arteandcuisine · 1 year
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Al Capriccio Art Hotel di Serravalle Scrivia, AL, sono esposti gli artisti Massimo Tamiazzo, Paolo Amoretti e Ilaria Berenice.
Un Hotel artistico di fianco all'Outlet di Serravalle Scrivia.
Il Capriccio Art Hotel è anche tra gli sponsor ufficiali della mostra "La Metafisica del Bianco e Nero" che si svolgerà al Forte di Gavi nei mesi di maggio e giugno 2023.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Battle of Marengo
The Battle of Marengo (14 June 1800) was one of the most important battles in the career of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821). It not only helped bring the French Revolutionary Wars to an end but also did much to consolidate Bonaparte's new position as First Consul of the French Republic. The battle became a major piece of propaganda for the Bonapartist regime.
In the months after he seized power in the Coup of 18 Brumaire, First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte was far from secure in his new position. He was still considered by many to be an up-jumped Corsican opportunist, and he had no shortage of rivals – such as generals Jean Bernadotte and Jean Victor Moreau – who would be glad to see his fall from grace. Further, the French Republic was still embroiled in the unpopular War of the Second Coalition (1798-1802) against an alliance of anti-French powers including Austria, Russia, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and Naples. This conflict was part of the broader French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802), meaning that by January 1800, France had been perpetually at war for the better part of a decade. With much of the general populace war-weary, Bonaparte knew he had to deliver a swift, decisive victory if he wanted to win the support of his people.
His first step was to order the formation of a 30,000-man army based at Dijon, primarily consisting of soldiers who had been on garrison duty in the provinces. Though Bonaparte fully intended to lead this army over the Alps to fight the Austrians in northern Italy, its true purpose had to be concealed; it was named the Army of the Reserve and was placed under the command of Bonaparte's trusted chief of staff Louis-Alexandre Berthier.
While onlookers believed the ruse that this was merely a reserve force, Bonaparte secretly prepared the army for campaigning. Soldiers were trained using the 'canteen' system, whereby eight veterans and eight recruits would march, eat, and camp together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and allowing the recruits to learn quicker. Meanwhile, Bonaparte worked with war minister Lazare Carnot to procure 100,000 pairs of boots, 40,000 uniforms, and 2 million rations of biscuits for the army at Dijon. The First Consul also ordered all major field forces to adopt the corps d'armée system, breaking each army down into mobile and semi-independent corps; this would become a staple of Napoleonic warfare.
As his army was being prepared, Bonaparte poured over maps to decide where he would cross the Alps. He decided to take the main part of his army across the 2469-meter (8,100-foot) Great St Bernard Pass, while a division under General Adrien Moncey would take the St Gothard Pass. During one strategy meeting, Bonaparte purportedly asked his secretary, Bourrienne, where he thought the decisive battle would be fought once the French had gotten over the Alps. "How the devil should I know?" asked Bourrienne, as the First Consul drove a pin into a map on the plains of the Scrivia River. "I shall fight him here," said Bonaparte. It was the exact spot where he would fight the Battle of Marengo three months later, a demonstration of Bonaparte's quick and perceptive mind (Roberts, 252; Chandler, 275).
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women-of-malevolent · 3 months
Unnamed Waitress
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‘Self portrait’ by Hildegard of Bingen, detail, Scrivias f., 1r, 1142 – 1152
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guerrerense · 4 months
FS ALe940 058
FS ALe940 058 por maurizio messa Por Flickr: FS ALe940 058 transita in prossimità di Isola del Cantone effettuando il R6069 (Arquata Scrivia - Genova Sampierdarena) del 4 dicembre 2010. In coda l'ALe 801 045. FS ALe940 058 works the R6069 (Arquata Scrivia - Genova Sampierdarena) near Isola del Cantone. back the ALe 801 045. December 4th, 2010
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Gorgeous sculpture in Serraville Scrivia, Italy 🇮🇹
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josefavomjaaga · 2 years
The Battle of Marengo
… as described by one Eugène de Beauharnais in his memoirs. For context: Eugène, aide-de-camp to general Bonaparte, had left Egypt with his stepfather, in Paris had helped to reconcile his mother with general Bonaparte and assisted (according to his memoirs, without completely understanding what was going on) at the coup d’état of 19th Brumaire. However, once Bonaparte had become First Consul, Eugène gave up his post as ADC, as soon as it dawned on him that this job from now on would mostly consist of hanging out in an antechamber and politely introducing guests to the head-of-state of France. Having decided that this was totally uncool, he had gone back to the military. At the time of the second Italian campaign, he was an 18-year-old capitaine de la Garde des Consuls, commanding a compagnie of chasseurs à cheval.
