#Harvey watching by the side: Oh that...he is going to get cancer of the body...
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Batman, sitting in a JL conference room, looking like he is about to throw up or spontaneously combust, (he got hit with some kinda spell in the battle and by God he can't wait till the debrief is done so he can go ask Rag-Man or Constantine to tell him what the fuck is wrong with him): Green Lantern, mediocre work once again, try to...hrnn...be better.
Superman, watching very concerned as Bruce is getting more and more pale but can't hear the trickle of bleeding or smell anything unusual with Bruce: B are you sure this can't wait till later? I am sure that we would be okay with-
Hal Jordan, snorting loudly: Spooky looks like he is about to shit himself Supes, I am pretty sure he finally realized he is just a guy in a costume!
Batman, giving his best bat galre: I have enough money to buy you. I can buy, oh god...I can buy a time...*labored breathing* time machine, use it to...to go back in time and fuck your mother so, shit...so I can be your father and leave you like you fucking deserve...
JL, jaws dropping as they had never seen Batman act like this: ...
Superman, standing up to help Bruce since he is clearly not doing well only can blink as he watches as the man starts to...shrink?: Oh no...
Bruce, batman regalia slowly growing looser, slipping off his head to reveal a much younger face: YOU ARE TEN POUNDS OF SHIT IN A ONE POUND BAG Y-YOU...You...where am I.
Oliver, sudden fear coursing through him: Oh god please not again, please don't be what I think it is...
Bruce "Brucie" Wanye, 15 years old, pure and utter jackass, rudest and most kind child, used to buy bars so he could get in for free and drink, that did so many random pills in the 90s: Who the fuck are you all? I don't think they had strippers that looked as fugly as you bitches...wait...did I get kidnapped? Oh god this is the worst, Alfie isn't going to let me live this down, kidnapped by guys dressed up as clowns...
Green Arrow, close to tears as his bully/best friend is brought back: Oh it's Brucie...fuck my life.
Flash, laughing his ass off: T-this..this is too good o-oh my god...
Brucie, looking down at himself: why am I dressed like a depressed Leather Daddy? (Looks up) Are we in space? (Pauses for a moment, looking mildly impressed) note to self, take my bathroom pills and go to space.
Oliver, picking up his phone while crying, reverting back to his old self: Mister A-Alfred? Um...Bruce ahh...he got reversed back to being like...15 and he is...yeah he is being mean again...you gotta make him stop...
#batman#dc#JL#Crack#bruce is the meanest teenager#he is the that goes “look at the high waisted man he got feminine hips”#he takes random pills in dive bar bathrooms#(this is not the first time he has been in space)#Olivier is having Vietnam flashbacks#B: C'on Ollie! do it and your cool! do it and your cool!#O little blonde boy with panic attack staring down into the gotham sewers: I...o-okay Brucie...#Harvey watching by the side: Oh that...he is going to get cancer of the body...#(Harvey does not intervene)#(it might have been two face all those years ago)
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Stretching out my body opening my eyes and seeing an empty bed at the side of me, Rylee wanted to go back to work. I tried my best to tell her no but she wouldn’t listen and yeah, now I have a busy woman on my hands. She’s been back at work for a week now, they work her too hard and I hate it. She worked the night shift and then came back here, slept and then is doing another night shift, clearly they are working her too much. Unless she is doing this on purpose, who the hell wants to look after people. Sighing out grabbing my phone from the side, I don’t like the schedule at all. I haven’t seen her, I saw her asleep and that was it and now she has gone again. I have club appearances so of course I am going to be out but I try and come back quick, shit sucks. Seeing the message from Rylee, tapping on her message.
From: Rylee
To: Chris
Morning handsome! Probably afternoon for you, so cute to see you so peacefully asleep. I miss you so much, love you. See you for lunch this time? Can we actually see each other this time lol, oh and I am driving my own car because I don’t trust anybody in that car park out there. Pick me up about four? I will say four actually or maybe five? Ok just say four and do not get annoyed if I take my time, love you x
Smiling at her text, I can just imagine her confused face. She is texting how she is thinking, I honestly love when she confuses herself, she does that a lot. Texting her back.
