kassiedoodles-xo · 2 days
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Pairing: Ninja x OC (platonic)
Summary: A mysterious rift between time and magic tears the fabric of the realms. Yuki, the master of magic, the purple ninja and the queen of ninjago, must find the powerful spell to fix this. In an unexpected twist, the team is transported into the depths of Yuki's spell book. The ninja must navigate through the chapters and memories of all the queens, finding the thing that is jeopardizing peace.
In a risky race, the ninja must piece together fragments of memories to uncover the truth. Will they succeed in fixing the rift? Or will Dark secrets unravel a mystery that changes the fate of everything?
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Genre: fantasy, dystopian, adventure, psychological Horror
Warnings: blood, fighting, gore, mentions of abuse, mentions of bullying, mentions of death, parent death, sibling death, eldest daughter trauma (iykyk), childhood trauma (lmk if I miss something)
Featuring: OC, Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Nya, Cole, Zane, Morro, Sensei Wu
Started: 19/01/2024
Updates will be slower now as I'm back in uni and preparing for finals.
Word Count (so far): 9220
a/n: this is an additional season plot that i wrote, it most likely takes place somewhere after the Hands of Time. This is also an AU where Morro gets kicked back into being mortal so he's on the team too, for the sake of the story they get along. This will be dark so you have been warned.
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For Hannah,
Because you always put up with my crazy bullshit even when we're 2000 miles away and there's an 8 hour time difference.
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The Forces Of Destiny Playlist
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PART I | Whispers of the Mirror
PART II | Lunar Dissonance
PART III | Regal Reflections
PART IV | Sucked In
PART V | Beyond the Mirrors Sorrow
PART VI | Veil of Torment
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♤Masterlist♤ | ◇Intro◇ | ♡Oc Asks♡
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TAGLIST: (OPEN) @shatteredhope123 @stupidgayartkid @crikkit-kitterton @queenoftaslik @spinjitzu-spy @urkittybby Feel free to ask to be added to the taglist!
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DC blog: @cup1d0logy
Instagram: @/ Http_Cup1d
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kassiedoodles-xo · 6 days
A fanfic scene in which y/n has just given birth and is letting Lloyd name his son
Y/n: So what do you want to name him?
Lloyd: Let’s name him… Garmadon.
Y/n: No. Choose something else.
Lloyd: But why not!
Y/n: Because his last name is already Garmadon! We’re not naming our son Garmadon Garmadon!
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kassiedoodles-xo · 28 days
Uh something something Nightwing goes to kill Joker after Jason's death and joker says "Everyone knows the bats don't kill!" And then Nightwing says "I'm not a bat, I'm a robin" ..aaaaanyways, crinkle cut or waffle fries??
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kassiedoodles-xo · 30 days
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kassiedoodles-xo · 1 month
I think I forgot to post this here, but here was my participation towards @zayrenvie DTIYS featuring my OC Yuki !
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kassiedoodles-xo · 2 months
In my ninjago rewrite and my own books Lloyd and Yuki full on went from friends-lovers-friends-(SLIGHT TWINGE of enemies)-strangers- lovers
Yeah the crystallised and Dragons Rising rewrite is gonna be insane
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kassiedoodles-xo · 2 months
I have returned...🧍‍♀️
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kassiedoodles-xo · 2 months
Not to toot my own horn, but I personally think that Yukis (my oc)design is great at foreshadowing.
Let me explain...
At first glance, her magic and that of her predecessors are depicted as pink, yet her Gi, deviates in color, being purple. This color immediately raises questions, as purple in the show is symbolically associated with dark magic and evil.
This choice in coloration sets the stage for a gradual transformation, mirroring Yuki's psychological journey. As the series unfolds, her Gi undergoes a progressive darkening, visually signaling her evolving relationship with darker forces.
Ultimately, Yuki's descent into utilizing dark magic becomes inevitable, as her character succumbs to the latent seeds of darkness within her lineage, particularly her father's Oni heritage.
Yuki's character design is one MASSIVE juxtaposition, serving as a visual metaphor for her internal struggle between light and darkness. Initially, her attire features predominantly light colors with subtle hints of darkness, symbolizing her inherent goodness tempered by the potential for darker impulses. However, as the series progresses, this dynamic shifts, with darker elements gradually outweighing the light. This evolution reflects Yuki's moral descent, as the darkness within her begins to eclipse her inherent goodness.
The transformation of Yuki's crown from silver simplicity to golden extravagance is a double meaning. On one level, it represents her growth into her role as a powerful leader, signifying her ascent to authority and command. However, on a deeper level, it also serves as a reflection of her moral deterioration. The shift from silver to gold mirrors her increasing distance from her once-held values, as she becomes more willing to embrace the allure of power and ambition at any cost.
Similarly, the contrast between the chaotic lines of Yuki's wavy hair and the clean, sleek lines of her face speaks to her internal turmoil and struggle for control. The disorderliness of her hair reflects the chaos within her psyche, symbolizing her struggle to rein in her impulses and maintain a semblance of composure in the face of mounting darkness.
Following Yuki's descent into dark magic, dark curse marks emerge on her hands, starkly contrasting against her once-pale complexion. These marks etched a visual testament to the darkness that now resides within her.
The shame and guilt weigh heavily on Yuki's conscience, as she grapples with the consequences of her actions. Despite her embrace of dark magic, her good morals are still evident , manifesting in the profound remorse she feels for succumbing to temptation. In an effort to conceal her sins from the world and perhaps even from herself, Yuki resorts to wearing gloves, hiding the dark marks from prying eyes.
The act of covering up the curse marks with gloves serves as a poignant symbol of Yuki's inner conflict. Her guilt showcases the remailing goodness that is with her.
