#seattle actor
nellarw95 · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Victor 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
March 16,1949
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
16 Marzo 1949
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derogatoryapparently · 8 months
I ❤️ him!
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zepdeans · 2 years
every time I watch a new tv show I see an actor and think hm. they look familiar. wonder what they were in. imDb. oh it was supernatural. every time.
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lyrikalluremedia · 1 year
It is only when you succumb to the darkness that you will find the light you seek ✨
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🪶 Lyrik Allure
📸 Kelvin Watkins Photography
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daveinediting · 2 months
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Of course I'm writing about this after the fact and posting it to the day. 
What's already occurred is Seattle's 48-Hour Film Project. 
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FRIDAY 730PM I was actually on my way home from work and tried to dial into the Livestream of the kickoff during which representatives from each production team draw two genres of which they can pick one. 
We drew Thriller/Suspense and Social Media/Influencer.
Neither of those genres hold passionate interest on our team. I tracked some of the conversation surrounding our choice on Discord, where it was eventually suggested to mash the genres we drew. Don't pick one or the other. Choose both.
Which is how our short film "Killer Content" was born.
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A day or so after filming was complete, someone suggested the following log line to capture the essence of what our story's about—
"A social influencer will generate the biggest following, even if it kills her."
—but I'm getting ahead of myself.
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SATURDAY 3AM Our writers wrapped the script coming up on three Saturday morning. Eight AM the crew's assembled at a theater on Capitol Hill to begin production. Three PM they're filming in a home in Wallingford. Fully wrapped between six and six-thirty.
As for me, I'm not on the clock 'til footage arrives at my place. So, nothing Friday night (of course). Nothing during the morning's and early afternoon's filming (of course) until filming at the first location wraps and a courier is sent my way, arriving at three thirty with the one camera card used so far.
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After a selfie of the two of us doing the hand-off for photos posted to our Discord channel, I plug the card in, transfer all the footage to my workstation and now...
I'm on the clock.
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The goal is to finish a first cut before I go to bed so that the producer and director can assess it first thing Sunday morning which they always do.
How long did that first cut take me?
Thirteen-and-a-half hours.
Yeah. I went to bed coming up on 5AM Sunday morning. The director watched it an hour fifteen minutes later, shot me an email a few minutes after that whilst I was still asleep, and I was up to feed our cats/shower/dress/make coffee for my wife/review my edit and begin the process of endless tweaking before the producer and director arrived a little after ten, five hours after completion of the first cut.
I actually went to bed at 445AM after exporting the cut, uploading to Dropbox, and sending copies to the composer, graphic designer, and sound designer. It was only after I was comfortably in bed next to my wife that I realized to whom I had yet to share the product of my work.
The producer.
And the director.
So I got up, crafted a quick email to them including the Dropbox link, sent it, confirmed it was sent, and then went back to bed.
For real this time.
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Okay. Let's rewind thirteen hours so I can point out something I think editors of old would've, I dunno... bristled at? Found confounding? Confusing? Distracting?
They definitely would've marveled at how the job's changed. And I'm not even talking about the computing workstations and the software for editing, graphic design, and sound mixing. Let alone the AI-powered tools. We'll file that all under the job of "editing" whether it's done today, ten years ago, or fifty years ago. Somehow the job of editing was completed with the tools at hand. So no. I'm not talking about how the craft has changed. What I'm talking about is what it takes to make a short film in 48 hours.
Of course for those of us engaged in post-production, that number's somewhere close to 24 hours. I don't, for example, start my work 'til the footage arrives. The composer can start as soon as the script is finished and they speak with the producer first thing Saturday. They can't really finish, though, until picture's locked. Same deal for the graphic designer, although since the script was 90% about YouTube streamers, most of the work can be assumed right from the pages of the script. They can't be done done, though, until the producer says they're done because, in this case, we were all still assessing what the film needed after my work was done, after my cut was locked. And again same deal for the sound designer whose work really does depend on my timing. They can get a head start... but they can't finish without my final cut.
What time did I finish my final cut?