To: Rylee
From: Chris
I miss you so much, I miss talking to you but I will meet you outside your place about four then. Aight cool, people are just jealous babe. Love you more xx
Pressing send on the message, backing out of the message and seeing my manager’ message about the BET awards. I totally forgot about the shit and I am nominated, I think I am actually preforming with French. I think I said I would get on stage with him “shit” I spat to myself, why have I become so lazy with life. I have so much to do and I am just in bed like nothing, since being with Rylee I have just wanted to be under her all day. Let me call my mom, tapping her name and pressing the phone to my ear. Pulling the covers off from me “Christopher, is everything ok?” getting up and sitting on the edge of my bed “yeah cool, I just wanted to ask you something. You know with the BET awards, I was thinking of inviting Rylee’ parents instead. I just didn’t want you to think I did it on purpose, I just feel a little bad with her mom having cancer. I want you to be there but y’all might be in back? I want you to be there too and dad” my mom sighed out “oh no, I never knew. I don’t have to be there Chris, I don’t mind” my mom said “no! I want you to come” I abruptly said “oh… Why? What are you up too? Are you getting an important award?” rubbing the back of my neck “I could be getting an award but I have a plan and I will just say that your son could be with a fiancé, I mean if this works out, I want you to be there. I am going to be making this extra special, no other nigga would have done this for their girl” my mom sniffled in my ear “mom, don’t cry. I just need to get shit done, I have until this weekend coming” my mom is forever emotional about me.
This LA heat and sitting in this car, I am so hot right now. It’s turning four thirty so Rylee is late, I am trying to be so cool right now but I want to get out of this car. Looking at the entrance, I wonder how Rylee is doing because obviously, she don’t speak to her ex-friends anymore. I can’t sit in this thing anymore, grabbing the flowers from the seat at the side of me and opening my car door. Making my way to the entrance, I really don’t care if anybody takes pictures of me holding flowers or seeing Rylee. Rylee works in accident and emergency so she will be around here somewhere but I will just speak to reception instead, it’s a little crazy around there. Stood behind some people waiting, another lady stood up “can I help you?” she said side eyeing me “yeah, I am waiting for Rylee Turner, she works here. Can you find out where she is or is she free to come yet” the lady stared at me “do you know the department? Is it a date?” looking down at the flowers “she’s my girlfriend, she works in accident and emergency” the lady nodded her head walking off, I hope Rylee ain’t caught up in anything right now because I want to see her.
Looking down at the message back from Harvey, I pretty much text him every day. It seems like Blake and Nathan don’t bother which is sad.
From: Harvey
To: Chris
You want to take us to an award show?? We see those on TV and you want us to come? I don’t know what to say, I don’t think I can accept because it feels wrong. You should just go with my daughter, we will watch it on TV
That is what I don’t want, I need them there with us “sir” the lady said, looking up from my phone “we have located her and she is finishing off a patient, she will be here with you any moment” nodding my head “thank you” moving back from the desk, let me stand in this corner and out of the way. I may need to tell Harvey why, they need to be there.
To: Harvey
From: Chris
I want you to come, you are family to me. Just come, I am trying to do something big for your daughter and I need the people that mean the most to her there. I think you would want to be there to see her get engaged. My player days are over and I just want your daughter boss.
Pressing send on the message, I hope he comes. I am sure he will now, locking my phone and looking up. I find it funny when people take pictures of me like I can’t see them, fixing my shades over my eyes “can my son have a picture?” this older black woman walked over to me “sure” placing the flowers behind my back, this kid smiled at me with his teeth missing “you good?” placing my arm around him “you’re so cool!!” I chuckled, he reminds me of Kyrie when he says that. Smiling at the camera as she took the photo “thank you so much, my son loves you” moving back from him “appreciate it” I can tell people are ready to ask me for a picture but I don’t want it “what are you doing inside here Chris?” hearing Rylee say, spinning around “I came for you at four, I got bored and hot in the car” bringing the flowers in front of me “you didn’t have to do that” she said in shock, wrapping my arms around her “I wanted too baby, I love you” moving back from the hug, kissing her lips. Rylee got so shy “in the middle of work, god. I look a mess too” she covered her face with her hands, holding the flowers out to her “you’re beautiful with or without makeup” she took the flowers from me “you didn’t say he was coming” this woman said, she looks Latino “oh, this is my co-worker” Rylee is actually so shy right now “I heard from inside, everyone is speaking about Chris Brown and I was like Rylee never said” I can’t stop looking at Rylee “say hi, this is Maria” Rylee mumbled “hi Maria” shaking her hand “so when are you going to get my girl out of this place!? I keep on telling her to get out of here! She is too good for this place” licking my lips looking at Rylee “she won’t listen to me, she is her own boss” Rylee grabbed onto my tee pulling me closer to her “I think she is a little shy now, I will have to talk to her” this is so cute to see this side to Rylee.
