#seriously that is ALL I remember from that story
trippinsorrows · 19 hours
looking through your eyes + nineteen
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authors note: this one has....some surprising twists and connections. that's for sure....
cw/tw: angst, fluff, and characters using dark humor to discuss mental health
song inspo: ‘looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
masterlist + story playlist + taglist request form
words: 8k
Roman’s never been the type to really push things off. Not important things, at least. And seldom in his life has his to-do list ever really consisted of non-essentials. There’s always something to be done, a task to be handled, body or bodies to drop. 
But always at the top of the non-essential list has been his appointments with Dr. Michaels. They’ve always been more annoying than anything, annual routine check-ups that are required with his role as the Tribal Chief. To make sure he’s healthy and equipped for the job. Appointments the Elders are sure to stay on top of, which is also a large reason he hates them.
The Elders tried so hard at the beginning to stop and prevent him from taking his rightful place at the Head of the Table once he turned 18. Questioning his readiness, his eligibility (largely to him being afakasi), and even more, his capability. 
To be honest, it’s a major reason as to why Roman will never really respect them. For men who are supposed to uphold tradition, they seemed to throw that out the fucking window and jump through every available hoop to prevent him from fulfilling his father’s role. To stop a generational dynasty. 
It’s largely why Roman was so focused and dedicated at the beginning of his reign to prove them wrong. To prove them all wrong. 
Something he continues and will always do.
A knock on the door is followed up with the entrance of the man Roman could go the rest of his life without seeing. “Well, congratulations.” Roman maintains his bored expression, mentally going over the next items of his to-do list rather than entertaining his doctor. “You have the sperm count of a man in his twenties.”
That’s another annoying thing. The yearly tests to continue to monitor his ability to reproduce. Something he, like most things in life, passes with flying colors. 
“I’m sure the Elders will be thrilled to hear that.” Probably. Not that Roman gives a flying fuck. “What I’m not pleased with is your blood pressure.” Roman is slightly more present and engaged in the conversation at that. “Your numbers came back even higher this time, Roman. And while you’re not in the danger zone just yet, you keep this shit up of not taking this seriously, you will be.”
Yeah, the attention is fully present and focused now. Roman maintains a leveled voice while asking, “what the hell does that mean?”
Dr. Michaels sighs heavily, moving to sit on his stool, explaining carefully. “You have hypertension. It’s chronic, so it’s not going to go away by avoiding it. You have to take your medication as prescribed. That’s the only thing that will keep it managed.”
Roman looks away, rolling his shoulders. “It’s not that I don’t fucking take it.” And that’s the truth. When Roman remembers, he does. Or when he actually cares enough to, he’ll pop the pill in his mouth and down it with one of his energy drinks. 
“Every day?” Roman doesn’t bother with a reply, growing irritated at being scolded like he’s a fucking child. “Continue to fuck around with this, and you’re putting yourself at high risk for heart disease or stroke.”
Those two things seem almost impossible, like they shouldn’t even be used in the same sentence or paragraph as him or anything related to him. Roman is in excellent shape, works out at least twice a day, eats relatively well, doesn’t smoke or do drugs. Rarely drinks. All the good shit. 
All the healthy shit most medical providers recommend. Isn’t that enough?
It’s like the old man has uninvited access to Roman’s thought process, adding, “Hypertension is hereditary. Your dad had it. Your uncle had it. So, it only makes sense, especially with who you are and what you do, that you got it as well.” Jaw clenching, Roman refuses to comment on that. Refuses to discuss anything regarding his family. “You were technically in the prehypertension stage before, hence why I put you on meds to keep it from progressing. But, now you’re in the stage one hypertension range. Do you really wanna know and see what stage two would look like?”
Thankfully, Shawn doesn’t wait for a reply, continuing his long ass spiel. “You take such good care of yourself physically, but this one thing seems to be an issue for you?” When Roman still says nothing or even makes eye contact, Dr. Michaels goes for a different angle. “If you’re not going to do it for you, at least do it for that wife of yours.” That is when Roman’s sharp gaze lands back on his doctor. “She was a nervous wreck that night you were shot. Imagine what something happening to you that was avoidable would do to her.”
Damn him. 
For all intents and purposes, Roman does an excellent job at hiding the fact that Dr. Michaels found it. Found the thing that truly catches Roman’s attention. Solana always worries so much about him, especially this high blood pressure shit. He doesn’t even want to think about how she would react if she knew his numbers had gotten worse, that he’d slacked off a bunch on medication adherence since she’s been gone, since everything went down. 
She’d freak the fuck out, be an emotional mess, and it’d be all because of him.
Roman can’t have that. 
He won’t.
With a newfound purpose and reason to actually switch this topic from irrelevant to relevant, he relents, “fine. I’ll take the damn medication.”
“As prescribed?”
Smiling without an ounce of humor, Roman nods, reminding himself that it’s probably not a good idea to kill the doctor he’s had since he was 14. Michaels can be annoying, but he’s effective and hasn’t been a problem for the Tribal Chief. For the most part, at least. “Yes.”
Dr. Michaels chuckles. “Thank you.” He then stands up, looking down at his tablet and starts tapping around. “Unfortunately, because your numbers have jumped as much as they have, I need to up your dosage. I’ll send the script over to the pharmacy and make sure they have it filled today so you can pick it up today. Start tomorrow morning. Not next week. Or next year. Tomorrow. Alright?”
Not bothering to reply, Michaels walks over to him, smile almost sympathetic. “Good seeing you, big guy.” Roman scowls with borderline disgust at the light pat on his shoulder. “I’ll follow up with you in a month.”
Roman’s irritation spikes again. “A month? Why so soon?”
Hand on the door, Dr. Michaels shrugs and explains. “Gotta start monitoring your numbers more closely now.” He smirks a bit, taunting almost. “See if you’re as good at following directions as you are at giving them.” 
It’s when the door closes that Roman releases the heavy sigh. Always fucking something. Yet another thing added to his list. 
Of course. 
Roman stays annoyed, even as he’s escorted back into his office, the only thing keeping him from being completely vexed is the reminder that pops up on his phone. 
Visit with Sol
He’s scheduled to drive down to the treatment facility and spend the evening with Solana this evening. Something he’d never openly acknowledge to anyone other than her that he’s been looking forward to all week. 
Today marks two weeks since she transferred to residential treatment, and despite much more lax policies regarding personal items and even visitation, this will only be his second time seeing her.
And not because he hasn’t wanted to. 
No. Solana herself requested they stick to visits once a week versus more. Citing she wants to do this “on her own” as much as possible. The initial wording concerned him. He never wants her to feel like she’s alone in anything, but her follow up explanation provided him clarity on just what she meant. 
“You believe in and support me” A light shrug of her shoulders and gentle gleam in her pretty brown eyes as she adds with a determined nod. “I have to believe in and support me too.”
He checks in on her throughout the week, of course. And she keeps him updated on things like her individual and group therapy, even sharing photos of art she creates during down time. It helps that she’s allowed her phone this time around. Not that it would have made a difference if she wasn’t. There’s no way in hell he would allow her to be that far away without a way to directly communicate with him. Sure, Bautista is there, but still. 
Not enough.
But, it’s as Roman walks back into his office, any excitement at the thoughts of seeing his wife in person, being able to hold her and kiss her is dashed away. 
Replaced with well-hidden shock and irritation.
“What the fuck are you doing here?
There are two people in his office. Two uninvited people. One sits in his chair at his desk. The other sits on the edge of his desk. He recognizes one of them, but not the other. It takes a second for that recognition to dawn. It’s been years since he last saw him. He looks older, obviously, but outside of that, not much has changed.
Including his disrespectful ass disposition. 
A broad smile appears on the bearded face of the man who just doesn’t know today is the absolute wrong day to try to surprise Roman. To surprise a man who hates surprises in the first damn place. 
“Good to see you too, capo.”
There is nothing good about this. Roman already has seven million other things on his plate. He doesn’t need anything else thrown at him.
Especially this.
“Why are you here?” If there was anyone to come and pop up from the Cosa Nostra, he would have bet any money it would be Dwayne. And that would be a much better option than the bastard before him.
The woman on the desk chuckles. Roman can at least acknowledge her beauty. Breathtaking. Her features are almost too perfect to be real, her deep complexion free of any markings. A fine woman. Not Solana. Not in the slightest but still beautiful. She looks over at her co-intruder and speaks in Italian. “While the resemblance, physically, is undeniable. Personality wise is where it stops. Thank God. His bedside manners leave a lot to be desired.”
If she wasn’t a woman, Roman would have her laid out by now. To speak ill of him is one thing, but to do it in front of him is entirely different. Truth be told, if he wasn't already having a shitty day, a small part of him might be impressed at her balls. But, it’s not a good day. Far from it, so now he has to push back thoughts of murder.
Glare focused on her, he switches to Italian. “You have 1 minute to get the fuck out of my office, or else the only way you’ll be leaving is in a body bag.”
“Careful, Roman.” Matteo’s voice is light and surface level calm, but Roman knows better than that. Knows that it’s also a warning. If only he cared. “This is my wife.” 
