#Packets Alter Packs
dearest mod packet will you please bless us with a Dream or Wilbur alter... go crazy with it, I'd love to see ur take on either of em!! just be sure to include names that arent too related to "Dream" or "Wilbur" dnjshfj :3 thank you mod packet !!!
– @bloodpumping
You're only given a little spark of madness...
A C!Wilbur & C!Dream Alter Inspiration Pack. Packs will not be a 1 to 1 to the headmate! Scrap whatever isnt needed!
TW FOR: Religious Trauma mentions, Mind Control Mentions, Drug mentions
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⋆₊ ♱ name: Wilson, Wil, Terrence, Maverick, Maddoc, Abel, Ozwald, Vesper, Icarus, Simon,
⋆₊ ♱ age: Chrono 40+, DistantAge (An age that feels distant to your being, for whatever reason that may be) TransPerma25
⋆₊ ♱ gender: Grimegender, Rotgender, oddthing, deaddfluid, somethingmasc, Chaos Gender
⋆₊ ♱ pronouns: Hx/Ix/Thxy/He/It/They/Vi/Vim/Dead/Rot/Hollows/Golds/Things/Dusts/Reviveself/Soulself
⋆₊ ♱ source: DSMP
Did not leave for utah for "selfish reasons", as hx will say
Gained complicated forgiveness from Tommy, due to still having high regards for Dream.
⋆₊ ♱ species: Human-thing, Zombie Equivalent. Was once purely human, but the process of revival had taken away many parts of his original humanness. He is often numb to most forms of pain, and refers to it as feeling like he has a body made of stones and bricks.
⋆₊ ♱ relationship ids: Gay, Aroweird, Caligosexual
⋆₊ ♱ cis-ids: Revived, Cane user, Disabled, Mind controlled, Drug User (Uses to self soothe), Low Empathy, Cold blooded, Harmful, Stitched, CPTSD, Depression, BPD, Schizoaffective, God Complex, Severe Flashbacks, Amnesia, Emotion Repression, Manic, Manipulative, Manipulated, Groomed, Perci-Villian
⋆₊ ♱ trans-ids: Transliving, Minecraft Heart, TransPolyhearted (where one feels they should have multiple hearts either literally, or by soul), TransPOTS, Trissreligioustrauma, TransSevProgramming, TransRomantic, TransCOTARD's, TransNPD, TransSevTrauma, Trisbirace, TransObsessive, Transgermanaccent, TransDystonia
⋆₊ ♱ extra-ids: PermaSickly, PermaAbusen (abused + abusive), PermaAge25, PermaManic, NullSoul, PermaCold, PermaLonely, PermaRotScentic, PermaFrankenstine (Limbs are from different people. From test experiments to Dreams revival process)
⋆₊ ♱ roles: Hyperludusian, Compulsion Keeper, Pain Absorber, Cassmate, Shock Absorber, BPD Delusion Calmer, Depression Holder, Distortionist, Hypnotical Persecutor, Guilt Trip Fighter, Chef, Sickness Nuller
⋆₊ ♱ triggers:
Pos: When They Come for Me, Cigarettes, Trains, Strategy Games, Ravens, Cooking, Flags/Researching Flag History, Debating
Neu/Complicated: Philza, Caramel Pie, Journals/Planners, Little Brother Figures, Diamond Swords, Train Stations, Bright red lights
Neg: Teddy's Taxidermy, Explosions, Prime (Religion), Needles, Deserts, Hands Being bound/Restricted, Hot Tea, Bad drug trips, Hospital/Emergency Room Settings
⋆₊ ♱ faceclaim:
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⋆₊ ♱ name: Dremyr, Tristin, Ridge, Fawn/Folly, Wolfen/Wolf, Iso, Dread, Morana, Sol,
⋆₊ ♱ age: Chrono 200+, Immortal, AgeForever
⋆₊ ♱ gender: EndermanGender, Xeno-Intersex, Masc Agender, Innoruien, SickThing, timarix
⋆₊ ♱ pronouns: He/Him/Thxt/Thxng/Hym/Faer/Bliss/Gods/Shi/Hirs/Muttself/Nxghtself
(Thxt/thxng is pronounced That thing, that things, that thingself. Nxght/Nxghtself is Night)
⋆₊ ♱ source: DSMP
Hir Revival involved more than a revival book, and is more medically trained due to it.
Is from the farlands before thxt thxng's home was destroyed
⋆₊ ♱ species: Disguised, Will often try an hide thxt thxng's identity from visual perception. Is a White Enderman. May have more sensitivities than normal Enderman alters. May disguise thxt thxngself to be another headmate, but with unmistakable details.
⋆₊ ♱ relationship ids: Hypersexual BPD, Guiltsexual, CupidoRomantic, AcaniRomantic
⋆₊ ♱ cis-ids: Autistic, BPD, NPD, Moral OCD, Mind controller, Programmer, Scarred, PermaMasked, PermaDisguised, Green Blood, Abusive, Manipulative, Grave Robber, Killer, Apathetic, Enderman, Hypersexual
⋆₊ ♱ trans-ids: TransPredator, TransSevHarmful, TransMortal, TransHuman, PanAccent, TransConabuse, TransPerci-Monster, TransASPD, TransDelusional, TransSemi-mute, TransGod, TransMinecraftDeity, TransController, TransPanOCD, TransSwordsman, TransPsychosis
⋆₊ ♱ extra-ids: TransPermaShapeshifter, PermaController, PermaProgrammer, PermaBloody, Permabloodstainedfur
⋆₊ ♱ roles: Apathy Holder/Cassmate, Interventioner, Bodily Caretaker, Apperance Morpher (More frequent to change the bodys outfit to hide more), Hypersexual Holder, Emergency Responder, Mortician, Death Distractor, Trauma Holder
⋆₊ ♱ triggers:
Pos: Stone Wall Stone Fence, Picking Fruit, Grave Robbing, Bridges, Painting, Cleaning, Panthers
Neu/Complicated: Tommy & Wilbur, Water, Ticking Clocks, Cabins, Snow, Being in friend groups
Neg: Empty Plains Fields, Butterflies, Being surrounded, Unwanted Sexualness, Bubbling Lava, Lava Sounds, Sam (gets angry rather than scared)
⋆₊ ♱ faceclaim:
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I know you've written something similar with Bucky hearing the heartbeat of his unborn child buy what if the reader and Bucky weren't in an established relationship in fact the two don't really get a long at all but they hooked up once and Rayleigh got pregnant. After a mission they end up in a safe house and Bucky realizes that he's hearing the heartbeat of their unborn child
hii!! I did change some things, hope that’s okay (about the hearing heartbeats as don’t think he can do that) but I love the idea!! other fic is HERE. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
bucky barnes x fem!reader — fluff/ angst?
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word count. 957
Over a month ago, you and Bucky made the mistake of sharing a hotel room, and it consequentially led to the pair of you indulging in those romantic feelings you knew you always had for each other. At the time, it felt far from a misstep, but the awkwardness that followed made it all feel like a huge mistake. 
A following three weeks later —two weeks ago— you found out some life-altering information - discovering that you were pregnant. You knew that it was the work of you and Bucky during that night, but you couldn't bring yourself to share the news. Recently, he's acted like he wanted nothing to do with you, and you felt completely isolated as you wallowed in the feeling by yourself.
During those weeks of uncertainty, you confided in Natasha, essentially using her for support until you worked up enough courage to tell Bucky. She was far more helpful than she gave herself credit for, and slowly but surely, you started to get there in terms of bravery.
You were all currently spending the night at a safe house, sleeping over to resume your mission the next day. Everyone grouped off to share rooms.
It was late, all but you sure to be fast asleep. But you couldn't drift off, something undecided going on with your body - you couldn't figure out what it needed; was it food, water? Something to steady the nauseous feeling in your gut? You weren't sure, so you decided to head down to the kitchen, creeping out of the room quietly, trying not to wake Nat.
As you make your way downstairs, you see the silhouette of someone in the fridge, their back dark - the outline of them lit up by the yellow-white light. You wanted to turn around, not wanting to talk in your moody, tired state, but it was too late. The creak of the last few steps alerting them of your presence.
It was Bucky. And the look on his face was just as uncomfortable as yours.
"I'm just about to go," he murmurs, avoiding you, turning his attention to the open cupboard of glasses.
You roll your neck, working out the kink as you step into the kitchen - it wasn't small, but the space was far too tight for two people who couldn't bear to be in the same room. "No, it's fine. I was just getting a drink," you shrug, standing off to the side of him as you wait to collect a glass. 
Instead, he turns to you, handing you one. "Juice is on the counter," he nods, gesturing to the island behind.
"Thanks," you smile reasonably, uncapping the bottle and pouring yourself a glass. But when Bucky steps over, you hand him yours, taking his to fill for yourself. 
He takes a quick swig and thanks you, looking around the room awkwardly.
"Do you know where the cookies are?" you ask, trying to ease the tension.
He nods softly and reaches into another cupboard, pulling out a pack of cookies. He opens the packet and hands it to you, acting courteous.
"Thank you," you smile sweetly, offering him the first one. 
With a soft shake of his head, he declines.
"Can't sleep?" you ask. 
"No. You?"
And as he begins to step back, you decide to speak up - not wanting him to leave just yet. "Hey, uhm," you pause, fiddling with the cookie wrapper. "We haven't really spoken... how you been?" 
"Uh, doing good," he nods faintly, clearly holding back. "Have you— are you good?" 
You nod, also holding back. 
"Good," he nods, lips in a forced straight line. Feet turning away, itching to leave the room.
"James," you hesitated, clutching at straws - desperate to keep him around just a little longer.
His movement halts, and he twists back to face you. The simple call of his real name brings back memories of the two of you before all the awkwardness. 
"I'm..." you inhale sharply, thinking of the words. "I need to tell you something, and I—" you shake your head, stilling your wavering voice. 
He takes a small step closer, leaving a comfortable distance between you. "Tell me what?" he asks, the desperation clear in his eyes - his body language growing anxious.
"A couple weeks ago... I found out I'm pregnant," you whisper, momentarily closing your eyes - cowering away. "And I don't know what to do," you shake your head, avoiding his eyes. "It's a lot... and I didn't know how to tell you, but you should know."
The silence is deafening. Bucky's being far too quiet, and it makes you feel sick. You finally meet his gaze and watch the contrasting emotions play out on his face - he's clearly trying to process it all. 
"I know the timing isn't great, and things aren't good with us," you try to be mature, attempting to patch things over. "It was a shock for me too, but I just..." you sigh, waiting for him to say something. "I don't expect anything from you, it's okay. I get it."
He nods, seeming to have collected himself. "Let's talk everything over, okay? Talk it all through, clear the air," he offers with a half smile, closing the gap with another step forward. 
"Now?" you ask, thrown off by his sudden cooperation and interest. 
"Yeah, we'll sit on the back porch," he nods through the kitchen window, gesturing to the deck chairs. "You tell me everything, I'll tell you everything. We'll sort this out."
You're pleased with the progress you're making, and your forced smile turns into a real one - the first real one he's seen of yours in a while. "Yeah. I'd like that."
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I spent way too long trying to understand the pregnancy time frame of conception and implantation😭😭
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yui-samidare-reborn · 2 years
Mirror Mirror  (10,000 post special)
(Interior, Castle)
As Yui stood there in stunned silence, Ryūzōji pulled out the two envelopes from his inner coat pocket. He has white hair but piercing red eyes, dressed in a green business suit, sitting in his wheelchair.
One was black. The other was white.
“As soon as you take one of these envelopes into your hand, turn around and leave the room,” Ryūzōji ordered, pointing at the closed set of doors through which we had entered. “At that moment, the new world you have chosen for yourself will manifest beyond those doors.”
White or black.
Which would be the path towards actually saving people?
Yui didn’t know.
Which choice should she make?
she had no clue.
The only thing that rang clear to her 
Was the sound of her voice.