Placing my arm around Rylee as we walked off “I love you Chris Brown! Oh my gosh did you see that?” looking to the side of me smiling at the girl “he smiled at me, oh my god!” shaking my head laughing “this is sweet, thank you Chris” Rylee said “it’s cool, I am happy to see you and you don’t look ugly so don’t say that” moving my arm away from around Rylee, she held my hand “I have no makeup on and I couldn’t be bothered about my hair, I look awful but I wanted to see you. It’s been a while” unlocking my car door ��remember I can’t be late back, I get in trouble” rolling my eyes, why she even care about these people.
“I can’t believe you’re eating two filet o fish, I can barely have one. It actually looks nice, can I have some?” Rylee is asking me for my food “you wanted chicken burger and now you want mine? No” I scoffed, biting down on my filet o fish “besides chicken and fish, that is weird” I am passionate about my filet o fish, chewing my food looking at Rylee. She stared ahead poking her lips out “one bite means one less contraceptive tablet?” Rylee glared at me “so you want me pregnant and without a job?” has Rylee been inside my mind, what the hell “sounds like a plan right?” I said “sure” she is not happy with me “ok, let’s talk real. You can have some” holding it out to her “the sauce is leaking” she pointed at my hand “don’t act like you ain’t licked nothing white and creamy” I grinned, Rylee finally broke a smile “fine whatever” Rylee held my wrist, bringing my hand slowly towards her. She stuck her tongue out and slowly licked the tartar sauce from the side of my hand, I don’t know if this was supposed to be sexual but I feel a little turned on. My mouth hung open watching her, she took a bite of my filet o fish after. Rylee flashed her hazel eyes at me eating, she placed her hand over her mouth “what?” she touched my arm giggling “I wish that was my dick, that is all” she waved me off laughing still.
Wiping my mouth with the napkin “so you know when people say to you about leaving do you think about it at all?” placing the napkin in the bag “leaving a job I worked hard for? No” shifting in the seat “it happens though babe, people go to university and don’t go to what they studied for. I can get you modelling jobs, I want you to model my clothing line anyways. I just think I don’t get time with you, this week has been hell” I wish she just left the job “I know the job is very demanding, I signed up for that. My boyfriend is rich and has money but that is yours not mine, I am not the type to look at you to buy me makeup or food shopping” sighing out “yeah I saw you did the food shopping at the house but what about when we are married, then what? You my wife, look. All I am saying is I am not happy” Rylee turned in the seat to see me better “I know you’re not happy, when we didn’t meet for lunch yesterday I knew how angry you was, trust me. That reaction in the car told me, I am not selfish and I am not stupid. I have put through a request to go part time with fixed shifts, for you Chris. I have been thinking and when you cussed me out yesterday, which you did. Don’t give me that face, I thought I can’t have this every day from you” looking down at the side panel “I said I am sorry, I just got heated because I was waiting and you never came out and then you came out with that dude, how was I supposed to know he was a colleague? Nigga was in normal clothing” I explained myself “then you said you couldn’t come because of staffing of course I am going to get mad, I am sorry. I get protective” picking my drink out from the holder “you lucky I was too tired to argue with you but don’t do me like I would never do that to you, I love you! I work with men all the time, just let’s get over it. But I am thinking of you” swallowing my drink feeling a little bad, I lost my shit with her.