“What makes you think I give a fuck?” Is Roman’s leveled reply. “I want her gone. Now.” Roman can’t decipher why this man would bring her in the first place. This doesn’t concern her. 
Matteo is smart, whispering something to long legs as she kisses his cheek and plops off the desk. Her smirk pisses him the fuck off as she walks past him, completely unbothered, remaining silent even as the door closes behind her.
Smug ass, prissy bitch. 
Roman doesn’t waste any time jumping back to the topic at hand. “Answer my question. Why are you here?”
Matteo sighs and sits forward, shaking his head. “Some things never change, huh?” Roman is just about to lose his shit at having to repeat himself when Matteo smartens up. “Dwayne sent me.”
Roman eyes him. “What?”
Matteo sighs, shrugging and rolling his shoulders. Roman’s mind quickly travels back to his last conversation with his cousin just a few weeks ago. Outside of the usual asking when he’ll fly out to Italy, he gave no indication that something was wrong. 
And yet Matteo, who Roman hasn’t seen in years, who is second to only Dwayne and lives in Italy full time, sits before him saying he was sent. 
“It’s as Dwayne has been telling you. The Administration grows restless of a leader who lives in a completely different continent.” 
This is nothing Roman hasn’t heard before a million times, but each time, his already limited patience continues to wane. “Is the business not successful?”
That’s an easy answer. “It is.”
Well then. “So why the fuck am I needed there?”
“Because they’ll do and find anything they can to delegitimize your reign.” A sort of frown falls on his face as he adds in a lowered voice. “To create a case.” 
Roman’s gaze narrows, his nose snarling as he catches on to what’s being shared. “They want you to clock me?”
Matteo nods, asking, “you remember our cugino, Luca?” Roman also nods, still trying to settle his anger that these bastards actually have the audacity to want him followed. “Well, he’s not that same scrawny punk anymore. He’s older, stronger, clever. Sadistic. They think he would be better suited to lead.”
It’s not that Roman cares, he’s just trying to get into Matteo’s head, see where his thoughts are. That’s the only reason he asks, “do you?”
Matteo doesn’t appear to think about his answer, which Roman finds a bit surprising. It’s almost as if he’s being honest. “No. Not at all. He doesn’t have the strategic mind to be capo. He leads with his emotions. Is irrational and strong headed. Even more hot headed than you are. He’ll run the business into the ground.”
It’s been years since Roman has spoken or interacted with his cousin, but the description provided seems aligned with everything he’d already pegged. Luca isn’t fit for this role. The weight that comes with being the boss. 
He would most definitely ruin the empire.
“How long are you here for?” 
“Not sure.” Matteo shrugs, running his hand through his hair. “That’s why I brought the wife and kids.”
The wife thing briefly took Roman off guard, but the kids thing especially surprises him. Not that Matteo is even remotely close to being someone he’s close with, it still stuns him a bit. Then again, most men around their age have a family of some sort by this point. So, it really shouldn’t be that much of a shock.
Matteo must catch on to Roman’s expression. “Three of them. Set of twin boys and a girl. Not exactly something I broadcast. Safety reasons and whatnot.” And that, Roman most definitely gets. Matteo looks down, an almost bitter scoff leaving his mouth. “We both know how they feel about us mixed breeds.”
Another thing they can relate on. In more than just the obvious way. Roman’s mother’s racist ass side of the family hated his father being Samoan but ‘accepted’ him, arranged the union solely because of who he was. Because of the Bloodline. But, Matteo’s Turkish father, an essential commoner, never stood a chance.
His mangled, tortured remains that were pulled from the bottom of a lake was an outcome that was always bound to come. 
Roman shakes his head. “And you wonder why the fuck I don’t want to be around any of them?”
Matteo chuckles darkly. “Not at all.” He grabs a paper weight on Roman’s desk and starts tossing it up and down. “You should be lucky it’s me here and not someone else. Dwayne had to fight tooth and nail for them to select me to spy on you. As I’m sure you already know, yet probably don’t care about, there aren’t many on the Administration who are exactly…..fans of yours.”
“And they never will be.” 
Matteo lifts his chin, calmly adding. “Of either of us.”
It’s not uncomfortable. Not comfortable either. Just….silent.
Until Matteo places the paper weight back down and stands up, slowly walking over to Roman. 
“Roman…..” Right away, the Tribal Chief knows he’s not about to like wherever this conversation is going. “I know….I know we’re not close for a lot reasons, but that doesn’t negate the fact that we are brothers—”
Yeah…..as always, he was right. 
He doesn’t like this shit at all. 
“We are nothing,” Roman snaps, practically growling, Matteo managing to tap into such deep rooted insecurities and so carefully tucked away traumas. “Sharing the same mother makes us biological siblings, but it does not make us brothers.” 
For the briefest second, there’s something that flashes in Matteo’s brown eyes. Something akin to hurt. But, it’s quickly pushed away, shoved to the back of the bus. He lifts his head and instead takes a step closer. 
“Whether you believe me or not, Roman. My loyalty is to you. You are the rightful capo. The Capo di tutti capi, and I will fight for and with you to the death.”
Roman says nothing, because he has nothing to say. Nothing he wants to say, at least. The statement lays heavy, joining the other pile of weights that have seemed to settle and make themselves comfortable in his head.
And his heart.
Matteo extends a hand, placing it on Roman’s shoulder, giving an almost comforting squeeze.
“You are mio fratello.” The word being repeated, however, is enough to make the Tribal Chief ready to resort to violence when Matteo, wisely steps back. “As I’m sure you’ve figured, while I’m here, I will need to be present for any and all meetings or discussions regarding the Cosa Nostra.”
Yes, Roman’s not a dumbass. Of course he has to. He needs something to report back to those bitches. It’s just how much of the actual truth will get relayed that he’s unsure about.
Roman continues to stand there, anger and twenty different other emotions boiling as the older man walks toward the door, readying to leave, but not without one final departing statement. 
“See you tomorrow, brother.”
“Is it true he’s packing an almost 10inch dick?”
Solana nearly chokes on the water she was in the midst of downing at the most unexpected, wild, flabbergasting question she’s almost ever received. 
And her expression of complete and utter shock is shared with the other two women who sit with her. 
Cam is the first to speak though, instantly chiding the other woman, “Mickie!”
“What?” Mickie, however, doesn’t seem to see the issue. Pulling one leg up on the sofa, she shakes the bottle of nail polish and starts applying the pretty lilac color. “Remember my ex-friend Layla? She fucked him one time and said it was the biggest one she ever had. That he could barely fit it in.”
“Mickie, for the love of God, shut up.” Melina cuts in, her voice less shocked and more irritated. She motions to Solana with her free hand, the other one in Solana’s lap as she designs the butterflies for her. “That’s her husband.”
“Well, she has to know he’s a hoe. Or used to be?” 
Cameron shakes her head, finishing up her own nail polish application to her short nails. “Seriously, Mickie, you’re out of line.” 
“It’s okay.” Solana finally decides to make her two cents known as she caps the bottle and places it back on the sofa beside her. “I—I know he….he had a reputation.” That seems like the nicest way to say it, the nicest way to acknowledge that her husband has probably slept with more women than she’d like to ever know. 
“That wasn’t an answer tho—ow!” Mickie winces when Melina punches her in the arm. “Bitch.”
Melina just chuckles, focus back on Solana as she jokes. “You see why we’re all here?”
It makes Solana smile.
To anyone else, the scene would be quite difficult to fully understand. Four young women chatting and joking amongst each other like they’re not all currently admitted and receiving treatment at a residential facility for women. They should be sad, moping, disconnected, unstable. And they have been all of those things, hence their current placement.
But, they’re also so much more than that. They’re human beings who hurt and feel like everyone else. They’ve just been hurt a lot more than some other people and have not responded or processed or even healed just yet. 
Emphasis on yet. Another thing Solana has picked up in therapy. 
“Did you guys do your assignment for Lilian?” Solana asks, partially wanting to redirect the focus from off herself and Roman’s…..anatomy, but also genuinely curious about their experiences completing the homework provided in group therapy.
Cam is the first to answer, shaking her head. “Yeah. It was…..not the best time.”
“Agreed,” Mickie chimes, shrugging her shoulders. “I mean, I tried to not be too depressing but ….considering I’ve tried to, as the kids say, unalive myself three times now, there wasn’t a lot to go off of.”
Solana winces. This is something she’s still getting a bit used to, if she ever fully will. How sometimes dark humor is so easily weaved into conversations. She’s seen and realized it’s a type of coping mechanism, but it’s still a bit difficult, nonetheless. 
The assignment being discussed consisted of the ladies being tasked with coming up with at least 10 chapter titles to represent their lives. Five from the past and five for the future they hope to have. Solana can agree that the ones for the past were a bit challenging and definitely sad, but her future ones managed to feed that hope she’s determined to not lose this time around.
“I kind of cheated and used song titles for some of them,” Melina admits with a chuckle.
“I used songs for all of them,” Cam counters with a small, sly smile. Of the three women, Solana seems to relate closely to her. They’re the same age and have the same quiet disposition that’s only shed away ever so slightly once they become more comfortable.