Well, that was coming up on five Sunday morning. After that, say from ten that same morning, it was the producer's and director's cut as facilitated by me. The first of those subsequent cuts finished around twenty minutes after eleven. The second and final of those cuts finished at ten minutes after noon. Leaving about five hours for graphics and sound design to complete the film.
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Earlier, I mentioned how editors of old would've been gobsmacked by how their profession's changed.
Here's what I mean.
Even though there are three professionals whose work cannot be completed until mine's complete, there's also no way, no way against a deadline that would otherwise impose a five-hour turnaround on them in this case... no way any of us would fully buy into that. 
As I'm editing I'm also communicating with those other departments.
On my phone through Discord, texting, and email. Any assets that would otherwise need to be couriered are sent almost instantaneously through Dropbox and Google Drive.
So that happened.
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Right off the bat, soon as I start ingesting footage, music assets arrive from the composer. Assets called for by the producer as well as assets to cover likely contingencies.
We stay in contact until midnight, tail end of Saturday, regarding a further contingency I identified just as soon as I began laying down Scene 1.
I'm also in contact with the graphic designer until 2 Sunday morning coordinating a number of issues including the first of three element bundles he's sending me, including discussions of how to best take advantage of the opportunities presented by the fact that, in this scripted universe, three of the main characters are YouTube streamers so branding, branding, branding! Also, how are we sending assets back 'n forth? Google Drive. And then he lamented not having set photos of the lead actor so I sent some screencaps his way.
And so on.
Back and forth throughout the night. Not relentlessly, of course, but sometimes a full-blown text conversation would erupt momentarily as we coordinated, as I cut deeper into the script and had questions related to the use of graphics and animations.
I mention the sound designer last here because we had the most involved conversations on Discord regarding, ultimately, four scenes demanding his help. Actually three scenes. I was just curious what ideas he might have for the scene that was already pretty good to go. 
Okay but "demand"? What's that all about?
Well, the choice was made to not use music during any of the streaming segments... which is pretty much everything between titles and credits. One of the four scenes literally has no sound to propel it. Two more need the tension amped up on a mood pivot. And the last is pretty good...
But could be better I'm thinking.
In each case, the emotion of the scene pivots on a dime and we don't want to lose our audience in those moments, so...
Sound design.
It's the first time in this short film challenge across the years that I realize  I'm not the one who'll get this film across the finish line. Sound design's what's gonna get us there in our film's most important moments.
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As I work my way through the first cut, I'm communicating with the sound designer, sending him two of the four scenes for his consideration ASAP.
It's how we're gonna get through this together. So because all three departments are waiting on me... I'm gonna communicate as much as I can on the fly as the film takes shape.
That way, they're absolutely not gonna have to start from scratch with five hours to go on a hard deadline.
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blazestowpress · 4 months
Today we’d like to introduce you to Blaze Robert Stow.
Blaze, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? I was born June 25, 1992 in Seattle, Washington, to a firefighter’s family. My mom was the one to name me, remembering it from childhood after she met an artsy socialite living in L.A. Being the oldest son, I naturally took on a leadership role. I was blessed to have the support of my parents, their families, the family we gained through the adoption of my brother, and the family of friends we made. We lived in a small coastal town named Edmonds, and my favorite place was our family’s beach house. I attended private Christian school, and my graduating class had roughly 100 people in it – most I’ve known my entire life. I’ve always wanted to be an actor, for as long as I can remember. I recently found my 4th Grade autobiography assignment, where I had written that I would become a famous Actor in Los Angeles, riding around in a black limousine.
