#sewer diving
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your-mums-nuts · 10 months ago
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on-the-clear-blue · 14 days ago
Batman, sitting in a JL conference room, looking like he is about to throw up or spontaneously combust, (he got hit with some kinda spell in the battle and by God he can't wait till the debrief is done so he can go ask Rag-Man or Constantine to tell him what the fuck is wrong with him): Green Lantern, mediocre work once again, try to...hrnn...be better.
Superman, watching very concerned as Bruce is getting more and more pale but can't hear the trickle of bleeding or smell anything unusual with Bruce: B are you sure this can't wait till later? I am sure that we would be okay with-
Hal Jordan, snorting loudly: Spooky looks like he is about to shit himself Supes, I am pretty sure he finally realized he is just a guy in a costume!
Batman, giving his best bat galre: I have enough money to buy you. I can buy, oh god...I can buy a time...*labored breathing* time machine, use it to...to go back in time and fuck your mother so, shit...so I can be your father and leave you like you fucking deserve...
JL, jaws dropping as they had never seen Batman act like this: ...
Superman, standing up to help Bruce since he is clearly not doing well only can blink as he watches as the man starts to...shrink?: Oh no...
Bruce, batman regalia slowly growing looser, slipping off his head to reveal a much younger face: YOU ARE TEN POUNDS OF SHIT IN A ONE POUND BAG Y-YOU...You...where am I.
Oliver, sudden fear coursing through him: Oh god please not again, please don't be what I think it is...
Bruce "Brucie" Wanye, 15 years old, pure and utter jackass, rudest and most kind child, used to buy bars so he could get in for free and drink, that did so many random pills in the 90s: Who the fuck are you all? I don't think they had strippers that looked as fugly as you bitches...wait...did I get kidnapped? Oh god this is the worst, Alfie isn't going to let me live this down, kidnapped by guys dressed up as clowns...
Green Arrow, close to tears as his bully/best friend is brought back: Oh it's Brucie...fuck my life.
Flash, laughing his ass off: T-this..this is too good o-oh my god...
Brucie, looking down at himself: why am I dressed like a depressed Leather Daddy? (Looks up) Are we in space? (Pauses for a moment, looking mildly impressed) note to self, take my bathroom pills and go to space.
Oliver, picking up his phone while crying, reverting back to his old self: Mister A-Alfred? Um...Bruce ahh...he got reversed back to being like...15 and he is...yeah he is being mean again...you gotta make him stop...
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frnkiebby · 1 year ago
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one more balloon and he’d float away~🎃
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scootatwoni · 1 year ago
I've never forcefully woken myself as fast as when I'm in a dream where I'm underwater
Fuck that shit, get me OUTTA there
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incomingfenderbender · 1 year ago
Normalize barking at pretty men until they get scared and scamper off like little squirrels
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flamingpudding · 1 year ago
Glitterbombs for rogues
A/N: I got sick over the holidays. So I did not do any of the writing I originally wanted to do. So instead of that Christmas Story you get this Mark Rober inspired little tidbit.
Tim had a new favorite Engineer Youtube. The boy was a bit younger than him but a genius Engineer judging by the hand full of videos Tim had marathoned through. According to the listed self-introduction part of the video, Danny was currently an engineering student in Gotham with the goal to work one day for NASA. (Tim held out some hopes that he maybe could snag the kid for WE if possible. He had already sent out an internship offer after the third video he had watched)
Either way, Danny had potential and ideas that borderlined on mad science. But made his videos of his little projects even more entertaining and interesting to watch. Tim's favorite so far was Danny's explanation on how he reconstructed his toaster so that it would launch itself into space after the third his roommate burned toast with it. He did buy his roommate a new toaster at the end of the video though.
Still Tim liked this guy and his videos. So with anticipation he clicked on one of the newer videos. The title having caught his attention: 'Why Glitter'.
Instead of the usual introduction bit with little highlights of Danny's previous project the video started out with a big fat warning in red letter to not attempt to replicate anything in the video. That had Tim very curious already, but then a little video clip following that had Tim spitting out the coffee he was just sipping from.
Thankfully he missed spitting on his phone, still he jumped out of his cozy bed where he had been watching YouTube on his phone and hurried over to his laptop. The video, meanwhile, was continuing playing. He could hear the usual music from the introduction part as well as Danny's voice explaining his reasosn -which were valid, Tim had to agree with some of them- once that part was done.
By now he had fired up his laptop and was researching. The video in the background was explaining how Danny had build his Glitterbombs similar to the once another youtuber had but slightly modified them since he was not going to use fart-spray. Tim eyes widened as he found the first correlating news articles, wondering how they hadn't seen them sooner, but a glance at the date revealed that they were only posted a couple of hours ago.
Danny in the video was no explaining about his fist chooses victim and Tim dived onto his bed from his desk to get his phone back in his hands. Wide eyed, he watched as Danny obviously with a GoPro strapped to his head, crawled through what looked like an air vent. Once he reached an opening he looked through the slits into what appeared to be Riddlers hide out. Danny took the Camara of his head so that he could grin into it making the sign for silence as he barely contained his own chuckles. The other then waited for a moment, the camera work now getting wonky and the video even glitching out but a second later Danny was back in focuse before pointing down and then directing the Camara to his view. There in Riddlers hideout now sat Danny's self engineered glitterbomb.
"No he didn't..." Tim muttered as the video cut to a different scene. Danny was now walking through the sewers, humming cheerfully while explaining why he chose who he choose.
Another cut and... Tim spluttered. How the hell did Danny manage to just walk into Arkam?! So he hadn't seen wrong at the beginning of the video.
Growing paller with every cut on how Danny delivered his self-engineered Glitter bombs, Tim started to fear for his new favorite youtubers safety. Thankfully he had already done his work on Danny's person when he sent the internship offer. Now he just needed to get Danny to freaking safty.
