#I remember early on in my blog I got an anon that was like
torchickentacos · 6 days
Very rarely I'll (accidentally) find someone who's blocked me on pokemon tumblr, and realistically I know that they probably saw one of my posts too many times and just got sick of seeing it or I simply annoy them or whatever. But part of me really wants to believe that my pokemon anime opinions were just too much for someone. I want to believe that someone saw me say 'The absol scene needed better build-up to justify Drew talking to one of his pokemon like that, it goes against everything we've seen of him imo' or whatever and they just put a hand over their heart, wounded, and clicked the block button while cursing my family for several generations, past and future. I really want to think that I had a lukewarm enough drew opinion that someone blocked me about it
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reactionimagesdaily · 13 days
Wait, you're younger than me?? Granted only by a year but still???
This ask sent me down a time-based rabbit hole that prompted me to check when exactly I started this blog, and it turns out I've been running this thing for pretty much my entire adult life, so. I guess we're BOTH having existential crises today
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fitzselfships · 1 month
why are you and @/shanesbeloved bullying people on this app? BULLYING MINORS especially, why arent you embarassed, people can do whatever they want with their blogs, you and that chronically online weirdo Rhiannon should mind your own business and find something better to do than bullying MINORS and reblogging call out posts that mean absolutely nothing. I reported both blogs for bullying and harassment btw also got my mutuals to do it. Good riddance
oh and tell Rhiannon to get a life instead of blocking and bullying MINORS. One day she will be the one bullied and we wont stop until her depressive ass leaves this space. We dont want her toxic behaviour here
What the fuck are you talking about lmao
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euniexenoblade · 8 months
since we're talking about call outs lately, i've been called out many times, most of which are made from lies and sometimes by altering screenshots, but the most effective call out i ever got was like, in early 2015 there was a tumblr user everyone knew was a terf, but she would say "actually i support trans women" this was before crypto terfs were as talked about so the language wasn't really there to say "hey this person is a crypto terf." but yeah some people put posts of this woman on my dash and i made a random post on my blog "why do yall reblog her shes a terf" and of course she searches her own name daily, found my post, and replied to it that me calling her a terf was racist. that was it. no other interaction. but she went on all night talking about me being racist and just making things up as she went "oh i bet she says the n word all the time irl" kind of shit that had, like no basis? But her follower base took it 100% and i literally had thousands of anons telling me to kill myself, trying to goad me into being racist (didnt work), and the most concerning thing was i got hundreds of anons being like "what was the point of doing hrt if you still look like that, you should kill yourself." It was like, violent and overwhelming. and on top of it I'd get random young teenager trans people who followed her and bought into her bioessentialism showing up in my messages being like "you give trans people a bad name" "you're why transphobia exists" etc etc it was fucking crazy.
but i lost like, no followers because everyone around me understood, this woman was a terf. this all set up the real one though.
later in the year a teenage "communist" trans girl made some snarky comment about me being racist on a post of mine blowing up. i ignored her cuz like, who cares it's just some random teenager. but i guess people were looking for a reason to hate me cuz that blew up, lots of people just took that at face value no need to investigate. when someone finally did send the girl an ask being like "hey how is she racist" she replied "I dont remember but I know she is" and even more people just took this as 100%. the thing is, i do remember her being one of those "you make trans people look bad" terf following young trans people, it's not that she didn't remember, it's that she didnt want to admit she followed a terf and she believed a terf just saying shit. I lost like 3/4s of my followers, i had a lot of people i thought were my friends just stop talking to me, and going forward every time i got a call out there would usually be a line of like "also she's racist, everyone already knows this" all cuz this girl needed to make a snarky comment cuz she just loves terfs.
the thing about the "i dont remember" bit is it made some weird game of telephone. "I dont remember" became "oh she's racist, i think she says the n word" which became "she called black bloggers the n word" like people just made shit up about me and connected it to this call out. and when id be like this isnt true id be met with a "this is just known, youre a known racist" and it's like, to this day i will still find people be like "hey good on you for growing as a person and not doing that any more" and its like I NEVER DID IT TO BEGIN WITH
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jamminvroomvroom · 7 months
Hey girlll I love your blog so so so much! Congrats on the 4k bc you absolutely deserve it🫶🏼
I just had a little angsty request for Charles lando or Oscar (you can pick any you’re feeling more atm, I eat up anything ab my boys)
I saw this prompt maybe you could use - - "I can be there when you need me!" "But I did, and you weren't."
late night talking.
op x fem norris!reader
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in which lando’s little sister has been sneaking around with his teammate, but it’s starting to have its challenges…
hiiiii thank u sm anon! love this request love you MWAH! so appreciative of this request and all of the others and that y’all trust me to bring your ideas to life!! i hope this hits the way you wanted it to! let me know what you think, big love 🤍
songs to set the mood: late night talking by harry styles, i love you by billie eilish, over my head by james marriott, if these walls could talk by 5sos
warnings: 18+!! minors dni!! smut, angst, fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort, secret relationship, brothers teammate trope (r is lando’s sister), fingering, morning sex, angsty needy sex, lando being an embarrassing little shit
4.1k words
sex and talking. sex and talking. sex and talking.
that’s what you do, oscar and you.
you watch him all weekend, eyes trailing his lean frame, the way his body moves under papaya fabric. then, when your brother finally leaves you alone, you sneak into oscar’s arms, room, bed, whatever’s closest.
you have your way with one another, nothing untouched, unexplored, and then you talk and talk until your lips hurt from stretched out grins and a satisfying ache sets into your spent limbs. you sneak out when the sun comes up the next day and join lando for breakfast in whatever hotel you’re in that weekend.
rinse, repeat.
you can remember the first time you saw him in real life, way back in early 2023, clear as day. you were in bahrain with your brother for testing, the sun in your eyes, and there he was. awkward, stocky, hands buried deep in his mclaren administered slacks. he was littered with moles, mousey brown hair catching the rays of light, chocolate eyes conveying cool confidence that didn’t at all match up with his uncomfortable stance. you could kiss over those moles like a game of dot to dot, tug on his strands that looked like smooth chocolate frosting, sink into his brown irises until you drowned.
lando had caught you staring, sending his elbow into your ribs, and when you turned to glare at him, cuss him out, you saw a look of warning. his eyes said: don’t you fucking dare.
and you didn’t dare, not for a while at least.
“o-osc.” you whine, panting through the waves of eye-watering pleasure.
he’s got you laid out across his massage table, two fingers scissoring into your sodden cunt as his thumb bumps your clit in messy circles.
it’s rare that you sneak away so brazenly like this during a race weekend.
“you gotta be quiet.” oscar shushes you, eyes flitting between your own watery pair and his fingers where they’re working you open.
“trying.” you breathe, slapping your own hand over your mouth when your belly tightens one last time. one wrong move and the entirety of the hospitality suite will know. lando will know. perhaps all of china will know. that’s how good he fucking feels.
you sob into your palm, bucking your hips wildly as you fall apart, spilling all around his relentless fingers. he fucks you through it, grinning coyly as your muffled cries subside.
“c’mere.” oscar lulls, pulling you back towards him. he kisses you deeply, smiling against your lips.
“i should go.” you mumble, pushing his hair back and raking your fingers through his hair.
oscar nods apathetically, reserved all of the sudden. you frown, stealing another quick kiss. you stumble to your feet fixing your underwear and your skirt, and grab your bag from the small sofa.
“we need to be more careful.” his words make your blood run cold.
“more careful?”
you sneak in and out of hotel rooms under the cover of night, you have his name disguised in your phone, you never speak to him in public.
“this was risky.” oscar shrugs. he looks antsy, his entire demeanour changing in a matter of minutes, the ecstasy of watching you writhe all for him worn off.
“this- i- you’re the one who dragged me in here, piastri.” you accuse. ‘piastri’ is reserved for when you’re pissed off, a cagey step back from the affection ‘osc’ that you usually called him. “whatever, i’ve got to go.”
“i’ll see you later?” he poses it as a question, uncertain that you’ll show. he has never been uncertain before, not with you, not with a lot of things. bile rises in your throat, and you scoff.
you can’t reply. the door slams behind you.
“where’ve you been?” lando ruffles your hair, a single eyebrow raised suspiciously.
“got bored with watching you look at data so i went for a walk.” you reply nonchalantly, pushing his hand away.
he hums in response, nodding slowly. it’s like he doesn’t quite believe you but he quickly moves on.
“you coming out with us after the race tomorrow?” lando asks.
“depends on who ‘us’ is.” you reply curtly. you don’t wanna look at oscar’s stupid, handsome face for a second longer than you have to. a familiar sadness sinks into your bones.
“couple of the drivers, alex, carlos, oh and oscar might even be swayed.” you grit your teeth, suddenly frustrated. “anyway, since when do you have beef with drivers? little miss sunshine fallen out with someone?” lando sounds confused, accusatory.
you stay silent, walking into the back of the garage, praying someone will come and steal your brother away.
“hey, you gonna tell me what the problem i-?”
“lando, we need you to look at this.” your brother gets cut off by a frantic engineer, your prayers answered, and is quickly lost to the chaos of the garage.
a pair of warm eyes burn into the side of your head. you turn to see oscar watching you, his eyebrows furrowed as if he’s studying you. he’s fidgeting, playing with his fingers, something strange for the man as cool as a cucumber. you look away as quickly as you can, managing to tear your eyes away from him, a lump forming in your throat which you swallow down.
it’s painful, really. sex and talking, it’s not enough, never has been for even a second. oscar piastri, australian f1 driver, number 81, quickly became your oscar, somewhat against your will.
somewhere in hungary, about 8 months ago
“are we really doing this, piastri?” you giggle, throwing your head back as his lips work your neck.
“need you.” he groans into your skin, low and needy. you’ve never heard him sound so disheveled, so desperate, a far cry from his usual, monotonous self.
“want you, osc.” you pant when his lips find your sweet spot, the feeling of him so delicious on your body.
“have me.” he whispers, falling into bed with you in his lap.
you lay there basking in stunned silence afterwards, a layer of sweat coating your knackered body. your shoulder is pressed flush with oscar’s, not an inch of space between you while you both stare at the ceiling, sporting matching lazy grins.
“i can’t believe we did that.” oscar mutters, a layer of disbelief in his voice.
“i think we should do it again.” you tease, except you are deadly serious.
“agreed.” he breathes.
“this stays between us, right?” you whisper, shyly.
always makes your skin crawl now. you’re sick of having him in the dark, of having to avoid him in public for fear of turning into a lovesick fool. it’s embarrassing, really, unrequited love.
you can barely follow qualifying, staring blankly at the empty space in the garage where oscar’s car resides. you manage to catch the radio message through the headset you have on, the one where oscar’s muttering about a stupid mistake that’s just knocked him out. he’s limping back to the pits, licking his wounds.
you feel a pang in your chest, sympathetic and disappointed for him. you wonder what his mistake was, where his mind was. you’ll wait for the right moment, swallow the ache in your heart and your pride, and you’ll comfort him. he gets led away by frustrated engineers immediately, studying lines of data with furrowed eyebrows. you watch from afar, but then your heart sinks to your feet when four words sound through your headphones.
“lando, are you okay?”
will sounds stressed, repeating the four words that make your world stop spinning on its axis. everyone in the garage is staring at the tv screen, breaths held, stomachs tight.
your brothers car sits in tatters, carbon fibre littering the track. you can see the fluorescents of his helmet burrowed in the cockpit, still. your mouth hangs open, one hand clutching your chest, the other covering your quivering lips. you’re numb.
that feeling returns, the one of eyes burning into your weathered features. your wide eyes flit to the australian boy watching you from across the garage, and you beg silently for him to just come to you, pull you close, tell you that lando is okay and that he loves you back.
and lando is okay, his winded voice reassuring you over the radio.
but you stand there alone.
just like always.
somewhere in brazil, about 5 months ago
“what’s your favourite colour?” oscar mumbles lazily, lips bumping your cheekbone.
you’re curled up on his lap watching the sunset from his balcony. he was well behind lando after qualifying, and he’d craved a moment alone with you all day.
the air was thick, humid, the hot orange sun sinking far off in the horizon. you turn to face him, his features illuminated by the hazy glow. the sunlight makes his chocolate eyes sparkle warmly, so pretty.