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kassiedoodles-xo · 2 months
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The Forces Of Destiny — Part III :
"Regal Reflections"
- A fanmade ninjago season-
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Word Count: 1731
Warnings: none
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The team relentlessly searched for answers, having looked through all the scrolls owned by their mentor, they found themselves immersed in the books held within the vast palace library. It was an ancient treasure trove of forgotten wisdom, with towering bookcases looming over them like guardians of knowledge, their shelves laden with dusty tomes and worn down scrolls, a testament to the passing of time. The scent of musky, aged parchment weighed heavily in the air as flickering sunlight performed its dance on the polished wood floors.
With each tick of the clock the team delved deeper into the twisted labyrinth of knowledge, eyes meticulously scanning the words, calloused hands delicately turning pages. The warm tendrils of golden sunlight, once streaming in through the grand windows, gradually shifted as the hours of day melted into the evening. Their hopeful endeavours slowly disappear along with the sun.
Kai, with undisguised frustration, slammed shut a particularly thick volume, the sound making Jay and Cole jump surprise beside him as it echoed throughout the wide expanse of the library.
“This is absolutely ridiculous! How much longer are we going to spend in this ancient dump!”
“Don’t forget that at least the texts in the modern language are split between us 7, poor Yuki has to read all of the texts in the ancient language” Kais younger sister, Nya, scolded. Her eyes travelled to Yuki, hunched over countless books, scrolls and documents written in the ancient language.
Lloyd let out a frustrated sigh “I'm starting to think this is getting us nowhere. Even modern texts are starting to look like ancient mumblings.”
Zane, the analytical one, furrowed his robotic eyebrows from his position opposite the table “ We must remain persistent, we need patience to fix this.” he said as his icy blue eyes scanned the bookshelves.
“I don't understand. There… There has to be a clue. A clue, a reference. There has to be something.” Yuki said, her voice sounding as if on the verge of tears, not ripping her eyes away from the words in front of her. “How can there be nothing if the problem revolves around the source of the entirety of Ninjago” she continued, her voice sounding more panicked with each word.
This is so exhausting.
Jay, thinking fast, tore Yuki’s mind away from her anxiety “What if there's another section we haven't checked yet, like a secret chamber or something?” he paced back and forth.
“Don’t try to be funny Jay! If there was another section then I would have checked it already.” Yuki snapped, her sharp gaze cutting into Jay through messy strands of pink hair.
The frustration in the air grew thicker as the moon ascended into the sky, despite the wide space of the library, everyone felt the walls of bookcases close in on them with every minute.
As the hushed whispers of ancient knowledge weighed on the team, Cole, sensing the collective fatigue, hesitantly suggested a break. “ Guys, let's take a break, we can’t go on like this if we’re over tired.”
The idea resonated fondly with all of the team, all except one member.
“You guys go ahead, I have too many things to read in this god forsaken language. I’ll -” Yuki was cut off before she was able to continue her rant.
“Yuki, I swear on the First Spinjitzu Master, I will not hesitate to drag your ass out of here and make you take a break.” Cole stated, eyes narrowed at the girl.
“I'm coming, i’m coming.” was all she could say as she joined her friends.
They staggered out of the library together, exhaustion palpable as fatigue etched itself in their faces, craving a change of scenery. The shadows seemed to play tricks on them, or so they thought.
Nya, ever vigilant, noticed the flickering in the great mirror mounted on the wall of the corridor; she noticed the smooth, glassy surface twist and turn as she brought it to the attention of others. Soon everyone saw the image of an elegant, regal, red-headed woman.
Queen Kaida, The first Queen of Ninjago.
“Maybe a break wasn’t such a bad idea after all.” Yuki chuckled dryly.
It’s okay, just breathe.
The spectre of the past observed as Morro pulled Yuki behind him, instinctively moving in front of her along with Lloyd, their protective stances conveying the message to the apparition as she raised an amused eyebrow at their determination to protect their friend. Yuki’s gaze locked with Kaida’s, determined to not let her ancestor smell her fear.
The team felt newfound protectiveness, positioning themselves, ready for action if they needed to step in. Their eyes darted around for potential danger, ready for any unseen threats.
Queen Kaida, sensing the tension on the other side of the mirror, softened her expression as she addressed Yuki affectionately. “There is no need for fear. My dearest Yuki, i have observed your efforts, i have come to give you guidance,”
The unexpected offer of assistance puzzled the ninja, they shared unsure looks between themselves.
“How do we know we can trust you?” Lloyd spoke, his weapon drawn ready to attack, cautious of the reflection.
Kaida’s reflection glowed softly in the dimly lit corridor, her calm authority spread though the space as she began to speak, her voice like a gentle melody.
“Lloyd Garmadon, you are the grandson of my dear friend. this queendom exists because he trusted me to be the first to wield all of the magic weaved into this realm. Long ago, before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created ninjago and harnessed all of the magic into the wand. The wand you are holding now my dear Yuki. We shaped the destiny that intertwined with the very essence of magic.
The team listened intently as she spoke, her words almost hypnotising, she continued, “ Ninjago was born from a vision to unite the forces of creation and destruction. Light and dark. Good and evil. It preserves harmony in the world. I laid the foundation of magic that flows through your veins Yuki. A part of this magic flows through all of your veins as well, noble ninja.”
Her voice grew stronger, infused with wisdom “ Yuki you are a continuation of the legacy, you are the key to its preservation. Without you, there is no magic.”
A warmth spread across the corridor, Kaidas reflection grew brighter, casting a soft glow on the ninja in front of her, “The realm of magic is a canvas painted with colours of our shared history. You must not let the darkness unravel the threads, find it. And remove it. You were handed this torch, carry it forward, you must pass it on, you have been destined to be the guardian and keeper of ninjago’s magic for centuries before you were born. You are not just a part of the legacy; your greatness will shape its future.”
Kaida finished her monologue, the ninja stared at her in awe.