He dragged himself to his laptop still in disbelieve as various clips of the rogues getting glitterbombed from the bombs perspective started playing. And yep, he definitely didn't see wrong now in the beginning. The Joker was one of Danny's chooses victums. Aside from the fact that he was so going to download and save that video for eternity as well as share it with his brothers and friends, (because as funny as it was that most of them were Gotham rogues, Luther and another millionaire by the name of Masters had also been made victims.), he still had to figure out how to ensure this definitely insane youtubers safer from the warmth of 90% of their rogues now.
Great newly discovered favorite youtuber has just painted a big fat red target on himself.
Tim was just about to call everyone in when a bonus at the end of Danny's video started to play.
He recognized that safe house.
He recognizes the weapons displayed on the walls also.
Oh... that's...
Still laughing Tim still sent out a message to everyone. When asked why all he did was sent them the link to the video with to timestamps.
The first one of the Joker getting glitterbombed
The second one being Red Hood getting glitterbombed.
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malwaredykes · 8 months ago
some of the things i want in the Fallout New Vegas Remake Thats Not Gonna Happen But Already Exists In My Head And Has These
the followers of the apocalypse leftist route of course
more companion quests. i want a bigger more robust lily quest especially i need more of her i want to know more about her. if dr henry succeeds at developing the stealthboy sickness cure and she begins to regain clarity i want to see that. more lily. shes 203 years old and used to be an assassin please
The Sewers. it took me a couple playthrus at first to even realize there was a sprawling sewer network under new vegas. people living there and all. its clear they were gonna do more with it. it should be LIVED IN there should be apartments and markets and pubs and dive bars and so on. im thinking something like a vivec city cantons situation. also everything in there is on very literal social contract rules theres no Ownership of any part of the sewer if you live there you live there and if anyone tries to be a landlord they get beaten to death with hammers. oh and you should be able to get to the strip thru the sewers like that should be an option.
if you sell arcade to caesar to make him perform the surgery then regardless of your other choices theres always a 30% chance that while operating on caesar arcade decides to blow up the oxygen tank and make the whole thing explode killing everyone inside the tent and possibly you as well. you cant solve this by reloading because the secret dice roll happens when making your character actually. the achievement you get for surviving this is Fuck The Hippocratic Oath
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sweeneydino · 10 months ago
Ghost Leo: …Why is little me crying on the floor?
Ghost Donny: *shrugs* He was apparently a huge Trekkie.
Ghost Leo: Well he’s been crying for an hour, we need to do something to stop him crying!
~~~~~One mysterious ghost montage later~~~~~~
April: Okay, well take care of Leo until next patrol, guys. I haven’t seen him this mopey…in like ever.
Donnie: Don’t worry, Sensei’s going to have a talk with him. And I got permission to go dumpster diving with Raph to look for a replacement TV this week.
April: That’s good. *phone chimes* Oh, that’s my Dad. Gotta go, see you guys tomorrow?
Donnie: Yep, bye April!
*April leaves*
*Titan appears behind, Donnie.*
Titan: What was that about?
Donnie: GAH—SWEET NEWTON, Sewer apples!
Don’t sneak up on me like that.
Titan: My question still stands.
Donnie: Firstly, if you’re going to be living with us, could try not to do that?
Titan: Sorry kid, Ninja’s gotta Ninja
Donnie: *sighs and rolls eyes* There was an incident earlier where in the middle of Leo’s Space Heroes Marathon, the TV short circuited (which stills befuddles me how it happened! Everything was in work order!! ) and it somehow destroyed the VHS player. Leo’s been upset and for some reason Mikey’s freaking out going around with table salt throwing it on everything.
Donnie: So it would be an understatement right now to say that today’s been a…day.
Titan: Ah, I see. Well, I’ll go on them then.
*Titan leaves and comes across the TV room pit, where there’s a suspiciously new tv with a note hanging off of it*
*Some of the ink on the note was smeared but leaving a semi-readable letter*
*And a new set of SpaceHeroes season one through twelve. Unfortunately in DVD, and not VHS*
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The idea that 2012! Leo is emotionally attached to the TV is precious to me.
Soon Titan will find out.... soon.
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remedyturtles · 6 months ago
not a single person here who's worthy
@tmnt-write-fight gift fic for @duckythetoddscout for their first prompt:
Batman crossover- Dick Grayson (any age), or any other batkids really, meeting the turtles. Any iteration.
wordcount: 2844
this is the absolute peak of self indulgence, as i've been into batfam for over ten years, so this prompt sung to me. i really hope you like where i took this haha :) title from idle worship by paramore. warnings for kinda panic attack but otherwise nothing big.
If asked, Leo would claim that he'd borrowed one of Donnie's tablets so he could watch deep-dive video essays.
And he did. Sometimes. But mostly, he'd poked Donnie into info-dumping about the different tracking apps he'd developed so Leo could set it up and watch for anything... weird.
It was a totally normal reaction. Even though he'd had to listen to Donnie explain that blah blah blah mathematical model of a four dimensional continuum measuring relativistic effects -- whatever. What mattered was, Donnie had a map of New York corresponding to a graph of time-space-junk, and if it spiked, shit was happening. And it was so totally normal of Leo to sleep with that graph playing on the tablet next to his head. Just to make sure that nothing weird was going on. Right?
Yeah. Right. So totally normal. Which was why he told absolutely no one about his quiet little obsession, and why he more often than not laid awake staring at the screen instead of sleeping.
