#senti continues to be a mood
Fu Hua, watching Senti do something stupid: Kiana, you're officially only the second highest risk here.
Kiana: Hell yeah! I'm gonna—
Fu Hua: Don't finish that sentence, you'll move back up.
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 5 months
Some musings on how the Aware AU might be best structured as a story and like:
Prologue would presumably be the party. So Adrien & Chloe have already started shifts in behavior that will be contextualized for the audience alongside other characters and flashbacks.
This is because it lets one introduce all three abused kids & Marinette and justify the Marinette/Kagami relationship.
This would likely be followed with Origins, but with the aforementioned Adrien in class, desk squabble, Nino biting the bullet but being intrigued ETC.
But there could be an interlude with Kagami contacting Chloe & Adrien secretly to be like, "Please tell my mother I made a good impression on you so she'll let me go to school here, I just made my first friend." & are instantly like, "Oh she's just like Adrien/me for real" and help her out, thus absorbing her into their duo making a trio.
The above however could be covered in a flashback.
Marinette is bamboozled how they know her Kagami & they are shocked Marinette is the friend she wanted so badly. Well Adrien is, Chloe is probably mentally sulking about how easy it is for Marinette to make friends. But Kagami likely explains what she can & things move on.
Anyway, if there are shifts in Miraculous or numbers then they'd happen, her but the prologue & Origins would be used to establish the status quo for the story going forward.
After which I imagine it can basically be broken up into a sort of "Era of understanding" IE, how little or how much does Marinette understand of their situation & how much do they understand themselves?
Nino would be useful as the sort of intermediary person whose ahead of the curve but between two parties.
But yeah, first half of season is no understanding, then Nino understanding, with the season 1 finale, serving to not bring about total understanding but definitely break some barriers.
IE, Marinette is likely at least at a stage where she thinks Chloe & Adrien's parents aren't very good at being parents, but not that they are actively abusive. So the dynamic cools a bit but remains easily ignited.
Season 2 would likely then build up to the full revelation and confrontations as barriers break. With Lila also being worked into the trio to make a quartet, much against her will, and Kagami's breaking moment probably being the big "Oh fuck" moment for everyone pre Heroes Day.
(Though gods if it continued and Kagami could be the Chat Noir)
But yeah I feel like that gives a loose but generalized shift that meshes well enough with the characters and time allowing for growth.
First season is all awkward growing pains, fumbles and such, while season 2 is once everyone's shifted into a stable if not perfect dynamic that can finally allow the main stage of self awareness to be reached.
This was way more organized my head, sorry.
(K first of all: Mood. My train of thought is really eloquent, until it has to change rails so other people can see it)
This all sounds good! It sort of reminds me of a rant I went on a bit ago, about how to do Senti-Adrien even if they only thought of it late. You don’t backtrack to have it make sense, you have characters commenting on the changes.
Like, the Senti-Thing, I said just have it that Adrien's already shedding his programming, already becoming a Real Boy(tm), so don’t have him suddenly be obedient. Have Gabriel come to the REALIZATION that his son is no longer obedient, and have flashbacks backing up how Adrien USED to be. (If you wanna find the rant, search @princess-of-the-corner blog's submission tag, it'll be far down, but it’s honestly faster than trying to find it on my blog. Please note there are two, one serious, one comedy)
But yeah, similar thing here! Have the party establish their "new" behaviour by everyone commenting on how weird it is, and showing flashbacks. I might have a specific scene where we see the inciting incident for Adrien and Chloé. Like, don't make it long, don’t give context, just a quick taste of the fact SOMETHING happened. Maybe a scene from Chloé comforting Adrien after Emilie disappears?
Another thing that might help/hinder Marinette would be Alya. Or, like, maybe to help show contrast with Nino? Cause, I think you said it before, Alya's kind of living out her tropes right now. She's the best friend of the Nice Girl[tm], Chloé's obvious the Popular Mean Girl [tm]. Alya would agree with Marinette that Chloé is a brat who needs to be taken down a peg. Meanwhile Nino, who has been in the same class as these two since diapers, is a bit more mellowed out. He isn’t seeing tropes, he's seeing people. Like, he has no clue what's going on, but he knows it’s more complicated than "Rich Bitch Spoiled Princess". Actually, I might have that be what kills Nino's crush on Marinette. Like, he still likes her fine. They're still friends. But Marinette's initial inability to see Chloé as anything but a bully and Spoiled brat, and how it’s colouring her perception of Adrien, might cause Nino to lose his infatuation with Marinette. Like, if I had a crush on someone, and they refused to believe that one of my friends might be abused, I would stop liking them real quick.
(The train has switched rails from my head to the page. It was not smooth.)
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Tbh I don't really see some of the plot holes regarding senti Adrien that everyone talks about though I really do wish they started the foreshadowing during season two rather than three (and said foreshadowing being more present then just 1 and a half ish episodes and far less subtle)
So I've deepdived on this before but my main points are
1.) Gabriel and Nathalie not knowing that Chat Noir is a Sentimonster.
Supposedly this was cleared up as 'they can't sense Sentimonsters, only the Amokized Object', but that isn't the best explanation given what Canon has shown. Nathalie sensed Feast and knew it was a Sentimonster, not the Amok to a Sentimonster.
They should be able to tell that Chat Noir is a Sentimonster. Even if they don't connect him to being Adrien, they would raise an eyebrow at his existence and try controling him as the Peacock User can control Sentimonsters directly.
2.) Continuing that, in episodes where Gabriel and Nathalie either suspect or know that Adrien is Chat Noir, they never try controlling him with the Amok. This could have led to such an easy win for them as Adrien would be unable to fight back against their orders. Yet even Chat Blanc fought back.
Of course we get Ephemeral where he tries but gives up, and I find that.... mildly inconclusive as he could have just given up as a person and not because he was controlled but I will give that, but this is when they're hammering in the sentimonster thing so ya know. Suddenly the idea occurs to them.
3.) Kind of a minor thing, but when Sentimonsters are Cataclysmed they go fuckin nuts. Adrien was hit with a Cataclysm and seemed unaffected other than pain.
4.) A Senitmonster is supposed to obey either the Peacock User or the person who holds their Amok. Yet Adrien does disobey his dad. It's kind of a tossup on if he'll follow orders or not.
Which. Is honestly typical of teenagers. Sometimes they'll sigh and begrudgingly listen to their parent's orders, sometimes they'll go 'no fuck you' and do what they want anyway. Even teenagers with /good/ parents will get that mood sometimes so ofc a teenager with a dick parent will do that too.
Adrien obeying is never really portrayed as something he's 100% forced to do. Like. any more than a regular kid. When he obeys on something he doesn't want, it seems a usual begrudging and exasperated 'I know I will not be getting my way by arguing, and directly disobeying will get me in more trouble than this is worth.'
Him rebelling against what his dad wants is never something where he has to worm his way around things. THere's never any loopholes. He just straight up doesn't do what he was told. Literally Adrien's introduction in Origins is going against Gabriel's orders.
The whole thing does not read as a Sentimonster thing. It reads as a kid with a very strict parent playing the game to see where he can cross the line when reward outweighs consequences. If there were more stuggle when he wants to disobey to the point he has to talk himself into it and justifying it, then maybe it'd be a thing. But it's not.
5.) More of a pet peeve, but the idea that the Peacock can create 100% sapient beings is not something that sits well with me. Both in that I don’t think it should be that easy to create life, and in what the fate of the other Sentimonsters have been. 
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
Reacting To their S/O being Brazilian
Bang Chan
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- Bang Chan travelled to Brazil with you on vacation, excited to meet some of your family and embrace the culture.
- He soon noticed the beautiful land below him, his eyes sparkled in pure excitement and curiosity.
- You secretly planned the vacation in mid June, so he could celebrate Festa Junina with you.
- Your mind raced with all of the cute date ideas and clothes you should buy for Festa Junina, not noticing Chan wrap his arms around you.
"Eu te amo muito. (I love you so much) " He whispered, before pressing cute kisses across your shoulders.
You gasped softly, "Where'd you learn that?" surprised to hear his perfect accent along with the sweet sentence. Instead of getting a real answer, he just smirked with a sly shrug of his broad shoulders.
Lee Know
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- While getting ready for Halloween, you got a call from your annoying best friend. Sighing at her immediately harsh tone.
- Minho giggled softly at your constant eye rolls and mocking tones, knowing that she must be nagging you for something stupid.
- Her tone raised, not even needing to put her on speaker mode due to her booming voice that seemed aggravated.
- Even though he barely knew what she was saying to you at the moment, he could tell it was getting on your last nerve by the way your sparkly eyes turned dull and tired.
"Escuta aqui vadia. (listen here bitch)" You retorted, pointing harshly at the air as if she were right in front of you. Minho was always amused by your annoyed side of things.
You ended up hanging up on her with a loud sigh, "Is she in a bad mood?" he asked, already knowing your answer to his question. Adjusting his position on the couch and patting the spot next to him.
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- Last Wednesday Changbin made a tradition Korean dish for supper, and bought some fish shaped buns for dessert.
- But this Wednesday was your turn to make supper, and you wanted introduce him to Feijoada whish is a brazilian tradition.