“brown.” you whisper, scanning his face.
he laughs lowly, his chest rumbling.
“brown?” he questions teasingly.
“yep.” you grin, pecking his lips softly.
“go look at those pretty eyes of yours in the mirror.” you retort smoothly, threading your fingers through his shower-damp strands.
“you flirting with me?”
“you bet i am.”
you twist back around, facing the view once more, moulding into his body. he kisses over your shoulder, resting his chin. you stay there content until the sun is gone and the stars twinkle.
the air in the room is thick, awkwardly silent.
he stands leaning against the desk, opposite where you sit on your bed. the lights are low in your hotel room, the imprint of your body still fresh against the mattress. you’d been crying when he knocked, eyes rimmed red, skin flushed raw.
“you just stood there.” you croak.
“love, i-“
“don’t call me that. please.”
hurt flashes across his features, but like he knows it’s not fair of him to complain, he buries it immediately.
“i just… will you hear me out?” oscar pleads quietly.
you nod feebly.
“it’s impossible. this, us. i wanted to go to you but i- i couldn’t, i didn’t know how that would look and i didn’t want to jeopardise this.”
“but you did.” you whisper. his face shatters, falling fast.
“no, no, i can be there when you need me-“
“but you weren’t!” you cry, your body physically sinking, your shoulders drooping.
“i can fix this, i will.”
“i think we need to stop this, osc. it’s too painful for me. i’ve tried to move past the hurt but after today…” your voice shakes and you crumble, the first tear falling.
“i’m not trying to hurt you.” he crosses the space between you in two rushed steps, collapsing to his knees before you.
“that’s not good enough.” you bite back. “i’m not going to be some guys dirty little secret. i won’t do it anymore oscar.”
“i was trying to protect you… this.” he gestures between you desperately
“i know, oscar. i know! but i never asked you to do that. i can’t love you in a hotel room for the rest of my life.” the words slip from your tongue, abrasive and messy, before your brain can catch up.
you grimace, biting your tongue, but oscar’s reaction couldn’t be further from your own. his watery eyes widen, pink lips pulling into a boyish grin.
“i don’t want to love you in a hotel room for the rest of my life either.” oscar whispers, tentatively taking your hands. you stare down at your slowly intertwining fingers, a familiar warmth oozing through your body. “i wanna love you everywhere.”
“show me.” you murmur through shaky breath.
“i will.” he leans in, leaning in to kiss your shoulder. “for as long as you let me, i will.”
“just come here.” your fingers find the hairs at the nape of his neck, pulling him into a kiss, one born of frustration, and longing, and a year of late night talking about everything except how much you love each other.
oscar pushes you back onto the bed, crawling over you, starving. you pull him flush against you, leaving no room between your bodies. you crave the feel of his entire weight pressing you into the mattress and as he does, you feel at home. when you pull apart, catching your breaths, he says it properly, for the first time, and the world gets lighter.
“i love you.” oscar cups your jaw, those chocolate eyes boring into yours, the intensity of it knocking you for six. “always.” he adds.
the meaning of the word changes. always doesn’t mean a shameful, taboo secret anymore. life is breathed into the six lettered word; always means you and him, together, finally out of the shadows.
“i love you, osc.” you whisper.
he’s smiling when he kisses you again, unbuttoning your blouse like he’ll die if he doesn’t get the offending item off of your frame. you retaliate by shoving his t-shirt up his back, tugging greedily at it to strip him bare. the material comes off easily and as he sits up to throw it away, you shrug off your blouse and it meets his shirt on the floor. his hands smooth over your curves, brushing the pudge of your belly as he finds the zip of your skirt, ruining the fasten in his state of haste. you barely notice the way he’s ruined the item of clothing, urgently unbuttoning his jeans. your underwear is gone too, nothing separating you but your bra, restless hands on heated skin.
“we need to be quiet.” you breathe. “lando’s next door.” oscar giggles, tinged pink.
“get on top, love.” he drawls, flipping onto his back and taking you with him.
he sits up with you in his lap, nothing anchoring either of you in the middle of the bed. the imprint of your devastated form is gone, replaced by the shape of him. you can feel the head of his cock nudging through your folds, slicking him up so that he can slide nice and deep. he trails his fingers between your legs, thumbing at your clit in deft circles, just the way he knows you like it. you’re mewling in his lap, grinding down on the pad of his thumb; it’s so good but it’s not enough.
“please, osc.” you pant, urging him to let you sink down on his cock. you can see how red it is, feel the way it throbs for you, and the need to be full of him is almost paralysing.
“come on, pretty girl. fill yourself up.” oscar mutters against the shell of your ear.
he kisses down your throat as you slide down on him, dropping your hips firm against his.
“fuck.” you cry, your forehead falling against his shoulder.
“you okay, sweetheart? feel so good for me.” oscar coos, his fingertips digging hard into your hips.
“so good, baby.” your head rolls back, feeling him hit that spot tucked away within your walls.
your breaths mingle, your breasts flush against his chest, and as if he realises that he never stripped you of your pesky bra, he grunts, unclasping the black lace and flinging it somewhere far away. he gently mumbles an awestruck “fuck”, as if he hasn’t seen your tits a million and one times before, and latches onto your nipple. his tongue works in slow circles, matching the pace of your hips working languidly on his cock, and you keen further into his body.
“prettiest girl for me.” oscar grits out, his eyes squeezing shut when you clamp down on him, hard.
you’re both trying so hard to be quiet, overwhelmed by touch and taste, love. you’re growing tired, hurtling towards a desperate release, and oscar can sense it, the feel of your quivering thighs tightening around his hips spurring him on. he grinds up into you, maintaining your pace, but he’s fucking you harder now, the anticipation of your release sending shivers down his spine.
“you gonna cum for me?” oscar grunts, holding your hips down against him. you can’t move, his hold too tight and your body too tired, all you can do is wait for your orgasm to hit like a ton of bricks. you nod frantically.
“yes, oscar, please baby.” you beg for it, and like the true gentleman he is, the calloused pad of his pointer finger finds its home on your clit, sending you into an upwards spiral.
it’s as if you’re levitating when you let go, in a dreamlike state, your teeth sinking hard into his pale shoulder to muffle a surefire whine of his name. he’s rutting into you, prolonging the bliss.
“cum inside of me.” you urge, voice barely above a whisper. well, you’ve certainly never done this before.
oscar’s eyes roll into the back of his head, tears pricking his lash line. a guttural gasp of your name spills from his lips when he lets go, painting your insides warm and white. you stare at the tiny indents your teeth had left on his thick shoulder, his breath hitting the crook of your neck warm and wet as he comes down.
“‘m yours, and i’m here. i’m always gonna be here, i promise.” oscar speaks so quietly that you wonder if you’ve imagined it.
“when i made that mistake today, i was thinking about you.”
you’ve been laying there in silence for a while now, tucked under his arm when he speaks. you turn to look at him, perplexed.
“i felt so awful about what i said after we, you know. you looked so upset with me, and i don’t blame you.” oscar sighs.
“i just don’t want to feel like a shameful secret, osc.” you tell him quietly, the words heavy on your tongue.
“you won’t, not anymore. ‘m so sorry, sweetheart.” he lulls, kissing over your hairline.
“how do we make this work? and how are we ever gonna explain this to-“
“lando.” oscar cuts you off, shifting uncomfortable. “he’s going to murder me and my entire bloodline.” he chuckles nervously.
“he won’t murder you. he might put you in a gravel trap, though.” you roll onto your side, smiling teasingly up at him and he rolls his eyes.
“i’ll take the heat. you’re worth it.”
“promise me.” you pant, his hips grinding into you. you’re curled into his chest, still spooning and barely awake. he’d woken up needy, and you were even needier, the faint glow of early morning sunshine washing over you through a crack in the beige curtains.
“anything.” oscar stutters, his breath warm against the back of your neck. his nose bumps your skin, teeth scraping the shell of your ear.
you stop meeting his thrusts. he whines low, wordlessly pleading for you to resume. he ruts his hips against your ass, chasing friction.
“tell me it’s all gonna be different now.”
“i already told you, i-“ oscar grunts.
“promise me.” you purposely clamp down on him, a hiss sounding from between his gritted teeth.
“promise, i promise, i love you.”
you giggle, rocking your hips again, fucking yourself onto him once more.
“i know.”
“you gonna let me off the hook?” oscar pants in your ear, tugging on your earlobe with his teeth.
“still gotta prove yourself, piastri.” you moan.
he feels deeper like this and he knows it, revelling in the way he’s filled you up so perfectly. he rolls into you slowly, sliding against each and every spot that makes you squirm. you drop your guard, going limp in his arms to let him finish you off.
“you nearly there, sweetheart? you gonna cum for me, love?” his accents thickens in the mornings, husky and intoxicating. you fall apart, then, and he stays buried inside of you, the only sounds in the room your matching heavy breathing.
“i need you to get dressed.” oscar kisses your cheek.
“kicking me out already?” you feign offence, looking at him over your shoulder.
his fingers come to cup your chin, his forehead resting against yours.
“there’s something we gotta do.”
you’re wearing your skirt from the day before, the waistband rolled over to make up for the oscar-destroyed zipper. his hoodie that you’ve stolen almost completely covers the short skirt, and your messy hair and poorly removed makeup don’t do much to convince anyone that you’d actually slept in your own room last night.
still rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you don’t really comprehend where oscar is leading you, but when the elevator dings, signalling that you’ve reached the restaurant floor, you’re suddenly painfully awake. time seems to move in slow motion, your tummy twisting as you realise what’s about to happen.
ahead of you, tucked into the corner of the restaurant is your brother, jon, and ashley. lando is already draped in team kit, the papaya of his hoodie blaring obnoxiously for once, a warning sign.
“oscar, what-“
“i’m doing this.” he affirms, speeding up his stride.
oh my god oh my god oh my fucking god.
your heart speeds up, dropping to the pit in your belly when lando notices you, eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched, eyes taking in the bewildering sight before him. his baby sister, disheveled and wide-eyed, and his teammate holding her hand, on a mission.
“what the fuck am i looking at?” lando doesn’t sound angry, per say, more perplexed than anything. there is an edge to his voice that you don’t particularly like, but he hasn’t started swinging yet, you suppose.
“i’m in love with your sister. like, for real. you deserve to know that.” oscar says confidently, somewhat monotonously.
lando opens his mouth, closes it. opens it again, closes it. he repeats the process a few more times, going through the motions of an emotional rollercoaster.
but then, he sighs deeply, a grin of disbelief stretching across his face. jon bangs on the table excitedly, and ash is shaking his head.
“you owe us so much money.” jon laughs, his head tipping back.
“pay up, boss.” ash sticks his hand out expectantly, smirking across the table.
“what… what?” you exclaim, narrowing your eyes in confusion.
“i didn’t wanna believe them.” lando shrugs.
“don’t blame you.” oscar chimes in, and you stare between the two mclaren drivers in bewilderment.
“are you okay with this?” you question, staring your brother in the eyes, still a bit disoriented by the entire situation. his face softens, a genuine smile lingering small on his lips.
“if you’re happy, i’ll make my peace with it.” lando’s eyes flit between you and oscar.
all of the sudden, a look of horror crosses his face, and his voice turns stern.
“but,” he inhales shakily. “if i ever, ever, hear again what i think i heard last night,” he glares at oscar, pointing one firm finger at the australian, who stands up a bit straighter. “you’re dead, piastri.”
jon and ash bite back giggles at the empty threat, and you take it upon yourself to put an end to the situation before it gets any more awkward.
“well, on that note!” you sing-song, dragging oscar away.
“and make sure you’re using protection!” lando calls out, panic stricken, big brother mode activated.
“oh my god.” you blush dark pink, speeding up, the elevator in your sights.
“that went well.” oscar quips sarcastically. he looks rather happy with himself.
you kiss him as soon as the metal doors shut.
you do go out after the race, but for once it’s not to drink away the memories of a weekend in oscar’s arms. this time, it’s to celebrate the fact that you can love him out loud, and he’ll do the same right back.
you’re dancing in his arms, bright lights in shades of blues and purples streaming over your bodies. oscar holds you close, keeps you wrapped in his arms, despite the shock on the faces of others at the sight of lando norris’s baby sister publicly besotted with his teammate.
when oscar kisses you deep, smiling against your lips that taste like cherry liquor, you know that this last year of your life wasn’t in vain.
you and oscar, you’re built to last.
