#sharing life campaign
nanamis-bigtie · 3 months
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oh i am so sane about them
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ano-po · 3 months
I love revenge tropes, but I am also a believer of forgiveness, maybe that's why Joseph the Dreamer appeals to me so much.
You exact revenge towards your brothers, all of which have repented and have seen the wrong in their ways, then you proceeded to forgive them.
Revenge, check. Repentance, check. No bad karma points and everyone is happy. Fulfilling drama. Temple soldiers cried of happiness. Good ending.
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My weekly d&d campaign of nearly 3 years is coming to an end in another 3 or 4 sessions. Not just because the party is finally in the endgame and stepping up to the Big Bad, but because the living situations of two of my players are gonna be changing in August and they’re not gonna have the space to play anymore. It truly is the end of the era.
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aces-and-angels · 4 months
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had to update my progress tracker to add in the sharif family, but i thought it'd be nice to show yall what can happen in just one day 🖤
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chialattea · 3 months
genuinely considering making easy-to-read pamphlets/posts about some STEM concepts, specifically about genetic engineering (CRISPR), how GMOs actually work, what epigenetics are and/or what popular lab procedures basically do. However. That would be like, incredibly niche and science-y. And this is also basically a fandom blog. And unless they’re fanfic writers trying to write a scientist or something I don’t think people come to tumblr to read this kind of stuff. Maybe… if I make them with anime characters…?
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meatlessmcmuffin · 11 months
twitter suspends me for "violent speech" seconds after i make a joke about tapeworm physiology but the overwhelming amount of people who responded to wednesdays shooting by blaming lewistons somali community are just fine? fuck offff
#like getting suspended was funny for a second and then i remembered the actual droves of violent speech under headlines whilei was trying to#make sure my classmate and her children were safe and checking in with my coworkers who go to lewiston auburn all the time.#when the pictures came out immediately somebody expressed disappointment that he wasnt black#every other comment stated “hes obviously middle eastern look he has middle eastern features” on a super blurry security cam screenshot.#im so sick of it. people died. we lost 4 members of the deaf community and at least 2 more were injured. one of the victims was 14 years ol#this is jjust i mean. on top of horrific zionist comments that go undetected because people controlling media and censorship just dont care#and actively promote israel propoganda and censorship of palestinian voices and resistance#sorry my thoughts are all oer the place. i am trying to continue to spread awareness and updates on palestine but this shooting happened#literally less than half an hour from where i live and work. lewistons community is intertwined with my daily life so i will be pretty voca#about it on top of sharing as much as i can on palestine#okay also to clarify i do not want to suggest what happened here is more important than what is going on in gaza rn.#i do not want to draw attention away from this genocide and i firmly believe focusing as much energy as possible into spreading awareness a#and donating/protesting/campaigning anything whatever is possible is most important right now.#overwhelmed as i am by the tragedy in my community it will never stop me from advocating for palestines freedom. i do not believe anyone#not directly affected has a right to “take a break” from this issue
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kellystar321 · 1 year
#periodical life updates#(<- NUMBER 3!!!) I FINISHED THE ANIMATION AND EVERYTHING FOR THAT PROJECT AND SENT IT OFF! super excited!!#it looks really cute! i tried my best and im mostly satisfied of where i landed <33#it's my little sibling's birthday today!! it's also the first official meeting of lgbt club!! (the other event was a fun lgbt mixer)#my backpack smells bad. like mildew or mold maybe? urgh its awful and gives me a headache. i might need a new one. i dont know. urghhh.#my programming homework is due today!! yike!! but other than that my personal projects with deadlines are all done!#INIQUITY NOW THAT YOU HAVE TIME ARE YOU FINALLY GONNA WORK ON YOUR SELF SHIP BLOG?? YES!! HOPEFULLY!!#truthfully i /have/ been working on it on the side. it looks decent but the colors;;; i have always been pretty sht at color picking?#i can adjust with filters but without that im like. a little not good yet lmao. gotta do some studies sometime perhaps#BUT YAY EXCITED!! ive got some rambles and doodles and a tag system and f/o info which is extremely cumbersome (affectionate)!!#also i have new fandom ocs for the latest dimension 20 campaign and im so delighted heho <33 this campaign is literally so fun.#im watching it with my sibling when its done!! OOH ALSO I FIGURED OUT HOW TO PNGTUBE AND i will likely never use it BUT COOL!!#i dont like. talk. lmao. my art streams are 1) silent 2) rare 3) only shared with my siblings. pngtuber is a little useless. but CUTE!!#i got boba tea yesterday!! sandy bought it :3 <3 and we're having pho and cheesecake later and i might plan out a little excursion today?#like i might get a treatsie. OR i'll just sit on campus as usual and get a mango smoothie and draw for a while (or work on homework.)#(lets be honest its likely the former. i might get a little back into traditional? ooh or maybe i'll practice my asl?) HEY THOUGH.#ive been thinking about making a henrey stickmn (ask)blog to practice asl? like. no plot. just henry teaching ellie and charles asl#really funny considering my Real concept of an askblog for THSC. not ace or eca; but a secret third thing (⛎) ;)#then again since when have i EVER followed through on an askblog lmao?? damb im all over the place today. we're already hitting tag limit#okay!! 3 AM!! if im going early tomorrow i gotta eep! goodnight everyone i love you!! see you tomorrow if i have the energy and time!!