*Yui closes her eyes and with bated breath, she picked the white envelope….forever altering destiny as she knew it*
(Two month later…)
Samidare walks into the mall, it’s busy, bustling with life. She has a task to preform. Her cold green eyes stare at the dentists office. She walks inside, but the door makes no noise. She shuffled to the back where a red haired girl is busy getting her teeth cleaned. Upon making an I.D, the dentist leaves his office and in slips Samidare. The girl is Ryoko Otonashi, future Ultimate Despair. Yui turns on the spare tank, switching the gases over her mouth. Those red eyes bolt open, yet Yui’s strong hand grabs the mask, shoving it into her. After a few moments of flailing wildly, she succumbs to the poison gas. Samidare shuts it off and walks away as if nothing had happened, saving billions of lives. She takes a pack of cigarettes out of her packets and begins to smoke one.
(Three years later)
There is no longer a woman named Yui Samidare, only Yukio Akabane.  Construction begins on a city to rival Towa, as she travels to Hope’s Peak academy to fully uproot despair. Yukio easily gains access to the building, Once there, she snoops around for the one and only person who can stop her plans. Arriving in the research laboratory, Yukio waits until all the surgeons leave for the evening before slipping in. the patient, Hajme Hinata is undergoing Talent Development. Yukio stick him with a needle, she depresses the contents into his veins before his heart rate shoots up and comes crashing down. Hinata flatlines, thus ending Izuru Kamakura before he could be born. What was once joy in her eyes was unending pain as she was forced to murder her way through her bosses enemies.
(Present day)
The massive Kuma Kasino is open with hundreds of guests filtering out per hour. Skyscrapers stretch as far as they eye can see. Yukio consolidated her power, and now has a thriving “legitimate” buisness. Bear costumed girls as far as the eye can see and a large office for the once famed detective herself. Who were you to ruin all of this?
(Outside Kuma Kasino)
An odd teleporter beeps as your muse is transported in. How will you react to this universe?
@mystery-orphans-club . @floral-samurai @human-monokuma 
This is the 10,000 post event! A what if scenario based on the Kirigiri novels, have fun!
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evesaintyves · 1 year
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for @remadoramicrofics 10/5 prompt, "Midnight." Nine 100-ish word drabbles. Read below or on AO3 🍻
The streets are shiny with all-day drizzle and they double the colour of the neons and the traffic lights and and the creature-eyes of cars. Young girls flocking down the avenue like calling birds. The fuzz and whine of a band tuning. And Tonks's eyes are smokey dark—Remus can't tell if she leaned into a mirror to line them with kohl, or simply squeezed them shut and changed them from within—and her lips are like glossy red lacquer. She's smiling, pulling his lapels to make him stumble into her. He's stumbling. He's letting it happen.
It's already midnight and he's due at work by four. He's just started, hasn't been paid yet, so Sirius is buying drinks. If she knows, she's been nice enough not to mention it. It's been months of this uncomfortable charity and Remus has been lying awake thinking of what happens when it dries up. The plan is to squirrel some cash into the bag he keeps always-packed out of habit for whenever things fall apart; the reality is, he's never been good at that. There's always some crisis or some hundred small exigencies eating his savings until they're gone.
He's thought about telling her. Not just tonight because he needs to get some sleep, but because he entertains a silly fantasy of her dropping by when it's slow, of slipping her an espresso and one of his chelsea buns, and her delighted face: Lupin, you made this? Leaning over the counter, playing with his apron strings. It's idiotic, and it's not how that would go. There'd be questions ( working for muggles? Do you need the money that much? ) and there'd be the tacit admission that this, baking rolls and tweezing biscotti into piles, really is about the best he can do.
She mentioned, once, that she worked at Madame Malkins' for four days before being sacked.
Well, she said, cracking a licorice snap, it was partly because I altered the uniform—horrible long frumpy thing. I made it shorter, nipped in the waist. I also made it lime green.
And... the other part?
Told a customer to suck my dick.
She played the line completely straight, which made him laugh so hard he inhaled a mouthful of the crisps she'd brought him, and the two of them had sat chuckling, in the dead of night on a surveillance mission, for an absurdly long time.
But when he thought later about the various reasons he'd been sacked—too ill to work, or worse, too ill and showed up anyway, bosses thinking he was dopesick or high, bony arms and knackered clothes making it hard to argue—it left a sour taste in his mouth. He has smiled through rudeness, through undisguised smouldering contempt, to keep a paychecque coming in. Dignity is a luxury.
When they stop for pizza the place is slammed, the slices take an age to reheat, and Tonks rolls her eyes and mutters unbelievable when the kid hands over their greasy paper plates.
There was a girl at a bar, long ago when he was twentyoneish and still trying, who pulled at his clothes quite like Tonks is and let him kiss her in the fog of last-orders cigarettes outside. He was drunk, absolutely trollied, and when she yanked back from kissing him to look him in the face he could see that she was too.
You reek of chips, she told him, and hailed a cab.
He'd lost his job at the chippie moping about it in bed all week. Fifteen years later, he still worries that he has that stench on him—not just of shit work, but of desperation. Loneliness.
She buys an entire packet of fags to smoke one and throw the rest away.
I'll smoke them all if I don't, she shrugs. Three hours until work. He's sobering up, but she still has this glow about her, luminous and hazy as the bar-lights reflected on the street.
I ought to get you home.
Out of money?
She presses up against him. Her smoke gets in his eyes. There's no lipstick on the cigarette butt; it must just be her.
I don't want to go home, she says. I'm having fun. I could kick around on the street with you for hours.
He almost tells her, then, standing by the rubbish bin on the corner, bass vibrating the pavement, being jostled by hen-nights and lads in packs walking four-and-five-abreast. But tonight has been so lovely he'd like to preserve it under glass, keep it on a shelf, look down into the electric colour of it forever. If he told her, there'd be fumbling explanations, she'd muster herself to seem excited for him, the way she does. Not tonight. Not this one night.
So he bends to kiss her cherry lips instead.
He hates the taste of cigarettes. Still, it's heavenly. She slides her hands under his jacket and around his back.
Four-sixteen. He flips the switches. Fluorescents buzz like a headache. He's late because he indulged himself to brush his teeth and shave. Buns out to proof, then into the oven. Coffee grinding, that head-clearing smell. Closing shift left the milk out. Down the sink.
Before he flips the OPEN sign, when it's dark outside the windows and the café is just a bright box in a black void, it's easy to imagine: the bun fresh and steaming, her blue fingernails clinking on the little espresso cup. She takes a bite, makes a tiny wordless sound. Closes her eyes, lost in pleasure.
image by me
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howlingday · 8 months
a young ruby rose (when yang was at signal) opens a pack of cards from a card game popular in remnant (basically use any character) and finds a glowing card in a flash of light a monster from the game introduced itself as her new buddy
call it buddycard au
"Okay." Ruby took a deep breath as she ripped open her new packet of BuddyCards. Carefully along the seam, her future as a professional BuddyCard player was about to begin with a simple tug. She was-
"Hey, uh, you good, kid?" Ruby flinched. She turned and saw her uncle looking at her with concern. "You've been standing there, barely opening your pack of cards for about five minutes now."
"S-Sorry..." She flushed. Tugging one more time, her package came open and her cards were revealed. Six more cards to made her deck complete. She then sat down on the bench and opened her backpack and began rifling for the rest of her deck.
"Hey, squirt," she looked to Uncle Qrow, "I'm gonna go take a leak. Don't move from here, got it?"
"Okay!" Ruby nodded. Qrow then stepped into the convenience store bathroom, leaving Ruby outside on the bench.
With the addition of her new pack, Ruby now had and additional two tools to build help her units, two of which were now added to help attack her opponent's towers, and if she was lucky, she could use her two, new artifacts to boost her units stats.
"What an interesting deck you've built." Ruby looked up to see a woman looming over, her whole body covered in a black cloak. "Oh, excuse me. I couldn't help but notice your cards."
"Do you play?" Ruby asked.
"I do." Ruby beamed at what she said.
"I use Vale Greens!" Ruby said, almost bouncing out of her seat. "What do you use?!"
The woman giggled. "I play The Dark Wastes."
"Ugh..." Ruby groaned. "You play the Grimm?"
"They're an effective team, if you know how to use them." She reached into her robe and pulled out a deck. "Would you like to challenge me?"
"Um," Ruby looked to the bathroom, "my uncle said not to move from here."
"You can play from your seat." The woman said, stepping away. "It won't be a long game."
"Well," Ruby looked to her cards, then nodded, "okay! I challenge you!"
"I accept your challenge." The woman said. "The Battle Is On."
Ruby nearly squealed as the words were said in unison. She was playing a real BuddyCard game with a grown-up! As the holographic field altered the terrain to match the opposing Kingdoms, Vale and Wastes, three towers rose around each player, with the largest standing behind them. Their cards scattered around, though some of the cards flew behind Ruby and bounced off the wall to in front of her.
"Ruby," Ruby's Buddy, Dragon Warrior Cress, spoke to her, "I don't like the look of her. She seems too strong, especially for our first real game."
"It's okay, Cress!" Ruby waved off. "It'll be good practice when we get to the big leagues!" Cress simply gave an unsure growl.
Across the field, the woman stood alone without any creatures beside her. Did she not have a Buddy? While it isn't uncommon, only the best players had specific Buddies. She then waved her hand towards Ruby, letting her have the first move.
"Okay, uh, I'll use my Longsword Huntsman Unit!" Ruby called out as a holographic unit with a longsword stepped forward. "And since it's my first turn, I'll have him move towards your left tower."
"Though he can't attack yet." Salem confirmed. "Though sometimes action is better than inaction." Without moving from where she stood, she pulled waved a card forward. "I'll use my Black Wolf Beowolf defend my left tower." A bipedal wolf snarled as it lumbered into existence and hunched by the left tower.
"I'll equip my Longsword Huntsman with a Whetstone tool and increase his strength." She waved her arm out and cried. "Huntsman, attack her Beowolf!" With a quick swipe of his sword, her Huntsman cleaved apart her Grimm, making it howl as it was destroyed. "Yes! Now your left tower is wide open! Oh, but just to play it safe, I'll also use my Shotgun Huntress to move to your right tower." A woman with a shotgun appeared and advanced towards the right tower.
"Aren't we feeling aggressive?" The woman chuckled. "Very well. I'll use my Deathstalker Nest Artifact, which will summon two Skittering Terror Deathstalkers that will move to attack your Huntsman and Huntress."
"But they won't be able to beat them." Ruby quirked her brow.
"Victory isn't always a matter of strength, my dear." The two Grimm moved towards the Huntsman and Huntress, the former of the two making short work of the little bug. "I'll end my turn by using another Black Beast Beowolf unit and move them to my right tower."
"Okay, I'll, uh..." Ruby looked to her cards. There wasn't much she could do at the moment, beyond using another unit. However, her aura points were low from her frequent uses. What little she did have wasn't enough to summon Cress, or any of her other stronger units. "Okay, I'll just have my Longsword Huntsman attack your left tower!" The unit sliced into the tower, making it crumble and fall. The black field around the tower soon faded and began to grow green grass in it's place. "Yes! One down! Now I'll move him to the right tower! And now I'll use my Shotgun Huntress attack your Deathstalker!"
With a powerful blast, the little Grimm was obliterated. Ruby was about to call out for another move, then remembered her AP was still too low for another movement. It was times like these that she always forgot how important building your AP was. She gave a sigh at the setback.
"And I'll end my turn there.
"Good." The woman smiled. "My artifact will bring two more Deathstalkers into the fray. I'll keep my Beowolf where they are, but I'll have my Deathstalkers advance to your Huntress for a joint attack." The Shotgun Huntress was suddenly attacked at once by the twin stingers of the small Grimm, destroying her with their combined strength. Suddenly, the woman's grin became wicked. She leaned down and picked up a card that blew to her feet. "And for my next move, I'll use my Skittering Horror Deathstalker and have them advance on your Huntsman."
