#shakes your shoulder
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glyphalodon · 5 months ago
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andstuffsketches · 8 months ago
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finally watched Reign of the Supermen
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teaboot · 5 months ago
Sometimes at work it's not my place to tell people the things I want to say, and I find I often go home at the end of the rougher days to stand blankly in my shower and tell myself over and over what I wish I could pass on.
This accomplishes very little, and mostly just gives me a tension headache, but through it all I think I've narrowed myself down to a few solid things I'd like to tell people the most.
You can't change people. Not permanently, not for anythig. You can support them, encourage them, love them, give them tools and opportunities and resources, but you can't make them change. They can change themselves if they want to, but they have to want to, and they have to want it for themselves, because they're the only one that's certain to be with them forever.
For better or worse, you make your own choices, and blaming bad choices on others doesn't only work to absolve you of responsibility- it also robs you of control. Because if you say you only did something because I did something, then you arent only shifting blame- you're admitting that you cannot control yourself, that you cannot truly make choices for yourself, that other people can control you- and as long as you truly beleive that, you'll keep facing the same problems over and over. You'll keep letting others dictate your choices, because you'll beleive that they can, and you'll never be free.
White knights on horseback are from fairytales. Nobody can help you if ou're not willing to help yourself. To try, to put the dirty work in, to belive you're worth that effort- Act as though nobody is coming to save you. From a struggle, from pain, from bad relationships, from yourself. And when you do save yourself, because you will, because failure here isn't an option if you want to survive, you'll never find another dragon that can keep you prisoner.
Don't say anything to anyone that you wouldn't want them remembering forever.
Doing the right thing in bad circumstances is hard. It's the hardest thing. But if you make the choice to do that hard thing anyways, despite your fear, you'll go on the rest of your like knowing that you're the sort of person who did something.
The present only seems the hardest because the past I over and the future hasn't happened.
There's so much joy ahead of you, the kind you can't possibly understand until you see it yourself.
The responsibility of consequences is often disguised as the power of permission. "I won't do this if you help me", "I'll work on my anger if you do this for me", "I promised you I'd quit, but can I have just one?". The unspoken question is, "Can it be your fault if this goes badly?"
You cant make someone love you the way you need to be loved. Someone can love you very much and still be bad for you, even if you love them very much in return. Two people can love each other very, very much, and try their very best, and still be wrong for each other.
Sometimes being near to someone changes you, even in good ways, and the people you become don't fit together as well as the people you were.
Caring takes work. Even if it's real. Especially if it's real. And the most important gestures aren't the grand, poetic, songs-and-flowers-and-tears moments; they're getting out of bed even though you don't want to. Paying attention to things you don't enjoy. Scrubbing pans, or opening a window, saying "thank-you", or helping carry groceries into the house. The small things fill the big things- without the small, boring, mediocre things, big things feel hollow.
Thrre is honour and dignity in humble work.
If you are a cruel and spiteful person, then you will find every place you visit to be full of the same cruel, spiteful people. This is not because the world is as cruel as you, but because everywhere you are, you will be disliked. This is the curse that comes with being persistently cruel and spiteful.
If you are a kind and ppsitive person, you will repeatedly encounter kind and positive people, because as they grow familiar with you, they will be happier to have you near. This is the reward of being a kind and positive person.
When splitting paths with loved ones, briefly or forever, aim for your last words to always be "I love you".
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jjkyaoi · 10 months ago
people talking about how it’s out of character for izuku to be like “i’m totally fine with losing my quirk!! haha!!!” to bkg as if. for the entirety of mha one of izuku’s defining characteristics wasn’t his Inability to talk about His Feelings. how he constantly tells people he’s fine when he’s not. OBVIOUSLY, especially considering katsuki was literally sobbing about izuku losing his quirk, he WOULDNT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. he never breaks down about stuff that seriously matters unless it’s physically impossible not to. like. it’s not out of character y’all r just once again underestimating how many walls that kid has up 😭
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keelifallen · 1 year ago
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fun-esta · 9 months ago
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qualityrain · 3 months ago
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ddd screencap redraw
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bugflies00 · 1 year ago
dsmpblr now all we got is each other and the reblog button
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velvetwyrme · 5 months ago
(for the RQs) You like Transformers, you like Undertale.... what lies at the centre of these 2 things? Mettaton (or Swap!Napsta) as a transformer, of course :3 I just think that's something you might have fun with haha ^^
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requests closed!
i DID have fun with this one thank you!!