He'd grown used to the little anomalies, after sneaking out multiple times to check on blips. He'd yet to find any connection, whether it was latent mystic energies or some weird science thing due to gravity, he had no idea. Leo stopped having an irrational lurch of panic in his stomach at the small fluctuations on the screen. However it did not prepare him for the huge spike he saw at two thirty in the morning when he should've been sleeping after a long night of patrol. He'd almost convinced himself to fall asleep, too, when the screen suddenly lit in a red flare twenty times the size of any anomaly he'd seen so far, right in middle of Soho.
Leo's blood went cold. His brain ran through multiple possibilities, as his body moved, grabbing his swords and lighting up in an instant -- portalling directly to the coordinates.
The air was sparking when Leo emerged. Crackling pops of electricity fluttering to the ground. And despite what Leo's brain was anticipating, there was no pink fleshed aliens, there was no mechanical suits lit with red, there was only a groan from the rooftop, distinctly human and annoyed.
For a too-long moment, Leo's brain sprinted to catch up with his body, as he'd left his sense in the sewers. He was still wearing the hoodie he'd slept in and his swords were cooling down from his frantic portal. He was barely awake, despite the stop-start surge of panic, and it was damn lucky that there wasn't some alien waiting here for him, as he was woefully unprepared. And alone. What had he thought he was going to do?
"Well, shit." The person laying on the roof said. He was crackling with his own electricity, sparks fading slow, and appraising Leo with a watchful eye.
Which. Now that Leo was pivoting to the human beside him, was dressed quite… unique. A black body suit, with blue stripes arching finger to finger over his shoulders. And a mask on his face, hiding his eyes completely, with a head of dark hair. When Leo looked at him, he grinned. 
"Hi. Are you the welcoming committee?" The stranger asked. 
"I'm…" Leo shook his head, gathering his bearings, and extended his sword out to face the intruder. "Something like that. Who are you? Where did you come from?"
Bemusedly, the stranger raised his hands up, showing himself unarmed. "I'm not recognizable? Have I landed somewhere that doesn't have heroes?"
Heroes. Leo's hand shook for a moment, as his body struggled to keep the sword up. That was a concept Leo really didn't want to think about, especially not at two in the morning when he'd been scared half to death thinking for a split second that the Kraang had returned and he was a failure to everyone who ever had the misfortune of believing in him. 
"That's… we don't have anyone like you." Leo decided to answer, instead of claiming himself to be one. 
"Is everyone in this universe green?" The hero asked, cheerful about it. Even though Leo could tell he was still sizing him up, shifting into a better position. 
"Not many." Leo said, flat. "Mostly human. Like you are, I'm assuming."
"Human. Unless you ask my brother after I've subjected him to the fifth Disney movie in a row, at which point I'm apparently considered a monster. Any chance we could lower the sword now? I'm promise I'm one of the good guys. Here, let me introduce myself. I'm Nightwing." Heedless of the sword, Nightwing stuck out his hand to shake. 
Leo juggled conflicting desires, wanting to stay on guard versus wanting to play along and gain information, and compromised by lowering the sword but not taking the hand.
Nightwing didn't actually seem to expect him to, pulling away just to lean back on his palms and look at the skyline. "Woah, is this New York? It's been ages since I've been here, but you don't forget that view."
"Where are you from, then?" Leo prodded, keeping his sword at his side, ready. Tense. Feeling small and kind of stupid in the hoodie that was too big for him with the effortless sheen of the costume before him. 
"Gotham City."
"Never heard of it."
"Strike two for alternate dimension. That's fine. I won't be here long anyway." 
"No?" Leo wondered.
Nightwing seemed to be enjoying the view, unbothered by his armed welcoming party and no longer sparking with energy. "We were fighting a gentleman who installed a dimension hopper into his weaponry, so there's contingency plans in place. As soon as my family is done kicking his ass they'll swing by and pick me up. I give them… twenty minutes. Maybe half an hour, if Babybird and Little D get arguing without me to break it up."
Leo couldn't help but glance around at the scenery, trying to see what had enraptured the hero so much. All he could focus on was the construction cranes and the holes in the skyline where they'd lost infrastructure during the invasion. If Nightwing truly hadn't been to New York in a long time, maybe he didn't know the difference. Or maybe it was different in his universe altogether. 
"Your whole family are heroes?" Leo asked instead.
"Everyone of them." Nightwing's mouth twitched at the corner. "Even the ones who maybe should've waited a little longer before getting into the family business, but who am I to judge?"
Leo got the impression he'd been doing the gig a long time himself, just from the lazy grace that he carried in the suit. Reluctantly, he let the swords relax at his sides completely.
"Those are beautiful katannas." Nightwing complimented. 
"Thanks." Leo said reflexively. He held up the blades, marvelling for a moment how the ninpo markings disappeared and left no trace.
"You popped over here pretty quick. I wasn't expecting my appearance to make any waves. The last time this happened I ended up taking a nap on a beach for a couple hours. Welcoming committee, protector of the universe, whatever you wanna call it." 
Leo was already shaking his head. "That's not me. I just… I stole some of my brother's tech and I was just watching for any time-space bullshit and caught the wave you made. So I portalled over to make sure it wasn't something coming to take over the world, or whatever. It's stupid."
"Doesn't sound stupid." Nightwing smiled at him, and it kinda hurt for some reason. "Well, hey, you better stick around and make sure I don't take over the world in the probable-twenty-five minutes I spend in this universe. Have a seat, kid, pull up some roof." 
"I'm not a kid." Leo protested, but slowly lowered himself to sit, folding his swords over his knees and tugging at the edge of his big hoodie. 
"You're what, seventeen?" Nightwing guessed, right on the money without even trying. "Same age as my second youngest brother, though he's probably a bad example on what does and does not constitute a kid since he was briefly the world's youngest CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. The point is, I'm twenty-four, and I've been doing this hero biz for more than half my life, and I can give you some hot tips if you want."