“how did you not see it, mate?” charles beams, crinkles by his eyes from the wide smile he’s sporting. he’s clearly drunk, but lando is too.
it appears he’s clocked the brits sister and her australian suitor on the dance floor.
the monagasque has rocked up to the bar with alex and pierre in tow, the three of them slapping lando on the back as they arrive.
“i guess there were signs.” lando shrugs, dragging his finger over the rim of the crystal glass.
“signs? mate it was obvious.” pierre chuckles, pushing lando’s shoulder.
“wait, you all knew?” lando splutters.
yeah. duh. come on, man.
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“it’s funnier.” charles… winks? it’s hard to tell with him.
lando finds you in the crowd, grinning up at oscar like he hung the stars in the sky. the younger mclaren driver returns your look, and it sparks warmth in lando’s chest.
you’re gonna be okay.
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superblysubpar · 7 months
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I love you anon 💛 thank you for this request and thank you Beyoncé for the song Levii's Jeans. I will never be the same again.
warnings: alcohol consumption, drunk/tipsy but all consensual things in this established relationship, SMUT (dry humping, Steve comes on your stomach, slight fingering) | my blog is 18+
1455 words
“Jesus, Mary, Joe-Joseph!” 
It wasn’t a sexy exclamation that’s for sure. But you were burning, warm from head to toe from the tequila in your system and the way his lips were a ghost against your skin, and it just sort of slipped out. 
He didn’t seem to mind. 
Steve practically giggled against the damp skin of your hip bone, his question huffed against it pulling goosebumps to the surface. 
“Like that, huh?”
“Ye-yeah,” you squirmed beneath him, fingers gripping tousled brown hair probably a little too tightly as you begged, “Again? Please?”
He was laid out between your legs, fully clothed, his arms drooped lazily over your thighs, pink cheeks and glossy lips and dazed eyes, happy to oblige. 
Those ready to please lips brushed across skin, following the band of denim smoothly, his nose pressed to the exposed curve of your stomach as his fingers remembered they could grip at your thighs and hips.  
“Oh,” he hummed, smiling at the way you wiggled when he made it to the other side and let his mouth hover over your skin. “Asked so sweet baby, how could a guy say no?”
The hot and wet glide of his tongue across the bone had your stomach fizzing like you’d just taken another shot, eyelashes fluttering and lungs searching for air. 
He pestered kisses into the wet skin, teeth grazing right behind them so your knees started to rise on either side of him and your fingers yanked his hair the way he particularly liked when he was a smidge gone and then you made that pretty breathy whimper he liked even more. 
Steve let his mouth hover over you, hot puffs of breath filling the tension filled space between the lips that ached to press to the spot that yearned for more of their kisses.
He smiled when your knees pressed together against him, wiggling beneath him and groaning around a laugh. One that showed you were just pretending to be frustrated that he wasn't giving you what you wanted, but actually turned on by the way his hands pushed your waist down like it was nothing, holding you still. 
Steve let his hands roam lower again, fingers tugging and tripping up on the loops before he scratched down denim covered thighs. His nose traced the hem over to the button and tapped it with the tip before he sat up and said,
“Take these off for me, honey.”
Suddenly sober, like he hadn't been giggling, or pink cheeked and grabbing fistfuls of your light wash Levi’s covered ass in public, or pleading with you - lips touched right to your ear and begging for you to let him take you home not even fifteen minutes ago.
It had been a sloppy exit at best, rushed goodbyes and half finished drinks with chewed neon straws and a full beer left at the table of your friends. A pitiful excuse of needing to wake up early tomorrow lost to eye rolls as Steve stuck both of his hands in your back pockets to squeeze as he pushed you towards the door. 
So when you looked up at him all sly, narrowed eyes and pursed lips fighting a wide grin, he swallowed loudly. 
Your fingers traced over your exposed midriff, shirt tossed off well before he even got you to the bed, leaving you in a black lacy bra that left him wondering if the underwear you had on matched. 
Teasing, slow, back and forth movements with your own fingers against the top of your jeans, eyes never leaving his, as you stuck out your lips in a fake pout, batted your eyelashes and asked, “These? Thought you liked my new Levi’s, Steve?”
“I do,” he nodded, fingers curling around your knees and squeezing gently as his tongue darted out and licked over his lips, “I really do. Just like ‘em more if they were on the floor now.”
You sighed, all dramatic and jutted out your lip more as you lied, “I didn’t even really get to show them off though. Only got to dance to one song.”
Elbows pushed you up so you were both sitting up and facing each other, so you could guide one of Steve’s hands from where it still rested on your knee. Till it was running over your thigh, higher and higher till his fingers were bumping the zipper and button, his eyes focused on the shiny gold and nothing else. 
He looked like he was in pain, like the thought of you not wearing them anymore was the worst news he’d ever heard despite being the one to tell you to take them off. 
“Think I should leave them on, Stevie,” you whispered, his fingers twitching under yours, thumb swiping over the button as a little rumble of what sounded like a whimper fell from his lips. 
Steve looked like he wanted to protest, but then you inched closer, your hands leaving his so they could lift off his shirt, causing his hair to turn even more rumpled. 
Maybe it was the tequila and cherries, or how confident the way the jeans made you feel, but you pushed gently at your boyfriend’s shoulders until he was falling back on the bed easily. You yanked at his own jeans, dragging them down his legs clumsily and hurriedly as his chest heaved. 
You climbed over him, denim thighs straddling black Calvin covered ones. Your hands landed on Steve’s chest, fingers scratching through thick hair as your hips tested a slow grind. A roll that caught the tip of his cock on the seam of the zipper and made his hands fly to your waist and his eyelids flutter closed. 
Understanding now why he had been giggling as you wiggled beneath him, why he hovered just over you, not quite giving you what you wanted. The way his fingers gripped your hips, and his tongue licked over his pink and kiss swollen lips, or how the warm eyes taken over by pupils looked up at you through fluttering eyelashes was addicting. 
But then he was shaking his head, sharply, like he was trying to snap out of it, and then he easily overpowered you.
He was gentle about it, but forceful, getting you on your back and fingers curling around the belt loops and yanking you down the bed. 
Steve barely got them down your thighs, before his hips were pushed against yours and his lips were sucking your top one between them. 
He was gasping around the kissing, messy and sloppy but full of adoration, “Fucking love you,” tongue slipping over yours, “So much.”
Your fingers were back in his hair, giggling and rolling your hips against his until the right pressure hit your clit in the perfect spot and you gasped out how much you loved him more. 
Steve hummed when you exhaled, your back arching and mouth gasping his name for him to swallow. 
It was a dirty, filthy, messy grind against each other. Sharp breaths inhaled and exhaled by the other as noses squished together and his tip hit your clit over and over again, in a steady rhythm that had your stomach burning from more than just the tequila. 
His “Fuck, fuck, shit,” a response to your “Yeah, yes, right there, more.”
Hands gripped at each other, frantic, pulling and tugging at skin and hair and bands of underwear, needing more despite being ready to explode.
“Honey, shitshitgonnacum,” Steve grunted into your lips as you nodded. 
His fingers were quick, slipping under the damp black lace and rubbing perfect and precise figure eights over your clit like he could do it in his sleep. 
You gasped out his name again, louder than you typically let yourself get, fingernails digging into his shoulders and making your own set of marks next to all the moles and freckles that dotted the skin there. 
Warmth erupted over you, figuratively and literally, as he released on your stomach and yours raged through your body like a wildfire engulfing an entire forest. It was a quick and powerful orgasm, consuming you, stealing the air from your lungs and turning your vision a little blurry. 
It took a minute for your eyes to finally blink open and find his, easy to do though, with his forehead pressed to yours, the sounds of both of your heavy breaths filling the room. 
It took another minute for you to start giggling at the state you were both in. His hair mussed, both still in your underwear but Steve only half in his and your jeans around your calves. 
“I don’t just like your Levi’s,” he murmured, kissing at your nose as he laughed harder. 
“I love them.”
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svtminji · 7 months
𐙚 ‧ jeongmi ─── scenarios
╰ anon request: Your recent blog was so sweet!! It kinda shows us their relationship dynamic with each other. Maybe for another blog it could be “fan favorite moments” with them — ⭐️ anon
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I 𝓲. I request ୨୧ jeonghan x oc
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❪ 🏹  going seventeen  ❫ as always, going seventeen provides the viewer a comedic setting of seventeen and their idol personas. in this fic, you'll be able to read the jeongmi moments/cuts caught by carats. this is just a compilation of my favorite gose episodes 🥲 not proof-read 😞
﹙  INSOMNIA-ZERO I ﹚—  with seungcheol still in his hiatus, minji was the first person up and she had no clue what she was getting herself into. although there were a few remarks about her snarky behavior when she gets mad and her constant fights with s.coups, she had a clean slate. most of the members mentioned how she was quite literally their mother since they spent most, if not all, their time training. after her time was over, minji had left the mattress with a heartbeat of 98, which was not bad compared to the rest. minji handed jeonghan the heart monitor and sat herself next to wonwoo. 
as many might notice, the 95 line are quite stuck to the bone and minji was not afraid of spilling some secrets about jeonghan. the female member began talking about the "oppa" situation and jeonghan turned to the side trying to forget it. the members, who had already heard this story, continued it with jeonghan's prior remarks about how she would never have a clue. all of the chatter about the two later transferred to jeonghan's more devious plans towards the members; minji sat there in silence just montioring the members. once jeonghan's time was over, his first instinct was to look at the cause of the chaos: minji. 
"jeonghan-ah, remember. once your time is up, you can't defend yourself~"
[forced to be silent]
he gave her the stink eye and handed joshua the monitor. minji scooted to give him space, which he gladly took. the pair sat in silence for a while until he started to open his mouth about joshua. in the camera shots, you could see the small little heart eyes minji gave jeonghan whenever he spoke and would lean into him. it was the small signals that would drive shippers crazy.. though it would soon end after jeonghan was part of the three members that would go home early, minji being tied with another and turned her attention to joshua c:
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  TTT 2020 ﹚—  this was the "going seventeen" episode that basically comfirmed the dating rumors between these two. minji, jeonghan, hoshi, and woozi were all in the same car on their way to the rented house. while woozi and driver jeonghan were in the front seats, minji and soonyoung were in the back having fun and giggling to each other. this led to frequent checks from jeonghan through the rearview-mirror only to spot minji looking at him and smiling :3. at their stop to get food, the "woozi cam" captured the pair walking together with jeonghan's arm around her. during the cuts of them eating, a slight drunk minji was basically all up on jeonghan. it got so worse the editors had to cut so much of the footage. 
while being on the losing team during foot-volleyball, minji made her way to the alcohol stand where her worst enemy laid, the vodka mix. offering to drink the member's shots, minji knew she wouldn't remember a thing tomorrow. before she started her third shot, jeonghan looked at her questionably and asked if she was okay doing this. 
"are you sure you're going to be okay? i don't want you throwing up on me later tonight."
"relax babe, i'll be fine! i used to go band for band when i was a teenager, it'll be alright~~"
[. . . . “babe”?]
noticing her slipup of the word "babe", jeonghan knew it was too late. the members just stared at her and hoped it wouldn't make it to the final cut (it did). though like the self-proclaimed pro she is, she raised the shot glass to her lips and threw her head back. the bitter aftertaste of whatever was in that container had left her feeling a little silly, which had meant the real fun had started to begin.
joining soonyoung in the fanatic drunks is minji. as stated before, minji becomes up and personal with the people around her when drunk. although she may have a high alcohol tolerance (thanks to her underage drinking), minji's affections become more and more affectionate when drinking way too much. 
during this time, minji and jeonghan were first beginning their relationship and they did not want to be exposing it right away to the cameras; but pair minji + alcohol and you get a mess that is quite hard to clean up. after she had made dinner, she sat between jeonghan and seungcheol. many fans point out the difference in actions done by the two men. jeonghan was basically minji's headrest and seungcheol was just there to balance her out. 
"hannie.. you look so pretty today.. like a cloud.."
"minji-ah, leave that poor man alone.."
