#Emma-May Dixon design
paintedcrows · 8 days
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Assorted Gravity Falls doodles!
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kuj0goth · 3 months
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synchronousemma · 3 years
15th January: Emma and Harriet call on Miss Bates
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Read: Vol. 2, ch. 1 [19]; pp. 98–104 (“Emma and Harriet had been walking together” through to “able to escape the letter itself.”)
Emma visits Miss Bates in a bid to distract Harriet. She has an ingenious suspicion regarding Jane Fairfax and Mr. Dixon.
We know that this occurs the week of January 9th: Jane Fairfax is expected “next week” “Friday or Saturday” (vol. 2, ch. 1 [19], p. 101), which must be the 21st or 22nd, since it is just before it will have been “four weeks” since Mr. Elton’s departure (vol. 2, ch. 3 [21]; p. 113).
The practice of ‘crossing’ a letter involves filling a page with writing in one direction, then turning the page and adding another set of writing at a 90-degree angle to the first. (Some letters would be crossed twice, which involves adding a third set of writing at a 45-degree angle). This was done to reduce expenditures on paper and on postage; given that postage on letters sent through the postal system at this time was charged to the recipient, not the sender, of a letter, Jane’s crossing her letters may be read as consideration for the Bateses’ financial situation.
Note that the third section (“An Animating Suspicion”) contains spoilers.
Readings and Interpretations
On Structure
Many commenters point out that the sleepy and confined nature of life in Highbury in evidence in volume one opens up slightly with the arrivals that occur throughout volume two. Marcia Folsom, for example, writes that the “newcomers energize the novel, and they displace Emma from the center of her world” (2004, p. xxviii). Adena Rosmarin argues that we leave volume one overconfident in our ability as readers due to our supposedly clear-sighted view of Emma’s errors and penitence; however,
[a]s we leave Volume I the novel broadens and deepens. We need more information and less distraction to continue making sense of Emma’s world, but, not incidentally, we get precisely the reverse. Miss Bates, Jane Fairfax, Frank Churchill, and Mrs. Elton are introduced. The helpful narrator of Volume I appears less frequently and more enigmatically, intimating that more is known than is written […]. Thrown back on our own overconfident and desensitized resources, we are tempted to trust Emma. But because the Elton episode has left her not less unreliable but only more subtly so, the temptation is as dangerous as it is irresistible. Moreover, our very mode of making sense, the passive reading sufficient to the cloistered world of Volume I, becomes suddenly and unexpectedly outmoded, replaced by a hermeneutic dance of bewildering complexity.
[…] The end of Volume I, then, marks our hermeneutic nadir: hubris and complacency are at their height, our faith in the novel’s conventional design at its most naive. From here on the growing subtlety of Emma’s misreadings increasingly challenges and thus develops our reading competence, our misreadings and Emma’s becoming increasingly alike, both in kind and degree […]. This convergence is the novel’s major affective strategy. (p. 325)
The Third Rate of Highbury
This section opens with Emma paying a call to the Bateses in order to spare herself from hearing more of Mr. Elton. Emma’s ulterior motive for paying the call seems to cause her some compunction.1 Folsom writes that,
[i]n many places, Emma seems to be defending herself against the introjected voice of Mr. Knightley, plainly suggesting how deeply his presence and importance have entered her consciousness […]. At […] times, she is not quite able to forget his criticisms; it is he whom Emma sometimes mentally addresses in her self-examinations. [Quotes from “She had had many a hint” to “third rate of Highbury,” p. 99.] […] Emma’s unspoken thoughts capture her habit of listing arguments in groups of three or four items […], and her grasping at exaggerated diction to explain her decision to herself […]. Her “horror” reflects Emma’s almost visceral fear of contamination if she pays a call to the Bateses. (2016, pp. 46–7)2
Some critics assume that the “second and third rate” descriptor applies to rank and thus evidences Emma’s snobbery. U.C. Knoepflmacher, however, connects the phrase to a quality of mind, rather than to rank alone: “those ‘second rate and third rate’ minds of Highbury so contemptuously scorned by Emma for their unimaginativenes” (p. 641). And Paul Pickrel writes of this as one occasion on which Emma’s actions only “seem to be based on snobbery” (p. 300, emphasis mine): Emma’s
reason seems suspect; the women that she meets in the Bateses’ parlor are after all more or less the same women that she meets anywhere else that she goes. The reader suspects that the real objection to the Bateses’ society is Miss Bates’s fondness for singing the praises of her niece Jane Fairfax, when a truly superior society would be occupied with singing the praises of Emma Woodhouse; and this suspicion is borne out by Emma’s decision to call on the Bateses on a certain occasion because she thinks (mistakenly, as it turns out) that there is a less than usual chance that Jane Fairfax will be the topic of conversation that day. (ibid.)
Lloyd Brown points out that the disjointed syntax and repeated em dashes in Emma’s thinking here ironically mirror Miss Bates’s speech, which
similarity is satirically incongruous, for the narrow selfishness that has inspired Emma’s embarrassed self-defense is directly opposed to Miss Bates’s “universal good-will and contented temper” [vol. 1, ch. 3; p. 12]. Emma’s broken sentences express the shamefaced recognition—and simultaneous denial—of insensitivity towards Jane Fairfax. (pp. 130–1)
An Animating Suspicion
Emma and Harriet are given an unexpected indirect recounting of one of Jane Fairfax’s letters upon paying their visit. This meandering summarizing constitutes the first time that we have heard Miss Bates speak at length; we may begin to understand why Emma considers this kind of conversation “tiresome” (vol. 1, ch. 8; p. 37; or vol. 2, ch. 1 [19], p. 98), or test Emma’s claim that “[e]very letter from [Jane] is read forty times over” (which, similarly, “tires [her] to death”; vol. 1, ch. 10; p. 56). After hearing this monologue, Emma violates the (somewhat excessive) resolution with which she ended the first volume, to “supress[] imagination all the rest of her life” (vol. 1, ch. 18; p. 92), in suspecting Jane to be in love with her friend’s husband. Folsom points out that this incident evidences the speed and vigor of Emma’s mind:
In listening to Miss Bates’s undiscriminating and random summary of her niece’s letter […] Emma suddenly discerns something mysterious in Jane Fairfax’s decision to give her time to Highbury. [quotes from “At this moment, an ingenious and animating suspicion” to “‘come to you at such a time’”; vol. 2, ch. 1 [19]; p. 102].