Which, clearly, has already started to happen.
“Have ya’ll ever heard Mama’s Hand by Queen Naija?” Almost everyone says no or shakes their head to signify no being their answer. Melina goes on to explain, “it’s this really pretty song she wrote about her son. I used some of the lyrics for my titles for my son.”
Solana, who was just about to switch to a different skin marker to start on the next butterfly, pauses. “You have a son?”
Yes, they’ve all grown rather close over the past few weeks, starting with their simultaneous hospital stays to where they all now room only doors down from each other in residential treatment. However, Melina having a child is news to Solana.
She nods and pulls the arm back that Solana was drawing on to reach in her back pocket, pulling out a folded photo. Considering Melina only reaches it to her, Solana takes a guess that Mickie and Cam already knew. Makes sense.
A smile naturally falls on her face at the sight of the curly haired little boy playing in the sand. 
Melina also smiles, though hers is clearly weighed down with sadness. “I took that just two months ago. We went to Isla Mujeres to go visit Santos aunt. She lives down there.” 
“He’s beautiful, Melina. What’s his name?” The mention of the island also captures Solana’s attention. “Roman and I were just there not too long ago, actually. He took me for my birthday.”
“Santos. Go figure.” She rolls her eyes, as Solana giggles. She thinks it’s actually cute he was named after his father. “And really? It’s so beautiful.”
Breathtaking. “It is.”
“Thank you.” Melina’s smile deepens as she takes the photo and tucks it back into her pocket. “We had a good time there. It almost feels too nice to be unreal, huh?”
Solana nods. “My mom used to tell me about it all the time, which is why Roman took us. He bought us a house there, so we can go back and visit.”
“Damn, what’s it like being married to someone so rich?” Mickie almost moans, head thrown back for a second before she gasps. “Could we do like a girls trip there or something? You know, assuming we don’t all get locked up again on grippy sock trips for trying to kill ourselves.” 
Cam rolls her eyes but admits, “outside of the suicide joke, that does sound kind of fun.”
“We can stay at your house,” Mickie suggests to Solana. “If Roman is okay with that, of course.”
Solana thinks about it. Something tells her he wouldn’t protest. Not if she really wanted it. He’d probably stay somewhere else, not wanting to be around a bunch of women, but she can’t see him saying no. Matter of fact, it kind of aligns with the idea she had brought up to Roman before the incident. An idea of a girls trip with Naomi and Bayley, who she still needs to talk to actually. 
She hasn’t interacted with them since that night. And not for any reason other than wanting to make sure she’s emotionally ready for that, no doubt, heavy ass conversation.
There will definitely be a lot of tears.
“I could talk to him,” she finally answers, looking over at Melina. And she will. It could actually be really nice having all of her now friends together for a nice getaway trip. “You should bring your son too.” 
Melina looks surprised by this. “Really?” She then looks down, chuckling sadly. “That’s if Santos trusts me enough.”
Given that their rooms are right next to each other, both here and at the hospital, Solana has found herself talking with and to Melina more than Mickie and even Cam. Melina is also Mexican, fluent in Spanish, which allows them to sometimes converse in the language only the two of them understand. But, in some of those conversations, they’ve gotten deep, which is why she’s slightly surprised this is the first time she’s hearing about a child.
Melina had disclosed a lot of her relationship with Santos Escobar. How they’ve known each since they were kids, shared some of their best and worst moments with each other, how he’s loved her through it all. 
Solana can still remember the heartbreaking look in her teary eyes as she shared, ‘he just wants me to love myself as much as he loves me’. And Solana related to that so deeply. It made her think of Roman and how he could never love her back most likely but how the way he cares about her and takes care of her probably feels just as good.
She knows what it’s like to be with someone who thinks the world of you when you can barely find reasons to justify as to why you even exist. 
They relate a lot in that regard. 
It’s why Solana reaches a comforting hand and places it over Melina’s hand, voice soft but sure. “You’re gonna get better, Melina.” She looks over to Cam and Mickie. “We all are.”
There’s a comfortable silence among the group that is welcomed and moving. A silent agreement between women who were once strangers and now friends. Sisters, even.
Mickie caps the bottle of nail polish and carefully places her foot back on the ground while reaching for Solana’s water bottle, lifting it up as if giving a toast. “To mental stability and finding rich men with big dicks to spend the rest of our lives with!”
“You’re quiet tonight.”
Solana’s soft voice manages to snatch Roman away from that sunken place in his head where he’s sat deep in his thoughts for a variety of reasons, largely all due to the unexpected things that have been thrown at him.
He’d tried his best to put all of that into his visit to Asylum where he continues to extract his gruesome vengeance against her family and rapists. And it did help. A little, but clearly not enough where he’s able to hide the fact that he has a lot on his mind. 
“Come here.” Roman motions her over from where he sits propped up in the middle of her bed and she stands at the edge of the bed, notebook in hand. He watches the almost nervous way she places the book down on the bed and climbs over to him, Roman helping her straddle him. Kissing her exposed shoulder, he murmurs an apology into her soft skin. “I’m sorry.”
His eyes shut when she moves her hand to his hair, fingers almost massaging his scalp. “You want—do you want to talk about it?”
He can’t help but chuckle. The irony. “Isn’t that a bit counterproductive?”
She shakes her head, continuing to provide him soothing relief like nothing else can. “No. I—I told you before, you can talk to me too.”
It’s strange. If the situation was different, if he wasn’t still cautious regarding her mental health and the state of it, he might….he might take her up on it.
The Matteo situation though…..it’s complicated and layered and messy, and she doesn’t need any of that.
“I know.” Roman moves his hands to her hips. “But, I’m fine. Just a long ass day.”
Her eyes light with something. “Wasn’t your appointment today?” Shit. “How did it go? How’s your shoulder? What did he say about your blood pressure?”
Roman hates lying to Solana. He really does. She’s probably the only person in his life he’d prefer to not keep secrets from. She doesn’t deserve that. She’s been through more than enough shit to not deserve it.
But this…..he has to lie. 
Roman can’t think of one good thing that’ll come from telling her the truth. Solana seems to be doing well at this place, gradually improving day by day. Laying this on her will only hinder that progress and make her freak the fuck out. He doesn’t want that for her. 
He refuses to contribute to any type of regression.
Thus leaving him with only one option.
“It was fine, Sol.” To lie. “Shoulder’s practically healed. Numbers were fine. I’m good.”
That last part isn’t a lie, because Roman is determined this time around to actually do what Michaels said. To take his medication as he’s supposed to. 
For Solana.
He owes her that much.
She sighs, clearly and visibly relieved. “Good.” Roman feels like shit lying to her, but it’s for her own good. “C–can I show you something then?”
“You can show me anything, Sol.” Anything to take them off this damn topic is more than welcomed. 
He’s also reassured by the relieved smile on her face as she reaches back for her notebook, opening it, clearly looking for a certain page while talking. “One of the things I’ve been working on in therapy is goals. Like….setting goals for myself that are attainable and doable.”
“Okay.” Roman doesn't really know where she’s going, but right off the bat, whatever she needs might as well already be done. He’ll make it happen. 
“I…..” She trails off, biting down on her bottom lip, most likely trying to figure out how to say it. “I made a list of things I want to do when I get home. Some….some sooner, and some later.” Handing him the notebook, he starts reading off her neat handwriting, slightly taken back by the first thing on the list. 
Get back into training 
Roman is not opposed to Solana continuing to train. He thinks she should. Believes it’s been good for her. He just doesn’t know how to feel about the fact that it’s the number one thing on her list. Her mental strength, in his mind, should be the priority. 
She must detect and pick up on his hesitancy, eyes traveling to meet his. “He tried to take my life, Roman.” She cuts him off, her voice much lower and quieter than before. “In….in more than one way.” Roman can tell there’s another story there, but he won’t push it. Just keep it in mind the next time he’s hacking into her piece of shit father’s body. “He told me that because—because he wanted to break me, but I won’t—” She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. “He didn’t. I’m not going to let him take away all the progress I’ve made. I know I—I regressed, but I am going to get better. I am better.” 
He respects that. Respects her so immensely. It hasn’t been the easiest thing for Roman to see her go up and down as much as she has over the past month. She’s had her highs and her lows, the lows being so much heavier than most people’s. 
And that’s just been for him. He can’t imagine how it’s been for her having to actually deal with all these things.
So, while a part of him wants her to just focus on her mental health, if she truly believes getting back into training will help aid that. He’ll support it. 
She smiles, adding on, “did you—did you find a man for me to train with?” He did. In fact. He just hadn’t thought she’d want to jump right back into that either. “Also, I—I wanna learn how you do that thing you do.”
It’s the way she words it, the almost nervousness in her voice that makes him smile a bit. “Thing?”
She nods, shifting a bit on top of him. “You did it at WarGames. When you like…..ram into people. You knocked out whoever that was unconscious with one hit.”
It’s the added sentence that makes him realize what she’s referring to. “A spear?” And Solana nodding only widens his smile. Her innocence at the whole thing is adorable. “Baby, who you trying to spear?”