The car became so silent “I am sorry I called you a bitch, I am honestly sorry” Rylee placed her hand on my arm “it’s fine, it’s done now babe. Looking to the future for us now, your anger gets the better of you at times but I love you” I switch too quickly “we going to the BET Awards this weekend coming” Rylee looked at me all shocked “really? Why? You never said” holding Rylee’ hand “I forgot to say, but we going and I invited your parents. I am nominated and performing. I got seats for us in front” Rylee gasped “you want me to come with you? Oh god, that is crazy” pressing a kiss to her hand “anything for you Rylee Turner, you about to slay. Can’t wait to show you off and hopefully you sing my songs as you do Drake’” Rylee busted out laughing “you sill butt hurt about that? Don’t worry I will turn up for you, you are my man” I really want sex now, my mind is side tracked again “forget to tell you, I told Nathan and Blake about Lo” ok now I want to know “and?” I hope they beat him “Lo is hiding, Blake said he can’t find him but they got Hood” I knew it, he is not hard to find “good, how do you feel that you have us men looking after you” even though Rylee has not got any make up on she is still beautiful and turns me on “I love it but I get a little turned on when you do it” she is a little freak “don’t start something you can’t finish” she can’t play me like this.
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Passive-Aggressive Partnership
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 @coveofmemories
Part 7
“Is that so?” Rossi said, his trademarked calm, cool and collected nature taking over despite the fact that this woman was nothing like they’d ever encountered before.
Nothing but a small smirk painted the corner of her mouth. It was extremely unsettling, even for a veteran like Rossi. “I’m 32 years old. I’ve been doing this for years. No one caught on.”
“Because you were too smart,” he said. “What happened? You slip up?” The look in her eyes went from cocky to fiery in milliseconds. Despite her being different than most other unsubs they came across in many ways, in other ways, she was so stereotypical it was almost comical. After more than 30 years on the job, Rossi knew what to say and how to say it to make any unsub sing the song of their crimes.
He could play her like a fiddle, but in this case it seemed like she wanted to be played.
“Purposefully, yes. I just got so used to doing it, I got bored. I don’t care anymore if anyone knows.” If she was 32 years old and had become a licensed nurse at 22, she could have been doing this for nearly a decade. He asked her how long, and she’d confirmed his suspicions. A decade of killing.
“It started with your mother, didn’t it? The not caring? When she died two years ago?” She only nodded her head.
“Tell me about what you’ve done. When you first started,” Rossi said. “What made you start killing?”
Despite the talk they’d had thus far, she hadn’t technically admitted anything, and given the physical evidence they had with their four victims, it would be hard to prove she was the one that killed Jennifer Valesky. But a confession would be the nail in her coffin and she seemed willing to hammer it in herself. “It started like a lot of people like me...” she said.
On the opposite side of the glass, the rest of the team stared in awe. “She started as an angel of mercy,” Reid said, just as Heidi confirmed it. Apparently, she was under the delusion that she was helping people. She started in a hospital right after she graduated and would periodically “ease the suffering” as she claimed, of people that were terminally ill.
“The first person I ever killed asked me to do it,” she said, surprising everyone outside, as well as Rossi.
“Is that so?”
Her name was Gertrude Singer. She was terminally ill with cancer of the bone, and she didn’t have much time left. She was also in excruciating pain, so she asked Heidi to end her suffering. “I figured she wanted to die,” she said. “She was going to die. Why shouldn’t she have been allowed to end her pain? I injected an air bubble into her IV. Within the day she was gone. That’s how it started - with her and others like her. However, she was the only one that asked. When I realized I was the one who had actually taken her life...I felt this indescribable feeling, and I wanted more of it.”
“What kind of feeling?” JJ said out loud.
Reid didn’t want to say the answer. But he knew. Sometimes he was afraid of how well he could read people. “Power.”
“It was intoxicating,” she crooned, sending shivers up Emily’s spine. Thank god Garcia wasn’t here to hear this, because she’d be screaming and running to the shower for a proper scrubbing of her body and brain. “That feeling of watching someone’s life leave them and knowing you did it? Nothing like it.”
“But something changed when your mother died, didn’t it?” Rossi asked. Normally, the team would still be trying to gather evidence at this stage, but that was because confessions weren’t so easily come by. So much about this case was different. Reid wasn’t affected by every unsub anymore, but this one was unsettling; she’d probably stay with him for a long time.