We’re starting the relation a bit before Marengo, with the entry into Milan, as Eugène claims to have met Desaix there one last time.
I assisted at the combat of Buffalore, commanded by general Murat, who showed great vigour in this crossing of the Tésin [Ticino]; the enemy was pushed briskly up into Milan, where we entered in a jumble with his light troops. I made with my company a rather fine charge to force the enemy, who still held the field, to return to the citadel of Milan.
We remained three days in Milan, where the First Consul was occupied in reorganising the republican government; after which we proceeded to Pavia. General Lannes had made the crossing of the Po, about a league below this city. General Desaix had just arrived from Egypt and joined the army at Pavia, at the very moment when the First Consul left; as the troops of the guard were not to cross the Po until the night, I had time to go and see him. As a companion in arms from Egypt, we were delighted to meet again, and general Desaix treated me very well. He spoke to me much about the campaign which was opening and the command which he hoped to obtain; it seemed, moreover, that he foresaw his imminent end, for he uttered this singular statement : "Formerly, the Austrian bullets knew me, I am afraid that they may not recognize me any more." We crossed the Po during the night, and the next day I was sent with my company, by Stradella, in the direction of Piacenza, to establish communication with general Murat, who had crossed the Po at this point and had effectively seized this city. The next day the affair of Montebello took place, which did so much honour to General Lannes; but I arrived too late to take part in it. The following evening, we pushed in the direction of Alexandria as far as Marengo, where there was a small combat to force the enemy to pass again the Bormida and to abandon this line. The day was very stormy and we had much difficulty in passing the Scrivia whose waters had become very rough. I witnessed the reports which several officers came to make, in the evening, to the first consul, at his bivouac. All agreed in saying that the enemy was withdrawing in haste and that he had broken all his bridges on the Bormida. The first consul had it repeated several times to be more sure, and it was in consequence of these false reports that he directed on Genoa the corps of troops of which he had just given the command to general Desaix in order to lift the siege of this important place, if there was still time. But, the next morning, when a heavy cannonade was heard on the side of Alexandria, we were quickly drawn out of our error. Soon the first consul learned that the enemy was emerging in force on the plain of Alexandria, and that a great battle was inevitable. One can estimate the anxiety of the general in chief and the anger which he felt at the false reports which had been made to him the day before. Orders were dispatched in all haste to recall general Desaix, who was found near Novi, and who, in spite of this distance, still arrived in time to take part in the action and to decide the winning of the battle. I mentioned this circumstance because it exonerates the first consul from the reproach of improvidence which was made to him in several reports of the battle of Marengo. Those who have had great military commands know what the fate of battles depends on, and how an unforeseeable accident can disturb the best and most skilful combinations. Our movement of retreat began towards midday and continued until four o'clock; it is during this time that the guard began to take a more active part in the affair. The troops of the line were tired and discouraged; the first consul sent us to support them; we carried ourselves sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, according to the need; general Lannes, pressed a little sharply by the enemy, wanted to have us make a charge which did not succeed; he had in front of him two battalions and two pieces of artillery behind which was a mass of cavalry in close columns; his troops withdrew in disorder, so that, to give them time to breathe and to rally them, he ordered colonel Bessières, who commanded us, to charge on the enemy column. The terrain was not very favourable, because it was necessary to cross vineyards; nevertheless we passed and arrived within rifle range of these two battalions, which awaited us arms in hand and in the best of spirits. Colonel Bessières, having drawn us up, was preparing to command the charge, when he realised that the enemy cavalry was deploying on our left and was going to turn us. Consequently, he made us turn back to the left, and we crossed the vineyard under the fire of grapeshot and musketry; but, having arrived on the other side, we held our ground well enough to impose on the enemy cavalry. General Lannes was very dissatisfied with this operation and complained bitterly about it. However it is probable that, if we had carried out his orders, few of us would have returned. During the retreat, my chasseurs were charged with destroying the ammunition which we were forced to abandon, and performed this mission with great intrepidity, often waiting until they were joined by the enemy to set fire to the caissons and then jump on horseback. Finally, towards five o'clock, General Desaix joined us, and the First Consul was able to resume the offensive. The troops of General Lannes, encouraged by this reinforcement, reformed, and soon the offensive began as well as the retrograde march of the enemy. The cavalry of General Kellermann made a very beautiful charge on our left, and, towards the evening, the cavalry of the guard made one not less brilliant. Although the ground did not favour us, since we had two ditches to cross, we rushed with vigour on a column of cavalry much more numerous than us, at the moment when it was deploying; we pushed it up to the first bridges over the waters of the Bormida, always sabering. The melee lasted ten minutes: I was happy enough to get away with two sabre blows on my chabraque. The following day, the first consul, on the account which was given to him of this affair, appointed me squadron leader. My company had suffered quite a bit, because, of one hundred and fifteen horses which I had in the morning, I had only forty-five left in the evening; it is true that a piquet of fifteen chasseurs had remained near the first consul, and that many chasseurs, dismounted or slightly wounded, returned successively.
