floralcavern · 5 months
I have done it. I have written a oneshot for every. Single. Potential. SBG ship in this series.
-Ashden/Aidlyn Oneshot
-Tyden oneshot
-Taylyn oneshot
-Benlor oneshot
-Tylyn oneshot
-Tylo oneshot
-Tyben oneshot
-Bengan oneshot
-Benlyn oneshot
-Aitay oneshot
-Laigan oneshot
-Taygan oneshot
-Logash oneshot
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Now time for a nap.
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tragedry · 15 days
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i repeat. they have shared a look!
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liyaauhr · 2 months
(i’m giving myself a break from my fic today so this is how I compensate)
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How did they realise they caught feelings?
— I imagine these two to be veeeeery slowburn for a lot of reason, as in, they get together in their senior year of High School or even maybe after in college.
— Ashlyn is pretty out of touch with her feelings, It took her a while to differentiate between romantic and platonic sentiments towards people and even then, she sucked at handling it. I see her as the type to fall for someone without even realising and dismissing her feelings as being 'oh we're really good friends!' It took a sleepover with Taylor (who has been trying -and failing- to set her brother and Ashlyn together for a while now) to realise that she had a crush on Tyler. I think the two of them would have had a long conversation about it (I honestly see Taylor as someone who's really in tune with emotions) and even then, her realising turned out to be more of a bad thing because things became awkward and Ashlyn essentially avoided any one-on-one interaction.
— Tyler on the other hand, had known about his feelings for Ashlyn for a while now but had chosen not to do anything about it, simply pushing it aside in order to prioritise his family and focusing on staying alive in the phantom realm. Besides, there was no way Ashlyn would reciprocate when all she did nowadays was act weird with him.
What was their first date?
— Their first date was at an amusement park: I firmly believe that Tyler fell first but Ashlyn would fall harder and eventually, there would be a point where she gets fed up with the lack of confrontation and decides to actually do something about the unsolved tension.
— Taylor had gotten it into Ashlyn’s head that to confess there had to be some over-the-top, extravagant declaration of love and had been restlessly prodding Ashlyn to ask her brother out because “the idiot wasn’t going to do it himself.” The plan was for the two to hang out at the theme park all day and then finally go on a Ferris wheel ride where Ashlyn would admit her feelings and if she was lucky, Tyler would reciprocate and save her from total embarrassment and if not? Well, there goes trying to eliminate the awkwardness but at least Ashlyn tried.
The catch to this plan, you may ask?
Tyler was deathly afraid of heights. Like a cat in water afraid of heights. Will freak out afraid of heights.
It was a new fear that he had contracted after he died in the phantom realm that he had never actually gotten around to telling Taylor, mainly because she was a massive thrill-seeker and enjoyed anything height related and so he didn’t want to strip that enjoyment from her, he wanted to make her happy and experiences her joys with her, trauma be damned. Still, if he had a choice he would avoid it.
That was until his totally-not-a-crush-crush walked up to him ( looking as gorgeous as ever) and batted her pretty, little lashes, asking him out to an amusement park just the two of them and who the hell was Tyler Hernandez to say no to such a goddess? (he was such a weak, weak man for her it was disgusting) .
Besides, there was more to amusement parks than rollercoaster rides, right? And Ashlyn didn't look like the type to be chasing after the adrenaline of high rides so he would simply divert her from any high rides, that wouldn't be so hard?
— Anyway, after hours of Hell and successfully keeping Ashlyn away from every rollercoaster waiting line (“pfft, I’ve went on these rides way too many times, they’re soooo boring trust me!”) Tyler found himself enjoying the day, he got to sneak glances at Ashlyn when he thought she wasn't looking and got to spend time with his crush and maybe, just maybe he could be content with small moments like this for the rest of his life, his crush obviously wasn’t planning on fading anytime soon but now, he could admire from afar, even if she did kick his ass at shooting games.
— Unfortunately, all luck comes to end eventually she practically dragged him to the ferris wheel. He tried to get out of it by saying “it’s boring, only grannies go on those!” But for some reason she was entirely fixated on that ride and that one alone.