The vibrating against his skin pulled him out his head. “Something up?” JJ asked.
“It’s Y/N,” he said. “I’ll be right back. How are you?” As he walked outside to take the call, he could hear the slithering of her voice and it made his skin crawl.
“I’m fine. Wish we could be going on another date, but otherwise okay. You?”
Goosebumps traveled up his spine as he recalled the unsub’s words. “Our killer is a woman. An angel of death, and she’s been killing for years. She...I don’t know why she’s getting to me given all the people we’ve come into contact with, but she is.”
“I’ll try and take your mind off things when you get back,” she said.
“Is that a promise?”
“Absolutely,” she said. “I’ll let you get back to things. Stay strong...you know, stubborn. Like you normally do.”
“Oh, shut up,” he laughed as he said goodbye and hung up the phone. It was a good thing he’d taken that call, because as soon as he returned to the glass partition outside the interrogation room, her voice crawled back up his skin.
“When my mother had her appendix out she was insufferable,” Heidi started again. “She was not a nice woman and when she had to depend on others it was even worse. Nothing I did was good enough. I had been killing people who were terminal for eight years at that point, but that night, when she just wouldn’t let up...that was the first time I felt like killing, even though she would’ve been perfectly healthy.”
“So your mother is the reason you started killing healthy people rather than the terminally ill,” Rossi continued. One might say he was giving her the rope the hang herself with, but she knew exactly what she was saying. It was purely conversation at this point.
Outside the room, Spencer wished this would end, so they could go home. He needed to get out of his head. He needed to get her out of his head. “Yes,” she said. “Any drug addict will tell you that over time, you need more and more of the drug to get high. Killing was my drug, so after a while, killing people who needed it, who were in pain - that wasn’t enough. I needed more, so I started with my mother. I used antifreeze, like Jennifer Valesky.”
Well there was the confirmation they needed for one of their current victims. “Is that all you used? That and air bubbles?” Rossi wondered.
“No,” she laughed. She laughed. Reid could barely contain himself. “I used whatever I thought might go undetected until a couple weeks ago. Arsenic, cyanide, smothering, air bubbles, antifreeze...it didn’t matter. But a couple weeks ago I realize it was never going to be enough. That’s why I decided to get caught. Tell my story. And let the justice system do whatever it was going to do. Like I said, Agent Rossi. I’m tired.”
That was really all they needed to hear. “So you also killed Geraldine, Harvey and George?”
“Yes,” she said. “I’ve had enough. Because it’s never going to be enough.”
“Last question.” it was the one that everyone had on their minds. After 10 years of this, did she even know how many people she’d killed? Rossi asked her and she looked up, staring into the glass, knowing that there were people behind it.
“Honestly, I lost count after 228. That’s when I got bored.”
On the plane back, no one really said anything. What could you say about someone who had almost gleefully claimed to have taken over 200 lives?
“So what are you doing when we get back?” Morgan asked, shaking his head to try and get Heidi’s voice out of his head.
“Going out with Y/N,” Reid replied. “I need to not stay home and think about this. What about you?”
“Ditto,” he heard from Emily, JJ and Hotch. Rossi would probably end up staying up and having a smoke.
After another hour, they were home and he was on his way to Y/N’s apartment.
“Hey, stubborn,” she laughed. “You okay?”
He wasn’t, but he didn’t know why. What about her had rubbed him so the wrong way? Her smile dropped as she realized something was wrong. “Come here,” she whispered, enveloping him in her arms. “Do you want to come inside?”
Her lips grazed his as she brought him inside, shutting the door behind her. “Yes.”
#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fic#dontshootmespence#passive aggressive partnership
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My goodness, do I have a lot of updates queued on my life hahaha. I’ve just been so busy over the last 3 days, and I wanted to update what I’ve been up to, but I had to finish my Onc-Pall assignment, so here we are finally.
