Rejected by Asses Dot Org
2 posts
A Chronicle of Short, Witty, Formal Verse that has been Unsuccessfully Submitted to THE ASSES OF PARNASSUS
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rejected-by-asses-dot-org · 3 years ago
On Joyless and Peevish Critics
submitted to Asses of Parnassus by Alana K. Asby (Pseudonym) subsequently published in chapbook by Vulgaris Media Re-published by permission
Now let us sing of men who won’t – the unbeguiled and wary; too pinched the nose, reserved the breath, a tune to carry; 
Of men whose worship is to sneer, with praise a-purpose chary; whose self-esteem when hating stuff is cautionary. 
“Dear Scorn, help me to scorn,” they pray; “enjoyment momentary prithee forgive – nor let it turn me ordinary!”

This is my solemn song where I lament my adversary, and do not wish him antique woes. Say, dysentery.
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rejected-by-asses-dot-org · 3 years ago
Rejected by Asses of Parnassus?
Hey there! Have you submitted a short, witty, formal poem (or verse) to Asses of Parnassus, only to have your submission rejected or ignored? I know, rejections are a part of the writer’s life, publications have their own reasons for selections and rejections, and editors are people, too! So let’s not extend judgment here.
But I’m really, really curious about which poems and poets get rejected by this particular blog. And also really curious about what a Mirror Publication for Asses of Parnassus would look like. 
A Mirror Publication? It’s a publication that mirrors another publication’s submissions criteria, but only accepts work rejected by that other publication. Cool, right? (I know, I made up the concept and the term. And I am ALWAYS cool. Just ask my dogs.)
Rejected By Asses Dot Org is just such a mirror publication. It’s a chronicle of short, witty, formal poems and verse that have been unsuccessfully submitted to Asses of Parnassus. So far we have only had one submission from the public - so here’s your chance to ingratiate yourself with the editor of a lit mag very, very early on! I myself have no rejected submissions to report yet, but I expect to soon. (Let the learning begin!)
So send me your rejected or ignored poems and verse. You can submit here on the blog (just click on this post’s pink donkey avatar thingy to be taken to my blog’s homepage, and look for a pink submissions link) or by emailing me, Norma Ruiz-Fane. That’s [email protected]
This tumblr blog also exists as an ordinary website. Go to to see it.
And why not start your own mirror publication to publish work rejected by other publications you are interested in? I think we’re all really, really curious to compare what gets rejected vs. what gets accepted. If nothing else, your mirror publication can drive submissions to your favorite journals, since people are more likely to submit work where they know they have a second chance at publication if they don’t make it!
Submissions criteria: Just know, I won’t accept your work either if it’s unduly obscene, if it’s not written primarily in English, or if it’s blatant Free Verse.
That’s OK, you can do it!
Don’t have any rejected submissions yet? Head over to Asses of Parnassus and get yourself some! (Just be nice.)
-Norma Ruiz-Fane 
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