She shrugs, pushing some of hair back, cheeks reddening. “I don’t know. It just….it just seems effective.”
“It is.” When done correctly and done with proper training. It’d take her a while to get there, but if it’s what she wants, he’ll support it. “If you really want to learn though, I’ll teach you.”
Her smile is genuine and appreciative. Roman stealing a second to take it in, take in her happiness in this moment before moving onto the next one.
Host welcome home party 
At this second goal, Roman frowns, emitting a giggle from Solana. He looks up at her, clarifying, “does this mean you want people at the house?”
She playfully rolls her eyes. “Yes, Ro, I do.”
It was going so well. Training. He could get with. A bunch of people at his house though? Hell no. “Who exactly do you want to invite?”
“Jimmy, Jey, Naomi, Bayley, Melina—”
“Who the hell is Melina?” So far, there’s not a person listed that he’s in agreement with. “Baby, you know I hate people—”
“I know, but…..” She moves her hand to the bottom of his shirt, crumpling it while trying to plead her case. “They’re our friends….our….our family, and that….that means a lot to me.” Fuck. She’s too good at that shit. Tugging at his heartstrings. “Gail has been teaching me a lot about trauma and how it works. How connection is the way to heal. And that….that makes sense because you have been the biggest part of my healing, my connection with you, my—my love for you.”
Roman closes his eyes. Of course. Of course she would drop that word on him. The love word. The word that he can never voice to her and about her but feels with everything in him.
Taking in her heartfelt words, he nods, slowly. “Okay. Just…tell me when you want to do it and what you need. We’ll make it happen.” Thinking about something else, something important, he stipulates. “Jey’s not bringing them bad ass kids though. Or Nicki.” 
Solana rolls her eyes again. “Ro…..”
“Solana, I’m not about to have those failed Plan B’s destroy our house. And Nicki is a fucking arsonist. She’ll burn the place down.”
His wife pouting almost as she crosses her arms would make Roman chuckle if not for the fact he’s thinking about the last time Jey brought all his mistakes over to the property. Those little assholes caused over $50,000 in damages. Sure, it was of no financial consequence to him, but it was annoying as fuck to have to have people in his house doing the repairs. 
But, of course, his sweet saint of a wife lives up to her reputation. “Roman, that’s mean. They’re just….they’re just kids.”
“No, they’re vermin.” And he means that with everything in him. But, the minute Solana leans over and lays her head on his shoulder, a soft, desperate ‘please?’ leaving her mouth, it’s a wrap.
Damn her persuasiveness.
Or maybe it’s just his lack of resolve that seems to disappear when it comes to her.
Sighing against her, he mutters, “you know I can’t say no to you.”
Solana giggles, hugging and kissing him on his cheek. Meanwhile, Roman makes a mental note to have a shit ton of them kid leashes and fire hydrants ordered ASAP. 
Roman grunts as Solana murmurs a ‘thank you,’ and he moves onto the next one.
Get tattoos
This shifts the conversation a bit as he asks, “really?”
Nodding, she gestures to her inner right forearm where the colorful butterflies remain. Something she seems determined and focused to keep up. “I want to get the Hummingbird. For my mom.” She ghosts her fingers over her truly impressive artwork. “Butterflies. And….a semicolon.” Roman is grateful when she explains the last one on her own volition. “It’s….it’s for people who’ve survived depression and trauma and….and suicide.” She swallows, adding. “Something comes after a semicolon just like something comes after our darkness.” And before Roman can even comment on that, voice his agreement, she continues. “I want a lotus too. That’s for….for sexual assault.” 
She doesn’t say anything beyond that, and he doesn’t push it. Just brings her hand to his mouth, kissing her palm. “Just tell me when.” He’ll reach out to his tattoo artist and get her scheduled the same day if that’s what she wants. Whatever she needs. 
Solana smiles, licking her lips. “I—I want one for you too. I just—haven’t figured out what exactly.” 
She’s just full of surprises tonight. He understands all of the desired tattoos that she’s listed thus far. They all have such deep, profound meanings, so for him to be included in that list feels almost wrong. For her to want to put something permanent on her body for him seems wrong. “Solana, you don’t—”
“But, I want to.” 
He doesn’t know how to feel about that. Everything else she described was fine and made sense, but this one is a struggle for him. Regardless, he doesn’t push it further. Doesn’t question her.
He just continues to read through the list, the rest, for the most part, presenting no major issue. Things like continuing to work on her confidence, going back to Isla Mujeres, taking up pole dancing (he definitely wants the backstory on that as well as see if it can be moved up the list), moving all of her journals and books into the home library, etc.
However, Roman is a bit confused when he reaches the last numbered item that’s written in Spanish. She knows he doesn’t speak or understand practically any of it.
10) un bebe o una bebe
His confusion is evident, and it grows slightly when Solana almost gently takes the notebook from him and carefully places it on the bed beside them. She swallows, eyes focused on him as she moves her arms around his neck. “Roman…..I….”
Seeing her trepidation, he moves his hands to her hips, holding her. “Solana, talk to me.”
The reassurance seems to help, as she nods and blows out a deep breath. “Just…..promise me you’ll think about it before you give me an answer?”
This, however, doesn’t help him much. It only makes his curiosity grow at just what she’s talking about. Still, he won’t deny her request. “Okay.”
She moves even closer, gaze falling down to her lap. “When…..when I get better and….and more stable, I—” She lifts her eyes, voice steady and soft. “I want to have a baby, Roman.” Fuck. “I want us to have a baby. I—I want to be a mom.”
Of all the things to come out of her mouth this evening, some more than surprising, this has to take the cake. It’s the last thing he expected to hear her say.
“We have to make an heir anyway. I know….I know you’ve been taking care of that for us, but—but we can’t take forever, and—I’m ready. I know I need to focus on my mental health, and I am. I will, but…..Roman, I really want to have a baby with you.” She adds on, almost desperate and needing him to have all of the information so he can make the best decision. “And I talked to Dr. Stratus. She said all of my medications are safe to take while pregnant. We might have to change something if I decide to breastfeed, but she said that won’t be a huge issue either.”
Well, shit. Roman finds himself asking in a low voice. “You already talked to someone about this?”
She nods, almost nervously. “I just—I needed to know what she and Gail thought. If….if I’m stable enough for it.”
“What they say?”
She looks down, chuckling a bit, eyes watering. “They think I’d be a good mom.”
There’s something almost sad about the way she seems almost surprised by this. Like she didn’t think she’d be good at it until receiving their approval.
When, in actuality, he thinks she’d be the best damn mom a kid could ask for. But, she’d have to be…..with him as the father. 
Roman is not….he’s not built for that life. He doesn’t know or understand the first thing about kids other than they need and deserve all of the things he can’t and doesn’t know how to give. That’s why he’d have to lean so heavily on Solana, on her soft and gentle nature. And how would that be fair? To give her a child that she more or less would have to raise by herself because any overt involvement from him would probably increase the chances of the kid ending as fucked up as Roman is.
“You would, baby.” He finds himself agreeing, voice still low, gentle almost, even in the midst of such self-loathing thoughts. There’s so many things Solana is insecure and self-conscious about still, but this shouldn’t be one of them. “Amazing.”
The way her expression softens so deeply does something to him. “Really?” Her eyes watering is the icing on the cake as she grabs his hand, tracing the lines on his palm. “Y–you really mean that?”
He’s not sure he’s ever meant anything more. “Of course.”
Solana throws another curveball at him with the next soft admission to leave her mouth. “I think you’d be an amazing dad too.”
Keyword of the day it seems. 
Because just what in the hell is he supposed to do with that? How does he tell her that she’s wrong as hell? That someone like him really has no business being anyone’s father. That he’d just fuck up any kid of theirs. That despite recurrent dreams he’s been having about this, about fatherhood, that Roman in the dreams has to be someone else.
Can’t and could never be him. 
He’s good at a lot of things, maybe more than the average person, but that?
But what difference does all of this make when Solana is right about the fact that he has to have an heir. A child needs to be produced, whether he wants to or not, and this discussion is making him realize that while he’s spent his whole life feeling indifferent to fatherhood, the entrance of Solana, of having her be the mother to his kid, has thrown a wrench into everything. 
He doesn’t know what the fuck to think now. 
So, he expresses as such with as much carefulness as he can.
“I just…..I gotta think, Solana.” About more than just this. About everything. This day has been….a lot, to say the least.
“Of course.” She nods. And if she’s disappointed by his answer, she does a great job at not showing it. Roman welcomes her when she moves her body to lay on top of his, her face pressed against his chest. “I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”
It’s a statement that stays with Roman for the rest of his visit, oscillates in the back of his head as he sits in the middle of the SUV while being driven home.
Everything feels like it’s all been happening at once, almost too fast, like the speed is something he’s somehow unable to keep up with. Newfound territory for the man who’s always prided himself at always being so in control.
But, he’s not. 
He’s not in control of damn near all the things right now, his emotions, namely. And it’s fucking miserable. 
His love for Solana that he can’t act on because he doesn’t know what the fuck that would even mean.
Not being able to help her to the extent she needs and not being there for her when she needed him the most. Not being there to stop her the night she tried to kill herself.