“But…But how can we find the answer? We have read everything we can.” Yuki said, the inspiration from the monolog wavering away as she remembered the day spent in the library
“The Royal Archive will have the answer you are searching for.” Queen Kaida responded.
“The archive?” Yuki questioned, her confusion echoing everyones thoughts.
“It is a secret well hidden indeed. The Archive has the real history of the realms, beyond what is in your books.” She reassured the girl, watching as she pushed past her friends, now standing almost at eye level.
“How does one get into these archives?” Yuki questioned her kin, her tone sceptical, yet she couldn't help but trust the woman in the mirror. Kaida simply smiled patiently.
“Head into your office, look behind the tapestry on the northern wall and you will know.” Kaida glowed brighter, before slowly fading away within the mirror; black smoke flowing behind the glass, leaving the ninja staring into their own reflections in the mirror. The corridor fell into a profound silence, Queen Kaida’s message echoing in their thoughts.
As they gazed into the pristine reflective surface, they felt their emotions shift. The burden of uncertainty lifted ever so slightly as the first queen's words guided them. They felt a renewed vigour, a new found determination.
Yet Yuki felt like a sailor in the centre of the stormy sea. She retreated to her own thoughts as the team moved to her office; the weight of destiny had been thrust upon her from a young age, she was aware of that much, yet the conundrum vexed her more than she expected despite the years of experience. She wandered the corridors of her mind as she attempted to decipher the cryptic message.
"Destiny intertwined with the essence of magic."
"Don't let the darkness unravel the threads."
"Key to preservation."
"You shape its future."
Each word held the ancient weight of destiny, a fate that spanned generations. They echoed in her mind, Yuki felt a resigned acceptance settle within her heart as she braced herself for the challenges that lay ahead of her.
I have to do this. If not me then who?
She watched her friends rush in front of her, falling behind the group, she listened to their eager chatter. In the sanctuary of her own mind, Yuki found herself to be bitter, the chaotic symphony of outrageous emotions burdened her with the weight of her predetermined role. The expectations and echoes of a legacy she had not sought as she fought with the internal conflict of being born into a role that demanded her whole soul plus more.
I hate it.
It crushed her, pressing down harder every passing day. Frustration welled up inside her, surging throughout her body like electricity. Every memory she could remember, bore the thread of resentment, a persistent reminder of the destiny she never chose. She was a mere pawn in a cosmic game, chosen for a game years before her birth, shackled to her fate forever.
She walked to her office, squeezing her glove clad hands until nails painfully dug into her skin. She sought to channel Queen Kaida’s words into a source of strength.
“You were handed this torch, carry it forward, you must pass it on, you have been destined to be the guardian and keeper of ninjago’s magic for centuries before you were born.”
No one ever considered what she truly wanted.
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Summary: A mysterious rift between time and magic tears the fabric of the realms. Yuki, the master of magic, the purple ninja and the queen of ninjago, must find the powerful spell to fix this. In an unexpected twist, the team is transported into the depths of Yuki's spell book. The ninja must navigate through the chapters and memories of all the queens, finding the thing that is jeprodizing peace.
In a risky race, the ninja must piece together fragments of memories to uncover the truth. Will they succeed in fixing the rift? Or will Dark secrets unravel a mystery that changes the fate of everything?
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Taglist: (open)
@shatteredhope123 @stupidgayartkid @crikkit-kitterton @queenoftaslik @spinjitzu-spy
Feel free to ask to be added to the Taglist!
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© This is the exclusive property of Aleksandra Niewiadomska. Do not claim as your own, repost on other sites or translate my work at all.
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kassiedoodles-xo · 2 months
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The Forces Of Destiny — Part IV :
"Sucked in"
- a fanmade ninjago season -
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Word count: 1847
Warnings: none
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The ninja entered Yuki’s office, pushing open the heavy mahogany door, their eyes immediately settled on the elaborate tapestry hanging on the northern wall. Intricate designs adorned the fabric, threads of history woven into it, the Dragonfly family symbol depicted above the mystic figure.
Yuki moved forward, gripping the fabric as she tugged on it, she turned her head towards Cole in a silent plea of help. Understanding, Cole approached the fabric, muscles flexing as she peeled the fabric away revealing the plain limestone brick wall. Confusion settled upon the ninja’s faces as they stared at the plain wall.
“Oh come on! Why does every ancient being have to speak in riddles? Why couldn't she just tell us the way to the Royal Archives normally.” Jay quaked, allowing his head to fall down as his shoulders slumped.
Nya moved past her boyfriend, closely examining the wall, running her fingers over the bumpy surface. “Maybe there's a hidden mechanism. Some sort of switch or a leaver.”
Lloyd joined her, knowing on the wall, listening intently for any hollow sound. “Maybe it's activated by a sound,” he thought out loud. “But then what sound could it be.” he finished his thought, bringing his hand to his chin thoughtfully.
“I'm starting to think this was all just a stupid trick.” Kai grunted, hitting his fist on the wall in frustration. “How are we supposed to solve a puzzle with no clues.”
Zane stood back with Yuki, observing the room with a calculated gaze. “Perhaps we need to think of the room as a whole, rather than just the northern wall itself.” Zane remarked, causing Yuki to sigh.
Yuki felt a growing sense of hopelessness overcome her, the determination in her eyes now replaced with deep-seated doubt. Her shoulders slumped, the room once filled with the possibility of hidden truths now seemed to mock her inability to find its secrets.
Despite the palace's regal splendour, at that moment it felt more like a dungeon of self-doubt. Her self disappointment only amplified as the realisation struck, leaving a bitter taste on her tongue - she couldn’t even find a place within her own home.
How can you be this useless?
With every unsuccessful attempt to solve the riddle, her inner turmoil heightened. Doubt whispered in her mind, questioning her capabilities and worthiness, the grandeur of her royal status seemed to be crushed.