— A normal person, at this stage would admit to hating tall rides and save their dignity and sanity but Tyler Hernandez had a date and a reputation to maintain, so if Ashlyn Banner wanted to go on a ferris wheel, he was going on a ferris wheel.
— And that confidence lasted around two seconds because as soon as they got into the air, Tyler became eerily silent, something that confused Ashlyn because normally the boy wouldn’t shut up. She glanced down and noticed that he seemed to be digging his nails into the seat so hard Ashlyn was sure it would leave marks. There was something wrong with him, it was clear as daylight but everytime Ashlyn tried to bring it up Tyler would shrug it off dismissively and make some snarky quips to reassure her (spoiler alert: it didn’t work).
— Eventually they reach the very top, the “pinnacle of romance” (as Taylor liked to put it), this was Ashlyn’s shot; she would clear the air and get rid of the stupid bug that annoyed her every time Tyler was in her vicinity. And so, she starts talking incredibly fast in 2x speed, trying earnestly as all her pent up feelings and frustrations to the boy come spilling out infront of him.
— Unfortunately, Tyler was too busy counting sheep in his head to try and catch any of what Ashlyn was saying, never mind her incredibly fast speed. Though he did catch the last part of "-and now I think I might be in love with you" and suddenly, the air was cut off from his lungs. He paled at the realisation -and also partially because he was trying to not puke-: Ashlyn Banner, that stupid idiot, liked him back, in more than a friend way!
— For a while, the two of them just stared, Ashlyn looked like a deer caught in headlights and Tyler really wished Taylor or Aiden were here to pinch him. And then- well, he ended up wretching on the ferris wheel, the rest of the ride ended up being Tyler alternating between freaking out and becoming nauseous and Ashlyn panicking while trying to help and regretting her previous life choices.
— Afterwards, Ashlyn was pretty sure that vomiting was a clear indication of an unreciprocated crush so she honestly planned on running away and getting her parents to pick her up or something. Her plans were paused when Tyler stopped her by the wrist and pulled her towards his chest, Ashlyn could feel his hands shaking around her.
— "You're so stupid, I'm so stupid and- I think I might be in love with you too."
— And that was that.
Do they indulge in PDA?
— short answer: No.
— Both of them are the type to cringe and make fun of people who engage in excessive PDA so it’s no surprise that they’re pretty averse to it themselves. The most you’ll see these two do in public is touch shoulders or sit next to each other (or maybe if you’re lucky, you get to watch Ashlyn dragging Tyler by the arms away from a fight.)
— I think it would take at least 3 weeks for them to kiss after dating and Ashlyn would be the one to initiate.
— They’d be bickering one day and Ashlyn would just shut him up spontaneously by tugging his shirt forward and tiptoeing up for a kiss. Tyler would be surprised at first, his eyes wide open and looking down in surprise but eventually he just melts and it takes a minute for them to part.
— “Shut.” kiss “The.” kiss “Fuck.” kids “up.” would be a thing Ashlyn does everytime he pipes up a little bit too much. Whether it be over something stupid like a comic they’re both reading or something else, it would probably lead into a make out session afterwards.
— Tyler’s the type to walk up to her sometimes, play with her bangs and then lift it up for a little *smooch.* It’s mostly because he enjoys the way she goes red like a tomato every time. One time he did it in public after a baseball match or something and Ashlyn froze, she could not speak for an hour and it seemed like her face and ears were permanently coloured red. Aiden had found it funny and took a picture of it which is actually saved as her profile picture now.
— All of their intimacy is in private though, most of the time people would be surprised to find out they’re dating. The popular jock and the loner who never talks? But don’t they ever only argue?
— I personally think their dates would mostly be stay-at-home dates.
— Ashlyn hates going out and Tyler doesn’t mind, so it works.
— Examples would be cooking dates, movie nights (that would inevitably get crashed by the others), little dinners together etc.
— They strike me to have very casual intimacy, so like grocery shopping together would also be considered a date for them.
— The mundane is openly enjoyed and celebrated!