"coups.. you look handsome too.."
coups + mizu + han + shua = the poly couple idc argue w the wall
the day after constant drinking and singing, minji was pretty much hung over #she threw up and spent most of her day taking things slow, especially when cleaning up the kitchen… moving into the car was the best thing she could’ve done. with hoshi taking the driver’s role on the way back, the '95 duo were left in the backseats and spent their time resting (cuddling eachother too bruh).
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  AB-LIB GOING COMPANY ﹚—  the first ‘gose’ episode after the news of the couple… so let’s say the members didn’t quite hold back. starting off with the ceo and the employee relationship ..
[before minji enters (on standby with the "foreign department")]
“have you guys heard the rumor?” seungcheol starts while leaning in to talk with the rest of the ‘employees’. some of them shook their head and leaned in to hear.
“supposedly the ceo and mizuki.. are dating.” seungkwan revealed it. “but that’s just a rumor..”
“isn’t that nepotism?”
“hyung.. that’s when your born into the company..”
minji’s reaction, while on standby, was just her eye-rolling at what they were doing. though as soon as minghao, jun, and vernon started walking towards the rest of the ‘employees’, she followed them.
[staff chwe hansol, doi mizuki, wen junhui, xu minghao come to work]
“oh! good morning mizuki!” seungkwan smiled as he spoke as if he wasn’t talking about her a second ago.
“good morning seungkwan, how’s the research going?”
“research about what…?” minji smiled about his inital confusion and began her snarky comment.
“about my relationship with the ce-”
[ceo yoon jeonghan comes to work]
though she was cut off by jeonghan’s entrance, she just closed her mouth and stayed quiet. after embarking in the classic “content is power!” “sleep when you’re dead!” chants, the day went pretty eventful. not much was spoken about the ongoing question at hand but that was until jeonghan stirred the pot.
“let’s see who hasn’t spoken in a while.” jeonghan scanned the room to which he laid eyes on her scribbling down doodles. “ah, mizuki.. why don’t you share what’s on your notepad?”
seungcheol, who was across from her, snickered then later shook due to the ‘coldness’. minji smiled, stood up, and cleared her throat. “well, it says i’ll like to go home.”
[not taking her job seriously.. pure silence]
“great! everyone clap!” jeonghan replied after a few seconds of silence and everyone had followed through.
“what a guy.. only excusing her just because they’re dating..”
“this has to be corruption..”
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  THE TRUMAN SHOW OF MR. SVT’S WE LIVE ALONE ﹚—  placed into a small room was seungcheol, minji, jeonghan, wonwoo, and seokmin. they were all commentating and watching the “everyday life” of mr. svt, mingyu. soon enough minji’s turn would begin as the new “mr. svt”.
[a good morning for the new mr. svt]
with an airpod in one ear, she knew it wouldn’t end well, especially with that devil in that room as well. the female made her way towards the kitchen to figure out a small snack. although she had eaten prior to the shoot, she thought of her members first.
“make some beef and noodles, minji-ah” seungcheol’s voice spoke within the airpod. minji, in order to pretend she didn’t hear it, thought about what to make for lunch.
“hmm.. beef and noodles seem good right now. i should start making some before my time is gone.”
[4th wall breaker]
as she began getting the ingredients, she paid no attention to the conversation in her ear. though on the other side, the members were complimenting her cooking skills.
“wah, i know it’s going to taste good. who’s next after her?” mingyu asked the question that was lingering in everyone’s mind.
“s.coups is next so he’ll be eating whatever is left..” jeonghan replied as he sighed.
minji, who didn’t want to disappoint her boyfriend, started to placed more beef into the frying pan. she smiled and spoke out loud: “i’ll make more meat for hannie and the rest.”
[thoughtful girlfriend and member]
“oooh~~” seokmin pushed jeonghan slightly at the words that came from her mouth. “don’t pretend to be coy!”
jeonghan became silent for a while, looking down and smiling.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST II ﹚—  the episode loaded into with jeonghan in the middle of the set, using his food coupon. minji walked in with the rest of the members and managed to stand behind him. placing her arms around him, she whispered in his ear and to which he nodded. circling in the spaghetti with his utensils, he raised it up to her mouth and the female gladly to the bite.
[special privileges]
“wow.. you give her some but it’s the end of the world if you give us any bite huh?” dino spoke as he looked in disbelief.
“yah, she asked me politely. what type of man am i to deny her?”
minji just smiled and listened to the chaos she created. after the rules were explained once again, christmas in august had already begun (even if it wasn't even august 😞). she had small knowledge of horror games and the female would only play them with friends or family. considering this was a one time thing, minji didn’t mind at all. choosing the room that was the least scary led her to be in the room with seokmin, who immediately embraced her.
[a motherly aura enters]
“minji-noona~~ i’m so glad we’re together.” seokmin says as she sits down beside him.
“i was so scared, i didn’t want to choose a room that was all alone.” minji replies as she looks around the dark and empty room. in-front of them laid the gaming computer and she knew it wasn’t going to be an easy game.
after a while, the door opened once again and this time jeonghan entered. both seokmin and minji sighed in relief.
“a-yo, a-yo” jeonghan said as he broke up the silence within the room.
“i’m relieved you’re here” seokmin spoke as he motioned him to sit down.
[not lonely]
“i’m a spy”
“don’t lie” minji warned, she had enough of his shenanigans already.
“just sit down and be quiet”
[jeonghan joins room 4]
after making jeonghan stay, they all waited for the next member to arrive.
“s.coups?” seokmin question as he saw a figure walk in.
“it’s s.coups? what is this?” jeonghan spoke as him and seokmin grabbed s.coups by the shoulders leading him towards the chairs.
[a full room: three ‘95s, and one ‘98]
“yay~~ it’s coups!! we’ll definitely beat whatever game we’re going to get” minji replied as she got up and hugged him.
“this is why i didn’t want to come.. to where you, seokmin, and jeonghan were” seungcheol finally spoke as he leaned away from the affections.
[sensitive eardrums]
minji pouted in response and got off of him, “you’re no fun at all.”
after the complaints, the group managed to make it throughout the game with barely any problems. although minji had barely touched the mouse and keyboard, she still managed to give in her in-put of where to go. though all that carats could see was her hiding behind jeonghan during the more graphic and intense scenes.
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❪ 🐰 ❫ — an
this was originally supposed to be posted a LONG time ago.
i would add more gose but i haven’t caught up at all since the middle of 2023 and i would like to save some for the enlistment period 🥲
i decided to begin where it would signalize when they started to rlly like each other 🤞
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pintrestgrl · 9 days
hihihi i saw u we're asking for requests so i was wondering if u could do maybe a theo nott x reader but it's his gf and she's stressed about exams? i'm definitely not projecting rn idk what u mean
also could i be 🦇 anon if it hasn't been claimed? 💕💕 i've been stalking ur blog atm and i love ur writing :)
hiiiii 🦇 anon !! u seem sweet ily ! but yes i can do that !!
and thank you for love on my writing, it means the absolute world to me 🥹 ily
also if you want a different plot with this idea, but containing smut pls lmk !! i’d love to write it for u !!
please enjoy !!
bf!theodore nott with stressed!reader.
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this was probably the most amount of stress you’d been under in a very, very long time.
o.w.l.s were coming up, and it was safe to say that you were nervous.
you had been going bed to late after studying, and waking up early to study some more.
you didn’t mean too, but it was more then likely that you had been avoiding your boyfriend theo, as well.
you had been yet again studying, books thrown all over your desk, when you heard a knock at your door.
you were confused, not remembering any reason why someone would be at your dorm right now.
you opened the door, seeing an expectant theodore at the door.
the second you saw him, it all came flooding back to you.
you had made plans with theodore a while ago for this day, but clearly it had slipped your mind.
the minute you saw his excited eyes, you felt your own flood with tears.
you walked into his arms, collapsing into his chest and likely wetting the fabric with your eyes.
he rubbed your back, his brows furrowing with confusion by the sight of you crying suddenly.
he spoke.
“hey, hey— what’s wrong, baby?”
you sniffled, pulling away and meeting his cold eyes with your own teary ones.
you spoke.
“i’m sorry. i forgot— about our plans, i mean. i was studying, and, and—”
he held your face, kissing the bridge of your nose sweetly. he’d noticed your extra studying, and how you hadn’t really been responding to his texts much.
he thought it was better not to say anything for now, though.
he spoke.
“i know. it’s fine, okay? don’t cry, bella.”
you nodded, feeling his large hands wipe away the salty tears that slipped out of your eyes.
he led you inside, his hand pressed against the small of your back as he clicked the door shut behind him.
he subtly turned off the lamp at your desk, allowing your mind to be freed from any thoughts of the upcoming exams.
he laid down with you, allowing you to rant about all your worries for the exams to him.
he listened, planting sweet kisses on your face every time you got a bit too worked up.
soon, you grew tired in his arms. shifting your position, laying on top of him as he mumbled in your ear.
“gotta quit studying so much. i miss you, bellissima.”
you nodded, humming sleepily in acknowledgment at his words.
he played with your hair for a few minutes, before hearing you whisper in his ear.
“i love you, theo.”
you said, planting a soft kiss right on top of his jaw.
he smiled softly, hand stroking your back softly.
he spoke.
“i love you too, mia secchiona.”
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ryuichirou · 1 month
I apologize if it is too personal but how do you deal with "antishipper" and the way they make callout posts and harassment campaigns against you ? It’s legitimately so scary and it makes me hesitant of posting my own art
Anon! I am very sorry you are going through this horrible feeling of hesitation and anxiety; knowing that people get targeted like that could not only stop you from posting, but stop you from creating altogether, and this is the worst part about this whole thing.
It’s not too personal, and I don’t mind talking about it at all. I’ve talked about our position and our relationship with fandom policing a bunch of times already, so I’m sorry if I’m repeating myself.
I used to be worried about posting certain stuff too. Well, when I was a teen/in my early 20s I wasn’t worried about anything: we had so much juicy stuff posted here lol But then the nsfw ban happened, and the social climate of this app and internet in general started shifting, the first stories about people driven to end their lives because of the hate they received started to come out, and we stopped posting completely. It wasn’t a huge loss to us back then, and this situation wasn’t the only reason why we stopped, but still, it clearly became much more difficult to just appear out of nowhere, throw problematic stuff in your blog and run away again.
I vividly remember us wanting to post my Shingeki no Kyojin drawings and comics based on our AUs and stuff, but not knowing what to do with Ereri – there was no way for us to be “unproblematic” (which was never a concern to us, we just didn’t want to get tons of hate lol) and still post Eren with a man twice his age. So we started posting them without a tag, starting with a drawing that wasn’t too shippy, and then miraculously the world didn’t end. That made us bolder, and we started to post them openly, and posted them for almost two years pretty regularly, alongside some of our other problematic ships + problematic themes. Of course we did get hate, we got a lot of hate while we were posting SnK stuff from all kinds of people, but what we also got a lot of people who found our content refreshing and interesting, even if it was weird and uncomfortable at times.
We weren’t the only people who shipped Ereri (let’s ignore my petty thoughts about the difference between Ereri and Rivaere for now), and we weren’t the only people in Twst fandom who liked Shroudcest, which is another ship that we were super hesitant about posting or even mentioning at first. But with all the hate around I was so certain the world was going to end the moment we post them, and that didn’t happen. The end of the world never happens, but what does happen is that people either get introduced to a fun new dynamic and get invested, or get happy that someone finally posts for the ship they were too afraid to post for. Somehow, when you see some other person being ballsy, you don’t feel as scared anymore – it happened to us with other people’s posts too. Yes, I still say this even though it spawns a bunch of callout posts and harassment, as it did with us. Were we cancelled? Yeah, somewhat. There’s so much you can say about an acc that states “problematic stuff, 18+”, right? I was super relieved and happy, actually, that a lot of people left/blocked us just because they’re the people I’d never want to interact with my art.
I’ve been yapping for a long time already lol so I’ll give you some pieces of advice instead… These are things that legitimately help us.
Surround yourself with people who support you – if not you personally, then at least your ideas (i.e. other proshippers). Luckily, nowadays it’s easier to find them… But also, having a friend who you can vent about these things to helps a lot! It’s cheesy but it’s a fact: when you’re not alone, it’s not as scary.
