#sbg benlyn
itstivan · 3 months
silly sbg ship mood boards
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asco-bisco · 18 days
benlyn - I don’t have a title for this fic yet
lwk tweaking bc ao3 is down/hsrs
summary: the gang is at the graveyard and things start spiraling out of control as Tyler begins to loose his patience—actually, everyone does, one way or another.
not beta read bc I wanna sleep and we love Benlyn guys (nvm not ‘we’ it’s just me :d)
“Well, so far it looks like going with your ideas doesn’t work!” Tyler threw his arms at the air, stepping forward towards Ashlyn who flinched slightly at both the sudden movement and raise in volume. 
“Please,” Taylor put a hand on Tyler's shoulder, “Let’s calm down—” “—Calm down?! NO!” Tyler pushed her away with gritted teeth. “I CAN’T DEAL WITH THIS RIGHT NOW!” He grunted as he whipped his head back to Ashlyn.
“Hey!” Aiden stepped in front of Ashlyn. “Lower your voice, have some respect for her…” Aiden glanced at Ashlyn before looking back at Tyler with a strained smile. “Shut it, psycho! You of all people should NOT BE TELLING ME TO HAVE RESPECT FOR PEOPLE!” Tyler shouted back, stepping forward. Aiden’s eye twitched and as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Taylor.
“Stop fighting!” She balled her hands into fists. “If we all just calm down and talk like civilized people, we can do this without shouting,” She tried to reason but the heat of the situation has grown too far. “I’m done with civilizied!” Tyler pushed Aiden away and jabbed his finger on Ashlyn. “You are taking this situation far too lightly!” He furrowed his brows as a vein began bulging on his neck. 
“I am not!” Ashlyn found it in her to shout back, stepping forward. “I am being calm about it, big difference,” She remarked with a slight tease in her tone which Tyler seemed to catch and grow even more aggravated. “You being calm isn’t getting us anywhere!” He pushed her back which caused her to stumble against Logan. 
“Tyler!” Taylor pulled him away.
“Ashlyn, you okay?” Logan helped Ashlyn find her footing as the twins continued to argue.
“Hey, watch where you put your hands, half-wit!” Aiden shouted at Tyler which began to cause a fight between the two.
“Ashlyn?” Logan reached for her but she stepped away. 
“They’re too loud!”  She thought as she slapped her hands over her ears and ran away from the scene. She gasped as she found herself inside a bus, running to a seat near the middle. She could still hear their shouting and she didn’t even know how far she was from them at that point but she had her hands over her ears as she sat down, her knees to her chest.
She let out shaky breaths as she tried to regain her composure and as she did, she lowered her hands and shut her eyes. “Breathe, Ashlyn…” She told herself before she felt the bus rock as someone got on. Then she snapped her eyes open as a loud crash was heard only to see Ben panting heavily at the entrance of the bus, chest rising and dropping repeatedly. His face was dark as a vein bulged on the side of his chin, his brows were furrowed in a way Ashlyn hadn’t seen before.
It…scared her.
Then she found out where the loud crash was from, his phone was on the floor with the screen cracked but her attention was diverted as Ben kicked the driver’s seat and took the headrest off before throwing it at the window.
Ashlyn flinched and clasped her hands over her ears as a little gasp left her lips, her eyes shut as she felt herself tremble.
Never had Ben scared her like that and now she wished she was in a different bus as she opened her eyes to see Ben picking up his phone and lifting it in the air, ready to throw it again before he spotted Ashlyn and the scary look in his eyes disappeared.
He dropped the phone and stepped away, his eyes widened and the corner of his brows knitted upwards. Then he quickly approached her, hands reaching out to her before he pulled them away, biting on his lips as his eyes darted around Ashlyn.
“B-Ben, I’m okay…” She lowered her hands, the trembling in her voice and body far too obvious for Ashlyn to hide. 
And it was far too obvious to convince Ben her words were true.
He backed away and rushed out of the bus and she watched as it rocked with his leave. She looked at the broken window before looking down at her hand, her fingers twitching slightly as the memory of the crash was so loud in her ears—they were still ringing.
Then the bus rocked again as Ben came back, his sketchbook and pencil in hand along with something else she couldn’t figure out until he was close to her. Her noise canceling headphones.