She watched the team persist in their efforts, their voices fading away into white noise as she looked outside the vast window. The moon, a silent companion, witnessed their efforts as it began to ascend over the horizon. The silvery glow melted through the window as it cast an ethereal radiance over the office, bathing the room in a celestial luminescence. Yuki glanced at the captivating display of light, watching the light dance with the shadows across the floor. Momentarily, a small flash of light seemed to reflect off the wall as the moon rose higher into the sky. A subtle sparkle, a gentle glimmer, almost invisible.
She narrowed her eyes as she spoke “ Everyone, move back.” her voice holding an unusual authority, one she reserved for parliament and official state gatherings. The ninja watched as she moved towards the wall, not daring to step in. Below the sparkle, the moonlight revealed the minute engraving on the wall.
“Only the light and the wand may open the door, for the moon is the one at the magics core.” she whispered, her fingers tracing the words.
A determined spark ignited itself within Yuki. Her friends watched intently as she retrieved her wand, an ancient heirloom passed down all the way from Queen Kaida, its significance in Kaida’s speech now falling into place. She held the wand up high, positioning the wand at a precise angle, allowing the crystal within her wand to reflect the moonlight just right. She aligned the moonlight with the place she saw shimmering on the wall, within seconds the place began to shine brightly, the engraving below illuminating with silver light; the lines flickered with ethereal brilliance as the room, once filled with uncertainty, now watched the enchanted transformation in front of them.
A low hum resonated throughout the room, everyone watched as the secret passageway revealed itself from the wall. The wall seemed to tear itself open, waking up from a long slumber as it groaned and twisted to reveal a primal staircase. A soft breeze filled the room, as if ancient secrets swept through the air.
The ninja started in astonishment, a sense of accomplishments and pride filling them. Yuki turned to Jay “Huh, maybe you were right Jay, turns out there is a secret chamber.” she teased, smiling sweetly to her friends.
Morro smirked, placing his hand on her shoulder “Atta girl.”
He moved forward, grabbing the ornate candle holder from Yuki’s desk, taking the lead down the twisted stairs. The rest of the team followed closely behind, the once concealed door sealing itself shut again.
They descended down the narrow, twisted staircase, their way illuminated by Morro’s candle and Yuki’s wand. The air grew colder with each step down, a slight fragrance of dust hanging in the atmosphere, the steep stairs seemed to wind endlessly into the cold abyss below.
The unknown stretched out in front of them, time felt suspended as they moved with purpose, a faint sound echoed through the passage. It was as if distant whispers of long forgotten voices spoke to them.
At last the ninja stood in front of a grand set of doors lined with ancient writings, their gazes travelled higher, taking in the entire entrance.
Yuki placed a gentle hand on one of the doors, she felt the magic surge within her, shocking through every vein in her body. A force opened her eyes, they shone a bright white as she pushed open the door, feeling the magic move faster in her. Her friends stood beside her in mild shock, of course they witnessed similar situations throughout their friendship, yet it still caused them to freeze every time.
They entered the expansive room, a sea of tables stretching across the entire room, covered in never ending parchment. The air was thick with magical ambiance as history seemed to write itself.
The team moved closer to one of the tables, watching as enchanted quills gracefully danced on the parchment, leaving intricate tales of the past on the pages. They marvelled at the mesmerising spectacle as they noticed a specific sentence be written in front of their eyes.
“The elemental masters of Magic, Energy, Water, Wind, Fire, Ice and Lightning enter the royal archives for the first time. They observe as history is written.” Zane reads out loud, turning to face the group, watching as chills run down everyone's spines.
“Uhhh that's freaky, let's keep moving.” Jay says, pushing the group along, clearly uncomfortable at the thought of his every action being recorded.
“This place must be enchanted by some spell, these quills are writing down the entire chronological unfolding history of Ninjago.” Yuki gasps, amazed by the magical powers present in the room.
“Let’s spread out, it seems like everything is organised chronologically.” Kai ordered, the rest of the team nodded simultaniasly.
They dispersed, desperate hands combing through the papers. Lloyd, guided by some intuitive force, approached a section; he swept all scrolls onto the ground, letting them hit the floor without any regard for the tender aged parchment.
Yuki turned her head at the sound of the falling paper, immediately scolding the blonde. “Careful Lloyd! Those might be important!”
“There's something here, i can feel it-” he searched further, finally finding the wall behind the shelf, ancient symbols etched into it “There! Over here!” he called, drawing everyone’s attention. Yuki approached closer, taking her place beside him as she traced her fingers over the symbols.
“It’s about my spellbook.” Her voice trailed off.
“Well what does it say!” Cole asked excitedly, urging Yuki to keep reading.
“It just says,” She squinted her eyes in the dim light “ The spell book keeps the master's memories as an extension. She who holds it in her embrace wields the record of the family's timeless grace. Known and unknown secrets are held, even those forbidden from being told.” she finished, an uncanny feeling taking over her.
“Yuki, your spell book!” Nya pointed to the spellbook tucked under Yuki’s arm, her eyes wide with realisation. “What if the answer is in the subtext of the book!” she rejoiced.
Suddenly, Yuki felt another surge of magic flow through her body, the pages of the spell book began to glow with a bright ethereal light, pulsating at the same rate as Yuki’s heartbeat.
The ninja watched in awe as light filled the room, the radiant glow intensifying with each second, bathing them in an otherworldly luminescence. Everyone exchanged puzzled looks, confusion and uncertainty etched in their eyes.
The spell book lifted off out of Yuki’s hands, astonished gasps filled the room as the pages fluttered vigorously. Yuki held her breath, eyes wide and mouth agape, this was not a chapter in her magical training.
“I'm not the Master of Magic, but I'm pretty sure a book isn’t supposed to be doing that.” Jay stated, his finger pointing at the book defying gravity.
