#see: tommy and maverick
cannibalhellhound · 1 month
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Again this is the third and last piece of the Uncle Princess series ft. BuckElsa and Sleeping Tommy
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
Bucktommy prompt. Buck trying to playfully trick and or convince Tommy to do a couples costume for halloween?
send me headcanons and microfic prompts
Playing with the Boys
"Think about it. You. Me. Mirrored sunglasses" said Evan as he showed Tommy the couple's costume, "Playing with the Boys in the background as we start the party. It would be perfect, right?"
"I never said I didn't like costumes, I was just on call, Evan," explained Tommy as he took Evan's phone and really looked at the costumes, "You just like me in pilot uniforms, don't you?"
Not that Tommy was complaining. He wouldn't mind seeing Evan in a pilot uniform either.
"What? A guy can't have good taste?" asked Evan, his smile infectious.
His eyes so hopeful. And it wasn't as if Tommy was against dressing up, especially for Halloween.
"Okay, okay, we can dress up as Maverick and Iceman for Halloween," said Tommy as Evan beamed, "On the condition that we actually talk through whose who. We're not both coming as Maverick or something. That's not a couple's costume. That's just an accidental who wore it best."
Evan snorted, leaning so that he was barely a centimeter away from Tommy, his hand on the back of Tommy's head.
"That can definitely be arranged," said Evan, pulling Tommy into a kiss.
And Tommy let himself get lost in that wondrous kiss.
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sarahsmi13s · 11 months
Don't Take The Girl
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whumptober day 29: bargainning
pairing: tom 'iceman' kazansky x wife!reader
characters: tom kazansky, y/n kazansky, tommy kazansky, ron kerner, carole and bradley bradshaw
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, pregnancy, childbirth, blood, bargainning with God, praying, traumatic birth, crying, medical inaccuracies, please let me know if I missed any
word count: ~2.3k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
this is inspired by the song Don't Take the Girl by Tim McGraw
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: tom was so excited to welcome his daughter into the world... but he had no idea that he might have to say goodbye on the same day
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Beep beep beep
Ice chuckled as the student flying behind him tried to get a missile lock on him. 
Silver, the student on his tail, was rushing the hop because he was trying to beat Cobalt and prove to everyone that his call sign was not indicative of how he performs.
It reminded him of how Maverick flew when they were students in Top Gun. “Come on Silver, don’t be reckless. That’s not how you win,” Ice said, his voice cool and even as he rolled out of the way.
“You wanna win, you do it right. It’s how I-”
“Range control to Iceman.”
“Iceman to range control, everything alright?”
“Yo,” Slider’s voice broke through then. “Ice, hospital just called. Y/N’s gone into labor.” 
Tom nearly stopped at his friend’s words, slowing down as he processed it. “What?”
“Yeah, your baby girl is coming now, we gotta go. Tommy’s at a friend's house. We gotta go pick him up,” Ron said quickly, trying to convey his urgency.
Ice could only nod before ringing filled his cabin. Missile lock. 
“Alright, I’m down. Lesson over. I’ll lead the way back to base,” Ice said, not caring that he lost because he was distracted. You were in labor, and he needed to be there.
After landing and rushing out of his plane, Tom didn’t even bother changing out of his flight suit before leaving to go get your son from his friend’s house and going to the base hospital with Ron at his side.
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“Why are we going to the hospital, Daddy?” Tommy, your six year old son, asked from his carseat.
Tom looked over his shoulder at him before looking back at the road, “You know how we’ve been waiting on your baby sister to get here?” Tommy nodded. “Well, she’s on her way and we’re meeting Mama at the hospital to get her.” 
Tommy smiled and he bounced a little in his seat, “I’m gonna be a big brother!” Ron chuckled, “Yeah little man, you’re gonna be a big brother. The best big brother I bet.” He nodded, “I’m gonna try!”
Ice smiled as he finally pulled into the hospital parking lot.
Your son was so excited that he unbuckled himself and nearly bolted out of the car. “Thomas Jordan, do not just run off like that. I get that you’re excited, trust me I am too. But Aunt Carole and I can’t chase you around, okay?” Tom said, being firm but not mean.
Tommy stopped and ran back to him, grabbing his hand, “Yes sir.” Ice gave him a soft smile before picking him up, “Alright let’s go.” 
They walked in and went straight to labor and delivery, knowing the way after the last few moments of Braxton Hicks contractions. 
He spotted Carole in the waiting room first, Bradley was next to her playing on his Gameboy next to her. “Carole!” Her head jerked up to see him, “Tom, thank goodness you’re here. Y/N would have my head if you missed this.”
Tom nodded and chuckled, “Oh I know, but it’s mine she’ll want. Will you watch Slider and Tommy for me? I’ll come get you when we can have visitors.” Carole smiled as he sat Tommy down and she gave him a snack, “Yes, now go or you’re gonna miss it.” 
“Hey wait, why do I need a babysitter?” Ron asked as Ice went over to the desk. “Ronnie, don’t make me answer that. You want some snacks?” Carole asked, pulling out another zip-lock bag. “Oooh yes!” 
Tom rolled his eyes fondly as he walked up the nurse’s station.
“I’m Captain Thomas Kazansky, my wife is here. She would have come in a little bit ago?” The nurse looked at her sheet, “Y/N?” “Yes, yes that’s her.” She smiled at him, “Room 304, I can lead you to it.” He patted the counter top, “Thank you.” He followed the nurse down the hall and to the room.
When they got there the nurse knocked before stepping in, “The father is here.”
“Tom?” He heard your tired voice come from the bed before another contraction ripped through you and you had to push again. He smiled, “Yeah yeah I’m here, Sweet-” 
“I’m sorry Captain, you have to leave. You can’t be here,” the doctor said out of nowhere.
“What?” You and Tom said at the same time as you both looked at the doctor.
You whimpered a little, “W-Why?” The doctor shook his head, “Just get him out of here, we’ll come get him.” 
The nurse only nodded and tried to guide Tom back out. 
“No, no, please, I need him in here. Please why-” You got cut off by the next contraction and the nurse managed to get him out.
Tom looked at the nurse, “What is going on? Why can’t I be in there with her?” The nurse sighed a little and just shook her head, “I’m not sure, but we have to listen to the doctor. Let's go to the waiting room, he’ll be out to get you when it’s time.”
All he can do is nod as tears hit his eyes. Something wasn’t right, he had a gut feeling. But he just had to follow orders.
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It felt like a damn near eternity as Tom paced the floor. 
He had slid his aviators back on to hide the redness caused by his tears. He didn’t need Tommy seeing his normally calm father freaking out and crying. He didn’t want to worry him either, because he could be wrong. Everything could be just fine and it’s just his adrenaline from being in the air transferring to this moment. 
“Captain Kazansky?” 
Tom’s head whipped over and he looked at the doctor. “Yes?” He nodded down the hall, “May I speak with you? Privately?” Ice didn’t hesitate and followed him down back to the room they had you in.
“Are-are they okay? Why couldn’t I be in there?” Tom asked the doctor immediately as he took his sunglasses off.
“Your baby is fine, Captain. It was scary for a moment, but your baby girl is healthy,” he said, his hands in his coat pockets. 
If that was supposed to dampen Ice’s anxiety, it didn’t. It actually made it worse.
Tom huffed a little and gestured to the door, “My wife, how’s my wife? Why couldn’t I go in there?” 
The doctor sighed, “Captain, your wife… she lost a lot of blood. It was touch and go after the birth. We managed to get the bleeding stopped but we can’t be certain she’ll pull through.” Tom was silent as his heartbeat pounded in his ears. “I think it’s best if you go home, Captain…” 
“Go home? Go home?! How can I go home with my son while his mother lies in a hospital bed fighting for her life? What am I supposed to tell him? What do you say to a six year old that gained and lost someone on the same day?!”
The doctor took a deep breath, remaining calm as the normally collected blond shouted at him, “I understand that you’re angry and that you’re upset. But the only thing we can do now is wait.”
“Then let me wait with her. I won’t let her be alone. She shouldn’t be alone. Please… please let me be with her.” 
He thought about it, looking between the pilot and the room where you lay unconscious on the bed. He nodded, “Alright, you can stay.” “Thank you doc.” 
The doctor moved out of the way and opened the door. “Do you want them back here now or?” Tom shook his head, “No, not yet… I just.. I need a minute.” 
Tom walked in and the doctor shut the door to give him some privacy.
He looked at you on the bed, swallowing as his throat dried up. He knew what he walked in on wasn’t going to be pretty but the fact that it was you hooked up to wires and machines, it was heartbreaking. 
He’d seen colleagues and friends in this position, but to see you, his wife and mother of his children, in this position… it was earth shattering.
“Oh Sweetheart…” Tom whispered hoarsely as he walked over and held your hand. 
Your hand was clammy, nothing like the soft warmth he was used to and it’s what finally sent him to the floor.
Tom hit his knees, his forehead resting on your hand as he prayed.
“God… please, I can’t.. I can’t lose her. Please just... take the breath you gave me. Take the heart from my chest. Put me in her place. That’s how it’s supposed to be. That’s how it’s always supposed to happen. Me first. I’m the one with the dangerous job. Don’t take her, please… don’t take her from me…” 
He sobbed, letting out all of his emotions right there. His tears were wetting your hand and soaking into the blanket. 
Tom was terrified, he usually was good in stressful situations. But right now? This was a whole new kind of stress. 
He was sitting here begging to trade his life for yours. To die so you could live. And he meant every word.
Tom had never said anything without meaning it. Even in arguments he tried his damnedest to be honest and strategic with his words. He thought carefully about his words because he knew the impact of them. 
So his prayer was genuine. He would gladly die so you could live, so his kids could have a mother. He would trade places in a heartbeat.