The massive scorpion that emerged clacked it's claws as it moved towards Ruby's Huntsman. It didn't attack, but the fear she felt staring at the massive bug's strength was palpable. To think such a terrifying thing existed in the game made Ruby remember why the Grimm units were looked down upon. Those who didn't know how to play them eventually moved on to another faction, but those who did and succeeded were often called out as cheaters and even demons.
"Ruby?" Ruby snapped out of her head at the woman's voice. "It's your turn now."
""O-Oh... Right..." Looking to her aura points, Ruby grimaced. Then she saw something that would help her. "Here! I use my aura meter tool to recover three aura points! I'll then use my Dragon Warrior Cress and move him to your big Deathstalker with my Huntsman! Then I'll use a joint attack to smash it to mush!" The humanoid dragon and the swordsman attacked with blades, slicing apart the massive bug. "Alright! How's that more strength isn't everything?"
"Well done." The woman gave a titter. "And how much AP do you have remaining after that joint attack?"
"Uh..." Ruby noticed she'd used all of her aura points. "None..."
"Too bad." A card lifted to her hand, almost as if it were magic. "Well, since it's my turn, I think I'll follow your example. I use my Black Pool artifact tool to increase my AP by six. And with my artifact still active, two more Deathstalkers come to my aid. That makes for one Beowolf and four Deathstalkers." Waving her arms out, she let out a laugh. "And now I'll grow my army further is my Dark Wings Nevermore!"
Letting out a shrill cry, a massive, black bird cast a large shadow over the ground as it hovered just above it's master. Ruby was in frozen in place with fear from the titanic avian. She wanted to do something, anything against this unit but... Not even Cress could do anything against this creature, even with a Whetstone. She wanted to cry.
"Hey! Who the hell are you?!" Ruby looked over and saw her uncle standing by, furious with the woman across the way. Suddenly, the fields pulled away and reality returned. "Well?!"
"Just a simple player." The woman replied, before turning away. On her back, a red eye faded into shadow. It then dawned on Ruby of just who that woman's partner was. "Thank you for playing, Ruby."
"You okay, kid?" Uncle Qrow knelt down. "She didn't hurt you, did she?"
"N-No..." She rubbed her eyes. "Um, but Uncle Qrow?"
"Yeah, squirt?"
"How... How did she know my name?"
The woman continued her way down the dark corridor, smiling to herself. She entered a room where her servants bowed to her presence. Taking her seat upon her black throne, she couldn't stop herself from smiling. She even let out a chuckle.
'Ruby Rose,' she thought to herself, 'what an interesting girl you are.'
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keaalu · 19 days
WIP - ‘Kestrel Kestrel’
So apparently “WIP Wednesday” is a thing? Like I need any excuses to dump incomplete ficbits on the internet.
Still feeling sore and muzzy, with 55 lurking quietly next to her, monitoring her vital signs, she’d only been human again for thirty seven minutes but Kate was already on her third plate of sandwiches, crunching her way through Spacehawk’s entire stock of crispy snacks. 101 looked alarmed by how quickly his inventory was dropping but wasn’t hesitating at bringing more when she looked at him in a specific way.
“Growing a whole new skeleton really takes it out of you,” she said, accepting the offering when the zeroid trundled over pushing yet another packet of crisps towards her.
“That’s our last pack of those,” 101 informed her, trying but not quite able to keep all the reproach from his tone. “So if you need anything else you’ll need to pick something different. Like broccoli.”
“Sorry, hon.” She suspected it had probably been Hiro’s favourites she’d been happily munching her way through, if the zeroid’s manner was anything to go by. “I’ll send some more up on your next supply run.”
He chirped an acknowledgement and seemed mollified, for the moment.
“I guess it must have felt a bit like this when you got your body back after Zelda turned you into a cube, huh?” she wondered.
“Oh I don’t think my experience was anywhere near as bad as yours, ma’am,” he demurred. “Mine was more like… maybe just a very unflattering new set of clothes.”
Kate patted him on the head, anyway. “I bet it still sucked. And at least you weren’t a were-cube,” she joked, and winced.
“And it didn’t involve a trash compactor,” he agreed, and gave her fingers a bump. “Would you like a coffee? I just heard it finish brewing.”
“That would be amazing. Thank you.”
He squeaked another little nonverbal agreement, and rolled away to get it. (She wondered if she could get away with asking for more sandwiches when he came back.)
“Tea? Oh, yes please,” she heard Hiro say, and looked up to find the lieutenant in the doorway.
“I ate all your chips, so I think I’m in trouble with your little space husband,” Kate apologised, holding the open pack out to him. Even that small action made her shoulders ache. Perhaps she ought to forego more sandwiches in favour of sleeping for a few days.
Hiro smiled and took a single crisp, but otherwise waved her off. “I once told him I particularly liked these, so now he always buys far too many, then pretends they were on offer. Then we have to somehow store four cases of them.” He settled on the floor next to her, cross legged, and nibbled the snack. “I try not to eat them too quickly, because then he panics that we are running out and buys more.” A little sigh. “There are certain nuances to human behaviour that zeroids don’t quite get, yet, and striking a balance between foods we enjoy and sensible nutritional choices appears to be one of them.”
“Well, you have plenty of ‘sensible nutritional choices’ in the form of broccoli, apparently.”
“And why do you think we have plenty of that?” Hiro gave her an arch look, then relented and took another crisp.
“Yeah, I get it.” Kate chuckled, tiredly. “So do you have an update for me?”
“I do. Not much of one, yet, but we wanted to ensure you were kept in the loop.” He held out the tablet for her.
Kate stared at the confusing mosaic of… biopsy images? “What am I looking at?”
He tapped the first image and it enlarged to a graphical representation genetic data. “Initially, when you arrived and we took a skin sample?” At her nod, he went on; “We thought that Zelda must have done something structurally to alter your DNA, but when we analysed it, it was all still human. We could not explain it. How could you be human, but categorically not human, at the same time? So we did a visual scan of your blood sample, instead. And we found… this.” He touched the screen and brought up a new image.
It was some sort of microscopy of a blood film. Kate could recognise red blood cells easily. The irregular, blobby purplish masses were probably white blood cells.
She had no idea what the scattering of angular black flecks were, though.
She felt a set of cold fingers draw up the back of her neck. “The hell are those.”
“We are still working on our analysis, but they look like very small machines of some sort. They have proved hard to extract to get under the electron microscope. Kiljoy is still working on it.”
“The black dots.” She let out a breath in a very long exhale. “Can you remove them?”
Hiro’s silence was all she needed to know.
“We will remove them,” he hastily added. “I just don’t know how quickly we can do it, yet.”
“Can you block them?”
“I don’t know.”
“So what you mean is, I could turn back into a bird at literally any moment. Including at the worst possible time. Like… at the controls of an aircraft.”
He took her hand and squeezed her fingers, briefly. “I’m sorry, Kate.”
The two zeroids had both converged on her as well, leaning comfortingly against her.
“It’s okay, guys.” She forced a smile. “I know it’s not your fault. I just… oh, man. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.”
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kadavernagh · 7 months
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Axis Investigations PARTIES: Emilio and Regan SUMMARY: A surprise gift for Emilio provides an excuse to make the first of many goodbyes.
It wasn’t exactly his strong suit, was it? Saving people from their own self destruction.
This was, Regan decided, a favor to the world, or at least all of Wicked’s Rest. If the town did not remember her as one of the finest Medical Examiners in Maine, perhaps they would at least recall her for this contribution to the town’s public health. Today, several diseases would be eradicated, multiple species of bacteria destroyed, and the course of history might even be forever altered. 
“Careful. On your left, it’s a tight corner,” she told two buff men as they weaved the new couch through the Axis’s doorway and around a bend. 
Fortunately, the door was open. Regan didn’t announce herself; she held it for the men and the couch, and shot Emilio a triumphant look from across the room. “You can place it here and remove the other one. Wear these.” She pulled two packets of nitrile gloves from her pockets, handing them to the confused movers. One of them tore it open and stretched the gloves on; the other one just set the packet on the table and proceeded to get a grip on the old couch’s tattered arm without a care. “You’re welcome,” Regan said, finally addressing Emilio as the two men started scooting out with the old couch. It shed specks of something – dust, feces, maybe Ricker’s beard hairs, somehow. “I hope you find the color acceptable. I wasn’t sure what color the old one was when it was new. They’ll be back up with the ottoman shortly. You’re welcome for that, too. You may repay me by… actually, the tip about the mice was enough. We are even.”
He didn’t spend a lot of time in the apartment these days. Teddy’s house was a lot more comfortable, with less of the kind of memories that left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. His uncle hadn’t sat on the couch in Teddy’s living room and dropped a bombshell on his life, his brother hadn’t stormed out Teddy’s front door after an argument, he hadn’t sat in Teddy’s floor for hours with every inch of him aching. These days, when Emilio wanted alone time, he’d go to the office Teddy set up for him instead. But… some part of him was still attached to that dingy apartment. Some part of him still liked to sit in it alone, just to collect himself.
Not that this town seemed to enjoy letting him have any time to do that. 
There was movement outside the door, and Emilio tensed at the presence of it until a familiar voice cut through the quiet. He had no idea why Kavanagh was here — or who she was talking to around the corner — but he didn’t figure it mattered much. Forcing a neutral expression onto his face, he got up from where he was sprawled across the couch and limped over to stand across from the door and peek outside. 
What he saw was… not what he was expecting. A couple of guys hauling a new couch, which they deposited in his living room floor before moving to grab his old one. “Hey, what the fuck are you — that’s my couch,” he protested as they lifted it and began moving it towards the door. “What are you doing with my couch?” He turned to Kavangah, eyes flickering to the new couch that had been set on the floor. “I didn’t ask for this.”
“This is your couch now,” Regan motioned to the new one, which was pristine and well-cushioned. “It’s like an intervention. I am aware that you didn’t ask for this, but you’re prone to making mistakes. More than most humans, I think.” One of the guys moving the couch shot a strange look in her direction, but more than anything, he seemed eager to be out the door. Regan crossed her arms, surveying the new couch. It looked nicer than the rest of the office, out of place, but perhaps it would inspire Emilio to replace his other junk. Regan didn’t particularly care about aesthetics – her own apartment was barren and the cabin was not much better, packed up and spotless – but cleanliness was important, and she wasn’t blind. “You don’t have to thank me; I know you won’t,” Regan said, giving Emilio a cool but not unkind look. In her own way, she had some fondness for the man, especially as she came to understand him a little more. “I am also here to say goodbye. And before you make an inaccurate remark, know that it’s a practical visit to tie up loose ends, not some sentimental slopfest.”
“This is not my couch. I don’t know this couch.” An intervention? “I am not making mistakes.” A blatant lie, and he knew it. Emilio made plenty of mistakes, and he’d freely admit to that… right up until the moment where someone actually accused him of it. If he was good at nothing else, he was good at arguing. He shot the guys moving the old couch a sharp look, but they were far more interested in getting out of the apartment than they were in bending to Emilio’s glares. “Why would I thank you for robbing me?” Maybe that was a… dramatic idea of what was going on, but Emilio had always been good at drama. He felt a twinge of something in his chest as she continued, though. Saying goodbye. “Leaving soon, then?” He told himself that the way his chest tightened uncomfortably was for Jade’s sake. He didn’t think it was entirely true.
“It is now and you will now. Introduce yourself. Become acquainted. It’s like getting a new tool. Uncomfortable at first, strange, but you will grow used to it.” There was always that uncomfortable period of acclimating to a new bone saw or rib spreader, wasn’t there? Regan even had favored scalpels and could probably tell them apart in the pitch black. Emilio’s buttocks would warm themselves to the couch eventually. She bit back the thought that Jade’s might, too. Something like envy swam in her belly, but it shouldn’t have been there. She was leaving. And Jade would be lucky to move on as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, they had made that rather difficult these last couple of months.