“Yeah no shit sherlock” Kai responded, stepping back from the book.
Before anyone could think of reacting, a powerful vortex enveloped the ninja, the room blurred into a kaleidoscope of colours as an odd sense of weightlessness overcame their senses. It was as if they were being transported through the very fabric of reality.
Abruptly, they were deposited into a pile in the familiar space of Yuki’s bedroom. The sudden transition was disorienting, the group of friends untangled themselves, silently blinking in surprise. They looked around in bewilderment, exchanging slightly amused glances, the room erupted with laughter.
Everyone laughed at the unforeseen enchantment of the spell book, everyone but Yuki. An unusual silence fell like a heavy curtain, her purple eyes darting around her bedroom as her friends turned to her, their amusement quickly turning to concern, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in the seemingly familiar room.
What is this?
“This isn’t right.” Yuki mumbled, her voice carrying a sense of urgency that sent shivers down everyone's spines.
“Yuki, this is all just some weird magic. Right?” Lloyd spoke cautiously, his eyes narrowed slightly. “You’ve teleported before.”
Panic flashed across her face, she stood up abruptly, running to her bedroom window, the sunlight softly steaming in, painting warm shadows on her face.
Calm down.
The ninja watched her, a sudden realisation hit them like a bolt of Jay's lightning.
“It was evening just minutes ago…” Yuki gulped, a sense of uncanny valley settled over them.
“ Something’s off, I can't put my finger on it but something doesn’t feel right about your bedroom.” Kai added, scrutinising the room.
“That's because we're not in my bedroom.” Yuki started. She turned her head halfway away from the window just enough to face her friends as she continued “We’re in the memory of my bedroom.”
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&lt; Previous | Next >
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Summary: A mysterious rift between time and magic tears the fabric of the realms. Yuki, the master of magic, the purple ninja and the queen of ninjago, must find the powerful spell to fix this. In an unexpected twist, the team is transported into the depths of Yuki's spell book. The ninja must navigate through the chapters and memories of all the queens, finding the thing that is jeprodizing peace.
In a risky race, the ninja must piece together fragments of memories to uncover the truth. Will they succeed in fixing the rift? Or will Dark secrets unravel a mystery that changes the fate of everything?
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Taglist: Open
@shatteredhope123 @spinjitzu-spy @stupidgayartkid @crikkit-kitterton @queenoftaslik @urkittybby
Feel free to ask to be added to the taglist!
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© This is the exclusive property of Aleksandra Niewiadomska. Do not claim as your own, repost on other sites or translate my work at all.
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kassiedoodles-xo · 2 months
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The Forces Of Destiny — Part V:
"Beyond the Mirrors Sorrow"
— a fanmade ninjago season —
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Word Count: 3489
Warnings: blood, implied death, implied war/battle, heavy self doubt
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“I’m sorry, what? Memory? So we’re stuck in some sort of creepy mind maze?” Jay's usual was replaced with unease as he stammered.
“The passage on the wall. That's what it meant, didn't it.” Morro added, stepping closer to Yuki.
The girl sighed, turning fully away from the window, now pacing back and forth in what seemed to be her bedroom. “We were sucked into my spell book.” she raised her eyes, seeing how the ninja looked at her for an escape plan “i’m sorry. I've got nothing.” she lowered her gaze.
“ We’ve gotta get out of here, what if we try to get back into the Archives?” Nya suggested.
“Maybe, they are a part of my memories now.” Yuki answered, heading for the door, her friends following suit.
Leading the way, Yuki’s hand steadily reached for the handle, yet her heart pounded in her chest as anticipation filled the air. With a deep breath, she opened her bedroom door, the intricate embellished door swinging open. They walked through the threshold, freezing in their places when they saw the room in front of them.
They were back in Yuki’s bedroom.
Confusion washed over everyone as they deadpanned, staring at the disheartening sight that was Yuki’s room.
Breathe, just breathe. Don't let them see you panic.
No matter how many times they walked through the door, they alway ended up back in the bedroom, as if the memory of the palace kept leading them back. Not allowing them to leave.
Kai furrowed his eyebrows in confusion “How the hell are we still in the bedroom!?”
“This is seriously fucked up. How are we supposed to get out of the spell book if we can’t even break out of your bedroom?” Jay ran his hand through his hair, his unease growing.
“Come on Yuki, think. You have to remember something from your training.” Morro urged, desperation uncharacteristically starting to creep up in his eyes.
“I’m sorry” Yuki sighed in defeat “I really don't remember anything about this.” Her shoulders slumped, she looked away from the group, unable to face them after admitting her failure.
Shit, shit, shit.
Useless, useless, useless.
The ninja paced back and forth, trying to ignore the restlessness that echoed in their footsteps, the realisation of their fruitless attempts weighing heavy on their shoulders. The familiarity and comfort of Yuki’s bedroom now fading, being replaced with a cold prison of frustration.
Yuki searched every book in her bookshelf for answers, every magical artefact, every secret entrance, with no avail. Every answer would lead back to her bedroom.
Lloyd ran his hand through his hair, deep in thought “there has to be something we’re missing.” he muttered, pacing the room.
He looked up, his eyes settling upon the broken vanity mirror in the corner of the room. His eyes narrowed “Has that,” he paused , a moment of uncertainty stopping him. “Has that mirror been broken the entire time?” he questioned, pointing to the mirror in question.
Yuki looked up from her place on her luxurious bed, the look of resignation in her eyes now replaced with intrigue. The two exchanged a glance before approaching the mirror, the strangely large shards of glass glinting in the sunlight that shone in through the window.
Lloyd picked up one of the pieces, carefully examining the edges as Yuki observed, suddenly noticing something peculiar. They looked directly into the glass, yet no reflection stared back again; instead they saw a flicker of an image, like an old tv with a bad signal.