"I'm not a hero." Leo immediately denied, tongue feeling big in his mouth and heart going too-fast. 
"You don't need a fancy suit to be a hero. You just need to show up when things need protecting." Nightwing gestured at him. "And look at that! Here you are."
"Not me." Leo's face burned and he didn't want this guy to get the wrong idea. "Maybe my brothers are heroes, but I'm the screw up. I'm just trying to… make up for my mistakes." 
"Ah." Nightwing's smile tinted a new colour. Shaded sad. "Listen, kid. What's your name?"
"I don't have a superhero name like yours." Leo said. 
"Hell, there's no secret identity to protect here. My real name is Dick. Well, Richard. But my friends call me Dick." 
Oh come on. Leo had to do it. He quirked a little smile and asked, "How do you get Dick from Richard?"
"You ask nicely!" Dick crowed, delighted. "Oh, thank you! No one ever sets me up for that one anymore."
Leo chuckled, shoulder loosening, and said, "It's Leonardo. Just Leo is fine though."
"Da Vinki?" Dick memed in a pretend gasp. 
He couldn't help but laugh again. "Yeah, that's me. All my brothers and I are named after renaissance artists. Or, alternatively, by our colour coding. So I'll answer just as fast to 'blue'."
"Hell yeah blue." Dick wiggled his blue finger stripes at him. "Got a red brother? Mine is a pain in the ass. I love him but if he 'borrows' my motorbike without asking one more time I'm gonna make origami out of his classic lit collection."
"Red brother, yeah. That's Raph. I'm probably more of a pain to him than he is to me. And he's not into books, that's Donnie. Books and tech." 
"Ah, tech is all Tim. The walking contradiction – genius level IQ who dropped out of high school. Picture a kid skateboarding in a suit to his board meetings. Though I'm not sure what colour we'd assign to him now, probably yellow since Jason's got a pretty firm hold on red." Dick tapped off his fingers, looking fond. 
Leo hummed and said, "Yeah, Don's purple, and my youngest isn't yellow but orange. Mikey's like that too – bright like the sun. Loves with everything he has. Joy and warmth and all that."
Dick burst out laughing so hard he had to hold his stomach, and dramatically wiped a tear away. "Oh, boy, yeah. No. The similarities very much end there. Our youngest is a baby assassin who we have to remind daily that he cannot maim people for minor inconveniences. But he's doing great, really. He's come so far from where he started. And despite the severe exterior, he really loves animals and art."
"Hey, there's something. Mike loves art. Actually, do you wanna see? I've got pictures on my phone." Leo tapped his foot at top speed, a little excited, because he never got to interact with normal people who didn't already know Mikey and get the opportunity to show off his talent like this. 
"Hell yeah I do." Dick shuffled closer, leaning in to see his phone and exclaiming over the bright pieces Leo had treasured in his camera roll. Then Dick showed off some remarkably lifelike pencil art pieces done by his youngest brother on his own phone, as well as the zoo of animals apparently he kept. Including a cow? 
"Are you the oldest?" Leo asked, when Dick made a comment about 'all his baby siblings'.
"I am. There's more of us, a couple sisters and another brother, but I'm the oldest of all of them." Dick didn't seem too concerned. "Let me guess, you're the second oldest?"
"Depends on what order my twin and I are deciding on for the day, but yeah. Raph's the oldest." Leo said with a shrug. 
"That makes sense." Dick said. 
Leo scowled and tried to elbow him. "What makes you say that?"
Dick dodged effortlessly and huffed. "You remind me of my second oldest brother. He feels like he has a lot to prove. And no idea that we don't need him to prove it, we'd just rather he was there."
Leo wrinkled his nose. "Dude. Come on. You don't have to put me on blast like that."
"Sorry." Dick laughed. "I'm a detective. And I'm really bad at turning it off, especially when I jump into a alternate dimension faced with a kid in a hoodie and a sword who's shaking way too hard to be doing okay."
Shit. That was a bad first impression. Leo groaned and covered his face with his hands. 
"Can I ask you one thing, though?" Dick wondered. 
"Might as well. Dig the knife in." Leo mumbled. 
"Why did you come alone? If your brothers are more like heroes than you, why is it just you in the middle of the night?"
"I wasn't thinking." Leo said, too quick, and it wasn't really the truth. He sighed. "I told you, I'm just trying to make up for my mistakes. They… they didn't need to be dragged into this if I could just fix it myself." 
"Hm. Well, get ready for the hot tip, because once I'm in big brother mode there's no stopping me. I told you that being a hero is showing up when people need protecting, but being a hero for a long time is not showing up alone. You shouldn't be wandering around New York by yourself to face an unknown threat, especially if you're not ready for it." Dick leaned in closer, rather serious. 
Leo shook his head, annoyed, turning away and tugging at the end of his sleeve. "Now you're really reminding me of Raph. Now all you need is a hot temper."
"Oh, believe me, I've got that too." Dick winked, but there was a severity that rang true. "But that's not necessary in this moment. If I'm your Raph and you said that you're more of a pain to him than he is to you, then yeah, you're my Jason. But listen. I don't care that Jason's made mistakes. Because that kid suffered more than anyone could believe, but he came back to us, and he is trying. And there's no amount of pain that he could cause me that would ever eclipse how much more I love him."
That was… seriously uncomfortably close to his own experiences. Just thinking about the idea of suffering sounded a lot like the snap of a portal closing him into hell. And coming back from it, and trying to be the hero he never could. 
"You don't have to prove anything to them." Dick said, quietly. "They'd just rather you were there. And if your tech brother is half as good as mine, he probably knew the moment the energy spiked and I bet they're wondering where you are."
It was that moment that Leo realized he'd left his phone in his bedroom, plugged in and charging, and if they had been trying to contact him he'd have no idea. He groaned and covered his face again. "Shit."