- You carefully spread the dark beans across the clean plate, the mixes of spices made the dorm rooms smell like heaven.
- Before you could surprise him with the amazing dinner, you felt small kisses glide across your neck. Making you nearly drop one of the full plates.
"Você me assustou! (You scared me!)" you gasped, lightly smacking his arm. He giggled cutely, sneakily stealing Ken of the plates from behind you.
"Minho told me what you made." He sighed, bopping your scrunched nose. Bursting into another fit of laughter, when you left the kitchen to chase after a smirking Minho. Stealing an piece of meat from your plate.
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-Will never admit that he finds very hot when you speak in your mother tongue, not wanting to sexualize your culture.
- He insisted in you teaching him more about your culture, so you came up with an idea for a cute little date.
- You prepared a picnic basket filled with Brazilian cuisine, such as Pao De Queijo, Feijao Tropeiro, & Brigadeiro.
- During the picnic you noticed he was much more affectionate than usual, feeding you some of the Brigadeiro. You weren't complaining, but also wondered what caused it.
"Eu te amo, querido. (I love you, Sweetheart) " He whispered, kissing off some of the chocolate sprinkles from your lips. You smiled shyly at his flirtatious tone.
"I love you too Jinnie. Care to tell me why you are so affectionate today?" You questioned, gently squishing his cheeks together. He shifted his head towards your hand and began trailing kisses all the way up to your neck.
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- Even though you told him that he didn't have to know your language fluently, he was determined to learn every word.
- You adored his accent when trying to speak your language, and when he stumbled over his words with sparkling eyes.
- Jisung wanted to embrace your culture and make you proud, so he always tried his best to try and discover new words each day.
- He learned two words in the morning, ame (Love) & Porro (Fuck). Planning on telling off a member secretly, and telling you how much he loves you in the same day.
"Good Morning, Porro." He greeted, with a confident tone to his words. You stood in shock for a few seconds, hoping he just messed up his new nickname for you.
"Babe, you just called me fuck." You explained, bursting in laughter at his quick transition from confidence to pure terror. Soon being held close to him while he apologized multiple times.
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- It was your mom's birthday in a few days, and you decided to fly over with Felix and celebrate with them.
- You could tell Felix was nervous about visiting a new country that he didn't know much about, but he still tried to hide his fear.
- Your family was excited to finally meet Felix, all of them being large fans of his due to his music and cute stories with you.
- Once you finally walked onto the airport floor, you noticed your squealing mother rushing towards both of you with that large beaming smile you missed so much.
"Meu bebê! Eu senti tanto sua falta. E este deve ser o seu lindo príncipe, suas sardas são bem fofas." you mother commented, soon engulfing felix in a tight hug.
He looked at you for a translation, "she said, My baby! I missed you so much. And this must be your handsome prince, his freckles are quite cute." You explained, planting a soft kiss to his now pink tinted cheeks.
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- You were talking on the phone with your father, who was currently on a plane to Korea with the rest of your family.
- They were visiting for Christmas break, and were excited to meet your boyfriend that you never seemed to stop talking about.
- They were arriving in half an hour, so you prepared the many glasses filled with avocado juice which was you parent's favorite.
- As you decorated the rim with natural honey, you were welcomed to he loud voices fo your family as they walked up the stairs. You father practically sprinting up them.
"Olá, pai! Como você está? Eu fiz de você e da mamãe o favorito. (Hello dad! How are you? I made you and mom's favorite.)" you greeted, rushing into his arms.
Seungmin stood next to you with a soft smile, loving the sight of you nearly in tears due to happiness. "Boa escolha Y/n. (nice pick y/n)" You mother replied, pinching Seungmin's cheek to his surprise.
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- Jeongin was heavily in love with you, and wanted to tell you in the most memorable way possible.
- He didn't want to just say it out of the blue while watching tv, he it to be special for such a special person in his life.
- Jeongin decided to make your favorite drink Limonada Suica, which was a brazilian lemonade. Whole also playing your favorite film.
- He sat down next to you, handing you a glass of lemonade before planting a soft kiss across your lips. Right after you took a few sips, he cupped your face to look at him.
"Eu te amo muito meu lindo anjo. (I love you so much my beautiful angel)" He whispered, lowering the volume of the movie as he leaned in to kiss you once more.
You melted into the kiss, sighing as he pulled away for air. "Nado salanghae, nae salang.(I love you too, my love.)" You replied in his language, softly smiling at his shimmering gaze. Soon snuggling into his warm body and continuing the movie.
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paradiseofmy · 3 years
(Patrick) Minha Familia e como conheci o Marcelo! (Na minha visão) My Family and how I met Marcelo! (Patrick's Version)
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Nessa época eu era um adolescente, tinha uns 15 anos
Eng: At that time I was a teenager, about 15 years old.
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Eu morava em Belavista com minha mãe Suellen, meu pai Ricardo e minha irmã mais nova Melanie
Eng: I lived in PleasantView with my mother Suellen, my father Ricardo and my younger sister Melanie
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Eu nasci na Ilha Twikkii, minha mãe estava grávida enquanto viajava pra lá e acabei nascendo lá. Mas morei toda minha infância e parte da adolescência em Belavista
Eng: I was born on Twikkii Island, my mother was pregnant while she was traveling there and I ended up being born there. But I lived all my childhood and part of my adolescence in PleasantView
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Quando terminei o ensino fundamental eu e um amigo de infância meu chamado Hector combinamos de ir estudar em uma escola de ensino médio em Willow Creek, pois ele estaria se mudando para la perto. Então pesquisamos e achamos uma escola boa e fizemos matricula lá.
Eng: When I finished elementary school, me and a childhood friend of mine named Hector agreed to go to a high school in Willow Creek, because he would be moving to a nearby town. So we researched and found a good school and enrolled there.
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Depois de conversar com meus pais, eles resolveram comprar uma casa por perto de Willow Creek numa cidade vizinha que tinha acabado de ser fundada, decidi ficar em uma casa com colega de quarto enquanto meus pais construiam a casa nova deles. Achei uma casa na rua da minha escola perfeita e teria dois colegas de quarto, a residente e mais um que dividiria o quarto comigo futuramente.
Eng: After talking with my parents, they decided to buy a house near Willow Creek in a neighboring town that had just been founded, I decided to stay in a house with a roommate while my parents built their new house. I found a house across the street from my school that was perfect and I would have two roommates, the resident and one more who would share the room with me in the future.
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Eng: I arrived a day later than arranged with the resident because I had problems with my documents but soon solved them and arrived the next morning.nte
Eng: I arrived a day later than arranged with the resident because I had problems with my documents but soon solved them and arrived in the next morning.
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Quando cheguei ela já estava acordada assistindo tv
Eng: When I arrived she was already awake watching TV
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Ela era muito simpática e me recebeu super bem! O nome dela é Babs L'Amour. Ela me disse onde era meu quarto e falou que eu podia ficar a vontade!
Eng: She was very nice and received me super well! Her name is Babs L'Amour. She told me where my room was and said I could stay as long as I wanted!
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Chegando lá senti um clima diferente no ar, o quarto tava com um clima agradável aconchegante e tinha raios de sol entrando pela janela
Eng: When I got there I felt a different mood in the air, the room had a nice cozy atmosphere and there were rays of sun coming through the window
(Continua na parte 2)
To be Continue..
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spartanxhunterx · 3 years
Senti-Lila crack: continuing with the salt parody, Marinette spends the first part of the story running on two hours of sleep and far too much caffeine, and the senti-classmates making various stupid requests and asking extremely stupid questions is not helping her mood. Luckily the senticlass doesn’t need food water, or air, and they’re near indestructible so nothing bad will happen to them
They're all acting like their salt counter parts cause that's what Gabriel THINK's kids that aren't Adrien are like.
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parkeraul · 4 years
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→ missin’ you | t.h.
author’s note — suddenly i felt like writing this for whoever’s in the stupid needy mood as i am. there’s portuguese in this, but blame the english language, not me.
pairing: tom holland x reader
masterlist ┊add yourself to my taglists ┊give me feedbacks.
warnings — a whole load of fluff and light smut.
“oh my god”, tom sighs dramatically, dropping his bag on the floor and taking his heavy backpack from his body, throwing it somewhere he haven’t even seen. “i. missed. you!”
before you can even notice, he tosses his frame on to your arms and you stumble back, trying your best to stand still and hold him. tom doesn’t seem to care one bit as he tightens his arms around your waist, rocking the both of you from side to side, his face hidden on the crook of your neck and taking deep breaths, making your skin get goosebumps whenever he released the air against you. he was inhaling your scent like he hasn’t touched you in years — which, to his heart, was an actual feeling. his mind knew he hadn’t been away for more than a month, a month and a half maybe, but you felt the agony too when his heartbeat echoed throughout your chest when his body connected with yours.
after smelling your scent like a curious dog, he decided to fill every inch of skin with cold and wet kisses and for a moment there you wondered if it was his lips or the icy tip of his nose tickling your neck — you weren’t sure until the third or fourth ‘smack’ sound made it clear for you. it also crossed your mind that on top of your crushed silhouette, completely squished by his strong arms, you were sort of running out of air.