... i also had to break out the "how to draw planes" book and spent a lot of time squinting at other transformers designs dhfjchsj,, i dont know shit about vehicles or how to design transformers but i did my best :>!!
id usually write my design notes in an image but i am once again out of battery so yall get bullet points (about Mettaton)
the white/pinkish lines on Mettaton's chest and wings are intended to be kinda shaped like an M
his visor is also intended to mimic both the shape of his hair (over his eye) as well as the shape of his wings in NEO form
also, the visor always shines just so, and obscures his eye, but the other eye can generally be seen, unless dramatics call for his visor to be entirely opaque LOL
theres some joke to be made here about Mettaton's box form just being just a G1 styled version of this design lolol
the plane he turns into is a Lear Jet 23! the reason for this is: i saw this page in the book i mentioned and just went YES. METTATON.
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(did you think i was joking about the how to draw planes book? i was not. i own this book. i got it for $2 lol)
originally he was going to be a fast car of some sort but then i remembered i also know fuck all about cars, and if hes a plane then i can give him thruster heels.
also his windshield is kinda shaped like a heart <3 that and the white lines being shaped like an M on his chest were incidental and i just leaned into it
... the lines on his head were also slightly inspired by Stealth Bomber!Megatron from the IDW comics because. Mettaton. Megatron. self explanatory.
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kat1nkulta · 6 months ago
I can’t stop thinking about Loop. Imagine doing everything, anything, to get out of a traumatic situation but the price is you. Your body is gone, your name is gone, your family doesn’t recognize you, you feel like most of your memories of them are gone too anyway. Suddenly you’re denied your identity. It’s like YOU never existed… and someone else took your place. You, whose biggest fears are forgetting and being forgotten in turn. You, who’s hesitant to change and now you’re forced to. You can’t even really blame anyone else because you did get your wish, right?
It’s explained clearly in the game, but the implications of it just hit me extra hard sometimes. Siffrin is as much of a study of Loop as Loop is of Siffrin. They share(d) their fears too so mal du pays words essentially becoming the truth to Loop is just… 🪨🪨🪨🙁🙁🙁💥💥💥💥
What do you do when all you have is ripped from you, all your worst fears come true, and youre forced to just… come to terms with it?
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sunsetsover · 2 months ago
i wish i wasn't so exhausted because i want nothing more than to sit here and properly pick apart the inherent but unconventional ways their dom/sub dynamic presents itself between kant and bison. bc it's definitely always been there esp in these last few episodes but in episode 10 it was in everything. everything.
the pool scene was obvious. i already pulled that apart. but it was also in the way kant's reaction to being told off for being distracting during the mission was so different from the way bison reacted when kant told him off - bison basically looks like he's indulging a pouting child, while kant's face drops and he gets all sad looking. and it's in how different their reactions were to the being distracted too, how kant whined about how bison had promised not to distracted while bison firmly tells kant off for even trying.
and it's in how pissed and hurt kant when he finally saw bison in that car park - imo not so much because bison had told him they needed to stay away from each other, but because bison had been sneaking around watching kant when kant had no way of seeing bison or knowing he was alright at all, and that was so unfair to him, because that's not how it was supposed to work between them. they had just found their equilibrium and here bison was knocking it off kilter by giving and receiving while simultaneously withholding kant's ability to give and receive back. and that's not how they were supposed to work.
and it's in how silly kant was. how rambly and cute when he talked about the titanic experiment he saw or when he tried to get bison to reenact the king of the world scene. but also the way kant was just a brat the entire episode - going kinda rogue while on mission and mentioning the narc thing when he knows it pisses bison off and constantly pushing and pushing and pushing bison to find where the line is where bison will stop indulging him and start reprimanding him.