On Thursday night, Claudooey, Kate and I had pizza and Pimm’s at the Whitehouse, because it was the Whitehouse’s 7th birthday, and then Clauds slept over at ours. We got back pretty early, but Kate and Claudia were super tired and so they went to bed pretty early and the night was actually kind of listless after we got back from the Whitehouse. I watched some TV in bed because it was so early. At 8, I got my friends up and said goodbye because I had to get to Calvary for CPCT. They were off to Bondi Junction and Coogee for coffee and some shopping and I was lowkey jealous and sad because I felt like I didn’t get to bond with Claudia as much as I wanted to, but I gave her a hug and thought at least I would see her at REXTAB (but I didn’t because she hurt her ankle last minute and decided not to go).
The journey to Calvary was uneventful, but I was excited for CPCT because it’s palliative care home visits, and Will and Kuheli both said that it was the best part of the palliative care term, and everybody wanted to go, like Leonard was mad that he didn’t get to because it wasn’t on his timetable. I was cutting it a bit fine public transport-wise – I had to get to Calvary by 9:30 and when I arrived at Kogarah it was 9:35, but it only takes 8min to bus there, so I figured I would be okay. I sat at the bus stop till 9:40, and the bus still hadn’t come which struck me as odd. I was also now panicking that I would be too late for CPCT, so I rang Calvary in advance, and the nurse who picked up said not to worry, the team would wait for me, but 2min later, Quinlan texts, saying that the team is leaving now, and they were looking for me. I message back explaining my situation, that the bus hadn’t come, and then realise that oh shit, I’ve been standing at the wrong bus stop. I race to the correct one, only to find out that the bus doesn’t come until 9:53. I message Quinlan I’ll be there by 10, but I get the impression that the team will have left by then – no confirmation either way from Q though.
I race into Calvary and to the CPCT office. Quinlan answers the door, and instead of letting me talk to anyone else, he blocks the door with his body and tells me to go find Jane Marre. I figure she’s my CPCT nurse (although I can’t really work out why I couldn’t have just gone with his team) and head up to level 3 to try and find her. I see an office on level 3 and ask for Jane Marre, but nobody knows who she is. I tell them she’s from CPCT and they try to lead me back down to level 2. By now I’m really frustrated because I know this is a pointless exercise because she’s not on level 3 or 2 meaning she’s probably left. Quinlan answers the door again and won’t let the man helping me find her (Albert) or me in and repeats what he said before. We head back up to level 3 and it’s only as we’re walking past all of the doors with the nameplates that Albert realises that I’m asking for Jan Maree, the coordinator of the course. He drops me at her office, and as soon as she answers she knows what’s up because of Quinlan and my phone call and I just know now it’s all too late because Jan isn’t the nurse waiting for me and now I’m going to be stuck on ward rounds and I’m so tired and frustrated that all these tears start to well up in my eyes and then I’m crying over public transport when there are people literally dying around me throughout the palliative care hospital.
Jan is a bit shook and so is Albert, so Albert gets me a glass of water and Jan sits me down and we have a chat about how hard life is for interstate students because we have the same problems as international students but no support (something I do feel is true, but was irrelevant to my current tears) and she kept emphasizing I wasn’t in trouble for being late, but I was too gaspy and teary to explain I wasn’t sad about that, I was sad that I missed an opportunity I was actually excited for and I felt cheated because I had fucked up the bus stop but I had been travelling here for 2 hours straight and I rang the hospital up and I talked to Q, so I honestly didn’t feel like I could have done anything earlier or quicker to get here on time, given I was so tired from all the previous day’s 9-4s. She asked me about breakfast and I said I hadn’t had any, so she brought me a piece of cake and let me clean myself up in the staff bathroom before putting me on a ward round with Will, one of the regs.
The ward round was alright, I was tearful through the first patient but really pulled myself together because I had to. His ward round was worth joining because there were a few families who had come in to thank Calvary specifically for the role they had in giving their relatives a good death and they were joking about having a membership to all come in later and it just really highlighted how important a good death was and the impact the high level of care had made on the families. I also got to see 2 terminally ill patients, and they were very at peace, which kind of counteracted the way I saw death as a bit violent and painful, like someone struggling to breathe, but I think all of that’s from the movies. In the end, dying can be painless and peaceful if all the symptoms are managed appropriately, and I really think it took seeing the dying patients at peace to realise that. Will was intimidated enough by Jan Maree that he upped their morphine doses, because she was the doc on-call over the weekend and he knew that he was being too conservative about the morphine, probably because he was more inexperienced than Jan Maree. I left his round early to try and get some lunch, but I just wanted to see my friends because I missed them.