The day after this battle (June 15, 1800), an armistice was concluded as well as an agreement for the evacuation of Italy; the first consul returned on the 16th to Milan, from where we were at a distance of forty Italian miles; I was charged to escort him from the battlefield to Milan, by following the post. This race, of more than twelve leagues always at the trot and without unbridling, was so tiring, that I arrived at Milan with only seven men.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who’s interested.
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mikimeiko · 2 years
Daytrip - To the sea! Even if the weather is shit
Not many words today, mostly pictures and not many pictures to be frank. It was a weird daytrip day, it was just barely worth the effort.
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I went in the other direction today, not to the south and Genova Nervi but to the west and Genova Voltri (Genua is... very spread out, and it gobbled up a lot of previously small towns just like Milan did)
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Highlight of the day: I finally, FINALLY, managed to eat again the torta di riso (savoury rice cake) that I tried once years ago by chance in Sestri Levante and for some reason never managed to find again! It was not as good as the memory of that one, but it was Very Good.
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Second highlight of the day: I changed trains in Arquata Scrivia (one of those places with a big train station that tells you they probably used to be very important at some point but then something changed) and when I went looking for the station cafè I found that it was actually the station newsstand with the addiction of a fridge for drinks and small sandwiches and the kind of coffee machine you usually see in houses XD the owner was very nice and the coffee was the best I had all day!
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paoloamoretti · 2 years
LA metafisica del bianco e nero
L’associazione Arte and Cuisine aps in collaborazione con la Direzione del Forte di Gavi e la Direzione Regionale Musei Piemonte e i Patrocini dela Provincia di Alessandria, del Comune di Gavi, e del Comune di Serravalle Scrivia presenta la mostra fotogra
L’associazione Arte and Cuisine aps in collaborazione con la Direzione del Forte di Gavi e la Direzione Regionale Musei Piemonte e i Patrocini dela Provincia di Alessandria, del Comune di Gavi, e del Comune di Serravalle Scrivia presenta la mostra fotografica “La metafisica del bianco e nero”, che si svolgerà al Forte di Gavi, AL, nei mesi di maggio e giugno 2023. (more…) “”
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
La Regione Liguria: torna al fianco della rete del terzo settore per gli "Stati generali della partecipazione "
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La Regione Liguria: torna al fianco della rete del terzo settore per gli "Stati generali della partecipazione " La Regione Liguria al fianco degli Stati Generali della Partecipazione, organizzati dalla Rete di organizzazioni del Terzo Settore nell'ambito del Patto di sussidiarietà 'Sempre Diritti' e in programma oggi, martedì 21 maggio, a Palazzo Ducale, con il coinvolgimento di 26 consigli comunali delle ragazze e dei ragazzi (CCRR) che arrivano da tutta la Liguria per iniziare il percorso fino alla celebrazione, in autunno, dei 35 anni della Convenzione Onu sui Diritti dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza. "Palazzo Ducale sarà nuovamente 'invaso' da idee e proposte, serie, gioiose e concrete, espresse da bambini e ragazzi per loro, per i loro territori e per tutti – dichiara Yuri Pertichini, Pididà Liguria -. Per loro, ma anche per tutti noi adulti che spesso ignoriamo le loro competenze di cittadinanza attiva dalle quali possiamo imparare qualcosa, è con questa occasione che Pididà Liguria e Progetto regionale Sempre Diritti rinnovano l'impegno per promuovere il diritto alla partecipazione delle persone minorenni". "Si tratta di un'iniziativa molto importante perché significa l'inclusione nella vita della comunità nella quale i giovani vivono – dichiara l'assessore al Sociale di Regione Liguria -. Questi ragazzi sono gli adulti di domani ed è importante per loro capire i meccanismi, anche