#scu posting
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This bike is gonna fucking fall apart before the end of the movie mark my words
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Sonic had better make some sort of comment about Shadow's voice 🤣🤣
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ttrpgenjoyer · 7 months
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mad scientist man!!!!!!!!!!
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codecicle · 2 years
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like this post to give god!bizly it/its pronouns. reblog this post to kiss someone with blacklung on the mouth sloppy style. i am severely mentally ill
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magpigment · 1 year
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you know how this will end
(you’ve been here before, haven’t you?)
will you hold the hooves hand? or tighten the grip on your end of the fraying rope? 
you already know how this will END. 
when will the disc repeat? 
there’s only so many beats it can skip. 
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antimony-medusa · 11 months
Is that— bells ringing? Keyboards clacking? The sound of two thousand stressed writers pancing furiously about the floor? Ah yes, Yuletide.
Hello. MCYTblr. I am back again.
You are looking fine today as we move towards the end of the year. Is that a new cologne you're trying? New shirt? New glasses? It's working for you. How have I been? Well.
*I smack the wall, curtains spring aside, revealing my flip chart presentation that I've had lying in wait*
It is time for me to talk to you about Yuletide again. I was here earlier during tag nominations, but it's sign-up time, and I want to make sure everybody has a change to participate in this if they want to.
What's Yuletide?
Yuletide is an annual mega-exchange for small and rare fandoms. It runs in the close of the year, with a 1000 word minimum for gifts, with gifts revealed anonymously on the 25th of December and de-anoned on the 1st of January. It is easily the biggest exchange in multi-fandom-exchange-world, and last year more than 1,350 people signed up.
Why does everyone sign up?
Well, it's tradition, for one. There are a lot of people that only do Yuletide as their big exchange every year. It's a big holiday spectacle, it's really fun to see it operate and see pinch hits come out and get nabbed in minutes, and people kind of put on their holiday outfits and turn out for it.
For another thing, if you are in a small fandom, it's the one exchange where you can actually have a shot of getting a gift for an obscure manga fandom, or an out-of-print book, or a tv show from the eighties. If your fandom has five people in it, the odds are higher than average that two of them are signing up for this exchange, and hey presto, suddenly you're matchable in your fandom for an obscure podcast.
For another, and this is the biggie, the fact that this is an exchange for small and rare fandoms has led to a certain tradition and vibe for the fandoms that people nominate. People bring their most obscure and fun ideas, going, "hehehehe wouldn't it be fun if someone wrote a story about this", and into the tag set it goes. There is SUCH a spectrum of fandoms in the tag set.
This year there are 4,263 fandoms and 16,735 characters in the tag set. Let me just skim through and look at some of them.
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There are commercials, web sketches, art pieces, songs, music videos, board games, podcasts, a dizzying assortment of anthropomorphising different places, items, and ideas, and RPF from a marvelous variety of historical periods (so, y'know, historical fiction if it was published professionally). There are people who nominated tik tok sketches. Twitter threads. A bridge. Book binding techniques. You ever wanted to write a romance between Knitting and Crochet? That's in the tag set, and someone wants to prompt you to do that. Happy Yuletide.
So if you are at all the sort of person who likes a prompt challenge, BOY is this one just a MARVELOUS one. I know I personally am going to be signing up for Humans are Space Orcs (tumblr post) and Fandom Exchanges (Anthropomorphic) amid my more traditional fandoms.
And as for my more traditional fandoms, and the reason why this post has the tags it does (I would get to it eventually)— there is a lot of MCYT in the tag set! I put out a post saying GUYS, the smaller fandoms might apply for this, and BOY did people show up for it. I scanned through it, and the MCYT (and adjacent) that made it in is:
Karmaland SMP
Legacy SMP
Lifesteal SMP
Moonlight SMP
New Life SMP
Outsiders SMP
Rats SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Pirates SMP
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe
SBI Rust
Generation Loss
You could make an entire sign up, 3 minimum requests and 4 minimum requests, and only select MCYT fandoms. The wild thing is that you can only select a max of 10 fandoms to offer, so you actually couldn't offer all of the MCYT. ZombieCleo Witchraft SMP is in. Tommyinnit SMPEarth. Clownpierce Lifesteal. Tubbo SBI Rust. Oli Rats SMP. A wealth of options for the block folks.