He put the pencil and sketchbook down which revealed it had an apology written on it as he offered her the headphones. “Thank you…” She took the headphones and removed her earbuds, the shouting from the middle of the graveyard suddenly coming back and making her ears ring. 
“Gah—” She dropped the buds and put her hands over her ears, eyes shutting and knees closing in as she tried to silence the shouts. Then she felt Ben’s hand over hers and she opened her eyes to see he was in front of her. He had worry painted all over his face and guilt in his eyes.
Now she was beginning to feel guilty.
She watched as he let go of her hands and put the headphones on her head and she let go of her ears, letting the noise canceling headphones do their job. Ben’s chest dropped as he puffed air out his nose. He picked up the sketchbook and pencil and began writing something before turning it to Ashlyn.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were also on the bus and I was being reckless. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Ashlyn felt her heart melt at the apology and she looked back at Ben. “It’s okay,” Her voice wasn’t as shaky as it was before since she’s finally got ahold of herself. She watched as he looked away with his eyes dropping slightly.
She could only guess what he was thinking, something that wasn’t written in his updated apology.
“Ben, are you upset because I saw you like that?” She asked and his eyes snapped to her. “It’s okay, we all have our moments,” She assured him but he shook his head and faced the sketchbook toward him as he flipped the page and began writing something.
“You were already overwhelmed with the shouting and I only added more to that. And I could’ve gone rogue on you, people have their moments but mine are dangerous, I could’ve hurt you even more.”
Ashlyn felt her heartstrings get tugged at as she read the message and she looked back at Ben to see his eyes beginning to well. “But you didn’t…” She patted the spot beside her, offering for him to sit with her but he hesitated at first before sitting down.
“I’m okay, Ben, you didn’t hurt me,” She turned her head to him and felt even more disappointed as he shook his head, frowning as he continued to write.
“I should’ve stopped Tyler from pushing you, even Aiden was able to fight back but I couldn’t do anything to help you. You do so much for us and I can’t do enough because of my mistakes that I could’ve repeated. I let anger take over me.”
“You do a lot for us too,” She told him with a soft voice. “You heal our wounds and you already helped me by bringing me my headphones, don’t look down on yourself,” She turned to him and felt happier now that his face has lightened. He nodded slowly but his gaze was still averted.
“I forgive you, Ben. And I’m sure you would never hurt me.”
Ben finally looked back at her with soft eyes as a small smile grew on his face. 
And she felt herself do the same.
Anything that scared her was gone as she could only find comfort in this moment, all negative feelings long gone.
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mishoarts · 4 months
I did this two days ago when I was studying late at night
It was supposed to be a simple sketch so I won't forget the idea
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But it lookes better than if I meant to draw it 💀🤚🏻
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stillfrownyclownlol · 2 months
Btw I'm coming out as a Benlyn shipper and immediately going back into the closet
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corvid-collective70 · 3 months
I place this here because tumblr is nicer, have goth Ashlyn and county Ben!
Thank you for watching!! And thank you @brainrot-goes-brrrrrr for the idea
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floralcavern · 5 months
I have done it. I have written a oneshot for every. Single. Potential. SBG ship in this series.