Because you deserved to live.
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Tom gave himself enough time to calm down before leaving to go get Tommy. He wanted your son to get a chance to see you in case anything happened. Was letting him see you like this the best idea? Probably not. But he would regret it if he never let Tommy talk to you.
So, after he collected himself he let a nurse know that it was okay to bring them to the room.
Carole walked in first, Ron and Tommy behind her and Bradley behind them.
“H-How is she?” Carole asked, a little fear in her voice. “She’s um… She’s resting.” “What about the little one?” Ron asked as he put Tommy down. Ice wiped his mouth, “They’re doing check ups and everything, making sure she’s alright.” 
“Daddy?” Tommy whispered as he hugged his father’s leg. “Is Mama okay?” 
Ice sniffled a little, “She’s just resting right now Tommy. I’m sure she can hear you though, do you want to say something to her?” Tommy nodded, “Yes please.”
Tommy walked over and held your hand, “Hi Mama. Daddy said you were sleeping but that you could hear me. I wanted to tell you I love you. I hope you’re having good dreams.”
Ice smiled at his son as he came back over and clung to his leg again. “Are we going home?” Tom sighed and squatted down, “I’m gonna stay with Mama and baby Whitney, you’re gonna stay with Uncle Sli for a little bit okay?” Tommy nodded before hugging his dad, “Okay Daddy, I love you. Can we come in tomorrow?” 
He nodded, “Maybe, we’ll have to see okay? I love you too.” He kissed his forehead and Ron gave him a quick hug before they left. 
Carole sniffled as she looked at you and walked over to hold your hand. 
“Is she gonna pull through?” 
Tom sighed and walked over, “They don’t know…” Carole nodded, “I think she will. She’s a fighter. Always has been. And she wouldn’t leave you and those babies behind, not if she has a choice.” 
She wiped her eyes a little before leaning over to kiss your forehead, “We’ll come by tomorrow okay?”
Carole turned back to Tom, “Any updates, this is where we’re staying. Don’t hesitate to call.” He took the piece of paper, “Thank you Carole.” “Of course,” she said with a gentle smile before hugging him. “Bradley, c’mon, let’s get out of Tom’s hair.” 
Bradley nodded and gave Tom a quick hug, “Bye Uncle Ice.” “Bye kiddo.”
They left and Tom turned back to you. “It’s just us sweetheart.” 
He walks over and sits down, threading his fingers through yours. “I don’t really know if you can hear me right now… but I’m gonna talk to you like you can…”
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Tom sat there for hours talking to you. Whatever it was, whether it be what happened at work to reminiscing about the past, he talked about it.
He just kept talking. He knew that if he stopped he wouldn’t stop thinking about what might happen. He had to keep his mind busy.
At some point, they brought Whitney in. Everything was okay and she was in good health so she could be in the room.
Tom smiled and walked around with her as he talked to her, rambling on about her older brother, her aunts and uncles. He talked about you and how much you loved her even though you couldn’t tell her right now.
He eventually put her back in the bassinet before sitting by your bed again and holding your hand.
“I’ve been listening to that damn heart monitor for hours, Sweetheart. If I wake up and I don’t hear it…” His own words choked him up. He cleared his throat. “I know, I know… don’t think about it ‘if’s. But Sweetheart, I need you to wake up… please I can’t do this without you.”
Sniffling, he clasped his hands together one last time, your hand gently trapped in the middle. “Please… don’t take her from me… please.” 
He wiped his eyes before laying his head on your thigh gently, letting the rhythmic beat of your monitor lure him to sleep. 
Beep… Beep… Beep…
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mamachasesmayhem @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @hangmansgbaby @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233 @malindacath @nyx2021 @chaosofmanyfandoms
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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mazzystar24 · 6 months
I was washing dishes when this came over me so bare with my nonsense for a minute
So like we all know the “you can have my back any day” “or you can have mine” line was based off those maverick and iceman guys from top gun who even had Quentin Tarantino do a monologue about how homoerotic that movie is
Anyways so that whole movie was like fighter jets galore right? (I haven’t watched it don’t stab me film bros)
And buddie’s scene was just after defusing that bomb in that dudes leg and then in 7x01 we had a parallel to this with them having to defuse the thing attached to WHAT? A fighter jet
Parallels are PRALLELING
See what I was thinking initially that led me here was if they do make a storyline with air rescue and either Eddie or buck being interested in it (or Tommy as some speculated -which I have mixed feelings about) there could be so many parallels and little references they could make but then I was like HOLD UP A MINUTE they already made a reference in 7x01
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queerweewoo · 6 days
my hand slipped and i wrote 2K of About To Be Cheating Cheaters buddie (sorry tommy!). here's one half of what i've gotten down so far.
“That's why I'm here, hermano. To make your drunk ass drink lots of water, and to stop all that spiralling shit in its detrimental tracks. If you haven't figured it out by now, I don't much like things that hurt my family.”
Eddie's head is still spinning. 
“Hermano? Really Buck? I've only ever been a brother, never had one. But I'm pretty sure any brother of mine wouldn't look a lick like you.”
Dios, Eddie is so, so drunk, and such a horrible person for being so, so glad that Buck is here, with Eddie, instead of someplace with his boyfriend that Eddie definitely does not want to be thinking about.
Eddie needs Buck like oxygen right now because Eddie is a pathetic mess. What the fuck would some perfect pilot that's built like a brick shithouse know about being a pathetic mess? Screw you, Iceman—Buck and Eddie are the Maverick and Goose of this movie, fuck you very much. Always have been. Always will be. 
Buck's eyebrows are trying to migrate and join up with his hairline. “Oh, really? What, I'm not good-looking enough to be a Diaz? Is that it?” 
That is very much not it. 
Eddie teases, “Aw, guapo, you worried you're not pretty enough for me?” because he clearly left his last bit of sanity in the hook and ladder down on Main. He feels like he's having an out of body experience, looking down on himself from up on the ceiling and can practically see his blood fizzing beneath his skin like someone injected popping candy into his veins while he wasn't looking.
What the fuck is he doing? 
Buck isn't as drunk as Eddie, but he suddenly looks stone cold sober, blinking furiously through whatever emotions are gripping him right now. Eddie can usually tell what Buck is feeling without having to so much as look at him, but there's currently so much candied rum in his system that it's numbing his higher brain function.
“Uh, that's, uh—it's—that's not exactly what I was getting at, Eddie,” Buck stumbles, trying to right himself from the suckerpunch. 
“So what exactly are you getting at, Evan.”
Eddie never uses that name. Not once before telling Buck about changing his will, and never since. He'd only opted back in that hospital room to call Buck by what is printed on his birth certificate to get his full attention, so he understood that what Eddie was telling him was really fucking important. Back when Eddie had very almost told Buck how he feels about him, before bailing on the notion at the last millisecond like the chicken-shit he is and always has been. 
Tommy calls Buck Evan. Only ever calls him Evan. As if he knows the first fucking thing about Eddie's best friend! Eddie thinks that at this exact moment in time, regardless of how the guy is supposed to be his shiny new pal, he might just despise Tommy Kinard with every fibre of his being. Who the hell does he think he is, flying in on his helicopter like every day is leg day, with his stupid, funny fake-mouth-static and those stupid, handsome cheekbones, pissing all over Eddie's territory with his probably Incredible Hulk sized dick and trying to take Eddie's Buck away from him?
You're mine, he thinks. Almost says it, too. And he might say it yet, if Buck keeps on squirming as beautifully as he is right now, the raging heat of his twitchy body searing into Eddie's side like a branding iron that states If Lost Return To Evan Buckley. 
And I'm yours, he thinks, and knows it to be true. Knows he could make it true, that it could maybe be everything, potentially, if only Eddie stopped being such a yellow-belly. 
Fuck Kinard. Fuck all of them that have come before and after Eddie. None of them have loved, or love Buck the way he does. None of them. Eddie knows this because he loves Buck so much it somehow fortifies his heart to make it able to force its way through the spaces between his cracked rib cage and break free to beat wildly in double-time, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding. 
Eddie, feeling drunker by the second, hasn't looked away from Buck in a hot minute—Buck who now looks like he might be having a minor stroke. Stretching across to plop his glass clumsily onto the coffee table and missing the coaster by a Texas mile, Eddie then dries any possibility of lingering water droplets from his moustache with a clunky swipe of his thumb and forefinger, before turning to face Buck with a lot more cock-surety than sense. 
Buck is Eddie's best friend. His partner. The man who loves his kid. The man who Eddie gave his kid to because they both love his kid that much. He's the lunatic who has unofficially moved in with Eddie—because Eddie has driven their kid away with his epic levels of bullshit—even though he currently has a boyfriend.
Buck, Buck, Buck, who Eddie is now positive should be his boyfriend. 
Licking his lips, he feels like he's forgetting something. Like maybe all of the reasons he's steered himself clear of this iceberg for so long—only he's far too drunk, and far too selfish, to try to remember that or care. 
Buck swallows, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat, and Eddie wants fervently to get his teeth and tongue around it. Then he's muttering, “Eddie, I just meant—” 
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, begs, demands. 
His fingertips have found the soft fabric of Buck's deep blue waffle-weave shirt, where it's covering the expanse of his chest. He's trying to get to his heart, he realises, feeling blindly for any sign of double-time, wanting to taste the blood in its chambers the way Buck has tasted Eddie's.
“Yeah,” Buck breathes, mirroring Eddie which doesn't make a lick of sense apart from the fact that it makes perfect sense, to Eddie. 
Eddie's cheeks are burning but he thinks fuck it, throwing the both the extinguisher and life ring overboard and going full steam ahead. 