“If you don’t like this couch, you can sell it. You will make money. I’m not robbing you.” She shook her head, but was almost amused. “Plane tickets have been purchased. My loose ends have been tied, debts repaid. So I am… well, I suppose an Irish exit may be especially appropriate given my destination, but goodbyes seem… right.” And hard. And numerous. Why were there so many she had to make? When had that happened? She almost itched to extend a hand toward him, some kind of formal handshake to wrap up whatever strange, bickering-but-professional relationship the two of them had. But her arms stayed by her side, and she just looked at him with a wrinkle across her forehead and tension around her eyes. “You were tolerable. To work with.” 
“I don’t think I’m going to grow used to this,” he said flatly. He spent more time at Teddy’s place than his own, these days. Maybe just to brag that he’d filled the place with free furniture. But… wasn’t this new couch also a free piece of furniture? He hadn’t paid anything for it, unless one counted telling Regan where to find a weekly supply of dead mice as a payment. He crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing the new couch carefully. “Where did you get it?” Not from a dumpster, he’d wager.
“I can’t sell the couch, because then I’d have nowhere to sit. Because you stole my old one.” He gestured to the door, where the people moving the old couch had already exited into the hall. Emilio wondered if he ought to warn them about Jeff, but decided against it. He glanced back to Regan again as she confirmed that her departure was set in stone now, that twinge in his chest flaring again. “And it’s… what you want?” It wasn’t. He knew it wasn’t, just like he knew she’d likely say something like what I want doesn’t matter or wanting is childish or something else his mother probably would have approved of. He thought of himself, two years ago, wanting to leave but finding excuses to stay. Regan’s story now felt so much like what his had been then — a prologue to something tragic. “You were all right to work with, too. Yeah. Less annoying than the other guy.” He would miss going into the morgue and not being subjected to stories about grandchildren. 
“Humans are highly adaptable. They have to be, with their lifespans. You will adjust.” It was true, wasn’t it, that banshees seemed so set in their ways in comparison? Regan thought so. Nothing ever changed in Saol Eile. In a way, she’d miss the little annoyances that came with living here. Even listening to Emilio whine. “It’s from a local furniture store. Does it matter where?” She rolled her eyes, enjoying it a little, “then don’t sell the couch. If you don’t sell it, then you’ll have a couch.”
There was a strange expression that flickered across Emilio’s face, and Regan wasn’t sure what it was – it wasn’t a familiar look on him, though. The question he asked immediately after made her wonder even more. She didn’t think he was asking on behalf of the ham child. And possibly not even on behalf of Jade. Regan looked down at her feet for a moment, and sighed deeply enough that her shoulders sank. “No.” Any other answer would have bowled her over. She was past the point of being able to lie to herself. “I don’t want to leave my family behind again. I don’t want to leave Jade. Or Elias, or Wynne. Or even you and the ham child. But I do not dictate my future.” He was going to disagree, and she knew that. What was uncertain was whether Emilio had learned enough not to argue about it again. Probably not – as she said earlier, he was prone to mistakes. 
A noise from the hall made her spike with attention, and then relief when she heard the voices. “Ah, there they are.” The two couchmen prevented any further emotional emesis for the moment. The men shuffled back in, carrying the matching ottoman. It would probably become soiled with whatever people tracked in under their shoes in a matter of days, but maybe the color would hide it a little. Regan pulled a couple of bills from her pocket and handed the men a tip, and they left pleased enough, but one of them hesitated like he wanted to ask a question. Regan lifted a brow in response, waiting. The question, as it turned out, was for Emilio. “This is the right address, yeah?”
“My lifespan is just fine.” But was it, really? Compared to banshees, humans had a stilted lifespan, and hunters often lived even shorter amounts of time than that. The fact that Emilio had made it to thirty was something of a miracle; he doubted he’d see forty. At the rate he was going, he might not make it to his next birthday, just over a month away. He wouldn’t have time to get used to this couch. There was no way he could break it in properly. He looked at it sullenly. “It matters where you got it if it’s… I don’t know, cursed or something. Or has a ghost. Did you even check it for ghosts?” He was only half-serious. He knew Kavanagh would probably tell him he was nuts, knew that in spite of her nonhuman heritage, she still thought most of the supernatural world was bullshit. He couldn’t pretend to understand it… but he could fuck with her a little. He liked doing that.
When she answered, she was honest, and that surprised him. For months now, she’d dodged this question. She’d given familiar nonanswers, things that frustrated him that his mother would have approved of. He wasn’t sure what to do with this sudden shift. Inevitably, his mind went to Mexico. To his own battle of staying versus leaving, to the way it had ended. He sighed, walking over to the couch and plopping onto it, hating the fact that it wasn’t lumpy or dusty or uncomfortable. “I get it,” he admitted. “Was never supposed to be in control of mine, either. And when I tried to be…” He trailed off, trying not to let his mind drift back to the blood on the floor. “Maybe it’s better this way.” He hated to admit it, hated what it meant for Jade and Nora and Regan, too, but… Maybe this was the best case scenario. Lucio coming back and sharing his side of things had shifted that perspective, just a little. 
And then, the movers were back. They brought the ottoman over, and Emilio lifted a leg absently so they could put it in place in front of the couch. They looked to Emilio, and he looked to Regan. “Shouldn’t you have asked that before you made off with my couch?” He asked flatly, crossing his arms over his chest. “You just robbed me. I come to this country for a better life, and you steal my couch. How does this make you feel?” Despite the words, his voice remained flat and his tone dry. Shit like this was a lot more fun than conversations about duty versus desire, wasn’t it?
Regan was surprised to hear him say I get it. Emilio had tried to fight her on this in the past, so what changed? She studied him for a moment, debating asking versus just letting it drop between them. She commented instead of asking. “That’s different from what you’ve said in the past.” He was on the edge of explaining something but trailed off. Never supposed to be in control. Why? Because of what his family did, what they were? Jade was in control of her own life now, no one could deny that. But she had started off under circumstances Regan was only starting to understand, and the preparation she and her siblings were put through might have been systematic, branching to Emilio and others as well. “I can’t speak for you, but for me, it is. Even if duty were not involved, even if control were not an issue, they’d never let me stay here unimpeded. They would collect me by any means necessary. You don’t want a bunch of banshees descending on Wicked’s Rest. Trust me, that would be…” She couldn’t begin to think about what they would do. But with her in Saol Eile, there would be no reason for such measures.
She rolled her eyes at him antagonizing the couchmen, but it was at least a little amusing. The banshees she was about to return to would have approved. They were going to like reading through Axis’s reviews (as long as they were never here to see the place). Which she was still going to bring, despite Emilio’s protests. Oh, the men looked confused. Then panicked. Then angry, as their attention turned back to Regan, mumbling to each other about this being a robbery, actually, maybe? “Hey! Ignore him. He has a flair for the dramatics. You saw that couch. It needed to go. Do you even know what pattern the fabric was under all of that grime? Someone could have fallen into those cushions and died there, and no one would notice for weeks. Except for me. I would notice immediately. Even b– forget it, he consents to the new couch.” She shot Emilio a narrow, pointed look. For all Regan knew, there was never any pattern, but that wasn’t the point. “Just let me sign for the delivery.” Reluctantly, one of them held out the paper and Regan scrawled her initials in. She had never seen two men move out of a room so quickly.
“Now sit on the couch.”
It was different. Lucio had dropped a bombshell on Emilio’s life that had left little salvageable among the ruins. He looked at Regan now, at her insistence that she had to return to Ireland, and he wondered where he might be if he’d accepted his duty this way. Would his daughter be alive now if he’d had the same steely resolve in Regan’s eyes now? If he’d accepted the life his family wanted for him, if he hadn’t tried to carve out his own, would they still be around? Maybe it was wrong, all the time he’d spent trying to convince Regan to stay. Some people were people, and some weren’t. He knew that. “Yeah,” he agreed belatedly. “Guess it is.” He thought again of his own family, of the way his story could have been one so much more similar to Regan’s. If everything had gone to plan, if he’d left Mexico with Flora and no massacre had occurred, his mother wouldn’t have just let him go, either. She’d have tracked him down the same way Regan’s family had, though he doubted she would have bothered bringing him back to Mexico. He was a stain on the family name. The only thing you did with a stain was remove it. “It’s about honor,” he commented. “Isn’t it? Family honor.” He pressed his tongue against the bottom of his canine, acknowledging her words with a nod. “Yeah. I definitely don’t want a bunch of banshees here.” The thought of it, after that factory with Siobhan, made his stomach churn. 
The movers looked a little panicked, and Emilio hid his amusement behind a carefully practiced neutral expression. He did his best to look disgruntled, like a man being robbed rather than someone getting a very old, very dirty couch replaced. The movers were exchanging looks as Regan spoke, and Emilio tilted his head. “Oh, you just believe her? She calls me dramatic, and you think this is a fact? She’s robbing me. You’re helping. You could go to prison for this.” With each sentence, his tone remained flat and neutral. “The couch was in my family for decades. I was born on that couch, and you want to take it to a dumpster?” One might say a dumpster was exactly where the furniture belonged, since that was where Emilio had initially found it. The movers seemed to be over his protests now, rushing out of the room the second Regan signed their clipboard. They didn’t even take back the pen. Emilio watched them go, finally letting the amusement slip into his expression.
Turning back to Regan, he tilted his head. “Why do you want me to sit on it so badly? It’s not going to eat me, is it?”
“Here. I think you’ve earned this.” Regan handed him the pen, an eyebrow raised, her mouth not quite smiling but knowing nonetheless. It was a token of him scaring two delivery men by proclaiming to have been born on a couch that was probably older than her grandmother. “A free couch and a free pen. See, aren’t you glad I stopped by? Good things come to those favored by Fate, or something, I forget how that goes.”
With the men gone, she thought more about what Emilio had asked her before they’d come back. Was it family honor? “Not honor, and not for my family. Duty.” Honor was for humans. Fae concerned themselves with honesty and debts, but both missed the mark on such a human concept. Besides, what did Emilio know of honor? Something, apparently, or he wouldn’t have brought it up and wouldn’t have backed off from attempting to convince her to stay. “Why did you think that? What you were asking me before,” she clarified, “I was born into one duty, and sworn into another. Both require that I go. It isn’t for my grandmother, nor does she act in service of herself. If you’re anything like Jade, you have an understanding of duty, too.” There was something nice about that, about not needing to explain. But then… increasingly, Jade seemed to be making less peace with it, stopping short only of direct attempts to contradict, to argue against what was necessary. Love severed the heart from the brain.
It wasn’t just Jade. Regan flicked her gaze down for a moment before meeting Emilio’s eyes again, sharp with the demand of a favor. “Perhaps you’ll be able to explain that to the ham child better than I have. She won’t hear it. But she’ll have to, once I leave.” Emilio had been eager to absolve himself of interfering with the ham child’s actions, unwilling to pull her away from this subject. But didn’t he realize that couldn’t last? It would fall on him eventually, once it could no longer fall on her.
Had she sounded so sinister Emilio thought this to be a trap? Well, Cliodhna would have approved, at least. She decided to leave him with uncertainty as a final parting gift. “Maybe,” Regan said with a shrug, halfway out the door, “but it’s not going to kill you.” Her eyes jumped to the bottle of something on his desk, and she nudged her head toward it, “that might.” 
And there was the lull, the quiet where a goodbye lived, even unspoken. She gripped the knob harder than she had any right to, and gave him one last, lingering look. Emilio would be fine. He would help others be fine, too. Regan closed the first of many doors.
With a nod, Emilio took the pen and tucked it into his pocket. It wasn’t a particularly nice pen. It was plastic, it was missing a lid. He’d probably still tell Alan it was a much better utensil than the Duarte Real Estate pens he insisted on leaving everywhere he went, anyway, just to be contrary. “Don’t think any higher power has ever shown me much favor,” he mumbled, tone light even if he felt a weight on his shoulders. Fate, God, whatever people believed controlled the lives of humanity… it didn’t matter. Whatever was out there seemed to have a goddamn vendetta against Emilio either way.
