#second best girl lmao
sparkly-caroline · 7 months
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Sayori, second best girl in DDLC, right behind Monika :)
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buffyspeak · 2 years
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#go off king
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hella1975 · 9 months
‘oh you have a new interest? thank god you’re being normal about it and not spending all your money-’ SHUT UP. CLASSICS SECTION IN THE CHARITY SHOP DOWN THE ROAD
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myfriendtheghost · 6 months
had a GVF dream last night and naturally in my dream I had to log onto tumblr and tell everyone about my experience
so here I am fulfilling the prophecy
#I miss them 😔#I dreamt that I went all the way to LA to see one of their shows at a small outdoor venue#very intimate and there was no pit !!! It was GA but no pit !!! CHAIRS#and the venue accommodated for my visual disability and let me in early so for the first time in my life I had a good view at a GVF show LOL#Jake was wearing the dragon suit from DIG#I think Sam was wearing his original DIG suit too? it was also black#Danny was wearing his Starcatcher outfit#and Josh was wearing a new jumpsuit that was white and BEJEWELED FROM HEAD TO TOE#it was sooo sparkly and pretty#so then they played a song and it was a cover (I don’t remember what song) and I was like well that’s kinda weird#and then oomf showed up and talked through the ENTIRE SECOND SONG (also a cover that I don’t remember)#and I was like well if he keeps doing this after the second song then I’m gonna tell him to be quiet#BUT THEN THEY LEFT AFTER THE SECOND SONG AND I WAS LIKE 🧍🏻‍♀️#but then I was like … well that’s the best view I’ve ever had seeing GVF so at least there’s that#anyway I haven’t listened to the boys in a hot minute but I might have to jam out on the way to church idk!#after that I had a different dream that I flew to Texas with my friend and I wanted to go to the American Girl store so I did and he left me#behind and got another flight without me KDHSJSKA ?!????#I had a lot of random and vivid dreams last night lmao#anywho…. love yall miss yall !!!!#life is finally calming down a bit but my depression is also starting to rear its ugly head again so WOMP#u win some u lose some
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krikeymate · 1 year
Scream 7 opening concept:
It's late, the scene is a police station. It's pretty empty except for a couple of old and crotchety desk jockeys. A handcuffed Tara is being walked into a cell. Her hands are cuffed in front of her and she's a little beat up, and scowling. The cop tells her that her sister is on her way, and not to look at him like that, if she didn't want to be here then she shouldn't have assaulted an officer. She slouches down on a bench with a huff, and the cop leaves. There's some drunk who flirts with her from the other side of the cell - what's a girl like you doing in a place like this, and other such things - he's handcuffed to a bench.
The lights go out.
The drunk makes some comment about it, but Tara's alert, it sets her anxiety off. One of the cops heads over to a breaker box and fixes the lights, mumbling about shitty funding. He goes back into the office to find his partner missing. He looks around a bit, calling for him, before finding him dead under a desk, he sees nobody else around. He runs to the cells to check they're still locked, and Ghostface appears behind him, stabbing him in the neck.
"Hello, Tara. What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"
Tara's eyes flick between the Ghostface and the drunk, who is visibly confused and upset about what is happening.
Meanwhile, Sam, irritated, walks into the police station and finds the receptionist is conked out at her computer. She puts a hand on her shoulder after she doesn't respond, and she rolls over dead.
Back to the cells, Ghostface bends down to take the cell keys from the cops body and begins to unlock the cell. Tara has stood up and backed away as far as she can. She eyes the door as Ghostface walks in, wondering if she can get past them. She tries, and fails. Ghostface slams her head into the bars, dazing her. "This isn't the place for you Tara, but I know where you belong." The Ghostface grabs her, one hand on her shoulder, the other grabs her by the hair, and marches her out of the cell and back into the office room.
They find Sam holding a gun in their direction, she took it from one of the dead cops.
"Tara, you ok?" "Well, I haven't been stabbed yet, so pretty good I guess." "Great, now fucking let go of my sister. This won't end well for you."
Ghostface releases Tara's shoulder to hold a knife to her throat instead. "Are you going to shoot me Samantha? Have you been practising your aim?" Ghostface moves Tara more in front of them, using her as a shield. "I hope so, you wouldn't want to accidentally hit Tara now, would you?"
Sam falters, the gun lowering slightly. Tara tries to struggle, but the grip on her hair is strong and they press the knife harder to her neck. "Ah ah, behave."
Ghostface starts to move forward, Sam stepping back. They pivot around the room, until their positions have been reversed. Ghostface goes to step out the room when a shot rings out and the knife goes flying. Ghostface's been shot from behind, it's Kirby.