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mysticarcanum · 1 year
straight up getting emotional about a thing that happened in a campaign that ended over a year ago
like. i wrote an ambiguous and biased backstory of a character who is part of an apocalyptic world-ending cult, who deep down wanted to study wizardry but had to frame it as going undercover as an apprentice and stealing secrets from this doddering old archmage to aid her people’s cause . and then she goes and learns wizardry and eventually realizes she wants more for herself and breaks from her cult
and i mean. there’s a lot of ways my dm could have run with that. i was fully expecting that archmage to be furious at my character for lying to and stealing from him. and so when they ran into each other again, i was braced for a fight, or at least an altercation
but instead the archmage went. i knew all along. of course i knew. i’m a divination wizard, silly. i saw a young woman in a bad place and i wanted to help her. i thought that by showing her kindness and creating an environment for her that wasn’t all about power struggles and nihilistic fanaticism that she might realize that there was more out there in the world for her. that she deserved more. you didn’t steal secrets from me, because i gave them to you. i was your teacher. i loved you and love you still
and god i didn’t know where that character was going to end up before then. i thought maybe she could go on a typical wizard hubris spiral, or a revenge quest against her old cult, but in that moment i was like. oh. she is loved. she has new friends, new family. she has a reason to change, a reason to care. her story is just about love, and about making people’s lives better
her alignment shifted from neutral to neutral good soon after. she never stopped being curious, sometimes to the point of foolishness, but she never squandered her teacher’s gift. she left the world better than she found it
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hella1975 · 1 year
Oh Hella your DM sounds like a good one! Hope you have fun and that coin is amazing should we add practice the coin trick to your schedule? /gen
#my dm is such an angel i was a bit worried at first bc he's the one that was flirting with me#but he's cooled off and even so i can tell it's more the harmless kind than anything i'll actually have to set boundaries on#and we had our first session last night and it was genuinely insane like he's SUCH a good dm#i was so so immersed the entire time like he had this one NPC and he puts so much LIFE into his ocs like accents and mannerisms#not just backstory/set-up and this npc stayed with us the ENTIRE 4+ hour session#and at the very end he KILLED HIM and it was done so well that one of the players literally teared up#and the rest of us were just sat there in gobsmacked silence#and it's a SUPER wild group too like it's hard for the dm to wrangle them all at times bc jokes tend to domino and get rowdy#so to have us all like that and on the first session no less was INSANE#he also introduced a dragon and i said to him afterwards 'im getting that dragon' bc i mentioned another time that im DESPERATE#to get a pet dragon or even just a dragon i have some dodgy deal with ill take ANYTHING#and he just very casually went 'oh you'll get a dragon' HELLO??? FUCK YEAH#like he listens to his players and he keeps us on track without being too strict and gets super enthusiastic about our ideas#and the rest of the group are all so cool like they're all either queer or neurodivergent or both#i just feel for the first time in maybe my entire life that im in a completely non-judgemental place for my interests#like in the nicest way possible they're all just a bit weird and it would be very hard for me to be the weirdest one there#and there's something SO cathartic about that like literally go ham bc they're not gonna be scared off yk?#like even if i had an interest totally out of left field that none of them shared i just know they'd be so welcoming of it regardless#idk. they're neat. i think this campaign is gonna be really fucking cool#ask#hella goes to uni
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blorbologist · 2 years
Me, writing one big, complicated Perc'ahlia AU and a cute Perc'ahlia AU, planning a Cass and Laudna (Cass/Laudna???) AU, *and* up to my neck in gradschool work:
Me: what if... a very niche, research-heavy historical Perc'ahlia AU that literally only I would be interested in 👁👄👁
How many of y'all know about Québec's history? About les filles du roi? About the Métis population of Canada? About the coureurs des bois? About the fur trade, and escaping your French father to a new world that's not new to you, and the power of hope, and six weeks at sea, and the desperation, and the forests and rivers and snow snow snow, and having the luxury of choice and yet none at all, and a setting where Percy can actually be responsible for a jump in firearm tech, and also why is this Englishman in Nouvelle-France and what is he hiding from?
