História Renovada
Olá para todos que estiverem lendo isso, quero que saibam que todo post antes desse aqui agora é considerado antigo e não sendo mais realidade do meu save atual! Quis dar uma repaginada em toda minha história mas mantive elementos importantes da original, como minha história com o Patrick, como nos conhecemos e tudo sobre Babs L'amour, nossa familia e o ensino médio. Poucas mudanças foram aplicadas e espero que considerem oque vem antes desse post uma linha do tempo alternativa e oque vier a seguir a linha do tempo atual e original! Obrigado por lerem <3
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Part 5 - Trip to Selvadorada FINAL
Pegamos joias e estavamos pra sair do templo, mas havia algo nos esperando no topo das escadas..
Eng: We took jewelry and were about to leave the temple, but there was something waiting for us at the top of the stairs...
Era um esqueleto vivo.. é uma coisa que nunca havia visto e olha que ja vi tanta coisa pois sou Alien e Feiticeiro...
Eng: It was a living skeleton... it is something I have never seen before and I have seen so many things because I am an Alien and a Wizard...
Felizmente o esqueleto era amigavel, ele nos parabenizou por termos conseguido passar pelas armadilhas e puzzles e que merecemos os artefatos que tinhamos pego, tentei analizar a mente da criatura com leitura mental mas não consegui nada além de alguns traços de personalidade de quando ele era vivo
Eng: Fortunately the skeleton was friendly, he congratulated us for getting through the traps and puzzles and that we deserved the artifacts we had taken, I tried to analyze the creature's mind with mind reading but got nothing but some personality traits from when he was alive
Mas no fim deu tudo certo, voltamos para a casa que alugamos e ainda participamos de uma feira no centro de Selvadorada, esse lugar é incrivel e vamos certamente voltar lá pois ainda há muito a se explorar!
Eng: But in the end everything worked out, we went back to the house we rented and we still participated in a fair in the center of Selvadorada, this place is incredible and we will certainly go back there because there is still a lot to explore!
Fim :D
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Part 4 - Trip to Selvadorada
Para resumir um pouco nossa aventura nesse templo, havia muitos caminhos fechados la dentro e tivemos que enfrentar armadilhas e puzzles para podermos seguir adentro do templo
Eng: To summarize a bit our adventure in this temple, there were many closed paths inside and we had to face traps and puzzles to be able to go inside the temple.
E então finalmente chegamos ao fim do templo, uma sala repleta de ouro, tinha ate nas paredes! era incrivel! Pegamos algumas joais raras nos baus e seguimos para sair do templo pois ja estava muito tarde e precisavamos voltar pra pousada..
Eng: And then we finally reached the end of the temple, a room filled with gold, even on the walls! it was amazing! We took some rare jewels from the chests and headed out of the temple because it was too late and we needed to go back to the inn..
Continua na Part 5!
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Part 3 - Trip to Selvadorada
Depois da gente nadar um pouco achamos um caminho perto da piscina e resolvemos ir ver oq havia la
Eng: After we swam a little we found a path near the pool and decided to go see what was there.
Era outra ruína de algum templo antigo, aquele lugar emanava uma energia que nos deixou "romanticos" como assim posso dizer
Eng: It was another ruin of some ancient temple, that place emanated an energy that made us "romantic" as I can say.
Depois da gente "se amar" um pouco voltamos para o foco e continuamos a explorar outros caminhos
Eng: After we "love" each other a little we come back to the focus and continue to explore other paths
Então finalmente chegamos em um templo que ainda estava inteiro! Não podiamos perder essa oportunidade e entramos!
Eng: Then we finally arrived at a temple that was still in one piece! We couldn't miss this opportunity and went in!
Tinha um caminho de agua la dentro, Patrick foi na frente pra ver se não tinha perigo e eu fui logo atrás! Aquele lugar era mistico e lindo!
Eng: There was a water path inside, Patrick went ahead to see if there was any danger and I went right behind! That place was mystical and beautiful!
Fim da Part 3
Continua na Part
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Part 2 - Trip to Selvadorada
Mais pra perto do templo Patrick achou um báu com Joias aparentemente raras
Eng: Closer to the temple Patrick found a chest with apparently rare Jewels
Vamos ver do que se trata mais pra frente mas parecem ser bem valiosas!