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torchflies · 21 days
(In the Tommy AU) Do you think the first time Ice sees Maverick, he freaks out a bit because he might’ve just found Stacee Jaxx’s lovechild?
AHHHH STACEE JAXX 😂😂😂 Oh no, it’s actually soooo much worse. He and Stacee had a thing. Hence the matching pistol tattoos 👀 Mav looking like Stacee is because Ice has a type, 😂😂😂
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lovelytsunoda · 8 months
fools in love!
also known as the valentine's day event!
blurbs and headcanon sets about my favourite himbo men being head over heels for their lovers (and better halfs). contains fics for f1, indycar, top gun & top gun maverick
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warm afternoons spent under blankets with hot drinks and paperbacks
jake’s favourite afternoons were spent with his fiancée and his dog, with hot drinks and a good book. nice and calm, different from his every day. but tell anybody that and he’d have to kill you.
soft moments stolen between wedding and reception
weddings are joyous and festive, but can be stressful for introverts like lance and his wife. so when they were able to steal some moments with each other in the peace of his aston martin between the ceremony and the venue, they know these are the moments they will treasure the most from that day.
a traffic jam on the interstate and a diamond ring in a glovebox compartment
temporarily stationed in nevada, tom and heather decide to take a weekend in las vegas to see their favourite new wave band. all the while, all tom can think about when to ask heather to be his wife. part of the heather and tommy universe started in 'tell me something girl'
soft kisses shared in the bar light after a game of pool
she would do anything for her nerd boy. except maybe meet his friends in a crowded bar with a pool table where she can make a fool of herself in front of all of her boyfriend's friends. it's a good thing that mickey is a good teacher.
a kitchen filled with the sounds of love and laughter
pasta always tastes sweeter when made together after a long week at work. all she wants is to bask in his sunshine. and hes all too glad to share his light with her.
kisses underneath the collar of a turtleneck sweater
mick is gone a lot because of his job, which makes the moments they share all the more special. especially the moments shared in the half light before he has to go and catch his next flight.
their family might have changed, bur their love for each other hasn't.
twelve months ago, they welcomed their son macklyn into the world. with the indy 500 just three weekends away, it's time to bring macklyn to the track.
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @thatsdemko @lorarri @userlando @twinkodium @sidcrosbyspuck @cartierre
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acewritesfics · 11 months
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⚠️ I (@rainydayteacups) NO CREDIT FOR THESE FICS. ALL CREDIT GOES TO ACEY (@crazyformfics). She has entrusted me to repost her fics on here. She decided to take a step back from writing for these fandoms (interests do change). After we talked because I didn't want to see the fics she already had written go, she asked if I would like to take over and she'll send the fics she hasn't reposted yet to me so I can repost them on her behalf.
Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders
Arthur Shelby - Peaky Blinders
John Shelby - Peaky Blinders
Alfie Solomons - Peaky Blinders
Jay Halstead - Chicago PD
Stranger Things
Top Gun: Maverick
All a Fantasy - Dean Winchester x Reader
Crossroads Deal - Dean Winchester x Reader 
This is Your Mess - Winchester Bros x Platonic!Reader
Baseball Bat - Jax Teller
Beautiful - Jax Teller
Mood Boards
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shelfwar · 2 years
So with all of the weird weather happening across the United States I thought what if I had blurvs about storm's. And that's what I did so I hope you enjoy it as always
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Sitting on the windowsill watching the horrendous storm that was slowly approaching the small town, waiting anxiously for Slider to get out of the shower.
Suddenly a large flash lit up the whole house that was soon carried by a obnoxious clap of thunder that shook the house, as you let out a blood curdling scream. You heard Slider run out of the bathroom and out to the living room to see you covering you ears every time a flash lit up the room, waiting for that clap of thunder again.
"What's wrong?!" "I don't trust thunder and lighting." You looked at his half-naked body as he crouched down in front of you. "Lemme get dressed, we'll hide in the bedroom maybe watch a movie that is if the power will-" Another flash lit up the room, followed by a louder clap of thunder then before. Again you screamed as Slider held your ears until the rumbling stopped.
"I'll be back." Slider got up and went to your shared bedroom, coming back with a t-shirt and sweatpants on, along with several blankets and several pillows.
"Pillow fort?" You looked up at him and smirked. "As long as I don't see any flashes then I'm good." "Alright then let's get to it."
A half hour later you and Slider laid in the darkened pillow fort as he held you close, focusing on your slow breaths.
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"Tom, Tommy!" You started to poke his face as he squinted with every poke. "TOM!" You yelped as a flash of lightning lit up the room making you instantly duck in cover into the duvet. "What's wrong?" "Storms no thank you." Ice lifted up the covers and saw you hiding , clutching the blanket."He let out a sigh before pulling you up to him. "Its okay, I'm here." He started to slowly rub your back as he started to drift off.
Suddenly you heard the tornado sirens blaring, instantly you started shaking Iceman. "What is it?" "We-We need to head to a safe place!" You cried as fat tears rolled down your face. Ice sat up quickly and grabbed your hand walking to the bathroom where he then sat down in the tub as you shut the door.
Once done you started to pace back in forth in the small room. "Y/n, come here." You looked over at him as he opened his arms wide. You slowly climbed into the tub as he held onto you, occasionally kissing your head as he rubbed his hands on your arms. "I'm sorry." "For what, being scared of a storm. Your fine, I'm here, we're in a safe room." "I know but." "But what? It's okay." He said sleepily. "Hmm." You hummed as you started to calm down, feeling your eyes to grow heavy as you started to doze off. Finally.
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Start of dream.....(based off of a real dream)
You stood in awe as a big tornado was heading our way. Maverick was by electrical power thingy, while you were near the Piggly Wiggly store. In the distance, you could see the big dark tornado racing towards us. The wind was blowing as you could hear the thunder in the distance.
"Maverick need to go into the store!" You yelled at him as he turned your way with wide eyes. Instantly he started to run towards you, in the process of getting into the store he grabbed your hand. He opened the sliding doors and waited for you to enter before closing them behind us. "Mav, we gotta get to the coolers!" You yelled as the tornado came closer to us. "Come on!"
You and Maverick ran to the coolers but it was too late. I saw the black cloud rip into the store. "MAVERICK!!!"
End of dream....
"Y/n baby wake up, it not real!" You heard someone yell as youwoke up in a cold sweat. You sat up frantically as you looked around and saw Maverick looking at you worried. "You okay?" "Y-yeah, I'm f-fine." "Baby, your trembling." You looked down at your hands and saw that you were indeed trembling. "Wanna talk about it y/n?" You shook your head no as he looked at you concerned.
"C'mere." Maverick said sleepily as he opened his arms for you. You scooted over to him as he held onto you. "Its okay, it's not real." "But what if I does become real?" "Then your knight and shining armor is here to protect you." "Thank you." "Your welcome love, get some sleep."
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You sat crisscrossed on the porch watching the incoming storm approaching ever so slowly. You suddenly saw a shelf cloud starting to form, indicating it might be a duck in cover storm. "Nick?" "Yeah? Wait hunny what are you doing on the porch, there's a bad storm heading our way." "Yeah, but it's relaxing."
"Uh, no. There's a thunderstorm warning." "And? Just come over here and watch it roll in with me. It's quite fascinating." "Whatever you say dear."
You felt his presence besides you as he held your hand while you both looked up at the darkened sky.
In the distance you both saw the lightning strikes scattering across the horizon as thunder could be heard. "The storm its 5 miles away. We're fine Goose." "Your crazy." "And so are you." "No that's Maverick." "True, but it's just so cool to see mother nature acting up like this."
You turned your head and saw Goose looking like the first time he saw you, smitten. He started to lean in as you met in a kiss that soon ended due to the tornado sirens going off.
"That's must be all it takes." "Oh whatever." You smiled as the two of you went into shelter for the night.
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Living in Texas has its perks one being almost year round tornado season.
Which is why your in the barn laying up into the hayloft watching the storm roll in. "Y/n?! Y/n where are you?" You watched the tufted of Wolf's hair walking by the barn doors, obvious that you were in there.
You crawled over the edge of the loft and watched for him again. "Wolf." You cat called as you scooted backwards so he couldn't see or hear you. "Y/n, come on its kinda not funny." He chuckled as he walked into the barn.
"WOOOOLLLFFF." He looked around as he saw your boots by the ladder. "There you are" You heard him whisper as he started climbing the ladder. "Hi, handsome." "Hi, beautiful watcha doing." "Watching the storm come in." "Ohh." He crawled over to you as he laid down on your chest kissing top of each breast before laying down still ontop of you, while holding your hand. "I love thunderstorms and you wearing tank tops, cause I get to see the girls."
"HENRY!" "What it's true on both parts." "God your such a man." "Well no shit love."
After a few minutes of comfortable silence the sounds of thunder rattled the old barn. "How many miles baby." "So far 4 Mississippis." "Miles, I ment miles." "I know." You said as you watched it starting to rain, making you sleepy.
So you let out a yawn before looking down and seeing Wolf passed out with drool starting to leave a wet spot on your shirt. "I love you Wolf." "Mm, love you to. We should probably go inside." "Yeah probably it looks like it's getting worse."
Wolfman got up before helping you up to. "Last one to the house has to shower in the rain." "Deal."
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bellaireland1981 · 2 years
Stubborn Hearts |3
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Summary: Reader (Firecracker, Sunshine) has been in love with Bradley since she was a young girl. Growing up the two were inseparable, apart from short periods of time when she was on the West Coast with the Kazanskys. One faithful decision by her dad to block Bradley from going to the Naval Academy resulted in a huge rift between father and daughter and left her without Bradley in her life. Now all grown up, she’s called back to the west coast at the same time as her father and Bradley. Her mission, according to her dying godfather, is to mend fences with her dad and Bradley. Can stubborn hearts be healed?