Always ignore comments/asks from antis and block them on sight, block anonymous asks too. Even if you really want to sass them, it’s much more effective to ignore them: when you give them attention, it invites more engagement from them.
Block people you get bad vibes from. Block those who like or comment bad takes or support harassment of others, block all of their alt accounts. It’s tedious and takes time, but it really helps to keep you hidden from them, at least to some degree. I look up Shroudcest sometimes just to block new people. They try to make fun of me for that, but who cares if it works? You can’t block everyone, but these people usually flock together and it’s usually just a bunch of friends, so taking several posts on these topics from people from the fandom and blocking everyone involved will obliterate the majority of harassers.
In terms of your safety, having multiple accounts in case you main one gets mass-reported helps + I would advice to keep irl stuff away from your fandom stuff just in case.
This is going to sound stupid, but please keep in mind that this isn’t about you. These people are very miserable and not very smart. Even if they try to paint you like a bad person, they don’t know anything about you, so don’t let their judgment affect how you feel about yourself. This is exactly what they want – to have power over you.
Stay strong and take care of yourself, i.e. lock your acc and/or take a break if you feel overwhelmed. Don’t worry, it will pass: it’s very rare for these clowns to keep focus on one person for a long period of time; they have like 5 different dramas per day. There are some absolutely batshit crazy rapid assholes who won’t leave an artist alone for years, but those are super rare and special cases altogether, I don’t think you need to be worried about those.
Keep in mind which fandom you want to do this with, btw. It’s usually okay for the most part, but if the fandom is just a bunch of kids, it’s more likely not worth it or deserves an empty account, at least. Twst is surprisingly good despite anything it might look like! Thanks to Yana being a shotacon and a creator of Kuroshitsuji, I guess. There are many great and supportive people in the twst fandom, it’s been a pleasure to be here, even though, once again, it’s the first fandom where I got a bunch of callout posts and nasty stuff in my ask (SnK fandom usually harassed me for other things).
TL;DR: it is scary, and you could easily get callout posts about yourself, but guess what, you also get to be yourself. Because realistically, callout posts can’t stop you from creating art. They want you to believe that they have power over you, but this isn’t true. Your life online won’t end after some random callout post – mine didn’t. They also don’t understand that each consequent callout post affects the person being called out even less. We do have a minor panic attack for the first hour or so, and it does involve more extra blocking, but mostly it just sours our mood for the day and drops our morale. I still draw, though, out of spite a little lol Oh, and do try to report these types of posts if you get them, there’s nothing wrong with that.
People had been persecuted for their art and ideas for centuries, so what happens now is really nothing new. Without diving into specifics, there are way worse things they could do than writing callouts, but they aren’t super likely to do those. Luckily.
Take care of yourself, but also please don’t doubt yourself; when it comes to your art being way too fun for lovers of censorship to handle, you’re in a very good company. I’m referring to all the artist and writers of this world btw and not just me and Katsu lol but us as well!
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chocsra · 1 year
i’m so glad to have found this blog as i saw your lala land inspired fic awhile ago, and just as i saw going to open your account, tumblr refreshed💔
anyways, i ADORE your writing!!
if not too much to ask, may i ask for chuuya (whatever age you prefer) x fem reader with the one bed troupe? (enemies to lovers hehehe)
reader has a tendency to grab on and get on top of things in her sleep, pillows, sheets, attractive ginger men, you name it!
they wake up in each others arms, like literally TANGLED with each other
once again, many thanks for your amazing writing!
16! Chuuya x gn! reader
A/N: thank you sm anon! sorry i didnt get to this sooner omg 😭😭 also omg i was contemplating whether i should do the petty enemies to lovers like in my lala land oneshot or like hatred. kinda did a mix of both but since the req said enemies to lovers i made it more mean 💔💔 sorry for the language guys i swear a lot. also after writing is i realise there are no gender descriptions so enjoy
content: swearing, slowburn, denial, fluff, enemies to lovers, subordinates, mafia work
"Fuck you,"
A cold air chilled through the night's breeze, you had just completed a tough mission for the Port Mafia. A planned out heist only prestigious members of the mafia could carry out. And here you were, with probably the subordinate you'd rather tear your own ears off than be next to. Chuuya Nakahara, a jewel smuggler known for his deadly duo named Double Black, with Dazai Osamu.
There was practically nothing to like about him - as a person, friend or subordinate. Upon your hang outs with the Flags - a mafia subgroup composed of young blood, his contribution to the group was like an angry fucking dog.
"I didn't even fucking say anything," you respond dryly, irritation laced in your voice. The hotel you were staying at for the time being was pretty grand. Only problem is, among slamming your items down on the cold wooden floor, blood slithering in the cut flesh of your stomach; there laid a king sized bed, clean and fresh, the silk matress looking as tempting as ever - but fuck, there was only one of them.
"You fucked up my flow." your subordinate hissed, clicking his tongue in annoyance before running to the bed, contaminating his dirty ass on the damn bed by laying on it. "Well fuck you too!" you shout, following him to pull him off the bed. "You're gonna make the bed dirty you shithead!" you tug on the sleeve of his arm annoyed, the ginger looks at you offended, the sweat from the hot air from outside making his orange locks stick to his forehead. "It's not like I'm sleeping on it?!" he retorts, letting his arm get dragged by you off the bed.
"Well obviously..!" you scoff, crossing your arms as his low-lided stormy grey eyes bored into yours. You can't lie, he had medium to longish hair tied in a low ponytail and.. You could almost pinch yourself for thinking of that, fuck yourself, [Y/N]. "Y'know what, just fuck yourself, man!"
It's been about 30 minutes, and you've got to calm yourselves down just a little bit. Since there was no couch in the hotel, you begrudgingly agreed to let him hang around on the bed and then sleep on the floor. You had your hair down, and wore some loose pjs.
"How did I fuck up your flow again?" you ask in a whisper, muttering into a pillow. "Mm, you attacked too early, I wasn't able to get my flow, ya know?" the boy arrogantly side eyes you, you snicker mockingly in response. "It's because you're such a fucking tryhard." you answer, pulling the thick blanket over yourself. "Tsk," he clicks his tongue in irritation yet again, turning away from you slowly as he sat on the bed. "I'm not a tryhard, I'm just that good." the redhead responds, you could almost taste the smirk on his stupid little face right now.
Neither of you reply after that. A soothing, comforting silence fills the room, he watches as you eyelids get heavier, and you finally close them and seem to drift away to sleep. The teenager thinks to himself: he likes you the most when you're not talking, specifically asleep; but truthfully, he shouldn't like you at all.
2 minutes pass, and he's still on the bed. "I hate you," he whispers, brushing some loose strands of hair out of your face.
5 minutes pass, and he's still on the bed. "That was a joke, by the way." the ginger says to your sleeping figure, "Not like as in 'I hate you' that's a joke. I fixed your hair as a joke, it was bothering me." an expected silence filled the room as your reply.
11 minutes pass, and he's still on the bed. Maybe Chuuya Nakahara is just a creep that likes to watch people sleep as a hobby. "I'm gonna go now.." he whispers to himself, but as if a scene from a horror movie played, your sleeping figure grabbed onto the bottom of his shirt.
"..[Y/N]?" the ginger murmurs in confusion, slowly turning his head around. You sleepily let go of your pillow and wrap your hands around him - the same kid you'd rather rip your own ears off than talk to him, by the way.
Chuuya Nakahara doesn't remember much from that night. He remembers the cold chilling air, pulling you closer to him, he remembers counting the freckles on your face, admiring your eyelashes and how your hair gets matted from the pillow, worst part of all; he remembers telling you something that isn't 'I hate you'.
"You look stupid," he mutters in your ear, his hands were snaked around your shoulders as rumpled hair and half-closed eyes were all that's in sight. "..You look pretty too, though."
He swore to not to talk to himself ever again after that.
It was a peaceful morning, the tinge of the sun's rays rained down on your skin, and you felt practically engulfed by a heater, almost like you were hugging one.
Unfortunately, you found your arms wrapped around your subordinate, Chuuya's waist. And you found him sleeping with his lips brushed against your forehead, his arms cradling you with such gentleness you never thought he out of all people could have.
2 minutes pass and you're still buried in his warmth. "..Chuuya?" you murmur, watching how the sun kisses his hair's colour ever so beautifully.
5 minutes pass and you're still buried in his warmth. "I hate you, y'know? How'd we even.." you trail off, noticing and counting the freckles on his face: 1.. 2.. 3, fuck!
11 minutes pass and you're still buried in his warmth. "That was completely serious by the way, I really do hate you-"
"Do you talk to people in their sleep as a weird hobby or something?" the redhead mutters with closed eyes, horrifying you with the fact that he was awake.
"What the actual fuck-"
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suzayaaa · 1 year
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suza’s note: that was so fun to do!!! because it’s about the dreamies, i decided to choose blogs who write for nct dream. also posting this instead of a fic this week cuz i’ve been working on something longer 😸
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requested by anon
@ohmygs-blog as MARK ⋆ ★
the 2nd account i followed here, i’m literally in a parasocial relationship 😭 but the account gives me a little sense or maturity? like, she seems so nice, but quite mature, and the posts are always so detailed, which reminds me of mark. also, the aesthetic of the blog is so cozy like this is mark!
@hugs2doie as HAECHAN ⋆ ★
nini is the cutest human on this app, always so positive and excited, extremely dramatic, a huge simp, and sometimes says some VERY questionable things. and ofc she’s really good at what she does—just like haechan!
@xrenjunniesx as CHENLE ⋆ ★
quiet, just does her job (and does it so so well). i don’t think i’ve ever seen a post from ren that wasn’t a fic 😭 but i like it! it reminds me of chenle, because he’s also straight to the point.
@jammingjaem as JAEMIN ⋆ ★
i just feel like she knows everyone and everyone knows her 😭 i swear i see her everywhere. and her texts are so good <3 lex is one of the friendliest people i’ve seen on this app. that sweetness and the aesthetic of the blog is so jaemin (no, it’s not the username haha).
@polarisjisung as JENO ⋆ ★
this blog is my newest discovery and i’m in love!! i sometimes get kinda mysterious vibes from her and her blog, but hua is sooo sweet i just wanna hug her. i remember when i got into nct it took me some time to understand jeno’s vibe/personality, he was quite a mystery for me! that mysterious but friendly vibe from hua reminds me of jeno in my early nctzen days.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 year
I don't know if the soulmate event is still open (depends on your time zone, I guess), but if it's still open: purple (inumaki toge) with lilac (angst to fluff) #6 (flowers on your body where your soulmate got injured)
If you've already closed your requests, I'm sorry for bothering you! I just really like this event and am looking forward to reading all the stories (again 🙊)
Hi anon! My event was still open, so don't worry about it. I'm glad that you enjoyed the event so much. Thank you for giving my man inumaki some love (secretly, he's my fav)
Also, sorry this took so long. I was going through some serious creativity drought...
Hold You (Inumaki x Reader)
Word Count: 1.7k
CW: Blood, injury, panic attack, reader has female pronouns, angst to fluff, not proof read (as always)
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The first thing Inumaki does upon awakening is reach for you. Realizing your side of his bed was cold, he momentarily panicked before remembering that you had a mission early this morning.
With a little grumble and a pout, he snuggled further down into his blankets intending to sleep a little more before he had to get up.
But without you, staying in bed was no fun, so with reluctance he hauled himself out of bed and headed downstairs to find something to eat.
Mmm...maybe he could have his leftover onigiri from last night. He could probably heat up some miso soup too...and he was going to kill you.
Heartbroken, he gazed into the empty spot in the fridge that once housed his onigiri.
Instead, there was a pale pink post-it with the word "sorry" written on it in your handwriting.
After mourning the loss of his precious onigiri, he forlornly set about making himself a cup of tea.
As he reached to grab the tea bags from the top shelf he heard someone entering the kitchen. Grabbing the tea and turning, he realized that it was Maki.
He began to greet her but paused as he realized she was staring intently at the spot just above his waistband where a sliver of his skin had been exposed while he was reaching for the tea.
He asked, worried and a little perplexed.
"Tuna mayo?"
He asked, instantly on edge. It was rare for Maki to show this much concern.