Eng: We'll see what it's all about later on but they seem to be quite valuable!
Atravessamos a ponte para continuar nossa exploraç��o! O Lugar é lindo demais! E mesmo chovendo muito não perdemos o foco
Eng: We crossed the bridge to continue our exploration! The place is too beautiful! And even though it rained a lot we didn't lose focus
Mais pra frente havia mais caminhos fechados e ao abrir um deles achamos essa bela piscina natural, aproveitamos pra dar um mergulho, e estava uma delicia
Eng: Further ahead there were more closed paths and when we opened one of them we found this beautiful natural pool, we took the chance to take a dip, and it was delicious.
Continua na parte 3 Fim da Parte 2
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Viagem a Selvadorada Trip to Selvadorada
Essa foi nossa segunda viagem para Selvadorada e como nunca tinhamos explorado a floresta resolvemos fazer isso! Um pouco de aventura é bom as vezes
Eng: This was our second trip to Selvadorada and since we had never explored the forest before, we decided to do it! A little adventure is good sometimes
Estava chovendo muito no dia mas seguimos mesmo assim explorando cortei as vinhas de uma entrada para podermos seguir com a exploração
Eng: It was raining a lot on the day, but we went on exploring anyway, and I cut the vines off from one entrance so we could continue exploring
Chegamos a um lugar com mais duas outras entradas cobertas de vinhas e decidimos ir nelas antes de seguir para uma ponte de madeira que vimos mais a frente
Eng: We arrived to a place with two other entrances covered with vines and decided to go there before heading to a wooden bridge that we saw ahead
Dessa vez Patrick cortou as vinhas para podermos passar, decidimos revezar para não ficarmos cansados no meio do caminho
Eng: This time Patrick cut the vines so we could pass, we decided to take turns not to get tired in the middle of the way
Que lugar lindo! Achamos nesse lugar uma ruina de um templo e um avião caido, decidimos explorar mais a area
Eng: What a beautiful place! We found a temple ruin and a fallen airplane at this place, so we decided to explore the area further.
Achamos um monte com alguns itens enterrados decidimos com cuidado ver oq era.... Eng: We found a pile with some buried items and carefully decided to see what it was.
Continua... (Part1)
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(Patrick) Part 2 Final! How I meet Marcelo
Quando vi meu colega de quarto já havia chegado e já estava lá deitado
Eng: When I saw my roommate had already arrived and was lying there
Parecia que o sol o iluminava propositalmente como se quisesse me dizer algo.. sei que senti uma coisa dentro de mim que nunca havia sentindo antes em momento algum da minha vida
Eng: It seemed as if the sun was shining on him on purpose as if it wanted to tell me something ... I know I felt something inside me that I had never felt before at any time in my life
E o resto vocês já sabem pela história do Marcelo! Nós começamos a namorar no segundo ano do ensino médio mas eu sempre senti algo por ele e ele por mim. Foram otimos anos e ele é amor da minha vida até hoje! Sinto que somos Almas Gêmeas 🥰
Eng: And the rest you already know from Marcelo's story! We started dating in the second year of high school but I always felt something for him and he for me. It was great years and he is the love of my life until today! I feel that we are soul mates 🥰
Bonus: Me and my love on our first official date
Fim. end
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(Patrick) Minha Familia e como conheci o Marcelo! (Na minha visão) My Family and how I met Marcelo! (Patrick's Version)
Nessa época eu era um adolescente, tinha uns 15 anos
Eng: At that time I was a teenager, about 15 years old.
Eu morava em Belavista com minha mãe Suellen, meu pai Ricardo e minha irmã mais nova Melanie
Eng: I lived in PleasantView with my mother Suellen, my father Ricardo and my younger sister Melanie
Eu nasci na Ilha Twikkii, minha mãe estava grávida enquanto viajava pra lá e acabei nascendo lá. Mas morei toda minha infância e parte da adolescência em Belavista
Eng: I was born on Twikkii Island, my mother was pregnant while she was traveling there and I ended up being born there. But I lived all my childhood and part of my adolescence in PleasantView
Quando terminei o ensino fundamental eu e um amigo de infância meu chamado Hector combinamos de ir estudar em uma escola de ensino médio em Willow Creek, pois ele estaria se mudando para la perto. Então pesquisamos e achamos uma escola boa e fizemos matricula lá.