Not telling her the truth about her father and leaving her to find out in the most traumatic way.
Now there’s the matter of his health, his blood pressure that he once thought was insignificant, now a moderate to major issue. 
Couple on the unexpected reintroduction of his mother’s firstborn re-entering his life.
And to top it all off, Solana wants to have a baby.
With him. 
Fucking hell.
It’s not until mentally listing all of these things that Roman becomes aware of a tightness in his chest, a sensation he hasn’t felt in years. Not since….not since his last panic attack.
Realizing what’s about to happen, Roman rolls down the tinted windows and uses the passing, speeding cars as the source of distraction. He picks the color red and starts counting how many he sees, and when that’s not enough, he switches to cars vs SUV’s, mentally listing those off. 
He continues to do that until that dastardly feeling entirely dissipates. But, it’s only when he rolls up the window that he punches the headrest in front of him.
This can’t happen again. Roman has too fucking much on his plate and stands to lose way too much. He can’t experience his own kind of regression. But, that’s exactly what’s happening. The thought of which allows him to acknowledge for the first time, in a long that, that he’s overwhelmed.
Roman feels overwhelmed. 
It’s just too fucking much. His head is cloudy as shit, and he needs to just get away from it all.
Grabbing his phone, he puts Rikishi, Jimmy, and Jey in a group text and types out a message. 
Roman: I’m going to see her this weekend. 
Less than two minutes later, the phone dings with a reply. 
Rikishi: I’ll make the arrangements.
Expecting that answer, he moves to the next part of his messages. 
Roman: Jimmy, I need you and Naomi to keep Dulce for me. I’m gonna put you and Jey down as emergency contacts if something happens with Solana while I’m gone. 
Roman: And if it’s not in regards to my wife, don’t fucking bother me.
Roman switches to his thread with Solana, uninterested in anything else anyone has to say right now. He just needs to communicate with Solana.
He can’t tell her the truth, of course, but he does need her to know he won’t be as readily available. 
She deserves that much.
Roman: A work situation came up, so I have to go out of town this weekend. I’m going to leave Dulce with Jimmy and Naomi. If you need anything, call me, and I’ll come back home.
Roman places his phone on the seat beside him and tilts his head back, running his hand over his face. 
Then his phone goes off.
Solana: Roman….
Solana: I’m okay. You don’t have to do that. I’m safe. I’m….I’m feeling happy again. Just focus on yourself. You have so much on your plate right now. I can tell. I wish you would talk to me, but I get it….
Solana: Just please take care of yourself. Be careful.
Roman reads over her texts at least three times, really honing in on the ‘I wish you would talk to me.”
He’s starting to wish he could too.
He really is.
Solana: I love you. ❤️
Another ding, and he swallows. It’s getting harder and harder to have her be so vulnerable with him and not be able to reciprocate that. It feels cruel to ignore her, to say nothing when she tells and gives him everything.
It’s why after going back and forth in his head for a good two minutes, he eventually says fuck it and sends out a simple but telling reply.
Roman: ❤️
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fablesandfragments · 2 days
On Writing and the Never-Ending Need for Gratification
Ah, writing. The noble pursuit. The art of crafting worlds, breathing life into characters, and—let’s be real—craving validation like a plant thirsting for sunlight. If there’s one thing no one tells you when you start writing, it’s that half of the battle isn’t the words themselves but resisting the urge to scream, “LOOK AT ME, I MADE THIS. PLEASE TELL ME I’M GOOD.”
There’s this delicate balance between writing for yourself and quietly wondering why the universe hasn’t sent a parade of adoring readers to your door yet. You spend hours, days, weeks nurturing your story—pacing around your room, brainstorming at 3 a.m., possibly shedding a tear over a paragraph (or your third cup of coffee)—and then hit "publish" only to be greeted by... silence.
And suddenly, you’re asking the real questions: Was it too long? Too short? Too niche? Did my main character come off as too emotionally unavailable? Should I be more emotionally unavailable?
But here's the thing, my fellow writers—deep down, we know why we do it. We write because we’re storytellers, right? Because the worlds we imagine are so vivid that they can’t stay locked up in our heads. Because we genuinely have something to say, something that’s worth saying.
...But also, wouldn’t it be nice to get a few notes? Just a handful of little dopamine boosters. I’m not asking for much—just enough to remind me that someone, somewhere, is reading this and is vaguely impressed by my ability to string sentences together.
I mean, sure, "write for yourself," they say. But also, write for that sweet, sweet gratification that keeps you from spiraling into existential dread after pouring your heart and soul into a piece. Because if art isn’t appreciated by others, did it even happen?
(Okay, yes, it did—but you know what I mean!)
So, to all my fellow writers out there feeling like they’re screaming into the void: I see you. We see each other. You’re doing great. Your words matter. Even if the void is a little too quiet sometimes, remember—you’re still out here, putting pen to paper (or, more likely, fingers to keyboard), and that’s something worth celebrating.
But seriously, if you read this, just drop a like or something. It’s good for my creative process, I swear.
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lovelytsunoda · 3 days
still alive | pato o' ward
summary: pato's girlfriend really likes halloween. in fact, it's her whole brand. especially since her dad starred in 'scream' and 'scooby-doo' and 'five nights at freddys'. like seriously, this holiday was made for her
pairing: pato o' ward x lillard! reader
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yn.lillard just posted to her story!
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yn.lillard just posted
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liked by patriciooward, matthewlillardofficial, indycar and others
yn.lillard its the most wonderful time of the year
see all comments
patriciooward my skeleton gingerbreads are cooler than your skeleton gingerbreads
-> yn.lillard say sike rn! we all know mine are better. i can call my dad and he can be the deciding vote
-> patriciooward no need, i ate them all already anyways :)
-> yn.lillard i love you you big dork
-> patriciooward i know. but do you love me as much as you love billy loomis?
-> yn.lillard see it sounds odd when you remember that to me, he's just uncle skeet.
davidmalukas you got the pumpkins i got the paint and the hocus pocus dvd. what do you say we all meet at yn's dads and have ourselves a pumpkin painting party?
-> yn.lillard you just want to drink beers with my dad and uncle skeet, don’t you?
-> matthewlillardofficial how does friday sound?
user they give such black cat orange cat energy
patriciooward added to his story!
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halloween horror nights
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tagged: patriciooward, elbaoward
liked by patriciooward, yourbestfriend, skeetulrich and others
yn.lillard its a hot ghoul summer!!! #hhn24
see all comments
elbaoward please tell me you got a video of pato screaming when the clown on stilts came up behind him
-> yn.lillard of course i did, i'm the best girlfriend ever
-> patriciooward delete that
-> yn.lillard what are you going to do to make it worth my while? 😏
patriciooward repeat after me: pato you are the sweetest most loveable man on planet earth. god created men and then sent me as an apology
-> yn.lillard someone has a big ego (i love you too sweetheart!)
alexanderrossi so where is this video of pato
-> patriciooward GONE
-> yn.lillard ill send it to u when im done jumping his bones
-> matthewlillardofficial YN YMN LILLARD
user theres so much hot in this post i dont know where to look
Pato O'Ward talks victory at Milwaukee, summer break with his girlfriend and the first time he met future father-in-law Matthew Lillard
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yn.lillard and patriciooward
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tagged: patriciooward
yn.lillard hey google, play i miss you by blink 182
see all comments
yourbestfriend i realize there was a specific lyric you were trying to reference there but it is not coming across right bestie
-> yn.lillard ok let me be more specific *clears throat* HELLO THERE THE ANGEL OF MY NIGHTMARES THE SHADOW IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE MORGUE
patriciooward we can live like jack and sally if we want and we'll have halloween on christmas ❤️
-> yn.lillard and in the night we'll wish this never ends, we'll wish this never ends
user oh that boy is so whipped
skeetulrich kid why did i just get a text message from lover boy here asking if i knew your ring size?
-> yn.lillard YOU WHAT
-> patriciooward no reason!! totally not planning something!!
-> matthewlillardofficial ahem. do we need to have a talk?
-> patriciooward nope! all good here!
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yn.lillard just posted to her story
[location tag: calgary, alberta]
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I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. And remember, I still have the Ghostface costume so if you ever need me to get rid of him, just give me a call.
DAD! I promise you'll never have to do that.
Good. I'm looking forward to having him as my son in law.
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what kind of dads would kakucho, chifuyu and baji be?
I think they'd all be really good dads! As for why, I've got some hc's for each of them!
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Cries a lot in the early stages. Cries when he finds out he's going to be a dad, when the baby is born, when they first walk etc. He's pretty emotional.
Tries to call the baby an odd name, luckily his partner quickly says no.
His phone is full of photos of his kid, Chifuyu loves them sm and wants to capture as many moments as possible.
Formally introduces the baby to Baji (he's more casual when introducing Kazutora which sparks a small amount of bickering) 
Gets his kid a pet because he thinks it's very important (waits till they're around the same age he was though).
Will show everyone his kid and photos of his kid, definitely wants to show his kid off a bit.
One time the baby makes a random noise and Chifuyu becomes convinced the baby said daddy. Everyone let's him live in his delusion. 
