rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
Hi! So like I’m getting over my hate for Logan (i dont hate him as a character personally I just dont like the name Logan)
Do you have any headcannons about him or anything??? I would love to see them even if they are bashing him
these kind of asks are so fun I’m glad u asked 😋
- Logan probably wet the bed every night until around 5th grade
- He’s openly Christian and reads the Bible every night before bed
- He probably had a mini emo phase in 6th grade but hid it from his grandparents because he got shy and embarrassed
- Gets anxious when he isn’t the last person to say something over text (for an example if he says goodnight first and the other person responds he’ll heart their message or send a lil “:)” / “<<3” just so that they know he saw it)
- Probably wore those goggle glasses as a kid
- I could see him taking swimming classes when he was younger and eventually volunteering to be a swim instructor during highschool
- had an intense fear of boogers when he was younger (still grossed out by them but doesn’t freak out anymore)
- brushed his teeth after every meals for 2 years in elementary school. there’s no specific reason for doing this he just did it
- Not a good liar
- CANNOT understand poetry for the life of him but pretends he can
- can wiggle his ears
- Pretty social despite his bullying situation (gets anxious in large settings but is good at masking)
- has a drawer in his dresser of socks that have lost their pairs because he feels bad throwing them out
- I personally think Logan likes being alone and he doesn’t feel lonely or like he’s missing out on things. he simply enjoys his own company 🤷‍♀️
- prefers the floor over chairs
- cannot fall asleep if his toes are poking out of his blanket
- grew up (prob left when he was 8 or 9?) in the boonies and isn’t afraid of bugs but can’t stand rats and mice
- falls asleep everytime it rains
- liked the harry potters series (got into astronomy bc of it)
- he doesn’t like the taste of coffee but loves the smell of it so he often stands closer to ashlyn unintentionally
- the night after their first shift to the phantom dimension, Logan realized his hand mirror had gotten smashed on the bus and lowkey blames himself for the group’s situation (legend is that if u break a mirror you get 7 yrs of bad luck)
- intense fear of becoming addicted to smth (doesn’t even have to be illegal shi, he’d totally be freaked out by coffee withdrawal studies)
- he has a slight accent idc what anyone says
- he was eating that white cooking yall, salt is spicy for him 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- can say the pledge of allegiance backwards
- is evil
- is ugly
- is stinky
- is not gay
- is annoying
- is hated
- is not loved
- will die
- will become a phantom
- will be an ugly phantom
- is stupid
- is villainous
- is up to something sinister
- is hated deeply by ME
- mutually dislikes me
- is not funny at all
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rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
I’ve been silent for too long and can no longer bear to keep this inside: @random-gamer1942 is a good person and deserves many good things.
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rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
@random-gamer1942 :3
I’ve been silent for too long and can no longer bear to keep this inside: @random-gamer1942 is a good person and deserves many good things.
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rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
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rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
soooo i finally caved after seeing so many of these
10 notes- ill study more for my math n science😋
15 notes- ill (try) to drink more water
20 notes- ill continue going to tutoring to get my grades up
25 notes- ill start writing in my books again lol
35 notes- ill start painting more and practice my art to be better
40 notes- ill talk to my mom about going to therapy and getting diagnosed for adhd and other things
60 notes- ill start posting my art and comic/stories on here
100 notes- ill fix my eating habits and yalk to my parents about giving up sugar cause its bad 4 me😓
Ik this prob wont get to 100 but i put it there anyway lol
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rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
the inevitability of being a Ben fan
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rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
I don't CAYRE that this is gonna get me flamed that mother fucking is a TRANS MAN. HE AIN'T FUCKING CIS.
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rot-decay-erosion · 3 hours
Reblog if you believe people can cuddle without it being romantic or sexual.
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rot-decay-erosion · 14 hours
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rot-decay-erosion · 15 hours
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idk his name. probably solace idk
(ignore bad quality :')
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rot-decay-erosion · 15 hours
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idk his name. probably solace idk
(ignore bad quality :')
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rot-decay-erosion · 15 hours
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up.<3💚
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omw rn
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5K notes · View notes
His daughter was stolen by the Fae. Two decades of fruitless searching later, his time for vengeance has come. He kicks in the door to the Queen’s throne room as she flies to her feet, grabbing the hilt of her sword before recognition flashes across her face. “Dad… what are you doing here?”
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Can we see more of that Odysseus adopts owl Athena? (Idk what the AU is called) I just think it's very cute
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160 notes · View notes
this might be a hot take (idk if i'm using the phrase right) but in genderswap aus does ash have any other names instead of ashdyn because that's kinda bothering me 😭
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