Eng: When I finished elementary school, me and a childhood friend of mine named Hector agreed to go to a high school in Willow Creek, because he would be moving to a nearby town. So we researched and found a good school and enrolled there.
Depois de conversar com meus pais, eles resolveram comprar uma casa por perto de Willow Creek numa cidade vizinha que tinha acabado de ser fundada, decidi ficar em uma casa com colega de quarto enquanto meus pais construiam a casa nova deles. Achei uma casa na rua da minha escola perfeita e teria dois colegas de quarto, a residente e mais um que dividiria o quarto comigo futuramente.
Eng: After talking with my parents, they decided to buy a house near Willow Creek in a neighboring town that had just been founded, I decided to stay in a house with a roommate while my parents built their new house. I found a house across the street from my school that was perfect and I would have two roommates, the resident and one more who would share the room with me in the future.
Eng: I arrived a day later than arranged with the resident because I had problems with my documents but soon solved them and arrived the next morning.nte
Eng: I arrived a day later than arranged with the resident because I had problems with my documents but soon solved them and arrived in the next morning.
Quando cheguei ela já estava acordada assistindo tv
Eng: When I arrived she was already awake watching TV
Ela era muito simpática e me recebeu super bem! O nome dela é Babs L'Amour. Ela me disse onde era meu quarto e falou que eu podia ficar a vontade!
Eng: She was very nice and received me super well! Her name is Babs L'Amour. She told me where my room was and said I could stay as long as I wanted!
Chegando lá senti um clima diferente no ar, o quarto tava com um clima agradável aconchegante e tinha raios de sol entrando pela janela
Eng: When I got there I felt a different mood in the air, the room had a nice cozy atmosphere and there were rays of sun coming through the window
(Continua na parte 2)
To be Continue..
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Conheçam minha familia Os Moreira! Meet my family The Moreira's!
Esse sou eu em minha forma humana e Alienigena.. Ambas são minhas formas reais.. eu não uso disfarce como a maioria dos Aliens eu sou um Hibrido nasci assim!
Eng: This is me in my human and Alien form. Both are my real forms... I don't use disguise like most Aliens I am a hybrid born that way!
Esse como vocês já conhecem é meu marido Patrick conheci ele no ensino médio no primeiro ano e no segundo nos apaixonamos e começamos nossa história de amor
Eng: This as you already know is my husband Patrick I met him in high school in the first year and in the second year we fell in love and started our love story
Anos depois de termos nos casado e formado nós tivemos nossa primeira filha Laura! Filha de sangue dos dois, onde eu fiquei grávido! Sim eu fiquei gravido e é super explicável e normal na nossa dimensão
Eng: Years after we married and graduated we had our first daughter, Laura! Blood child of both of us, where I got pregnant! Yes I got pregnant and it is super explainable and normal in our dimension
Os Homens podem sim ficar grávidos, é raro mas super possivel! O homens tem uma espécie de útero dentro deles, não é bem um útero é mais como uma bolsinha bem pequena que fica no abdomen e ela pode se abrir com uma emoção muito forte o Amor, paixão e pode ser fecundada caso ocorra o ato enquanto ela se abre.. Os aliens tem dados sobre essa bolsinha e por isso muitos homens voltam gravidos após a abdução pois a Hibridalização (Hibridização) só é possivel através dela não funcionando no útero feminino
Eng: Men can get pregnant, it is rare but super possible! Men have a kind of uterus inside them, it is not really a uterus, it is more like a small pocket that is in the abdomen and it can open with a very strong emotion, such as love, passion and can be fertilized if the act occurs while it opens. The aliens have data about this little pocket and that is why many men come back pregnant after abduction because the Hybridization is only possible through it not working in the female uterus
Ele todo feliz 🥰
Eng : He was so happy 🥰
Dois anos depois de ter tido a Laura eu sofri uma abdução e nessa abdução eu fui polinizado e depois tive meu lindo filho Miguel! Meu caçula 🥰
Eng: Two years after I had Laura I suffered an abduction and in that abduction I was pollinated and then had my beautiful son Miguel! My youngest son 🥰
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Part2 (Final) The Aliens
Entering there I met an alien, one known for traveling between dimensions
I arrived with so much hate that I immediately threatened him to stay away from me and my family
He just turned his back on me and walked away, but I wasn't going to let him get away that easily
The hatred I felt filled me with energy and power and I caught him in the air and threw him to the ground... I had never felt so powerful and with so much hatred as I did at that moment.