The idea that leaps into Emma’s mind is a way to impose a meaningful narrative on Miss Bates’s fragmentary recounting of events at Weymouth […]. Emma’s thought is both “ingenious,” that is, clever as an interpretation, and “animating,” that is, exhilarating to Emma in her dislike of Jane Fairfax. The suspicion suddenly occurs to her as a way to explain Miss Fairfax’s otherwise incomprehensible decision to come to Surrey in January for three months for her “health.” The narrative Emma imaginesof an adulterous love that Mr. Dixon might have felt for Jane Fairfax while being engaged to her friend Miss Campbell—is entirely Emma’s fantasy, but her sense that there must be a secret reason for Jane’s willingness to be entrapped in the small Bates household is right. […] In such moments, Austen seems to have an image of Emma’s mind—a brain—into which ideas and insights shoot suddenly, perhaps from layers of mind not accessible to conscious thought. (2016, pp. 42–3)
That her suspicion is “animating” is also relevant to Emma’s stultifying situation: as Tony Tanner writes, “what on earth—or, rather, what in Hartfield and Highbury —is going to ‘animate’ Emma, with her constantly brimming high spirits, if not the scenarios, indeed the fantasies, of her own brain?” (p. 188). Mary Hong, however, argues that it is the syntax of Miss Bates’s speech, and not Emma’s mind alone, that gives rise to Emma’s interpretation: “In narrating her niece’s letter […], Miss Bates’s broken syntax links the name of Jane to that of Mr. Dixon while Mrs. Dixon’s name drops out altogether” (p. 243). Among other examples, she notes that,
[b]ook-ended by Jane’s name, the sentence “it was very natural, you know, that he should like to speak of his own place while he was paying his addresses” seems to refer to Jane rather than to the future Mrs. Dixon. The insistent juxtaposition on the level of syntax suggests, to the reader’s and Emma’s ear, an intimacy between Jane and Mr. Dixon that goes beyond their relationship as the close friend and the husband, respectively, of Mrs. Dixon.
[…] [T]he use of (broken) syntax actually conveys a meaning (or encourages a reading) at odds with the intention of the speaker. As a representation of Jane’s letter, it is also at odds with the real intent of the writer. Hence, Emma’s relief that “though she had in fact heard the whole substance of Jane Fairfax’s letter, she had been able to escape the letter itself” is ironic, for had Emma read the actual letter offered by Miss Bates instead of rushing away, she would not have been misled by Miss Bates’s peculiar syntactical paraphrase of it. […] Emma’s imaginative stories, instead of reshaping the world before it, actually result from her immersion in the world (at least in Miss Bates’s version of reality). In contrast to the collapse of subjectivity with the free indirect discourse given in accounts of the novel, the generative capacity of Miss Bates’s superficial description suggests that interiority and narration are not inseparable. (p. 244)
Miss Bates’s speech, then—often ignored by characters and critics like—has significance both at the level of plot and character (Emma is not coming up with fantasies out of whole cloth) and at the level of language and narration (the implications of a character’s language as revealed through free indirect discourse may not always be what they ‘mean’).
For Claudia Johnson, this is in itself evidence of Emma’s good qualities: “although Knightley thinks her ‘rather negligent’ in contributing to the ‘stock’ of Miss Bates’s ‘scanty comforts,’ Emma’s ‘own heart’ ranks visits there an obligation” (p. 128).
See also Morris: “[Emma’s] language suggests an almost visceral fear that contact with the socially unrecognised will contaminate the integrity of her sovereign self. […] To fall from privileged eminence is to lose perceptibility in the mass of undistinguished others” (p. 89).
Discussion Questions
Do you think Emma’s behavior towards the Bateses is really negligent? Why does she dread visiting there as much as she does? Is the “second and third rate of Highbury” a description of rank, a description of a quality of mind that Emma dislikes, or a cover for other sentiments entirely?
What inspires Emma to suspect Jane Fairfax of an illicit affair with her friend’s husband?
What does Miss Bates’s monologue signify for her as a character, or for the narrative strategy of the novel?
Austen, Jane. Emma (Norton Critical Edition). 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, [1815] 2000.
Brown, Lloyd W. Bits of Ivory: Narrative Techniques in Austen’s Fiction. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press (1973).
Folsom, Marcia McClintock, ed. Approaches to Teaching Austen’s Emma. New York: MLA (2004).
_____. “Emma: Knowing Her Mind.” Persuasions 38 (2016), pp. 41–55.
Hong, Mary. “‘A Great Talker upon Little Matters’: Trivializing the Everyday in Emma.” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 38.2/3 (Spring – Summer 2005), pp. 235–53. DOI: 10.1215/ddnov.038020235.
Johnson, Claudia. “Emma: Woman, Lovely Woman, Reigns Alone.” In Women, Politics and the Novel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1988), pp. 121–43. Excerpted in Austen [1815], pp. 400–13.
Knoepflmacher, U.C. “The Importance of Being Frank: Character and Letter-Writing in Emma.” Studies in English Literature, 1500–1900 7.4 (Autumn 1967), pp. 639–58. DOI: 10.2307/449531.
Morris, Pam. “Emma: A Prospect of England.” In Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf and Worldly Realism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2017), pp. 83–106. DOI: 10.3366/edinburgh/9781474419130.003.0004.
Pickrel, Paul. “Lionel Trilling and Emma: A Reconsideration.” Nineteenth-Century Fiction 40.3 (December 1985), pp. 297–311. DOI: 10.2307/3044759.
Rosmarin, Adena. “‘Misreading’ Emma: The Powers and Perfidies of Interpretive History.” ELH 51.2 (Summer 1984), pp. 315–42.
Tanner, Tony. “The Match-Maker: Emma.” In Jane Austen. London: Macmillan Education (1986), pp. 176–207. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-349-18432-3_6.
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wutbju · 5 years
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Robert “John” Gordon III, 66, of Springfield, MO, moved to heaven to be with his Savior, Jesus Christ, on May 8, 2019. Born in Detroit, MI, on May 11, 1952, John was the eldest son of Robert John Gordon, Jr. and Edith Mae (Dayton) Gordon.
John graduated from Wade Hampton High School in Greenville, SC and attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. John and Brenda were married June, 16, 1972 at the Branson Bible Church in Branson, MO and made their home in Springfield, MO. John worked at Lilly Cup until 1980 at which time he started Landscape Artistry, a landscape design and Installation Company, which he operated until his death.
John was a faithful and loving husband, father, brother, brother-in-law and friend. Though John submitted his eternal life to Jesus Christ at an early age, led by the guidance of his Godly mother, it was in 1980, prompted by circumstances of life, that John began a much deeper walk with Christ. He and Brenda and young son Chris began attending Glendale Baptist Church in Springfield where they met and joined with other young couples in pursuing their Christian walk. Many lifelong relationships were formed at Glendale and many more were added when John, Brenda, Chris and Jenny began attending Rolling Hills Baptist Church. Old relations were kept and new ones added when the family began attending James River Assembly, now called James River Church.
John and Brenda were missionaries and Ambassadors for Christ, not formally ordained by any church, rather through their obedience to God’s Word and calling on their life to be charitable, hospitable and to bind up the broken-hearted. Even though John traveled to many foreign lands on 14 church mission trips and although he spearheaded sending numerous shipping containers filled with clothes, kitchen equipment, bicycles, boats, and even Christmas lights to the church in foreign countries, most will consider the missional activities that occurred at the Gordon home as John and Brenda’s most important mission work. God blessed John with a wife who could whip up incredible meals on a moment’s notice, beds ready for the weary, so John could carry out his heartfelt backyard counseling and fellowship to people of all ages and cultures. Brenda and the family came to expect the ‘guess who’s coming for dinner’ calls as John sought out those who may not know the Lord, those who needed a helping hand or those who could join in their fellowship ministry. An example of this compassion would be John and Brenda’s taking meals to the homeless living under bridges in Springfield and sharing the Gospel with them.