His kid hangs out at the pet shop a lot
Tells them lots of stories of his old toman days (especially the ones including Baji)
If Takemichi has a kid around that time then Chifuyu jokes that their kids will be 'partners' in the future.
Cries a bit when his baby is first born, he's just so happy in that moment.
Always refers to Izana as 'uncle Izana' when speaking to his kid (Izana did not agree to this beforehand)
He's a bit nervous about being a dad and struggles sometimes since he doesn't have a parent figure he can remember or use for guidance.
Is so careful with his kid, very delicate touches and is kinda afraid to hold the baby at first.
Covers his kid's ears whenever he's hanging out with the S62 and they curse (izana normally hits whoever did it after)
Loves to make his kid laugh
Really enjoys cooking for his kid too and teaching them to cook, it's one of their favourite activities to do together.
Is a bit overprotective at times but it's pretty understandable considering what happened to him as a kid 
Will show his kid some fighting moves when they're older if they're interested.
Hugs his kid a lot, although a bit unsure when they were a baby, Kakucho is very affectionate with his kid.
He's a very responsible dad, more responsible then his friends assumed he'd be but Baji takes raising a child pretty seriously, same as with his vet work.
Speaking of vet work, he did get a few things mixed up in pregnancy stage and asked questions about things that a human baby wouldn't do (after how many weeks will the baby open their eyes etc).
Isn't afraid to tell his friends to shut up when the baby is sleeping 
He's pretty determined that his kid is gonna be strong too, like him. Will put his kid in martial arts classes (though if they show no interest in it he won't push them).
Is a very good mix of being strict and chill, actually a lot like how Ryoko was with him (his mother is his role model and he tries to parent in a similar way to her).
If Mikey has a kid around the same time then the two of them have a fun rivalry going, like who's kid will talk first etc.
Panics a bit when the baby first starts crying
Introduces his kid to all the neighbourhood cats and teaches his kid to feed them too. 
Straight up congratulates his kid after they get sent home from school after a fight.
He's a very caring father who can be a bit strict at times but always does the best for his family.
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violetsquare111 · 5 hours
perhaps overly rambly thoughts on the influencer arc
it is very hard to watch but i don't think it's contrary to what we know of green, and i'm enjoying it just fine.
we know green is a showoff and perfectionist. the color gang all like winning, but green likes making a big display of it too. he's quite a sore winner and loser, and hates having the spotlight taken from him when it is his.
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he loves attention and praise. and like, that's okay, don't we all? he cares about his friends in the end.
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but i get the feeling that, while they love him and appreciate his talents, his friends don't really give him that big attention that he might want. they're used to him winning and being good at art/performance of any kind. it's normal to them really. maybe even a little disheartening.
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so i can easily see how getting that attention in the form of being an influencer is a huge thing for green. an addiction, even. he gets so drawn into it that he overlooks his friends' discomfort, so he can keep being the Perfect Celebrity, keep the hype going.
obviously this end outcome here isn't actually what he wanted, and i'm sure he feels guilt for all this on some level. but he's pushed that away in favor of the high of getting a number to go up, getting more of the spotlight. there's nothing else that matters right now but getting that new dopamine hit. again, it is an addiction.
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surely his friends will come around. why don't they get it? this is a good thing for him. he's winning. he's harsh, yes, but he's just trying to be successful. his friends aren't actually hurt (they are), they're doing fine (they're not), what's the issue? (everything.)
i don't think current green is character assassination - right now he's doing horribly and hurting the people around him because he is at his lowest, the worst version of himself where his flaws overtake him. it can go up from here. i have no doubt that by the end of this green is going to get some sense shaken into him and make up with his friends. like, that's just the kind of series this is.
and despite all the character analysis i just did lol - i ALSO think it's important to remember that we are probably taking these characters infinitely more seriously than the creators are. while the series sometimes dips its toes (or entire face) into being a dramatic and beautiful story, it is ultimately a cartoon, and sometimes the character writing will be simplified in favor of a gag or an overall story arc. that's fine.
i get why some people might not like it, but i don't think they're doing anything totally unprecedented for the characters they've set up, and i think they'll wrap this up alright.
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lookingfts · 1 day
Friday Fic Rec 10/4
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Thanks as always for your submissions! Titles are links to each fic.
The Swap by VioletTimes
“It’s an AU with an almost Beauty and the Beast type of vibe. The writing is excellent and the slow burn is masterful.”
Description: Anthony Bridgerton is the most powerful Duke in England and likely its next king. But since he came back from the war his reputation is less than stellar. Considered to be both a brilliant strategist and a ruthless monster, all of England is afraid of him and the Sheffield sisters are no exception. So when Edwina is forced to be sent to marry the monstrous Duke, Kate doesn't even hesitate before swapping places to protect her sister from such a horrible fate.
WIP (9/39) - E - 43k words
loyal to what matters by @suitsusboth
“This fic is so well-written! The author is amazing at world-building. It’s a slow burn between Kate and Anthony, but totally worth it.”
Description: Anthony Bridgerton is an outlaw and had been riding with the Brunswick-Lüneburg gang for years now. They are his family-- a family that took him and his siblings in when they had no other place to go. But one big heist gone terribly wrong had them on the run, the law closing in on them like never before. Many forces work against the gang as they try to fix things in the aftermath as they are chased across the states-- gaining and losing friends alike. Loyalty is the cornerstone of their gang. But as things start to unravel, and as the alluring and equally infuriating Kate Sharma starts to shine light on aspects of his lifestyle, Anthony has to figure out what is worth being loyal to... and what it might cost in the end.
WIP (6/?) - M - 52k words
The Air I Breathe and The Bane of My Existence by the_loosest_moose
“Two separate stories, both creative modern takes on season 2's (not the book's) storyline. Also, these are textfics with accessible counterparts, so it took a hell of a lot of work to put these together on top of writing the actual story. I dream of this author coming back to write for this fandom.”
Description (The Air I Breathe): Anthony Bridgerton is a typical NYC hotshot attorney – self-important, tenacious, and highly promiscuous. He’s casually dated for years, but he’s getting older and is thinking about settling down. Enter Kate Sharma. She’s a brilliant special education lawyer, and though she’s entirely career-oriented herself, she’s trying to help her younger sister Edwina get back into the dating scene after ending a long relationship. Anthony and Edwina meet, and Edwina is immediately charmed. Unfortunately, Kate suspects that Anthony is not the kind, gentle person he pretends to be. Though Anthony and Edwina begin dating, things start getting complicated when Anthony and Kate realize they may have feelings for each other.
Complete - E - 61k words (accessible version 94k words)
Description (The Bane of My Existence): Kate Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton both have high stress jobs. When friends/family force each of them to attend a week-long silent meditation retreat to relax, neither takes it seriously (or is very happy about it). After a few flirty exchanges between them, things get steamy, and they try to make the most of their otherwise frustrating week. Though they part ways expecting their time together to have been no more than a fling, when they return home, it becomes apparent that Kate and Anthony aren’t the total strangers they thought they were.
Complete - E - 64k words (accessible version 104k words)
Remember the Time by Anonymous
Description: I read PonderRose's The Son Between Us and wondered how it would play out in the show.
WIP (12/?) - NR - 78k words
Trying not to love and We are family by HarnitBee
Description (Trying not to love): Anthony confronts Kate about their feelings, desperate to not feel anything.
Complete - G - 4k words
Description (We are family): What if the Sheffields weren’t horrible and agreed to the marriage and got Kate's father a post in England?
Complete - G - 10k words
hate to say I told you so by itsthebooks and KyBee1497
Description: A good old fashioned game of Truth or Dare mixed with Seven Minutes in Heaven brings Kate Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton a lot closer to each other than they ever wanted to be.
Complete - E - 9k words
LFTS rec: Weary Memory by @fitrahgolden
I have a difficult time reading divorce fics in general, but I gave this one a shot and I loved it. There’s a bit of angst, but the reasons for the breakup make sense and so does their coming back together. There’s something super sweet about this Kate and Anthony and I’ve revisited it multiple times.
Description: After eleven years of marriage, Kate and Anthony find themselves divorced and co-parenting their three kids.
Complete - M - 20k words
Thanks to those who submitted! This will be a weekly thing, so keep your recs coming! You can find previous weeks under the "lfts fic recs" tag.
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deadbydangit · 3 days
Hiii! I wanted it request a story with Oni, Knight, Huntress, Trickster, and Wesker, where you set up a bath for them after a stressful trial, and then you two just have a calm bath together. Thank you in advance ❤️❤️
I can totally do that. Since my limit is three characters per post, I'm going to pick three.
Taking a bath with them
Oni, Trickster, Mastermind
He often comes back from trials stressed and wound up.
Kazan takes his job seriously.
You can suggest meditation, and he does.
But he's often too clouded in anger to sit still with his own thoughts.
When you suggested a bath?
You were surprised when he agreed to it.
He'll give you a whole history lesson on how Japanese people take baths.
A whole health thing and...
Eventually you'll stop listening.
Because he will go on and on about how wonderful Japan is.
First hurdle is finding a bathtub that will fit both of you.
