psychosomaticbarbie · 2 years
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dynamitekansai · 2 months
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giffordmayfair · 2 years
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ohmuqueen · 1 year
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Edit: here is where you can report the incident to SM Entertainment: https://kwangya119.smtown.com
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
Alicent trying so hard to cling to any semblance of moral decency while slowly realizing that everyone around her is just as bad as if not way worse than the people they're supposedly trying to "protect the realm from" is actually something that can be so personal
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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yeah he fking chucked that mook at Ace
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well suRpRIsE sUrpRIse
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phantomyre · 11 months
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When fans come knocking...
"Get yer own goddamn Vampire, you little sh*theads! I found him first!"
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yourlocal-edgelord · 4 months
more batfam as shit me and my friends say part 4:
Jason: ngl voldemort could just thrown harry from a roof when he was a baby instead of using magic, skill issue tbh
Tim: Nd also like harry couldv’e just shot voldemort? Guns exist Another skill issue
Dick: Gitchee gitchee goo
Jason: wtf is that
Tim: ig it doesn't apply to me? it sounds like a thing from the olden days, like a childhood memory
Jason: it sounds like a baby word
Dick: i feel so dissapointed
Duke: Lowkey we could make a podcast and it would be trending bc it would be the stupidest shit anyones ever heard.
Steph: Honestly tho Podcast name? The sh¡theads
Jason: Im down
Tim: sounds cool
Tim: I dont wanna workkk
Damian: too bad you have to
Tim: I cant though your best friend keeps trying to suck my blood
Jason: Damian has friends??
Tim: 🦟
Prev - next
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Wednesday, June 28.
Let's face it, we simply do not deserve trees. We have everything to thank them for, quite literally. After all, they reduce the 'greenhouse effect' by removing harmful carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen. Each and every year, a single mature tree will produce adequate oxygen for ten entire people. They are also an effective sound barrier, capable of limiting noise pollution, and recent research has revealed that they can also help reduce the stress of modern life. Well, we are happy to offer some more evidence from a primary research source, from us to you. There is simply nothing we like better than to nestle beneath a tree on a bright, colorful day, relax into the trunk, and relax, fingers between blades of grass.
Alone? It's great. With people? Also excellent. With a book? Exquisite. With music? What could be better. With none of the above, just the endless pleasures of looking and listening? Yes please. There are few pleasures as simple, yet profound, as watching the interplay of light and shadow beneath the leaves of trees. It's a little like watching the flow of a green river. We could go on, but time spent waxing lyrical is time you should be sitting beneath a big green bad boi.
Here's crunch time: people, being the sh*theads we are, clear millions of forested acres every year. Often for short-term rewards, like silly money, despite the long-term risks like desertification, wildlife declines, and climate change. Earth now has 46% fewer trees than 12,000 years ago, when agriculture was in its infancy. All is not lost, however. Here's a handful of links to tree conservation charities, and if you like what you see, here is a more comprehensive list.
The National Forest Foundation (NFF)
One Tree Planted
Trees for the Future (TREES)
Plant With Purpose 
Eden Reforestation Projects (Eden)
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mooninagust · 1 year
the key to enjoying shows is putting away your morals and just enjoying things, yea they're problematic, yea they're violent, yea they're sh!theads, but it's all fiction baby
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nightfire8132 · 3 months
I've been thinking about when David and Angel started dating, I'm pretty sure that David would want to keep his relationship on the down low/a secret from the rest of his pack until he was sure that It was serious for a handful of reasons,
one, David had resigned himself to being alone after becoming alpha and was taking a pretty big gamble by going out with Angel,
two Angel is unempowered and It's hard enough to remember to censor what you say, it's nearly impossible to control what other people might accidentally let slip.
Three as much as David would definitely deny it, he's shy and might not feel comfortable telling his friends about his new crush until he knows it's serious.
With all that being said, I think that Asher would not only be the first one to notice that David was acting differently, BUT he would notice the change almost immediately, Asher would notice that on some days David seemed to be in a better/happier mood,
(Asher) so what's got you in a chipper mood this morning? (in an annoying tone)
(David) I'm not "chipper" I'm the same way I am every morning.
(slightly annoyed)
(Asher) (laughs) Right!