John’s mother provided an early foundation of Bible study and church attendance and John continued Bible study throughout his life. He had an excellent retention of scriptures and could always recall the proper scripture in the proper context to share with someone needing encouragement or guidance. John was a true prayer warrior, regularly leaving the house at 4:00 a.m. to pray with a brother-in-Christ.
John didn’t merely read the Bible, it was his compass. One of this favorites, Isaiah 41:10 (NIV), “So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” John had experienced a long battle with congenital heart disease and yet was able to live a joyful and abundant life. He knew the measurement of success was not an earthly measure but rather heavenly. Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NIV) was imprinted on his heart. “This is what is what the LORD says ‘ Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me. That I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the LORD.
John loved fishing, bow hunting, golf and entertaining friends and strangers. John’s unconditional love for his children Chris and Jenny naturally enabled him to be a fun and engaging grandfather “POP POP” to his three grandchildren. When he was able, he enjoyed taking them fishing on the piers in Florida and teaching them real life examples from the Bible. John was a true ‘fisher of men’.
John wrote two published books, The Lord and the Landscaper and The Landscaper’s Secret. These two books chronicled intimate moments between the Lord and John in his regular early hours of reading, prayer, and waiting on the Lord.
Someone said when God made Robert John Gordon, III, the Lord broke the mold…we will not need another like him…so true. No one could or will ever be able to fill the place John filled in the hearts and lives of his family and friends. “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things. I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master.” Matthew 25:23 (ESV)
Visitation will be held Saturday, May 11, at 10:00 a.m. in the main auditorium at James River Church – West Campus, Springfield, MO followed in the same place by a Celebration of Life service at 11:00 a.m., Reverend John Lindell officiating. Immediately following the services, a graveside service and burial will be at Rivermonte Memorial Gardens, Springfield, MO.
Pallbearers are Ed Anders, Randy Cantrell, Ron Firestone, Don Frank, Bill Hart, Mike Morris, Galen Pellham, Phil Stocker, Curt Stiles, and Bill Woods.
John was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, William “Bill” Gordon.
John is survived by wife, Brenda Kay (Cushman) Gordon; son, Christopher and wife, Emma Gordon; daughter, Jennifer and husband, Ben Bosscher; grandchildren Skylar, Tristan and Landon Bosscher; sister, Sheila (Gordon) Summers; mother-in-law, Amanda Cushman; brothers and sisters-in-law, Vickie and Wayne Dixon, Lynda Jury, Sherry and Harry Behle, David Cushman; and many nieces and nephews.
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Not really an OC, but my design/interpretation- Emma May Dixon, Old Man McGucket’s ex-wife.  Elementary school librarian.  Has seen more than any mortal should, but still stayed with him until the “Racoon Wife Incident.“  Then divorced him despite the “Pterodactyl” incident.  The remains of the Pterodactyl are still in her garage awaiting the day of her retirement.
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hollowgroverp · 7 years
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The event has officially begun!
A few reminders:
There will be no acceptances during the event,
The event will run through end of day Friday May 19th.
Information about the event can be found here. There are plenty of events that will take place over two days in game and you will have a full week to interact during any of these events. 
Please run any major plots past us before hand.
Otherwise have a great time! Let us know if you have any questions.
The outcome of the softball game:
The rivalry of this game is rather legendary, every year the Hollow Grove Fire Department and Police station face off for bragging rights for the year. Coming in after a two year winning streak the HGPD feels like they’ve got it in the bag, they’ve even brought in local Logan Legend to play pitcher for them. Heckling and taunting is pretty much a given but no one dishes it quite like Scarlett Cardwell. Jack Haley and Colton DeForest, unfortunately spend most of the game trying to keep her from getting into a fight with the other team when it goes too far. Then of course there is trying to keep Rowan Hastings and Isabelle Cresswell in their designated positions when they wonder off. 
The crowd is a mixture of silent spectators from far and wide and there is plenty of heckling that happens amongst them and towards the players. When Rowan Hasting’s take a baseball to the face though Emma Sawyer takes to the field and patches the young wolf up in no time and he’s back in the game in no time. 
During the seventh inning stretch the HGPD takes the lead once more, hitting several out of the park home runs, when they realize all the spare balls are missing. Anne Glass sitting in the stand simply smiles innocently as she watches the confusion that ensues for a good twenty minutes. During the lull in the game, Delilah Reyes gets bored so naturally she decides now would be a great time to streak across the field. Chaos ensues for a good ten minutes until the balls are found and Jack Haley retrieves Delilah’s clothing for her. 
In the final inning, the police department is up by three points with the fire department up for their final bat. Dash Hastings and Nick Adler manage to get on base but two strikes leave the fate of HGFD looking grim. Then Jamie Taylor comes up to bat, he’s been rocketing them out to center and left field all day but when notices that HGPD has put probably their worst player, Isabelle Cresswell, in right field. So with one swift strike he hits the ball into right field. A pop fly that by any means should be easy to catch. A very enthusiastic Issy is certain she will catch and every one watches with batted breath as the ball rockets towards her. Then suddenly the sound of the ice cream truck can be heard in the distance and distraction sets in. “Oh ice cream.” Can be heard as the blonde turns to run off the field towards the ice cream truck and everyone watches in shock as the ball hits the ground with a hollow thud and then sudden their is an explosion of cheering from the fire department as the players round the bases. Colton DeForest scurries from his place at first towards the ball but at this point its almost too late. Jamie Taylor is rounding third and headed for home, the crowd is screaming and the fate of the game comes down to Colton throwing the ball home. Dust flies as Jamie slides into home as the ball reaches the catcher and the crowd is silent as the ump makes the final call. 
The winner of the HGPD vs HGFD charity softball game is.............. Hollow Grove Fire Department!
The outcome of the Bachelor auction:
“Thank you for all your generous bids, your support for the children has been over whelming! This years highest earning basket was Basket Thirteen Mr. Jett Danvers! His basket even ended in tie. Congrats to both young ladies! The winners of the baskets are as follows:”
Basket one, Ezra Gillies was won by Kinsley Austen
Basket two, Arthur Grey was won by Sloan Burkhart
Basket Three, Dash Hastings was won by Lorelei Holt
Basket Four, Connor Quinn was won by Gia Mannan
Basket five , Tucker Longstreet was won by Ana West
Basket six, Lukas Blackwell was won by Diana Stirling
Basket seven, Logan Legend was won by Isolde Harabo
Basket eight, Adam Haley was won by Anne Glass
Basket nine, Emmett Bryson was won by Maggie Blackwell
Basket ten, Jason Grey was won by Samantha Pierce
Basket eleven, Jamie Taylor was won by Delilah Reyes
Basket twelve, Nick Adler was won by Joslyn Blackwell
Basket thirteen, Jett Danvers was won by Imogen Mastrano and Rachel Silver ( a tie!)
