#seasoned executive
kajmasterclass · 1 month
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watchyourbuck · 6 months
There’s something so beautiful about the conversation right after the kiss. In the way that we all know this moment’s huge for Buck, but Tommy takes the lead, doesn’t let him spiral, or overthink, or be nervous about what it means. Tommy keeps him grounded, invites him out, tells him about his shift. He touches him, straightening his shirt, which is such an ‘earth to Buck’ kinda moment. It’s so soft ???
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ollyolyoxenfree · 5 months
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stratos lizzie // animalia joel
send an ask requesting two emperors and a season, and ill swap them !!!
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opheliapurple · 1 month
The juxtaposition of Louis’ monologues on Claudia and the actual scenes with Claudia are so funny to me.
Louis: she was an obsessive whirlwind
Claudia: let’s spend more than .05% of our immortal lives looking for and researching our own kind.
Louis: there was nothing in her but feverish fixation
Claudia: omfg Louis uncurl from your ball of depression we have shit to do.
Louis: she was a perfect killer, forever teetering on the edge of madness
Claudia: *possesses the ability to eat people without writing tearful poetry about it*
Louis: she was mercurial- always abandoning me to chase her desires :(
Claudia: I hate your boyfriends
Louis: she was never satisfied, and rebelled and suspected Armand and the coven
Louis: god I feel so responsible for her- even for the bad stuff that happens her- it’s such a burden
Claudia: you told your boyfriend we did WHAT on your second date???
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flowerbloom-arts · 2 months
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The Lonely Mountains (2023)
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Original Dungeon Meshi drawing by sweepswoop_ on Twitter
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kittenscookie · 11 months
Okay I've been thinking about Owl House a lot lately and...Guys I'm just so damn angry. Because I rewatched the first episode of the finale and realized something. That first episode is a season finale—That whole episode is one season's worth of content crammed into a single episode. That's at LEAST 12 episodes in 60 minutes—five minutes for each damn episode. But remember the first season of toh was nineteen, the second was twenty-one. If we assume the team would have continued with around that many episodes the average is around twenty. Twenty fucking episodes is sixty minutes—THREE MINUTES AN EPISODE.
This then led me to thinking about my other cancelled show with LGBTQ+ representation—Steven Universe. It's basically the same shit, except somehow fucking worst. The diamond arc should have been it's own fucking season, curing the corrupted gems and them having to get reintroduced to gem/human society should have been a damn season too! The two year time skip makes sense when you really think about it—that's the least amount of time it would have taken to get all that shit done in universe! A year to get the gems readjusted, a year to dismantle the diamond empire—plus episodes filling in gaps/unanswered questions. No wonder Rebecca fought so damn hard for SU Future and the movie! It was a desperate attempt to give herself and the fans some kind of closure! And don't forget! Steven universe seasons were LONG—the median amount of episodes was twenty-four.
This shit wasn't bad writing, it was rushed writing. Desperate attempts to cram what should have been at LEAST two seasons into a few short episodes. Can you imagine this? Sitting with your coworkers and trying to figure out how to make at least forty episodes only 3–6? What can be kept and what has to be left to the imagination? Think of what we fucking lost at those tables—Spinel could have been teased and had a better build up, we could have gotten a Wittebane Brothers flashback, we could have explored the characters in both shows trauma. I'm not just mad—I'm livid and not even for us. For Dana Terrace, for Rebecca Sugar. To have something you created thrown away without a care. I'd be in fucking tears.
Fuck Disney, fuck Warner Brothers.
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mangozic · 4 months
microwaves them in mind
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laurrelise · 2 months
the devil works hard but an extremely hyperfixated fangirl who happens to like drawing works harder
anyways more umbrella academy art!!!
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columboscreens · 3 months
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Reasons why I believe this isn't a final Death
There's a couple parallels between Tech's death and Echo's supposed death. First of all, we don't see a body in either case. Not Echo's and also not Tech's. We do see Echo's charred helmet and we see Tech's broken goggles later on. The team also had to leave right away in both cases, otherwise they would've been captured/killed. And they both sacrificed themselves for the team. If Echo didn't die, then why should Tech?
All that character building this season. Like of that was for nothing, then that was terrible writing. If that was to make us more attached to Tech so that his death hurt more, that is also terrible writing. I mean, he got a whole ass lovestory-in-the-making and that's the character you'll kill off?? c'mon. just as he was learning more about people and showing affection and social interaction, and learning how to properly and respectfully communicate with Omega??? that's when you kill him off? c'mon.
The fact that it was Hemcock that found him. You know the guy who does experiments on clones? Why lose such a valuable test subject? if there were any signs of life from Tech, he must've saved him, if only to use him and maybe modify him (again, Echo parallels)
✨ star wars medicine ✨
I mean, last season Hunter fell down a cliff from a moving ship and he survived just fine. I'm just saying.
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kajmasterclass · 1 month
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nixthelapin · 5 months
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Anyone else think Marinette’s new outfit is just really bad?
I can’t claim to have that great of an eye for fashion, but this just looks like a tacky performer costume to me- the tights, the jacket looking like a fake tux, right down to the tiny bow tie that’s just sitting on her shirt- rather than an outfit an actual person would wear, especially someone who’s biggest dream is to be a fashion designer. And I don’t really think the pink of her shorts go well with the brown-gray leggings, the colors just feel off to me.
I want to like it, I think it has aspects I enjoy, but overall it just doesn’t do it for me and I kinda hate it.
Idk am I going crazy here? I haven’t seen a ton of discussion about her new design, so it’s hard to say what the general opinion is, but even if the stuff I have seen, it’s usually excitement for it, nothing really negative (design-wise, not about the narrative or overall direction of the show lol). But I’d really like to hear what others think about it.
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this shot uses movement and and visual appeal so well that you dont even notice scanlan and grog pissing in the left third at first
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mxmarsbars · 1 year
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once and for all
once and for all
once and for all
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iwouldkickahorse · 1 year
me before “why do people ship Mobius with Loki? Thats really weird”
me after a year of maturity “why is disney shipping Loki with Sylvie? Thats really weird, give me my gay men, screw disney”
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Lee Pace in Foundation 2x08 The last Empress
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