-Ashden/Aidlyn Oneshot
-Tyden oneshot
-Taylyn oneshot
-Benlor oneshot
-Tylyn oneshot
-Tylo oneshot
-Tyben oneshot
-Bengan oneshot
-Benlyn oneshot
-Aitay oneshot
-Laigan oneshot
-Taygan oneshot
-Logash oneshot
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Now time for a nap.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
ra ra ra rating SBG ships out of sheer unknown impulse
if that makes sense
Aidlyn : 9 . 5 / 10 just cause
sigh . . Guys . . I hate them . I’m kidding but not really . I love them so much I hate them 😿😿 yes yes I know they are overrated and stinky but I LIVE THEM !!!! Plus , I made way too much fanart of them to just be like “ lame , 3 / 10 “ 😹😹😹 ( they SUCKK !!!!! ) love their dynamic ,
Taylyn : 7 . 6 / 10
being honest , they aight . LISTEN !! They just aren’t my favorite . But they are very cutie patootie so they get like uhmsmm yea I could totally see it still . They have their moments , so I do like them quite a bit . :3
Tyden : 9 / 10
I looovooeee them they are so silly so pookie best so shriveled almonds don’t ask anyway I love them . Their dynamic is so silly the bickering is so osisozozojdhsva anyway they would be good together , they have that vibe to eachother and it fits really well
Ashgan ( is that how it is ?? Idk it has Logan and ashlyn ) : 3 / 10
Mmmm nah . Nope . I don’t mean that in a “ this SUXKS I HOPE IT BURNS !!! “ way , more like aaaaa “ It’s notttt it . “ way . I seen them more as siblings lowkey like listen guys they are such big bro little sis vibes you hear me ??? Pslspls
Benlor : 7 . 7 / 10
Also not a favorite ngl . It’s cute , but idk there’s just something there that makes it hard to see but also see st the same time if you get it . Hopefully y’all understand my writing and don’t feel annoyed by it woosys. Anyway , they are cute , but I don’t ship it as much as the others . Maybe it’s cause I just hate drawing ben 😹😹☝️☝️
Tygan : 6 / 10
i like it , it’s silly , I can mayyybeee see it but I don’t like it as much as others may . I need more interacting between them yk ? I ship based on reason like their interactions how they feel about eachother what they done yada yada , and I just might ship them more if they did silly things together more often , and it’s the way their personalities are in some waysysyss . No hate , they cute 🫶😇
yhhh what’s next uhmsm Benlyn : 3 . 5 / 10
can’t see it personally , they don’t interact as much and we might see it more in the future ofc but rn I’m kinda dead on them . They have potential I’ll give them that but they aren’t it for me . ☝️ Plus I see them more like cousins who see eachother once every 5 months or just on thanksgiving yet they hit it off pretty quickly . ( I don’t see them as actual cousins , that’s just rhe dynamic they give me ) :3
Aidgan :
idk how half of these ship names but ushmmm nah not that much . Maybe it’s just Cause Aiden’s and Logan’s personality difference issss . . Different . Can I say that ? Idk it’s just kinda hard to see between them and I see them more as buddies who team together every science project becahse one of them is better at one thing then the other . Also , team cause friendhsip is magic . 🦶💥
Taylog : 7 . 5 / 10
Seriously I couldn’t tell what it was and I thought “ taygan “ but NO MORE it’s taylog now like eggnog or something anyway they are pretty cute I’d say , I can see it but also not really but also quite a bit if you get me . They are very silly together , I like their dynamic throughout sbg and they would be a good pair in some way or another , would maybe ship :3
Ashler : 7 . 4 / 10
Mmmmmm silly , it’s cute , they bicker , I like the bickering . Buttttt I don’t ship it that much . Usually I say that and give it a high rating just why not , its cute just not for me . As everyone else , they certainly changed a lot throughout the comic and their dynamic became more clear and also potential showed . Soosooo
guys idk what other ships there are pleas whlep me I’ll rate polyships next time give me names I can’t think of anymore pslsplspslpsls
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asco-bisco · 25 days
I ship it because...
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I might have a problem
↓templates with and without "hot" being crossed out
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mishoarts · 4 months
Once I was telling my brother how the sbg fandom is someway becoming like mha's and the tag got suddenly filled with multi ships, and I wanted to bring up that " Maverick" one and I started with " bro it's the most out of pocket shìt-" and he said " is it smth like Ben x Ashlyn?" (It's probably the only names he remembered at that time lmao )
Before I try to defend, my other brother jumped in " no no this one is actually good,... At least her kids wouldn't be so short-"
And I couldn't resist laughing 💀,..
(Getting my brothers into sbg was somehow the best and the worst idea I came up with)
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asco-bisco · 30 days
SU AU with Benlyn??? Yes.
Ashlyn is a(n overcooked) ruby and Ben is her sapphire. Ashlyn was kept or courtesy of her court, I forgot if it was Blue or Yellow, because Pink asked, or something like that. She was also strong, I guess.
While out, they get ambushed or something like that, maybe they were called by Blue Diamond before getting ambushed by Rose and Pearl. The other rubies get knocked out leaving only Ashlyn by herself.
She doesn’t reach Ben in time as he’s getting attacked but instead of getting poofed, his gem gets damaged and gets cracked. That’s when Ashlyn finally stops the intruder or if it was from Pearl, Rose would have stopped her.
This is just kind of an imagine scenario and can be platonic or not. Also, I don’t know if Ben should be overcooked too but I don’t really care at the same time
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