Basket fourteen, Colton DeForest was won by Nora Hastings
Basket fifteen, Gideon Henry was won by Cassie Cresswell
Basket sixteen, Jack Haley was won by Fallon Robbinson
Basket seventeen, Jeremiah Dixon was won by Emma Sawyer
Special Note: We had a great deal of bids in comparison to baskets, for this reason we made a special point of making sure that each player had at least one character that would have at least one pairing. Meaning if you have multiple characters, we apologize, we just didn’t have the resources to pair everyone but at least one of your characters should be included in some kind of pairing
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Avril 24. Author & Punisher + Casio judiciaire – Espace B 25. Erik Minkkinen – L'Epoque 26. Éliane Radigue par H. Breschand & L.-M. Marion + "Solo" de Jakob Ullmann + Benoît Burello : "Asphodel & the Island Sun" – Collège des Bernardins 26. Tim Olive, Anne-F. Jacques & Pascal Battus + Ritual Extra + Vincent Malassis + Paul Gremare – tba 26. True Widow + King Woman – Espace B 26. Aluk Todolo + Oranssi Pazuzu – Petit Bain 26. Kas Product + Dear Deer – Batofar 26. Rodolphe Burger + Sylvain Vanot – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 27. Daniel Bachman + Jake Xerxes – Le Zorba 27. Wild Classical Musical Ensemble + Magnetix – La Station 27. Gaëtan Boudy & Clément Hauvrette : cinéconcert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque électrique 27. La Femme + Superpoze (dj) + NSDos + Zaltan + DK + Epsilove – Cité des sciences et de l'industrie 27. Jean-Sébastien Mariage & Olivier Lété avec Vincent Fortemps (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Elysée Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 28. Julien Gasc + Forever Parot + Dorian Pimpernel + Orval Carlos Sibelius – La Station 28. PVT + Faroe – Point FMR 28. Oxbow + Celeste + Sumac + Inter Arma (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 28. Patten + UVB 76 + Le Vasco + Der Amethyst – Supersonic 28. Laurent Garnier b2b Michael Meyer + Vitalic + S3A – Trabendo 28. Michel Deltruc & Patricia Dallio avec Maki Watanabe (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 28/29. Gaëtan Boudy & Clément Hauvrette : cinéconcert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque électrique 29. Sébastien Roux – Le Bal 29. Dälek + Ovtrenoir + Jaye Jayle + Emma Ruth Rundle (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 29. Frustration + Cheveu + JC Satan + La Femme + Usé + Violence conjugale + Cannibale + Marietta (dj) + Topper Harley (dj) – La Machine ||COMPLET|| 29. Abstract Keal Agram – Trabendo (gratuit) 29. Unglee Izi + Mesa of The Lost Women + Videophage + Trous aux rats + Molière + Cuntre + Evil Moisture + DJ France-86 (fest. Premier sang) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 29. ErikM & Louise Leverd avec Clara Cornil (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 29. Silent Servant + Peder Mannerfelt + François X + Heartbeat + Valentino Mora + Amila – Concrete 29. Guts Pie Earshot + La Flemme – Centre Barbara-FGO 30. Las Ondes Marteles + Woodloop + Trotski nautique + Supertrump – Centre Barbara-FGO 30. Nadja + Matt Jencik + Ensemble économique – Supersonic (gratuit) 30. Seefeel + BLN – Batofar 30. Bagarre + Les Hôpitaux + Puzupuzu + Boe Strummer + Pasteur Charles + Bambina – Petit Bain 30. Jean-Léon Pallandre & Isabelle Duthoit avec Skallistan (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly)
Mai 01. Jean-François Pauvros avec Ludor Citrik & Joan (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 01. Black Marble – Batofar ||REPORTÉ|| 02. Antoine Schmitt, Violaine Lochu & Garth Knox (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 03. Meat Wave – La mécanique ondulatoire 03. Seabuckthorn + Raoul Vignal + Albane Aubry – Les 3 baudets 04. Group A + N.M.O. – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Qual – Espace B 04. Jeff Mills : Spirale Deluxe – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 05. La Novia & Yann Gourdon : “In C” de Terry Riley – Centre Pompidou 05. Poni Hoax + Yula Kasp – La Station 05. C.A.R. + Léonie Pernet + Lil'Sugar – Le Klub 05. Anetha – La Machine 06. Esmerine + Bärlin – Espace B 06. Little Nemo + Babel 17 – Candy Shop 06. Paris Acid Boys + Peev (Marathon électronique) – 6, rue de La Pointe (Romainville) 07. Infecticide – Supersonic (gratuit) 09. Blanck Mass – Point FMR 09. Erevan Tusk + Nick Grey & The Random Orchestra + Franck Rabeyrolles + Hop on Me – La Java 10. Zombie Zombie + Tomaga + None + Tristesse contemporaine (dj) (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 11. Cocaine Piss + Miss France + The Sunflowers – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. Oiseaux-Tempête + L'Effondras + Noyades – Trabendo 11. Laetitia Sadier + Solo Astra + Beat Mark (Le Beau fest.) – Espace B 11. Ambassador 21 + Lying Figures + Wild + Yorblind – Bus Palladium 12. Wire + Blackmail + Teknomom – La Maroquinerie 12. Fabrizio Rat + Camera – La Station 12. Étienne Jaumet + Gilb'r + Tolouse Low Trax (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 12. Manu le Malin + AZF + 14anger + Sinus 0 – La Machine 13. Collection d'Arnell Andrea – Batofar 13. Jumo + Giorgia Angiuli + Nova Materia (Sound Design Party|D'Days) – Gaîté lyrique 13. Mammane Sadi + Novella + Blondi's Salvation + Biche + Mohamed Lamouri (Le Beau fest.) – La Station 13. Headless Horseman + Ventress + Blindr + Illnurse + Paulie Jan – Trabendo 13. Bas Mooy + UVB + Charlton + Sleeparchive – Nuits fauves 14. Lee Patterson – péniche Adélaïde 14. Thee Oh Sees + Häxxan – Trabendo 15. Chameleons Vox + Blue Mountain Expansion – Supersonic 15. James Ferraro + Ducktails + Typhonian Highlife – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. ToutEstBeau + Fiodor Novski & The Shiners – Espace B 16. Guerre froide + Wallenberg + The Saint Cyr & Pascale Le Berre – Petit Bain 17. Xiu Xiu + Le Prince Harry + Delacave – Petit Bain 18. Poison Point – Angora bar (gratuit) 18. Molecule + Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima (Soirée sonore) – Centre Pompidou (gratuit) 18. Philippe Laurent + Das Ding – La Java 19. Eloïse Descazes & Eric Chenaux – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 19. Vril + Henning Baer + James Ruskin + DJ Pete + Parfait – Dock Eiffel (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 23. Sleaford Mods + Mark Wynn – Gaîté lyrique 23/24. Pascal Bouaziz : musique live pour "Nos féroces" de Séverine Rième (Rencontres chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 24. Death in Vegas – Gaîté lyrique 24. God is an Astronaut – Flow 25. Collectif_Sin (Villette sonique) – Wip 25. Keiji Haino, Merzbow & Balasz Pandi + Afrirampo + Puce Mary (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 25. RA + Drab Majesty – Espace B 26. Soviet Soviet + Empereur + Dead + Scaffolder – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Royal Trux + Groupe Doueh & Cheveu + Uranium Club + Bernardino Femminielli (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. La Colonie de vacances (Villette sonique) – Périphérique 26. Actress + Jacques Greene – Nuits fauves 27. Annette Peacock + OOIOO (Villette sonique) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27/28. Princess Nokia + Randomer + Marie Davidson + Doomsday Student + Mandolin Sister + The Goon Sax + Pizza Noise Mafia + Deena Abdelwahed + Volition Immanent + Mdou Moctar (Villette sonique) – Parc de La Villette (gratuit) 28. Einstürzende Neubauten + Jenny Hval – Grande Halle de La Villette 29. Ruins + Akaten + Zubi Zuva X + Acid Mother Temple SWR + Acid Mother Kirisute Gomen + Psyche Bugyo + Makoto Kawabata + Zoffy + Atsushi Tsuyama + Emiko Ota (Japanese New Music) – Gaîté lyrique 29. MSHR + Max Eilbacher & Duncan Moore + Acqua Dentata + Meryll Ampe & Romain Arnette – tba 29. Psychic TV 3 + Aikula – Petit Bain 30. Broken Social Scene – L'Alhambra 31. The Make Up + The Blind Shake (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage
Juin 01. Kim Myrh & Lasse Marhaug + EKT (EriKm, Harald Kimmig & Olaf Tzschoppe) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 01. Society of Silence + Charles Fencker – Nuits fauves 02. Ansome + Myler + Ossian + Ayarcana + 138 – La Machine 04. Karima Walker + Mikko Savela – tba 04. Anetha + Kas:st + Octave One + Paranoid London + Rodhad... – Vélodrome (Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) 06. John Russell + Michel Doneda & Lê Quan Ninh – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 08. Primal Scream – Gaîté lyrique 08. Mikky Blanco (Loud & Proud) – tba 08. Soror Dolorosa + Schonwald – Bus Palladium 08. Sida + Cellular Chaos – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 09. Blurt – Espace b 09. Maud Geffray + Chloé + Voiron + Casual Gabberz + Krampf – Gaîté lyrique 09. Skinny Puppy + Carpenter Brut (fest. Download) –  Base aérienne 217 (Brétigny/Orge) 10/11. Richie Hawtin + Flying Lotus + Jon Hopkins (dj) + Moderat + Motor City Drums Ensemble + Recondite + A Tribe Called Quest + Solange + Nicolas Jaar + Parcels + Jessy Lanza + Action Bronson + Anderson Paak + Abra... (We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 11. Inhalt + Poison Point – La mécanique ondulatoire 11. Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka Spel – La Cigale 14. King Dude + Suzie Stapleton – La plage de Glazart (gratuit) 14. Charlemagne Palestine – musée d'Art et d'Histoire du judaïsme 16. Warum Joe + Asphalt + Last Night + Police Control + Colombey – La Station 22. Joëlle Léandre & Mike Ladd – Galerie Hus (sur résa) 30. Geneviève Pasquier + Position parallèle + Black Light Ascension – Le Zèbre de Belleville 30>10.07. Air + Metronomy + Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales + Savages + Devendra Banhart + Michael Kiwanuka + Tindesticks présentent "Minute Bodies" + James Vincent McMorrow + Lady Sir (Rachida Brakni & Gaëtan Roussel) + Kate Tempest + Calypso Valois + The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (fest. Days Off) – Philharmonie
Juillet 01. Ke/Hil + Kommando + Tunnels of Āh + AntiVallium – Le Zèbre de Belleville 01/02. Soichi Terada + Antal b2b Hunee + San Proper + Margie + Renart + Mézigue + Rendez-vous... (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 02. The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (Days Off) – Salle de répétition|Philharmonie 02. Tindersticks : cineconcert sur "Minute Bodies" de Suart Staples (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 03. Metronomy (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Savages + Kate Tempest (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 05. Group Doueh & Cheveu – Institut des Cultures d'Islam 06. Devandra Banhart  + Lisa Hannigan (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 07/08. Varg + Exal + BLNDR + Ancient Methods + Voiski + AZF + Marie Davidson + Fils de Vénus + Nina Kraviz + Dixon + Marcel Dettmann + Moodymann + Apollonia + Levon Vincent + Midland Romare + Kaytranada + The Martinez Brothers + Jackmaster + DVS1 + Jlin + Avalon Emerson + Raheem Experience + Konstantin + Peggy Gou + Hugo LX + TGAF + Bamao Yende... (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07/08. Daikiri + Gloria + Tomaga + Le Villejuif Underground + The Limiñanas + Hey Colossus + Fai Baba... (La ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Sourdure + Piu Piu (dj) + N.M.O. + Danny L. Harle (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 08. Air (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 09. Carl Stone (dj) + Manu le Malin (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 10. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly & James McAlister (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 15. Blawan – Rex Club 21. Hocico + Shaârghot – Petit Bain
Août 25>27. PJ Harvey + The XX + At the Drive In + Franz Ferdinand + Cypress Hill + Ty Segall + Rone + The Kills... (Rock en Seine) – Parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 21. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 22. She Past Away – Petit Bain 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex
Octobre 03. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith ||COMPLET|| 04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith 14. Wardruna – La Cigale 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon
Novembre 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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issyandbella · 6 years
Beautiful May Wedding With The Dress Of Dreams.
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Victoria and Russel married at the stunning Dewsall Court in Herefordshire in May, and what a wedding! This was so special, I just had to share it with you.
Images by the hugely talented Nicola Dixon
When I first met Victoria, and her mum Karen, I just knew this wedding would be a dream from the start. The colours, the dress, the flowers, the styling, it was all just perfect.
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Roses are Victoria’s favourite flower, and they were the running theme through the entire wedding.  With no exception the bouquet flowers were made using beautiful roses supplied by the Real Flower Company in Hampshire. We used David Austins Keira, White Ohara, Prince Jardinier, Cream piaget and peony pink. Victoria wanted her bouquet to be scented and it was, we added in sweet peas, and lily of the valley, as it was her grandmothers favourite flower. Myrtle from the mother of the Brides garden. Silver lavender, mint, scented geranium and eucalyptus, this was without a doubt a bouquet bursting with floral scents. For the final flourish we finished using our own organic, natural dyed silk ribbons to complete the look.
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The bridesmaids had smaller versions of the bridal bouquet.
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Victoria chose Eleanor from Leglow Brides to do the makeup, and Angie from Beautiful Brides to style her hair.
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Victoria's dress was designed by herself and Emma. It was out of this world. With a simple, sexy split to show off those sequin Jimmy Choos. The dress was from Emma Beaumont Atelier.
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The ceremony took place in the Wainhouse at Dewsall. For this we decorated with rustic chandeliers, that were hung above the aisle. We made multiple bunches of scented eucalyptus, rosemary and mint. They were then placed on the chairs.
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The ceremony table had a gorgeous arrangement of the all the bridal flowers. The huge bundle of fresh flowers scented the wain for the whole ceremony.
After the ceremony, we saw the wain transformed for the reception. We decorated the long tables with a collection of foliage runners, and candles.