“sweetie,” you tried to catch his attention but tom didn’t even dare to pay attention. “baby... darling–” “you have,” he sighed once more, pressing another strong kiss on your cheek this time, “no goddamn idea,” continuing, he managed to squeeze you even harder and you nearly squeaked out. “not a single idea, baby–baby,” and of course you smiled to the nickname, flying out of his mouth like a lullaby to your ears. “of how i have been missin’ the livin’ shit out of you!” “tom!” you laughed out loud, enjoying his embrace even though you were fearing for your poor lungs for having to provide a higher performance. “watch this mouth, have you left your manners in–”
“been missin’,” one more kiss. “missin’,” another one. “miiiiissin’,” and again. “you.”
“got that, champ.”
tom moved to face you, chocolate eyes lost in yours and his fuzzy eyebrow lifted dramatically, as if he wanted to investigate your deepest thoughts one by one.
“aren’t you gonna say that you missed me too?” his tone of voice had never sounded so comically affected before, and it was like he had forgotten how you wouldn’t give it to him so easily.
“i mean,” you breathed with your arms travelling to enlace his neck, caressing the hair right above his the back of his neck and softly scratching the skin there. “you’re here, i do not have to miss you any longer.”
just as you leaned in to capture his lips, he leaned back away from you.
“say it.”
“say what, tom?”
“that you missed me, crackhead.”
you rolled you eyes, now holding his face in place and trying to get closer again, “stop being cheesy! aren’t you here already?”
“oh, am i?” he mocked.
“if not then i’m calling the cops and sayin’ that a maniac invaded my flat and took advantage of me,” you stated, frowning and watching his smirk insisting to appear even though that deep inside you both knew he didn’t want to give in and laugh. “my boyfriend is going to kick your ass, by the way.”
“you cannot blame a gorgeous man to be outraged when his love’s been broken. bring him in.”
“oh my god!” slapping his chest weakly, you tried to pinch him but he was faster, flexing his chest to make it harder. “how do you even know my boyfriend, sir?”
“funny you asked,” tom pretended to think. “we’re from the same club!”
“yeah?” he nodded positively. “what club?”
“the lonely hearts club.”
instead of facepalming, you hid your face against him and enjoyed the moment to refresh your mind. his scent of clean clothes and soap was still there, nothing but the way his skin smelled and how it seemed to get more enunciated as he got warmer. what was actually funny is how you’ve been at your place this entire time but the feeling of being home was there in tom — if he wasn’t around, it was like being homesick, homeless, whatever they call this awful sensation of being frustrated when you can’t wake up next to the person who loves you as much as you love them back. and you sure have been missing him so much it brought your heart to weigh down in your thumping chest to an excruciating level of saudade.
“senti saudades. happy?” your voice came out muffled, but it’s not like tom could understand any other word other than happy. you looked up to watch his eyes wander around the room as if the walls held responses to his doubts.
“i feel like there is something i should be happy about...” tom wondered out loud, bringing you to laugh softly. 
“there’s no translation for this word.”
“how nice. you can’t say that you missed me back, but...” he groped your sides, making you jump in surprise and giggle, feeling the very tips of his fingers catching you here and there. “you can say a word that has no bloody translation!”
“stop!” you begged, trying to slap his hands away although tom was effortlessly stronger. “listen, moron.”
when you saw his flushed cheeks, his stupid grin and his beautiful eyes in there, you didn’t have to resist no more — as if you even could — you tiptoed to kiss the shy dimple on his chin and let your bodies sink into one another again, easy and lovingly.
“you know what it means? saudade?” tom denied, shaking his head and dropping his face down on yours just so your noses could nudge together everytime his head nodded from side to side. “it’s a term in portuguese. it’s the feeling you get when you’re missing something or someone. it’s quite... not the same as saying ‘i miss you’, it’s the name of sentiment itself.”
tom felt his whole being melting, eyes glancing every single characteristic of yours and unconsciously, his lips started to search for yours. all that he wanted the most, on top of kissing you until he went completely out of air, was being with you again and make new memories as if the world was going to end tomorrow.
before he could seal your lips together, you whispered, “missed you, though.”
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pianoperson · 4 years
We don’t get enough Jonah content. Gimme more soft Jonah.
I like how you think anon. ;))
Huh, soft Jonah... how to function aaaaaaaa
He don’t look it at first, but he squish squoosh on the cheekies. Poke da face cheeks, wowowow super squishy, you will wanna poke again
He gonn pout at you >:<< for squooshing his face but you be like “waahhhhhh your cheeks are so squiiiiiiiiiiiiiishy” and he can’t resist le smile on your face
Because how can he
Speaking of smiley
You and Jonah be having ‘no u’ conversations occasionally
“Your smile is beautiful.” “No, yours is!” “No yours!” “No, yours!”
“You’re cute.” “Am not cute, you’re the cute one.” “No, you’re cute!” “No you!” “No you!”
But those convos end in one way: kiss 😙
Okok he is sO gentle with you when you kiss him??? He’ll cup your face with his cheek, and his kisses are full of passion but they’re never too rough.
He would tuck your hair behind your ear anytime. When you’re eating, when you see each other in the hallway, when you have passionate sessions in the bedroom. He does that because he wants to see your face. Because he thinks... no, he knows you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen and he wants to see your face.
Cuddle 👏 session 👏 these tend to happen when a) it has been stressful b) you haven’t seen each other for the whole day, or c) lol idk you just want to. You don’t make any attempt to move, you just lie down beside each other, in each other’s arms, taking in each other’s scent. You can’t help but feel how perfect you fit in Jonah’s embrace, and same for him.
Your hugs don’t end there. He’ll occasionally chase you down just to have a hug, which you’d gladly give because... it’s Jonah and lowkey, you’ve been craving for a hug from him.
Aside from physical affection, Jonah’s gonna show his love for you through gifts. Look, his wallet’s bloated, and he knows this. He’s gonna get you anything. Just make sure you tell him straight that you no like too much gifts, so you don’t have a shit ton of stuff you might not use. But try to accept them haha
HHHHHHHHHHH OK BUT IMAGINE 👏 RUNNING 👏 AROUND 👏 PLAYING 👏 TAG 👏 NONONO LET ME JUST.... you’re probably in a really mischievous mood, because Jonah wants this object you’re holding but before you realize it, you’re like ‘catch me if you can then’ and start running. You slow down at first, thinking he wouldn’t find it amusing, only to squeal and pick up pace because Jonah is actually chasing you. You two continue running around until a) someone tells you to stop (which almost never happens) or b) you get tired and Jonah catches you in his arms, takes the object from your hands, kisses you, and says in a husky whisper, “I caught you.”
Okok I actually really need to let this out.
When. You’re. Sad.
So Jonah’s world is high-class society that reeks of plastic nobles and metallic scents of wealth. Of course, people will judge you, esp if you’re not from high-class society (which you likely aren’t but idk who would be reading this) and this may bring your self-esteem down.
If their judgements don’t bring you down (which is good because they don’t know you and they’re the ones with a problem pfft), then it’s gonna be the prim and proper lifestyle that could. Look, Jonah is proper, graceful, polite, and well-mannered. And in the noble class, that should be expected. But uh here you are, too casual for that sort of thing. And it makes you feel ashamed because Jonah doesn’t deserve someone who probably eats like a pig or burps way too loudly (I know I do 🤭) or is just not the picture of propriety. You want to stand by his side, but you don’t want to ruin his rep and image too.
So you get a little sulky, but you try. You try to be more well-mannered. It’s not that it’s a bad thing to try and be more proper, especially with other people, but it’s the fact that you look a little gloomier, you feel less like yourself as you force yourself to sit up straight and daintily wipe your mouth with a napkin, as you try to seem more graceful, that makes it a problem. And each mistake you think you made, you beat yourself up by saying no that’s not enough for Jonah.
Do you think Jonah won’t notice? Of course he would, you’re the love of his life. Your smile was what started his own fall through the rabbit hole and ended up with him loving you so much. And he would do anything to bring that radiant smile to your face.
No no, he does not like that smile you give him when you say you’re fine, you’re ok. Because that smile does not reach your eyes and your cheeks looked like they want to drop and form the expressions your heart feels.
He will pester you a bit (“are you ok? Are you sure?”/“what’s wrong? What do you mean it’s nothing, is there something wrong?”), but when it’s clear you didn’t want to say, he will give you privacy.
It was one night, when you were alone, that you just broke. Perhaps it’s your thoughts that continued haunting you, perhaps someone said something to you that hit the nail on the coffin. But you couldn’t hold in your insecurities. You started crying because you didn’t feel enough, you felt that you were burdening Jonah. You even thought about leaving him quietly so he can find someone better.
It was also coincidental that Jonah couldn’t fall asleep right away that night because something felt off. He was wondering what was happening to you and decided to check how you were doing.
He caught you sobbing alone from a distance. He never ran so fast in his life as he hurried to have you in his arms and comfort you as the tears fell.
When you calmed down, you confessed to him all the things that brought you down, even telling him that you thought he deserves someone better than you.
“Why didn’t you tell me these things sooner,” he asks.