complessi, alla base della vita della comunità, con tutti i servizi rivolti al cittadino. Con la loro freschezza e il loro entusiasmo, sapranno portare nuove idee a beneficio del paese in cui vivono. Toccherà a noi adulti, poi, saperle recepire e tradurle in azioni concrete". "Confrontarsi significa crescere insieme e la giornata di oggi ne è uno straordinario esempio – aggiunge l'assessore alla Tutela dell'Infanzia di Regione Liguria -. È un enorme orgoglio per tutta la Regione sapere che così tanti ragazzi liguri celebrano con grande impegno e convinzione i 35 anni della Convenzione ONU sui Diritti dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza. Gli Stati Generali della Partecipazione si confermano un'occasione unica per fornire ai giovani tutti gli strumenti per diventare i cittadini del domani: consapevoli, responsabili e coinvolti all'interno dei processi democratici del nostro Paese". Sempre Diritti è un progetto di Regione Liguria, Helpcode Italia (capofila), Pidida Liguria (rete di organizzazioni di Terzo Settore per i Diritti dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza). I Comuni coinvolti sono: Arcola, Arenzano, Badalucco, Bolano, Busalla, Bogliasco, Cogoleto, Genova - Municipio Centro Est, Genova - Municipio Centro Ovest, Imperia, Mignanego, Pieve Ligure, Pontedassio, Quiliano, Rapallo, Recco, Ronco Scrivia, Rossiglione, Sestri Levante, Serra Riccò, Sori, Spotorno, Taggia, Vallecrosia.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Autostrada chiusa per cantieri, bimbo soccorso in elicottero
Un bambino di 4 anni è stato soccorso nella notte a Ronco Scrivia dopo essere caduto da una altezza superiore ai tre metri. Per consentire un soccorso più rapido è stato trasportato al Gaslini con l’elicottero Grifo visto che di notte l’A7 è chiusa per lavori. Sul posto sono intervenuti il personale medico del 118 e i carabinieri. Il bimbo è stato ricoverato in codice giallo, quello di…
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laus-deo · 7 months
UNA MADRE ENVENENADA – DON ORIONE (un pasaje de su vida)
    Una noche de invierno hablaba en la iglesia parroquial de Castelnuovo Scrivia, la cual se hallaba llena de fieles llegados de pueblos vecinos. El tema era “La misericordia de Dios”, y por demostrar la grandeza del Sacramento de la Penitencia, dijo esto:     “Si un hijo fuese tan perverso que pusiera veneno en plato de su madre para matarla y se arrepintiera luego de tal monstruosidad, también…
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scontomio · 1 year
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💣 Sanavita Magnesio Puro 60 Compresse 🤑 a soli 5,85€ invece di 9,90€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/sanavita-magnesio-puro-60-compresse/?feed_id=149366&_unique_id=64e5fd395303b&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Sanavita%20Magnesio%20Puro%2060%20Compresse Sanavita Magnesio Puro è un integratore alimentare a base di magnesio, ideale per ridurre la stanchezza e l'affaticamento. Questo prodotto, prodotto in Italia nello stabilimento di Via Fabbriche 18, Serravalle Scrivia, è caratterizzato da una formula arricchita con vitamine B1 e B6, che contribuiscono al corretto funzionamento del sistema nervoso e dei muscoli. Ogni compressa fornisce una dose giornaliera di 375 mg di magnesio, corrispondente al 100% del valore nutritivo di riferimento per gli adulti. Scegli Sanavita Magnesio Puro per sostenere il tuo benessere quotidiano. #coupon #sanavita #multivitaminici #offerteamazon #scontomio
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Dalla costa alle montagne: Itinerari turistici nella Regione Liguria