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The yummy cake was made by Jo from Secret Cinderella, and of course decorated with needlessly endless scented roses.
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Photographer:  Nicola Dixon  http://nicoladixonphotography.com/
Venue: deswall court Herefordshire   http://www.dewsall.com/
Hair and Makeup: Leglow Brides  http://www.leglow.co.uk/
Dress: Emma Beautmont Atelier  www.emmabeaumont.com
Flowers: www.issyandbella.co.uk
Shoes:  https://www.jimmychoo.com
Cake: secret Cinderella http://www.secretcinderellacakes.co.uk/
0 notes
gravitascivics · 6 years
[Note:  This posting is a continuation of a report on the development of a civics unit of study. This unit is directing students to formulate informed positions on the opioid epidemic.  It is being developed in real time.  Writer wants to express gratitude to Wikipedia for identifying the bulk of the research this blog has used in the development of this unit.[1]]
So, where is this effort at in developing a unit of study of the opioid epidemic?  To date, this blog has divided the topic into a list of aspects or elements.  That list includes a short history, a definition of the crisis in terms of federalist values, a description of how the epidemic affects individual victims, production and distribution of opioid drugs, demographic factors of the crisis, and governmental reactions.  
The various postings, leading to this one, have addressed each of these aspects by mostly reporting related factoids and insights.  These in turn have been discovered or proposed by related research. The reader is invited, using the archive feature, to review those postings if he/she is new to this blog.
This posting continues this progression by sharing factoids and insights associated with medical counter measures.  This aspect promises to be the last before advancing to the next step in developing this unit; i.e., developing lesson ideas.  This next step considers targeted lesson plans that will utilize the information that those prior postings reported.
As for medical counter measures, this topic can be addressed from two perspectives: generally, and through the lens of the effects of various drugs, such as methadone, have on patients.  This posting will utilize both perspectives: that of the medical approaches generally and a look at a number of drugs used in drug addiction treatment protocols.
·        There seems to be a national strategy emphasis; i.e., to talk more on prevention than on treatment of those already addicted.[2]  
·        Among either doctor-prescribed or doctor-regulated treatment regimens there are both medical and behavioral components.  They count on various drugs – kratom, naloxone, methadone, or buprenorphine – and then combine it with behavioral treatments including individual and group therapies, residential treatments, and 12-step programs.[3]
·        Probably the most known treatment drug is methadone; it has been the most studied of the various drug treatment options.  It has been in use since the nineteen-sixties.[4]
·        Buprenorphine comes in various forms including an implanted form called Probuphine.  The implanted form lasts six-months.[5]
·        Between the years 2003 and 2011, the use of buprenorphine has increased 40%.[6]  More recent figures are needed.
·        For most addicts of opioids, a treatment strategy that either lacks a drug or behavioral component, the evidence shows that the strategy is less effective for most patients.[7]
·        There are other components available as counter measures.  They include: harm reduction approaches,[8] the drug, naloxone,[9] needle exchange programs,[10] and the use of blue lights in public spaces – it discourages injecting drugs since it is harder to detect veins.[11]
·        Methadone, itself, happens to be a long-acting opioid.  As such it can function to replace heroin with just a single daily dosage by attaching chemically to the opioid brain and spinal cord receptors.  This leads to activating the brain and spinal cord in such a way as to diminish symptoms, reduce cravings, and suppressing highs that heroin and other opioids induce.  The aims, of this regimen, are to taper off the dependency the user has under a controlled environment and to increase the likelihood of avoiding a relapse. Since, it is a controlled regimen, the patient needs to pick up daily dosages from a methadone clinic.  This is not feasible for all addicts or it adds to the possibility of patients being stigmatized since their treatment is a fairly public activity.[12]
·        Over-use of opioids has serious consequences.  Dependence on the drug are associated with contraction of HIV and to overdosing.  To meet this challenge, there has been two overall approaches:  medical and behavioral.  What is better?  It depends on the addicted person.[13]
·        Growing in popularity is a treatment that uses buprenorphine.  Like methadone, in terms of usage, there is much less of a controlled regimen.  Yes, there is the need for a prescription to attain this drug, but less regulated demands. Patients receive month-long prescriptions, so there are no daily visits to clinics.  The claim by its advocates is that it is safer than methadone and its use aims at reducing or quitting the use of heroin or other opiates.  In addition, it is credited with eliminating cravings and withdrawal symptoms but not inducing a euphoric high.[14]
·        Since buprenorphine can be administered through physician offices and only call for a visit once every month, consequently, the cost of detox is reduced drastically.[15]
With that, this phase of developing a unit of study is done; now, the focus will be, with the next posting, the designing of lessons.  As a point of reference, this unit is visualized as a week-long unit with four instructional lessons and one evaluative lesson.
[1] The writer also wants to state that where possible, he has checked the sources and has at times added to the listed research.
[2] Emma E. McGinty, Alene Kennedy-Hendricks, Julia Baller, Jeff Niederdeppe, Sarah Gollust, Colleen L. Barry, “Criminal Activity or Treatable Health Condition?  News Media Framing of Opioid Analesic Abuse in the United States, 1998-2012,” Psychiatric Services, December 1, 2015, accessed August 20, 2018, https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ps.201500065 .
[3] Ibid. AND Jennifer C. Veilleux, Peter J. Colvin, Jennifer Anderson, Catherine York, and Adrienne J. Heinz, “A Review of Opioid Dependence Treatment:  Pharmacological and Psychosocial Intervention to Treat Opioid Addiction,” Clinical Psychology Review, vol. 30, no. 2, March 2010, 155-166, abstract accessed August 23, 2018, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272735809001421 .
[4] “Methadone,” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, accessed August 23, 2018, https://www.samhsa.gov/medication-assisted-treatment/treatment/methadone .  This cite is a good source for general information about methadone.  For example, the cite points out that this drug is also addictive, and this fact helps explain why a high level of supervision needs to be part of any regimen using this drug.
[5] “New Medication Formulations Could Quickly Make a Difference for Treating Opioid Addiction,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, August 22, 2017, accessed August 23, 2018, https://www.drugabuse.gov/about-nida/noras-blog/2017/08/new-medication-formulations-could-quickly-make-difference-treating-opioid-addiction .
[6] L. W. Turner, Stafan P. Drszewski, R. Mojtabai, Daniel Webster, S. Nesbit, R. S. Stafford, and G. Caleb Alexander, “Trends in Buprenorphine and Methadone Sales and Utilization in the United States, 1997-2012,” Value in Health, May 2013, abstract accessed August 23, 2018, https://www.valueinhealthjournal.com/article/S1098-3015(13)01627-6/fulltext?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS1098301513016276%3Fshowall%3Dtrue .
[7] Jennifer C. Veilleux, Peter J. Colvin, Jennifer Anderson, Catherine York, and Adrienne J. Heinz, “A Review of Opioid Dependence Treatment:  Pharmacological and Psychosocial Intervention to Treat Opioid Addiction,” Clinical Psychology Review.