(I suck at summaries for real).
This will have multiple chapters… this is 3 of ??
Characters: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mitchell! Reader, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x Daughter! Reader, The Dagger Squad, Shay (OC), Penny, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
Word Count: 6578 (OOPS)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Death of character, TGM Spoilers, Illusions to Smut (later on ), Turbulent relationship with parent, Friends to lovers, …Please let me know if I’ve missed any!
A/N- This is my first time writing for TGM. I do not own the characters or plot lines from the movie. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION TO COPY OR REPRODUCE MY WORK ON THIS OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM! Reblogging is always welcome! Feedback is MUCH loved and appreciated. THANK YOU to @waywardodysseys​ for all support and bouncing ideas!!
Ch 1    Ch 2
Taglist: @gracespicybradshaw​ @memoriesat30​, @khaylin27​, @snekssss,
You spent the next day helping your aunt by running errands so she could stay home with your uncle. You could tell he was getting weaker and more tired by the day. It broke your heart seeing him that way.
Determined to take some of the burden off your aunt though, you’d offered to go get the groceries and pick up new meds, the doctor had ordered for your uncle to keep him comfortable.
You were in the produce aisle of the store when your phone dinged with an incoming message. You pulled the cart to the side, out of the way of other shoppers and checked your phone.
Shay:  Still on for the Hard Deck tonight?
Deciding it would just be easier to talk to her, you called her so you could continue shopping.
“Hey!” She answered, picking up on the second ring.
“Hi!” You replied, “I’m grocery shopping for Aunt Sarah so decided it was just easier to call. Are you busy?”
“Nope!” She replied, “I’m on my lunch break. I actually brought lunch to Aunt Penny. We’re just soaking up some sunshine and eating outside of the bar.”
“Sounds great!” You said, “To answer your question, yes, I’m still planning on coming tonight, but the original terms and conditions still apply.”
“Yes!” She exclaimed, laughing, “Also, Aunt Pen said she wants to hear all about your chat with your dad. I’ll just put you on speaker.”
“Hey, Kiddo!” Penny greeted you. “Spill the tea!”
“You’ve been listening to Amelia too much” You laughed, “It went really well… better than I obviously thought it would. We hashed a lot out and I realized it was mostly lack of communication, stubbornness, and neither of us knowing how to navigate any of it. I think we both realize neither of us are mind readers and being hard headed doesn’t get us anywhere.”
“Anyone could have told you both that.” Penny laughed, “I’m glad you both finally came around. I know you didn’t believe me before but your dad really did miss the hell out of you.”
“I missed him too. Honestly, I didn’t realize how much until I saw him and it all hit me in the gut.” You admitted. “He’s coming over after work to see Uncle Tommy and have dinner, so it’ll be a little later when I get there tonight.”
“That’s fine.” Shay said, “Time with your family right now is more important.”
“I’ll definitely be there after dinner though.” You assured her. “I’m gonna finish up here so I can get Uncle Tommy’s meds and get them back to him.”
“Give them both my love.” Penny said, “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Call me when you’re on your way so I can be on the lookout and start my duties as your bodyguard!” Shay said, only half teasing.
“I will” You replied, laughing, “See you both later!”
You quickly grabbed the rest of the food on the shopping list, adding a few extra treats you knew your cousins liked, before heading to the checkout. It wasn’t long before you had everything loaded in the Jeep and was on your way to the pharmacy, the final stop before heading back home.
After arriving home, you carried all the groceries in, putting them away while your aunt took the meds to your uncle. She came back down as you were putting away the last of the groceries.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” She said hugging you, “He gets so tired so quickly, I hate leaving him now.”
“Of course, Aunt Sarah” You replied, “I’m happy to help in any way that I can. I wish there was more that I could do.”
“You being here does more than you know.” She assured you. “You were essentially our first child, Sweetheart. Before the kids were born, we lived for those stretches of time you’d come to stay with us. Tom loved having his little shadow follow him around when you were little. He loved taking you to the base and showing you the planes. Everyone called you Ice Nugget or Little Ice until you were about 10 I think. Do you remember that?I think when your dad came back from deployments he was always a little jealous of just how close you and Tom were. Tom would mope for weeks after you’d leave.”
“I do remember.” You said, wiping tears that had started to fall. “I used to mope around the house in Virginia after having to go back too. Bradley would do his best to cheer me up. Carol used to have to sooth dad’s ruffled feathers, assuring him I did in fact still love him too, but it was the stability I was craving and mourning when we’d get back.”
“I know it wasn’t easy getting bounced back and forth all the time but never think you weren’t wanted and loved by all of us, Sweetheart.” She said, reaching over the brush the stray piece of hair that had fallen in your face. “You had a whole village that loved you and helped to raise you.”
“I never doubted you and Uncle Tommy loving and wanting me, or Carol for that matter.” You assured her, “I knew my dad loved me but it really did feel like he didn’t want me. I know now that that wasn’t the case.”
“I would have told you how much your dad wanted you, sweet girl” She said, smiling, “His way of showing his love and his need to care for you was making sure you were with people who loved you as much as him when he couldn’t be there.”
“I’m glad he’s coming to dinner tonight. He needs time with Uncle Tommy.” You said, “I promised Shay I’d meet her at the Hard Deck tonight after dinner though. If she doesn’t live up to her promise of protecting me from Bradley she has to buy me copious amounts of alcohol. I’m not sure what state I’ll be home in.”
“Maybe Brad will have had an epiphany and realize he’s an idiot for pushing you away. That way you two can talk things out and your liver won’t suffer.” She offered. “If not though, call us, your dad or an uber to bring you home.”
“I doubt he will have been enlightened in the 48 hours since I’ve seen him, so I promise to call for a designated driver in the event that I need one.” You said. “I’m going to go shower and figure out what to wear in the meantime. I might even do my hair and make up. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet another hot aviator tonight and forget all about Bradley Bradshaw.”
“Or… you get all dolled up and show him what he’s missing.” She countered, “Make him jealous. Worked like a charm on your uncle when he was too stubborn to act on his feelings with me.”
“That only worked because Uncle Tommy was madly in love with you, Aunt Sarah.” You reasoned, “Brad would have to first be in love with me, and he doesn’t even like me.”
“I wouldn’t bet money on that, my sweet, clueless niece.” She teased, “I would bet money on him having feelings though.”
“Why does it feel like everyone has a magic 8 ball or sees something that I’m clearly missing?” You ask, shaking your head, “I swear you’re all drinking the wacky juice and are seeing things that aren’t there.”
Your aunt just laughs, tells you you’ll see it one day as she starts pulling things out to get dinner going.
You head upstairs to your room. You pull your hair into a messy top knot to keep it from getting wet, then jump in the shower. Deciding what to wear takes a lot longer than you’d anticipated. By the time you made a decision it looked like a tsunami of clothes had hit your room. You’d have to clean it all up tomorrow for sure. You shoved all the clothes into a pile to sort then. In the end you settled on a simple white gauzy sundress that came to just above your knees. It had spaghetti straps that tied at your shoulders, leaving you back bare. You planned on wearing your crop denim jacket with the dress, knowing it would get cooler when the sun went down.  
With your outfit finally chosen, you left the dress hanging up on your closet door and tackled your hair. You carefully pulled it down from the top knot and  combed it out. It fell in natural waves to the middle of your back. You decided to go with the waves instead of fighting to tame them. Adding a little product to help define the waves, you scrunch your hair until it was styled the way you wanted it. Finally satisfied, you washed the product off your hands and decided to do light makeup. You hated the way a full makeup look felt on your face so you often just tended to do the bare minimum. You did however, make sure to add mascara and eyeliner so your eyes pop and lip gloss that you’d have to re-apply before you go to the bar later.  All that was left was to get dressed and you decided you’d do that after dinner. You pulled on cut off jean shorts and an old Navy t shirt ended up with from somewhere and headed downstairs.
“Well you look…. Cute” Your Aunt said when you’d entered the kitchen. “Not the outfit I thought you’d go with… but the hair and makeup look good.”
“This isn’t what I’m wearing” You laughed, “I chose a sundress but decided to be comfy until after dinner.”
“Fair enough.” She said, “Go keep your uncle company and play scrabble with him while I finish getting this all ready.”
“Ok!” You agreed, “Let me know if you want me to help with any of the dinner prep.”
“I’ve got it covered, and the kids will be back soon to help too.” She assured, shooing you out of the kitchen.
You grabbed a couple of bottles of water and headed into the living room where you Uncle sat, staring out the window that faced a huge backyard.
“Hey, Uncle Icey” You said, using your old nickname for him and sitting down next to him, “Wanna play scrabble?”
He looked over and smiled widely at the name. Nodding his head and sitting up straighter.
“Ok! I’ll grab a TV tray stand so we can set it up closer to us.” You said, “That way you’re still comfortable.”
You set up the board and the two of you started to play, quickly losing track of time. In the end, your uncle still managed to beat you with some crazy 30 point word you weren’t fully convinced actually was  a word.
“I’ll take your word for it, but I think you cheated.” You grumped at him playfully, cleaning up the game while he sat back against the couch and beamed while watching you.
“Still giving her a run for her money, huh Ice?” Your dad’s voice sounded from across the room.
You looked up and smiled at him, motioning him into the room. “Always, but he cheats!” you exclaimed. “Did today go any better?”
“Yes and No.” Mav answered, coming around the couch to where you stood with your uncle.
“It’ll get better, Dad” You assured him, “Give them time to get all the cockiness outta their system, then they’ll listen.”
Your uncle quietly chuckled from his position on the couch. You beamed at him and winked.