"Go home." Dick said. "My ride'll be here any minute." 
"Yeah. Yeah." Leo shook his head, like he was trying to shake out the cobwebs. There was no way Donnie hadn't realized what he was doing with the tablet now, he was going to have some explaining to do, especially at the part where he ran off to deal with a threat entirely alone without telling anyone where he was going. He gave Dick a sideways glance and said, "Your Jason loves you too, you know. He's stealing your motorbike so you'll have to talk to him. We always listen more when you're yelling because that's when we think you're telling the truth."
"Maybe I'll yell at him more how much I love him, then." Dick shrugged, amused. "Get it through his thick skull."
"Thanks for being patient." Leo said, and realized in that moment he probably really needed to verbalize that one to Raph. 
"Thanks for coming home." Dick replied, sadder. 
Behind them, the rooftop shimmered with a different portal.
"Ah, great timing. They're early, someone must've gotten antsy." Dick grinned, hopping up to his feet with an acrobatic stretch. "Hey, Leonardo?"
"Yeah?" Leo said, getting up too.
"It was great to meet another hero." Dick saluted, approaching his portal.
Leo's mouth was dry. He nodded back, and said with a small croak, "Yeah. You too."
He watched until Dick disappeared. Then before he could summon his own portal, he heard three voices gasp, "Leo!" before he was tackled to the ground. 
His hands were shaking again as he held onto them. He didn't really have to go home, when home came to him.
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kastalani123 · 9 months ago
Having Mr D thoughts.
What if he's like. Extra Bitter about his punishment because:
1) These modern demigods have it so easy, with Camp and Thalia's barrier and the Mist and the monsters' reduced powers and on and on with all of the world's developments
Like, yes, this batch in particular got impossibly unlucky, with two wars and the Triumvirate's bullshit happening in the span of not even a decade, but they still get to go to school. Sure, there's always a monster here or there, but that's nothing in light of having a home where they feel safe and not having to constantly travel because if just one monster finds where you're staying, you're doomed so you have to leave immediately. And the monsters are weaker now, too, because people don't remember and believe in them in the same capacity as back in ye' old days!
And there's always something around, some building or bus or whatnot the demigods can use to their advantage, rather than being stranded on a mountain or in the middle of a forest. They don't even have to hunt, or go hungry for months at a time, because there's food everywhere — sure, there's demigods Fated for some dumpster diving and nights in sewers, but that's a minority.
And the humans around them are better, too! Child protection and the legal system are far from perfect, but for the most part, people won't turn a blind eye to you being tied up and kidnapped, or beaten into a pulp in the middle of the street for stealing.
(Your mother won't be convinced to disintegrate with you in her womb)
(You won't be confused about your very being during your childhood because you must hide from your stepmother, your identity unimportant in face of fear)
(Your aunt and uncle won't be driven to insanity and murder with no repercussions)
(You won't be hunted down since before you were even born)
But also
2) It still isn't easy, and they're still living in pain and dying young, and can the gods (him included) really not do anything about that?
The other gods don't get children in the way he does; they see extensions of themselves, weapons, people ready to take up arms in their name. But Dionysus once gnawed on fabric dolls and wooden teethers just the same as these new demigods, and though it's been millennia, growing up with death on every step leaves a lasting mark — especially when he has found kin in his wife about it.
So he knows: the eight-year-old girl is not stupid, immature, or cowardly for crying upon the first stains on her sword; the eleven-year-old boy is not defective because of a burst of random emotion; the fifteen-year-old girl is not foolish for clinging to her toys whenever she can; the sixteen-year-old boy is not weak for getting hurt and not remaining stoic about it.
He was like that once upon a time, too, and is the point not for it to get easier? Has it really not yet been enough time for it to be easy?
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matchapancaekes · 6 months ago
I think about a Wyll-Durge-Karlach polycule every day.
It’s two golden retrievers and a scrungily black cat they found in the sewers.
It’s three people who are trapped in impossible situations, telling each other that they deserve to be free, that they deserve to live.
It’s Karlach teaching Wyll how to care for his horns, and Durge helping him style his hair as they talk and laugh, telling him how beautiful he is until one day he begins to believe it himself.
It’s Wyll telling them bedtime stories as they lay awake, Durge’s head aching and Karlach’s engine hissing, gently rubbing their backs as they all fall asleep in each other’s arms, safe and loved.
It’s Durge protecting them, in the big and small ways. A hand holding theirs before a big fight, a gentle forehead touch to remind them how precious they are, and, of course, offering the heads of their enemies on a silver platter if they but ask. No one will ever make their lovers cry again, not while they’re around.
It’s the three of them, on the tail of some of the worst battles of their lives, diving straight into Hell together without a moment’s hesitation.
If any group of origin characters should have been allowed to have a polycule, Wyll-Durge-Karlach are the only answer and I will accept no others.
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risestarkiss · 1 year ago
love ur blog!!! do u have any headcanons for the turtles’ star signs or myers briggs personality types?
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like my silly rambles! 💜
No, I don't know anything about those things, buuuuut I can discuss the types of DSM-5 personality disorders I think these boys may have!
Let's see 🤔:
Raphie might have a Cluster C (Anxious/Fearful) type personality disorder. I'm leaning towards "Dependent" if left up to his own devices, as seen in "Man vs. Sewer."
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However, when he's with his brothers I believe he masks and overcompensates for their sake.
Hence why his stuffed animals are so important to him as a form of self-comfort/self-soothing.
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Leonardo, in my opinion, has more of a Cluster B (Dramatic/Erratic) type personality disorder. For him, I would put my eggs in the "Histrionic" basket.
He's superficial, theatrical, and a touch attention-seeking.
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Yeah...just a touch.