[8] Andrew Kolodny, David T. Courtwright, Catherine S. Hwang, Peter Kreiner, John L. Eadie, Thomas W. Clark, and G. Caleb Alexander, "The Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis: A Public Health Approach to an Epidemic of Addiction," Annual Review of Public Health, vol. 36, 2015, 559–574.  Accessed June 25, 2018, see https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031914-122957 .
[9] David W. Dixon and Ryan P. Peirson, “Opioid Abuse Treatment and Management,” updated June 21, 2018, accessed August 23, 2018, https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/287790-treatment .
[10] “Syringe Services Programs,” Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), n. d., accessed August 23, 2018, https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/ssps.html AND Kris Clarke, Debra Harris, John A. Zweifler, Marc Lasher, Roger B. Mortimer, and Susan Hughes, “The Significance of Harm Reduction As a Social and Health Care Intervention for Injecting Drug Users:  An Exploratory Study of a Needle Exchange Program in Fresno, California,” US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, August 1, 2017, accessed August 23, 2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5129746/ .
[11] Michael Rubinkam (Associated Press), “Retailers Experiment with Blue Lights to Deter Drug Users from Shooting Up in Bathrooms,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, June 24, 2018, accessed August 23, 2018, https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/retailers-experiment-with-blue-lights-to-deter-drug-users-from/article_065090bf-cee2-5fe4-833b-b57989057281.html .
[12] David W. Dixon and Ryan P. Peirson, “Opioid Abuse Treatment and Management.”
[13] Ibid.
[14] Bryan Schwartz, “My View:  New Approach Needed for Opioid Epidemic,” Portland Tribune, July 25, 2017, accessed August 23, 2018, https://pamplinmedia.com/pt/10-opinion/367132-248727-my-view-new-approach-needed-for-opioid-epidemic- .
[15] Ibid.
0 notes
uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Avril 18. Bleib Modern + Poison Point – Espace B 18. Horse Lords + Clouds Become your Hands – Olympic café 18. Bracco + TG Gondard – La Pointe Lafayette 19. Winter Family + Jambinai – Centre Barbara FGO 19. Xeno & Oaklander + Nova Materia – Badaboum 19. Zu + Bologna Violenta – Petit Bain 20. Buildings + Autisti + Heads – Espace B 20. Pharmakon + Descendeur – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) ||COMPLET|| 21. Croatian Amor + Andrea Belfi – église Saint-Merri 21. Les Hôpitaux + Mamiedaragon + Ero Babaa + Zaraz Wam Zagram – Treize 21. Fils de Vénus + Balladur + Tommy Genesis – Badaboum 21. J. G. Biberkopf + Crystal Mess – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 21. Grand Blanc + Marietta + Robbing Millions +  The Parrots + Johnny Mafia + Halo Maud (Mofo fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 21. Bob Dylan – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) ||COMPLET|| 21. Dave Clark – Nuits fauves 21. DMX Crew + LTJ Bukem + BOA – Concrete 21. Blush Response + Surgeon + Pfirter + Parfait – Dock Eiffel (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 22. Emmanuelle Parrenin (disquaire Day) – Souffle continu (gratuit) 22. The Divine Comedy (disquaire Day) – Maison de la radio (gratuit sur résa) 22. Tristesse contemporaine + Claude Violante + Jaune + Fantomes + Volage + Born Idiot + Pépite + Mountain Bike + Veni Vidi TV + Basile Di Manski + Rubin (disquaire Day) – Point FMR (gratuit) 22. Prairie-litière + Chicaloyoh + Opal – La Pointe Lafayette 22. Bajram Bili + You Man (disquaire Day) – Badaboum 22. Portable + Powell + Veronica Vasicka (Do Disturb) – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo 22. Fujiya & Miyagi + Black Devil Disco Club + Buvette + Il est vilaine + Faire + Oko Ebombo (Mofo fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 22. Komplikations + Taulard + Pour X raisons – Cirque électrique ||COMPLET|| 23. Arnaud Rebotini + Jacques & Gain + Aquaserge +  Rendez-Vous + Onze onze + The Luyas + Julien Barbagello + Human Theorema (Mofo fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 24. Author & Punisher – Espace B 26. Éliane Radigue par H. Breschand & L.-M. Marion + "Solo" de Jakob Ullmann + Benoît Burello : "Asphodel & the Island Sun" – Collège des Bernardins 26. Tim Olive, Anne-F. Jacques & Pascal Battus + Ritual Extra + Vincent Malassis + Paul Gremare – tba 26. True Widow + King Woman – Espace B 26. Aluk Todolo + Oranssi Pazuzu – Petit Bain 26. Kas Product + Dear Deer – Batofar 26. Rodolphe Burger + Sylvain Vanot – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 27. Daniel Bachman + Jake Xerxes – Le Zorba 27. Wild Classical Musical Ensemble + Magnetix – La Station 27. Gaëtan Boudy & Clément Hauvrette : cinéconcert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque électrique 27. La Femme + Superpoze (dj) + NSDos + Zaltan + DK + Epsilove – Cité des sciences et de l'industrie 27. Jean-Sébastien Mariage & Olivier Lété avec Vincent Fortemps (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Elysée Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 28. Julien Gasc + Forever Parot + Dorian Pimpernel + Orval Carlos Sibelius – La Station 28. PVT – Point FMR 28. Oxbow + Celeste + Sumac + Inter Arma (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 28. Patten + UVB 76 + Le Vasco + Der Amethyst – Supersonic 28. Laurent Garnier b2b Michael Meyer + Vitalic + S3A – Trabendo 28. Michel Deltruc & Patricia Dallio avec Maki Watanabe (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 28/29. Gaëtan Boudy & Clément Hauvrette : cinéconcert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque électrique 29. Sébastien Roux – Le Bal 29. Dälek + Ovtrenoir + Jaye Jayle + Emma Ruth Rundle (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 29. Frustration + Cheveu + JC Satan + La Femme + Usé + Violence conujugale + Cannibale + Marietta (dj) + Topper Harley (dj) – La Machine 29. Abstract Keal Agram – Trabendo (gratuit) 29. Unglee Izi + Mesa of The Lost Women + Videophage + Trous aux rats + Molière + Cuntre + Evil Moisture + DJ France-86 (fest. Premier sang) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 29. ErikM & Louise Leverd avec Clara Cornil (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 29. Silent Servant + Peder Mannerfelt + François X + Heartbeat + Valentino Mora + Amila – Concrete 30. Nadja + Matt Jencik + Ensemble économique – Supersonic (gratuit) 30. Seefeel + BLN – Batofar 30. Bagarre + Les Hôpitaux + Puzupuzu + Boe Strummer + Pasteur Charles + Bambina – Petit Bain 30. Jean-Léon Pallandre & Isabelle Duthoit avec Skallistan (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly)