The shock has them loosening their hold on Tara, and she throws herself forward at her sister, who grabs her and lifts the gun up again. Sam presses Tara's head against her and covers her free ear with her hand before taking a couple shots at Ghostface, while Kirby does the same from behind.
Ghostface dies, and when they unmask them... they have no idea who this person is... or what they wanted. Well, they search him and find several photographs of Tara. Guess they do know what he wanted afterall.
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crowning-art · 2 years
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devilfruitdyke · 16 days
straight up i was talking to my mom about inservice where we all had to swim a 200. no cap no goggles which is relevant to me as someone w 3 foot hair. and i was like yeah i almost beat everyone except a couple men because they have short hair lol. and my mom was like 'um.. and because theyre boys? 🙂' NO CHIEF lmfaoooo. and then she started yapping about lia thomas 🥴🥴
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softandwildx · 8 months
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jesterwaves · 10 months
my experience with percy jackson is kinda funny in hindsight because reading the first book for the first time i was like 'no way...thalia mentioned!!!!'
#the fool speaks#for clarity - i read the third??? book in elementary school before the others because i needed to get a higher reading level book from#another class and was very shy so they just asked if i wanted percy jackson and handed me the third??? book. it was. as you may have guesse#a tad confusing#and my memory of it is not great thalia was the only character i could really remember. i guess apart from The Percy Jackson.#so anytime they'd talk about the tree and thalia i was like I Know That Tree. I Know That Name#i always wanted to actually read the series from the beginning but never got around to it because a girl in church talked about#how she couldnt even read it anymore because of the gay character#now i am gay and finally reading again! its fun! i love being a nerd again!#(yes i cannot wait to meet nico for real LMAO)#Anyways i finished the first book! love how percy's adhd was portrayed! im going to pick up the second one from my library soonish#if it's in. but i have two books ahead of it an im torn on which book i should read#my heart wants to continue percy jackson but i probably should be getting started on one of these two...#one of them is probably mid at best though T_T#also i do want to watch the movies now that i have read the book so i can understand just why it was disliked. i cannot remember the#movie that well either. the first half of the book seemed pretty similar to what i remembered. the ending was definitely different#i assume thats the majority of the issue? but as i said. cannot remember it that well.
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drysauce · 6 months
i feel like withing next few months i might completely fall out with my best friend help
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camelspit · 6 months
i just spent the last twenty minutes watching youtube vids about greenhouse academy and am most likely going to start a rewatch today as well. you got this show in my brain with one post and an ask rosin. that’s fucking impressive
i dont think its completely my fault lmao greenhouse academy is just addictive as hell. it is like if weed was a show. i hope you rewatch it. i hope we both rewatch it. amen.
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thankyoumskobayashi · 8 months
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New Bambi:
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New Toshiro:
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New Retsu:
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New Quincy Ichigo:
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Manga Aizen:
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Pot/Spot Grimmjow:
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Pretty CB Gin:
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The Better Pot Uryu:
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souldex's website is here: https://bbs-simulator.com/characters
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bsaka7 · 2 years
something that has happened to me quite a bit in my life is just like. this gender based alienation. Almost no matter who I am with I feel out of place. like one of my most formative college memories was being at a small party as a frosh and all the girls went to the kitchen to like, talk about aging and their relationship with their bodies and hooking up and all the boys went into the foyer to smoke weed and i was just sitting in this living room by myself. it doesn't happen as much online but i did have a moment the other day where i was like. i truly cannot relate or understand a single part of what some women/wlw were talking about and i was like in my head. I guess I'm a part of this community too but like. None of this is remotely like anything I feel or am concerned about or maybe ever will (I mean not their fault I just had this moment of alienation I was like. Oh. I thought we were. More the same maybe. It was strange for me to feel like that online too.). and then my coworker-i-hate (girl) was making fun of me because i don't know anything about makeup but whenever im with my coworker-I-like (boy) i also just feel out of place. I don't feel like I'm THAT insecure about myself as a person it's just annoying. Also annoying when randos who come into work r like "oh I thought this was the women's bathroom" if they see me like. FUCK you. Just. I miss having nb/trans roommates it's just like living with them was so nice. it was like. we could all just be. without feeling like there's always these heavy gender-based expectations :( okay we're not going to examine this further cuz like YES I've felt like this since I was like 14 it's just too much to do anything about. I like being a lesbian. I just miss my friends that let me feel like me :(