Suddenly another alien also known for dimensional travel arrived and helped him with the mind control and he soon after joined her to calm me down and explain what was going on..
And then with a little more calm they explained to me that they had come from a dimension parallel to ours where I revealed some secrets of the universe to my husband a secret that no living human would be able to understand without collapsing, they said that I revealed the secret of the dimension and this not only made him collapse but the whole reality of that dimension
"Only great alien and hybrid minds could deal with this secret without it all ending up in a huge black hole swallowing the whole dimension", they needed to see if he was okay in this reality and they needed to get my attention so that I could understand and never reveal anything in this dimension because it would be the end of everything we knew cause this is the primary dimension and everything would end there!"
I checked all the dimensional data and saw that they were right, that everything they had said was true. They said that they would never hurt my family and that they would always be there to help me. And they also said that they would not bother my husband anymore.
Then I apologized to them and thanked them, promised I would never reveal such things and went back home
I explained to my husband about what had happened without the details and he understood and breathed a sigh of relief..
There are certain things in the universe that must remain secret 👽
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I was thinking a lot after my husband posted on Simbook about the Aliens that are chasing him and I was furious and decided to put a stop to it.
I went to work with several ideas in mind and created my own device to stop the abductions by making them lose the signal and strength of the abductor light and improved the antenna so I could track where this ship was coming from
Eureka! I successfully blocked the abductions and even tracked the signal from the ship coming from a certain place in Sixam
I quickly went to the basement and put the coordinates on my Sixam portal
Arriving there I was so angry that I changed form without realizing it
It's time for action
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( Patrick) Disadvantages of being married to an Alien
This Light is hypnotic and you cant avoid.
I love my husband and I would never chose not to mary him,but lately some aliens have started to pay more attention to me and abduct me to ask questions or even experiments
Apparently my husband and our relationship is important to them, I don't know what is going on but my husband and his family are trying to make it stop.
Sometimes it's just my husband's relatives playing a trick on me,but I think they are trying to make me not freak out about the situation
He even start a Cientist Carrer just to make some devices to deal with them
there is something going on...
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A Little more about me..
Hey guys just a little more about me
I Have two Tattoos! One in my hand "Paradise" Inspired by my favorite singer Lana del Rey ! and it means a lot to me.
And the other tattoo is a cat! I am a cat lover! I love them soo much.. I have one cat, Fred, since I was a child! He became my familiar because of our strong bond! So this tattoo means a lot to me too ��
is a Siamese (He dont get old anymore because he became my familiar, he only dies when I die) And I have another familiar my litle owl! Lumos 🥰 She is a Sixam specie! a Very rare Owl from my homeworld.
I keep her in one magic dimension and sometimes she came or I call her 😻
I'm a streamer, gamer! I Love Indie and alternatives songs!
👽 and again I apologize for possible translation errors👽
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Part 7 (Final!)
He was in shock and I thought I was going to lose his friendship right there, which was very important to me... but I was wrong
P: I understand that you were afraid, but you shouldn't hide this from me... I understand why you did it but I also have something to tell you
I can't get you out of my head! I think I'm in love with you too and you being an alien just made things even more exciting
And there was our first kiss, a kiss I will never forget
After that, we talked for a few minutes, and Babs went to see what was going on... and saw me glowing... of course
But she was always kind to me and accepted me. A little after that Patrick and I started dating.. and one year later we finished high school and went to college.
And that is the story of our early relationship 👽🧑🏻❤️ OOC: This story started in 2014 when I bought my The Sims 4 and I continue it until today (Wait for more! ) :D
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Part 6 !
I was so scared of glowing again that I decided to ignore Patrick whenever I am near him
Hard task because I sleep in the same room as him. He came in asking what had happened that I had to leave school early and I didn't even answer and left the room
He followed me
P: Why are you avoiding me? What have I done to you?
M: It's not your fault I can't say
P: Sure you can! What's going on?
The whole situation devastated me... so I decided to reveal it to him, since I started to glow there was nothing else I could do M: That's the reason, Patrick... Besides the fact that I'm in love w you, I...
So I decided to reveal my alien appearance to him
Part 7
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