He would also notice a handful of other things, like David, would leave work at a reasonable hour instead of working well into the night.
David would also occasionally have plans that didn't involve trying to work himself to death.
Asher would notice that David is not only paying more attention to his phone but even smiling. I can imagine Asher trying to sneak a peak at David's phone.
(Asher) What ya look at?
(David) none of your business Ash! (hiding his phone)
(Asher) Oh come on buddy it's got to be good if it got you smiling.
(David) I'm not smiling.
(Asher) well, not anymore....
(David) I wasn't smiling. (walks away)
(Asher to himself) he was definitely smiling.
I've also seen this headcanon that says that before Angel whenever David and Asher went anywhere together, they always took David's truck and no matter where they were going or who was with them Asher always had the front seat, and he likes his seat all the way back and down, while Angel is the opposite and has their seat all the way up and forward. So I can just imagine that once after David spent the day with Angel he had to pick up Asher for whatever reason, and he forgot to put the seat back, and when Asher carelessly got in the car he hit his knees on the dashboard.
(Asher internally thinking) What the f*ck is wrong with this seat?
(looks over at David) did you have Milo in here?
(David) No.
(Asher puts the seat back and smells Angel's perfume/clone/fragrance) did you get a new air freshener or spray this seat down or something?
(David) No.
(Asher putting the pieces together) did you have someone in here?
(David) No.
(Asher) you had to of had someone in here, why else would the seat be like this? So who was it?
(David) none of your business Ash!
(Asher) oh, so you admit that someone was in here?
(David) No, shut up and put your seat belt on sh*thead.
(Asher stares at David suspiciously)
after that, I think Ash would tell the rest of the pack that he thinks that David is seeing someone, but most of the pack wouldn't be convinced. I feel like they would've probably had a bet.
Just my overthinker head at work.
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varenykmeson · 4 months
(spoiler warning for the first Gungrave game, Gungrave Overdose, Trimax and the Trigun 98 anime I guess??)
Look, I know everyone and their grandma has made a comparison post between Wolfwood and Bunji but do you know what's even worse? The first time Wolfwood kicks the bucket ever is in the 98 anime by fighting his mentor, getting shot and then dying in an abandoned church.
Meanwhile what does Bunji do the first time he keels over in Gungrave ? That's right, he fights his mentor, gets shot and dies in an abandoned church (with slight nuance but still).
(Also don't forget that the second time both of these sh*theads meet their ends (in Trigun Maximum and Gungrave Overdose respectively), it's partially thanks to the involvement of their respective white-haired younger brothers they hadn't seen in ages.)
Anyway, what the f*ck Nightow.
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ikaroony · 1 year
I googled fish-based alternatives to cuss words and there weren’t any, so here’s my list:
holy [f*ck/sh*t/etc] - holy mackerel
omg - oh my gar
oh sh*t - oh sharks
d*mn - dab
G**d*mn - ghost shark
d*ck - dace
motherf*cker - mudsucker
a**hole - algae eater
c*nt - cusk
f*ck - frogfish
f*cking - flying *(as in flying fish)*
f*cking - flipping (when not combined with a fish)
sk*nk - skate
sl*t - slimy scuplin
wh*re - weever
[c*ck/d*ck]sucker - sharksucker
sh*thead - sheepshead
b*astard - basslett
also, for insults saying “you [negative adjective] [descriptive adjective] [any fish species]” also works:
you dirty little pupfish
you disgusting incoherent goldfish
you nasty blonde minnow-lover
you stupid short-sided pufferfish
you dim-witted pale marlin
hope this helps!! please reblog with more :3
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bleucaesura · 6 months
While Loona stormed around the apartment, tearing drawers open, rifling through papers, and swearing, Octavia was in the tiny kitchen boiling water for tea. Stolas stood awkwardly rooted in place where he’d come through the portal.
He felt unsure of how Blitzø would feel to find out that he had been in his home. Especially when Blitzø hadn’t been there himself.
I’m here out of worry. Anyone would do the same. It’s not weird…. It’s NOT weird.
Stolas allowed himself a peek around the room. He noticed the photos on the walls.
He almost forgot he wasn’t alone until Loona slammed her bedroom door - as indicated by the “do not enter” and “Loona’s Room” signs on the door - and started screaming at someone on the other end of the phone. Stolas hazarded a guess it was Blitzø’s colleague Moxxie.