I checked the conference room and the board rooms, but they weren’t there, and I couldn’t find anyone until I spotted them at the end of Frank Brennan’s round, which I did yesterday. Because I couldn’t find anybody else, I jumped in for the same stories that I heard yesterday – Frank went over the long-term and short-term effects of using steroids: hypertension, diabetes and Cushing’s syndrome, central adiposity + nape fat pad, proximal myopathy, sleep disturbance and immunosuppression. And he went a bit further and told us in an exam to say we would monitor blood glucose, BP and white cells, which makes sense but was a good thing to add. He then told the story of William Osler and Harvey Cushing and how Harvey was really into the pituitary gland and looked after William Osler’s son during WWII. Despite his best efforts however, Osler’s son died. He wrote Osler’s biography and won a Pulitzer for it which is rare for a doctor. Then some other guy comes along and writes Cushing’s biography and is so into their story that he writes one for Osler too, so now there are two side-by-side companion histories. I love Dr Brennan’s stories and history because I think that medical history being taught is so rare but also interesting.
After the ward round was over, Leonard and I tried to get a flu jab upstairs, but they couldn’t give them to us as there had been a power outage for 3 hours the night before and they didn’t know if their flu shots had kept. We went back to the conference room but took a detour to the chapel, which was very tall and circular, but quite nice really. We poked around some of the hymn books and then headed. I scabbed lunch off all my friends because I was too cheap to buy it from the café and it was very expensive and quite average. I had free Arnott’s biscuits from a bowl in the conference room, and then Daniel gave me the remainder of his soybeans, Steph gave me an Uncle Toby’s muesli bar and Leonard gave me half a mandarin. Not bad work for a scab. Lunch conversation was good and chill, but Alicia heard that I cried and put her hand comfortingly on my back twice which was gross. I hate her so much at this point that her touch revulsed me. I’m not sure why I have such a negative reaction to her when there are equally terrible people, but I find her personality so toxic that just being around her is draining.
We had to present a topic and last night when Kate and Claudia went to bed early, I tidied up our presentation and pimped it out with spicy depression memes and cute graphics, so I was feeling pretty good about ours even though it was on the fly. They were only supposed to be 5-10min long apparently, but everyone (typical meddies) had missed the memo and provided like hugely boring 30min long talks on pharmacology and other things. Ours had the least info but was entertaining because of my fantastic memes (hehehe) so at the end when we had just emphasized that diagnostic criteria is bad for cancer patients with depression so you have to use your common sense when diagnosing it, Jan Maree actually said it was the best presentation they’d had in awhile from students. Probably true, because I can imagine there’s generally little effort put in, med students have no sense of humour, and our question wasn’t really very hard, so it was good that we managed to get people listening (particularly the Sutherland kids, because they would have wanted to pay no attention, knowing our topic had less substance). Afterwards we had a wrap-up and Jan Maree went around the room saying what we had learned from our time at Calvary. It was all basic and then Alicia had a cry about a dead family member and how good palliative care here was comparative to Malaysia and I actually just felt disgusted like she was crying to steal the limelight. Like I don’t know, obviously, and I should have given her the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t like her so much that I wasn’t even sympathetic like Kuheli, I just felt nothing and a part of me believes she’s putting it on. Isn’t it shit that you’re such a bad person people don’t even believe you’re genuine when you show a huge genuine emotion like crying? Or am I the shit one?
Anyway, I had Med Revue at 7:30 and Leonard dropped Will, Kuheli and I at uni because he had tutoring up that way anyway, so I persuaded them to kill time with me by coming to dinner. It was fucking freezing outside so we sat in Kuheli’s room for half an hour while I lead the most roundabout conversation about where we should go for dinner (which was partly Kuheli’s fault because she didn’t suggest anything, just shot down my suggestions, and then Will wasn’t like concrete on whether or not he wanted Chinese because he was too shy to protest and I was being contradictory just to waste time which is dumb). Then we went down to Anzac Parade and stopped at Chatime for hot bubble tea, which was a novelty to me. The first time ever that Kuheli has not had bubble tea and I have! It was just too cold, and she didn’t want to try a hot one (although Will had cold coconut tea which is interesting). I ordered a hot premium milk tea and the bubbles weren’t that weird warm, but I got 30% sugar and a boring flavour, so it was kind of anticlimactic – just warm tea with the pearls. It was too much milky liquid too, so in the end I sucked up all the bubbles and threw the rest away.