He’s going to tell you that you are worth so much to him. He’s going to tell you you are so precious to him. And he will tell you that you shouldn’t hide these kinds of things from him through ‘nothings’ and ‘I’m fine’ because he hates knowing that you’re not alright but he doesn’t know how to help you. He can’t be there for you. And it frustrates him because he can’t stand not seeing that honest beautiful smile on your face.
He’s not gonna stop there, though. Jonah is an ‘actions are stronger than words’ kind of guy. He’s not gonna just show his love through a speech. He’s gonna use his body to imprint his love for you.
Oh yes
You know how Jonah’s all like, “I don’t believe in apologizing.”?
He will remind you to not say sorry during times that it’s not necessary.
“I’m sorry if I’m rambling.” “You don’t have to say sorry for rambling. I’m already listening to you, so just go on.”
He doesn’t want you to apologize over things like that because it’s like you’re saying sorry for liking something, for being the kind of person you are, when he loves you for who you are. And he wants you to see that you’re someone who is loved.
Aaaaaaaaaaa Jonah would take you out to stargazing dates!!! And under those stars, you two would have senti moments as you bring up past memories, probably due to the fact he tends to take you to the Lake of Tears, the place where your feelings towards each other changed into something a little more (the place where Jonah calls you by your name for the first time, the place where you first felt your heart race when he held you by the shoulders as he expressed his worries). You would talk until 2am, and 99% of the time, you’ll come back soaking wet because you tackled Jonah into the lake haha
Uhh I probably have more but I can’t recall in the meantime. Well, I’ll end up feeling soft again tonight before I sleep. Hah Jonah, the things you do to my heart.
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wasebasket · 5 years
ladybug (the episode)
making a gift for someone adrien?
but that charm bracelet was something you gave her in season 2- oh.
"what is the point of giving someone something that can not be eaten?" - plagg
♡ marinette's birthday! ♡
adrien praising marinette. good soul food.
gabriel, stop being an *ss.
ugh, lila.
f*ck you lila.
the intense music.
"didnt i say i will make your life a living hell?" - lila
you expelled MARINETTE freaking DUPAIN-CHENG because of a student who barely comes to school. good job done. good job done.
scarlet moth is back.
the screen just went off so i was wrong with this- marinette was actually ready to give up on her earrings. on tikki. their discussion later on still has its effect on me.
i put my trust in you alya. thank you for not disappointing me. FAM ITS SAFE. COME OUT.
marinette will now be a stay-at-home student until they fnd her a new school. how can i not be sad-
gabenath moments. GABENATH.
detective alya.
sneaky much, nathalie? getting peacock miraculous from gabriel.
dusuu is the definition of intense mood swings.
wow. mayura created a sentimonster by herself. GOD. IMPOSTER 2.0. this is better than marinette being amokized.
adrien overhearing detective alya.
ladybug sentimonster pretending to be hurt. okay, a little cringe over here.
sad baker girl marinette.
marinette's newfound pink-dotted ladybug vision.
"we are supposed to be invulnerable. something is wrong." he said, to the sentibug who is groaning because of pain.
"he does not suspect a thing. get his miraculous." - mayura
fake ladybug confession for chat. it would be sweet if she was not a sentimonster.
turns out that sentimonster is a puppet from an object. marinette said "i am freeing you." as she gave the amokized object in her hands. WHY IS MY HEART HURTING.
ladybug teaming up with ladybug. best collaboration of the year so far.
two ladybugs and one chat again.
mayura made the other ladybug fall on her knees in pain, then she disappeared into the eiffel tower keychain. which released a purified amok. now i can curse at mayura without regretting as well.
hawkmoth appeared in a fight? wow he totally has the guts to show up now sjflskf
hawkie captured chat. bug captured mayura. "CHECKMATE." said hawkmoth.
something i have no idea i needed: marinette hastily decorating gingerbread cookies.
fandom is echoing with "poor chat" now.
mayura lost the manipulation for a while. i expected no less from the 'most powerful amokization ever made'!
"a-ha. she is a sentimonster!"
guys stop flirti- OKAY continue. i love it.
"i will show you a real lucky charm!" gets a fork
the way chat said "okay, you are the real one!" after seeing the fork might be one of the best moments ever.
sentibug weapon totally having ladybug patterned shots.
"you were sleeping so peacefully, master!" the fandom will give you a lot of hugs, nooroo.
"release him." "release her." "don't mind me." "don't listen to him." viewer: *flips table*
quality ladynoir moments.
"but ladybug's heart still belongs to someone else." hmm. the vibes of the song 'she will be loved' is in the air.
ladybug rejecting kisses are way more subtle and sweeter than ever before.
the spaghetti enthusiast is back kshfksj
"she is also italian, like me!" 11/10 detail.
again, f**k you lila. she is peacefully sitting and waiting for her makeup to be done.
ADRIEN'S voice SWITCHED to the LOWEST setting bryce papenbrook COULD do for him. oh my god.
i felt my blood freeze in my veins.
the 'innocent girl' apologizing cliché, ml owns that now.
you are not sorry, lila.
democles sniffing on a handkerchief? my my, someone heard a good lie, i see!
mari trying to befriend lila? i am neutral about this.
as marinette choked on her bite of cake, i also choked on literal air when i saw the liladrien photos.
sabine is too innocent while saying "i am glad lila's disease is not preventing her from following her dreams!" i can not feel anything anymore.
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| connecting | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: fluff  a/n: i was really excited to write this since it was inspired by my fave disney movie “tangled” ! hope you enjoy reading ^^ still thinking if there should be a part two(?) for this. let me know!! :D
the sun rose just in time at the moment you opened your eyes. a new morning, a new day, and a new hope. shockingly though, the alarm clock did not do its job. that meant you had to place new ones if it was the batteries. the smell of bacon made you up on your toes, leading you downstairs to the garden. 
on most days and most often, you stayed at the tree house your uncle had built. it kind of became your permanent room rather than the one you had at the actual house. you lived at the countryside. not exactly though. when you moved houses, it partially felt like it was a forest, fresh air and greenery.
oh the sound of the raw meat sizzling was making you drool as you saw your mother— stepmother, to be precise, smiling as she told you to sit with her. “only bacon would make you step out of that tree house.” 
“ah well, it’s my little paradise after all.” you eyed her with a grin on your face. your stepmother raised you as her own since your birth parents, didn’t really know how to care for an infant. your father was blind and needed assistance; and your mother cared for you a little while but eventually left for another man. so your stepmother came into the picture at the time before you even turned one. “i get to do things i want without being disturbed.”
“that’s alright. an artist like you need space and quiet. how many canvases have you painted on?” she asked as she plated your meal, getting the meat from the grill. 
you took a bite almost immediately from the serving tong. a joking but soft scoff escaped from your mother’s lips. “mom, there’s too many that i lost count. but remember the huge boxes you got for me on christmas? yeah one of those are close to be full of em’.”
“oh wow, you have to show me your masterpieces.” she clapped her hands together. she checked her watch, only to jump slightly at the time. “i’ll be late for the flight.”
“you’re leaving, mom?” you asked, a tiny complain from you made her giggle.
“it’s a business trip again, sweetie. i’ll be back in four days.” she cooed you with a tight hug.
“but you’ll miss my birthday.” you sighed, placing the plate down onto the wooden table. 
“i’ll make it up to you when i get back, alright?” she pecked your forehead before leaving you. “see you in three days. love you my princess.”
hardworking as she always was, your stepmother would often go overseas for meetings since she worked with a company that required a translator. and apparently she was ranked at the top category, so the demand for her was quite high. 
“love you too mom!” you yelled back.
you finished your meal and headed back to the tree house to continue with painting the canvases. the paintings you started, were something you hoped your father could be able to admire. he never got to see the world, the people, the beauty, and you. 
the childhood you had was something you remembered; still so fresh, as if it was yesterday. the house that was passed on from your father’s side ultimately became a shelter of nightmare. the word cancer was foreign to the teen you, definitely out of your vocabulary. you needed explanation as to why your father had gotten it, and why he had to leave the earth early. it had been three years after all.
not long since you began to paint almost half way onto the third canvas, the radio you were listening to blasted the playlist with your favorite boy group; that alone kept you hyped up, nearly knocking down several acrylic paint bottles over. the music moved your toes, then your legs, eventually your whole body. even your hair swayed in motion, as if the wind had blown it. 
“i just wish i could get to see them live.” you sighed, colors you puto onto the canvas blended with your emotions. “ugh, i’m so senti.” (sentimental). the clock showed quarter to four, it already had been hours since mother left. 
the once upbeat vibe came to a halt when you heard a couple of boys yelling with bicycle bells ringing. it also seemed like one was being chased too. you scoffed as you went to take a peek off of the window. they ruined your moment of jamming. the yells were increasing when the half of your body was out of the window. you saw a couple of figures at the far distance of your front yard. 
a ruffle from the bush that was near your tree house gave a sound of light crash. a bell rang from it too. was it a bicycle? as you further your body look at the bush on the just on the left side of the tree house, your sight suddenly came to a dim.
your body met with a boy with pink hair. as your eyes kept closed, bracing yourself for the impact, you knew his body slammed into yours and for sure you heard his honey-like voice. “nghh agh!” he gasped as his body was on top of yours, but your head rested on something you assumed it was his hands. 
the light from the sun made you open your eyes. the pink haired boy smiled sheepishly and the first you noticed was his ears. 