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La Regione Liguria, situata nel nord-ovest dell'Italia, offre una varietà di paesaggi da scoprire. Dalla costa alle montagne, la Liguria è una meta turistica ideale per coloro che amano la natura e la cultura. In questo articolo, vi presentiamo alcuni dei migliori itinerari turistici nella Regione Liguria. Iniziamo dalla costa, famosa per le sue spiagge, le scogliere e i paesaggi mozzafiato. Le Cinque Terre sono un must-see per tutti i turisti che arrivano in Liguria. Queste cinque città costiere - Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore - sono state dichiarate patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO e rappresentano uno dei luoghi più suggestivi della regione. Le Cinque Terre offrono alcune delle migliori passeggiate del mondo, tra cui il celebre sentiero dell'Amore, che collega Riomaggiore e Manarola. Da non perdere anche la spiaggia di Fegina a Monterosso e la Baia del Silenzio a Sestri Levante. Nella zona di Levante, si trovano le famose cittadine di Portofino e Santa Margherita Ligure, entrambe celebri per le loro architetture colorate e l'elegante stile di vita. Portofino è sicuramente la più famosa, non solo per la bellezza del centro storico ma anche per il suo porto turistico e la chiesa di San Giorgio. Santa Margherita Ligure invece, ospita il belvedere dei Cappuccini, da cui si può ammirare uno splendido panorama sull'intera costa. Spostandoci verso l'entroterra, incontriamo la zona di Val di Vara, famosa per i suoi paesaggi collinari e le sue cittadine medievali. Uno degli itinerari più belli è quello che parte da Varese Ligure per arrivare a Sestri Levante, passando per Borzonasca, Rocchetta di Vara e Casarza Ligure. Spostandoci verso la Valle Scrivia, si trova la città di Genova, la città più grande della regione Liguria e una delle città italiane più affascinanti ed incantevoli. Il centro storico di Genova è stato dichiarato patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO e vi sono molte attrazioni da scoprire come il Palazzo della Dogana, il celebre Acquario di Genova e la Cattedrale di San Lorenzo. Procediamo verso l'entroterra ligurico, e la zona di Langhe, famosa per il vino. Uno dei percorsi più belli è la strada del Barolo, che attraversa le città di La Morra, Barolo, Monforte d'Alba e Novello. D'altra parte, la zona di Val di Magra, a confine con la Toscana, offre dei paesaggi mozzafiato. Tra le cittadine più interessanti, Menaggio, Pitelli, Ameglia e Sarzana, quest'ultima una cittadina fortificata con un importantissimo patrimonio culturale e archeologico. Infine, non possiamo non menzionare la zona di Portovenere, un borgo marittimo sulla punta della penisola di Levante, celebre per le sue scogliere e il suo caratteristico porticciolo. Da Portovenere, è possibile partire per l'isola di Palmaria, una destinazione molto popolare tra i turisti che viaggiano in Liguria. L'isola di Palmaria offre un mix di natura e storia, con una bellissima spiaggia di ghiaia bianca e una fortezza costruita dai Genovesi nel XVI secolo per proteggere la città dalle invasioni piratesche. La bellezza dei paesaggi, la ricchezza culturale e l'esperienza culinaria imparagonabile rendono la Liguria una meta turistica bella e interessante, da scoprire in ogni sua sfaccettatura. Fonti: - Cinque Terre: https://www.parconazionale5terre.it/ - Portofino e Santa Margherita Ligure: https://www.turismo.provincia.genova.it/ - Genova: https://www.visitgenoa.it/ - Strada del Barolo: https://www.stradadelbarolo.it/ - Val di Magra: https://www.provincia.sp.it/ - Portovenere e isola Palmaria: https://www.portovenere.it/ Fonte immagine: Foto di Maksim Shutov Read the full article
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arteandcuisine · 1 year
Il surrealismo fotografico di Carlo Ferrara
In questo episodio Carlo Ferrara racconta la sua fotografia a Ilaria Berenice che lo intervista per il podcast di Arte and Cuisine
Carlo Ferrara è un fotografo di Serravalle Scrivia, AL che da giugno espone le sue fotografie nel progetto della mostra collettiva fotografica “La Metafisica del Bianco e Nero” al Forte di Gavi, AL. In questo episodio racconta la sua fotografia a Ilaria Berenice che lo intervista per il podcast di Arte and Cuisine “Storie e Personaggi“. Continue reading Untitled
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guerrerense · 9 months
FS ALe940 058
FS ALe940 058 por maurizio messa Por Flickr: FS ALe940 058 transita in prossimità di Isola del Cantone effettuando il R6069 (Arquata Scrivia - Genova Sampierdarena) del 4 dicembre 2010. In coda l'ALe 801 045. FS ALe940 058 works the R6069 (Arquata Scrivia - Genova Sampierdarena) near Isola del Cantone. back the ALe 801 045. December 4th, 2010
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Amazing Gorgeous sculpture in Serraville Scrivia, Italy 😀
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