#septimus weasley
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bellwood-qudditch · 5 months ago
The Great-Grandparents
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The Grandparents
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The Parents
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The Kids
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knights-0f-walpurgis · 27 days ago
Do you have ideas on the children of Belvina, Callidora, Cedrella, and Dorea? What middle names do you see for Corisande, Celandora and Bartemius?
@konstantynowitz is using some of my ocs for the children of the first four characters you’ve named in the ask.
Children of Belvina Burke (née Black)
Herbert Eustace Burke — b. 1910
Ursula Belvina Burke — b. 1912 (an original character belonging to K)
Children of Callidora Longbottom (née Black)
Algernon “Algie” Longbottom — b. 1935
Harfang Longbottom (II) — b. 1938
Nyctaea Longbottom — b. 1940
Children of Cedrella Weasley (née Black)
Bilius Weasley — b. 1946
Arthur Weasley — b. 1949
Terzia Weasley — b. 1951
Children of Dorea Potter (née Black)
Charlus Marius Potter — b. 1951 (an original character belonging to K)
Middle names for the Crouch sisters + Barty Snr
Corisande Nocturneia (????)
Celandora Tenebrisia (????)
Bartemius… idk about this one actually.
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fictonrantsworld · 1 year ago
People always wonder how Percy is not in slytherin considering he's so ambitious and has 'slytherin' like qualities, it's confusing to understand as to how percy has these qualities, when his whole family is basically gryffindor based. Then you do research and you realize Percy Weasley's maternal grandmother was Cedrella Black, who was in slytherin and was later,like Andromeda Tonks(Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy's disowned sister and Tonks' mum)disowned for marrying a man who was against her family's beliefs, Arthur Weasleys father, Septimus Weasley.
So yes, I suppose he did inherit some ambitious and cunning from his granny. But in the end Percy wanted to be a part of gryffindor and the sorting hat takes into account of what the student wants
It's just funny tho cos in the first and 2nd book ron kept on referring to all slytherins bad....but boy forgot his granny was a slytherin. (In his defense I don't think Rowling was still making the black family tree so...)
And yes Cedrella had to have been slythetin bc sirius was the only gryffindor to ever have come from the black family, according to canon.
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emilover-1 · 1 year ago
Let's remember that Harry and Draco are NOT confirmed to be related, Dorea black had a son with Charlus Potter but it isnt specified who is the son AT ALL, and Sirius is just Harry's godfather, not related whatsoever.
BUT who is confirmed to be related to the blacks and by consequence to draco are the weasleys.
Cedrella black married Septimus weasley, who is Arthur weasley's father, Arthur then married Molly, with who then they had William, Charles, Percy, Fred, George, Ronald and Ginevra.
this is not what I usually upload but I really wanted to talk about this.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year ago
are the weasleys irish or did i literally make that up
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poetryandbloods-blog · 1 year ago
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Cedrella is a rare feminine variant of "Cedric", which in turn is derived from the ancient Celtic name Caratacos, meaning "love". She, like her sisters, doesn't have a star name, so I'm giving a star as a second name.
I imagined the actor who plays Mr. Bingley in the 2005 film for Weasley and the author of Mr. Darcy for Crouch, just because they give me the vibe I wanted for these characters. They were both friends before they married the Black sisters.
** A curiosity that no one asked: For some reason whenever I watch Pride and Prejudice I remember Snape seeing Mr. Darcy although they are not similar at all, but I feel that Snape would be more or less that way if he were in love.
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Cedrella Weasley (Black) and her eldest son, Richard (Arthur Weasley's older brother), died in 1955.
At the time of their death, Cedrella was 36 years old and Richard was 9 years old.
Their deaths were caused by dragon pox, which Cedrella did not sick over in childhood.
After Cedrella's death, the Blacks disliked Septimus Weasley even more.
Arctrus Black believed that he had kidnapped and then killed his daughter.
After the death of his wife, Septimus raised alone of his younger sons, 5-year-old Arthur and 2-year-old Bilius.
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Cedrella Belvina Weasley (nee Black), proud mother and grandmother
The second daughter of Arcturus and Lysandra (nee Yaxley) born in 1917, Cedrella looked up to Uncle Phineas more than she ought to. She quietly joined the M.V.F. at Hogwarts befriending Richie Longbottom and Septimus "Timmy" Weasley among others. Richie was her first serious boyfriend but he was still a blood traitor, despite their little respect -- and neither were ready. She attended Firenze Academy in Italy for seventh year and college in London at W.A.D.A. in acting.