Honor, duty. Was there any difference between the two? For Emilio and his family, they’d always gone hand-in-hand. Honor didn’t exist without duty, duty was useless without honor. His mother would have said he was bad at both. Maybe she’d been right. ���Honor was… important,” he said quietly, fiddling with the pen in his pocket. “In my family. That’s what I was born into.” And he’d failed it, hadn’t he? Failed honor, failed duty, failed all of it. Maybe it was for the best that Regan had accepted hers. Maybe it was better for all of them.
Except Nora. The mention of her brought a swirling of guilt into his chest, and he sighed. “She’s not going to let it go,” he warned. “Nothing I can do, nothing you can do. I think… Best thing you can do is go without letting her know you’re going. If you can.” If Nora knew Kavanagh was leaving, she’d try to stop it. There wasn’t a shadow of a doubt in Emilio’s mind about that. He could try to stop her, even if she’d never forgive him for it, but… It wasn’t exactly his strong suit, was it? Saving people from their own self destruction.
His brows flew up as she headed towards the door, the smallest hint of amusement reflected in his eyes. It soured a little at the mention of the whiskey on his desk — that wasn’t something Emilio particularly liked to hear — but he hid it well. “Yeah, well,” he shrugged, “I guess you’ll know when it does.”
She closed the door behind her, and it creaked back open just a crack, the same way it always did. Emilio watched her shadow stretch as she walked away, listened to the footsteps retreating. The end of one chapter, he thought, but maybe the beginning of another. He hoped it wouldn’t be a bad one for her.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 5.. February 1840
8 ½
monsieur came in the night?  chemise much soiled at noon on Thursday – Refreshed after having slept perhaps 1 ½ hour – finished the little bit of packing that remained to be done – breakfast over at 11 ½ and at 11 ½ sent Gross to Mr. Marc’s with note enclosing five £25 circulars nos. 8592, 3, 4, 5, 6 to be cashed and A-‘s letter to her sister and my own letters to “Miss Marian Lister North Cave Yorkshire Angleterre” “Robert Parker Esquire Solicitor, Halifax, Yorkshire England” – “Messrs. R. and H. Hunt, Hamburg” and packet to “John Hodgson Esquire English Quay, St. Petersburg” (containing civil note to Mr. Hodgson himself thanks for his attention etc. and asking him to forward thro’ Mr. Buchanan by the bag my 2 half sheet-notes to the “Honourable Lady Stuart” and to “Lady Stuart de Rothesay” both undercover to Lord Stuart de Rothesay 3 Carlton house terrace London) and packet to “Messrs. Hammersley and co. Bankers London” containing a thin ½ sheet close and small written note in envelope to “Lady Duff Gordon 34 Hertford street” from 11 ½ to 6 at accounts and settling with George the courier Grotza who leaves us on our setting off on our journey, and Gross – paid the latter his ¼ years wages due on the 16th instant and 30 days board in advance £1 for every 6 days i.e. 24 Roubles for every 6 days = 21 x 5 = 105 R. per 30 days – Had Mrs. Howard sundry times on one account or other – I had ordered the Kibitkas’ to be packed immediately on Gross’s return from Mr. Marcs’, but somehow this was not understood and it was 4 p.m. when Gross came to ask if they were to be packed – and it being a 3 or 4 hours job made us off so late – Mr. Marcs’ cashier brought the money I having omitted to indorse the circulars – asked for tea about 6 – wrote and left with Mrs. Howard the following character of Grotza – Mrs. Lister will be obliged to Mrs. Howard to inform anyone who may apply for the character of Elizabeth Catherine Gross that she has lived in Mrs. Listers’ service as Ladys’ maid from the 10th of May 1839 to the 5th of February 1840, and that Mrs. Lister has found her strictly honest, well-conducted and trustworthy, clean and neat in her person and about her work and a good hairdresser, and getter up of fine linen – Mrs. Lister has had no occasion of trying her in dress-making, but she had a good character for ability in this respect from the lady with whom she lived last – Wednesday 5 February 1840. (I am not certain whether the paper was dated or not) –
we had had tea and waited some time for all [?] announced ready when the summons came at 7 25/.. – but our kibitka so uncomfortable the little alteration that could be made took till 7 ¾ vid. p. 7
(vid. p. 7) still the seat too high – our kibitka uncomfortably pace – no help for it till morning – never dreampt of being off so late – in the dark – now at 7 ¾ as we drive off from Mrs. Howards’ in the Great Dimitri Street Moscow – A- and I and our government post courier in our covered kibitka (3 horses) followed by our Russian servants George and his wife, and our German Gross in an ordinary ½ mat-covered kibitka also with 3 horses – uncomfortable
Leave Moscow fine day
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maytheoddshq · 2 years
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The 132nd Biannual Hunger Games: Summer Camp
"You're going to Camp Blood, ain't ya? You'll never come back again. It's got a death curse! And he's after your soul!" – Crazy Ralph, Friday the 13th
Below the cut are descriptions of each region of Camp Nightlock.
1-12. Cabins
Scattered around the perimeter of the main campground, twelve camper’s cabins dot the landscape. Each cabin is assigned to a particular District denoted by a carved wooden plaque affixed to the exterior. Only a few actually have functioning locks on their doors - and they all have flimsy windows. Each cabin has a bunk bed with rubber mattresses, a chest of drawers, and a sink that is completely unusable. Each cabin is lightly decorated to match the Tribute’s accent colors, with a rug and threadbare bedding. Some Districts may be lucky enough to find some supplies in their cabins - a few scraps of food, a flashlight, or some medical supplies. Most have nothing besides the roof overhead. One or two, though, might contain a nasty surprise for an unlucky District such as an infestation of bugs.  
13. Campfire & Flagpole 
On the west side of camp, in the middle of a grassy knoll is the main gathering place for Camp Nightlock and serves as the Cornucopia for the 132nd Games. A large stone fire pit sits in the center with a fire that doesn’t seem to go out despite any changes in weather. Offset from the fire pit is a flagpole, at the top of the flagpole there is a grey flag that reads “Camp Nightlock” and next to the flag, it appears there is an old-fashioned loudspeaker that gives all the announcements for the camp. Scattered around the grass there is a myriad of supplies from backpacks and weapons to food and medicine.
14. Nature Center
The Nature Center is a thin red building among the cabins on the south side of the camp. The door opens with a loud creak, alerting everyone in the area that someone has entered. The building is a single room filled with classroom-style tables with a variety of dusty, empty tanks, with no clear indication of what they might have once held. Makeshift bookshelves line the walls, filled with cobwebs, mostly bare except for a few items scattered throughout - an old booklet for identifying plants, which a smart tribute may recognize as inaccurate; a worn hiking fanny pack with some rope, a compass, and a flashlight; a harness with rusty buckles and fraying straps, and what appears to be a lump of dirt, though upon closer inspection reveals itself to be a nest of vicious trackerjackers. The only thing on the walls is a crookedly-hung map, labeled “North Forest Hiking Trails.” It cannot be removed from the wall, but a tribute can study it for as long as they would like. Around the side of the nature center is a dilapidated greenhouse, empty save for a few plastic pots and dead plants. There are seed packets scattered about, which are Gamemaker altered to sprout edible vegetables within a day, given sufficient water and sun.
15. Bathhouses
On the East and West sides of the camp nestled between cabins are two bathhouses. The interior is split into two sides, one with showers, and one with toilets and sinks. The buildings have clearly seen better days, but appear as if they have been around for maybe fifty or so summers. The showers all seem to work with varying degrees of temperatures. Only one of the showers in each bathhouse isn’t freezing cold or scalding hot. If a tribute finds the shower that’s scalding, they will develop severe burns on whatever part of them the water touches. However, clever tributes may piece together that the boiling hot water is safe to drink once cooled, if they can work out a way to collect it.
16. Amphitheater
The Amphitheater is marked by several rows of long wooden benches shaped in a semicircle. Down in the center of the semicircle is a wooden platform acting as a stage, on the stage, there are walls that help form a rudimentary backstage area as well as a small proscenium arch. The Amphitheater is used for a variety of games, but mainly for presenting skits and acting games. A variety of fake weaponry sits down in the stage area. The fake weapons tend to look real but are all made out of either papier-máché or wood, rendering them useless. If lucky, a tribute may find a forgetful camper’s water bottle full of drinkable water.
17. Soccer Field
If it weren’t for the goals on either end of the field, it would be easy for a tribute to assume that the soccer field was just a nondescript patch of grass. The lines of the field are faded, white having long turned to dirt-brown by rain and wind and the footfalls of campers past. The goals themselves are hardly remarkable, just metal cages standing at odd angles and covered in netting made of nylon thread. With the damp of a morning dew, the field becomes muddy and hard to run across, though it dries into dirt as the sun rises. A handful of surrounding trees provides a reprieve from the summer heat, but the trees are not dense, and the field itself can be viewed from all angles, making this a poor place for a tribute to remain out of sight. 
18. Dining Hall
The dining hall is large, with big, screened-off windows. There are a few wooden picnic tables outside, and rows of long tables and chairs inside. On the far end of the hall is a table with two big yellow plastic coolers with spouts on the bottom. Written on each are the words “Bug Juice.” If a tribute were to fill a cup from a nearby stack of melamine dish-ware, they’d find a blue liquid that smells sweet and tastes vaguely fruity. If ingested, a tribute will have a few hours before they begin to feel its poisonous effects, after which they have at most an hour to find an antidote before they succumb to the poison. There is a kitchen off of the main room, with a stove, an oven, a dishwasher, a refrigerator, and plenty of industrial counter space as well as a pot, a pan, and an empty knife block. The gas stove turns on, but requires a fire source to light. None of the other appliances work. Cabinets above the kitchen counter contain a few boxes of crackers, edible but stale, and a box of cocoa powder. 
19. High Ropes
A three-level climbing structure stands in the center of camp. Wooden beams extend up to fifty feet high, with a variety of challenges involving nets, ropes, bridges, and platforms. The first level of the structure contains easy challenges, with the ropes getting increasingly harder to navigate as you proceed up, so the third level is the hardest. There is a pulley system that looks like it would attach to a harness for safety, though none is around. A climbing rock wall on one end of the structure will take climbers as high up as they would prefer. Many of the rocks on this wall are loose, but a crafty tribute would be able to make it all the way to the top. If a tribute makes their way across the third level, they may discover an item left behind by a previous camper (-1 death draw), or they may find that the rope they’re holding onto isn’t as secure as they thought as it frays and snaps in their hands (+1 death draw). The entire course becomes slippery and hazardous when wet.
If a tribute wishes to make their way across the third level of the high ropes, they can message the main for a randomized outcome.
20. North Forest
The North Forest leads into winding nature trails, confusing and labyrinth-like, through densely packed swaths of trees and brush. It’s easy to become lost, and moving through off-trail forest growth is difficult and grows tighter and less passable the closer tributes stray to the edge of the Arena. The North Woods is home to a range of typical forest animals. Tributes who risk straying off the paths may gain the advantage of good hiding spaces away from the relative openness of camp; however, the area is filled with a mutated breed of poison oak that can cause chemical burns to exposed skin and agonizing pain. While not fatal, only special medicine from a sponsor can resolve the reaction, otherwise, the area will be inflamed, blistering, and painful for several days before beginning to heal. By night, tributes sometimes hear the crunching of footsteps on the forest floor– but no one is there.
21. Tennis Courts
The tennis courts are a set of four courts on the most North-East side of camp. The faux grass has slowly grown over with real grass as the years have gone on, making this a somewhat poor place to play. A few metal bats lay around the sidelines, unfortunately, most of the netting has either broken or is missing entirely. Tributes need to keep a watchful eye, as on the North-West court, there is a rogue pitching machine that will spew tennis balls at anyone who dares get too close. If a Tribute attempts to shut down the machine, it’s likely they will be electrocuted by the aged and exposed circuitry on the machine. As for the three other courts, one could technically play a few rounds of tennis if they manage to patch up the rackets and collect a few of the balls from the pitching machine. 