Now for Donnie, he's clearly Cluster A (Odd/Eccentric). That's a given! Buuut, in my opinion, if you were to ask Donnie about his personality, he would believe he's "Schizoid:" prefers to be a loner, detached, and unemotional.
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...but none of that is true. Actually, he's the most emotional one in the group.
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Instead, I believe Donnie is actually "Schizotypal:" unusual thoughts, perceptions, & behaviors.
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It is what it is. 😌💜
As for the Mikester, I actually don't believe he has a cluster type personality disorder per se. I dived deep into that subject in my "Orange, Baby!" ramble.
But that doesn't mean he's not weird...
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Thanks for the ask! 💜
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foxaftershocks · 10 months ago
I don't if your okay with this but if its okay I'd lot to request another thing (I just can't get enough for your writings)
So basically this would take place during a battle similar to the final in frosen empie (or just go with the actual fight) and the reader had gone to try and help Phoebe but the sewer dragon tried to stop them which resulted in the getting hurt pretty badly but they just bearly managed to win and after everything was over and they laid eyes on lars they ran at eachother and held on tightly think that they'd lost eachother but of course they didn't.
Did my best to come up with an idea off of the prompt of: running into each other's arms after barely surviving
Keep requesting. I love it. I hope I did the prompt justice.
Your grip on your proton gun tightened, creeping through the tunnel. It felt too quiet. You’d been wandering for a few monists, looking for the next ghost that would spring out at you. It had been too long without a sighting. You were alone and on edge.
Turning the corner, you hefted the gun higher. Nothing. Another empty hall. You trudged forward, sweeping your gaze over the space in front of you. Trying to keep your footsteps silent, you crept forward, knuckles turning white from how tight your grip was.
A scream went up from somewhere in the distance. You bolted, not evening thinking about it. Your feet pounded through the tunnels, not bothering with keeping quiet as you tried to get to the scream in the rabbit warren under the building. You skidded around a corner, finding Phoebe with a proton stream coming close to your head. You ducked, swearing as you did your best to avoid the destruction tearing through the stone of the wall.
A high pitched giggle drew your attention to the huge ghost standing at the end of the tunnel. You rose as Phoebe swept back towards it, the panic clear on her face. You braced your feet, ready to use your own gun to help her.
A body burst through the ground between the two of you. Stumbling back, you cursed again, losing your footing. The sewer dragon, the same fucker that had been plaguing you for so long. You weren’t even near Hell’s Kitchen. It shouldn’t be there.
Jaws snapped at you. Rolling, you got onto hands and knees, trying to crawl away. The gun was abandoned in your desperation to put space between you and the ghost. your heart was thudding in your ears and you were desperate to get out of the way.
The tail flung around, catching you in the ribs, sending you flying. You slammed into the wall, your breath rushing out of your body. You fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Bracing your feet, you pushed up again, tugging on your proton pack to get your gun again.
Sending the proton stream towards the sewer dragon, you pressed against the wall, aching and bruised. The tail got caught by the stream. Thrashing against the hold of the stream, it let out a high pitched screech.
Its body slammed into the wall, sending a shockwave towards you. Falling forward, you caught yourself on your hands, unsteady and unbalanced. You rolled out of the way as it’s tail came down towards you.
“Phoebe,” you called out.
“Busy,” she shouted back.
Still around the corner, you could hear her own battle going on. A piece of rock fell, smashing into your shoulder. Your moment of distraction had been a mistake. You scrabbled away, trying to get back to your feet. Another shockwave went though the ground, making you have to stop to keep your balance.
Another piece of rock fell from above. You dived out of the way, grasping your gun. Letting a stream go free, you did your best to catch it, to stop it from moving. A thump, a crash, a cloud of dust rising int the air. A hacking cough came from you as you breathed it in, desperate for air in your lungs.
The sewer dragon screeched again, thrashing against the hold you had on it. You held on, letting yourself be dragged across the tunnel. You slammed into the far wall again but you held on. You had to deal with this and then you could go help Phoebe. This was your job. You had to do it. You had to go help the teenager and get the situation under control.
Jaws full of pointed teeth opened above you. You had to throw yourself out of the way or be caught up in them. The tail whipped out again and you found yourself flying through the air, still able to move you from the proton stream connecting you to it. Slamming into the ground, once, twice, three times, your finger slipped from the trigger and the stream cut off.
You ached, your entire body was one giant bruise. The breath had been knocked so far out of you it wasn’t clear if it was coming back. You wheezed, the dust in your lungs and your eyes burning. it was growing difficult to see and you were trying to drag air into your body.
Something cracked above you. You rolled onto your back, squinting through the dust and the darkness. Something fell, stone smashing into the ground beside you.
“Fuck,” you weren’t even aware of saying.
You tried to scramble away as stone continued to fall from above. Curling into a ball, you pressed against the wall, trying to keep out of the way of the collapse going on around you.
It took a long time for the world to settle around you. Looking up, opening your eyes, you found yourself in a small gap, stone keeping you blocked in. You pushed against one with your foot, not even able to extend your leg fully. It shifted slightly, but didn’t give. You tried again, pressing back against the wall to give yourself more leverage.
Someone shouted your name in the distance. You called out, hoping to get someone’s attention. You kept digging your fingers into the rocks, trying to pry them apart. You needed air. You needed escape. The walls were closing in on you.
Another rock shifted, over to your right. You cried out as one fell, striking your shoulder. Another rock shifted. Doing your best to help, you dragged rocks away, unable to duck away when a few fell towards you.
“Are you okay?” Phoebe asked, her face peering in at you as she kept hauling rocks away.
“I think that’s all relative,” you replied.
“We need to find the others,” she said.
Your mind flashed to the rest of the team. Gary, Callie, Trevor, Lucky. Lars. If something had happened to Lars you might not recover. You might lose your mind.