“It worked for the poor instructor that had you and Uncle Icey at Top Gun!” You laughed, “I’m going to go change and see if Aunt Sarah needs help.” You hugged both your uncle and dad before heading out of the room to let them talk.
Up in your room, you changed into the dress you’d chosen for the night, slipping on some strappy tan sandals to go with it. You’d thought about wearing your converse sneakers but decided you’d go the more dressy route. You picked out some simple gold hoop earrings and your favorite pendant necklace to finish out the look. The necklace had been a gift from Bradley the last birthday he celebrated with you before life had imploded. It was a small gold sunburst with an opal stone in the middle on a dainty gold chain. There’d been a time when you’d never taken the necklace off. It had meant the world to you that he’d picked out such a beautiful and meaningful gift. You wore it for a while after he’d left but eventually it just became a painful reminder of what you’d lost. Wearing it again felt good. You decided that no matter what happened with him at this point, you’d continue to wear the necklace… if nothing else, as a reminder of happier times.  
Ensemble complete, you gave yourself a final onceover in the mirror, satisfied with the overall look and headed downstairs for dinner.
“Now that's what I meant by dressing for the part.” Your aunt said, catching sight of you when you entered the kitchen. “You look absolutely breathtaking.”
“Wow, Y/N!” Your cousin said, looking up from where she was getting plates out. “You look so pretty!”
“They’re right, Firecracker.” Mav said coming into the kitchen. “Absolutely beautiful. You look so much like your mom.”
“Thank you.” You said, twirling and laughing, “It’s fun to dress up once in a while.”
“That’ll definitely capture Brad’s attention.” Your aunt teased, “Make him regret being an ass at the last encounter.”
“I don’t know that Rooster deserves my girl’s attention.” Mav said, in full on dad mode. “I don’t know that he’s good enough for you, Firecracker.”
“Dad, you’ve always said that nobody is good enough for me.” You reasoned, shaking your head. “It doesn’t matter though because he isn’t interested in me. He doesn’t even  like me or want to be in the same room. I am dressed up for myself.”
“Regardless, if he hurts my kid, he’ll be doing far more than the 200 pushups he’s been doing.” Your dad remarked.
“DAD!” You exclaimed, “Why are you making him do 200 pushups?”
“The squad made a bet, whoever gets shot down in training does 200 push ups.” he explained, “They were cocky, thinking they’d best me and before you get mad, they came up with the terms.”
“Idiots.” You sighed, “Navy aviators are all idiots.”
“If it makes you feel better, Rooster almost had me.” He said, “He hesitated though. That worries me. He also got in his head and ended up leading us below the hard deck.”
“He feels he has a lot to prove.” Sarah guessed, “It’s messing with his head.”
“That is dangerous up there and in missions.” Mav stated.
“Just… don’t rule him out yet, Dad.” You pleaded, “Give him the chance to prove himself.”
Dinner went well. It was nice to all be together. For a little while you could almost pretend that nothing was wrong. That your uncle wasn’t reaching the end of his life rapidly. Your dad wasn’t training the only guy you’ve ever loved to fly a mission that could get him killed. It was just… a normal family dinner. Well as normal as could be with your less than conventional family.
After dinner your aunt shooed you out of the house, insisting you go have fun. Mav offered to stay behind and help with cleanup and visit some more until your uncle was too worn out.
“Have fun, Firecracker.” Your dad said as you gathered your stuff to leave. “Give him hell. If you need a ride home, just call me and I’ll come get you.”
“Thanks, Dad” You replied, hugging him tightly, “I’m really happy to have you again.”
“You never lost me.” He reminded you. “Never will.”
With a final wave to your family, you headed to the Hard Deck. As promised earlier, you’d texted Shay to let her know you were on your way. She promised to be waiting when you got there.
You spent the drive over giving yourself a pep talk and deep breathing to calm your nerves. Worse case scenario, you could always leave if it was too bad. You knew Shay would forgive you. You also had Penny who would have your back if needed. It would be ok… you hoped.
Pulling into the lot, you found a spot open and parked the Jeep. You glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure your eye makeup and hair still looked good, then with one final deep breath you got out and headed into the bar.  There were already a lot of people in the bar, but you spotted Shay immediately as she was already heading your way.
“Hey! You made it!” She exclaimed happily, “And you look fucking hot! Let’s grab drinks and claim a table tonight!”
“Thanks! You’re going to give a certain Aviator heart failure tonight yourself!” You replied, “Drinks sound amazing… I think I need liquid courage to be your wing woman tonight.”
You followed Shay as she weaved through the people and made her way to the bar. You kept your eyes straight ahead, refusing to scan the bar looking for anyone in particular.
“Well, hello again beautiful ladies.” You heard the familiar Texan drawl saw as you reached the bar. “It must be my lucky night.”
You could see Shay blush at his words, as she slid up to the bar next to him. You opted to stand on her other side, so she was sandwiched between you and Hangman.
“Play your cards right, Hangman and it may just be your lucky night.” You teased, nudging Shay. “You’ll have to up your game though to be worthy of my friend, Shay here.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.” He winked at you before leveling Shay with a downright smoldering look and megawatt smile. “You two feel like joining my friends and me tonight? Get to know one another better?”
Shay gave you a look, letting you know it was totally up to you and she’d go with whatever made you most comfortable.
“That’s up to Y/N, Hangman.” She said, even though the purpose of the night was to help her get to know and possibly score a date with him. “Before any decisions are made though, we need drinks.”
“I can take care of that. And, please, call me Jake.” He said, turning to get Penny’s attention. “Penny, my dear, these ladies are drinking on my tab tonight.”
“You don’t have to do that,” You said quickly, “I appreciate it, but it’s not necessary.”
“My momma raised me to be a gentleman, Y/N.” He informed you with a playful sincerity, “Also, Penny is kinda intimidating too.”
You and Shay laughed at that, happily accepting the drinks.
“Alright, but next time I’ll return the favor.” You declared. “I doubt your mom would be mad if you let a friend buy you drinks.”
“Fair enough.” He agreed. Penny brought the drinks over to you and Shay. You’d both opted for cocktails this time. Both needing something stronger to calm the nerves.
“Before it gets too busy in here, how did it go at dinner tonight? Did Mav say if he was coming in?” Penny asked.
“It went well. I think Dad and Uncle Tom had a good visit. He didn’t sound like he was coming in but he wouldn’t take much convincing if you wanted to see him.” You teased, “And he said to call him if I needed a ride home.”
“You missed it the other night before you got here…” Shay said, her aunt’s comment triggering the memory, “Your dad got the bell rung on him! Then his card got declined so the second bell meant he was tossed overboard!”
“Shut up! No way!” You laughed, “Penny! You’re a legend! Who got to do the honors?”
“That would be Payback, Coyote, and Hangman here.” Penny supplied, laughing at the shocked look on Jake’s face.
“Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is your dad?” He asked, recovering from the shock.
“Y/N Mitchell” you introduced yourself formally. “In all fairness, until just recently, we had a…complicated relationship. And, knowing Penny, he probably fully deserved to be tossed overboard.”
“It made for a little bit of an awkward first day of training.” Jake laughed, “Payback and Coyote are going to die when I tell them this.”
“Tell us what?” The aforementioned pilots asked, joining your little group at the bar.
“We tossed her dad overboard the other day, boys.” Jake said, “This is Y/N Mitchell. And this beautiful lady, is Shay Benjamin. I’m trying to convince them to join our group tonight.”
“No way!” Payback exclaimed, tipping his head back, roaring with laughter. Coyote joined in, shaking his head, “That’s too much.”
“Rules are rules.” Shay said smiling before taking a sip of her drink and looking over at Jake.
“Absolutely.” You agreed, “Like I told Jake, he probably had it coming so no worries.”
“Well the two of you should definitely join us.” Coyote said, catching on that he needed to play wingman for Jake.  
You took a large drink of your own cocktail, hopping the liquor would hit your system faster.
“Lead the way.” You said, attempting a brave smile, one you hoped nobody saw through.
“Yes!” Jake said, happy at the victory. “Right this way, ladies.”
As the self-proclaimed gentleman he was, he offered his arms to both of you, leading you over to the rest of the group gathered at the pool table. Coyote and Payback stayed back to get a round of drinks for everyone else.
Thankfully, upon reaching the back table, there was no sign of Bradley. You remembered Phoenix from the other night you’d been there. The other aviators were unknown to you.
“Alright, we’ve got new friends!” Jake said, “Shay, Y/N, meet the squad!” He went around the table pointing to and providing a name for everyone.
“Yes! Females!” Phoenix cheered happily, “Halo, we have more chicks in the group!” f
“Finally!” Halo agreed, “Welcome to the squad!”
“Are we allowed to join a squad if we’re civilians?” You asked, laughing at their enthusiasm but understanding the lack of females in their immediate circles.
“Y/n, your dad is Maverick. Shay’s grandfather was an admiral…” Jake said, “I’d say you both qualify as squad members.”
“Holy Shit!” Phoenix said, “You’re THAT Y/N?”  She threw a look to Bob, who subtly nodded back.
“Um… maybe?” You said, completely lost.
“Oh, tonight is definitely going to be interesting.”  She replied, seemingly to herself.
Deciding you were going to need much more alcohol for this, you tossed back the remaining cocktail, swallowing it down. Thankfully, a refill wasn’t too far behind and another round appeared at the table. Shay and Jake headed to the Jukebox to pick out music while you got to know the others around you.
They were quick to set you at ease, telling you stories from training so far but also from their first time through Top Gun. You especially tuned in whenever they mentioned Brad. You didn’t want to be obvious and ask where he was, but not knowing when he’d pop up was setting you on edge.
After finishing your second cocktail you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, partly because you really needed to use it but also because you needed a minute to collect yourself.