22. Barn
Next to the tennis courts, is a barn connected to a large, fenced-off paddock. The structure itself is standard, with stalls, a tack room, and a small office. In addition to basic riding equipment that, though very clearly unwashed, is somehow damp, the tack room also contains a bucket of apples and a leaky water hose. A strange, oily film has formed on the top of the puddle made by the drips from the hose. In the office is a filing cabinet and a desk, upon which are a few scattered camp flyers. There are five stalls in the barn, each with a horse inside. The horses seem docile enough, until you set them free, when they will immediately go into a rage, exposing sharp teeth and eyes that, in certain light, glow unsettlingly. If a tribute can get past the horses, they might find safety in a small, nondescript hayloft. In the furthest hayloft, there is a pitchfork tucked against the yellow straw, its tines weathered from years of use but perfectly sharp.
23. Caretaker’s House
Nestled in a small clearing in the North Forest lays the caretaker’s house. The house looks like it has been long abandoned. The doors are locked from 8 am to 8 pm, making the only entrance (and exit) a window on the back side of the house. Inside the house, a thick layer of dust covers every surface. The only unusual thing is that there appears to have been a struggle in the kitchen; a table is knocked over and despite all the dust, there are very distinct marks of something large being dragged out of the back door. Inside the fridge there is a chance there is food that looks perfectly edible, however, if eaten it makes the person wildly hallucinate. Upstairs there is a bedroom with a wonderfully comfortable king-sized bed. There are plenty of bookshelves and if a tribute were to look hard enough, they’d find a book on the history of the camp. In it they will learn of a legend where the previous caretaker went missing one summer and was later found tied to the flagpole, dead. After reading this book, tributes will begin to feel a ghostly presence, which will attempt to chase them from the house with cold chills, disembodied whispers, and footsteps from no one. 
24. Archery Range
The archery range is an expanse of roped-off grass toward the north end of camp. An array of large round targets made out of hay are placed up against the tree-line so as to not shoot any stray arrows off into the rest of camp. Toward the front of the roped-off area, there are several covered racks full of bows of varying sizes and tensions, behind the racks live a few large wooden boxes full of different safety equipment, and if lucky, a few arrows. The only precaution a camper should make when handling the arrows is a few of them have been dunked in poison; if a Tribute is struck with one of these poisoned arrows or cuts their hand, it won’t be fatal, they will become remarkably ill as if they have the flu. An antidote can be found in the Nurse’s Cabin.
25. Arts and Crafts
The arts and crafts cabin is a small, one-room wooden building, painted in a bright rainbow of colors on the outside. It is packed floor to ceiling with every imaginable craft supply– including not only the usual yarn, scissors, paper, paint, markers, glue, popsicle sticks, pompoms, pipe cleaners, etc.; but also, tucked away in a few storage cubbies, supplies for fashioning small weapons like arrowheads, knife blades, and nails, among other things. The cabin is a jackpot to the resourceful tribute, as most of these items aren’t necessarily particularly useful or deadly alone, but can be utilized to create items that may be critical in their survival of Camp Nightlock.
26. Baseball diamond
At the top corner of the camp sits a large field with a baseball diamond on it. The sun is darker here, or so it seems, and a fog rolls perpetually across the grass, regardless of the weather. It has clearly been some time since the field has been used as vines have begun to climb along the chain-link backstop, but the white chalk lines extending from base to base are pristine. Long metal benches on either side of home plate form the dugouts, and behind them each are metal risers for spectators, which change in temperature depending on whether the sun is out. At high noon, they could be boiling, at midnight, freezing. Behind home plate, toward the edge of the woods, lies a medium sized, metal storage box, slightly rusted at the hinges. Presumably, it used to hold all the equipment needed for the game, but inside now there is only one ratty baseball and three very worn mitts.
27. Boathouse, Dock, &, Lake
​​Located on the northeast side of camp, right on the lake the boathouse provides a rather eerie refuge as the power tends to flicker on and off in the building. When a tribute first walks in what they would see is a small counter and a long hallway. Behind the counter with a myriad of lifeguard paraphernalia behind it as well as some medical equipment such as sunscreen and a few band-aids. Down the hall are two doors, leading into dark, musty changing rooms that are full of green metal lockers. Inside the lockers, a tribute may be able to find a swimsuit and a few inflatable toys as well as goggles and pool noodles. Tucked into the back is a grimy, tiled alcove lined with shower-heads that do not work. Further down the hall, the building opens up to a set of docks.
Lining the Eastern edge of camp is a rocky shore of a large, blue-green lake, a pleasantly cool respite in the summer camp heat. There is a boat rack nearby with a tribute’s choice of kayaks and canoes, but a couple are not reliable and will spring a hole once they are out on the lake. It’s of poor quality, so not drinkable without illness unless a tribute sanitizes the water in some way, but the sparkling lake itself is inviting. From the boat house, a long dock of worn, wooden planks extends out into the water, which has a roped-off swimming area for campers. In the water, there is an inflatable slide, climbing wall, and trampoline, as well as an anchored, second floating dock out toward the edge. The lake is not without its risks, though– venomous leeches prowl the waters and swarm any swimmer that is in the water longer than a few minutes. Only a couple of leeches might get to a faster swimmer, but not be too harmful for a tribute overall. However, after only a couple of minutes, they begin to swarm and latch onto any skin, sucking the tribute dry for their meal. Currents push tributes away from the edges whether they swim or row out too far, making it impossible to leave the perimeter of the Arena.
28. Bathhouse
See description above for 15.
29. Staff Cabin
The staff cabin has a small kitchenette, a fridge that has long since been plugged in (is that shriveled jerky in there? Is that edible?), and a beat up, worn-in couch. A folding table off to the side has on it a microphone and a control box that connects to the camp loudspeaker, and a small tube television and VHS set. Snow fills the view screen, and if a tribute were to get close enough, they would hear the faint sound of the static. There are plenty of indications that many counselors and other staff members have been through - photographs on the wall with the eyes scratched out, a backpack or two that a tribute could collect, a sleeping bag with holes in it, and plenty of personal touches from staff members. There are notes and affirmations written, a carving in the corner of a heart around the initials NR+DF, and a few pieces of sporting equipment such as baseball bats, lacrosse sticks, and tennis rackets that could easily double as or be fashioned into weaponry. All the windows have been smashed out, and it seems like the cabin was abandoned by a lot of people in a very short time. There’s also a mysterious creaking coming from under the floorboards that would catch a Tribute’s attention.
30. Nurse’s Cabin
The Nurse’s Cabin is a nondescript cabin at the South of camp, sandwiched between the Staff Cabin and some of the Tribute Cabins.  It is ominously dark inside, and can only be navigated with the help of a light - either a flashlight or a torch. There are many goodies to be found - antibiotic tablets (which are actually hallucinogens), bandages (that are actually adhesives that are impossible to take off without losing skin), and (hidden well) a syringe filled with an unidentifiable liquid. Particularly insightful Tributes might also find the nurse’s diary, which starts out normal enough, but soon devolves into a mad raving about the evils of the caretaker and the monstrous person who lives in the woods. It’s hard to tell from her notes if the nurse was terrified of the caretaker or deeply in love with him - perhaps a bit of both.
31. South Forest
The South Forest is less dense and a little smaller than the North Forest, providing the advantage of easier movement but the drawback of somewhat higher visibility to other tributes who are also in the Area. It is bisected by the main road into camp, which ends in a locked, tall, metal gate with a sign above in carved wood reading: CAMP NIGHTLOCK. Wise tributes note this spot as the edge of the Arena, straying further from this point would run them directly into the forcefield, though the forest becomes densest and hardest to pass near the edges. There are lots of berry bushes scattered around this part of the forest, but each is similar. Only well-studied campers in wilderness foraging will be able to distinguish the safe from the unsafe. In the Southwest corner of the forest, there is a cave, tempting for use as a shelter. However, in the cave or in the immediate vicinity, an aggressive and territorial bear wanders and will attack any tribute on sight for trespassing. 
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74daysofsewing · 1 year
McCalls M7734
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I made everything in the pattern pack and took images. The pack consists of a plain tee, a polo shirt, a pair of shorts, trousers, a hoodie and a baseball cap and bag.
It's a pretty decent pattern pack - the shorts and trousers are basic and make a nice set. I had mine in the style of board shorts and then grey work trousers. I did add in a little pocket to the trousers as I had a scrap of black satin that was the right size.
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The little fake fly is really nice and makes for some nice interest if you plan on tucking in the tops, and if you have a small metal button these would also look nice in a denim as jeans.
The two tshirt options are really high necked - it's nice as it covers the dolls soft body totally, but can also look a little suffocating in the plain tee - although that might just be me and getting my seam allowances messed up.
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I shortened the sleeves and waist a little in the polo shirt to make it look a little more different from the other plain tee and I will 100% be using that option for the future as I think it looks really stinking cute - despite the fact the colour I picked made April look like she was working for UPS.
The shirt in this back is a winner in my books. I had this adorable remnant in my stash and if I had enough I'd make myself a version out of this too. The pattern calls for snaps and not real buttons but I figured if you were going to sew buttons on the thing you might as well put button holes on it too.
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April is wearing a pair of jeans I made her from the trouser pattern in this set, with a couple of modifications (nice deep pockets, coin pocket, back pockets, top stitching etc) and the shirt from this packet. Isn't the shirt super cute? I'd call this particular pattern a winner.
I had some issues with the hoodie. Firstly, the hood needs to be SO BIG to cover the dolls head and with all her hair it's just not practical - she's got a super high ponytail in so it doesn't cover up the collars of things she wears, and trying to find an open ended 8 inch zipper was a nightmare! I have the zip NOW, but at the time I ended up just photographing it without it on.
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I added a little collar and honestly... I think it looks like the cutest little bomber jacket for summer! it's got little pockets (very little) and fits really nice over other clothes - she's got a tee and the shirt on under this and it's still not too bulky.
The hat and bag... sigh.
I messed these up a bit and it's got nothing to do with the patterns. For some reason, the art of bag making is lost on me so much. I've honestly tried so often to make a bag and I fail every time. No idea why!!
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I made a couple of little books and comics for April to put in her bag, and that was that!
I highly rate this pattern and think with a few tiny alterations you could make a very varied looking wardrobe with this packet - the lack of 'boys' clothes and over saturation of dresses and skirts make this a really nice addition to anyones collection.
You could use some really nice alternative fabrics to really change the look of these items - like making jeans, swim shorts, or combats from the trousers, or a little leather bomber or jean jacket with a patch on the back out of the hoodie pattern. It might be really cool to combine them both and make one of those really popular jackets with the jean body and jersey sleeves.
If you have a boy doll, or just like a little variation in the patterns, i would pick this one up for sure.
Items needed: knits and woven fabric, thin elastic, velcro, interfacing, 7 buttons and an 8" open ended zipper. That should cover each item on the packet cover.
Here is April wearing everything in the packet:
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April is an Our Generation Doll and has (mostly) the same measurements as a typical American Girl doll, although I think her movement is more limited as her joints are only back and forward, with no ball rotation. She's had no modifications or changes other than her hair being up in a high ponytail.
I am NOT a doll collector or an accomplished sewist, I do this for fun and mostly give the end results to the littles in my family.
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"Hey, can i get a mcfuckin' uhhh... transharmful with a lotta transprogrammed packets?"
"Sorryyy we're out of those! We have an abundance of--"
🚗 _ ☁️☁️ ☁️
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This is a radqueer-ran alter pack blog, themed around that one post that described it like a drive thru with the employee wearing a transharmful pin. Well, now you can drive on by at 2 am for your fragment order and needs!
Our menu has plenty of source options, but unfortunately some will be out of order if i dont know the source material very well! I will try to do plenty of sources though and put in our research!
We will always have our ask box open to request!! May not be fast about it though!