Other random headcanons I have:
— Tyler has gradually become Ashlyn’s go-to hair stylist, especially for more formal events like ballet recitals. She was honestly shocked the first time he did her bangs and now feels entitled to getting it down whenever she pleases (compensation for all his moaning). Tyler grumbles about it and pretends to hate it but swatts his hand away every time Ashlyn tries to take over, he secretly really likes working with her hair because he’s never practiced on such long hair and so gets to experiment with more styles.
— When they become old enough to drive they’re both the drivers in the relationship. In the group and by themselves. Everytime they have to share a car they play rock, paper, scissors to avoid an argument over it.
— They have pretty similar music tastes. Idk I can feel it.
That’s all I can think of for now! If you have any other headcanon/scenario requests feel free to drop an ask!
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asco-bisco · 24 days
Ashler wip
had an Ashler rush and started going thru the tag and found @rannabane ‘s post
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Ignore how UGLY Tyler looks
might finish might not idek
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zerox77660 · 3 months
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Tylyn John
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itstivan · 6 months
I think one of my biggest flexes is being the first person to post an ashler edit on tiktok
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gambit-wildcard · 7 months
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Tylyn N'Jhaelkarithae of House Nar-Kai, Champion of Eilistraee, dances to honour her Goddess under a full moon prior to a High Hunt
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fandomgirl002 · 21 days
Can we pick one name for a ship and stick with it? I can't keep up anymore, is it Starbase, Tylenol, Tylo, Tygan??? They all sound so similar too, Taylyn or Tylyn? Benlor or Benler? I read an Ashden post thinking it Ashler and was so confused the whole time until I realized people use names other than Aidlyn 😭😭😭
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Tylyn oneshot
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“We need to go on a supplies run,” Ashlyn said. “We need more ammo, batteries for the flashlights, gas for the car, and better protective equipment.”
They all groaned and sinked deeper into the couch, wishing they could just spend their Saturday resting. 
“No complaining. This is necessary for survival. Now, I’m going to separate us into 3 groups. Logan and Aiden, you guys get us batteries and gas tanks.”
Aiden smiled at Logan, who tried to remain calm, but was terrified deep down. 
“Ben and Taylor, you two get the protective equipment.”
“Yay!” Taylor exclaimed. “Grocery run, Ben!”
“So that leaves us?” Tyler asked in an annoyed tone. 
“Yep,” Ashlyn said, equally unhappy sounding. “We’re in charge of ammo.”
“You don’t sound enthused either. Why pair us up then?”
“I just used a random name picker to make the groups..”
Tyler groaned and him and Ashlyn began to put their shoes on to run this stupid errand. 
“I’ll drive,” Ashlyn said. 
“Oh, hell no. Not after what happened last time I was in a car you drove.”
“Seriously?! We’re not gonna be driving from a monster trying to kill us. You’ll be fine!”
“I’ll drive,” Tyler said darkly with that tone that says he’ll just be a stubborn ass about this to the end. 
“Fine,” she said, tossing the keys to him. 
They got in the car and drove in awkward silence to get their supplies. 
They reached a pawn shop that specialized in guns and ammo. 
Ashlyn pulled out her hunting license as her and Tyler looked for what they needed.
Tyler grabbed several packs, Ashlyn glaring at him. “All that’s gonna be really expensive. Put some of it back.”
“Wouldn’t it be smart to get as much as we can get?”
“Just put a couple away,” she said, annoyed. 
He grumbled under his breath as he put a few away. They eventually went to the front to pay and went back to the car. 
“So where are we gonna plant this stuff?” Tyler asked as he started the engine. 
“The forest. Somewhere we can find easily, but can’t be tampered with.”
They drove to the edge of the forest, Ashlyn tying up her hiking boots. 
“We’ll have to look for the spot we were at last night and we can put the stuff there. And then we can send those coordinates to the others.”
“Right..” Tyler was always taken off guard by how responsible and level headed Ash was at all times. As much as he hated it, he found it admirable. 
The two walked through the forest and eventually reached the area they were at the night before. 
“It’s weird..” Tyler murmured. “To be out here.. not running for our life…”
“Well, there are wild animals out here like bears and coyotes. So it’s still technically not safe.”