You were washing your hands when the door opened and Phoenix walked in.
“You ok?” she asked, coming to stand next to you.
“Yeah, I’m good” You smiled back, drying your hands off with a paper towel before tossing it in the nearby trash. “Why?”
“I should have put it together the other night when Rooster came back to the table looking like he’d seen a ghost, then took off quickly after he watched you leave.” She said, “But when Jake told us who your dad is, it clicked into place. You’re Rooster’s Y/N.”
“I’m not Rooster’s anything anymore.” You corrected her, sadness seeping into your voice. “He made it abundantly clear.”
“I don’t think that’s the case, Y/N.” She said, “When we were in Top Gun together, we became pretty close friends. He was drunk one night and told me all about you. I think it was your birthday or some important day. He’d been off all day and then made it his mission to get as drunk as possible. You’re definitely something to him still.”
“Not the impression I got the other night. Or in the last decade of radio silence.” You said, “It’s ok though. I’ve learned to live with it and move on.”
“He’s a guy. They’re idiots by nature, with the emotional maturity of toddlers.” She said, “Doesn’t mean they don’t feel the emotions though.”
The door opened and Shay peeked her head in. “Hey, just wanted to warn you that Brad just pulled in. He hasn’t actually entered the bar yet.”
“Thanks, Shay.” You said, smiling, “I guess it’s show time.”
“I’m ready to be your bodyguard.” She said, “As promised.”
“You’ll have more than one if you need us.” Phoenix said, “But maybe give him a chance.”
“She tried that last time and it didn’t end too well.” Shay said, coming to your defense.  “Although maybe now that the shock has worn off?”
“Exactly!” Phoenix said, “Let’s go get you a fresh drink and claim the pool table.”
The three of you headed out of the bathroom and to the bar. Jake cocked his head in silent question when he saw the trio of you together. Shay smiled and shook her head. You offered a smile of your own letting him know you were ok.  Your first impression of Jake had been right. He wasn’t your type, but he would make a really good friend.
“Penny, we need more alcohol!” Phoenix declared, “A certain barnyard animal is incoming and my new bestie here needs to be far more drunk than this!”
“Coming right up” She said, laughing, “Hangman’s tab still?”
You said no at the same time as Shay, Phoenix and Jake himself said yes.  You hadn’t even seen him sneak over to join your group. Glancing over though, you saw him standing behind Shay, his hand resting on her hip. You smirked at him, knowing at least tonight seemed to be working for Shay. You would endure whatever was about to go down for her sake.
Penny pushed the drinks across the bar towards you all and you grabbed them before heading to the pool table.
You sat down at the high table close to the pool table, your back facing the door. You didn’t need to see him come in to know he had. The others in the group called out to him when he walked through the door.
“About time Bradshaw.” Jake yelled. “Recovered from all your pushups?”
“Fuck you, Hangman.” Bradley shot back, “You did more than I did today.”
“And I’m clearly in better shape than you are.” Jake retorted, throwing a wink your way as he delivered the line.  “Rooster, meet our new friends. This is Shay, and Y/N. They’ve become honorary squad members as of tonight.”
Shay waved and you kept staring at your drink like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
“Nice to meet you, Shay.” Brad said, “Y/N, can I talk to you?”
“I’m good here with my new friends thanks,” You replied, sipping your drink. You knew it was a petty thing to say, but you never claimed to not be petty. Shay laughed quietly, understanding the dig.
“Rooster, I feel the need to beat you at pool tonight.” Phoenix said, jumping to your rescue.
“Sure” He said, going over to pick up a pool cue, his eyes staying on you as he did so. You continued to sip your drink and ignore him, focusing instead on whatever story Jake was telling across from you. At least, you tried to pay attention.  You absently played with the sun pendant on your necklace, your nerves absolutely wrecked.
“Y/N, Shay said you’re a pilot?” Bob asked, pulling you out of your head.  
“Yup!” You answered, “I was bitten by the aviation bug at a young age. My dad and Godfather were pretty key in that.”
“Who’s your Godfather?” Jake asked, “Anyone we know?”
“Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky” You supplied, “I just call him Uncle Tommy though.”
“Holy shit. He’s a legend.” Jake replied, “Also, I’m sorry to hear he’s not doing well health wise, Y/N.”
“Thanks” You said, looking down at your drink. “He is a legend.”
“With connections like that, why didn't you join the Academy or enlist or something?” Coyote asked, joining the conversation.
“Zero interest.” You simply said, looking up to catch Bradley standing rigid, hands locked like a vice around the pool cue and watching you with a look in his eyes you couldn’t place.
“So what do you fly?” Bob asked, guiding the topic back to safer ground. Bless that sweet man’s heart.
“I flew charters when I lived back East. I own my own little Cessna too, that I try to log as much flight time in as I can.” You answered.
“Did your dad ever give you a call sign?” Jake asked.
“Not really a call sign” You laughed, “My dad calls me ‘firecracker’. My uncle and other aviators here on North Island called me ‘Little Ice nugget’ or just ‘nugget’.”
“Firecracker is pretty appropriate” Jake laughs, “I thought it would be ‘Sunshine’ though, or something like that with the necklace you keep messing with.”
“No…” You said quietly. “The necklace was a gift from another lifetime.”
Jake was quick to pick up on the shift in your tone, but didn’t know what he’d said to cause it. Shay, noticing your drink was nearly empty again, suggested the two of you head to the bar to get another one. You were 3 drinks in and figured another wouldn’t hurt. You’d already have to call an Uber or your dad to come get you.
You carefully hopped off the stool, swaying a little from the alcohol, but Coyote was quick to steady you. You thanked him before following Shay to the bar.
“Thanks” You said when you were away from the group. “On the bright side, he seems content in not talking to me, so that’s great.”
“Y/N, he hasn’t taken his eyes off you the entire time he’s been here.” Shay said, “He definitely wants to talk to you… you just did a great job shutting him down.”
“I’m too afraid to talk to him.” You admitted, “If I don’t talk to him I can hold onto hope that someday maybe I’ll get my best friend back.”
“How’s it going over there girls.” Penny asked, coming over to the side of the bar you were standing at.
“Need another drink, please.” You replied
“That good, huh?” She said, “I may get the pleasure of seeing your dad tonight.”
“Penny, you don’t have to wait for me to be drunk to see my dad.” You laughed.
“Pen, can I get another beer please?” Brad asked, coming up behind you. You shot a look at Shay for not warning you, only to see her making flirty heart eyes with Jake across the bar. “Add Y/N’s drink to my tab too.”
“Her drinks are already on Hangman tonight.” Penny said, winking at you.
“They were. I’ll get the rest of them.” He said firmly.
“Why doesn’t anyone think I can pay for my own damn drinks?” You complained.
“Sweetheart, never complain about men wanting to buy drinks” Penny said laughing
“You planning on ignoring me forever, Sunshine?” Brad asked, taking a drink of his beer, “Or can we talk like adults now?”
“Careful, Rooster.” Penny said delivering your drink, “Don’t make me ring this bell on you. You’ll be buying drinks for more than just Y/N here.”
“Sorry, Penny,” He said, looking sheepish. “Can you please, convince her to have a conversation with me?”
“Ugh, Fine!” You said, exasperated and tipsy. “MIght as well get this over with while I have a good buzz going. You want to talk, Bradley? Then by all means… talk.”
“Can we step outside? Or at least find a place slightly more private?” He asked, not unreasonably.
You picked your drink up and headed towards the door that would lead out to the patio overlooking the beach. Bradley followed close behind, nodding at Phoenix and Jake on the way  by.
Once outside the noise level immediately dropped. The music was muted by the sounds of the ocean.
“You didn’t seem too inclined to want to talk the other night.” You said quietly.
“Sunshine, it was a bit of a shock seeing you.” He admitted, “I probably didn’t handle it the best.”
You stayed quiet, looking out to the water instead. Honestly now that you were face to face with him, you weren’t even sure what to say or where to start.
“I’m surprised you still call me ‘Sunshine’.” You commented quietly.
“That’s your name.” he shrugged. “I’m surprised you still have the necklace.”
“I haven’t worn it in forever.” You admitted, “But couldn’t part with it.”
“Did you know?” He asked.
“About dad pulling your papers? Or about him being here at Top Gun as an instructor?” You asked, needing clarification,
“Both.” He said.
“I didn’t know about him pulling your papers until you’d stormed into the house yelling, and then slamming out of the house…and my life.” You said, struggling to keep your voice steady and devoid of the emotion swirling inside. “I confronted him after you’d left, asking him what the hell had happened… he told me then what we’d done. I was furious. I tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail every time. I went to your house the next day but you weren’t there either.”
“And now? Did you know he was here to be the instructor for this mission?” He asked, his own voice rough with emotion.
“Yes. But not until I got here and Uncle Tommy told me.” You replied
“The other night when I saw you here, you didn’t think maybe I could use a heads up? Knowing what happened in the past? Did I really deserve to be blindsided?” He asked, his tone hardening to cover his feelings.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Bradshaw?” You seethed, years of anger and hurt breaking through the walls you’d built and flooding your system. “You do not get to get mad at me and tell me about what you deserve and don’t deserve. I fucking tried to tell you but you cut me off saying you needed to get back to your friends! So, FUCK YOU Bradley Bradshaw! Fuck you for you leaving ME when you were made at my DAD. FUCK YOU for throwing away our friendship. You know who didn’t deserve to be treated like trash, to be thrown away on the drop of a dime? ME! I didn’t deserve your anger Bradley. I didn’t do anything except love you. All I’ve ever done was love you.”
You hadn’t realized you’d started to cry until you felt the drops of tears fall onto your hand, You angrily wiped them away, not wanting to let Bradley see you cry. It had felt good to release the anger you’d kept locked in but the stretching silence wasn’t helping to calm the bubbling anxiety you now felt.