So come, join me! What's that? You say this sounds excellent, you're in? You want to know how to sign up? Well this post is already long enough so I'm putting the rest below a cut.
You sign up on the collection here, using fandoms listed in the tagset here. Before you do so though, I'd recommend you check out the blog, especially their "how to sign up" post here, because even if you're used to exchanges, the way Yuletide works is a little bit different. Let me do a quick breakdown here.
# of Fandoms
You have to select a minimum of 3 fandoms that you are Requesting (a gift that you want made for you), up to a maximum of 6 fandoms. Each fandom has to be unique. For each fandom, you can request between 0 to 4 characters in that fandom, and 0 means "literally you can hit me with anybody", and the up-to-4 characters are the people you definately want to show up in the fic.
This is one of the things that Yuletide does differently, because most fandom exchanges do "or" matching, where they match you on either characer A OR character B, (maybe you only offered character B) and you can pick among any of the selected characters on the person's request to write for. Because Yuletide does AND matching, you will only be matched if you offered every single one of the characters the person has selected, and then you get to write for every single one they have listed in their fandom, unless they say differently in their letter. If they requested character A and Character B, you get to deliver a gift that includes them both, according to the rules.
Bu like, in practice, a lot of people are a bit more like "you can pick only one of these guys if you'd like", because that is how everyone is used to things running in most other exchanges, plus people don't want to be too picky, so you can specify in your letter if you definately 100% want characters A, B, and C, or if you're fine with just A, or just A and C, or whatever constellation of characters you're chill with.
This year they have added optional freeform tags you will click on, that will specify either A) use every single one of these guys I selected. B) I have specified in my letter which guys I need for sure and which ones you can swap, C) Dealer's Choice Of Guys Go Crazy.
DNW and Optional Details
Yuletide is an "Optional Details Are Optional" (ODAO) exchange, so technically you could request (or receive) an offer that just has the characters and then you get to go absolutely buckwild for the two month writing period. Most people, however, do not want to do that, so that is where you'll put in Do Not Wants (anything that would ruin the gift for you, from major archive warnings to kinks that you don't vibe with to headcanons you loathe), and some prompts and/or likes for your person to jump off of.
DNWs absolutely must be abided by, and breaking a person's DNW is grounds for getting turfed from the exchange. Following a person's prompts or lists of likes is technically optional, but definately best practice, and y'know, part of the whole spirit of the exchange. Most people are doing their best to adhere to both the DNW and the Optional Details when they do their gift.
You can just format your DNW and Optional Details on the Ao3 signup page (easy, fast), or you can link them offsite in a letter (fancy, you can do formatting, people do them in google docs or dreamwidth pages (the traditional and more accessible option)). There's a tradition of people posting their letter links here, so that people can get an idea for what sort of prompts and signups people are offering, and make sure they're matchable to people with especially fun ideas. Note: you do have to duplicate the data if you're doing a letter, cause if you put your DNW in your letter but NOT in your Ao3, the mods won't enforce it.
And while we're here, that last link is to a community blog that includes a place where you can promo your fandoms to lure people into signing up for your guys, or participate in mini-challenges within yuletide for people who specificially want poly relationships (Three Doves Challenge), or characters of colour (Chromatic Yuletide), or horror/darkfic (Crueltide), or smut (Yuleporn), or art (Wrapping Paper), or even more. There's even a poetry challenge!
# of Fandoms
You have to sign up with a minimum of 4 fandoms, to a maximum of 10, for fandoms you are Offering (a gift you are willing to make). You must offer at least 2 characters for each fandom, to a maximum of 20— but there's also an "any" tick box if you want to go full "hit me, I like a challenge" and you'll write anything (in the tag set) within a fandom. Each of your fandoms must be unique.