Need more information about our services, or your possible allergens? Take a look below at our Nutritional list/MORE INFO!!
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Hi, u can just call us Mod Packet on here :3 we just generally love reading alter packs, an too many of them just dont post consistently! Nothings wrong with that, but i figured the community would like a simple pack blog ^_^
We are chrono adults, an we are/are in a hc-did system! The flags on our hat are: TransProgrammed, TransHarmfulHarmless, TrisPlural [trauma -> traumaendo], and PermaHypnotized !! We are cisautistic, so please be clear and direct in your order!
There will never be another mod in this vast Radonalds, for this is a mere side blog!
We generally are the most knowledgable about MCYT sources and SMPs, Especially DSMP. If you ask for our analysis of a character for a pack, id kiss you on the lips. Alas, we will still do many other sources, non sourced req are good too!!! ^_^
I need to be real i LOVEEEE making custom system terms, gender terms, or etc. I am also cisdisabled and often very tired! Sometimes terms (genders, sexualities, etc) wont have a link, and if you dont recognise a term, please feel free to send an ask about it!
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We are allowed to deny a request for any reason
DNI IF ANTI RADQUEER OR ANTI ENDO IDGAF. Follow your own blacklist.
Do not send us links to goresites, gore, illegal media of ANY KIND. if you are linking something in your ask you MUST describe what your sending. It will not be acknowledged and deleted if not described.
Please dont spam the ask box. This restaurant has only one employee. Be nice
We will not be doing transn4zi related terms. End of story.
If requesting a subsystem with more than 5 members, IDs listed will be likely fewer and the request takes longer. Please keep that in mind!
Rules will be added when needed, but play nice and we wont need many!
This is to no hate of these sources! Theyre just ones were not able to do our best at due to no grasp of the source material! Request will be denied if these are requested :(
- Genshin Impact
- More to be added
If anything in this template is unwanted in your request, PLEASE STATE AS SUCH. I CANT READ MINDS.
⋆₊ ♱ name:
⋆₊ ♱ age:
⋆₊ ♱ gender:
⋆₊ ♱ pronouns:
⋆₊ ♱ source:
⋆₊ ♱ species/hybrid:
⋆₊ ♱ relationship ids:
⋆₊ ♱ cis-ids:
⋆₊ ♱ trans-ids:
⋆₊ ♱ extra-ids: (ex: perma-, null-)
⋆₊ ♱ paras:
⋆₊ ♱ roles:
⋆₊ ♱ triggers:
⋆₊ ♱ faceclaim:
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teaburnreviews12 · 14 days
Tea Burn: The Ultimate Solution for Accelerating Weight Loss
In the world of weight loss, there are countless solutions that promise fast results. From crash diets to intense workout regimens, most of us have tried one or more methods with varying degrees of success. However, for many, the journey to weight loss often leads to frustration and discouragement when the desired results don’t show up quickly. If you're looking for a game-changing solution to accelerate your fat loss journey without drastically altering your lifestyle, Tea Burn may be exactly what you need. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into how Tea Burn works, why it’s different from other weight loss products, and how it can help transform your body and health in a natural, effective way.
What is Tea Burn?
Tea Burn is a breakthrough formula designed to supercharge your daily tea, turning it into a fat-burning powerhouse. Unlike traditional weight loss supplements, Tea Burn is a tasteless, dissolvable powder that blends perfectly with your favorite tea—whether it’s green, black, or herbal. This unique supplement works in tandem with the natural compounds in tea to boost your metabolism, enhance fat burning, and improve overall health.
Packed with essential nutrients and natural ingredients, Tea Burn takes advantage of the natural metabolism-boosting properties of tea while adding key elements that further accelerate weight loss. Whether you're struggling with a slow metabolism, stubborn fat, or low energy levels, Tea Burn’s powerful formula may help unlock your body's potential for fat loss.
For those interested in finding out more, you can visit the Tea Burn official website for detailed information and Tea Burn reviews from real customers.
How Does Tea Burn Work?
At its core, Tea Burn works by optimizing your body's metabolic processes, making it easier to burn fat even without drastic changes to your diet or exercise routine. It contains a blend of carefully selected super-nutrients that work synergistically with tea to improve fat oxidation and help you achieve a leaner physique.
When you drink your daily cup of tea mixed with a Tea Burn packet, the ingredients get to work immediately, activating your metabolism and enabling your body to start burning calories more efficiently. Not only does it promote fat burning, but it also helps control hunger and supports a steady, calm energy flow throughout the day—without the jitters that sometimes come with other weight loss supplements.
The natural compounds in Tea Burn ingredients make it ideal for those who want an easy-to-use solution that aligns with their daily routines. Simply add a packet to your tea in the morning, and let the powerful blend help you shed those extra pounds.
The Science Behind Tea Burn Ingredients
Tea Burn’s effectiveness lies in its carefully formulated blend of natural ingredients, each chosen for its role in promoting fat burning and improving metabolism. Below, we explore the key components of this powerful formula.
1. Chlorogenic Acid
Chlorogenic Acid is one of the star ingredients in Tea Burn. Found naturally in coffee beans, this compound has been shown to improve metabolism, support healthy insulin levels, and regulate blood sugar. By including this ingredient in its formula, Tea Burn helps users maintain better control over their body's response to food, aiding in the prevention of fat storage and promoting fat breakdown.
2. Camellia Sinensis
Camellia Sinensis, commonly known as green tea extract, is well-known for its ability to support fat burning and boost metabolism. It is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, which have been proven to enhance thermogenesis—a process that increases the body’s energy expenditure, helping you burn more calories throughout the day. Additionally, green tea extract supports heart health, making it a multi-functional ingredient for both fat loss and overall well-being.
3. Chromium
Chromium is a trace mineral that plays a critical role in supporting metabolism, particularly in how the body processes carbohydrates and fats. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it an excellent addition to the Tea Burn formula for those who struggle with sugar cravings or energy crashes throughout the day. By maintaining stable insulin levels, chromium helps reduce the storage of fat and supports continuous energy.
4. L-Carnitine
L-Carnitine is an amino acid that helps the body convert fat into energy. This ingredient is particularly beneficial for those looking to burn stored fat and use it as fuel for daily activities. L-Carnitine not only aids in fat burning but also supports nutrient absorption, ensuring that your body gets the most out of the foods you consume.
5. L-Theanine
L-Theanine is another amino acid that complements the stimulant effects of tea by providing a calming influence. While caffeine in tea can promote alertness and energy, L-Theanine helps reduce any feelings of anxiety or jitteriness. This balance of energy and calm makes it easier to stay focused and productive throughout the day, while also keeping hunger in check.
6. Vitamin Complex
Finally, Tea Burn contains a potent blend of essential vitamins that support immune function, natural energy, and overall well-being. This vitamin complex ensures that your body remains strong and energized while undergoing fat loss, preventing common deficiencies that can slow down weight loss efforts.
The Benefits of Using Tea Burn
By incorporating Tea Burn into your daily routine, you can expect a variety of benefits beyond just fat loss. Below are some of the key advantages that users experience when using Tea Burn consistently:
1. Accelerated Metabolism
One of the primary benefits of Tea Burn is its ability to speed up your metabolism. This allows your body to burn calories more efficiently, even while at rest. A faster metabolism means that you can lose weight without needing to drastically cut calories or engage in long, grueling workout sessions.
2. Increased Fat Burning
Thanks to its scientifically proven ingredients like chlorogenic acid and green tea extract, Tea Burn enhances your body's ability to burn fat, particularly in stubborn areas like the belly. By activating fat oxidation, Tea Burn makes it easier to target those hard-to-lose areas.
3. Steady Energy Throughout the Day
Unlike other weight loss products that cause energy spikes and crashes, Tea Burn delivers a calm and steady energy boost that lasts throughout the day. This means no more mid-afternoon slumps or sugar cravings that sabotage your weight loss efforts.
4. Appetite Control
One of the biggest challenges in losing weight is dealing with constant hunger and cravings. Tea Burn helps control your appetite, reducing the urge to snack between meals. This makes it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan without feeling deprived.
5. Improved Focus and Mental Clarity
The combination of L-Theanine and caffeine in tea provides a powerful cognitive boost. Tea Burn enhances this effect, helping you stay focused, alert, and productive throughout the day.
6. Enhanced Immune Function
Tea Burn’s vitamin complex supports your immune system, ensuring that your body stays healthy and strong while you lose weight. This is especially important for those who may experience nutritional deficiencies during weight loss.
7. Supports Overall Well-Being
By improving metabolism, controlling hunger, and providing essential nutrients, Tea Burn supports overall well-being. It helps you feel better both physically and mentally, making the weight loss process more enjoyable and sustainable.
Why Tea Burn is the Ultimate Weight Loss Solution
If you’re searching for a natural, easy-to-use solution to accelerate your weight loss journey, Tea Burn stands out as the ultimate choice. Unlike traditional weight loss supplements that require drastic changes to your lifestyle, Tea Burn fits seamlessly into your daily routine. Just mix a Tea Burn packet with your favorite tea and enjoy its metabolism-boosting effects.
What makes Tea Burn unique is its scientifically backed ingredients that work together to optimize your body’s fat-burning processes. The combination of powerful antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins ensures that you get the most out of your tea while promoting fat loss, controlling hunger, and enhancing energy levels.
For more information, or to purchase Tea Burn, visit the Tea Burn official website to read customer reviews, learn about the ingredients, and take advantage of special offers.
Tea Burn is more than just a weight loss supplement—it’s a game-changer for anyone looking to transform their health and body in a natural, effective way. By simply adding it to your daily tea, you can unlock the full potential of your metabolism, burn fat more efficiently, and enjoy improved overall well-being.
Whether you’re at the beginning of your weight loss journey or looking for a solution to finally shed those last stubborn pounds, Tea Burn is the ultimate solution for accelerating fat loss. Give it a try today and experience the life-changing benefits for yourself!
0 notes
healthy-diet12 · 27 days
Java Burn: The Coffee Companion You Didn’t Know You Needed
If you’re anything like me, your day doesn’t officially start until you’ve had that first cup of coffee. There’s something magical about that warm, aromatic brew that kicks your brain into gear and makes you feel like you can conquer the world. But what if your morning cup could do more than just wake you up? What if it could actually help you lose weight? That’s where Java Burn comes into play.
What Is Java Burn?
Java Burn is a dietary supplement that’s designed to be added to your coffee. It comes in a tasteless, powder form that dissolves instantly, so you won’t even know it’s there. But don’t let its subtlety fool you—Java Burn is packed with ingredients that are said to boost your metabolism, help you burn fat, and even improve your overall energy levels.
The Magic Behind Java Burn: How Does It Work?
At its core, Java Burn is all about synergy. You know how coffee already gives you a bit of a metabolic boost? Java Burn takes that natural effect and amplifies it with a blend of carefully selected ingredients. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key components:
Green Tea Extract: Known for its fat-burning properties, green tea extract is a staple in many weight loss supplements. It contains catechins, which help to accelerate fat loss by boosting your metabolism.
L-Theanine: This amino acid works hand-in-hand with caffeine. While caffeine gives you that jolt of energy, L-Theanine helps to smooth it out, preventing the jitters and crashes often associated with coffee.
Chromium: This trace mineral is essential for regulating blood sugar levels. By keeping your blood sugar in check, chromium helps to reduce cravings, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Chlorogenic Acid: Found naturally in coffee beans, this compound is known for its ability to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, which can help to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.
Vitamins D3, B6, and B12: These vitamins are crucial for energy production and overall well-being. They help to keep your body running smoothly, so you can feel your best throughout the day.
How to Use Java Burn
One of the best things about Java Burn is how easy it is to use. Simply add a packet of the powder to your morning coffee, stir, and drink as usual. Since the powder is tasteless, it won’t alter the flavour of your coffee, so you can still enjoy your favourite brew just the way you like it.