“Would you rather I stuck around and allowed the anger and resentment I had towards Maverick eat at me and cause me to lash out at you too? I thought by walking away I was saving you from getting hurt.” He said quietly.
“Newsflash, asshole, you leaving and going radio silent hurt fucking worse than anything.” You said, your voice cracking.
“Yeah, well, having your Godfather pull your papers to the academy, and block you from following in your father’s footsteps didn’t feel so great either, Y/N” He yelled back, “Especially when he’s the reason your father is no longer alive. So forgive me if I felt the need to cut myself off from the person who ruined my life. If it meant cutting you out of my life too, well it was just collateral damage I suppose.”
You felt like you’d been slapped. For what felt like forever you couldn’t get air into your lungs. Whatever buzz you had going for you coming into the conversation was now completely gone. In its place was left a horrible pain where your heart should be.
“Then let me do us both a favor and remove myself from your life once more.” You whispered, not trusting your voice anymore. You would not let him see any more of your tears. He no longer deserved the right to your pain. Reaching up behind your neck, you unclasped the necklace you’d once loved, but now knew would only bring pain in seeing. You removed it and carefully set it down on the wooden table next to you. You didn’t care what he did with it now, you just didn’t want anything from him, anything to remind you of him. You started to turn away when his hand landed on your wrist, desperate to keep you from walking away.  
“Sunshine, no.” He said, immediately realizing he’d fucked up, once again. “Please, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I wasn’t thinking. Please, don’t do this… put it back on. I didn’t mean it. I don’t want you out of my life…not anymore.”
“I stopped being your ‘Sunshine’ a long time ago, Bradley.” You said, defeated, “It’s too late. All we seem to do is hurt each other at this point. Maybe you did us both a favor before.”
Not giving him time to respond, you pulled your hand from his grasp and walked back into the bar. You desperately needed to hold it all together until you could get home and then you’d allow yourself to break down.
“I’m going to beat his ever loving ass!” Phoenix said, seeing the look on your face when you walked over to get your purse.
Jake and Shay turned towards you at Phoenix’s outburst, Shay immediately coming over to you.
“Sweets, you ok?” Jake asked, coming up behind Shay.
“Y/N, what happened to your necklace?” Shay asked.
“I’m going to go.” You simply said, not trusting your voice. You were barely hanging on as it was.
“Y/N, you can’t drive like this.” Shay said, “Even without alcohol, you’re in no state to drive.”
“I’ll call my dad to come get me.” You said, “I just can’t stay here.”
“I can take you home, Y/N.” Bob offered, “That way you’re not waiting long.”
You looked up when the door opened, seeing Bradley coming in, you quickly agreed to the offer.
“Thank you, Bob.” You said, “Shay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
She gave you a quick hug before Bob led you out the front to the parking lot.  In your haste to get out of there, you once again missed the look of complete remorse and devastation on Bradley’s face as he watched you leave. You also missed Phoenix punching him in the arm and calling him every name in the book.
A/N: I PROMISE to start fixing the broken hearts!!! :) Thank you so much for reading!!! 
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Hello again!! Just thought I'd update the characters that I write for! Here is my main masterlist! If you don't see someone listed you want to request a fic for, just send me an ask and I'll let you know if I write for them! copy and pasted from my 'recording live' main post, soon to be up!
my favorite characters to write for are marked with ***
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Bang Chan***
Lee Know
For the K-POP groups, I'm not like deep in the fandoms - I listen and love their music, but I'm not deep in it (a little deep in the Fandom of Stray Kids, but y'know). I didn't list BTS because I don't really listen to much of them.
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Peter Parker***
Bucky Barnes***
TASM! Peter Parker***
Pietro Maximoff***
Kraven the Hunter*** (this man is so fine, bad boys need love and shit just fuck me-)
Dave Lizewski*** (Kick-Ass is owned by Marvel)
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Miguel O'Hara
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Jason Todd*** (Titans)
Dick Grayson*** (Titans)
Gar Logan*** (Titans)
Conner Kent (Titans)
Damian Wayne
Barry Allen (The Flash series)
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THE HUNGER GAMES (2012-2015)
Finnick Odair***
Peeta Mellark
Cato Hadley
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please request for Bradley Bradshaw, I fucking love that man-
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw***
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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SCREAM VI (2023)
Ethan Landry
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Stiles Stilinski*** (Teen Wolf 2011-2017)
Void! Stiles*** (Teen Wolf 2011-2017)
Richie Boyle (The Outfit 2022)
Mitch Rapp (American Assassin 2017)
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Spencer Reid***
Luke Alvez
Matt Simmons
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Wednesday Addams (No smut!)
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Eggsy Unwin (The Kingsman Series 2015-)
Robin Hood (Robin Hood 2018)
Jimmy Keene (Blackbird Series 2022)
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Five Hargreeves***
Ben Hargreeves
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Tobias (Four) Eaton
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Theodore Knott***
Mattheo Riddle***
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black***
Lorenzo Birkshire***
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COD (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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THE LAST OF US (2022-)
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
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Dorn*** (Bad Boys for Life 2020)
Owen Hendricks (The Recruit 2022)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf 2011-2017)
Seth Clearwater*** (Twilight 2008-2012)
Benjamin (Twilight 2008-2012)
Seth (Day Shift 2022)
Tyler Rake*** (Extraction & Extraction 2 - 2020 & 2023)
Arvin Russell*** (The Devil All the Time 2020)
Luke Marrow (Purple Hearts 2022)
Tangerine*** (Bullet Train 2022)
Ken Sato*** (Ultraman: Rising 2024)
Luke Castellan*** (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 2023)
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© asterias-record-shop
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crinkled-emotions · 2 months
She's baaaaaack...? kinda
As I'm sure some of us have heard, @sicktember is finishing up this year and I'm SO sad but as a thank you to all of their hard work, I thought I'd do something a little different!
Until September 30th 2024, I'm opening requests for me to write any of the prompts from 2021-2024's Sicktembers! You can see the lists under the cut :) (also all credits to the creators of Sicktember!)
You'll also find the characters/ships I'm open to writing about!
I haven't had enough time/motivation to write lately and I'm hoping this will get the ball rolling again.
Thank you so much to the creators of Sicktember for all of their hard work and great prompts for the last 4 years!
Think I'm missing someone in my list? Send me an ask or DM me!
The characters I'm writing for:
Tyler Owens (Twisters)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin (Top Gun: Maverick)
Jay Halstead (Chicago PD)
Evan Buckley (9-1-1)
Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
Sonny Carisi (Law & Order SVU)
Looking for ships?
Tyler Owens/OC (Tyler/reader) (not written in second person)
Tyler Owens/ Kate Carter
Hangman x OC (Savannah/reader) (not written in second person)
Jay Halstead x OC/reader (unnamed) (not written in second person)
Evan Buckley x OC/reader (unnamed) (not written in second person)
Eddie Diaz x OC/reader (unnamed) (not written in second person)
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz
Sonny Carisi x OC/reader (unnamed) (not written in second person)
Evan Buckley x Tommy Kinard
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moonlight-prose · 8 hours
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note: below you’ll find links to the different masterlists i have created. you can also check the navigation page for my blog which has more characters than what I’ve actually put here. that one might be more accurate seeing as how I get lazy with updating these masterlists. enjoy!
Under no circumstances can you steal my work, copy it somewhere else, or say it is yours. The writings I put on here are mine unless stated otherwise.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Marvel ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
characters: bucky barnes, steve rogers, sam wilson, natasha romanoff, yelena belova, loki, moon knight, layla el-faouly, joaquin torres, druig, spider-man, doctor strange, miguel o'hara
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Pedro Characters ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
characters: frankie morales, javier peña, agent whiskey, ezra, marcus pike, pero tovar, dave york, the thief, oberyn martell
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The Batman ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
characters: bruce wayne, selina kyle, alfred pennyworth
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Top Gun Maverick ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
characters: bradley "rooster" bradshaw, jake "hangman" seresin, mickey "fanboy" garcia, natasha "phoenix" trace
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The Last of Us ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
characters: joel miller, tommy miller
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Hugh Jackman Characters ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
characters: logan howlett, eddie alden, drover, leopold
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* MISCELLANEOUS ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
info: kinktober 2021, kinktober 2022, kinktober 2023, tommy shelby, sinful soiree, a dream within a dream week, in love with love weekend
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©moonlight-prose do not feed my work into ai, do not steal my work, if you are a minor, spam like my fics, or are a blank blog you will be blocked.
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callsign-dexter · 5 months
for the fanfic directors cut thingy
I’d just love to hear about anything you want to talk about. all your work is incredible so have at it!
much love <3
I know you love Buck x Tommy being together but I know you love Benjamin Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader x Natasha Trace even more! Which reminds me I need to write more for them and soon.
I've been wanting to talk about when he finally comes home to his family and other things in general. It's going to be so emotional for everyone but more so for their little girl.
I feel like him being a Bradshaw he's going to step back into being a father very quickly meaning that if there is something Y/N is going to want to do he's going to jump at the chance to do it with her. If she has a nightmare he's going to be the first one up before she even gets a chance to scream out, he'll just know.
Everything that Nat had to deal with he would easily take over just so she didn't have to have that stress taking Y/N school he would be jumping at the chance to do that and pick her up. Helping his daughter with homework and just overall goofing off with her.
