#second guessed
november-rising · 9 months
Further Thoughts: Omelette
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This man, to me, sees himself as a means to an end. Now, may that be a tool for others’ to utilize him or Carmy himself trying to live his life, I don’t know. But, I do know that this man doesn’t always know how to accept that he’s worth so very much.
Carmen’s drive is admirable. He knows what he can do, who he can be, and how to get there. I would badger this man to the ends of the Earth to gain all his culinary secrets. And, when I finally found him, he would teach me everything. In less than a heartbeat.
Carmen is a giver. He likes to take care of people. There have been many scenes were he's allowed everyone space to find their way while gently encouraging them. It is beautiful to see. He’s not showy about it. Yet we see it in the words of support, the guidance, or the resources provided to others that have skill but don’t have the foundation just yet.
There’s so many thoughts swirling around about Carmen from his utter courage and strength to his willingness to nurture/mentor a talented chef to him trusting explicitly and implicitly in his team…so many thoughts – Carmen is a good person who takes on all the pressure and is quick to put himself on the back burner. It’s why I wrote “He knows he will. He always does.” I don't think he will fuck up in the end. He's just waiting until he does.
And through all this anxiety, he does find beauty and meaning in cooking. Working in the culinary field may not be fun for him for some time as he said with Ritchie down in the random basement (The OG had a basement all this time and we've seen it but once!). Yet, I think he's finding the joy he once had when he's with Sydney.
Their energy is symbiotic...similarly-minded and enjoyed. I can't think of the exact post but I saw where someone showed gifs of Carmen smiling and laughing when he's with Sydney alone together. There's so much between the two.
Sydney is a catalyst. What she brings and offers speaks to Carmen. I haven't quite figured out how to express my experience (read as joy and probable transference) of Sydney over these past two seasons. She has her traumas and MH issues (potentially the acid reflux/GERD she's been experiencing is a physical symptom/outcome). And there's something about Sydney that I haven't been able to put my finger on. Maybe I'm not ready to see all of her just yet.
Gotta love this damn show!
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bixels · 4 months
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There's no such thing as overpreparing for love.
Happy (late) Rarijack Valentine's.
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bakedbeanchan · 2 months
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AU where the timeline gets reset but Zuko still has all his memories. Now in comic form
The backstory for this drawing
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nicecrumbart · 5 days
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Keep thinking about that one scene in secret life
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zivazivc · 6 months
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I feel like I have some of the most random headcanons. but I am lowkey obsessed with the fact that John Dory is so much older than Branch that he potentially could have dated their friends'/peers' parents, and/or anything else funny and possibly entertaining that the large age difference entails lmaokskssbcdsbcjdh
edit: part two
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memedreamm · 2 years
i don’t care about straight actors playing queer people in media all i care about is if theyre going to put their whole pussy into it. tom hardy of course ive had gay sex im an actor. keanu reeves and river phoenix going to gay clubs in seattle and making out in public. heath ledger almost breaking jake gyllenhal’s nose because he kissed him too hard. when will actors do this again. 
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zosanbrainrot · 25 days
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part 3 is here!
01 02 03 04
Hii! it's been a hot minute since the previous part, you can see my style shifted a bit, especially when I compare Sanji's hair lol I never know how to draw it, in canon it's more straight but when I'm not thinking about it I instinctively give him more of a wave. It's also generally a bit more loose and sketchy then in the previous ones, I used to use less lines back then. I somehow didn't notice the shift until I was done lmao
I remember I sketched out most of it right along the previous two, but wasn't feeling the panels after "nothing happened" and BAM over 2 months pass and I drew the panels with the hands and OH MY I'm so happy with those, they are a bit dramatic I admit lol but I love a good closeup shot, the way you can push forward a story with just showing small gestures!! And it's something different from the constant ping-pong of the shots where you can see them talking, so it's a breather but it's also holding a lot of tension!
In this sequence MagicPoser was a real help, I posed the models and moved the camera around so I had anatomy refs from any angle I wanted!
I can't wait to show you the next part, I'm so excited to see what you'll think!! I hope to update sooner than later, but I'm gonna be busy with a freelance gig for a bit :(( hope it goes smoothly!
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sergle · 1 year
i’ve had this in my files for awhile already but i got reminded of this phenomenon tonight and it just. makes me laugh every time. ppl’s online portfolios be like.png
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rwsdarw · 2 days
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this was fun
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The line between binary and nonbinary trans people is nowhere near as clean as some of yall think it is
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chiimeramanticore · 5 months
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ghostreblogging · 23 days
Ok ok so hear me out Twins au. Danny and Damian are twins. And you know the whole story. Danny gets "killed " moves in with the Fenton's and becomes phantom. Ad Damian doesn't know that. Well the magician summoning Damian's dead brother to enact his revenge on him has a very bad timing
"Oh robin. Dont you know the dead can have fangs. I've heard of a little tale. Of how you killed your own brother. Your twin in a quite a cruel and merciless way don't you think?" The magician drawls on over the horribly over used repetitive lines.
But it still stops Damian in his tracks. He can see as his family stop and look at him. With the look of horror and well concern. And he hates it. He can feel their gazes on him and it burns his skin.
He stops and tries to yell at them. To do something. To stop dawdling around.
Until a right flash of green stopped him. The circle lit up as a clawed hand grasped the edge from inside.
Unfortunately the magician wasn't a phony.
The being slowly crawls itself out. It's wearing striped prison clothes with conically oversized shackles? Huh.
Damian muses to himself as he prepares for battle . Must represent his or rather their lives in the league of assassin's.
The being finally looks up and shouts
"Ghost crimes exist? What even are ghost crimes???" Dick whispered to Jason
"I don't know but I am so angry at the implications of ghost cops. " Jason replies
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prodigal-san · 1 month
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Part 1/2
Soulmate/Guardian Angel mashup AU
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 12 days
Regulus is the type of sibling that would make fun of the way Sirius dresses (calling him tacky and tasteless every chance he gets) and then turns around and steals the very clothes he this is “unfashionable”. He’ll walk around the house in Sirius’ band tshirts and be caught leaving the house in his leather jackets because “they look better with his outfit” than anything he owns himself. Regulus will look him up and down and without blinking say “you’re going out dressed like that” and then copy the outfit word for word a week later.
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caffienatedtree · 2 months
I like to imagine that sometimes when bruce is really, REALLY tired he’ll accidentally slip into his brucie Wayne persona in front of the JL while in Batman costume. Like maybe Hal makes a joke about Batman being ugly because he always hides his face and Bruce just says “I’m still prettier than you’ll ever be” in his most himbo ditzy voice ever. And then he just goes back to normal Batman brooding.
The rest of the JL just stare at B for a solid five minutes but he’s already back to his normal Batman self.
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