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tahseenkhazen · 2 months
URGENT: Tahseen Starving Children Call for Your Support Amid Crises
Hello Dear
My name is Tahseen Alkhazendar from Gaza City - Tal-Alhawa Area . As you are reading my message, my wife, 3 little children, and I are sitting in the north of Gaza City, starving with no food, water, or money. Every morning, my wife and I feel heart broken and disabled, when our children wake up asking us for food which we don't have and unable to provide to them at this time in Gaza.
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Before October 7th, I was a successful business man who owned a driving school and graduated from the business management school. I worked hard to secure a decent and happy life to my family, and did my best to raise my children with dignity, pride, and respect. However, once the aggression started on Gaza, we were forced to evacuate our house and left everything behind. I struggle every single day to secure 1 single meal for my children. Specially my older son, Ibrahim, who suffers from the Celiac disease and needs a special food which I am unable to find in Gaza at this current time.
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Unfortunately everything I owned is completely lost after my house and business got bombed and destroyed. We are currently suffering slow death in Gaza, sharing a small apartment with other families and living a devastating life.
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It would mean so much if you could take a look at my GoFundMe and donate for my family🙏.
By sharing and donating, you are helping me, my wife, and 3 children to survive the ravages of famine and genocide. You will give us hope to rebuild our home, and reclaim some of the life which was stolen from us.
Please donate and share/reblog with others 🙏 🥺🇵🇸.
Please be certain that any contribution, no matter how small, will make a difference in our lives 🥺. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support and may God bless you and your family 🙏.🙏.
My campaign has been vetted by:
@olagaza here,
@northgazaupdates here
@90-ghost here
& @neptunerings here
Sincerely, Tahseen.
@sweetoothgirl @sar-soor @timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushoujomagica @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @appsa @paper-mario-wiki @commissions4aid-international
@wellwaterhysteria @junglejim43 @kibumki @neechees @kyra45-helping-others @komsomolka @neptunerings @socalgal @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @toiletpotato @fromjanna @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillainarchive @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @dykesbat @stuckinapril @violentrevolution-blog @mavigator @lacecap @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @papenathys @slicedblackolives
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you may have seen me post about fidaa’s campaign @fidaa-family2 (this is a verified campaign)
graphic by @fading-event-608
fidaa is a 29 year old woman from gaza with two very young children, muhammed and sila, one of whom was born during the war. her home was destroyed and she’s been displaced many times, and is currently separated from the rest of her family- her husband, her many siblings, and her parents. i can only imagine how nerve-wracking this is.
she’s doing her best to take care of her children by herself, despite facing hunger, thirst, widespread disease, and the threat of death. the other day, there was intense bombing near her and another family close to her was killed. life in gaza right now is hell and she told me they feel like they are just waiting for their turn to die.
fidaa and i talk often, and i feel lucky to know her. she’s an incredibly strong person, she travels long distances to find limited supplies for her kids and helps her siblings raise money even though shes separated from them.
but she needs help. the situation in gaza is so bad right now, the idf is preventing aid from entering and the food, water, and medicine available are extremely expensive. please share and donate to help her and her children survive and eventually leave gaza
$18,738 out of $30,000
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littlegermanboy · 3 months
i've shared amal's gofundme (@amalashuor) several times, but i just received messages from her that broke my heart
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amal is a 26 year old mother from gaza. she is an incredibly dedicated and loving mother to her year old daughter, maryam. before the war, she was studying to receive her masters degree in french language. on her instagram (@/amal_sufian97_) she shared beautiful photos of her life and family in the years before the war.
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now amal, her husband, and maryam have been displaced several times and have nowhere to turn to. amal wishes to finish her degree, and both she and her husband want nothing more than a better life for their young daughter. every time i receive a message from amal, my heart is full knowing she is still alive, but it breaks for her suffering. i implore you, please donate any amount you're able to help amal and her family escape gaza. they deserve nothing less than safety, warmth, love, laughter, security, and life. as of july 6th, €1,025 / €30,000 has been raised. her campaign is also included on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's spreadsheet of verified fundraiser (#175). if you're unable to donate, please share. i want nothing more than to give amal hope that she can provide a better life for her daughter.