Octavia handed her father a “Boss B*tch” mug with hot tea inside.
“Loona says Blitzø had a hard childhood”
Stolas was startled and looked down at Octavia.
“What do you mean?”
“I asked about the pictures because I was curious too.” Octavia gestured to the photos. “Why he’s scribbled out of every image.”
Stolas’s heart clenched. He looked back to the photos on the walls.
Why would anyone want to destroy his beautiful face like this?
Stolas didn’t notice Octavia watching him closely.
“Loona hasn’t told me much. But I guess he had a sh*tty dad and lost his mother when he was a teen.”
Stolas felt his heart break for Blitzø. He desperately wished he could hug him at that moment.
“He’s the one who took himself out of all the pictures”
Stolas nearly spilt his tea.
“What? Who did?”
“He did.” Octavia pointed at Blitzø’s blacked out face next to Loona’s in a frame.
Stolas stared at his daughter in horror.
“Bli… Blitzø defaced himself in all these photos?” Stolas stammered.
Octavia nodded.
But why?
Stolas didn’t have time to wonder before Loona came thundering out of her room
“Can you portal us to I.M.P? Mox and Millie will meet us there.”
“Yes. Of course”
“I just gotta grab some sh*t and we’ll go.” Loona stormed off.
“Yes Via?”
“I hope he’s ok.”
“Me too sweetheart. Me too”
“Here” Loona tossed a cellphone at Stolas. “When we find the sh*thead he may need ANOTHER phone, so here’s one of his backups. It might also be helpful in finding him.”
Stolas looked at Loona confused.
“Go through it?” She and Octavia looked at each other as if they were silently saying “I mean DUH!” between the two of them.
Stolas turned a bright shade of red and started to bluster “I couldn’t possibly! That would be such a violation of his privacy!”
“Come on, Dad!” Octavia snatched the phone out of his hands and started swiping through it. “Get over it already.”
Stolas squawked in horror and tried to grab the phone back from Octavia. But this quickly turned into a very fun game of keep-away until Stolas was face down in the carpet, legs in the air and out of breath.
“Mmf?” Stolas mumbled from the floor as he fumbled to get himself upright again.
“You really should look at this”
Octavia handed Stolas the phone. She pointed at the photos app. Stolas saw there were very few photos inside, maybe only two dozen or so. He was surprised.
Stolas opened the app. And then he almost dropped the phone.
Octavia cupped Stolas’s hands as he held the phone, making sure he had a proper grip on it before letting go. He smiled at her through tearful eyes and thanked her.
Stolas looked at the first photo in Blitzø’s album. The first photo of so few photos. And Blitzø had even favourited it…
It was a selfie of the two of them in bed. Stolas was fast asleep curled around Blitzø and Blitzø had taken a photo of them without Stolas’s knowledge. But what made this the best photo Stolas had ever seen of Blitzø, was Blitzø’s smile. Small, drowsy and genuine… A smile he’d never seen on Blitzø before. Stolas’s heart was doing crazy flips inside his chest.
I didn’t know he could make this sort of face around me. Is… Is it BECAUSE of me?…
“You see it now?” Loona asked. Arms crossed, eyebrow cocked and lips pursed.
“I.. I uh” Stolas was flustered. “I’m sorry… But, see what?… Exactly…?”
“The f*ck?…” Loona looked at Octavia. “How the f*ck are you so smart and your dad is such an oblivious dumba**?”
Loona immediately turned heel to face Stolas and threw up her hands after realizing what she’d said. “Ah… Ha! Yikes… Yeah… All due respect and all that Your Majesty.”
“Loona. Dear. Call me Stolas, please.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “And I'm pretty sure I can be an oblivious dumba**, can’t I Via?”
“Keep me out of this, please!” Octavia called from the kitchen.
“Well. Enough of this. Do you have what you need Loona, dear?”
She nodded.
“You're ready, Via?”
Stolas clapped his hands together and opened them wide to reveal a portal.
“Ladies first”
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ask-eyefestation · 6 days
"FUCK no. Nope." *Brimstone just passes through the room, but not before using the flash beacon in their hand against the shark outside the window.*
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