Writing Period:
Signups are open through the 21st, with assignments out by the 23rd, and then you have until the 18th of December to deliver your gift.
Important Notes
You must be 18 or over to participate in Yuletide (because you might be matched with someone who requests smut), and signups close on 9pm UTC on Saturday, 21 October.
There's a known issue where the safari browser isn't letting people sign up properly, (when you get an exchange this big sometimes things break), so they say to either sign up on mobile or use a different browser. So that will be fun for me.
And that's it! Yuletide! Just under a week left to sign up, and 351 people have signed up as I write this letter at 1:30am. I just refreshed it and now it's 352. You can sign up on the Ao3 page here!
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darth-sonny · 5 months
okay, I saw a Twitter post that made me go ahead and make this:
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
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"What eventually did the trick was a gentle rock of the swing accompanied by Tom’s quietly singing John Denver. By the third chorus of the second song all three boys and Maddie were asleep. Tom let his head fall back. His best friend and his boys, all jammed together while the crickets kept time with the swing. It really couldn’t get much better.
And they still had three days of vacation to go."
Every few months I go back and reread "Part of the Tribe" by @humanityinahandbag and @samthefrank because it's good for the soul. This time around, I felt compelled to doodle this absolutely sweet scene. 💙💛❤️ I love this family so much 🥹🥰😭
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Day 31: I got an idea for something different while I was already pretty far in today's drawing, and I still wanted to finish the one I was doing, so you get two things today!
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summerroseart · 5 months
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SURPRISE! Final Space brainrot continues to consume me.
Part 1: Prologue . . . [Part 2]
[Master Post]
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the-sky-queen · 23 days
so Jim Carrey said that movie 3 will be his last role, and then they also confirmed that there will be alot more movies in sonic cinema like Marvel does, and I love the idea that Amy will be in the next post credits scene, because it just makes sense... so, do you think movie 4 and onwards would have Metal Sonic as the main villain??
Oooooooo, that would be very interesting!! I like that I idea, though I personally have always thought that once Robotnik is gone, Stone will take his place as the main antagonist. It would be immensely interesting, especially since Sonic loves to banter with his enemies and Stone is kinda. Well. Stone faced. XD I also think it would be kinda cool to watch Stone just completely unravel as he tries to fulfill his boss's wish if destroying that hedgehog. An insane Stone would be really interesting to see!
Maybe Stone is the one who creates Metal Sonic! That way we can still have Metal as a major villain like you suggested. I think it would make sense for Stone to create Metal, especially if he still has access to the quill we saw Sonic give Robotnik in the trailer yesterday.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling. XD To sum it up, yes Metal Sonic being the new main villain would be very cool! But I think it should be in tandem with Agent Stone.
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Thinking about the fact that Movie Sonic will never be able to escape from violence and also the home as a place that violence will always intrude on and threaten for him.
Because like! Movie 1. Sonic inadvertently leads the Echidna Tribe to where Longclaw and he live, leading to a fight where he loses his mother figure (and as far as we know only parental figure at this point) and is forced to leave Green Hill Zone, a place he openly loves and feels free to run around in. He tries to find a second home in the cave and on Earth in general but he fucks that up too (read: has an emotional breakdown about the objectively horrible conditions of his life) and has to run, again, only this time he runs into Tom (second parental figure incoming but it takes Sonic a while to figure that out). The Wachowski household is not Sonic's home yet no matter how much he desperately wants it to be, and he still gets it destroyed when Eggman comes. The emotional finale (not the plot finale) of movie 1 is Tom (and Maddie but the movies don't care about her) bringing all of Sonic's physical belongings into the attic of the Wachowski household, making it Sonic's house, even if he hasn't yet figured out his place in the family.