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eman-kha · 1 month
Trying to help for urgent medical treatment
Please give a minute of your time reading my story and give me support
I'm Eman. I’m 17 years old, and until the start of this war I lived a happy life in Gaza with my mother.
We’re currently residing in Khan Younis and living in a tent as a result of the brutalities committed by Israel since October 7th.
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My father was martyred in the 2014 aggression.
My mother has been suffering from increase blood pressure and heart problems for more than four years and needs lifelong treatment now that her condition has worsened since the beginning of the aggression
We struggle daily to survive in an environment full of threats and risks.
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The occupation destroyed my dreams and my future.
My school has also been destroyed, and I'm now a year behind other students my age.
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I’m trying to collect the necessary funds to evacuate me and my mother, 49 years old, and start a new life after reaching Egypt.
I hope everyone can help me and help my mother donate and reblog please 🙏
Thanks a lot 🍉🤍
Eman Khader
My account Vetted by
@90-ghost The link
@90-ghost @sarakipin @soon-palestine @flower-tea-fairies @sayruq @vakarians-babe @plomegranate @taylorswift @palestine @tim-the-rat @pump-e-bucanieri @pumpkinsy0@aibhse @nyqn @mephisto86 @imput @mmcoconut @wqemzz-blog
@tortiefrancis @starstrucks
@timetravellingkitty @flouryhedgehog @jinnazah
@mazzikah @irhabiya @watchnpray
@stuckinapril @soracities @bloglikeanegyptian2-blog @handweavers @trans-axolotl @plomegranate @briarhips @dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe @rhubarbspring @schoolhater
@pcktknife @transmutationisms
My mother account she will help me to share our campaign
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lailashaqoura · 4 months
Dear Friends,
My name is Laila, and I am writing to you from a place of deep despair. The conflict in Gaza has forced us from our home, and we now find ourselves in Khan Younis, struggling to survive. My mother is pregnant, and her life is in grave danger.
I feel utterly helpless and overwhelmed by our situation. There are moments when I wish for my own suffering to end, but my only hope now is to save my mother. I have started a campaign to raise funds for her evacuation and medical care.
Please, I beg you to share our campaign on your social media platforms. Your help can make a difference and give my mother a chance to live.
Thank you for your compassion and support.❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
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alaa-gaza · 1 month
I’m vatted by association 🍉🇵🇸❤️‍🩹
Please help me and donate 🙏
Please don't skip , help my daughter to leave Gaza 🍉 Please donate and share it 🙏 ❤️
Save my daughter to leave Gaza 🍉🍉
Hello, I am Alaa from Gaza, 27 years old, and a mother of a baby.I was living a happy life with my husband and pregnant with my first child, but on October 7, my life was turned upside downI was displaced from my home on the first day and lived in my family’s home with my husband and I. I was pregnant with my daughter and went through the worst conditions. There was a siege, food shortages, and water pollution. During my pregnancy, many of the houses near us were bombed, and the smell of death affected my daughter and the smell of gunpowder, which put my daughter’s life at risk in light of the tragic conditions of the hospitals.
On December 24, my husband’s and my house was bombed and completely destroyed by Israeli raids. My husband and I became homeless.On January 23, the occupation launched a ground campaign against the place where I live, which forced us to flee within 5 hours. I fled, leaving my husband behind as he did not want to leave his city.It was a difficult displacement journey as I was carrying my daughter in the seventh month and I fled on foot for a distance of about 20 kilometers under enemy fire and shelling.
My child and I faced great difficulty during the displacement as There was no clean food or drink and a lack of vitamins. On February 27, I received the news of my husband's death in an Israeli raid. My daughter became an orphan before she was born. After the bitterness of loss and sadness, specifically on March 19, on a rainy night and under bombardment, the time for delivery came. It was one of the most difficult nights, as there was no doctor, and there was no continuation to go to the hospital. The sounds of explosions filled the place. After we arrived at the hospital, there was no adequate medical care, whether from doctors, cleanliness, or any needs for a pregnant woman. After hours of waiting and providing a doctor, I gave birth under the most difficult conditions, as there were no clothes for my daughter in light of the aggression. I suffered from the lack of a bed to sit on after giving birth. The delivery process was extremely difficult, as if I had escaped death again and God had blessed me with my daughter Fatoum. I was displaced again, she and I, to the unknown, and we live in a tent that does not protect from the cold of winter or the heat of summer. Due to malnutrition and poor living conditions, my daughter is exposed to chronic skin diseases and intestinal infections. Therefore, help me and my daughter to escape death and bear the burdens of life.🍉❤️
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