanted; apparently, the cambion’s fantasy was himself. It was a revealing insight into Raphael, but one Lia really could have lived without.
“I am Haarlep,” the incubus continued, their eyes still on Lia. Even though she still wore the beggar’s garb she’d donned to blend in, she felt almost bare in front of them, as if they could see every ridge and curve of her body underneath her rags. “You’ll be crying my name soon, so it’s fitting that you know it.”
Behind her, Lia heard Astarion draw in an angry hiss of breath.
“Why don’t we play a game?” the incubus continued, their smile hungry. “If you win, I give you everything you desire.” 
“What kind of game?” Lia asked warily.
“It’s a surprise,” Haarlep replied, chuckling. “You’ll like it, I promise.”
She felt her eyes narrow. “What happens if I lose?”
“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll enjoy yourself even more if you lose.” The incubus’s smile was pure predator, a wolf looking at a frightened rabbit.  “Now then. Off with your clothes.”
Lia blinked. Gods, did they think she was stupid? There was no way to win a clothes-off kind of game against an incubus. “I… think I’ll be more comfortable if I’m not naked. And if we play a different game. One that doesn’t happen on the bed. I’m guessing your game happens on the bed.”
“Good guess,” Haarlep purred.
“What about lanceboard?” she suggested brightly. “Gale’s really good at lanceboard. I bet you haven’t had a challenge in a while.”
Lanceboard?! her mind screamed. He's not going to play lanceboard, you dolt!
The incubus laughed as if she’d just told the funniest joke in the world. “Oh, little mouse. I think you know better. You play my game, or we don’t play at all.” Their eyes flashed. “Your clothes. Now. Be a good girl, and you might just leave here with your life.”
“Um. No?” she tried. “I mean, I’d love to leave here alive. But I’m keeping my clothes on. It’s kind of a dealbreaker.”
“That is very disappointing.” Haarlep’s eyes narrowed as they curled their fingers into a claw. When they spoke again, all trace of seduction was gone. “You will make a pretty feast!”
Suddenly imps were swarming the bedroom, and Haarlep was unfurling their wings, and Lia realized that she had just talked them into a battle. 
With a resigned sigh, she reached for her crossbows. “Sorry, everyone,” she said sheepishly. “That… didn’t go how I’d hoped.”
“Don’t apologize, darling.” Behind her, Astarion drew his bow. “Wanting to see you naked is actually one of the more interesting reasons someone has tried to kill us this week.”
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
Vampire AU - The Horror Is Sentient
(Powers & Abilities)
Can become a jet black kitten or large cat with two (or several eyes). The eyes all glow in the dark or in low-level lighting. Even creepier, each eye is pointed in a different direction as all of them are functional.
She can take the form of gray-silver mist and fog. Since fog is naturally heavier than mist, she uses it when she needs cover, stealth or to distract an enemy. Mist is used as a deterrent against those who travel too close to her hiding quarters or her body in general--she can imbue it with acidic/corrosive properties strong enough to melt off and eat human skin.
She takes a human(oid/ish) form, in which her skin, hair, eye color, height and physique changes.
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Note: If one looks into her eyes too long, they'd see the failure to assimilate; her eyes are too bright. Too green. They quite literally shine against her brown skin tone. (The pupils become slitted when she's hungry). The curls that adorn her crown of inky black hair are laced with pointy 'spikes' which point towards her face and away from her head (a holdover from her past life as a Saiyan). Also, of note--if one looks closely, two of these spikes are perfectly aligned with either side of her temples akin to devil horns. The antihelix of her ears are shaped oddly (they form the image of a map or mini-tree), and she has no belly button. She is 6'5" in this appearance and 6'7" when she wears footwear. More curves than muscle punctuate her form (it is compact for her) but again, there is something wrong here:
The strength she exhibits, if at all--in front of anyone for any reason--is always disproportionate to her body.
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In her base form, she's a 6'10", muscled woman (less compact, so all of her density, mass, weight, body fat, etc are distributed evenly) with red skin, red hair and icy, silver eyes. Her ruby ears are pointed but always concealed by her waves of wine red), and her double fangs--featured on either side of her mouth--are visible. Compared to her last life, her face is expressive and emotive; it's easier to guess or hint at what she's feeling. She'll come to hate this feature as she recollects memories of who she used to be.
She has an unnerving echo that trails the ends of her sentences. To others, it may sound exactly like that--an echo one would hear in an acoustic-friendly hallway. To others, it may sound elongated and dragging. Depending on the willpower of the muse, they may not be scared or bothered by it, or they could. (This can be discussed further in private DMs if need be!)
She feeds on the blood of both humans and vampires alike. She has no preference on blood types at all--she hates both species equally due to mistreatment and bad experiences from either side.
She heals small cuts and wounds quicker than larger ones. Regeneration can take a couple of hours, a day or longer depending on what organ or limb was lost and how. If she's quick enough, she might be able to do it instantly (ex. an arm is chopped off/is dangling from the shoulder but she uses the power of her blood to keep it attached/prevent further injury + blood loss), but that would depend on the situation, who she is fighting and how many.
She can freeze an entire planet within hours.
She can harden her skin and muscles to the point where she's bulletproof and blessed weapons-resistant.
She can hypnotize up to five people at a time, but the commands must be simple and easy for them to understand (meaning she'd have to know the dominant or main language in whatever verse she's in).
She can create thralls (human slaves), but chooses not to. (Little does she know this refusal is a consequence of her past life).
She can turn others into vampires, but chooses not to.
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