Let alone him.
Once you do, the second part will be getting enough steaming hot water.
Because that's all he'll bathe in.
Some health thing.
Nothing fancy either.
He doesn't want any fancy candles or bubbles.
All he really needs is soap and water to get clean.
Expect him to want his space at first as he soaks in the bath.
Watch how his shoulders relax and the creases in his face soften.
Then you can make a move and get closer.
Again, he prefers his space.
But you can sit beside him.
He won't fall asleep in the bath.
But he certainly feels relaxed enough to.
Once the water starts to cool, he'll insist you both get out.
He won't let you get sick.
After you both dry off, he'll be a lot more willing to give and receive affection.
For once, his world is at peace.
A bath?
"Like, a spa day?"
"Why did you ask sooner?"
And with that he'll pull out baskets full of the fanciest bath supplies.
Soaps, bubble baths, bath fizzes, spa masks, fancy lotions.
Don't forget all those fancy candles.
He even has a rubber duck that looks faintly like him.
He bought fan merch of himself.
Ji-Woon has been waiting for this moment.
He loves to spoil himself.
But getting to spoil himself with you?
Sign him up?
He knows exactly what each item does and when to use it.
Clogged pours?
"This is what you want for that."
Oily skin?
"Use this."
Just need something to unwind?
"Lavender is great for that. Pair it with this camomile mask."
He'll want you in his arms.
Your head has to be leaning on his chest.
He won't try anything though.
He's in his zen moment.
"This is the high life."
After you both dry off, he's going to show you all his different lotions.
You can tell he's really enjoying this.
Not just because he gets to pamper himself.
But because he gets to do it with you.
"Only the best for you, my dear."
Wesker is always wound up.
You can't remember a time when his shoulders weren't hunched forward.
Give him a break.
He has a very stressful job.
You can ask him if he wants to take a bath.
"A bath?"
"That's a waste of time dear heart."
"I'm very busy."
"I don't have time for that."
You'll either have to beg him enough till he caves.
Or, you'll have to really bring up how stressed he is and how worried you are about him.
"Seven minutes is all I can spare for this."
He doesn't like anything fancy.
A simple warm bath will do.
He's going to sit there, rigid, the entire time.
So you're going to have to help him.
If you really want to make him melt, massage his shoulders.
Don't be afraid to really dig into his shoulders either.
He'll melt into you.
Don't point that out though.
He'll go right back to being rigid.
Once you've got him to relax, he'll lean back against the bath.
And you better believe you'll be snuggled into his arms.
Look up.
He's actually dozed off for a moment.
This is probably the most relaxed you've ever seen him.
He's even smiling!
Don't bring that up later.
Otherwise, he'll never take another bath with you.
And he would secretly hate for that to happen.
Because he wants to do it again with you.
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imaginita-est-omnibus · 4 months
So Sutekh is back? The guy from the Pyramid of Mars? The episode with the funniest five seconds in all of Doctor Who?
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
hi I love your tags so so much! they were so sweet and so interesting and creative and the whole Aphrodite type of beauty thing sounds really interesting do you have any articles and recommendations to read further into it??
Hello my fine feathered (I am assuming possession of feathers if you are, indeed, capable of flight) @hogoflight! I'm always always happy to hear that people appreciate my frenzied rambling in the tags :D! I have a lot of articles and recommendations :D!! Ancient Greek notions of beauty and representations of it in their art and sculptures is a pretty well studied topic! There isn't any way for us now to know definitively what the beauty standard was (it varied widely from region to region and culture to culture after all) but here are a couple of my favourite reads about Aphrodite and what her representations tell us about idealised beauty!
Probably the most empirically extensive one I can list is Krönström's thesis which compares statues of Aphrodite and literary text referring to both the goddess and mortal women to determine physical ideals for women in five specific eras of Grecian antiquity. Including measurements of the statues there are many descriptions of Aphrodite as 'curvy' with a 'voluptuous figure' and with 'ample buttocks and bosom'.
"When the beauty traits are described in the texts, they are never extreme or anything that could not be found in normal people just that they are more beautiful in every aspect. Furthermore, the sculptures’ physical forms look healthy, they are tall and have distinct curves. Great examples of this are the Knida sculpture and de Milo (the Melian) sculpture."
Of course, these images are still idealised, and there was still a concept such as 'too fat' or 'too skinny' found in written records (and this thesis even includes analysis of pornographic writings and descriptions of the fashion and stylings of pubic hair of women from different regions!!) but from an interpretational standpoint? There is absolutely no reason why these can't refer to a fuller figure. Height was also a very important factor after all and over the course of many eras, it seems like being well proportioned in addition to the length and appearance of one's hair were the most important factors (and, like Apollo, greater beauty was given to those with curlier hair)
Mireille M. Lee's 'Other Ways of Seeing' essay which talks about the forgotten female viewers of Knidian Aphrodite which is also extremely illuminating on how Aphroditic sexuality and sensuality was perceived totally differently from the well documented male voyeuristic gaze (which was overly preoccupied with the statue's nakedness and therefore over-sensationalised the statue's physical appearance) vs women's perspective on the statue which is more centered on the beauty of simplicity in Aphrodite's garment and decoration and in her power and ability to captivate both in her finery and without it. I think it's especially useful in exploring the importance of finery, jewellry and adornment in representations of Aphroditic beauty.
"Some of the small-scale copies are heavily jeweled, especially those from the eastern Mediterranean, for example the Hellenistic gilded terracotta statuette in the Çanakkale Museum (Fig. 5) in which the goddess wears, in addition to the armband on her (right) arm, the following: a necklace with multiple pendants; cross-bands extending over both shoulders and hips, with a cascading pendant in the center; a coiled snake armband on the left arm and another snake on her left thigh, and a twisted anklet on her right leg. (The left leg has been restored, and might also have featured an anklet.)"
"Jewelry is especially associated with Aphrodite in Greek literature. As seen above, in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, the goddess adorns herself with gold jewelry, dress-pins, and earrings in the shape of flowers (162–3)..."
Finally, and to me, the most important one in the argument for an interpretation of Hyacinthus as fat, beautiful and fundamentally Aphroditic comes from Brilmayer's brilliant brilliant thesis done on Aphrodite's work and influence in Archaic Greek Poetry which does away with all of that masculine preoccupation with physical proportion, measurement and bodily ideals for a focus on a Sapphic Aphroditic ideal centered in clothing, ornamentation and, most importantly cunning as symbols of Aphrodite and ultimately a feminine idealised form of beauty. This paper also discusses Pandora and Helen in these terms and it is just kind of a wonderful read tbh.
"Combining Homeric and Hesiodic elements with her own ideas, she [Sappho] alters the way female beauty is viewed. For example, the Homeric war chariot – a symbol of male, military prowess - comes to symbolise the totality of Aphrodite’s power uniting in itself male and female qualities. Having addressed the concept of beauty directly, Sappho then concludes that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. With the help of Helen of Troy and her beloved Anaktoria, Sappho sets out to reinvent the concept of female beauty as a godlike, subjective quality that may be expressed in many ways, yet remains inspired by Aphrodite."
The conclusion to all of this of course is that Aphroditic ideal beauty is much more fluid compared to its stricter Apolline masculine standard. The nuances and understandings of both are of course, constantly being studied, analysed and scrutinised but really, if Dionysus who was both bearded and clean shorn, effeminate, birthed and rebirthed (and twice gestated!) and strongly associated with vegetation can be popularly portrayed as fat and handsome, why can't Hyacinthus?!
#ginger rambles#ginger answers asks#Once again I do not care how it happens or who I have to pay#I don't even care how much research I have to do#All I care about is more unique portrayals of Hyacinthus#Literally that's it#I will go through every academic hoop to make that possible if that's what peeps need TRUST#No because there's a genuine conversation to be had about a Hyacinthus who is split between masculine and feminine qualities#Likewise there's a wonderful conversation to be had wrt Apollo's fluidity in terms of presentation and how it does not reflect on his gende#the way Dionysus' fluidity reflects on his#Apollo is ALWAYS masculine no matter his ornaments garments makeup or action#It doesn't matter that he has the prettiest curls or wears elaborate dresses for his kitharody and dances#or values the deep dyes of the lapis - Apollo is ALWAYS male and that cannot be concealed by any finery or garment#Aphrodite however is an ally in this measure because through her beauty bridges the gap between the mortal and the divine#And we see this constantly in the way mortal beauties are able to attract the eye of many gods and how glory and ultimately immortality#are gained from these things#After all even after their deaths or betrayals or tragedies#We still tell their stories and remember their names#And what is Apollo if not the one who recites all of these beautiful memories - what is Clio if not the one who records these histories#ANYWAY PLEASE DRAW FAT HYACINTHUS#PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE#I AM ON MY KNEES I AM BEGGING (no pressure seriously I'm being very lighthearted) BUT ALSO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEE#TOGETHER WE CAN KILL THE PATROCLES/HYAPOLLO VISUAL PARALLELS WE CAN DO IT I KNOW WE CAN#ANYTHING SO THAT XANTHIAN DEVIL ARISTOS ACHAION DOESN'T GET ANY MORE PARALLELS WITH APOLLO P L E A S E#This is of course entirely because of my own biases and such there's nothing objectively wrong with comparing and paralleling#Hyapollo and Patrocles - however and I cannot stress this enough#P l e a s e#Thank you for the ask <33 Always a pleasure to provide more relatively obscure references mmhm#Hope this helps!#oh almost forgot
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Every time I see a post lamenting how Viv used to draw weird furry erotica, or the 2012 ass "pedo bear" style comedy that was always a joke and just fandom bullshit. How Stella obviously was supposed to be fucking her brother but its been pulled back on, or how ValAngel is obviously kink shit(even if we're also taking it very seriously at the same time)
Like, everything about this show was supposed to By Freaks, For Freaks. From the character design, to the edgy humor.