“can you get off me?” you asked sternly. 
“oh my g- i’m so sorry!” he stood up as he dusted his clothes. the yells from the boys grew louder, making the pink haired boy flinch at their presence. you took a peek at the front yard, around four boys on their bikes, looking for someone. “ugh man, they chased me until here?” he took a peek as well and hissed at what he saw, before sitting back down by the bottom of the window.
“you know i could report you for trespassing.” you stood up, pointing your paintbrush at him. 
he had his hands up in the air as if he was caught by the police. “hold up now i don’t want my shirt to be dirtied.” he said. “i’ll explain later but is it okay if i hide here for a while, maybe for tonight too?” he asked as his eyes trailed off.
you wanted to refuse but girl, his dimples showed and to be honest, you thought guys with dimples were the most sweetest. how could you resist him? especially as of right now, he was smiling at you, clearly embarrassed. but after all, he was a stranger and interrupted your jam session. “i don’t normally allow strangers here, let alone you.” you furrowed your brows. 
“ah c’mon! with a face like this?” he suddenly pouted— no, was that a smoulder? gross. “look, i’m having a rough day today and i really need a breather-” 
“then i think a breather for you would be outside?” you pushed him to the window, his footsteps hit the wooden floor with such impact at the force he received.
“hey hey hey! watch it!” he yelled with his palms touching the edge of the window. “do you want me to die?!”
“i don’t see why not?” your attempt to push him stopped as the radio continued to play the playlist you were listening earlier. “ooh yay!” you hopped back to your paintings. 
the pink haired boy eyed you with confusion. “girls have such weird mood swings.” he walked up to you, mouthing the lyrics to the song.
“you know them??” you turned around to the boy. “man i love them!” you felt yourself heating up realising the boy still climbed your tree house. “i- i like them..” you cleared your throat. 
“i can tell.” he laughed at you. 
“anyway, you have to leave.” you pushed the boy to the door. not the window this time. 
“please, can i stay here for tonight? i can’t have my buds chasing me like i’m a prey.” he sighed. his tone made you wonder how a pretty boy like him could utter such cute tantrums. 
he sat down at the table by the door, taking a sip from your cup. you crossed your arms at how he felt so homey immediately after invading someone’s property. “why were you being chased?” you questioned with curiosity. the boy seemed desperate to hide and you had to hear him reason out. 
“i skipped rehearsal yesterday.. and today. told them i wanted a break because we’ve been practicing non-stop.” he walked to your hanging cradle chair and sat on it. an long exhale escaped from him. you eyed him from head to toe. his whole body worn out with slight shakes. 
“i’ll let you stay..” you said, the boy’s eyes beamed with life. 
“yes! haha! thank you so much!” he placed his hands at the back of his head.
“..with one condition.” you continued. 
“anything for you, miss..?” he now stood up and walked up to the window where he had entered earlier. 
“y/n. my name’s y/n.” you said, blending the colors for the last time before actually stopping for the day. 
“y/n.. i’m yoonoh.” his voice trailed off but with a tone of amusement. “what’s your condition then?
the amphitheatre at the distance’s horizon caught your eye as you looked at the view. you remembered your mother’s words: “only bacon would make you step out of that tree house.” funny fact though, food was the only way to make you go out of your residence’s area. as you made up your mind, your sigh caught his attention. “see that park with that shade thing flying above it?” you asked. 
the boy turned to the direction you had told him. he squinted for a clearer and distinct view, where it shortly came into his sight. “yeah, the amphitheatre. what about it?” 
“i want you to bring me there.” you smiled, making yoonoh do the same. his response was a tilt of a head. you exhaled before continuing. “tomorrow evening, that ampitheatre will light up in colors. it does that every year. i want to see it in person, like how it’s special.” 
“it does, yeah. you haven’t been to the city?” yoonoh asked, his arms crossed.
“never. i’ve haven’t seen the city since i moved here and when i was a wee baby. more of i didn’t want to because i tend to limit myself from seeing the world.” you opened up to him as you tidied your art supplies. 
“why is that? there’s more to see out there! i can tour you if you like.” his dimples showed again. 
your body hesitated for a while, lips tried to find words to answer him. “my father was blind. he never got to see the world’s beauty, so i thought i’d do the same, y’know, experience things he did and understand him. now that he’s passed, maybe there’s benefit from a different point of view. my hearing got sensitive, in a good way.”
yoonoh stayed silent, respecting your words. he didn’t want you to stay caged in here any longer. “coming from someone who hasn’t seen outside beauty, you’ve got great imaginations.” he pointed to the wall of canvases. “i’ll bring you to the amphitheatre, first thing in the morning.”
to think that you would step foot to the lands of the city made your stomach churn. the whole experience would be something new. yoonoh sat back at the hanged cradle chair, taking several selfies at different angles, and there was no signs of stopping any sooner. you let him be, he looked tired anyway. his sweats slid down from the temples, and as he wiped them, he caught you looking at him. “i know i’m handsome.” he said. cheeky fella’, but he ain’t lying. 
luckily though, the tree house had an extra room besides the one you both were in now. your uncle had included it in the design if you had friends over. yoonoh could stay there even if it was a little cramped. he wouldn’t complain, would he? the day seemed to end quickly; with three completed paintings and endless conversations with your ‘new-found friend’? wait you weren’t there yet. he was someone you had met accidentally. 
maybe sometimes accidents can lead to something new.
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Kiana: it's almost time to change from our everyday weapons to our christmas weapons
Mei: is there a difference?
Fu Hua: the christmas ones light up
Senti, smirks: Blink blink motherfuckers
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revuedepresse30 · 5 years
2019 vue par Alain Damasio : “L’horizon désirable vient par l'écologie”
Qu’est-ce qui a changé pour toi en 2019 ?
Alain Damasio – Beaucoup de choses ! Jusque-là, je n’avais jamais “préparé” la sortie d’un livre. En réalité, je n’avais jamais sorti un livre attendu, car lors de la publication de La Horde, il y a quinze ans, j’étais complètement inconnu. J’ai donc découvert ce qu’était l’attente d’un livre [Les Furtifs a dépassé les 100 000 ventes réelles, et a été élu livre de l’année par Livres Hebdo, ndlr]. Je me suis retrouvé pris dans une exposition médiatique que je n’avais jamais connue. Je suis dans une petite starification. Ça perturbe beaucoup le rapport que tu as avec toi-même. L’espèce de tranquillité d’esprit, l’anonymat quand tu te balades, c’est fini. J’ai perdu ce truc ultra-précieux d’être transparent. Même en manif ! J’en ai toujours fait, des manifs, pas la peine de me remercier d’être là ! (Rires)
Tu t’es senti libéré d’avoir publié Les Furtifs ?
sas.cmd.push(function() { sas.render("84812"); });
Quand je finis un livre, j’ai toujours une sensation géniale. Tu te dis – c’est très con, mais : “Je peux mourir.” (Un blanc) Ma fille est à côté, elle fait une drôle de tête ! (Rires) J’ai versé tout ce que je voulais dire à ce moment-là de ma vie dans ce livre. Donc j’ai eu le soulagement d’aboutir à quelque chose. Un livre univers comme ça, c’est un temps énorme d’accumulation. La Horde s’étalait sur sept ans : quatre ans de sédimentation dans le Vercors, et trois ans en Corse à écrire. Sept ans de ma vie ont été mobilisés. Pour Les Furtifs, j’ai écrit le chapitre 1 en 2012 ! Ça a marqué toute une durée de ma vie.
Quelles sont tes plus belles rencontres de l’année ?
Une de mes grandes rencontres a été celle avec Yan Péchin [guitariste ayant travaillé avec Miossec, Bashung, Higelin, et qui a signé la bande originale des Furtifs, intitulée Entrer dans la couleur, ndlr]. C’est vraiment un guitar hero, transporté d’une autre époque. Ce qu’on a fait en janvier sur l’album a été dingue. Il a composé huit titres en quatre jours. J’ai joué avec lui sur scène, parfois avec le groupe Palo Alto. Faire de la scène, pour moi qui suis dans le polissage de chaque paragraphe, a aussi été une découverte incroyable. C’est l’extrême inverse de l’écriture, puisque c’est du one shot. Yan a un côté écorché, perché, il joue en permanence. Fin 2018, j’ai aussi rencontré le philosophe Baptiste Morizot [auteur de Sur la piste animale, Actes sud, 2018, ndlr], qui m’a beaucoup aidé sur Les Furtifs.
Tu préfaces d’ailleurs son nouvel essai, Manières d’être vivant, qui sort en février chez Actes Sud…
Oui ! Ça, c’était mon défi de l’année. Son livre est excellent. Il va encore plus loin que les précédents.
Comment l’as-tu rencontré ?