“What…What is that?” Lloyd breathed, squinting his eyes to see better.
Zane approached, leaning closer to study the image intently “These aren’t just any images” he said slowly, realisation dawned on him as he examined the events he saw in the glass. “Wait, this happened last week.” Yuki finished, her eyes widening as she recollected the private events in the glass.
The ninja gathered around the shards, wide-eyed and astonished at the discovery. Morro spoke up “So they’re your memories.” he stated, unsure of how to use this information.
Before Yuki could answer, the ninja felt a strange sensation as they looked further into the replaying image in the glass. It was almost hypnotizing, as if they were being drawn into the image. They could feel every emotion course through their bodies the more they looked. The pain, the sadness, the joy, the love.
Soon they noticed the darkened surroundings of Yuki’s bedroom. They stood in awe as they tore their gazes away from the fragment of glass Lloyd was holding, the sight rendering them speechless. The autumn sun was nowhere to be seen, instead being replaced with the darkness of cold, heavy rain clouds.
Looking back down, Lloyd felt panic rise in his chest, his hand now empty, the shard missing.
“GREAT! Now we’re not only in the spellbook, we’re also in some mirror memory” Cole grunted, crossing his arms dramatically.
Yuki could only analyse the setting, “the last thunderstorm was last week” she whispered under her breath, realisation slowly building up as she looked around more. It was the small details she noticed.
The dresses on the floor.
The colour of the bedsheets.
The mess on her vanity.
The colossal bell of the palace chimed loudly, Yuki’s heart raced, as cold sweat dripped down her neck.
It's Midnight.
Without hesitation, she pushed the group into the closet; her movements, usually full of grace, now filled with urgency. Confusion clouded the ninja's faces as they huddled together into the limited space, Yuki brought her finger to her lips, signalling them to be quiet.
In the cramped confines of her closet,Yuki and Lloyd felt their chests rising and falling, almost touching as they hid. Their eyes met in a fleeting moment. Lloyd’s green eyes, like a verdant forest, held the promise of springtime. Yuki's purple eyes, like a symphony of amethyst hues, holding the depth and secrets of a twilight sky. They looked away, eyes shimmering with a mixture of pain and regret.
His eyes are pretty- SHUT UP!
Only inches apart, yet those inches seemed insignificant as each exhale seemed to bring them closer, their warm breaths mingling as Yuki glanced at his lips in a moment of weakness. His lips parted slightly as his ears became tinted with red, the intensity of their closeness crashing over him, leaving him breathless.
She turned around quickly, in the hopes no one saw her reddening cheeks in the dim lighting. Heat radiated off her body, a magnetic pull that moved her closer to the blond behind her, his hand lightly grazing hers.
The team observed the unspoken tension between the two, exchanging knowing glances.
The sound of their own breathing sounded deafening as they heard the bedroom door open, barely audible footsteps ominously echoing through the room. They looked through the gaps in the closet door, Yuki held her breath as she saw herself, the memory of herself, walk into the room.
“Was that you?” Lloyd asked, unable to resist the urge to speak, his voice below a whisper. Yuki swung around, clasping her hand over his mouth. With his reflexes kicking in, he instinctively reached out, his hands falling on the girl's hips to steady her. Now fully pressed together, the fabric of their uniforms doing little to stop the body heat from radiating from each other. For a moment, time stood still as they shared the silent embrace, Lloyds heart pounding in his chest as he unconsciously pulled her closer.
Cole cleared his throat quietly, breaking the intimate spell, the two looked at each other for the first time, realizing their proximity to each other. They flushed red, silently distancing themselves.
Yuki turned back around, continuing to watch the memory Yuki erratically pace back and forth as she ripped her hair tie out, allowing the ponytail to fall, silky pink hair falling messily over her shoulders like a waterfall of vibrant petals. Her hair tumbled in free disarray, now a wild cascade of pink.
Her usually regal and graceful demeanour shattered within seconds, her movements were filled with a sense of restless energy as she leaned on the vanity.
Tears glistened in the dim light of the moon as they streamed down her face, unrelenting anger filling her. She raged against herself, anger filling her like a tempest.
“How could I have let that happen? Are you fucking stupid? You're supposed to protect your people” her voice filled with anguish as she scolded herself for the failed mission.
It was as if memory Yuki was a puppet and her rage was the puppet master, in the midst of her rage, she became almost primal as she kicked and punched her surroundings.
“So. Fucking. Useless. And you call yourself a queen” she let out a sarcastic chuckle “ You're a failure, not a leader.” The memory lashed out, throwing the small items on her vanity, sending them across the room.
In a moment of uncontrollable fury, memory Yuki launched her spellbook at the mirror with a broken scream, unable to look at her reflection. All she saw was incompetence. The shattering glass sounded through the room like an agonising symphony of destruction and defeat.
The group watched in stunned silence. Indeed, they have seen Yuki angry before, on the battlefield. Her calm and gentle personality was replaced by raw painful emotions that sent shivers down their spines. It was unnerving to see their usually happy friend be consumed by such intense anger. At herself.
They felt a pang of hurt wash over them, guilt filled as they remembered the times they came to Yuki for comfort after missions, yet never asking how she felt. She was always strong and resilient after all.
They continued watching the memory play out, observing memory Yuki surveying the aftermath of her own violent rage, the room resembling the battlefield that caused the outburst in the first place.
She looked into the broken shards on the floor, her broken up reflection staring back up at her. A fractured image of someone she didn’t recognise anymore. The torn curtains hung like wounded soldiers, the soldiers that she sent to battle. The items on the floor scattered like her emotions.
Why did I give that order? I sent children to their death.