“Do you know what happened to them?” you asked, slow to climb out of the hole you’d been trapped in.
Lars rushed past, going after the sewer dragon after the earthquake stopped,” she said, “he told me to find you. I think Mum was heading to the surface.”
“Did you get him? The big guy?” you asked, leaning heavily on her.
“Yeah, I’ve got him,” she said, tapping the still smoking trap at her hip, “we should be done now. If the others did their part.”
“Let’s get out of here then.”
Every single part of you ached. You took slow steps with her, heading out, trying to find your way back to world. The rabbit warren worked against you, leading you in circles until sunlight began to break through from above.
You stumbled out, into the fresh air of the surface. You coughed again, trying to brush the dust from your eyes. Phoebe ducked out from under you, running off as she caught sight of her mom. You swayed, eyes scanning the crowd that had gathered, watching from a safe distance.
Your eyes alighted on a figure, standing hunched, gaze sweeping over the people. You straightened when he paused on you. One step forward then he broke out into a run. You began to limp towards him, going as fast as you could. The look of relief on Lars’ face became clearer the closer you got.
Flinging yourself at him, he caught you, lifting you off the ground. Your face was buried in his neck. Your legs around his waist, the aches unimportant as you felt how solid he was against you. He was real, he was there, he was okay. The aching sob surprised you, tears gathering while the fear seeped out of your body.
“Are you okay?” he asked, the frantic tone so different from how cool and collected he usually was, “please tell me you’re okay.”
“I’m okay,” you parroted back.
You felt the sigh of relief, still wrapped around him.
“Are you…” You didn’t know how to finish your question, wanting to know everything, wanting to make sure he was okay and the others were okay and that you’d won.
“I’m fine,” he replied, “we’re all fine.”
You were slow to be put down, your arms still around his neck, his wrapped around your waist so tightly you were pressed together. His lips pressed to your temple, nose brushing your hairline, lingering. Your fingers wound through his hair, right at the nape of his neck, holding on. You needed to feel him there.
“I thought you’d… I saw the cave in,” he said.
“You didn’t want to dig me out?” you asked.
“I left Phoebe to get you. I wanted to get the bloody thing that put you in danger,” he replied, sounding angrier than you’d expect.
“And did you?” you asked, catching his eye.
“It won’t ever hurt you again,” he promised, sounding deadly serious.
You could feel him, so steady against your body. His heart was beating, pulse thrumming, breath ghosting over your face as he bent towards you. You didn’t even think about it, just grateful he was still there with you. He was still breathing. He was still alive.
You pulled him down, closer, your lips finding his. The way he kissed you, it was like he was worried you were going to disappear any second. That he had to make the most of it because you might not be there again. He had no idea.
It was desperate, a release of all the panic and anxiety and pent up emotions. You couldn’t get close enough. You needed more of him. You wanted to feel all of him. You wanted to be reminded how alive he was and you were and the future you could have together.
“Oi, stop sucking face and get over here.”
You ignored Trevor, kissing Lars deeper, more, longer. He wasn’t giving you space, but was matching you for every kiss.
“We need to get back,” Trevor tried again.
It didn’t stop either of you.
“I guess I’ll just have to drive the van back myself then,” he called over.
“Fuck,” Lars mumbled against your lips, “he’s not fucking doing that.”
“Later then,” you said.
“If you think I’m letting you go in any other vehicle but mine you’re mad,” he said, lacing your fingers together, “I’m not letting you out of my sight ever again.”
“That might get a bit awkward,” you giggled.
“Worth it.”
He caught your cheek in one palm, kissing you again, lingering long enough to make Trevor cough to stop you before it became too much.
“So that’s a no to driving?” he asked, falling into step beside the two of you.
“Go bother someone else,” Lars all but growled, “we’ll see you back there.”
“Don’t take any detours,” he called, peeling away to join his family.
Lars grumbled under his breath but softened when you squeezed his hand. You pressed your lips to the back of his hand, uncaring of the sweat and dust and grime. It was Lars, and that was good enough for you.
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mikithemouse305 · 1 month ago
Okay I keep thinking about motorcity lmao BUT. Pretend there was a s2 and there was a mike and Kane focused episode and it REALLY dives into how mike left.
Because in the episode "vendetta" you get shown a clip of Mike's past and how he helped the people out of the building and was really mad at kane right? HOWEVER. in episode 1, there's a little clip kane is watching and it is Mike coming back AFTER the building part and saying "you lied to me" before walking out on kane.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that Mike must've gone back to kane after the building incident and had a confrontation with kane and I would've REALLY REALLY REALLY loved to see it and episode that dived into their past and also how their rivalry is now wether it's mike getting captured (again) or they both have to work together to get out of a situation like Lex and Clark in the Smallville sewer tunnel EP.