“Way to calm my nerves,” he said sarcastically. 
They looked around for a good spot and along the way, they struck up awkward small talk. 
“How was the hospital?” Ashlyn asked. 
“It was fine.. the food was probably the worst part.”
Ashlyn chuckled ever so slightly. “Yep. That we can agree on.”
“You’ve been to the hospital?”
“Ya. Multiple times when I was younger.”
“….You gonna tell me, or-?”
“Migraines. Real bad ones that caused me to pass out.”
“Oh, really?” Tyler had no idea she had to deal with stuff like that. 
“Another side effect of my curse.”
“My ‘super hearing’ as Aiden puts it,” she said, rolling her eyes. 
“Ah. Right…”
Another moment of stifling silence. 
“I’ve also been to the hospital before..” Tyler said eventually. “Things like sprains and broken bones.”
Ashlyn let out a soft breath, sounding like a half-laugh. “Ya, sprains are the worst. I’ve dealt with those because of dance.”
“Oh. Ya, I forgot you did ballet.. that’s cool.. you ever do any performances?”
“I just do it for the exercise and because it’s fun. Performing isn’t really my thing..”
They eventually stopped walking, looking around their area. “This area looks familiar..” Tyler said. “But I can’t quite name it..”
Ashlyn nodded in agreement. She found a steep cliff and went over to it. Her breath got caught in her throat and her blood ran cold after what she saw. 
“Ashlyn? What’s up-“ Tyler stopped in his tracks once he saw it. 
The tree. 
He felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He remembered his organs mangled on the branches and the blood dripping down to the grass as the red moon glowed like a blood splatter in the sky…
He backed up, clutching his sides as he tried to keep himself from vomiting. 
“Tyler!” Ashlyn exclaimed as Tyler began to sink to the ground. 
She grabbed him by his shoulders in an attempt to steady him. 
“Don’t throw up,” she urged him. 
“Great advice!” He yelled, panicking. 
He grind her teeth and got to her knees to be at his eye level. 
“Tyler, you’re ok!”
He didn’t, couldn’t, hear her. The world was spinning and all he could see was crimson red, like when he was forced to stare up at the moon that night…
Ashlyn placed a hand on his stomach. “Tyler, look at me. You’re ok..”
He looked up, seeing her green eyes, hard and worried as she tried to remain calm. That sense of calmness, steadiness, managed to help him. 
He followed her breathing and his heart rate slowed to a steady pace. 
After he calmed down, a wave of exhaustion hit him. He rested his head on her shoulder, trying to keep his breathing steady. 
Ashlyn was taken off guard, but didn’t pull away, instead continuing to try and comfort him. She pat the back of his head and continued to instruct his breathing while also lifting him back to his feet. 
“Cmon..” she said. “Let’s hide this ammo and then go home.”
He nodded slowly. 
She looked down at the tree and lead him to it. 
She looked up at its branches and scoffed. 
“This is one ugly tree..” She pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed at the bark. She stabbed, and stabbed, wood chipping off and burrowing into her hands. 
She let out one final grunt as she left the knife stuff in the tree. She then turned to Tyler, who was looking at her life she was crazy. 
“You give it a try,” she said. “This tree..” She looked up at it. “It’s.. it’s pretty ugly..”
He couldn’t believe she was trying to cheer him up. It was a different form of cheering up, but it was Ashlyn’s way to show she cared. And that’s all he needed, maybe..
He pulled the knife from the tree and stabbed at it. He remembered that night, that horrible night. But he also remembered his friends rushing to his aid. The way they all hugged him at the hospital. The way Ashlyn had hung over him at the hospital, unable to say what she really thought. But her stare had said it all:
I do care about you. 
He eventually stopped, his wrist hurting. The tree looked like someone swung a full ax into it once or twice before leaving it. 
Tyler took deep, heaving breaths before turning to Ashlyn, who had her arms crossed and a half smile on her face. 
She tucked the ammo into a hollow in the tree before turning back to him. 
“Let’s go home.”
As they approached the car, Tyler stopped. 
He pulled the car keys out of his pocket before tossing them to her. 
“You… you can drive..”