An overpowering sadness engulfed her, the weight of her actions falling heavily on her. Silent tears traced the delicate features of her face, she fell to her knees, a scream of emotional and physical pain piercing through the air. Sobs wracked her body, she winced as he clutched her side, the warmth of her blood a testament to the lives she could not protect. Her blood seeped slowly through the purple ninja uniform, she struggled to catch her breath, each gasp for air burning her lungs.
Her wallowing in sorrow was interrupted by the shrill ring of the landline phone, startling everyone. She struggled to stand, still grasping her side she stumbled towards the phone, with trembling bloody hands she picked up the receiver.
So much blood. Innocent blood.
She steadied her voice as she spoke, the urgency in the voice of the prime minister was palpable. Her words clipped and curt as she acknowledged the situation.
“Yes. Yes Mr Prime Minister, I am aware of the situation. Yes, send out the emergency units straight away, save anyone you can. Please report to me tomorrow morning.” It was clear she was being summoned for an emergency meeting the next day to address the severity of the destruction caused by the failed mission.
They ninja remembered Yuki having an emergency meeting and missing training the following day, yet they never realised the circumstances that occurred before the summoning.
With a heavy heart, memory Yuki set the receiver down, turning on her heel to exit the room, leaving a small trail of blood drops behind her. As she reached for the handle, she paused. She turned her head, her gaze momentarily falling on the closet, before quickly walking away. The door slammed behind her as the team sat in silence for the following moments pondering the depth of the memory in front of them
Yuki stared out the closet, unable to bring herself to look at her friends, her chest tightening at the remembrance of the failed mission.
Cole's heart ached, the scene of Yuki berating herself playing in his mind, a sombre expression spread on his face. The pillar of strength he could rely on anytime now seems to crack .
Morros' demeanour was shaken, memories of their younger days flooding his mind. He remembered the shy little girl with a bright smile that was scared of anything. He knew firsthand the weight of not living up to your role, his heart unable to bear to see Yuki feel the same way.
Jay's usual obnoxious attitude faltered as Yuki’s distress played back in his mind. Yuki was always a fearless leader, filled with grace. She was the annoying sister he never had. His heart was heavy with sorrow.
Nya blinked away the tears that brimmed her eyes. Her role model for courage and resilience now seemed scared and broken, reminding her of herself when her parents were taken. Her friend's deep pain empathised with her.
Kai clenched his fists, his jaw locked in anger. How could she blame herself like that for something that was beyond her control? Her unwavering loyalty to the team and her people was a rare quality. There has never been a time where she hasn’t been there for him.
Zane’s usually stoic robotic expression softened as his gaze fell upon the girl in front of him. He always felt like Yuki was filled with determined resolve, failing to see the true vulnerability that lay beneath.
Lloyds heart ached at Yuki’s anguish. She had been his mentor, his friend, his comfort and more; and yet as the leader of the ninja he failed to see that not even she can be strong and resilient in the face of adversity.
Yuki opened the closet door, exiting the cramped space at long last, her thoughtful stare landed on the trail of blood left behind.
An eye for an eye, you bleed the same.
She always maintained the facade of perfection, she presented herself as the strong and composed queen, embarrassment washed over her as the illusion of grace shattered just like the vanity mirror. She ignored the suffocating gazes of her friends, every spark of pain and every tear was a testament to her failure.
She wished she could hide, to retreat back into the safety of her childhood solitude, wishing to lick her wounds without the looks of pity surrounding her. Her friends witnessing her weakness was almost unbearable, shame dragged her into the dark depth of her mind.
Her arms crossed. She wanted to apologise, to explain herself, to tell them to not view her any differently, but the words were caught in her throat. She was choked by the humiliation that consumed her thoughts.
As the pressure intensified, no one dared to utter a word. After years of team work and friendships they knew Yuki well, anyone who knows Yuki well will know that she will never admit to any weakness. Yet it was finally Cole who broke the silence.
“Yu-chan,” he began, his gentle voice filled with brotherly concern “Why didn't you say you were injured?”
Yuki’s haunted gaze momentarily flickered to Cole, she shrugged. “As long as I'm not dead, I'm fine.” she replied simply, her tone flat.
You’re not fine.
The team looked at each other with concern and disappointment, as if the breach of trust left a mark on the foundations they built together.
Kai stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. “We’re a team, we have to look out for each other.” he said firmly.
Yuki pursed her lips, forming a thin line, as she shook Kai’s hand off; his hand fell back to his side, his eyes flickered with hurt and surprise. He stepped back, looking at the girl he barely recognised, the girl who usually welcomed physical contact. Now distant. His warm gesture was replaced by cold rejection.
I’m sorry.
Before anyone could react, a picture frame fell from the wall, crashing loudly to the floor, tearing the thick silence of the room. Startled, they turned to the frame on the floor. Yuki tore herself away from the path of crimson drops on the marble flooring, her heart beating violently in her chest as she kneeled in front of it; her gloved fingers quivered as she picked it up.
The rest gathered around the picture, seeing the familiar picture of their entire team, captured moments after victory. But there, right across where she stood, a singular crack adorned the glass, as if the fracture tore the fabric of their bond.
The cracks in the frame echoed the cracks she felt within her self worth, the fissures in her facade threatened to destroy her composure. Her own struggles leave deep scars that taint the entire team.
Nya stepped forward, her voice regretful while trying to change the subject “What a shame.” she remarked, “That frame was so pretty.”
Yuki gulped thickly and she gripped the picture tighter, her knuckles turning white as her composure threatened to break. Her eyes wide, she stared with a hollow gaze at it, she barely managed to speak up “Except… I never had this picture hung up in my room. This is in the photo album in the monastery.” The ninja held their breaths. “This doesn’t belong in my memories.” she finished.
Panic rose in her chest, cold fear filling her. Confusion etched itself onto everyone's faces as she stood up, unease swept through them, a common question pondered in the air.
If the picture wasn’t part of my memory, what is it doing here?