I also want to talk about how Y/N would deal with all of this. She would the news of her dad being hard but Uncle Bradley would be there to help with that since he knows how it is and he lost Goose young. I think she would be indelible at first like begging Nat to set a second plate at the table, getting him a gift for his birthday and Christmas. She would understand that he's not there and probably would accept it a little bit before he was found and brought home. When she does finally see him it's when they go to pick her up at school. He's got the all-clear from the hospital. They would be going to maybe pick her up from school and they let Nat go and get her and when she's bringing her out a bunch of people are already out there and then she spots him and just freezes.
"Daddy?" She asks not believing what she's seeing.
"Yeah, Jellybean it's me." He says using one of her many nicknames. She drops her stuff and takes off running to him. He's already on his knees as she practically tackles him.
"Daddy!" She cries out again and he let's a watery chuckle out.
"I've missed you so much. You have no idea." He whispered as he picked her up and she cried into his neck. "I love you." He added.
After that, she was bound and determined to let everyone know he was her dad. Nat, Ben, and Y/N would be at a small little store getting something, and Ben had to run out to the car. Nat and Y/N would already be at the checkout and she lit up when he came back in. She would smile up at the clerk and they would smile back "That's my dad." She would say and everyone would just smile as she kept saying it. She's really proud that Ben is her dad, she's a daddy's girl after all.
Oh, and Bradley seeing his older brother, someone who he looked up to and helped raise him come back home alive is going to wreck him. Of course, they had their fights but that's what brothers do. Ben was there when Bradley had nightmares and he was there when he needed help with school things. Most importantly he was there when Goose died and their mother grew sick and passed away. These two boys were inseparable and still are. When Bradley got the news in Cyclone's office that he was alive he broke down maybe even worse than Nat and Maverick. When they finally saw each other they just hugged each other and wouldn't let go, they were finally together again.
"Benji..." Bradley said into his neck.
"I'm right here, Brad Brad." Ben said hugging his younger brother.
"I thought I would never see you again. I thought I lost my brother for good." Bradley sobbed
"You can't get rid of me that easily." Ben chuckled
Nat is probably going to be the most controlled of all of them. Of course, she's going to be emotional, who wouldn't? It's probably going to be shocking to her that the love of her life is back in her arms. When they get back home and Y/N is down for the night the emotions are going to hit and hard. She has her soul mate back the father of their kid back. She's just gonna hold him forever and not let him go. If you think she was protective before then oh boy are you in for a surprise, she's going to be 100x more protective. She loves her family and wants to protect them. She's not letting go anytime soon.
"Never do that again you son of a bitch." Nat said and Ben chuckled.
"I wouldn't dream of it, Baby. Not in a million years." He replied
"Good because I would find you and kill you myself." She said hugging him.
"I know baby. I know." He said petting tears of his own fall.
Maverick’s emotions are going to be all over the place. He's getting back a pseudo-son and the son of his best friend. He thought he lost him for good but when he found out he was alive he just broke down and actually fell to his knees. He got the call when he was alone in his hangar. He talked to Goose and Carole saying how sorry he was that he let it happen and that he was going to do better this time around. He kicked himself for not being able to stop the mission that went south. He tried to be there for Y/N and the others but it wasn't enough. When he actually got to see Ben a whole new batch of tears fell and he hugged him he didn't care if Ben didn't want him to he just needed to. Ben realized how childish he was about everything and forgave Maverick while he was being held captive.
"I'm sorry, Mav. I'm sorry for the way I treated you." He whispered
"It's ok. You're back home and safe with your family. That's all that matters." Maverick said
"You're family too." Ben said and here comes more tears.
"You really mean that?" Maverick ask and Ben nodded.
"You got that right old man." He said and they both smiled and embraced each other.
"Goose and Carole would be so proud." Maverick said and Ben just sobbed.
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Murphy's 500 Followers Celebration!!
in honour of this very exciting milestone, I thought I'd have a little celebration. i'm going to be writing short drabbles of your choosing!! i've created a prompt list, but I am absolutely encouraging your own ideas x
how to request -
pick a category - fluff, angst or smut
pick a character - there is a list below, but I am open to more suggestions!!
pick a dialogue prompt and/or a scenario prompt - there is a list below - feel free to choose multiple!!
then, send it in to me!! use the button at the top of my page, or request here !!
I'm gonna start writing next week, on 22/04. maybe earlier if I have the time. feel free to request multiple drabbles- the more I get sent, the more fun we'll have!!
Categories -
☀️ Fluff
🌧️ Angst
🔥 Smut
Characters -
Top Gun Maverick
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Robert "Bob" Floyd
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Matt Murdock
Frank Castle
Stewy Hosseini
Kendall Roy
Triple Frontier
Will Miller
Frankie Morales
Benny Miller
Santiago Garcia
Javier Peña
Steve Murphy
Colonel Carrillo
The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Derek Morgan
Dialogue Prompts -
1. "You love me?"
2. "Don't go on that date."
3. "Will you let me cut your hair?"
4. "Marry me."
5. "It's always been you."
6. "You're my best friend."
7. "You were my first love."
8. "I had a dream about you."
9. "I saw this and it reminded me of you."
10. "I have something to tell you."
11. "I thought you hated me."
12. "Is that all you got?"
13. "In your dreams."
14. "I don't deserve you."
15. "Talk to me."
16. "Is that my shirt?"
17. "I would choose you over anyone."
18. "You look so pretty like this."
19. "Most beautiful sound I've ever heard."
20. "You're killing me." / "You're gonna be the death of me."
21. "Just like that."
22. "Use your words."
23. "Good girl." / "Perfect girl."
24. "You like it when I'm mean to you?"
25. "Let's get out of here."
26. "You don't want them to hear, do you?"
27. "I need you."
28. "Let me see those eyes." / "Keep your eyes on me."
29. "Tell me what you want."
30. "I can't get enough of you."
31. "Wanted this for so long."
32. "Can I touch you?"
33. "Been thinking about you all day."
34. "You look so pretty on your knees."
35. "Better than I ever imagined."
36. "Let him watch."
37. "Let me hear you."
38. "Tell me you're mine."
39. "I'm yours."
40. "I love you."
41. "Don't you dare walk away from me."
42. "I can't do this anymore."
43. "You don't deserve me." / "I deserve better."
44. "Was any of this even real?"
45. "How stupid do you think I am?"
46. "Please don't leave me."
47. "I wish you were here."
48. "Do not raise your voice at me."
49. "Stay. Please."
50. "Don't tell me to calm down."
Scenario Prompts -
a. Kissing in the rain
b. First kiss
c. Electricity blackout
d. Camping
e. Heatwave
f. Childhood best friends
g. Grumpy / sunshine
h. Fake dating
i. Only one bed
j. Moving in together
k. Finding out you're pregnant
l. Catching eyes in a crowded room
m. Keeping the relationship a secret
n. Blind date
o. Reunion
p. Meet cute
q. Cheesy pick up lines
r. Exes
s. College friends / lovers
t. Roommates
u. Coming home drunk
v. Singing together / dancing together
w. An accidental kiss
x. A bet
y. Brothers best friend / best friends brother
z. Reading to each other
these are just suggestions / jumping off points!! if you have an idea you'd like me to write a drabble for, just send it over. can't wait to see what you lovely people come up with. excited!! as always, so much love x
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kkmix-writes · 4 months
Welcome to my little world of daydreams
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Thank you for visiting my blog, where you will find everything related to history, writing, and love.
This is an 18+ blog due to the mature, thematic content in my writing, and it should be read with attention to the tags listed.
Pop by my inbox and feel free to ask questions, prompts, requests or just say hello. I love hearing from you all!
A03 Profile Current Works in Progress:
Twenty-One Doves (Masters of the Air: Bucky x OC)
Felicity Steele has lived in Thorpe Abbotts her entire life, spending each regimented day to the minute looking after her father and scraping by as a laundress. When war brings the 100th Bomb Group to her front doorstep, Felicity fights the changing world around her, desperate to hang on to the normalcy she thinks she desperately needs. Until one morning, John Egan stumbles into her laundry and unravels her carefully orchestrated life at the seams, making her confront all she thought she knew.
Completed Works:
The Sapphire Lioness (Peaky Blinders: John Shelby x OFC)
Caroline Rivers is a woman forced into a life as a frontline nurse during World War One. Conflicted by her duty to support her family while searching for a way out of her hard London lifestyle she collides with a soldier by the name of John Shelby who threatens to pull her right back into the fray. Caroline and John both grew up fighting for everything they wanted to call theirs. But neither was prepared to have to fight for a love that caught them by surprise in the midst of a war without end.
Ends of the Earth (Top Gun: Maverick: Bradley Bradshaw x OFC)
If there is one promise I will keep to myself, it is this. I, Liv Hayes, will never, ever go anywhere near a man in the Navy again. Not ever. There was nothing but trouble and heartache waiting down that road.
The choice of joining an ocean swimming club in San Diego will turn out to be her greatest test of that promise. After meeting her mysterious swimming partner, Bradley, on her first day, a man who keeps to himself as much as she does, Liv will have to question everything she thought she knew about love and find out how committed she can be to that promise.
On the Shelf:
In the Shadows of the Desert (Peaky Blinders x SAS: Rogue Heroes)
"In the Shadows of the Desert", unfolds against the backdrop of the North African Campaign during World War Two, where Raven Cherwell, a young and versatile woman with a talent for assuming different identities, finds herself entangled in a high-stakes mission orchestrated by Winston Churchill and Tommy Shelby. Tasked with infiltrating enemy lines and relaying crucial information, with the help of a SAS soldier by the name of Declan Shelby, Raven navigates the complexities of espionage, duty, and personal identity. As she faces challenges that push the limits of her abilities, Raven must confront not only external threats but also the shadows of her past, complicated by her growing feelings for her young and handsome counterpart tasked with seeing her plan through.
A stand-alone follow-up to "The Sapphire Lioness." It is recommended that you read it first, but not necessary to understand the events of this story.
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