She blinked in surprise before letting out a breath in amusement. “Ya.. thanks.. now get in..”
He nodded slowly, climbing into the passenger’s seat. 
As they drove, Tyler wasn’t afraid anymore. It was like a new beginning started, even if it was small. 
All he had to do was trust Ashlyn. 
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tragedry · 6 months
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A Guide to Ashler or Tylyn And Why You (🫵🏻) should Consider Shipping Them Too
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(join my cause, and ship this with me <3)
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liyaauhr · 1 month
Thinking of how Tyler’s the type to be soooooo hellbent on prioritising the needs of others before himself. Ashlyn nods off and falls asleep on his shoulder? Shoulder pain. What’s that? He literally would refuse to even move a muscle to make sure Ashlyn gets a comfortable nap even if he suffers in the end.
In Tyler’s opinion, allowing Ashlyn a moment of peace is more than worth listening to her scold him for not looking after himself when she wakes up and realises his condition.
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the-killies · 4 months
are the aiden and tyler rp accs feeding you well
Not when everyones obsessing over tylenol
Might scroll thru their accounts a bit when im not very busy,,,,,, (OH OH DO REC ME SOME TYDEN/ AIDLYN/ TYLYN FICS IF YOU'VE READ ANY BTW THEIR MY FAVS)
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asco-bisco · 14 days
Ashler idea
They’re at Ashlyn or Aiden’s house and Tyler is making soup for them. While everyone’s chilling in the living room doing their own thing or just playing Mario Kart together, Taylor is beginning to get hungry so she says “I’m gonna see how long Tyler’s gonna take”
She wants to know if she should get a snack or not but it really depends on how long Tyler’s gonna take.
She goes to the kitchen and sees Tyler’s just standing behind the stove but on his phone. “Is it done?” Taylor asks and it gets Tyler’s attention. He says in a couple minutes then she asks if she could try.
Of course, Tyler allows her so he gets a spoon and hands it to her. She takes a bit from the pot before blowing on it and putting it in her mouth. “How is it?” Tyler asks and Taylor makes a disconcerted face—she has tight lips and furrowed brows.
“It’s bland,” She tells him and he tries it, he makes a similar expression. “Yeah, I guess it needs more salt…” He mutters and Taylor nods as she puts the spoon in the sink but before she could reach for the salt, Tyler stops her.
He tells her not to add anymore, despite his statement, and she questions it. Tyler doesn’t usually cook like that and she knows he would add much more flavour so seeing him deny it was weird.
“You said it yourself, it needs more salt,” She’s confused and Tyler sighs, glancing at the living room. “It’s perfect the way it is, just add more salt if you think it’s bland.” He leaves it there.
When it’s done and everyone has their bowl, he repeats the “add more salt if it’s bland” statement and they all seem to think it was bland.
All except for Ashlyn.
She thinks it tastes fine and now Taylor is even more confused because Tyler denies it and says Ashlyn has weird taste buds because he also think it’s bland.
Tyler then sees that Logan is trying to add more flavouring to the pot itself and he stops him now everyone is confused because Tyler just said it was bland but now he doesn’t want them to add anything to the pot. Logan says something like how he’s a good cook and he won’t temper with it too much but Tyler doesn’t care and says not to mess with it.
Taylor confronts him on the spot, revealing their kitchen conversation and just a heads up, they aren’t having a serious argument or conversation, it’s just bickering.
Tyler turns red and he tells her (and everyone) to shut up and “just eat the soup already” as he continues to finish his bowl.
Ashlyn goes for seconds but then she doesn’t like her second bowl because apparently, Aiden added more flavouring to the pot despite what Tyler said. Tyler gets mad at Aiden who thinks he’s overreacting (and he is) but when confronted, Tyler just ‘snaps’.
“Why are you so pressed over soup?” Aiden laughs.
“Because Ashlyn has sensitive taste buds!” Tyler shouted.
Then he froze.
Then he glanced around the room. Then he began to shout some other stuff that doesn’t make it sound like he kept it bland for her (which he did).