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etheralisi · 1 year ago
Rottmnt Fakeposting part 3
Find parts 1 and 2 here + 3.5 + 4 because this couldn’t all fit on one post
🍏holy-sewer-apples Follow
I met a little green alien dude once. Wonder if he’s doing okay
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🕜has-lou-jitsu-been-found-yet Follow
Day 3679 of me posting: no
🎃scared-of-crows-deactivated23902741 Follow
Get a hobby
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
I will out your search history 
92 notes
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☄️gravity-tumbles Follow
Every time I phone in sick, I think about that one kid who came into school bright green. Must’ve been ill as hell. I could never 
767 notes
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🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
Sasquatch this kappacrawler that. There’s only one cryptid I care about and that’s my neighbour’s cat. That thing ain’t a cat. It’s bright yellow and it stares into my soul
🚫nonononope Follow
That’s normal cat behaviour
🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
No I don’t have any pictures. Stop asking. Damn not-cat keeps vanishing into thin air
🫂glompglomp Follow
Tf is a kappacrawler
🐺wendigo-watcher Follow
Local New York conspiracy. Scuttles around sewers, on roofs, steals your children (maybe)
🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
This ain’t about him
6,073 notes
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🧚pixipartched Follow
I really really feel bad for asking, but I don’t have much of a choice. Aliens squished by home. Here’s a link to my go fund me here
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💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
Last time I had this many people following me, it was an ambush
#I don’t know what I did but hi
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🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
157 notes
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🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
My driver’s license is a two year winning streak in Mario kart. Try arresting me now
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Oh???? So you lie to your followers???? I know I won first place last games night and you know it
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
You cheated
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Says the guy who hacks games as a pastime. I still want a rematch
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
You tell him corn
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Oh I know you’re not innocent either mr
203 notes
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🚂imatrainwreck Follow
If only there was a way to grow instant luscious locks
🐙massages-at-a-price Follow
I can help with that
72 notes
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🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Throwback to that one time my brother was mistaken as IT when trying to return someone’s keys
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
I was just trying to help
#they fell down the drain #so I picked them up and pushed them back through the grate #I wasn’t trying to be scary #and should you really be posting this
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cyyyynamon said: I’m going cave diving tomorrow. Will I see you there?
💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
But you didn’t invite me?
86 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Don’t send me back to jail. I’m too pretty
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
What have you done now
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
I was too pretty ✨
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Be original, Blue
75 notes
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💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
First day of school. I’ve never seen this many people in one area before
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Oh the joys of public school. 
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
*Wipes tear* they grow up so fast
💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
So apparently normal people don’t chirp. I never want to hold a conversation ever again
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🕵️‍♀️sloopersleuth Follow
Yoooooo what if our mysterious superheroes in rainbow know the kappacrawler??? You think they’re buddies? Think they hang out and chill and talk about how their week has been? Think kappacrawler house sits from them sometimes? Think they share birthday cards?
7,421 notes
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🎽tink-tank-toe Follow
Sometimes I wonder if time travellers really exist. Are we all just on some divergent timeline? How close a shave have we come to a world obsolete?
🛶canoodleoodle Follow
#posts that keep me up at night
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🎨asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
Remember to spread the positivity ✨☀️ Kindness can go a long way
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Where was this kindness when it came to the last pizza slice?
🎨asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
I was already at my daily kindness quota 
1,997 notes
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🔎detective-cornstarch Follow
It has occurred to me not everyone on this website knows about the kappacrawler
🔎detective-cornstarch Follow
Your loss
466 notes
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🦷sleeptooth Follow
#i am curious
8,003 notes
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🫨shake-it-away Follow
Oh kappacrawler, take me away
🫨shake-it-away Follow
Oh kappacrawler, whisk me away into the night
🫨shake-it-away Follow
Oh kappacrawler kidnap me
809 notes
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🍮fastest-flanalive Follow
Stop with these he/him pronouns for the kappacrawler. Did you ask them their preferred pronouns????? No. Kappacrawler could be a very fancy lady
🐈meown Follow
I’m very sorry kappacrawler. You can be a fancy lady if you want :(
🍯honeyhoneysugar Follow
Have we been misgendering kappacrawler with whole time? 
😐restingsnitchface Follow
It’s a cryptid. You think it’ll care about gender?
7,335 notes
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🐸frippityfroppity Follow
If I was a kappacrawler where would I hide
🍾snopop Follow
In your walls
2,756 notes
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🫣flinx-blinx Follow
I thought there was only one kappacrawler. But I swear I just saw two. Is there a mr and mrs kappa??? Baby kappletts??? A whole kappa family 🥹🥹
😈my-dad-is-satan Follow
Maybe? I think there’s at least three
4,102 notes
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🐒nightmonkey Follow
Who is this kappa??? Why is he crawling???
🐒nightmonkey Follow
Spider-man wannabe
2,811 notes
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🦜petite-parakeet Follow
Still convinced that whole invasion thing was a hoax. Elaborate, but a hoax
765 notes
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🪄meet-my-nunchucks Follow
Were those aliens sent packing? I’m confused
🪄meet-my-nunchucks Follow
Are they at home? On some faraway planet? Kicking their tentacles up after a long day at work invading our planet?
3,230 notes
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💗love-duv Follow
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5,008 notes
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📖myfixoffic Follow
Guys come read my slenderman x kappacrawler fic here for all of your slenderkappa needs
🌑faded-moonlight Follow
Why would you write this?
📖myfixoffic Follow
Why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
278 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
I heard that kappacrawler has an 8-pack. That the kappacrawler is shredded
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Be original, Blue (tally: II)
312 notes
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👻ghost-chase Follow
Why can’t I live in New York. I want to fight aliens too
👻ghost-chase Follow
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1,864 notes
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besiriusiamwild · 17 days ago
my boyfriend’s reaction to les mis (part two)
read part one here.
*when javert looks down at valjean covered in sewage*
him: pov: me looking down at the toilet bowl after i’m done…oh my poo has gained sentience, it’s talking—it’s singing???—back to me.
*during javert’s suicide*
(context: i live where it was filmed)
him: russel my brother do not go around the corner, they will charge you £7.50 for a pint
him: fancy a scuba dive tomorrow? let’s go find russel’s fake body in the river and sell him on ebay
*during empty chairs*
him: why is bro right as rain? he should be GREEN rn after those cholera induced sewers.
me: this isn’t wicked
him: well, he should be jumping on a broom and flying rn. why is my green bro eddie redmayne not defying gravity????
*during the wedding*
him: hey, his friends may all be dead but at least he got a shag out of it
*during valjean’s final scene*
him: oh my man is looking rough as HELL…must be all that sewage water he’s been drinking
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