At a young age, I became affiliated with The Stone Soup Theater in Wallingford, Washington. Here, I starred in public youth performances of “A Christmas Carol” and “Snow White,” then regularly attended their summer camps. I was also exposed to the arts by attending field trips such as “James and the Giant Peach” and “The Nutcracker.” In school, I took drama class. I was also signed with a local talent agent, and I worked in television, commercials, and print. I’ve always surrounded myself with music, art, fashion, design, gardens, etc. I am a frequent attendee of plays, museums, concerts, festivals, and more. I chose to move to Los Angeles when I was 19 years old. I transferred to The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, received a scholarship, and later graduated with a degree in Merchandising & Marketing. Soon-thereafter I began working for a celebrity stylist. Working with celebs, pushing visions and further developing brands, I quickly realized my heart was still set to be in front of the camera. In 2014 I found the Beverly Hills Playhouse (BHP) as my place of study. Here, I practiced scene study and audition technique, with the focus on Acting, Attitude, and Administration. Through the community, I was able to make friends with filmmakers and eventually starred in a few short films through in which I became SAG-Eligible. I began self-submitting for roles using sites such as backstage.com and castingfrontier.com.
Through these sites, I receive audition requests to either self-tape or appear in-person. My main acting focus is Theater, Television, and Film. I also enjoy working with Fashion, and I book a lot of commercial work. In theater, I am most known for playing Horst, in the Hollywood Stage Company’s live production of “Bent.” “Bent” is a play written by Martin Sherman, about two homosexuals, falling in love, set inside a concentration camp. Most recently, I played the Nazi Officer, in the live production of “The Diary of Anne Frank,” by Phantom Projects. “BY USING THEATRE AS A TEACHING TOOL, PHANTOM PROJECTS THEATRE GROUP BRINGS LITERARY CLASSICS TO THE STAGE AT THE LA MIRADA THEATRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PLAYS TACKLING HARD HITTING TOPICS RELEVANT TO TEENS, PARENTS, AND TEACHERS (PhantomProjects.com).”
I am honored to be affiliated with Phantom Projects and contributing back to my community. I have been fortunate enough to work on over 100 different sets in the Television, Commercial, and Film space. Although my intention is to be a leading actor, I feel it is important to stay as close to your medium as possible during all steps of your career. With that thought in mind, I occasionally accept work as a background performer. I strongly believe all roles are important, no matter how big or small the role may be. I am grateful for companies such as Face2Face Talent, Central Casting, and others for giving me the opportunity to work on such great projects. By working day-jobs, I was able to save enough money to produce a few scenes for my acting reel (available on IGTV). Having acting footage on my casting profiles has been crucial to my success, as it seems to increase the likelihood of being asked to audition.
Due to COVID-19 and the city’s social unrest for Black Lives Matter, most of the work has been put on hold or moved online. I have taken this time to refocus and restructure my routines. I have been making an effort to read more books and plays during this time. I’ve also been focused on maintaining good nutrition and exercise in order to keep my mental health and body strong. Starting in July, I will be posting self-taped videos on my Instagram using the hashtag #MonologueMonday. My goal is to express my first-circle of casting to my followers, while also refining my approach to the work. My acting career concept is to set fire and illuminate the way.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome? At BHP, we believe your attitude is like the aperture of a camera; the more open you are, the more light shines through. I am also a believer that life only throws at you what you can handle. I am reminded of the “starving artist.” My attitude reads this phrase as someone who is hungry to learn and grow, but there is another side to it. I’ve had to learn how to financially support myself while simultaneously investing time and money into my artistic career. I am naturally hard-working and become very dedicated. I’m constantly compartmentalizing my thoughts in order to put in the work at a day-job, to be able to put in the work on-stage. Acting classes, headshots, reels, personal websites, casting websites, all add up and can be very costly. I frequently adjust my priorities and often make sacrifices to keep my art alive.
Another challenge I face is with my sexuality. While attending religious school, I had to hide my sexuality in order to stay enrolled. In my later years, I have learned to appreciate diversity, and I am learning to have a stronger voice towards my beliefs. I continue to take this challenge head-on, and use my art as a vessel to expand my expressions and grow my confidence. #ITGETSBETTER. I am familiar with the symptoms of depression and anxiety, but thankfully I have overcome most of these hurdles through therapy, meditation, breathing work, and constant communication with myself (mind, body, and spirit). A specific challenge during quarantine was staying motivated, specifically when self-submitting. There were so many unknowns during this time: when will the shoot be, will they practice social distancing? Truthfully, I did take some time off until I felt more certain.