Mai 01. Jean-François Pauvros avec Ludor Citrik & Joan (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 01. Black Marble – Batofar ||REPORTÉ|| 02. Antoine Schmitt, Violaine Lochu & Garth Knox (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 03. Meat Wave – La mécanique ondulatoire 03. Seabuckthorn + Raoul Vignal + Albane Aubry – Les 3 baudets 04. Group A + N.M.O. – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Qual – Espace B 04. Jeff Mills : Spirale Deluxe – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 05. La Novia & Yann Gourdon : “In C” de Terry Riley – Centre Pompidou 05. Poni Hoax + Yula Kasp – La Station 05. C.A.R. + Léonie Pernet + Lil'Sugar – Le Klub 05. Anetha – La Machine 06. Esmerine – Espace B 06. Little Nemo + Babel 17 – Candy Shop 06. Paris Acid Boys + Peev (Marathon électronique) – 6, rue de La Pointe (Romainville) 09. Blanck Mass – Point FMR 10. Zombie Zombie + Tomaga + None + Tristesse contemporaine (dj) (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 11. Oiseaux-Tempête + L'Effondras + Noyades – Trabendo 11. Laetitia Sadier + Solo Astra + Beat Mark (Le Beau fest.) – Espace B 11. Ambassador 21 – Bus Palladium 12. Wire + Blackmail + Teknomom – La Maroquinerie 12. Fabrizio Rat + Camera – La Station 12. Étienne Jaumet + Gilb'r + Tolouse Low Trax (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 12. Manu le Malin + AZF + 14anger + Sinus 0 – La Machine 13. Collection d'Arnell Andrea – Batofar 13. Jumo + Giorgia Angiuli + Nova Materia (Sound Design Party|D'Days) – Gaîté lyrique 13. Mammane Sadi + Novella + Blondi's Salvation + Biche + Mohamed Lamouri (Le Beau fest.) – La Station 13. Headless Horseman + Ventress + Blindr + Illnurse + Paulie Jan – Trabendo 13. Bas Mooy + UVB + Charlton + Sleeparchive – Nuits fauves 14. Lee Patterson – péniche Adélaïde 14. Thee Oh Sees + Häxxan – Trabendo 15. Chameleons Vox + Blue Mountain Expansion – Supersonic 15. James Ferraro + Ducktails + Typhonian Highlife – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. ToutEstBeau + Fiodor Novski & The Shiners – Espace B 16. Guerre froide + Wallenberg + The Saint Cyr & Pascale Le Berre – Petit Bain 17. Xiu Xiu + Le Prince Harry + Delacave – Petit Bain 18. Molecule + Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima (Soirée sonore) – Centre Pompidou (gratuit) 18. Philippe Laurent + Das Ding – La Java 19. Eloïse Descazes & Eric Chenaux – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 23. Sleaford Mods + Mark Wynn – Gaîté lyrique 23/24. Pascal Bouaziz : musique live pour "Nos féroces" de Séverine Rième (Rencontres chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 24. Death in Vegas – Gaîté lyrique 24. God is an Astronaut – Flow 25. Collectif_Sin (Villette sonique) – Wip 25. Keiji Haino, Merzbow & Balasz Pandi + Afrirampo + Puce Mary (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 25. RA + Drab Majesty – Espace B 26. Soviet Soviet + Empereur – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Royal Trux + Groupe Doueh & Cheveu + Uranium Club + Bernardino Femminielli (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. La Colonie de vacances (Villette sonique) – Périphérique 26. Actress + Jacques Greene – Nuits fauves 27. Annette Peacock + OOIOO (Villette sonique) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27/28. Princess Nokia + Randomer + Marie Davidson + Doomsday Student + Mandolin Sister + The Goon Sax + Pizza Noise Mafia + Deena Abdelwahed + Volition Immanent + Mdou Moctar (Villette sonique) – Parc de La Villette (gratuit) 28. Einstürzende Neubauten + Jenny Hval – Grande Halle de La Villette 29. Ruins + Akaten + Zubi Zuva X + Acid Mother Temple SWR + Acid Mother Kirisute Gomen + Psyche Bugyo + Makoto Kawabata + Zoffy + Atsushi Tsuyama + Emiko Ota (Japanese New Music) – Gaîté lyrique 29. MSHR + Max Eilbacher & Duncan Moore + Acqua Dentata + Meryll Ampe & Romain Arnette – tba 29. Psychic TV 3 + Aikula – Petit Bain 30. Broken Social Scene – L'Alhambra 31. The Make Up + The Blind Shake (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage
Juin 01. Kim Myhr & Lasse Marhaug + EKT (EriKm, Harald Kimmig & Olaf Tzschoppe) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Karima Walker + Mikko Savela – tba 04. Anetha + Kas:st + Octave One + Paranoid London + Rodhad... – Vélodrome (Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) 06. John Russell + Michel Doneda & Lê Quan Ninh – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 08. Primal Scream – Gaîté lyrique 08. Soror Dolorosa + Schonwald – Bus Palladium 08. Sida + Cellular Chaos – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 09. Blurt – Espace b 09. Maud Geffray + Chloé + Voiron + Casual Gabberz + Krampf – Gaîté lyrique 09. Skinny Puppy + Carpenter Brut (fest. Download) –  Base aérienne 217 (Brétigny/Orge) 10/11. Richie Hawtin + Flying Lotus + Jon Hopkins (dj) + Moderat + Motor City Drums Ensemble + Recondite + A Tribe Called Quest + Solange + Nicolas Jaar + Parcels + Jessy Lanza + Action Bronson + Anderson Paak + Abra... (We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 11. Inhalt + Poison Point – La mécanique ondulatoire 11. Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka Spel – La Cigale 16. Warum Joe + Asphalt + Last Night + Police Control + Colombey – La Station 30. Geneviève Pasquier + Position parallèle + Black Light Ascension – Le Zèbre de Belleville 30>10.07. Air + Metronomy + Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales + Savages + Devendra Banhart + Michael Kiwanuka + Tindesticks présentent "Minute Bodies" + James Vincent McMorrow + Lady Sir (Rachida Brakni & Gaëtan Roussel) + Kate Tempest + Calypso Valois + The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (fest. Days Off) – Philharmonie
Juillet 01. Ke/Hil + Kommando + Tunnels of Āh + AntiVallium – Le Zèbre de Belleville 01/02. Soichi Terada + Antal b2b Hunee + San Proper + Margie + Renart + Mézigue + Rendez-vous... (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 05. Group Doueh & Cheveu – Institut des Cultures d'Islam 07/08. Varg + Exal + BLNDR + Ancient Methods + Voiski + AZF + Marie Davidson + Fils de Vénus + Nina Kraviz + Dixon + Marcel Dettmann + Moodymann + Apollonia + Levon Vincent + Midland Romare + Kaytranada + The Martinez Brothers + Jackmaster + DVS1 + Jlin + Avalon Emerson + Raheem Experience + Konstantin + Peggy Gou + Hugo LX + TGAF + Bamao Yende... (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07/08. Daikiri + Gloria + Tomaga + Le Villejuif Underground... (La ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Sourdure + Piu Piu (dj) + N.M.O. + Danny L. Harle (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 09. Carl Stone (dj) + Manu le Malin (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 15. Blawan – Rex Club 21. Hocico + Shaârghot – Petit Bain
Août 25>27. PJ Harvey + The XX + At the Drive In + Franz Ferdinand + Cypress Hill + Ty Segall + Rone + The Kills... (Rock en Seine) – Parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 21. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 22. She Past Away – Petit Bain 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex
Octobre 03/04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon
Novembre 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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