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ahalliance · 10 months
i don’t get how people can complain about the writing “doing Martha dirty” when that same writing gives her an ending that addresses her treatement over the course of the season, allows her to finally put her to foot down, to establish her self-worth as an individual and to air out her grievances, and gives her the most respectful and satisfying exit from the TARDIS we’d yet seen in the show . like it’s one thing to dislike the direction the writing team took with her arc and to criticise it (perfectly fine) and another to somehow miss it entirely lmao . the ‘martha feels out of place, second best, and like a rebound’ is an intentional piece of writing that gets resolved by the end of the season . like that wasn’t smth they threw in for shits and giggles, it had in-story repercussions
#and if u don’t think those repercussions were Enough then that’s totally cool and smth to start a discussion over#but . don’t act as if they didn’t happen lmao??#i just . yells#like i have my own criticisms about the writing (giving the ‘i feel second best to this dude’s past love interest’ to the first POC#companion was . probably not the best of choices let’s be real#though there’s some leeway there as im assuming the character was written before audtions . but still . could have been reconsidered#idk i totally understand why people aren’t fans of the storyline itself (outside of how coherent the writing is) but i think it’s a shame#that many others just kinda seem to miss the point because it’s such a unique and interesting arc to give to a companion#i like fresh ideas!! i like the doctor Actually being portrayed at someone who is clumsy with relationships and emotional intimacy!!#i like it when his trauma spills over in ugly and complex ways like we see in season 3 in regards to his friendship with martha#and i like it even better when his accidentally cruel actions and mistakes get brought up and criticised by the narrative!! like it does in#the end of s3!! it’s so good!!#i enjoy 10 because he’s my favourite wet cat but also because he is allowed to fill up room like a real traumatised individual would#it’s like . okay i enjoy ‘ooo the doctor is the oncoming storm ooo he’s hurt and killed so many people ooo’#but it’s also good to See the actual ramifications of that shit you know . hearing about his legend status is always fun but damn man#is it satisfying from a character analysis POV to see him hurt the people around him . to see him treat his friends poorly on accident#because of his own character flaws . like that’s GOOD#and it just sorta irks me sometimes bc people will have this smug attitude of ‘well MY blorbo isn’t a rude piece of shit and is actually a#paragon of morality’ and like girl i don’t give a shit . that’s fine in small doses but it’s not what’s compelling#people tend to like interacting with ‘angsty traumatised edgy characters’ if their edginess is contained in a nice little box that doesn’t#overspill . fuck no give me the characters that are loud and ugly and unpleasant about their trauma THAT’S THE REAL SHIT#jay rambles#dw.txt#10.txt#marthaj.txt#sometimes u wanna treat the blorbo from your show like a real person sure but sometimes it is better to remember that they are fictional#and there to be considered as part of a bigger story and as an item to analyse . case in poiny#point#maybe i shouldn’t be surprised by this though since people still get hung up over rose quartz
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crehador · 1 year
this season’s astonishingly mediocre romcoms are making me realize shikimori was waaaaaay better than i originally gave it credit for
#crab watches#various things#tomo-chan is actually alright but the bits are pretty hit or miss since no two characters have THAT much chemistry with each other#i do like tomo and jun together in general#they have a nice dynamic and i dig their backstory (always a sucker for childhood friends)#as for ice guy... lmao a big yikes of a final episode today#overall this was such a soothing series and my main gripe (before today) was just its comedic timing#the bits almost all felt like they were 1.5 to 2 times longer than they needed to be#probably the series could've told the exact same story even with half-length episodes#the pacing of the relationship development was also imo not the best#wish they'd gone the horimiya route of having the couple get together and then just showing the relationship for a while#anyway new main gripe is the random fucking shotacon vibes in the final episode COULD WE NOT HAVE DONE WITHOUT#in hindsight there were warning signs#the first time himuro turned into a kid for magic yuki-onna reasons was actually kind of hilariously cute#like ''oh no the guy who's a yuki-onna descendant got too hot and melted on a company retreat in okinawa and#now he's turned into a kid in front of the colleague he has a crush on'' that's funny#but definitely not a joke worth visiting twice especially since the second visit was less ''funny'' and more ''suggestive''#i will admit that it is reasonable for himuro to get all flustered when falling into a bed with fuyutsuki#even though his body changed into that of a child his mind is unchanged and this is still the woman he's crushing hard on#but tf was she getting flustered for too?? girl that is a child rn??? compose yourself#anyway these tags are getting absurdly long so i guess this is now#parting thoughts
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
im terrified to turn 18 next year but also i basically just confirmed with one of my best friends that we're gonna find an apartment together and be roommates so suddenly the future doesn't seem too horrible
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