It’s recommended to take Java Burn with your coffee every morning for the best results. However, consistency is key here. While you might start to feel more energized right away, the weight loss benefits typically become more noticeable after a few weeks of regular use.
Does Java Burn Really Work?
Now, the million-dollar question: does Java Burn actually work? The truth is, results can vary from person to person. Some users have reported noticeable weight loss within a few weeks, while others have found that it takes a bit longer to see significant changes.
However, what’s consistent across most reviews is the increase in energy levels. Many people find that they feel more awake and alert throughout the day, without the typical caffeine crash. This could be due to the combination of caffeine with L-Theanine, which helps to create a more balanced energy boost.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Because Java Burn is made with natural ingredients, it’s generally considered safe for most people. However, as with any supplement, it’s always a good idea to check with your healthcare provider before starting, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Some users have reported mild side effects like jitteriness or upset stomach, but these are relatively rare and usually subside as your body gets used to the supplement. If you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine, you might want to start with a smaller dose to see how your body reacts.
Who Should Try Java Burn?
Java Burn is ideal for anyone who’s looking to boost their metabolism and lose a few extra pounds, especially if you’re already a coffee lover. It’s a convenient, easy-to-use supplement that fits seamlessly into your morning routine. Plus, it’s a great option for those who are looking for a natural, no-fuss way to enhance their weight loss efforts.
The Verdict
In a world where there’s no shortage of weight loss supplements, Java Burn stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. By combining the benefits of coffee with powerful, metabolism-boosting ingredients, Java Burn offers a unique approach to weight loss that’s both enjoyable and easy to stick with.
Of course, like any supplement, it’s not a magic bullet. To see the best results, you’ll want to combine Java Burn with a balanced diet and regular exercise. But if you’re looking for a little extra help in reaching your weight loss goals, Java Burn might just be the coffee companion you didn’t know you needed.
So go ahead, pour yourself a cup, add a packet of Java Burn, and start your day off on the right foot. Here’s to a healthier, more energized you!
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fitnessmantram · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to This Top Weight Loss Supplement"
Java Burn Reviews: All You Need to Know
"Discover comprehensive Java Burn reviews, explore the natural ingredients, understand potential side effects, and find out where to buy this popular weight loss supplement. Learn how Java Burn can support your health journey effectively."
What is Java Burn?
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Curious about Java Burn and how it can support your weight loss journey? You're not alone! Many are turning to Java Burn reviews to understand real customer experiences with this innovative supplement.
Key Ingredients of Java Burn
Java Burn is packed with natural ingredients like green coffee bean extract, L-carnitine, and L-theanine, designed to boost metabolism and energy levels.
Potential Side Effects
However, some have concerns about potential side effects. It's essential to be informed about any reactions you might have before starting any new supplement.
Where to Buy Java Burn
Wondering where to buy Java Burn? You can find it easily online through the official website and other trusted retailers. This ensures you get the genuine product and can benefit from any available promotions.
Java Burn and Weight Loss
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Java Burn weight loss benefits are a hot topic, with many users reporting positive results when combining the supplement with a healthy lifestyle. If you're interested in a natural way to support your weight loss goals, Java Burn might be worth considering.
Ready to give it a try? Visit the Our website to learn more and make your purchase. Embrace the journey to a healthier you with Java Burn today!
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 1: What is Java Burn?
Answer: Java Burn is a dietary supplement that you mix with your coffee. It is designed to boost metabolism, increase energy levels, and support weight loss. The supplement is made from natural ingredients, including green coffee bean extract, L-carnitine, and L-theanine, which work together to enhance fat burning and overall health.
FAQ 2: What are the main ingredients in Java Burn?
Answer: The main ingredients in Java Burn include:
Green Coffee Bean Extract: Known for its weight loss and metabolism-boosting properties.
L-Carnitine: Helps in the conversion of fat into energy.
L-Theanine: Promotes relaxation without drowsiness and can enhance focus. These ingredients are selected for their ability to support weight loss and improve metabolic health naturally.
FAQ 3: Are there any side effects of using Java Burn?
Answer: Java Burn is made from natural ingredients, and most users do not experience significant side effects. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as jitteriness, digestive issues, or insomnia, especially if sensitive to caffeine. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, particularly if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
FAQ 4: How does Java Burn aid in weight loss?
Answer: Java Burn aids in weight loss by boosting your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories throughout the day. The ingredients in Java Burn, such as green coffee bean extract, help increase the rate at which your body converts fat into energy, while L-carnitine supports the burning of fat stores. Combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, Java Burn can be an effective tool in your weight loss journey.
FAQ 5: Where can I buy Java Burn?
Answer: Java Burn can be purchased online through the official Java Burn website and other trusted retailers. Buying from the official website ensures that you get the genuine product and can take advantage of any available promotions or discounts.
FAQ 6: How should I use Java Burn?
Answer: Java Burn is easy to use. Simply mix one packet of the supplement with your morning coffee. The flavorless formula won't alter the taste of your coffee. For best results, use it consistently every day and combine it with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
Click Here to Know More
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Real Food Day 
Nourish your body with fresh, whole foods that fuel your energy and leave you feeling satisfied, without the guilt and sluggishness of processed junk.
Does anything look as good as a table heaped with real healthy food? From glistening greens to delectable dried fruits, there’s nothing better than getting your five a day while having a delicious meal as part of the deal. Potentially the best thing about real food is that you can do more than simply eat a plate of veggies to have a healthy meal. Healthy food ingredients can turn into some firm fakeaway favorites, from homemade pizzas to a twist on your staple weekly Chinese. If you’re looking to make some healthier food choices, Real Food Day is the perfect day for you. Enjoy a healthier lifestyle while still stuffing your face with mouth-watering real food dishes.
Learn about Real Food Day
Real Food Day is all about celebrating healthier food choices and promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. Run by the Public Health Collaboration (registered charity no. 1171887), it’s a day for showing some love to real food, from the classic leafy greens to some of the healthier natural food we have on the market, like lean meats and lower-fat dairy options. The Public Health Collaboration (PHC), led by Samuel Feltham, spotted that health problems like Type II Diabetes were on the rise, so they wanted to raise awareness and education about what real food means.
The PHC is trying to help people answer the question: what is real food? Some obvious choices, like a big bar of chocolate or your weekly fast-food splurge, would be ‘fake’ food, while vegetables and fruit are clearly ‘real’ foods. But this day is about trying to delve deeper into real food and encouraging people to eat as minimally processed foods as possible, like lentils, fish, and dairy.
Real foods are considered anything that is minimally altered from their original state, while fake foods are highly processed, high in added sugar, and highly processed oil. Fake foods are essentially high in all the things that are bad for you but low in things that will fill your hunger meter up.
The day is for everyone from kids through to adults, and that’s why events are run in schools and workplaces to improve everyone’s awareness of Real Food. There are also activity packs for families, workplaces, and schools, so you’ve got the perfect distraction for a rainy day for the whole family (or office).
Real Food Day is about more than just healthy eating, though, as it aims to raise awareness of how living an active lifestyle and exercising every day can help combat health-related diseases like Type II Diabetes. Check out the Real Food Day blog for some life-affirming stories about how people rediscovered their zest for life through revisiting their relationship with food.
History of Real Food Day
Real Food Day was launched in 2019 to combat the rise in fast food and health-related conditions. The Public Health Collaboration started the day to show that by making real food and positive lifestyle changes, some conditions can improve and, in some cases, be reversed entirely by living a healthier life. Samuel Feltham, director of the PHC, ran a Fitness Bootcamp for five years, which means he’s no stranger to healthy living. In 2016, he stopped his Bootcamp business to focus on the Public Health Collaboration. Since then, he’s founded a dream team of leading health professionals, from Cardiologists to Psychiatrists, to dive into and understand why people are living less healthy lives and what they can do to fix it.
But why do we love fake foods so much? From our weekly takeaways to our daily packet of crisps, it’s always hard to put down the packet and pick up a piece of fruit. You might treat fake food as a reward or compensation for a bad day – how many of us order a pizza and put our feet up on a Friday night after a manic week at work? Scientists also say that the quick-fix sugar-hit you get with your soda gives you a rush, which then is followed by a sugar crash that leaves you craving that feeling again and wanting more. You can also get sugar-fix with fruit, veggies, and dairy, but these are released more gradually, so you can enjoy the feeling without experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions.
The increase in conditions related to an unhealthy lifestyle is a relatively new phenomenon. From 1960 to 1970 conditions like obesity remained pretty stable, but have since increased by 35% for adults and almost 50% for children. Obesity can be related to health conditions like Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure. Both conditions can be improved and even reversed by making real food and lifestyle choices, so it’s no wonder that the PHC is so active in raising awareness.
How To Celebrate Real Food Day
Real Food Day is the perfect way to celebrate that wholesome good food with your family and friends. Splurge on a healthy food shop and throw a dinner party to showcase the deliciousness that is real food eating. Want to distract kids for a few hours? Why not get them involved in the cooking and use some of the Real Food Day website activity packs to throw a little food education into the process.
If you’re new to the world of real food, why not buy a ‘fakeaway’ recipe book, and replace that weekly takeaway with a cauliflower pizza-base or a real food alternative to your Indian takeaway. If you’re vegetarian, pescetarian, or vegan, there are hundreds of real food recipe books to meet your dietary needs. Not a cook? Well, we’ll forgive you, why not support your local real food restaurant and treat yourself to a real food night out.
You can celebrate Real Food Day with everyone you know, from your kids to your colleagues, by downloading an activity pack and getting involved in the food fun! Packed with recipes, games, and quizzes, you’ll have everything you need for a real food party.
Join in the Real Food Day party on social media by posting a photo with yourself, friends, family, or colleagues holding up an ‘I SUPPORT #REALFOODDAY, or WE SUPPORT #REALFOODDAY’ sign and the reason why you’re supporting the day. Have fun sharing your love of really good food and real healthy living!
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health-harbor · 5 months
Shedding Pounds with a Cup of Tea: My TEA BURN Experience
For years, I struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. I tried countless diets and exercise routines, but the results were always temporary. Frustrated and discouraged, I felt stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting. Then, I stumbled upon TEA BURN, a unique weight loss supplement that piqued my curiosity. Here's my experience with this innovative product.
A Natural Approach to Weight Management
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What initially drew me to TEA BURN was its focus on natural ingredients. Unlike many weight loss supplements packed with artificial chemicals, TEA BURN boasts a proprietary blend of plant extracts and vitamins. Green tea extract, a well-known metabolism booster, forms the base of this formula. Other key ingredients include chromium, which regulates blood sugar and curbs cravings, along with a blend of antioxidants and minerals for overall health.
Easy Integration into My Daily Routine
One of the things I love most about TEA BURN is its ease of use. It comes in convenient single-serve packets that you simply add to your regular cup of tea. I found it easily dissolvable in both hot and cold tea, and it didn't alter the taste of my favorite beverage in any way. This seamless integration meant I didn't have to overhaul my entire routine – just a simple addition to my existing tea habit.
Gradual But Noticeable Results
I didn't experience any dramatic weight loss overnight. However, within a few weeks of consistent use with TEA BURN alongside my regular green tea, I started noticing a difference. My clothes felt looser, and I had more energy throughout the day. Importantly, the weight I lost felt sustainable – no crash diets or periods of extreme hunger. TEA BURN seemed to curb my cravings and helped me feel fuller for longer, making it easier to stick to healthy portion sizes.
A Sustainable Weight Loss Solution
I've been using TEA BURN for several months now, and I'm truly impressed with the results. It's become an essential part of my weight management routine. While exercise and a healthy diet are crucial for weight loss, TEA BURN provided that extra boost I needed to reach my goals. It's a safe, natural, and convenient way to support your metabolism and keep you on track for long-term weight management success.
If you're looking for a natural and sustainable approach to weight loss, I highly recommend giving TEA BURN a try. Remember, consistency is key! Combine it with your regular tea habit and a healthy lifestyle, and you might be surprised at the positive results you achieve.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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