Ah, but things are not so easy. Eggman gets back onto Earth, bringing with him Knuckles who has searched for years to find Sonic specifically to kill him (and there's another point to think on: the echidnas hunting Sonic down, always leaving their own home and land behind at cost to themselves, just to chase Sonic down at his own home and hurt him again and again), and the first thing he does is break into Sonic's house in the middle of the night and let Knuckles punch him through two walls, destroying the home again and forcing Sonic to flee. But this time, Sonic finds home not just in a place, but in a people, becoming brothers with Tails and Knuckles and a son to Tom (and presumably Maddie but the movies don't care about her).
And then. The Knuckles show. Sonic is living in a house (his home) with one of the people who destroyed it, and Knuckles is actively driving away people who are going to try and fix the damage Knuckles did. Knuckles, caught in a crisis of his own, not faced with any external threat (unlike what he did to Sonic) leaves the house (I wonder how Sonic feels about that) and learns to prioritize family (I wonder how Sonic feels about that) and then comes back home, all without informing his family of what he's been doing or where he's been (I wonder how Sonic feels about that). Knuckles is hunted down the second he leaves Green Hills, disappears, and yet Sonic doesn't think to go after him, and Knuckles doesn't think to ask for his help. I wonder. How. Sonic. Feels. About. That.
"But Prin," you say. "This trend can't possibly continue into the third movie. What are they gonna do, blow up the house? Kill Tom?" Well, yes, they could do both of those things. I actually think one of those things is pretty likely. But also. Sonic has found a home not just in Tom (and Maddie but the movies don't care about her) and the Wachowski household but in Earth in general.
And guess what Shadow is going to try to do to the planet he loves.
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Tom from the Sonic movies be like:
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colacorvus · 10 months
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a group of Charlie's is called a Chuck I think
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measlyfurball13 · 2 years
I've been trying to muse why Tom Wachowski from the Sonic Movie works as a good character whereas all the other Generic White Dudes from similar live action/animated mixed movies failed. I'm talking movies like The Smurfs and Alvin and the Chipmunks, because let's face it, the Sonic Movie falls neatly into that genre.
TL;DR of my insane ramblings: Tom punches Eggman in the face, and that means everything to me.
Maybe it's because Tom isn't written as an asshole? Like, yeah, he definitely has his five minutes of "I don't know who you are, weird talking animal, why would I want to help you?" -but that's just it. It's five minutes. For the rest of the runtime, Tom spends his time getting to know and like Sonic. It feels like a lot of the other Generic White Dudes seem to barely tolerate their cartoon companions, despite the movie claiming that they've learned some grand "lesson" from their inclusion in his life. Tom has no third-act breakup, no Liar Revealed, no contrived misunderstandings or sudden betrayals of Sonic- he acts like how a decent person would. Somehow this is revolutionary. (Oh, and he actually loves his wife. Somehow this is also revolutionary.)
Maybe it's also because Tom slides naturally into the wacky cartoon hijinks instead of desperately trying to stay out of them. Films like Smurfs and Hop and Alvin and the Chipmunks constantly have the cartoon characters "ruining" the Generic White Dude's normal life with their presence. Tom's life and plans are ruined by Sonic, sure, but this is because Dr. Robotnik becomes his antagonist, too. Tom sees his house getting totally ruined by the cartoon villain who's hunting the cartoon animal and, instead of blaming the cartoon animal for it, he gets mad at the right person- the villain! Instead of lamenting "why are these talking animals happening to me?", he takes stock of the actual situation and goes "woah, this asshole wants to hurt this kid, that's not okay" and then proceeds to do something about it. He's got stakes in the outcome of the cartoon hijinks, which makes his presence in them feel like a natural inclusion rather than a random coincidence.
You get the sense that Sonic matters to Tom. The events going on in plot affect Tom. For Christ's sake, he gets a full character arc over the course of the runtime! Tom is a fully integrated part of the Sonic movie, core to it's DNA- you couldn't replace him without changing everything.
Because no other Generic White Dude besides Tom Wachowski would punch Eggman in the face.
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bizlybebo · 10 months
spot the difference challenge extreme difficulty
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