An entertainer in the E.W.S.A. and double agent in the Witches' Auxiliary Territorial Services to both Britain and the Allianz/Zano Party but she was the first Black to realize Grindelwald was wrong. Close to Septimus Weasley, of the Dragoon Broom Force, and they fell in love after the war.
At the risk of her disownment, they married and she returned home with him to Cornwall. Septimus joined the regrowing Weasley Friskytoys company (destined to slowly decline) while she became a proud Muggle activist. They had three boys: Rupert (b. 1947), Arthur (b. 1950), and Chester (b. 1952).
Her parents privately kept their daughters together yet they died from the Asian flu in the late 1950s. Cedrella drifted from Charis Crouch (her husband never agreed), though Callidora and Harfang Longbottom stay in touch, and support as possible. The Weasleys' open relationship with Charlus and Dorea Potter, both respectable, is publicly dismissed.
In the rise of growing darkness, Cedrella and Septimus fight how they can. While they're clearly close to Dumbledore, their Order of the Phoenix member status remains unclear. They cherish their numerous grandchildren, from all their boys, but of course their family will be targeted again. For now: they live, love, and laugh.
(Pictures from pexels.com)
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hpshipbattles · 10 months ago
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(i used the first image that came up for each character)
(rules and submitted characters)
(round one ships)
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Moodboard of Septimus Weasley.
Face-claims: Peter Eggers and Charles Dance.
Requested by: anon.
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helenadurazzo · 2 years ago
The Future of Garreth Weasley and Poppy Sweeting
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Garreth and Poppy dated for a bit in Hogwarts and decided to go more serious with the relationship a few years after their graduation by getting married. The wedding was attended by a majority of their classmates, Garreth’s family, and Poppy’s grandmother.
Together they had seven sons who were all sorted into either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff:
Proteus (1904)
Deuce (1906)
Trenton (1907)
Quade and Quincy (1909)
Cecilio (1913)
Septimus (1916)
The seven boys learned about both potion making and how to care for magical creatures from their parents, with some of them even choosing to follow in their footsteps after graduation. They also took many visits and stays in the Sweeting Sanctuary, a place to care for endangered magical creatures that was watched over by Poppy and the centaurs.
Poppy, being an only child, did her best to treat her children equally and often took advice from her husband. This was because he had numerous siblings and cousins of his own, some of which were the godparents of their children or had names they used for their children’s middle names.
Their youngest son, Septimus, would eventually go on to fall in love with a girl a year younger than him named Cedrella Black. She was the granddaughter of a previous Hogwarts headmaster and a member of Slytherin house. She was disowned after marrying Septimus because his family was viewed as blood traitors, however Garreth and Poppy treated her especially as if she was their own daughter all along.
Septimus was very friendly with some of the children of his parent’s friends including the daughter of Ominis Gaunt (Gilda Elysian, a Ravenclaw) and the second son of Phineas and Marie Hearst (Thomas Hearst, a Slytherin). The twins were also in particular close friends with the son of Zsuzsi Schröder (Alexei Morosovich, a Slytherin) who was in their year.
Garreth and Poppy would have numerous grandchildren with one of their youngest son’s children being Arthur Weasley, who would go on to have seven kids of his own. Garreth and Poppy often traveled around visiting their children and their respective families after they moved out and created lives of their own. The couple both lived long lives as well and met multiple of their great grandchildren as well.
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bellwood-qudditch · 5 months ago
What do we headcanon Audrey (Percy’s wife/baby momma & Lucy/Molly’s mother’s) last name as?
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dogwaterpoopyboy · 1 year ago
get a grip girl
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hoggleswart · 6 months ago
viiktorious  asked:      13    &    15    &    17    for  arthur  weasley.