Then we headed to Dong Dong Noodles, because apparently, we got a MedSoc discount there (we forgot to try). Will was super happy with the choice because apparently all the food offered was quite legit and traditional and they even gave us free clear soup at the start which is a thing for high-class Chinese establishments even though obviously Dong Dong wasn’t high class. I had a roast duck laksa and the taste and portion size was lit. Kuheli had black pepper honey chicken and Will had egg gravy and rice, like the stuff you put on your hor fun but rice instead which was also good. Dinner was nice to hang out and then after we went to the Asian Supermarket and I was roped into buying more things out of curiosity as usual – I bought something called Knorr like a tom yum flavoured stock cube and stocked up on 2 min noodles and bought some Hello Panda biscuits for nostalgia’s sake.
It was sadly too cold for frozen yoghurt, so we said goodbye to Will and I headed back up to Kuheli’s to pick up my stuff and then head to Med Revue. The line outside the Science Theatre was fucked. It was incredibly long and Yuri and her friends hadn’t reached yet because they’d gone for dinner, so I waited in line by myself. Hei Wai saw me and came up to say hello, which was such a lovely gesture from him. We had a chat about our med lives and I gushed a bit about St. George and he told me he was still at POW and then he went back to talk to his friends. I was really touched he came up to say hi.
I met Yuri, Ash, Rochelle and a couple of their friends from Fig – a guy called Jeff and a couple of other boys just in the theatre and I gave them all a hug and they were actually so friendly. Ash and I had a chat about GHSC and what I missed on Thursday night whilst I was with Clauds (a talk on climate change apparently, interesting but one to miss) and then I met Rochelle properly, like we had our first proper conversation together and she’s super nice and has the personality of an ex-pres at Fig I felt. Med Revue itself had some hits and misses. Some of the jokes were hilarious but some just went over my head. The dancing was pretty good – not as good as Penrhos but still high quality. I think my expectations were just too high from Med Revue in first year (the last time I went) but Yuri explained that was like a “best of 5 years” Med Revue which was why it was so good. There was brief interest in a scandal Kuheli tagged us in – Tharunka, one of the student newspapers had a guy go in on an earlier night and he felt victimised by some of the black jokes in the revue and so he wrote this article and complained to Med Revue, so they removed the jokes and probably tamed down the show a bit which is a bit of a shame. Since, MedSoc posted on Facebook saying they were not really associated with Med Revue, were disappointed in the jokes and the revue itself is mostly not med students and has other faculties. Whilst I’m sure other faculty students do perform as well, I’m personally certain that it’s mainly med students, so good try, MedSoc. Anyway, I there was mixed reactions to the controversy. When I read the article, Ash and Rochelle and I agreed that the jokes published were racist and should have been removed and Rochelle said that every year when she goes she thinks she won’t go to the next one because of the levels of racism, but always ends up going anyway lmao. Then as I shivered at the bus stop I texted Fenton about it and his reaction was people basically need thicker skins and we agreed that a large part of Med Revue has always been racist jokes and honestly there are just as racist jokes about white people and Asians than black people, it’s just we’re expected to have thicker skin because we’re more of a majority population, so the whole victimization crap in the article is a bit overkill because there’s no context about other races. I’m a bit in the middle with both arguments but it did add some spice to the night.
When I got home it was l1:40 and I was exhausted and had to sleep because I had Skin Conference the next day and REXTAB. Lola barked at me and I really wanted to go see her because I think I’ve grown attached to her and wasn’t going to get the opportunity to see her much but obviously I couldn’t go into Vron’s room and wake her at that time, so I just headed to bed.
That’s my Friday, update on my Saturday and REXTAB coming up soon (just need a break from all this frantic typing haha).
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