#seeking assistance
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pochiyaki · 11 months ago
Help Pochi Get Their Service Dog Trained
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I am seeking assistance in getting Sata my psychiatric service dog trained and initially set up with a vet and supplies! This will be a huge help in improving my health and wellness. Please share or support if you can! https://gofund.me/2a4aef13
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sunsetsands · 26 days ago
Does anyone have any advice on how to design clothing for spec bio creatures? I can never figure out how to design them in a way where the fabric wraps around the body in a way that makes sense or that seems like something an alien culture would actually realistically develop.
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homo-sick · 2 months ago
Theoretically looking for help w my mspfa . Included is a serious of sketches n some finished stuff. Primarily plot involved alot of toxic abusive and pedo relationships and the slow healing process which is pushed along by a rebellion and also textile innovations for some reason??
Its a alternative version of alternian history . Also heres some character things
Jekiyn, tealblood, 9.5 sweeps (19) User: TexiliicBerylian TB
Fabium, indigoblood, 28 sweeps (56) User: SicklyGhoul SG
Corpum, blueblood, 8 sweeps (16) User: GhastlyHeroine GH
Tresul, bronzeblood, 8 sweeps (16) User: PeculiarTerra PT
Bilvix, limeblood, 10.5 sweeps (21) User: FreshtechFreedom FF
Ginsig, fuchsiablood, 5 sweeps (10) User: HopefulHyacinth HH
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one-shitpost-a-day · 5 months ago
tf are these called
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radiantisgabriel · 9 months ago
!!! URGENT !!! - family of three facing homelessness
!!!!! GOFUNDME LINK !!!!!!
hello everyone! of course this is not my usual sort of posting, but i have something i would like to bring to attention.
my good friend Mare and their family are at risk of going homeless if they cannot make rent by next week. if they are evicted, they will have nowhere else to go.
please please please consider donating if you can! if you can't donate, please share this around. i know i don't have a big account or whatever but i was hoping this would at least give me enough reach. also if anyone knows any ways that i can further boost this post, please let me know.
thank you for your time.
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haaaaahnnnnn · 3 months ago
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squareofshape · 7 months ago
i don't care how neat a program is or how much it might improve my life. if it sneaks its way into my computer on top of a regular software update like some kind of fucking digital deer tick, it's a delete on sight. kill kill kill. nobody but ME decides what programs get installed on MY computer. fuck all the way off
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pochiyaki · 10 months ago
Checkout my Throne wishlist! Now with more Sata related items! Snacks, Food, Toys, and helpful items for her overall health. Any contributions are greatly appreciated! throne.com/pochiyaki #throne
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idalenn · 1 month ago
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"This 'clean' heroism you're going on about exists only in fables. You know what those are, don't you? Fables, fae tales, fabrications, fireside stories, whatever miqo'te call them; climb the tower and save the girl, if it pleases you, tomorrow the king locks up another. Mark my words."
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noblessyousforgiacomo · 8 months ago
Tumblr Hall of Fame post about how daddy issues make you a people pleaser but mommy issues make you a sociopath is so Dick Grayson and Jason Todd coded.
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i-am-but-a-beta-fish · 2 months ago
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keep forgetting to post about this but!!! IT'S HERE!!!!! i am now a card-carrying member of the battle subway and i could NOT be happier about it—i've got official cards for Real Life Things that are less high-quality than this. tysm @wildkimiko!!
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kindaorangey · 2 months ago
in the aftermath of s2 there has been a lot of discussion (and mind-numbing discourse, but yes, some interesting discussion) over who is worse, lestat or armand, and regardless of your opinions on it i think it's fair to say the question of "who is worse?" has so far been inextricable from the question of "who is worse for louis?" and, in that regard, in s3 it will be very interesting to see lestat and armand duke it out with each other, so we can see who they are when louis isn't involved.
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obi-wann-cannoli · 5 months ago
Rewatching Ready or Not 2019 and I keep wondering if it was possible for both the bride and groom to survive the night.
He doesn’t die until *after* she requests a divorce. It could just be the timing of the curse, it’s just not instant for the whole family, but it could also be that if he had helped her they *both* would’ve survived.
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gaasublarb · 2 months ago
My family can't afford to pay the power bill and it's been cold af so if anyone could send any asist it would be amazing.
We're short $105
Cash app $Gaasuba
DM me if you wanna commission art or something. Art blog is @gaasuba
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kittytamasings · 7 months ago
Seeking help with $300 payment to grandpa by the 15th to keep peace under our roof
TL;DR I'm seeking $300 by the 15th to pay my grandpa so we can appease him and keep him off our backs while mom is away from home recovering from health issues. It's urgently needed so he won't call mom's phone to torture her over the payment. I want to make our burdens a little lighter with your help. More details below.
Life has turned upside down since last month. Mom experienced a mini stroke which led to her hospitalization. She did pull through and is now recovering her physical strength in the skilled nursing facility in preparation to come home, but she's had a host of various issues going on which contributed to her health issues.
She survived, but if she wasn't hospitalized when she was, she would have died that next morning. With much of my adult life being centered on caregiving for mom basically full-time, I've had to adjust my own lifestyle in the meantime which has been quite a challenge.
It's been a very stressful month navigating home life without her here. I'm not sure when exactly she's coming back home, but mom has been making amazing progress.
Meanwhile, poppy continues to be horrible to us. He says rude things, he makes passive aggressive moves at us in the form of leaving profanity-riddled handwritten notes on the door of his wardrobe in his bedroom or being passive aggressive things aren't clean enough to his standards. The usual. He hasn't been any nicer to us even knowing mom has been recovering and he even called up to the hospital to torment her a few times too. Sure, sometimes he'd be decent but there's almost always a catch with him when he's trying to butter people up.
To say I'm mentally drained is an understatement. But right now, while we are still figuring out moving stuff, it's taken a bit of a backseat to Mom's sudden stroke and other health issues. We'll be starting from basically the ground up when she comes home in terms of getting adjusted to home life once more with her back. I'm aiming for the $300 poppy needs for monthly payment stuff by the 15th. This will prevent him from being any worse to us as we try to take things day by day here awaiting mom's return home. I'm just trying to keep some peace under this roof and this is the big way to do that even if he's super critical and rude all the time.
It is a lot to ask for in a matter of four days, but think of it this way: if two people sent along $150, I'd hit my goal fairly quick. Or if three people donated $100. Regardless, any amount helps and gets me much much closer to my goal of being able to pay poppy so he can chill out and not be so awful to us while we're stuck living under his roof a while longer and adjusting to life. Please boost with reposts and such, I'm working really hard on things but I need to lean on others in these hard times. It's urgently needed by the 15th. This will also take stress off mom's shoulders because she's away from home still and poppy WILL call her cell phone to harass her if we don't appease him. You couldn't begin to understand if you don't live in this situation, all I ask for is compassion. Thank you for reading all this. Times have been scary and challenging but I'm trying my best to take them a day at a time.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 month ago
very fond of John "distrusts everyone always" Doe and Arthur "defaults to trusting people" Lester's headbutting every time they encounter another person
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