We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know? I prefer more dark and dramatic works, but with charm, humor, and irony, I can easily play light and comedic. My interest in fashion, art, and design also contributes to my upscale vibe. My current first-circle of casting is: the fashion assistant, the young politician, the creep, the cool boy next door, the rich kid, and the deep-romantic/love-interest. I have a wide range, and my friends like to joke that I have a “50 Shades of Blaze” thing going. Some of my favorite roles studied are Prior in “Angels In America”, Alex in “Little Dog Laughed”, and Chance in “Sweet Bird of Our Youth.” What makes me different starts with my physical appearance. I’m 6’2” with model-like features, intensity behind the eyes, and a lot of mental energy. I am gifted in making genuine connections, and I tend to be spiritual, with a good attitude. I have lived a lot of life, and that is transparent through my work. Because of my business mindset, I have strong administration habits for my acting career, which I believe will be the vehicle that will launch my career into success. I am proud to be “living the dream,” but see so much more ahead of me, and I’m ready to put in the work. I am currently looking for talent management and representation. If you would like to know more about me or watch my reels, please visit my website at www.blazerobertstow.com.
What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on? The first time I saw myself on primetime television was extremely cool. But I must say, my proudest moment so far would be walking onto stage with over 1200 students watching me perform something extremely relevant to our times.
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rickollie · 5 months
Meet: Vanesa Tomasino
Meet: Vanesa Tomasino Actress, PHD Candidate Vaness is an amazing actress with more than 45 IMDb Credits to her name and a PHD student. Here's your opportunity to get an inside look at her career and goals in life. #actress #student #mom #PHD #storytime
Actress, Political Science PHD Candidate Eleven years ago, last month, as I watched my Twitter feed go wild, I saw ‘Dani’ tweet. It wasn’t long after that I heard Eric Estrada (yes, the real Eric Estrada) utter the same words I now tell her nearly every time we talk today, “Dani, focus.” Eric Estrada with Vanesa Dani and I immediately became friends; and to me those two words have become not…
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memedreamm · 2 years
i don’t care about straight actors playing queer people in media all i care about is if theyre going to put their whole pussy into it. tom hardy of course ive had gay sex im an actor. keanu reeves and river phoenix going to gay clubs in seattle and making out in public. heath ledger almost breaking jake gyllenhal’s nose because he kissed him too hard. when will actors do this again. 
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Happy 67th Birthday to 2x Academy Award Winning, 4x Golden Globe Winning, 2x SAG Award Winning, BAFTA Nominated, Tony Nominated actor, 7x Emmy Winning producer Tom Hanks! ^__^
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trippercrazy · 1 year
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Jo Koy
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alaythia · 1 year
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Eric David Wallace signs with ZT Agency in Seattle April 28th 2023.
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cakeniron · 2 years
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I am pleased, and grateful, to be the new spokesperson for Amadeus; a company dedicated to sustainable travel world wide. . Listen for my voice on their social media as well as their web presence. . #voiceover #voiceacting #voiceactor #actor #Seattle #travel (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpViATMv_Cg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ashymcgee · 2 years
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I am pleased, and grateful, to be the new spokesperson for Amadeus; a company dedicated to sustainable travel world wide. . Listen for my voice on their social media as well as their web presence. . #voiceover #voiceacting #voiceactor #actor #Seattle #travel (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVh_nnv0V92Z4-v1MgHa6pt75ih4zQCAgnjzs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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isakkxeven · 2 years
Casting call for Seattle actors fitting the description in the pic below! The casting call is virtual and will be held via Zoom but you must live in Seattle! Reblog if you’re willing and please reach out! ❤️
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filmcourage · 2 years
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Being An Artist Doesn't Mean Being Better Than Everyone Else - Sheila Houlahan via FilmCourage.com.
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pageturnerbookskent · 2 years
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We still have open spots for #authors, #artists, #actors, and other nerdy folk at our annual Meeker Street Nerd Party in February! Last year we had over 700+ attendees and this year we expect to have more. Interested? Let us know! #NerdParty Location is Kent, WA, USA.
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