Suddenly she surged at him and was tugging at his shirt with barely contained panic shining in her eyes.
"Your shirt. Take it off. You have to take it off. I need to see."
She bellowed, frantically lifting the hem when he didn't instantly move.
Staring at the giant petals slashed across his torso in vicious crimson swathes, the two froze.
"Your soulmate trait makes any injury she has appear on your body as flowers and vice versa, right?"
Exhaling shakily, she wasn't sure she wanted to hear the answer.
There was no response. She didn't need one either way - she was just confirming, but his lack of reaction concerned her.
Taking a good look at his face, she realized he was frozen, pupils blown out as he quivered staring at the marks on his midriff.
But he was gone. Tearing down the hall he headed towards Gojo's room. Gojo. He would be able to help. He would have to trust Maki to go get Shoko.
Slamming his shoulder into the wall as he made a sharp turn into the next corridor, he stumbled but kept going.
What if he was too late? God, he never should've let you go on this mission alone. You're a strong sorcerer, he knows that. Maybe even stronger than him. But if he isn't able to protect you, how can he call himself worthy of being your boyfriend. Of being your soulmate.
Tears pricked the back of his eyes as he burst into Gojo's room.
Looking up from his kikufuku, Gojo was greeted with one of his students tearing off his shirt.
"Whoa-whoa hold on now, it's a little early to be getting this frisky-"
He stopped seeing the flowers etched into Inumaki's skin.
In near hysterics, Inumaki pointed at his chest.
He managed to get out between pants.
Luckily, Gojo understood what he was trying to say. He had understood in sickening clarity the second he had seen the marks.
Something was about to steal the bright future of not just one, but two of his students. And he'd be damned if he let that happen.
Striding over and placing a hand on Inumaki's shoulder he spoke.
"It's going to be okay. We're going to go get her."
And with that, he teleported them off.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Pain. Mind-numbing, nauseating pain. Pain was all you knew.
Crumpled against a wall on your back, you could vaguely hear Ichiji's worried voice calling your name as he searched for you.
For a split second, you registered a muted panic, unsure if your final attack had been enough to take out the special-grade, but then you realized that Ichiji wouldn't even be in here if the curse was still alive, because the veil would still be up.
Relief slowly drifted in among the fog clouding your brain. At least you got your job done.
As your blood leaked out and stained the concrete beneath you your hand slowly started slipping off the three violent gashes that had been clawed across your torso.
Clinging desperately to consciousness you fought to stay awake as your vision fuzzed with black.
Toge. You had to think of Toge. You couldn't do this to him. You had to hold on for him.
Your hand slid fully off your upper body and fell with a quiet splash into the puddle of blood surrounding you.
I'm so sorry Toge..."
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Appearing next to the black car that had transported you and Ichiji to the scene, Gojo and Inumaki instantly got to work searching for you. Following the sound of Ichiji's voice, they were eventually led to a frantic Ichiji calling your name as he stumbled across rubble. When he looked over and noticed the two of them he frantically waved them over.
"Thank god you're here!"
He exclaimed as he made his way to meet them.
"I don't know what happened! The veil went down so I assumed the curse was exorcized but when she didn't appear, I became worried and went to search for her. I still haven't found her though and I'm beginning to be quite concerned...."
"She'll be fine."
Gojo said confidently, waving away Ichiji's concerns.
"We'll find her, right Inumaki?"
Trying his best to ease the tightness in his chest and breathe, Inumaki nodded.
Splitting up they began searching, calling out your name. It would've been easier to track your cursed energy, but it appeared you'd fallen unconscious, so that was out of the question.
Minutes passed, and with each one Inumaki found it harder and harder to breathe. He began to fear the worst, and images of your beautiful body mangled and broken flashed in his mind's eye.
Finally he found you. But instead of feeling better, the sight he was greeted with only kicked his oncoming panic attack up a couple notches.
Blood. There was so much blood. Crashing to his knees, he attempted to put pressure on the gashes clawed across your torso. Wait, when did he even get to your side? Dimly he heard a high pitched keening sound, not unlike a dying animal.
It wasn't until hands pulled him off you that he realized that the sound was coming from him. Or that blood was dripping from his mouth because he had been using his cursed speech to attempt to command you to wake up, to stay with him.
He cried out and tried to throw himself back over you. They couldn't touch you! Didn't they understand? You were hurt! But the same hands from before gripped his shoulders and held him back as Gojo teleported you off to Shoko.
"She'll be okay son."
Nanami murmured into his ear. When had he gotten here?
"She'll be okay, just calm down. Take a breath."
Listlessly staring at the puddle of blood that you had been lying in, he allowed Nanami to gently pull him away and guide him back to the car waiting to drive them back to the campus.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
When they arrived back on campus Inumaki was out of the car and tearing off towards the infirmary before it had even fully stopped.
Bursting into the room, the door hit the wall with a bang, causing everyone in it to look up.
You asked, sitting up a little straighter as Shoko finished up examining you.
Frozen in the doorway, he stared at you, hesitant to believe that you were okay after witnessing the gory aftermath of your injuries.
Lowering the t-shirt you had been changed into, Shoko patted your shoulder and advised you to take it easy before standing.
“C’mon Gojo. Get out of here. Give the two some privacy.”
Shoko herded Gojo out, shutting the door behind them. Then the two of you were alone in the quiet room.
The quiet sound of you sniffling filled the room.
“I-I’m so sorry.”
You cried quietly as you wiped your tears with the palms of your hands.
“I’m so sorry I worried you because I wasn’t strong enough. I was so scared. I thought I was going to die. I thought I was never going to see you again…”
A choked sound escaped Inumaki as he took a hesitant step forwards. You looked up at him, your tear-filled eyes making his own fill.
“Can you come here and hold me?”
You asked, extending your arms.
And that was all you needed to say. He barreled into you, mindful of your injuries as he nuzzled his face into the crook of neck and relished in the feeling of having you in his arms again.
He sobbed, pressing kisses to your pulse point.
He repeated, unable to say anything else for fear of hurting you with his cursed speech.
“No, why are you sorry?”
Your tears trailed down your face, dripping off your chin and mixing with his before staining your shirt.
“You didn’t do anything-”
I couldn’t protect you.
He traced the words into the palm of your hand. 
“Of course you couldn’t!”
You exclaimed, thumping him lightly on the back.
“You weren’t even on the mission with me, dummy! How could you have? Plus, it’s not your responsibility to protect me. That’s not your job as my boyfriend. All I ever asked of you is to hold me like you are now, and to love me.”
You buried your face in his hair, inhaling deeply.
“Stop blaming yourself. Just stay with me like this for a while, okay?”
Nodding, he snuggled further against you.
That’s right. Everything was okay. You were okay. Everything would always be okay.
As long as you were holding him.
And he was holding you.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
RTA, In addition to your excellent response to anon asking about WK’s histories, I’d like to add some more histories which were all eventually shut down. 
Firstly, you have to remember that UK didn’t have privacy laws until 2014. Once that law came into effect, so many articles, pictures, blogs were pulled from the internet. And weirdly, some articles remain, but are/ were edited to remove the details that could invite a lawsuit. 
Sidenote: one of my favourite blogs, princess Diana’s palace was so meticulous about information gathering on Diana that it put any Diana biographer to shame, but it shut down in early 2015. The youtube channel is still up, and you can find a video clip of Lady C being abused by Sally Jessy Rapeal’s audience in late 1991 for her book, Diana the real story, disclosing Diana’s problems and problem marriage. Andrew Morton comes on and calls her a liar…..then 6mths later publishes his own ghostwriter Diana biography: DianaHer story!!!
But I digress,
…….pre-2014, and especially pre-2011 before Phonne hacking scandal broke, it was easy for newspapers to print whatever about celebrities.
Ditto phone hacking, dustbin diving, tips from service workers - TMZ made it’s bones because they bribed service workers/ staff at restaurants/ hotels/ hospitals/ rehab/ wait staff/ bouncers etc 
As per your comment about people ratting out celebs…..I used to live near KP when Kate first married. Every time she went shopping on Ken high street, word would ran through street like bush fire which would get to you if you happened to be shopping as well. 
During the dating years, the young royals and their circle were not discreet at all. They hang out all in Chelsea, mostly King’s Road and ‘the beach’ portion of the Fulham Road as well as pubs all along there. As an example, soon after William broke up with Kate in 2007, he did go clubbing and tell entire club that he was free as he danced on top of a bar - multiple witnesses including yours truly. 
One current royal reporter got her start royal reporting by embedding herself with the royals’ circle especially Harry then would go fishing for extra tidbits on royal forums which is how she dug up 'waity Katie’ because one notorious forum had branded her with it and she took it mainstream. 
During the dating years, there were many blogs reporting about the young royals, but the most notorious early one wasn’t an royal one. St Andrews had a student blog that allowed students to post tidbits about school life, and unfortunately students posted stuff about William and his dating life. 
The anecdote about Carly the determinedly virgin girlfriend was posted on there because William was either indiscreet or someone made it up and posted it. How they broke up, the public nature of it, and the intersection with Kate came from that blog. 
Carly never sold that story and it’s sad that anon thinks she did. If that blog was posting the truth about William, then it’s unsurprising that he wasn’t getting on with his first year at St Andrews. The blog was eventually shut down because it was posting information about him which was picked up and spread to other blogs. This would have been early 2005. I know about that blog because posts were copied from it and posted to other blogs that came much later. 
Let’s also not forget that Harold was leaking to reporters he met in pubs. After he revealed his chronic leaking, I thought about articles written in the WK dating years that were attributed to 'sources close to Harry’ or 'friends of Harry’ eg articles criticising Kate claiming Chelsy was superior to Kate, that Kate was a limpet, that Kate was taking advantage of her royal status to grab stuff eg getting Audi to sell her a car at royal discount or to pull,’ don’t you know who I am’ card to get into events. One such article even criticised her presence in a royal box claiming she’d simply barged her way in using that card. 
Then there was the Middleton pap on speed dial. This guy started out as friendly part of the pap pack that the Middletons tolerated, but soon he was the only one who had exclusive Middleton content and was such a trusted source that msm looked to him to guide them as far as info on the Middletons especially when he revealed that he’d been told where to find William and Kate after Uncle Gary had been caught in a tabloid scandal and the pap ended up capturing the only image (video & still) of WK French kissing. The complicated relationship was revealed in a Kate vs pap lawsuit from 2009 which the pap lost, but which revealed a very complicated relationship. Most of the reporting on the lawsuit has disappeared and all you find is this one article in the Guardian newspaper that simply states that pap lost the case and had to pay Kate damages. 
the later Jecca + William rumours came from him. 
Then there was Jessica Hay as mentioned by RTA who told media outlets everything she knew about Kate. Ditto the sex kittens lady who was a Kate friend from Marlborough and also during the dating years - it was her charity rowing boat that Kate joined during 2007 break up, but man, did this girl talk to the media too. She still dines out on being Kate’s friend though I wager that the friendship, such as it was, cooled after Kate left the rowing crew in 2007 after she reunited with Willuam. 
Then you throw in the people naively giving sympathetic interviews about Kate or William and putting out far too much information about her eg Kate’s jigsaw boss - an edited version of 2012 interview she gave is still floating on the internet
The Captain of the yacht that Kate crewed on in her gap year before St Andrews told an anecdote about Kate’s time working for him which became the opening 2-3 paragraph of this article written during her engagement period
Even Uncle Gary was very loose-lipped about Kate and William. 
In short, Robert Jobson is not using new information, but taking old articles, possibly going into National archives or just good old British Library to look at the old stuff to dig up stuff previously printed.
As he has been around for decades, I’d wager he knows everything RTA and I have written here because he lived it and when before that 2014 EU law came into effect, he copied as much information for his files as he could. 
Personally, I was on royal forums from around 2005-ish mainly for Diana content and that eventually led to WK content. 
And now for the horrible part……the blog is a cesspool that needs to die, but early Celebitchy still has many early articles copied into the blog. I think they started covering Kate and William in 2008 or early 2009. Those early post were not cesspool though they are presented in a snarky tone as per the space they were trying to carve out for themselves as far as celeb watching. It took a dark turn when they hired Kaiser and gave her full control of the blog. She curated it into the hatefilled space it eventually became. Turning point was 2016 when a combo of Hillary vs Trump as well as Markle, Brangelina divorce were the big topics of discussion that year. She took a position on these topics and banned all dissent. She encouraged deranged takes on all of it such that even the moderates who may have agreed with her were driven out. 