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what  did  the  air  smell  like  during  their  childhood?
his    (  paternal  )    grandmother’s  baking,  all  those  early  morning  sunrises  because  he  often  woke  up  the  same  time  his  parents  did  for  work,  that  delightful  waft  of  a  hogwarts  feast  and  his  mother’s  lavender  perfume,  ever  present  when  she  snuck  into  their  rooms  after  finishing  a  late  shift  to  kiss  them  goodnight.  she  always  tried  not  to  disturb  them,  but  as  a  light  sleeper,  arthur  always  stirred.  
when  was  the  last  time  they  were  held,  and  truly  held,  for  several  minutes?  who  was  it  with?
to  the  surprise  of  absolutely  no  one,  the  answer  is  molly.  that’s  his  wife,  his  partner  in  everything,  his  better  half.  i’m  not  naive  enough  to  think  arthur    &    molly  have  the  perfect  marriage,  but  i  do  believe  they  work  at  it  every  day  to  keep  it  as  special  as  it  is  and  ultimately,  molly  is  still  the  one  person  in  the  world  that  can  ground  arthur  with  something  as  simple  as  a  hug.  the  last  time  was  after  arthur  returned  from  the  graveyard.  they  spent  a  fair  amount  of  time  simply  wrapped  in  each  other’s  arms,  part  for  comfort,  part  out  of  fear  that  they  could’ve  lost  someone  again.  
how  many  pennies  and  quarters  do  they  have  in  their  couch?
zero!  there’s  no  doubt  in  my  mind  that  arthur  is  the  type  of  man  carrying  loose  change  around  in  his  pockets,  because  every  penny  counts,  but  i  don’t  think  he’s  the  type  to  drop  them  easily.  any  strays  are  rummaged  out  almost  as  quickly  as  they  land,  no  cushion  going  unturned  in  the  burrow.  it’s  all  hard  -  earned  and  neither  mr  nor  mrs  weasley  let  a  single  knut  go  to  waste,  especially  on  the  months  when  expenses  are  gaining  on  them  a  little  faster  than  others  such  as  christmas.  there  is  a  very  worn,  very  beloved  money  pot  on  the  lounge  mantlepiece  for  exactly  these  findings,  handmade  by  arthur  himself  when  he  tried  his  hand  at  muggle  pottery.  
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holytragedycat · 9 months ago
Since we fans of the Tom Riddle era have little material, I thought I would help. Whenever I read a fanfic about this era, it's pretty messy because we don't have many canon characters and we put in all the blacks there are, so this is a list of students in Tom's years (based on canon).
Tom's year (students born in 1926 and 1927) ↓
- Tom Riddle (1926)
- Rosier (1926)
- Lestrange (1927)
- Avery (1926)
- Abraxas Malfoy (1927)
- Alphard Black ( possibly 1926/1927. As far as we know, Alphard was not in Tom's gang, but he could have been in his year, since he is younger than Walburga and Walburga is older than Tom.)
- Nott (1926/27 Or 1925? I edited this again, it is not known when Nott was born so he could be older than Tom by a year just like Walburga or be in his year)
- Mulciber (The same as Nott, they are the only ones whose date of birth is not mentioned, but they were from that time and were part of the Knights of Walpurgis.)
- Walden Macnair (I put him here because it is revealed that he was one of Voldemort's first Death Eaters and he does not have a date of birth in the search, so there are possibilities that they studied at the same time.)
- Dolohov (I put him here because in THBP Dumbledore mentions him among the Death Eaters who accompanied Tom when he went to ask for the position of defense professor.)
- Druella Rosier (???? His date of birth does not appear, if she had been in Tom's year, it means that she is at least 11 years older than Cygnus)
- Araminta Meliflua (She was a cousin of Walburga and her siblings, her date of birth is not stated but perhaps they were from the same year or a younger year.)
(students born in 1929 / 1928 / 1930) ↓
- Orion Black (1929)
- Myrtle Warren (1929)
- Rubius Hagrid (1928)
- Olive Hornby (1929, I guess it doesn't say her date of birth.)
- Alastor Moody (1930?? It does not say his date of birth, but he graduated in 1948.)
- Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank (It says she was born in 1930 or before.)
- Septimus Weasley (1930 or before)
- Eileen Prince (1929/30)
(students born in 1925) ↓
- Walburga Black
- Ignatius Prewett (possibly 1925; he was Lucrecia's husband, but the search does not say his date of birth, it could have been older or younger.)
- Lucretia Black
I update this every time I discover something new.
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percival-ignatius-weasley · 2 years ago
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