Coup de bol total ! Je le connaissais vaguement par une copine qui m’avait conseillé de le lire. Un jour, j’ai fait une rencontre où il faisait partie des orateurs, à Science Po Paris. On a bu un coup après. Il y a eu un feeling énorme. On a la même base culturelle en philo : c’est un gros deleuzien, nietzschéen. Il a ce côté philosophe de terrain, il sort tout le temps, et j’adore randonner aussi. Je lui ai fait lire Les Furtifs quand je travaillais dessus, il m’a fait des retours. Et ce n’est pas un gars qui te dit : “Ouais, super, c’est génial !” Il te secoue !
Je l’ai lu en même temps, et on a fait du pistage ensemble… C’est la personne qui m’a le plus impressionné ces cinq dernières années, et qui m’a le plus changé. Il a modifié ma perception du vivant. Il m’a agrandi. Tu es un peu plus profond, un peu plus large, un peu plus haut… Ton volume de compréhension du monde a poussé des parois, après avoir discuté avec lui. Quand on mangeait ensemble, j’y allais en me préparant mentalement. Cette rencontre a amélioré des moments clés du livre.
Et il t’a proposé de faire la préface du sien…
Oui. Je voulais être à la hauteur, ça a été une grosse pression, car c’est de la philo. On avait beaucoup échangé par mail. Il m’a conseillé de m’appuyer là-dessus. Comme j’ai mon approche d’écrivain, ça lui amenait quelque chose, j’arrivais en oblique sur ce qu’il faisait. Avec Yan, j’ai vu quelqu’un créer en temps réel. Et avec Morizot, j’ai vu un mec penser, une pensée vivante.
>> A lire aussi : Alain Damasio, activiste SF et guide spirituel d'une génération rebelle
Tu as fait des découvertes musicales ?
Sous l’influence de Yan, j’ai écouté son album culte, fondamental pour lui, et qu’il avait en commun avec Bashung d’ailleurs. C’est un album de Talk Talk qui s’appelle Laughing Stock (1991), un chef-d’œuvre de six titres. Tu ne peux pas l’écouter en faisant autre chose, tu es obligé de rentrer à l’intérieur.
J’ai aussi joué avec la chanteuse Mood. Sur scène, elle est passionnante, elle est dans la pure sculpture de l’air. C’est une claque en live. Enfin, je suis revenu à des amours punks, avec The Distillers. La chanteuse du groupe, Brody Dalle, a fait un album en 2014, et j’adore ce qu’elle dégage, sa voix. Elle a une puissance grave incroyable. J’ai aussi découvert grâce à Rone [son ami, qui a composé le morceau Bora Vocal, sur lequel on entend Alain Damasio, ndlr] le groupe Sleaford Mods. C’est dingue. Ils sont deux : un mec assez trapu, puissant, qui balance des textes sociaux sur un rythme post-punk. Je trouve ça ultra-intéressant. C’est vers ça que j’aimerais aller si je continue à faire de la scène. C’est bien speed. J’ai regardé un live sur Youtube : il te tient pendant une heure en tension.
Politiquement, comment tu définirais 2019 ?
L’année a été très stimulante, enthousiasmante, grâce aux Gilets jaunes notamment, et à ce qui se passe autour de la pensée de l’effondrement, comme Extinction Rebellion. Je vois la jonction se faire entre les luttes anticapitalistes et les luttes écolos. Il y a une convergence naturelle, qui n’a pas été provoquée, que personne n’a voulu mettre en place. Je rencontre des gens pour qui c’est évident que l’ennemi commun est le capitalisme extractiviste. Et qui veulent cohabiter avec le vivant autrement. L’horizon désirable vient par l’écologie, c'est un renouement avec le vivant. C’est une vraie bonne nouvelle.
D’un autre côté, on est revenu aussi à la répression la plus standard. Moi qui parle beaucoup des régimes de contrôle, je trouve qu’on est dans une logique disciplinaire très simple : police, armée, interdiction de manifs, arrestations préventives, etc. Quand tu discutes avec David Dufresne, tu le sais. Il l’a calculé. On a fait plus de manifestants blessés en quelques mois de mouvement des Gilets jaunes qu’en vingt ans.
>> A lire aussi : 2019 vue par David Dufresne
On va voir jusqu’où on est capable d’aller, et de résister à ça. En tout cas, nous sommes à un niveau de violence tel que, pour moi, c’est le retour de l’action directe qu’il va falloir mettre en place. C’est un gros changement que j’observe. Le vieux débat “violence / non-violence” a vraiment muté. Ce n’est plus “violence ou non-violence”, c’est “violence et non-violence”, articulation entre actions de masse où le nombre compte, et actions directes avec des groupes plus resserrés pour aller chercher les responsables de ces systèmes. Les niveaux d’écoute sont tellement faibles par rapport aux masses mobilisées qu’il faut passer à autre chose. On le sent chez les Gilets jaunes, dans la mouvance du Comité invisible, ou encore dans Extinction Rebellion. Il y a une porosité à ça, à cause de la répression. J’ai l’impression qu’on comprend enfin que l'un et l'autre ne sont pas exclusifs. Comme le prouvent d’ailleurs les exemples de Gandhi et Mandela.
Des projets en cours ?
Mes deux prochains projets, c’est une série radio qui se fera avec Floriane Pochon de Phaune Radio et sera de la SF, et une série télé. Si ça voit le jour, ça va être cool ! Pour résumer, le scénario c’est “Game of Sapiens”. La Terre s’autodétruit autour de 2060-2080. Les gens qui le peuvent se réfugient en Antarctique. Ils voyagent dans le temps, mais systématiquement en 2400, où 10 000 survivants habitent dans une sorte de Taïga avec des lacs. Là, un nouvel équilibre s’est développé dans le rapport entre technologie et vivant. Tous les modèles anthropologiques coexistent. L’enjeu c’est : quelle communauté va donner le futur modèle de Sapiens ? Quel type d’espèce humaine on veut être ? On est en contact avec Netflix. Potentiellement, ce sera pour 2021 !
Propos recueillis par Mathieu Dejean
Dernier livre paru : Les Furtifs, éd. La Volte, 704 p., 25€, disponible sur Les Inrocks Store
from Les Inrocks - livres https://ift.tt/2QmCpd8 via IFTTT
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studyauthoress · 6 years
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Mood swings alter your entire schedule. You're too tired to work or you're too impulsive that you do other things instead of studying. When these mood swings hit you, here are some tips to get you back on your feet.
Important Reminders
Mental health before work always :> Your health is far more important than any task you have to do. After all, how can you work if you're not okay?
Never force yourself to study if you don't feel like it. Nothing is gonna go in your head if you're unfocused.
Take your time. Relax. Breathe. Don't rush things. You can do this :>
When you're feeling low
Let it all out. Cry, sleep, scream, eat ice cream, stare at the ceiling, have a senti moment. Do everything to purge that negativity out of you. Trust me, you need it.
When you're feeling drained or empty, play happy tunes. Brighten up your playlist. Get your head bopping to catchy songs. The upbeat of the songs can help you get motivated and uplift your mood. Even if you don't feel like listening, just let it play. Sing along if you can.
Make small progress. Don't plan to finish one whole thing. Work on things one at a time. Have an entire lesson to study? Outline your work and do only the first thing on your list. After that, give yourself a well deserved break. Then get back to work once more. Small steps.
Speaking of breaks, have them often but not too much. Limit yourself to having at least three to five breaks per study session. Don't take them for too long. Always get back to work. Remember discipline.
When your mind drifts off, let it. Space off. Once you snap out of it, write down what you're feeling. Write what's on your mind.
Read out loud. Your mind can't focus if you juet read it silently. Read the lesson out loud. Read the sample problem out loud. Make your thinking process verbal. This will make you focus better.
When you're feeling high
Before you start studying, write your end goal for that session. If you have a test coming up and you need to study, write the day of the test in big font. Make it visible to remind yourself of what you have to accomplish.
When you stray off from your studying, take a small break to orient yourself back. Write a new set of goals to accomplish, this time smaller and more managable. The reason why you strayed off is because the work felt too much to do. Break it down into smaller pieces.
Think if you can handle long periods of study sessions. If you can, then do it. Use up all your energy by doing something productive. Once you finish that session, take a long break. You deserve it.
When you're excess energy makes you impulsive, list the things you would like to do and place it somewhere you can see it. List it now but don't do it yet. Anything you do becomes half-finished projects you can't continue. Focus on your primary goal.
That's it for now. I hope this helps anybody who's experienced mood swings. Studying differs from every person so you don't have to do everything. Find what works for you and do it. Go be productive, y'all ~
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samcro-saint99 · 6 years
Hey, Dolls! I’m back! I am so sorry I have been gone for so long, but I'm hoping that this will make up for that! This was a request from the lovely @head-in-the-clouds-bx , I really hope you enjoy it, Doll! Welcome to all the new dolls, and as always I am so thankful for all of you! 
All my Love, 
Saint xxx
P.S - I would apologize in advance for any way I may have butchered the Italian language! I am an uncultured Aussie, who relied heavily on google translate for this!
P.P.S - As always a big thank you to the amazing @thirstygirlclub for motivating my lazy self and assisting in the final read!
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“WHAT are you up to, little man!” You laughed as you jumped around the corner and into the kitchen, wrapping your arms around him while he giggled (as though you hadn’t caught him trying to climb up to the lolly cupboard). 