If you can bare to dip into that poison, you’ll find old articles on Kate and William from 2008 onwards. 
Anon, if you do dive into Celebitchy, I recommend a salt circle, a cleansing ritual before and after, and saging your computer/mobile device. Maybe do a prayer candle too. You can’t be too cautious when it comes to Kaiser.
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baekhyunsbestie · 29 days
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if you’re a minor or don’t have an age indicator on your blog, you will be blocked. something as simple as ‘not a minor’ or even an ‘adult’ in your bio will suffice. i don’t enjoy blocking anyone, but i’d prefer to accidentally block an adult rather than risk a minor encountering my content. while i can’t completely prevent minors from finding my blog, this is a measure i can implement to help safeguard them.
thank you for reading this and i hope you can understand where i’m coming from!!! 🥹💞 i’ve been noticing ageless/blank blogs interacting lately so i just wanted to lay this all out here and make these boundaries clear.
if you’re over the age of 18, feel free to continue. remember to read the content warnings and summaries before diving in, as there may be potential triggers.
──★ ˙🍓 ̟ i’m glad you’re here and i hope you enjoy!!!!! happy reading!! ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ series .ᐟ
sparks and vows (ongoing)┊current wc: 18k+
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. baekhyunx f!reader, romance, wedding!au, angst, fluff, exos and oc’s, pussy whipped!baek, ex-playboy!baek, ceo nepo baby!reader, smut probs every chapter ngl, p in v, oral (both f+m receiving), fingering (f receiving), slight exhibitionism, language, scenes with alcohol +/or smoking, pretty tame tho tbh!!!
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ one-shots .ᐟ
home┊wc: 4.4k
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. baekhyunx f!reader, established relationship, pet names, language, baekhyun’s a lil yandere and pussy-whipped (i mean ofc i cant imagine him any other way), a REAL EATER iykwim, v v v intimate, fluffyyyyy. reader and baek take a huge step in their relationship <3
do you like scary movies?┊wc: 5.3k+
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 ib: this anon (๑ > ᴗ < ๑) જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. language, ghostface!baekhyun x f!reader--baekhyun is a psychologist and reader is a bakery owner, no ages specified, but i was thinking mid-late twenties!! they're also next-door neighbors 🙂‍↕️ hehe
the boy is mine ┊wc: 1.9k+
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. established relationship, language, pet names, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie
ALL MINE! ┊wc: 8.5k
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: 18+/MDNI. baekhyun x f!reader. no specified age, but i'd say they're somewhere in their early-to-mid 20’s cus i can only imagine people w/o fully developed frontal lobes behaving this way, respectfully 😭🙂‍↕️ bff's to fwb's to bff's again to strangers to lovers. fluff, angst, and it ain’t a baekhyunsbestie fic if it don’t got some good ol’ nasty smuuuttttt. pet names, praise kink, cheating, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie after creampie after creampie (baekhyun deffo has breeder balls, don’t @ me), overstimulation (both f + m). you both are just two big meanie idiots who are in love with each other.
god is a woman┊wc: 5.6k
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. baekhyun x f!reader. you’re a milf, baekhyun’s a dilf, and he calls you “ma” + “mama” :’), married!au, new parents, slice of life, angst + fluff, pet names, body worship, breastfeeding kink, fingering + oral + overstim (f! receiving), unprotected sex, p in v, breeding kink, and a whole lot of baekhyun talking you through it 😮‍💨 phhheeeeewwwww
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ misc .ᐟ
ᡣ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶𐭩 drabbles + headcanons can be found here!!!!
TOUCH IT!┊wc: 955
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. baekhyun and those damn fingers x f!reader
WAKE UP┊wc: 764
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. f!reader waking baekhyun up w/ her mouth, language, pet names, somnophilia, oral (m receiving)
addicted┊wc: 386
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. baekhyun can never get enough of you, f!reader
BACKhyun┊wc: 422
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. baekhyun and his back 😵‍💫 x f!reader
muse┊wc: 958
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: no warnings (ikr who am i). suuuuper soft n fluffy! baekhyun is a landscape photographer and f!reader is his muse :')
DROWN┊wc: 2.5k+
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 content: SMUT. 18+/MDNI. baekhyun's lips x f!reader.
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sweetprfct · 9 months
Is It Over Now?
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Fake dating your flatmate, Joe, should be a simple thing. It meant you get to help get his ex back, and it meant you get to stop your parents' nagging about bringing someone home for once. But what happens when fake dating turns into something unexpected? Now, what?
Author's Note: I'm sure you all remember this unfinished fic. I'm back in this new blog. I'm setting my boundaries. Anons are off in this blog. I'm here to have a good time and that means no hate or drama from the fandom. I'm simply here to enjoy my writing and share it with everyone. Please read this for more info.
Disclaimer: Mention of violence, 18+
Wordcount: 3.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
You knew going home for New Years was a terrible idea because when did you come home, and it ended up being a good quality time with your parents?
All weekend, all you heard was your mum nagging about every detail of what was wrong with your life. You sat there on the dining table as she cooked dinner for the four of you. Your dad watching some sports on the television, and your younger brother sitting next to you, giving you a “just tuned her out” look. As if you haven’t done that all your life. 
“Did you know my friend’s daughter lived with her boyfriend for two years in the same flat, and he stabbed her in her sleep?” Your mum gave you her wide eyes.
“Mum!” Your eyes widened, disbelief that she had told you that. “I don’t think it's appropriate to talk about this.”
“Well, I’m just saying!” Your mum shook her head, sliding the chicken in the oven. “If her own boyfriend had stabbed her, how sure are you that you’re safe with that flatmate of yours?”
You rolled your eyes, hearing your brother chuckle next to you. 
“Wait, is she okay though?” Your brother interrupted. 
“She’s fine. Good thing she was rushed to the hospital right away.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as your brother and your mum talked back and forth about the incident that happened. Meanwhile, your dad was just shutting the three of you out. Your brother was your mum’s favorite, especially now that he went through a divorce. She had babied him even more. She would say she felt sorry for him for going through such a shitty and rough divorce. Your dad, however, loved to nag your brother just like what your mum does to you every time. He would tell him how he shouldn't have married too early. That he only knew her for a year and decided that he was in love when he wasn’t in the first place. 
“I’ve been with Joe for a year. He’s fine. He’s barely home anyway.” You argued back.
Your mum let out a loud scoff, wiping her hands on the kitchen towel as she started working on the mashed potatoes. 
“You only kept that flat because you keep spending your money on unnecessary things!” Your mum has now found a new excuse for her complaining. “That's why you can’t afford your own flat. I mean look at Sara… She and Abby just bought a new place, and they got married.”
Oh no.
Here comes the marriage subject. 
You knew she was slowly creeping that subject in this conversation. She always managed to find a way to bring it up, and you should have seen it coming already. You and Sara have been best friends since college, and she has grown pretty close with your family. She got engaged last year with Abby, whom she met at an art gallery three years ago, and they got married just a few months ago. Though, before all that, you and Sara were flatmates. She moved out a year ago after getting engaged and started living with Abby. You, on the other hand, had found—you thought— a perfect flatmate. 
Joseph Quinn from that famous Stranger Things show. He was looking for a flatmate—you didn’t know why since he could afford it himself— and you thought it was perfect since he was barely home, and you could have the flat all by yourself most of the time. He wasn't too much of a hassle most of the time, and he knew how to treat your own boundaries well. It was perfect. 
Atleast to you. 
“Hate to burst your bubble, mother, but a flat in London is very expensive these days. I haven't been spending my money on unnecessary things.” 
“Maybe put that flatmate to use and get with him instead.” Your mum murmured under her breath, but you heard it loud and clear.
This woman was going to drive you nuts for the rest of the weekend. Was she that desperate that she was literally suggesting for you to get together with Joe? The woman was mad. 
“What?” Your mum gave you a look as if what she just said was not something so inappropriate. “You’re almost 30, and you don’t have a boyfriend nor have you brought anyone home at all.” 
You rolled your eyes, leaning back on your chair. You were 28 years old for fuck’s sake. She didn’t understand how hard it was to date someone out there these days. Besides, you liked your independence. You liked doing things on your own. You liked the way everything was in your life right now. You didn’t need to change that. 
“You two have been flatmates for over a year, and you’re telling me you two haven’t had sex?”
Good lord.
You got up from your chair, shaking your head. You couldn’t take anymore of this conversation with her. She needed to go get checked out or something because the woman was insane. Mental for sure. 
“Mum!” Your face was all scrunched up with the idea of you and Joe doing it. “I don’t like him like that! Also, just so you know, he has a girlfriend.”
“A girlfriend?” Your mum���s eyes widened. “And they don’t live together? That’s not going to last.”
“It’s his life, mum. Let him live the way he wants it to be.” You made your way towards the kitchen doorway. “Just like how you should let me live my own life.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Stop being so stiff and having an attitude with men all the time. That’s why no one asks you out.”
You sighed and paused in your tracks, turning to face your mum. You were ready for this conversation to be over.
“I’ll try.” You told her with a sarcastic hint in your voice before walking out of the kitchen, hearing your brother letting out a sigh. 
You knew he was frustrated for you too because he felt the same when it came to your father. Both of you dealt the same shit like this from your parents your whole lives. It wasn’t a surprise that the both of you were quick to move out of the house the moment you both graduated from secondary school. 
You flopped yourself on the sofa next to your dad, exhaling a sharp breath. The thought of you and Joe appeared in your mind, and you just couldn’t imagine it at all. You didn’t even know Joe well enough for you to like him like that. He was just your flatmate. A nice guy whenever he was around. That was all. 
“Mum bothering you?” Your dad interrupted your thoughts.
“Oh, you know, like always. She’s getting more and more inappropriate these days.” 
Your dad chuckled softly, taking a sip of his beer, his eyes were still laser focused on the game in front of him. 
“So, do you have a boyfriend at all?” 
You couldn’t help but let out a groan and threw your head back as soon as your dad mentioned that question. It was like you couldn’t get away from that subject at all in this house. You got up from the sofa and headed upstairs to your old room and stayed there until it was time for dinner. Your dad wasn’t as harsh as your mum when it came to conversations like these with you, but you were so sick of it. So sick of hearing the same question.
Why couldn’t anyone understand that you were fine being single? It wasn’t like you didn’t like being in a relationship. You were just bad at it, and you weren’t actively looking for one at the moment. You were too focused on your career, and why were they so adamant about you getting into a relationship when the both of them would fight all the time anyway? They couldn't even handle their own marriage well. Even now, they would argue in front of you or in front of their friends with no shame at all. It was stupid and ridiculous. 
How did they expect you to be in a relationship and deal with all that shit? 
It was all so terrifying.
You didn’t need that kind of shit in your life right now. You were perfectly fine being alone and just hanging out with your friends. You were fine meeting some man at the bar sometimes and maybe a little hookup but that was it. No strings attached after. Just a little bit of fun for a night. 
Coming home to your flat after that chaotic and terrible weekend at your parents’ house, you were so glad to be back in your own place. All you thought about the whole ride home on the train was how your bed was already calling you. You were ready to cuddle up in your fuzzy blanket, have some dinner and maybe a glass of wine, while finishing an episode of the show you were currently watching. 
Joe was in town for the next however many months. Who knows what his next schedule will be. You stopped keeping track of it since it would change all the time anyway. Though, you knew he was meeting his girlfriend, Ivy, tonight because he sent you a text when you were on the train that he left some dishes on the kitchen sink, but he would clean it up after his date with Ivy. 
Entering the flat, the place was dark and quiet. The only sound that you could hear was the heater automatically turning on every twenty minutes or so. Reaching for the light switch, you slapped it with your hand to turn on all the lights and made your way down the hall, dropping your duffel bag on the floor of your bedroom. You grabbed all your dirty clothes from your bag and threw it on the laundry basket before walking inside the shower to freshen up. Letting the hot water touch your skin, you exhaled sharply, letting your shoulders and mind relax. 
It was always like this.