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zerox77660 · 11 months
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Tylyn John
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itstivan · 6 months
I gotta say it.. yell at me all you want but truth hurts…
If Aiden and Ashlyn didn’t have as much chemistry with each other.. yall would’ve shipped Ashler/Tylyn..
For some odd reason a lot of sbg fans absolutely hate taylyn and I have no clue why.. I think people are just afraid of sapphics /j
But anyways, if Aiden wasn’t in the equation yall would ship Tyler and Ashlyn because 1. they’re a mlw ship and most people prefer hetero ships and 2. enemies/rivals to lovers.
People eat this trope up. And anyone who says they don’t is a liar.
Tyler and Ashlyn have SO much tension that you can’t help but ship them. People are always saying “they fight all the time and hate each other! They’re so toxic!” Mf you ship bakudeku you cannot be talking. (for the record your honor, that’s a joke.)
But in all seriousness..
Have you SEEN the shift in their relationship from the start to present? They go from bickering and hesitant with each other, to being close friends that care for each other.
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LIKE HELLO?? Do you see how worried Ashlyn is? (Granted anyone would be worried to see their friend bleeding) But Tyler replies to Ashlyn saying he would want some words of encouragement FROM HER. You know.. LIKE THE TIME SHE WAS SAVING HIM FROM THE TREE??
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Ashler is a CLASSIC enemies/rivals to lovers. Plus who doesn’t bicker with their partner from time to time over silly things?
One of the sole reasons Tyler freaked out at Ashlyn is because of anxiety and their whole situation. Who wouldn’t go crazy in a situation like that? But instead of expressing it in a healthy way, he took it out on Ashlyn because he couldn’t think of anything else. And yeah that’s shitty, but he learns his lesson.
Tyler has made so much progress and his character redemption was BEAUTIFUL. You have to remember, he’s just a 14 year old kid in his freshman year of high school, who wouldn’t be scared shitless? He wanted to make sure his sister was safe and didn’t know what to do.
Ashlyn puts him in his place though, and I think that’s where he starts to change for the better.
But you can see the gradual changes in their relationship as the comic progresses, going from tense to comfortable being near each other. FP SPOILERS: i mean hello they literally cuddle with each other in ep 75.
And don’t get me wrong, I can see why some people would be a little iffy, but the same people who are iffy are the same people who ship the most WILD ships..
So if you’re gonna hate on me for shipping something other than your main ship.. PACK IT UP 🗣️
But fr though, if Red didn’t unintentionally write so much chemistry with Aiden and Ashlyn, and you didn’t prefer taylyn, you would 100% ship Ashler. There’s this one blog on here that gives perfect reasons as to why you should ship Ashler as well and they say it PERFECTLY.
It’s insanity it took some of yall this long to finally start shipping them, as a person who’s been shipping them since the beginning of 2023 😭😭
anyways i’m super happy people are shipping ashler and YOU SHOULD TOO!!! /nf
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sbg-loving-pierog · 5 months
Hunger Games (Simulator)
✨️ School Bus Graveyard ✨️
Part 1, probably. also no spoilers except for the characters that may have not appeared in the previous chapters ':)
Introducing : The squad! :D
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Are you ready? :D
The Reaping:
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The tree be like "oops, I did it again"
Ashlyn is SLAYIN' 💅✨️
UM. TAYLOR? "Traumatizing Tyler" the speed run, cause ITS NOT EVEN DAY 1
Now, DAY 1:
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Tylyn are starting their enemies to lovers story
Guys I think the tree is looking for someone.
Something about Aiden making a slingshot feels very canon
Statuses so far!
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Centipede is so out of place 😭
The ceiling is what
DAY 2:
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Well... Tyler is joining Taylor in heaven ☹️
And Alex now knows the deadly power of trees
Status time!
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Logan, my baby 😭😭
...I feel like it's doing Ben dirty.
Ashlyn 🥲
DAY 3:
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I never knew a huge phantom spraining his ankle running away from Aiden's mom is what I needed in life
Arena Event!
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Mike doesn't seem like an Aidlyn supporter.
Why are all the worst ones surviving 😭
It won't fit in one piece so I'll link part 2 HERE 👈😔
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