But fandom culture has changed a lot from when Viv first started out in that OC's tumblrina time. Ship and let ship has almost completely died, purity culture and the normalization of second degree murder has resulted in a creative landscape thats so fucking terrified to be seen as "problematic", that art is being pushed aside and sanitized because no one has fucking basic reading comprehension.
I mean, that whole thing where people were telling Bryan Fuller that he's the reason that gay conversion camps are good and should come back full force. The amount of trans women I saw on Twitter become publicly accused of "cp". A youtuber at one point SAVED the "cp" on her computer, edited the "cp" into a cutesy thumbnail, and distributed it. So, either its not csem and she fucking knows it and wouldn't have saved it and reposted it but really wanted to to tell people to kill this one specific woman, OR this is how seriously these kinds of people take things like literal csem.
Like, is Vivziepop annoying? Yeah, kinda. Is she not necessarily the best writer in the world? No, not really. But she's not a pedophile or some serial abuser because she's a furry. I'm genuinely so baffled by people watching a Furry Show and then being like, "omfg......she drew.........furry porn?????". I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of the reason Hazbin/Helluva turned out so wonky(outside of amazon)is just, Viv didn't feel safe or comfortable actually expressing her art and telling her story. There's so many people who would jump for joy if she killed herself, because they think snakes are a good enough reason to kill someone. Not to mention, the baseless accusations about stupid and meaningless things muddies the waters of actual abuse or things that could be legitimate problems. There's a 50/50 chance the thing Viv did that was problematic will be "drew pictures" or "has bad working conditions" and both of these tend to be held to the same standard of shit we need to take her down for.
I hate how you can't critique anything anymore, because saying you're "critical of the media" is more often then not, just a fucking dog whistle for "omg pls pls give me the opportunity to harass someone for not giving in to the thought policing I PERSONALLY have made up." Instead of someone who actually likes analysis and media criticism.
I'd love to complain about Hazbin/Helluva, I think it kinda sucks!!! I'm genuinely heartbroken that something that was obviously meant for Weirdos has been appropriated by puritanical babies, like they're horny housewives ashamed of themselves because they like 50 shades or whatever.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
I've been thinkin' too many thoughts about the clones recently...anyways...
If it had never been acknowledged in universe…I think I might’ve been able to ignore how unbelievably fucked up the whole clone army concept is
I might’ve been able to accept it as just a convenient plot point for the republic to have an army to use
That’s what most stories do…they use a faceless army of “disposable” soldiers so that viewers don’t get too upset when so many die in battles
It’s what keeps those stories from feeling too dark
Hell, the stormtroopers from the OT are one of the most famous examples of that
But the thing is…it is acknowledged in universe
Multiple characters on multiple occasions have pointed the fucked-up-ness of it all
Even Obi-Wan in the AOTC novel is kinda horrified at the concept when he sees the clones for the first time
And it’s soooo hard to look past that
Especially with the jedi…I find it so hard to accept that the jedi are able to just ignore and accept it once the army proves to be useful
And like, yeah, when I look at star wars as a whole I understand that a lot of inconsistencies like this are just an inevitability with massive franchises
But it gets super frustrating to hold onto my suspension of disbelief capabilities when these problems are literally mentioned to and acknowledged by the jedi
Especially because I mostly love the jedi
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eldritch-araneae · 1 year
Bumblebee Week Day 4 - Secret
Tumblr media
I've been here waiting for the longest time I can't believe it's real You lose the battles that you never fight Can't hide from what you feel (Come on!) No more compromise This is do or die And now you've crossed the line You'll wake the beast inside No more compromise This is do or die I'll warn you one last time You'll wake the beast inside!
Song: Sonic Frontiers OST - Break Through It All
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You know, I'm glad that some of us take the step to embrace things that we like even if they're "cringe" or "objectively bad"
But perhaps we could take the next step forward and embrace the idea of reading into books/shows/movies/etc even if they don't seem deep. Perhaps we could understand that the two kinds of media aren't either "shallow and meaningless so you're weird and brainrotted to read into it" or "incredibly and profoundly deep in every way so if you don't analyze every single angle of the thing then you're brainrotted". Some media is deeper than others, but all I propose is that no matter how deep it seems it's acceptable to dig into the thing and take the media seriously instead of just assuming that because of ____ thing (such as target audience or how cringe it is) the media not deep and will never be deep and everything good about it happened on accident.
#fandom wank#i just be ramblin#I'm not putting this in any tags#I'm just frustrated that Sonic Prime is going to be remembered by the bulk of its fanbase/people who watched it as a shallow stupid badly#written kid's show where the only thing good about it that we can even consider was created on purpose and is deep is Sonadow#I'm frustrated that when people learned that sometimes the death note creators did things because it was cool and not because they were#planning for it to be some great symbolism that so many people jumped from 'death note is a masterpiece and every bit of it is meticulously#thought out the curtains are never blue' to 'pack it up guys! the curtains are just blue! Everything good about death note like that#profound relationship I like and the neat symbolism completely happened by accident and Ohba sucks as a writer otherwise'#I'm frustrated when I see people talk about 'a kid's show' as if it's not gonna be deep at all or written well *because#it's a kid's show and then turn around and complain that said show sucks and isn't deep at all (even if that's how they're choosing to look#at it and they could see the care put into the story if they didn't go into it assuming that it will be lesser and shallow and dumb based on#what it is)#I guess it's also just getting me on this random Wednesday the idea that the bulk of one's viewers determine the legacy of a piece of media‚#no matter how close or far away they are from painting the media as it actually is or tries to bw#It's also just bleak (especially from a manga/anime standpoint) that if your work is considered profound and intellectual‚ then any reveal#of something not being deep is grounds for people to completely swap how they think of your work and how they see you as a writer#And any work that's considered 'not actually that deep' from the getgo ends up with people only engaging with it seriously saying stuff like#'I know nothing about it is purposeful or deep but I like it'#and just ends up with prevailing opinion putting down anything percieved as 'good' or 'profound' about the work as a complete fluke
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froggyhopscotch · 7 months
I've been seeing people talk about their wishlists for Pokémon Legends Z-A, and a mixed reaction to the idea it'll take place entirely in the city. I'm actually really on board with the idea
I don't know how many people played/remember the post-game quest in Lumiose City for XY, where the player helps Looker with a case, but I remember really enjoying it and thinking it was the best post-game story I'd seen in a Pokémon game up to that point.
Looking back now, it was mostly fetch quest battles. Go find this out of the way place in the city, Battle The Mystery Person, rinse repeat until you get to the end of it.
But if they expand on that idea, perhaps in particular the idea of being the sidekick of a detective and helping people around the city, I'd be so excited for that game concept??
Like, not Detective Pikachu style exactly, but Legends Arceus fused with Detective Noir X)
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butchdykekondraki · 9 months
the weird little girl obsessed w fnaf to weird tranny obsessed w dsaf pipeline is real and agonizing in every way possible
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butch4maryoliver · 10 months
the leftist sphere online and its insistence that nuance is critical while it completely waives it and transforms major issues into black-and-white is so….
#thinking of israel. the left (online) is so highly reactionary it’s absurd. the only thing that isn’t complicated is israel’s#documented war crimes against people within the near & middle east- particularly palestine of course#the military occupation isn’t complicated- though look even somewhat closely at any strain of its existence and that is complicated. heavil#leftism online with infographics and people “watching people learn and never learning themselves” is so frustrating#i am tired of people doing pop-research claiming to be authorities. you’re not on the ground. you have time in abundance.#do the hard work of giving justice to the stories of palestinians jews and yes even israelis since there#is a well-documented culture of revolt against the alt-right gov by its citizens- born and immigrated.#there’s so so much and so so much gets dismissed. if we were all on the ground this wouldn’t be an issue- but seriously.#we’re not. we only have time and conversation. and all of that is disregarded for easy reactionary targets#*this wouldn’t be an issue as in we would obviously have no ‘free time’ to divvy on research#i expect nothing from palestinian journalists and civilians but to do what they can even if that’s so bare as survive#it’s a hope rather than expectation#but if you’re in the west (if you’re reading this ik pretty much everyone following me is) you have an abundance of time to#remember nuance and history is real btw and especially that the history of jews and palestine pre-1948 is extremely intertwined#my one brief statement is you’re not decolonial if you want palestine to be drawn back to 1948. that’s quite the opposite really.#look into it man
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