You would find your whole body all tight and tense after visiting your parents’ house because of all the shit you have to deal with whenever you decide to come home. You didn’t even know why you would expect something else from them since it was always the same. You should have known. You couldn’t help but think about how you weren’t ever going back there again until Christmas because you couldn’t take anymore of hearing your parents’ nagging about the same thing all the time. 
Finally, pushing those thoughts away and reminding yourself that you were far far away from them now, you went to go make yourself some dinner and poured yourself a glass of white wine and settled onto the sofa. You figured maybe Joe wasn’t going to come home until later or better yet, he might stay over at Ivy’s place if he had too much to drink and couldn’t get away from her. 
You met Ivy a few times. She was tall and thin and an upcoming successful model. She was nice when you first met her but whenever she would come over after that, she would barely acknowledge you. It wasn’t like you really cared because it wasn’t any of your business. You did your own thing, and Joe did his. He never complained when, sometimes, you would bring a guy home, so why would you? 
During one of the nights that you and Joe would hang in your living room because you both ended up being bored on a weekend, he had mentioned that he and Ivy have been together for six months. From the conversation that you two had, it seemed like Joe really liked her. You couldn’t blame him though. She was pretty, confident, and a model. Who wouldn’t like her? 
So, after an hour of peace, you were sort of surprised when you heard his keys dangling on the other side of the front door as he unlocked it. It was only 9:30pm, and he usually doesn’t come home ‘til midnight or even at 2 am. Sometimes he doesn’t even come home at all. You heard the front door swung open and closed from down the hall as Joe’s heavy footsteps made the wooden floors creak. You drank your wine and looked over your shoulder to see him stumbling on his feet, walking towards you.
Was he drunk? This early?
Pausing the episode that you were watching, you got up from the sofa and walked over to where he was, helping him up on his feet. He was barely walking, and he was using the wall to lean onto it, so he wouldn’t fall flat on the floor.
“Are you okay?” You asked, taking his arm and wrapping it around your shoulder, helping him towards the sofa. 
Joe let out a sarcastic laugh and scoffed at the same time to the question you just asked. He flopped himself on the sofa and took a deep breath. He looked distressed. He could barely carry his head as he threw his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes. You wondered if something happened with Ivy. You wondered if they fought or if she said something to make him this upset.
“Ivy broke up with me.” Joe shook his head, his voice full of despair. 
You raised your brows in surprise, sitting next to him. You weren’t good at comforting someone, so you didn’t really know what to do or say. 
“Oh.” It was all you could manage. “I’m so sorry. Did she tell you why?”
It was a dumb question.
Of course, she would tell Joe why. Unless she was that cold hearted that she just told him it was over and left him like this. She wouldn’t do that, right? You just asked that stupid question because you didn’t know what else to say.
“She said because I wasn’t in town all the time, so she barely sees me and when I’m in town, I barely pay attention to her.” Joe fluttered his eyes open, straightened himself on the sofa and reached for your wine glass on the table, drinking the rest of it.
What Ivy said was such a lie though. 
How could she say that Joe barely paid attention to her when all Joe ever did was visit her whenever he was in town. In fact, he doesn’t even come home sometimes because he would stay over at her place, so what else did she want from him? 
“You know what makes it worse?” Joe scoffed again, shaking his head in disbelief. “She had to drag your name in the argument too.”
Your name? 
What do you have to do with all of this? What do you have to do with their relationship?
“What did she say?” You asked. 
Somehow, you sort of afraid of what Joe was going to answer.
“She’s jealous of you.” Joe replied. “Can you believe that? She’s jealous of you! She asked why I’m flatmates with you.”
That still didn’t make sense as to why she would be jealous of you. She knew you have been living in the same flat as Joe’s for a year now and all of a sudden, she was jealous? 
“Why would she be jealous of me?”
Joe shrugged, looking around his surroundings like he was looking for something. “I don’t know. She said something about you being smarter, prettier and better than her.”
What was in the air lately? Had people gone mad or something? First, your mum was saying all kinds of nonsense shit and now, Joe just told you Ivy was jealous of you? 
Jealous? Was she serious?
Ivy was literally a model. Every man would fall to their knees to have her, but she chose Joe over the rest of them. Not that Joe wasn’t attractive or anything. He was attractive, nice, and a good guy, but she could literally have anyone she wanted. Now, she was comparing herself to you? That was just ridiculous and honestly, sort of got you baffled over it. You weren’t even anything special at all for her to feel that way.
You couldn’t say all of that out loud though. Joe was already upset enough.
“I’m sorry.” You told him again, but Joe was too busy looking for something as his head snapped back and forth from side to side, his eyes scanning the room. “What are you looking for?”
“The rest of this.” Joe held up your empty wine glass. “Is it okay if you stay here and keep me company? Please?”
You nodded your head as you got up from the sofa to get the bottle of wine that you left in the kitchen and grabbed yourself another glass. You weren’t sure if it was a good idea to give Joe more alcohol but honestly, he probably needed it after tonight. Sitting back down next to him on the sofa, you poured the both of you some more wine, and you immediately took a sip of it, letting the liquid burn your throat and warm your stomach up.
“All her excuses were so stupid.” Joe drank his wine before continuing, “She knew how complicated my job could get, and I warned her about it, and she told me she could handle it. Now, she’s saying that she couldn’t?”
“I mean… if she knew about it, how come she’s acting like this was all new information she was just learning?” You turned to your side, fully facing Joe.
You brought your feet up and rested it underneath you to settle yourself on the sofa comfortably and continued to drink your wine. “You’re an actor. You are bound to travel to different countries, especially if it's a big part of your job.”
“Exactly! Thank you!” Joe threw his hand up in the air. “And bringing you in the conversation? Why would she be jealous of you? She had known all this time we’re just flatmates.”
You shrugged, “I don’t know. She seemed okay when I first met her. Then, she barely acknowledged me ever since.”
Joe scoffed, finishing his glass of wine before pouring himself more. You might want to take that bottle of wine from him soon because he might get even more drunk as he continues to vent over Ivy. 
“I feel like you’re the only one who understands. I know we barely talk because I’m barely even home most of the time, but thank you.” 
Joe was genuine and sincere and even when he was all upset, you could see the sincerity in his eyes. That was the one thing that you noticed about Joe. His eyes never lie. You could always tell the difference if he was lying or if he was telling the truth. Though, he didn’t really need to thank you. You understood how important his career was because you felt the same when it came to yours. However, it didn’t mean that he stopped caring about Ivy. You could see how much he liked her. 
“You communicated with her about everything that came with your career when she started dating you. Maybe you should try and communicate with her again about all of this? You know… to give her reassurance.” 
“I tried.” Joe leaned back on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. “But she refused to believe me. She said she couldn’t handle it anymore.”
You pursed your lips and stared at your distressed flatmate for a moment, not really knowing what else to say or do. Joe picked the worst person to vent about his relationship problems because what did you even know about a relationship? Yeah, you have been in a couple of relationships, but you were terrible at it. That was why you never tried to be in one. It was better that way. But you couldn’t tell Joe that. It seemed like he really wanted to fix this and be with Ivy.
“I really liked her too.” Joe played with the empty glass in his hand. “I really thought we were going to last.” 
“I’m really sorry.”
You scolded yourself for saying that for about a millionth time tonight. As if your sorrys were going to help his situation. You just didn’t know what else to say or do, and you hated it. Hated the fact that you couldn’t comfort someone without feeling all cringey and uncomfortable. Giving Joe some affection was going to make it worse too.
You blamed your own mother for being so cold your whole life. Affection and comforting someone didn’t run well in your family. Though, you knew you mostly were just blaming your mother because you were still frustrated over the chaotic weekend that you had to deal with. 
What a start of a New Year for you and Joe, huh? 
Joe continued on to rant about Ivy, but you could tell he was just angry and frustrated with her. You could see it in his eyes that he still felt something for her. Of course, that wasn’t going to go away easily. Eventually, he had fallen asleep on the sofa. So tired from all the venting and so drunk from all the alcohol he drank that he just crashed.
You got up from the sofa quietly and grabbed the throw blanket, covering him up, so he was comfortable and warm. There was no way you were able to carry him back in his room. He was just going to have to be comfortable on the sofa. For a second, you studied Joe that was peacefully sleeping in front of you and thought how you sort of felt bad for him. You couldn’t really put the pieces together as to why Ivy would act like that, especially how she felt about you. You barely saw Joe around lately, and you thought Ivy felt the same way about him with the way she would act around him whenever she would come over. 
Laying on your bed that night, staring at your ceiling, you kept comparing yourself to Ivy. She was a model, you were just someone who worked at a biotech lab. She was much prettier and taller. You were short and not at all pretty—at least you thought so— compared to her. You were nowhere near famous or known by certain people when you walked down the street unlike Ivy and Joe. 
Closing your eyes and letting the subject go, you just hoped that maybe Joe would at least feel a little better tomorrow. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield
(I can't remember anyone else who wanted to be in the taglist so please let me know if you want to be in it).
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freeuselandonorris · 2 months
as a pretty much complete stranger to kinks I ask this with genuine and open curiosity: what is it with piss? like what's that kink all about? admittedly I've been wondering about it and I consider you my local expert on the matter (plus your writing has compelled me to enjoy things I never thought I'd dare to touch so I trust your judgement). is it like a marking/possessiveness thing? or a "that's Me" sort of idea? or something else entirely? I'd like to hear what appeals to you about it if you don't mind indulging me
omg anon if i don’t MIND! this is my dream ask lmao especially on a night where i need a good distraction ty 🙏
below the cut for anyone who followed me for the fanart and light romcom fic and not the hard kink 😭
okay SO. i think piss is one of those weird kinks where there’s a lot of different sub-kinks to it and a lot of motivations for it — like, there’s being pissed on/pissing on someone, there’s drinking it (incl forced drinking) which can also have sub-kinks like some people only like to drink “from the source” whereas others like it from glasses or funnels or bottles or don’t care at all. then you have wetting (pissing yourself, basically), which could be just doing it wherever, in certain clothes, in semi-public. there’s omorashi/desperation, some people really get off on the pain of being desperate and holding for hours. plus there’s stuff like diaper play which is very linked to the ‘little’ space and isn’t something i fuck w personally so i can’t comment on that. but basically what i’m saying is there’s no one motivation for people to be into it and different types of piss play will have different appeals, even to the same person.
personally i am generally pro most kinds piss but my real kink is wetting, specifically while fully-dressed and preferably in pale clothes so the wet patch shows up. that’s something i developed an interest in super early — i can remember being a kid and taking the opportunity to piss through my swimsuit after going to the pool lmao. i think the appeal there is the inherent wrongness of it; it’s very linked to shame, humiliation, degradation and also there’s a lot in there about doing things that are forbidden and go against social conditioning. it’s an insanely trippy feeling to do it in front of someone in particular, personally it’s honestly comparable to drugs in how much of an endorphin kick it gives me.
i do also love pissing on/being pissed on though! and that’s def more what you were mentioning about a sense of possessiveness, although for me it’s more linked again to humiliation, particularly when i’m bottoming for it. i’m a huge fan of bodily fluid play in general and there’s a lot in there about feeling marked, about being a receptacle for someone’s waste fluids, about being objectified — one of the hottest piss scenes i’ve ever experienced was a cnc scene where i had a pillowcase taped over my head and then that got pissed on without warning (we had this kind of play pre negotiated!) and there was something about the combination of being made ‘faceless’ and then that happening to me out of the blue 😵‍💫 there’s a kind of devotional aspect to it, like yes i WILL get on my knees and willingly cover myself in your piss because i adore every aspect of you!
andddd finally there’s just the sensory aspect of it! piss is hot and wet and that can feel really good on your skin when you’re turned on 🤷 and honestly if the person you’re drinking from is well hydrated it doesn’t taste or smell too bad, it’s just kinda salty and a bit umami… it kinda reminds me of miso soup at times lmao. if they’re not hydrated or they’ve had a lot of coffee/beer it can be a bit intense and honestly i have gagged and spat it out sometimes! but that’s kinda hot to me too 🤷
whew that was fun lmao. sometimes i feel like i should start a specific blog for this stuff bc i LOVE talking about it! ask me more kink stuff pls!! anyway anon i hope this kinda explained the appeal to you a bit, ty for the respectful and open minded q 🫡
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