and it's the way bison does reprimand him and how kant listens. and it's in the way kant's eyes got all big and pleading when bison got all pissy and asked him if he wanted another scratch - and dare i say that and the pool scene were the first real little glimpses we see of what kant's like in actual subspace. and it's in the way you see bison notice that and realise kant's reacting positively, and how he reacts to that reaction with clear desire, but also decides to store that info away as opposed to acting on it bc it's not the time or place.
and most of all it's in kant asking bison to teach him to be like him. in kant handing himself over to bison the assassin and going 'use me. please please make use of me. mould me into a weapon you can wield.' and bison refusing to do that. refusing to make a killer of the boy he loves. in bison knowing kant's limit when kant doesn't and not crossing it. of protecting him from himself. but also making use of him anyway. knowing kant well enough to know that that's what he needed. to be used. because being used is being useful, and being useful is what kant has learned will have him kept around. and bc right now they don't have the time or spare energy to start unpicking that knot, bison meets it where it is: he finds uses for kant while also doing everything he possibly can to give kant agency and control: you don't have to do this. i can take it from here. will you help me with one more thing?
i know i've missed so much that i will kick myself for later. i also know this is incoherent. i've got maybe 10 hours of sleep in the past week. but i can't stop thinking about this fucking dynamic. it's so unique and yet so well defined in what it is. and i know the people that don't get that dynamic won't get what i'm trying to point at with this post. and tbh i get it! as obvious as it is there's also something elusive about it! it reminds me of that kaveh akbar quote where he's says trying to describe god is like trying to imagine a bladeless knife with no handle. the more language you try to put to kant and bison's dynamic, the more it recedes from view.
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sunforgrace · 8 months ago
looks at season 4 castiel. oh my fucking god you don’t even know you’re going to become common law married to that man
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trombonechurchill · 1 month ago
To Show I'm Thinking of You
BuckTommy, 1251 words, Rated G Prompt Fill for @bucktommyfluffebruary Day 7: Love Notes Read Here or on AO3
Evan was lingering, Tommy could feel it even with his eyes closed.
"I'll be fine, babe. I'm not going to drop dead just because you're gone for 24 hours," he mumbled, sleep rough, into the pillow case.
"That's not funny, Tommy." The bed shifted as Evan sat back down and Tommy hummed at the feeling of Evan's fingers, feather-light across the crown of his head.
"Seriously, I'll be fine, the dizzy spells cleared up, you can relax." Tommy could tell Evan's still torn even before he cracked an eye open and sees the furrow of his brow in the dim light of their bedroom. "You can check in at lunch if it'll make you feel better," he added, snagging Evan's wrist to press a kiss to the meat of his palm.
Evan had already done more than enough after Tommy took a beam to the head out on a call, even before the Post-Concussion Syndrome had set in. Tommy's never had that before, someone fussing over his bedside, holding his hand through the spins and shakes. It's been exhilarating and terrifying all the same time, the free-fall of it. Letting Evan in, showing him all the messy, hurting pieces of himself. To have Evan cup them in his hands and hold them together when Tommy can't.
Tommy felt the gust of Evan's sigh across his face but it seemed he was placated enough to finish getting ready for his shift, brushing one last caress over the faint pink line still lingering at Tommy's temple before replacing his hand with his lips.
"Take it easy today, please," Evan said softly. Tommy grunted in acquiescence. It wasn't like he had much of choice.
"Be safe," he mumbled into the pillow case, managing the barest press of his lips into the empty air. Evan's chuckle overhead was enough to let Tommy know he had gotten the intent across even as he slipped back into a queasy unconsciousness.
Tommy awoke several hours later, the sunlight slanting through the crack of their blinds that they could never fully close telling him it was probably closer to midday now than morning. He groaned, stretching and grimacing at the baseline ache that seemed to plague him most days right now.
Rolling to his side, Tommy pawed at the bedside table, reluctantly squinting his eyes back open to successfully unplug his phone from its charger without knocking over the glass of water that had mysteriously materialized sometime between last night and this morning, a bright orange Post-It note stuck it.
"You'll feel better after you shower" it informed him happily in Evan's scrawling handwriting. Tommy slung an arm over his eyes, dropping onto his back to smile begrudgingly at the ceiling.