They exchanged wary looks, silently processing the revelation, Yuki slowly turned around, facing her friends for the first time. Suddenly, a pulling feeling filled their senses, the fabric of reality shifted and manoeuvred around them. The walls seemed to melt away like candle wax,
They scanned the room with trepidation. Yuki's hand now empty, the picture now vanished, only leaving a whisper of disquiet.
“Are we?” Zane pondered as he looked around the bedroom. “Are we back?”
Lloyd approached the vanity mirror, his sharp eyes falling upon the shard of glass which transported them towards the painful memory, now neatly placed back in the frame of the mirror. Almost as if it was never disturbed.
“Everyone! look here!” Lloyd called them over, touching the sides of the shard, feeling the magic emitting from it, pulsating with power in the rhythm of a heartbeat.
The ninja stood in front of the remaining shards of glass, each gleaming with images of certain memories, a sense of clarity dawned on them.
“Yuki, we got out the moment you found something that doesn't belong in your memory right?” Jay inquired, watching as the girl nodded, enlightenment settling over her as her eyes widened.
“We have to look at my other memories and find the thing that doesn’t belong.” She remarked, her lips slightly parted at the revelation.
“If that shard ended up back in the mirror, and you broke the mirror with your spell book-” Morro started, his tone slightly tinged with a note of uncertainty.
“- The mirror is likely the way to close the rift that started this.” Nya finished.
Yuki stared at the mirror as the words sunk in, vulnerability lingered in the depths of her eyes dancing like shadows, a heavy pit settling in her stomach.
She couldn’t rid the feeling of guilt that seemed to eat her– the haunting memory of her throwing the spell book, and the glass shattering, even more vivid now after reliving it. She should’ve been more careful, she should’ve been more cautious, she should’ve been more–
Her train of thought was interrupted by the presence of the green ninja beside her, close enough for their shoulders to press against each other, a comforting feeling in the whirlpool of her self blame. He hesitated for a split second, briefly stuck in his own anxiety. He reached down, grabbing the girl's hand in his, delicately squeezing her hand three times reassuringly.
“It's not your fault Kiki.” Her head whipped around at the use of the nickname, one he hasn’t used in a while. “No one could’ve predicted this happening.” His voice was like a soothing balm to her emotional wounds, like a healing tide that washed over her.
Please don’t lie to me. 
Not now.
She searched his face for any dishonesty or doubt, only finding warmth. She allowed herself to lean into his touch for a second, the comfort of his presence knocking down the wall of guilt.
Even if everything will go back to how it was after the mission.
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Summary: A mysterious rift between time and magic tears the fabric of the realms. Yuki, the master of magic, the purple ninja and the queen of ninjago, must find the powerful spell to fix this. In an unexpected twist, the team is transported into the depths of Yuki's spell book. The ninja must navigate through the chapters and memories of all the queens, finding the thing that is jeprodizing peace.
In a risky race, the ninja must piece together fragments of memories to uncover the truth. Will they succeed in fixing the rift? Or will Dark secrets unravel a mystery that changes the fate of everything?
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@shatteredhope123 @spinjitzu-spy @crikkit-kitterton @stupidgayartkid @urkittybby @queenoftasilk
Feel free to ask to be added!
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© This is the exclusive property of Aleksandra Niewiadomska. Do not claim as your own, repost on other sites or translate my work at all.
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kassiedoodles-xo · 4 months
PLEASE leave comments
On anything
Nothing makes me smile more than posting an edit and seeing i got a comment, even if its just tagging a friend it makes my day. Same with ao3, i had one person that would comment on every chapter of a fic i posted and whenever i posted a chapter i would think “i wonder what they have to say about this one!!!”
Comments is the best way to let creators know that you genuinely enjoyed whatever they posted
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kassiedoodles-xo · 4 months
Lloyd: I got banned from a FSM church.
Lloyd: Apparently, even if I'm the grandson of God-
Lloyd: I can't waltz in there and call my own grampa a "conniving bitch" without everyone telling me not to disrespect him.
Lloyd: And then the old ladies tossed me out when I told them he wasn't going to come back to life and screw them.
Lloyd: I plan to do this stunt until I am banned in every major and minor FSM church in Ninjago.
Wu: Let me get this straight-
Lloyd: I'm not straight, but continue.
Wu: You went to one of my father's temples of worship, disrespected him, threw verbal nonsense at the elderly, got kicked out, and banned-
Lloyd: I know, Uncle-
Wu: Without me?
Lloyd: a-
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kassiedoodles-xo · 4 months
Oh my god Arin and Wyldfyre are Gen Alpha
Ninjago birthday hcs bc I'm was bored last night (also I had no idea what to put at Zane and pixal😭)
Kai - 18 April 1991 (29)
Jay - 13 July 1995 (25)
Cole - 7 January 1993 (27)
Lloyd - 23 august 2001 (mentally 17) (23)
Nya - 1 march 1995 (25)
Skylor - 13 June 1993 (27)
Vania - 14 February 2000 (24)
Harumi - 24 February 2002 (22)
Arin - 20 December 2010 (14)
Sora - 20 September 2009 (15)
Wyldfyre - 2 august 2011 (13)
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kassiedoodles-xo · 4 months
Definitely cause ain't no way Darklys offered health or dental care
yall think child lloyd had cavities??
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kassiedoodles-xo · 4 months
Ninjago Headcanon: Most of the Ninja’s income comes from royalty money
Because the ninjas are celebrities and a brand in a way. They probably get paid from that.
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Merch of themselves exist, and they’re on the cover of many things. like magazines, food brands, advertisements, posters, plushies, and etc.
They probably get royalties from brands and companies that use their likeliness, and earn money through brands, deals, collaborations, and partnerships.
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kassiedoodles-xo · 4 months
Ok but headcanon that Kai listens to Ayesha Erotica?????
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