“Nothing mommy” 
“Are you sure you weren’t breaking into the cupboard?” 
“No!” He laughed innocently as you tickled him. 
“Well, I guess you don’t want a....‘Mommy Special’ then….” You teased looking to the roof when his little head snapped up to look at you excitedly, “at the table” you whispered with a smiling wink. 
Five minutes later the table was covered in artificial colors, flavors, and all things sweet and sticky, and his face was covered in chocolate and ice cream. You knew it wasn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but the smile on his little face was worth sleepless night with an overactive toddler. 
“Daddy!” Abel screamed from the table, running to the front door at the sound of Jax’s Harley in the driveway. 
Jax came through the doors carrying Abel on his hip, a charming smile on his face as he looked at you. 
“Hey Darlin’” he greeted before his eyes landed on the table covered in treats, his eyebrows raised as he looked between the two of you. 
“Mommy's naughty”Able mumbled with a cheeky giggle. 
“Hey!” You gasped, placing your hand to your chest in feigned insult.
“She sure is, Little Dude” he smirked, leaning down to kiss your head before eating a gumdrop from the table. 
Before you could find a witty comeback, Thomas’ cries broke through the house. “Someones awake - Mommy’ COMING, BABY!”s
You sat quietly on the couch, enjoying a moment of silence. Jax was at the club, and the boys were out for the count. With a glass of wine beside you, you stared at a framed family photo in your hands trying to think how you could be so lucky to have your boys. Your family. And although you shouldn’t have been, you were thankful everyday that Tara had given up and left Charming. You and Jax had been together for a little over two years. You loved them, and they loved you. 
Your mind wandering was interrupted as your phone began to buzz, an image of your parents came on to the screen with a Skype request.
“Ciao Mammi!” You smiled, waving at the phone as your mothers face appeared on the screen. 
“Il mio bambino” she sang, a bright smile stretched across her face “[Y/F/N] mettiti dieter il too pigro, é cosi [Y/N]!” She yelled through the house to your father, before he walked into the room to stand beside your mother. You had to admit, seeing them both together did make you quite homesick. 
“Ciao Papá, come ti senti-”
“No, no, no you must use American, it is good we learn” he encouraged in broken English.
“Yes, one day we come visit you, and we can speak to Jackson and our sweet little grand-bambinos!” Your mother cheered with a warm heart, clasping her hands together. 
Although your parents had never met Jax or your children, they were thrilled that you had finally settled down, and even more thrilled to finally be grandparents. 
The three of you talked for almost an hour before Jax came home. 
“Baby come say hi!” Jax leant over the couch behind you, smiling at your parents.
“Hey Mr and Mrs [Y/L/N]” 
“Hello Jackson, how are you? How is work?” They continued to bombard him with questions which he answered flawlessly. Your parents adored Jax, and with every word, he spoke he charmed them more and more. 
When you had finally said goodbye to your parents, you just turned to smile quietly at Jax. 
“What?” He asked with a chuckle. 
“I love you so much.”
The next morning, you sat up in bed as you heard the door to your bedroom open. 
“Good morning Mommy” Jax whispered as he carried Thomas in on his hip with Abel by his side. Your heart warmed at the sight. 
They all climbed onto the bed, Jax placing Thomas in your arms, as Abel hopped onto your lap. 
“Boys don’t you have something to ask Mommy?” Jax encouraged. 
“Mommy, will you marry Daddy?” Abel asked with a big grin as he opened Thomas’ closed fist to reveal a diamond ring, taking it to hand to you. 
You smiled at Jax, tears brimming in your eyes, before turning back to Abel.
“What do you think, Little Man? Should I?”
He nodded his head vigorously, before you grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.
 “Then I guess I better” you said, planting a kiss on his squishy little cheek as he giggled, before leaning over and pressing a kiss firmly to Jax’s lips. “I love you, Darlin’”
While Jax was at work that day you decided it was time for a little alone time, sending the boys off to Grandma’s. When Jax arrived home and caught sight of the look in your eyes he grew curious. 
“Where are the boys?” He asked, a lustful glint in his eyes as you curled yourself around him. 
“With Gem. We’re all…a….lone” you purred, nuzzling into his neck. 
With a growl, he grabbed you from behind and carried you off to your bedroom. What followed was pure ecstasy. To put it as simply as possible - it was a good old fashioned fuck. 
Jaxs hands gripped tightly into your hips, as the sound of your passionate moans and groans filled the room. They say all good boys go to heaven, but fuck that. Bad boys bring heaven to you. 
You were on the brink, your core tightening, your heart racing, when….
“Ah, Mio Dio!” You heard a gasp from the doorway behind you. Jax climbed off of you allowing you to turn in time to see your parents horrified faces in the doorway. 
“Um…I…Oh God…” was all you could muster as you pulled the sheets up to cover Jax and yourself. 
Your parents stared aghast for a moment before embarrassingly excusing themselves to the living room. You sat there, eyes wide in shock, your mouth hanging open, as Jax started to chuckled. You turned to him with a look that would scare even Happy. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!!! My parents just saw us fucking like a pair of fucking dogs!”
“Darl’, you’re overreacting, Gems walked in on us before, and she was chill” he reasoned, attempting to pull you into a hug before you started to slap him furiously. 
“Yeah but that's YOUR Mother! The fucking Biker Queen herself! My parents are more Catholic than the fucking POPE! Jesus Fucking Christ” you squealed uncontrollably, pulling your legs up to bury your face in them.
“You do know that we’re big kids, right?” He asked sarcastically. 
“I can't ever look at my parents…ever again” you mumbled, flopping back onto the bed. ———————————————————————————————————
“Mammi….Papá” You said tentatively, as you walked into the living room, Jax following close behind. 
“Oh..uh hello Bambino” your father smiled awkwardly, his cheeks still red.  
“I-um thought you weren’t arriving until next week?”
“We decided to come early and surprise you…” your mother explained 
“You certainly did” Jax snickered, earning him a jab in the ribs. 
You crossed the room and pulled both your parents into a tight hug, despite the awkwardness it was still terrific to see them. 
The next few hours passed more or less in the same mood, small talk and uncomfortable attempts to avoid eye contact. But it was sitting over afternoon tea that things got bad. 
Fiddling with your teacup, you decided that the situation needed a little brightening. 
“Mammi, Papá - Jax and I have something to tell you…” you looked to Jax for reassurance, and with a small nod from him, you continued. 
“We’re getting married...” 
The looks on your parents faces started as excitement, before returning to the brooding look of despair. 
“Whats the point…you've already done it all” your mother muttered, as you gasped. 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing! Your mother and father began to lecture you on the sin of premarital sex, while your mouth hung open in disbelief, and Jax tried to contain his laughter. You almost thanked God when Abel ran into the room, pausing at the sight of strangers, before telling you that Thomas was crying, which had been drowned out by the argument. Taking Abel by the hand you stormed out, thankful for the distraction. 
Picking Thomas up you sat down on the couch and pulled Abel up to sit on your lap, and before long Jax came to sit beside you, wrapping his arm around you. 
“Hey..don’t worry about your parents - they’ll come around”
“I just didn’t expect them to behave like that.” You said with a sigh, leaning your head against his shoulder, as he pressed a gentle kiss to your head. 
Once again you opened your eyes to the sight of your parents standing in the doorway, but the looks on their faces were not ones of shock this time, they were ones of realisation. Realisation that they had overreacted. That you were a wonderful mother. And that you had a beautiful family. 
You just stared at your parents, anticipating more argument. Silently your mother made her way over to stand in front of you. Reaching out she gently stroked Abels hair, and after he had looked to you for reassurance, the look of panic on his face turned to a smile as he looked up to your mother. 
Your father padded over the soft carpet to join you and stood soundlessly, hazing fixedly at Jax, before reaching his hand out for Jax to take. As the pair shook hands, your father rasped in a hushed tone. 
“Prenditi cura di nostra figlia, figlio.”
Your lips curled into a heart warmed smile. Your family was whole. 
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
suno chanda episode 19 lb
oh ho ek toh wifi nahi hai, mobile data par ruk ruk ke dekhna padta hai, uske upar se humtv waalon ne pichle kuch dino se title track aur recap ghusaaake jeena haraam kar rakha hai. TIME AUR DATA WASTEEEEE.
recap ki baat kiiiiii hi hai, toh pls note that Look™ arsal gave sherry when he said jiya and him had “made plans”.
its 24 hours later and i am still fucking legittttt lmao at nazaakat vibratinggggggg with rageeeeee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
LMAO JALAL "kaisa do number khaandaan hai"
he's not wrong lmfao
"khabees" is my new favt. insult word ever. imma call everyone who pisses me off it.
the real "jinni nikki unni tikkhi" around here is naeema. she's like 3 feet tall and so unassuming, but the amount of sheer violence and tenacity with which she manhandles jiya??? yike.
meanwhile idhar new and improved arsal, now with reinforced spine! chakkarein kaat raha hai intezaar mein.