Tommy took a moment to steady himself on the vanity, shoulders bowing as his head hung forward. It grated that he still felt this shaky on his feet, knuckling at his eye until he saw stars and forced himself to straighten up.
"Don't push yourself"
The note was a bright, cheery orange, stuck straight to the mirror square at Tommy's eye level. A smudge of what he suspected was toothpaste lingered at the top corner where Buck must have pressed it down while still brushing his teeth.
"You're not home, you're not the boss of me," Tommy muttered, though he made a point of relaxing his shoulders before pushing off the counter to stare down his next hurdle: The shower.
"The shower chair is your friend :)" The note stuck to the glass door informed him.
The shower had helped wash the layer of slime Tommy always feels accumulated when he spent too long at home. 'Languishing' he'd told Evan last night, stretched out in a pathetic heap on top of him on the couch. Evan's laugh in his ear had helped cut down some of the misery.
Achieving more than that today was starting to seem dubious, Tommy already starting to loose steam as he made his way into the kitchen. Standing dumbly by the island for a moment, head filled with static. The brain fog was almost enough to make Tommy miss the dizzy spells, like his mind was hitting a wall and simply stopping any time he tried to complete a thought, train of thought taking a short, sharp drop like it'd had its engine cut.
A flash of orange caught his attention, on the cabinet next to the fridge:
"Take your meds. With food this time."
Right, of course, he knew that, Tommy thought flatly, blinking away the haze and pulling out his pill organizer, a matching blue to Evan's white and black one. Monday's compartment was already popped open on Evan's and Tommy thumbed the flap of it for a moment, smiling softly at the image of Evan popping it open in one smooth motion like clockwork every morning.
There's more Post-Its in the fridge. Because of course there is.
Tommy managed to cobble together enough of a brunch, Evan's running Post-It commentary keeping his company as he pulled the pre-prepped 'brain foods' he'd started putting together the day Tommy was discharged.
"Omega-3's are good for your brain health!" The note on the Tupperware of salmon and broccoli informed him happily before Tommy pulled it off to load it into the microwave.
Food and meds taken care of, Tommy was already feeling worlds better as he set himself up on their couch, though not before nearly sitting on a dark chocolate bar someone had stashed on top of a folded blanket on one of the cushions. Tommy was sure the orange note proclaiming it as a "Sweet treat for my sweet treat" left no clue who might have done so.
Another note stuck to the remote informed him of a list of TCM movies Evan had set to record for him (with a reminder not to overdo it with the screentime). Leaning back, Tommy shook his head at the ceiling again, rolling his eyes even as a surge of heat rose up inside his chest, like he'd slipped into a warm bath. Safe and loved.
Tommy reached for his phone; maybe it was time to have that afternoon check in a little early.
Buck braced the door with his thumb on the jab as he pressed it closed, gratified by the near silent click of the lock. With any luck, Tommy would still be sleeping and Buck could join him without disturbing him.
It'd been a long shift, made longer with the background worry of Tommy being home alone. Tommy was tough, as hard-headed as they came as he'd assured Buck, but Buck still ached to leave him for so long when he was hurting, muscles immediately unclenching just by sheer virtue of being back in proximity.
Tommy was easy to spot, still and breathing softly on his back on his side of the bed (like a mummy, Buck liked to tease him), blankets clutched tight to his chest. Buck smiled at the sight of orange paper gathered at Tommy's bedside, notes carefully arranged together in a neat stack.
Changing quickly, Buck finally slid into bed next to him, snuggling in. His arm was already raised to throw across Tommy's chest when he felt something crinkle under his cheek. Buck blinked, shifting back up to pull the Post-It from where it'd stuck to the side of his face, smiling at Tommy's cramped writing in the dim light. Tommy was always better with words than Buck was. Straight and to the point.
"I love you"
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stuck-in-jelly · 26 days ago
Seeing pre-season 3 fanart of Soren and Claudia always feels like this
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squalamander · 7 months ago
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do u get me
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sn33zy · 3 months ago
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who is this guy does anybody knwo
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more sketches below😇
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