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lmaoooo “aa apne pyo ki gaali sun le”; like she's inviting him him to the table for dinner or something
omg he's sitting and looking at her pics. LADIES AND GENTS, THIS BOY IS A GONER.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeee djjjjjjjjjjj
lololololol the aankhon hi aankhon mein ishaare.
you know when a desi kid is TRULY free of their parents' tyranny? when the "jooti utaarne" ki dhamki doesn't affect anymore. arsal is free of the curse now. bas jiya ko bhi hona hai.
neeyat toh badallllll gayi hai ladke ki.
lol i know he's doing this outta 75% selfishness, but he right about the stand thing.
no you wontttttttttt (re: sending her the papers later.) or maybe he will. coz the boy is just so far gone, he’ll do anything to make her happy.
bijaaan so hassled by this roz roz ke drame, that she's finally resorted to dosti with aghaji, the only other sorta sane person in a ten mile radius.
lmaoooooo the instanttttttttt way both bijaaan and arsal NOPED THE FUCK OUT when aghaji suggested jiya + sherry
i love sherry. he's interested in jiya, but he realises that he can never really take the place of arsal in her life, in whatever capacity these two do decide to continue their relationship. also he never backbites about arsal, unlike fucking kinza. manhoos.
lmao come on, we all know that the real alpha in this whole situation here is JIYA.
but oh ho ho hero sangeen mood mein hai. do not mess with.
“tum kyun mujhe chodne mein tuli hui ho????”
oh bb boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhh my angsty babiessss. she's right on her place, but oh my heart his soft puppy eyes. #iCrieEverytym
oufffffffffff this nonsense billo.
please confirm that you too see that this billo actress has heavyyyyyyyyyyy drashti dhami vibes.
snaps to nazaakat for knowing and confirming that men are trash.
my god. senti waale whatsapp messages. boy's bringing out the big guns.
arsal you idiot, be nicer to golu. he's your greatest ally in this whole thing.
i fucking love any interaction arsal has with jalal phupa. peak comedyyyyyyyy. 🤣🤣🤣
is sherry adopted? coz he's tooooooo mature to even remotely share a gene pool with all these fucking insane ppl.
jamshed is truly arsal's father. dheeeent x 1000%.
arsal directly telling his abbaji to fucking cool his geriatric heels wrt billo is my fave thing ever. DO IT MORE, SON. MOARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
oh shittttttt alpha male dhamki to uthaake le chalofyyyyyyy
lmao sherry's resigned and benign smile. bechaara bachcha.
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benefits1986 · 6 years
Mga two weeks na kasi ang pagtitimpi niya sa pag-shut down ng intuition niyang mangamusta. Matagal-tagal na rin kasi mula noong huli silang nag-usap at laging hindi maganda ang kinahihintnan ng kamustahan nila. Idagdag mo na rin ‘yung fact na ayaw niya kasing nagpapakawala ng feelings lalo na ‘pag ‘yung kausap niya e ruled by feelings. 
Sa totoo lang, birthday month pa lang niya, sumisilip-silip na ‘yung gusto niyang kamustahin. Pero isa sa mga matitinding dahilan kung bakit iwas na iwas siya e nakikita niya ‘yung old self niya every single time na nagkakamustahan sila. Nakakainis. Iyakan. Puro feelings kahit alam na alam naman nilang walang pupuntahan ‘yung takbo ng pangyayari. Matino naman sila pero pati common sense tinatapon nilang dalawa just because they’d rather see people happy even if it’s the expense of losing themselves. ‘Yung tipong all out na all out hanggang maubos na sila at hindi na nila alam kung paano babangon sa delubyong sila rin naman ‘yung nagsimula, nagpatuloy at nagtapos. O ‘di ba? Award-winning for a recipe involving disaster. 
Wala na siyang paki kung siya ang unang mag-reach out kasi nga hindi naman ito simple case ng feelings or thoughts lang na kaya niyang isantabi. This is a legit case of intuition fucking her inside out. Tamang-tama rin ang timpla ng panahon. Lakas maka-senti ng langit. Basang-basa sa ulan kaya safe magpakawala ng feelings kasi nakaka-boost ng mood meter do so. 
M: Kamusta ka? 
G: Okay lang. 
M: ‘Yung totoo. It’s been a while. 
G: Hindi ka na busy? 
M: Okay lang. 
G: ‘Yung totoo. Ano na naman ‘to? 
M: Sabi ko lang naman kamusta e. Anong problema doon? 
G: Ayoko at gusto kong kinakamusta mo ako. 
M: Kasi? 
G: This brings me back to the old days. 
M: Kasi? 
G: Andito na naman ako. Tangina e. Bakit ba kasi? 
M: Bakit? 
G: Alam mo na ‘yun. Bakit? Hanggang doon na lang? 
M: Alam mo ba, ayaw din kitang kamustahin kaso wala e. Weak ako ‘pag dating ng intuition. Gusto lang kitang yakapin like there’s no tomorrow for a few hours. 
G: Tapos back to regular programming mode ka na ulit? 
M: Parang ikaw din. So, kamusta ka nga kasi? 
G: ‘Yung totoo? 
M: Hindi. ‘Yung plastik. ‘Yung kasinungalingan. ‘Yung sagot na “okay lang”. 
G: Ang sakit na naman e. 
M: Are we growing apart kasi parang ayaw mo akong kausap? 
G: Hindi ganun. Wala naman kasing bago. At saka ayoko lang na sasabihan mo na naman akong “I told you so”. Ang sakit lalo ‘pag galing sa’yo. Parang ang pointless kong tao. 
M: Hindi naman kasi ikaw lang ‘yung mali e. Hindi ko ma-gets bakit nasasaktan ka e ginusto mo rin naman ‘yan. Tangina ka e. 
G: Ayan tayo. Ayan na naman. 
M: Pero mas tangina ng mga nanakit sa’yo kasi hindi nila alam kung anong nawala sa kanila. Wala ka namang pagkukulang. Sobra-sobra pa nga e. Sobra ka kasi magmahal at ‘yan ang malaking kasalanan mo. Kinabog mo pa ang original sin na nahuhugasan kapag na-baptize.
G: Walang natira sa akin. Wala. 
M: Sabi ko nga, tangina mo pero mas tangina nila. 
G: Alam mo ba, nababaliw na yata ko. Iyak ako ng iyak out of the blue. 
M: Normal ‘yan kasi brokenhearted ka. 
G: Wow. Ikaw ba ‘yan? 
M: Yes without reservation. 
G: Nagbago ka ba? 
M: Are we growing apart? 
G: Hindi. 
M: Because, I tried to shut you down pero wala e. Ikaw ‘yan. 
G: Alam mo namang hindi tayo matitibag sa gusto o sa ayaw natin. Isa ka sa mga constant ko. 
M: Hindi naman ako nagtatampo. Nagtatanong lang ako. 
G: Ang sakit talaga. 
M: It should hurt. Ulitin ko, nagmahal ka e. Ano puro saya lang? ‘Di ka anak ng Diyos kaya ganyan talaga. 
G: Papagalitan mo na naman ako. Just like the old days. 
M: Sabi mo kanina parang nag-iba ako. I guess I did. I guess I am. I guess I have been growing up bit by bit. 
G: E ‘di ikaw na. 
M: Look, hindi mo deserve ‘yang mga shit na ‘yan. Wala namang sobrang odd sa’yo. Hindi lang talaga tugma ang mga kaganapan ng pag-ibig na hanap mo and the rest of the world. 
G: Rest of the world? So, naghahanap ka na ng pag-ibig these days. 
M: Clarify ko lang ha? Everytime I pray about The Last One, mas inuuna ko pang ipagdasal na sana mauna kang makahanap sa akin. 
G: Hanep naman. Walastik. 
M: Seryoso ako. Between you and me, mas kelangan mo e. Mas deserving kang makahanap. Ayaw mo ng mag-isa e. 
G: Sarap mong sapakin. 
M: I know, pero hindi mo naman itutuloy. 
G: Bwiset ka. 
M: O tapos? 
G: Ang sakit-sakit lalo. 
M: Look, ‘pag nakita mo na ‘yan, ‘pag nakita mo na siya, kahit ano pang magangap, it will feel right. It will all fall in place. May struggle man, mahahanapan niyo ‘yan ng paraan. You deserve someone who’ll make every single pain worth it. You deserve someone who’d make you see that all the shit was there to lead you and that person in each other’s story. 
G: Makikita ko ba ‘yun? E ganito lagay ko. Napakawasak. Napakabasag. 
M: You deserve someone who’d love you totally and would inspire you to become a better version of you kasi gusto mo.
G: Shit. Andito na naman tayo. Just like the old days. 
M: Hindi naman ako magsasawang sabihin at yakapin ka at batukan ka at sampalin ka ng katotohanan. Andito lang ako lagi. 
G: Andyan ka na naman. Here you are telling me poetically that I do not deserve you. 
M: Kikiligin ba ako o mahu-hurt o manunuyo o magsusulat na lang ng bagong kwento para ma-capture itong chapter na ito? 
G: Ewan ko sa’yo. 
M: Ewan ko rin sa’yo. 
Vote Now: To Be Continued ba ito or The End? 
One thing’s for sure though. Alam niyang hindi na siya babalik sa old self niya. For reference na lang ‘yung mga araw na ‘yun for fiction na parang non-fiction stories and non-fiction na fiction storylines. 
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